#Catholic workers
joy-haver · 8 months
Blessed is the aging activist,
Old beyond repair.
Planting trees they will not see the shade of.
Holding what was there.
Beloved is the old ecologist,
Seeds saved for me.
Taking time to tell the story,
Lineage braided into beads.
Beautiful is the old AIM sailor,
Ghost dance at Alcatraz.
Carving trails before we walked the way,
Tying future into past.
Blessed is the old abortionist,
Self trained nurse Jane.
Changing course of shifting rivers.
She held us through the pain.
Beloved is the Catholic worker
His Blood on atom bomb,
Knowing above, below, are together,
And that heaven is earth-to-come.
Beautiful is the old musician,
Protest song on tongue,
Taking the time to tell the story,
Of what has and will come.
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portraitsofsaints · 2 years
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Dorothy Day Servant of God 1897-1980 Co-founder of the Catholic Worker Movement
Dorothy Day was an American journalist, social activist, and Catholic convert. In the 1930s, Day worked closely with fellow activist Peter Maurin to establish the Catholic Worker Movement, a pacifist movement that continues to combine direct aid to the poor and homeless with nonviolent direct action on their behalf. Her cause for canonization has been opened by the Catholic Church. {website}
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ffcrazy15 · 10 months
Heads up everyone, Starbucks workers are striking today. Observe the picket line if you can!
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and-her-saints · 3 months
while i have your attention!
i’m raising funds through this Dorothy Day print for the Elizabeth Catholic Worker Chapter in New Jersey.
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the mission of any Catholic Worker house is to assist people in need of food and shelter. guests receive help regardless of religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age or reason for homelessness.
if you wish to send any donations, the information is in the alt text/images above. they are also asking for donated chairs and tables in case you’re in the Elizabeth, New Jersey area.
they run free food, clothes and toiletries distribution on Mondays at 4:30PM and Saturdays at noon.
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apilgrimsprogress · 5 months
But I am sure that God did not intend that there be so many poor. The class structure is of our making and our consent, not His. It is the way we have arranged it, and it is up to us to change it. So we are urging revolutionary change.
Dorothy Day, "Poverty Is to Care And Not to Care"
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littleflowerfaith · 2 years
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Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, pray for us.
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moishe-pipick · 8 months
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The future will be different if we make the present different.
- Peter Maurin
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truedevotiondesign · 23 days
St. Joseph Rosary
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victusinveritas · 11 months
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Left side: In clockwise order from the top left, Dorothy Day (Catholic Worker Movement), Daniel Berrigan (Anti-Vietnam War/Ploughshares Movement/Peace activist, imprisoned for draft resistance activities), Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Anti-German government from 1933-1945, when he was murdered by that same German government), and Oscar Romero (now a saint, human rights and social reform advocate in El Salvador (Liberation Theology adjacent), murdered with the approval of the CIA in 1981). And then MLK.
Right side: Christofascists you are probably very familiar with. The least persecuted people ever crying the loudest that they are being repressed. Fuck 'em all.
It's weird to think my dad knew Daniel Berrigan (fairly well, they were in the Jesuits at the same time and Berrigan influenced him to become a CO during Vietnam, though his draft number was never called (he ripped up his draft card when he received it, kept half of it in his wallet for a long time, I think it's now somewhere in his office)) and Dorothy Day (through folks who had been with CW for a long time, he said she was great but the way some Catholic Worker folks revered her was a little culty, and this was in 1960s-1970s San Francisco, where most things were a little culty to begin with) along with several people who knew Romero and Merton (not featured here but Thomas Merton is tops). Small world, I guess.
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myremnantarmy · 5 months
"𝘐'𝘮 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰𝘰, 𝘔𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳."
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portraitsofsaints · 1 year
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Saint Joseph Feast day: March 19 May 1 Patronage: The Catholic Church, unborn children, fathers, immigrants, workers, against doubt and hesitation, and of a happy death
“Joseph, son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her, is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus. For he shall save his people from their sins.” -Matt. 1:20-21
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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the-mercy-workers · 1 year
"Mother Teresa and Me” tells the story of Kavita, a young woman who finds herself with an unexpected pregnancy. Battling whether or not to get an abortion, she returns to her hometown in India where her now very old nanny shares the story of Mother Teresa’s first days working in the streets of Calcutta. Learning how Mother Teresa faced many doubts after no longer being able to hear the voice of Jesus, Kavita is inspired.
I highly encourage reading the whole article! I'M SO EXCITED!!
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krist-420 · 2 years
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St Padre Pio
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St Padre Pio Quotes
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watchnpray · 12 days
i go to mass all the time but today was the first time i talked to the priest at this particular church and i might get more involved with ministry. makes me feel nauseous but good. 👍🏻
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popcornbutterfly · 5 months
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stairnaheireann · 11 months
#OTD in 1931 – The IRA and other organisations are declared illegal in the Free State and the Catholic Church excommunicates members of all of them, including Saor Éire, which soon dissolves.
The Roman Catholic bishops issued a pastoral letter declaring that the Irish Republican Army and Saor Éire, “sinful and irreligious and no Catholic can lawfully be a member of them.” The excommunication order was extended to members of all organisations outlawed under the ‘Public Safety Act’. The military tribunal created under the ‘Public Safety Act’ was established. The Government declared 12…
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