sleepyconfusedpotato · 2 months
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Soap : "Yeah uhh... sure."
Gaz : *Takes photo* *sends pic to Alex and Farah*
Soap : *Sends pic to Alejandro and Rudy*
*Spreads throughout Urzikstan* *Spreads throughout the Los Vaqueros*
*Somehow the Shadows knows it too idk*
*Somehow Laswell and Price knows last*
(They're sparring ok 👍)
idk why I drew this but I got a lil' naughty 👁️👄👁️
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north-noire · 5 months
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perhaps catching up a bit wouldn't hurt?
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delehosies · 1 year
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i think we need to launch an investigation into slutty men and their slutty white shirts
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fanaticsnail · 19 days
This is probably asking for much more than you already do and considering the dreaming of you prompt are mainly one shots for characters totally understand if you don’t do this but would you consider writing a pt2 or at least an ending for katakuri’s one. Recently read it, love it, can’t stop, thinking about it
I got you, anon. I wanted to have them see each other, at least. He didn't get to talk with them like the others in his NSFW fic prior, and I wanted him to have a happy ending. You're making me work today!
Masterlist Here,
Word Count: 970+
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Synopsis: After the events of Elegia with Tot Musica and Uta, you awaken to the looming figure of Katakuri standing above you. You apologise for the events that transpired, asking forgiveness for putting his siblings in danger, and only have respect meet you in your wake.
Themes: Katakuri x afab!reader, sfw, feelings, fluff, mentions of battle, mutual respect, mutual pining. Part 2 for Dreaming of You (NSFW) Here, One-Piece RED fic.
Tag list: @sordidmusings @nerium-lil @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @writingmysanity @indydonuts @gingernut1314 @i-am-vita @carrotsunshine @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training
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Waking up alone and isolated from your crew was not the way you anticipated your time in Elegia to conclude. A vicious battle between the demonic presence of Tot Musica, under the command of the siren-song of Uta, was not what you envisioned for your getaway. If you knew this is what awaited you, you would have especially taken more consideration in inviting your new friend Brûlée along with you to the island. 
Looking to your side, you noticed her form remained unmoving and unconscious as you stirred from your position lying in the grass. You immediately crawled over to her, your lethargy weighing you down and prompting your movements to be slow and staggered. 
Just before you managed to reach her, you felt a presence behind you and a large hand placed on your shoulder. You slowly winced up, your mind in a haze as you turned your gaze towards the presence. 
Charlotte Katakuri crouched down beside you and looked at his unconscious siblings just beyond you with an unreadable expression in his eyes. In his mind's eye, and in your own, you were all engaged in a vicious battle to take down the entity in perfect unison: you within the dream-land from the sing-sing fruit, and the reality combated by him externally with the Red-Hair pirates. 
You felt him in your eyes, and he felt you in his; both your observation Haki working in perfect synchrony to take down the demon and save the civilians and marines only there to enjoy Uta’s music. He placed a little more pressure on your shoulders, pinching the muscle beneath his wide fingertips. In unison, you spoke immediately in a hurried tone. 
“I’m so sorry, lord Charlotte,” you bowed your head and began to utter your sincere apologies to him, “If I knew this is what was waiting for us when I invited Brûlée here to the concert with me, I never would’ve-,” you started your hurried apology, only stopping when you focussed on his words.
“-I have never experienced fighting alongside such a skilled Haki user before. Observation and armament alike, you are truly a revered warrior,” he complimented you, shifting his grip on your shoulder to caress your cheek with his large hands. “Your grace on the battlefield and protection over my family did not go unnoticed here.” 
Your breath hitched, darting your eyes between his before looking down to the bodies of his unconscious siblings. Shaking your head away from his grip, you slowly sink to your knees and bow your head to him further. 
“I deserve no such praise, my lord,” you admit to him with a soft quiver in your tone and your mind racing with the aftershocks of adrenaline, “This is the second time your sister Brûlée has been injured because of me, and Oven did not fare much better.” Katakuri collected your chin beneath his fingers and angled your face up to gaze into his eyes. 
“They are unscathed,” he searched within your expression and thumbed over the apple of your cheek, “And they are unharmed physically.” He leaned forward and lowered himself down from his crouched position to kneel in front of you. “I am grateful for your friendship with my sister, please do not ever apologize to me for it.” 
A weight lifted off your shoulders as you darted your eyes between his, feeling something within his orbs suppressed below the surface. You dart your eyes down to the fur shroud covering his lips before returning to gaze up into his hazel-colored orbs. 
“Thank you, lord Charlotte,” you hang your head once more, choosing to honor him further with a low bow. He chased your gaze by lowering his head and angling his chin down, the shroud loosening over his lips and revealing a soft, toothy smile. 
“Please call me by my name,” he smiled further, both of you not noticing the two other Charlotte siblings stirring beside you and glancing up at you. You sighed, a small and shy smile rising to your lips, as you looked down to view his sharpened teeth and eel-like jaw. A soft rosy blush of shame and embarrassment grew on his cheeks as he noticed your gaze down on his lips. 
Wincing away, he retracted his hand and attempted to relift his shroud back over his lips, halting when he felt your gentle hand reach forward. You looked between his eyes, slowly adding a soft amount of pressure on his hand and softly urging him to reveal his face to you once more. 
“Would…” you began, searching his now revealed face with more purpose and a soft flush rising to your nose, ears and cheeks, “...Would you like to stay with me a while, Katakuri? Just until your siblings regain consciousness?” Katakuri looked beyond you to where Brûlée and Oven were looking at him, immediately falling to their backs and closing their eyes to feign unconsciousness. 
He smiled a soft, knowing smile and leaned forward, prompting your hand to raise from his hand up to cup his cheek. 
“I would like that very much,” he whispered your name, pressing his forehead to yours and closing his eyes upon impact. 
The connection between you was strong and powerful, short sparks of ignition tingling between the press of his head and the flames of new beginnings rising in your heart. You both raised soft smiles in unison, in view of his ‘sleeping’ siblings, and your crew now catching up with you in your place on the island. 
Katakuri now knew it was not only a possibility to have his dreams potentially become a reality with armament haki, but you may feel affection for him as he did feel for you. Breathing each other's air and holding one another close, you felt at peace and hopeful of what new beginning these sparks meant for the both of you.
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hot-or-not-polls · 2 months
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bonus poll: help me settle a debate with the girls
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queer-ragnelle · 7 months
Do you have a guide/a recommended reading list for getting into Arthurian legends? I’ve been really getting into it in the past few months but I feel like I’m missing out on a lot of the foundations of it. (If you don’t and this is too big of an ask totally feel free to ignore this lol)
hello, anon.
i don't currently although i have plans to add another page to my blog listing medieval texts as well as links to download pdfs of them. i have english translations of texts originating in belarussian, dutch, french, german, hebrew, italian, latin, middle english, and last but not least, welsh.
in the mean time, i've collected for you some key texts that are readily available to read for free online!
le morte d'arthur by sir thomas malory [part 1] [part 2]
the history of the britons by nennius [here]
the mabinogion translated by lady charlotte guest [here]
four romances by chrétien de troyes [here]
parzival by wolfram von eschenbach [part 1] [part 2]
the wedding of sir gawain and dame ragnelle translated by thomas hahn [here]
sir gawain and the green knight translated by j. r. r. tolkien [here]
better translations/formatting forthcoming! enjoy. :^)
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crazyunsexycool · 11 days
Imagine Lottie is in Kindergarten and she gets expelled because she stood up for a kid who was getting bullied.
She thinks that she did something bad because now her teacher is really mad.
But Sugar and Bucky made her understand how proud they are of her for standing up against bad people and cheer her up and encourage her to do the same always!
I don’t think she would get expelled but maybe suspended just because she has super strength and maybe she pushed the bully a bit too hard. I also think she wouldn’t give two shits that her teacher was mad at her. Activate mini winter soldier with her scowl as she sits in the principal’s office. I think her and Henry would both stand up for the kids that were being bullied no matter what the consequences were.
Trigger warnings: Bullying, talk of illness, implied mention of cancer
Mini Avenger
Arms crossed over her chest. Anger flashing in her eyes. A frown on her lips. Charlotte was angry. She didn't understand why she was in trouble when she was only protecting a classmate from a bully. She was also mad at her teacher who had been mean to her. Then she was sent to the principal's office and Lottie was told that her parents had been called. When Bucky walked in through the door Lottie ran to him.
"Daddy." She got teary eyed the minute he picked her up.
"Mr. and Mrs. Barnes. Thank you for coming in on such short notice." The Principal, Mr. Giles, stands to greet you. "Charlotte please wait outside."
You had been standing next to Bucky trying to make sure Lottie was ok and you turned to glare at him.
"We need a minute to make sure our daughter is ok."
"Well, it's very important that we-"
"It's important for us to speak to our daughter and make sure she's ok first. Where can we speak privately?" Bucky says, leaving no space for discussions.
"I will give you a few minutes Mr. Barnes."
Mr. Giles walks out and closes the door behind him. Lottie reaches for you and you happily take her and give her a reassuring hug. You take a seat and settle Lott down.
"Am in trouble?" Lottie looked from you to Bucky with a sad look on her face.
"Tell us what happened. Why did you push that boy?"
"He's a bully. He was being mean to Gracie." She explains.
"Ok but did you follow our rules?"
"I did mama, I pwomise." She sniffles. "I tell him to stop. Then I tell the teacher. But he push-ed Gracie an Gracie is sick she can't be push-ed. Am in twouble now?"
Bucky reaches out and wipes away a stray tear. "No doll, you did the right thing. But now we have to talk with your principal."
Lottie hops off your lap and together the three of you walk out to the hallway. There you see Gracie, who Lottie defended. She looked exhausted, her hair was thinning and she wore a face mask. Immediately you got even more angry at the situation. This little girl was being bullied and instead of the teacher protecting her, the bully gets protected. The boy you assumed was the bully, Connor, was also their with his parents.
"This way please. My secretary will stay with the children."
It took half an hour and Bucky holding you back from launching yourself at the bully's mom. She had the nerve to call Lottie a freak. In the end both Lottie and the bully were suspended. The bully's mom didn't want to have her son apologize because in her words he did nothing wrong. You saw Gracie's mom deflate and the lack of empathy. She quickly got up and left to find her daughter. You were right behind her only to find Lottie and Connor arguing again. The secretary was trying to separate them.
"Mrs. Barnes will you please take Charlotte?" The secretary pleaded.
"Come here sweet angel. What happened?"
"He's being mean again." Charlotte glared at the little boy.
Connor's mom walked out of the conference room next and grabbed her son to leave. Everyone else walked out into the hallway with Bucky being last. The principal didn't bother to see what happened now and headed back to his office. Even though Gracie was silently crying. When it was just you, Bucky, Lottie, Gracie and her mom you spoke up.
"I'm so sorry this happened." You say.
"It's not your fault. I just hate that Gracie has suffered so much. As if being sick isn't enough, now she is being picked on and she had no friends." She was on the verge of tears. Before you can even reach out to her Lottie is tugging on her pants.
"That's not true. I'm Gracie's friend. And I won't let anyone be mean to her, I promise."
That does make Gracie's mom tear up and smile.
"Mama can Gracie come over and have a tea party?" Lottie looks at you with hopeful eyes.
"Only if it's ok with her mom, sweet angel."
Lottie turns back to Gracie's mom who can only nod in agreement before Lottie runs back to her new friend.
"You'll meet everyone, it's gonna be so fun."
Gracie's tears are long gone while Lottie tells her everything they can do when she comes over. She talks about Henry, Peanut, Alpine and her dear Steebie. You exchange numbers with Gracie's mom and plan a playdate soon before you head your separate ways.
"I'm very proud of you, doll. You did so good standing up for someone that needed help." Bucky says as he buckles her into her booster seat.
"I do the right thing."
"That's right. You're a mini Avenger."
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"Is he healthy?"
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poindexters-labratory · 2 months
Henry 🌧️
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"how does it feel?"
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idsfantasy · 4 months
What jobs do you think some of the FNAF characters would have if Fazbear Entertainment never existed (or if they simply were around long enough to have that choice lol)?
Good question. Going solely off of what we canonically know about them, I feel like Mike could have a solid career as an artist based on the Logbook drawings. Elizabeth might do well as an actress, and CC for some reason gives me the vibes of becoming a therapist (which I realize is ironic given him crying all the time, but also he probably wouldn't have ended up crying all the time if FazEnt never existed). I feel like Henry would have still ended up in robotics, but William may have ended up in the management of some other business. Charlie gives the vibes of becoming an elementary school teacher if she decided not to follow her dad's example.
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Okay hear me out; imagine if Andrew (Ghost and Jade's first kid) woke up in the middle of the night and walked into the kitchen for something to eat (bro got the midnight munchies) and just turned around and noticed Ghost in the frickin darkness of the kitchen with his mask and gear on since he came back from deployment and accidentally scared the living soul outta Andrew. How would jade, Ghost, and his siblings react to that? (And trust me, the oldest always has the girlish screams- Just like my brother)
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💀 Andrew Meets Ghost! 👦
Have a low-effort short comic 😂 Thank you for the inspo!! When you sent this ask this triggered something in me AND I NEED TO DRAW IT. And dude... Don't even START with Gracie hearing his lady-screech 😭🙏
(Short hair Jade hello 👁️👄👁️💗)
Bit messy since I'm very tired rn but hope you love it! (❁´◡`❁)
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lullaebies · 4 months
For Aegon III/Jaehaera's requests: Aegon being nervous because Haera is having their first child and heir after a decade.
He can hear her screams of pain from behind the doors of their shared chambers.
He starts to pray the gods, despite Baela and Viserys' tentative reassurances then Haera calls for him and Aegon's feets lead him in front of the doors; the guards try to stop him and he orders them to not touch him.
They woke the dragon and the dragon will be protective of his mate and hatchlings.
When he enters, he is quick to be by Jaehaera's side
"My king you shouldn't-"
"I can and I will"
They had their baby boy🥺 and you bet that Aegon cries for the first time out of happiness, then Haera is there like: "Give him to me! he's mine!"
And doesn't allow anyone to touch their baby and you vet Aegon will wash his baby boy, much to the horror and amusement of the masters, midwives and Aegon's siblings
Aegon paces around the hallway in an attempt to calm down. He has been banned from his bedchambers for the better of half an hour now.  The Grand Maester and his accompanying midwives have tended his wife as she gave birth to her firstborn; their firstborn.
He is not a religious man, by any means of the word, but he prays under his breath. The gods had long forsaken him, laughing as they planted him on a throne of swords that had cost him nearby everything. But his wife had a woman of more faith, despite all she had been through herself. If the Seven are true to them, they would protect her.
Aegon hopes so, begs so, his stomach turning up and down. The toll of the birthing is clearly heard beyond the doors that separate them. Jaehaera is eight and ten, and they both grew plenty since their wedding, but she has remained a smaller woman to this day. Her pregnant belly had been big for her frame, he can’t help the dark thoughts his mind leads him to.
“You are going to have to breathe, dear brother,” Viserys tells him. “Births do not ever sound pleasant. This is a fact of life.”
Yet they never sounded so difficult for Larra, either, he wants to say, but he only frowns. If it wasn’t for the fact Lady Larra Rogare had left court a year prior, he may have said it aloud. Little Aegon, Aemon, and Naerys were left alone with only their father. The pit in Aegon’s stomach grows exponentially. This is a possibility, for Aegon too, and he had never trusted his odds.
Baela takes him by the shoulder. If it wasn’t his sister, he may very well flung that hand away. “You are going to look more dreadful than your wife when she gets out of that room,” she says straight to his face. “Calm down. I have done as much twice. Rhaena had done so six times. Your little wife will manage, she’s resilient, for all it’s worth.”
She’s neither you nor Rhaena. Resilient Jaehaera had been, but it hasn’t been without struggles. Aegon doubts she had ever said as much to anyone else but him, but this court had been a lonely place for her besides for him. She’s been changing it, step by step, and now labouring to change it definitively, but how alone must she feel in that room? 
Another pained wail comes from within the room. I can’t take it anymore.
“I am entering,” he finally says, escaping his sister’s grip. There are protests from all sides when he steps away from his siblings and to his Kingsguards. The bumbling fools in their white capes move to not allow him to enter, citing the instructions of the Maester, but he glares them down. He’s a full head taller than both, with a crown on his head. He has abandoned the days the Keep could rule him when he fired Lord Torrhen Manderly. “You serve the maester or the King, now? Move aside, or else.” 
The doors to the room open for him while Jaehaera is pushing, forehead wrinkled and sweatied as she does. All her attendants turn to him, but he ignores them and their words entirely.  Aegon only needs a few long steps to reach his wife, sitting beside her on their very bed. 
Jaehaera lifts her eyes to him, panting as he wipes her forehead and moves silver strands from her red-hued face. Grand Maester Munkun swallows as he moves to him. “Your Grace, you shouldn’t like to stay. Births are stressful occasions—”
Aegon does not listen to a thing the man says. “Aegon,” Jaehaera pants, fingers coming to clutch his sleeve. He gives her his full palm to squeeze. 
“—To both parents…” The Grand Maester slowly falters in his words.
“As I’ve noted,” Aegon answers, cutthroat. “I can stay and I will. Now mind your Queen before I find someone who does.”
The old man gulps in response, and scurries to his seat at the edge of the bed nodding. Aegon fixes the pillows under his wife’s head. The calls to push are difficult on his wife for a while, and he feels her using all her strength, the squeeze on his hand a testament to all her efforts.
Their child’s cradle is ready, standing by the window and illuminated by the sun. So many blankets woven for a child not yet born are laid within. Jaehaera had been waiting on the babe for so long, talking to her belly at times even, hoping the little one would hear. 
In comparison, Aegon had been almost afraid. He had worried and angered and anxiously dealt with the idea of a child coming under his wing. Broken wings, by most accounts. He has never known how his siblings had been able to heal the way they were, raising their own family in swift pursuit. Jaehaera’s losses, his losses, had made them become ghosts in the shells of their bodies for the longest while.
But he had grown into this shell, just as he had grown into his crown, and now it is their turn to rebuild. 
Jaehaera lets out a sharp yelp of pain, and Grand Maester Munkun lifts his head. “The babe is crowning,” he looks to the midwives. “Prepare the bath!”
Aegon squeezes his wife’s hand harder. Jaehaera’s eyes are bleary from tears of effort, but he feels he is the one who is in whirls of uncontrollable emotions. Jaehaera inhales in determination, readjusts her position and groans loudly one last time.
A babe’s cries deafen all other voices in the room. 
“It’s a boy,” Munkun announces to the room amidst cries of new life, and then looks at him. “A  healthy prince, Your Grace. An heir for the Iron Throne.”
Grand Maester Munkun is holding their son. Aegon doesn’t know how long he has been waiting on letting his tears fall. It could be from the moment he has been told Jaehaera’s water broke, and it could be from moons prior, when he had been first told Jaehaera is with child. There is some spell cast on him when he sees his boy writhe for attention, tufts of silver hair sticking to his head. It’s my…
The umbilical cord is cut, Jaehaera, despite her pain and fatigue, rises into half-sitting in a bolt. “He’s mine,” she yells at the Grand Maester, paralysing all attendants in the room. Queen Jaehaera, as the court knows her, hardly ever raises her voice. “Give him to me!” 
It’s their boy, first. Before he is an heir, before he is thrust into his royal position, it’s their son.
Aegon comes up from his place, and takes his son from Grand Maester Munkun before he could give him to any of the midwives. He is a big baby, eyeing Aegon with a stare of indigo. He has small, pouty lips, and squishy cheeks as red as all of his body is.
“Our son,” he says, placing the boy in her arms. Jaehaera holds him close to her chest, and finally, the stress on her face dissipates. Tears escape her eyes, but she smiles so widely. “He has your nose.”
“Hello. I am your mama,” she tells the newborn softly. The babe’s cries calm as they speak. Aegon brings a hand to caress his face. Does he recognize their voices? Aegon hasn’t spoken to him during the pregnancy as much as Jaehaera, but the nights he did, does the boy recall them? Aegon had been so afraid for his upcoming arrival, but now he has him and he can’t look away. “And this is your papa.”
It’s my family. 
And he loves it, so dearly, he will never let it go.
“Congratulations, little brother, and good sister,” he hears Baela’s voice from behind him. Both her and Jaehaera look up to her. His sister is mindful of their space, but ogles the little boy with a grin. Viserys is further back, trying to catch a glimpse of the child too. “The midwives are afraid to ruin the moment, so I must. Our prince needs to have his first bath before the water grows cold.”
Jaehaera licks her lips, rather hesitant to give the boy away. They share their reservations with only their eyes. Aegon thinks for a moment and kisses his wife’s temple before looking at all the attendants in the room. “Bring the bath here. I’ll do it.”
There are many variations of his title that come about in exclamation. ‘Your Grace’, ‘Your Highness’, ‘Your Majesty’ and so on and so forth, all complaints and concerns and whatnot. None of it matters, not even a smidge, when Jaehaera smiles at him, and gives him their boy in full trust. He holds him, swearing his arms would be secure for the boy evermore.
Because I am your father, above all else.
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shewhotellsstories · 3 days
I am so glad to have found another black person who hates the way the fandom wants us, adults who know how to think properly, to treat Penelope like she’s the Messiah all because she is not the “typical beauty standard“ and if you are not a fan of hers, you are fatphobic.
Penelope is a terrible person, she’s bitter (how she treated and later exposed Marina, just because Colin loved her and wanted to marry her, even after finding out).
She makes herself small and when people treat her like that, she’s surprised so she writes nasty things about people in order to make them feel small as well.
She has privilege. Her family just downsized a little bit but not enough where people would ostracise them.
However, she goes around comparing Kate to a mongrel and I’m expected to root for her? I’m glad Collins ass didn’t want her. I just wish they kept that for this coming season. 
I’m so sorry for the rant she’s just been pissing me off this whole time, even her digs during Queen Charlotte, the day of Queen Charlotte‘s granddaughters funeral 
Super belated, but yeah. Penelope isn't just a petty gossip writer, she's mean. She's cruel. She is legitimately a nasty person. On my death bed I shall say she learned to be mean the honest way from Mommy Dearest, but Jesus. Who uses a funeral to get in a few cheap shots?
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skyblueartt · 24 days
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I saw this and had to draw these two
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birdblitz · 2 months
If you were to cover all your character in your favourite store bought glue, which would stick to a wall first if you kept repeatedly throwing them at one? This reflects on you and your characters morally.
charlotte, a) because she's a ninja and they can like cling to walls and shit and b) her height combined with her lack of mass means she has plenty of surface area to stick to the wall with little weight to pull her down
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crazyunsexycool · 1 month
Imagine when Henry was rescued and Lottie and Henry were sharing the same room.
These 2 babies have not really understood how the real world works.
It's really late at night and Bucky and sugar are fast asleep. Lottie wakes bubba up because she's hungry. They both raid the fridge to find left over cake Steeb had made for them.
They sit in the middle of the kitchen and have the cake with their bare hands.
Bucky starts panicking because he thinks there's an intruder! He grabs his weapon and moves towards the kitchen slowly. When he sees his babies, he immediately hides the weapon behind him.
Lottie and Henry offer cake to Bucky as well. And the 3 of them devoured the entire cake leaving nothing for sugar the next morning!😂😭
I love this because Charlotte would definitely do this on a regular basis. Also if this is right after Henry was found, lets say like a month or two after, he's still very scared so doing something like this would terrify him a bit.
Also I know you mentioned that Steve made them a cake but Steebie doesn't know how to cook a lot so I'm just going to say bought. (This ties in to a love as sweet as honey later)
Midnight Snack
It was the middle of the night and Lottie's tummy was rumbling. It happened sometimes and normally she'd wake you up with a request for a snack. But now Lottie had her bubba and she didn't mind waking him up. With a little shake of his shoulder Lottie did just that.
"What's wrong baby?" Henry asks sleepily.
"Want snack bubba."
Henry blinked slowly as he processed what his sister just said.
"We have to stay in bed baby or we'll get in trouble." Henry said. He'd only been at the compound for a few weeks and he still had trouble believing that there wouldn't be punishments in he did something wrong.
"No is kay. No habe twouble. Habe a snack."
Henry eyes his sister warily but she's already kicked off her blanket and was getting out of bed.
"Wet's go bubba."
"Ok." Henry gets out of bed and takes her hand and they quietly make it to the kitchen.
There Henry makes his way into the pantry to grab something quick for his baby. When he turns around he finds Lottie illuminated by the light in the fridge and balancing something in her hands.
"baby how about we have some cookies." Henry whispers.
"Nuh-uh. Habe cake." She points at the white box on top of the counter.
It wasn't big by any means. Just a little treat that Steve had picked up for them at a bakery in the town close to the compound. Lottie placed the milk she'd retrieved from the fridge on the floor and then went looking for some sippy cups. With Henry's help she managed to pour some without spilling. Then Henry grabbed the cake since he was taller. The light from the refrigerator was the only light source and they sat on the floor with the cake in between them.
They didn't grab forks so the opted to pull the cake apart, frosting and all, with their bare hands. Lottie hummed in approval as she took her first bite and Henry giggled when he saw the frosting smeared on her nose. They whispered amongst themselves until they started laughing.
Bucky woke with a start. It wasn't due to a nightmare or the kids walking into his room but he did hear a door open. He first turned to see if maybe you'd gotten up but you were sleeping soundly next to him. There wasn't much time to sit and consider the possibilities as to what the sound might have been so he grabbed the knife he kept hidden by the bed and walked out. The first thing he did was check Lottie's room since both kids were sharing a bed. When he didn't find them there he panicked. With quick and light footsteps Bucky made his way down the hallway. He checked the bathroom and it was empty. Before he made it to the living room and kitchen he heard giggling coming from the latter.
Bucky stopped at the entrance to see what was going on. Illuminated by the small light in the fridge he saw his babies sitting on the floor with something between them. Since there was no immediate threat, Bucky hid the knife and made his presence known to Henry and Lottie. Charlotte just smiled at him but Henry looked like a deer in headlights. There was frosting all over his face and hands as well as on the cup he was drinking out of.
"Habe some dada." She held out her little pudgy hand with a fistful of cake. Henry was shaking as he waited for Bucky to do something.
Bucky took a step around them and sat behind Lottie. He grabbed her and sat her on his lap before taking the offered cake.
"Mmmm. This is so good doll, I can see why you needed to have a snack now."
Bucky watched as all the tension in Henry's shoulders melted away. The three of them sat on the floor for a while. Bucky would make up stories while Henry and Lottie at their midnight snack. Lottie would make sure to not leave her daddy out and would hold out cake for him to have every once in a while. Before they knew it the cake was gone. Bucky made sure to wash their hands and help them brush their teeth but the kids wanted to cuddle for a little bit. Before anyone knew it all three of them fell asleep on the couch.
The next morning you head to the living room to find Lottie and Henry practically laying on top of Bucky on the couch. In the kitchen the only thing left is the empty cake box and the sippy sups in the sink. You took a picture of them asleep before waking Bucky up.
"Having fun without me I see."
"Sorry Sugar." Bucky gave you his sleepy smile. "We just needed a midnight snack."
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