#Hes chaddic
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@thefoodwiththedood ayyy
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rekkingcrew · 7 years
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My half of an art trade with @thefoodwiththedood! He requested a pencil sketch of Hes Chaddic and Cerate Evis having the after-mission break down from the Rick and Morty Season 3 opener (https://youtu.be/z91-IgdO1Wk).
Poor things!
Also, here are some practice sketches I did to try to get the dimensions.
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I swear, keeping my scanner clean is a constant struggle.
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rekwritesnonsense · 6 years
(Cairn belongs to @starrealis)
Pakhet Nimro leaned her elbows casually on the controls of her boat. “Hey,” she called. “Back from the rail.”
Chaddic’s human had sense enough to step back. This one wasn’t a total idiot and he’d probably come back to the base with all his limbs still attached. The gaerndar launched itself out of the water and slammed into the side of the boat where he had been, spraying river water and corrosive saliva from it’s tripart mouth as it thrashed wildly for the sources of heat and scent up on the boat’s surface. It was blind, but the senses it had were more powerful than sight. The human swore. At Pakhet’s feet, Incha grunted and rolled to her other side, turning a line of armored scales toward the water.
“Kriff, he was a big one!” This human had the wide eyes of a child at a zoo, even out here where everything could easily kill him. He’d been some kind of imperial foot soldier. She dimly remembered some drunken evening where he’d confessed to bouncing from base to base so much he hardly knew where he’d grown up.
“She,” Pakhet corrected.
“That’s a nesting female, protecting her patch from anything that might try to eat her eggs. Males almost never get more than five meters, and they don’t break the water like that.” The gaendar made another leap for the human, wrapping the folds of her mouth around the railing and leaving gashes in the metal where the teeth dragged. That would need to be buffed out. “She’ll lose interest once we pass her territory.”
He put his back against the wall below Pakhet’s controls. “That HAS to be the most dangerous thing we’ve seen so far!” He’d been saying that for every big predator and herbivore they’d run across, as well as for various pests haunting the jungle canopy. Pakhet sighed and drew a knife from her belt. She leaned forward over the rail and stabbed hard into the space between his neck and shoulder.
To his credit, he only flinched a little.
“I told you to put your hair back,” she said. She straightened back up just long enough to kick herself down to his level on the deck. The whole boat rocked beneath her, as much from her as the gaendar. She drew the big knife out of the frame and pressed it into his hand. “Hold this. Away from your body. And hold still.” She drew a smaller, sharper razor of a knife from a pouch and made two quick flicks that flayed thin slices of skin from his shoulder near the collar of his shirt. They were already discoloring as they floated down like withered leaves. She looked down at him, wrapped her hand around his smaller one, and brought the knife up to where he could see it. “THAT is the most dangerous thing you’ve seen so far,” she said.
At the end of the knife was a larva, no longer than two joints of her smallest finger. Black legs protruded in a helix pattern around its brown, segmented body, and opposite of those, backward facing hooks that looked like tiny hypodermics. A viscous yellow fluid oozed from where the knife had punched through it and the smell made his nose wrinkle even from a distance. Pakhet turned it over so he could see both sides. “This,” she said, putting on that bored slur that had always irritated her in her professors, “is the larva of a brain wasp. Those clear spines inject a necrotic analgesic venom where they touch, so you can’t feel it going in,” she tapped her smaller knife against his ear demonstratively, “or burrowing. Most people don’t notice until they can’t hear on one side, and by then you’re already dead and just don’t know it. You lose speech next. Mental processing power. Then it burrows for the amygdala. Know what your amygdala does?”
The human shook his head.
“Stress. Fear. Panic.” She tapped the knife blade. “These little monsters live for cortisol and adrenaline, and they sink their teeth into the machinery in your head that makes you a screaming, weeping mess on my fucking deck before you die.” She flicked the bug into the water and began to clean the knife. “Tie your hair back,” she repeated. “It makes them easier to spot.”
“Kriff,” he said again. “Devaron is a fucked up planet.”
“Mm.” She looked over her shoulder at him. They’d passed out of the range of the gaendar and the waters in the river had gone back to a gentle, murky flow, hiding other dangers, perhaps, but calm for now. She shrugged. “But the brain wasps, at least, aren’t from here. Came back on a space ship and never fucking left. They’re invasive.” She let that linger. She didn’t hate this one, but he was an outsider here, come from a military presence grinding down whole planets for a core that had gone rotten. “Sometimes,” she said, “the most dangerous things are.”
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nat-skodal · 6 years
Cypher, what do you think of the Angels' leader, Hes Chaddic?
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“Hes Chaddic (by @thefoodwiththedood) is a pathetic shoe-in for a jedi who wants to take control of whatever she can just like the old order did. She’s a violent enemy of the people with a facade as a figure of hope and reform. Not to mention she’s got a well-known record of public indecency, I can’t comprehend how she even has a following.”
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I posted some info about Ki’anya’s past a week or so ago and got the inspiration to do a little age chart!
(not pictured) Early life: Ki’anya was an unhappy kid. She was assigned male at birth, though she has known she was a girl ever since she was young. Unfortunately, her parents didn’t take this seriously when she expressed it to them, choosing instead to believe that she’d eventually “grow out of it.”
Combined with this mental stress, she couldn’t seem to do well in school, which eventually lead to her breaking rules, skipping class, and neglecting assignments. (She’ll discover later on in her life that she has dyslexia, which made learning the conventional way complicated for her) Her parents, both overworked corporate employees, didn’t have the time or energy to deal with what they deemed to be an attitude problem.
(Top Left) ~15 yo: Her early teens were especially hard on her as her horns grew in. She took to wearing wigs and big sweaters and generally tried to blend into the background. When she turned fifteen, her parents sent her to a boarding school with the hope that she would grow out of her habits and get her schooling back on track. Instead, she ran away and joined Devaron’s Angels (the group of course belonging to @thefoodwiththedood!)
(Top Right) 16-17 yo: Ki’anya finally finds a home for herself among the Angels. Not long after, she makes the decision to start HRT. Ki’anya also becomes comfortable enough to reach out and start making friends, though a bit timidly at first. She considers removing her horns for a while, but ultimately decides not to. Instead, she embraces them and starts decorating them with jewelry. She also gets very fluffy!
(Bottom Left) ~21 yo: She grows into a confident, happy young woman, fiercely dedicated to the Angels and their cause. She’s easygoing with an edge of sass, getting along with most of her fellow soldiers (when she isn’t stealing their snacks). Once the Angels succeed in liberating Devaron, she waffles a bit on what the future holds for her. 
(Bottom Right) ~30 yo: She is well into her career as Head of Security for the Devaronian Senator, Hes Chaddic. The position can be exasperating at times, but overall she’s very happy with her lot in life, becoming a regular fixture at Senate meetings. She absolutely loves kids (especially Hes’s son, Kasson) and will often break her calm, guarded composure to pull funny faces or tell them stories.
I hope to finish out this out later, but this is what I have for the time being!
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thefoodwiththedood · 6 years
HEY Y’ALL, I’m back with another Weekly Prompt submission for the Angels’ discord server! The prompt this week was “Child”, so of course I went and wrote about Hes and Kasson, cuz hey, who had a worse and better childhood (respectively) than those two. In any case, let me know if y’all like it! This was super fun to write, and I’d love to hear any feedback on it that y’all have! :D
Characters: Hes Chaddic, Kasson Chaddic
Word Count: 822
TW: None
Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.
Luhsahnuhes’s frantic steps echoed through the temple walls as she ran. She dared not look back, but it was paining her not to—she heard her fellow Jedi crying out in pain, blasters firing, lightsabers whirring as they cut through armor and skin alike. They called out for her to help. She wanted to help, wanted to save anyone she could, but no. All she could do was make a break for the hangar. She had to save herself now.
Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.
Luhsahnuhes made it to the hangar, but every ship she got close to blew up. One after another, each one went up in a ball of fire and smoke, throwing out tiny bits of shrapnel that cut her skin as they grazed her. She was wasting time, running to each one and then being forced to stop short. She had to find something—there had to be something. She ran towards the balcony just outside the hangar door, hoping to find anything or anyone flying in to rescue her. She had to move quickly, surely the troopers would be onto her soon eno—
A blaster bolt ripped through her left shoulder, and she cried out in pain, but she kept running towards the balcony. Towards hope.
Boom. Boom.
Two more bolts hit her: one going through her knee, the other grazing her thigh. She stumbled, landing on her side and rolling off the ledge. She tried to hold on, but the pain in her shoulder was too great, and she faltered. She let go.
Boom-Boom. Boom-Boom. Boom-Boom.
Luhsahnuhes’s heartbeat thumped in her ears, and the world around her began to move in slow-motion. She grasped wildly for the ledge, but it moved away too fast for her to grab it. She could only look up at the lights of the Jedi temple, the lights of Coruscant, as they all receded away from her. They looked like little stars, all receding away, like they do when you’re about to jump into hyperspace. But they weren’t the stars. Strangely, that’s what made the tears start to run from her eyes: she would never see the stars again. Only these cheap, imitation stars. She wanted to cry out, wanted to plead for help, for someone to catch her and take her back to the stars, but then the ground was getting closer and then—
Hes shot up out of bed, panting heavily, hair matted to her sweaty forehead. She sat there and breathed for a long while, trying to bring herself back to reality. She was on Devaron. She was in her own bed, in her own home, the one she shared with her son. She was alright. She was safe.
With a sigh, Hes shakily got out of bed and walked into the kitchen—she needed some water before she could try to fall asleep again. Quietly, she poured herself a glass, shooting a cursory glance towards the living room that the kitchen overlooked. To her surprise, she saw Kasson laying on the couch, the lights on around him, head resting on a throw pillow. He’d had his eyes open when she’d seen him, but upon his glance meeting hers, he hastily tried to look like he was sleeping.
“Kasson?” Hes said, gently touching his shoulder as she sat next to him. He opened his eyes, but he averted his gaze from hers. “Why aren’t you in bed, is everything alright?”
“I had a nightmare,” he mumbled, after a short pause. “And...my room was too dark. I just...I needed space, okay?” he nestled deeper into his side of the couch, trying to disguise just how shaken he was. Hes sighed, knowing how he felt. He was fourteen now—too old for nightmares, he probably thought. Fourteen, Hes thought to herself, I wasn’t much older than that when...when I…
She paused and blinked, quickly putting the thought out of her mind. “It’s okay, sweety, I understand.”
Kasson loosened up a bit at this. “You do?”
Hes nodded. “I get them sometimes, too. It’s okay to be a little scared, even of stuff we know isn’t real. But we don’t have to be scared and alone—and, I just want you to know that, if you need me to be, I’m always here for y—”
Suddenly, Kasson moved over and hugged Hes, burying his face in her shoulder. She could hear him try to say “Thanks, mom,” but it came out as more of a quiet sob than anything. With a sigh, she pulled him close and rested her forehead on his horns. “It’s okay, sweety,” she whispered, “you’re okay, I’ve got you”
As she held him, she glanced briefly up at the sky through one of the living room windows. The stars were out, shining bright even against the light of Devaron’s two moons. She couldn’t help but smile a little. She was alright. She was safe.
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thefoodwiththedood · 6 years
Here’s another weekly prompt submission for the Angels’ discord! The prompt last week was “voice claim”, and this time around I actually went ahead and did something serious! It’s based on this scene from OITNB (featuring Hes’ voice claim, Danielle Brooks), and it’s kind of a snippet from a story idea I had wherein the Empire burns the city of Tikaroo—more on that some other time, though. For now, though, enjoy this! It was super fun to write and I really like how it turned out, so yeah, hope y’all like it too! :D
Characters: Hes Chaddic, Sydnfra Dras
Word Count: 913
TW: None
(full story below the cut)
“Dras…you ordered this?”
Hes stared down the street as Dras turned to face her. Illuminated by the bright blue, sulfurous flames roaring around her, Hes saw her clearly: standing with her two Death Trooper bodyguards, looming like three obelisks over the destruction of Tikaroo, watching in silence as countless peoples’ homes went up in smoke. Though Dras wore a mask to protect herself from the fumes, Hes could still see her face. If she felt any remorse, she didn’t show it.
“Why?” Hes stammered. “Why do this?”
Dras’ brow furrowed, and she and her troopers began to walk towards Hes. “I said it clearly before, Chaddic: should you continue to take up arms against your Empire and resist our rule, we shall rain hellfire down upon you and destroy you, completely and utterly, with neither mercy nor hesitation. You made the mistake of inspiring this city’s people to fight, and with that, aid in you taking this city. Thus,” she swept her hand out in front of her, gesturing to the city burning around them, “Hellfire.”
“I thought you were different,” Hes growled, her shock slowly morphing into righteous fury. “I thought there was hope for you, but—”
“But you were wrong” Dras almost shouted, stopping short a few yards from Hes. “Get it through your head, Chaddic: I’m where I want to be. I am a proud member of the greatest Empire the galaxy has ever known, and I will be the one to bring peace to Devaron. Not your Angels. Not you. That said,” she paused, turning her back on Hes and starting to walk away, “troopers: dispose of the Archangel.”
Dras smiled as she heard the troopers raise their blasters, but another sound caused her to stop short. Instead of blaster fire, she heard the two troopers gasping for air, and she turned to see them being raised off their feet, desperately clawing at their throats. A few yards from them, she saw Hes, her right hand raised while, with the left, she slowly and methodically unsheathed a saber tonfa. Before Dras could say anything, Hes suddenly clenched her fist, snapping both troopers’ necks in an instant. Their bodies fell to Dras’ left and right, and while she stared at them both in disbelief, Hes lit her saber, its loud, booming ignition calling Dras’ attention back to her.
“Oh…” Dras almost whispered, trying her best to keep her voice from shaking. “I should have known you wouldn’t be that easy to defeat. Well don’t think that I—GAH!” Dras had moved to grab her own weapon, but Hes wrestled it away from her with the Force as soon as she did, instead twisting Dras’ arm behind her back. Before Dras could even begin to resist, she felt herself flying backwards, only stopping when she collided with the stone wall of what was once a building. The impact broke the hand behind her back, not to mention knocked the wind out of her, but that was the least of her problems; held in place by the Force, she could only watch in horror as the Archangel slowly walked towards her, fangs bared and violet blade humming at her side.
With her free hand, Hes dragged Dras up the wall with the Force, so that when she was finally upon her, their eyes were level. Slowly, Hes brought her tonfa’s blade up to Dras’ throat, so that with one small movement of her elbow, she’d slice clean through her neck. Yet even then—even with all Dras had done, and even with the sulfur fumes messing with her brain, telling her to give into her animal instincts and cut off the evil bitch’s head—she wanted to find some reason not to do it. Through clenched teeth, she snarled at Dras. “Say something.”
Dras said nothing—she could only stare wildly into Hes’ slowly yellowing eyes, the hum of the saber’s blade drowning out any thoughts she could have had. Infuriated at having to repeat herself, Hes shouted in anger and punched the wall next to Dras’ head, leaving a craggy, fist-shaped crater in the stone. “SAY SOMETHING, GODDAMMIT!”
“I’m sorry!” Dras suddenly shouted, shutting her eyes and wincing as the stone vibrated on the back of her head. Why the hell did I say that, she screamed in her mind, knowing it would only serve to worsen her situation.
After a pause, Hes spoke again. “Thas all you got?” she said, her tone as much one of belittlement as one of contempt. “You sorry?”
“I’m sorry…” Dras repeated, opening her eyes again in one last burst of courage. She felt tears welling up now, and with every other sentence she gasped for breath. “Sorry...that you can’t see what I’m trying to do. There’s no other option for any of us, Chaddic. If the galaxy...if Devaron is to have peace, it must be on the Empire’s terms. There’s no other way. Don’t you get it? I’m trying to save this planet, all of it’s people, even you! I’m trying to save Deva—”
“SHUT UP!” Hes shouted, pounding the wall in the same spot she had before, effectively silencing Dras. There was another pause as Hes waited for Dras to open her eyes again, and eventually she did. If that was all Dras had to say at a moment like this, then maybe Hes had misjudged her. Now, though, she saw her for what she really was.
“You just tryna save ya own damn life.”
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thefoodwiththedood · 6 years
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✦ 4 BBY Versions ✦ 0 BBY Versions ✦
As I was looking through all my AI files, I thought it was cool to see how the main crew of the Lady Lucy had progressed over the years, so I thought I’d share how everyone’s changed from their first designs! I of course have more age-ups planned, but still, I wanted to show off these now that I have them done :D
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
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Let the next round of age-ups for my OCs begin!! To start off, here’s Hes as she looked around 4-5 ABY—the year the Empire fell, the year she liberated Devaron, and the year her son Kasson was born. It was a good year for her, basically :D
For this version, I wanted to try and reflect how Hes is getting older (she’s almost 40 by this point), and how her look might change to reflect both her age and the larger responsibility she’s undertaking. The Angels are numbering in the thousands, she’s facing open war with the Empire, and she’s now seen as a living symbol of hope for her people; she can’t afford to act like a hot-headed 20-something anymore. That’s not to say she isn’t the same friendly, fun-loving Hes she’s always been—she’s just more responsible when she needs to be, y’know?
But yeah, this’ll be the first in a new series of age-ups for my OCs, so stay tuned for those in the future! Next up will be Cerate, probably, followed by Russoc, Vonnie, Gemre, Oh-Ar, and anyone else who I can do. For now, though, what do you guys think? Does this design look cool? Is she wearing too much gold? Are you lamenting the loss of her gigantic hair as much as I am? Let me hear your guys’ feedback! :D
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
Hey everyone! Even though I’m way behind my original schedule, I’m happy to say I finally got another chapter of Hes and Cer’s story done! I’m pretty happy with how this one turned out and I’m super excited to see where the story goes from here, so yeah, I hope you guys like it too! :D
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thefoodwiththedood · 6 years
Hes would you go back and change anything about your life?
It’s TMI Tuesday! Ask my muse anything you want and they’ll have to answer honestly.
Hes: “As far as how my life has gone? Nah. Sure, I’ve had a fucked up life. I was a child soldier, an orphan, basically a slave to the republic, but y’know what? All that led up to me becoming the baddest bitch this side of the Inner Rim, and it all led me to meet the friends I have today. In that sense, I wouldn’t give up my shitty life for anything.”
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
Here's an innocent TMI ask! Hes, why did you cut your hair, and Cerate, how'd you get that scar on your eye?
It’s TMI Tuesday! Ask my muse anything you want and they’ll have to answer honestly.
Hes: “That probably is the most innocent one we’ve gotten, isn’t it?”
Cerate: “I think so! Anyway, yeah, it’s funny you should ask, because we have sort of the same answer for both.”
Hes: “The short version of it? Empire.”
Cerate: “Pffbt, yeah, I think that sums up all our problems. The longer version is that, a couple years back, there was this Inquisitor tracking us down. The same Inquisitor that, uh…killed my mom, in fact. Guess she wanted me too, huh?”
Hes: “We sure put that bitch in her place, though, didn’t we?”
Cerate: “Well yeah, but I think that’s just ‘cause we got lucky—I’m getting to that, though,”
(The rest of the story’s under the cut, it got a little long as I was writing it)
Cerate: “So basically, the Inquisitor chased us halfway across the galaxy and back,”
Hes: “And not ‘cause she was ordered to, might I add, this cunt just wanted to finish the job that bad—I’m pretty sure the Emperor even had the Inquisitorius disbanded by this point, so she was probably just goin’ rogue.”
Cerate: “That’d explain why she was alone, I guess. Anyway, yeah, eventually we just got tired of running, and we decided to just stop and try to kill her—or slow her down, at least.”
Hes: “No easy feat, keep in mind—did we mention she was a Gen’dai? As in, a virtually-unkillable, gross-sack-of-immortal-muscles-and-shit Gen’dai?”
Cerate: “Not just virtually unkillable—had we not been at the right place at the right time, she’d probably still be hunting us. Again, though, I’ll get to that. So yeah, we decided we’d choose Alderaan as a place to fight—no reason why, really, it was just the closest planet to us. We parked our ship in the forest, she parked hers across from ours, and for a while she just stood there, staring us down all creepy-like,”
Hes: “Bit needlessly dramatic, if you ask me, but what else can you expect from a Sith,”
Cerate: “I know, right? So finally, I walked out with my sabers drawn, while Hes stood back by the ship in case I needed backup—and that’s where the fight began.”
Hes: “No joke, kid, I’m still surprised how well you held your own there—you weren’t even breakin’ a sweat!”
Cerate: “I know! I’m glad I at least looked convincing, ‘cause I was legit scared half to death. So yeah, for a little bit it was just me fighting her, but eventually I did kinda slip up. She knocked one of my sabers out of my hand, and while I was trying to grab it she got a quick slash in on my face—hence, of course, the scar,”
Hes: “I almost had a heart attack right then, not gonna lie,”
Cerate: “Imagine how I felt! So yeah, I’m on the ground, one hand on my face, and this giant Gen’dai is standing over me about to deliver a killing blow. So what do I do? I pull my other saber towards me with the Force, it ignites mid-air, and BAM, clean cut right through her waist!”
Hes: “And that’s where I jumped in—while she was re-forming, I helped Cer up and pulled out my own sabers, then we double-teamed that bitch,”
Cerate: “Oh, c’mon, don’t say it like that—yeah, so me and Hes fought together to cut her up some more, and all she could manage to do before she was totally diced was go for Hes’ neck.”
Hes: “But ya guessed it, all she got was my hair. I grew that shit for YEARS, and what does she do? Shears that shit off in an instant. All I could smell was burnt hair for days after, it was the worst,”
Cerate: “I think the alternative would’ve been the worst. So yeah, once she was in pieces, we used the Force to throw them every which way, and we made a bee-line back to our ship.
Hes: “Then we blew her ship up, flew off, and we were in the clear!”
Cerate: “Well, as in the clear as we could’ve been then. We both knew she’d be back—like you said, Gen’dai are virtually unkillable. So we agreed to just bide our time, get stronger, and the next time, whenever it came, we would be ready. That would’ve been ‘The End’, but...”
Hes: “KABOOM! We look back behind us and, guess what? Alderaan’s gone. Just blown up. Vaporized. Literally the whole planet, just gone in an instant.”
Cerate: “Needless to say, we were...shocked. All those people dead, all of them innocent...and what’s worse, just before we jumped to hyperspace, we saw the Empire’s Death Star in the wake of it all.”
Hes: “It’s just...how could they...to a whole planet of their own? I’m just glad that bastard Tarkin got what was coming to him, eventually,”
Cerate: “It was an emotional ride back to Devaron, to say the least. If it wasn’t for the Alliance, they might’ve come to us next,”
Hes: “We’re still not joining them, though. I’ll die fighting for Devaron before I become one of Mothma’s lackeys,”
Cerate: “I know, I know, I’m just giving credit where it’s due—point is, that Inquisitor’s probably gone for good now, the Death Star’s destroyed, and Hes and I are all good,”
Hes: “If a little pissed still—I really liked my hair like that,”
Cerate: “Hey, c’mon, your hair still looks good! At least now you can wear a helmet again,”
Hes: “Yeah, true—and hey, that scar looks badass too, not gonna lie,”
Cerate: “Aw, thanks! Guess it’s nice to get something out of that fight,”
Hes: “Besides some well-earned revenge, you mean,”
Cerate: “Now now, revenge isn’t the Jedi way, is it?”
Hes: “Ha! We’re way too cool to be Jedi, you know that—oh, shit, we went off on a tangent there, didn’t we?”
Cerate: “We sure did! Anyway, yeah, thanks for the ask!”
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
What do you guys think about Hes having short hair in a future design?
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
I was tagged by @leeoliver​, so yEAH, I’m gonna do this for Hes!
NAME: Hes Chaddic (formerly Luhsahnuhes Kassonchuav Chad’tekt)
ALIAS(ES): She sometimes goes under the codename “Archangel”, which she actually got from the Empire. They used it as a name for her before her identity was widely known, and the minute she heard it she was like “that’s cool, I’m takin’ that”
GENDER: Female
AGE: 33 (as of 0 BBY)
PLACE OF BIRTH: Montellian Serat, Devaron
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Galactic Basic, Devaronese, and a tiny bit of Huttese and Duro.
OCCUPATION: Leader of the Devaron’s Angels rebel cell
HAIR COLOR: Dark burgundy (with white tips, though she dyes it most of the time)
HEIGHT: about 6′2″
SCARS: Various, though none are too noticeable
COLOR: Purple
HAIR COLOR: Dark colors
EYE COLOR: Light colors
ENTERTAINMENT: Bad holo-dramas
PASTIME: Playing sabacc, saber training, sex, etc.
FOOD: Dewback ribs
DRINK: Assardan whiskey and/or chai tea
BOOKS: the “Cataclysm Prism 4″ novelization
HAD SEX: Oh, yeah, more times than she could count
HAD SEX IN PUBLIC: No, but she’s definitely thought about it
KISSED A MAN: Once or twice
KISSED A WOMAN: More than once or twice
GOTTEN TATTOOS: Yes; she has two huge angel wings on her back, and a badly drawn smiley face on her ankle
GOTTEN PIERCINGS: Yes; her ears, for one, and she also had nipple piercings at one point
HAD A BROKEN HEART: Unfortunately, yeah
BEEN IN LOVE: Once, yeah
STAYED UP FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS: She went three days without sleeping once, so that’s something
A CUDDLER: Definitely
A KISSER: Definitely
WANTED TO KILL SOMEONE: Many people, actually
ACTUALLY KILLED SOMEONE: Many people, actually
RIDDEN A BEAST: She’s ridden dudes who were pretty beastly Yeah, she’s ridden happabores, dalgos, rupings, and even a varactyl one time.
HAVE ANY FEARS: Plenty, though they’re all way too deep and complicated to get into here.
SIBLING(S): None, though Cerate could be called an adopted little brother, if not an adopted son
PARENTS: Heraath Chad’tekt (mother) and General Kleeve (father)
CHILDREN: None, though she might have a kid one day
PETS: None, unless 0R-D3 counts
And finally, I’m gonna tag @rekkingcrew, @peircingorangeeyes, @tinybuggy, @eldstunga, and anyone else who wants to do this! :D
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
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To round out the set, here’s all my new, aged-up OC designs together! All in all, I’m super happy with how these turned out, and I’m super excited to do stuff with these new versions! I hope you guys like ‘em, too! :D
Refs of each one individually:
✦ Cer ✦ Hes ✦ Russ, Vonnie, & Gemre ✦ U’ruk & Kobelka ✦ Heraath ✦ 0R-D3 ✦
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
Hey everyone! Earlier I was rethinking how I wanted to structure and release new stories about my OCs, and I’ve decided I’m gonna try and put new, short installments of fics on a semi-regular basis—likely no more than bi-weekly, but hopefully no less than monthly. Hopefully, then, I can write more than the whole one (1) chapter that I wrote last year.
With that new plan for it in mind, here’s an updated, re-worked version of that one whole story: “The Temple In The Jungle”, wherein, on his first mission alongside the Angels, Cer discovers a temple deep within the Devaronian jungle—a discovery that will change his life forever. So far I’m up to four chapters (the original first chapter of Shadows and Stardust split into three, with one new one right now), and if my estimate is right this story’ll likely end up being 6-7 chapters in total. After this, it’s anyone’s guess which story I’ll do next, BUT hopefully it’ll be something cool!
So yeah, come check this out if you have the chance! Let me know what you think, leave whatever feedback you have, and yeah, hopefully I’ll have more up for you soon! :D
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