#Centre for Expression
itshype · 3 months
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"I thought I ripped Jamie's knob off."
Ted Lasso S3Ep07 The Strings That Bind Us
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psychotrenny · 8 months
Hey did you know that men can be feminine. Did you know that men can be feminine. Fun fact men can be feminine. Heyyy uuhhh are you aware that men can be feminine. Like it's really rude to just call someone an egg don't you know that men can be feminine. Like why are you assuming he's a frea--- that he's like you don't know men can be feminine. Like wow I think you're reinforcing traditional gender roles because you clearly don't think that men can be feminine. Like you really need to understand that men can be feminine. Please don't even imply as a joke that someone might be a trans women because men can be feminine. Like really men being feminine is far more radical than whatever you're doing. Because men can be feminine and it's really important that we keep talking about it and bringing it up at every possible opportunity. If anything about this makes you uncomfortable then you need to have a long hard think about yourself because you're just dividing the community. Like think about it. If men can't be feminine then how to we explain a freakish little faggot like you?
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imago-memoria · 4 months
"Un regard n'a pas de place, un geste n'a pas de place"
« La position de Giorgio Colli était assez radicale parce qu’elle revenait à dire que l’être c’est le contact. « Quand je dis "est", quelque chose (sujet) dit (exprime) avoir eu (temps) un contact ». (…) Être ça serait avoir eu contact et pouvoir l’exprimer. Donc ce qu’il faut penser ensemble ce n'est pas seulement l’être et le temps, Heidegger, mais encore tout cela avec deux paradigmes supplémentaires : le contact et l’expression. Cela ne va pas sans quelques paradoxes : - Premièrement le contact implique l’inachèvement perpétuel et jamais le but atteint c’est un peu ce que je vous ai dit précédemment. Colli écrit « le contact contient en soit l’inachèvement, l’insuffisance, l’intuition immédiate de ne pas épuiser le monde. Quand je touche quelqu’un je ne le possède pas ». - Ensuite le contact est aussi contingent que nécessaire, deuxième paradoxe, il écrit « Dans le contact nécessité et contingente sont conjointes mais confusément ». - Troisièmement, là où advient un contact disparaît toute séparation entre le sujet et l’objet il écrit « nous appelons donc contact ce en quoi le sujet et l’objet ne se distinguent pas ». - Quatrièmement une hypothèse encore plus radicale qui rejoint la toute première c’est que la vérité est contact, le contact c’est la vérité à condition qu’une expression en ait été possible. Alors voilà son style je cite « vérité signifie touché et dire vrai c’est dire ce qui dérive d’un contact ». Magnifique. Vrai ? quel genre de vérité ? et bien la vérité d’un phénomène ou d’un événement. Tout ce qui tente de dépasser le phénomène par exemple les philosophies du Noumène et bien perdent le contact, perdent le contact c’est le cas de le dire avec la région du vrai. Je cite Colli « le manque de contact c’est quelque chose d’insurmontable parce qu’il est le Noumène, la faiblesse du raisonnement moderne vient d’une hypertrophie de la pensée abstraite ou celle-ci perd le contact ». Donc ce n’est ni en cherchant des significations ni en faisant confiance à des représentations, ni en essayant d’aller très très haut ou du côté du Noumène que l’on résoudra toutes ces apories. Qu’est-ce qu’il faut faire alors ? Simplement chercher quelque chose comme, alors je garde le mot que j’ai introduit la première fois, je garde ce mot, la signifiance. Chercher la signifiance du contact pas sa signification, sa signifiance sa mémoire vive sa parole non aliénée par la grande séparation du sujet et de l’objet. Et bien la signifiance d’un contact ça s’appelle l’expression ».
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I'm not really a photoset kind of person, but I thought I would give it a go.
The eight outer photos come from Pixabay or MorgueFile if you look up Yorkshire, and the centre photo I took myself.
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padfootastic · 1 year
H E L L O jfp-eyes pen (thats your new name btw)
i know its a little late but my mind keep going back to it and i also talked about a similar issue w several other people on here since and i was wondering if you can/want elaborate on what you said about this:
"like, u want potters to be desi? it’s not just the cute clothes and good food and linguistic differences u need to keep in mind. there’s so much more where it comes from, including several practices that will be considered highly objectionable by this rigidly judgemental crowd."
((i am v v interested but no pressure to answer this, i totally get if you dont want to get into this discourse))
dani—you’re gonna pull me into the desi potters discourse one way or the other, eh?
so. i’m not sure how much sense this’ll make because it’s like…half-baked thoughts but my problem with this scenario actually stems from a more macro, general trend i’m noticing in fandom behaviour. for some reason, puritan culture & veiled conservatism is coming back in the guise of progressiveness? and that’s leading to a lack of critical thinking in these spaces & randomly attributing buzzwords to things out of context bc u don’t have more than a shallow understanding of it.
which means that that comment was directed at a very specific subset of fandom that decided that idk ignoring the Bad Things & Flaws would somehow make them cease to exist. let’s only take the most ‘exotic’, fun aspects even if it’s a completely one dimensional reading & run with it. they wouldn’t be able to tell u what desi is beyond the barebones.
so, you’ll have people vehemently arguing that the potters can’t be anything but desi and white james is gross and i’m just like—why. why are u, as a non-desi person, so attached to this headcanon that you’ll ridicule real people for it? and then their attitudes as well. the incest thing, for example. there are communities in india that marry their first cousins—if i write a story tomorrow where james marries his mother’s imaginary brother’s daughter, then depending on how i HC him, that’s perfectly culturally acceptable (and desirable). if i write a story where euphemia and fleamont use corporal punishment for him, and he takes it super lightly and jokes about it, that’s also fine. (which is a direct contrast to how the western black family & sirius’ abuse is treated). there’ a community in india where the man ‘drinks’ from his mother’s breast, publicly, at his wedding to symbolise the last time he’d be her son before he becomes someone’s husband. another where a new mother can’t feed her son until her sister-in-law washes her breast thoroughly. caste is something that’s not even touched upon. it’s so complicated. but how do u think it’ll be received by most of the desi potter crowd if i actually do write any of this? will i be praised for my ~representation or called out on twitter for being a freak?
and that’s really where i get annoyed. the attitudes most of this crowd hold does not have any space for cultural subjectivity, what is ok to them has to be universally ethical. there’s no way other cultures do things their way and if they do, it’s barbaric/backward/problematic etc etc. pseudo-colonial, like i said.
(disclaimer: i want it to be made very clear i’m not demanding people nclude this stuff in their fics. i’m well aware of how escapism works, being the premier advocate for it. im just saying it won’t hurt to be mindful of these facts, that this is a whole culture that’s ridiculously diverse that doesn’t just exist for the sake of people’s headcanons)
and this isn’t even going into the cultural nuances of how desi families work. you can’t bring in american/european individualism & have james move out at 18 & write everything transactionally & do everything the way u would for a white character but only pay lip service when saying they’re brown ykno? when u say they’re a certain identity, there’s so much that comes with that. and if u don’t include any of that, then it really just makes me wonder why u want a brown james—feels like ego appeasement and falling to peer pressure half the time tbh.
another important thing for me is that so much of this crowd intersects with the ‘fandom is activism’ crowd and i just. fundamentally disagree with those people. and find their words/actions incredibly performative. by which i mean, the way they treat real people—people from the communities they’re adopting as HCs for their beloved characters. there’s this…hypocrisy, yeah? what i mentioned above, about how if i wrote some culturally different practice, i’d probably be attacked. they don’t want desi potter, they want white-lite potters that is palatable to & tailored for their own constitution but in a form that they can pass of as ‘oh look, my characters r diverse which makes me Morally Good and i can use that to shit on others’.
i think my problem is just that i don’t like it when people use the identity headcanons to portray themselves as being inherently better because they have ~equal representation. fandom is not a government institution—lateral visibility & membership is not a prerequisite to wanting to write about x and y fucking or going on a date or hugging or having a conversation. making a marauder group where each character—functionally an OC—is from a different community (often w/o considering how intersectionality works) for the sake of saying ‘oh i have a x in my HCs’ does not make u some radical leftist, yeah? and i strongly dislike people who pretend it does.
#also jfp-eyes pen skshdjhskcwdj#see i’m more open ab this now bc i’ve outed myself lol#earlier i was worried i’d fell on myself in the process of expressing my opinions so i just stayed quiet#this doesn’t apply to everyone obv#some people don’t want it to be that deep#(but then my question is why even incorporate it if u don’t lol)#this isn’t a black or white/yes or no thing#there’s no wrong or right way for things here#it’s just personal discomfort i was expressing tbh#this wasn’t easy for me to articulate#bc i’m not exactly sure what it is about this whole thing that bothers me sm#i think it’s also just—american audiences in general that irl me#irk*#esp w all this shipping/fictional likes discourse that keeps going on#bc they’re really very self centred imo#and it’s weird watching this for the outside#lol dani u really got me ranting here#but it’s an issue that bothers me sm#esp that puritan young adult/teen crowd#who somehow believe they know best#and intersectionality—identities are such rigid boxes for them#the fluidity & agency & human element of it is completely erased#bc *what* they are becomes more imp than what they can do for the plot#and then u start putting fictional characters on a pedestal and fight w real people#like i just wanna say—my litmus test for anyone advocating for desi potters would be this#if i wrote a story where fleamont hits him with his footwear and james jokes about it before going on to marry his first cousin#then will u accept it?#bc if u say u do then good. if u don’t tho—take a long hard inside urself re why u fight so hard for desi potters then#pen’s asks#pen’s notes
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Jovanka Broz and Safia Farkash visiting the Vračar Health Centre in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (now Serbia), 19 November 1973
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monty-glasses-roxy · 3 months
I'm wondering if maybe Roxy operates on the same principle of dogs that say you can't sit down without the dog being present at all times. Like does Cassie sit down literally anywhere and Roxy materialise next to her? It's not that she's desperate for attention or anything, it's just instinct to want sit next to those she cares about or something, ya know? Like if she really wants attention too, she'll do something to get it as well, but what if she operates on the Rule of Dog that dictates you can't relax or take a breather without Dog also being there?
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hairtusk · 11 months
hilarious that i'm entirely fascinated & enthralled by the concept themes & motifs of brides and the bridal, and i love bridal fashion, but the idea of having my own wedding ... beyond horrifying.
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indizombie · 4 months
According to the latest Pew Research Centre report, there are approximately 725,000 illegal Indian immigrants in the U.S., constituting the third-largest group of unauthorised immigrants after those from Mexico and El Salvador.
Yeshi Seli, ‘13 unaccompanied minors among Indian fliers grounded’, New Indian Express
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bluestonebliss · 3 months
Biosphere 2 is consuming my waking mind.
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I've had anon available on my ask box since I made this blog, the better part of a decade ago. I felt it was important to allow anonymity so my followers could talk to me if they needed, and it kept things nice and fun and low stakes. Today I made a post talking about my concerns after it was announced that a domestic violence shelter would not allow trans women to enter. Since I made the post, 10 hours ago, I have been threatened, harassed, and doxxed. As I have spoken about several times now, I am a rape/abuse/IPV survivor, so to receive asks telling me I deserve to be raped is horrific. I will be keeping anon off for the foreseeable future, because I am not taking the post down. I do not believe I said anything wrong. I do believe that I don't deserve to be threatened for speaking my truth, as an abuse survivor. Once TERFs play nice, I'll put anon back on. I'm sure they'll continue to insist that they're sticking up for women and survivors, though.
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fellhellion · 2 years
I have like. Thoughts brewing on Utena in episode 12 specifically hinging the “taking back” of her old self upon the repossession of Anthy when prior to their relationship she still believed she could fulfil the role of a prince
#on one hand the sheer joy at seeing utena fight against a system that allows her gender expression tenuous passage#on the other knowing THAT such passage within the system relied on anthy’s subjugation#I think it’s. that Utena’s conception of princehood is still very nebulous and self centered in a different way than it is after meeting#anthy.#she forgets about Wakaba in the opening episode despite being obviously pleased and sincere when defending her from Saionji#she brushes off the student council stuff as too annoying and complicated to deal with to the point where she at first really does believe#she can hand anthy back off to a boy who HIT her#princehood was there for when it suited Utena’s self-centred worldview and when she clued in to her friends being actively hurt#but once she becomes emotionally invested in a person who’s suffering at the hands of this system is in the constant reminder OF her title#as your bride#her princehood identity becomes influenced by the self repeating emotional gratification of protecting anthy#and I don’t want to sell Utena’s genuine compassion for anthy short here. it’s a complex mix of naivety#wilful blindness as the series goes on#AND the fact that this arrangement as a prince makes her feel good. the ROLE makes her feel like she has worth and on an even deeper#repressed psychological level this role is what literally drove utena out of a suicidal standstill as a child#she has a VESTED emotional interest in not really examining herself and it’s genuinely sympathetic and compelling#tunes talks utena
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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tfw you’re ✨pathetically small✨
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mono-red-menace · 2 years
i just realised that my original tag of "or the detention centre?" on that mug post was accidentally removed before posting but it wasn't really all that funny in the first place
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firebirdsdaughter · 2 years
It’s funny…
… And while first off, I wanna say that Pena was def absolutely a good influence on Mac and meant the world to him, he feels more like the wise uncle figure than a father figure? Like weirdly I feel like Jack was the type of father figure that Mac needed, and Pena was… Almost too similar? Like not in a bad way (imagine if Jack and Pena met, I they would have secretly gotten along really well). Pena was solidly a mentor, no less important or cared about, but a different type of relationship due to different circumstances.
Jack… Lets Mac experience a childhood he missed out on? Like obvi all people grow up different and don’t have to enjoy the same things, but Mac never seems to have had the basic experiences of ‘playing games’ w/ his dad, or watching movie w/ him. While his grandfather was at least there, I think he, too, demanded a level of maturity from Mac that while the kid was def very intellectual… May have been a bit much for a child.
Barring certain situations (often when people he loves are endangered), Jack actually has a lot of control over his ‘childishness’ and behaviour. Yes, he’s loud and brash, but he’s been spec ops, meaning he’s done some shit, we know he had at least one rough tour, we know he was CIA and something happened between him and Matty, and she considers him an incredibly good agent when he puts his mind to it. It may sound weird to say that Jack teaches/lets Mac be immature, but… It’s true? And that was something Mac needed, an outlet for the pent up emotions and the joy of childhood that he missed.
Jack and Pena are both people who had massive influence in who Mac became, they just did it differently/had different ‘sorts’ of relationships w/ him.
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pressfreedomday · 1 month
BOSTWANA - Regional Event - World Press Freedom Day 2024.
UNESCO with MISA are organizing the event with the Gov of BW and MALW,NM,ZM, ZIM, IO such as SADC, EUDEL and media stakeholders from the region. The World Press Freedom Day event sees the launch of 2 Reports: the State of Press Freedom in Southern Africa & Media Viability in Southern Africa.
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