#Chance affaires
jigsaw1974 · 2 months
*in a Humphrey voice*
Your cousin, he wasn't wearing...boots with the fur, was he?
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hell-heron · 10 months
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Level of pain number 1: Thats not true, thats not true, he never betrayed Cat but he did betray Robert and thats what Jon is, not the betrayal towards Cat, he never was but neither will find out to mend that wound
Level of pain number 2: Actually this is true and on a spiritual level he did make with Robert a bastard that would grow up with his trueborn children and grow with treasonous aims and supplant them. Sorry Cat the king to whom I'm almost bonded by marriage but not quite took me away from wife and children to relive his glory days and now there's a child in the picture. Sorry lady wife the king made me do something that was against my morality but I couldn't say no to because he's the king (but mostly because I love him) and uuuuh yeah. Now I have a black of hair but short and slender little boy named a shortening of "Baratheon". It happens
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e-m-p-error · 2 months
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ | Perhaps for an eclectic combination of Era & Hellaina, Jayden/Vel, Val/Vox, and Vox/Tello(/Val)???
For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses.
[ Erasmo ]
⭐️ Era was the reason Hellaina joined up with his friend group of criminals. He met her and took her in when she needed someone to be there for her, as he was wont to do. Era was always picking up strays.
⭐️ He mistakenly thought that she was into him after what happened with April and he declined feelings he assumed she had. It was a mostly well-received rejection because she wasn't interested and that helped him relax more with her.
⭐️ When he went into porn he used some of his money to help her with a vehicle that needed to be repaired. He was always willing to help if he was good for it.
⭐️ He considered her a close friend, though Missy remained his only best friend.
[ Velvette/Jayden ]
⭐️ Velvette still manhandles him often, no matter what they are doing or where they are.
⭐️ She has served him drinks with little toys in the bottom of them. She thinks it's funny when he chokes on them but always makes sure to help him when he's choking.
⭐️ Velvette is very focused on his health and happiness and is the first person to gentle him when he needs it.
⭐️ While they got married for the joke, she found that she actually really, really did love him. He's very important to her and she'd never file for divorce.
[ Vox/Valentino ]
⭐️ Before their big talk, Valentino believes Vox doesn't care about him because their sex life is lacking due to Vox's general disinterest in sex.
⭐️ Vox does not understand Val's obsession with his horoscope, but he listens every day when Valentino reads him his because it's important to him. It's one of the sweet things that Valentino does for Vox that isn't sexual and it proves he cares.
⭐️ Valentino doesn't know what to do with one of his love languages, since Vox can't eat. During one of their excursions to Earth, Valentino rents them a hotel room with a kitchenette and he makes Vox the most delicious eggs benedict he's ever had. Cooking for a partner is something he considers an ultimate show of love.
⭐️ Valentino never felt more seen or heard with Vox than he did the night they were drugged and forced into Honesty Time. Their relationship grew closer and stronger for it, and Val is honestly more secure in their relationship now than he's been in decades.
[ Vox/Ostello/Valentino ]
⭐️ Ostello has written and performed 50 love songs for Vox before Valentino fell. Valentino is at a healthy 22.
⭐️ Valentino has to teach Ostello how to have sex with him properly but is willing to because of Vox mediating between them.
⭐️ Vox's involvement is half of why Ostello gets to live. The other half is that they actually communicate about the lackluster sex.
⭐️ Ostello loves Vox more than anything but is instantly infatuated with Valentino. He did talk at length with Vox about it, because he values open and honest communication.
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airoarts · 1 year
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breaking bad yuri real?!
[Image description: First image is a painting of Kim Wexler from Better Call Saul holding Skyler White from Breaking Bad. Skyler is sobbing into Kim's chest, and Kim is petting her hair and comforting her as she stares straight ahead, her face carefully neutral but betraying a level of concern. Kim has her dark hair and bangs from the end of BCS instead of the blonde ponytail she had before. The background is pure black and the pair is lit by a bright light that highlights their faces.
Second image is a small, sketchy comic of Walter White in Saul Goodman's office. Walter, agitated, tells Saul "I - I cannot believe she could do this, Saul! I - I mean, with a woman too! Of all-" Saul cuts him off by saying "Wahey, good for her! Is she hot?" Walter simply responds, "Saul." Saul then waves his arm saying, "Kidding, Walt, kidding! So what's the chick's name?" Walter, offscreen, responds, "Uh, Kim something-or-other... Wexler?" There is then a close-up of Saul's face, much more detailed and realistic, looking very forlorn, as Walter again questions offscreen with "Saul?" End ID]
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freebagels · 9 months
Maggie to Aziraphale: and she already has a partner
Nina to Crowley: my partner wasn't thrilled. Well, not a pleasant evening
Crowley and Aziraphale in unison: the problem is that Nina doesn't like Maggie and we just need to put them together in a romantic setting of our dreams
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beardeddetectivepaper · 7 months
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
Me reading fics where Tuvok encourages other peoples’ romantic pursuits:
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#If Janeway came to Tuvok like 'I have feelings for Chakotay Tuvok and it's tearing me apart' he'd be like 'I understand completely. What you#have to do is completely eradicate those feelings.'#I think if Janeway came to Tuvok (pre that Episode where she gets a Dear John letter) and told him about how much she felt for Chakotay#Tuvok would be like 'hmm.........what about Mark =_=' and it'd send her into a spiral#Given that BOTH Janeway & Tuvok have said in canon that they pretty much consider holosex cheating (this is implied not to be a commonly#held view and I get how others would see it more like consuming porn)#I think Tuvok would 10000% made a comment to Janeway that's like 'wow I just never thought you of all people......well. I suppose that's#humanity for you.' and Janeway would run out of there so fast after being like You're A bso lutely Right Tuvok Tha nk You.#What do you do when your best friend and moral compass doesn't agree with you pursuing a torrid love affair with your first officer?#And when ppl have Tuvok BRING it UP to Janeway?? Specifically to encourage her to go for it?? Could not disagree more#If he's bringing it up ?? In MY mind it's to be like 'cool it with the workplace flirtation. you were on the bridge. Junior officers could#see you.'#and if it was anyone BUT Janeway I think he'd just be like 'I don't need to hear about this....if you don't want to eliminate all your#emotions I don't know what to tell you.'#Bonus: After Janeway gets that dear John letter and Mark's confirmed off the table Tuvok is still unhelpful#'I just don't know what to say to him...!'#'Why not just say you want to be in romantic relationship?'#'It's not that simple!'#Tuvok: (vaguely irritated and losing interest) 'Clearly.'#BUT...bonus for if you're Janeway and no one else....if you come to him with a complaint about your relationship there's a 98% chance he's#going to agree with you and say the other person was being unreasonable#Chakotay & Janeway: -get in argument-#Janeway: WELL. Let's see what Tuvok has to say.#Chakotay: DON'T call Tu-#Tuvok: (before he's even fully in the door) I have to agree with the Captain v_v#this is just my opinion of course...I know why he's used so much - bc he's Janeway's friend and the only high ranking person besides#Chakotay (who she of course is being paired with) who she would consider talking about her romantic life with#so even though Tom/Harry/B'Elanna are much better candidates to fill that role of eager-to-talk-about-romance they can't be used#so basically Tuvok's the only one left and thus is a bit ooc (in my opinion) such is the tragedy of Voyager#I only have such an opinion on this bc to get Tuvok content I must skim through many chakotay/janeway fics to discover he has four lines
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housecatclawmarks · 1 year
It feels important to note that while there can be very healthy age gap relationships between adults and there are ppl in their 20s who seek out much older partners (which im not gonna tell them not to! they’re adults w a right to fuck & it’s none of my goddamn business), there is not a ‘positive tradition of gay age gap relationships’ and I think it’s good to asses that statement critically when someone says it to you.
The historic frequency of age gap relationships in Western gay culture specifically, especially Britain, does not come from roots that have anything intrinsically to do with homosexuality. What it comes from is specifically rich, mostly white queer men doing what many, many rich white men have done throughout history regardless of sexuality-using their racial & class power to have consensual or coercive sex with young working class people & people of color. The power imbalance between age&experience AND financial status was romanticized a Lot by these rich gay men in the late 19th and early 20th century (think about ppl like Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, E.M. Forster, Edward Carpenter, etc) and relationships with poor young men & sometimes teenaged boys were sought out enthusiastically under the guise of imitating ‘the Greek acceptance of homosexuality’-which makes sense when you consider where & how a lot of these men were educated.
The illegality of gayness & oppression of lgbt people definitely made it hard to find examples of same-gender attracted people in society, which helps contribute to the Greek imitation thing but also more importantly created situations where young lgbt people who were working class, who were immigrants, who weren’t white were facing the most severe consequences under the law for their sexuality & gender expression, were living the hardest lives, & were easier to exploit by rich and powerful men because of it. The ones doing the exploiting weren’t doing it because they were gay, the criminalization of homosexuality just made it easier for them to take advantage as they did the same thing their heterosexual peers did to young women & girls who were working class, immigrants, & women of color.
If anything the fact that conditions in the UK & US have improved so much legally and socially for cis gay people has made it much more achievable to have ethical, healthy age gap relationships between people who want them, even though these issues do still exist. Again, it definitely can and does happen, and adults have the right to date & fuck each other if they want to, but that type of relationship does not need to be culturally tied to something unhealthy, coercive, & produced by classism and racism.
It’s a subject I think a lot of western gay people & historians shy away from talking about and really seeing as what it was because we’re so often wrongly smeared as pedophiles & gay sexuality is accused of being predatory to children & teens as way to harm and criminalize gay people, and I understand the fear of playing into that, which is why it’s so important to me to emphasize again that this exploitation was a product of class and racial inequality and homo/transphobia, not an innate quality of gay or trans society. But we do need to talk about it! We need to address it! And (saying this As one) white gay men NEED to find queer history & role models who aren’t rich, imperialist pedophiles-there have been SO MANY OF US who aren’t that! the majority of queer people in history have not been that! We have a rich culture and history to draw from here without glorifying or toning down really gross, predatory behavior from a handful of wealthy men & the class that enabled them.
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michyeosseo · 10 months
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Would [Deungmyung's mom] lose it? So what, if she does? Not like she is going to take responsibility for my happiness.
Yoon Hae Young and Choi Myung Gil as JANG SE-MI & BAEK DO-YI LADY DURIAN (2023) 1.15
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lordkingsmith · 1 month
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I see we have entered into a new phase of aesthetics. Which comes with the addition of my pointing at the background boys thinking "COTTAGE CORE!!!!" while lying on the floor pointing at the girlies in your icon whispering "babies...precious babies..."
Which really all just amounts to:
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the background is cottagecore handsome boys that are both unbelievably pro-murder and then my icon are sweeties who are trying to be far tougher than they are but should still be handled carefully. in short, I am ushering in my 'I am kind, I am good, but I am not nice and don't mix those up :)'
thank you ^-^
half the reason I wanna make a movie; so I can promptly crossover everyone and make them queer af. and then marah and kapri are just a mood. gotta combine the moods somehow lolololol
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rohirric-hunter · 5 months
The workers at the Chetwood Lumber Camp who are actually trying to get some work done when yet another pack of drunk adventurers charges through, leaping over workbenches and axe-wielding workers with no concern for anyone's safety like becloaked gazelle carrying cabers:
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officersnickers · 1 year
Okay, stupid headcanon time (again)!
I guess most of us speculated once or twice during our time reading/ watching The Promised Neverland, that Norman could be related to William Minerva aka James Ratri, due to their looks and behaviour and overall savior complex. It didn’t helped Demizu depicted them both in weirdly similiar ways throughout the manga, as for example seen here:
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Now, Shirai denied the speculations of the fanbase, stating Norman wasn’t related to the Ratris at all. Here comes my theory playing in.
Certainly James (or Peter) isn’t related directly to Norman, nor his father. But while re-reading Volume 19 of the manga, I stumbled across the profile of Grace Field headquarters.
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See this little section here?:
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Ratri Clan’s guest room - probably for when the current head of the Ratri clan (or one of his deputies) “honors” headquarters with their visit. Now, what if, in all those years Grace Field exists, one of the Ratris (or maybe even more?) took a liking to a sister working in the headquarters? Having their fun together, resulting in a little poor cattle child with a father, which controls the whole farm system himself? What if one (or maybe even more, again?) cattle child born from this connection was a girl, allowed to grow up and having children of her own? What if some dear Ratri blood flows in some of the current sisters and also Norman, making him related to the Ratris, but only over several generations?
Of course it’s all just speculation, a mere headcanon of mine, and doesn’t change anything for Norman or any other from the Ratri family. The thought alone amused me for the shere comedic potencial 😌
What do you think?
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lilyharvord · 11 months
Hi I’m coming out of my hole and out from under my rock to say that the hozier song Francesca is so Marecal coded it’s like a sucker punch to my fooking gut. And don’t even get me started on how unknown/nth is for them in the epilogue of kings cage/war storm. Like… Francesca is so cal coded the whole series when he’s thinking about mare…. And unknown/nth is literally mare coded for him (and for her and maven at the end of RQ. I’ll give it to them).
Excuse me, have to go scream and cry and claw at my throat, and throw up over this fact and that I can literally imagine the edit for marecal for Francesca.
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musicalchaos07 · 5 months
I am once again overthinking about Nancy saying "it was like you disappeared" but Jonathan and Nancy's passion being sooooo of the charts (even if they were avoiding each other) that Steve didn't hesitate to call him her other boyfriend
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francesderwent · 2 years
“You and I, it is to be hoped, do not hold the theory that the highest and most prominent figures in Society are the highest and best specimens of the human race. We are not such desolate pessimists as all that….The most gloomy of all possible theories is the theory that the best man wins….But I am an optimist, and I believe that evil is frequently victorious; a thought full of peace, comfort, and possibilities of human affection.”
—G.K. Chesterton, Illustrated London News 11/16/1907
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kazz-brekker · 7 months
the thing about the borgias is that it is a show in which the writers want the characters to be engaged in Schemes and Plots but their plans are often things like "poison a guy at a dinner party that YOU are hosting" or "frame a guy for a murder that occurred when he was publicly at a meeting elsewhere" or "try to assassinate a guy in a bathhouse full of other people" or "murder an illiterate guy and frame it as suicide by leaving a written note" so i am frequently forced to conclude that many of these people are in fact kind of stupid rather than the hardened schemers i am supposed to think they are.
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