i-whump-dat · 1 year
Ehem, well, this is the show that keeps on giving!!
Danmachi S4 Ep 21
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cauterizedpod · 1 year
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Another day in the lab, Naomi works with Raven on socializing while Bunnie is our running errands. Raven is very friendly to the right people and Naomi happens to be her favorite person other than Kadin, her Communicator, a telepathic handler of sorts.
Cauterized, an audio-drama about the things we leave behind. Coming soon ❤️‍🔥
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whlskr · 1 year
ASK MEME TIME! Bunnie: 12, 14, 22 Naomi: 4, 8, 27 Kadin: 2, 16, 32 Brook: 1, 18, 35 AND FOR YOU B, C, D about all of them >:D
Bunnie, 12, 14, & 22
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12: How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
I feel like Bunnie would definitely bother Naomi until she helped. If they were not together, she'd simply be like a bear and scratch against a wall.
14: What animal do they fear most?
They have live-cams on the surface that the residents of the Undursa watch like Old Time Discovery Channel. I'd say they have some sort of unofficial deadliest animal poll going around base that Naomi and Bunnie watch with joy. Bunnie would be all about watching the animals on the surface but for sure has a mental list of one's she would not fuck around with.
I don't have names for a lot of the Cauterized wildlife but the guy on the cover is everyone's least(most?) favorite sharp friend on the surface. Huge green monster that prowls around deep wooded areas. Different residents call her different things but Naomi calls it the Jabberwocky based on a song from her childhood.
22: How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? 
Bunnie is for sure a 'I simply won't leave your side' kind of jealous. :) No one else can get too close without also having to deal with her. Possessive, but in a 'I'm taking care of you' way. Having an unrequited crush for 20yrs will do that to you.
She'd never actually get in the way, but she's definitely be making sure you deserve her person and that you're treating them right. And she'd be quick to let you know if you crossed those generally reasonable lines. She totally would not fight you over Naom
B) What inspired you to create them?
Naomi needed a foil and had been one of my characters for years. I was evaluating the team and decided that it needed someone softer to bring it together. This was born Bunnie! And her sister. :) Brook is a more firm character that offsets Bunnie's non-serious demeanor. With Kadin, it created a well rounded team that could play off each other's strengths.
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
Bunnie was created to fill in a gap, so it felt like the story always was missing her once I added her in. She brings them together in a way I love and appreciate. Bunnie is the glue to the team, irreplaceable 🙃
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
Bunnie went through several rapid design changes. She was loosely based off an old webcomic character of mine named Lo. The blonde hair spilt off to the side comes from that design. When I showed her official design to my brother-in-law, he immediately said she looked like me with blonde hair/no glasses. I sat on that comment and decided to redesign most of my characters to reflect their voice actors. :)
Naomi: 4, 8, & 27
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4: How easy is it to earn their trust?
Naomi isn't a particularly trusting person, though she just keeps herself at arms length from others. She has a small group of people she lives and trusts. If one of those people trusted someone, she'd follow suit however.
8: What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child
Naomi was definitely a 'I will not shut up about my special interests' kind of kid and I can imagine her being told to be quiet often. She was a pretty extroverted child before everything happened to her. I imagine being repeatedly told to hold her joy closer to her chest created an adult version of herself that doesn't talk much about what makes them happy.
27: What causes them to feel dread? 
The smell of smoke and the sound of fire both make Naomi's stomach drop. It makes her scars burn. She avoids fire at all costs, which is thankfully generally easy in an underwater base.
B) What inspired you to create them?
Naomi was actually originally a waterbender ATLA OC. This was VERY short lived because I immediately fell in love with the concept of her character. She's for sure a vehicle for my own daddy issues, though she's got it much worse than I do. Naomi really is a character for working through my own issues at age 19. She's not nearly the self-insert she used to be. I've grown a lot in the last 7 years. Naomi's kinda like the scared kid I used to be. I love her very much, like she's a younger version of myself.
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
Nope. The story was designed for Naomi. She's the main character, even if it's mostly told by Bunnie. Everything in Cauterized revolves around Naomi ❤️‍🔥
There was a period where I couldn't make sense of her team as a whole and couldn't figure out how they'd make it on the outside. The team was originally just Kadin and Naomi, after all.
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
Naomi's appearance has changed a lot. I think I've changed her skin tone more than anything. Where she was an ATLA OC, her race was originally really ambiguous. When I cast you as her, I decided to rebuild her around your favorite parts of yourself, as you know :') Now, I think she feels like the character she should be. Her core character has never changed, but her outside appearance has gradually shifted.
Kadin: 2, 16, & 32
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2: How easy is it for your character to laugh?
I like to think Kadin has a good sense of humor and laughs easily. I just think it's only around the right people. Kadin's good friends with the engineer Henry Gertsen. Their actors are good friends IRL. They probably get along really well and cut up together.
16: What makes their stomach turn?
Kadin has a sense of justice and seeing someone hurt really makes his stomach turn. He's not always the best at acting on that feeling, but always takes metal note of the underdog. He keeps watch over them for an opportunity to step in. Cruelty makes him sick, though he can be caught in inaction for fear of retaliation from command.
32:  Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? 
Kadin, unlike Naomi, actively makes jokes about his burn. "Gotta hand it to him, he had one hell of a grip" type jokes.
B) What inspired you to create them?
Kadin is a really cool character that's hard for me to go into detail about without revealing too many spoilers. He was created to be someone Naomi could rely on. Originally, he was her love interest, though now he's like a complicated almost friend, more co-worker type friendship.
Naomi's kinda scared to interact much with him personally because she wrongly thinks he has some sort of negative feelings towards her over their shared burn origins.
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
Kadin was one of the two original main characters, yet I've always kind of struggled with his deeper character. He's got a somewhat cold outer shell, calculating, though he's really a warm person who cares a lot. He's just very cautious and plans or ever move he makes.
Originally he was Naomi's guide on the outside and that's really not changed, he's just not her trainer any more. Funny enough, now Naomi's more his trainer over the bio-raptors at least.
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
They were several years younger in the original. Kadin was 23 or something like that. He's 28 now. Naomi was 19, she's 27 now. Honestly, they've swapped skin tones. Kadin got an overhaul when I cast Mitul as him to match him a little(I'm planning on doing a little more, though).
Kadin was also originally trans and in a sense, that's not changed, but he's not trans in a traditional sense. I'd say he's more he/they/it which is as close to spoilers as I can get.
Brook: 1, 18, 35
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1: What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Brook is a never sits kind of person. Being forced to be still would probably be torture. She could sit through a lecture or a concert but she'd be totally bouncing her leg the entire time. She'd die after anything longer.
18: What embarrasses them?
Brook would be embarrassed by crushes or by a public slip up during the trials she runs with the bio-raptors. Those, I think, would be hey only two blush buttons.
35:  How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? 
Brook is a very good big sister. She's very protective of Bunnie and looks out for her all the time. Their parents are both scientists in another lab and we're always pretty busy. As the oldest, Brook took it upon herself to fill in wherever needed.
This isn't always a good thing, however. She's not a very big fan of Naomi and could've been a better support to her. She thinks Naomi derailed Bunnie's life. Otherwise, Brook almost can't help taking control of a situation and fixing it. She's over all very supportive.
B) What inspired you to create them?
Bunnie was added for Naomi. In a sense, Brook was added for Kadin. She's a rival, a bright mirror, a foil. I wanted a firm, strong character that would step in when no one else would. She's a very important character to the team.
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
She was designed to fill in a gap much the same way Bunnie was. It was pretty easy to let her full the hole in the story she was made for. She's the strong, supportive big sister of the team who's not scared to lay down her truth.
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
Brook took a long time for me to settle on a design for. She's the newest character to the show. She's still in her original design as the one painting in doing is the only one I've made so far.
Apart from her place in the team, she's a very self-indulgent 'what I think an attractive woman looks like' + features from my best friend Jess who plays her. I realized after doing most of her character painting that she really just looks like a female version of my husband + a little of my best friend.
Thank you so much for the questions, Izze!!!
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letitbehurt · 2 months
Cauterizing wounds. A fervent “bite this,” before a bit is shoved between Whumpee’s teeth; shallow breaths and white knuckles; tear tracks and sweat-soaked hair; red-hot metal and burning flesh, Whumpee’s body tensing as they scream.
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jordanstrophe · 28 days
Whumpee's been pinned down by caretaker. They're calm, knowing it's just a precaution, but as soon as the burning rod gets closer to their body, whumpee starts shouting "Wait! Wait, I need just a minute. Please give me a minute!"
Everyone's face twists with sadness, before the one holding the rods gently says "If I don't, you won't be alive in a minute." 
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letthewhumpbegin · 5 months
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The Boys, s2e6
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painsandconfusion · 5 months
I fuckin knew someone had invented this so I didn't have to draw it myself-
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okay so imagine this
Dagger with shit cut into it like this so it slices in, then shreds as it pulls back out.
food for though
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Whump Prompt #1336
Anon asked:
Prompts for a character (with fire powers) having to cauterize a comrade's wound?
I have a few:
"Hold them down. This is going to suck."
"On three?" / "No no, just surprise me, I'll just tense up otherwi- OW!"
"I know, I know, It'll be over soon." The character with fire powers says, they hate the fact they're inflicting so much pain but it's a necessary evil if they want the whumpee to make it to the doctor/healer.
"Just do what you have to do." / "I don't want to hurt you." / "I'm already hurt. You'll be helping." / "I just wish there was another way."
Maybe the character with fire powers worries about losing control, as emotion and stress affects their magic. Maybe the whumpee is left with a larger scar than necessary because of it, and the character is now always reminded of the event because of it. How does the whumpee feel about the scar? Do they love it? Or do they secretly resent it/have to come to terms with it?
Bonus: "Ssh, sshh, I know, I'm sorry. It's alright it'll be over soon."
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hhoneycloves · 2 months
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This time, Host was clumsy. This time, Host left himself vulnerable. This time, finally, the dice were in Mind's favor.
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whumpback-wail · 9 months
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whumpbug · 25 days
this little fic is heavily heavily inspired by this post from @whump-kia because i just couldnt get the idea out of my silly brain so i brain vomited onto my notes app
context →
kinda sorta wilderness/sci-fi/apocolypse setting.. it honestly could go all ways but the important factors are 1) they are in a team 2) there are enemies they are on the run from and 3) there isnt really magic healing or anything available
i wrote it as medic kinda being the most competent one in general while leader and teammate are frazzled as hell at the situation and could be read as newer to the team but that isn't necessarily my intention!
whumpee: Medic
caretaker(s): Leader and Teammate
[all characters gender neutral]
The room fell silent. All eyes were suddenly trained on Medic who threw open the door and staggered in.
With a dagger wedged in their side.
The team had been on the run from enemies for the better part of a week now. Even though they weren't completely in the clear, the team was completely worn out. They all needed a good rest.
They were setting up camp at one of their many bases, and Medic offered to scout the area alone. Leader honestly didn’t think it was a good idea, but they were too preoccupied to think to argue it further.
Now, they sincerely wished they had.
“Medic.. oh god, oh god” whispered Teammate.
“Ambush,” They explained. “It’s.. it’s okay, I took care of it..” Medic replied cooly, but the color was quickly draining from their face. Teammate frowned and continued questioning them, but Leader heard none of it.
Leader took a shaky breath, but their feet were planted. They couldn’t move. They were frozen. This wasn’t supposed to happen. No, Medic was untouchable. Medic was steadfast and reliable, always there when the team needed them.
Medic wasn’t supposed to go out like this. Medic wasn’t supposed to get hurt.
Leader’s breathing hitched again. Their head was reeling. What were they going to do?! No one on the team was qualified to fix this other than the person dripping blood all over the floor, yet it was still Leader’s job to do something. It was too much, it was too—
Medic’s voice cut through the room like a knife through butter.
“I need you to listen to me. Carefully. Can you do that?”
Leader swallowed the lump in their throat. They nodded.
Medic took another step forward, only for their foot to catch on the ground, sending them stumbling forward. Teammate caught them by the upper arm and unceremoniously lowered them to the ground.
“Alright,” Medic began. Their face was scrunched up in pain. “Leader. I’m going to walk you through how to fix this, okay? I'm going to be fine.”
“Right. Right, I can help you.. just- just tell me what to do.” Leader said, forcing their voice to remain steady.
“Do you see that fire poker over there? I’m going to need you to grab it and stick the end of it into the fire. We want it to get really hot, okay?” Medic explained methodically.
If it weren’t for the blade sticking out of Medic’s middle, you’d think there was nothing even wrong with them. They seemed like everything was under control. They really seemed fine.
But not to their team.
No, their team didn’t miss Medic’s pallor, the way their eyebrows were pinched together, the way the sweat was beading on their brow. Their team didn’t miss the way their hands were trembling, the way their gaze was glassy, and the way they were slumped against the wall, seemingly sapped of their strength.
Medic was fighting to hold on, but it was a losing battle. They really didn’t have much time before they passed out from blood loss, or worse.
Leader’s resolve came back to them all at once. They nodded sharply and did as they were told, sticking the poker into the fire and leaving it on the hearth. While the team waited anxiously for the poker to heat up, Leader took the opportunity to adjust Medic into a more comfortable position against the wall. This earned a strangled grunt from Medic.
“Okay, Leader.. this.. this is important. Once that poker gets red-hot, you’re.. you’re going to have to pull out the blade from my wound and cauterize it.. immediately.” They choked out, shifting to give Leader a better view of their abdomen.
Leader’s face blanched.
“Cauterize?? Why not sutures? Surely that’s less painful,” Leader protested, only to be shushed by Medic raising their hand.
“I don’t have.. I can’t stay awake to walk you through that.. cau.. cauterization is.. quicker..”
Leader could tell Medic was reaching their limit. The wound, despite being partially plugged by the dagger, had been steadily dripping blood for a while now. Leader could tell by the way Medic’s voice was faltering and the way their shoulders were drooping that they were utterly spent. They had to hurry up.
Leader glanced at the fire poker, and upon seeing it burning hot, they grabbed a towel and picked it up.
“Alright. What’s next.”
Medic steeled their nerves and spoke.
“You and Teamate will have to work together. Leader, you’ll.. you’ll need to pull out the dagger and immediately press the poker along th.. the wound.. As soon as you pull it out, it’s going to start bleeding even faster.. you need to seal it immediately, just until the bleeding stops..”
Leader nods, though they hate this with every fiber of their being. They’ve never had to have had a wound cauterized before, thanks to Medic’s dilligency. Still, they know the procedure is agonizing and not one they are thrilled to perform on Medic.
Medic gaze flits to Teammate.
“You.. you have a very important job.. I need.. I’m gonna need you to hold me down. As soon as that metal hits my skin, I’m going to scream. I mean really scream. I’m also going to jerk away. I need you to hold me down, no.. no matter what happens, even if I pass out, so Leader doesn’t end up making the wound worse. Can you do that?”
Teammate frowns, but gives a quick nod. Teammate was always more timid, but now, in this moment, their jaw was set and there was a determined glint in their eyes. By God, they were going to help Medic.
Leader got up and sat on Medic’s legs to restrain them, and held the fire poker at their side. Using their free hand they gently grasped the handle of the blade sticking out of Medic, careful not to jostle it in the wound. Still, Medic inhaled sharply.
Teammate got behind Medic looping their arms behind theirs and holding them tight.
“Alright.. just.. just give me a count down..” Medic said, their voice low.
Leader nodded.
Medic sucked in a breath.
Teammate tightened their grip.
Everything that happened after that countdown couldn’t have been more than 10 seconds, but to Medic, it felt like 10 years.
As soon as the dagger was removed, Leader pressed the hot metal into the wound. The guttural scream that tore from Medic’s throat was nausea-inducing.
Immediately, every muscle in their body seized up as they violently thrashed against the white-hot pain. Medic’s sobs rang out through the entire facility. Everyone in the vicinity flinched at the sound.
Their Medic, their savior, was now reduced to gut-wrenching cries.
Leader adjusted themself to sit on Medic’s thighs, effectively immobilizing them.
Teammate had to yank Medic’s arms down, using all their strength to keep them still.
“I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry..” Teammate whispered softly, tears blurring their vision.
Right as Leader was about to finish sealing the wound, Medic let out a gurgling gasp as their eyes rolled back into their head and they went limp.
“Medic? Hey, Medic?” Teammate mewled, lightly tapping their cheek.
Both Leader and Teammate finally loosened their grip on them and lowered Medic to the ground with as much care as they could muster.
“Hey, c’mon Medic.. wake up for us, yeah?” Leader coaxed, brushing a strand of hair from Medic’s eyes.
Medic’s eyelids finally fluttered open, but they looked utterly exhausted. Their face was streaked with sweat and there were tears tracks lining their pale cheeks. Still, they gave a weak smile.
“You.. you guys did great..” They managed, but not before their eyes slipped close yet again.
Both Leader and Teammate exchanged a laugh at how absurd it was that Medic was praising them for doing well. Still, the worst of it was over and everyone could breathe again. They knew they should get Medic up and into medbay, but they silently agreed to let Medic rest for a few moments longer.
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cauterizedpod · 1 year
Welcome to the year 3000,
A lot's changed and they live underwater, but I hear your great, great, great granddaughters aren't doing fine 💔
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A new science-fiction/horror/survival audio-drama about the things we leave behind and things we've yet to discover: Cauterized
Some MP3 players hold up surprisingly well after 2000 years!
More info to come soon! Produced currently by one very passionate mom
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whlskr · 1 year
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Brook💕 #4 on my Cauterized team!!! Bunnie's older sister ❤️‍🔥
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how-much-for-a-whump · 7 months
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Prompt: "Impaled"
Kuruluş Osman 133. Bölüm
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juustozzi · 1 month
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Don't wait up, don't waste your breath Don't make up, we've got no time left Just make sure you lit the fuse right
a redraw of an old piece, we got to the gun episode on galaxy last time watching so of course I had visit this again..
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aceofwhump · 8 months
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Casanova (2005)
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