stashandtell · 7 days
Nobody Asked For This: My Rankings of the Hermione x Weasley Ships with REASONS
I drafted this weeks ago and had set it aside with no clear plan to publish it. Then, after a stroke of 2 AM genius this morning, I wrote a piece called Ranking the Weasleys, (to be posted on 19 Sept 2024 in honor of Hermione's birthday) and it seemed like a great time to finalize this post and share it. Feel free to tell me your rankings in the comments, be it your list of the fittest Weasley as you find them or your ranked-list of pairings with Weasleys, whatever you fancy to share. Enjoy! - - - - I made a loooong post with recs for each of my top Hermione/Weasley ships that you can check out here. Read Ranking the Weasleys or see the related post where I talk about writing Ranking the Weasleys and I share just a few initial thoughts on the fetishization of war wounds in the fandom here. - - - - I've recently dove into the world of Hermione x Any-Of-The-Weasley-Brothers pairings, which is what happens when you're burnt out on the regular ships you read and looking for something more. Personally, I'm surprised I gravitate towards so many Hermione-focused pairings, especially het pairings, but that's just what I've been into lately. I hadn't considered pairings with her and any of the Weasleys until someone recommended Charmione fics in a thread for Theomione. Once I dug into the fandom's characterizations of the Weasley brood and had a better sense of who each of them were on their own, I found I really like many of these ships, some more than others. The rankings of my top-three rotate pretty regularly depending on the last great fic I've devoured. This is a snapshot of where things stand today but it could move around. Before we dive in, I've preview my rankings and the major themes of the pairings in the most popular fics shipping Hermione with a Weasley. 1. Bill: Wolf-ish Daddy 2. Fred: Uplifting, Fun, and Romantic 3. Charlie: Sexy and Rugged 4. George: Growing Through Grief 5. Percy: Acceptance of Self, Also Rules Daddy 6. Ginny: A Firecracker and a Friend 7. Ron: Angsty Best Friends-to-Lovers 8. Gideon or Fabian: Time Travel AU or Ghost Lover(s) 9. Arthur or Molly: I haven't read these ships so they're going in the bottom of the list. I'm not opposed to reading these pairings but there's already such a trove with all the brothers in my tbr list that I'm not sure I'll ever dive in. 10. Weasley Progeny: I haven't read any of these ships. I have not read many pairings that include anyone dating their friends' kid in the next generation. (Though I have read a small number of fics pairing characters like Hermione or Ginny with older characters like Kingsley or Sirius...shoutout to the older/younger Nottcissa ship.) 11. Aunt Murial: Technically she's a Prewett but I think I would be into a Murmione ship if we got there. So far nothing comes up on AO3. - - - - 1. Billmione: What I love about a Hermione x Bill dynamic is his position as oldest-sibling and caretaker. If the author has resolved the relationship with Fleur as one that has ended in divorce or death, that extra element of emotional tenderness really can push the story to complex depths. I also find it interesting to see how writers engage with Bill's hybrid/half-werewolf affliction. I'm hard-pressed to really fall in love with any Billmione fic where their relationship starts pre-Battle of Hogwarts, though I do get it. I personally enjoy stories that can be canon compliant so I want to see how the Fleur issue is handled. I also find that with such a significant age-gap for that developmental stage of teenager-dom, (not like Fleur was THAT much older than Hermione but still...), it's incredibly rewarding to see an older Hermione that brings some kind of life experience to the relationship so she can be more equal with Bill.
In some of the fics, especially a few of the multi-Weasley, reverse-harem style pieces I've finally started reading, Bill's older-brother position and wolfy streak create the core dynamic of the group.
I'm not the biggest fan of the multi-Weasley pairings with Hermione but what I loved most in the standout fics are the group dynamics and individual roles that come out. Hermione can be incredibly stubborn and independent on her own and it's always interesting when she's in opposition to Bill to see how the others in their relationship choose sides.
- - - - 2. Fremione: On it's face, I don't even know if I like this ship all that much but I keep finding myself suckered in. I suspect a big part of it is that it hits me in the sentimental feels. My inner-teen just loves a Hermione x Fred story that traces their young love to whatever conclusion the author brings it to. Even if they get together when they're older and Fred lives through the final battle, they both usually end up with a friends-to-lovers scenario that's full of light sweetness and sometimes romance.
There are some truly fantastic works in this ship and I go 50/50 on whether I prefer ones where Fred lives or not. Depends on my mood and the tone of the story I suppose. There are very few stories in this pairing that I haven't enjoyed and the element of pranking really can make shorter fics fun.
I REALLY enjoy past Hermione/Fred relationships being included in fics where she looks back on their love fondly while she navigates new relationships, sometimes with one of his brothers. Fred is often portrayed as a goof, which seems to encourage authors to consistently write a more engaging and dynamic version of Hermione instead of following some of the fanon's (beloved by me as well) personality tropes/traps of her being insecure, slow-to-assert-herself, angry-broken-or-both and etc. His character brings out some of her best qualities consistently across fics, imo.
- - - - 3. Charmione: I quickly realized when I started reading Charmione fanfics that I do not give a shit about dragons but deeply wish I did. It's a cool plot device and part of the world to hang out with but it's not for me. Tons of appreciation for writers who have thoughtful plot lines and research interesting medical maladies-- but it's hard to hold my interest. (A million kudos when a dragon-centered fic does though!) The Reserve is usually full of original characters, which is fine, but I find myself less invested in the story if we don't know much about these OCs to build out that world.
I often find in the dragon-reserve heavy pieces that I was getting part-way through were objectively GOOD multi-chapters but I kept stalling out in favor of reading something else. Usually whenever there's a Hermione that ends up at the dragon Reserve, she's characterized by her unyielding passions for creatures' rights, spurred on by house elf and werewolf activism. Those are interesting characterizations for her but they just don't keep my attention. That said, I have yet, to date DNF'd any Charmione work so clearly it's not a huge imposition. That said, Charmione is in the top third because there's so much that can be done with this character. I've read a number of fics where Charlie is ace (asexual, demisexual, etc.); where's he's inexperienced because he's married to his job; where he's "too free-spirited" and very experienced; where he's enthusiastically bisexual; where he's not interested in marriage; where he's pining over Tonks; and so much more. His sporadic attendance at family holidays and the ability for Hermione or others to visit him on the Reserve lends to great plot opportunities.
- - - - 4. Geormione: I haven't been around long enough to fully understand why Fremione is a more popular ship than Geormione, but here are some observations: - Fred is portrayed in the fandom as the more loveable, airy goof while George tends to be painted as the more serious and quiet of the two - Generally, in the canon, Fred speaks more than George, from what I've been seeing, as I notate up my secondhand copies of the books - Fred's death or, depending on the fic, brush-with-death, is ripe for the reimagining of his relationships and personality - According to internet gossip, Hermione with Fred were considered for pairing in the canon originally but it didn't suit the overall plans for the series. Source for this can not be verified but it's come up in multiple places. I believe this contributes to the numbers: Fremione has 2182 works and Geormione has 548 works on AO3, as I draft this. All that said, George is usually characterized as the quieter and possibly more serious twin. He might be more shy than the outgoing Fred. Post-war, he often mourns the loss of his twin brother, his best friend, and his sense of himself as part of the pair which can, frankly, be kind of a drag if a writer is looking for a pairing to write a hot romance about. (Not that people can't be sexy or have healthy sexual relationships while grieving!) However, when works take the journey to establish Hermione and George, it's often incredibly rewarding. It tends to feel like Fremione with the temperature turned down on the lightness and has the ability to go deeper into any darkness that needs to be explored. I do love a Geormione but there are statistically fewer works out there than some of the other pairings, thus it's earned it's spot mid-tier. - - - - 5. Permione: There's not much to say because there aren't that many longer fics with this pairing written and most times it's tied to a Hermione x Multi-Weasley scenario. This gets the 5th and some days I would rank it higher because there are worlds in which this is the actual correct pairing of all of the brothers, based on what we can surmise from the canon.
A swotty, uptight prefect-turned-Ministry drone with a regretful heart of gold, Percy's guilt over abandoning his family and Fred dying before him is well-matched for how many writers imagine Hermione's coping with the aftermath of the war. Hermione would have known him during some prime formative years and knows he'll date muggle-born or half-blood witches, a la Penelope Clearwater. It's easy to dismiss Percy as being "not fanciable" if you don't read this ship but some of the writers out there make a compelling case for him, particularly when they make a logical transition from his personal fastidiousness to him seeking to play with control and BDSM elements in his private affairs. I love a good Permione piece. He's often positioned as the conservative punching bag of the family and it's a thing of art when a writer makes us root hard for him.
- - - - 6. Herminny: I haven't much of anything in this pairing yet. Truthfully, I've been holding off on it because I'm sure I'll do a deep dive once I start. It shouldn't come as a surprise that I've read almost no Harmony works either. I love a F/F fic but tend to read in waves and I've been working my way through the Weasley brothers pairings (when I'm not refreshing for Nevmione and Theomione works.) If you have any excellent recs for Herminny or other pairings name, please drop me a line! The reason Herminny is above Romione is because I love many of the fanon characterizations of Ginny in all the other fics I've read, especially when she's mischievous, cheeky, in tune with her sexuality, and ready to take on her own adventures in the world. The ones I have read where she and Hermione have been together were lovely but most were very short fics in collections. - - - - 7. Romione: I read A LOT of Hermione-centered works and authors very often find a need to resolve the young romance with Ron or use him and their relationship as a catalyst that propels our heroine down a path into the arms of another man. I can honestly say that I have read ZERO Romione endgame fics to date, and that includes one shots AND drabbles (~100k words or less.) WILD, right?
I really enjoy angst and Ron is one of the punching bags most often leaned on by writers. One of these days, I'm going to go on a Romione bender as an offering of penance to his character for all of the times I rooted against him in every other fic.
- - - - 8. Lowest Tier: I have never read a Hermione x Molly nor an Hermione x Arthur fic, and while I'm not fundamentally opposed, I'd be flabbergasted to find either pairing beating Romione. I'd much sooner read an Arthur/Molly fic than one that ships either with Hermione because that's just where I'm at right now. I'm happy reading works that aren't smutty in any way but damn if some smut doesn't help along a work that really isn't capturing my interest. While I love when I see versions of Arthur and Molly who are loving friends and/or parental figures to Hermione, the angst-lover in me doesn't mind a solid bashing of either of them and it's hard to get that out of my head. As for the other possible pairs with Hermione and Gideon, Fabian, Murial, or the children of the other Weasleys, I'm just not well-read enough in any of those pairings to have an opinion. I literally only started reading Marauders-era works two weeks ago (and really ONLY well-known Wolfstar fics so far.) A Note About Fleur: One character who's excluded from this list is Fleur Weasley nee' Delacour. I've only read triad- or multi-Weasley fics that put Hermione with her and Bill. While I do love a Bill/Fleur/Hermione work, it seemed disingenuous to rank Fleurmione against the others with what little I've read. That and I'm so clearly jazzed about a Billmione where Bill's free-and-clear to be with whoever, that my ranking of Fleurmione would be heavily biased.
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sailtomarina · 3 months
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Slipping a ribbon between the pages to mark her spot, she shut her book with none of her usual reluctance. “You look well rested.”
The way his grin pressed dimples into each cheek should have been a crime with how it sent her gut fluttering in a panic. “I am. You should wash up, too, before everyone else returns.”
He had a point. Once the group walked through the door, they’d descend upon her and Charlie like predators on fresh blood. The two of them would no doubt be subject to story after story about their outdoor escapades, then plopped down at the dinner table and stuffed full to bursting. Then drinks, and then games. The future basically wrote itself.
“I think I will.” She stood to leave, but stopped at Charlie’s cleared throat.
“Do you, um, happen to have any other books on you? I didn’t see any downstairs, and there aren’t any in my bedroom.”
She stared at him for an awkward beat, then looked down at the leather weight in her hands. Dragons.
“I don’t have any but this one, if you can believe it, and had planned on reading it multiple times. You can try it, if you like? It has dragons…” Her voice trailed off, turning instead into a chortle at the way Charlie brightened at the last phrase. “It’s new, so, treat it with care, okay? I marked my spot, and you’re free to use your own bookmark as long as you don’t dogear the pages.”
“I would never,” he said, holding one hand above his heart. “Shall we cast an Unbreakable?”
He barked in laughter at the shove that sent him tumbling back into the cushions. He sat back to solemnly receive the book in both hands, then saluted her in farewell.
I hope he likes it, she thought as she made her way to her own private shower. Some men baulked at female protagonists, but she didn’t think Charlie was like that. He struck her as the sort to believe in equal opportunity, not only because of his role in the war, but also because of how he carried himself in life. She hadn’t had too much opportunity to witness that herself aside from the Burrow and at Hogwarts, but there was no question in her mind of the truth of his character.
Also, dragons.
Written for the There’s Only One... Fest, Reading Dragons is now available to read on AO3!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hermione Granger/Charlie Weasley Characters: Hermione Granger, Charlie Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Victoire Weasley, Harry Potter Additional Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-Hogwarts, Adult Hermione Granger, POV Hermione Granger, POV Charlie Weasley, Romantic Fluff, Light Angst, Ginny Weasley is a Little Shit, Comfort, Comfort Reading, Fred Weasley Lives, Facebook: Lauren's Kitchen Summary:
When the Weasleys win a vacation getaway, Hermione is the only unpaired family friend to join. That doesn’t bother her, though–she has a new book to read and a window seat with her name on it. But, after a certain independent wizard makes a late appearance, Hermione starts to wonder if perhaps sharing her comfy nook isn’t so bad…until they realise her book is the only one in the cabin.
Whatever will they do to pass the time?
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klausisfreezing · 1 year
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Just a little charmione doodle 😜
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sagradofemenin0 · 1 year
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Trapeze artist and strongwoman Laverie Vallee, best known by her stage name Charmion. Photographed in 1897.
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Join us for a festive Potter Holiday!
This is an open art fest operating primarily on facebook, though updates and spotlights will be shared here as well. Prompts can be interpreted however you like, and you're free to make multiple claims.
All HP ships and characters are welcome. We have a zero-bash policy. We'd also like to state that this is a beginner friendly event. New and curious writers are welcome and encouraged to join. We can walk participants through the claiming and submission process if need be.
Please see the rules before making your claim, and after be sure to fill out the sign up form.
Sign Up Form
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hpdaddyknowsbest · 3 months
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When Ron can't give Hermione the family she wants, what then? Maybe his brother will do...
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dramioneldws · 2 years
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Make my wish come true...
December 1: All I Want for Christmas Is You – Mariah Carey
We’re kicking off with the Queen of Christmas herself! Treat yourself to today’s collection of drabbles:
Title: A fine piece of candy
Author: Lalalaartje
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: G
Summary: When Harry keeps telling Draco he doesn't need a Christmas gift from him, Draco comes up with a silly little plan.
Title: All I Want for Christmas Is You
Author: DramioneDreaming
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: G
Summary: Hermione tells Draco “All I want for Christmas is you”, Draco doesn’t believe her and goes on a gift hunt.
Title: Ear Worm
Author: LiloLilyAnn
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: T
Summary: It was that time of year again... Time for all the joy to be drained from Christmas thanks to sodding Mariah Carey.
Title: Little Dove
Author: HighLadyLily
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Antonin Dolohov/Hermione Granger
CW/Archive Warning: Blood/Gore
Rating: M
Summary: All Dolohov wants for Christmas is Hermione Granger, even if he has to escape from Azkaban to get to her.
Title: Make my wish come true
Author: Ginnysocks
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Charlie Weasley
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: G
Summary: A series of inter-connected Christmas drabbles told in the style of "Love Actually". Follow our crew as they navigate the holiday season with their family, friends, and romantic entanglements.
Title: My Own
Author: WritingFicariously
Pairing: Monica Wilkins/Wendell Wilkins
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: G
Summary: December 1998. Australia. Monica Wilkins feels like something is missing, like someone is missing.
Title: Red & Green
Author: itscometothis
Pairing: Pansy Parkinson/Harry Potter
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: T
Summary: Harry Potter is a dirty rotten liar. But Pansy will make it work to her advantage.
Title: The Doll
Author: Somandalicious
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
CW/Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Writing
Rating: T
Summary: Draco finally gets all he wanted for Christmas
Title: The Most Fragile of Things
Author: Maira
Pairing: Neville Longbottom/Pansy Parkinson
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: T
Summary: “The rest is just wishes and hope, the most fragile of things.” ― Sabaa Tahir, A Torch Against the Night Pansy has grown up with magic all her life. She knows how it work, and is comfortable with it. But wishes? Not a chance. Until one Christmas Eve, when she has nothing left to lose, she takes a chance.
Title: Narcissa surprises Lucius
Author: VesperSwan
Pairing: Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: G
Summary: Hermione, Daphne, Pansy, and Luna help Narcissa plan a little surprise for Lucius. Harry, Draco, Theo, and Neville get on Lucius' nerves.
Title: Wrong (but oh so right)
Author: Frumpologist
Pairing: Hermione Granger/James Potter
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: T
Summary: James has feelings for his son’s best friend. Those feelings are causing quite the existential crisis.
Title: Songs of the Season Drabble Collection - Chapter 1
Author: EvergreenTuesdays
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: M
Summary: A Drabble collection for all 24 prompts. Tags for each Drabble specified in chapter notes
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/.../43329987/chapters/108918702
Title: Fa La La La Love
Author: anne_ammons
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: T
Summary: Christmas is coming. And whether or not Teddy likes it, love is in the air. A story of friendship, love, and the hijinx of an elf named Peanut Butter.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/.../43351057/chapters/108974092
Title: Not So Silent Night
Author: Charlie9646
Pairing: Severus Snape/Nymphadora Tonks
CW/Archive Warning: Vague mentions of sex
Rating: M
Summary: Severus wants everything to be perfect, Tonks just wants to be happy, and Teddy? He just wants to play with his new toy. Or a evening in the Snape household.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43354620
Happy reading!
@floorcoaster & @mykesprit
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abraxas52 · 1 year
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bookloverstar23 · 11 months
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I wrote this as part of Trick or Treat 3.0 for 2023! It was so much fun and thank you so much to Ceilidhchaos for the amazing mood board!
For anyone who wants to read it, this is an AU of a magical version of 'Love is Blind' with our favorite characters https://archiveofourown.org/works/49867204
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jabean-fanfiction · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about reposting my Hermione/Charlie fic that I deleted from ao3 months ago. It’s still a WIP, and I haven’t even looked at the half-finished chapter in months and months… and I honestly don’t really have any plan to update it any time soon. But…
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canimal · 1 year
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Chapter Five of You Can’t Make Me Love You is live!
She didn’t have time for love. He never wanted to fall in love again. An inappropriate, yet intriguing proposal leads to more than either one of them bargained for. Can casual ever really remain so? https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13994087/5/You-Can-t-Make-Me-Love-You https://archiveofourown.org/works/35298943/chapters/121704931
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stashandtell · 4 days
Newest Fic: Ranking the Weasleys
Hermione was drunk. It was all Ginny’s fault.
“RANK MY BROTHERS, Hermione! The people deserve to know!”
“OKAY! Okay. FINE. I give in! I’ll rank all your brothers, based on their looks AND PERSONALITIES. You have such a morbid fascination with how shaggable I find your brothers!”
“You’re STALLING!”
Hermione huffed as she tucked into a ball and then shoved Ginny in the butt with her lint-covered sock. This was a normal girls’ night for them. Lots of wine, shouting, and playful-but-catty roughhousing.
Read Ranking the Weasleys on AO3
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I'm so happy to be sharing this on the deadline I set for myself, which is today, Hermione's birthday, 9/19/24. As a very new fanfiction writer, who is committed to enjoying this hobby as long as the muse is with me on it, I had marked a handful of bdays of some of my favorite characters as occasions to post fics this year. It's been a nice way to stick with projects and put some artificial pressure on myself. Originally I was working to release a piece based around Hermione getting a belated Moon Party thrown for her by the Gryff girls. Moon parties are typically thrown for young people when they start menstruation if their friends and/or families are into that sort of thing. I'm still working on that fic but I did quickly push pause on it last weekend when, at 2 AM, after letting myself indulge in almost a full day of writing a different fic, I had the seed of the idea for Ranking the Weasleys and cranked out a very formidable first draft in 2 hours. (Yes, this means I went to sleep juuuuust before the sun was preparing to rise. Worth it.) When the words flow, you go with it. It also happens that I'm participating in The Weasley Clock Discord's Bingo Collection (Event? Fest? Bingo-Thing?) and this covers my square for "Ginny Weasley" quite nicely!
- - - - About Fred, George, Bill, and Fetishizing War Wounds These are some initial thoughts I had on the subject and is in no way a comprehensive analysis of the topic.
I wasn't expecting to discover that Fred's battle injury and recovery included him using a wheelchair for the rest of his life in this story but it came out in the writing process. I thought deeply about how, in many Harry Potter fanfics, we see examples of fetishizing elements of people's injuries or hardships (I say this in a non-judgemental way. I truly was pondering it.) If you read Dramione, think about how Draco's Sectumsempra scars are sometimes described. "Scars are sexy" is often a thing in our fandom (and in real life for some!) and it paints a complex picture of attraction, reverence, and attractiveness in a shorthand, accessible way to many readers, from writers. Especially when writers are writing from inside the private minds of characters, the characters are allowed to have thoughts that may not be appropriate or sensitive to others' identities, sense of self, language preferences, etc. It's why many of us love reading fiction; we get an intimate look into the messy, imperfect, and sometimes illicit thought processes of characters. It can be enthralling. But, for this particular, shorter one-shot, I wanted to try to be consistent about how I approached how Hermione was objectifying and trash-talking the characters for many things they either had control over or were core parts of their developed personalities. But what about George's gold ear? I thought about this too. Yes, Hermione thinks the ear is "very fun and cheeky," but she's not into how he's missing an ear or saying that she is attracted the prosthetic because it's a prosthetic or symbolizes a trauma he went through-- my intention was for her to make a comment on the choice of it being solid gold. The opulence of the ear prosthetic was a "fun and cheeky" choice of George's. I hope that came across. I deleted a whole section about how Hermione found Bill to be sexier after his attack from Greyback, not because of the injury but because it changed his mindset about how he wants to protect others.
"...even after he was attacked, he grew even more assured in himself which just made him hotter. And it wasn’t the mild-lycanthropy that made him more confident..."
I couldn't make it work without it being clunky and preachy, so I cut it. I wanted to make sure Bill's scars and the effects of a werewolf affliction weren't portrayed as a turn-on in the very same piece where I was trying to navigate a sensitivity and neutrality to Fred's use of a chair. Sometimes it IS best to "murder your darlings," amiright? I'll admit, I fell in love with Fred in this fic and how he's hot and cold with Hermione, even though he's pretty successful in the dating field with other wixen. Maybe this fic will inspire something longer [shrugs]. I grew fond of some of the implied backstories that grew out of this absolute brain-barf I was seemingly compelled to type out through tired, tired eyes. - - - -
A while ago, I drafted a post ranking all my favorite Hermione/Weasley sibling ships, and it was nice to have such a hefty post pre-written that fit in with all this. It was likely the base of the fic I would write-- cooking along on the back burner of my brain until it was ready to served out. I appreciate that my inner-monologue-made-outer-tumblr-posts may be another way of puzzling out plots I may eventually create! Check It Out:
Nobody Asked For This: My Rankings of the Hermione x Weasley Ships with REASONS (tumblr post)
Some Recommendations for Fics That Influenced My Weasley-Ship Rankings (tumblr post)
Ranking the Weasleys, a Harry Potter fanfic by stashandtell on AO3
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sailtomarina · 3 months
Summer Rain
It had been, frankly, a shite day.
Hermione had ventured out into Muggle London for the express purpose of getting away from all the stares and whispers. She thought she’d gotten over it all by now, but recent events had made the attention feel even more magnified than before. 
She was’t making as much headway as she’d expected in the Ministry working to right the many wrongs against magical beings–her latest measure for house-elves had been unanimously rejected. Then there was her string of failed romances. She never had a problem securing a date, but actually finding someone who levelled with her intellectually and emotionally was…difficult.
Unbidden, images of dark auburn hair, large hands covered with scars and calluses, and a smile brighter than the sun crossed her mind. She slapped them down faster than a snidget.
No. She would not go there.
It was as if the weather, too, was set against her, because no sooner had she stepped out of the shelter of the cafe where she’d lingered than an ominous rumble sounded in the distance. She set off at a brisk pace for the nearest Apparition point. They were far and few in between in the neighbourhood she’d chosen, and now she cursed herself for her poor timing. She could have just stayed home, maybe gone and visited Luna, or perhaps dropped by Neville’s for some advice on her struggling garden.
The boom from above was all the warning she got before the sky broke open. Within seconds, Hermione was soaked. Within minutes, she was shivering as the wind picked up and proceeded to blast the downpour sideways just as much as it did downward. Her canvas shoes were as good as paper for all they did to protect her feet.
The obvious answer would have been to cast an impervious charm. She would have done so, instantly, if not for the Muggles rushing around her towards their own destinations, most of whom had the foresight to carry umbrellas. 
“Blast it!” she exclaimed, having stepped into a puddle that proved itself to be ankle deep.
Hermione was on the verge of ignoring the Statutes of Secrecy when she spotted a lamp post with the familiar Ministry logo. As she approached, people automatically rerouted around her, their eyes sliding past a testament to the strong magic concentrated on the space where she now stood.
She closed her eyes and focused on her destination, which was supposed to be home. A particularly strong shudder had her fantasising about warmth, safety, sun-kissed skin.
A twist and turn, then a gentle pop. 
She stumbled in place, caught off guard by the voice. Arms wrapped around her waist and steadied her, arms that connected to a firm chest she couldn’t help but rest both hands against as she regained her bearings.
“Charlie?” There was no mistaking the sheer size of the man still holding her, his glacier blue eyes sparkling. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m pretty sure that’s my line, love,” he said. His lips pursed as if he was holding back a smile.
One look around proved him correct. Hermione’s mind struggled to put the facts together. She’d been thinking of home, desperate to reach its comfort and security. But this…was not her cottage.
She was at the Burrow–specifically, the orchard.
“How…” her voice faded as she looked back up at Charlie, who continued to watch her with a now visible quirk to his lips.
“I take it you didn’t mean to drop into my lap?” he asked.
“I was trying to apparate home.”
His eyebrows jumped at that revelation, but he maintained his smile as he let his arms drop. Hermione missed their presence as another shiver rocked through her. Almost immediately, Charlie’s large hands engulfed her own.
“You’re freezing. Let’s get you dry, yeah?” He led her towards a nearby tree stump and cast a series of quick drying spells. 
Hermione was resolute in keeping her eyes from his, letting them instead rest on the buttons of his shirt. They shifted as he moved around her, eyelets like little eyes taunting her in her embarrassment.
“Wait.” She caught his hand just as he raised it towards her hair. “You can’t use a charm on curly hair like mine–it will literally explode.”
His chuckle did something funny to her body, simultaneously making her breath catch while also sending flutters through her stomach. “I have curly hair, too. I’ve got just the trick, if you trust me enough to try it.”
Now she looked up, still avoiding his gaze to take in the copper–tinged curls that had slipped out of their tie and now framed his face. Hermione had always adored his hair and was glad that he never heeded his mother’s request that he cut it. They were thick and glossy and she’d fantasised countless times about tugging at a handful.
“Yes, alright.” The consent came out breathy and far too eager.
Before she could die from mortification or take back what she’d said, Charlie had pulled forward a portion of her hair towards which he pointed his wand. He worked segment by segment, fingers brushing periodically against her scalp and making her shiver for entirely different reasons from before. With her body dry and the weight lifted from her hair, Hermione floated on a cloud.
“There we are. You’re as good as new, now.” He stood back to admire his work. “How do you feel?”
“Much better, thank you,” she admitted. “It was silly of me to get caught out in the rain like that.”
“I think you mean ‘lucky’.”
Puzzled, she finally met his eyes, which were crinkled at the corners in a way she couldn’t help but reciprocate with her own grin.
“I mean,” he elaborated, “that if you hadn’t, you might not be here now. With me.”
She crooked her head to the side as she continued to study him. Hermione had long harboured a crush on the dragonologist, but had thought the infatuation completely one-sided. He’d always made certain to include her in conversation whenever they shared the same space, and, more often than not, ended up seated nearby as their workplace chatter sent others off elsewhere for lighter fare. Charlie’s passion and knowledge for dragons were unmatched, but you were a fool if that’s all you took him for; woodworking, quidditch, broom flight, and even herbology were all topics that could get him gesturing wildly with both hands. 
Her earlier hesitancy faded, curiosity and her old familiar courage taking root.
“Charlie Weasley, are you…flirting…with me?”
At the accusation, his grin widened even further, deepening the dimples in his cheeks. “I’m definitely flirting with you.”
“In that case,” and here was where she hopped back onto her feet to approach him, “lucky me, indeed. How would you feel about coming over to mine for a cuppa?”
He answered with both arms forming a ring around her to hug her close. “Take us away.”
“You’re sure you trust me to apparate us after my little flub?”
“You trusted me, didn’t you?”
He had her there. She wasn’t sure she’d ever seen her curls so perfectly defined and obedient. That in itself was a reason to keep hold of the man so he could work his magic on her every single day…in more ways than one.
“Here goes…”
She wrapped her own arms around him, fingertips barely brushing around the muscled torso, and thought of home once more.
This time, when she opened her eyes, it was to the sight of a familiar front door flanked on either side by hanging flower baskets. A puff of air to her temple had her looking upward.
“See? I knew you could do it.”
His expression filled her with the confidence she’d lacked earlier. It boosted her flagging spirit and warmed her from the inside out, encouraging her to move forward with Charlie in tow.
It was a role he would assume countless times in the future–their hands always clasped, their minds of one accord, and their combined magic all the stronger for it.
1346 WC
Cross-posted on Facebook and Tumblr.
Written for Weasleys, Witches, & Writers 6.26.24 prompts, Rain, Raven, Ring
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hermiones-haven · 2 years
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Christmas to Christmas
Author: lacunalogophile Rated: General Audiences Pairing: Hermione Granger/Charlie Weasley Fandom(s): Harry Potter Word Count: 1,110 Prompt: Alaska - Christmas to Christmas by Lee Greenwood Summary: It can take some time apart to realize what truly matters.
Read stories from the entire collection here! Listen along with the Collection Spotify Playlist here!
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xxdustnight88 · 2 years
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The Joke's On Us
Rated: General Audiences Pairing: Charlie Weasley/Hermione Granger Word Count: 660 Summary: Charlie and Hermione run into a few issues running the joke shop while the twins are away for the weekend. Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44333809 FFN Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12145410/55/Dust-Bunnies
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silentxxsoul · 2 years
Woke up to a lovely ao3 email telling me there was a small spike in kudos for one of my Charmione fics and felt a little lot sappy.
Idk where you came from all at once, but just know that I love every single one of you who read it, and want to thank all who kudos 🥰 it really means a lot that you enjoyed it.
Bonded is by far my most read/bookmarked/kudos’d fic I’ve ever actually published and I’m beyond grateful for how well received it’s been and how amazing the readers are. Coming from someone who took an extended time away from writing (in part because of my [lack of] self esteem when it comes to anything I create and just thinking it’s all terrible), to see hard work pay off just reminds me that I don’t need to be so hard on myself.
I think a lot about the fics that I let die on my hard drive and a lot of times I joke about it with self deprecating humor, but I’ve hit another down spell with life and with writing and just being creative in general, so I’ve been in my feels over not being able to finish anything again. But seeing the love coming in and the recent bookmarks for this fic in particular (and across all of them, honestly) I can’t help but feel a little better about it all.
And to anyone who’s ever rec’d a fic of mine, just know that I really and truly appreciate you more than you know. In general I try not to search for my name/fics just to avoid any potential negative posts (I learned my lesson years ago that I can’t handle it and don’t want to open Pandora’s box), but I’ve had a few commenters tell me they came by way of a rec and I can’t express how much joy that gives me. So I don’t know who you are or where you are rec’ing, but know I’m forever grateful. It’s the light I need on a bad day, and reminds me why I chose to publish the fics in the first place. I always think if one person enjoys it, it was worth posting but to see someone enjoy it enough to rec? Indescribable.
All this rambling and incoherence to say: I love and appreciate everyone I interact with in fandom, even if it’s just you reading my fics or kudosing or bookmarking or even reposting my self advertising of each fic here on tumblr.
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