byjenie · 1 year
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Judy Heumann - "She's considered the mother of disability rights and she's badass"
Women's History Month
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leon-production · 25 days
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Julia Hill, 22, climbed a tree in California and spent more than two years on it to save it from being cut down. 🌳🌎🌿
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animalsoutloud · 1 year
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Choose plant based....
For The Animals - who are mutilated alive without pain relief and placed in small, cramped cages where they can hardly move.
For The Environment - which is damaged heavily by factory farms, leading contributors to climate change. Mass areas of rain forests are being cleared as well for growing grain to feed livestock.
For Taste - in addition to being introduced to exciting new foods, there are ever growing companies and eateries that are producing delicious plant based foods with the same textures and tastes as animal based meat.
For Equality - as animal agriculture thrives on the discrimination of animals, we can reject the notion that some lives matter less than others and value all living beings' right to live their life regardless of what they look like, what their species is, and how their bodies can be used by humans.
For World Hunger - because plant based foods use much less land and water than that which is used to produce animal based meat, we can feed millions of people.
For Health - as plant based foods tend to contribute to lower body weight, lower blood pressure, and lower cholesterol among other health benefits.
For Compassion - as humans, we hate to see other living beings suffer and die. But factory farms hide this suffering from us and lobby for laws to keep the public from knowing.
For Choices - unlike meat eating animals who need animal based meat to live, we have access to plenty of naturally grown foods as well as there are more and more plant based versions of meat and dairy being created.
For Reflection - as we can break from tradition and the notion of 'that is just the way things are' and instead be able to look at things from other perspectives.
For Peace - when you choose plant based, you have a sense of peace in your meals in that you are alleviating animal suffering and helping people and the planet.
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nealshustermanreal · 3 months
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“In a population of hundreds of millions, such a small number of people is a mere drop in the bucket… but enough drops can make any bucket overflow”
The power of individual actions, no matter how small. 💧🌍
Do you believe in the impact of small contributions in creating big changes? How have you seen 'drops in the bucket' lead to significant shifts, either in your life or in the world around you? Share your experiences and thoughts on how each of us can be a drop that helps the bucket overflow.
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fiercemillennial · 3 months
A Mother's Choice: Nuances and Questions in the Michigan School Shooting Verdict
The Crumbley verdict raises critical questions about parental accountability in school shootings. Let's discuss the legal and societal implications for ensuring safer schools. #SchoolSafety #LegalPrecedents #ChangeTheNarrative #FierceForce #ChangeMakers #FierceMillennial
Jennifer Crumbley’s conviction marks a historic moment, but the conversation around parental responsibility for gun violence continues The recent conviction of Jennifer Crumbley, mother of Ethan Crumbley, the perpetrator of the Oxford High School shooting in Michigan, sparked national debate. This historic first, holding a parent directly accountable for their child’s gun violence, raises…
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desyilmi · 1 year
Be A Changemaker!
Ini merupakan lanjutan dari tulisan kemarin. Here we go, catatan dari sharing bersama Ara di Ahlan Ramadhan 2021. 
Berbicara perubahan, ada banyak sekali elemen yang menjadi bagiannya, sebut saja: niat, lingkungan, keteguhan, dan lain sebagainya. Namun sebenarnya, bagaimana sih konsep changemaker itu? Apa yang akan dibawa oleh changemaker dan mau dibawa kemana?
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Ara menggambarkan perubahan akan dibawa dari titik C ke S. Apa itu? “C” merupakan current situation, kondisi terkini yang terjadi di lingkungan terdekat kita (bisa jadi pengalaman pribadi atau keluarga, tetangga, dsb). Sedangkan “S” merupakan something better for the good of all, apa sih titik yang lebih baik untuk kemaslahatan masyarakat?
Untuk membawa C menuju S, hal yang paling penting adalah: collective action. Bukan hanya cukup tahu apa masalahnya, namun mencukupkan aksi nyata juga. Berbicara aksi, kita mungkin bertanya, harus mulai dari mana? Yuk sama-sama simak rumus dari Ara!
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IDEA ─ Ide muncul dari hadirnya pertanyaan-pertanyaan. Secara sederhana, kita mengenal 5W+1H sebagai inti dari pertanyaan. Lalu tambahkan 1 lagi kata tanya, ‘bagaimana jika?’, yang akan berguna untuk melihat berbagai macam kemungkinan yang dapat terjadi melalui berbagai macam perspektif. Mulai ngide dari mana nih? 1. What is the problem we are addressing currently? ─ sedang ada masalah apa yang bisa diselesaikan saat ini? 2. Why do we care about it? ─ ‘WHY’ sangatlah penting untuk menguatkan motivasi intrinsik kita. 3. What is our idea? ─ mulailah dengan membuat list keterampilan kita, lalu koneksikan menjadi ide nyata. 4. Some of initial solutions for implementation ─ Jangan takut ngide dan bermimpi besar, akan mudah jika kita breakdown setiap langkahnya. 5. My next step ─ jangan berhenti di ide. Tentukan langkah konkrit selanjutnya!
TEAM ─ Membangun tim adalah PR yang dinamis, berubah sepanjang waktu. Biasanya, tim akan ditemukan ketika kita mulai ngobrol dengan orang lain. Nah, ada beberapa hal penting yang harus diperhatikan sebelum meramu tim. 1. Visi yang sama; 2. Pahami kekuatan anggota; 3. Bangun chemistry tim.
TAKE ACTION ─ Ide dan tim tidak akan menjadi perubahan tanpa aksi nyata. Setelah berempati dan membuka pandangan, jangan lupa mentransfernya menjadi aksi, ya! Biar kita tidak jadi simpatisan belaka :)
Setiap orang dapat membawa perubahannya masing-masing. Asalkan memiliki kemampuan untuk PEKA dengan apa yang terjadi di lingkungan, dan PAHAM apa yang bisa dilakukan. Mengutip visi hidup Ara...
Mulya sesarengan. Sejahtera itu bersama-sama, bukan sendirian. Dan perubahan adalah jalan menuju itu. 
Pertanyaannya, maukah kita menjadi pembawa perubahan itu? Yuk bawa secercah perubahan positif untuk lingkungan kita. Karena, kalau bukan kita siapa lagi? Kalau bukan dari sekarang, mau kapan lagi?
Masih di depan laptop, 11/01/2023 | 6:53 WIB
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nialls-gorgeous-colors · 11 months
June 21, 2023
Shawn Mendes posted about a collaboration of his Shawn Mendes Foundation with David Yurman jewelry.
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Shawn Mendes ig post
“Thank you David Yurman for partnering with Shawn Mendes Foundation to support youth changemakers through a collaborative bracelet and some of my favorite pieces from our collection. Head to Shawn Mendes Foundation for more info.”
Shawn Foundation’s Instagram ig reel post of Shawn.
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Shawn Mendes Foundation ig post
“Thank you David Yurman for partnering with us and Shawn Mendes to create a sustainable hand-woven bracelet made of hemp. From June 18 to September 4, 2023, while supplies last, 20% of the purchase price of the hemp bracelet l, and other pieces from Shawn’s curated collection, will be donated to The Shawn Mendes Foundation to support, uplift, and empower young changemakers.”
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moonbythebeach · 2 years
On novembers we welcome grief and numbness. On decembers, we celebrate them.
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digicontact · 1 year
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gettzapped · 1 year
Church is Being Held in a Slaughterhouse this Sunday
Church is Being Held in a Slaughterhouse this Sunday
Picture yourself walking onto the sprawling property of a big, beautiful church in your town You feel taken by the striking sacred structures adorned with sparkly ornate details glistening in the sun. Upon entering, it feels peaceful, & warm, like a place of refuge, of prayer, of miracles & blessings. It smells of wooden aromas & maybe incense or candles or sweet baked goods from the community…
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actionxchange2022 · 2 years
AxC 2022: Day 4
Buenas tardes a todos y todas,
Ayer fue un día intenso en el que hicimos muchas cosas interesantes y nos hicieron reflexionar sobre temas que gran parte de nosotros no nos habíamos planteado.
Empezamos el día jugando al pañuelo, con una dificultad añadida: todos teníamos los ojos vendados. Al principio, los facilitadores (Leire, Luis y Marc) sólo llamaban de uno en uno, sin embargo, a medida que iba pasando el tiempo, fueron dos los números elegidos, y en la ronda final, fuimos todos los participantes a buscar el pañuelo.
Lo primero que hicimos después de desayunar, fue recibir una clase sobre lo necesario que es conocer los distintos elementos de una comunidad. Esta sesión fue dada por la facilitadora Marharita.
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Al concluir con la obtención de los conocimientos necesarios sobre los distintos elementos de una comunidad, llegó la hora de dividirnos en grupos para crear la nuestra. Tuvimos que pensar qué edificios y espacios públicos poner, qué trabajadores estarían en dichos lugares públicos, dónde vivirían las personas…también ideamos los defectos, necesidades y recursos que poseían nuestras comunidades. Al acabar todos los preparativos, nos pusimos a dibujarlas. Por último, explicamos nuestras comunidades al resto del grupo.
La última actividad de la mañana fue un juego en el cual escribíamos dos nombres del grupo al azar y teníamos que colocarnos entre esas dos personas. Más tarde, tuvimos que formar triángulos cambiando nuestras posiciones en el espacio.
Después del tiempo libre, nos explicaron los distintos niveles de un iceberg, desde lo más visible, que es el evento hasta lo más oculto que es la ideología.
Al fin de esta explicación, nos dividimos de nuevo en grupos para crear nuestros propios proyectos sociales para ayudar a Ordino, localidad que tenía un problema con los cuidadores de personas que sufrían depresión y ansiedad, en su mayoría mujeres.
Para la actividad nocturna, jugamos al “Atrapa la bandera”, que se trata de un juego en el que hay dos equipos, cada uno tiene una bandera que debe esconder, así que, la misión del equipo rival es encontrar la bandera y llevarla a su campo sin que los pillen. Cuando te han pillado, vas a la cárcel, dónde tienes que permanecer hasta el fin del juego, a no ser que tu compañero te salve tocando tu mano.
Después de este juego, nos fuimos a dormir ¡Otro día intenso y divertido en AxC!
Escrito por Paula Ahumada
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anviamsolutions1 · 7 days
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Join us as we lead the charge in transforming the future through innovation! 💡 Together, we're pioneering new solutions, shaping industries, and driving progress. 📞+91 83601 76682 📧[email protected]
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indianschool-blog1 · 15 days
ISDM Convocation 2023: Changemakers Empowered, Dreams Launched
Witness the inspiring journey of the ISDM Class of 2023 as they graduate and embark on their mission to drive social change! This heartwarming video captures the essence of Convocation - the culmination of dedication, the pride of accomplishment, and the promise of a brighter future.
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animalsoutloud · 8 months
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You have the power to create a kinder world for all living beings. We do not need meat or dairy to live happy, healthy lives or to enjoy amazing food. Make the switch to plant based for a better world.
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mysetu · 18 days
Setu Foundation, a beacon of hope in Noida, India, has been transforming lives since 2007. With a focus on Women’s Education, Youth Empowerment, and Livelihood Creation, Setu is dedicated to bridging gaps and fostering growth. They tackle India’s literacy gender disparity and youth unemployment head-on, offering skill development and quality education. Their Project Samaan extends a helping hand to those with special needs, while Project Uday focuses on empowering girls through education. Setu’s workshops on Child Sexual Abuse and health awareness programs on AIDS and Cancer have reached thousands, spreading knowledge and safety. By sponsoring a child or volunteering, you can join Setu in their mission to empower the underserved and drive societal change
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profresh16 · 26 days
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