#Ceramic Jewelry Case
elipotmysterygifts · 1 year
In this blog post, we will explore the charm of colourful jewellery sets, the elegance of ceramic jewellery cases, and the depth of symbolism that comes with each piece. Whether you're shopping for yourself or someone special, handmade jewellery is sure to delight and captivate.
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marveltrumpshate · 5 days
Want to participate in Marvel Trumps Hate, but don't know what to offer? Think outside the box!
Stumped on what to offer because you don't write fic or draw? Marvel Trumps Hate welcomes a huge variety of fanworks and fan labor (see our sign-up post), so there are different ways you can contribute. You'll be amazed by the breadth of skills, talents, knowledge, and types of creative expression found in fandom!
Here's a smorgasbord of offers that we've either had before or seen people discuss as possibilities for MTH 2024 or future years to help inspire you. What you can offer is not restricted to the list below; these are just examples to get you brainstorming about what you can auction off because trust us, even if you think you might not have something to offer, you probably do!
Single-page and multi-page comics
Pixel art
Paintings (oil, acrylic, gouache, watercolor)
Mixed-media artwork on canvas
Ink-on-bristol art
Embroidery on canvas
Pour paint/spin art
Digital coloring books
Fan music or filk inspired by characters, ships, or fics
Videos (fic trailers, themed edits, vids set to songs)
Animations (making original art/animation or turning existing art into animation)
Cheer reading
Soundboarding/planning/development work
Sensitivity reading
Knowledge about specific topics or experiences (e.g., identities, lifestyles, professions, interests, fields of study)
Lip balms
Stained glass/suncatcher
Scented beanbag-style sachets
Candy/chocolate/baked goods/jellies/sweets
Fic/character/ship/theme boxes (like book boxes)
Pins, magnets, patches, charms, standees, key chains, ring holders, calendars, stickers, bookmarks, temporary tattoos
Sculptures and clay figures
Ceramic mugs and other ceramic items
Apparel/wearable accessories (shirts, jackets, scarves, gloves/mittens, hats, face masks, regular masks, cowls, pajamas/onesies)
Backpacks, tote bags, itabags with custom window shapes, leather dice bags, wallets, pouches/pencil cases
Plushie animal or Tsum Tsum versions of Marvel characters
Dolls (crochet, needle felt, matte board, hand-sewn)
Embroidery hoops/wall art and cross stitch pieces
Jewelry (diamond painting, macrame, metal, crochet, wire, beads)
Woodwork/wood burning (cheese board, box/chest, USB stick, coasters, photo frame, alphabet blocks)
Custom Funko Pops
Paper cut light boxes
Pillow cases, quilted pillows, baby blankets, dishcloth/washcloths, potholders
Handmade leather journals
Linoleum stamps
Dog/cat/pet toys
Artbooks, paper doll books, and coloring books
Hand-dyed yarn skeins
Custom tea blends
Mood boards
Photo manips
Fic covers/posters/banners
Icons and headers
Tumblr or website layouts
Digital calendars
Custom Discord emojis
Recipes based on characters, ships, or themes
Names, tags, and summaries for fics
Audio/sound editing and/or soundscaping for podfics
Book cover design and printing
Art/comic/fic translation
Website/game/AO3 skin coding
Fic rec lists
Fic playlists/fanmixes
Knitting/crochet patterns
Art coaching
Help with launching and organizing fan events
Meta posts
Social media AUs
Physical letters written by characters to the reader or between two characters
Remixes of your fic or an existing fic with the author's permission
Whether you can do something on this list or something else altogether (we're sure there are a lot of other things that you can do that we haven't thought about or seen before), we hope you'll consider signing up before the deadline: September 28, 11:59 PM ET.
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dutiful-wildcraft · 4 months
Lies and Alibis
Part 2, Previous, Next
Nikolai/Plus Size F!OC
This one's a bit longer! Nothing to scary, but their is some violence. Again this is a bit silly and very self indulgent, please enjoy!!!
banner by @/une-femme-de-lettres
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Life or death situations really do sober you up, which is really handy considering very big men with very big guns were now looking for her. She tries not to tremble too badly as she scans the bathroom for something, anything really to help her.
Best case scenario, she escapes with all her limbs intact. Preferably. 
Worst case scenario, they bust in and simply kill her then, a quick bullet to the dome. There were certainly more worse scenarios…but there was no time to line all those details out. She shudders. 
Think think think.
Locking the door would only make her presence inside more obvious. 
Find a weapon? She's seen broads in movies use the ceramic back of the toilet as pretty solid weapon before, she knows if she clocks someone just right it would at least knock them out. 
She peers into the stall, and of course there isn't one. Stupid automatic flusher. 
She turns again, eyes the small windows lining the far wall and nearly curses. She couldn't even fit her tits through the opening let alone the rest of her. Who the fuck even makes a window like that?
She can hear more yelling outside, and her heart pounds. She wasn't going to make it out. Not without someone seeing her.
She’s desperate, mind racing as a very hairbrained thought occurs to her.
If she was going to die cartoonishly, her fat ass wasn't going to be shot to swiss cheese hanging out of window she most certainly was going to get stuck in. Instead she works the glass pane open, pushing it as far as it could go before peeling off her heels and tossing them haphazardly onto the floor below the opening. 
With the clock ticking she scampers on bare feet into the handicap stall, leaving the door open a crack and climbing onto the toilet in the far corner. She was thankful that nicer bathrooms didn't have a crack a mile wide between the frames. She hunkers a bit, feet on the bowl with her ass resting against the wall to brace her. 
This was stupid, really.  Beyond stupid, suicidal even. But her mama did not raise a quitter. 
The door opens and her heart catches in her throat. She holds her breath as a pair of footsteps echo against the pearly tile. One set coming closer as the other kicks open the other closed stalls ahead of her. Oh god. She was going to die like this. On a toilet, Elvis style. She almost starts to cry, clutching her hands over her mouth to stifle her trembling breaths.
I escaped, I escaped. 
A voice rings out in the quiet, disbelieved barking.
“Blyat, Sbezhal!!”
More cursing. A frantic phone call, and hurried steps out of the bathroom follow.
She waits. That…that seriously worked.
Holy shit. That worked.
She climbs down on shakey legs and puts an ear to the door, listening carefully for any more noise. The commotion must have cleared the place, and she cracks the door into the dead quiet. She'd planned to bolt, hit the door and run for her fucking life, but she thinks of her knight in glittering gold jewelry.
She doesn't know why now out of all times she feels guilty for a random russian mobster. He couldn't have been too much better than these other men, and for all she knows if it was his business she was poking into he would have had her murked too.
He helped you.
For reasons unknown, or perhaps even nefarious, but she didn't know that, just like he didn't know having her on his arm would get him a gun stock to the face.
Her eyes flicker between the door to her escape and the long hallway they'd taken him, and she sighs, long and ill suffering. 
This is beyond stupid, she grouses inwardly, crawling her way underneath another set of hallway length windows in an effort to not get her head blown off by the rifle toting jarhead she'd seen walking the perimeter. 
She didn't have much besides “Grab Nikolai and Leave”. The details around even that fuzzy, not to mention the man may or may not be dead…or at minimum very angry with her. She pauses dead for a second, a little spinning wheeling flashing in her mind's eye as she slowly works that problem out.
…maybe he won't be so mad if she helps him. He could at least get them out of there and hunt her another day. 
Too late to go back now. 
From what they could tell they were searching the woods for her. What remnants of the dinner party left long gone in the aftermath, with just a few men and her knight left. 
She continues following the trail of blood and black skid marks from well polished shoes down fancy tiled corridors. Pausing around the corner as the sound of wet thuds and pained grunts hit her ears, followed by more seething russian.
Words so snarled she can barely understand. Something about her, betrayal, stupidity. Their captive rasps. Feigning ignorance.
No, not feigning, telling the truth. As the familiar voice definitely belonged to Nikolai, a light edge to it despite his predicament. Her heart pangs with guilt. This was definitely her fault.
She's fully prepared to play the waiting game, find a place to hide until at least one of the guards leaves the room. That is until she hears the light tap of a shoe on tile far too late, turning just in time to catch the pistol careening with her face.
Fucking, ow. 
Her head bounces off the marble and she sees stars, body laying limply on the floor as she attempts to reboot.
He'd definitely busted her head open, hopefully she wouldn't need stitches, but probably considering she could already feel the blood slipping into her hairline. 
And as she takes stock of herself, she realizes that he definitely thinks he's knocked her out, judging by the way he bitches, grumbling about her weight before unceremoniously grabbing her ankle and dragging her along.
She bites her tongue, forces herself to fall limp despite the radiating pain in her skull. Cracking like lightning as her head thunks between the grout. 
Eventually she's stopped, her thick leg flung hatefully to the floor as a door slams behind her. She keeps still. Listening. There was another, ragged labored breaths. She dares to crack her eye just a smidgen, taking in the blurry visage that was Nikolai, his limp black locks hiding his face from her view.
Okay. Target located. She hadn't necessarily planned playing possum to get there but hey, a win is a win. 
Win number two, a knocked out fat girl was apparently not threatening enough to justify security. Her arms and legs left splayed lifelessly beside her and undisturbed.
The door clicks again. Followed by heavy footsteps.
New problem.
She cracks her eye again, watching the guard stalk back and forth through the blurred slit of her eyelids. His back, thankfully toward her. 
He's yapping again, yanking Nikolai back by the hair to sneer. Monologuing as power hungry idiots are wont to do.
Her eyes scan the room fully now. She can make this work. He's bigger than her but she's got enough ass to swing hard if she needs to. Enough pressure in the right place can knock anyone out. Jaw, temple, base of skull, she lists. 
Her eyes search, lamp, chair, paperweight, all doable but loud….her eyes fall just above her. Pretty velvet curtains tied back neatly with thick, golden tasseled chord. Bingo.
Keeping her eyes glued to her chatty assailant she reaches upward, fingers barely grasping at the silky strands before tugging it down the length of the curtain, catching it swiftly before it could thunk against the floor. 
She'd needed to be quick for her next trick. She eases herself up. Wrapping the chord around both palms, steeling herself for what could very well be the worst decision she's ever made. Cut off blood supply, crush his windpipe. She pictures the anatomy in her head, and before she can bitch out she lunges, throwing the chord around his throat and yanking.
There's a choked gasp as she twists, turning her body 180 and pulling down sharply, attempting to use her own weight to assist in strangling the man. He thrashes against her back, nearly toppling them both over.  She's too short, his legs still able to scrabble against the ground.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
She twists again, maneuvering her arms to twist the makeshift garrote around his throat into more of a noose. They both stumble in the struggle, falling to the floor in a heap. 
Absolutely fucking not.
She scrambles, keeping the chord pulled taut around the guards neck as she kicks her feett out, planting them both against the man's shoulders and yanking with all her might. Keeping her legs stiff and holding onto the chord for dear life, palms straining as she simultaneously pushes and pulls.
He really flails now, legs kicking and eyes bulging. Dull nails drawing blood against her calves and ankles where he fights to claw her off. She'd be impressed with his tenacity had she not been fearing for her own life. How fucking long did it take to strangle someone?
“Pull harder, zaychonok” a voice rasps over the gurgling and choking in the room. Nikolai.
And she does, grunting with the effort as she pushes with her knees, keeping the chord pulled tight against her chest, whole body beginning to tremble with the effort. 
“pull, keep pulling, more, more”
The man at her feet tries to howl, frothing and flailing desperately before there is a sickening pop. His body falling limp and silent. She sags, panting harshly, letting her cheek rest against the cool tile of the floor. Her hands throbbed, burned and bloodied from the rope, but she was alive, blessedly alive.
Which could not be said for the guard. 
She shoots up, flinging the chord viciously from her hands and stares at him. He's dead alright, head cranked at an unnatural angle, dead eyes bulging and painted red from broken vessels. His neck painted in varying shades of red and purple. 
It makes her stomach churn. 
She stares at the body, her memory carving his corpse into the inside of her skull. It’s not that she hadn't seen a dead body before, she's seen plenty. She's just…never been the direct result of a dead body. The words Do No Harm, echoes in her brain. 
She flinches, eyes bouncing to Nikolai who watches her carefully.  “Fetch me his knife” he instructs, and his voice is soft, surprisingly gentle given the situation. She follows, moving on autopilot to flip the thug over and snag the knife from his belt. 
She stumbles toward him. Clumsy like a newborn foal as she cuts the zip ties from his wrists with trembling fingers. Vehemently ignoring looking at the dead man on the floor. 
Nikolai makes a little relieved sound, rubbing his aching wrists as she circles back around. He carefully tugs the knife from her hands, never taking his eyes off of her as he slides it against his belt.
“Good job” he murmurs, hooking a hand a bit to roughly against her shoulder. Shaking her from her thoughts again. The poor man looks rough, they both do. Thankfully it’s something she thinks a few stitches and a bath couldn't fix. But something else occurs to her.
“You speak english.” she deadpans, staring at him with exhausted eyes, and this mad bastard has the gall to let out a small wet laugh.
“Very observant” he chuckles, patting her shoulder moving across the room on stiff legs. He plucks a handgun from the desk drawer and checks the magazine. Satisfied , he slides it into his belt, bending again to pick up the guard’s fallen handgun making the same check. He eyes her with a raised brow.
“Can I trust you with this?”
She swallows hard, nods. It’s been a while, but she knows how to use it. 
He approaches, quickly going over the safety, how to clear it, before pushing it into her hand. His warm palm slides over the metal, gripping her wrist securely. He folds his chin to his chest, looking into her eyes. Holding her attention. 
“Stay close to me, keep your hand off the trigger, we will survive.”
“Da” she repeats, preening just a bit as he smiles at her.
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Interesting 1998 modern, stylized Hacienda style home in Scottsdale, Arizona. 5bds, 6ba, $5.890M + $286mo. HOA fee. (Why do all these homes in deserts, on mountain tops, and the middle of nowhere have HOAs?) Note: Membership to the Desert Mountain Club is not available with this property. Well, excuuuuse me. This home is not good enough for the Desert Mountain Club?
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Now, there's an unusual mantel- I've never seen an accordion style mantle.
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I guess when you use the bar, you push it away from the window?
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Wow, is this home fancy. An arched nook just for the sideboard and a half wall overlooking the living room in the dining room.
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The kitchen has direct access to the terrace. Nice exhaust hood, but the thing I like most is the pop of turquoise.
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Cozy family room. Love the ceramic fireplace. What is that wood on the wall? Looks like a built-in cabinet.
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The pool room has a stunning fireplace and a view of the fountain on the patio. Look at the high chairs so your opponents can watch your moves.
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The movie theater has snack tables, but it needs a fancy snack counter.
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Wow, look at the sink in the powder room. This is luxurious. What? No soap holder? How tacky, a bar of soap sitting on the rim.
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Primary bedroom has a great mountain view and lovely fireplace.
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The en-suite is beautiful, but that tub enclosure is too big. I'd have sit on it and swing around.
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The shower has a nice big seat. Good platform for bathing the dog, too.
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The closet has a built-in jewelry case the size of a wall.
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Imagine relaxing on this terrace.
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Cozy, rosy, little den.
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Nice shower with a chaise longue.
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Secondary bedroom has a window seat with a shell-like molding above the window.
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The lower level rec room even has a full kitchen.
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Terraced patio has a gorgeous fireplace.
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Yikes, the infinity pool makes it look like you can swim right off the mountain.
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The property measures 1.74 acres.
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@seikowatch @seikowatches @pepsi
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yanandreckless · 3 months
Rub A Dub Dub, Astartes in the tub 1/2
I am reposting part 1 of this since I managed to accidentally delete the post from my blog yesterday. Thank you again @sleepyfan-blog !
"Now, wait here. This is Prince's home after all, and I think you're scaring him, I need to take care of it."
Strix nods sharply, standing still next to the bedroom door, his back straight and his hands still behind it.
"Hey baby." I enter the bathroom sheepishly to find Prince curled up in the corner of the shower, his eyes wide.
"Don't worry, chubbykins, we just have a new buddy! Everything is just fine!" I crouch in front of the shower and Prince is sniffing the air with apparent distaste, curling up even more into himself.
"I know, he stinks a lot, doesn't he? Worse than you did when I found you in a food coma with half my pantry ripped apart." Prince chitters. Strix hisses from outside, seemingly offended that you're shit-talking him.
"We need to bathe him. He promised to play nice, so you have nothing to worry about, alright? Want me to take you back to your bed?" I outstretch my arms for Prince to crawl into my embrace and he's hesitant, his snout wrinkling as he sniffs the air. Eventually he does let me carry him and clings to me hard with his little paws. Strix is looking up at us as we pass him, shifting his weight from foot to foot anxiously and fiddling with the marten hide over his left shoulder, a small displeased whine escaping him. I set Prince down into his bed in the living room and head back for the bathroom. I don't see Strix at first but I then I hear this sound like ceramics against metal and I see him pacing about in the shower, leaving specks of dirt everywhere.
"Oh, good boy, you're already in the tub!" He stops his pacing and I roll up the sleeves of my sweater before opening a far right cabinet, the one that stores all the items that aren't used on a daily basis.
"Alright, here's unscented pet shampoo, here's a skunk deodorizer, here's a scrubbing brush and... maybe this loofah?" I pull out a new loofah from the packaging. Strix is looking at it curiously.
"I also do have some supplies to maintain Astartes armor but I suppose we need to clean it first. Can we even wash your armor? Does it rust?" Strix shakes his head sharply. Oh wow. Great news!
"Ok, then it can be scrubbed, I have this, that could work." I pull out a tub of cleaning paste. Strix is still remaining calm.
"However..." I say pensively: "I suspect your bad smell is not due to mud caked to your armor or anything. I suspect it's all the... jewelry you wear. And also I suspect the inside of your armor is... in need of a clean."
Strix stiffens, growls.
"Don't growl at me, you can't be adorning yourself with roadkill and-" Another snarl.
"Okay, okay, prey!" He nods in a "that's more like it" fashion.
"In either case, these are dead things that stink! And if you hunt and run around in that armor day after day and night after night, it stinks on the inside too!"
I give him some time to process my words and I can see the moment he finally sighs and relaxes his shoulders. He starts to unclasp the marten hide draped across his body. He's surprisingly careful with it and once it's off, he seems hesitant to put it anywhere. I outstretch my hand for it:
"Don't worry, we can keep it safe, but we will have to find a way to deodorize it." He relents and hands me his macabre stole. Various rodent and bird skulls, as well as insect carapaces, are next. I carefully hold them on my palm before I deposit them all in a soap box I emptied moments prior:
"Okay, we'll deal with that later. Can you start on your armor now?"
Strix is hesitant. He shifts his weight from foot to foot and huffs nervously. I had read that Astartes faces typically look pretty much like those of humans, with some notable exceptions where mutations are concerned. But Night Lords should look fairly human still, if overly pale.
"Come on, I'm sure you're an adorable boy." I coax him and he stomps his foot a little on the tub, turning away from me in a rush. He growls when I laugh:
"Now now, there's no need to be shy, come on." I didn't think the slight baby voice would work, but Strix sighs and reaches up.
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majordemonblockparty · 4 months
for all the secrets and half-truths (and one demon deal) their marriage was based on, I do like to think that john and mary really did love each other. but I like to think that that love manifested in some pretty odd ways.
john, who keeps catching his wife sprinkling holy water in the corners of the house and murmuring in what he can only assume is latin. "I didn't think your family was that religious, mare," he says, when what he means is "thought your daddy was episcopalian, mary; what bizarre sort'a mackerel snapper shit is this?"
mary, who buys her husband a nice leather belt for his birthday, and spends interim weeks etching the inside with salt-rubbed runes and sigils to keep him safesafesafe. (that she pricks her finger and bleeds dark stains into the leather is a bonus.)
john, who keeps finding rosaries tucked into the pockets of his jeans folded in the bureau drawer, and little spiral snail shells sprinkled along the front walkway and around the edges of the property, and flat silver pendants with the image of a man and a stag on the front and the words ST. HUBERTUS PRAY FOR US stamped on the back sewn to the lining of his jackets.
mary, who leaves her husband's guns alone when she finds them tucked into his nightstand drawer, and on a high shelf in the closet. who cleans and sharpens her collection of knives -- silver, iron, consecrated bronze -- at the kitchen table after the breakfast dishes are done and puts them back safe in a spot she knows john'll never look (the false bottom of the tampax box).
john, who leaves his sleeping wife, two, three, ten times a night sometimes to walk the perimeter, gun in hand. john who flips the locks open and shut, open and shut, who checks the window casings and the closets and the crawlspace under the kitchen pantry for -- what he's never sure. not VC, not in suburban kansas, and he knows that, he does, but --
mary, who keeps adding angels to the baby's nursery; little plaster cherubs on the changing table and ceramic seraphims over the crib and a cross-stitched monstrosity of a thing with a little boy's prayer to st. michael hung on the back of the closet door. (john buys her a delicate silver -- always silver jewelry for his girl, never gold -- cross for her 25th birthday, just a little over a month before the baby comes, and she puts it on and kisses him sweetly and thanks him for it, and he never sees her wear it again.)
john, who understands that everybody needs something to lean on when shit gets fucked, that losing both her parents in one night was horrible for mary, that if a little at-home catholicism is what it takes to make her feel better, well. he's seen women cope in worse ways than that.
mary, who doesn't have a good excuse when her husband walks in on her painting protective sign on her three-week-old son's skin with a finger dipped in holy water. who looks at him with wide, no-sleep eyes and shaky hands and tells him she's just doing this to keep him safe.
("safe from what?" john hears himself ask. "from sin? mary, we can have him baptized, it's fine, you don't have to do this." but yes, she does, she really, really does.)
(it gets... not better, exactly, but not worse as dean gets older. when he can tie his own shoes and say his own prayers and keep the little silver bracelet engraved with his initials clasped around his wrist without fear of losing it. john had given it a dubious look but any comment waiting on his tongue was quickly quelled by a warning glance from his wife that could've singed the hair off his face.)
john, who's not about to tell anybody about whatever's happening to his wife, and mary, the embodiment of "it's not paranoia if they really are out to getcha". john and mary both trying to protect the other as best they know how, and neither saying a goddamn word about it.
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noxtms · 2 months
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❝ HEAR YE, HEAR YE ! get ready for a world of fun and thrills as jousting knights and royal delights with costumed villagers and other merrymakers prepare to make your visit to the cadbury renaissance faire an unforgettable experience ! cadbury castle, the one time home of the great wizard merlin and his magical camelot, invites you to enjoy the 12th century village and all of the fantastical entertainment that comes with, including wandering musicians, hilarious comedy acts and, of course, royal jugglers ! you'll meet a host of memorable characters and enjoy the sport of full contact live armored jousting, along with getting the chance to enjoy fabulous food fit for royalty and over a hundred unique merchants selling beautiful, handcrafted goods ! come as you are or wish to be, and don't miss your once a year chance to join the arthurian court - or to nominate your loved ones for the chance to be this years BURNING WITCH !  ❞
the cadbury renaissance faire is an all wix event run from the ruins of cadbury castle in somerset over a week of the ministry of magic's choosing, usually at the height of summer. they get the final say on the dates that it tends to run because of the mountain of work that they have to put in to ensure that it goes off without a hitch - and, of course, without a breach of the statute of wixen secrecy. the departments of magical games & sports, law enforcement and transportation are forced to work together in the leadup to make sure that the entire area within a ten mile radius is appropriately covered by protective charms and muggle repellents, and that everyone who is travelling in by magical means - be it by broomstick, portkey or apparition from local points - is doing so safely. while the faire doesn't draw the same sort of crowds that high importance quidditch games have historically involved, and most overseas wix have their own faires to enjoy that mean they can't be tempted by one in cadbury, it still has its regulars and, every year, a huge amount of newcomers who are drawn by intense promotion across wixen radio and classic flyers.
set in the 12th century and on the very land where the 'mythical' ( to muggles, deeply real to wix ) land of camelot once lay, the big selling point of this faire is the celebration of the larger than life figures that many young wix learn about at home before they ever make it to hogwarts. for a week, the ruins of the old castle are transformed into a sea of colorful tents, stalls and stages, with guests getting the once in a blue moon chance to live the way that those historical figures - merlin, morgan, nimueh - once did. it isn't the most accurate of events, especially now that the next generation have started to attend and bring with them new interpretations on a classic theme, but there's enough going on that most forgive it.
the shops and stalls sell well made ( and in some cases, sourced from shein ) clothes for those that didn't have a costume at the back of their wardrobe, jewelry to accessorise, muggle style weapons to fit the theme and other handmade goods ( soaps, candles, ceramics, potions ), and while these are definitely one of the main attractions, the wandering actors who stay in character throughout are another huge part of the appeal. the food is always of the highest quality, with meat pies, turkey legs and mead available at most of the stalls and a large group feast held at the centre of the ruins every night, once the sun goes down. there are comedy skits, acrobats, wandering musicians, fortune tellers, pub crawls, jousting competitions, quests and just about everything else you can think of - including, this year, a week long opportunity to nominate witches who will each stand trial at the end of the event, morbidly competing for the high honor of being the single one that gets mock burned at the stake. the latter mightn't be the sort of event to take your children to, but the rest of the faire promises family friendly fun that is worth having experienced, even just the once !
the cadbury renaissance faire is making its triumphant return to nox, this time complete with a fun new witch trial subplot - something that has been a long, long time coming, if you can believe it ! that idea got floated way back in 2021 and never managed to make it to a full event of its own, even though we really enjoyed, at the time, the idea of it being considered a huge honor to be the burning witch of the year. i think it fits the vibe we're going for, here, and i'm glad it finally found its place ! the trial will close out the event at the end of the week ( ic ) / two weeks ( ooc ), and will be as interactive as i can make it with ic nominations for the duration, and i'd recommend keeping younger muses away from it - though they're welcome to enjoy the rest of what the faire has to offer them ! costumes aren't mandatory for entry, though a willingness to get involved and to be as immersed as possible definitely is !
this event will begin with the posting of this message and end in two weeks time ! there'll only be about a week of cooldown between this and our next major event, another nox classic that i think you guys might already be expecting - i hope that's alright !
no character is required to attend, of course, especially if you consider this to be something that they'd be disinterested in, but you're encouraged to involve yourself as much as possible !
you can feel free to post any characters outfits that you'd like to post in the section that i've made on the main discord server, and nominate characters ( ic ) for the witch trials ! this was envisioned as a dash event, but you aren't required to pause any of your current threads - just make sure to tag them appropriately to avoid confusion !
event related starters ( including private ones ) can be tagged with nox.event042 ! the faire is located at the ruins of cadbury castle, somerset - the nox canon home of camelot - for anyone who tags location ! 
if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to send them to the main ! please like this post once you've read it !
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inherstars · 4 months
4, 11, and 21 for the weirder asks post? :3
I post these things and then IMMEDIATELY forget that I posted them. Okay, let's see... 4. which cryptyd being do you believe in? Oh man... I'm gonna go off-script here and say Hotsy Totsy. This is very very specific. When my husband was a little kid, his grandmother used to warn him not to go into the back alley behind her house, because a witch named Hotsy Totsy lived there, and would get him and eat him. So he spent at least part of his childhood concerned about the alley-dwelling, child-eating witch, Hotsy Totsy. I have ALWAYS wanted to, like, draw this creature or write a story about her. I tried to see if this was something she made up completely on her own, or if there was a cultural / historical context to it, but never did turn anything up. I always just thought it was fucking cool. 11. Favorite extracurricular activity? Hiking. We're doing a New England hiking road trip in September, and would like to work our way up to doing Yellowstone next year. I don't want to do, like, free-climbing or anything like that, but I am really hungry for some more challenging and physically engaging hikes. I love coming home after an exhausting day just hopping on rocks and wading through creeks and looking at cool bugs and then taking the world's coldest shower, followed by s'mores and ciders by the firepit, and then sleeping the best sleep of your life. 21. Something you've kept since childhood Moving around every 6-9 months for the bulk of my childhood, and being briefly homeless as a teenager, means I only have 2 things from childhood. And they aren't actually mine, I just sort of inherited them from their original owners, and also remember them from my childhood: The first is an old pair of my grandfather's binoculars, with their original case. I bought a nicer pair to take on hikes, so this set stays at home, where I use it to creep on what my neighbors are doing (while pretending to look at interesting birds). The inside of the case smells like summers at my grandparents' house. The only other thing I have is a big coffee mug that my grandmother used up until she died. There's a lady on Instagram who takes old ceramics and turns them into jewelry, and I think a lot about having the roses on the mug turned into pendants. Right now it just lives on my altar, but I'd like to be able to carry a piece of it around with me.
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detectiveichijouji · 5 months
Case 34 - The Heroic Kaiser?
[AO3 version]
The Space Trio had handed a data file to the 02 Group, in the aftermath of their fight against one old Soleil and Lune’s acquaintance named Kayono:
“This student’s title is ‘The Kaiser’, and he’s some sort of ace in his field.”
Ken remembered those words, and the next ones:
“His grades are above the school’s expectations, some sort of genius kid. And knowing Ichijouji Ken-kun here used to be called the ‘Genius Boy’ in the past…”
 He looked at the file again, now hearing Daisuke’s voice in his head:
“They could be the one targeting Ken, right?”
Just like Youta and Mizuki have the titles Soleil and Lune at Dai-Take-Hika’s school… Ken hadn’t time enough to check if anyone else at his own school would have something similar to those. But Noel might be right, someone from his school is targeting him, and playing with innocent lives… Trying to catch his attention, like a legit criminal from one of those detective stories.
“It can be just a coincidence,” he frowned, “This person looks like Taichi-san in terms of appearance though…”
“Tsukiyono-kun! Can you help with my homework…?”
Ken didn’t know this person, but it was indeed from his class. But how could he never have seen that student before? The answer is…
“Ah, sure sure! Show me where’s the problem.”
… That this kid was actually a transferred student.
All flags pointed at this kid. He suddenly got popular, beloved by everyone enough to use that suspicious title-nickname for 3 weeks?!
Ken watched the boy from his desk: Light brown fluffy hair but its “spiky” edges were cut, green eyes, a scar in the left ear…
“He can’t be… can he…?” Wormmon whispered to Ken. But soon or later he would know, Miyako is investigating that boy in her free time.
Then he got up from his desk, right after the ‘Kaiser’ finished helping the other student and left. Ken followed him to the hallways, with Wormmon on his back.
“Um, excuse us, Kaiser-sama--”
The boy stopped, and then witnessed Ken just staring at Wormmon’s head which was resting on his shoulder, as if he had just slipped a BIG secret by sheer accident.
“Don’t mind him…” Ken laughed nervously, covering Wormmon’s mouth immediately, “You’re… Tsukiyono Seishiro, by the way?”
“Yes, and you are…?”
“Ichijouji Ken, we’re classmates,” he uncovered Wormmon’s mouth, “And this is Wormmon.”
“N-Nice to meet you!” Wormmon babbled, awkwardly.
“Ah, I see… You’re the national celebrity, the ‘Genius Boy’ from the news?”
“I’m not a celebrity anymore, but yes” Ken nodded, calmly.
“True, your reign as Japan’s genius prodigy has ended shortly, right?” Seishiro smiled, it didn’t seem fake though? “But what would you want from me?”
So far Ken did not find anything that could lead this transferred student to be the wannabe Digimon Kaiser.
“Have you heard the news?” Ken started playing dumb, speaking politely and relaxed, “There’s strange jewelry and ceramic pieces being distributed by people turning them into unstable digimon.”
He knew that if Seishiro was indeed the one targeting him and his friend, some awkward reaction would be spotted by them.
“Ah, yes. Those cases are happening around Tokyo, right?”
“Exactly,” Ken said as Wormmon silently nodded his head.
“Huh… It’s a bit  suspicious of you asking me about that, are you involved in those cases?”
Ken’s heart skipped a beat. If he answered that, he would reveal he was the original Digimon Kaiser a long time ago. But there’s no way he could inform that he’s being framed for those crimes without--
“Tsukiyono-san, he’s the young prince detective who’s helping the police with those cases.”
Seishiro, Ken and Wormmon looked at the boy behind Seishiro, who was…
 “So obviously he would be involved in some way.”
Nokita Yuu?! -- Ken said to himself, mentally.
“Oh? So you’re playing the role of a detective?” Seishiro smiled again at Ken, “Interesting…”
Huh… That sounds strange…
“Ichijouji-kun is a Chosen Child, didn’t you know?” Nokita gestured to Wormmon, “He and his friends are the only ones who can solve those cases unlike us.”
“You’re not partnered with a digimon?” Wormmon asked, blinking.
“No, I don’t…” Seishiro shook his head, gently.
“So, our only duty here is to hand those shards to Ichijouji-kun” Nokita said with a light punch on Seishiro’s arm, “Tsukiyono-san, don’t forget that.”
Nokita kept walking, and once he was far enough from the other two, he dropped that smile.
“You went straight to ask the school’s ‘Kaiser’ if he’s involved in those digimon cases? Pathetic.”
The 02 Group gathered at Ken’s house after class… Except for Daisuke, sadly.
“So, what’s the news, dagya?” 
“We talked with the Kaiser person from Ken-chan’s school,” Wormmon responded.
“Yes, he’s a transferred student,” Ken added, “Tsukiyono Seishiro. He’s from my classroom.”
“Hmm…” Tailmon mused.
“I’ve researched for that name,” Miyako said next, showing them her laptop screen, “And apparently he is part of a manga and anime online forum.”
The screen showed one of the posts in a thread.
“We weren’t that sure if it was the same person at first, because he uses an alias called ‘Seishiro513’ but…”
“It’s not a random number, right?” Hikari said.
“ ‘513’ is in Gorowase , correct?” Iori asked, “And this means…”
“... ‘Ka-i-za’ which is ‘Kaiser’,” Ken answered, “So this is our suspect indeed.”
“What else do we know about this person?” Takeru looked at Miyako.
“He usually writes long reviews on manga, anime and games. But recently… He replied to a topic about the digimon incidents,” Hawkmon explained.
“Huh?” Patamon blinked.
“Suspicious…” Wormmon commented, while everyone else was reading the topic.
Their eyes widened when they read…
[I have one of those shards. Let me know if you have any questions.]
“W-what?!” Hikari gasped, “What did he mean by that?!”
“How old is this message, Miyako-san?” Iori asked with a serious tone, and then everyone started looking for the timestamps on the page.
“It was a day ago.”  
“Maybe we should contact Tsukiyono again,” Ken said, but suddenly…Ken’s phone rang.
“Who’s calling now, dagya?” Armadimon blinked. The group stood in silence as Ken answered the call.
They all thought it was Daisuke or Noel, but…
“Hello, Smooth young detective.”
“It’s you again…” Ken bit his lips, “What do you want?”
“I’d like to inform you that I will drop a fragment next to my new victim. Can you find it before it activates?”
“... Fine. Anything else?”
“Nothing else for now. But I will contact you again once I get more games for you.”
And then, the mysterious voice (? The Kaiser-wannabe?) hung up.
“Who was, Ken-chan?” Wormmon asked.
“We got a fair warning about the next victim.”
“Noel, ya know I don’t feel fine working with your other two friends because they don’t give a…”
“Yes, I know” Noel signed, “But I can’t turn my back on you and your friends either.”
“You said you had something to tell us,” V-mon interrupted, “then go ahead. Spill the beans. Start talking.”
Noel scratched his head, awkwardly. His absence from the previous battles involving the shards were because he was busy with other stuff, disguised in the crowd.
“I think you need to open your eyes and be more careful about your surroundings.”
“Huh?” Daisuke raised an eyebrow, “Whaddya mean, Noel?”
“I couldn’t tell Soleil-san and Lune-san before, but…”
Noel looked straight into Daisuke’s eyes, his hair flowing in the wind and his green eyes being visible.
Miyako used the radar to spot the faux shard, but Ken decided to leave it to her and Hikari to secure it before things went south. Takeru, Iori and him settled for going after Tsukiyono Seishiro instead, having all the evidence against their suspect.
They kept in touch via their earpiece communicators, borrowed from Koushiro once again.
The file given by Soleil and Lune had the address of Seishiro’s residence, and this was their first step there. The Tsukiyono family had another child, an older sister named Miyuki, who they met leaving the house.
She had the same face as her brother, and spiky blonde hair, yellow gold eyes. The boys asked for her brother, and she pointed with her thumb to the apartment’s interior. Ken asked if they could see him, and she allowed them to get in.
They stood in front of the boy’s room, the door locked. Takeru knocked on.
“Tsukiyono-kun? Are you there?”
No answer.
Miyako and Hikari used the shard radar to guide them to another area. There was no other fragment detected at the moment, and they thought they were lucky. Nefertimon and Aquilamon landed on a school’s yard in Shinjuku, and then started to check for the fragment.
“It must be somewhere in this area…” Miyako said, checking her laptop while Hawkmon and Tailmon alongside Hikari inspected the area.
“Ah? What is that shiny object over there, at the top of the building?”
“Could it be…?!”
There was a crow touching that suspicious object though…?
It was when…
“They all were caught in a trap, ” Noel sighed, as if he was already beaten by his adversaries.
“A trap?” Daisuke gasped, “And you hid this from everyone?!” he babbled.
“No, I didn’t…!! Actually, I know who the faux Digimon Kaiser is, and he’s too close to Ichijouji-san. Approaching him from time to time, because… he knows Ichijouji Ken’s past pretty well.”
“A friend, you mean?” V-mon asked.
“Ok, so… Ken’s closest friends are us… So you mean, one of us is lying? ” Daisuke frowned.
“I’m not sure about this, mon ami. You and the others wouldn’t do that. But did you know… That Ichijouji-san had another friend besides you all?”
“Another friend?” V-mon and Daisuke repeated in unisson.
“This friend…”
A few minutes later, the door opened. Seishiro was surprised to see them though.
“Ichijouji-kun?” the boy said, “What are you doing here?”
“We know what you’re doing (dagya)!!” the digimon said together. Seishiro blinked.
“What did I do??” he replied, with a pout, “Oh you meant that right? Sorry, but--”
“Wormmon, now!” Patamon ordered, and then the green digimon used his sticky net to capture Seishiro.
“Hey!! What are you DOING!?” the boy complained, and Armadimon tucked Seishiro in the corner of his room, “Ichijouji! What the heck are you doing?! Is this a prank?!”
“... The digimon went too overboard with this,” Iori said with a monotone voice. Takeru and Ken facepalmed at this as well.
“Huh?!” Seishiro raised an eyebrow, but was still angry for whatever those doofus were doing and would do next.
“I’m sorry,” Ken, Iori and Takeru apologized with a bow.
“Where’s the fake shard, Tsukiyono-san?” Iori asked, calmly.
“Yes, the one you mentioned on this forum thread here,” then Takeru showed him the mobile version of the webpage on his phone.
“??! Ichijouji-kun…”
Seishiro grimaced, panicked.
“I didn’t post that…! I haven't gone to that forum since I started High School!”
“Then what didja mean before?” Armadimon asked, “About a ‘that’ thing, dagya?”
“I meant the test answers from past years. I collect them to study and share them with an online study group, but… But lately everyone is using them to cheat and not to study properly!! So I’m refusing to share them openly now.”
“Oh, that…” Patamon blinked twice.
“He’s really a good person,” Wormmon commented.
“I have none of those shards…!”
The trio then freed Seishiro from the sticky silk, while Ken just tried contacting Miyako and Hikari, But…
… A light consumed the school’s roof and then a digimon appeared instead.
“D-Did the crow turn into a digimon!?” Miyako was dumbfounded by that scene.
“It was indeed a shard,” Hawkmon commented.
“C-can those affect even animals?!” Hikari looked concerned, something felt terrible… It gave her goosebumps, she looked at Tailmon, then turned to Miyako and Hawkmon, “What digimon is that?”
“It seems to be a griffon…?” Miyako adjusted her glasses.
“Hmm, a griffon…” Hawkmon mused, then Tailmon answered quickly:
“ Griffomon ! We will need to use Valkyrimon’s power right now!”
Hawkmon evolved into Aquilamon. Then, the digivices’ colors changed, becoming a matched pair and then released lights which formed the Jogress Holy Ring for its execution -- Aquilamon and Tailmon turned into light beams and waltzed in a helix shape. Once the lights hit the Jogress Ring, Silphymon emerged from its top.
Silphymon, ultimate-evolve!! Valkyrimon!
A beam of light surrounded Silphymon and then other two lights in red and pink danced in the shape of a helix as the digimon jumped into the red Jogress ring. From there, Valkyrimon came out of it, bathed by the glorious moonlight from the battlefield. 
Wielding their sword, Valkyrimon dashed thru the air and went into Griffomon’s direction.
While the jogress digimon fought the unstable enemy, Miyako was contacting Ken at the same time.
“Ken-kun, are you there?”
“MIyako-san, Tsukiyono Seishiro is innocent.”
“Huh?” Hikari was also on the same line, “What do you mean?”
“Someone hacked his account and pretended to be him,” Iori replied next, nonchalantly.
“Have you found the shard?” and Takeru asked immediately.
“Yes, we did,” Hikari answered, “But…”
“A crow found it first and evolved with it,” Miyako explained hesitantly.
“W-what? A crow?!” the boys exclaimed.
“D-don’t worry about us!” Hikari added quickly, “We’re fine!”
“This friend… Is someone Ichijouji Ken does not remember at all.”
Daisuke and V-mon blinked, “But how…?!”
“Wait… Ken said, a long time ago, that his memories were fuzzy and blurred after a certain… thing…”
“You mean the--” V-mon was about to slip it out something, but Daisuke interrupted him,
“Yeah yeah that thing, but you don’t need to say it!”
“... I’m sorry, but investigating stuff led me to discover what you’re hiding from everyone, Motomiya-san.”
“W-what do ya mean?!”
“Ichijouji-san was the original Digimon Kaiser, wasn’t he?”
Daisuke gulped.
“He’s the main reason for this whole game, right?” Noel said with a serious voice, “Isn’t he?”
“Don’t tell those two, Ken had done bad things, but he’s still paying for those crimes” Daisuke begged, but with a firm tone, “Can I trust you, Noel? Ken doesn’t need more people coming after him!”
“... I won’t let Soleil-san and Lune-san touch him, I promise. Your friends are my friends too.”
“But ain’t them your friends too?” V-mon asked, confused.
“We’re… Just teammates. And besides they’re exploiting me for their own business, but I'm doing the same in return.”
“You all are using each other…?” Daisuke asked then, frowning once again, “But--”
“I don’t mind, this is how a phantom thief works. Doing the sketchy job, after all I’m a criminal in your world, correct?” he said nonchalantly, and smiled.
“But…” V-mon was saying something until Daisuke abruptly interrupted him:
“Ok, fine. But who’s this old friend Ken had and cannot remember him at all?”
“Back to the main topic, oui . It's a boy around his age, he was a Chosen Child way before Ichijouji-san apparently? But why does no one know, or rather remember him…?”
“Wait, what… Do you mean…”
“Oui, exactement” Noel nodded his head, “This person’s existence was completely erased from this world.”
Valkyrimon managed to slash Griffomon with their sword, using the same technique executed on Kayono previously. The faux shard was destroyed in the process, and then Valkyrimon’s holy power resurrected the crow.
“Phew, we won…” the girls said in relief.
“But it was kind of random, wasn't it?” Miyako tilted her head, “Leaving the shard around and letting a crow evolve with it…”
“Yes,” Valkyrimon (Aquilamon side) nodded in agreement.
“Maybe we should meet with the boys for now,” Hikari suggested, “No one got hurt this time.”
“Does anyone know where Daisuke went though?” In different places and at the same time, Ken and Miyako asked their respective groups, “I hope he’s not getting into more trouble.”
They decided to call it a day and returned to their respective homes.
“E-erased?!” Daisuke and V-mon’s eyes widened.
“But how do you know that, Noel?!” V-mon babbled.
“I connected the dots, that’s simple. I’m not only a phantom thief, I’m a magician and illusionist. And besides I wasn’t here when this happened. I was in Witchelny.”
“But why are you telling those to me and not Ken?!” Daisuke squinted his eyes, “This person is trying to target him, not me!”
“Because you might be the key to beat the imposteur I suppose.”
“Oh I should go now, pardon. We will keep in touch. Au revoir, Motomiya-san~”
Daisuke and V-mon tried to catch Noel, but he snapped his fingers and magically teleported them back to their home. Daisuke’s hands were trembling, he then looked at V-mon, who was also trying to process what they just heard from Noel minutes ago.
The faux Kaiser is… someone who does not exist anymore??
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jovonowick · 2 years
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a man must look his best when it's time to get burried .
SUIT : wick only wears dark , lightweight wool three-piece tailored suits . most of them have a tactical lining composed of silicon carbide discs , ceramic matrices accompanying laminates sewn inside the fabric ; making it a nearly impenetrable cutting-edge body armour . although , it does not shelter wick from the kinetic energy of the bullet . as for the singular pieces of his suit , a wide selection of his suit jackets are single-breasted ( with a welted breast pocket ) &. have slim notch lapels with edge stitching . he sometimes wears his single-breasted vests with no lapels , typically the modern low-fastening style with two lower welted pockets . as to what trousers are concerned , he has a preference for straight , flat front trousers that rise low on his waist , allowing his vest to cover his waist line . the trousers have belt loops . through them , wick wears a black leather belt with a silver square buckle . the leather belt holds his black leather slide holster on its right side , an IWB holster in the left rear pocket of his trousers &. a double carrier for magazines .
HAIR : wick's hair is long , straight when tended to though naturally wavy &. past shoulder length . it's voluminous &. it's usually tied to a bun when he's working so that it does not get in his way . wick will only let his hair down at home . it is soft to the touch &. smells like eucalyptus or mint ( depending on the shampoo &. conditioner ) .
JEWELRY : he only has 2 piercings . in his right earlobe . one is a gold earring hanging above a gold cross . wick cannot have jewelry other than gold , surgical stainless steel ( SSS ) or titanium as it may irritate his skin . he also wears a carl f. bucherer manero autodate with 42mm stainless round case , anti-reflective sapphire crystal &. a transparent sapphire back with a black alligator leather strap , worn on inside of his left wrist .
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maggacammara · 7 months
4, 7 and 11 for the niblings <3
thank you kindly, sasha! I just did Rauva and Frey but will gladly throw another nibling in the mix if you’re missing anyone...
4. how do they sleep with their LI (what position, does one steal the blankets, is one too hot/cold, etc)?
Rauva lies still on her back while she trances, no blankets, stiff as a board. Shadowheart finds it unsettling at first but eventually finds the comfiest position she can, cuddling into Rauva and putting a blanket over both of them so her beloved’s toesies don’t get cold! once Rauva is done trancing and Shadowheart still sleeps, she will shift into a more comfortable position for the both of them, will hold Shadowheart close and maybe even fetch an extra blanket if her darling seems chilly. Frey needs eight hundred million blankets, an eye mask, and some sort of aromatherapy to soothe him to sleep. Gale quite effortlessly becomes a part of this routine, though how comfortable it is for him is questionable. generally Frey is curled up on Gale’s chest like a cat, the both of them cocooned in their silk palace. occasionally Frey will acquiesce to not sleeping directly atop Gale, such as if Gale has to get up early the next morning and doesn’t want to wake Frey. in this case, they will spoon, and Frey is obviously the big spoon.
7. do they collect anything (gems, bottles, keys, etc)?
Rauva collects swords. that’s literally it. Frey collects far too many things. books of all kinds, but especially books on magic and pulpy romances, rocks and gems, jewelry, dishes and flatware, blankets and textiles, broken contraptions that he swears he will fix or get fixed someday, fine glassware, shoddy ceramics, and of course, the many craft-related implements that he gathers in anticipation of embarking upon a new hobby, which are quickly abandoned to become dusty decor for his tower.
11. what are their thoughts on clowns?
Rauva is unimpressed. she thinks they are fine for entertaining children, but then, perhaps the children ought to have a more refined sense of humor. the first and only time a clown has ever made her laugh is when doppelgänger Dribbles attacked Astarion with a hammer. Frey is neutral to positive on clowns! he thinks a good clown can be quite entertaining, and he respects the art.
feel free to send more questions for my Tavs!
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marveltrumpshate · 1 year
Want to participate in Marvel Trumps Hate, but don't know what to offer? Think outside the box!
Stumped on what to offer because you don't write fic or draw? Marvel Trumps Hate welcomes a huge variety of fanworks and fan labor (see our sign-up post) so there are different ways you can contribute. You'll be amazed by the breadth of skills, talents, knowledge, and types of creative expression found in fandom!
Here's a smorgasbord of offers that we've either had before or seen people discuss as possibilities for MTH 2023 or future years to help inspire you.
Single-page and multi-page comics
Paintings (oil, acrylic, gouache, watercolor)
Stained glass/suncatcher
Mixed-media artwork on canvas
Ink-on-bristol art
Embroidery on canvas
Pour paint/spin art
Videos (fic trailers, themed edits, vids set to songs)
Cheer reading
Sensitivity reading
Knowledge about specific topics or experiences (e.g., identities, lifestyles, professions, interests, fields of study)
Lip balms
Scented beanbag-style sachets
Candy/chocolate/baked goods
Pins, magnets, patches, charms, standees, key chains, ring holders, calendars, stickers, bookmarks
Ceramic mugs and other items
Apparel/wearable accessories (shirts, jackets, scarves, gloves/mittens, hats, face masks, regular masks, cowls)
Tote bags, itabags with custom window shapes, leather dice bags, wallets, pouches/pencil cases
Plushie animal or Tsum Tsum versions of Marvel characters
Dolls (crochet, needle felt, matte board, hand-sewn)
Embroidery hoops/wall art and cross stitch pieces
Jewelry (diamond painting, macrame, metal, crochet, wire, beads)
Woodwork/wood burning (cheese board, box/chest, USB stick, coasters, photo frame, alphabet blocks)
Custom Funko Pops
Paper cut light boxes
Pillow cases, quilted pillows, baby blankets, dishcloth/washcloths, potholders
Handmade leather journals
Linoleum stamps
Dog toys
Artbooks and paper doll books
Hand dyed yarn skeins
Mood boards
Photo manips
Fic covers/posters/banners
Icons and headers
Tumblr layouts
Names, tags, and summaries for fics
Audio/sound editing for podfics
Book cover design and printing
Art/comic/fic translation
Website/game coding
Meta posts
Social media AUs
Whether you can do something on this list or something else altogether (we're sure there are a lot of other things that you can do that we haven't thought about or seen before), we hope you'll consider signing up before the deadline: September 30, 11:59 PM ET.
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dollehyo · 2 years
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boyfriend's. 4town
just teenie tiny headcannons about all the 4town boys being your teenie tiny boyfriend
warnings: none
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oh he is the sweetest thing ever! from spoiling you, to calling you sweet little pet names, this man will always make you feel special in many ways (take that how you wanna)
he takes you on random little shopping sprees for no reason.
"what's this for?"
"oh just because I felt like it. go crazy Mon amour"
he makes sure you both have a little date at least every week, whether it be dinner or just watching TV.
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makes you cute little ceramic things like cups, mugs, vases, jewelry dishes, etc.
his little kids adore you. you have caught them accidentally calling you mama. you and him both find it cute.
your heart may or may not explodes anytime you catch that little mistake.
he kisses your hands anytime he comes back from being gone for hours.
he's made you little jewelry with things like his initial, your birthstone, or your favorite flower.
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tae young.
he has a pet names after you, you cannot convince me otherwise bruh.
he always facetimes his family. one time his mom caught your feet in the background of his video once.
"who's foot is that"
he pulled the bandaid off and told her, to which she told her husband and tae's siblings, which reached the rest of the family.
he always facetimes his family with you now. it's a common occurrence, and you cannot escape it.
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aaron t.
he takes you to the damn circus for your first date because since he couldn't really have a childhood since his family wasn't that financially stable as a child, he just wants to embrace his inner child ☹️.
the elephants excite him alot.
he calls you cute little petnames in Spanish (my boyfriend does this and it's so AHHH)
he carries you on his back when he sense your tired. he does it for both your satisfactions.
he gives the best hugs and advice. he's a great person to seek comfort from, talk to the hand.
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aaron z.
he gives you foot massages, no he doesn't have a foot kink. he does it because of your job, I mean, your always on your feet he just knows your feet hurt
he has a basketball at your house with his signature and cologne on it just in case you miss him
he makes you retwist his hair
gives you kisses on the cheek in the beginning of the relationship because he's scared he'll make you uncomfortable. he genuinely cares for your well-being
you both have matching pyjamas. nothing too snazzy just red and black checkered pants and a black tee.
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xespietamayo · 9 months
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Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
x Espie
For your household, a ceramic ornament that you can add to your collection made by yours truly. For yourself, some hand cream and lip balm to keep you moisturized this winter. Lastly a gold chain purchased from a local vendor.
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Unfortunately I did not bake you any pie for Christmas, however, I did make you an ornament! Additionally, I included some hand cream and lip balm to get you through the winter. Finally, I purchased a gold chain from a local vendor that I hope you like!
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@lcrcmcrie + Lily
You and Lily each got your own ornaments again this year, made by yours truly! Additionally, you both received some hand cream and lip mask and balm sets to keep your skin moisturized this winter. Lastly, Laura, some new earrings. And for Lily, a new necklace. Both purchased from a local vendor.
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For starters, a handmade ornament for your tree next year made by me! Secondly? You’ve got some hand cream, a lip mask, and lip balm to help get you through the cold. Lastly, some new earrings purchased locally. They reminded me of petals or flowers and I instantly thought of you, floral queen.
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@spencerjohnn + @alicezhaox
Before anything, congratulations on the new little bundle of joy! I expect you’ll be opening these before the baby’s arrival as I explicitly instructed but just in case.. To start, you each received a personalized ornament made my yours truly. Next, you each received a hand cream and lip balm set to help get through the winter cold. Lastly as an actual Christmas gift, you each received some jewelry purchased from a local vendor. For Spencer, a chain. For Alice, some earrings. In addition to that, I put together some baskets to help get you through the first few days home after the baby is born. To share, a bunch of snacks. For Alice, a basket of every postpartum product I could remember to ease with your body’s recovery as well as a cozy robe. A reminder, please do not hesitate to call if you need anything!
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strawberrynida · 1 year
Handmade Blueberry Earrings
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This pair of unique earrings features ceramic pale blue and dark blue beads, green glass beads, twig-like tube beads, and thinly curved leaf beads.
Please check it out! I sell handmade unique jewelry (where I only make one jewelry item of its kind) like this on Etsy [@strawberrynida].
Warning: The earrings are hung on an earring hoop that reads 925 Silver. Although I tried my best to find pure 925 silver free of allergins, I would advise you to be wary of this earring if you have sensitive ears. Many times online vendors lie about the quality of their wholesale products, and I hope that is not the case with these. But to be safe, please be cautious! I care for your ears!
pssstttt, use code "TUMBLR" for a discount!
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