#but honestly?? given how crazy it is I think it works better as Hes and Cer just giving the play-by-play like pals
theduchessofnaxos · 10 months
This paper is actually going quite well.
Too bad it's complete bullshit.
#I'm not lying#but I'm definitely not being brutally honest about the historiography here#look the first few works are technically all social histories but there's a qualitative difference from the later ones#and the politics is still important enough that I should get to call them political histories#Also frankly I don't care#I just need to finish the damn paper by midnight and then I will be free of this fucking course#I have never in my LIFE dreaded going to class before this course#And honestly? It's soul crushing! I have no will to succeed here!#My only motivation is that I liked the rest of the semester and I need to pass this class to continue the program!#the professor asked for an additional evaluation (still anonymous) and I'm torn about how brutal to be#because on the one hand it was an enlightening course and I am definitely better equipped as a historian than I was three months ago.#on the other hand every single one of my classmates had completely given up by the end because no matter what we did it wasn't good enough#and also the professor was just fucking mean a whole bunch. But in that subtle way where you feel crazy for noticing.#so the class was horrible but I don't want him to feel horrible but also maybe he deserves it??? I can't even tell if he's actually a dick#or just acts like one#which is perhaps not a meaningful distinction but if he doesn't mean to I'd feel bad being too harsh#though several incidents make me think he meant to#blegh. It'll all be over by midnight!#And then I can focus on studying for women's history and - joy of joys - writing a syllabus about Victorian fashion and politics#I fucking love historical fashion that's going to be absurdly fun
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melonpond · 2 months
I think it should be absolutely mandatory that people work at least a month in a blue collar job and take time to learn about their coworkers before making a statement about blue collar work. I simply think it would fix so many things.
#melon rambles#my father (who makes over 100k a year in his comfy computer job where he can work from home and honestly doesn't even do that much technica#stuff and works less than 40 hours a week) talked about the horrible overtime requirements of the factory I work at#as 'well that's what you get. You just take that job for a bit until a better job comes around'#and it's like. This IS the 'better job' for most people I work with!#Like we live in a small town with maybe 30 companies total that anyone could work at#one of my friends has lived in this town for over a decade and almost exhausted his job options here#because there's only one company in this area that could use his degree but they said he doesn't have enough experience so they refuse to#hire him. Meanwhile he's got a family and bills to pay so he picks up a customer service job and guess what? It sucks#He's worked like at least 10 jobs here and about half of them have had such deep issues (horrible labor law violations. Incompetent manager#who yell at people and cut hours willy billy. Safety issues. You name it)#and now he's trying to find a 'better job' but all of the jobs he can get are bad. And the only good job refuses him for a stupid reason#and that's how it is for a lot of people! Some of my coworkers are 60-70 year olds who can't retire#they've been working blue collar jobs their entire lives and this factory was the most bearable one with good enough pay#it drives me crazy that my father thinks anyone can just somehow work their way up to a job they enjoy#when a lot of people just never get that perfect opportunity#and it also infuriates me how companies can decide to just screw over workers with something like mandated 50+ hour work weeks#and some people can't leave because it's the only job they can get that pays enough to feed their kids#and tangentially related point: blue collar workers are the absolute backbone of society#where would we be without janitors? Construction workers? Factory people? Anything customer service? Maintenence or repair people?#they literally run everything but get treated like absolute crap by companies or looked down upon#it just aaaaaaghhhhhhhggggghhhhhhh#I wish we lived in a world where manual labor jobs were just another career path you could choose of many#and they were deemed respectable honored jobs by everyone#and they were given good pay and good management and working conditions#because honestly from the jobs I've worked. I've actually enjoyed the job itself to some degree#but there were just so many bad management things that made me just dread going in every day.
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mythicmanuscripts · 2 months
Hey, Sea! I'm kinda crazy about your work and I'm always sooo happy when there are new posts from you. I love the way you write the characters, it's so delicate, sweet and just amazing! And truth be told, I came for sub!aemond, but now I'm so hooked up on sub!aegon
In one of your previous posts you said something that made my mind spiral: himbo!aegon. Now I just need to read something, anything about it, if it's not too much to ask
This is so funny to me because I too started writing for sub!aemond and then ended up hooked on sub!aegon so I'm glad to hear others are in the same position.
I have plenty of asks with Aegon angst, which is absolutely brilliant we all know I love torturing the lad, but I think this could be the perfect ask to actually have some happy Aegon? So there will be happy subby himbo!aegon below the cut! Oh and I've made himbo!aegon a tag so that we can discuss it more!
So firstly, very early in your marriage to Aegon you discover that he just functions better when he has instructions to follow? At first this confuses you so much because you've seen how angry and irritable he gets when Allicent orders him to do something, and yet when you do it he almost seems relieved?
It takes a long time for Aegon to talk to you about Allicent and about how she affects him, but eventually he explains that Allicent just has this way of speaking to him and instructing him that makes him feel inferior and stupid? She will purposefully insult him while giving him an order, breaking his confidence and self image down enough that he doesn't trust his own thinking.
But then with you, you're so sweet about it? You listen to him and you help him and you praise him when he does as you ask. You never, ever, make him feel useless or stupid and you always make sure to show him how proud you are of him.
So when you smile at him and ask him to do something, he doesn't even consider disobeying? He's almost giddy as he runs back to you to tell you that he's done as you asked. You always praise him and give him a kiss and him feel so so good, so of course he listens to you!!
His mother is wholly incapable of understanding this by the way.
Anyway, so you quickly realise that Aegon really does function better when you instruct him. You first realise this at your wedding when you ask him for something, and the way he absolutely BEAMED at you when you thanked him and said he was perfect? You immediately knew you'd have to look more into this.
Pretty soon you’ve got Aegon wrapped around your finger and honestly he is loving it. Aegon thrives on feeling owned? He absolutely loves being able to refer back to you for guidance, loves being able to slip onto your lap whenever you two are alone and nibble on your collarbone and ear while you explain what you think he should do. It’s the freely given affection that makes him feel so so special and allows him to let his walls down enough that being told what to do no longer feels insulting.
Of course this works in the bedroom too, but that you knew from day one. The moment you gave Aegon the smallest pushback, he relented and when you responded by taking charge, he was completely enamoured and never looked at another again. It’s like you just claimed him and he’s so so pleased with it.
For a while he tries to not seem as reliant on your guidance as he actually is because he’s scared you’ll see him as too weak if you knew the truth. He’ll ask your opinion on something in passing and try to act all nonchalant about it, but in truth he’s hanging onto your every word because he’s not sure what to do and he knows he can trust you.
Eventually when he realises that he can be more open about it and you’ll never tease him or patronise him, well then you pretty much rule the seven kingdoms. He puts you on his small council, and while you don’t always say much in the meetings, Aegon can tell by your expressions what you think of things and when you do speak, it’s always impactful.
The other members of the small council were originally uncertain about him adding you but after one meeting they were to glad he did. It’s like you’re able to perfectly toe the line between understanding Aegon and also understanding what the realm needs. Aegon doesn’t snap when you steer him in a different direction, so the small council is very very grateful (except Allicent but thats not exactly new or surprising).
Also, Aegon isn’t just a himbo because he’s obedient and pretty and little dumb, he also LOVES his wife. He’s considered to be the most in love king in history. The whole of the seven realms knows how much King Aegon loves his queen, and how important it is for them to get on your good side.
If Aegon had it his way, court would be held with you sitting on the iron thrown and him across your lap, his legs dangling over the side of the thrown. Of course you don’t allow this during court because he needs to maintain some semblance of control in front of the noble lords and ladies, but when everyone finally leaves then he jumps off the thrown, waits for you to sit down and gets back on the thrown, this time across your lap. You hold him and have a little debrief.
The first time you suggested a debrief, Aegon had rolled his eyes and refused. But your tone was firm, and you both knew he’d never tell you no when you spoke like that.
And now he absolutely loves the debriefs. Irrelevant of whether you were at court that day or not, Aegon always starts with telling you everything that happened and venting about whatever he needs to vent about. One of the many things Aegon loves about you is how you can joke with him? When he insults a member of court you respond with an even funnier insult. More than once you’ve had to grab him to stop him from falling off your lap from laughing too hard.
Then he gets to hear your thoughts on everything and he’s so so thankful that the two of you seem to just speak the same language? He always knows exactly what you’re doing about and why, you can just explain things in a way that he absolutely loves.
So yeah, himbo!aegon!!
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poppy-metal · 3 months
creep!au art is going crazy. he wants to know who you are sooooooooo badly. he’s been back and forth about guilt and about being disturbed (which if he’s honest ended a long time ago, ended as soon as he saw that sweet cunt) and about what kind of person you must be, what kind of person he must be to take advantage of your troubled mental state. because you really are troubled. it’s not just the act of leaving him these notes. it’s the notes. you say things that make his skin crawl and his cock throb, and he’s starting to not be able to tell the difference. even after you begin texting you still leave him notes. the notes become more graphic, as you’re more reserved over text.
you smell good today. sometimes i want to eat you because i think you’d taste like marshmallow. but that would be wrong.
you’re so strong. i love your arms. would you hit me if i asked you to? i probably deserve it a little for all i put you through. haha. just know you could hurt me forever and i’d still be yours
after all we’ve done together, i have to wonder if you’ve been with any other girls. i hate that. i would never tell you what to do, but it hurts my heart to think you could need anything but me. i would do anything for you. i’d light myself on fire if you asked me to. i would. no one can give you what i can. i can do anything another girl can do, and with me you’ll know it’s an act of worship. you’re no one else’s god, art. just mine.
you’re not okay. you are sick in the head. but. but you’re so sweet. and no one has ever loved him so much. no one ever would again. you were once in a life time. he lies to himself, tells himself that he wants to find you to get you help, that he would bring you to a psychiatrist and work through your issues together. but he won’t. he knows he won’t, distantly. because whatever is wrong with you to make you stalk someone is what makes you fully, totally and unnaturally his. so yes, he cares about you. yes, you make him harder that what he humanly thought is possible. yes, you scared him a little to start with. but you’re a kitten, clawless in his palms. he wants you to be happy. maybe he doesn’t need to make you better to make you happy. he just needs to accept you as his. if only he could track you down. force you to accept his love like you made him accept yours. because he had no choice, and now he wants choice. he wants you to feel him, in every way. but it’s not fair, because you can find him and he can’t find you. it drives him crazy. as crazy as you are.
no because the power dynamics really do shift.... he starts thinking about how if he really pushed you - threatened to stop talking to you, throw away your notes - you'd crack. but he's come to care about you and he can tell through texting you that you haven't had the best upbringing. you suffer from insecurity, even worse than he does, neglect from both parents - you essentially have no one - no friends, no family, all you have is art.
but presses in little ways, i want to touch you so bad. god, i want your pussy on my tongue. you want me so bad - i love that. you said your virginity is mine? that you're saving it for me? well, i want it. i want to feel you on my cock when i stretch you open for the first time. i wanna see your face when i give it to you.
and you're so needy for it. you never thought art would talk to you like this - there's honestly alot you didn't account for that you should have. you didn't account for how it would feel to be wanted by art. to be wanted at all. you didn't account for how it'd feel to read his messages and feel your self control get thinner and thinner - your fingers aren't enough - you cry on them, weep, because its just not enough - they dont fill you how they should - and art -
god he sends you a video of his cock. says the name he'd given you that might as well be your real name now, hearing it from his lips makes you come alive alive alive - "birdie - fuck -" when he cums and his abs clench and thick ropes of white paint his stomach -
and you wanna taste it so bad - wanna lick it - he rubs the cum onto his fingers and spreads it back over his pink dick - "you should be here." he tells you, and the way he's looking into the camera feels like he really does see you, is really looking at you, there kneeling between his spread legs. "you should be licking me clean."
and you should, you should, you should.
you want to but. whenever you think about him seeing you your stomach rolls itself into knots. it'll kill you if his face twitches in disgust or disappointment. it'd genuinely kill you.
you start thinking - isn't the fantasy nice? is there really a need to meet? maybe you could he content with this.... with being his secret.
you text him one night - I've been so happy lately. why risk it with reality? reality is always disappointing to the fantasy.
im going to call you.
i cant talk..
yeah, i know. I'll talk. just listen.
your phone rings and you pick it up, chewing on your nails. you hear the exhale of his breath on the other line and wonder what he's doing right now. sitting at his desk? his bed? crossed legged or lounging? is the phone tucked between his shoulder and cheek so he can fiddle with his hands or is he holding it to his ear?
he says, "you've fucked me up real bad."
your frown. lips parting but of course you don't speak. he can hear you breathing, though. knows you're listening Intently, as you always are.
"really, do you know that? i used to be normal before you. like - this is fucked. what you're doing. but you made me want it - you said all these -" he sighs. shakes his head - "you said all these things and you made me feel shit and now i can't even be mad at you for it because if you're fucked in the head then so am i for wanting you anyway. but i can't keep -"
he looks at the shoebox he has filled with your notes. almost so full the lid can't even stay fully on.
"- i can't keep doing this, birdie. i dont even know your real name - i know what your pussy looks like but not you - that's insane. Its not enough."
your heart trembles. not enough, you think. not enough, not enough, not enough, not enough. not. enough.
"i need more. I'm graduating next year and - I'm leaving, do you get that? im not staying."
tears prick your eyes. you hadn't wanted to think about that. why was he poking holes in everything?
ill just follow you, you think. ill follow you anywhere.
"and I'll find someone - someone thats not you. and I'll fall in love with her and you'll have to watch that. and i can't prevent it because. well, you know me. i want a family. i want that boring white picket fence life. i want a wife and babies and - im going to have it. with or without you."
he lets that sink in before he continues.
"and im not even saying you're her - i have no fucking idea what could happen when we meet. but. i want to - I just want to see you - "
you hang up. its the first time you've done it.
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appleblueberry-pie · 5 months
a lil celebratory posts
things r just going easy on me rn and i felt like writing.
obviously american reader x yandere gojo and yandere nanami
it's crazy, because you genuinely tried to blend in, but it's so hard when you have such a....unique bunch running the sorcerer world. everyone felt so different and unique compared to one another, you also wanted to give it a shot, knowing you wouldn't be able to fit into these standards for long. you weren't raised to hide. you couldn't help but break out of your shell and just do your job while doing what felt comfortable. and doing what felt comfortable for you opened the eyes of specifically two people who were incredibly attracted towards you.
Gojo been knew something was up when you weren't spitting on his name at every chance given to you when he flirted with you or when your colleagues insulted him behind his back. You often reciprocated his annoying flirtations with a small smile and a laugh, letting him know that his jokes were cute even though it did absolutely nothing to actually impress you. he was confused for a bit. he thought you liked him back, but you were just being friendly. then when you started dressing more.....freely, it was hard for him to just stay back and only watch.
somehow, you had found a way to dress more sexy without breaking any sort of dress code. the skirt hugged your curves, the shirt accentuating your waist, and, god, your heels and the strut you put to work was pulling him into you like a mouse smelling cheese.
you changed perfumes, a scent that made his dick hard and his smile sharper. you knew what you were doing. you would clock into work and clock out looking as if the breeze never touched a hair on your head. it was impressive how you could work under these harsh circumstances and still look so fucking good. ever since that day, everything about your aura became loud in the best way possible. and you did it so naturally, so well. you complimented his vibe and he felt like it was a crime you weren't in a relationship yet.
Nanami didn't think you could honestly get any better. he felt like no matter how upfront he tried to be with you, his message that he wanted to get across never reached you in the way he desired it to. he felt like you were challenging him. forcing him to challenge himself to break out of his shell that society shoved him in just to get your attention. and he almost did a few times, too. he could tell that you knew that he was trying, as well, because you'd give him that smile that told him keep trying. and it made him flustered every time. he'd give up and fall back into his comfort zone, telling himself he'll have more confidence next time.
you were a package deal he didn't want to give up. especially to the other man across the room waiting for his turn to get at you.
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creedslove · 7 months
when i tell you i'm going feral over javi having breeding/praise kink, i mean it.
this man can go from a total slut to our sweet domestic husband who will bring you flowers everyday and ask for help with tying his tie.
every time he appears on my screen i'm literally screaming into the pillow and kicking my legs. because honestly? that man could fuckin step on me and i'd say thank you.
but having his last name? having his children and be their mother??
i live for that dream 😭✋
hope your day was better than mine's and you feel okay. you're my comfort person and if it weren't for your blog i would never found out about javi or dave york, thank you so much <3
Javier Peña x f!reader
A/N: I love you my beautiful bestie, you are my comfort person and I love you and sorry for taking so long 😘💘 I hope you're doing alright love 😘
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• alrighty bestie, Javi is the definition of praise kink; that man will praise you at any given opportunity and he will enjoy everything single minute of it, because he lives for complimenting you as whole: your looks, your bodies, your laughter, your intelligence and of course, let's never forget about how he compliments your nails 🗣️
• he will always tell you you look pretty or mention you are wearing a beautiful color, he's gonna notice when you get a haircut, if you change your perfume and your lipstick usual colors (but let's cut him some slack here, the first thing he thinks of is that new color on your lips while you have his cock in your mouth hehe)
• and of course during sex Javier Peña is a fucking praiser™
• I mean it, he's gonna mix that with that filthy mouth of his, telling you the most explicit sinful things, at the same time he can be very sweet about you, always working on boosting your self confidence even if he doesn't really realize that
• and while doing so, of course he's gonna speak spanish too, knowing it drives you crazy
"just like that, mi amor, take all of it, all my cock in your beautiful mouth, tus labios tan bonitos..."
" you have such a delicious tight cunt, cariño, I love how you gush for me..."
"tu culo me vuelve loco, amor... Let my cock inside of it, I'll promise I'll go nice and slow"
• 🫢
• but he also likes receiving the praise; Javi suffers a lot from stress and those cruel thoughts about not being good enough or not doing a decent job, when it's time to lose himself into you and relax, he appreciates the way you remind him he's just as great
"you're amazing Javi, I'm proud of you, mi amor"
"your cock is so delicious, hermoso... Dejame cuidarte..."
• it will just melt your seemingly grumpy DIA boyfriend and he's gonna be all soft all for yourself
• also, I don't take any contrary opinions on this: Javier Peña is a family man and he just (wants) and needs a woman to make an honest man out of him; the moment he falls in love for real, he falls hard and there's no turning back, that man will love you for life
• and he's gonna change his mind about being a bachelor, he's gonna be a husband, and a great one at that matter, he's just gonna love being a husband, the fact he has a wife and that he won't have any other lonely nights, but instead, someone waiting for him at the end of the day, as he goes to his home instead of going just to a house
• he would such a proud husband, excited about wearing a wedding ring and such, everything in order to show how happy he is with marriage
• he's also the kind of husband to bring you flowers, chocolates, body lotions and any other small gifts here and there for no specific reason other than making you happy
• and not only that, he would always remember important dates, such as engagement and wedding anniversaries
• and of course, while being a loving husband, he would want to take the next step which consists of having a baby with you; it would probably start after seeing how beautiful you look with Murphy's kid in your arms, and just the general thought of having a whole family of his, would be enough to spark the idea
• and then the fun part begins: trying for a baby, which consists of you jumping on him at any opportunity
• and that man would finish inside of you every single time, hoping that time will be the charm and the baby Peña won't take very long ❤️
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dichromaticdyke · 10 months
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you're welcome @ogurizz
for reference, this is a character analysis based solely off the scene in "Writersklok" where Nathan explains their "process" to Abigail. yes, i'm serious.
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sleeping on the floor with piles of booze and drugs, not surprising there. though out of everyone who’s still asleep, he’s the only one who’s at the very least stirring, and he’s checking the time. he’s aware he has to be at least somewhat responsible for the band getting up and working, but he doesn’t want to.
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then for breakfast, he’s just staring angrily at his plate of meat and eggs and potatoes. kind of unenthused, like this is the meal he used to eat in his football days just to bulk up—there’s no joy in it, it’s just routine.
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the most emotion we see from him in this scene is when he’s jacking off, he looks both intense and and also like he’s VERY pent up. which i think is reminiscent of how he’s the one who craves a romantic connection the most. even though he does have casual sex, it doesn’t seem to be fulfilling him.
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passed out in his bathroom, clearly hungover and had a rough bender the night before. there’s something very lonely about it—despite them all being addicts who love to party and binge drink, pickles is still the one who does it to the most excess, and that’s so common that it’s normal for no one else to be around afterwards. they know he’ll be “fine.”
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and he is, he gets his cinnamon buns, indulging in something that we know makes him very happy. his face there looks a bit happy but also a bit unsure. i mean based off the framing of this shot, it’s implied they’re all having breakfast alone. which might not be true, they all do seem like they could be together in the same room since they’re each in different areas, but that could also just speak to the familiarity they have with each other. even when they’re alone, that’s their spot.
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but back to pickles, casual smirk while jacking off. not much to say except—this one’s for you pickle fuckers.
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he’s also been drinking. the way he’s positioned too, his arms crossed like they usually are reflects his typical disdain and anger that he carries through life. he can’t find a moment of peace, even when sleeping.
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he’s clearly not getting enough sleep, though, likely still troubled by something, whether it’s anxiety/insecurity or nightmares about his father, and so all he has for breakfast is coffee.
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again, he seems most at peace while jacking off, and he’s also really focused. we know he’s not getting as much action as the rest of the band, but he’s at least found a way to deal with it so he doesn’t get too frustrated.
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funnily enough, he has the easiest time sleeping. i think that’s crazy given his TRAUMA, but he clearly has a routine he sticks to. he’s got his sleep mask on, he’s sleeping in his clothes on top of his bed like a heathen—whatever it is, he knows how to get comfortable, and honestly? probably just having a bed AT ALL is better than his childhood, so that’s all he needs.
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then he has just a very simple cereal for breakfast—even though he could have anything he wants, and even though he DOES indulge at times, he prefers the simple things in many cases.
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and he jacks off like a maniac: not only is he using that intense focused face he makes while coloring and texting (clearly coloring, sex, and social interaction all fire off the same synapses in his brain) but he’s also. not in his room. @supersaturnnyoomkitty and i have talked about this before and we don’t know where the hell he is in this shot. but he’s not comfortable jacking off in his room, probably because of all the creepy pictures of his parents staring at him.
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my babygirl…sleeping with a bunch of groupies who he’d just spent the night with. i always think it’s interesting that he lets his groupies stay the night, i think he longs for the closeness/intimacy of sharing a bed with someone after sex, but he’d never admit it.
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at breakfast, he just looks bored. he had a beer and nathan’s coffee mug and waffles, but all he’s interested in is his guitar. that’s all he’s ever truly interested in, regardless of who else may or may not be around.
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and then he’s naked when he’s jacking off. because of COURSE he is. besides guitar, sex is the only thing he’s good at, he takes it very seriously, very intensely. besides guitar, it’s probably the only worth he thinks he has.
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and then none of them really feel like recording. not because they’re dispassionate about music, obviously they’re not. they all care deeply about music and dethklok, even if they’re just terribly lazy. because they have gotten so used to the rockstar lifestyle that it’s easy for them to fall back on base pleasures, even when they’re all clearly suffering from loneliness or trauma, and they can just WORK ON THAT if they made music together, if they worked together as a BAND a FAMILY. but they don’t always want to, because it’s gay to care.
i spent way too much time looking at this scene to write this, i deserve recompense.
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neverchecking · 1 year
Hi!!! I have a request, but feel free to ignore it if it makes you uncomfortable ❤
So you know the muddle buds in totk? The stuff that confuses allies and enemies in a puff of smoke? How about instead it made ppl horny 👀 with twilight if that's okay? Maybe him and reader went exploring together and accidentally got a puff of that flowers pollen or something?
Idk feel free to ignore this!! Have a nice day <3
Not at all, Darling!
I freaking love the muddle buds. They are my favorite weapon in totk, honestly.
So I went Soft Yandere! Sub! Twilight last time, now we get to go a little more Yandere Dom! Twilight >:D
Slight totk spoilers, but not much! Just about a Muddle Bud!
Smut CW: Hard, rough sex. He pins you to the wall man. AFAB! reader, he has a country accent. Calls you darling, dumbification if you squint, breeding kind. Also, Twilight bites.
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Wild had given them the go ahead. He had said that though his Hyrule looked different, most of it was still the same. There were a few new thing, here and there, but it was still Hyrule.
So, obviously you had wanted to explore.
And Twilight wasn't going to stop you. Oh no. But he wouldn't let you go alone. No, he wanted to please you, but he wasn't completely crazy just yet. How could he watch over you if you went off alone? He couldn't! You knew he was Wolfie, so that wouldn't work either since you would catch him right away.
He was just lucky you seemed more than happy to have the company. He was just happy to see you so excited. You trotted in front of him, in some sort of leaky cave, looking at it all as if it was an entirely different entity. You awed over the bomb flowers and ooh'd over the luminous stone deposits. You even cooed over the Bubul frog before being dragged along once more. Twilight merely followed, growling lowly at a Horriblin that seemed to grow a little too cocky. It immediately backed down with a small whine, disappearing into a hole in the roof.
At least it wasn't black blooded.
Twilight remained just paces behind you, staying a steady pillar of security as you let your walls down in favor of exploring. He was more than ecstatic to do so, simply watching you. His Goddess.
Oh, how he adored the spark of life in your eyes as you skipped along, looking around walls and through vine blocked entrances. (Not that they remained blocked for long. One look at your pout had him gently pulling you back with a charming smile before slashing through them easily. When you smiled up at him with pure joy and unfiltered glee, his heart sang.)
"Look, Twi!" You called for his attention that he gave easily, pointing at a small trio of flowers. They were a gorgeous swirl of pinks and purples, almost seeming to shine in the light of the cave. He struck a nearby brightbloom seed to give you a better look.
One of your hands gently graced the petals as you looked up at him. Something inquisitive and endlessly curious lit up your irises, which he just melted over. The inner canine in him howled in admiration, tail wagging as it circled in an excitable circle. He just let himself smile since he doubted you would take too kindly to him just howling.
"What do you think they do?"
"Hard ta' say." He shrugged, crouching beside your own form and eyeing the plant. You gently bounced it on a finger, furrowing your brows at the prospect of a new mystery. "Wild would probably know." You hummed.
He nodded along, before standing, offering you a hand. "Probably. C'mon. We should probably head back before they start gettin' worried. Ya' know how Sky gets."
You giggled behind a hand, taking his before dipping into an exaggerated curtsy. "Why, thank you, Sir Twilight of the Twilight Realm."
Rolling his eyes, he played along-- because he'd be a fool not to. Whatever you wanted, he would give you. There was no question about it. Even if he feigned annoyance. "Why, of course, yer' highness. It is my absolute pleasure." He smiled, one of his canines gleaming.
You laughed again before waving him off. "Oh, shove it. Let's go, cowboy."
"After you." He bowed, making you roll your eyes before you were moving once again. Both of you stopped at the sound of something cracking above you, making you look up. A tip of one of the stalactites shivering before falling. It landed in the flowers, making a puff of lilac smoke bloom in a small cloud around the area. Twilight immediately reached for you, because he'd be damned if he let that hurt you, but unfortunately not even he could fight against pollen as you coughed into his chest.
He gently held your hands, scanning you for anything that could possibly be wrong with you, (Who cared about him? Not when you could be hurt. You could be in danger.). He was going to maim Wild if something happened to you because of something he failed to warn them about. Goddess, if this was something fatal, he'd never forgive himself. No Hyrule would withstand his pure rage should something happen to you. Nothing would survive his pure anger in it's rawest, most feral form.
But, outwardly? You seemed...Fine? Your cheeks were a little red, but you seemed...okay? It was a tentative and hesitant okay, but you seemed just so. "Darling? Are ya' alright? Aches? Pains? Anything wrong at all?"
"No, no, just...hot. Like it suddenly got thirty degrees hotter." That would explain the red cheeks. You gently cupped his cheeks, pupils blowing wildly. "You okay, cowboy?"
"'m fine." Come to think of it, it did feel hotter. Way too hot. And Goddess, he knew you were good looking. But it seemed something just made you positively radiant. Absolutely glow as everything around you hazed away. Your touch was like pure magma, hot and smoldering against his cheek, but he needed more. He couldn't breath without you at this point, but it was more like you were the very oxygen he needed. The atmosphere that kept him together.
He needed you. He needed you so badly. He needed your touch and your aura, for your nails to dig deliciously in his back as he absolutely ruined you. He needed...He needed-
He would fucking explode if he didn't kiss you right now.
So he did. He leaned down, smashing your lips together in a kiss that was more teeth and tongue than anything, animalistic and primal. You groaned against him, fingers tangling in his hair as you pulled him closer. Your groans lit a fire under him, urging him on as his own fingers tugged at your useless clothes. You honestly were doing society a disservice by wearing them. No, you were doing him a disservice because he, and only he, was the only one allowed such a delectable view. Only he could make you this way. Feel the way you clung to him like he would disappear should you let go. Relish in the feeling of you pulling at his hair to get him as close as humanly possible. To hear the way you absolute whimpered his name as he pulled away just far enough to rid you of your blasted tunic, dropping it to the side. To experience the electricity between you two as you ground against him.
He couldn't take it anymore. You were primed prey ready for him to take. He had been patient. He had been a gentleman. He had been everything you wanted. But he was little more than a wolf in sheep's clothing. Laying in wait for the perfect opportunity to strike. To bite into his precious little doe.
And now was this opportunity.
Your head angled up just perfectly as he latched to just beneath your ear, licking and sucking his own marks into the skin. A sign that you were his, his, his. All His. His rutting increased in ferocity and tempo, making you cry out for him as you pulled at his belt. It was dropped somewhere to the side with your tunic along with your own belt as your leggings were pulled to your knees.
Anymore would have to wait since he couldn't.
His pelt fell to the ground, discarded carelessly, as he pinned you against the stone wall behind you, holding your ass in his hands as he rutted and rutted and- If he didn't stop, he'd fucking lose his ever loving mind.
With another growled curse, he ripped those pesky panties away from your lips, leaving the shreds fall to the ground as you wiggled him out of his pants. "Darling, I can't- I need-"
"If you don't stop talking and fuck me, I'm asking for a favor from Warriors."
An absolutely feral snarl left him as he plunged into you, feeling you constrict against him as you cried out in either shock or pain. Didn't matter as you were eagerly demanding more.
And more was what he would give you. More. Until you couldn't stand the thought of being without him. More. Until you couldn't think of anyone but him. More. Until he had effected you in at least half of the way you effect him. More. Until you were nothing but a mindless, babbling, crying mess for him and him alone.
Just to see you, tears dripping down the crowns of your cheeks and drool shining along your chin, was a dream he had had many times over. But to have the real thing, clenching around him, marking up his back with nothing but mindless cries? That was a euphoria like no other.
It was what made everything worth it.
You just felt so...Cynefin with him. Perfect in every way. He just wanted to please you. To worship you. So just let him. He would treat you so nice! So well! Give you a nice home, let you do what you wished as long as he came back to you. Wanted to stay home a be a house wife? Perfect. Wanted to get a job? He wouldn't be ecstatic, but he's sure there's some odd jobs around Ordon, where he can watch you. Want kids?
He halted for a second. The thought becoming oh so domestic to him. The thought of you round with his own kid, his pup, a part of you and him put into one. It was something so domestically perfect and something he wanted. Oh, he wanted it bad. It kicked his hindbrain into a whole new gear as he picked up his tempo, hearing you cry out. You were dripping around him at this point, crying his name again and again before squeezing around him. It was as if you were milking him, asking for his children.
That must've been it, and if that was what you wanted, that was what you would get.
His fingers dug into your hip with a bruising grip, jutting as far as he could, biting into the junction of your shoulder and neck, pinning you there as he filled you to the brim. It was yours, all yours. He wouldn't let you waste a drop, oh no.
Besides, he was just getting started.
Dinner wouldn't be ready for a while yet and by the looks of it, you weren't quite satisfied yet either.
And that just wouldn't stand.
Small AN: Man, three in a day, you lucky geese you! I hope you guys enjoy these all, sincerely, I really enjoy writing for you guys and I love seeing your reactions in the tags. So thank you for being so welcoming. I appreciate it more than you could imagine.
With all my love,
Cinder XOXO
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wordsbymae · 6 months
Honestly I wouldn’t mind if ya did a story that was just breeding kink baby fever pregnancy centered focused 🙈 No thoughts head empty just 🌽
But I do have to ask out of your ocs who’d actually make a great father vs shitty father vs meh father? And what are some of ya ocs parental habits for raising the babies?
Hi!! Honestly I wish I was sooooo much better at smut cause that's all I would write. I'm trying to get back into writing smut but I'm really not very good at it, but I'm practising! Also i promised a fic tonight but I'm tired and my writing is shit so I'll have a red hot crack go tomorrow after work.
Ok so I'll just do out of my yandere ocs, cause they are the ones everyone is more familiar with. TW: talks about domestic abuse
Great Father goes to the Farmer for sure. Look he's got traditional (aka outdated views) but that doesn't mean he would ever disown his children. He had a really horrible childhood and he always promised himself he would do a better job as a parent then his own ever did. He is very hands on, giving his children life skills and most importantly the belief that they can overcome what life throws at them. The farmer knows how hard life is, so he tries to instil good work ethic and most of all a be good to others way of thinking. Being a helping hand is important to him.
He may not like people that much, but being someone others can rely on made him feel as though he is wanted and worthwhile when he was always told by his parent's he was not. He would unfortunately believe in boy's things and girl's things. But that doesn't mean if a son of his wants to help mama sew or a girl of his wants to help him fix the truck he's going to go crazy. No, of course not, he believes that ALL life skills, whether others believe them to be men or women jobs, need to be taught to children. So he doesn't care about division of labour based on gender.
What makes him a bit weary is if his son wants to wear florals or pinks, or if his daughter ONLY wears masculine clothes, especially if they go into town. He's just not comfortable about it. However, over time I think he just wouldn't care anymore and would only fuss if they are wearing improper clothes to work on the farm with. Likewise he wouldn't disown his children if they came out as queer, he would most likely make really cringy jokes and ask embarrassing questions and then say something like "Oh, so I can't ask my child a genuine question? Is that not politically correct now?", but like sir, please the question was embarrassing.
But yeah, once he kinda understood it he would come to terms with it and actually would be funny. Like if someone in town asks him if he's proud of his kid for coming out hell say (absolutely seriously) "why the fuck should I be proud of them coming out of the house, why do kids these days need praise for every little thing they do!". like he wouldn't understand what the phase coming out even means. Anyway on to the next!
Meh Father goes to the Mad King. The man is all bark no bite. He pretty much only wants children as heirs and also to have levrage over the reader. He's not horrible by any means, he spoils his children when they deserve it, but he also makes them understand that nothing good in life is freely given and you have to take it. But unfortunately he also causes rivalries between his children. They are desperate for any attention/praise from him that they will try to out compete one another to gain it. Often resulting in arguments and injuries.
Reader (whether they wanted children or not) has to act overly motherly and affectionate to their children to counteract his actions. There is no favouritism or stern reminders of their places as heirs, just warm, welcoming love. Also his children aren't idiots, they can all tell that their parent's did not marry for love. At least on their mother's side.
They are torn between desperately wanting their father, the king, to show them true love not just cold approval and hating him for the emotional abuse he has put their mother through. It's actually kinda sad, because he was always desperate for the attention and love of his father and now he's caused the same thing between his own children.
There is moments of affection and love but the more he see's himself or god forbid his brother in his children, he begins to be very cold and distant. The man kinda forgot that a kid is 50/50 not just 100% their mother's. That's why his youngest is his favourite, although he would never tell anyone ever. His youngest is pretty much reader cloned, looks, personality, and everything. When he looks at them he is harshly reminded what he took away from reader the day he became king.
Bad Father goes to the Killer. This man would have absolutely no fucking clue what the fuck to do. And he would not care to try. Reader (who is usually gn but for the sake of this is afab) is heartbroken when they realise they are pregnant, and Killer has no idea why they won't stop crying. And why do they keep being sick all the time. A primal part of him likes the idea of caring and providing for his darling and their children, in fact he loves it.
When he figured out reader was pregnant, he started stocking up in furs, wood, meat and cloth. He made a crib from what he remembered his little brother's to be (omg lore drop). He likes to provide, but damn does he actually hate having a child. He leaves ALL baby stuff to reader, he pretty much refuses to look after or even pick up the baby. He gives reader all the resources they need and the Killer calls it a good job done. The poor kid(s) grow up very isolated and confused. Their mama loves them with everything they have but their pa won't even acknowledge them.
Resentment grows as they do. They of course don't really understand why they are here and why their mother/parent is with killer, because it's all they have ever known. They've known nothing other than this. I can see this going either two ways. One day the oldest snaps, they are sick and tired of listening to the screams of the their father's victims. Their mother/parent tries so hard to keep them from barging out of their small shack.
The eldest faces their father, who has grown grey over the years. However, he is still a scary and strong man, and the eldest falters slightly, it's enough for the Killer to smack their eldest to the ground telling them to go back inside. Reader sees this and just loses it. They have spent a good chunk of their life under Killer's thumb. They have seen so much death and violence they have become almost immune. But to see their child being struck by the man who killed all her friends all those years ago just causes absolute rage.
Reader picks up the old shotgun that they found hidden in the attic, they were always too scared to use it, especially when the kid(s) came. But now its time. Killer doesn't stand a chance.
OR the other way is that once the kid(s) reach maturity they follow in their father's footsteps unfortunately for reader and finally get their father's approval. I like the first idea better.
Hope you liked it! I should have my home invader story out tomorrow!
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theoceansluvr · 25 days
Jason Grace x Childish!Reader
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warnings; none ! author's notes; STAND ALONE JASON GRACE CONTENT AFTER YEARS OF TRYING TO CONVINCE MYSELF TO WRITE FOR HIM :(( i love you jason grace, you would've adored watching cartoons with me !
you already know they're gonna be the power couple !!!
sticking stickers on him when he's stressing over demigod things or school work maybe
like he's clenching his pencil/sword in his hand and you just show up putting a little "you can do it !" star sticker on his face and he loosens up a bit
has an entire notebook filled with stickers you've given him :3
his desk is ALSO full of the sheets, empty and filled
moving on from stickers !
you make him watch cartoons with you fairly often, mainly just because he likes being around you and it's usually what you're doing anyways soo
would've ate up scooby doo me thinks and maybe adventure time ? maybe even over the garden wall
because what better way to destress from almost dying everyday of your life than to draw your partner in crayon ?
really likes the older Disney movies like aristocats and lady and the tramp !
comments on how they're kinda like you guys which makes you go crazy
gifting each other little trinkets ?? i think soo !!!
you guys probably have like- matching lps toys
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and you do stuff like this with them^^
Leo teases him for it but he really does nott care. like at all.
as long as you're happy, he's happy and he wouldn't have it any other way !
he honestly finds your ability to stay so happy go lucky and positive quite amusing
you're a demigod risking their life everyday and yet you still like coloring and dragging a stuffed animal around like a child ?
he just wonders how you do it..
continuing on, i think you being childish and loud probably helps him break some of his.. prim and proper Roman child soldier stuff !
like sometimes you'll catch him having a little skip on his step or humming a song you got stuck in his head
anything that breaks character for him is a little win in your book :)
starts keeping little candies you like on him maybe ?
like he always has fruit snacks or sour gummy worms for you
nobody really questions it and just assumes someone just gave it to him
that's until you show up by his side and he hands it to you with a soft smile !
probably warns you about cavities and whatnot but im sure he realizes it's never gonna stick-
this was kind of all over the place so im super sorry for that ! i just REALLY needed to finally writing something for one of my faves :((
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cloudykaii · 1 year
little scenarios
pairing: txt x 6th!member, platonic
warnings: nothing too bad i think, maybe some cursing and crying
this is like an extendeed version of my little things series! just instead of bullet points it's little scenarios. for comparable work, check out care, on my bts masterlist
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When you first joined the group there was a bit of controversy about it. Granted, you had joined them as the last member to be added, but you had still debuted with them. It was what attracted the most attention to your debut. Five tall guys and one short girl? You were also the youngest, so you were still a minor at debut. It took a while in order to get to the point where people seemed to be genuinely interested in your talent instead of how crazy or ridiculous it was for you to be in such a group.
         Unlike the general public, the guys never really seemed to care. When you were added, there was a few days of panic. Were you all going to share a dorm? Would you even be comfortable that? Then, when you moved in, that changed to the topic of how to not accidentally walk in on you and what to do.
         You had been nervous, too. You had worked as hard as you possibly could and then some in order to make this happen. You just got handed the opportunity of a lifetime and what if they didn’t recognize how hard you had worked in order to prove that you had the talent and the backbone to handle this opportunity?
         But then you actually started working together, and everything seemed to fall into place,
         Debut performances made anyone nervous, anything could go wrong, and what if you secretly weren’t as good as you thought? But you were nervous for a different reason about your debut. You didn’t mind being the only one given a skirt while the guys were in suits on some sort, and you didn’t mind the shoes they gave you to make you a little taller and to monopolize on the cute look you were supposed to have… but the skirt was really short, and the shoes only seemed to magnify that.
         During the little interview beforehand, you had been given a jacket to lay over your lap. You were grateful for that but now that you were going over the moves in front of the mirror before you had to actually perform, you couldn’t help but notice that while your outfit was cute, the last thing it was is functional. When you practically flashed yourself in the mirror you decided enough was enough and shyly moved to find Soobin.
         He was talking to someone that looked like a staff member for the show you were performing on, and you stood by him, anxiously clasping your hands together as you waited. You tried to hold out until he could give you his attention all by himself but knowing that time until the stage was closing in, you finally reached out and anxiously tugged on his sleeve. He looked down at you finally, eyes widening slightly as if he was surprised to see you there.  He must have seen the anxious look on your face because the first thing he asked was, “What’s going on?”
         “Uhm.” You began. “I could probably tough it out if it’s an issue, but is there any way I could borrow someone’s jacket or something?” Your little voice was practically a whisper and he had to lean down a little to hear it, but he got the message. He pulled away a little to look down at you and his jaw dropped when he realized just how much of you he could see. He moved to cover you a little, slipping his hand into yours.
         “Let’s go find your stylist.” His cheeks burned with a blush as he kept his eyes straight ahead, looking for the woman in question. When he found her going through her makeup supplies, he immediately started in. “Can we get a better skirt? Honestly, change the whole outfit if you have to, but she cannot perform in that.”
         She looked at him, confused. “But.. she looks fine, and she wore it for the interview, so if she’s the only one who changes outfits then it could spread rumors about her being a diva..”
         Soobin stared at her, face blank. “I don’t care. Respectfully, she is not only a minor, but she’ll flash the whole audience if she goes out there dancing in that.” He was trying to be as respectful as possible but he was just getting the vibe that she just didn’t want to go through the effort of changing the outfit, and you looked so scared behind him, he felt something surge in his chest. He was ushered out the door so you could change finally.
         When you came back out only minutes before the performance in a longer skirt and with a much more comfortable look on your face, he was satisfied. When you gave him that big, happy smile and went, “Thank you,” all shyly, he felt his chest swell with pride for helping you as a person and as your leader. “Any time,” he said softly. “Now, you ready to go blow the world away?”
Sure, not all of the moments shared were happy, especially in the beginning.
If there was one thing Taehyun liked doing, it was fucking with you- sometimes, at the expense of others. The entire dorm was woken up at seven in the morning to the sound of your screaming. It was alarming in itself, but when you were the only one with your own room, it became an emergency. However, when they went to open the door, and all they saw was you on top of Taehyun and hitting him with one of your textbooks while he laughed uncontrollably, they didn’t know what to do at first. Finally, Beomgyu moved to tug you off of the younger boy, taking away the book.
         “What is going on?” Soobin asked sleepily, but Taehyun was still cackling. “Oh, you should have seen it! She screamed so loud!”
         A sarcastic comment like “We heard,” was about to leave Yeonjun when you huffed. “Every day this week, Taehyun has found some way to mess with me. All I want to do is sleep in, so that I can wake up and focus on getting all of my assignments done so that I can practice more for the performance this weekend!” You looked exhausted, Yeonjun was the first to notice.
         You were pale, there were dark circles under your eyes and more than mad at anyone, you looked like you were about to cry. Taehyun stuck his tongue out at you, and you lunged at him again. Yeonjun had an inkling of what was going on, judging by the way things were strewn across your room. He knew you were under a lot of stress, but he didn’t really know how bad it was. Between classes and working on your Korean and performing and any other social aspect, you felt like you were drowning.
         Figuring you probably wouldn’t want to be seen crying, Yeonjun pulled you with him out of the room. “Hey, what’s going on, little shark?”
         You sniffled a little at the familiar nickname before mumbling. “I just wanted to sleep.” His heart broke when you broke down in tears, and he rubbed your back softly. He saw Taehyun’s sheepish face and moved to shut the bedroom door with his foot, shaking his head as if to say not now. “Have you not been sleeping?” he asked you softly, and you just sniffled. “No.. I’ve been trying to do as much homework as possible so I don’t have to do it whenever we have something big! And I’ve been trying to practice my Korean and my dances and I’m scared because what if I’m not any good at it and I’m so tired,” you cried and he just soothed you for a second. No one was judging you for being so upset. Hell, they had all felt like that since their career started, and worse than that, you were so young.
         You were giving up everything to chase your dreams, and that took a lot of guts- Yeonjun figured you had more than enough bravery to match the pressure you were under. He gently pushed you away from him to lay you down. “No, I need-“
“What you need to do,” he interrupted, “is get a few hours of real sleep. This is the quietest, and coldest room here, so just close your eyes for a bit.” Yeonjun brushed some of your curls out of your face. “You can rest now, it’s okay.” It was hard to remain noble against him and insist that you needed to work when he could see your eyes were already droopy. He just made sure that you were tucked in and asleep. And, to Taehyun’s credit, he did apologize. He hadn’t really understood the amount of pressure you were under; after all, you never really talked about it and you managed to make everything seem so easy.
But that was just how it was sometimes, sometimes you needed someone to realize you were drowning and reach out to help you, and that was exactly what they were there for.
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Coffee shop AU? Nah, gas station AU.
Reader who works the night shift and Ghost who comes in at unholy hours to buy a specific brand of snacks only found there.
This is a request but only if you feel like it!
Emergency Snack Run
A/N: GIRL. I love this. We love us some night owls up here. I think gas station is better lol this took a little longer than expected because life and I had like 50 different ways of how I wanted to end this but I'm happy where it went.
Lt. Simon "Ghost" Riley x F! Gas Station Clerk Reader
Warnings: bothersome customer/attack; unwanted attention
Master List (Tag List at the bottom)
Honestly, you liked working the night shift. It was quiet. And despite what most people think, most of the weird people come during the day. But occasionally someone would come in during your shift that creeped you out enough to keep one hand on the emergency call button and the other on the metal bat that was kept under the cash register.
Anyways. You usually worked the night shifts during the week. Almost no one came in, and you could stock up the shelves or read your magazines in peace. You're technically not supposed to sleep on the job, but if you positioned yourself correctly while sitting behind the cash register, you could hide your face from the camera and from the window well enough so that no one could see that you were sleeping. And the door would hit a bell every time it opened and closed, waking you up from a solid fifteen minute nap.
You liked Wednesdays. Usually it was the quietest, but it also tended to be the most boring. The only reason you liked it was because-
You didn't even have to look up from your magazine to see who it was, but you did anyways. You looked at the time, then smiled up at the darkly clad man. 3:04 AM.
It was almost like clockwork, every Wednesday at around three in the morning. You expected it. Even when he was gone for weeks, sometimes months. And he was finally back.
"Simon! You're back."
You chuckled at his grunt and brief eye contact as he walked through the chip aisle.
"What happened to my crisps?"
Every time he came, you'd put his favorite crips in the same spot and make sure they were well-stocked. You always kept a few bags on the side just in case the shelves were empty.
"You're out." The large man was suddenly by your counter, placing a few drinks on your counter. The corner of his mouth was slightly curved. Only God knows when you'd ever see his full smile.
"Who says I'm out?" You smile and pull out three bags of his favorite crisps from under the cash register and placed them on the counter, beginning to ring him up. "You know the truck comes in on Thursdays, Simon."
"Yeah yeah, thank you, Y/N." Simon chuckled and paid for his snacks.
"Just Y/N? Geezer comes every day at six in the morning always trying to serenade me."
Simon took his change from you and placed it in the empty jar next to the register. You weren't supposed to keep a tip jar, Simon just hated keeping change. So you just kept it there. You smiled at him as you put his food in a plastic bag. He couldn't help but sigh and smile, "You're God-sent, Y/N. That better?"
"Much better. Good seeing you Simon."
"Yeah yeah, see you next week. Call me when that Geezer comes in here, that metal bat isn't going to do anything."
"Yeah yeah, see you next week, Simon." You shooed him away and he gave you a wink as he left the store.
"Geezer, I'm calling Simon!"
Geezer was the crazy person who would come in almost every morning at six in the morning, half-crazy, half-harassing everyone both in and out of the gas station.
"OooOOooH who's Simon? That your boyfriend? I thought I was your boyfriend, Miss Y/N!" Geezer leaned over the counter, getting closer to you. You were the only one working until at least seven in the morning.
It was Monday, you knew it was out of the ordinary for Simon to come to the gas station. He'd given you his phone number months ago on the back of his receipt under a note reading:
When you finish your magazine
You hadn't called him - nothing ever happened that you couldn't handle, and every time Geezer came, someone else would be in the store to help you.
You cursed under your breath and quickly dialed his number, before you could put your phone up to your ear, Geezer was nearly on the counter, nearly cornering you. You didn't get a chance to grab the bat.
You couldn't even comprehend what the crazed man was saying, but thanking whoever was in Heaven when you barely heard Simon's voice on the phone.
"Y/N? You alright?"
"S-Simon! Can you-
"Simon? Is that Simon?"
Simon's heart began to race, he couldn't tell if it was racing in his throat, his ears, or in the bottom of his stomach. "Y/N, keep the phone on. I'm almost there."
He was due to deal with rookie training but he'd rather have Price chew him out. The gas station was only a few minutes away from the base. Simon made it there in less than that.
You didn't even see or hear Simon come in. Geezer had you trapped in the corner by the cigarettes. He saw your phone and threw it to the side. You didn't even process how much the man smelled or how dirty he was, you just wanted him off of you. You could barely keep him off of you and he was practically on top of you.
Your cool and sassy persona had been stripped, you felt helpless - you were helpless. You begged the old man to get off of you.
"Please let me go! Please, the register is open!"
"You think I want money, pretty girl? Why do you think I come here every morning?"
Before you could move a muscle. Geezer was yanked away from you by a large hand. You yelped in fear and covered your face. Simon ran behind the counter and had pulled the old man off of you, not saying a word. Geezer did all the yelling as he was being dragged to the back of the store, loud grunts and moans of pain and pleads for mercy could be heard in between punches.
You stayed on the floor, sobbing under your hands, scared to move a muscle, scared to move your hands away from your face.
The voice was a little rough around the edges, yet soft and gentle. But you were still afraid to look. Simon crouched in front of you, giving you a moment to realize that it was safe. He felt guilty. He never understood why you chose to work night shifts, despite his protests that it was unsafe, and your reassurances that it was ok.
He liked seeing you every Wednesday at three in the morning. You were a constant in his life. A reassurance that something - or someone - would always be there. He should have done something sooner, but he'd let his guard down with you - he'd let it down too much and if you hadn't called him, who knows what would've happened.
After a moment, unsure of what to do, he reluctantly leaned forwards and gently placed his hands on your back against your shoulder blades, speaking out loud every action he did so that nothing would come as a surprise.
"Y/N. Everything is ok now. I'm going to put my hands on your back and move you out of here."
His voice was even softer now. You'd stopped crying and sniffled, rubbing your face as you nodded, allowing him to put his large hands on your back and move you towards him. Simon placed you between his legs, your body and head resting on his body as he held you close, and whispered, "I got you," over and over again.
Your body was still trembling, but it soon subsided the longer you were in in embrace. People started coming in the store but were shooed away by Simon's glares until a police officer eventually arrived to process the scene.
Simon kept you in his arms, remaining on the floor for as long as possible until the officers needed to take your statement and the EMTs needed to give you a look over.
Even then, he didn't leave your side. He didn't want to. He never wanted you to be alone.
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bradshawsbitch · 2 years
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hard hitter | bradley bradshaw x f!reader
warnings: SMUT. 18+ minors DNI!! afab!reader, oral (f and m receiving), piv sex, switch/sub Rooster, nipple play, power play, public stuff, mirror stuff, a hint of mommy kink, praise kink, use of the term ‘good boy’
disclaimer: uh, well, I listened to WAP and suddenly I craved subby Rooster. please read at your own discretion, it’s a lot. please heed the warnings as written above.
description: you knew men like Bradley liked being in control, but what if you like it too?
tagging @theharddeck @roosterforme & @mak-32 cause i think they might enjoy this one!
Men were easy. If you weren’t looking for someone to take care of you, if you were just looking for the pleasure a man can provide - men were very easy. A little hint of fluttery eyelashes, a small lick of the lips, a sway to the hips - they were done for. It was a power trip. The key was to make them think they were the ones in power. Make them feel big and manly and strong for you, when in reality the leash was in your hands, and you kept it tight.
The current man you were playing your little game with was going to be a challenge, you could tell - and the mere thought of having this man on his knees for you made a delicious thrill run through your spine. You’d matched with him on one of those apps that people sometimes tried to fool themselves into thinking were for finding friends or partners. You knew better than that. Flicking through this man’s picture had you licking your lips, thighs clenching together slightly at the thought of what fun you could have with him. One picture depicted him with a football, shirtless, with abs, pecs and biceps glistening in the sun. How slutty.
His name was Bradley. A slutty name if you ever heard one. He exuded dominant vibes, something that made you smirk. You’d cracked some men who though the held all the power before, but this man felt like a real challenge. He was a naval aviator, which meant the man literally had a thrill chase almost every time he went to work. You’d have to put in a little more work this time - and honestly you were pleased. It had almost gotten too easy lulling these boys into a sense of false security.
You had to give it to him, he tried very hard to be a gentleman in the beginning of your texting. Seemed to be the type to want to wine you and dine you before he bedded you. You weren’t one to complain, and you’d agreed to a date as soon as he was home from his current deployment.
However, you knew you needed to start working him early for your game to work. So that’s why you’d found the most intricate looking lingerie you could find, black lace, garters attached to your thighs - a choker delicately placed snug around your throat and Mary Jane heels on your feet as you posed for lewd pictures.
You’d describe the pictures as high art, though some might describe them as pornographic. Some pictures were downright artsy, with nice lighting, of you in bed, arching your back whilst grasping your breast, chin tilted up to create an alluring figure. One was a closeup of your pushed up tits, tongue outstretched to taste your manicured finger, that one might teeter on the pornographic side of the scale. Sending them to him - you’d simply captured them “Thinking of you x”. It had worked like a charm. Bradley’s response was exactly what you'd hoped for.
“Fuck, baby, you have no idea how many times I’ve jerked it to these. Came so fucking hard for you, babe x” that text had a smirk forming on your lips. Knowing you made him cum before you even met him was a powerful feeling.
The thrill of knowing you could have a man go crazy with lust with a couple of pictures of your clothed body, skimpily dressed, sure - but not necessarily to the point where you had given it all away at once. He had never met you, but you’d made him fist his cock, made him groan and moan at the thought of fucking you.
Bradley had followed up with texts of the things he wanted to do to you, how good he’d make you feel - and you had to give it to him, he had you worked up with his creativity. And you’d be lying if the tasteful pic he’d sent you hadn’t had you whimpering a little, he knew what women wanted. It was a picture of his bare upper body in a mirror, grey Calvin Kleins slung low on his hips, hand gripping his hard cock through the fabric. The hint of happy trail and the dusting of chest hair had your mouth watering. God, he was packing.
Suddenly you couldn’t wait for Bradley to come home. It almost concerned you a little how much you were longing to ride him until he saw stars, you’d never spent this much time thinking about one singular man before. Shaking your head, you hoped that you’d forget about him after you’d gotten it out of your system.
As the night came, you were dancing happily along to a playlist that made you feel like the hottest and most powerful woman in the world. Fixing your tits in your tight, black, satin dress - you smirked. The dress supported your bare tits beautifully, pushing them up just enough to make them look a little mouth watering. A thin chain of rhinestones were wrapped tight around your throat, and the Mary Janes you had worn in the pictures you’d sent to Bradley adorned your feet. The dress had just enough of a slit to show a tantalising amount of your thigh. It was perfect for the night you had planned. It was finally time to put your game into play.
Wrapping neatly manicured nails around the stem of the glass of wine you had poured yourself, you downed the rest of the drink as your doorbell rang. A breath hitched in your throat, eyes glittering with excitement. Showtime.
Opening the door, Bradley’s form almost had you stuttering on a breath again. Fuck, he was more gorgeous in real life. He’d made an effort, wearing a black suit, opting for his white shirt to be slightly unbuttoned instead of wearing a tie.
“Bradley,” his name fell off your lips like a purr, the corners of your lips turning up in an innocent smile. You took a step forward, slinging an arm around his neck, embracing him in a half hug, making sure to press your chest against his as you smiled up at him - making sure your wrist lingered near his face so he could inhale the heady scent of the vanilla perfume that lingered there.
A smirk played on his lips as he looked down on you “Baby,” he spoke and you hadn’t anticipated that his voice would be raspy, deep, and way too seductive for your own good. Fuck. “You look…” he trailed off, obviously fighting the urge to say something along the lines of ‘fuckable’.
“I hope the end of that sentence is good?” You teased, stepping away from him. He chuckled as he helped you into his car.
“Yeah, you rendered me speechless, baby doll,” fuck, he was good. The pet names were going straight to your core, making it hard to keep your game in play. He was sinful.
Dinner was eventful to say the least. Bradley kept running his hand over his throat and into the opening of his shirt to scratch at his chest. You wondered if that was intentional. His eyes were glittering with mischief, a hint of lust hidden behind them as you pulled out your A game - gasping and praising his dangerous job, nothing had men reeling more than being made to feel important and dangerous. Your heeled feet had “accidentally” stroked his calves a couple of times, and you had fluttered your lashes, trying to look bashful as you bit your lip and apologised. Bradley had arched a brow, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He looked amused. You silently wondered if he was onto your little game. If he was, he seemed eager to play.
After finishing your wine, whilst waiting for dessert to arrive, you figured you’d try another little play of yours.
“Bradley, did you see where the bathrooms were?” you looked around, brows slightly furrowed as you bit your lower lip softly. “Yes, doll, right around that corner,” Bradley murmured. You smiled sweetly, rising slowly to your feet, giving him a good look at the swell of your tits.
“Thank you, Bradley,” you purred “I’m just going to touch up my makeup,” you continued, letting your eyes flicker to his crotch, before meeting his eyes - giving him your best sultry doe eyes, before turning and walking away. You took a beat before glancing over your shoulder - seeing Bradley’s hungry eyes on you, you shot him a quick wink before disappearing in to the fancy bathroom.
Closing the door you drew a shaky breath, looking into the large, ornate floor-length mirror. Your smirk widened, looking at the excited look on your face. If this worked out how you wanted it to, this would be golden. As you looked into the mirror, you saw the erratic rise and fall of your chest as you waited with somewhat baited breath. You wanted Bradley to cave so bad. Finally, the unlocked door slowly swung open, and you bit your lip hard as you made eye-contact with Bradley’s hungry, amber eyes.
“Thought you’d never come,” you smirked, turning around, placing your hand over his on the handle of the door - helping him close and lock it. He hadn’t uttered a word before you sunk to your knees in front of his tall form, licking your lips as you kept gazing into his stormy eyes. Slowly raising a brow, your eyes flickered down to his semi-hard cock straining against his dress pants. You were sat on your bare knees, the slit of the dress giving him a good look at your soft thighs - your heels tucked under your butt, giving him a nice visual in the mirror.
“You want my cock that bad, doll? Couldn’t wait until after dinner?” Bradley reached out his hand, his fingers ghosting over your jaw and chin, tucking your hair behind your ear. If you hadn’t been kneeling in front of his hardening cock, the action would have been sweet.
“You came here, didn’t you?” You hummed as you slowly reached for Bradley’s fly, slowly pulling his pants off.
“I can be a patient, good girl for you if you’d rather we wait, Sir,” your tone was definitely mocking, and you put on a pouty face - a teasing glint in your eyes as you saw Bradley twitch in his boxers and his breath stuttering.
“No this is good,” he murmured, stroking the back of your hair.
“I thought so,” you whispered, grinning up at him as you palmed him through his boxers. He hissed at the sudden sensation of pleasure, his eyes squeezed shut.
“Look at me, Bradley,” you purred as you adjusted your position, gently moving him to where you wanted him. Your fingers latched onto the hem of his boxers, pulling them down until his hard, veiny cock sprung free. The small whine that left your throat wasn’t planned, but fuck he was big. Bradley groaned at the sound, opening his eyes and obeying your demand by looking down at you.
“In the mirror, Bradley. Look at your cock fucking my mouth,” you whispered, a sinful look on your face as you licked his tip. A long, drawn out moan tore from deep within his chest as he felt you wrap your hot, wet mouth around his length. He heeded your suggestion, glancing in the mirror. Bradley could barely keep from cumming then and there - seeing your ass, legs, heels and thighs, knees wide apart and open for him, your sinful mouth swallowing his cock again and again like such a good girl.
“Fuck,” he moaned out as you finally managed to take him all the way to the back of your throat. Your tongue swirled and licked at him, whilst hollowing your cheeks to suck at him hard. His noises had you whimpering and squeezing your thighs together slightly. Bradley was stroking your hair, sometimes tangling his long fingers in it and tugging slightly to get you to take him even further. Taking him deep in your throat again, you moaned at the sensation of his heavy cock throbbing in your mouth. His pre-cum mixing with your saliva made for a perfect blend for Bradley’s cock to slip in and out of your mouth, further and further down your throat.
Bradley had been so fixated on the visual the mirror provided, your body looking so good kneeling for him, your eager mouth taking his cock so well. As he looked down he choked on a breath, seeing his cock bulging deep in your throat. With an animalistic moan his hips stuttered, a strangled warning managed to slip from his lips before he shot his hot seed deep down your throat. His ears almost started ringing as he noticed the soft moan that left your throat, muffled by his cock in your mouth. Fuck, that was hot.
Bradley looked down at your fucked mouth, thrusting slowly once, twice, watching you swallow around his cock, tears leaking from your eyes as cum dribbled down your chin. He groaned deep within his chest as his thumb stroked your cheek.
“Fuck, you look absolutely delectable right now, angel,” he murmured, trying to catch his breath. He helped you stand up and you shot him a small smile.
“I think our desserts might have come now, let me just touch up my makeup and I’ll be right out,” you winked playfully, turning to the mirror to correct the smudged mascara and your cum covered chin.
“Sinful…” Bradley could hardly believe how much you turned him on. Such a good play by you, the delivery… everything. Fuck, it turned him on to know you’d planned that, to know that you knew he’d take the bait - hook, line and sinker. He felt a little dazed as he did up his pants and slinked out of the bathroom to leave you to clean up. A blush worked up his throat as he saw that a middle aged woman was stood waiting for her turn at a bathroom just a bit down the hall. He hoped she hadn’t heard him getting the life sucked out of him a few minutes ago.
Finishing up dessert, Bradley offered to pay for you both, and he wouldn’t take no for an answer even when you wanted to pay half. You smiled gratefully at him as he led you out of the restaurant, his hand resting on the small of your back.
“I can’t fucking wait to get you home, sweetheart” Bradley murmured as the two of you made your way towards his car. You put on an innocent look, lips slightly parted “So the evening’s not over yet?”
“Not if you don’t want it to be,” he murmured, pulling you close to his chest, his hand still resting dangerously low on your back. Bradley was now stood by the passenger side door, and you couldn’t resist the temptation of placing your heels on top of the step, trapping Bradley to the car as your inner thigh graced his leg - dress falling away from your thigh.
“No, Bradley, I don’t think I want the evening to end quite yet,” you whispered, leaning in closer to him. His hand found your thigh, grasping it hard, hoisting just a little higher up on his hip so that he could feel your warm core against him. A small moan slipped from your lips as you tried to get even closer to his large frame.
“You need to get in the car before I fuck you right here where all these respectable people can see us,” Bradley growled, opening the door and hoisting you up in your seat. What he didn’t know is that you’d probably love that, and his sentence sent a thrill of pleasure down your spine.
Bradley had hardly put the car in park before he was jumping out, unbuckling your seatbelt and carrying you into his home in a flurry of wet, open mouthed kisses. He hurriedly shrugged out of his suit jacket, before locking lips with you again, holding you close to his chest.
“I’ve been thinking about this body for weeks, nothing but my hand to satiate me,” Bradley mumbled as his palms brushed over the swell of your tits. You tilted your head back, leaning into his touch as you arched your back. That sentence almost had you purring with pleasure. Your pictures had made him think about you for weeks as he pleasured himself, longing for the real deal.
“Well now that you have me, lieutenant, how do you plan to use your time?” Rooster would never admit it, but the way you confidently challenged him turned him on beyond belief. He’d never encountered anyone who he had to fight for dominance with. All of his previous partners had just happened to submit to his every whim so easily. Now, when you were demanding answers, demanding actions - he felt like a fucking teen, stuttering and fumbling with his words.
“I’ll help you, sweet boy,” you cooed softly, reaching up to softly stroke Bradley’s cheek, his eyes wide with shock. “You’re gonna be a good boy for me and make me cum on your tongue, okay? That sound good, baby?” your voice was sweet, slightly condescending, as if talking to someone who was struck dumb. And he was.
“Fuck… yeah, I’ll do that, doll” Bradley muttered, looking down at you, awestruck at the look that swirled in your eyes. He felt as if you were looking straight through him.
“What’re you waiting for, lieutenant? On your knees,” you spoke, tugging at his collar. Bradley blinked, still not quite comprehending how this had happened.
“Sweet boy, don’t make me punish you,” you tutted, pushing gently on his shoulders as he sank to his knees before you. A slightly choked ‘fuck’ slipped past his lips as your heel clad foot rested on his clavicle and shoulder. He took the hint, his hand wrapping around your calf as he kissed your ankle, going higher, kissing and nipping at your calf before he moved closer, moving your leg so that your thigh rested against his shoulder.
He noticed that your hand had found its way to his hair, and you gave it a small tug of appreciation as he kissed and licked your inner thigh.
“Good boy,” you sighed, and to Bradley’s surprise, he moaned at your words, his cock twitching in his pants. He wanted to hear your praises again. He swiftly pushed your underwear to the side, licking a long stripe between your folds. He very nearly moaned at the sweet taste, and his hands found your hips and ass - needing to have you closer. Spreading your folds with his tongue, he slowly licked up and down, before swirling his tongue around your clit - earning him a gasp and a tug of his hair from you. He let his lips wrap around your sensitive nub, suckling at it gently - reeling from your soft moans.
Licking a broad stripe again, he noticed how you seemed to tug harder on his strands when his tongue played with your entrance, and he glanced up at you before he let his tongue slowly slip in to your wet, aching core. The long, drawn out moan and the harsh tug to his hair had him moaning against your wet cunt. He lapped at your entrance for a bit, before he noticed that you seemed to like it most when his tongue slipped in and out of you, his tongue fucking into your wet heat as his nose occasionally dragged against your clit.
“Fuck, yes, Bradley!” You keened “you’re doing so good, eating my pussy so fucking good, baby” Roosters cock was hard and leaking now, and a moan fell from his lips into your pussy as he switched to sucking at your clit, before returning to your weeping hole - letting his broad tongue lick and slip into you, shaking his head slightly to reach further into your core. You were practically fucking his face now, hips stuttering against him as your hand held a tight grip on his hair.
“Fuck, Bradley - don’t- don’t stop— I’m so fucking close” you whimpered, before one last swipe of Bradley’s tongue had you falling apart against his mouth. Looking down at him, his chin glistening with your arousal, you offered him a genuine smile as you cooed “you did so good for me, baby,” stroking his cheek, at those words, he groaned, his eyes fluttering closed as he stuttered on an exhale, almost making it sound like a whimper. A rush of satisfaction ran through your spine.
“Will you help me undress, lieutenant Bradshaw?” Lifting your leg off of his shoulder you turned around and waited. You heard him scrambling to stand up, his large hands hastily pulling your zipper down. The dress fell soundlessly to your feet, exposing your bare breasts and your lacy panties.
“Where’s your bedroom, lieutenant?” You asked, turning around. Bradley, who seemed to have come down from the high of having been ordered around, quickly lifted you up, a smirk on his face as he carried you towards his bedroom “Right here, baby doll,” he said as he put you down. He figured you’d let up now, let him fuck you dumb on his cock after your little power play.
You let him have a little moment, where his hands palmed at your breasts, his fingers pinching and rolling your hard nipples, making you moan and whimper at his skilled touch.
“That’s right, sweet thing, I’ll take care of you,” Bradley murmured into your ear as his mouth licked and sucked at your sensitive skin.
You almost rolled your eyes. You give a guy an inch. Instead you smiled, tugging at the short hair at the nape of his neck. A groan rumbled deep in his chest, as you steered him to the bed, undressing him as you went.
Bradley laid you down on the bed, climbing on top of you, his lips connecting with yours in a sloppy kiss, tongue stroking against yours eagerly. Hooking a leg over his hip, you used his temporary weakness against him as you flipped him over - so that you sat straddled across his lap instead of him rutting into your clothed pussy.
“C’mere, baby,” you murmured, urging Bradley to sit up. You covered his hands, currently placed on your hips, with yours and guided them to your breasts. He moaned along with you as he squeezed and played with them, his fingers yet again teasing your nipples.
“Be a good boy and use that talented mouth of yours?” You breathed out, head falling back at the pleasure of Bradley’s hands stimulating your sensitive breasts. He didn’t waste any time in licking your nipples, his tongue gently swirling around the hardened tips. He carried on like that for a while, switching every so often. It was good, but not what you wanted.
Placing a hand on the back of Bradley’s head, you pushed him closer to your chest as you ground your soaking wet pussy against his hard cock.
“C’mon sweet boy, suck on my tits for me, baby - I know you want to,” you murmured, underlining your words by gently stroking the back of his head. A whimper fell from his lips before he latched onto your nipple, lips closing around the supple flesh as he sucked and licked at you. You moaned loudly and ground down harder against him.
“Fuck, just like that baby, good boy - fuck, you’re being so good to me,” you were overwhelmed by pleasure as Bradley whined and whimpered whilst he sucked at your nipple, gently using his teeth to heighten the sensation.
“Fuck me, Bradley,” you moaned, reaching down to stroke his leaking cock, pushing your underwear to the side to guide him into your entrance. The loud moan that spilled from his lips was heavenly, and you couldn’t help clenching around his deliciously thick cock as he bottomed out. Bradley fell back against the pillows, pistoning his hips into your wet, welcoming heat. His hand gripped at your hips, helping you slam down on him in time with his hard and deep thrusts. You could tell you’d riled him up good, he was chasing his release like a man starved of touch.
“You feel so fucking good squeezing my cock like this, doll,” he moaned, swatting at your ass. This man was so used to being in charge. You smirked, rolling your hips agonisingly slow, drinking in all his pretty boy moans.
“Fuck, whose is it, doll?” Bradley groaned out as he looked at how his cock slid in and out of your weeping cunt. Your eyes were rolled back up until that point, head tilted back at the pleasure rolling through you with Bradley’s deep thrusts into you. Your thighs clamped down on his hips, restricting his movements as your eyes snapped to meet his, a mischievous smirk adorning your lips as you placed your hands on his lower abdomen.
Swirling your hips, you rolled and dragged them in agonisingly deep and teasing ways - and what Bradley wasn’t aware of, was that you were spelling out your name on his cock.
Leaning down, you placed your smaller hand on his thick neck - applying just the tiniest amount of pressure as you growled out
“Mine,” as you suddenly sunk down hard on his leaking cock.
“C’mon baby, make me cum all over your thick cock,” you demanded, keeping him in place as you used his cock for your own pleasure.
“You’re not allowed to cum before me,” you continued, bouncing up and down on Bradley’s cock as you chased your high, small moans slipping from your lips. Bradley sat up again, pathetically grinding his hips into yours.
“I’m so fucking close, I can’t—” he whimpered, and you gave him a searing look.
“Don’t you dare, lieutenant,” you threatened, fucking yourself harder on his cock. He could feel your cunt fluttering and clenching around him harder and harder as you were approaching your high. He was babbling now, begging to cum in your sweet pussy, begging to let him please spurt so hard in you. Whining, begging, tears sliding down his face as he watched you fall apart on him.
“Fuck, please, please I’ve been good - please let me cum in you, mommy,” he whimpered, not even sure what he was babbling because he was so fucked out, so worn and needy for your approval.
You moaned loud at his words,
“Fuck, Bradley, yes baby - cum baby, cum for mommy,” you urged, and the words had barely left your lips before you felt hot ropes of cum hitting your cervix over and over again.
Bradley’s forehead fell against your heaving chest, his upper body glistening with sweat.
“Are you okay, sweetie?” You murmured, stroking his hair. “You did real good, I could tell you weren’t used to taking that role,” you smiled, tilting his head up to look into his eyes. He wore a dopey, sheepish expression.
“I’ve never cum so hard in my entire life,” he confessed, before telling you he’d never let someone take charge like that in the bedroom. As you cleaned him and yourself up, snuggling up to him, you asked how he liked it.
“It felt nice to be taken care of,” he blushed, hiding his face in your neck as he kissed you there.
“I’ll let you fuck me dumb next time,” you promised, giving him a sweet kiss before you fell asleep.
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alkaline-wtr · 7 days
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- - CHAPTER 3.5 - -
Graves x reader Description: Graves and reader camp out on a rooftop, and Graves teaches reader how to properly eat an MRE. Genre/Warnings: zombie apocalypse AU, Ghost x fem!reader, survivor!reader, oneshot WC: 860
My Masterlist
**Nothing fancy this time. This is just a quick little oneshot as promised, to make up for last chapter being so short. I have no excuse for why it took me so long to get this done. Honestly, I just lost interest and motivation for a while. I started a new job too, so I guess I lost a bit of free time there too but, I'm working on doing better about that. Anyways, this oneshot idea just seemed silly and cute, but not vital enough to make a whole chapter out of it. On another note, Ghost is coming BACK! Very soon. As well as a few other characters being introduced next chapter. Buckle up because Ch 5 is going to wild, and LONG. I've already got it mapped out and in the works. Stay tuned and Enjoy.
<< PART 3
The sun had long set over the vacant city, leaving the sky saturated with stars. Without the haze of light pollution, they seemed to shine brighter and more plentiful than you remembered.
You looked on in awe, enjoying the view. This was the first time since the outbreak that you’d had the chance to breathe and admire the sky.
“This is nice.”
You say. You Keep your voice low as if it would disturb the peaceful night.
Phillip smiles. His face is illuminated by an orange glow as he stokes the crackling fire between you. You watch him for a moment.
“Who would’ve guessed the Military could prepare you for the end of the world?”
You add, shifting to face him, your legs crossed under you.
“No one's really prepared for the end of the world.”
He responds.
“Well... No, but you certainly learned more survival skills than I ever have.”
Phillip shrugs. To him, survival was second nature. A skill burned into his mind and muscles alike. It had been his livelihood for so long that this was no different than any other day except maybe fewer bullets.
"It's crazy to think just months ago we were all just living our lives, worried about bills, and jobs..."
Your words trail off and a sadness washed over you. Philip notices this, thinking of what he can do to take your mind off things.
His gaze follows yours to the sky. The Milky Way is much more visible to the naked eye now that the world is void of electricity.
"Just months ago, there wasn't this breathtaking view."
He reminds you. You look back at him. Watching the lines crinkle around his eyes as he smiles.
You smile back.
"You're right."
A beat of silence hangs between you before Graves drags his bag into his lap and rummages through it.
"How about food?"
You raise an eyebrow curiously.
Phillip pulls out two brown packages tossing his bag aside.
"What's that?"
You ask. Phillip chuckles.
"Come sit. I'll show you."
He pats the space beside him. A tarp lays folded neatly beneath him.
You stand up dusting off your backside and move to sit beside him.
He starts, using his knife to slice open the top of the package.
"Is an M-R-E.”
"A What?"
You ask, furrowing your eyebrows.
“An M-R-E.”
Phillip repeats with a chuckle.
"It stands for Meals-Ready-to-Eat."
He explains.
"They are meals given to soldiers on the field, not the best tasting but, more substantial than anything you’ll find out here.”
He inspects the writing on the front in the dim light of the fire.
“Would you like Spaghetti? Or Chili Mac?”
Phillip asks.
“Uh, Spaghetti I guess?”
You reply still a bit confused.
"A shame... The Chili Mac is a classic."
You chuckle, moving to sit closer to him. Phillip finishes opening the package. He dumps the contents on the ground in front of you.
It was hard to imagine anything appetizing behind the muddy brown plastic.
You followed along with Phillip's instructions as he explained the process of cooking the meal. You nestled the 'entree' packet into a larger green bag, watching as he used his canteen to pour water up to the thick black line at the bottom and seal it up with a cardboard sleeve.
“Now, we wait for this to heat up. Here, is the snacks, dessert, and of course, a spoon. And this you can ignore.”
He says taking away the last package.
“Why, What is it?”
You ask curiously.
“It’s not important.”
You give him a quizzical look and look at the small plastic in his hand.
You asked, eyes scanning over the two white rectangles. Philip nods.
"Not the kind you want."
You knew better than to defy Philip's warning but, you couldn't help but wonder the reasoning.
"How come?"
Philip smirks.
"Do you really wanna know?"
You answered persistently.
"They are laxatives."
Phillip finally says. Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
Philip nudges your shoulder with his.
"Don't worry about it. At least I didn't wait to tell you while you were chewing them."
He teased. That was a fact you were grateful for.
As the two of you waited for the entree to heat up, Phillip showed you which bag to make the powdered drink mix and you both shared the crackers and cheese spreads that came with the MREs. It was all so mundane, yet comforting. Something about the routine of it made you feel almost normal again.
Once the entree had finished You and Philip sat side by side enjoying your meals.
"Not bad, right?"
Phillip asked, watching as you picked at your half of the cookie.
The snacks weren't too bad, and just as Philip had said it was more substantial than anything you'd found out here. The entrees themselves weren't the most delicious thing you'd eaten but it was nice to have a hot meal regardless.
"No, it wasn't."
Philip tilted his head back to finish off the lime-green drink he had shaken up earlier. His eyes caught yours studying your expression. He dropped the drink to his lap and raised an eyebrow.
"What's wrong?"
You shake your head.
"I... just wanted to thank you for all your help. You've saved my life. I owe you."
Philip chuckles.
"You don't owe anyone anything."
He sighs,
"If you spend too much time thinking about who owes what, this world will swallow you whole."
You thought back on the past months of survival and how desolate the world had been. But up here, with Phillip beside you, it didn’t feel so lonely.
PART 4 >>
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freakinator · 1 month
I've been wondering for a long time. How would you characterise Wemmbu? How he seems in your eyes, your opinion of the guy. I hope I don't sound weird or crazy.
aw dw anon its okay to be curious ^^
regarding my characterization of wemmbu, while there is a lot of consistency in how he acts since hes an improv rper and therefore generally just acts as a polished/exaggerated version of his own self, there are still a few differences in how he acts depending on what smp hes in
general: smarmy, quite pathetic but tries his best to hide it until he literally cant anymore, opportunistic, petty, truthful in that kind of way that makes you doubt him, not quite black and white thinking but can switch up fast when someone does something that presses his buttons (doesnt necessarily trigger when someones just being mean, its specific kinds of things -- mostly has something to do with pride and trust), has a desire to be on top of things but whether or not he indulges in that desire depends on his overall plans and the kind of server hes in, silly but in a lowkey way as in like he presents himself as a normal person which works but only if you dont look closer, lowkey cringey in that uwu kinda way (affectionate), good at one-on-one yapping esp if hes confident & knows more about the situation than the other person but starts to crumble if its either him vs a group or if hes genuinely not confident about something, willing to sacrifice so much just to achieve his goals whatever they may be
kings smp: more opportunistic and a lot more willing to lie & manipulate & betray, crab mentality very high but he holds it back since indulgin in all of it at once isnt very good for his plans
challenge smps: like kings smp but even More willing to lie & manipulate & betray, has a stronger crab mentality since the whole point of the smp is to win and he really wants to win and he knows he wont be seeing these ppl in this context again anyway so hes willing to do whatever it takes even if it means betraying his allies, << does Not apply to team challenges btw he will be very loyal until hes given a reason to betray such as believing the others are betraying them first
lifesteal smp: had a good grasp of what it means to be a lifestealer right from the get go but has struggled a bit in figuring out what that means for him exactly so he still has a bit of that new guy stench if you get what i mean (this characterization becomes less and less prominent the later in the timeline it is), has been very loyal thus far and is more than happy to point that out, average level of lifestealer aggressiveness, i like to parallel him with zam mirror-style due to them having opposite thought processes but coming to similar conclusions (pic below of unfinished draft ive had for ages cause idk how to word my thoughts regarding this properly other than 'the vibes')
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unstableverse: very obvious mirror parallel to zam that i honestly wouldnt be surprised if it was on purpose, kinda hard talking about his motivations and character devoid of context regarding zam considering he spent 4 out of 5 eps as a major character (even when he isnt actually there lmao) and wemmbu spent 3 of those 4 eps obsessing over him but i will try my best, can be a bit of a stalker but only if he really cares about whatever it is the guy hes stalking is doing/potentially doing, no empathy (affectionate), generally doesnt care that much about individual players but when he gets attached he gets Attached for better or worse, zeroes in on his goals even to his own and others' detriment, a lot more pathetic than in other smps or at least has a harder time hiding his patheticness, also may just be me but i think hes more pessimistic?? not entirely sure tho
overall i think hes pretty neat! pretty cute and silly but also devious and mischievous, if i could shake him in a can i would
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spicywhenspeaking · 7 months
If I'm There: Chapter Twenty-Three
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read from part one here!
summary: Noah and Natalie met in high school and developed a relationship through their love of music and art. Falling in love, innocent and young, they think nothing can keep them apart. However, sometimes in the pursuit of your dreams the things we love the most get left behind.
this is a complete work of fiction, some characters while based on real people are totally made up. :)
Taglist: @lma1986 @cookiesupplier @notingridslurkaccount @blackveilomens @thisbicc @laurpartyprogram @concretenoah @thebadchic @jessitpwk@madomens @samanthasgone @myownthoughts12@missduffsblog @jilliemiw86 @malerieee @hi-fancy-seeing-you-here @badomensls @robabankfuckmickeymouse
“Things are pretty normal given the situation. Noah has called a lot since he left and talks with Erin for almost an hour on the phone each time. We talked for a little bit but honestly, my feelings for Noah are getting so cluttered it’s hard to talk to him for too long” 
“When you say cluttered what do you mean exactly” 
“It’s just hard talking on the phone, you know, with everything. We saw each other for the first time in ten years and then I shook his whole world telling him he’s a father and I just wish I knew what he was thinking. We didn’t have enough time to talk about it all. He met Erin and it was great but I just…I feel like a failure of a mother for depriving her of him for so long and I don’t know how to express to him that I’m sorry. And honestly, I’ve never let myself get fully over him, I just feel like there’s always been a piece of me that has loved him, maybe just from what I see in Erin.” 
Dr. Grady is quiet for a few moments while she thinks and takes in my words. 
“I cannot speak for Noah, but I believe forgiving yourself for the past is important and a necessary step in your healing. You’ve already mentioned that there’s nothing you can do to change what has happened and it seems like you’re focused on helping Erin navigate this situation. As for your feelings about Noah, there is nothing I can tell you, that is a completely personal journey that you will have to take.” I sink lower into the sofa in Dr. Grady’s office and try to unjumble my thoughts, but those surrounding Noah will take time to fully unpack. 
“And on top of all of it, my brother just got to town last night and I swear if you had told me ten years ago I would say I was jealous of Kyle's emotional maturity I would have pissed myself laughing.” As I tell Dr. Grady more, I recall my conversation with Kyle last night after Erin went down for bed. 
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“So, she met Noah huh? And she seems pretty happy about the whole situation so I’m guessing it went well?” Kyle asked cautiously. “Yeah, it went better than I expected. He was great with her, asked her questions about what she likes, talked to her about music and his life. He’s called her every other day since he left and they talk for hours.” I tell him as I pour the two of us a cup of hot tea. 
“How do you feel about all of this?” He asks while blowing the steam off the cooling cup of tea in his hands. 
“When I myself understand my feelings I’ll let you know.” I let out a pathetic laugh, “I’m happy for Erin, she’s happy and that’s what’s important. I’m trying not to think too much about all of the "what ifs you know? I told myself that I wasn’t going to let my feelings mess this up for her. She deserves a relationship with her father” I tell him honestly and then because I’m unable to stop it the word vomit spews out of me. “But I can’t help thinking what if I had told him ten years ago, would we have gotten back together? Would I have ever known truly if it was for me or just because I got pregnant, I mean how would you feel missing Natasha’s birth, her first steps and her first words?”
He takes a sip of tea and sits up straighter in the kitchen chair. “I think I would be upset at first, which you said he was but Nat, you’ll drive yourself crazy if you keep thinking about all of these hypothetical scenarios.”
“But like would you be able to forgive Maggie? Would you still haven’t wanted to marry her?” 
A look of complete understanding washes across his face, “Nat, why do you insist you deserve to be hated for this? Why can’t you accept that he’s forgiven you and move forward? You forgave him for leaving all of those years ago. You’ve forgiven me for all the terrible things I’ve done, forgiven Dad too. You forgave Mom before she died. You believe everyone is worthy of forgiveness but you, why?” 
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“You believe everyone is worthy of forgiveness but you…that’s what he said. It sent me for a loop. It’s true. I’ll allow everyone to be flawed and make mistakes but when it comes to myself I wonder how I haven’t been dropped by every person in my life” I explain the conversation to Dr. Grady and wait for her response as I sit up and prepare for the end of our session.
“It’s common for people with anxiety to suffer from severe self-criticism. I’m going to send you a few readings I’d like you to look over before our next session and we can discuss it more since we are almost out of time.” She clears her throat and straightens up the papers in her hand. “It’s a very good question your brother asked. I think you should think about that one, why do you think everyone else is worthy of forgiveness but you? Because you are Natalie, you are worthy of forgiveness and you need to start by forgiving yourself.”
I quietly thank Dr. Grady for our session and leave once our time is finished. 
She’s right and so is Kyle. I constantly forgive everyone all the time but never allow myself the grace of forgiveness.
Erin is happy, Noah is happy and it’s about damn time I let myself be happy too. 
It’s around 4pm when I return home from therapy and my grocery store run. I got all of the essentials for a fun backyard fire pit dinner. We’re roasting hotdogs and then s’mores for desserts later. 
When I get into the house I hear laughter and music filtering in through the kitchen, I walk through and notice the sound is coming from the backyard where Maggie and Kyle have set up the waterslide for the girls. 
“Uncle Ky! Go go!!!” I hear Erin bellow as I see my brother fling himself down and slide all the way to the end of the slide. 
“Oh hey, Natty!” Kyle calls, standing and shaking the water out of his hair. “How was your appointment?” He asks softly. 
“It was good! Yeah, I feel good, thank you for talking to me about it last night, it was really helpful Ky.” 
“Of course sis! What are twins for?” he says and then wraps his arms around me wiping water all over my dry clothes. “Kyle! Ugh!” I call out and push him off of me while he lets out a full bellied laugh. 
A few hours later we are sitting, dry,  around the warm fire. Kyle and Maggie are staying at a hotel but when Natasha started to get sleepy we put her in Erin’s bed until they left for the night. 
I’m helping Erin roast a marshmallow when Maggie comes into my view, handing me a glass of wine. “I think it’s time for that girl-talk I was promised” she giggles and turns to Haylie who’s sitting and roasting her own s’more, “and I mean you as well girl, I wanna hear about this new book. You gotta tell me if they’ll end up together in the end please” 
Haylie laughs and zips her lips, “hey I’m spoiler-free over here.” 
Handing Erin her assembled s’more she thanks me and takes a huge bite causing marshmallows to overflow out the side and drip down her chin. I laugh and wipe it before it hits the floor. 
Kyle stands to leave us to girl-talk and gestures towards Erin, “Come on sweety, let’s go watch a movie while your mom has her lady talk, it’ll be boring” 
Erin giggles into her s’more “They just want to talk about Noah and how mom used to like him and now they’re both weird” she states while tossing a strand of hair over her shoulder and I can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of me, “yeah, sorry for being weird kiddo. I’m working on it.”
“Aren’t you observant?” Kyle says to Erin steering her towards the back door. 
The three of us giggle at the way Erin was able to perfectly sum up the situation, “She sees everything I swear and she’s too smart.” I comment under my breath as I take a small sip of the wine Maggie brought me.
“What’s going on in that head of yours Natty,” Maggie asks and her face is nothing but compassionate. “Too much Mags, too much.” I take another long sip of wine and look into the slowly dimming fire. “I am so unbelievably happy to see Erin happy..”
“I’m sensing a but coming,” Haylie chirps from her chair on the other side of me. 
“But.” I say, giving her a pointed look, “but I am just still navigating my own feelings about all of this, so I’m just a little scatterbrained.” I admit.
“Do you think it’s possible Noah could still have feelings for you?” Maggie asks and I shoot up in my chair, surprised by her question. 
“Oh god no, I was just talking to my therapist about how shocked I am that he can even stand being around me,” I say and Haylie busts out laughing. 
“Oh my god, are you blind? Dude the way he was looking at you not only the literal day you told him about her but the day he came over and was here for like eight hours, for Erin of course but Natty, there is no doubt he was also here for you.” Haylie says with a matter-of-fact tone and my eyes roll back so far I think they might never come back. “Oh please, there is no way Noah has feelings for me, It’s been ten years and at this point, we are just trying to navigate this co-parenting thing.” 
That gets a laugh out of not only Haylie but Maggie as well, “you’re either blind, stupid or both if you don’t think that guy is and always has been in love with you, knowing he now shares a child with you is only going to cause him to further attempt to submit himself as the only man in your life,” Maggie says but I shake my head in disagreement, I just don’t think that is in the cards for Noah and me anymore no matter how easily I lose myself in his eyes, or how I secretly listen to his music and have always known he was the most talented person in the world. 
“Whatever our feelings for each other may be, Noah and I have agreed that the most important thing is Erin’s happiness. I’m not going to risk that so I just need everyone to respect that.” I say with more firmness in my voice than intended. Maggie looks at me with a quiet understanding, “I will support you either way. I’m always on your side.” she says. Haylie nods in agreement “Me too.” 
We spend another hour outside finishing our wine before heading back inside to see Kyle and his family off for the night. Erin heads up for bed soon after and I do a final sweep of the kitchen before heading up to bed myself.
As I’m laying my head down my phone rings lightly and I hesitate slightly before answering. 
Hey Noah, is everything okay? Sorry but Erin is already asleep if you wanted to talk. 
Hey, yeah everything is okay. I figured she’d be asleep, I was hoping to talk to you actually. If thats okay?
Oh, um yeah, we can talk. Whats up?
Are we okay Natty? 
I freeze. What does that even mean? Are we okay?
Um. yeah? Why wouldn’t we be okay? 
I just feel like…I don’t know how to say this. I’ve been trying Natty but when I talk to you on the phone it’s like you can’t get off fast enough.
What do you mean? I just figured you wanted to talk to Erin so you could get to know her more. 
I mean, of course want to talk to Erin, but Natty I want to talk to you as well.
It’s been ten years and I meant what I said about wanting to be in your lives. 
You want to talk to me? About what? 
He laughs and the warmth of it climbs into my heart and makes a nest. 
I want to know about your life, I want to meet the Natalie that you’ve become and I want to try and make up for all this time I’ve lost.
Oh. I’m - well I’m sorry if I was short with you on the phone. Honestly, all of this has been a big change for us all.
I haven’t been good about dealing with this, obviously. 
Yes, It was a big change but I want you to know that I don’t want you to feel like you have to do this alone anymore. I truly do intend to be there. For both of you.
That’s co-parenting right? We’re in this together now. 
Yeah. Together. I like the sound of that. 
I can’t help the blush that spreads across my cheeks and down my neck, I know he meant together as parents but for a moment I allow myself to believe we could be the happy family I’ve always dreamed of. 
I know it’s late so I can let you go if you’re getting ready for bed-
No, no, I can talk. Unless you’re tired.
No, we just got off the stage and I’m to amped up to sleep yet.
So Natty, tell me about your life. 
We talk on the phone for hours. About the last ten years, I told him about life with Erin and we reminisced about life when we were young. I don’t remember hanging up, but I guess I fell asleep sometime while we were talking because when I woke up there was an unread text on my phone.
Noah S : goodnight :) I have missed talking to you these last ten years Natty. It is good to be back in your world. 4:13 am
I walk down the stairs with a spring in my step and I feel lighter than I have since this all began. I know we will all be okay and I can finally say that Noah and I are friends again after all of this time.
The rest of the week with my brother and Maggie is so much fun. We spend time at the park, go to museums and even a minor league baseball game. When they leave at the end of the week I give Kyle a big hug. "Thanks for everything Ky, I love you bro."
"I love you too sis, you're an amazing person. don't ever forget that."
Noah and I start texting more frequently in-between our phone calls and I find myself smiling and laughing more at my phone than I have in years.
In a week Noah will be back and Erin is so excited.
I won't lie, I'm pretty excited as well.
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next chapter
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