#this doesn’t apply to everyone obv
padfootastic · 1 year
H E L L O jfp-eyes pen (thats your new name btw)
i know its a little late but my mind keep going back to it and i also talked about a similar issue w several other people on here since and i was wondering if you can/want elaborate on what you said about this:
"like, u want potters to be desi? it’s not just the cute clothes and good food and linguistic differences u need to keep in mind. there’s so much more where it comes from, including several practices that will be considered highly objectionable by this rigidly judgemental crowd."
((i am v v interested but no pressure to answer this, i totally get if you dont want to get into this discourse))
dani—you’re gonna pull me into the desi potters discourse one way or the other, eh?
so. i’m not sure how much sense this’ll make because it’s like…half-baked thoughts but my problem with this scenario actually stems from a more macro, general trend i’m noticing in fandom behaviour. for some reason, puritan culture & veiled conservatism is coming back in the guise of progressiveness? and that’s leading to a lack of critical thinking in these spaces & randomly attributing buzzwords to things out of context bc u don’t have more than a shallow understanding of it.
which means that that comment was directed at a very specific subset of fandom that decided that idk ignoring the Bad Things & Flaws would somehow make them cease to exist. let’s only take the most ‘exotic’, fun aspects even if it’s a completely one dimensional reading & run with it. they wouldn’t be able to tell u what desi is beyond the barebones.
so, you’ll have people vehemently arguing that the potters can’t be anything but desi and white james is gross and i’m just like—why. why are u, as a non-desi person, so attached to this headcanon that you’ll ridicule real people for it? and then their attitudes as well. the incest thing, for example. there are communities in india that marry their first cousins—if i write a story tomorrow where james marries his mother’s imaginary brother’s daughter, then depending on how i HC him, that’s perfectly culturally acceptable (and desirable). if i write a story where euphemia and fleamont use corporal punishment for him, and he takes it super lightly and jokes about it, that’s also fine. (which is a direct contrast to how the western black family & sirius’ abuse is treated). there’ a community in india where the man ‘drinks’ from his mother’s breast, publicly, at his wedding to symbolise the last time he’d be her son before he becomes someone’s husband. another where a new mother can’t feed her son until her sister-in-law washes her breast thoroughly. caste is something that’s not even touched upon. it’s so complicated. but how do u think it’ll be received by most of the desi potter crowd if i actually do write any of this? will i be praised for my ~representation or called out on twitter for being a freak?
and that’s really where i get annoyed. the attitudes most of this crowd hold does not have any space for cultural subjectivity, what is ok to them has to be universally ethical. there’s no way other cultures do things their way and if they do, it’s barbaric/backward/problematic etc etc. pseudo-colonial, like i said.
(disclaimer: i want it to be made very clear i’m not demanding people nclude this stuff in their fics. i’m well aware of how escapism works, being the premier advocate for it. im just saying it won’t hurt to be mindful of these facts, that this is a whole culture that’s ridiculously diverse that doesn’t just exist for the sake of people’s headcanons)
and this isn’t even going into the cultural nuances of how desi families work. you can’t bring in american/european individualism & have james move out at 18 & write everything transactionally & do everything the way u would for a white character but only pay lip service when saying they’re brown ykno? when u say they’re a certain identity, there’s so much that comes with that. and if u don’t include any of that, then it really just makes me wonder why u want a brown james—feels like ego appeasement and falling to peer pressure half the time tbh.
another important thing for me is that so much of this crowd intersects with the ‘fandom is activism’ crowd and i just. fundamentally disagree with those people. and find their words/actions incredibly performative. by which i mean, the way they treat real people—people from the communities they’re adopting as HCs for their beloved characters. there’s this…hypocrisy, yeah? what i mentioned above, about how if i wrote some culturally different practice, i’d probably be attacked. they don’t want desi potter, they want white-lite potters that is palatable to & tailored for their own constitution but in a form that they can pass of as ‘oh look, my characters r diverse which makes me Morally Good and i can use that to shit on others’.
i think my problem is just that i don’t like it when people use the identity headcanons to portray themselves as being inherently better because they have ~equal representation. fandom is not a government institution—lateral visibility & membership is not a prerequisite to wanting to write about x and y fucking or going on a date or hugging or having a conversation. making a marauder group where each character—functionally an OC—is from a different community (often w/o considering how intersectionality works) for the sake of saying ‘oh i have a x in my HCs’ does not make u some radical leftist, yeah? and i strongly dislike people who pretend it does.
#also jfp-eyes pen skshdjhskcwdj#see i’m more open ab this now bc i’ve outed myself lol#earlier i was worried i’d fell on myself in the process of expressing my opinions so i just stayed quiet#this doesn’t apply to everyone obv#some people don’t want it to be that deep#(but then my question is why even incorporate it if u don’t lol)#this isn’t a black or white/yes or no thing#there’s no wrong or right way for things here#it’s just personal discomfort i was expressing tbh#this wasn’t easy for me to articulate#bc i’m not exactly sure what it is about this whole thing that bothers me sm#i think it’s also just—american audiences in general that irl me#irk*#esp w all this shipping/fictional likes discourse that keeps going on#bc they’re really very self centred imo#and it’s weird watching this for the outside#lol dani u really got me ranting here#but it’s an issue that bothers me sm#esp that puritan young adult/teen crowd#who somehow believe they know best#and intersectionality—identities are such rigid boxes for them#the fluidity & agency & human element of it is completely erased#bc *what* they are becomes more imp than what they can do for the plot#and then u start putting fictional characters on a pedestal and fight w real people#like i just wanna say—my litmus test for anyone advocating for desi potters would be this#if i wrote a story where fleamont hits him with his footwear and james jokes about it before going on to marry his first cousin#then will u accept it?#bc if u say u do then good. if u don’t tho—take a long hard inside urself re why u fight so hard for desi potters then#pen’s asks#pen’s notes
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digitalgirls · 1 year
i walk fast cause my ass flat
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quidam-sirenus · 10 months
People always want me to say “I used to identify as…” no. I used to be a girl. I used to be bi. If I said I was some gender or sexuality then at that time I was that gender or sexuality. I have the freedom to change who I am and not simply my perception of myself
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catscidr · 6 months
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happy to see most dottore enjoyers sharing the same braincell. even happier to provide that good good dottore content (〃ノωノ) answering two asks in the same post bc it would be too repetitive if i made them separate agshfjns- next post will feature either childe or al haitham (depending on which one i finish first) (giving everyone a break from dottore for a hot sec) ⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝ cw: yandere dottore (obvs), not quite proofread, dottore is named zandik in the mini-fic includes: gn!reader, dottore, his clones are kinda there, pierro and the tsaritsa are also mentionned. a handful of headcanons + a mini-fic wc: 1,8k
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-ˋˏ Despite what most people might think, Dottore isn’t a sadistic man. He only hurts people if it’s necessary- if it helps with his research- and even then, it’s not like he enjoys inflicting pain, he enjoys the knowledge he gathers as a result of such experiments
-ˋˏ ...That doesn't apply with you though. He likes to see you squirm, to do things that make you react, whether positively or negatively. He’s that desperate and needy  
-ˋˏ He’s a man that doesn’t go out much because of his work. So how could you blame him for wanting your attention? 
-ˋˏ I think he’d be the type of yandere to just be incredibly obsessed with you. Always having someone checking in on you (his segments, of course) to report back to him so he knows what you’re doing at all times, probably the type to have an entire folder with your personal information in it as if you were one of his test subjects
-ˋˏ Not to mention he would be extremely manipulative, too. Dottore is the definition of a wolf in sheep’s clothing; a handsome face with dubious intentions. 
-ˋˏ He wants to have your attention 24/7, to never have you take your eyes off of him, but he can’t do that if he stays holed up in his lab. Unfortunately for him he's very clingy
-ˋˏ But Dottore is a patient man (he was able to create an artificial God y’know- that kind of thing doesn’t happen overnight), so he takes his time with you- getting to know you, having his segments stalk you (he’s not the one doing it, so it’s fine, right?) 
-ˋˏ You’re just like a frog in a pot boiling water. If you put it in the pot immediately, it’ll jump out as soon as it makes contact with the hot water; but if you put it in room temperature water and boil it slowly…  
-ˋˏ The Harbinger knows your “relationship” isn’t an experiment, but at the same time it’s hard to say that he isn’t studying you. Having a mask that obscures his wandering eyes is definitely an advantage  
-ˋˏ It doesn’t matter who you are, he would bend his schedule just for you. He’s that thoughtful! Since he’s practically his own boss (aside from various deadlines and meetings) he can do whatever he wants. Who’s going to tell him off? Pierro and the Tsaritsa don’t care how he achieves results as long as he gets results. So, expect to “accidentally” run into him more times than a regular person would  
-ˋˏ You’re a fatui agent? Suddenly one of his experiments requires him to watch how soldiers (you) fight and train. You’re just a normal civilian? He’ll figure out where you work and find excuses to come see you just to chat 
-ˋˏ It’s even better if you work a customer service job. You work at a cute coffee shop? What a coincidence, he loves coffee! Now he’s a regular and you know his order by heart. (I like to think he actually hates coffee but powers through the bitter taste and energetic aftermath just because it gives him an excuse to bond with you) 
-ˋˏ You work at a grocery store? That’s perfect, he’ll start doing his groceries at your store from now on (you don’t point out how every week his groceries- without fail- consist of mozzarella sticks, a whole rotisserie chicken, cheap red wine, a pack of cigarettes and a singular loaf of whole wheat bread.)  
-ˋˏ If you’re not in the fatui, chances are you don’t know who he is (he doesn’t go out much, after all) so it’s easier for him to play up the “good guy” role (wolf in sheep’s clothing from before nudgenudge). He’s a very smooth talker 
-ˋˏ Of course, you’ve heard rumors about “the Doctor”, one of the Tsaritsa’s Harbingers, a feared man all across Teyvat. So it’s a good thing that your new friend’s name is Zandik and he’s just a normal surgeon that works in a private hospital! Nothing suspicious, 'course not
-ˋˏ Both of you engage in small talk whenever you cross paths. He’ll ask questions about you (even though he already knows the answer to them), all so that you can feel seen and heard- who cares about him, about what he does? This is about you. He wants you to tell him everything 
-ˋˏ The kind of person to use the excuse that he had a Ph.D. for a lot of things. You whine that your shoulders have been sore for longer than usual? He’ll get up from his seat and get behind you, sliding a hand just under the collar of your shirt to press and prod at your muscles to check if there’s anything wrong (good thing you can’t see his expression from behind you), saying he "knows best" whenever the (your) human body is brought up
-ˋˏ His patience isn’t endless, however. If he sees that this isn’t going anywhere, that you seem to be keeping him at arm’s length despite your “connection”, he’ll just take things into his own hands. And even though he doesn’t really get off from causing pain, he’s not afraid to make you squirm either
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It wasn’t unusual for you to grab a bite to eat with the Doctor occasionally. Working at a local coffee shop had its perks; one of them being how you could make drinks for free and eat snacks at a discounted price. Though you never needed to worry about money since your friend would always tip you handsomely, basically paying you for the snacks you brought to the table. 
Closing shop was easy enough when you had someone to keep you company while you swept the floor and wiped counters clean. He sat at one of the booths, cup of coffee in hand (you started making it decaf when you noticed his nose scrunch one time when he drank his usual order), watching you work idly. 
“Rough day?” you ask with a gentle smile, looking over where Zandik sat. Being quite some distance away from him you couldn’t catch the twitch of the corner of his lips as he sighed, bringing one hand up to rub his face beneath his pointy mask. 
“You could say that” he grumbles, laying his arms on the table, holding his cup of coffee with both hands. The man tilts his head to the side, focusing on you rather than his pesky thoughts. You put the broom away and saunter over to his booth, sitting across from him with a plate of various pastries in hand. 
“What’s on your mind? Maybe I could give some advice and help! Or you’ll feel better if you just... talk about it,” you chuckle softly, taking a sip of your own drink. Zandik’s gaze never leaves your form, his gaze burning the sight of your lips into his mind. 
If he told you even a smidge of what he was thinking you would, without fail, run and never look back. Even the tamest of things he’s thought about you would drive you away. From him fantasizing about how your skin would taste, to how your heart would look like in a jar on his desk when he worked... he shudders, swallowing down the urge to do something impulsive. Zandik takes a slow sip of his coffee, eyes flickering from your lips to your wide, innocent eyes. 
“Thank you for offering,” he begins slowly, “but that’s alright. I wouldn’t want you to worry about it,” he says smoothly, losing the tension in his shoulders to seem more approachable. With the first two buttons of his shirt undone, hair lightly tousled, and overcoat thrown over the back of the booth chair, he looked nothing like the deadly Harbinger he was. Looked like an overworked businessman at most. 
You puff your cheeks, disappointed that he wouldn’t open up to you. You’ve been doing it this whole time, and yet he won’t talk about what was bothering him to you? It made your heart flutter- he was so considerate- but at the same time you couldn’t shake the idea that maybe he was hiding something. Inhaling slowly, you calm your nerves, deciding that today would be the day you confront him. After all, a good friendship is built on trust, and you can’t stay good friends with someone that hides things from you. 
Oh, how naïve you are. 
“You know you can tell me anything, right?” you say gently, placing one hand on his. The feel of his rough hand beneath yours made you shudder, almost instinctively- are surgeons’ hands supposed to be this rugged? 
“I want to be there for you in the same way you’ve been here for me...” you add, voice trailing off as your cheeks flush in embarrassment. “I think you’re nice to be around. Don’t I owe you for the number of times I’ve complained about customers to you?” you say, chuckling lightly at the memory. 
Zandik doesn’t react, not at first. His eyes fix your face with an underlying threat, gaze hidden by his mask. Although you can’t see his eyes, a shudder runs up your spine at the feeling of being watched so intently. Where have you felt this before... 
“You’re right,” he responds quietly, voice hoarse. “You owe me.” 
His words caught you off guard. Owe him? That was a joke! You were trying to lighten his spirits, to take his mind off whatever was troubling him for even just a second. How come you felt your nerves screaming at you to get up? 
His free hand covers the hand you had laid on his, the grip on your skin becoming firmer the longer you two sat there. Your heart rammed against your ribcage, ears ringing from the sudden wave of adrenaline washing over you. 
“You said you wanted to help me, right?” Zandik says in a sickly-sweet tone, leaning forward to stare at you, gaze unrelenting behind his mask. Swallowing a lump in your throat, you nod dumbly, staring back at him like a deer caught in the headlights. He grins in response. 
Did he always have teeth this sharp? 
“Then you won’t make my life harder than it already is by resisting, right?” he adds. You could hear how heavy his breathing had become in just a few seconds, how his hands had a death grip on your own. His cup of coffee was long forgotten; how could he possibly focus on something as useless as that when you were giving yourself to him? 
The snow pelleted the windows harshly, essentially trapping you inside the coffee shop with him. Even the weather outside couldn’t compare to how cold your blood ran in the face of the Doctor; maybe if you had listened to your gut earlier you wouldn’t currently be skewered in the jaws of the shark that had been circling you for months. 
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wrathofrats · 2 months
idk why but I thought you may like the idea of Aurora, when she's new to performing publicly, fears that the fans may see her as "the innocent one" or something similar due to her being Very Obviously Smol in comparison to the other ghouls, ghoulettes, and of course, Papa. Being, y'know, a demon, she instead decides she wants to be the raunchiest one on stage...
So she decides to try and sneak a flash of some kind to the crowd during a ritual and it may go a bit further than she intends :]
I hope this is ok!! I modified the request a bit bc I was having thoughts and ideas. It’s maybe a bit misogynistic, dew and Swiss really teasing Aurora over the whole innocent thing. But I am a gay woman so I’m allowed to perpetuate sexist stereotypes and if you disagree you’re also sexist. (THIS IS A JOKE) but know the banter is in good fun, they’re obv all some kind of poly bonded pack thing so auroras gucci.
Or aurora decides to throw her panties into the crowd, and things don’t exactly go her way (based on that panties on dews guitar gif you know the one)
“I’m not doing this with you right now dew” Aurora grumbles, batting his hands off of her.
Dew looks too smug. Like hes won some secret game that Aurora doesn’t know about. A mischievous glint in his eye that makes Aurora want to kick him in the balls to hopefully neuter his perpetual horniness.
It’s their own little tradition at this point in the tour. Swiss and dew and whoever else was bored would come hang out in the ghoulettes dressing room while they pinned their hair to fit neatly under their helmets and to apply the black face paint. Dew usually showed up to steal cumulus’ never ending supply of bobby pins, and swiss was there to help with smearing the paint onto everyone.
“Iighten up your highness” dew laughs, backing away from her with his hands up as if he didn’t just wrap them around her body to grab at her waist. “You’re not this prudish when you come knocking at my hotel door”
“I’m not a prude,” Aurora grumbles. Swiss and dew giggle to themselves as Aurora swipes her hands at them to make them back up from where she’s placed herself on the counter. She can feel cirrus’ glare through the mirror, directed at the two idiots that are currently still laughing among themselves.
“You’re telling me you’re not ms ‘don’t mention sex around the other ghouls! They can’t know I’ve fucked you!’” Swiss teases, his voice pitching to mock auroras. “Come on princess, I don’t know why you demand to be seen as so innocent.”
Aurora wants to scream at them to leave their dressing room already. Dew and Swiss can tend to be idiots while they’re separated, but together? Aurora isn’t sure how they manage to lose brain cells when they combine.
“I just didn’t want anyone knowing I’ve fucked you, I don’t care about anyone else”
She’s not innocent like Swiss says, is she? Sure she’s smaller, tends to be more reserved in that regard, but Aurora thinks it’s unfair to call her innocent of all terms. She could be worse sure, not tending to go as far as humping the stage or groping her bandmates like dumb and dumber, but she likes her little act. She likes her swishy cape and little dances with her tambourine, and how she twirls and -
God maybe she is a princess.
The boys continue to laugh, mostly shoving each other around at this point. Aurora can hear cirrus yell at Swiss to shut up and help her with her paint, even now lost in her own thoughts. Ideas come and go, staring at her lap and swinging her legs. She’s not innocent. She’s just as bad as the rest of them and they all know that. The fans know that too, right? She’s a demon, a fucking creature from hell.
She’s not innocent.
She hops off her perch to shove her way past dew and into the bathroom to pull her uniform bottoms off. Her idea is probably stupid, will probably get her reprimanded and placed on whatever terrible chore imperator comes up with when they get back. But the reactions from the other ghouls, especially Swiss and dew, will make it worth it.
Aurora quickly takes off her panties and pulls her uniform back up, cringing at the feeling of the rough fabric against her. It’s not exactly uncomfortable, but the weird insecurity of not wearing underwear makes every sensation feel tenfold.
A 5 minute call sounds through the rooms. She grabs her underwear and hastily puts them in her pocket before running out to get in her position.
Her movements are meant to tease. Hands running over her body, jutting her hips behind her hoping Swiss will look back at her. She wants him to come on her platform, wants him to take her on the innocent act she’s been offering. She wants him to smell her through her uniform.
It’s just an extra personal part in her plan. She tries not to bounce giddily as he does notice and run behind the different set pieces to come walk up into her space. He can feel his breath on her neck as he approaches her, his all too wide smile trying to intimidate her, mock her after their conversation earlier.
Auroras lucky Swiss is good at improv, and an even better performer. Barely reacts as she shoves him to his knees. Even grabs her thighs and mock drags his tongue along her legs. Hes fucking obscene, she should’ve known the reaction she would get like this.
The real reward is the way she can see Swiss’ mouth twitch as he shoves his face right next to her cunt. He can smell her, would nose against the outline if they weren’t still performing in front of thousands of people, honestly she’s sure he’s forgotten considering the way his face turns into a snarl. Aurora is positive she will pay for this later, but for now? She couldn’t be happier.
The second phase of her plan comes once Swiss leaves. She eyes the audience carefully, eyes her bandmates to wait for the perfect opportunity. Dew turns to mess with rain, while phantom moves to mess with the audience on his side of the stage. All the ghouls are occupied, not paying attention.
Aurora pulls her panties out of her pocket, balling them in her fist so they can’t be seen through her hand. Hastily she throws them towards the crowd, praying they make it to their destination.
Whatever she prayed to however, is not listening.
They land directly next to dewdrop, right by his feet as he steps back onto them. He pulls his foot up, eyeing the black fabric in confusion. She watches in horror as he swings them around his finger, looking back at her as if he knows they’re hers,
Before hanging them on the head of his guitar. Displaying them for the whole crowd.
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katsu28 · 9 months
Ok here are some soft Remus thoughts!
- I just cannot stop thinking about how he definitely has a wonderful sweater collection and they’re all so soft and cozy and he loves seeing you wearing them (this could get smutty lmao but I’ll restrain myself)
- you know that one Taylor swift lyric “just living room dancing and kitchen table bills”? That’s the perfect way to describe your relationship with Remus, like maybe your apartment is a little shitty but it’s home and the two of you make it so cozy and you have a wonderful little life together and just putting on a record while you make dinner and you end up dancing together in the kitchen and maybe your food gets a little burnt but that doesn’t matter
- imagine babysitter baby Harry together omg just Remus holding the tiny little baby and singing to him when he can’t fall asleep and making him laugh that cute little baby laugh and every time you watch Harry you can’t help but think about actually having a baby with Remus because he’s so perfect and him with a baby is just too wonderful
I have more if you’d be interested, I just don’t want to go overboard hahahahha 🥰😚
i would adore more remus thoughts, pls send me everything you've got <3 this applies to everyone btw i need more brainrot food
domestic remus thoughts under the cut!
- the sweater collection is absolutely off the charts! drawers and drawers of the softest sweaters ever and even more stashed in different parts of the apartment for when he or you need it. some of them are solid colors, some of them have fun little patterns, but all of them are equally as comfy bc they're his and they smell like him and every time you put one on it's like being enveloped by him even when he's not there and it's the best thing in the world.
sometimes he'll be looking for one specific sweater to wear but he just can't find it no matter how hard he looks and he's just like have you seen my green one love? i think i might've lost it. but then he looks at you at you're wearing exactly what he was looking for and he just. melts. because he loves you and because you look so cozy and comfy and cute in it and he's just like oh ☺️ you can keep it i'll grab another one ☺️ and then he comes and sits with you for the rest of the morning.
- your life with remus isn't what some people might call perfect but it's just the right fit for the two of you! your apartment is a little cluttered and the paint is chipped and yeah maybe the front door gets jammed sometimes but it's your home and you couldn't love it more. you try your best to eat dinner together and unwind from your respective days with each other and most of the time that means a bottle of cheap wine and whatever dinner you can scrounge up from what you've got on hand. sometimes you do a puzzle together, other nights you'll talk for hours, and sometimes you both just sit and do your own things in the same space (parallel play LMAO). remus always makes sure to press a kiss to whatever part of you he can reach every so often just so you know he's still there. post full moon nights are fairly quiet though. remus just wants to sleep and you let him. sometimes he wants to be alone and you let him do that too, but he knows you're right there if he needs you <3
- babysitting harry is such an ordeal, especially the first time bc i feel like it might be a spur of the moment thing? james and lily desperately need a day to themselves and sirius is out of town and euphemia and fleamont are also busy so they're like surprise you get to watch harry for the day! obv you're not gonna turn them down and at first it's awkward bc you're both just staring at harry in his little baby buggy and he's staring back at you and neither of you really know how to take care of a baby?? but then harry starts crying and it's like a flip inside remus switches. he's just like yeah i think he's tired but then little harry refuses to go to sleep and remus starts humming a song and you see him start to drift off as remus bounces him in his arms gently.
when harry wakes up uncle moony is his new favorite person so they're inseparable for the day. at one point harry bumps his head on the couch or something while he's crawling around the living room and you can both tell he's about to start bawling but remus is so quick on his feet and picks him up and does something funny so harry gets distracted and suddenly he's shaking with peals of that infectious baby laughter and you're just like what. what is this i'm feeling is this baby fever??? and you can't stop thinking about having a little remus or yourself running around the place one day. obv you've got some talking about it to do since you haven't even discussed kids yet, you don't even know if remus would want kids with everything he's had to deal with his whole life but it's worth a shot right? to have someone who's a perfect mix of you and your favorite person in the world, to be able to raise them into someone who could quite possibly change the world, even to just have someone else to love more than you love yourself.
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66sharkteeth · 11 months
A little clarity that nobody really asked for but just so it can be on the record as canon:
I call Rex’s scion he/him a lot and sometimes call it by fandom-given names like Edgy or King, or even “Scion,” but within the canon, characters just refer to it as “it” and “Rex’s scion.” 
Sometimes it gets called just “Scion” but this is kind of the equivalent of using a title, like calling someone “Sheriff” or “Officer.” Scion is just what it is, and since it doesn’t have an actual name, that’s what everyone calls it. Kind of like how you might call a stray cat just “cat” before it’s named. 
Secondly, because I see this discussed a lot.....
Scion is pronounced sigh-on. I see a ton of people pronouncing the c but it’s like science, or scythe, or scene... 
It’s also not...a name I made up or something. It’s an actual word: 
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It’s mostly named in reference to the second definition.
Lastly, in reference to Rex’s scion, I don’t think a lot of people are realizing Rex’s monster blank is quite literally the sassy little fellow you guys know as Rex’s scion.
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These two are literally the same character, it just takes the form of the monster blank when Rex is occupying their body (which is most of the time, obv). It’s not some random monster that scion summons, it’s literally scion (Though I thiiiink this is a bit more clear as of this season?). 
On a final note, all of this applies to Jericho and his scion as well, with it’s canon name also being “Jericho’s Scion.” It works exactly the same, the only difference is it’s not as talkative as Rex’s scion. Rex’s scion is essentially a rebellious teenager that wants to joyride in Rex’s body and party and live the life it never got to, while Jericho’s scion is more matured and has become content with being in the backseat while Jericho drives. It’s more goal oriented and is fine with Jericho being his dumb self as long as at the end of the day their goals are aligned, which is why it’s so much more powerful than Rex’s scion. 
Rex’s scion and him are two passengers in the same car bickering on where they’re going and the scion trying to backseat drive. While Jericho’s scion and him know exactly where they’re both going so his scion is content with taking a nap in the back seat or just looking out the window. It’s also happy to lend him its power since it knows they have the same goal, while Rex’s scion is much more hesitant because it’s in a state of feeling like “no, you might do something stupid with this power like try to save humanity so I’m only giving you a fraction.” Not really...consciously, but that is synchronization that Jericho has talked about in past episodes. 
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f1-stuff · 6 months
White Lotus AU ❤️ i am so excited for this!
Why, thank you for asking, kaleigh 😆❤️ I realized that I'd already shared a snippet of it before (here), so I'll share a diff moment... -> WIP game
(Context: This scene takes place after Carlos' wife had bragged at breakfast about how Carlos likes sex after his morning runs 😅. 'Ava' is Carlos' wife, and 'Juliette' is Charles' fiancée. Obv, this fic will contain infidelity, so here's your warning!)
Carlos brings it up again later that day, when Ava and Juliette have gone for a swim, leaving the two of them alone, lounging in their beach chairs.
“You and Juliette seem like a good match,” he starts with. And Charles looks at him, wondering what this is actually about.
“...we are,” he says, his voice hesitant.
“No really,” Carlos says. “You’re both very...relaxed. Settled.” He’s smirking again. “Is that what the sex is like, also?”
Charles jerks his gaze away, cheeks flaming. Will this guy ever stop proving that he’s an asshole?
“That’s a personal question,” he says, his voice hard.
“Is it?” Carlos asks. And Charles looks at him again, hears the genuine questioning note in his voice. 
“Yes,” Charles says, firmly. “It’s private.”
“I’m just asking if it is leisurely or passionate-”
“Sex doesn’t have to be frantic a-and wild and...loud to be passionate,” Charles says, his voice getting a bit more heated than he intends. Carlos must hear something in his words, because his brows raise.
“Ah. Let me guess - you’ve heard us at night. Me and Ava.”
Charles scoffs, looking away as he shakes his head. “I think the whole hotel can hear you two.” He doesn’t look to see Carlos’ smug expression, but he doesn’t have to see it to know it’s there. “It isn’t something to be proud of.”
“No?” Carlos asks, intrigued. Charles sighs, tired of this conversation and tired of this man.
“No. It’s very rude, actually.”
“Yes,” Charles says, tired of Carlos just repeating what he says. “Inconsiderate - of everyone else and their...sleep.”
It’s too late for him to take it back, even as he glances to see Carlos’ slow-dawning smile.
“So you were sleeping when you heard us?”
“It doesn’t matter!” Charles says, exasperated. No matter what he says, Carlos will find a way to twist it. “Can we finish this topic?”
“Okay,” Carlos says, sounding like he couldn’t care less. Charles hates him. “You are getting sunburned.”
He sighs, turning his head to look at Carlos full on. The other man’s sunglasses are too small for his face and Charles is quietly delighted by it - delighted to find at least one thing that isn’t perfect. 
Carlos arches a brow at him, until Charles breaks, sitting up to find the sunblock in Juliette’s bag and reapply. He feels Carlos’ eyes on him as he rubs over his chest and arms, but he ignores it as best he can, despite the way his neck feels hot. He’s done everywhere except his back, when Carlos unceremoniously takes the bottle from his hand, squeezing some into his own palm, and not even asking before he starts applying it to Charles’ back.
Charles sits frozen, his breath stuttering uncertainly in his chest as he bears the feeling of Carlos’ hands on him. At first, he can almost explain it away as a friendly, normal thing, just like one of Charles’ mates from home would do. But it quickly becomes something else when Carlos begins to add pressure, his thumbs massaging into the muscles of Charles’ back, starting high at the base of his neck and getting lower and lower and lower, the sun lotion making every touch a smooth glide. 
Charles becomes all too aware of the heat of Carlos’ body behind him, his breath puffing steadily in and out from his nose. Thumbs mark a startling path along Charles’ spine, digging beneath his shoulder blades, tickling the ribs at his sides, pressing into the dimples at his back just above his waistline...
“I’m going for a swim,” Charles says, suddenly, his voice choked. He gets up without looking back, Carlos’ touch falling away all at once.
The water feels especially cold, his skin overheated and his heart pounding in his chest. He dunks himself under as soon as he can, his teeth chattering slightly when he resurfaces.
What the hell was that?
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I get so happy when more people see the car guy mike vision! I saw you said you love cars, so I'm curious do you have any thoughts about what you think mike being a car guy means for him/what he likes?
I know for me I love the headcanon but it came naturally from that leadership aspect of him, and I think it suits him to be a main driver amongst the party. plus I think he'd like the responsibility. and I go a bit more into this in a fic I'm working on, but I also like to think he enjoys fixing up his car and finds it a nice challenge/puzzle for his brain! but the actual technical or detailed parts of the headcanon I haven't researched and explored yet because I'm not well versed on cars myself 🙈
hiii omg thank you so much for asking me about this i am about to bombard you with so many thoughts brace yourself
ok im gonna be so fr when i say i love cars i mostly just mean i love driving,, i am not super well versed in the actual technical aspects of cars myself either😭 buttt i do absolutely have thoughts about mike and driving and super agree with what you said especially about leadership and responsibility. i think mike Needs to be the one everyone turns to drive them places like he wants that to be his Thing (also him needing to be needed popping up there👀),, now max has also obv expressed interest in that but with her ending up disabled she might be less able to do that especially with the accommodations available at the time and even if she could drive it would be a longer process so i like to imagine mike kinda teaches her the ways of the road and they bond, and similar to how he doesn’t walk on eggshells with will he treats max so normal (hostile lmao) which is probably super refreshing for her with being disabled!! orrr that dynamic could even be reversed like if max is unable to drive but she so Wants to be that for the party, she kinda teaches mike that as a way to live vicariously through him? idk i just love max’s thing with cars and mike is such a car guy its insane. I think its also safe to say he’s very precious about his car like not a single crumb of food will get on his seats if he has anything to say about it. this obviously does not apply to will who can do absolutely no wrong but,, because will can see how much mike cares about his car he helps enforce his little rules with the rest of the party when they don’t take them seriously and mike gets lowkey upset with them about it. i love the idea that mike is the first to get his license so he’s kinda designated driver by default for a little while and ends up spending a ton of one on one time with everyone because of that. one of those people obviously being will, and i think between joyce working so much and jonathan going off to college and them definitely not being able to afford another car (and like love too),, will ends up abusing that aspect the most even before they get together. and while will is doing this cuz he’s like in love and stuff and it makes mike feel all useful, mike does get insecure that will isn’t actually spending time with him cuz he wants to and its just to use him to get around, and then when other people start getting their licenses hes like oh i guess the end of an era will doesn’t Have to just drive with me anymore he won’t need me :( but then obviously he Does and they kiss about it or something
and on the note of the fixing cars and stuff i sooo agree he likes learning new things and being able to fix his car and fix everyone else’s cars. like even after he’s the only one with a license he’s found this other thing to be useful to everyone with. omg also there was this post i saw forever ago about mike fixing up his car while will sits on the hood with his legs crossed drinking a milkshake and the image has fr never left my mind its quintessential passenger princess will and car guy mike to meee. i feel like mike would know so much about cars that it would make him distinctly not cool like he is such a nerd about something that would be considered cool that it circles back around and makes him sooo lame. i do think will would not think its lame tho and it does in fact turn him on when mike talks about his car. maybe mike refers to his car as a “she” and has a name for it and everything and will gets lowkey jealous and has to have car sex with him about it idk 😭
anywho!! thank you sm for asking me about this even though i probably know the exact same amount as you do about cars lmao,, actually so fucking hyped for your fic tho ahhh i love your writing <333
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danandphilplay · 17 days
‘school’ is obv going to be relative to ur age and everything,,, so it can be primary/secondary/uni/wasn’t in school. for me i was in secondary school when they were at their peak in popularity (although u could argue their peak was years before like from 2012-2014 too,, idk define peak how u like)
dnp were super well known when i was at secondary school. i’d say their peak popularity in my experience was 2015-17 or that was when everyone at school seemed to know about dnp. not that they all liked or watched dnp but some of us used our public literally not anonymous,, followed everyone in our class,, instagram accounts to post about dnp 24/7 so if people didn’t like or watch them they were still Aware simply because a few of us posted nonstop about them
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nanathott · 2 months
Hello again I’m from the previous ask with the favourite number question, I went back and fully read what that anon wrote to you about OCD and it rubbed me the wrong way. It made me genuinely happy hearing someone mention numbers because I felt seen that way??? They seemed to immediately jump to conclusions just because you happened to mention a trait that could be seen as the most ‘stereotypical’ type and it made them automatically assume you were throwing the term around lightly. However that still is a very real type of OCD that people struggle with??? It’s mildly hypocritical because associating arithmomania with ‘faking it’ just creates more barriers in properly understand something that’s already a VERY misunderstood disorder. ANYWAY I ended up rambling there, sorry if it doesn’t make that much sense, hey-ho I tried. 🫡
RIGHT??? like yes numbers and being tidy are often associated with ocd bcs that’s a fairly common trait of ocd although that’s obvs not all there is to it and doesn’t apply to everyone at all
but just bcs someone has diff ocd traits than you doesn’t mean ur faking it, SIIIIIIIIGH
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steveharrington · 1 year
with the full knowledge that they probably won’t get the best endings bc the duffers don’t know what to do with their own characters, what would your ideal endings be for the st main characters? or like at least the ones you care about? like in an ideal world
this is so fun i’m gonna do as many as i can think of <3 i don’t think the duffers are gonna do a Huge time jump at the end of the series (i could b wrong) so i’m just gonna base these on like roughly anytime in the next year after s4
steve: ideally steve would not be in a romantic relationship and completely satisfied with this outcome. i’m not saying he should like Never get his little domestic dream but i think he needs some time to focus on himself instead of constantly weighing his self worth based on whether or not he’s romantically valued. i also think it would be nice if he found something that gave him fulfillment whether it be a specific job or hobby or even just like continuing to be best friends forever with robin <3
robin: i wouldn’t mind if she ended up with vickie because i genuinely like the way their relationship has been set up, but if she was single by the end too i’d be okay with that. mostly i want robin to get out of hawkins and meet other gay people and find a community where she doesn’t feel like an outsider. maybe make some weird art. and to continue being best friends forever with steve <3
nancy: i’m begging on my hands and knees for nancy to end the show single. i think she gravitates towards relationships because they feel safe to her, but she’s ultimately unsatisfied because she has goals and aspirations that don’t necessarily fit with steve/jonathan and i think she needs to just focus on herself without having to factor someone else into the equation. i think she should go to school for journalism, maybe start some kinda nonprofit, and help barb’s parents get their house back after murray SCAMMED their asses
jonathan: honestly i just want jonathan to have like….someone who acts as a consistent emotional support. doesn’t matter who it can be argyle it can be nancy in a platonic sense i just want him to be given the space to express his feelings without them always taking a backseat to someone else. i think a fun career for him would be music journalism
argyle: we don’t know shit about his personal life or his background but i just want him to be able to return to his life pre-vecna without too much trauma <3 like obv i want that for everyone but argyle especially is so happy go lucky and it would be so sad if he lost his vibes
max: god please i just want her to be happy and have peace. i want her to stay with lucas, romantically or platonically idrc i just want them to be Together in some sense and i want her to feel safe and happy that’s all i ask
lucas: same as above AND i want lucas to get to fully explore his identity with actual genuine support from his friends. i can see him going through high school trying a little bit of every club and hobby and group and i want him to just like grow into himself and have the freedom to do that <3
dustin: again happiness and safety PLEASE also idk how to explain this but i want dustin to like…lower his guard. i feel like in s1 & 2 he was much more trusting and had more faith in people vs s3 & 4 where he’s just constantly assuming that his friends are like incapable of doing anything? i know it’s just bad writing for bad jokes but i’m choosing to believe it’s his defense mechanism and his way of dealing with trauma by being like “well luckily i’m a genius and i’ll fix everything >:)” and i want him to like let go of that and be more carefree again
el: again this applies to all of them but for el especially i want her to have stability and to feel safe. i want her to get the family and home she craves so badly with joyce and hopper and jonathan and will, and i want her to get to try things out and shape an identity kinda like lucas. i want her to have a little bedroom where she can try out new hobbies and not have to worry about packing up because someone died again
mike: honestly this is the toughest for me to envision and i don’t really know why? like obv i want him to be happy feel safe etc but i can’t think of anything like Concrete for mike’s ending that i absolutely want to see. maybe just permanently reunited with his friends idk
will: i want willy b to feel comfortable and find joy in being gay and also come out to joyce <3 and maybe hopper <3 idk i want will’s story to go back to his family, the way it started, and for him to realize that he’s still very young and mike’s feelings don’t have to determine his personal happiness and i feel like the best way for him to reach this conclusion is just by knowing that his mom and brother will always have his back
erica: ugh god i want her to like finish middle school unscathed 😭 the writers ignore her feelings so much so it would be nice if for Once they let her acknowledge what she’s been through maybe via a conversation with lucas. idk why but out of all the characters i can really See erica getting therapy skdndnc like i think she’d enjoy it <3
joyce: lord idk i want joyce to somehow know with certainty that everything is Over and that she doesn’t have to be on alert anymore. that’s probably not plausible given the nature of the story and the fact that she’s naturally always going to look over her shoulder BUT i would be ecstatic if the ending somehow gave her this 100% surety that it was officially over
hopper: i just fucking want him to be el’s dad man <3 i want him to take her fishing and get her a pet cat and help her with homework at the table and do a bad job wrapping presents on her birthday like i just want him to live out the rest of his life with his #1 priority always being el <3
murray: in jail for scamming the hollands out of their house
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mushiemellows · 6 months
So Usopp’s this really fascinating character in the lineup because you learn to love him so much and in doing that you gotta learn to love yourself? Like, okay so the Luffy Zoro Sanji and Nami clearly hold character tradition in Lupin, Goemon, Jigen, and Fujiko. Not perfectly 1-1 but they obv don’t mess too much with the winning formula.
And then usopp gets to come on the journey. Why does usopp get to come? Because we get to. He serves as this really great outstretched hand to everyone else, to see themselves in any strawhat. He’s audience proxy. Now, I’m going to say something that may be a little inflammatory to some (controversial yet undeniably true) but I think it’s so vital to understanding his journey. Usopp, from an initial character design perspective, hails from the historical repercussions of minstrelsy. The racism is inherently baked into his character. I think I didn’t realize just how deeply ingrained it was (like the totality of bad traits, you don’t need to look hard to identify visuals) until watching opla and seeing how Jacob’s Usopp pulled back on a few traits that are historically linked to that racist tradition (I think having Matt Owens, a black man, leading the writing staff was an absolutely influential part of reframing the character as well) but I also think that’s why he felt almost overly sanitized (in a similar fashion to how I fear they will treat Bon Clay in s2). Nuance- two things can be true at once, usopp can both be a racist caricature with negative traits associated negatively with black men AND I can love him for his flaws and see myself in him and empathize with him. He can be a coward and a liar, two traits that are definitely applied with racist intention when he Looks Like That, and I can independently like that a coward and an liar gets to be on the protag team. That’s kind of the point!
So by like, 2003, as Oda is deciding he’s not actually going to end with Skypia and is going to keep going for 100 more years, it makes sense that Usopp is the first loose thread to need development. So, then, what defines Usopp’s identity? What’s he bring to the team?
And then they double down by making his arc foil Franky. A man. A man’s man. A man’s man’s man. A caricature the same visual American Export Animation Tradition (early 20th century minstrelsy’s big brother: ww2 racist propaganda), but not racialized in the way Usopp is (he’s not a racist depiction of white men is what I mean). So visually, they’re already at odds. And then in terms of character Franky fills like, 75% of what Usopp’s been bringing to the team, and generally he does it better. He fixes things better, he makes better inventions, he’s a good shot (but vitally NOT a BETTER shot), and he takes on some of the the load of temporary comedic relief.
Of course usopp takes the rejection of Merry personally. He’s having this deep crisis of what he is able to uniquely provide, and the answer he keeps coming up with is that, well, he brought the ship to the table. And without his ship, he’s……. Uh oh. He’s jealous and he’s bitter and he doesn’t know how he fits in and the anxieties get the better of him. He’d rather self sabotage than be rejected down the line and abandoned who knows where. Or worse- he thinks he’ll let everyone down if the pressure falls on his shoulders . And that’s what makes him so wonderful and heart breaking and lovable and relatable. I get it, I see his insecurities when they’re all laid out and it pulls you in to empathize with your own insecurities.
I think humbleness, the ability to say you’re sorry and grow and then PROVE that you’ve learned and grown, is so key to both Usopp and Oda. I don’t think the (at most charitably, ‘unintentional’) anti-black rhetoric fully ever leaves the franchise. I think the work is too old and will never be able to scrub it off. But I think Oda can learn. I think he has. Each time he takes a swing at a racism allegory, he learns more and more. Same with uhhhhhh gay and trans people, while he’s at it.
Ussop’s getting (re: fights, not shipping, tho I’m shocked it isn’t more rare pair) paired off with Perona is cool and I wish people talked about the arrangement more because I think he’s ‘pessimism as strength’ trait is the first time he gets a good independent moment after rejoining. Everyone else is down!!! And when they all rely on him, he DOES have skills no one else does. He DOESN’T let the team down at their most vulnerable. He out-illusions a GHOST.
I think that’s where a lot of love for post-ts Usopp comes from. He gets to finally stand on his own. To survive! And thrive! And figure out what makes him him. Not a caricature, not a filler position defined by how others need/utilize/manipulate him. But who he wants to be. Flaws and all. And comedically, he is the best and funniest as the “straight man” and everyone else get’s to be the punchline (he still gets to be funny, but by being the one to point out ironies he gets to step back from his roots).
I think One Piece as a work of Gender Propaganda (the purpose of shounen manga is to teach young boys what “man shit” is- that’s not a spicy take) does it’s best when it gets to define the nuances of masculinity by a million different proxies (that’s what fights are). The function of the timeskip is to “make a man” out of the main team’s boys (and allies) (I can elaborate on this in another post if there’s interest). And post-ts Usopp is unequivocally A. Man. Maybe not a man’s man’s man’s man. But a man regardless. That’s not even in question. He gets to find his own unique identity and grow in front of our eyes. And if he’s the audience proxy, that means we can too.
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jublian · 2 years
Marauder Headcanons
(Wolfstar, Dorlene, Everyone is Queer)
Sirius (he/ him) tries to sit in a new seat every class. It annoys everyone. The girls think he’d be good in bed, but he’s never even kissed anyone (before Remus, obvs). He has a sharp memory, quick wit. One day he wonders why the girls can wear skirts or trousers, arrives to breakfast in a skirt. “It’s a crime to cover these knees”.
Remus (he/him) writes erotica and never wakes up early. He’s interested in men, but Lily confuses him. Unstoppable crush on Sirius Black. In fifth year, he goes to Nocturn alley and finds a second-hand book about a werewolf. He tracks down the previous author, who also has lycanthropy. It’s an old lady in Hogsmede. They have tea together every fortnight.
Lily (she/ her) applied to write for the school paper, was refused bc pureblood corruption. She starts an underground school magazine, called The Grunt, instead (which Remus submits erotica to). When in need of a confidence boost, she wears her fancy lingerie set under her school uniform
James (he/they) walks everywhere fast. He’s a picky eater (wont touch spinach). His party trick is balancing with one leg on an dustpan and brush, then enchanting it to fly. After becoming head boy, he schedules weekly prank-dates with Sirius. Doesn’t realise he’s bisexual until Sirius says that, yes, thinking about men while wanking ‘counts’
Peter (he/him) laughs easily, makes friends easily. The marauders are the one group he was desperate to be a part of. Reads true crime novels in bed while eating sour lollies. People are surprised by how good he smells.
Marlene (she/they) is tall and gangly. Bleached blonde rock n roll mullet. The boys think she’d be prettier if she didn’t walk so weird. They do the artwork for Lily’s paper- black ink caricatures that swim around the page and pull faces. She wears colourful nail polish, which is always chipped
Dorcas (they/ them) has long braids and glasses. A dry sense of humour, a sweet personality. A movie buff, a good sibling, a comics nerd. Duelling club leader. Sirius once challenged them to a staring match, which they won. He’s been kinda scared of them since, because he cheated for it. Bonded with Marlene over movies. They started dating in sixth year.
I wrote a marauders fic! It’s a collection of short scenes, with a wolfstar focus. WIP. Check it out here:
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
I’m so glad someone agrees with me about Tommy because I’ve never seen anyone say it before!!
And omg yes. It’s actually so sad to think about.. Joel goes to the radio thing regularly, trading his hard earned stuff, just for Tommy. To get any response, to know if he’s okay. And Tommy ditched and ignores him because he found something better.. and we know Joel took care of Tommy a lot (literally bailing him out of jail over and over again? He went everywhere with Tommy just so they’re together..)
I mean we know they had their fight but seriously.. how shitty of a brother are you to not even tell him you’re okay and safe?
Family is everything for Joel and he did so much for Tommy and honestly, Tommy never did shit for him. He literally abandoned and ignored him and it just makes me so mad for Joel.
Also yes!! Tommy did the exact same things! And I’m sure Tommy is still doing his fair share of killing to protect Jackson too! I wouldn’t even say he got a redemption arc, he just found a wife and got her pregnant lmao
like that don’t make you a good person all of a sudden Tommy! Makes you wonder if Maria even knows about the shit Tommy did because she sure disliked Joel a lot for his past..
Just makes me so mad and so sad for Joel. I’m okay with Gwen not being a bitch to Tommy bc Joel wouldn’t want that either! But I’m just glad he has Ellie and her as his chosen family because he truly deserves better!
Thanks for this great discussion! :)
“he found a wife and got her pregnant” LOL I loved this part
I think in Tommy’s mind, he got a redemption arc. He got the girl and keeps Jackson’s people safe and has a functioning town. Like obv Maria forgave him for all the things he did before they met. (I’m assuming Tommy told Maria what HE did with Joel and not just what Joel did) (or maybe he didn’t tell her because he’s ashamed of what he did so instead of being a man, he drags his brother through the dirt instead)
If that’s true, and she knows and she forgave him and doesn’t look at him differently, but then why shouldn’t the same be applied for Joel? Tommy can’t look past the fact that Joel killed people and hasn’t let go of Sarah but like dude, you’re not perfect either and you should cut Joel some serious slack because he has always come to save your ass.
She definitely won’t be a bitch to him especially since this is new turf for her and Joel. She’s not gonna want to step on any toes but if she feels like she needs to defend him, I don’t think she’ll hesitate. She had to do bad things to survive as well. That’s just the common fact for like everyone who survived the outbreak thus far. It’s either you or them. She definitely had to make those decisions and I know Joel won’t judge her for it cause at the end of the day, you’re gonna do whatever you need to do to survive.
Thank you for sending this in! I LOVE discussing this type of stuff :)
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baby-yongbok · 8 months
U are so real for doing an Autistic!Reader scenario. Obvs everyone is different so some parts I couldn’t exactly relate to. Like, the moment someone yells at me for something that I don’t perceive as being my fault I immediately start crying but the downward spiral of “why??? How??? What did I do?” I def connected with. I also kinda connect with the mild self harm too. I know that there might be some people who don’t like to see that kind of thing specifically being geared towards nd readers but those of us who do have asd big time appreciate it.
And what you wrote was so true, too. As someone who generally doesn’t have a lot of particularly obvious symptoms people will just think that you’re normal and apply the same rules that they apply to you and totally forget that you socially don’t function the same until you start losing it.
I'm glad that I posted it. I was nervous to do it but hearing all of the feedback and how so many others relate to it has been eye opening. Sometimes when you deal with stuff you can feel like you're the only one dealing with it, ya know? I know that I'm not the only autistic individual in the world but to be able to write a piece of fiction that gives a glimpse into what a meltdown is like for me and to have so many others say that they can relate to even one part of it makes me feel a lot less alone. I'm still dealing with imposter syndrome regarding my diagnosis (It's been like 3 yrs 🙃) So hearing this feedback is just wonderful and validating and yes. Anyway, I went on an over sharing ramble. I'm glad you enjoyed it! <3
✨The Fic mentioned✨
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