#Charlie Hardwick
bobbie-robron · 11 months
Charlie Hardwick on The Good Ship Murder
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milliondollarbaby87 · 3 months
Billy Elliot (2000) Review
When young Billy Elliot discovers a love and talent for dancing when he was supposed to be boxing it will push him to the limits as his family are struggling with the miners strike in the north east of England in the 1980s. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading Billy Elliot (2000) Review
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iasikaijutopia · 6 months
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You were to get these guys in a room...I think I'd be scared...but I also do not wanna know what would happen...but at the same time...???
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favorite-characters · 5 months
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Billy Burke as ᴄʜᴀʀʟɪᴇ ꜱᴡᴀɴ (dir. Catherine Hardwicke • 2008)
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cto10121 · 3 months
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Carlisle was the 16th century son of a Protestant preacher, Esme was an abused wife from Columbus, Ohio, Alice is from Biloxi, Mississippi, Jasper is from 19th century Houston, Texas, Edward was the son of a lawyer from Chicago in the 1910s, and Emmett is from Tennessee from a large Scotch-Irish family.
The Cullens are white asf and the fact that Hardwicke thought she could get away with telling Stephenie Meyer herself, of all people, that the Cullens should be cast as different ethnicities despite their canon appearance and backstories, speaks volumes as to her understanding of the story. Volumes.
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nathalieskinoblog · 2 years
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Nicholas Nickleby 1947 - 2002
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georgieluz · 8 months
JULIAN!! I need to know about all your ocs! So I’m probably gonna send a few of these 😂
📚 🎶 💯 🌈 🐶 ❤️ 💔 for all your ocs. I’ll find some more specific ones for each oc too 🩵 thanks
JESS! hello <3 thank you for always being so enthusiastic and excited about them 🥺 ilysm !!
okay, let's get started! gonna put a read more here because this is going to be pretty long since it's for all the ocs!!
📚 BOOKS — what level of education has your oc most recently completed/is currently in (GED, undergraduate, grad school, phd, etc)?
oliver hardwick has an undergraduate degree in classical literature and latin. he was lined up to do graduate level studies, but then the war broke out, so now he's an intelligence officer in easy company instead! he actually didn't want to pursue any more studies after undergraduate anyway, despite his parents pressuring him to do so. not that going to war was preferable though.
tommy monet graduated high school, just about. he has the smarts for more, but always claimed it wasn't for him, or people like him. he would laugh in the face of someone who suggested otherwise. his bad behaviour at school was less of a lack of enthusiasm for learning and more a way that he could easily blend in with the people he grew up with. he secretly would have loved to spend his time reading, expanding his knowledge and writing, but he couldn't stomach the idea of being seen as a "traitor" to his upbringing.
charlie scott also graduated high school, and he also wasn't interested in pursuing any higher education in an academic institution. instead, he basically started learning how to fix vehicles and different engines under the tutorship of a close family friend. so most of his knowledge and skills come from that training.
rhys llewyd was studying medicine before the war broke out and that's how when he joined up he was immediately chosen to be a corpsman. before the war, he was dead-set on becoming a doctor and was sure it was his passion in life. that changes during his time in the pacific and leaves him feeling pretty lost.
max jacobs does not want to be near any educational facility whatsoever lmao, but he did manage to graduate high school. the only form of "school" he enjoyed was the sniper training course he did in the marines. he actually really thrived in that environment, whereas in more traditional learning scenarios, he'd always found himself uninterested, distracted and frankly, just didn't really care. his fellow marines often make jokes about him "finishing top of class" and being the scout sniper "teacher's pet" despite almost being kicked out of every school he'd enrolled in before he joined up.
matty carter, my love, my baby boy, was very much in a similar situation as his best friend, ray person. they were both set to go to university after graduating high school, but then ray decides to fuck it and join the marines instead. naturally, he asks his best friend matty to join them with him too, and well, matty would rather be by ray's side than in a lecture hall, so that's exactly what he does. he joins the damn marines. he's very good at maths and all of the sciences, and was planning to study physics at university. he was a little bit obsessed with space as a kid, but always dismissed his love for it as being "the same as any other kid's".
caleb dawson, oh boy, here we go. pre-zombie outbreak, he's a final year architecture student, but that's not very descriptive of his educational background. his upbringing isn't quite as straight forward as how schooling usually goes, he travelled around a lot and was taken along on jobs with his father after turning ten. this meant he was in and out of schools most of the time and a lot of his education came from the group of criminals his father worked with. one of those taught him how to hack from an early age and he began joining them on jobs after a few years. his love of architecture and building design came from the earlier years when he was left in hotel rooms whilst they went out on robberies. he would sketch buildings from the window of those hotel rooms and eventually began to design his own. obviously to study architecture, you need good, and more importantly steady, grades and a high school diploma, so he always assumed it was out of the question for him. after a series of events that leave his father in prison and caleb having to find his way in life alone, he eventually does the work and gets onto a degree.
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🎶  MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
oliver likes anything he can dance to. he's very much a fun of some uptempo jazz and loves nothing more than getting drunk and twirling around the room in a daze! he wants to listen to anything that will make him feel... no matter what emotion, he just wants to feel it all. mostly so he can forget what he actually feels inside!
tommy is very much a "i don't really care about music specifically" kinda guy. he'll appreciate and enjoy a lot of different styles but in a very passive kind of way.
charlie is pretty chill so generally he's into slower tempo more relaxing stuff, but if he can enjoy a bit of everything.
rhys trained in dance growing up so he's versed in a few different genres and styles of music, and even though he enjoys more gentle sounding music to listen to, he's absolutely down for the upbeat fun stuff too! he's pretty shy about his dancing, but if you get him out there then you'll be surprised by how free-spirited he really is!
max is your classic punk/pop-punk listening skater who has never played an instrument before but swears he would kill it in a band. but yeah, he's very into skateboarding culture and his music tastes reflect that pretty predictably. jesus of suburbia wasn't released until a year after the events of gen kill but that's very much the vibe.
matty also primarily listens to that kind of music.. y'know some soft rock, pop-punk, indie kinda stuff. but he probably consumes a bit of everything and is pretty versed in most music genres. he's also ray's best friend so yes, lots of singalongs.
caleb listens to film scores whilst he hacks. he can't bear to listen to anything with lyrics whilst he works but thinks purely classical music is a bit pretentious, so film scores are his go-to!
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💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
he actively tries to bring shame to the family name
he hides his rage behind a carefree attitude very well
he dumbs himself down on purpose
he cries reading poetry
he smokes but dislikes the smell of cigarettes
he talks to every cat he meets
he's a really fast and strong swimmer
he grew up surrounded by mountain ranges
he hates hot weather
he speaks fluent welsh
has a pretty big fear of heights
can play piano
enjoys fighting in quite a masochistic way
ran away from home multiple times as a teen
definitely has an element of naivety when it comes to his own safety and wellbeing. he constantly provokes others and gets himself into fairly dangerous situations.
is a sweet baby boy who i love.
okay, no, i'll be serious, sorry i just love him so much.
has a smile that could power at least a whole county
is really really really good at playing tekken
he's also a maths whizz but is very lowkey about it
constantly leaves cold mugs of coffee about the place, like literally all the time. especially if he's working on a hack
will NOT admit he's into speirs, despite the entire world, including every damn zombie out there, knowing about them
is secretly jealous of gwen's open and trusting nature, despite him constantly calling her out about being too naive
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🌈 RAINBOW — what is your oc’s sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use?
so all of these ocs use he/him and are queer, but i also have female ocs and nonbinary ocs that are a part of my hbo war f1 au! as well as my oc jess who uses she/her and is straight.
tommy is probably the character where sexuality is most relevant to his arc and inner conflicts. him being gay is quite a big factor in his family relations and past, so it does have a big impact on the way he carries himself and his sense of self.
oliver's sexuality is something he both clings to and tries to weaponise against his parents. he uses the disgust and prejudice of the era as a shield and there's a disconnect there between his sexual identity and who he really is. he would likely identify as gay but he's also slept with women if there's something to gain from the situation. he often jokes that he could never settle down with a woman though, as it would please his parents too much.
the other's queer identities are less clearly defined and the labels aren't really a big part of who they see themselves as. max is bi but tends to have a preference for men. matty isn't fully sure if he's bi or gay or not and he's kinda stuck in a situation where his romantic attentions are pulled toward one specific person, who happens to be a man, so he's very much still figuring things out. rhys and charlie are also in a similar place of figuring things out and likely won't find too many answers about that during the war either. rhys is closer to knowing what he wants in this regard though.
caleb is openly gay but he's out here fighting for his life against zombies so the topic of his sexuality isn't a massive part of his storyline other than y'know, speirs turning up and pinning him against a wall with his mouth just to shut him up. but yeah, he identifies as gay and doesn't really hide it from anyone either.
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🐶 DOG FACE — does your oc have any pets?
tommy has a cat named badger and is basically a cat magnet wherever he goes!!
matty has an australian shepherd named polo who follows him around like a shadow. it's very cute.
oliver's parents never allowed him to have a pet growing up, it was one of their rules when they got married.
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❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc’s positive traits?
he's very open about his flaws and never tries to hide them or pretend that he's a better person than his actions prove him to be
he's actually a very smart and competent person when it comes to planning schemes or missions, and carrying them out, but he's often reluctant to show this as he despises being praised for his achievements due to the way his parents brought him up
whilst his charismatic nature is somewhat of a defence mechanism for him, he genuinely cares about his friends once they're in his life and will go to really far lengths to protect them
he's genuinely caring and protective of his family and friends, even if he's not necessarily on amazing terms with all of them
he's very very observant of other people and can read them pretty well. this usually means others feel very seen by him and often appreciate the way he remembers and notices aspects of their personalities and lives. he struggles when he meets anyone similar to him though, as he's very in denial about himself
he's not afraid to stand up to people who deem themselves above him or others, even if he knows it will get him in trouble
he's very patient with other people and is pretty calm when faced with criticism or other people's anger
has a pretty healthy way of expressing his emotions through his writing, especially his journals
he's very attentive to details, both with other people and in regard to their equipment and machinery
he has a very soothing and gentle presence, even in the chaos of war, and marines often say they feel safer just having him around
knows exactly how to distract the guys and cheer them up, using small jokes and telling stories about his hometown. he also teaches the men welsh, even though they're all terrible at it, because he thinks it keeps their minds off the heavier stuff for a little while
would absolutely sacrifice himself for any of the k-company boys, but also knows his skills are needed to save them
isn't afraid of bullies or bigots. will happily get his fists or face bloody just to stand up to them
in some ways he's very carefree and manages to truly live in the moment, even if it's mostly a response to "suburban fuckery" as he likes to call it. it's a bit of a challenge when he joins the marines and loses some of the anti-establishment non-conformity that he always claimed to live by, but he also gains a taste of camaraderie there that he starts to think is worth the trade off.
genuinely believes that failure is just a trial run and that he can accomplish anything that he wants if he tries hard enough (i'm putting this in positive traits, but it does have some mixed results and negative consequences as well, but it does get him through a lot of scrapes due to his sheer audacity to try)
have i mentioned he has a smile that can light up the whole world yet??? because yes... yes he does!!
is very graceful in defeat and enjoys watching his friends succeed and do well, he has so little jealously in that regard
he's pretty self-less honestly and can put aside something he wants if it goes against the majority's needs
he lives for making other people laugh or smile and other people's happiness genuinely brings him a lot of joy.
i'd also say he sees and appreciates the little things in life and usually knows what's important in a situation
he very much subscribes to the "never leave a man behind" motto and will put himself in danger to make sure his friends are ok
would much rather get hurt than let the people he cares about suffer. this often leaves him in vulnerable situations where he leaves himself open to people who want him to suffer
despite all his trust issues and inability to let his guard down, he cares. he cares so damn much. and he's gentle really, he tries to hide it but it's there, pouring out from him as much as his rage
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💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc’s negative traits?
he's a hot mess, and before the war, he has little care for the consequences of his actions and how they affect the people around him, as long as he can say a fuck you to his parents
he's the textbook definition of self-destructive. he will intentionally fuck himself over, which inevitably fucks others over in the process
he knows exactly how to twist the knife with his words. he can and will snap at the people close to him if they try to look out for him or call him out on his self-destructive behaviour
tries really really desperately to be someone he's not, and this constantly prevents him from reaching his full potential
can't decide if he hates himself or his father more, and in that confusion, decides that maybe it's just the world in general
does not know how to process emotions, whatsoever, and pushes away anyone who dares perceive him
sometimes his calm nature can be mistaken or seen as a lack of care or concern for his relationships. this isn't necessarily negative by itself, but he does play into this and uses it to create a sense of detachment from having to show any vulnerability
tends to read people well enough to know a lot about their motivations but also closes them all off to his own. this tends to make people feel a bit locked out of his thoughts or emotions and he often needs to remind himself that he has to be vocal about how he feels in a lot of situations
whilst he writes a lot about his experiences and emotions, he doesn't always know how to actually share them with other people, especially when it comes to big important things
he tends to hide behind his role of looking after the men instead of facing up to how the war is affecting him. this is pretty standard but he does heavily rely on this as a way of avoiding thinking about his own emotions. he feels like he's in a position where he's not allowed to feel any pain because the men rely on him to be the one who is there for them when they need it most. eddie's presence and their relationship is vital in this, due to eddie's position as an officer, and rhys viewing him in a different light to the others
actively tries to hide and diminish his light
uses his shyness as an excuse not to put himself out there
gets into so many unnecessary situations because he can't accept that sometimes the fight isn't worth it. he truly doesn't know when to just shut up and keep his head down and it does often result in others having to take the hits alongside him
tends to avoid thinking too deeply about his own emotions and his method of always running and creating havoc to distract himself from the nothingness that surrounds his life is mentally exhausting in the longterm, not just for himself, but everyone else
really struggles when the higher ups fuck up during his time in the marines and gets real close to suffering the consequences of speaking up a number of times. this isn't a negative trait necessarily, but again, his mouth gets others in the shit with him and he actively needs to be held back and told to stand down, so it's pretty tiring for other people to deal with
his selflessness can make him too passive sometimes, he doesn't always stand up for himself when he should
he tends to settle for what he's given in life, with little fight when he has to sacrifice or give something he's worked for up
he's also very flippant about his life and future too. for instance, when ray asks him to join the marines with him, he doesn't need much convincing to change his plans of going to university to study physics, which realistically, could have offered him a path to a well paid career. instead, his best friend wants him to join the military and stay by his side, and regardless of whether this decision is right in the long run, he doesn't think very hard or long in the moment about how it will effect his life and future
this boy is STUBBORN. like, really really really stubborn. he won't give up when he's arguing a point and it's extremely hard to get him to admit that he's wrong about something (when i say extremely hard i mean pretty much impossible)
he can also be kind of hypocritical too. he constantly calls gwen out on being too trusting and naive, but when someone who he feels he has loyalties to walks into their lives and is acting noticeably sketchy, he buries those suspicions deep, and chooses to put that loyalty first instead. despite this fucking everyone over, he doesn't tend to see it as naivety because he's too pre-occupied with the glaring trust issues and suspicions he has toward everyone else around him. he seems to think that protects him from displaying any qualities of naivety anywhere else
he's argumentative af and tends to bicker with people and fight about petty things to hide his anxiety and panic. he can't bear the idea of people seeing that side of him, even those closest to him
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omg jess i think that's the longest response i've ever written to any ask lmaoooo but it was also so much fun to answer so thank you for asking them and if you (or anyone else) has read this far then well, damn, well done, you deserve quite literally the stars in the sky!
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waugh-bao · 1 year
oh dang, I missed the tag at the end about Dovlatov vibes. Yeah, go with the Soviet one then. lol I’m glad to narrow down your choices by simply choosing both choices. 😁 But I’d be happy with either. Flip a coin.
Haha, you don't have to be so nice to me, I promise.
We'll split the difference and do the Mick/Charlie fic as requested (artist and journalist AU in London), and I can use the Soviet AU for a gen Keith + Charlie focused thing I've been considering. (Think two old Soviet poets/dissidents who used to be best friends being angsty in Brighton Beach because one tried to sacrifice himself for the other and now the one he sacrificed himself to save will no longer talk to him. Mikhail is over it).
Truly plumbing the depths of niche fandom content over here.
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amberpoppitt · 2 months
Ctrl Alt Critique - Twilight
I must say, working on this podcast never ceases to be a delight. Week after week, no matter the nature of the content we’re covering, I continue to leave the studio grinning like a fool. This week we decided to cover the 2008 cinematic adaptation of Twilight. To help guide us through Stephanie Mayer’s world, we decided to bring Bailey’s sister Sammie onto the show. Plenty of laughs, critique,…
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dilfgifs · 2 years
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Billy Burke as Charlie Swan TWILIGHT (2008) - dir. Catherine Hardwicke
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tennant · 2 years
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Billy Burke as Charlie Swan TWILIGHT (2008) dir. Catherine Hardwicke
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brian-in-finance · 6 months
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KIN and Lies We Tell lead Irish Film and Television Academy Award nominations
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Charlie Cox and Clare Dunne in KIN
RTÉ crime drama KIN and psychological thriller Lies We Tell lead this year's IFTA nominations.
The Irish Film and Television Academy Awards will take place on Saturday 20 April with winners being announced across 28 different categories celebrating the best of Irish film and TV drama. The Awards will be hosted for the first time by Emmy-winning broadcaster Baz Ashmawy.
RTÉ's KIN, which follows the notorious Kinsella family, has received 11 drama nominations including Best Drama, as well as Lead Actor for Francis Magee and Sam Keeley, and Lead Actress for Clare Dunne.
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Michael Smiley plays a father on the edge in Obituary
Magee and Keeley are up against some strong competition with Michael Smiley (Obituary), Éanna Hardwicke (The Sixth Commandment) Daryl McCormack (The Woman in the Wall) also nominated. While Dunne competes with Sharon Horgan (Best Interests), Niamh Algar (Malpractice), Elva Trill (Northern Lights), Siobhán Cullen (Obituary) and Caitríona Balfe (Outlander).
The Best Drama category showcases a wealth of homegrown talent with Blue Lights, Hidden Assets, Northern Lights, Obituary and The Woman in the Wall also vying for the coveted award.
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Agnes O'Casey stars in Lies We Tell
Over in the film categories Lisa Mulcahy’s gothic Irish tale, Lies We Tell, has received a whopping 13 nominations including Best Film, Lead Actor for David Wilmot, Lead Actress for Agnes O’Casey and Best Director for Mulcahy.
It will be a hotly contested battle for the Lead Actor award with Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer), Andrew Scott (All Of Us Strangers), Barry Keoghan (Saltburn), Barry Ward (That We May Face The Rising Sun) and Pierce Brosnan (The Last Rifleman) also in the running.
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Jessie Buckey stars in the romantic drama movie Fingernails
The same goes for the Lead Actress category which sees O'Casey compete with Jessie Buckley (Fingernails), Eve Hewson (Flora and Son), Saoirse Ronan (Foe), Bríd Brennan (My Sailor, My Love) and Geraldine McAlinden (Verdigris).
Also nominated for Best Film are pharmaceutical horror-thriller Double Blind, John Carney's Flora and Son, quirky sci-fi fable LOLA, John McGahern's That They May Face The Rising Sun and Patricia Kelly's debut feature film, Verdigris.
Stephen Rea will be honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award at this year's ceremony. The award will be presented to the Oscar-nominated actor for his outstanding contribution to the Irish and international screen industry over a career that has spanned five decades.
Responding to the Lifetime Achievement Award announcement, Rea said: "So much of Irish culture has been recovered and reimagined. Music, language, literature, theatre.
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Stephen Rea will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award
"And cinema can be added to that list because of the special energy of John Boorman who produced Neil Jordan's first film Angel. And to my astonishment, my first film too. Neil thrust the script and a saxophone into my hands and suddenly I was in the movies. Well, one really original movie, which was at the beginning of a new confidence in Irish cinema.
"And now many films later, IFTA have, equally surprisingly, offered me a Lifetime Achievement Award. A lifetime of collaboration with the most generous and creative artists you could ever work with. And hang out with. Thanks to all of them. Thank you IFTA."
RTÉ 🎧 Radio News Cip and Full List of Nominations
Remember her 10th IFTA Nomination? ☘️
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sorry-its-sam · 10 months
inspired by an article i read where “twilight” director catherine hardwicke talks about who she would cast as our beloved bella and edward if she were to choose today, i asked my husband, who has never seen or read twilight and basically knows nothing about it except from memes, who he would cast, based on only their names and some light backstory. please enjoy…
As cast by someone who knows nothing about twilight.
🩸Bella🩸: Jenna Ortega
🥀Edward🥀: Timothee Chalamet
🐺Jacob🐺: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
🧔‍♂️Charlie Swan🧔‍♂️: Tom Hanks
💙Carlisle💙: Tom Holland
👩🏻Esme👩🏻: Jennifer Lawrence
🐻Emmett🐻: Jack Black
🔪Rosalie🔪: Aubrey Plaza
👁️Jasper👁️: Pete Davidson
🔮Alice🔮: Elizabeth Olsen
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campdaylight · 2 months
anonymous asked: mw fcs?
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members please reply to this! some more under the cut as well
sinqua walls, ricky whittle, shemar moore, idris elba, alfie enoch, lakeith stanfield, trevante rhodes, rege-jean page, john boyega, aldis hodge, daniel ezra, michael evans behling, lucien laviscount, keith powers, kofi siriboe, jonathan daviss, laz alonso, omari hardwick
darren barnet, charles melton, simu liu, nico hiraga, mackenyu, henry golding, kento yamazaki, keita machida, sean kaufman, will sharpe, alex landi, yoshi sudarso, derek luh, lewis tan, ben levin, conrad ricamora, drew ray tanner
charles michael davis, bob morley, manny jacinto, anthony keyvan, timothy granaderos, jordan buhat
danny pino, oscar isaac, michael trevino, william levy, froy gutierrez, alejandro speitzer, sean teale, santiago segura, laith ashley, diego tinoco, pedro pascal, jd pardo, angel bismark curiel, henry zaga, andrew matarazzo, david castaneda
blair redford, forrest goodluck, baske spencer, gabriel luna, gil birmingham, jaime gomez, kiowa gordon, rudy youngblood
kj apa, alex aiono, david strathairn, dennis chun, kalama epstein, jason scott lee, keahu kahuanui
rahul kohli, sendhil ramaruthy, avan jogia, aramis knight, chaneil kular, dev patel, hasan minhaj, kumail nanjiani, manish dayal, nick sagar, riz ahmed, siharth malhotrra, raymond ablack, rami malek
chace crawford, oliver jackson cohen, penn badgley, steven strait, eric dane, max carver, charlie carver, stephen amell, robbie amell, chris hemsworth, liam hemsworth, justin hartley, matt barr, max thieriot, charlie hunnam, travis van winkle, alan ritchson, jon bernthal, tom hardy, connor jessup, grant show, pierce brosnan, kit connor, casey deidrick, drew starkey, phil dunster, dylan minnette, jack champion, henry cavill, dylan sprayberry, jeremy allen white, tyler lawrence grey, jonathan bailey, zack nelson
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magicalgirllove92 · 7 months
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My favorite TV shows of 1997
1. South Park (1997-present) One of the best Comedy Central original shows and one of the longest running adult animated shows ever. The show takes places in the fictional town of South Park, Colorado where 4 young foul-mouthed boys got involved in the series of hilariously mature adventures. This cartoon is for adults only. Starring: Trey Parker, Matt Stone, April Stewart, Mona Marshall and Mary Kay Bergen. Distributed by Comedy Partners and Paramount Global
2. King of the Hill (1997-2010/2024-present) Fox Television Network folks is needed another adult animated show besides The Simpsons and Mike Judge arrives and creates one of the best-loved Fox shows ever King of the Hill. The show takes places in the fictional town of Arlen, Texas, chronicling the lives of Propane salesman Hank Hill, his family, and his 3 comical best friends. Starring Mike Judge, Kathy Najimy, Pamela Aldon, Johnny Hardwick and Stephen Root. Distributed by 20th Television Animation and Disney
3. Cow and Chicken (1997-1999) With an success of Cartoon Network's second original show Dexter's Laboratory and 3rd series Johnny Bravo, the all-cartoon TV network has come up with an plan... an new summer TV show that involves 2 funny young kid animals, an devilishly funny villain, an dashing brave weasel and an buffoon baboon. Thus, Cow and Chicken was born on July 15, 1997. This grossly laugh out loud animated comedy about an scrawny 11 year old Chicken, his beefy 7 year old sister Cow and their unconventional weirdest human parents. Cow and Chicken navigating their lives throughout suburbia, encountered hilarious problems not just at school but an evil funny guy with devilishly schemes named Red Guy whose singular intent to make the siblings' lives miserable. Along with Cow and Chicken, the 2nd segment that spun-off an very short-lived show called I Am Weasel. The spin-off that focus on a smart, dashing, intelligent, noble and successful weasel named I.M Weasel and an unintelligent, rude, dumb and stinky baboon named I.R Baboon who is unaware of Weasel's good deeds and acts as his rival and friend, and the mischievous funny devil Red Guy, he often antagonize the two. Starring Charlie Andler, Candi Milo, Dee Bradley Baker and Michael Dorn. Distributed by Cartoon Network Studios, Hanna-Barbera Productions and Warner Bros Television Distribution
3. Stargate SG-1 (1997-2010) An television sequel to an 1994 blockbuster hit movie that started it all. Showtime ordered 6 seasons before Sci-Fi Channel (Syfy) took over from the remainder of the series after successful reruns. An young team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets. They use the Stargate to explore new worlds, forge ties with friendly civilizations and protect earth from evil and hostile forces. Starring Richard Dean Anderson, Michael Shanks, Amanda Tapping, Christopher Judge and Ben Browder. Distributed by Metro Goldwyn Mayer Domestic Television, Showtime Networks and Syfy Originals.
4. Disney's Recess (1997-2001) Recess is might be ABC's first original hit show/original Saturday Morning Cartoon show since acquired by Walt Disney Company in 1996. 6 brave 4th graders at the fictional school of Third Street School make it their mission to protect the kids on the playground despite King Bob and his minions who enforce his harshly unwritten law, TJ, Gretchen, Spinelli, Vince, Gus and Mikey seeks a rational balance between conformity an individually. The hit cartoon that spun 4 movies, the underrated 2001 movie Recess: School's Out, an Christmas compilation sequel Recess Christmas: Miracle on Third Street, 2 direct-to-video movies that debuts in 2003, an prequel Recess: All Growed Down and the series finale movie Recess: Taking a 5th Grade. Starring Andrew Lawrence, Ricky D'Shon Collins, Ashley Johnson, Pamela Aldon and Jason Davis. Distributed by Walt Disney Television Animation
5. Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction (1997-2002) Sci-fi/fantasy/mystery fans are need a relief after Unsolved Mysteries suffered from disastrous failure after the show was moving from NBC to CBS, 4 more months before the first ever Murder, She Wrote TV movie and the 1996-1997 season of The X-Files ended with gigantic cliffhanger, so Fox and Dick Clark Production conjure up an summertime experiment to turn the tide until September and that's when Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction? Debuts on May 25th, 1997. Each episodes that has 5 tales, all of them which appear defy logic or some of them are loosely based on actual events. The viewer is up to challenge of determined 5 stories that are true or false, at the end of each episodes, it is revealed to the viewer whether 5 tales were true or fiction. The show was massive popular in Germany, RTL II revives the show with Star Trek actor Jonathan Franks reprise his hosting duties in October 2021. Starring James Brolin and Jonathan Frakes. Distributed by Fox and Dick Clark Productions
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bobbie-robron · 1 year
Classic ED - 2004 Debuts, Departures & Robert Sugden Monthly Appearance Counts
Classic ED begins airing the 2004 episodes around the week of 26-Jun-2023 barring preemptions. Below are key character arrivals/departures.
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01-Jan-2004 - Bernice Thomas (Samantha Giles) - for January only!
01-Feb-2004 - Valerie ‘Val’ Lambert (Charlie Hardwick)
06-Feb-2004 - Carl King (Tom Lister)
19-Feb-2004 - Jimmy King (Nick Miles)
29-Feb-2004 - Tom King (Ken Farrington)
02-Mar-2004 - Noah Dingle (Alfie Mortimer)
04-Mar-2004 - Matthew King (Matt Healy)
10-May-2004 - Sadie King (Patsy Kensit)
18-May-2004 - DC Martin Crows (Graeme Hawley)
09-Jun-2004 - Lesley Meredith (Sherrie Henson)
23-Jun-2004 - Callum Rennie (Andrew Whipp)
10-Sep-2004 - Paul Lambert (Mathew Bose)
05-Dec-2004 - Alice Dingle (Ursula Holden-Gill)
08-Jan-2004 - Tricia Dingle (Sheree Murphy)
30-Jan-2004 - Bernice Thomas (Samantha Giles) - next returned Nov-2012
06-Feb-2004 - Gloria Pollard (Janice McKenzie)
18-Feb-2004 - Brian Addyman (Martin Reeve)
17-May-2004 - Carlos Diaz (Gary Turner)
06-Jul-2004 - Paul Marsden (Matthew Booth)
07-Sep-2004 - Siobhan Marsden (Abigail Fisher)
21-Oct-2004 - Albert Dingle (Bobby Knut)
25-Nov-2004 - Sydney Woolfe (Nathan Gladwell)
24-Dec-2004 - Seth Armstrong (Stan Richards)
Robert Sugden Total Appearances: 153 (12th overall in episode count)
January 15, February 14, March 16
April 20, May 22, June 6
July 7, August 8, September 15
October 4, November 15, December 11
Previous arrivals and departures by year:
2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999
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