#died in 1968
krist-420 · 2 years
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St Padre Pio
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St Padre Pio Quotes
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filmjunky-99 · 4 months
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2 0 0 1 : a s p a c e o d y s s e y, 1968 🎬 dir. stanley kubrick
'Do you know what happened?' - bowman
'I'm sorry, Dave. I don't have enough information.' - hal
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chicago-geniza · 4 months
Sometimes have conversations with Stefania's ghost in my head where she asks me what's going on in Poland right now and I'm like "well it was once again voted the most homophobic country in the EU. Oh, and also it joined the EU. Oh, you don't know what the EU is. Okay let's rewind. Oh you don't know what rewinding means--"
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gameraboy2 · 2 years
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Il Marchio di Kriminal (1968)
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gracie-bird · 5 days
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Throw the footsteps of Princess Grace at La Verna Sanctuary, in Italy.
September 17, 2024.
This weekend, Prince Albert II travelled to Tuscany to visit the sanctuary of La Verna, in the province of Arezzo, and the medieval village of Rondine.
At La Verna, the Sovereign was accompanied by Anne Eastwood, Monaco’s Ambassador to Italy, Brother Guido Fineschi, Guardian of the sanctuary, and Brother David Gagrcic, the house Vicar.
A place where nature and spirituality meet, and where Saint Francis of Assisi received the stigmata on 17 September 1224. Prince Albert II paid tribute to Italy’s patron saint for the eight-hundredth anniversary of the event.
The Prince’s Palace adds that “Francis of Assisi embodies values that align perfectly with the Sovereign’s commitment to protecting the environment and biodiversity,” as the author of the famous “Canticle of Creatures” was named the patron saint of ecologists by Pope John Paul II in 1979.
But the visit had another, more personal dimension, as Princess Grace and her elder daughter, Princess Caroline, had also made the trip to the La Verna sanctuary during a pilgrimage by Monegasque scouts in the summer of 1968. 42 years to the day after her death, Prince Albert II was able to see the archives of his mother’s visit to Tuscany.
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(Princess Grace during her private visit to La Verna on July 28, 1968).
The Sovereign then visited the “Rondine Cittadella della Pace” in the medieval village of Rondine, an organisation dedicated to reducing armed conflict and promoting a culture of peace throughout the world.
The Principality has supported the non-profit’s actions for many years, and last year joined its “Leaders for Peace” appeal to the United Nations. The appeal encourages nations to invest in the training of future world leaders for peace and to educate the younger generations about human rights from school age, says the Prince’s Palace press release.
**Source: Monaco Tribune.
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got-ticket-to-ride · 1 year
When Geoff Emerick quit on July 15th 1968 due to the tense situation in the studio
About Ob La Di Ob La Da Sessions: "This was a McCartney composition that Lennon openly and vocally detested,” engineer Geoff Emerick asserts, adding that John viewed this song as “more of Paul's 'granny music sh*t'.” In his book “Here, There And Everywhere,” Geoff Emerick explained the atmosphere in the studio during the making of this album: “These days, the two former close friends and songwriting partners expressed little but disdain for each others' contributions; in fact, it seemed that whenever one would even bother to offer a suggestion to the other, it would be rejected out of hand, even if it was a good one. Paul and John weren't having legitimate musical differences; instead, they seemed to be saying, 'I don't like what you're suggesting because I don't like you.' They weren't necessarily angry at each other, but you could see that both were highly frustrated, and Yoko's constant presence certainly wasn't helping matters any. As a result, within what had once been a close-knit group, there was no longer any sense of team or unity; any camaraderie that had once been there had now simply vanished.”
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gregor-samsung · 1 year
" È fondamentale interrogarci su quanto la paura stia deformando la nostra vita e le nostre scelte, e se quel che temiamo di perdere valga veramente la pena che proviamo nel chinare la testa, nel rinunciare a seguire quello che crediamo giusto o che desideriamo. Il personaggio principale di Storia di un impiegato, l’album di Fabrizio De André dedicato ai movimenti giovanili che dal ’68 alla fine degli anni settanta hanno scosso la vita politica italiana, è un uomo che si pone queste domande in ritardo. L’album è uscito [il 2 ottobre] 1973, ed è stato il primo in cui De André abbia dichiarato il proprio orientamento politico; prima di allora le sue canzoni erano uno splendido riflesso del cantautorato francese, elegante e popolare allo stesso tempo. Adesso l’autore genovese affronta direttamente il tema della rivoluzione giovanile, della lotta al sistema: il protagonista dell’album è un uomo ordinario, che non si trova a vivere la sua vita dove vuole che sia, ma dove la pista della proprietà e dei ruoli l’ha portato. È la paura ad aver costruito le sue scelte, e nulla di quello che vive è realmente frutto di una sua decisione. È un uomo realmente così distante dalle nostre esistenze? In quale rigagnolo galleggia la realtà di questo trentenne e fin dove tiene nascosta la faccia, a rischio d’annegare?
Da quanti anni il suo e il nostro mondo s’è ristretto nel bugigattolo dell’ufficio, tra la scrivania ingombra e il muro dall’intonaco ingrigito? Con quanta cura, la mattina, scivola fuori dal letto per non svegliare la compagna? (E una sveglia non gli serve da anni: ormai è la ripetizione di ogni cosa a farlo alzare puntuale.) Quante volte ha fissato il suo volto allo specchio, controllato la rasatura, indossato la camicia stirata la sera precedente, la solita giacca, il solito nodo alla cravatta? Potremmo essere noi. Fuori il Maggio francese non vuole smettere di riscaldare l’aria: da tempo le donne hanno strani monili tra i capelli, sorridono con tranquillità e guardano negli occhi gli uomini. L’impiegato di De André le osserva sulla metropolitana, tiene le mani raccolte tra le cosce, le spalle curve, conta gli anni che lo distanziano da quel mondo: e non ne trova molti, ma ne trova abbastanza. «Eppure i miei trent’anni sono pochi più dei loro», pensa, e questo non gli dà alcun sollievo. L’ufficio è ancora al suo posto, nello stesso quartiere di sempre, allo stesso piano del medesimo edificio. Sarà così anche negli anni successivi, per ogni singolo giorno della sua giovinezza, inoltrandosi nella maturità, fino a costeggiare la vecchiaia: allora la gita sarà finita ed ecco il momento di scendere al molo. Avrà una buona, sicura vecchiaia. È questo che si dice salendo le scale e incrociando gli sguardi dei colleghi. Qualcosa da condividere con i figli, quando ne vorrà avere. Ha ottenuto un buon posto di lavoro. L’ha ottenuto molto presto. Di che dovrebbe lamentarsi? Mentre regola l’altezza della sedia e dispone le pratiche sulla scrivania, mentre comincia a «contare i denti ai francobolli», sente cantare in strada, oltre la finestra dell’ufficio. Un corteo, colori, slogan e intorno la cinta scura della polizia, gli scudi e i manganelli sollevati, le spalle affiancate e i fumogeni. Guarda i manifestanti e pensa che soprattutto le donne, coraggiose e indipendenti, sono bellissime. Prova a immaginarsi in mezzo a loro, e si sente ridicolo: in piazza dietro la muraglia di caschi, schiacciato dai corpi di chi fugge alle cariche. Sarebbe letteralmente «fuori luogo». Nessuno tra quei ragazzi lo conosce e poi, come dovrebbe vestirsi? In mezzo al corteo sembrerebbe un infiltrato della Digos. Ovviamente verrebbe licenziato: come fare a lasciare il posto di lavoro per un motivo simile? E come spiegarsi, più tardi, con la compagna? "
Salvatore La Porta, Less is more. Sull’arte di non avere niente, Il Saggiatore (collana La Cultura, n° 1134), 2018¹. [Libro elettronico]
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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Robert F. Kennedy was pronounced dead at 1:44 a.m. (PDT) on June 6, 1968, nearly 26 hours after the shooting.
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actlikeyouvebeenthere · 5 months
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porpoise song embroidery in every universe… ok?
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hearties-circus · 6 months
Freddy krueger was 26 when he died?????
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caraitalia · 7 months
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emesis-blue-scout · 1 year
thoughts on martin luther ling junior
I really like the way he fought for the rights of himself and others. Hes a very important man, its a shame he died last april.. if I ever meet the bastard who killed him I'm gonna punch their teeth in
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softgrungeprophet · 2 years
amazing spider-man annual #5 add that to the list of comics in which peter is indirectly responsible for the death of someone trying to kill him lol
#peter my dude .... this was 1968 btw#nadia reads comics#personally i believe that the reason peter doesn't kill is quite complex and very purposeful#and i think that by nature goes hand in hand with the times he comes very close to it#or is indirectly or directly responsible for a death (i mean... uncle ben for one)#i think you can't have one without the other in peter's case personally#not to subtweet i just happened to read that yesterday and the push-pull of peter's violence vs mercy is always on my mind#on the flip side if anyone tries to debate me on this i will ignore you because it's frankly s conversation i am sick to death of#and i am sick to death of arguing with people trying to defend why i think it's not as simple as ''he doesn't kill ever''#also re asm annual no5 i don't think this was that deep tbh i think they were trying to blow him up so he used them against themselves#and it happened to be in a goofy-serious 1968 issue about the drama of his parents so when the bad guy died he just walked away#do i think it would have been interesting for peter to respond to the fact that he indirectly killed this old dude#yes. do i think it was in character for him to just leave because he was laser focused on finding the truth abt his parents? also yes#also frankly no offense to stan but i don't typically expect a lot of depth of character or philosophy from him#regardless of peter knowingly leading a seeking torpedo to hit a vehicle with his adversaries inside of it instead of#idk a building or something --again i don't feel it's out of character esp given the context#though i do find it interesting#and is exactly what i talk about when i talk about him toeing and frankly often crossing the line#i find that historically over the past 60 years the no kill rule has NEVER been black and white or cut and dry#and he has broken it indirectly on many occasions (and beyond the jokes about videogame ''non-lethality'' 😂)#anyway idk what my point is but it's an interesting read and i like peter's itchy grandpa sweater outfit#such a handsome young man
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famousdeaths · 22 days
John Hartle was an English professional road racer who competed in national, international and Grand Prix motorcycle events.
Link: John Hartle
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queerographies · 1 month
[Con questo nemico ci facevamo l'amore][Virginia Niri]
Nel lungo Sessantotto italiano, l'autocoscienza femminista e la presa di parola hanno rivoluzionato la storia. Virginia Niri analizza tali metodi, puntando sulle tematiche di genere, sessualità ed emozioni.
Dal Sessantotto al postporno: come l’autocoscienza femminista ha trasformato la storia Titolo: Con questo nemico ci facevamo l’amore. Autocoscienza e costruzione di nuove identità nel lungo Sessantotto italianoScritto da: Virginia NiriEdito da: editpressAnno: 2024Pagine: 332ISBN: 9791280675385 La sinossi di Con questo nemico ci facevamo l’amore di Virginia Niri L’autocoscienza femminista e il…
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gracie-bird · 2 years
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Princess Grace during a private visit to Chiusi Della Verna (Arezzo), Italy, on July 28, 1968.
Photo by Giannini Bibbiena (private collection) via eBay.
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