#Che’nya roleplay
‘Twas brillig and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe…
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You have entered the Tulgey Wood, the home of Che’nya. When the curious cat beastman is not attending classes at RSA or out bothering visiting his friends at NRC, Che’nya will often be found here, wandering the Wood. 💜🐾
Make sure you keep a good grip on your mind - you wouldn’t want to lose it now! - because things are a little different around here…
If you’re curiouser and curiouser - please be sure to read the directions to be directed in the right direction…but not necessarily directly… ⤵️
Before you go any further, you should know Che’nya is not alone in the Wood. He has kidnapped adopted a pet human of his very own, AR! Where Che’nya goes, AR goes. AR is as much a part of the Tulgey Wood and the world of Twisted Wonderland as Che’nya himself is, so do not be surprised when AR and Che’nya interact!
AR is both a character and the role player. How can AR be the role player for Che’nya if Che’nya adopted them? Well that certainly is an interesting question, isn’t it? I suppose you’ll have to read further to find out. You were warned that things are different around here… 🩷🐾
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While all of Wonderland is mad, there are rules here. The Queen of Hearts has made sure of it! Very loudly! And even someone as chaotic as Che’nya listens to the Queen most of the time.
Here are the TALL (rules explained in full and fully in character, posted first) and small (tl;dr, posted second) rules of the Tulgey Wood.
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1. As said before, Che’nya is not alone here in his Wood. He always drags his human, AR, along with him. AR is not allowed to leave the Tulgey Wood and has been lost here for quite some time. They request their one phone call, a lawyer, and for you all to remember that when you interact with the crazy cat AR will also be present and accounted for
2. If you have any questions, comments, requests for advice, pleas for directional help, etc. for the local stray, feel free to send an ask! Just know that the time period of when Che’nya gets back to you may vary… he is very free-spirited after all. One moment he’s here, the next he’s at NRC stealing tarts from Heartslabyul, then he’s at RSA studying, and then he’s through the Looking Glass and going only Che’nya knows where! So please be patient and respectful of the fact that Che’nya does not stay in the Tulgey Wood 24/7
3. Che’nya and AR both support people no matter where they have wandered from, what they look like, who they love, etc. and will not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. Che’nya is mad, not a bigot. If you act bigoted within the Wood, you will either be given a warning (but this is only if AR honestly thinks it was a mistake and a teachable moment, as we all make mistakes and deserve room to learn and grow) or teleported out of the Tulgey Wood and magically barred from entering again 🚫
4. Che’nya is a fairly flirty kitty, but he is mostly SFW. The most he is comfortable with is hugs, cuddles, playful cheek kisses, and perhaps quick pecks. However, he is also a cat beastman, so he is also willing to exhibit/recieve more cat-like behaviors/affections, such as nuzzling, head pats, pets, ear scratches, tail wraps, pinning people while play fighting, and quick kitten licks. And, as a cat, Che’nya has no sense of personal space once he is comfortable with you. Unless you tell him to stop or that you are uncomfortable, you will often find yourself with a lap full of Che’nya or just have him lounging around and/or on you. And when it comes to “verbal” flirting, do not act lewd, crass, or excessively NSFW. Anyone who makes Che’nya and/or AR uncomfortable will either be given a warning or teleported out and magically barred, depending on the severity 🚫
5. NSFW content that IS allowed is cursing. The cat could not care less about that - there are more interesting things to pay attention to
6. Che’nya is very friendly! He is absolutely willing to interact with other rp blogs and OCs! The more the merrier! He believes madness is much more fun when you can share it with more people ❤️🐾
7. Neither Che’nya, nor AR, hardly ever get on Tumblr on anything other than their mobile device. So, needless to say, this entire blog is being created and maintained on mobile. So keep that in mind if anything looks wonky - AR knows some things don’t translate well but they don’t want to hear any complaints. They said it will make them cry so please don’t do that to them
8. Che’nya and AR reserve the right to decide which asks they do and do not answer for any reason
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small rules.
(tl;dr the above monstrosity… which, fair)
1. There is an actual person behind this roleplay blog. Remember that and be kind and respectful
2. You can send asks in but please be patient if you are not answered right away - real life does come first
3. Be a decent human being. Don't be racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. This will either result in a warning (if it is honestly a mistake, as people should have room to learn and grow) or a block 🚫
4. Keep it pretty much SFW. AR is asexual and neurodivergent and struggles to pick up on flirting cues. View Che’nya as someone who is highly physically affectionate, extremely playful, and perhaps slightly flirty - but that’s as far as it will go. If you want a better grasp of what physical affections Che’nya would be okay with, check the TALL #4 rule. Anyone who breaks this rule will either be given a warning or a block, depending on the severity 🚫
5. Cursing is allowed
6. Other rp blogs and OC characters are absolutely welcome to interact!
7. This blog is being run entirely on mobile so forgive any weird formatting
8. AR has every right to refuse to answer an ask for any reason with no explanation required
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Che’nya: I wonder if anyone will ever actually read all of this… You’re putting so much effort into this.
AR: *laughs* Probably not. But I knew that from the beginning. This is just the OCD writer in me. If they actually do read any of it, they’ll probably just skip down to the small rules. It’s why I included them.
Che’nya: *frowns* But what about the tags? They’re next!
AR: *shrugs* Who really wants to read all this Che’nya? Isn’t it enough I had fun making it?
Che’nya: …hmm… *looks out at you all* Let’s make it worthwhile for those that actually read this then! If mew have skipped all of the above, go read it and then get back here. I’m going to go back up there 👆and leave paw prints in colors that you need to remember!
Che’nya: Here are the new paw prints! 💛🐾
AR: What will the reward be?
Che’nya: Well, they’re not done collecting, now are they? They still need to go through the tags of the blog… Heeheehee… 😸
AR: *sighs* Okay, yeah. The tags are kinda important and interesting anyway. They give some blog-specific Che’nya lore, after all.
AR: …yeah that. 🫠
#Che’nya Chats - when Che’nya replies to asks, regardless of what kind they are
#Che’nya Appears - when Che’nya wanders off to other blogs and sends asks to them, usually to stir up mischief
#Che’nya Comments - when Che’nya pops onto a post where he wasn’t originally a participant… but I guess he is now
#Che’nya Meows - when Che’nya makes any kind of original post speaking his mind (for better or worse)
#Che’nya Grins - when Che’nya finds posts, jokes, riddles, puns, art, etc. that make him happy that he wants to share with his furiends!
#Che’nya the [REDACTED] - when Che’nya does something that reminds us that there’s more to him than just a cute little kitty beastman… 🖤🐾
#Che’nya Knows No 4th Wall - when Che’nya once again flaunts that he is 100% self aware, the little shit 😒
#AR answers - when AR replies to asks in the actual body post, not just the tags; usually for asks that need/ask for AR specifically
#AR speaks - when AR makes any kind of original post speaking their mind; includes posts looking past the 4th wall as AR is both a character and the roleplayer
#AR: / #Che’nya: - AR and Che’nya are speaking in the tags; if #AR is not included, and the tag is not a sorting tag of some sort, then the tag is most likely Che’nya adding more to to conversation as he is the default speaker when AR is not included
#OOC: - While AR can answer things OOC as they are both in character and OOC, to keep things from being confusing in the tags since sometimes AR and Che’nya converse there, any OOC moments in the tags will be preceded by “OOC:” Anywhere else, AR will simply respond to any “4th wall breaking” comments
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Che’nya: Is that is?
AR: Yeah, I think that’s it.
Che’nya: Yay! 😸 You did it!
AR: So are you done having your Blue’s Clues moment?
Che’nya: …💙🐾
AR: You’re enjoying this far too much.
AR: *sighs* Okay, Steve, what do the good little children get for collecting the multi-colored paw prints?
Che’nya: Heeheehee! They’re not done~!
AR: What?
Che’nya: They have to find the last one at the very end, then they have to put 💕🐾 in the comments of this pinned post (and no, ↖️ that print does not count as one of my magic paw prints!), and then send me an ask saying they have been directed to me via the magic paw prints and include all the paw print colors in order! And if they do ALL OF THAT……
AR: …
Che’nya: I will reply to their ask with something fun. Like a cool joke or a riddle or a cute cat picture or something. 😺
AR: …that’s it?
Che’nya: THEY WILL ALSO GET TO HOLD THE FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE OF THE MAGIC PAW PRINTS OVER THEIR FRIENDS’ HEADS! Because you can’t tell other people where you found the paw prints. That’s cheating. 😾
AR: That is ridiculously convoluted just to get a joke or something, Che’nya.
Che’nya: But I will be sure to give them a shoutout for following the magic paw prints. They will be special. They will have bragging rights.
AR: … *walks away, satisfied with my post and 100% done with Che’nya*
Che’nya: Liar! You’re not 100% done with me or you wouldn’t be roleplaying me! *snickers, glances back at you all reading this, winks, and then follows after them, grinning*
Che’nya: *calling back to the readers over his shoulder* Remember, there’s one last paw print to find. I’ve already given hints as to where it could be~!
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Now it’s time for the cat to play…
Heeheehee… 😸
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silkkorchid · 5 months
What went down in TWST rp in a week-
4/20 - 4/26
This week is dedicated to @the-lord-of-malevolence soon departure from roleplaying. Take care!
NRC Book Club has their birthday this week! A bunch of congratulations has been given!
NRC Prophet is trying to adopt Rolly, Ruggie’s daughter. And he isn’t considering a certain parent involvement.
NRC Pride club light replace the NRC Therapist with this advice they are giving.
NRC Pride club is sponsoring the prom that is happening in NRC.
NRC host club finally making normal food for once?!
NRC garden club mod 🌺 is confirm to be the richest one in that club due to his parents owning the most popular opera in Queendom of Roses.
NRC Clubs are planning to make an otome game with them in it.
Who brought weapons to NRC?
Crowley got 3 children that he neglects like the students in NRC
Professor Crewel is gonna use the weekly update to keep tabs on his students. ALSO HOW MANY DO YOU PROPLE KNOW THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE!?
Professor Crewel loosing his shit, congrats.
Lucius holding a poll to try to start a rebellion towards Crowley in order for him to leave his office…
Lucius dropped the f bomb 27 times. Don’t tell professor Trein about it-
Lucius still being a savage towards everyone. + calling Sebek a Karen
Trey broke the 4th wall
Hungry Heartslabyul students are out for blood due to someone rearranging the kitchen, which made Trey unable to cook or bake.
It’s now confirm from Deuce, he got a plushie addiction of chickens.
Cater is now slapping cheese on people.
Rory needs to calm down with the confetti canons. That’s gonna be a pain to clean up…
Cat!Rolly and Lucius are currently doing a cat fight with each other…
Scar just got transported into Savannaclaw… and knock out the shit of Leona and Malleus. Plus their magic pens broke… THANKS RUGGIE FOR THE UPDATE!
Shit went down in Savanaclas that I will not say.
Leona is asking Che’nya what would their names be IF they get married.
Ruggie is having a hard time this week…
Ruggie and Silver did a platonic kiss. according to Ruggie. I’m so ded aren’t i?
Ruggie is gonna overblot sooner or later thanks to the blot drop.
Leona questioning if Silver and Ruggie are in a relationship. THE ANSWER IS NO
Azul being attacked and his mom is asking for no violence.
Azul is gonna be so grounded when he gets back home for the break. (Mrs. Ashengrotto is not happy 😃)
Epel is gonna be dead from Vil due to him making so much (failed attempt of )cornbread. Plus Epel consuming so much carbs.
Idia is giving pipe bombs and grenades.? SOMEBODY KNOCK OUT IDIA THIS INSTANT!
Another Vil has joined the battle-
Rook is dying from laughter thanks to Che’nya.
Also Idia ate an alive grenade…
It’s now confirm. Idia is a whale in genshin. (it was obvious but hey it’s confirm now)
Idia now has someone that loves him??? PLUS IDIA GOT KNOCKED OUT FROM BEING KISSED
Idia has been hit by EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!
Ah yes, some of Sebek embarrassing childhood stories is being told by Alce due to Yuu request.
Sebek just drop someone on their face the moment they gave back his jacket.
Sebek tried to drown Donnie for no apparent reasons.?
Silver’s magic pen went bye bye 👋 (by kaboom)
Sebek loosing his shit
Malleus is at it with the accidental flirting.
General Lilia was a dumb kid back then!
The boys future children overblotted and other stuff.
Rollo regrets opening his inbox after the NRC Prophet said he gonna die in 36 years + 8 months.
The Rosehearts family is in shambles.
AR for Che’nya is about to punch Leona in the face soon-
Che’nya is still being the menace to NRC
blind0raven is in trouble for something.
@blind0raven being bullied by Che’nya for their love to Deuce
@quartztwst getting a trophy for being a huge simp
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mewsdirect · 3 years
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MEWSDIRECT is a independent and private roleplay blog for che’nya of twi/sted won/derland (est. april 2021) as written by lare! adults (18+) only, low activity, not up to date but not spoiler free either! my rules/about page can be found HERE so be sure to look through it before you follow or interact!
0 notes
‘Twas brillig and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe…
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You have entered the Tulgey Wood, the home of Che’nya. When the curious cat beastman is not attending classes at RSA or out bothering visiting his friends at NRC, Che’nya will usually be found here, wandering his Wood.
Make sure you keep a good grip on your mind - you wouldn’t want to lose it now! - because things are a little different around here…
If you’re curiouser and curiouser - please be sure to read the directions to be directed in the right direction… but not necessarily directly!
Know that you ignore the rules of the Tulgey Wood at your own peril! 😼⤵️
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Before you go any further, you should know Che’nya is not alone in his Wood. He has kidnapped convinced his best friend, AR, to live with him! Where Che’nya goes, AR goes. AR is as much a part of the Tulgey Wood and the world of Twisted Wonderland as Che’nya himself is, so do not be surprised when AR and Che’nya interact!
AR is both a character and the roleplayer. How can AR be the roleplayer for Che’nya if they’re also a character? Well, that certainly is an interesting question, isn’t it? I suppose you’ll have to read further to find out. You were warned that things are different around here…
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While all of Wonderland is Mad, there are rules here. The Queen of Hearts has made sure of it! Very loudly! And even someone as chaotic as Che’nya listens to the Queen most of the time. But these are AR’s rules and everyone is expected to follow them, even Che’nya!
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Rules of the Tulgey Wood
1️⃣ There is an actual person behind this account. Remember that and be kind and respectful. If you break the rules you will either be ignored, told the rule/s you broke and directed to it/them, or outright blocked.
9️⃣ Be a decent human being to everyone - not just the person behind this blog. Racism, homophobia, misogyny, transphobia, etc. are not tolerated here. MAPs and pro-shippers are also unwelcome. If I ever do/say/reblog anything offensive myself, feel free to tell me and I will correct it! I am human and make mistakes.
3️⃣ The admin running this blog is an adult in their mid twenties. Please keep this in mind. For your safety and my own, if you are a minor, I ask that you only interact with me through asks so that I can answer them publicly. That way the entire interaction is in full view of others.
8️⃣ I do not rp in DMs. If I contact you via Tumblr DM or you contact me in DMs, I will be talking to you OOC.
4️⃣ Everything will be answered at my own discretion and time frame. Not only do I have a life outside of this blog, but I often end up putting a lot of effort into just one reply, making my response time a little slow. Because of this, I can easily get overwhelmed with notifications and burnout, so I sometimes need to step away and take breaks. Please be patient, and thank you for understanding!
2️⃣ While this blog is fairly NSFW, as I allow cursing, some smaller horror-esqe descriptions, and can speak of darker topics, one thing that I do not allow is sexual content. While Che’nya is very tactile and highly physically affectionate, the furthest he will go is kissing, nuzzling, cuddling, etc. He may also do some cat things such as scenting, kneading, kitten licks, nipping, etc., but that is as far as I am comfortable with.
6️⃣ This is a multiship blog. Which means that while Che’nya can date multiple people, those relationships will not intersect with each other, belonging in their own pocket realities. Che’nya, being self aware, is unique in that he is aware of all his partners in every reality and is honest with every partner about the situation. So, to him, it’s more like he’s in a polyamorous polycule. But, for the purpose of the blog itself, because his partners will ever interact as fellow S/Os, this blog is multiship.
5️⃣ Other rp blogs and OCs are absolutely welcome! However, if it’s your character’s first time talking to Che’nya, especially an OC, I ask that you either give a brief explanation as to who they are at the bottom of the ask you send or provide a link to an intro post that I can read so I know who I’m talking to and Che’nya can act accordingly. I am not going to hunt down information about your character if you are wanting to interact with me. It would be different if I was reaching out to you. A summary can be as simple or as long as you like. Here’s an example of a short one provided by @castaway-achlys:
“Character is a mild-mannered and typically quiet boy. Despite his past, he's incredibly intelligent and curious about the world, and always has kindness in store for others. He is 18 and in the Ignihyde dorm.”
7️⃣ Much longer rule because it comes with a little added explanation on Che’nya! But it is just as important!
Please refrain from god modding. Che’nya is my character. I do not appreciate it when you try to force him to act like you want him to, you assume he will react/act in a certain way, or you try to force your headcanons onto the character I am roleplaying. This is not the canon Che’nya, nor is this your version of Che’nya. This is my version of Che’nya.
If you do not know what god modding is, here is a link! And before you click on it, know the tone is /lh
Bouncing off of “no god modding,” people may try to complain that my Che’nya is OP because I let him metagame and seem to let him powerplay. (I will not provide links to these terms - if you don’t know them I think the link previously provided will have been enough to tell you what to do to fix that 😂) While I can’t argue with the metagaming, as Che’nya is self aware, I can argue with powerplay.
Che’nya is not all powerful… unless he is in his Tulgey Woods, where he is the Ultimate Game Master and controls everything. But that does not mean he doesn’t have weaknesses, even there. And once OUT of the Wood, Che’nya is NOT all powerful. He is still strong, but he is no longer the Ultimate Game Master. The key would be managing to catch the cat. Which would be incredibly difficult, but it could be done. This is why Che’nya does not often leave the Tulgey Wood. He is well aware of his vulnerability.
Then there is the fact that, even if he is very powerful, enough to even warp reality at times… he has also managed to get his head stuck in a teapot, summoned marshmallows and skewers to roast them but complained he had no chocolate or graham crackers so he couldn’t make s’mores, and has run face-first into walls more than once.
He may be Powerful, but he is also Mad and Silly and that can make him Stupid at times. It would be no fun if he was truly all powerful all the time.
🔟 This blog is run entirely on mobile with only a few exceptions. So please forgive any weird formatting.
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Tags are important on this blog! Not only does Che’nya often speak in them (AR sometimes joins in, even when they were not present in the main post), but there are also good sorting tags to check out if you’re interested!
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Tagging System
Sorting Tags - Che’nya
#che’nya meows - when Che’nya makes an original post speaking whatever nonsense comes to him
#che’nya chats - when Che’nya replies to asks sent to him… and yes, that is a play on “chat” being French for “cat,” but no, it’s not for you Rook lovers it’s a REFERENCE TO THE BOOK LET ME LIVE MY LIFE 😭
#che’nya wanders - when Che’nya leaves the Tulgey Wood to go visit other blogs and send his own asks, usually to stir up mischief
#che’nya appears - when Che’nya suddenly pops up on a post, often without warning or invatation
#che’nya grins - when Che’nya finds something purrticularly fun, funny, and/or fabulous 😸
#che’nya lore drop - my Che’nya is not the Che’nya from canon… since we don’t know much about him, I have made him my own
So, that being said…
#che’nya the [REDACTED] - when Che’nya does or says something, in the main post or the tags, that reminds us that he is more than just a silly kitty beastman… he is the Cheshire Cat
#che’nya knows no 4th wall - when Che’nya breaks the 4th wall because he is 100% self aware and does not care about architecture
Sorting Tags - AR
#ar speaks - when AR makes an original post IN CHARACTER (sometimes included even if AR only speaks in the tags)
#ar answers - when AR replies to asks IN CHARACTER (sometimes included even if AR only speaks in the tags)
#ar asks - when AR sends an ask to a blog IN CHARACTER (sometimes included even if AR only speaks in the tags)
#ar comments - when AR comments on posts they were not originally involved in IN CHARACTER (sometimes included even if AR only speaks in the tags)
#ar _____s ooc - when AR makes an original post, replies to asks, sends asks, or comments on posts OUT OF CHARACTER, explaining something that is happening to the blog admin irl
Speaking Tags - All
If only ONE person is speaking in/making a post, whether it’s Che’nya or AR, assume the person “talking” in the tags is them, even with no name identifier. However, if both are speaking, they will identify themselves.
#che’nya: Che’nya is speaking in this tag
#ar: AR is speaking in this tag - in character
#ooc: if you see this tag, I am talking as the admin and out of character, but this is not on a post I have made specifically to speak OOC
Event Tags
Whenever there is a fun situation that lasts a while happening on the blog, there will be a tag specific to the event! It will be formatted like this…
#che’nya event: [event]
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Some people have been given their own unique tag. Here’s a list of those who have earned their own kind of cat bell from me that I tend to ring the most often! (let me know if you want to be untagged) There are some other people who have bells, but I don’t tag them as often.
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Cat Bell Buddies 🔔
@1930sdarlin: #darlin megs 💖
Foxy: #boxy foxy birdy friend
Kibby: #👑🦊
Castor: #⭐️🔭😸
Pollux: #💫🔭😸
@disgruntled-prince: #🦁💜😸
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I will make a post with more information about Che’nya specifically later to link here, but for now… I think they deserve to finally have a place of honor on Che’nya’s blog!
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Relationships 😻
Nightlight - Che’nya and his Star, Castor
Darli’nya - Che’nya and his Darlin, Megs
Leo’nya - Che’nya and His Highness, Leona
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AR: Fuck my life this was supposed to be shorter than the last one…
Che’nya: Well… at least it’s more organized? And, to be fair, you did have more things to add on this one than the last one.
AR: *sobbing*
Che’nya: =o_o=
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Credit and thanks to @cafekitsune for the dividers!
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Hey Kitty, I got you something!
*He holds out a scratching post, one of the ones with a little perch on top of it*
*gasps happily*
I haven’t gotten one of these in ages!!!
My other one hasn’t grown at all, but it doesn’t seem to be dying either, so I think maybe this is just as big as they get? I don’t mind! I love them anyway!
*takes the cat tree and your hand and teleports us to the other cat tree I got last year, which I planted in the ground*
See? It looks great! I’ve been watering it and letting it get plenty of sunlight in my Tulgey Wood!
Such a good tree~! I’ll plant this one right by it!
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‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe…
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You have entered the Tulgey Wood, a place where Che’nya can often be found when he is not attending classes at Royal Sword Academy (RSA) or bothering visiting his friends at Night Raven College (NRC). Mind your step now - don’t step on the mome raths!
While all of Wonderland is mad, there are rules here! The Queen of Hearts has made sure of it! And even someone as chaotic as Che’nya listens to the Queen most of the time. So please keep the rules in mind while you’re here! Too much madness will make the cat disappear without a smile left behind. 😶‍🌫️
1. The person helping Che’nya out behind the scenes is me, AR. He adopted me as his person. I have been lost in the Tulgey Wood for… a while now. So just know that when you talk to him, I will also be seeing the conversations.
2. If you have any questions or requests for advice and/or directions from the local stray, feel free to ask! Just know that when Che’nya gets back to you may vary… he is very free-spirited after all. One moment he’s here, then he’s at NRC stealing a tart from Heartslabyul, then he’s at RSA studying, and then he’s… who knows where! But I will make sure he gets to your requests whenever he wanders back to the Wood. Just be patient and respectful of the fact that both he and I have lives outside of this blog.
3. Che’nya is a flirty kitty, and is fine with you being flirty as well. However, flirting is as far as he is willing to go. Please do not act lewd, crass, or extremely NSFW. If you do, you may be either given a warning or teleported out of the Wood, depending on the severity. 🚫
4. Cursing is fine as long as it’s not excessive. There’s no need to use curses all the time - there’s much funnier ways to express frustration! Che’nya and I personally like mixing curses and non-curses together to see what we can create.
4. Che’nya and I both support people no matter where they have wandered from, what they look like, who they love, etc. We will not tolerate racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. Once again, this will either result in a warning (if I think this is honestly a learning moment) or instant teleportation out. 🚫
5. Che’nya is a friendly kitty! He is absolutely willing to interact with other rp blogs and ocs! The more the merrier! Madness is much more fun when you can share it with more people!
6. I reserve the right to choose not to answer any question asked of me or Che’nya for any reason.
7. I am doing this basically entirely on mobile, so keep that in mind too. Some things just don’t translate well.
1. There is a person behind this roleplay blog. Remember that and be kind and respectful.
2. You can send asks in but please be patient if you are not answered right away. I have a life outside of this blog, but I will try to get back to asap.
3. You can flirt, but do not go too far. Keep it relatively SFW. Go too far and you will either get a warning or blocked, depending on the severity of the rule break. 🚫
4. Be a decent human being. Don’t be racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, etc. Once again, this will either result in a warning (if I think this is honestly a learning moment) or a block. 🚫
5. I’m 100% willing to interact with other rp blogs and ocs!
6. I reserve the right to not answer anything.
7. I’m on my phone to use this roleplay blog. So keep that in mind if anything looks weird.
#che’nya chats - for replies to asks, whether questions or not
#che’nya appears - for when Che’nya wanders off and pops into view randomly at other blogs to cause mischief
#che’nya meows - for Che’nya’s random posts where he speaks his mind (for better or worse)
#chen’ya grins - for posts, jokes, riddles, puns, art, etc. that make Chen’ya happy and that he wants to share with his furrends!
#ar answers - for replies to asks that specifically deal with Che’nya’s person, AR, or where AR interacts more prominently than usual
#ar speaks - for AR’s posts that specifically have to do with their personal life outside of this blog; usually it will be an update as to where Che’nya has been hiding
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And that’s finally it! Sorry about the excessively long post. I figure it’s best to just try to cover everything right up front.
Now it’s time for the cat to play… Heeheehee… 😸
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Dude I’m still new to the test tumblr rp scene as @koebi-san but man- I’m sorry y’all gotta deal with that
Tbh I feel kind of bad. I know it probably doesn’t come off as that. Considering how much I went off on them, but I do.
And it’s not that I feel bad for revealing her as the terrible person she is. Because she deserves that and she obviously doesn’t care because I happen to know she is still using her accounts like nothing has happened. Even messaging some of the blogs of mods from the discord she was banned from to ask if she can roleplay with them - like they weren’t present and aren’t fully aware of the situation and who she is.
It’s more I feel bad that I’m causing drama in the twst rp community? Because I really do just want to have fun and rp Che’nya.
But this mod was really making it not fun for me and several others. If it was just me, I could have kept ignoring them, honestly. I didn’t interact with them enough for me to do all this.
Yes, I hated they were over-saturating the twst rp community with their blogs (them having 11 is absolutely ridiculous) but I could just leave it. Whatever. They weren’t making characters connected to Che’nya. But they were stressing out and hurting my friends.
And so I finally just… snapped.
And I’m hoping making such a big deal out of this - making such a loud noise, such a huge callout - will just make sure that this drama both starts and ENDS quickly.
I just want to go back to having fun with all of you roleplaying the mad eldritch horror, self-aware Cheshire Cat that gets his head stuck in teapots and bends reality to his will… but only sometimes because other times it’s funnier not to.
So, I’m hoping now that me and the others that joined in finally broke down and made the callout post about her, we can get back to that sooner rather than later.
But thank you for your kind words. It is what it is. It’s the internet! Toxic people are kind of par for the course.
I’m just happy that, for the most part? I’ve really only had great experiences on here as Che’nya. 💜
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Hey all! So, it’s been pointed out to me by a couple people now that when I interact with you, I usually go all out - as in I am very “talkative.” They made sure to let me know they meant that positivity, but it has me curious.
Because not only do I respond quite a bit, but I am also making Che’nya my own, adding my own headcanons to his character - like with my whole #che’nya the [REDACTED] bit and #che’nya knows no 4th wall.
Which seems to be pretty different than other roleplay blogs on here.
I just wanted to make sure that you all are enjoying the way I am interacting with you all and that I am not scaring people away. Sometimes my writer/plotter brain comes out too much! 🙈
So, that all being said…
To be completely honest, I don’t know if this poll will necessarily change the way I do things. Because I am enjoying really having fun with Che’nya. But I may try to tone it down a smidge if enough people aren’t liking my more long-winded conversational approach.
Because I do want you all to enjoy talking to Che’nya! 😊
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