"Small Screen Maniac!" - The Crushable Men of "Star Trek" Ranked
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qquark · 7 years
enterprise au where archer is cinderella and he goes to the ball in the jcrocs and prince shran finds one on the steps of his palace and has to hunt down the dashing young man who has such marvellous footwear fashion
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lionowlonao3 · 7 years
enterprise hc
so anyway malcolm is gay and he tells trip (who's bi) this when they're about to die on shuttlepod one and they share a passionate kiss... and they have to stop because they need to conserve oxygen but both agree it was worth it. then they try to pretend it didn't happen when they get back to enterprise, but that doesn't last very long anyway i'm now firmly aboard the uss maltrip, thanks @prisdreamsbravely and @charlestuckeriii for the leg up
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alex-guerin · 7 years
charlestuckeriii replied to your post: Y’all ever have that one friend that you have kind...
OH BOY and do you ever think maybe now i’m over it, maybe it was just a brief thing and then they give you that Look and you’re in too deep again
Or they text you on your way home to ask what time you ended up clocking out cuz they knew you ended up being the only one still working in your department? And you just sit there and get a goofy grin cuz it means they actually have your number saved in their phone. Yeeeeeeeeah...
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avoidingdestiny · 7 years
charlestuckeriii replied to your post “I already talked about this with @kiranwearsscienceblues but now that...”
Deffo agree with Ravenclaw, and I think you could possibly argue a case for Malcolm to be in Slytherin?
I considered that at first, but remember the episode where he got his leg pinned to the hull?  He told Archer the story about his uncle being afraid of water but joining a submarine crew anyway, really admired him for it, especially the part where he locked himself in a room and drowned so everyone else could escape.  Even if he didn’t manage to go through with facing that fear himself, the fact that he respected him so much shows that he values bravery a lot.
Plus later in the episode when he tries to save Enterprise by insisting Archer detach the hull plating and then detaching his own air supply so he’d just die and the ship wouldn’t be at risk.  Not that self-sacrifice is exclusive to Gryffindor, but Gryffs love that shit, even when there courses of action that would leave the person alive--which there was, in this case, even without Archer’s plan; Reed himself brought up amputation but decided sacrificing himself was a better idea.  I think a Slytherin would only resort to that if there were zero options left that left him alive, which was not the case here.
(There’s also the fact that Reed likes to solve problems by getting into fights, like that bar brawl in season four and the whole thing with Major Hayes, which feels way more Gryffindor than anything else.)
I can see the Slytherin argument, though.  Reed’s quiet, barely socializes, resourceful, was in Section 31--nothing more stereotypically Slytherin than covert ops--and is for sure more deliberate about his decision making than Archer or Trip, and more cautious in general, too.  He also clearly has desire to prove himself, which can go Gryff or Slyth.  But values are just as important as traits in a Sorting, and Slytherins value ambition most, which I don’t think we see from Reed, unless you count when Tucker lied about reporting him that one time and Reed objected because it meant he wouldn’t get promoted for a long time.  
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popsicleofdeath · 7 years
film or book?
I can’t believe I missed this one. 
I gotta say book, mostly cause i really just don’t watch movies. Movies just don’t have the time to get me invested in the character and story. By the time i start caring the movie is pretty much over
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captaincrusher · 8 years
charlestuckeriii replied to your post “Guys, what is your favorite go to Star Trek episode when you’re...”
Threshold, for a laugh, but really, Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy
Every Doctor episode has that aura of comforting hilarity, even the serious ones. I just love that. I suspect it’s Bob Picardo that creates it all. 
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lt-williambush · 7 years
Irange and tangerine! Les mis RULES
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Ohh, if you're still doing name banners, could I maybe ask for Tee? I really like dark greens and blacks if that would be okay, I just love how pretty these are!
Thanks! Look for it in a moment
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biworf · 7 years
@thylekshran and @charlestuckeriii have given me a shrip problem answer for your crimes
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qquark · 7 years
wesley crusher
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lionowlonao3 · 7 years
my first ever tucker/reed fic and my first ever enterprise fic! dedicated to @prisdreamsbravely and @charlestuckeriii because the both of them are the reason i ship this ship
Summary: Trip and Malcolm’s fledgling relationship is compromised when an alien nearly kills Trip
Rating: General Audiences / No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise Relationship: Malcolm Reed/Charles “Trip” Tucker III Characters: Malcolm Reed, Charles Tucker, T'Pol, Hoshi Sato Additional Tags: Episode Related, S1E22 Vox Sola, Coda, Drabble, i was inspired and i had to write it, naff title i’m sorry Language: English Words: 452 Chapters: 1/1
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alex-guerin · 7 years
7, 9 and 10, from both maybe?
Risky Asks
7. tell an embarrassing memory or story
Ugh. Okay, so...Sunday, July 20th. 1986. I was born. Fast forward 30 years. Here I sit. That time between birth to now? Yeah. There’s my embarrassing memory. My entire life is an embarrassing memory. I literally have so many that they’ve all blended together to form one super embarrassing memory that just never ends...
9. what was your first blog URL?
I’m pretty sure it was alykat-kartoons.tumblr...I think. At least on here. I’d had other blogs other places, but I can’t remember what the URLs were now. I’m old and tired. Memory isn’t working so great at the moment.
10. if you draw or write, show some of your really old work
We’re bound and determined to make me remember something embarrassing tonight, aren’t we? Fuck my entire life and half of the next. Alright, fine. You wanna see embarrassing? Fine.  Go to my deviantart page and bask in all that embarrassment. And if that’s not enough for you? There’s plenty of embarrassment on my ffn page. 
7. favorite song you cant stop listening to?
Don’t really have one at the moment...
9. do you like to use correct grammar when you type or just type all lowercase?
I’m old, people. I was raised to use proper grammar at all times. I can’t help it. It’s ingrained in my brain now. Just the way it goes. Unless I’m feeling epic depressed and just stop caring. Which, I’m getting close to that point...soooo....
10.  whats something thats made you laugh recently?
Trip Tucker’s smile and his adorableness with Malcolm. 
...ugh. Now I know why people stopped sending me asks when I post them. I’m so fucking lame. All my answers are lame. Fuck. Why am I so fucking lame all the time??? *hangs head in shame and slinks off to work*
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eutermesan · 7 years
@charlestuckeriii you could have warned me about series 1 episode 4 of Endeavour. The Thursday feels were too much
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avoidingdestiny · 7 years
Tagged by @animetrash-and-otheraesthetics, sorry I haven’t been in touch lately, been pretty busy. Thanks for the tag!
Five things in my bag:
1. Phone charger. 2. Portable phone charger. 3. Mini stapler. 4. A pen. 5. A pencil.
Five things in my bedroom:
1. My Borg cube mini fridge. 2. My blanket that I’ve had since I was five or six. 3. In the closet I have a shoebox with small sentimental things like a bracelet my sister made me years ago, an alien hackey sack a different sister gave me, and a plastic necklace I had to climb to really high branches of a tree to get when I was a kid. 4. Also in my closet is a small plastic storage bin of flash drives and chargers and other electronic things like that. 5. A robe that’s too comfortable for me to like wearing and three red baseball hats are on a hook on the back of the door.
Five things I’ve always wanted to do:
1. Join the military. 2. Climb a mountain. 3. Go to Antarctica. 4. Go to Alaska. 5. Always wanted to try skydiving, but that can detach your retina so I wouldn’t actually go for it.
Five things that make me happy:
1. Beagles. 2. Shitty little hole-in-the-wall restaurants. 3. Diet Coke/Coke Zero. 4. Calvin and Hobbes. 5. When I’ve been working on a fic scene for weeks and it ends up turning out really good.
Five things I’m currently into:
1. Kitchen Nightmares. 2. The Magikarp Jump app. 3. Water–I really like being near the lake and am trying to build a ship-in-a-bottle, stuff like that. 4. Kevin Spacey, considering I just watched HoC season five and sat through the Tonys just because I like him. 5. Bugs. I’ve gotten pretty good at IDing common species around where I live.
Five things on my to-do list:
1. My sister wants to come down and visit so setting that up with her. 2. Write a scene in my fic; I haven’t finished one in months and I feel guilty about it. 3. Build that ship-in-a-bottle I mentioned. 4. Organize some things around the house. 5. Job hunt stuff.
I’ll tag @hydrogenandtonic, @kiranwearsscienceblues, @charlestuckeriii, @necrofuturism, @wufflesvetinari, and @peppermintdegenerate.
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hawkened · 7 years
I was tagged by @samjohnmichael
Last Movie I Watched: Uhh, I think it was ‘Eat With Me’ Last Song I Listened to: Shower of Roses by Natalie Claro Last Book I Read: The Book Thief by Markus Zuzak, and i’m curently reading The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde Last Thing I Ate: an ice lolly Where I Would Want To Time Travel To: Back to a point before A-Levels or forwards to where im living with @littlerobbo Fictional Character I Would Like to Hang Out With For a Day: Franziska Von Karma? Obviously?? If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now I Would Be: with my boo Current Fandom Obsession: Always ace attorney, but right now im v much into Stardew Valley
I’ll tag: @littlerobbo @possessed-radios @kiera-peach @charlestuckeriii if you wanna do it!
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