#Casey MQ
gemini-elf-girl · 1 year
moments from the summer that are canon cuz i say so :P
1. whenever rory and chloe hang out, she sits passenger and they jam out to my chemical romance and old panic! at the disco. even when they pick up smith and shara, chloe does not give up shotgun and they continue to scream welcome to the black parade. smith and shara sit in the back seat and look at their ~alt~ significant others with huge heart eyes.
2. chloe and shara have picnic reading dates! they especially love to read sapphic books and they always swap after they are done so that they can read each others and talk about them.
3. they have group sleepovers at chloe’s house, because her parents are cool about those kind of things. smith tries to subtly ask ash, shara, chloe, or summer to do his makeup, trying to not let on how giddy and excited it makes him. they notice, quietly. rory strums his guitar in the corner and watches with soft eyes. they watch all sorts of movies from ghibli films (georgia and ash’s fave) to marvel (much to ace’s joy and benjy’s anger), various animes (due to smith and rory staging a coup on movie night) and they frequently rewatch but i’m a cheerleader (shara’s fave).
4. smith enjoys picking rory up and throwing him in the pool. rory pretends to hate it. one time he does it to chloe. she actually hates it.
5. (tw underage substance use) occasionally they drink, but more often they smoke thanks to rory and his friends (why was i that person in high school lol). chloe and summer decide not to and smith can’t because of football drug testing, but rory smokes out shara, ash, benji, and georgia for the first time. they watch barbie movies and shara laughs so hard at benjis’s impromptu improv performance she cries. rory lays his head in smith’s lap in front of everybody. smith blushes. summer is dying at how cute high georgia is and chloe just braids sharas hair over and over again while she sits on the couch and shara sits between her legs on the floor.
6. rory plays at a few open mics and the entire squad always goes to support him. smith gets incredibly flushed and embarrassed when they know the songs he is singing are about them. sometimes they give him new stickers for his guitar or bouquets of wildflowers they picked as gifts after.
7. BENJY AND ACE BECOME BEST FRIENDS SORRY I DON’T MAKE THE RULES. They have sung Santa Fe in the car together more than once. benjy shows ace starkid musicals and dr. horrible’s sing-a-long blog for the first time and an alliance is formed. maybe they even smooch who knows.
8. ash starts slowly gifting smith some things to quietly affirm their gender, like a glittery gold eyeshadow, a a bottle of lavender nail polish, and some butterfly hair clips.
9. so many gay people are making each other playlists. so many. here is shara’s playlist for chloe: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/to-chloe-from-shara/pl.u-AkAmYKeIjl466g if i make more i will add them (:
10. chloe and shara get matching necklaces before chloe leaves for school and they wear them every day.
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aimsyreads · 1 year
"There's a girl with brown eyes who reminds me of the first book I ever loved. When I look at her, I feel like there might be another universe in her. I imagine her on a shelf too high for me to reach, or peeking out of someone else's backpack, or at the end of a long wait at the library. I know there are other books that are easier to get my hands on, but none are half as good as her. Every part of her seems to have a purpose, a specific meaning, an exact reason for being how and what and where it is."
They're lesbians your honor.
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groovesnjams · 4 months
"CUT MY HEART OUT" by daine
At first I wondered why "CUT MY HEART OUT" sounded so Charli-esque, but looking at the producer credits clarified: Marcus Andersson worked with Rina Sawayama and Ashnikko; Casey MQ has done a bunch of songs with Dorian Electra. Of course this sounds like Charli - and specifically Charli's work with SOPHIE - because all the rest of them do too. It's been three years since SOPHIE's tragic death and you still can't miss the influence of the work SOPHIE left behind, solo but especially with Charli. And this makes sense! Their work was visionary and unmistakable; I may not have loved it but I respected it. But that means that when I hear second-wave echoes of it now, I wonder why these artists can't push themselves a little harder - it's been three years, surely there's gotta be some path forward. "CUT MY HEART OUT" is catchy as anything off the Vroom Vroom EP and daine is working to say something about heartbreak by using medical terminology, but the production means they mostly sound like they're spooning out someone else's leftovers.
Making "CUT MY HEART OUT" TikTok length means that the song is totally devoid of depth of any kind. It's got just enough runway to establish a metaphor and then it's gone, a dot on the horizon line. "CUT MY HEART OUT" is actively forgettable as it plays -- the production is a rote hyperpop mass manufacture complete with robotic drums and ersatz glitches and daine's voice is so pitch-shifted they could be literally anyone singing. The only even faint glimmer of something slightly more than lukewarm microwaved leftovers is the vaguely horrific hospital imagery of the second verse, but even there we'd be better served if yeule was the lyricist.
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rogueish · 2 years
Perfume release a new album, it's going to be one of my favourite records of the year, seems pretty straightforward. Spotify seems to have finally noticed this, and started recommending me Perfume-esque tracks, such as "Stargaze" by Kirara, "Suki Sugi Replay" by Golin, and "B who I Want 2 B" by Namie Amuro (although the rest of Amuro's album is much more conventionally pop). The last two in particular made me realise something which in hindsight should have been obvious, namely Perfume's influence on hyperpop.
Other hyperpop I've liked includes Casey MQ's very pretty "Telephone Light", Boy Sim's "Take Me" (from an EP that includes what I thought was a return to music from Kitty, but it turns out it's just from 2018), and Miss Madeline's instant hyperdonk classic, "Lovesick".
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caramelizeddishsoap · 2 months
1. What About Us (oklou cover) - Casey MQ 2. Thankful - Candy Moore 3. Bigger Boys and Stolen Sweethearts - Arctic Monkeys 4. Two Kinds of Right - The Grates 5. Wood Cabin - St Etienne 6. Waking Up In Vegas - Katy Perry 7. Love Her If I Tried - Royal Headache 8. Hard To Explain - The Strokes
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yamamiya · 3 months
Casey MQ - The Make Believe (feat. Oklou)
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stroebe2 · 3 months
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filth-thezine · 5 months
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job interview next week and feeling fancy
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bloody-suburbs · 11 months
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gemini-elf-girl · 1 year
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Shara Wheeler x Chloe Green
I Kissed Shara Wheeler by Casey Mcquiston
“She’s glad it’s Shara. Nobody else would have felt important enough.”
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aimsyreads · 1 year
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Ugh so true
📖 I Kissed Shara Wheeler
By Casey McQuiston
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un-naturalworld · 1 year
Oklou & Casey MQ - Dawn
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rinas4ki · 3 months
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bazpitch · 10 days
happy friday everyone!
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magrit-alessa · 26 days
My weekly chart (13 May 2024 - 19 May 2024)
That's what I like. That's what surrounds me. That's what creates my mood.
*Created by my preferences only*
Аll 10 chart positions in 4 minutes here -> https://youtu.be/qDxJRVKGhR8
10. NIGHTSOON - Wanna Be Your Boyfriend
9. Alec Benjamin - The Arsonist
8. Крихітка - Сонячні дні
7. Friday Pilots Club - We Don't Wanna Talk
6. Kasbo - Play Pretend (feat. Ourchives)
5. MisterWives - Organized Chaos
4. Jerry Heil & alyona alyona - ПОДОЛЯНОЧКА (GET UP)
3. IDER - Girl
2. Casey MQ - Grey Gardens
1. Victor Ray - Falling Into Place (ft. Debbie)
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