#Castiel have your back
francheskalaraz · 1 year
(the ones you'll have to keep up with)
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sunforgrace · 8 months
you guys please understand they were going to say “CASTIEL’S PERSONAL HEAVEN” and paper the walls like a teen girls room with pictures of dean pictures of dean’s face PLASTERED onto the bodies of beefcakes all while cheek to cheek blares out. as brought to you by fucking metatron
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aishitara · 1 year
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i miss him so fucking much
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soullessjack · 2 months
idk i just think it’s a little weird that almost every character who gets the “innocent baby” / “little ray of sunshine” treatment usually ends up just having neurodivergent traits and actual negative traits in the show that nobody pays attention to. like idk man it just feels like diet infantilization to me and it’s a teeny weeny bit uncomfortable to see all the time
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t00muchheart · 6 months
Sometimes (often) I think about how Cas had to figure out how to be human on his own, how he was told to leave by the person he trusted most, got the job he could and slept in the storeroom of the gas’n’sip, was being hunted by angels who blamed him for any number of his past crimes, and how even in the face of that awful situation, he found a way to be reliable and kind and find a bit of meaning in what he did.
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jjs-other-other-blog · 8 months
3 major milestones of supernatural, the 200th episode, the 300th episode and the grand finale. What do they have in common? Glad you asked! Well, you see, the people behind spn hated Castiel and Misha with a passion, but they also couldn't get rid of them bc fans loved them too much. So they simply excluded fanfavourite main character Castiel (as well as his son, another fanfavourite main character) from all 3 of these huge celebrations. Because the show was always at its best when it was just about the brothers, amirite?
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quietwingsinthesky · 9 months
I guess I can't really get behind cas saving dean from hell as a destiel win, or lines like 'you don't think you deserve to be saved', because. this is not a point at which cas is doing because he believes dean is good and loves him or anything but. he saves dean because that's heaven's will. when he reminds dean that cas, and heaven, are who saved him in early s4, it's not him really saying 'you're a good man', it's a debt that he is using, pretty explicitly, to get dean to do what heaven wants. even the handprint reads like... ownership, in a way.
cas is complicit in heaven's manipulation of dean after he's pulled out of hell. that's what makes his rebellion later powerful, because this is an angel who believes in heaven so strongly that he will look into the eyes of the righteous man he saved and tell him that if he doesn't do what he's told, he will throw dean back into hell.
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pussypopstiel · 8 months
Misha collins may not have the most stereotypically or universally attractive front face profile but his 3/4 and side profiles remain undefeated and I don’t think this is arguable
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lesbiten · 2 months
bye why did i forget claire was jimmys daughter
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disabled-dean · 10 months
It's so clear that the writers had no idea how fundamental Castiel would end up being to the show because the episode after he's introduced Dean's like- harumph fine I guess angels *might* exist 🙄- and then he & Bobby and Sam spend the next 40 minutes running around after some fucked up ghosts that have been murdering hunters- as though that's really the biggest thing we should be focused on rn
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castielmacleod · 2 years
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Let him heal from his own issues or else <3
#Castiel#My posts#I have never seen a more traumatised self-loathing abused character be reduced to providing free therapy for some arsehole in every fic#Irdc if that arsehole is also traumatised self-loathing and abused if you’re still reducing Cas to his emotional prop#Yes Cas is a very compassionate loving empathetic supportive person but it very much comes at the cost of his own wellbeing#And NOBODY ever supports him back the way he supports them#At least not in the show. Unless you count angels like Balthazar and Hannah etc#And this translates very handily into the fandom. Like Cas has NO baggage of his own somehow#(And I mean baggage beyond pining for Dean or whatever. To be clear.)#Cas feeling worthless if he’s not useful. Cas feeling responsible for the downfall of the angels. Cas traumatised by violence loss death etc#Cas feeling unloved. Cas feeling unloveable. Literally this is all the same stuff you people#project onto Dean like constantly so why doesn’t Cas ever get to reconcile these things and heal from them????#And again. I cannot stress this enough. Cas getting kissed by secret good Dean in your au fanfics ≠ healing#And the thing is that I don’t care which sad boy in particular you ship Cas with if it’s Crowstiel Sastiel Destiel or something else#Because Crowley and Sam certainly have just an insane amount of issues themselves but crucially so does Cas#You treat his issues equitably in your fanworks or you pay him an hourly fuckin rate for his CBT services. Lol.
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girlblocker · 2 years
i dont actually care about the spn prequel and i will never watch it. however i am rooting for whatever outcome is funniest to me personally (ie. whatever causes the most suffering to cockles shippers who are watching it because they think jackles is going to pull a destiel hat trick)
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mattzerella-sticks · 2 years
Oh, hold up - hold up.
I just got another DeanCas parallel in the JohnMary story.
On the surface, yes, we have John helping Mary search for her father after he hasn't come home from a 'hunting trip' a la the pilot. But - looking at it as John and Dean are mirrors, Mary and Cas are mirrors - we have the set up for s4/s5 shenanigans where both John and Dean swoon over a person who walks into the room with unbelievable power (thee barn scene, Mary and John's true introduction) and THEN Dean helping Cas find HIS father (THE father) and along the way show him that there's another path that eventually leads to marriage and settling down outside the life of duty (which as we know is what Mary wants but doesn't realize she can have, a sprinkle of Cas, a sprinkle of Dean).
This might make no sense but if we are counting the types of relationships and parallels we got going on with the SPN flagship and the prequel, we have:
1) Sam and Dean by way of John and Mary
2) Dean and Cas by way of John and Murph
3) Dean and Cas by way of John and Mary
And wouldn't it be something if we see John being in love with Murph before moving on and letting him go and falling for Mary in the long-winded way we saw Dean let go of Cassie and then ultimately fall for Cas (the Winchesrer men both falling for someone with similar sounding names, Cas/Cassie, Murph/Mary).
Roundabout way of saying get pumped for the prequel folks!
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butch--dean · 11 days
the confession (jensen's version) | the night we met
"In my mind, I was sitting there thinking that... you know, it was like this flashback—you know they say that when you're about to die your life flashes before you. In my mind, I was flashing back to Lazarus Rising and seeing him walk through the barn with the sparks flying and all of the sudden all of these clips in my mind of Castiel and walking into the lake, and all of these things that are ingrained in my memory and seeing this now character have to say goodbye, but also knowing that my friend was in there having to struggle with this as well and I just thought he did such an artful job and such an incredibly nuanced performance in that moment that I was really proud of." x
inspired by @drulalovescas's post | watch it on youtube
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blanketforcas · 13 days
Jensen about the confession:
And I know it was something that he was struggling with. I know it was not an easy scene to A) perform but also digest personally cause it was his goodbye. And it was difficult for me opposite him, watching him give such a great performance, to continue to stay in the character as Dean. Because Jensen was watching this great performance from this friend, and also a character that he is, you know, is so fond of. And I was very much taken out of the scene. For me. Luckily it was on his coverage so he didn't see the Dean washing away and Jensen going just going like [admiration face]. But, you know, I had to remember: I need to give him- I need to stay in it for him. And he was so distractingly good in that moment that it made my job very difficult because all I wanted to do is sit there and watch him perform. Because he was doing such a bang-up job of- of-. And in my mind, I was sitting there thinking that... you know, it was like this flashback- you know they say that when you're about to die your life flashes before you. In my mind, I was flashing back to Lazarus Rising and seeing him walk through the barn with the sparks flying and all of the sudden all of these clips in my mind of Castiel and walking into the lake, and all of these things that are ingrained in my memory and seeing this now character have to say goodbye, but also knowing that my friend was in there having to struggle with this as well and I just thought he did such an artful job and such an incredibly nuanced performance in that moment that I was really proud of. [x]
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hypnos333 · 5 months
Helloooo! I saw that your requests were open for Hazbin- how about a reader who's a seraphim? Kind of Lucifer's protégé/child way before the creation of Eden, Adam, and Lilith.
And he just kind of left them up there alone and neglected because of her association/kind of Dad!Lucifer. So, it's kind of angsty seeing as how Lucifer was a better Dad to Charlie and the reader grew with envy and fell into that ring along with her brother (I've been seeing hc/rumor a lot) Cain.
What would happen their first meeting again? If this is too much I don't really mind so no worries! Have a nice day and thanks for reading!!
A/N: I’m sorry but I go by biblical too so this might be different but same concept and storyish
Like father like daughter
Lucifer x daughter Reader
Synopsis: Your dad left you young now you left him
How it started
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You are my Sunshine My only sunshine
You make me happy When skies are grey
Little you giggles at your father’s little song for you and only you. You were an angel whose mother was long gone leaving just you and your father. You made grabby hands towards him making his heart melt before lift you up.
“Boop” you cutely said as you boop his nose making him chuckle. “Boop” he said back making you giggle this time.
“Okay baby it’s time for me to go to work so Uncle Castiel is gonna watch you okay baby?” He asked you making you nod happily before rushing to your uncles arms.
You never knew that was the last time you would see him and with that you cried and cried for your dad until Sera and the other Angels showed you he forgot about you, he had a wife and daughter….
You watched as he singed the same lyrics he sang to you to her. You were only 5 and parentless watching your father abandon you but staying for another that his. That’s when you grew up odd with another angel. You were evil or as they say a bad apple.
You were Cain’s secret friend encouraging him to kill his brother Abel. That when you were sent down in hell where your dad is but you never cared to look for him finding some friends of your own.
You were older and more mature then her but she was the youngest, and you were the oldest. Does that mean you had to made the sacrifice to be left?
Even so it hurts and your growing hate towards your father and sister grew stronger by the centuries.
With Lucifer though he was trying everywhere to find you, You were no where to seen in heaven and no where on earth so you must be in hell. But even then he couldn’t find you.
You grew close to Cain when he came to hell after being full of pride and thinking he could live without God and with his punishment. You saw him as a brother the only family you considered. You were never gonna be ready to let your other family in your life and you meant that.
When you were both getting ice cream You heard something. “___!” you turned around to see lucifer huffing and puffing finally catching up to you.
“My Sunshine! Woah have you grown into a-” you punched him in the face. You the eldest of Lucifer punched him in the face and my god it felt great to do. Your unbelievable smile widen as you saw his pain. Call it fucked up as you will but you almost laugh on how pathetic he was and to believe you looked up you him.
“Don’t… Don’t call me that. I thought we both grew out of that nickname a long time ago” You mumbled before turning away from him having nothing else to say.
“___ I was trying to protect you! Don’t you understand I was going to come back for you. I-“COME BACK TO ME? NOW THATS BULLSHIT “DAD” BECAUSE SPENDING TIME WITH YOUR OTHER BORN WAS NOT LOOKING FOR ME” You interrupted him turning into your full demon form Lucifer looked at you in shocked and stunned.
“I was 5 waiting for my own father to come home” You stated calmly as Lucifer looked at you with tears in his eyes.
“Please give me another chance, I love you too much to let you go” He pleaded taking you hand but you yanked it straight away.
“You gonna know how it feels to let go of the person you” You growled before walking away from him.
“You’ll never know dear, how much I love you. Please…. Don’t take my sunshine away” He prayed as tears slipped down his eyes reaching out to you knowing your already far from him. knowing he lost his firstborn hurt
“Daddy! teach me how to dance!” A little you say as Lucifer looked up as a little you held your hand towards him he tried to reached but then you just faded. That little girl was long gone the moment he didn’t take you with him.
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