#Cassian Andor x Reader
l0caltiredgirl · 9 months
when i want fluff/angst fics and all i’m getting is smut
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the struggle is real
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bethsvrse · 26 days
me staring at my ceiling after y/n does the most FLABBERGASTING thing ever
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biggestsimponhere · 1 year
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Star wars men you will always be famous, i’m in love with them.
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aphrcdites · 1 year
fan fiction is not enough. i need my favorite fictional character next to me right now!
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kitschykryptid · 6 months
fic rec masterlist (nsfw)
love love love all of these (yes i will keep updating lol i have to go through all my liked works)
Star Wars:
Poe Dameron:
The Bet series by no-droids
Rough Day by no-droids (my fucking favorite series. so hot)
Best Kept Secret series by lincolndjarin
Cassian Andor:
The Sun on Both Sides by no-droids
Kylo Ren:
Little Tease by loki-hargreeves
Rough Landing by bastillia (part one is on ao3 make sure you read that first - feral for this piece)
Anakin Skywalker:
I dream of you, almost every night, hopefully, I won't wake up this time by tulipsbymybed
One Night by dont-feel-so-good-peter
Stranger Things:
Smoke by roanniom
Head Filled With Demons by justmeinadaze
Steve Harrington:
You sound pretty hot when you shut up by wroteclassicaly
Harry Potter:
Sirius + Remus by hpimaginesandblurbs
Draco Malfoy: (can you tell i love him? lol)
Draco Malfoy by hpimaginesandblurbs
2 part Draco Blurb by hpimaginesandblurbs
between belfast and cardiff by prsfphone
Snow White by coffee-imagines
Tom Riddle:
His Angel by ameliasbitvh
Nameless/Short Blurbs:
The Bong by triplexhoneyypot
Play With Me by hatterbby
Billy the Kid (Tom Blyth) "Use that on me" by your-setting-lotion
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panakinthedisco · 2 months
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these are my recommended fics/one shots across tumblr, wattpad and ao3 <3 will update this every now and then. so, enjoy going through my personal favorites and please give them a follow and please also give these wonderful writers your support!
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ONE THING I'M MISSING by. @joelscruff
YOUR SUMMER DREAM by. @swiftispunk
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WILDFLOWER by. @bdaycurse
FEVER by. @javierpena-inatacvest
LIKE SNOW ON THE BEACH by. @janaispunk
JUST FRIENDS by. @joelsgreys
MORE THAN FRIENDS by. @joelsgreys
LET ME by. @swiftispunk
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coming soon!
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HEART OF A LION by. @studioghibelli
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EVENSTAR by. @heartofmortis | also available on wattpad and ao3
ANTIBIOSIS by. @mandalhoerian | also available on wattpad and ao3
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HOMEBOUND HEART ― Cassian Andor by. @alderaandors | silksenses on wattpad (this fic is currently unpublished)
WONDERLAND ― Ahsoka Tano by. @heartofmortis | available on wattpad and ao3
MIRRORBRIGHT ― Captain Rex by. @heartofmortis | available on wattpad
DREADNAUGHT ― Luke Skywalker by. sanktham | available on wattpad
ENTWINED FATES ― Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker by. ewgender | available on wattpad
REDEMPTION ― Han Solo by. @courscants | available on wattpad
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djarindroid · 4 months
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Pairing: Cassian x Reader
Summary: After a mission gone wrong you hide yourself away, blaming yourself. Will Cassian seek you out and finally admit how he truly feels?
Word Count: 1,142
Comments: Thank you to the anon who requested this, I've missed writing for Cassian 💕
As the ship jumped into hyperspace the silence that filled the cockpit was palpable. Cassian could feel the weight of what had happened settling around him and resting heavily on his shoulders. His eyes briefly lingered on the empty seat behind him, your usual spot, and he sighed at your absence.
Literally everything that could have gone wrong on the mission went wrong. You hadn’t said anything but Cassian knew you blamed yourself. The moment you’d got back on the ship you’d hidden yourself away, and Cassian and been trying to figure out if he should approach you ever since. 
He felt selfish, wishing you were still sat here talking about anything and everything. He always joked that you didn’t know when to be quiet, but he’d give anything to have the sound of your voice filling the ship or to have your contagious laughter bouncing around him. 
‘It would make the both of you feel better if you went and talked to her,’ K-2 piped up, breaking the silence. Cassian said nothing in return, still internally debating whether he should seek you out. ‘I’ve noticed you seem to be happier when she is present.’
Cassian turned his head to look at his droid companion upon hearing that. He couldn’t deny the truth in the observation, ever since you’d first worked together he couldn’t help but grow fond of you. His eyes flickered between your seat and K-2. His jaw clenched as he turned his attention back to the ship's control panel. ‘She wants to be alone.’
‘I don’t recall her saying that,’ K-2 responded. He was right, you hadn’t said anything before darting off to the back of the ship. Surely that’s what you needed right now though? To be alone. Otherwise you’d be sat up here talking his ear off as per usual.
Cassian sat, tapping his fingers on the main console, contemplating what to do. His brain was telling him to keep his distance, he was getting too close to you and that wasn’t a good idea. But his heart was calling for you, yearning to have you near, to make sure you’re ok. His heart won, it dragged him from his seat and pulled him towards you.
He made his way through the ship, his soft footsteps echoed around him. Every step closer to you caused his heart to beat a little faster. As he approached the small room where you’d secluded yourself he heard a stifled sob. He could have shattered at the sound and he didn’t hesitate to knock.
‘It's just me,’ he said gently. ‘Can I come in?’
He held his breath during the brief moment of silence, which was followed by your muffled ‘yes’.
Cassian stepped inside to find you sat on a bench with your legs tucked up to your chest. Your eyes were red and puffy as you quickly wiped away tears. Without a word he crossed the small room and sat next to you. He hesitated, he wanted to comfort you but didn’t want to cross any boundaries. 
As he debated what to do or say he noticed you shift slightly, shuffling yourself closer to him. That was the push Cassian needed, he wrapped his hand around your own as he said ‘we did everything we could.’
Your heavy sigh filled the room, ‘but what if I-‘ you started but Cassian quickly cut you off.
‘You can’t do that to yourself, you know there’s nothing else we could have done.’ He turned his body so he was facing you. ‘You don’t have to go through this alone y/n.’ You met his eyes and he noticed another tear roll down your cheek. Without thinking he cupped your face and carefully wiped the stray tear away. 
Your cheek was warm beneath his palm, you closed your eyes and leaned into his touch. You took a shuddering breath before saying ‘I was so scared,’ your eyes opened to meet his again. ‘I thought-‘ he watched as your eyes flickered between his own, as if you were trying to find the words. ‘I thought I was going to lose you today,’ you quietly admitted.
Your words took Cassian by surprise, is that why you’d been so upset? His heart ached at the thought of your carrying this fear. He softly titled your chin up, making sure you kept your gaze locked with his own. ‘I’m here, I’m not going anywhere.’ He kept his voice soft but firm.
Another tear slipped down your cheek and he brushed it away again. ‘We’re in this together,’ he reassured. ‘I’ll always be by your side.’ You took a shaky breath and leaned towards him, as if you were seeking his comfort. He leaned to you as well and rested his forehead against your own. 
‘I don’t know what I would have done if something had happened to you,’ you confessed. Cassian’s heart was beating so loudly he was sure you’d be able to hear it.  ‘Cassian I-‘ you pulled back slightly to look into his eyes. ‘I care about you, I care about you so much it scares me. I care about you more than I’ve cared about anyone.’ Your words came out rushed, as if a dam had broken and you were finally free to speak the truth. 
Cassian felt his breath catch in his throat at your confession, relief and surprise washed over him. He’d spent so long concealing his own feelings, trying to lessen them out of fear they would complicate things, but hearing you say the words he’d been too afraid to say himself made him feel as though he was floating on air.
He took a deep breath before saying ‘I’ve tried to convince myself it was better to keep my feelings to myself but I care about you too, more than I thought was possible.’ His hand was still cradling your cheek and you looked up at him with wide eyes. ‘I’m scared of losing you as well, but I don’t want to give into that fear anymore. I want you by my side, always.’
He watched as your shoulders sagged, the tension in your body leaving as his words sank in. Your expression softened and a smile appeared on your face, the first he had seen since the failed mission. At the sight Cassian felt a surge of protectiveness, knowing he would do anything to be there whenever you needed him.
You leant in and Cassian closed the distance, pressing his lips to yours in a tender kiss. Any lingering fear or doubt ebbed away and was replaced with the connection you now shared. When he finally pulled back he felt a newfound sense of strength and hope. 
‘Whatever comes our way we’ll face it together,’ he promised.
You nodded and as another smile graced your face you softly repeated ‘together.’
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Love Won't Save Us
A/N: Sorry this took so long!
Warnings: Angst & I did not proof read
Word Count: 1.3k
Request: I saw you’re taking Cassian requests 👀 May I please get “ Don’t you see that there are people who care about you? That I care about?” + “I can’t lose you again! Please, don’t make me lose you again.” with lots of angst please and thank you!
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Thump thump.
Thump thump. 
Thump thump.  
An endless rhythm of your heart as it pounded through your ears. You were cornered. You thought you had been playing this smart - thought out every possible scenario - everything that could go wrong. Still, you ended up here. 
Your leg was screaming at you. It had been grazed by a blaster shot. Gritting your teeth you tried your best to shift your weight on it. You didn’t have time to dress it - you didn’t have time to do anything but lean against the literal and metaphorical wall that you were pinned against.
Imperial troopers were beginning to close in on you. You took a steadying breath checking your blaster. Your thoughts veering towards Cassian. 
You should have listened - been less stubborn. Instead you were here. 
You wanted to save him. That’s all you had wanted to do. Save him from what was about to happen to you. You blink roughly as tears start to form in your eyes. Your mind reeling to the last conversation you had with him. That is how he would remember you. Angry, bitter, careless. Maker, the look on his face. 
Your breath left your lungs as a blast threw you against a wall. You let out a shuddering gasp. 
There was only one last word you wanted to speak as blood came dripping out of your mouth. 
“When were you planning on telling me?” 
You didn’t need to look up to know Cassian was standing behind you, agitation dripping out of his voice. 
“I wasn’t”, you said simply as you finished putting on your boots. 
You could hear Cassian let out a huff as you turned around. His eyebrows were furrowed, arms crossed. He looked more annoyed and stressed than you had ever seen him. 
“You can’t do this,” he gritted out. “It’s a suicide mission. Let me-” 
“No.” The word left your mouth firmly. You stood your ground, your eyes not wavering from his. “I have to do this alone. It’s the only way.” 
“No- it’s not.” Cassian took a step towards you, but you took a step back. You may as well have slapped him from the expression on his face. 
“It is.” You swallowed down the lump in your throat. “Mon Mothma asked specifically because I am capable. I am expendable. And you, Cassian? You’re not. They need you.” 
“What? What are you talking about? You can’t believe that.” Cassian’s voice grew heated with every word. “Don’t you know? There are people here who care about you.” 
“They’ll get over it.” You shrugged off, trying to make your way to the door. Cassian blocked your path standing directly in front of you. 
“How can you say these things?” He was grabbing your shoulders now, his fingers digging into them so harshly you were sure you would bruise. You could only stare at him dumbly. “You matter,” he took a breath, “you matter to me.” 
You weren’t sure what to say. You could only stare at him, his brown eyes meeting yours in a desperate plea. 
“Please,” he whispered, “don’t do this alone. We can do this together.” His hands left your shoulders and now cradled your face softly. His thumbs running along your cheeks. “I need you. I -” 
You stilled his hands and removed them from your face. “You’ll be okay, Cassian. Whatever it is you think you feel for me will pass. It’s fleeting.” You passed him towards the door. 
“I love you.” 
You paused in front of the door. 
“I love you. That won’t pass.” 
You fought every urge to turn around. Tears had already begun to fall. You swallowed, “I don’t love you.”
“You don’t mean that.” 
“Love won’t save us”, you replied. You turned your head to the side, eyes downcast, “Goodbye, Cassian.” 
You walked through the door, feeling it close behind you. You wouldn't break - not now. You had to see this through. 
You briskly walked through the halls of the base, rounding the corner you ran into Mon Mothma. 
“Lieutenant,” her expression was soft, full of concern. “Are you sure you want to go this alone? I’m sure Andor would be more than willing to join you. I still think the two of you would be able to get the job done.” 
“No, thank you.” You smiled at her the best you could. 
She nodded back. “Good luck, Lieutenant.” 
You waited until you could hear her footsteps drift away, before you let out a shaky breath. 
“I was not aware Cassian was supposed to join you on the mission.” 
Your eyes widened. 
“K-2, you can’t tell him.” You said desperately. Your eyes turning towards the droid. 
“You have a higher success rate if Cassian joins you. You only have a likelihood of 15.25% of success without-” 
“No. No he can’t come and you can’t tell him.” The droid merely looked at you. “You want to keep him safe right? That’s all I want. You can’t tell him - he can never know. Promise me, K-2.”
“Promise me.” 
“Very well. Cassian will not know.” 
“Thank you,” you let out a shaky breath. “Keep him safe for me, will you?” 
“You are awfully demanding today.” 
You tried your best to not roll your eyes at the droid. 
“But I will look after him.” 
“Goodbye, K-2.” You didn’t wait for a reply before walking off. You headed towards the direction of your ship. You only needed to get much imperial codes. Something you had done countless times before. This time felt different. You knew it. It was why you had to do this alone. 
It was selfish and stupid, but you couldn’t lose him. You loved Cassian. You would keep him safe, even if it killed you. 
Smoke filled your lungs as you struggled to drag yourself towards cover. Blood coated your mouth, but you wouldn’t give up. If this was really it, you wouldn’t go down without a fight. You blaster had been flung from your hands but you could see it just ahead. 
You let out a grunt as you narrowly escaped being hit with a blaster. Reaching out, your fingers grazed your blaster. Desperately, you reached for it as the sound of troopers grew nearer. 
Grabbing hold of your blaster, you flipped onto your back and fired away. You managed to hit two imperial troopers, still more troopers began to file in. 
Gritting your teeth, you prepared yourself. 
Through the smoke you could see the troopers turn around, distracted by something. Yelling and blaster fire surrounded the area until it became eerily quiet.��
Your arm was shaking from pain as you held your blaster up. You couldn’t see anything. 
A tall figure came closer to you, you gripped your blaster tightly. 
You let out a ragged breath, your eyes growing wide. 
“You promised-” you choked out. 
K-2SO stood clearly in front of you, Cassian running behind him to you. 
“You asked me to protect Cassian. By saving you, I save him.” 
You were left dumbstruck. Cassian slides down next to you, his eyes searching your body for your worst injuries. 
“Cassian,” you started, but the fierceness in his gaze stopped you.  
“You lied to me,” he bit out. 
“I did,” you hissed as his hands checked your leg wound. 
“We were supposed to come together.” 
“We were,” you breathed out. 
“You love me.” 
Your eyes met his, his brown eyes filled with worry. “I do. I love you, Cassian.” 
He pulled you close to him, holding you tightly as if you might disappear. “I can’t lose you,” his voice broke. 
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered, “I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you.” 
“We do this together,” he said firmly. “We get through this together.” 
 You could feel Cassian let out a small laugh. “I guess love did save you.” 
For now, you thought. You held onto Cassian and the thought of being together. That had to be enough for now.
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moonlight-prose · 11 months
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a/n: i am iffy about this fic as a whole. last night writing wise wasn't the best for me and my mood has been...oof. but i will forever love cassian so much. so i couldn't fully skip this day without finishing his fic. i need to write so much more for him and the wips in my drafts are screaming. so i guess it's time for a rewatch of andor! i hope you enjoy my loves. (also the gif has me frothing at the mouth).
day nineteen - dry humping | kinktober 2023
summary: "there remained an unspoken pull between the two of you that kept you tightly wrapped around one another. your souls knotted so tight there was no undoing what had been solidified. the unspoken future you had always planned."
word count: 1.4k+
pairing: cassian andor x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, dry humping, fluff and angst, cassian being head over heels.
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There remained an unspoken pull between the two of you that kept you tightly wrapped around one another. Your souls knotted so tight there was no undoing what had been solidified. The unspoken future you had always planned. More often than not, he found himself in your home. Seeking out the pleasure of your company as you both drank the shittiest caf in existence, but it was all you could find.
He would tell you the goings on around town, the things you might have otherwise missed, and you’d speak to him about your dreams. What you wanted to strive for, what life could be like if the Empire wasn’t currently destroying everything. You spoke about anything and everything, divulging things to each other that felt too private to tell anyone else.
Tonight he sat on the shitty couch, jacket discarded onto your separate chair, and eyes tracking your every movement as you fluttered around in the kitchen. The scent of your caf wafted through the house. Burnt and bitter and familiar. You poured some into his mug before heading over to your spot beside him. The blanket already pooled around his waist.
“How is Bix?” you asked, feeling him shift to face you better as you settled, dragging the rough fabric up around your legs.
He shrugged, taking a sip and wincing at the taste. Yet another familiar movement. “She and Tim are…”
He huffed a laugh, eyes shifting to meet your gaze. “You could say that.”
“He loves her.” You set the mug on your small table that tilted slightly. “It’s obvious.”
Cassian’s voice came softer, eyes tracing the curve of your body as the blanket slipped down a bit, revealing the curve of your breasts in your top. “He does,” he murmured, fingers tightening around his mug when you shifted even closer. The air between the two of you, now warm.
Silence filled the space, laying over you like a different kind of blanket. One that offered softness, comfort. A place where you knew you could be yourself and voice what you wanted out of life. Cassian felt the same. He sunk into the couch, sipping on the caf still despite its awful flavor; a gesture that warmed your heart. The nights were a time you looked forward to most. When you could finally relish in the presence of the man you’d loved for as long as you could remember.
But to Cassian you were a friend.
Simply the person he sought out when he needed someone to make him feel like his feet were firmly planted on the ground. He wasn’t the greatest friend and he knew that. He knew that he oftentimes brought more trouble than necessary, but with you he laid his troubles by the door as if they were a coat to be hung. Something he would pick up on his way out. In order to keep that smile on your face. The joy that pressed into his chest, filling him with a feeling that he found himself running from most days.
Yet when it came to you…he didn’t want to run anymore.
You didn’t notice him setting his mug on the table, too invested in the paper beside you, something scribbled on it. “I forgot to tell you—”
Grasping the back of your neck gently, he dragged you closer, his lips finding yours and drawing out a sharp gasp from your mouth. It was a meager attempt to display those feelings that ate away at his heart. Something to show you that he came here each night for a reason. You. He came to hear your laughter, to drink your shitty caf, and watch you light up at his stories.
He came to feel the warmth of your love on an otherwise cold planet.
Seconds passed and for a moment he worried you didn’t want this. That he’d overstepped his boundaries and pushed the limit of your friendship too far. Your hands sliding into his hair and dragging him closer put a stop to those thoughts instantly. A soft moan echoed in the back of your throat, punching the breath from his lungs as he practically climbed over you. His hand grasping onto your waist, sliding your leg over his hip.
“I’ve wanted to do this for years,” he mumbled breathlessly, shifting to pull you up into his lap, until your knees were pressing on either side of his hips, chest pressed to his. “Ever since that fucking dinner.”
You laughed softly, fingers tracing his jaw and Cassian forgot how to breathe for that mere moment. “The dinner wasn’t so bad.”
“Bix cooking is never a good thing.”
Another giggle filled the air as you leaned down to steal another kiss. The taste of your caf, so much better coming from your tongue. He found that he didn’t mind the flavor. As long he got to kiss you afterwards. Sucking in a breath, he bit at your bottom lips, hands sliding to grasp at your hips, pushing you even closer until no space remained.
“I met you,” he replied, watching your eyes darken with lust, lips parting when he dragged you over his already hard cock. “The only good part of that night.”
Heat flooded the back of your neck, spilling into your cheeks and overheating your body. Yet you’d never wanted something more in your whole life. He captured your lips in another kiss, hips bucking up to meet yours, a sound being pulled from your chest. Heady and wet. Similar to the way he devoured you. As if you were the only source of life for miles—kissing you until you had no choice but to gasp for air, yanking on his hair to separate yourself.
“I want—oh—” Your clit caught on the seam of your pants, the press of his cock driving you insane as he dragged you across his lap again. A deep moan bubbling up in your throat, eyes fluttering shut when pleasure burst across your senses.
“I want to see you,” he said, chest heaving and eyes dark with need.
“I’m here.”
His lips curled up, grinding into you and watching your face contort, eyebrows pulling together while your mouth dropped open. “No. I want…to see you.”
The meaning registered in your brain slower than you would have liked. Yet once it did, you couldn’t find the words to respond. Each of them more incoherent than the last. He wanted to watch you cum. To witness you at the peak of pleasure, knowing that it was caused by him.
“Cassian,” you gasped, grinding down until sparks shot up your spine. Slick flooded your panties, no doubt soaking through to his pants. You dragged yourself along his lap, arms curled around his neck and lips brushing his as he panted into your mouth.
“Take what you want,” he said hoarsely, helping you guide your movements as he bucked up into you with each shift. “Use me.”
You went lightheaded. The rush of need plowing through your body as he led you through the movements. Your legs were slightly shaky, eyes squeezed shut and lips scratching along his cheek. But you wouldn’t have it any other way. Cassian held you like you were precious kyber. Something he could one day lose in the middle of terror.
“I’m gonna, Maker I’m g-gonna—fuck Cas—”
Licking a hot trail up your throat, he felt you shudder above him, your cry bouncing off the walls of your house. He watched the bliss wash across your face and wanted to see it again. As many times as you’d permit him. Pressing his hips up and grinding roughly against the seam of your pants, he felt his body lock up—his rough moan pressed to your chest. His cock twitched in his pants, cum soaking through the fabric.
It would get uncomfortable soon, but he had you on top of him, pressing kissing down his neck and sucking on the skin. Drawing out another soft moan.
“That was new,” you said softly, smiling into his shoulder. He chuckled, hands moving to cover your ass. “Although I wouldn’t mind adding that to our nights.”
“Shitty caf and a good fuck?”
You slapped his shoulder, body shaking as you laughed and he couldn’t stop himself from joining. Feeling a type of joy that only came around you. He wanted to lock it in his chest. To remember what this felt like even when he wasn’t there with you. But to Cassian there was no place he’d rather be.
“Perfect,” you whispered, brushing your lips against his, sealing your future with a kiss he felt down to his toes.
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candyfloss5000 · 9 months
Does anyone else make private tiktok videos about their ocs cuz youre too scared that people you know will see them and make fun of them??? Just me??? Okay😭
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teddy06writes · 8 months
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Cassian Andor x gn!reader
Prompt: "The only person that gets to kill you, is me."
Warnings: non specific description of injuries
Premise: After a mission for the rebellion goes south and Cassian lands himself in the infirmary, you give him a piece of your mind. Told from Jyn's perspective.
(presumably takes place at some point after Rouge One, in an Everybody lives universe)
It was supposed to have been a relatively routine mission. Two days at the most, including travel time; get in, get the intel, get out. That's all it was intended to be. That was until Cassian saw an opportunity to get a leg up, and Jyn had gone along, right up until that leg up turned out to be at a steeper price than they had planned.
Now, sitting in the infirmary on Yavin IV, Jyn was certainly beginning to regret it. Neither of the two were hurt badly, Jyn only sustaining a few scrapes and bruises from their quick escape, nothing a bit of bacta spray couldn't fix. Cassian had gotten the worst of it, and would be forced to take it easy for the next week or so until he had healed up enough to go back out in the field.
When the doors to the infirmary slammed open with a bang, Jyn couldn't even muster up shock. Cassian had mentioned that you would be furious at him.
"Are you kidding me? Are you an idiot Cass?" You demanded, storming past Jyn and strait to Cassian's bedside.
K-2SO lumbered along behind you, stopping beside Jyn, "To be fair, I did try to stop them."
"No you didn't." She said, watching in amusement as you continued to rant.
"No, I didn't." K2 agreed.
"You can't just go throwing yourself into things like that because you think it will accomplish something! What good are you to the Rebellion if you go off getting yourself killed for the tiniest bit more information!"
Cassian just kept looking up at you, waiting patiently, the same love struck in his eyes that Jyn saw every time you came near, or even came up in conversation.
"There are people here counting on you to come back! I'm counting on you to come back! God for someone so smart you make the dumbest decisions sometimes- Your so worrisome, and stubborn and aggravating and- Damn it, Cass, the only person who gets to kill you, is me!"
After this final exclamation you fell silent, staring down at him with a flushed, exasperated expression on your face that had Jyn struggling to hide her laughter.
Gently, Cassian took your hand, where it had fallen back to your side after your gestures had ended, "And you'll still have the chance, y/n. I'm okay. It's okay..."
In a moment, you deflated, your frustration suddenly disappearing as you squeezed his hand back, slowly sinking down into the chair beside his bed, "I was so worried Cassian. You can't scare me like that again."
Your voices grew too hushed for Jyn to make out, as Cassian reassured you, your hands still clasped between you. So she stood, all but dragging K2 out with her to give you space.
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biggestsimponhere · 1 year
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Photos of the star wars men being boyfriend coded. I love them sm.
Reblog with more cause there are simply never enough.
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Star Wars Masterlist
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One Shots
Pasaana Festival - Poe x Reader 
Change Your Name... - Poe x Reader
The Spice Runner Story - Poe x Reader
Back Home - Poe x Reader
Confusion In The Force - Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader
The Younglings - Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader
You Did What? - Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader
Reckless - Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader (Ft Anakin)
Homesick Padawan - Young Anakin, Reader (ft. Obi-Wan)
Mission Jealousy - Cassian Andor x Reader
Crossed Lines - Cassian Andor x Reader
Side Quest - Reader, Boba Fett, Fennec (all platonic)
Imagines + Mini Fic
Imagine Cassian helping you dress a wound after a difficult mission
Imagine Poe watching you fix a busted electrical box in the Millennium Falcon
Imagine feeling uncomfortable on a planet in a galaxy far away (Poe Dameron)
Imagine Poe’s reaction after he finds you packed to leave
Imagine having to leave on a Jedi mission suddenly (Obi-wan)
Imagine Obi-Wan confessing that he’s in trouble
Imagine Obi-Wan helping you out of a situation
Imagine Obi-Wan trying to understand what is troubling you
Imagine getting a holo-call from Boba Fett and Fennec Shand
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(Return to the Easy Navigate Masterlist)
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pedrito-friskito · 1 year
cassian andor + smut prompt #10
i am a whore <3
nonnie if you're a whore I'm a whore 🤍
you called - cassian andor x fem!reader
word count: 3.1k (this one got away from me can you tell?)
warnings: unprotected p-in-v, brief oral (f receiving), jealous/possessive!cassian
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“Two shots of Corellian whiskey, please,” you ask, stepping up to the bar beside Cassian. The sound of your voice almost makes him jump, but he hides the movement smoothly, adjusting in his seat. From the corner of his eye, he watches you lean back against the bar, propping your elbows on it. You wait for a few other patrons to pass before you drop your voice low. “You’re late.”
“I am not late,” he grumbles, polishing off the rest of his own drink. “I’ve been here waiting for you for hours now.”
You scoff a laugh, shaking your head. “After all this time and you still think you can lie to me, Cassian? You don’t think I had a lock on your ship the moment it entered the atmosphere?”
He balks, tries to hide it and fails. You’re good. Too good. He doesn’t say a word, shakes his head as the bartender returns with two shot glasses, placing them on the bar between you and him.
“That Fondor looks like it’s more mod than original,” you comment, reaching for one of the shots. “Where’d you steal it?”
“I didn’t steal it,” he shoots back, watching your brow raise. “It’s on loan, from a friend.”
“You don’t have friends, Cassian,” you quip, tossing back your shot. You slide the second one over to him. “Just people you owe money to.”
“I don’t owe you any money,” he mutters, unable to stop himself from giving you a cheeky grin. “What does that make us? Friends?”
“You know exactly what we are,” you return, giving him a sideways glance before setting your glass back down. “The mark just walked in. Keep an eye out, will you?”
“I always do,” he replies, and then you’re gone.
This is an old habit for Cassian. He’s known you a long time; you grew up on Ferrix same as him, but you managed to get off-world far before he could bring himself to. By the time he first met up with you on Coruscant, you had already started to make a name for yourself in the Capital’s underworld, and Cassian was in awe. He longed to get the hell off of Ferrix, to go somewhere warm and easy and carefree. He knew Coruscant wasn’t that place, but judging by the amount of credits you were raking in, it was a step in the right direction.
You sent for him often, over the years. He was the only one you trusted to watch your back, to keep a careful eye while you gathered intel, traded information with some of the shadier types in the galaxy. Most jobs went off without a hitch, but there were more than a handful of times where Cassian had started bar brawls to get you the hell out of dodge. He hadn’t had to kill anyone yet, but after everything that’s happened to him, he wouldn’t be surprised.
This is the first time he’s seen you, since everything happened on Ferrix. Maarva, Bix, B2. Luthen and his newborn rebellion. Cassian doesn’t totally know where he stands, what he’s doing, what his next move might be. But when he picked up your signal, Luthen loaned him the ship with little protest, and he was jumping through hyperspace an hour later.
You call, and he comes. It’s how it’s always been.
There had always been something between you, Cassian knew that much. His reputation might not have been the most pristine, but you never seemed to mind, having a bit of a rep yourself. 
But tonight…He could hear the unspoken in your voice, the strain of the events of the last time you met up. The job hadn’t been the issue - it had gone perfectly, in fact - but after, you asked him to walk you back to the apartment you had on the other side of the district.
He’d done as you asked, going so far as to bring you right to your front door. You’d asked him if he wanted to come inside, and before he could get the word yes past his teeth, you’d grabbed him by the front of his collar, and kissed him.
Clothes scattered on the floor, you’d stumbled your way to your bedroom. It was…blissful, in a word. It was everything he felt like he was missing, and that unspoken thing rumbled through you both, but there in your bed, he didn’t think it needed to be spoken aloud. It just…was.
Morning had come too quickly, and when he woke, you were gone. No note, nothing, just his clothes folded and stacked on the table beside the bed. He’d dressed quickly, and got on the next ship to Ferrix.
He wants to ask. He wants to know why you didn’t stay, why you didn’t leave him any sign that you wanted him to stay. But after everything that’s happened, it feels inconsequential, almost.
Cassian drinks down the shot, setting the glass down on the bar with a little too much force. You’re easy to spot, weaving your way through the bar to a man lurking in the dark corner. Brow furrowing, his hand brushes over his coat, where his blaster sits, tucked against his hip. He’s gotten quick on the draw, since he last saw you.
The man spots you as you draw closer, and Cassian bristles at the recognition on his face. He’s glad to see you, and it only becomes more and more evident as the two of you move closer and closer together, heads bowed as you speak, the man’s hand moving to rest on your hip. Then it moves up your back, pressing into the dip of your spine, and Cassian grits his teeth.
Something like jealousy flares in his gut. No, not something like it, but the thing itself.
He wants to touch you like that again, like he had that night. Seeing someone else with their hands on you…his fingers twitch over the blaster again.
No, something else warns him, a clearer voice in his head. That won’t go well, and you know it.
So instead, he watches. He leans back as casually as he can, one elbow leaned on the bar, tapping his other hand against his thigh. The conversation doesn’t last much longer, and before he knows it, you’re returning to his side, a contented grin on your face.You toss your hair over your shoulder as you wave down the bartender again. “Another round.”
“Got everything you needed?”
“And then some,” you reply, looking at him over your shoulder. “Thank you for coming, Cassian.”
He just nods. “That’s what friends are for, right?”
“We’re not friends,” you say, shaking your head as the bartender brings you another two shots. You toss them both back quickly. “I thought we made that clear the last time you were here.”
“The last time?” he repeats, lifting a brow. “You mean when you dragged me to bed and disappeared the next morning? That last time?”
He doesn’t mean for it to come out with such venom, but it does. Jealousy has taken hold of him and refuses to let go. His blood boils with it.
You narrow your eyes at him, your tongue poking between your lips to wet them. He watches the movement and ignores the way it makes his trousers tighten. He’s mad at you, he’s so glad to see you, he’s infuriated at you for leaving him alone last time, he’s so in love with you he might burst into flames.
“You’re jealous,” you determine, and though everything in him screams YES!, he rolls his eyes, turning half away from you. But you don’t let him go far, grabbing his shoulder and spinning his stool back in your direction. “Tell me I’m wrong, Cassian.”
Your hand moves from his shoulder to his thigh, and Cassian’s jaw goes tight. “We are not friends.”
“No,” you agree. “We’re more than that.”
“And your way of telling me that was disappearing the next morning, waiting three months, and then calling me to be your sidekick again?”
Your face falls, and you step back, removing your hand from his leg. “Come with me.”
Without another word, you turn on your heel and stalk out of the bar. Cassian only finds it in him to move when you reach the doorway, and then he’s all but chasing you, walking the almost familiar path to your apartment. You take the stairs, seeming to float up them as Cassian almost struggles to keep up. He loses you for a moment, but when he reaches your door, it’s open, only closing when he steps inside.
He calls your name, hears your quiet in here come from the direction of your bedroom. The place looks the same as he remembers and as he rounds the corner of the hallway, stepping into your room, he finds you perched at the edge of your bed.
“I left in the morning to get us breakfast,” you admit, looking up at Cassian, your eyes shining in the dark. “I’m not here a lot, and there wasn’t any food, so I went to get us something. When I came back, you were gone, and I realized I’d made a mistake.”
He says your name again, softer, and you shake your head.
“And then I started hearing the rumours, about Ferrix, about you. I heard about Aldhani, about Narkina-5, all of it. I even called Brasso, and that was when he told me about Maarva. I’ve been trying to call you ever since then, but nothing was going through. Then I met Vel, and she gave me the right frequency to contact you.”
Cassian sighs, leaning against the doorway. He never even questioned how you’d gotten his contact info after he was off Ferrix…he just…
You called, he came.
“You met Vel,” he says, unsure of what else to say.
You nod. “Hell of a woman.”
Cassian nods. “So you know, then. About the Rebellion.”
“I do. Figured I should put my talents to good use. Better than ripping off ex-senators and making credits I don’t need. And, if it keeps me closer to you, then it’s a win on all sides, as far as I can tell.”
His stomach drops into his toes. “You’re joining?”
You nod again. “Aren’t you?”
“Yes. I tried to resist it, I really did. But now…everything else seems…”
“Meaningless?” you supply. You pull your eyes from his. “For what it’s worth, Cassian, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t call you sooner. I’m sorry about Maarva, Ferrix, all of it. ”
“You didn’t cause it,” he replies, propping his hands on his hips. “I did that all by myself.”
“Come here,” you say, your voice going soft and your eyes meeting his once more. “Please?”
Slowly, he closes the distance. He watches you reach for him, your hands moving to the belt that holds his blaster, undoing it quickly and letting it slip to the floor. He tries not to groan when your hands move under his loose shirt, fingers curling around his hips. 
Silently, he shakes his coat off, letting it drop to the ground before he hooks two fingers in the back of his shirt, pulling it forward off his torso. It joins the pile on the floor and then he hisses, your teeth sinking into the skin over his hip bone. He lets one hand dive into your hair, holding you against him, feeling your tongue soothe the mark you’ve left behind.
“Promise me something,” he whispers, and you tilt your head back, pulling your mouth from his skin long enough to meet his eyes.
“Promise you’ll still be here in the morning.”
“I promise.”
You kiss your way across his waist, fingers working the button on his trousers while you distract him with your mouth. He’s got both hands in your hair now, silk between his knuckles, and it almost pulls his focus completely, enough that you have to repeat the next words out of your mouth.
“You never answered me.”
“Back at the bar, I said you were jealous. You never answered me.”
You pull his zipper down, snap the elastic of his boxers against his skin. Cassian hisses. “I thought it was obvious.”
“It was,” you agree, nipping at his hip again. “I just wanted to hear you say it.”
He tightens his grip on your hair and pulls, just hard enough that your head tilts back and he bends slightly, pulling his body away from yours, but putting his face close enough that he can feel your breath on his cheek.
“You have any idea how much I hated seeing someone else touch you? Someone else put their hands on you?”
You inhale sharply, sinking your teeth into your bottom lip, and Cassian prods it with his thumb, pulling it free, rubbing the pad of his thumb across the plush of your lip. “Show me.”
And he does.
He makes quick work of your clothes, shucking his trouses off once you’re naked on the bed. You don’t let him go far, surging up to kiss him when he steps back to undress completely. Your hands are in his hair, same as his are in yours, and Cassian groans when you tug, both of you finding similar pleasure in the movement.
The first night was different. You’d stumbled your way through the dark, finding your peaks quickly. You’d fallen asleep after, and Cassian had watched you for a while before drifting off. That unspoken thing lulled him to sleep.
But now, he turns the bedside light on. The room illuminates with a soft orange glow, and he leans over you, until you fall back against the pillows and blankets, laid out for him, reaching for him. He molds himself into your palms, covers your body with his own. 
The first night, he hadn’t had the chance to taste you. Refusing to miss out a second time, he arranges you on the bed, pushing your knees apart to make room for his shoulders, tracing his mouth along the inside of your thigh, eyes darting between your glistening cunt and your face, the way your eyes roll back in your skull when he buries his head between your legs and sucks your clit between his teeth.
He wants to feel you cum on his face, to feel your thighs tremble around his ears, but you have other ideas. You haul him up with a gasp, fitting your mouth to his and licking your taste out of his mouth. “I wanted to-” he starts, but you cut him off, reaching between your bodies and squeezing your fingers around his cock.
“Plenty of time for that later,” you murmur, lips at his jaw, words spoken into his skin. “Right now I need you inside me, Cass.”
He groans as you stroke him, curling your wrist just right, but then he pulls your hand away, pinning your wrists either side of your head. Using his knees, he spreads your legs wide and drops his hips, the tip of his cock dragging through your wetness.
“Please,” you beg, your own hips lifting, chasing him, trying to notch his cock at your entrance. He teases you a moment longer, waits for the angle to be just right, and then he pushes into you. Your fingers flex against the bedsheets, mouth dropping open with a moan as his hips press into yours. Your legs twitch, one calf wrapping around his thigh. “Cassian, fuck, oh my-”
He covers your mouth with his, swallowing down your words and moans. You tighten around him, impossibly so, and he starts to move, finding his rhythm, filling you to the hilt with each thrust only to pull out almost all the way and do it all over again. Over and over and over, and you’re babbling into his mouth, straining against his hold. He leans up just that much more, pulling his lips from yours, both of you staring down at the spot where you’re joined, where he’s disappearing into you with every move.
“I’m the only one who gets to touch you like this, yes?” he grunts, hearing you gasp as he gives you one particularly hard thrust. He feels your head wobble with a nod, but he wants to hear it. “Say it.”
“Only you, Cass,” you breathe out, throwing your head back as you go even tighter around him. “Oh gods, fuck, only you.”
Pleasure coils like a serpent at the base of his spine, and he drops, trying not to smother you with his weight, pressing his face into the arch of your throat. You moan loudly as he releases your hands, curling his own around your shoulders while yours find purchase in his hair again. The bed shakes with your movement, both legs lifting to wrap around his waist now, your ankles hooked together at the small of his back. “Please, please, please, please, please,” you beg and Cassian bites at your pulse, groaning into your skin as his release threatens to overtake him.
“Cum for me,” he says, and you obey.
Your back arches and you make the sweetest sounds. He wants to bottle them, keep them for himself. He rides out your orgasm, keeping his own pleasure at bay until you’ve caught your breath, sighing at the press of him inside you, pulling him close. “Now you,” you whisper, nipping at his ear, lifting your hips so he gets that much deeper inside you, the warmth enough to swallow him whole. “Let me feel you.”
You call, and he comes.
He growls into your throat, fingers digging deep into your shoulders. You press kisses along his cheek, the space below his ear, his temple. Murmurs of how good it feels, how you missed him, how you’ll never let him go again, it’s the backdrop to the pleasure roaring through his body. It makes every muscle in him tense up before he relaxes completely, sinking into your embrace.
His eyes drop shut as he softens inside you, completely spent. Your fingers comb through his hair, soft kisses still scattered across whatever skin you can reach. After a few minutes, he finds the strength to roll off of you, falling onto the bed at your side.
You kiss his mouth before you get up, disappearing into the fresher for a moment, coming back with a glass of water for you both to share. Cassian gulps down the liquid as you slide back into bed with him, pulling the blankets over you both. You go to turn out the light, but he stops you.
“I’m not done with you yet.”
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tenelkadjowrites · 8 months
Reclamation - Cassian x Reader (NSFW)
👰‍♀️Summary: After spending ages carefully constructing a plan to flee from your arranged wedding, it threatens to shatter at your feet. But a mysterious stranger named Cassian may offer a way out...and a deeper personal connection.
👰‍♀️Word count: 6.5k
👰‍♀️Genre & warnings: one shot. smut. strangers to lovers. descriptions of an abusive relationship. mentions of alcohol. reader is in a wedding dress. unprotected sex. some dirty talk. oral sex, reader receiving. use of a knife to cut clothes during sex. creampie.
               The contact isn’t coming.
               You figured as much over ten minutes ago yet still waited. Your hand is curled around your drink which has formed condensation along the rim, lazily rolling down the glass, colliding with your skin. You’re trying to keep your breathing steady but the nerves are buzzing in your head. The fear is growing, bubbling in your chest.
               You need to leave now. If you manage to get off world tonight, you’ll be safe.
               Yet you remain rooted to your stool at the cantina counter, staring ahead at the collection of bottles that line the wall. Some of them glimmer in the dim lighting, others give off a bioluminescence that is entrancing and not for human consumption. All of them offer the alluring promise of drinking enough and forgetting your problems.
               But you need a clear head tonight, especially if your escape plan is turning to ash right in front of you.
               It doesn’t help that the cantina, so quiet every other time you staked it out, is busier than usual tonight. That meant a lot of curious stares at the woman in ornate wedding garb.
               You take a small sip of your drink, trying to figure out your next move. But your brain is stuck on the fact that your months of planning, all the sneaking around, the negotiations, finding a pilot willing to piss off one of the most powerful people on the planet, has gone to waste.
               The guests will be entering the venue for the wedding now. How much time until they realize you fled? How long until your image is blasted on every port? An hour, two at the most.
               The cantina is doused in a blue glow. A band is in the corner, playing softly. Unlike the loud and raucous cantinas that are in the hub of the entertainment district, this one offered a place for private conversation and the easy ability to abscond to the hotel above it. At the time of your planning, it made sense to use this cantina along with the hotel to escape. But now, you wish that there was a cacophony of noise and lights to get lost in.
               “Would you like another?” The droid bartender slides over, tilting its head with a small click.
               “No,” You mumble and it slides away without another word, going to the next patron.
               There is a sense of movement next to your right side as someone sits in the stool. You glance in his direction only to find the man leering at you openly. Your grip tightens on your drink. Impossible they could find me already, you think, wondering how fast the glass could be smashed in his face if he made a move.
               His mouth twists up cruelly when he opens it to speak. “Nice dress,” He drawls.
               You don’t reply. The droid bartender returns to take his order. Something moves on the other side of you. A quick glance out of the corner of your eye shows a weary looking man, a loose fitting jacket hanging off him, a slightly scruffy beard and mussed up brown hair. He sticks out, just like you do.
               He shows no interest in you, lost in thought. You discard the concern about him, instead focusing back on the man who is still gawking at your dress. You removed all the jewels that were laid upon a separate netting that was then placed over the dress, stashed as many as you could in a secret pocket you sewed in the inside of the skirt, and left the rest behind for some lucky person to find.
               “Why you all dressed up and alone?” The man asks – he already reeks of alcohol and there is an energy to him that you mislike.
               Luckily for you, he doesn’t seem to realize your dress is traditional wedding garb of this area. With the intricately woven long sleeves that puff out a little around your wrists, down to the beading along the bodice depicting two waves coming together which was done painstakingly by hand, ending in plenty of billowing soft blue ruffles that swirled gently when you walked, the dress was beautiful – even more so when the net of jewels was slipped on over your head and laid against the entire length of fabric. There was a large headpiece that came with the dress as well; it was heavy and made your neck ache, dangling with sapphires. That had been ditched back in your quarters.
Since the planet was a seafaring one, the bride’s dress typically illustrated waves crashing together but not done in beading. Nor was the headpiece usually filled with sapphires. That was because you came from a family with a lot of credits – but not as much as your fiancé.
               But this man is not only a distraction but possibly will attract more attention than you want. You needed to end the conversation and get out of here quickly.
               “She’s not alone,” came a low voice, “She’s with me.”
               Both the inebriated man and yourself look over in the direction the voice came from. It’s from the gruff looking man next to you, the one who showed no interest in anything but getting a drink. At some point, the droid bartender had given him a glass of something clear.
               You may be sheltered but you aren’t naïve enough to think this gruff man is your savior. He could easily be hopping in just to rob you later. But between your narrow options, you’ll take your chances with him.
               “That’s right,” You reply stiffly.
               “Bullshit,” The drunk man growls, leaning forward so that a cloud of heavy booze wafts over, “She didn’t spare you a glance when you sat down.”
               But if the gruff man is perturbed by the intensity the conversation is taken, he doesn’t show it. Instead, he tilts his face in your direction, looking up from his drink. You are struck by the depth in his brown eyes, so deep that one could get lost in it.
               “Not that it’s any of your business but we’re in the middle of an argument,” You say swiftly, tearing your gaze away from him to shoot daggers at the drunken man.
               “Which I didn’t start,” The man with the beautiful eyes replies curtly, “But you immediately jumped in with the ‘Cassian, how many times do I need to tell you that my mother is just like that’.”
               You pick up quickly on the fact he’s told you his name in a manner that won’t attract attention, easier to pretend familiarity to get this drunk idiot out of here.
               “I wish you wouldn’t be so dramatic.”
               “Me, dramatic? You’re the one that took off for the closest cantina after lecturing me about being late. Now, we’re both going to be late. I hope you’re pleased.”
               You purse your lips together in a motion of displeasure. “Maybe my mother was right about you. She warned me, the first moment we met, that you were trouble. And my life has been nothing but hell since you came into it.”
               You can hear the drunken man shuffling off with an irritated sigh. Even so, you continue the fake argument with Cassian until he finally drops the act, his shoulders slumping forward as he resumes his earlier position.
               “He’s gone,” He remarks.
               You look over your shoulder, relief swooping through your body. You are silent for a minute or so while making sure the man truly left before looking back at Cassian.
               “Thanks for your help.”
               There is a quick glance from the corner of his eye before offering up a curt nod. The droid bartender circles back around. Cassian motions to send it off but you speak quickly.
               “Let me buy you a drink as a thanks, at least.”
               “It’s okay.”
               “I insist.”
               Cassian relents, taking a long swig of his drink to finish it off. He places the glass on the counter with a soft clink and orders. The droid bartender beeps and spins off to go make it. Cassian turns in the stool, his full attention now on you.
               He’s handsome, you think out of the blue and then push the thought aside – talk about the worst time to notice such things. You’re supposed to be getting on a ship off planet right now and somehow you’re buying an attractive man a drink – damn it, you just did it again.
               Handsome but tired, you amend. There are dark circles under his pretty brown eyes, and a heaviness that clings to his shoulders as if being weighed down by something invisible. His jacket is well worn, fraying at the edges of the sleeves. His hands are dotted with tiny scars, nails bitten to the quick.
               Even though Cassian looks exhausted, there is a level of alertness in his eyes that shows that nothing is getting by him. He is aware of every movement, every person stepping into the cantina. This piques your curiosity. You wonder if he has a ship.
               “Is Cassian your real name?” You ask, pushing your glass that is now mostly ice water away from you.
               “It is. And yours?”
               You give your name as the droid bartender returns with his drink. Cassian looks at your glass. “Surely, you’re going to have another. Not leaving me to drink alone?”
                You hesitate, knowing time is short. But you are unsure where to go and there is a chance this stranger might have a ship to take you off world.
               He picks up on your hesitation. “Somewhere to be?”
               “I thought so. But it seems my transport fell through. So, I suppose I can have another drink.”
               “Going off world?”
               “Trying to.”
               “Funny, I didn’t think it was tradition to hold the weddings off world.” His words make you freeze. Cassian motions to the droid, saying, “She’ll have another.”
               At first you think that maybe your feeling had been right – Cassian does work for your fiancé and is toying with you before lugging you back to that monster. But he is still at ease, seemingly in no hurry. He catches your expression and waves his hand.
               “I’m not here to make trouble. It was merely an observation. It isn’t any business of mine if you’re running out on your fiancé.”
               “If that was true, then why step in and help me with that man?”
               “Now that had nothing to do with your wedding dress. I was just helping a pretty lady out.”
               The droid slides the new drink in front of you before buzzing off. You stare at Cassian incredulously. “Are you hitting on a woman on her wedding day?”
               He gives a small shrug, bringing the glass to his lips. “I don’t see the fiancé around,” He remarks before taking a sip.
               Your thighs clench, forcing your gaze away from this handsome stranger who knows you’re supposed to be at a wedding but instead sitting here. Logically, if he can tell you’re in wedding garb, so could others. Suspicions could be raised especially with a high profile wedding like yours. And meanwhile what are you concerned with? How attractive he is, how nice his brown eyes are, how strangely comforting of an aura he has.
               Since your fiancé had been shoved into your life and the arranged marriage contract signed, every waking moment was about how to escape the chains that were threatening to bind you. The plotting and planning to escape left no room for dalliances. It wasn’t even something that was on your mind.
               Yet here you are now, right at the most important moment of escape, and you’re getting sidetracked by Cassian.
               You swirl the liquid in the glass slowly, thinking about how to word your next sentence. “You don’t look like you’re from here. How do you know what traditional wedding gowns look like?”
               “And what makes you say I am not from here?”            
               “Your clothes, your posture, the way you’re hunched over your drink so no one will talk to you. We’re close to the port on top of that so a lot of travelers come in. But most of all, your voice. The accent…it isn’t native to here.”
               Cassian studies you for a moment. There is a note of approval in his gaze. After a beat of silence, he replies, “I’m just passing through.”
               “When are you leaving?” You can’t help but ask.
               He leans forward, closer to you than ever. You can see the stubble that grazes his jawline, the depths of his dark eyes and how his hair curls slightly at the back of his neck. You swallow hard, wishing that this stranger hadn’t burst into your life tonight of all nights. Maybe if things were different, you would have been able to take him as a lover, a distraction, for a little bit. But not now…
               In a whisper, Cassian goes, “Where are you looking to go?”
               There is a hint of desperation in your reply. “Anywhere. But I need to go tonight.”
               It is difficult to express vulnerability to a stranger in a cantina. There is always that risk, no matter how small, that he could turn you over to your powerful fiancé. There would be credits in it, after all, to return the bride to the clutches of the groom.
               But the fact of the matter is your original plan might have fallen through due to your fiancé’s machinations, leaving you on less time than previously thought. On top of that, Cassian has not given you any mental alarm bells going off. This might be your only shot.
               “They’ll be looking for you,” He murmurs, his pleasant expression not matching his words. This man is used to lying, you think. “Checking the ports tonight.”
               “They’ll be checking them tomorrow too,” You counter.
               “It’ll be worse tonight. They’ll be waiting for you to go off world.”
               “How do you know?” You fire back, impatience creeping into your voice.
               Cassian brings his drink to his lips, taking a small sip before replying. “I know you’re not getting married to a local farmer.”
               There is a thud in your chest at the realization he knows who you are – this man passing through, this mysterious stranger who is good at play acting and has a ship – and if he is aware of who you are, there is no way other people in the cantina don’t.
               Your voice is so quiet that you aren’t even sure if Cassian can hear the words. “Are you seriously suggesting I stay here tonight and leave tomorrow?”
               “That’s right.”
               Your fingers nervously run across the fabric of your dress. You did have a hotel room booked tonight only because originally it was going to be where the pilot was going to hand over a bag with your disguise and new ID card. But I won’t be getting that either.
               A thought strikes you. “It can’t be here. If the pilot was compromised, he would turn over the room key.”
               Cassian gives a small shake of his head. “No, not here. I have a room.”
               Your hands flutter uselessly at your sides. Your nerves and panic are starting to impact your thinking. “How can I trust you?”
               “You were going to trust the pilot and that wasn’t a sure bet either.”
               “We’d been planning this. I don’t even know you.”
               “Then stay here. But I have a room for tonight. We leave first thing in the morning. I can get you off world. I can’t tell you what planet we’re going to. All I can tell you is that it’ll be a lot safer than here.”
               The entire conversation was in hurried whispers, bodies leaning together as if two asteroids are about to collide. You realize that Cassian did this intentionally. To anyone staring at the two of you, it looks like lovers making up from the earlier fight. It would be easy to lean into him, pretend you’re leaving the cantina to become intimate. He’s set up the story. It’s up to you if it is to be followed through.
               Cassian continues quietly, “They’ll know you’re trying to leave tonight. Every port, every ship, will be searched. Come tomorrow morning, they’ll believe you stayed on world. They’ll tighten security here, start looking in hotels. That’s when we leave.”
               “How can you be so sure?”
               “I’m not sure of anything. But we can say this wouldn’t be my first time smuggling something or someone off world.”
               What are your other options? To wait to be discovered, hauled back to your fiancé, forced into a marriage you don’t want with a man who would only torment you? That meant risking it and going with the handsome stranger with the beautiful yet sorrowful eyes is your only option – your only shot at getting out of here.
               You tentatively rest your hand on his knee. Cassian’s gaze flicks down to the sight before raising to meet your gaze. “Alright,” You murmur, “Let’s go.”
               He takes a swig of his drink, finishing it and pushing the glass away from him. He then slides a few credits onto the bar top, slinking off the stool. He looks down at you and in that moment, you know that you’re risking your future to this stranger – while battling an intense attraction to him as well.
               “Follow me,” Cassian says simply.
               The sky has streaks of purple through it by the time you reach the hotel with Cassian. It is on the outskirts of the red light district which ended up working in your favour. No one questioned the way you leaned into the faded leather of Cassian’s jacket, the manner in which you’d tilt your head and giggle at something he said (which actually were just quiet directions on where to turn) or how his arm slinked around your waist and his hand rested lightly on your hip.
               Admittedly, even given the tense situation that your brain was well aware of sitting in, you are still noticing the stubble along his jaw, his bitten fingernails, the way his hair curls slightly against the back of his neck – all things that aren’t important given the situation. But all the mental lecturing in the world doesn’t stop you from taking note of these things.
               Finally, you arrive at the hotel. It is small and nondescript, crammed in between yet another cantina and a droid repair shop that is shuttered. It’s only three floors and looks like the sort of place that people would meet up to have an affair in. In other words, it’s perfect. Your fiancé believed you to be a fool which you took advantage of while plotting and planning your escape. Even now, he is probably confident of finding you at a luxury resort or stumbling into the space port. He wouldn’t believe that you would be someplace like this, simply because he would never go here himself.
               The lobby is run down and empty. You wonder if the wedding party has realized you’ve given them the slip. By now, they must know, are probably searching the estate grounds for you, beginning to question the staff. Your fiancé is going to start searching the spaceports, if he hasn’t already, because he would assume you’re going off world. The original plan had it that you would be in hyperspace by the time they realized you weren’t at the wedding. To still be here, in the city, made your nerves jumpy.
               Cassian takes you up to the third floor, walking down the hallway together. One light is burnt out, another flickers ominously. You can hear someone having sex in a room when you walk past and duck your face away from Cassian’s, feeling strangely embarrassed. Does he feel your attraction to him? He must find it absurd, given the situation.
               He stops at the last room on the right, scans the key card and enters. The doors shut behind you and your eyes get adjusted to the low lights. The room is small, one bed in the centre, one window overlooking a shabby building. The walls are painted blue although the paint is chipping in spots. Blue, blue, everything is blue no matter where I go, you think while pressing one hand against the wave design on your gown.
               You realize your arm is still entwined with Cassian’s. With warm cheeks, you separate, dropping the act of being his lover coming to the hotel. Cassian is already going to work, crossing the room and pulling a bag from underneath the bed, rummaging through it.
               “We’ll leave tomorrow at the first sign of light. My ship has a smuggling compartment which you’ll use just in case we get boarded. But I have a fake ID and falsified ship logs. Shouldn’t be a problem.”
               “What else are you smuggling?”
               Cassian looks up, brushing some of his hair away from his eyes. He’s sizing you up, trying to figure out what to tell you, this strange woman in a wedding gown trying to escape her fiancé.
               Finally, he settles on, “Some records.”
               You slowly walk through the small space, heading towards the window, peering out of it. From here, you can just see the night sky, barely making out the stars. It is dotted with ships leaving and your heart swoops with longing to be safe among hyperspace.
               “This is the right choice,” Cassian says gently from his spot near the bed, “I know it doesn’t feel like it. But this has the highest odds of success.”
               “I was supposed to be off world by now,” You mumble wistfully.
               “Well, you’re not,” He says bluntly, “But you’re alive and you’re not at the wedding. So, you haven’t lost yet.”
               You look over your shoulder. Cassian is slipping a blaster from his holster onto the bedside table. His back is to you. His posture is different; he is no longer acting, no longer in a character. Who is this man? You wonder. He’s a good liar, clever, at ease with a blaster and quick to come up with a plan. He isn’t smuggling weapons or drugs but merely records. But you bite off any questions before speaking them. It’s better to know little. To learn more about him meant getting involved and if complications arose, that would be bad for you. Better to focus on yourself and only yourself.
               When you turn back to look out the window, you realize the sky is emptying. The last few ships blink out like soft stars exhaling a final breath and nothing else remains.
               “They’re shutting down the ports,” You say as your heart jolts, “They know I’m gone.”
               Cassian’s voice is closer when he speaks next, eyes to the sky. “Grounding ships…” He glances at you out of the corner of his eyes. “Your fiancé is a powerful man.”
               Perhaps a tiny bit more powerful than originally thought. You didn’t think air travel would be cut off. Suddenly, you know that Cassian made the right call.
               He senses your train of thought because he leans closer while saying, “This isn’t my first time doing this.”
               You tilt your face in his direction. The heat from his body seeps into yours. You wish he wasn’t so attractive. Or maybe you wish to have met him in different circumstances so you could have taken this mysterious stranger as a lover and twiddled away the time sneaking from your fiancé with him.
               “Swooping in to save someone from an arranged marriage?” You try to joke but the words come out a bit more fragile than intended. “Because her plan fell apart after so much scheming?”
               Cassian’s eyes soften. “It happens to the best of plans. To dwell on what went wrong in the moment…does you no good.”
               You like the way he looks at you. Is it because you’ve been looked at with distaste or indifference for so long or because he looks at you so gently? It’s difficult to know – the time with your fiancé and all the struggles you’ve gone through way heavily on you. There has been no time to be in the present moment. Every second is plotting, withstanding, scheming.
               But there isn’t anything to do now besides wait for morning…and Cassian looks so inviting.
               “Just feels like I never have any time to even dwell on things,” You reply, “I’m running from one plan to the next or one interaction to another, just trying to get through it with as much of myself intact as possible.”
               It is the most vulnerable you’ve been with someone in a long time and it’s with a stranger. Maybe that’s why it’s easy. Cassian’s eyes grow distant. You wonder what he is thinking about, what memory is floating to the surface.
               Your bodies are close now. Close enough that you could touch him. It’s alluring, the idea of tumbling into bed with him, because he’s here and he’s present and he has those pretty eyes that seem to be holding a similar pain to yours.
               “Maybe dwelling in those precious few quiet moments isn’t what we should be focusing on,” Cassian finally says, “Taking those moments and making them our own is what matters.”
               Maybe he’s right. Or perhaps you’re both lonely and looking for an excuse. Regardless, you’re not going to overthink or brood on it. Instead, your lips find his, pushing all thoughts of the wedding and escaping out of your mind. Cassian’s hands are on your waist immediately, angling your body towards his. You can feel the urgency in his kiss, the desire to blot out the past and the future – you can feel it because it’s in your lips as well.
               The force of the kissing has you up against the wall a few moments later. Your hands are gripping his hair while his tongue is in your mouth. He tastes like the booze from the cantina and you cannot get enough of it. All the time and energy spent in fear and on schemes is wiped clean by the sensation of this stranger’s lips on yours and hands resting on your hips.
               You’re tugging off Cassian’s jacket. It falls to the floor, already forgotten. He is fiddling with aspects of your dress but the urgency is growing by the second and the entire thing is too cumbersome to remove. You make an impatient noise in the back of your throat.
               “Just forget it,” You say urgently, “Just keep it on.”
               Cassian hoists you up onto the small table in the corner, pushing the chair out of the way. It clatters to the floor next to the jacket. His hands are running up along the gown, bunching the fabric in between his fingers as the two of you work together to bring it up around your waist. You’re wearing stockings with pearls running down the sides – more expensive pageantry to show off at the wedding, to deflect from the terror that resided in the bride’s heart.
               The two of you are grappling for one another, swept up in the present moment and the relative safety of this run down hotel on the outskirts of town. Cassian’s hands glide up along your stockings, looking for the top so he can yank them down. But the band is buried underneath the layers of the dress.
               “Just rip it,” You plead and he doesn’t hesitate, grabbing the stockings and tearing them. The seam splits and the pearls go flying, rolling across the floor and making a mess of things. You don’t even make a mental note to collect them later to sell for money; you’re simply too swept up in Cassian. The remains of the stockings fall off your legs as Cassian is unzipping his pants.
               The wedding dress gets smushed in between your bodies as Cassian presses the tip of his cock against your entrance. Your legs wrap around his waist, pushing his length inside you. It’s been so long since you’ve been fucked but judging by Cassian’s impatience, it has been a while for him as well.
               He grunts as his cock is engulfed by your warm walls. Your hands grip the edge of the table as he begins to rock his hips while you inhale sharply through gritted teeth at how good it feels to have his cock. After a minute or so of getting used to being inside your pussy, Cassian picks up the speed ever so slightly.
               His hands are lost in the many layers of your gown. The delicate beading and pretty imagery isn’t made to be fucked in and you’re running the risk of ruining it. But you don’t care – there is something exciting about being fucked by a stranger in your wedding dress, an act of rebellion you didn’t know was possible.
               Each thrust of Cassian’s hips rattles the table against the wall. You’d feel sorry for the neighbors if this wasn’t a hotel that basically existed to be fucked in. You urge Cassian to keep going, your legs bouncing every time he slams his cock in you.
               “Is this what you thought your wedding day would be?” His voice is shattered, aching, lacing each word with lust, “Being fucked by a stranger in your pretty dress?”
               “You can ruin the thing,” You say with a bitter note, “Just keep fucking me.”
               “Gladly,” Cassian grunts.
               He pulls out of you then which is the exact opposite of what you want. His cock is slick with your wetness as he helps you off the table and towards the bed. The dress is a bit cumbersome to move on, even more difficult to lay down in. Cassian removes his pants and boxers hastily before climbing onto the bed.
               “W-wait,” You remember something with a jolt and Cassian stops immediately while you fumble along the side of the dress. Your fingers slip into the secret pocket and pull out a small switchblade, not wanting it to somehow accidentally hurt either of you.
               “Turning your weapons over?” He asks in a slightly teasing voice.
               You retrieve the gems from the pocket too, showing them in the palm of your hand before closing it. “Didn’t want to lose these either.” You slip the gems back into the secret pocket.
               Cassian makes a noise although you can tell he isn’t interested in the gems nor the switchblade because he is too busy lowering himself in between your thighs. He’s lost among the billowing pieces that make up the bottom of the gown but you can feel his tongue along your skin, moving closer and closer to your pussy.
               His tongue probes your slick folds before slowly tasting your hole. There is something dirty about having this man you barely know licking your pussy with the beautiful skirt of your wedding dress splayed out around him. You’re clutching the blanket of the bed while gasping as Cassian’s nose bumps softly against your clit. This lovely dress is not meant for obscene acts in this run down hotel. Your fiancé is tearing the space ports apart searching for you in a wicked frenzy to claim what he thinks he is and meanwhile your head is blissfully blank while Cassian brings the tip of his tongue flat against your swollen nub.
               Cassian’s hands are on your thighs, spreading you open wide for him. All you can hear outside of your moans is the dress rustling and the obscene sound of him sucking and licking your clit. He slips a finger inside your wet hole, pumping it hard and fast while flicking his tongue over your clit. Your thighs shake from how good it is and then you’re cumming, losing yourself to the pleasure as Cassian gives one last hard suck on your sensitive clit before untangling himself from the dress.
               His hair is a mess and he seems annoyed with his shirt which he pulls over the top of his head, exposing his fit chest and broad shoulders. Cassian doesn’t seem to care he is entirely naked while you’re in a wedding dress – in fact, you’re starting to suspect he’s getting off on it.
               Your face is hot and you’re out of breath from the intense orgasm. He attempts to enter you but the dress is getting in the way and he makes an impatient noise. An idea strikes you, one of passion and throwing caution to the wind. You push the handle of the switchblade in his hand.
               “Just cut through it,” You tell him, “I don’t care.”
               Cassian looks at you with a glint in his eye. He grins quickly and the blade catches the blue light of the hotel room, blinking briefly like a star, before he takes it to the dress. The fabric is delicate and can’t withstand the force of the blade. In only a few seconds, layers of the gown are gone, laying across the bed and falling onto the floor.
               There is something liberating about ruining the wedding dress. It is a signal to the universe that things are going to happen due to your own choices, not to survival. Allowing Cassian to cut the dress just to make it easier to fuck is something you decided because you wanted it.
               It reignites your passion and you reach for Cassian as he puts the blade away and tosses it aside before propping himself up over your body. Your legs, now freed without the constraining fabric, wraps around his waist and pushes his cock inside you.
               The beading of your dress is coming undone, spilling over the bodice and onto the bed. But neither of you care as Cassian slams his cock into you before lowering to press his body against yours. His lips are on your neck, up along your jaw until he finds your lips. His tongue is in your mouth, moans muffled between the two of you. Your hips lift to meet each thrust, taking his cock all the way to the hilt each time.
               Gone are the worries of all the plots and plans. Gone is the concern of getting out of here and fear about the wedding. All that exists in the moment is the way Cassian is inside your pussy and the warmth that rolls across your skin.
               Cassian’s fingers are on the top of the dress, tugging it down hard enough that a tearing noise fills the room. He exposes your breasts, bringing his mouth to one of your nipples and gently biting down on it. Moans are falling from your lips, urging him to keep going. He switches to the other nipple, swirling his tongue around it before straightening up. He grips your legs, resting your feet on his shoulders as he begins to fuck you in earnest.
               You love how it feels to be fucked by him in your ruined dress and judging by the way his eyes roam across your body, he’s enjoying it just as much. Cassian leans forward a little, adjusting the angle of his cock before ramming it hard and fast in your wet hole. His hair has fallen in front of his face and he’s panting as both of your orgasms draw closer and closer.
               Just to hear him talk in that sexy voice of his you like so much, you prompt, “You still like my dress after it’s been ruined?”
               Cassian hisses sharply and his cock goes all the way to the hilt for a second or two before he pulls out. “I think I like it even more now. Better like this than walking down the aisle.”
               You couldn’t agree more although your reply is lost by the next jerk of his hips which hits the sweet spot. Your fingers dig into the bed to hold onto something as Cassian’s thrusts grow erratic and messy.
               “Cum around my cock,” He urges quietly, “Let me feel you tighten around me.”
               Cassian fucks your cunt so hard and fast that each pump of his hips makes your body jolt. Your tits bounce, squeezed out by the bodice of the ruined wedding dress. This was not how you thought the night would go and definitely not how you thought the dress would end up.
               “Come on, pretty girl,” Cassian continues, “Cum for me in your nice dress.”
               Your eyes practically roll into the back of your head as your orgasm starts. It’s more intense than the first one and your walls clench around Cassian’s cock. He groans, giving one last thrust before unloading inside your pussy. Spilling out in your hole while you squeeze every drop from him, he moans again, going still. Together, you and this stranger finish.
               After a few moments, Cassian gently rolls off you, trying to collect himself. You gingerly stretch out your legs, basking in the afterglow of fucking like that. You tilt your face in his direction. His eyes are closed, hair a mess, toned chest rising and falling as he tries to catch his breath.
               Your eyes fall to the window, seeing a sliver of sky.
               A small dot is going across it, tracing a steady arc towards the stars, signaling they are no longer keeping ships grounded.
               You smile.
               Your breathing is unsteady, your legs cramping from being bunched up in the smuggling compartment on Cassian’s ship. Even though ships are being allowed to depart off world, there is extra security and scanning being done. It had been tricky enough to get to the ship without drawing attention, wearing Cassian’s extra clothes that didn’t fit properly and a cloak tossed around your shoulders. Better not to risk it further.
               You can hear the low hum of the engine idling but nothing else. It is difficult not knowing how it’s going. Your nerves are swimming in your stomach. You’re picturing getting caught, dragged back to your fiancé. You’re picturing something terrible happening to Cassian because he’s helping you. You rub the palms of your hands against the baggy pants but it doesn’t seem to help.
               And then, when time seems to stretch into an eternity, bending and threatening to burst with your impatience, the engine grows louder, a roaring that you can feel across your body. Still, you remain crouched, knowing Cassian made it very clear not to leave the compartment until he came to get you.
               Even though you hardly knew Cassian, it hadn’t entered your mind since sleeping together that he would turn you in. He gained nothing from it because he didn’t seem interested in any money. He carried a past within him, just like you did.
               The rumbling of the engine changes; it shifts into the familiar sensation of hyperspace. A few seconds later, the door to the compartment opens and Cassian is peering down at you.
               He grins.
               “Just entered hyperspace.”
               Relief bubbles up in your chest and you laugh. He reaches down for you, helping you out of the compartment. You could almost cry due to the intensity of emotions you’re experiencing.
               Cassian, with his gentle brown eyes and tender expression on his face, asks, “What now?”
               The question is a powerful one. Limitless with the universe at your fingertips. You aren’t sure how to show your appreciation to this man who helped you escape your wedding when the plan seemed to be in shambles.
               “I don’t know,” You reply, unable to stop from laughing, “I guess…I guess whatever the hell I want.”
               And Cassian laughs too, reveling in your personal freedom that he helped bring to fruition.
the end.
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dameronscopilot · 1 year
PLEASE can I please request Cassian x fem reader that involves thigh riding and the use of „good girl“ because I‘m a slut for this man
fell into place
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cassian andor x f!reader
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summary: in which a tight space and Cassian's firm thigh lead to an inevitable outcome. so maybe you don't hate him quite as much as you think you do.
word count: 1.1k
content: NSFW, smut, enemies to lovers vibes, thigh riding, oral fixation, coming untouched, coming in pants, dirty talk (mentions of: unprotected sex, creampies, masturbation)
a/n: i haven't written Cassian in so long, but this idea literally tackled me to the ground and held me hostage the moment i read this ask. thanks nonnie!
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Cassian Andor is the bane of your existence. 
Between his arrogant, reserved nature, his do-or-die attitude, and every stupidly handsome hair on his annoyingly pretty head. 
Fuck him. 
Fuck him and his cocky little smirks and the way he purposely let his beard grow back in just to drive you halfway out of your mind. 
Fuck the way he thinks he can show you up in every flight and blaster drill, only to still have the audacity to give you something akin to bedroom eyes when you pass him on the base late at night. The way he sometimes tilts his head when he looks at you from across the mess hall the next morning, a small smile tugging at his lips—as if he knows the muffled little sounds as you fingered yourself in the privacy of your quarters were his name. 
Over and over and over and—
Fuck his assumption that you’ll let him in, just because you’re as broken as he is. Maybe a little bit more, really. 
It’s these thoughts that are playing like a mantra in your head as you find yourself in a precarious position: wedged in a narrow, inconspicuous trench on the outskirts of an Imperial camp. With nowhere to run and your cover nearly blown in broad daylight, the two of you had no choice but to backtrack and slip into the small, overgrown, and undoubtedly long-forgotten hiding spot to wait for the safety of nightfall. 
And it would be fine—frustrating, but fine—if it weren’t for the fact that the trench was clearly made for one person.
…which is why you’re now awkwardly wedged in Cassian’s lap, straddling one of his thighs and forced to stare at his infuriatingly handsome face far closer than you’d ever allow yourself to on a normal day when you life isn't at risk.
Faced with the option of entirely wrapping your legs around his waist or plopping your ass in his lap, this had initially seemed like the safest choice. But as Cassian groans quietly at the discomfort of the hard dirt beneath him and shifts his body slightly, you quickly realize that this was a losing battle from the start. 
Cassian may look like he’s of average build on the surface, but fuck if he’s not a wall of solid muscle underneath his clothes. In your attempts to avoid eye contact with him, you find yourself distracted by the tendons in his neck, so you’re already mentally scolding yourself when you feel it—the firm, unforgiving press of his thigh against your core. 
Memories of the way you’d spent the night before leaving for this mission flow into your mind unbidden, despite your best attempts to clear your head. 
Your legs spread wide across your bed, slick arousal painting the inside of your thighs and soaking the sheets beneath you. The delicious stretch of the toy as you eased it into your dripping entrance. 
—how hard you came when you closed your eyes and imagined it was Cassian’s cock splitting you open, legs trembling and fingers shaking as you screamed his name into the pillow. 
Cassian grunts, moving again, and a small gasp escapes your lips at the pressure of the material tugging against your clit. 
“Can you sit still?” you snap, heart fit to burst out of your chest as it treads a frantic beat. 
He’s silent for a moment before moving again, ever so slightly, leaving you helpless but to exhale a sound caught somewhere between a moan and a growl. 
“Are you sure that’s what you want?” he asks quietly, his breath hot against your ear as you tuck your face into the space between his shoulder and neck. 
Later, you’ll blame it on the fucked up adrenaline rush from the danger surrounding you. How goddamn lonely you’ve been since you joined the Rebellion. The unfair way the rough caress of Cassian’s voice sets each and every nerve ending in your body alight. 
You can think about how much you’re going to regret this later, when you’re not trapped in a trench with a man who you’re convinced you can’t stand. A man that you spend a whole lot of time thinking about…considering how much you swear you hate him. 
Your response is a pointed cant of your hips, warmth curling in your abdomen at the feeling of your cunt freely dragging across Cassian’s thigh, your folds sliding through the slick arousal pooling in your underwear. 
“Good girl,” he murmurs, carefully bringing his hands up to grasp either of your hips. The calluses on his thumbs scrape against your skin at the waistband of your pants where your shirt’s ridden up. “You’re stunning, you know.”
“But,” he adds in a low tone as you let out a choked out whine when he tightens his grip and guides your next stroke, “you’re really gorgeous like this, when you loosen the slack on that silly leash you keep yourself on.”
“Cassian,” you gasp out when he presses his hot lips to the exposed skin on your neck, kissing and nipping his way down to your collarbone.
“I know,” he whispers, “Riding my thigh isn’t enough. You need me to fill that pretty cunt.”
You whimper, fisting a hand in his hair, and he chuckles, one hand slipping under your shirt to tease at your peaked nipples. 
“I’ll fill every tight little hole of yours with my cum for when we get back to the ship, if that’s what you want.”
“Please,” you nearly cry out, almost forgetting the Imperial troops stationed nearby. 
The hand currently squeezing and kneading your breasts slips away and clamps over your mouth as Cassian gives you a warning look, and you nod, continuing to chase the pleasure building between your legs. 
His pants are probably soaked with your arousal, too, at this point. And the thought makes your cunt throb. Another desperate sound crawls up your throat ahead of your impending orgasm, and Cassian slips two fingers into your mouth. He hums in satisfaction when the only muffled noise left is the wet slide of you eagerly sucking on his fingers, a sloppy trail of drool sliding down your cheek.
And then your climax hits you so hard your vision goes white, your entire body shaking with waves of pleasure that leave you boneless.
Cassian grasps your chin as you make no secret of the way you adjust yourself to sit fully in his lap now, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You reach between your bodies, surprised to find the hard outline of his cock slightly softened now. Amusement rumbles in his chest as your fingers glide over the sticky area where he came in his pants. 
“There’s plenty more where that came from,” he assures you, eyes sparkling with mischief before he leans in to kiss you once more.
Comments, reblogs, and/or asks are always appreciated!
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