#Cassandra Chopra
changingplumbob · 6 months
Chopra Household: Chapter 6, Part 10
I almost lost my mind but I took some time off to build so I didn't!
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If Viola is attempting to say something it will be in brackets, otherwise you can assume it's just trying out sounds Mercedes has a speech delay and may get words wrong, correct wording will be in brackets if that is the case Savannah aka Honeybee Mercedes aka Little Ladybug Viola aka Green Bean
With everyone going through a tough time (especially the watcher) nana Lavina is having a stay over to help out.
Rahul: Thanks for coming mum
Lavina: Of course dear, I’m happy to
Cassandra: Okay Viola, nana is here. Do you think we can show her a crawl huh? Crawl to mama
The pair practice and after a while we get milestone lights!
Lavina: Oh how wonderful! Although she does look glum
Viola is up and crawling but is very pouty about it.
Rahul: Shucks, she probably needs more antibiotics
Lavina: Don’t worry, I’ll grab them for you
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Lavina: My goodness what did I nearly trip on
Rahul: It’s a robot vacuum
Cassandra: We can set it to auto clean and it should take care of any dust bunnies
Lavina stomps off to the medicine cabinet grumbling about technology these days. After Viola has her medicine and is fed Cassandra gets her to bed. Both of them need sleep, here’s hoping they can get some.
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Cluckton: *crows* hear ye, hear ye! We’ve survived a bad mod storm that involved sims being sick and unable to go to the doctor! Let us all thank the watcher for getting help and giving up on that module without deleting us. We came so close to DOOM!
Mercedes: Is Cluckton still crowing
Savannah: Maybe. He probably just wants to make sure we can hear him all the way over here
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Cassandra: Good morning green bean! Isn’t it so much better without those nasty bugs? You look better
Viola: se na ma do (so do you mama)
Cassandra: I just finished pumping so this bottle is nice and fresh for my little guzzler
Viola tucks into the bottle with gusto, promptly finishing it. Cassandra takes her over to the changing table for a fresh nappy when Mercedes comes and sits on the rocking chair.
Mercedes: Morning mama. Did papa tell you they say I’m gifted
Cassandra: he did! But gifted or not you are my daughter and I love you for more than your brain, okay
Mercedes: Okay mama. Can you come to word class with me today? Papa can go with Savannah instead
Cassandra: If you'd like me there I’d love to
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Savannah: And a drop here, and a drop there, and-
Savannah: Huh what?
Rahul: Why did you dump this paint on the floor
Savannah: It wasn’t me!
Rahul: I SAW you Savannah, don’t start lying. No tv for a day and you will clean this up, right now!
Savannah: But… how will I get my fun need up without tv
Rahul: You should have thought of that before you made a mess. Now your mama and I are swapping after school duties and I expect you on your best behaviour for OT
Savannah: *sighs* yes papa
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Cassandra streams her guitar practice this morning. Nursing has affected how much time she’s been able to spend increasing her skills and fame. While she strums the yard animals again inspect Viola. Seven in particular finds the infant suspicious. After playing with her rattle Viola sets off crawling around, the feel of grass under her fingers is a lot of fun.
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Even though the yard is sheltered, with the rain Cassandra doesn’t like Viola spending too much time outside in case she gets windchill. Back inside it’s time for more standing practice. After a series of tries together Viola gurgles she wants to try by herself so Cassandra steps back and Viola looks up at the couch. She stretches her arms and up she goes! Cassandra is so excited she takes a small video to show Rahul in case Viola doesn’t feel like showing off later.
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Lavina: Look at her go! She’s a star
Cassandra: Could you get her down for a nap? I have to go tell Rahul
Lavina: Oh course dear
Cassandra: Then she just pulled herself up
Rahul: That’s wonderful
Cassandra: It has got me thinking… she’s growing up…
Rahul: And the nursery will be empty… can’t have that…
Cassandra: shall we go try then?
Rahul: Don’t have to ask me twice
So the two head to their room and spend time… flipping pillows until their daughters are ready for after school activities.
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Word class and OT went well, Cassandra does have to rush off to work pretty soon afterwards though. The girls head inside to do their homework while Rahul cooks.
Lavina: What is word class when it’s at home
Mercedes: Stuff. Helping stuff
Lavina: And this is meant to make you better at talking is it? Doesn’t seem to be making much difference so far
Rahul: Mum! Be nice, let's not teach them to be rude
Lavina: I want my granddaughters to succeed, is that rude? Now Savannah, are you sure that’s the right way to hold your pencil?
Savannah: *sighs dramatically*
Rahul: Mum! Don’t fuss. They’ve both done well today
Savannah: If I’ve done well... can I watch TV?
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Rahul: No. I said no TV for a day and I meant it
Mercedes: But Savannah did good
Rahul: Yes but she still did bad this morning
Mercedes: She cleaned it
Rahul: After being caught and trying to lie about it
Lavina: And she should consider herself lucky. Any time your papa made a mess it was no TV for a week. He learned not to and so will your sister
Savannah: *fumes in silence*
Rahul: I’m sorry if you are upset Honeybee but your punishment was for earlier. Consequences are tied to our actions. When you’re grown you’ll understand
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Mercedes: I thought we were grown
Rahul: Not yet little ladybug. Think of it this way Savannah… If I sheared some wool off Seven and cut her by accident, I could bottle feed her all I like but it wouldn’t change that I cut her. There’s only 12 hours left and you’ll be asleep for most of it
Savannah: Oh... I forgot about sleep
Mercedes: I guess I can’t watch TV either
Lavina: Why not?
Mercedes: Sol.. solid… together. We stick together (solidarity)
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addictivecontradiction · 11 months
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Ek Ladki ko Dekha toh aisa laga, 2019
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mosneakers · 27 days
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From left to right; wife to Strangerville Mayor Meredith Roswell, and Henford on Bagley Mayor Lavina Chopra, with son Rahul and date nearby
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From left to right; Cassandra , Alexander , and Lucy Goth , and Judith Ward
Meanwhile, miles away...
The Gilded Pinnacle- Del Sol Valley, Election Night
Guests of all life states flock to support the Salas campaign as the votes trickle in. Other notable political figures, fellow vampires, celebrity advocates, and enthusiastic supporters eager for progress all converge, their presence reflecting the overwhelming support for Tatiana's candidacy.
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Tatiana: Sandra, sweetie! I can hardly contain my excitement. Looks like we're in the lead! Now where is that Mr. Vespertine? [Scans room] I'd like to thank him for his hard work. It really looks like things are looking up for us. I do wish that all three of my daughters could be by my side tonight. Mira is still coming, right?
Sandra beams with pride for her mother, while trying to mask the increasing anxiety surrounding the whereabouts of their missing campaign manager. Sandra: Yes. I still haven't heard from Mackenzie. But Mira will be here soon, she confirmed. Frieda, not sure what her excuse is, guess she couldn't be bothered to make the trip. Nancy Landgraab: [Sigh] It's such a shame when children are ungrateful.
Malcolm Landgraab: [Rolls eyes] Not now, mother.
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Markus: Looks like they're looking for the little freak. Kat: What if they start asking too many questions? Miss Hell: Pretty soon the results will be in, and when they are, no one will give a damn about him anymore.
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abbysimsfun · 1 day
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 51 (Unflirty Heather Said 'No More Free Love!')
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Brindleton Pawspital was always a hotbed for local gossip. More than once, Heather caught her employees and her customers cheating on their spouses in the lobby - sometimes even in the exam rooms!
Heather was so unflirty, the town's hands-off approach to extramarital romance had started to get a little disturbing. And now she had a boyfriend in town, so the last thing she wanted to think about was "free love."
None of it should have been any of her business, but she could get drawn into salacious rumours as much as the next person - especially if they were making out right under her nose!
But she had a hunch one such rumour would interest her mother, and called her one morning to pass on what she'd learned.
"I heard a rumour about the old creature keeper and grocer from Henford. You remember Hayes Harms and Abby Goldbloom, don't you?"
"Of course! They moved to Brindleton Bay and had three children together! It was a lovely happy ending to all those years of pining."
"Apparently it wasn't always happy ever after once they got here. Do you remember that old vet tech who used to work here when I was in high school? Our pets loved her, but then she left town without a trace and no one ever heard from her again."
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"Emi Kudo! She was so sweet. I always wondered what happened to her!"
"I overheard someone at the clinic say she left town pregnant with Hayes' baby when he chose his wife over his mistress!"
(She had twins, and she lives in world. I know where she is and she will be back. Less so for her and moreso because one of those twins is evil and I've earmarked them to be hated by all of us for good reason in the future, so that'll be fun!)
Daisy gasped. "You're kidding? He did that to his wife?! He was always so quiet and unassuming."
"It might not be true. I'm not about to talk about it with the Harms, but if it is true, he might've been influenced by the free love action plan. It makes people flirty with people they barely know, or know are married. They're practically possessed. And all for influence! I can't imagine seeing someone else flirt with Conrad!"
"So maybe you should try to repeal it," suggested her mother. "Your father spearheaded a couple campaigns to get rid of things like public fighting here in Henford, and with how popular you and your clinic are, you should be able to get enough signatures in no time."
Taking her mother's advice, Heather started working to convince the locals to repeal the provision and replace it with something less scandalous, like support for performing arts.
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Campaigning was going well, and she was happy to see Cassandra's brother Alexander one morning when he arrived with one of the Goth family cats. "Al, hi! How was the honeymoon in Sulani?"
"It was incredible. Lydia didn't want to leave."
"I hear it's beautiful there. But I expected to see your mother with Frankie today. Is she alright?"
"Oh, she'll be fine. She's just packing up Diego's things and she'll either be throwing them into the bay or taking them over to the Chopra place down the road. I don't think she's decided yet."
"What do you mean? What happened?"
"She found Diego in bed with Rahul Chopra. She broke up with him on the spot and I heard Diego and Rahul ran down to the courthouse to get married the same day."
"I'm stunned," said Heather. "Who gets left by their partner for another man twice but your poor mother? I'm so sorry."
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"Don't be. She was fine after my father left and she knows she'll be fine again. She has no intention of being anything less than fabulous this time around, too. She's already talking about taking a trip to Ciudad Enamorada to test out the singles scene."
Heather chuckled. "I believe it." She grabbed the clipboard next to her espresso machine. "I'm not sure if you checked the community board on your way in, but I'm actually sponsoring a repeal of the free love action plan this weekend. It won't stop everyone from unnecessary public displays of affection, but it might be nice if your mother's next partner is a little less focused on scoring romantic influence points around town."
Alexander reached for her pen. "I know my mother can take care of herself, but I'm happy to sign it. Lydia's the only one for me as it is."
Once Alexander signed the petition, she had enough signatures for it to pass. Though a few of the town's randier residents were unhappy, most Brindletonians appreciated that their marriages were now much less under threat.
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Heather returned home to find her son and Conrad laughing and playing helicopter upstairs, and she smiled with gratitude. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 1 Summary | Gen 1 Start
NOTE: Diego really did this and I was so annoyed. I went out of my way to hook up this randomly generated townie spawn with THE Bella Goth after she thought he was handsome, and spent way too much of my time during Cassandra and River's wedding building up their friendship and flirting. The one thing I didn't do was get them married because it felt way too soon. And he repaid me like this!
One might say it was the final straw in the Watcher's tolerance for the Romantic Aura neighbourhood action plan that had been on by default since Heather moved, and set my unflirty sim in motion. 😂 Although I'm big on control over sims in-world and that's the real reason I don't like this action plan, Heather's negative moodlets from catching the cheaters messed with her work so it had to go. When she was upset she couldn't be warm with animals, so she couldn't start exams unless she was rude, which meant exams were taken by her less-skilled vet techs and didn't help the rating I'm already struggling to raise!
FUN(?) FACT: I never got any good screenshots of the cheating because it always happened out of nowhere with sims I had no control over, so I tried to stage some to set up this post (AFTER the repeal because I'm so good at this!) and Liberty (Lee) Huntington understood the assignment just enough, but this is how Brant Hecking reacted to getting hit on by Mitchell Kalani 🙉 😂:
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how-classy2020 · 1 month
Every Teenager in the Sims 4
(in alphabetical order by first name ofc)
Ash Harjo
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World: Copperdale, Grade: C, Extracurricular/Job: Simfluencer
Aurelio Robles
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World: San Sequoia, Grade: B
Baby Ariel
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World: homeless, Grade: C, Note: Four star celebrity and immortal
Cassandra Goth
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World: Willow Creek, Grade: C, Note: Iconic
Darling Walsh
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World: San Myshuno, Grade: B, Note: I love them so much
Duane Talla
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World: Sulani, Grade: C, Extracurricular/Job: Lifeguard
Gemma Charm
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World: Glimmerbrook, Grade: B, Note: Spellcaster
Greta Laurent
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World: Tartosa, Grade: A (haha nerd)
Hugo Villareal
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World: Windenberg, Grade: C, Note: I always forget about him
Jacob Volkov
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World: Moonwood Mill, Grade: A (haha nerd), Note: Werewolf
Jeb Harris
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World: Evergreen Harbour, Grade C, Note: Iconic as well
Julie Brock
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World: Homeless (comes with for Rent), Grade: C, Note: Potentially will stop being homeless once your sim becomes their landlord
Kaori Nishidake
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World: Mt Komorebi, Grade: C, Note: I always forget that she's a teenager, she's also dating Kiyoshi Ito
Kevin Puri
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World: Copperdale, Grade: C, Extracurricular/Job: Football
Kiyoshi Ito
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World: Mt Komorebi, Grade: C, Note: Dating Kaori Nishidake
Luna Villareal
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World: Windenberg, Grade: C
Luz Lopez
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World: Ciudad Enamorada, Grade: C
Malcolm Landgraab
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World: Oasis Springs, Grade: C, Note: Also an icon but unlike Cassandra, can't match up to his mother.
Molly Prescott
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World: Copperdale, Grade: C, Job/Extracurricular: Chess Team
Morgan Fyres
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World: Windenberg, Grade: C
Noah Kane
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World: Copperdale, Grade: C, Job/Extracurricular: Football
Rahul Chopra
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World: Henford-on-Bagley (also homeless), Grade: C, Job/Extracurricular: Grocery Deliverer, Note: Dating Rashida Watson
Rashida Watson
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World: Henford-on-Bagley, Grade: C, Job/Extracurricular: Babysitter, Note: Dating Rahul Chopra
Rohan Elderberry
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World: Britchester, Grade: A (haha nerd)
Savannah Price
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World: Copperdale, Grade: C, Extracurricular/Job: Computer Team
Sidney Price
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World: Copperdale, Grade: C, Extracurricular/Job: Cheerleader
Sofia Bjergsen
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World: Windenberg, Grade: C
Wolfgang Munch
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World: Windenberg, Grade C
Yuki Behr
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World: Windenberg, Grade C, Note: Another who I thought was a young adult
Zhafira Cahyaputri
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World: Tomorang, Grade: C, Job/Extracurricular: Babysitter
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dusksimulacre · 5 months
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All of the Maxis teens
Liam Beckett / Yuki Behr/ Sofia Bjergsen/ Julie Brock/ Dustin Broke/ Millie Bobby Brown/ Zhafira Cahyaputri/ Gemma Charm
Josh Charmer/ Rahul Chopra/ Summer Climate/ Dirk Dreamer/ Rohan Elderberry/ Morgan Fyres/ Cassandra Goth/ Samantha Gratz
Ripp Grunt/ Tank Grunt/ Ash Harjo/ Jeb Harris/ Elizabeth Elvira Hatfield/ Kiyoshi Ito/ Sasha Johnson/ Bobby Jones
Noah Kane/ Lori Keye/ Dara Kham/ Malcolm Landgraab/ Greta Laurant/ Kaylee Maguire/ Baby Ariel Martin/ Nataly McCloud
Wolfgang Munch/ Ophelia Nigmos/ Kaori Nishidake/ Beth Pepper/ Brantley Peterson/ Neal Petersen/ Angela Pleasant/ Lilith Pleasant
Molly Prescott/ Jay Pretty/ Savannah Price/ Sidney Price/ Kevin Puri/ JC Putnam/ Crystal Rivers/ Aurelio Robles
Kiernan Shipka/ Tony Simmons/ Vanessa Simmons/ Johnny Smith/ Skylar Stecker/ Duane Talla/ Clover Thorn/ Lily Thorn
Hugo Villareal/ Luna Villareal/ Jacob Volkov/ Darling Walsh/ Rashidah Watson/ Brandy Wood/ Mary Young/ Autumn Ziegler.
The Elite/ The Squad/ The Champs/ The Weirdos/ The Dirtbags/ The Liars/ The Hellfire Club/ The Nerds/
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danicadenniss · 3 months
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Totally Spies 2024: Clover
Fullname: Luna Rosalie Lewis
Aliases/Nickname: Clover, Luz
Age: 14
Dates Of Birth: February 9th, 2010
Gender: Female
Height: 5'1 (188cm)
Ethnicity: European (part English, part Irish, part French)
Eyes Color: Ocean Blue
Hair Color: Light Reddish Blonde/Magenta Ombre
Complexion: Fair Skin (a little pale complexion)
Skin Type: a light brown beauty mark under her right eye
Homes: Beverly Hills, California (Born in London, England)
Religion: Catholic
Occupation: Beverley Hills High School Student, Beverly Vista Middle School Student (formerly graduate), Elementary School Student at Saint Christina School (formerly, graduated), Spy, WHOOP Agent,
Hobbies: Sketching, Drawing, Artworks, Reading, Studying, Listening To Christian Music, Spies & Noir podcasts including Cybersix, Going to Church with her family, Hanging out with her friends and family, Designing styles and spy suits, Piano lessons, Spending quiet time before bed/during Study Hall, Cheerleadering, FCA Club, Enjoy some afternoon tea, every afternoon
Goals: To become an artist/fashiondesigner, To save the world from threat
Favorite Color: Red, Burgundy, Magenta, Hot Pink
Family Members: Lawrence Lewis (father), Stella Cambridge (mother), Serena Celestia Lewis (older sister), Selene Iris Lewis (younger sister), Gerald Charles Lewis, Trent Lewis (paternal uncles), Charles Lewis III (paternalgrandfather), Grace Lewis (neè LaBride, paternal grandmother), Charles Lewis II+ (paternal great grandfather), Celina Lewis+ (neè Wale, paternal great grandmother), Charles Lewis I+ (paternal 2nd great grandfather), Cassandra Lewis (neè Spencer, 2nd great grandmother)
Role in the team: European Stylist Leader of the groups
Best Friends: Samantha Nyad Simpsons, Akari Yui Huang, Britney Kaiya Chopra, Dean Ace Simpsons, David Diego Rodriguez, Blaine Kai Huang
Rivals: Candace Margaret Sweet, Amanda Erica Xhanos, Sarah Dominique, Caitlin Kelly Thompson, Marvin Robert Smith-Xhanos, Tim Erin Scam, Chet & Kyle Kate
Love Intersts: Jennifer Anderson
Fashion Choices: Celestial Elegant as a beautiful and elegant girly girl while she wearing off the shoulder, camisole tops, leather/jackets/vests/dusters, denim/celestial patterns skirts, above the knee dresses, capri/mini leggings and wedge sandals/low heels boots/flats. She dislike wearing hooded sweater,sweat shirts, sweat pants, shorts, maxi dresses/miniskirts and sneakers/high heels
Sexuality: Bisexual
Favorite Movies: Mystery, Noir and Christian
Favorite Books/Novels: Cybersix
Favorite T.V. Show: Mystery Documentary
Favorite Music: Christian Pop and Worship
Favorite Drinks: Peach Iced Tea and English Tea
Favorite Foods: Vegetarian French Cuisine Except Ratatouille
Worst Fear: Her father is being kidnapped by villains including her evil uncle Trent
Favorite part of being a spy: Being a leader of the trio
My version of Clover is not different from the original, for her design I made her a part English, part Irish and part French, she and her family were born in London, England in Western Eupore, after she graduated from Saint Christina School when she was 11 with her parents and her sisters, from London, England to Beverly Hills, California as she attended to Beverly Vista Middle School, and then she attended to Beverly Hills High School, she meet Sammy and Alexia, since childhood, she passed the art history exams as a top student before she and her family moved to USA from England after she graduated from Saint Christina School as she chose to work for W.O.O.H.P, her mother is an Irish surgeon and her father is a half English and a half French well paid psychologist, one of her sisters is 4 years older and younger than her, she is a college student and she is a middle school student. Clover is lean intelligent and beautiful part English, part Irish, and French fair/pale skinned girly girl teenager, with waist length wavy light reddish blonde/ magenta ombre hair tied up in a high ponytail, slightly reddish orange eyebrows, long thin eyelashes, ocean blue eyes, a light brown spot beauty mark under her right eye, heart-shaped lips and she wearing some makeovers like hot pink eyeshadows cherry red eyeliners, and matte rosy lilac lipstick, wearing some jewelry accessories and elegant celestial aesthetic clothes including off the shoulder/camisole tops, denim/leather/jacket/vests/dusters, above the knee denim/celestial patterns skirts, above the knee dresses, capri/mini/finest leggings, low cut socks and wedge sandals/low heels boots/flats instead of fashionable including hooded sweater, sweat shirts, sweat pants, shorts, maxi dresses, miniskirts, sneakers and high heels combat boots, as her goal is to graduated from high school and attended to go The University of California, Berkeley, to study for art and design fashions. Inspired by Iris from Lollirock, Nya from Ninjago, Rainbow Dash and Cheerlie from My Little Pony Gen 3, and Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
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lolathelotus · 1 year
TS4 Universe Legacy Round 5
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Summaries in play order
Chopra: Rashidah Watson and Rahul Chopra work hard to raise Owen (Rashidah and Rahul's son) and Penelope (Rahul's daughter from alien abduction) while living at home with Lavina. The toddlers both age up, Owen first, and then Penelope. Rahul earns a degree in Biology. Rahul and Rashidah get engaged. Lavina flirts with Meredith Roswell.
Villareal: Luna, Hugo and Max decide to hire an employee to help out at the shopping center. Max joins the Criminal Career, Hugo learns guitar and Luna makes out with Sofia Bjergsen.
Pancakes: Bob joins the Police Force while he and Eliza try (unsuccessfully) to have another baby. Malik is a goofball. Emery turns 13 and is Artistic.
Holiday: Summer Holiday, Liberty Lee and Travis Scott are still besties. Travis makes out with Gunther Munch and Raj Rasoya. Summer is in love with Eva Capricciosa and gets a promotion to Internet Personality.
Kang: Cecilia takes Fabio, her best boy, camping in Granite Falls. She invites Don Lothario over for some cuddles her last night there. Fabio aged up into an elder.
Goth: Mortimer purchases the café in town and renames it Café Bella. He also flirts with Megumi Ito randomly. Tessa (Bella and Mortimer's daughter) ages up into a child, followed by Whitney (Alexander's daughter from alien abduction). Cassandra learns she is pregnant with Salim Benali's baby.
Ito: Nanami moves out to San Myshuno at the beginning of the round. Megumi decides to make an enemy of Victor Feng. Naoki asks Megumi to have another child, but Megumi does not agree.
Bell: Vivian (now a ghost) enjoys possessing random objects. Biscuit the dog gets sick this round, so Michael takes him to the vet. Mason tries to become friends with Whitney Goth, but she seems to deeply dislike him.
Kim-Lewis: Olivia moves to Britechester to attend Foxbury at the start of the round. Alice fishes and paints. Eric and Alice fight constantly this round, resulting in a negative romance bar. At the Romance Festival, Alice kisses a townie and flirts with Cletus Harris in front of Eric. Alice asks Eric for a divorce. While still living together, Alice begins dating a townie. Eric gets a promotion to Investor.
Richards: Gavin gets promoted to Fan Favorite and finally opens his live-in bookstore. He barely makes any money this round. Jay Huntington dates all the women, including Liberty Lee, multiple townies, and Dina Caliente, who he has his daughter, Naomi, with. Jay starts thinking about moving out.
The Oasis Springs Apartments: Akira Kibo moves into an empty unit this round. He and Zoe Patel woohoo. Joaquin Le Chien learns to play the guitar and wants to study Culinary Arts at University. Joaquin's girlfriend, Nighat Caliente, proposes to Joaquin and he says yes. Akira rages a lot and randomly decides that he wants to date Jay Huntington.
Bheeda: Arun gets promoted to Development Captain at work. Bexley turns 13 this round. Fariq picks on Bexley, his big sister, constantly. Jesminder gets pregnant, giving birth to twins: Amar and Chandra. At the end of the round, Jesminder announces that she is once again expecting.
Akiyama: Nika turns 5 this round. Kado asks Jenna to have another baby and makes an enemy of Geoffrey Landgraab. Taku gets accepted into university and decides to start writing a book. Miki is promoted to Ensemble Author.
Markovic: While the past few rounds saw Mateo and Lucia growing apart, they rekindle their love for one another this round. However, Lucia continues to cheat on Mateo with Lilith Vatore. Tomi turns 20 this round and little Peter learns to talk. Liliana mostly just plays with her toys and loves science.
Watson: In between Rounds 4 and 5, Thomas and Rahmi got divorced autonomously. At the start of this round, Thomas buys a small home in Oasis Springs and Imran moves away to attend University. Maira has her hands full with her alien twins, Apollo and Benny. Rahmi asks Gideon Harris to be her boyfriend.
Caliente: After proposing to Joaquin Le Chien during his round, Nighat asks Don Lothario and Mitchell Kalani to move out. Dina's daughter, Naomi Huntington, turns 5 and rolls the Evil Trait. Don visits his daughter, Olivia, every single day. Nina makes a move on Cecelia Kang and is shot down, so Nina fights Cecilia. Jay Huntington and Dina continue to co-parent until Jay asks Dina to move with their daughter to San Myshuno with him.
Feng: Victor works on his oration skills by giving speeches all over San Myshuno. Lily gets a chance card that result in a hostile takeover of a local competing business. Caia hangs out with other teens and enjoys high school.
Landgraab: Poppy Landgraab brings her family closer together as they are all enamored with her. Malcolm turns 20 and gets a crush on Kerri Elderberry. He also decides to make amends with a long-time enemy, Thorne Bailey. This round Malcolm decides to join the Engineering Career and moves to The Culpepper Apartments in San Myshuno.
Munch: Wolfgang fights Don Lothario and gets promoted to Ring Leader. Mila works as a Detective and decides to start saving up to open a restaurant. Gunther decides to attend University while living at home next round to study Language and Literature.
Flex: Ulrike decides to go back to school to study Art History and Marcus is promoted to Rookie. Marcus starts to have doubts about his marriage, both wanting to move, as well as start a new relationship. Maaike attends Britechester University while living at home to earn a degree in Language & Literature. She plagiarizes a paper and gets caught.
Scott: Sara and Simon try to find a healthy balance between working at their bar, and caring for their four daughters. Remi turns 5 this round.
Lobo: Caleb moves in with Diego this round, but still visits Lillith and the kids every few days. Caleb and Diego get married in Tartosa.
Vatore: Having moved in with his husband, Diego Lobo, last round, Caleb comes to visit every few days. He lives down the road from the Vatores. Quest turns 13. Lilith continues to date Lucia Markovic, who is still married. They make it official. Stuart turns 20. Ravin turns 13 and begins to learn Vampire Skills from her mother, Lilith, and her father, Alika Kahananui.
Fyres: Moira works as a Detective and Dominic flirts with Maira Watson. Morgan romances Cassandra Goth.
Rocca: No longer able to afford the rent on Factory One, Eva, Paolo and Jade decide they will move out at the end of the round. Paolo is promoted to Bodybuilder and completes the Bodybuilder Aspiration. Eva flirts with a bartender named Kyla. At the end of the round. Paolo and Jade rent an apartment for themselves and little Daisy in the Culpepper Apartments in San Myshuno. Eva rents a single down the hall in the same building.
Behr: Candy works with Lennox to help him learn all of his toddler skills. Yuki joins the Engineering Career and hits on Judith Ward and Cecelia Kang. Lennox turns 5 years old. Candy has woohoo with Jeb Harris.
Bjergsen: Bjorn tries to be a better father to the girls. Darcy turns 13. Bjorn struggles to work his day job, as well as run Bjergsen's Furniture in the evenings and on weekends. He asks his friend, a townie named Reece, to be his boyfriend and is hurt when Reece tells him he is not interested in men. Sofia has her first kiss with Mila Munch and hits on Judith Ward.
Jeong: Venessa gets a makeover and gossips with her friends about Judith Ward leaving town. She applies to the University of Britechester to study Art History. She goes to an acting gig and has woohoo with Alexander Goth.
Rasoya: Raj asks Penny to have a baby with him but she wants to wait until they are married. A bad news story hurts Penny's public reputation. Raj maxes out the Gourmet Cooking Skills and is promoted to Celebrity Chef. Raj confesses to cheating on Penny with Don Lothario and Travis Scott. Penny breaks off their engagement and Raj rents and apartment in San Myshuno. After Raj leaves, Penny gets a job as an International Affairs Intern.
Bailey-Moon: Thorne walks with a new sense of purpose now that Judith Ward is gone. Octavia gets promoted to Fan Favorite. Orange graduates high school and decides to study Physics when he goes to University. Thorne and Octavia get pregnant. Havana turns 13, and Octavia gives birth to a baby girl, Nola.
Laurent: Greta moves to Britechester to attend University and Hilary rents an apartment in San Myshuno, no longer interested in working on her marriage with Hector. Jace has a crush on Olive Tinker and gets accepted to university. Hector tries, unsuccessfully, to win his wife back.
Sigworth: Christie is off to uni this round. Dylan and Jess make out a lot. Jess is promoted to Courageous Captain and Dylan works to earn a promotion at FutureSim Labs. Jess and Dylan try, but are unable to get pregnant after several tries.
Roswell: Ted and Meredith enjoy raising their children, and even rekindle the spark that had been missing from their relationship for so long. Isaiah turns 13, while the twins, Finnley and Evalyn turn 5. Meredith maxes out the Cooking Skill and tells Ted that she is pregnant. At the end of the round she gives birth to a son, Huxley.
Martin: Alice applies to university to study Art History and Mark decides he wants to earn a second degree.
Ito (2): Kaori turns 30 this round. Kiyoshi struggles with jealousy, and the couple gets pregnant.
Kealoha: Lilliana gives birth to a baby boy, Kai. Under Makoa's leadership as Conservation Director, Sulani is restored. Nani gets a crush on Quest Vatore.
Ojo: Miko loves her new career in Politics, and she applies to university. She starts dating Rohan Elderberry. Darling works as a Nature Historian and has woohoo with a very married Tina Tinker.
Kahananui: Mele finds out about Ravin and Lilith, and is furious with her husband. Despite their animosity, they manage to maintain a health woohoo life. Salem and Keoki both dislike their father, and Alika tries to intimidate them into respecting him. Alika wanders around at night, drinking from Sims and teaching Ravin Vampire secrets. Alika cheats on Mele with Lilith and Mele decides to become a doctor.
Ngata: Leila gets promoted to Color Theory Critic while Oliana is laid off. Elyse turns five years old. Leila and Oliana adopt another child, a baby named Helena. Tane starts dating Bexley Bheeda. Oliana joins the Civil Designer Career.
Benali: Salim asks Cassandra to move in with him with their baby, Niko. They plan of buying a bigger house in the next few years. Cassandra proposes to Salim and he accepts. Cassandra gets a job in the Doctor Career and Salim applies to university.
Jang: Billie turns 20 and decides she wants to be a professional dancer. She does a bunch of stuff naked. Baako and Anaya rekindle their romance and begin to repair their relationship.
Rasoya-Vega: Anya turns 13 this round. Geeta and Everett get engaged and move in together.
Romeo: Siobhan flirts with her neighbor, Kerri Elderberry in front of Sergio, causing him to acquire the Jealous Trait. Siobhan gets a promotion. Sergio and Siobhan go to a family gathering with the Fyres family. Morgan flirts with Sergio, causing Siobhan to fly into a rage.
Elderberry: Kerri joins the Scientist Career and Rohan joins the Writer Career this round. Rohan dates Miko Ojo and Kerri has a weird thing with Malcolm Landgraab. Rohan has shower woohoo with Geeta Rasoya-Vega.
Harris: Cletus quits his job so he can stay home to take care of Zachariah. Jeb becomes more Cheerful this round, but also gets Malcolm Landgraab as a work rival.
Tinker: Olive turns 20 years old and gets a job as an artist. She messes around with Jeb Harris, but turns him down repeatedly when he suggests taking things to the next level. After saving for the past few years, Tina and Yasemin finally have enough to purchase Evergreen Unique Gifts.
Kalani: After being kicked out by Nighat, Mitchell rents an apartment in Evergreen Harbor. He asks Nina Caliente to move in with him. Nina pulls pranks and decides she wants to start a new relationship.
Lothario: Don quits his job as an actor and focuses on his Aspiration, Serial Romantic. He dates several townies, Nancy Landgraab, Jade Rosa, Cecilia Kang, Anaya Jang and Nanami Ito.
Ito (3): Nanami moves to San Myshuno and begins working in the Civil Designer Career. She breaks up with her boyfriend, Taku Akiyama.
Ward: Judith sells her home, gets a makeover and moves to San Myshuno. She quits her job and slips into obscurity.
Laurent(2): Hilary hits on her estranged husband, Hector, and is rejected. She starts dating a townie named Reece.
University: In attendance this semester: Greta Laurent, Olivia Kim-Lewis, Duane Talla, Christie Sigworth and Imran Watson. Greta struggles with being a werewolf, and starts searching for a cure. She starts dating Kerri Elderberry. Christie wants to date all of the sims.
Watson (2): Thomas works to put his life back together after his divorce from Rahmi Watson. He spends time with his children and grandchildren. Thomas romances Cecilia Kang in front of her boyfriend and his best friend, Don Lothario.
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wlwfilmscenes · 4 years
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Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga (Shelly Chopra Dhar, 2019)  
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shesnake · 5 years
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This is my ‘normal’.
Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga (2019) dir. Shelly Chopra Dhar
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getwastedonlife11 · 6 years
I have seen a few posts and articles/reviews where folks describe their disappointment with the film because the love story between Sweety and Kuhu was not shown as much as they would have liked. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and you are allowed to feel that way. That being said, I do not understand why people are bashing the film.
The point of the movie is not about Sweety and Kuhu falling in love - it’s about Sweety learning how to accept herself, be herself, and hoping that will help others accept her for who she is. It just so happens that in that process, she fell in love. This movie is not meant to be the gay DDLJ, and for good reason. The team went into this knowing that they could suffer some serious backlash, but they went ahead with it anyway. Why? In hopes of educating people, of changing their perspective. So I don’t understand why LGBTQ people are not supporting this film for what it has to offer.
This movie gives us so much more than we have EVER gotten from a mainstream Bollywood film. It gave us a montage of two women falling in love with the title song playing in the background; it showed Sweety coming to terms with her sexuality in a real and relatable story; it had her standing up for herself and taking control of the situation when others tried to tell her how to live her life. But most importantly, it gives us representation.
The purpose of this movie is not to be a fluffy and romantic tale of two women falling in love. The goal of Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga is to share an authentic story that reflects our life and experiences. You know what also makes this movie so great? It gives us all the things we love about Bollywood movies and slips Sweety’s story into it. But folks, if LGBTQ people don’t stand up this film, then how are we ever going to get a full-fledged wlw romantic comedy/drama in Bollywood? We need to take what this film has to offer, support it, and continue to fight for the representation that we rightly deserve. Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga may not have been the movie some of us wanted it to be, but it is definitely the movie that it needs to be.
TL; DR: LGBTQ people need to stop slacking on their support for Ek Ladki because it’s not the gay DDLJ, otherwise how are we going to get the romantic story that we all deserve?
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changingplumbob · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Choose a sim of your own that you consider your/a fave, then choose one sim from three (or more!) different simblrs, now imagine what those sims would be like in a room together? Who's walking out first? Who's staying the longest? Who would get along? Who wouldn't get along at all? Elaborate as much or as little as you'd like :) (p.s please feel free to share this to others, anon or not, and feel free to use the hashtag " SQOTD "! I love seeing everyone's answers and reading them makes my day ~ 💛 ) (p.p.s I saw you ask for the best friend ask, be on the lookout for that sometime soon :))
Oh my gosh I have so many ideas I'll have to put them under a cut!
Brunch Date
First up we're going BIG! I'm talking time to ship up every single member of the York family to go and meet the Alegria family by @matchalovertrait! Wouldn't be too massive of a trip though since we're mostly all in Tartosa.
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I suspect Devin and Dulce would get along. I think Aaron would probably be a bit too pompous for Erick to maintain a conversation with. I'm guessing Noemi would probably not mind talking to Calista since they're both family and career women. Angel would probably be the one helping Joey make sure Alfred and Rilian are having fun.
Supernatural Hang out
Sending my werewolf Samir, his boyfriend Reece, and the Knightstone's to try and make friends...
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They would be meeting up with Caleb and Morgan by @marcishaun, as well as Lou and Lux by @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants.
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As well as Priscilla, Tony and Moumou by @eljeebee and the Bohan family by @aliengirl.
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First up Moumou (who's a cat if you didn't know) would be surrounded by all the younger sims. The youngest would probably just all be sitting there making imitation cat noises. I like to think Silas would be interested to meet Carina and Orion and have a million questions about how they manage to look both human and alien at the same time.
Blue would tell Adam how he carried a pregnancy and Adam would storm off in horror for several reasons. First off Adam doesn't want more kids. Plus he's hot headed. Then of course Adam hates UFO aliens getting humans pregnant and would probably feel like the tale hits to close to home, even though Rhea and Blue made their kids with love. Suzanna however would be fascinated to learn about the process.
Priscilla would likely try to cheer up Caleb about being a vampire while Tony would probably try to impart some wisdom about being a human in love with an immortal to Morgan.
Let's be real Samir would probably sit there brooding the entire time but Reece would undoubtedly be chatting at a million miles an hour with Lou and Lex to try and learn all he could about real werewolves.
EDIT: I forgot my main point which is I think most of them would enjoy talking about plants and gardening and nature.
Animal Get Together
Cluckton would be hanging out in a park with Matilda from @sharona-sims...
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Le Chat by @akitasimblr, Nougat by @kissalopa and Daisy by @lauralovelysims
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They would get up to mysterious animal things
Universes Collide
Amiyah and her siblings by @deardiaryts4 are invited to the Chopra Homestead!
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I would invite the other Rahul but I think things could get awkward if Amiyah's parents show up considering her Cassandra is best friends with the woman who married and then divorced Rahul...
I think Amiyah would spend the time trying to teach Savannah and Mercedes how to dance and would probably give them several make overs. Cassandra would find it fascinating to meet these alternate universe Rahul offspring where as Rahul would probably be a bit creeped out.
Casual Drinks!
Sending Joey to meet the infamous Ben Ben by @slightly-ludic for a night on the town! You know Ben needs a drink after that Jungle Adventure!
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Of course we're also inviting Astrid by @simmerbeans and Stan and Milena by @stargazer-sims.
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A lot of the talk would revolve around travel and what different countries are like. I think Astrid would love talking to Ben and Stan, Joey would do his best to comment on the conversation but secretly be eyeing up whatever single ladies are in the bar. Of course Joey and Ben would say some dopey stuff earning them eyerolls from the other three. I think the younger ones would benefit from time with Stan and Milena though, get some life lessons.
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Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga, 2019
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slutfortoast · 5 years
So it's been over a day since I saw ELKDTAL on Netflix and aaaaaaa my love for this movie is endless
they used my favourite Bollywood tropes to make something so beautiful?? and while my heart cries for more screen-time for Sonam-Regina, what truly, TRULY broke me during the length of this movie is the little girl watching the play in the audience. I didn't think much of it at first, but they showed her a couple times and she was close to tears while seeing the play. I don't know if she was simply moved by the play, or if it was because she felt trapped too, or because she knew someone else who did. Maybe it was her story, maybe it was someone's whom she knew or maybe (definitely) it was a story worth moving one to tears.
I want her to know, she's my story too. I've been her, too.
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mozima · 6 years
Shelly Chopra Dhar on casting Regina Cassandra to play Sonam Kapoor's romantic love interest Kuhu
"[About earlier casting choices] I had no problems at all, these people just came aboard. I had to chase Regina. She is the only actress I had to chase"
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filmmakersvision · 6 years
Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga Review
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February 5, 2019
by Inakshi Chandra-Mohanty
3/5 stars
Everyone has the freedom to love. Everyone has the ability to have their own distinct identity. And everyone has the right to be accepted with their differences. Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Lagais all about acceptance and building the confidence to break out of one’s shell. Promoted as “The Most Unexpected Romance of the Year”, Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga, tells the story of Sweety Chaudhary (Sonam Kapoor), a woman who has kept her sexual orientation a secret from her family, and how a chance encounter with playwriter, Sahil Mirza (Rajkumar Rao), leads her to reflect and muster the courage to come out of her bubble and stop hiding from reality.  The film was definitely unexpected and unique, but it was less a romance and more a coming of age drama. The focus was entirely on the growth of Sweety as an individual and how she navigated her layered relationships with her father, Balbir Chaudhary (Anil Kapoor), and her brother, Babloo Chaudhary (Abhishek Duhan), both who cared for her but were unable to cope with what they believed to be an eccentricity, or a “disease” as Balbir refers to it.
Early in the film, Sweety tells Sahil that his play doesn’t have any “feelings” because there is no “siyappa” (complication) in it. That is exactly what my opinion is of this film. The obstacles exist but they are not emphasized enough to make the audience feel the intensity of the emotions that the characters go through. There is nothing wrong with creating a light and happy film but the conflicts could have been explored more so that the impact was not as fleeting as it seemed. Writer Gazal Dhaliwal and Writer-Director Shelly Chopra Dhar have conveyed a much-needed story that will hopefully make way for more mainstream films about the LGBTQ community. However, they did not flesh out the strain and difficulties that the relationship between the two women endures as a result of societal struggles. There was a brief moment when this dynamic was explored as Sweety and her lover, Kuhu (Regina Cassandra), got into a small argument when Sweety’s insistence on referring to herself as abnormal angered Kuhu. But that was it. I wish there were more scenes like these so that we could see and believe in the love these two had for each other. Yet, there was barely any screen time devoted to the couple. The audience knows nothing about Kuhu’s background, her personality, or her lifestyle. Her role is to be there as a support to the evolving character of Sweety.
The film, however, has some beautiful sequences such as the nuanced portrayals of pure one-sided love that is not reciprocated because of the sexual preferences of the other person. Sweety’s realization of how much distance there is between her and the rest of her classmates occurs when she notices that the girl she likes is attracted to men. On the other hand, Sahil’s understanding of true love, which creates the inspiration for his writing stems from his love for Sweety, which he later realizes cannot be reciprocated as she cannot love men. The key linking these two instances is how both cases help the individual gain a better grasp over their identity. It is an uncomfortable situation but they handle it with such grace and maturity, displaying a level of understanding and support that is necessary in society today.
All the performances are brilliant. Anil Kapoor with his effervescence and Rajkumar Rao and Juhi Chawla with their impeccable comic timing keep the audience engaged throughout. Even Regina Cassandra who had an important part with little screen time, had such strong screen presence. However, the film is entirely dominated by Sonam Kapoor. Despite one or two scenes where I felt she wasn’t able to capture the emotions fully, Sonam Kapoor is able to beautifully portray Sweety’s pain, her struggles, and her emotions. The scene when Sweety breaks down in the theater is in my opinion the most powerful scene of the film and one of my favorites of Sonam Kapoor’s career.
The film is too safe, and afraid to get into the gritty realities of what the LGBTQ community in India face, but that does not take away from it being a brave attempt at mainstreaming a concept that is often avoided or made a mockery of in Indian cinema. It instills the audience with hope, which is something that society needs in order to face the negativity. Unfortunately, due to the serious nature of the concept the hope seems superficial at points, especially towards the last 30 minutes when the film gets preachy and far too unbelievable to be taken seriously. But the important fact is that this film has got us talking about issues that we would have earlier considered taboo and that is a huge step forward for LGBTQ rights in India.
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