#Cheng Xing Yuan
kdram-chjh · 2 years
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Cdrama: The Eight (2020)
Gifs of Intro of cdrama "The Eight"
【FULL】 欧豪留学归国途中遇炸弹 不小心深陷命案危机 | 民初奇人传 EP01 The Eight | 欧豪 谭松韵 秦岚 | 民国传奇 | 爱奇艺华语剧场
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVV1l4Dtm58
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movielosophy · 2 years
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Side Story of Fox Volant ~  Girls love obedient boy
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brownsugarbabesims · 18 days
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Welcome most of the Zhangs for a family reunion pool party! Kai's hosting with his boyfriend, Niles. This is also a great way to celebrate Hui Ying and Berjes' first grand children.
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This is the first time Niles meets Berjes.
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Yuan Xi arrives!
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Ming Fei tries to hide her embarrassment at her brother getting with an old crush.
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Mei Xing, the eldest, is happy to see everyone gathered in one spot. She knows her grandparents are there in spirit, and it makes her a bit emotional.
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Cheng is also happy to finally let Seon-Mi meet everybody! With her pregnancy, Hui Ying and Berjes are excited at the prospect of their children having even more children.
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Berjes was able to talk to Yu Xuan, his youngest, about how his first semester of college is going. Maybe he'll be the next one to bring over a partner.
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Kai doesn't always get to talk to his eldest sister, so today was a great opportunity to catch up.
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Yu Xuan seems to warm up to Seon-Mi the most.
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Hui Ying is definitely happy about Kai's decision to do the family reunion at his lovely home.
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minsarasarahair · 3 months
I think why it became complicated is because you need to remember the connection of every characters. Its easy once you memorize everything.
I already bought it but I still don't know when I can read it. Also, you know the feeling I'm interested but afraid to finally read it and become disappointed because its not what I expected so I'm trying my best to be ready so I'm ignoring the books I own for now lol
From what I can tell, I'll probably enjoy the conspiracy aspect of the story. Xiao Chiye is not my preference but that's okay. I rarely fall in love with gong characters anyway. Good for Cezhou tho. I'm more a shou appreciator. See? I'm not joking.
Fave shou: Zhou Zishu, Yin Hanjiang, Zuo Yunqi, Gu Yun, Shen Qingqiu, Wei Wuxian, Cheng Qian, Jing Beiyuan, Xiahou Lian, Shen Qiao, Sheng Lingyuan, Xiao Yuan, Chen Xing, Shen Lanzhou?
Fave gong: Wen Kexing, Lou Zhu, Wenren E, Yan Zhengming, Chang Geng, Luo Binghe, Xie Jinglan, Li Jinglong, Yan Heqing, Xiang Shu, Mo Xi?
? = Means I haven't meet them yet but from what I can see, I will like them and I'm never wrong.
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linjunjian · 2 days
On the Relocation of Barbarians[1]
Jiang Tong (? – 310)
The Yi, Man, Rong, and Di, collectively known as the Four Barbarians, were traditionally confined to the outermost regions of the Nine Provinces. The Spring and Autumn Annals decree that the Chinese should be embraced within, while the barbarians are to be kept without. This distinction arises from their unintelligible speech, disparate forms of tribute, alien customs, and divergent lineages. Some dwell beyond the farthest reaches of civilization, across mountains and rivers, in treacherous valleys and perilous terrain, separated from the Middle Kingdom by natural barriers. They neither encroach upon our lands nor fall under our jurisdiction. Neither taxes nor the imperial calendar extend to their domains. Thus, it is said, "When the Son of Heaven governs in accordance with the Way, the Four Barbarians guard the frontiers."
When Yu brought order to the Nine Regions, even the Western Rong paid homage. Yet the nature of these barbarians is avaricious and ruthless, with the Rong and Di being the most savage among them. When weak, they cower in submission; when strong, they rebel and invade. Even in ages blessed with sage rulers and sovereigns of great virtue, none have succeeded in fully civilizing or guiding them through benevolence and moral suasion.
In times of their ascendancy, even Gaozong of Yin[2] was vexed by the Guifang,[3] King Wen of Zhou was troubled by the Kunyi and Xianyun,[4] Gaozu was besieged at Baideng,[5] and Xiaowen[6] was forced to take up arms at Bashang. Conversely, during their decline, the Duke of Zhou received tribute from the farthest lands,[7] Zhongzong[8] welcomed the Chanyu to court, and even under the feeble reigns of emperors Yuan[9] and Cheng,[10] the Four Barbarians still came to pay homage. Such are the lessons of history.
Hence, when the Xiongnu sought to guard the frontier, Hou Ying advised against it; when the Chanyu knelt at Weiyang Palace, Wangzhi[11] counseled against accepting his subservience. Thus, enlightened rulers manage barbarian affairs by maintaining vigilance and exercising consistent control. Even when these tribes prostrate themselves and offer tribute, the border defenses must not be relaxed. When they turn to banditry and violence, there is no need for far-reaching military campaigns. The goal is simply to ensure peace within our borders and prevent their encroachment upon our frontiers.
As the Zhou dynasty lost its authority, the feudal lords waged wars at will, the strong consuming the weak in a cycle of mutual destruction. Borders became unstable, and interests diverged. The barbarians seized this opportunity to infiltrate China. Some were enticed and pacified, becoming tools for various factions. For example, the calamity of Shen and Zeng toppled the Zhou royal house,[12] and Duke Xiang's alliance with the Jiang Rong against Qin suddenly empowered them.[13]
During the Spring and Autumn period, the Yiqu[14] and Dali[15] tribes occupied the lands of Qin and Jin, while the Luhun[16] and Yin Rong dwelt between the Yi and Luo rivers. The Souman[17] tribes ravaged the east of Ji, encroaching upon Qi and Song, and oppressing Xing and Wei. Southern Yi and Northern Di alternately invaded China, their incursions as unceasing as a thread. Duke Huan of Qi repelled them, preserving the endangered states and reviving defunct ones. He campaigned north against the Mountain Rong, opening the road to Yan. Thus, Confucius praised Guan Zhong's strength and commended his achievement in civilizing the barbarians.
By the end of the Spring and Autumn period, as the Warring States era flourished, Chu absorbed the Man tribes, Jin annihilated the Luhun, Wu of Zhao adopted Hu attire and opened up the Yuzhong region, while Qin, dominant in Xianyang, exterminated the Yiqu and their ilk. When the First Emperor unified All Under Heaven, he incorporated the Hundred Yue in the south and drove away the Xiongnu in the north. The Great Wall stretched across five mountain ranges, with millions of troops stationed. Though military service was burdensome and bandits ran rampant, the accomplishments of a single generation saw the barbarians fleeing in retreat. At that time, the Four Barbarians no longer existed within China proper.
The rise of Han saw its capital established in Chang'an, with the commanderies within the passes known as the Three Adjuncts - the ancient Yu Gong's Yongzhou,[18] the old territory of the Zhou's Feng and Hao. After Wang Mang's defeat and the subsequent Red Eyebrows Rebellion, the western capital lay in ruins, its people scattered. During the Jianwu era (25 - 56), Ma Yuan[19] was appointed Administrator of Longxi to suppress the rebellious Qiang. Their remnants were relocated to the empty lands of Pingyi and Hedong within the passes, intermingling with the Han people. After several years, their population flourished. Emboldened by their strength and resenting Han encroachment, they rebelled.
In the first year of Yongchu (107), Cavalry Commander Wang Hong[20] was dispatched to the Western Regions, conscripting Qiang and Di troops as escorts. This sparked panic among the Qiang tribes, inciting each other to revolt. The barbarians of two provinces rose simultaneously, overwhelming officials and massacring cities. Deng Zhi's campaign ended in the abandonment of armor and weapons, with corpses piled high and armies destroyed.[21] As successive expeditions failed, the barbarians grew ever bolder, penetrating south into Shu and Han, plundering east into Zhao and Wei, breaching the Zhi Pass, and invading Henei.
When Northern Army Commander Zhu Chong was sent with five battalions to confront the Qiang at Mengjin, a decade of conflict ensued, with both Chinese and barbarians suffering heavy losses. Ren Shang[22] and Ma Xian[23] barely managed to subdue them. The reason for this prolonged and severe devastation, while partly due to incompetent governance and inadequate military leadership, was it not also because the enemy struck at our very heart, the harm arising from within? Like a grave illness difficult to cure, or a great wound slow to heal!
From that time on, the embers of conflict were never fully extinguished. At the slightest opportunity, the barbarians would renew their invasions and rebellions. Ma Xian's efforts ended in disaster, while Duan Jiong's campaigns swept from west to east.[24] The barbarians of Yongzhou remained a constant threat to the state, becoming the greatest menace of the middle period. As the Han dynasty crumbled, Guanzhong was devastated.
In the early days of Wei's ascendancy, with Shu now separated, the frontier barbarians were divided between the two states. Emperor Wu of Wei ordered General Xiahou Miaocai[25] to suppress the rebellious Di tribes led by Agui and Qianwan. Later, after abandoning Hanzhong, he relocated the tribes of Wudu to the Qin plains, hoping to weaken the enemy and strengthen the state, while defending against the Shu forces. This was merely an expedient measure, a temporary strategy, not a policy beneficial for ten thousand generations. Now, as we face the consequences, we already suffer from its ill effects.
Guanzhong boasts rich soil and abundant resources, with fields of the highest quality. The Jing and Wei rivers irrigate its alkaline lands, while the Zhengguo and Bai canals[26] form an interconnected irrigation network. The bounty of millet and sorghum yields a full zhong (vessel) per mu, with commoners singing praises of its prosperity. Emperors and kings have always chosen to make their capital here. Never was it meant to be a land for barbarians. Those not of our kind must surely harbor different intentions. The ambitions of the barbarians do not align with those of the Chinese.
Yet, taking advantage of their weakness, we relocated them to the imperial domain. Our gentry and common folk grew complacent, scorning their perceived frailty, unknowingly nurturing a poison of resentment in their very marrow. As their numbers grew and strength increased, so did their ambitions. With their greedy and fierce nature, coupled with pent-up anger, they watch for any opening to commit treachery. Dwelling within our borders without the barrier of frontier defenses, they can easily overwhelm the unprepared and gather resources from the countryside. Thus, they are able to wreak havoc and inflict immeasurable harm. This is an inevitable outcome, a lesson already learned through bitter experience.
The appropriate course of action now, while our military might is at its peak and before other matters arise, is to relocate the Qiang tribes from within the borders of Pingyi, Beidi, Xinping, and Anding to the lands of Xianling, Hankai, and Xizhi. We should also move the Di people from Fufeng, Shiping, and Jingzhao back to the right side of Long Mountain, settling them in the regions of Yinping and Wudu. We must provide rations for their journey, ensuring they have enough to sustain themselves. Each tribe should be returned to their original lands and ancestral territories, with the tributary states and pacified barbarians assisting in their resettlement.
By separating the Rong and Jin peoples, each will find their proper place. This aligns with the ancient principle and establishes a lasting policy for our prosperous age. Even if they harbor intentions to deceive China or raise alarms of conflict, they will be far removed from the Middle Kingdom, separated by mountains and rivers. Though they may still raid and plunder, the extent of their harm will be limited.
This is why Chongguo[27] and Ziming[28] were able to control the fate of numerous Qiang tribes with just tens of thousands of troops, achieving victory without battle and succeeding with their armies intact. Although they had deep strategies and far-reaching plans for victory, was it not because the Chinese and barbarians were kept separate, distinctions maintained between civilized and uncivilized, and strategic passes were easy to defend, that they were able to achieve such success?
The Critic's Challenge:
“At present, Guanzhong has endured two years of violent upheaval. The burden of military campaigns has exhausted our forces of a hundred thousand. Floods and droughts have brought successive famines, while plagues have caused widespread death and suffering. The rebels have been executed, and those who regret their misdeeds are beginning to submit. They approach cautiously, filled with fear and trepidation. The common people are weary and distressed, united in their concerns. They long for peace as parched earth yearns for rain. Surely, we should pacify them with tranquility. Yet you propose to mobilize labor, embark on grand projects, and relocate these suspicious barbarians with our exhausted populace? To move hungry people and starving prisoners? I fear our strength will be depleted, our efforts unfinished. The Qiang and Rong will scatter, their loyalties divided. Before the current threat is quelled, new perils will arise.”
The Response:
“The Qiang and Rong are cunning, self-appointed in their titles. They have besieged cities, fought in open fields, harmed our officials, and amassed armies through winters and summers. Now their disparate groups have crumbled, their unified front collapsed. The old and young are captive, while able-bodied men have surrendered or dispersed. They are as scattered as birds and beasts, incapable of reuniting.
Do you believe they still have resources, or that they regret their evils and wish to submit to our benevolence? Or have they reached the end of their strength and wisdom, fearing our military might? Clearly, they are utterly spent. Thus, we can dictate their fate, controlling their every move.
Those content with their lot do not easily change; those satisfied with their dwellings harbor no desire to relocate. While they doubt themselves and fear us, we can use our military prowess to ensure their compliance. As they are scattered and disorganized, each household an enemy to the people of Guanzhong, we can relocate them to distant lands, severing their attachment to this soil.
The plans of sages and wise men address issues before they arise and bring order before chaos ensues. Their methods achieve peace without notoriety, their virtue succeeds without fanfare. The next best approach is to turn calamity into fortune, failure into success, to overcome difficulties and find passage through obstruction. You now face the end of a flawed policy yet fail to envision a new beginning. You cling to the toil of a misguided path, inviting further disaster. Why is this?
Guanzhong houses over a million souls, half of whom are barbarians. Whether they stay or leave, provisions are necessary. If there are those who lack food, we must use the granaries of Guanzhong to sustain them, preventing both starvation and the temptation to plunder. By relocating them with provisions for the journey, allowing them to reunite with their tribes and support each other, the people of Qin will retain half their grain. This strategy feeds those who depart, leaves stores for those who remain, eases the pressure in Guanzhong, removes the root of banditry, eliminates immediate losses, and establishes long-term benefits.
To shirk from temporary exertion and forsake a strategy of lasting peace, to begrudge present hardships and ignore the threat of generational enemies – this is not the way of those who can innovate and accomplish great deeds, who establish legacies and lay foundations for posterity.
The barbarians of Bingzhou were originally the most vicious bandits among the Xiongnu. During the reign of Emperor Xuan of Han, they were decimated by cold and hunger, their nation split into five factions, later consolidating into two. Huhanye,[29] weakened and isolated, unable to sustain himself, sought refuge at the frontier, submitting to Han rule. During the Jianwu era, the Southern Chanyu again came to surrender, and was allowed to settle within the frontier, south of the desert. After several generations, they repeatedly rebelled, leading to numerous military campaigns by He Xi[30] and Liang Qin.[31]
In the Zhongping era, when the Yellow Turban Rebellion erupted, their troops were conscripted, but their people refused to comply and killed their Qiangqu. Consequently, Yumifuluo sought Han assistance to suppress the rebels. Amidst the ensuing chaos, they seized the opportunity to pillage Zhao and Wei, with their raids reaching Henan. During the Jian'an period, the Right Wise Prince Qubei was sent to entice Huchuquan to surrender, allowing his tribes to disperse and settle in six commanderies. By the Xianxi era, as one tribe had grown too powerful, it was divided into three groups. At the beginning of the Taishi era, this was further increased to four. Subsequently, Liu Meng rebelled internally, colluding with external barbarians. Recently, Hao San's rebellion erupted in Guyuan.[32] Today, the population of the five tribes numbers tens of thousands of households, surpassing that of the Western Rong. Their innate bravery and skill with bow and horse exceed even that of the Di and Qiang. Should there be any unforeseen turmoil, the Bingzhou region would be cause for great concern.
The Gouli people of Xingyang originally dwelt beyond the frontier of Liaodong. During the Zhengshi era (240 – 249), when Youzhou Inspector Guanqiu Jian[33] suppressed their rebellion, he relocated their remaining tribes. Initially numbering only a hundred households, their descendants have now multiplied to thousands. After several generations, they will surely become numerous and prosperous. Today, even when common people neglect their duties, they may flee or rebel; when dogs and horses are well-fed, they may bite. How much more so might barbarians cause upheaval! We are only spared because their power is still weak and their influence limited.
In governing a state, the worry is not poverty but inequality, not scarcity but instability. With the vastness of the Four Seas and the wealth of our people, why should we need barbarians within our borders to suffice? These groups should all be instructed and dispatched back to their original domains, soothing their homesickness as sojourners and alleviating our Huaxia people's concerns. To bestow kindness upon the Middle Kingdom and thereby pacify the four quarters, to extend virtue for generations to come - this is the wisest course of action.”
[1] On the Relocation of Barbarians is a political treatise written by Jiang Tong in 299 after the rebellion of Qi Wannian. Jiang Tong proposed that the Hu peoples should be relocated, but the Western Jin court, then under the regency of Jia Nanfeng, did not adopt his recommendations. Five years later, the Sixteen Kingdoms period began.
[2] Wu Ding (? – 1192 BCE) was a king of the Shang dynasty. In classical Chinese historiography, he is often depicted as a meritorious king who appears with worthy officials. He conquered and annexed Guifang, turning its people into his supporters in expeditions against other enemies.
[3] Guifang (鬼方) was an ancient ethnonym for a people that fought against the Shang dynasty. This Chinese exonym combines gui (lit. ghost, spirit, devil) and fang (lit. side, border, country, region), referring to "non-Shang or enemy countries that existed in and beyond the borders of the Shang polity."
[4] The Kunyi (昆夷), also known as Quanrong (犬戎), were an ethnic group active in the northwestern part of Shaanxi during and after the Zhou dynasty. They were classified as the Western Yi and a member of the Guifang during the Shang dynasty and as Western Rong during the Zhou dynasty. They were regarded as one of the ancestors of the Xiongnu people. Scholars believe Quanrong was a later name for the Xianyun (猃狁).
[5] The Battle of Baideng was a military conflict between Han China and the Xiongnu in 200 BC. The vanguard of Han troops was trapped in the fort with Emperor Gaozu of Han, Liu Bang.
[6] Emperor Wen of Han (203 – 157 BCE), personal name Liu Heng, was the fifth emperor of the Han dynasty from 180 until his death. He continued the heqin policy by giving the Xiongnu Chanyu a prince's daughter in marriage, while placing Liu Li in Bashang against potential Xiongnu attack.
[7] The original term is "九译之贡". "九译" (jiǔ yì) literally means "nine interpreters" or "nine translations." This term was often used hyperbolically to represent multiple layers of translation needed for communication with distant peoples or tribes.
[8] Emperor Xuan of Han (91 – 48 BCE), temple name Zhongzong, was the tenth emperor of the Han dynasty, reigning from 74 to 48 BCE. During his reign, the Han dynasty prospered economically and militarily became a regional superpower, and was considered by many to be the peak period of the entire Han history.
[9] Emperor Yuan of Han (75 – 33 BCE) was the eldest son and successor of Emperor Xuan of the Han dynasty. He reigned from 48 to 33 BCE. Emperor Yuan promoted Confucianism as the official creed of the Chinese government. He appointed adherents of Confucius to important government posts. In 33 BCE, he sent Wang Zhaojun to marry Chanyu Huhanye of the Xiongnu Empire in order to establish friendly relations through marriage. (heqin)
[10] Emperor Cheng of Han (51 – 7 BCE) was the son and successor of Emperor Yuan. He reigned from 33 to 7 BCE. Under his rule, the Han dynasty continued its growing disintegration as the emperor's maternal relatives from the Wang clan increased their grip on power. Emperor Cheng died childless. Both of his sons and their mothers were killed by the order of his favorite consort Zhao Hede. He was succeeded by his nephew, Emperor Ai, whose death was followed by Wang Mang's rise to power.
[11] Hou Ying and Xiao Wangzhi (? – 46 BCE) were both officials of the Han dynasty.
[12] The Marquess of Shen (d. 771 BCE) was a Qiang ruler of the ancient state of Shen during the Zhou dynasty. It was an important vassal state responsible for guarding the Guanzhong region against Western Rong incursions. One of the Marquess's daughters was married to King You as his queen, and gave birth to Crown Prince Yijiu, but another consort named Bao Si gained the favor of the king, who wanted to depose the queen and the crown prince in favor of her son Bofu. Furious, the Marquess allied with the Zeng state and Quanrong to attack the Zhou capital Haojing in 771 BCE. King You was defeated and killed, and Haojing was sacked by Quanrong.
[13] Duke Xiang of Jin was from 627 to 621 BCE the ruler of the State of Jin, a major power during the Spring and Autumn period. In 627 BCE, he allied with the Jiang Rong and launched a surprise attack against Qin at the Battle of Yao. They annihilated the Qin army and captured three Qin generals. After the battle, the power of Qin had been checked for a long period.
[14] Yiqu (義渠) was an ancient state which existed in the Hetao region (now Ningxia, eastern Gansu and northern Shannxi). It was a rival of the state of Qin. It was inhabited by a semi-sinicized people called the Rong of Yiqu, who were regarded as a branch of western Rong people.
[15] Dali (大荔) was an ancient state founded by a branch of the Western Rong people which existed in what is now Dali County, Shaanxi. In 461 BCE, Qin annexed Dali.
[16] Luhun (陆浑) was a tribal state founded by a branch of the Rong of Yun surname. They inhabited the northwestern regions of the states Qin and Jin and later became a vassal of Jin. In 525 BCE, Jin annexed Luhun. Scholars believe Yin Rong (阴戎) was an alternative name for Luhun.
[17] Souman (鄋瞒) was a branch of the Di people. Its capital is in present-day Gaoqing County in Zibo, Shandong. In 594 BCE, Jin conquered Souman.
[18] The Yu Gong or Tribute of Yu (禹贡) is a chapter of the Book of Xia, section of the Book of Documents, one of the Five Classics of ancient Chinese literature. This chapter describes Yu the Great and the provinces of his time. Yong Province or Yongzhou was the name of various regions and provinces in ancient China, usually around the Wei River or the imperial capital. It was one of the legendary Nine Provinces of China's prehistoric antiquity.
[19] Ma Yuan (馬援, 14 BCE – 49) was a general and politician of the Eastern Han dynasty. He played a prominent role in defeating the Trung sisters' rebellion. He also subjugated the Qiang and made possible a restoration of Chinese positions on the old frontiers.
[20] Wang Hong (王弘, ? – ?) was an official and uncle to Emperor Cheng of the Western Han dynasty.
[21] Deng Zhi (邓骘, ? – 121) was a general during the Eastern Han dynasty. His forces was routed by the Western Qiang in 107.
[22] Ren Shang (任尚, ? – 118) was a general during the Eastern Han dynasty. He defeated multiple Northern Xiongnu and Qiang forces during his tenure. In 118, he was executed due to his rivalry with Deng Zun over military achievements, falsely reporting the number of Qiang people killed, and accepting bribes.
[23] Ma Xian (马贤, ? – 141) was a general and official during the Eastern Han dynasty. During his tenure as Protector General of the Qiang (护羌校尉), his multiple victories against various Qiang tribes were crucial in maintaining order in Longyou and Liangzhou regions. In 141, he and his sons were killed in battle against the Qiedong tribe of the Qiang.
[24] Duan Jiong (段颎, ? – 179) was a general during the Eastern Han dynasty. He was a member of the powerful Duan family of Wuwei Commandery. He defeated multiple Qiang rebel forces during his tenure.
[25] Xiahou Yuan (夏侯渊, ? – 219), courtesy name Miaocai, was a general and politician serving under the warlord Cao Cao in the late Eastern Han dynasty. He is known for his exploits in western China in the 210s, during which he defeated Cao Cao's rivals Ma Chao and Han Sui in Liang Province and forced several Di and Qiang tribal peoples into submission.
[26] The Zhengguo Canal, named after its designer, Zheng Guo, is one of the biggest water conservation projects in ancient China. The canal irrigates the Guanzhong plain and connects the Jing River and Luo River, northern tributaries of the Wei River. The Bai Canal was designed by Bai Gong in 95 BCE and was often mentioned together with Zhenguo Canal as “Zhengbai Canal.”
[27] Zhao Chongguo (赵充国, 137 – 52 BCE) was a general of the Western Han dynasty. He was known for his adoption of the tuntian policy during his pacification of the Western Qiang people.
[28] Lü Meng (吕蒙, 178 – 220), courtesy name Ziming, was a military general and politician who served under the warlord Sun Quan during the late Eastern Han dynasty.
[29] Huhanye (呼韓邪) was a Chanyu of the Xiongnu Empire. He rebelled in 59 BCE, leaving the Xiongnu torn apart by factional strife. After his defeat, he fled south and submitted to the Han dynasty. He travelled to Chang'an to visit Emperor Xuan, who allowed his tribe to settle in the Yinshan area.
[30] He Xi (何熙, ? – 110) was a general of the Eastern Han dynasty. In 109, he defeated the Southern Xiongnu Aojian Rizhu Prince at Meiji. Shortly after his death in 110, the Southern Xiongnu surrendered.
[31] Liang Qin (梁慬, ? – 112) was a famous general of the Eastern Han dynasty. In 110, forces of Xiongnu, Wuhuan and Xianbei invaded Wuyuan. Liang Qin was sent with He Xi to fight them.
[32] Hao San (郝散, ? – 294) was a Xiongnu rebel leader who was killed in 294. In 296, his brother Hao Duyuan joined Qi Wannian’s rebellion.
[33] Guanqiu Jian (毌丘儉, ? – 255) was a general and politician of the state of Cao Wei during the Three Kingdoms period. In 244, Guanqiu Jian led a punitive expedition to Goguryeo (Gouli). He defeated the Goguryeo army and captured the its capital Hwando. During the follow-up campaign in the next year, he conquered Hwando again and forced its King to flee.
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arwatchesandreads · 1 month
Love Me, Love My Voice (很想很想你) Review
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I went into this drama not knowing anything about it. I didn’t know the actors nor the plot. However, after watching this drama filled with honey dripping sweetness, I was so glad I gave it a watch. 
My Rating: 9/10
Episodes: 33
Country: China
Genre: Pure Romance with good Music and too many scenes with food
Aired: Nov 30th, 2023 - Dec 16th, 2023
Tan Jian Ci plays Mo Qing Cheng/ Qiang Qing Ci
Zhou Ye plays Gu Sheng/ Sheng Sheng Man
Hou Wen Yuan plays Zhou Zheng/ Jue Mei Sha Yi
Yang Xi Zi plays Geng Xiao Xing
Vincent Cao plays Feng Ya Song
Chen Hao Lan plays Dou Bing/ Mo Mo Er
Sheng Sheng (played by Zhou Ye) seems like a typical university student, however she has another identity online as “Sheng Sheng Man” where she makes music in the folk pop genre. One day, in a voice chat room while Sheng Sheng was talking to her friend, her idol, Qiang Qing Ci  who is a voice actor (played by Tan Jian Ci) enters the voice chat and speaks to her. Thus, Sheng Sheng’s world into professional music and love begins. 
This drama was adapted from the novel “Really, Really Miss You” (很想很想你) by Mo Bao Fei Bao (墨宝非宝). 
Beware of Spoilers Moving Forward!
What Episode did the Main Couple Start Dating?
Sheng Sheng and Mo Qing Cheng start dating as early as episode 8. She is reluctant to accept since they have only been together a handful of times, however, Mo Qing Cheng persuades her to start a relationship with him. 
There are literally no misunderstandings, no break ups, no petty problems between the main couple as they talk about their feelings pretty straightforwardly. This show was genuinely a breath of fresh air between two green flagged characters. 
Love Triangles?
None. Nada. There was no second male lead or female lead there to squash the other person’s feelings. Purely feel good. 
Love Me, Love My Voice Ending
Love Me, Love My Voice has a cute typical happy ending, where they skip 2 years into the future and basically wrap up the story where they show that Sheng Sheng has finished her postgraduate studies and is beginning to work professionally as a composer. She is also preparing to get married to Mo Qing Cheng as he has already bought them a house. They go on a little vacation to their first retreat spot, and take wedding pictures and essentially reminisce about their time together. 
We also find out that Zhou Zheng and Geng Xiao Xing are also officially together. We also get a cute ending for Feng Ya Song and Dou Bing, where he finally takes the courage to try to confess to Dou Bing and she essentially accepts by telling him to stop talking, and takes his hand. 
Love Me, Love My Voice Review- Cute, Fluffy, Wholesome Romance
I give this show a wonderful 9/10. This show literally was the fluffiest, cutest, most wholesome romance for a girly who loves romance. It fulfilled every checkmark. The main characters have the healthiest relationship, the premise of voice acting and folk pop music was new and super fun to watch and listen to. I’ve never listened to any folk pop music before this show, but I was genuinely loving every song in this show (P.S. i have all the songs from this show added to a playlist on Spotify luls). They were massive foodies, which didn’t help me as I was watching the show. It made me always crave food when they described recipes or he was whipping up a dish. 
My review of this show lost a point only because I felt the character’s romance stayed very stagnant close to the end and not much was changing. Also, with the random time skip I felt like the ending was rushed. It felt like it was supposed to have a 40 episode run, but the show was cut short. 
This show, all in all, was just pure fluff with a new fun premise of voice acting and folk pop music, with a lot of food added in to create a unique wholesome romance. 
In my opinion, it's a must-watch if you love romance shows with little to no misunderstandings, no love triangles and pure fluff romance <3. 
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shookethdev · 2 years
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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the-crimson · 1 year
Ok, all my current thoughts on the 4halo/untamed cross over
going below a cut cuz this is going to get long XD
ok so there is a problem. Both bbh and forever fit Wei Wuxian and neither of them fit Lan Wangji XD I think bbh fits wwx’s profile more but ill compare which traits they have that match wwx -- (i main bbh and occasionally watch forever so take my interpretation of forever’s character with a grain of biased salt)
bbh: black and red color palette, associated with death/necromancy, ray of sunshine, selfless to the point of self destruction, insufferable prankster and joker, fierce intelligence hidden behind silliness, fiercely compassionate, lack of respect for rules or authority
forever: selfless to the point of self destruction, fiercely compassionate for everyone, very strong morals, lack of respect for rules or authority, strong familial bonds with others, fiercely intelligent and a brilliant inventor (create mod)
In another vein, I think the nature of 4halo’s relationship in cannon mirrors wangxian in a number of ways if bbh is wwx and forever is lwg - lemme explain XD
In the beginning, one party decides that they want to annoy and follow around the other party, who is disinterested and focused on other concerns. Through the persistence of the first party, the second grows fond of them and eventually sees that their souls are the same. The two work together over time to accomplish their shared goal and a friendship of mutual respect and admiration is born. Am i talking about 4halo or wangxian. Trick question. Answer is both.
When the brazilians were first added, bbh terrified forever with his grim reaper act and forever thought bbh was suss as hell because bbh was following them around the server while forever was with Richarlyson cuz bbh was worried Richarlyson would lose a life while they were thousands of blocks from spawn XD Im pretty sure it was only when they were working with the theory bros that forever realized bbh was trust worthy and the rest is history.
So, with my justifications laid out, I’m going to proceed with bbh as wwx and forever as a loose lwj. Here is my thoughts on casting for everyone else. This part is the hard part XD I’ll justify my choosing after it’ll all make sense XD (somehow we ended up with even less woman than the original cast which seems like it should be impossible but there are only 2 women on the smp sooooo) (also i only know most of the qsmp cast from bbh, Foolish, Bagerah, and Cell’s perspective and tumblr posts lol so... yea)
Wei Wixian: bad boy halo
Lan Wangji: Forever
Jiang Yanli: Foolish
Jiang Cheng: Maximus
Lan Xichen: Cellbit
Meng Yao/Jin Guangyao: Felps
Wen Ning: AyPierre
Wen Qing: Bagerah
Xue Yang: Quackity
Xiao Xing Chen: Wilbur
Song Lan: Philza
Nie Huaisang: Slimecicle
Nie Mingjue: Etoiles
Jin Zixuan: Vagetta
Wen Chao: Spreen
Wen Yuan: Dapper
Lan Suzhui: Richarlyson
Lan Jingyi: Dapper
Jin Ling: Leo
Ok, so context, most of these casting choices were more about their relationships than the characters themselves but here we go with my reasoning (am 100% open to alternatives let me know your casting choices in the comments!)
Jiang Yanli x Jin Zixuan = Foolish x Vegetta. Ok so Foolish is super laid back when it comes to lore but is incredibly protective when it comes to people he loves. We all remember his 10/10 acting when Forever hit Leo. I am just imagining him as Yanli telling Jin Zixun off during the crowd hunt like yes queen. Vegetta stands firm with his commitment to Foolish even when everyone is constantly saying Foolish is cheating on him and trusts him, wants to be with him regardless of the rumors. These two fit Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan’s end game relationship so much it makes my heart hurt XD
Jiang Cheng as Maximus. This one was one of the most difficult to cast but I think Max fits pretty well. From my experience Max can be silly but for the most part is pretty stoic and focused on the bigger picture. He is also pretty detached from others without any real solid connections other than Sophia.
Lan Xichen as Cellbit. This one was easy. Cellbit is super into all of the lore and enigmas just like Lan Xichen and while he has a somewhat serious personality he is always down for silliness and having a good time. Plus, his relationship to Forever is a given.
Meng Yao as Felps. ok this one was more uncertain as all I know about Felps is from the prison break XD but I know he and Cellbit are very close and Felps isn’t very good at minecraft so he’d make a perfect Meng Yao XD idk lol
Wen Ning and Wen Qing as AyPierre and Bagerah. This one is also a bit of a stretch. Bagerah is very devoted to her goals and family but also has a pretty strong moral backbone. Even though she is pretty silly a lot of the time, I think she’d make a good Wen Qing.
Xue Yang, Xiao Xing Chen and Song Lan as Quackity, Wilbur, and Philza. Okay hear me out. Xue Yang x Xiao Xing Chen has similarities to Quackity x Wilbur. Wilbur has been hostile to Quackity because Quackity keeps trying to steal Tallulah and Quackity’s been pretty wild since Tilin’s death. Obviously he isn’t anywhere near Xue Yang’s craziness but I think he’s the closest other than Slime. Philza as Song Lan to Wilbur’s Xaio Xing Chen
My thoughts when it comes to the kids, breaking mdzs cannon a bit here. Dapper is Wen Yuan during the burial mounds but they have the personality of Lan Jingyi post time skip while Richarlyson has Lan Suzhui’s personality XD. So, uh, idk haha Maybe Lan Wangji adopts both of them? or the characters are combine idk lol
Jing Ling as Leo also fits so well it hurts my heart. Leo is a lonly child who is super protective and kinda territorial with their parents. She would be so ruined if her parents were killed. I am just imgining Leo in Jin Ling’s scenario and my heart hurts for him.
Alternatively, if Forever is Wei Wuxian then Cellbit is Jiang Cheng and Felps is Jiang Yanli. Bbh is Lan Wangi, Wilbur is Lan Zichen, Quackity is Meng Yao, Foolish is Nie Huasang, Philza is Nie Mingjue.
uuuu yea those are my thoughts im tired now XD my energy levels have crashed and my brain no longer works. let me know what you think and what your headcannon are! :D
who knows if i end up actually writting this im already outlinging a 4halo modern au so well seeeeeee
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eyenaku · 2 years
Ji ji fu ji ji
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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kdram-chjh · 2 years
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Cdrama: The Eight (2020)
Gifs of Ending of cdrama "The Eight"
【FULL】 欧豪留学归国途中遇炸弹 不小心深陷命案危机 | 民初奇人传 EP01 The Eight | 欧豪 谭松韵 秦岚 | 民国传奇 | 爱奇艺华语剧场
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVV1l4Dtm58
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brownsugarbabesims · 6 months
With most of the kids out of the nest (Mei Xing, Ming Fei, Cheng, Yuan Xi, and Kai...Yu Xuan has not gone to college yet), Hui Ying and Berjes decided to sell the family house and downsize.
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Hui Ying and Berjes then bought a flower shop in a little shopping district. They hired Yuan Xi, Kai, and Yu Xian.
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Yuan Xi, the most disciplined of the three, is the manager and operates the register.
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Kai, the most social of the three, works the sales floor.
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Yu Xuan, the least ambitious of the three, does restocking. Honestly, if his parents didn't feel the familial obligation to hire him, he wouldn't be here.
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dailybuddhismpractice · 10 months
Amitabha Buddha’s eighteenth Vow is the King of all Fundamental Vows.
Start the day. Think of what u can take with u when u die? What u can take with u is 阿弥陀佛. Others like money, social status, property, food, love ones, feelings & etc. cannot be taken with u. For whatever u cant take with u, just let go... 
1. Namo Amitabha x 10 times, 阿弥陀佛. 🙂
2. Sending gratitude to the Universe & Amitabha.
3. Wish that all beings can meet Amitabha and be reborn in Sukhavati - Western Pureland.
Zeng yip. hwazang. 6 gen needs sau hui lai become 1 yin.
You are undervalued.
32 creates everythg when combined.
Formula for success: Lou se (Honesty), Ting hua (listen to the Buddha), Zhen kan (really do), fang xia (let go).
May sentient beings caught in the various realms of rebirth be reborn soon in my land, so they can enjoy peace and happiness.  Exercising compassion constantly to save all beings, I will deliver them from Avici Hell.  “May sentient beings caught in the various realms of rebirth be reborn soon in my land, so they can enjoy peace and happiness.”  This is a message from Amitabha Buddha to all beings.
Understanding yuan chi (yun hei) is the starting point for cultivation to enlightenment. One tung everything will tung, means u understand the rise/fall in life (cycle), next step is let go, make vows (to zhong sarng), then go pureland whuch is the end is also the beginning is also the end. From then on u will start to save and liberate other, having learn from the enlightened ones on how to nian fo cheng fo. Lower down the expectations to achieved more. Set goals that are low so u could achieve more. Start something but start low. No frustration. The power to create depends on this, the more u let go, the more u create, the more u give the more u get, the more u desire the more u give love to others. Human has 84,000 yip need 84,000 fart mun to resolve. Nianfo is outside of all these fart mun and need to learn how meet the requirements to be reborn in Western Pureland. Must maintain 10 leem tao of buddha name and ying sing bu luan.
Amitabha Buddha’s eighteenth Vow is the King of all Fundamental Vows because all the benefits and merits of admiring the 47 vows eventually return us to the 18th, the Vow of Amitabha-Recitation for Rebirth. The 18th Vow states:
If, when I attain Buddhahood, sentient beings in the lands of the ten directions who sincerely and joyfully entrust themselves to me, desire to be born in my land, and call my Name, even ten times, should not be born there, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment. Excluded, however, are those who commit the five gravest offences and abuse the right Dharma.
Among the 48 vows, the words “should they not be born there, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment” are found only in the 18th Vow, not in the other two vows of rebirth, the 19th and 20th Vows. It is only the 18th Vow upon which the pristine Pure Land School is founded. If there were no 18th Vow, there would be no Pure Land School. 5 Skandhas. Materiality & spirituality. All buddhas have their own individual causal vows, but Amitabha’s 18th Vow is the foremost among them, so Amitabha Buddha is known as the Buddha of the Great Vow. It could be said that Amitabha was the example for Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, who is also known as the Bodhisattva of the Great Vow, as Ksitigarbha’s vow is the greatest among all bodhisattvas. Tam chan chi cheng yuk. UFO. Chung kuo tai. Third eye can open.
Universe started together when your xin (mind) is shakened. Yi than zhin too many 32,000. Xing fu yuan man. It is created even before any time and space. Alaya consciousness is created. How big? Bigger than the universe, it is zhe xin. Lun wui is to tai yim and change it. Meng sarm kin seng (sarm leng) where u have chap seng (dirty, tham chan chi, ko sarng wud too use to it this turned into wisdom, chi seng sickness). Sarng meng is sarng wud. Zhuan seng to become zhi wai. Fui fuk zhi seng, seng fat (cheng fo). Close to Enlightenment which is with no differentiation. Mona become pin deng. Xin fo peng deng. That is the state of Buddhahood. Time & space came from one source. Me but still got fa sheng. Western Pureland is created by it too of Amitabha Buddha but it does not have 'zhi xin dong nian'. Non differentiation mind. The truth behind the tooth. The papaya croach story. When you let go of yourself, you got the world. When you let go of this world, you will get Western Pureland. Tree is life. Today is world environmental day, Jun 5th 2022. A tree is a universe. Money is printed from destroying a universe (tree) and then used in ways to cause more harm to the planet, the universe. Change it dont chase for it, seek and manage. Everything you do, everyone you see, dharma help you see the truth all attachments become saha world, then suffering arise, everything is Amituofo, the way you see the world becomes Amituofo. Ching jing peng deng sure reborn in Pureland. Practicex3. Zhen fa meng ru lai (Kuan yin aeons ago. Kuan ser yin ru lai teaches Kuan Ser Yin pusa the disciple, er kern zhui ling). My true nature is the Buddha. Wui guai zhi sing. Dharma is the cure of sickness (Fart). Li (bu shen bu miet) ser jen, xiang sher jia. Xin is chen, ser is jia. True or false also dont be too attached.  Bu ji xing dong nien jiu ser the tips. With a sickness, ji, xing, dong, nien, fern, bie, zhe, zhuo (6 gen). Karn po. Yi cher yau wei fart, sern miet fa. Mei lai mei chu, sam mo se de mei you. Wo you 3 bao. Ching jing peng den. Arhat achieve zeng jue. Pusa practice Peng deng xin to achieve chen deng zeng jue, Buddha chen wu sarng chen deng jue. Ser jie wan wu ser yi ti. This body is my manifestation (you r the greatest magician). Dont do anything in saha world that makes you attached too much that you couldnt let go and seek rebirth in Western Pureland. Wu xin is Amituofo. Amituofo is my xin. Every ben xin is Amituofo. You seek yourself. Let yourself be found, not search outside but inside. The world is using a piece of paper to weigh everything, cert for qualification, paper owns land and houses. A piece of paper becomes everything, your self worth as light as a piece of paper....Jing zhen guo. Fang xia chai but ku, let go and burden's gone...Compassion is your focus, is your life. If no compassion then only left unhappiness and sorrow. Happiness in Saha world is the start of unhappiness. Go back to the neutral state is happiness, no unhappiness. You need to peace down, silent give rise to wisdom. My heart is my way place. Wo xin ju shi tao chang. Fo got 52 jie ti. Let go, become Arhat, let go become Pusa and let go become Buddha. 1 second contains 1600 leem which is rise / fall. Life & death. Change alaya to 9 sik then end, no more life & death. Wu wo.a
Chaotu prayers / retreat: Lunch by 1.30 pm on Pusa 8 kwan zhai day. Note: June 21st in china kills dog, Korea, Vietnam, use zhi lig, fa lig, fo lig. Then, it will combined at a great strength to change the world. 30 days be vegan. House concept, a house its like a cell. No matter how beautiful, you are trapped within. Your body is already like a house. Ur problem is u let go of ur house and came here, that is the dna effect of leaving China to Malaysia living a house there like grandpa. Let go 1. Love. 2. Ego. 3. Doubt. Then be born in western pureland. Amituofo + 1000 Guan ser yin pu sa (1 men). Use zhen sing and peng deng xin. Get away from yuan, called li yuan.
All problems are caused by yu wang, cause of 6 realms of rebirth, u loose Buddhahood becos of yu wang. Seong kung yeong, har pin po xi. Shang kung xia shi. Sau harng, sau kung yeong. Biggest fu is ching jeng sam but xin but ngok, warng sarng jeng to (pureland). 
Call upon the 7 Buddhas x 3:
Namo Duo Po Yu Loi
Namo Bo Seng Yu Loi (zhun seng)
Namo Miew Sik Sarn Yu Loi
Namo Kong Pok Sarn Yu Loi
Namo Lee Po Wai Yu Loi (guard)
Namo Kam Lou Wong Yu Loi
Namo A Mi Tuo Yu Loi
1. Offering to Buddha
2. Serve Buddha house & others
3. No killing
4. Believe in cause & effect, seize all bad cause
10 ngok lun.
1. 1 sesame oil producer
2. 10 x sesame producer equal one prostitute center.
3. 10 x pros ctr equal one shop selling alcohol shop / club.
4. 10 x shop selling equal one ctr killing animal.
5. 10 x ctr killing animal equal one ngok by losat fart chut ka yan po fart fart.
3 kwai, 5 kai, 10 xin(十善)
Buddhist morality is codified in the form of 10 precepts (dasa-sīla), which require abstention from: (1) taking life; (2) taking what is not given; (3) committing sexual misconduct (interpreted as anything less than chastity for the monk and as sexual conduct contrary to proper social norms, such as adultery, for the layman); (4) engaging in false speech; (5) using intoxicants; (6) eating after midday; (7) participating in worldly amusements; (8) adorning the body with ornaments and using perfume; (9) sleeping on high and luxurious beds; and (10) accepting gold and silver.
Laymen are to observe the first five precepts (pañca-sīla) at all times. Occasionally, such as during the fortnightly fast day, they may observe eight precepts (aṣṭā-sīla; the first nine, with the seventh and eight combined as one). Normally, the full 10 vows are observed only by monks or nuns, who also follow the detailed monastic rules (see pātimokkha) that are a further elaboration of the precepts.
As of October 2nd, 2023
Start - Basic (10.30 am)
One off bo: Multiplier mantra 10.5 = (243)
Xu kung jin, Zung sherng jin, Niet pan jin, Wo yuan nai jin.
Hui hung zhun, zhung sharng jun, nit pun jun, ngo yun nai zhun.
Mouth (om soli soli..), Body (om sowa..) x7
Multiplier mantra 4x108, Done 110.75 + 24.5
Om Ram (Om Ram....Svaha), x 108, Done 34.25
Om Chrine (7 times, one protect hse, three protects whole place, seven protects the country) x108, Done 33.25
Earth Gods of Five Directions mantra (Namo Samanta Buddhanam Om Dulu Dulu Di Wei Soha) x3 per day, Done 86
Stupa mantra x3 per day, Done 56
A va la ka kia, Done 9 + 14.25
Sakyamuni Buddha mantra 4x108 Done 13.25
Cundi Bodhisattva Mantra
(Namaḥ Saptānāṃ Samyaksaṃbuddha Koṭīnāṃ Tadyathā Oṃ Cale Cule Cundī) x108, Done 6 + 14.5
Oṃ Cale Cule Cundī Svāhā x 108, Done 42 + 46
Om Mani Padme Hum, A Ah Sha Sa Ma Ha 1x108 per day, Done 19
Usnisa Vijaya mantra, Om Bhrum Soha - 1x108 per day, Done 19
Om Bhrum x 108, Done 30
Part 1 (11.30 am)
Om Vasudhare Svaha x108, Done 13
Namo Samantha Buddhanam Om Mahakalaye Svaha x108, Done 3.5
Om Mahakalaye Svaha x1080, Done 10
(20x27x2 = 1080 or 60 x small beads)
Part 2 (12.30 am), Lunch @ 1.30 pm
Medicine Buddha long mantra, Medicine Buddha heart mantra x108, Done 15
Manjushri mantra, Done 9
Om Avira Hum Kachara Mum Soha, Done 9.5
Earth store mantra x108, Done 14.5
7th Past Parents mantra x108, Done 16
Long life mantra (Om sam) x108, Done 9
Om ye ye nan 4x108, Done 9
Food mantra 4x108, Done 9
Water offering mantra, Done 9
Liberate small water being mantra, Done 9
Namo Bo bo Ti li, Cher (li) To li, Dan tuo ye tuo ye, Done 9
Om Maiyura Krante Svaha, Done 7
Om Ah Hum x108, Done 28.5
Part 3 (3.30 pm)
Amitabha (Nian fo) - 108 (6 syllable), 2x108 (4 syllable), Done 11
Avalokiteśvara - 108, Done 11
Mahasthamaprapta - 108, Done 11
Ksitigarbha - 108, Done 11
Heart sutra, Done 39
Tadyatha om gate gate paragate  parasamgate bodhi svaha x108, Done 7.5
Compassionate mantra, Done 56
Om Du lin, Du lin, Jia Du lin, Soha, Done 7
Om zhi zhe ya soha, Done 0.5
7 Buddha Names x3 per day, Done 44 days
Eliminate karma by 7 buddhas mantra 4x108, Done 5.5
Pureland rebirth mantra 4x108, Done 5.5
Om Pu Kam (Pureland), Light mantra 4x108, Done 5.5
Acala Heart Mantra (Namah Samanta Vajranam Ham), Done 6
Oṃ Bodhicittam Utpādayāmi, 14 x per day, Done 3405 + 1145
Part 4 End (6.50 pm), Dinner @ 7.30 pm
Tara mantras
- Green 4x108, Done 4
- Red 4x108, 100% Done 4
- White 4x108, Done 4
(Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayuh Punya Jñana Pustim Kuru Svaha)
Setrap mantra 4x108, Done 3
Dorje Shugden mantra; Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha, Done 3
~ Shize 
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Shanti Siddhi Hung 4x108, Done 3
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Ayu Siddhi Hung, Done 3
During pandemic, Om Benza Wiki Bitana Chintau Kuru Ye Soha 4x108, Done 3
~ Gyenze
(Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha, Tseso Paljor Long Cho, Thamched Putrim Kuru Om) 1x108, Done 3
Om Benza Satto Hung 4×108, Done 170.75 + 13
During 8 Kwanzai
34, 102, 238, 476, 918, 8.5
33, 99, 231, 462, 891, 8.25
31, 93, 217, 434, 837, 7.75
30, 90, 210, 420, 810, 7.5
28, 84, 196, 392, 756, 7
27, 81, 189, 378, 729, 6.75
26, 78, 182, 364, 702, 6.5
25, 75, 175, 350, 675, 6.25
22, 66, 154, 308, 594, 5.5
20, 60, 140, 280, 540, 5
19, 57, 133, 266, 513, 4.75
15, 45, 105, 210, 405, 3.75
14, 42, 98, 196, 378, 3.5
13, 39, 91, 182, 351, 3.25
11, 33, 77, 154, 297, 2.75
10, 30, 70, 140, 270, 2.5
9, 27, 63, 126, 243, 2.25
8, 24, 56, 112, 216, 2
7, 21, 49, 98, 189, 1.75
6, 18, 42, 84, 162, 1.5
5, 15, 35, 70, 135, 1.25
4, 12, 28, 56, 108, 1
3, 9, 21, 42, 81, 0.75
2, 6, 14, 28, 54, 0.5
1, 3, 7, 14, 27, 0.25
(7x per day)
Surangama mantra, Done 117
Om Amarani Jivantiye Svaha, Done 117
Om Maitri Maha Maitri Maitriye Svaha, Done 117
Om Alolika Svaha, Done 117
Mahapratisara Bodhisattva (Om Bhara Bhara Sambhara Sambhara Indriya Visudhani Ha Ha Ru Ru Ca Re Svaha), Done 117
Om Kurukulle Hrih Svaha, Done 117
Oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra guru padma siddhi hūṃ, 
Done 117
Je Tsongkhapa/Jungkapa, Done 117
(Om Ah Guru Benzadhara Sumati Kirti Siddhi Hum Hum)
Om Garbe Ragam Soha, Done 117
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Shanti Siddhi Hung ~ peace
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Ayu Siddhi Hung
~ health
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Punye Siddhi Hung
~ increase, done 180
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Washam Kuru Ho
~ control, done 180
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Rakya Rakya Hung
~ protection, done 180
Namkar Barzin (Om Biyada-Par Dhama-Dhara Soha), Done 117
Zambala of Five Directions (Om Zambala Gari Zanayeh Soha), Done 180
Yellow Zambala (Om Zambala Zalendraye 
Soha), Done 180
Om Samaya Cha, Done 180
Hum Mama Hum Ni Soha, Done 180
Medicine Buddha (3 times per day), Done 256
Namo bhagavate bhaiṣajyaguru-
vaiḍūryaprabhārājāya tathāgatāya
arhate samyaksaṃbuddhāya,
tadyathā oṃ bhaiṣajye bhaiṣajye bhaiṣajya-samudgate svāhā
Makura (Buddhist Patron protector of the zodiac sign monkey), 7x per day, Done 117
Bhaisajya-guru-vaidurya-prabha-raja Tathagata
(3 times per day)
Akshobhaya (Pudong Rulai), Done 214
- Namo bhagavate Akshobhaya, tathagataya arhate samyaksambuddhaya. 
Tadyatha Om kamkani kamkani, Rochani rochani, Trotani trotani, Trasani trasani, Pratihana pratihana, Sarva karma paramparanime sarva sattvanancha svaha
Target: 60 per month with 5 to 6 days of 8 kwanzai. Each time 26 to 34, each day 10 to 15 times until reached 60 or more.
Mantra of Ferocious Eating 殘食咒為(Namah samanta vajranam, trat, amogha canda, maha rosana, sphataya, hum, tramaya, hum trat ham mam), Done 3
+ Cui sui chow
Om tore tore cha tore so poho
Om Lan Soha
Om Chrine
Om Brim
Om Pu Kam (Pureland).
Om Bodhicitta, Mudaba, Dayami.
Om abichanaga
Am Bi Chanaga.
Om da de da de mohe dade svaha.
Om Mani Padme Hung A a sa sa maha
Namo bhagavate...x4
Om Amida Ayu Dadi Soha
Food Mantra
Ganlu sui zhou 
Namo bo bo ti li,  cher (li) to li, dan tuo ye tuo ye
Om mani facili hum
Om Ami Dewa Hrih
Om Kurukulle Hrih Svaha
“After I pass away and my pure doctrine is absent,
You will appear as an ordinary being,
Performing the deeds of a Buddha
And establishing the Joyful Land, the great Protector, In the Land of the Snows.”
-Buddha Shakyamuni in the Root Tantra of Manjushri
You need to nian fo then can achieve fo.
But now, you only nian 6 realm of rebirth how to achieve fo?
You are fo why cannot become fo?
Becos u never let go of the 6 realm of rebirth activities. Greed, anger, ignorance 
(3 poisons need to let go 1st)
All ppl are the creation of their minds.
Then can u nian fo (real valuable activities  the rests are useless)? All problems are due to cant let go of afflictions. Zhe xin give rise to Amituofo & Western Pureland. All existence is creation of the mind. How to let go of everything and seek rebirth in Pureland. All existence, this Saha world is creation of the mind / messy thoughts. Our body is our own manifestation of the (our) mind. Let go of the thoughts and mind, it will take u to next creation / manifestation. Practice but forget don't put practice into the mind. Be forgetful but only remember where you are going, Western Pureland so keep that in mind. This is called freedom of the mind (like depicted in Heart Sutra, freedom - zezai), our only aim which is zezai warng serng si fang ji le sher chieh. Love is the opposite of wisdom. Wisdom can only arise from compassion if you can turn love to compassion. Love can be a distraction to a cultivator. Love is not real. Reason stuck in 6 realms of retribution is love (because got form and conditions), everything of this nature is impermanent, hence love is not real, jia xiang. U cant come out. Dont let jia siang chi pien ni de xin. Dont be fooled by a false image / appearance. Use peng deng xin to console sentient beings, Buddha treat everyone like his father, the King. The thanxiang, cow agarwood no longer here. Go Western Pureland: (Haitao Fashi) Use 3 fu tien, kan ern de fu tien, zhun jing de fu tien, cher pei de fu tien. (Chin Kung Fashi) 3 fu, xiao shun fu mu / respective teachers - 1. Filial piety is the root. 2. Take refuges, san kwai yi / chi kai. 3. Sam sun yan ko (first, nian fo yin, cheng fo zhi ko). Ying guang fa shi. Wu liang yik 
zhi zhai fan now, Da zhi zai tien wang tha men di fu de guang ming bu nen kan dao.  In front of rulai, it's gone. Fan fu. We have 51 mental factors  
- sing so 11 san de (seong ying), fanuo de 26 (seong ying). The 10 recitation method x 9 times in a day, 2 minutes each time, nian nian bu warng Amituofo. The tipper is must be continuous....then u see improvement (kungfu). Must use chen xing. (Learn from the best learn from the Muslims. Let go to do prayer when the time comes.) Ying ye, 5 jie 10 sarn. Huan xi pu ser. Pu ser, cai yuen guenx2 lai. All existence are manifestation of karma, the fruits of causes (combination of effects). All are swihuan de. At one point, u are here, there, everywhere in the universe of existence, different space and time like a multiverse. This body is like a bowl of water with lots of salt added (a.k.a. sufferings which r the effects of ur past karma). Everything u have contact with is to let u 'suffer' all circumstances created in 
some past lives that u cant see or remember. The purpose of cultivation is to realised this truth (6 realms of rebirth). To break and escape this cycle is to achieve Buddhahood. Fastest way is to see all existences as one and of the same. If u destroy ur own defilements u are doing the same for others only when u have compassion and use 'peng deng, chi pei, po re xin'. This body is yeap bo. Life is like a bowl of salt water. Living it is like drinking it. You need to add more water not morr salt so it geys better over time. Get out of it, pour it back to the sea. You dont need to drink it. It is where water would return (thru true self discovery and enlightenment, practice of Buddhism to the highest level).
4 Universal Vows
Also sometimes called the Bodhisattva Vows, as they are essential to the Bodhisattva path of Mahāyāna Buddhism.
1. Sentient beings are limitless; I vow to liberate them.
Zhòngshēng wúbiān shìyuàn dù
Zhong Shen Wu Bian Ser Yuan Tu
2. Afflictions are endless; I vow to eradicate them.
Fánnǎo wújìn shìyuàn duàn
Fan Now Wu Jing Ser Yuan Tuan.
3. Teachings are infinite; I vow to learn them.
Fǎmén wúliàng shìyuàn xué
Fa Men Wu Liang Ser Yuan Shue.
4. Buddhahood is supreme; I vow to attain it. 
Fú dào wú shàng shìyuàn chéng
Fo Dao Wu Sharng Ser Yuan Chern.
Om Bodhicitta, Mudaba, Dayami. 
Oṃ Bodhicittam Utpādayāmi
Say this 4 things, ask to let go:
Ken ching qiu fangxia yuen:
1. Du bu qu. Sorry.
2. Ching yuan liang wo. Please forgive me.
3. Xie xie ni. Thank you.
4. Wo ai ni. I love you.
Duration of cultivation:
41 years. May 3rd, 2022 - May 3rd, 2062 (add one year worth of cultivation)
When the Prince, Siddhartha Gautama bids 
farewell to his father saying:
Even my love for Yasodhara…and my son...cannot remove the pain I feel.
For I know that they too will have to suffer,
grow old…and die.
Like you, like me, like us all. 
Yes. We must all die…
and be reborn…
and die again,
and be reborn and die,
and be reborn and die again.
No man can ever escape that curse.
Then that…is my task. I…will lift that curse.
At the moment of the attainment of awakening, the Buddha uttered the following:
"I travelled through the rounds of countless births through the cycle of existence,
Seeking but not finding the builder of this house [of 'self'] and again and again, I faced the suffering of new birth.
O Housebuilder, you have now been seen,
You shall not build a house again for me.
Your beams [defilements] have now been broken, Your ridgepole [ignorance] utterly shattered.
My mind has attained the supreme 'nibbana' ('blowing out')
Realised is the unconditioned, Achieved is the end of craving."
- Siddhartha Gautama
(Dhammapada Verses 153 and 154)
When attachment arises in our mind it does not feel harmful; on the contrary it usually feels beneficial. Therefore, it is important to contemplate repeatedly the faults of attachment and to recognize it as a delusion whose only function is to cause us harm.
Remember one cannot trust what you sees because ur eyes are imperfecg and cannot see the absolute truth. This organ limitation is bounded by it creations. It is created from delusion. What is deluded cannot revealed it undeluded nature. Just like the blind leading the blind...it is still within the same state which is called suffering. When u see without seeing and when u have sight of not using any organ is when the truth would be revealed and the absolute truth is the state overcoming delusion or samsara, the true escape of realm of rebirths. Is when u crossed the other shore. The state of relization, Buddhood, the enlightment. Life's biggest problem is reincarnation. Settle that, settle death using Buddha name recitation and seek rebirth in Western Pureland. Turn back bad effect. Power of Amitabha Buddha, power of others not you. Can u fly, cannot but plane and make u fly, power of others. Simplify cultivation, use 4 letter words or 6 letter words, most utmost technology to take u from all sufferings to ultimate bliss.
1 note · View note
Amitabha Buddha’s eighteenth Vow is the King of all Fundamental Vows
Start the day
Think of what u can take with u when u die? What u can take with u is 阿弥陀佛. Others like money, social status, property, food, love ones, feelings & etc. cannot be taken with u. For whatever u cant take with u, just let go...
1. Namo Amitabha x 10 times, 阿弥陀佛. 🙂
2. Sending gratitude to the Universe & Amitabha.
3. Wish that all beings can meet Amitabha and be reborn in Sukhavati - Western Pureland.
Zeng yip. hwazang. 6 gen needs sau hui lai become 1 yin.
You are undervalued.
32 creates everythg when combined.
Formula for success: Lou se (Honesty), Ting hua (listen to the Buddha), Zhen kan (really do), fang xia (let go).
May sentient beings caught in the various realms of rebirth be reborn soon in my land, so they can enjoy peace and happiness.  Exercising compassion constantly to save all beings, I will deliver them from Avici Hell.  “May sentient beings caught in the various realms of rebirth be reborn soon in my land, so they can enjoy peace and happiness.”  This is a message from Amitabha Buddha to all beings.
Understanding yuan chi (yun hei) is the starting point for cultivation to enlightenment. One tung everything will tung, means u understand the rise/fall in life (cycle), next step is let go, make vows (to zhong sarng), then go pureland whuch is the end is also the beginning is also the end. From then on u will start to save and liberate other, having learn from the enlightened ones on how to nian fo cheng fo. Lower down the expectations to achieved more. Set goals that are low so u could achieve more. Start something but start low. No frustration. The power to create depends on this, the more u let go, the more u create, the more u give the more u get, the more u desire the more u give love to others. Human has 84,000 yip need 84,000 fart mun to resolve. Nianfo is outside of all these fart mun and need to learn how meet the requirements to be reborn in Western Pureland. Must maintain 10 leem tao of buddha name and ying sing bu luan.
Amitabha Buddha’s eighteenth Vow is the King of all Fundamental Vows because all the benefits and merits of admiring the 47 vows eventually return us to the 18th, the Vow of Amitabha-Recitation for Rebirth. The 18th Vow states:
If, when I attain Buddhahood, sentient beings in the lands of the ten directions who sincerely and joyfully entrust themselves to me, desire to be born in my land, and call my Name, even ten times, should not be born there, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment. Excluded, however, are those who commit the five gravest offences and abuse the right Dharma.
Among the 48 vows, the words “should they not be born there, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment” are found only in the 18th Vow, not in the other two vows of rebirth, the 19th and 20th Vows. It is only the 18th Vow upon which the pristine Pure Land School is founded. If there were no 18th Vow, there would be no Pure Land School. 5 Skandhas. Materiality & spirituality. All buddhas have their own individual causal vows, but Amitabha’s 18th Vow is the foremost among them, so Amitabha Buddha is known as the Buddha of the Great Vow. It could be said that Amitabha was the example for Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, who is also known as the Bodhisattva of the Great Vow, as Ksitigarbha’s vow is the greatest among all bodhisattvas. Tam chan chi cheng yuk. UFO. Chung kuo tai. Third eye can open.
Universe started together when your xin (mind) is shakened. Yi than zhin too many 32,000. Xing fu yuan man. It is created even before any time and space. Alaya consciousness is created. How big? Bigger than the universe, it is zhe xin. Lun wui is to tai yim and change it. Meng sarm kin seng (sarm leng) where u have chap seng (dirty, tham chan chi, ko sarng wud too use to it this turned into wisdom, chi seng sickness). Sarng meng is sarng wud. Zhuan seng to become zhi wai. Fui fuk zhi seng, seng fat (cheng fo). Close to Enlightenment which is with no differentiation. Mona become pin deng. Xin fo peng deng. That is the state of Buddhahood. Time & space came from one source. Me but still got fa sheng. Western Pureland is created by it too of Amitabha Buddha but it does not have 'zhi xin dong nian'. Non differentiation mind. The truth behind the tooth. The papaya croach story. When you let go of yourself, you got the world. When you let go of this world, you will get Western Pureland. Tree is life. Today is world environmental day, Jun 5th 2022. A tree is a universe. Money is printed from destroying a universe (tree) and then used in ways to cause more harm to the planet, the universe. Change it dont chase for it, seek and manage. Everything you do, everyone you see, dharma help you see the truth all attachments become saha world, then suffering arise, everything is Amituofo, the way you see the world becomes Amituofo. Ching jing peng deng sure reborn in Pureland. Practicex3. Zhen fa meng ru lai (Kuan yin aeons ago. Kuan ser yin ru lai teaches Kuan Ser Yin pusa the disciple, er kern zhui ling). My true nature is the Buddha. Wui guai zhi sing. Dharma is the cure of sickness (Fart). Li (bu shen bu miet) ser jen, xiang sher jia. Xin is chen, ser is jia. True or false also dont be too attached.  Bu ji xing dong nien jiu ser the tips. With a sickness, ji, xing, dong, nien, fern, bie, zhe, zhuo (6 gen). Karn po. Yi cher yau wei fart, sern miet fa. Mei lai mei chu, sam mo se de mei you. Wo you 3 bao. Ching jing peng den. Arhat achieve zeng jue. Pusa practice Peng deng xin to achieve chen deng zeng jue, Buddha chen wu sarng chen deng jue. Ser jie wan wu ser yi ti. This body is my manifestation (you r the greatest magician). Dont do anything in saha world that makes you attached too much that you couldnt let go and seek rebirth in Western Pureland. Wu xin is Amituofo. Amituofo is my xin. Every ben xin is Amituofo. You seek yourself. Let yourself be found, not search outside but inside. The world is using a piece of paper to weigh everything, cert for qualification, paper owns land and houses. A piece of paper becomes everything, your self worth as light as a piece of paper....Jing zhen guo. Fang xia chai but ku, let go and burden's gone...Compassion is your focus, is your life. If no compassion then only left unhappiness and sorrow. Happiness in Saha world is the start of unhappiness. Go back to the neutral state is happiness, no unhappiness. You need to peace down, silent give rise to wisdom. My heart is my way place. Wo xin ju shi tao chang. Fo got 52 jie ti. Let go, become Arhat, let go become Pusa and let go become Buddha. 1 second contains 1600 leem which is rise / fall. Life & death. Change alaya to 9 sik then end, no more life & death. Wu wo.a
Chaotu prayers / retreat: Lunch by 1.30 pm on Pusa 8 kwan zhai day. Note: June 21st in china kills dog, Korea, Vietnam, use zhi lig, fa lig, fo lig. Then, it will combined at a great strength to change the world. 30 days be vegan. House concept, a house its like a cell. No matter how beautiful, you are trapped within. Your body is already like a house. Ur problem is u let go of ur house and came here, that is the dna effect of leaving China to Malaysia living a house there like grandpa. Let go 1. Love. 2. Ego. 3. Doubt. Then be born in western pureland. Amituofo + 1000 Guan ser yin pu sa (1 men). Use zhen sing and peng deng xin. Get away from yuan, called li yuan.
All problems are caused by yu wang, cause of 6 realms of rebirth, u loose Buddhahood becos of yu wang. Seong kung yeong, har pin po xi. Shang kung xia shi. Sau harng, sau kung yeong. Biggest fu is ching jeng sam but xin but ngok, warng sarng jeng to (pureland).
Call upon the 7 Buddhas x 3:
Namo Duo Po Yu Loi
Namo Bo Seng Yu Loi (zhun seng)
Namo Miew Sik Sarn Yu Loi
Namo Kong Pok Sarn Yu Loi
Namo Lee Po Wai Yu Loi (guard)
Namo Kam Lou Wong Yu Loi
Namo A Mi Tuo Yu Loi
1. Offering to Buddha
2. Serve Buddha house & others
3. No killing
4. Believe in cause & effect, seize all bad cause
10 ngok lun.
1. 1 sesame oil producer
2. 10 x sesame producer equal one prostitute center.
3. 10 x pros ctr equal one shop selling alcohol shop / club.
4. 10 x shop selling equal one ctr killing animal.
5. 10 x ctr killing animal equal one ngok by losat fart chut ka yan po fart fart.
3 kwai, 5 kai, 10 xin(十善)
Buddhist morality is codified in the form of 10 precepts (dasa-sīla), which require abstention from: (1) taking life; (2) taking what is not given; (3) committing sexual misconduct (interpreted as anything less than chastity for the monk and as sexual conduct contrary to proper social norms, such as adultery, for the layman); (4) engaging in false speech; (5) using intoxicants; (6) eating after midday; (7) participating in worldly amusements; (8) adorning the body with ornaments and using perfume; (9) sleeping on high and luxurious beds; and (10) accepting gold and silver.
Laymen are to observe the first five precepts (pañca-sīla) at all times. Occasionally, such as during the fortnightly fast day, they may observe eight precepts (aṣṭā-sīla; the first nine, with the seventh and eight combined as one). Normally, the full 10 vows are observed only by monks or nuns, who also follow the detailed monastic rules (see pātimokkha) that are a further elaboration of the precepts.
Start - Basic (10.30 am)
Mouth (om soli soli..), Body (om sowa..) x7
Om Ram (Om Ram....Svaha), Done 16.25
Om Chrine (7 times, one protect hse, three protects whole place, seven protects the country) x108, Done 15.25
Earth Gods of Five Directions mantra (Namo Samanta Buddhanam Om Dulu Dulu Di Wei Soha) x3 per day, Done 91
Stupa mantra x3 per day, Done 36
A va la ka kia 108, Done 15.75
Sakyamuni Buddha mantra 4x108 Done 8.75
Cundi Bodhisattva Mantra
(Namaḥ Saptānāṃ Samyaksaṃbuddha Koṭīnāṃ Tadyathā Oṃ Cale Cule Cundī) x108, Done 13.25
Oṃ Cale Cule Cundī Svāhā x 108, Done 77
Om Mani Padme Hum, A Ah Sha Sa Ma Ha - 8x108 Done 11.25
Usnisa Vijaya mantra, Om Bhrum Soha - 8x108 x 2, Done 11.25
Om Bhrum x 108, Done 11.25
Part 1 (11.30 am)
Om Vasudhare Svaha x 108, Done 3
Namo Samantha Buddhanam Om Mahakalaye Svaha x 108, Done 2.25
Om Mahakalaye Svaha x 1080, Done 1 (20 x 27 x 2 = 1080 or 60 x small beads)
Part 2 (12.30 am), Lunch @ 1.30 pm
Medicine Buddha long mantra, Medicine Buddha heart mantra x108, Done 10
Manjushri mantra, Done 6.25
Om Avira Hum Kachara Mum Soha, Done 6.25
Earth store mantra x108, Done 11.5
7th Past Parents mantra x108, Done 19.75
Long life mantra (Om sam) x108, Done 12.25
Om ye ye nan 4x108, Done  5.75
Food mantra 4x108, Done 5.75
Water offering mantra, Done 5.75
Liberate small water being mantra, Done 6.25
7 Buddha Names x3 per day, Done 34 days
Namo Bo bo Ti li, Cher (li) To li, Dan tuo ye tuo ye, Done 5.75
Om Maiyura Krante Svaha, Done 4
Om Ah Hum x108, Done 24
Part 3 (3.30 pm)
Nian fo - 108 (6 syllable), 2x108 (4 syllable) Done 3
Kuan yin - 108, Done 3
Great Strength - 108, Done 3
Ksitigarbha - 108, Done 3
Heart sutra, Done 3
Tadyatha om gate gate paragate  parasamgate bodhi svaha x108, Done 2
Compassionate mantra, Done 3
Om Du lin, Du lin, Jia Du lin, Soha, Done 2
Eliminate karma by 7 buddhas mantra 4x108, Done 1
Pureland rebirth mantra 4x108, Done 1
Om Pu Kam (Pureland), Light mantra 4x108, Done 1
Acala Heart Mantra (Namah Samanta Vajranam Ham), Done 4.75
Oṃ Bodhicittam Utpādayāmi, 14 x per day, Done 3,808
Part 4 (6.30 pm)
Tara mantras
- Green 4x108, Done 1.75
- Red 4x108, 100% Done 1.75
- White 4x108, Done 1.75
(Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayuh Punya Jñana Pustim Kuru Svaha)
Setrap mantra 4x108, Done 1.25
Dorje Shugden mantra; Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha, Done 1.25
~ Shize
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Shanti Siddhi Hung 4x108, Done 0.75
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Ayu Siddhi Hung, Done 0.75
During pandemic, Om Benza Wiki Bitana Chintau Kuru Ye Soha 4x108, Done 0.75
~ Gyenze
(Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha, Tseso Paljor Long Cho, Thamched Putrim Kuru Om) 1x108, Done 0.75
Part 5 - End (6.50 pm), Dinner @ 7.30 pm
Om Benza Satto Hung 4×108, Done 177.75
Multiplier mantra 4x108, Done 109.25
During 8 Kwanzai
34, 102, 238, 476, 918, 8.5
33, 99, 231, 462, 891, 8.25
31, 93, 217, 434, 837, 7.75
30, 90, 210, 420, 810, 7.5
28, 84, 196, 392, 756, 7
26, 78, 182, 364, 702, 6.5
25, 75, 175, 350, 675, 6.25
22, 66, 154, 308, 594, 5.5
20, 60, 140, 280, 540, 5
19, 57, 133, 266, 513, 4.75
15, 45, 105, 210, 405, 3.75
14, 42, 98, 196, 378, 3.5
13, 39, 91, 182, 351, 3.25
11, 33, 77, 154, 297, 2.75
10, 30, 70, 140, 270, 2.5
9, 27, 63, 126, 243, 2.25
8, 24, 56, 112, 216, 2
7, 21, 49, 98, 189, 1.75
6, 18, 42, 84, 162, 1.5
5, 15, 35, 70, 135, 1.25
4, 12, 28, 56, 108, 1
3, 9, 21, 42, 81, 0.75
2, 6, 14, 28, 54, 0.5
1, 3, 7, 14, 27, 0.25
(7x per day)
Surangama mantra, Done 95
Om Amarani Jivantiye Svaha, Done 76
Om Maitri Maha Maitri Maitriye Svaha, Done 76
Om Alolika Svaha, Done 95
Mahapratisara Bodhisattva
(Om Bhara Bhara Sambhara Sambhara Indriya Visudhani Ha Ha Ru Ru Ca Re Svaha), Done 76
Om Kurukulle Hrih Svaha, Done 76
Oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra guru padma siddhi hūṃ, Done 76
Je Tsongkhapa/Jungkapa, Done 76
(Om Ah Guru Benzadhara Sumati Kirti Siddhi Hum Hum)
Om Garbe Ragam Soha, Done 76
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Shanti Siddhi Hung ~ peace
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Ayu Siddhi Hung
~ health
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Punye Siddhi Hung
~ increase, done 187
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Washam Kuru Ho
~ control, done 187
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Rakya Rakya Hung
~ protection, done 187
Namkar Barzin (Om Biyada-Par Dhama-Dhara Soha), Done 95
Zambala of Five Directions (Om Zambala Gari Zanayeh Soha), Done 95
Yellow Zambala (Om Zambala Zalendraye Soha), Done 95
Om Samaya Cha, Done 76
Hum Mama Hum Ni Soha, Done 87
Medicine Buddha (3 times per day)
Namo bhagavate bhaiṣajyaguru-
vaiḍūryaprabhārājāya tathāgatāya
arhate samyaksaṃbuddhāya,
tadyathā oṃ bhaiṣajye bhaiṣajye bhaiṣajya-samudgate svāhā, Done 133
Makura (Buddhist Patron protector of the zodiac sign monkey), 7x per day Done 76
Bhaisajya-guru-vaidurya-prabha-raja Tathagata
(3 times per day)
Akshobhaya (Pudong Rulai), Done 79
- Namo bhagavate Akshobhaya, tathagataya arhate samyaksambuddhaya.
Tadyatha Om kamkani kamkani, Rochani rochani, Trotani trotani, Trasani trasani, Pratihana pratihana, Sarva karma paramparanime sarva sattvanancha svaha
Target: 60 per month with 5 to 6 days of 8 kwanzai. Each time 26 to 34, each day 10 to 15 times until reached 60 or more.
Mantra of Ferocious Eating 殘食咒為(Namah samanta vajranam, trat, amogha canda, maha rosana, sphataya, hum, tramaya, hum trat ham mam), Done 3
+ Cui sui chow
Om tore tore cha tore so poho
Om Lan Soha
Om Chrine
Om Brim
Om Pu Kam (Pureland).
Om Bodhicitta, Mudaba, Dayami.
Om abichanaga
Am Bi Chanaga.
Om da de da de mohe dade svaha.
Om Mani Padme Hung A a sa sa maha
Namo bhagavate...x4
Om Amida Ayu Dadi Soha
Food Mantra
Ganlu sui zhou
Namo bo bo ti li,  cher (li) to li, dan tuo ye tuo ye
Om mani facili hum
Om Ami Dewa Hrih
Om Kurukulle Hrih Svaha
“After I pass away and my pure doctrine is absent,
You will appear as an ordinary being,
Performing the deeds of a Buddha
And establishing the Joyful Land, the great Protector, In the Land of the Snows.”
-Buddha Shakyamuni in the Root Tantra of Manjushri
You need to nian fo then can achieve fo.
But now, you only nian 6 realm of rebirth how to achieve fo?
You are fo why cannot become fo?
Becos u never let go of the 6 realm of rebirth activities. Greed, anger, ignorance (3 poisons need to let go 1st)
All ppl are the creation of their minds.
Then can u nian fo (real valuable activities  the rests are useless)? All problems are due to cant let go of afflictions. Zhe xin give rise to Amituofo & Western Pureland. All existence is creation of the mind. How to let go of everything and seek rebirth in Pureland. All existence, this Saha world is creation of the mind / messy thoughts. Our body is our own manifestation of the (our) mind. Let go of the thoughts and mind, it will take u to next creation / manifestation. Practice but forget don't put practice into the mind. Be forgetful but only remember where you are going, Western Pureland so keep that in mind. This is called freedom of the mind (like depicted in Heart Sutra, freedom - zezai), our only aim which is zezai warng serng si fang ji le sher chieh. Love is the opposite of wisdom. Wisdom can only arise from compassion if you can turn love to compassion. Love can be a distraction to a cultivator. Love is not real. Reason stuck in 6 realms of retribution is love (because got form and conditions), everything of this nature is impermanent, hence love is not real, jia xiang. U cant come out. Dont let jia siang chi pien ni de xin. Dont be fooled by a false image / appearance. Use peng deng xin to console sentient beings, Buddha treat everyone like his father, the King. The thanxiang, cow agarwood no longer here. Go Western Pureland: (Haitao Fashi) Use 3 fu tien, kan ern de fu tien, zhun jing de fu tien, cher pei de fu tien. (Chin Kung Fashi) 3 fu, xiao shun fu mu / respective teachers - 1. Filial piety is the root. 2. Take refuges, san kwai yi / chi kai. 3. Sam sun yan ko (first, nian fo yin, cheng fo zhi ko). Ying guang fa shi. Wu liang yik zhi zhai fan now, Da zhi zai tien wang tha men di fu de guang ming bu nen kan dao.  In front of rulai, it's gone. Fan fu. We have 51 mental factors 
- sing so 11 san de (seong ying), fanuo de 26 (seong ying). The 10 recitation method x 9 times in a day, 2 minutes each time, nian nian bu warng Amituofo. The tipper is must be continuous....then u see improvement (kungfu). Must use chen xing. (Learn from the best learn from the Muslims. Let go to do prayer when the time comes.) Ying ye, 5 jie 10 sarn. Huan xi pu ser. Pu ser, cai yuen guenx2 lai. All existence are manifestation of karma, the fruits of causes (combination of effects). All are swihuan de. At one point, u are here, there, everywhere in the universe of existence, different space and time like a multiverse. This body is like a bowl of water with lots of salt added (a.k.a. sufferings which r the effects of ur past karma). Everything u have contact with is to let u 'suffer' all circumstances created in some past lives that u cant see or remember. The purpose of cultivation is to realised this truth (6 realms of rebirth). To break and escape this cycle is to achieve Buddhahood. Fastest way is to see all existences as one and of the same. If u destroy ur own defilements u are doing the same for others only when u have compassion and use 'peng deng, chi pei, po re xin'. This body is yeap bo. Life is like a bowl of salt water. Living it is like drinking it. You need to add more water not morr salt so it geys better over time. Get out of it, pour it back to the sea. You dont need to drink it. It is where water would return (thru true self discovery and enlightenment, practice of Buddhism to the highest level).
4 Universal Vows
Also sometimes called the Bodhisattva Vows, as they are essential to the Bodhisattva path of Mahāyāna Buddhism.
1. Sentient beings are limitless; I vow to liberate them.
Zhòngshēng wúbiān shìyuàn dù
Zhong Shen Wu Bian Ser Yuan Tu
2. Afflictions are endless; I vow to eradicate them.
Fánnǎo wújìn shìyuàn duàn
Fan Now Wu Jing Ser Yuan Tuan.
3. Teachings are infinite; I vow to learn them.
Fǎmén wúliàng shìyuàn xué
Fa Men Wu Liang Ser Yuan Shue.
4. Buddhahood is supreme; I vow to attain it.
Fú dào wú shàng shìyuàn chéng
Fo Dao Wu Sharng Ser Yuan Chern.
Om Bodhicitta, Mudaba, Dayami.
Oṃ Bodhicittam Utpādayāmi
Say this 4 things, ask to let go:
Ken ching qiu fangxia yuen:
1. Du bu qu. Sorry.
2. Ching yuan liang wo. Please forgive me.
3. Xie xie ni. Thank you.
4. Wo ai ni. I love you.
Duration of cultivation:
41 years. May 3rd, 2022 - May 3rd, 2062 (add one year worth of cultivation)
When the Prince, Siddhartha Gautama bids farewell to his father saying:
Even my love for Yasodhara…and my son…
cannot remove the pain I feel.
For I know that they too will have to suffer,
grow old…and die.
Like you, like me, like us all.
Yes. We must all die…
and be reborn…
and die again,
and be reborn and die,
and be reborn and die again.
No man can ever escape that curse.
Then that…is my task. I…will lift that curse.
At the moment of the attainment of awakening, the Buddha uttered the following:
"I travelled through the rounds of countless births through the cycle of existence,
Seeking but not finding the builder of this house [of 'self'] and again and again, I faced the suffering of new birth.
O Housebuilder, you have now been seen,
You shall not build a house again for me.
Your beams [defilements] have now been broken, Your ridgepole [ignorance] utterly shattered.
My mind has attained the supreme
'nibbana' ('blowing out')
Realised is the unconditioned, Achieved is the end of craving."
- Siddhartha Gautama
(Dhammapada Verses 153 and 154)
When attachment arises in our mind it does not feel harmful; on the contrary it usually feels beneficial. Therefore, it is important to contemplate repeatedly the faults of attachment and to recognize it as a delusion whose only function is to cause us harm.
Remember one cannot trust what you sees because ur eyes are imperfecg and cannot see the absolute truth. This organ limitation is bounded by it creations. It is created from delusion. What is deluded cannot revealed it undeluded nature. Just like the blind leading the blind...it is still within the same state which is called suffering. When u see without seeing and when u have sight of not using any organ is when the truth would be revealed and the absolute truth is the state overcoming delusion or samsara, the true escape of realm of rebirths. Is when u crossed the other shore. The state of relization, Buddhood, the enlightment. Life's biggest problem is reincarnation. Settle that, settle death using Buddha name recitation and seek rebirth in Western Pureland. Turn back bad effect. Power of Amitabha Buddha, power of others not you. Can u fly, cannot but plane and make u fly, power of others. Simplify cultivation, use 4 letter words or 6 letter words, most utmost technology to take u from all sufferings to ultimate bliss.
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idahobob · 1 year
I Have No Legs, and I Must Run from Yue Li on Vimeo.
An athlete who is past his prime is struggling with his injuries. The arrival of a talented new member of his team. plants the seeds of jealousy in the Protagonist s mind.
66TH BFI London Film Festival - Winner: Best Short Film
Palm Springs International ShortFest - 2023 | Special Mention: Best Live-Action Short 15 Minutes and Under
2022 Young Director Awards - Silver Screen
The 28th ifva Awards - Special Mentioned
Stockholm International Film Festival - nominated
Short of the Week - selected
21st IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival - nominated
Norwich Film Festival - nominated
CREW: STARRING Wen Xin, Xu Zhaobang, Yan Sanyuan
PRODUCED BY Sol Ye, Mo Zhulin
PRODUCTION DESIGNER Zeng Yingxin, Deng Ning, Wu Heng
EDITED BY Alvynn Diagne
MUSIC BY Peravich Punnatrakul, Adam Chimmanee
CAST Zheng Haotian, Zhao Yuan, Zheng Chenbo, Xu Huangwei, Zhao Wenjie, Dou Ronghui, Ling Hanrui, Xue Zexin, Liu Hao, Ren Haokai, Liu Zhankuo
LOCATION MANAGER Wang Gaosheng, Hu Xing
ASSISTANT CAMERA Hu Wenquan, Zhang Hengyuan
GAFFER Liu Aimin
SPARKS Xu Hongjie, Hu Xiaodong, Zhang Shuang
HAIRDRESSER Wang Sha, Bai Zirong
D.I.T Cheng Jianxin
PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Yang Linlin, Wang Zerui, Du Xiaoming
PROPS Master Zhang Ge
ASSISTANT PROPS Li Shuai, Ren Xiaoguang, Liu Qiang, Bai Baogui
DRIVER Zheng Yongsheng,Zhao Youcai, Liu Zhiqiang
0 notes
liurl · 1 year
I Have No Legs, and I Must Run from Yue Li on Vimeo.
An athlete who is past his prime is struggling with his injuries. The arrival of a talented new member of his team. plants the seeds of jealousy in the Protagonist s mind.
66TH BFI London Film Festival - Winner: Best Short Film
Palm Springs International ShortFest - 2023 | Special Mention: Best Live-Action Short 15 Minutes and Under
2022 Young Director Awards - Silver Screen
The 28th ifva Awards - Special Mentioned
Stockholm International Film Festival - nominated
Short of the Week - selected
21st IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival - nominated
Norwich Film Festival - nominated
CREW: STARRING Wen Xin, Xu Zhaobang, Yan Sanyuan
PRODUCED BY Sol Ye, Mo Zhulin
PRODUCTION DESIGNER Zeng Yingxin, Deng Ning, Wu Heng
EDITED BY Alvynn Diagne
MUSIC BY Peravich Punnatrakul, Adam Chimmanee
CAST Zheng Haotian, Zhao Yuan, Zheng Chenbo, Xu Huangwei, Zhao Wenjie, Dou Ronghui, Ling Hanrui, Xue Zexin, Liu Hao, Ren Haokai, Liu Zhankuo
LOCATION MANAGER Wang Gaosheng, Hu Xing
ASSISTANT CAMERA Hu Wenquan, Zhang Hengyuan
GAFFER Liu Aimin
SPARKS Xu Hongjie, Hu Xiaodong, Zhang Shuang
HAIRDRESSER Wang Sha, Bai Zirong
D.I.T Cheng Jianxin
PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Yang Linlin, Wang Zerui, Du Xiaoming
PROPS Master Zhang Ge
ASSISTANT PROPS Li Shuai, Ren Xiaoguang, Liu Qiang, Bai Baogui
DRIVER Zheng Yongsheng,Zhao Youcai, Liu Zhiqiang
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celotehku · 1 year
Catatan Fei Xin Tentang Jawa (1432 M)
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Dalam Xing Cha Sheng Lan (Pemandangan Indah Sepanjang Pelayaran) yang ditulis oleh Fei Xin ditemukan banyak catatan tentang negeri Jawa (Majapahit) yang isinya hampir sama dengan catatan Ma Huan. Fei Xin adalah juru tulis dan juru bahasa Laksamana Cheng Ho yang pernah empat kali ikut dalam pelayaran ke Samudera Barat. Berikut beberapa catatannya:
"Negeri Jawa di zaman purba disebut Du Po, berangkat dari Campa 20 hari bisa sampai. Negerinya luas dan penduduknya padat. Angkatan bersenjatanya kuat. Letak geografinya sangat strategis di antara negeri-negeri vasal. Kabarnya, di zaman purba negeri itu dirajai oleh setan, momok, hantu, siluman, dan ratusan anaknya sering makan daging darah manusia. Itulah negeri setan yang disebut dalam kitab Buddha, di mana manusia hampir habis dimakannya. Pada suatu hari tiba-tiba guntur menggelegar dan batu meretak. Di dalamnya ada seorang duduk bersemayam. Semua orang merasa heran, lalu menjunjungnya sebagai raja dan baginda pun memimpin tentara untuk mengusir semua setan siluman sehingga tidak membahayakan lagi dan seterusnya anak cucunya berkembang biak serta hidupnya aman sentosa. Menurut catatan kitab dimulai dari permulaan Dinasti Han hingga tahun 7 Tahun Xuan De Dinasti Ming (1432 M) negerinya sudah berlangsung 1.376 tahun."
Sudah tentu apa yang diceritakan oleh Fei Xin tentang keadaan negeri Jawa pada zaman purba itu hanya dongeng mitos saja yang diturunkan dari mulut ke mulut. Tampaknya cerita itu berkaitan dengan kisah legenda seorang raja pemakan manusia, Dewata Cengkar dari Medang Kamulan, yang telah diusir dari tempat kedudukannya oleh Ajisaka.
Namun, catatannya mengenai hubungan Jawa dengan Tiongkok bermula pada Dinasti Han pada pokoknya tidak menyimpang jauh dari kenyataan sejarah yang sebenarnya. Memang, dalam Hou Han Shu (Kepustakaan Dinasti Pasca Han) sudah ada catatan pertama bahwa pada tahun 131 M Ye Diao (Jawadwipa) dengan rajanya Diao Bian mengirim utusan untuk mempersembahkan upeti kepada Kaisar Dinasti Han dan hubungan antara Jawa dan Tiongkok berlangsung terus sampai zaman Dinasti Ming. Dikisahkan juga tentang ekspedisi Dinasti Yuan ke Jawa untuk menghukum Krtanagara yang dianggap telah menghina utusan Kubilai Khan. Ma Huan dan Fei Xin dalam karyanya masing-masing mencatatnya, tetapi dijelmakan dalam suatu dongeng mitos. Di bawah ini adalah catatan dari Fei Xin:
"Tuban adalah nama suatu tempat. Di pesisirnya ada sebuah kolam. Airnya tawar dan segar. Boleh diminum. Orang menyebutnya air suci. Konon pada zaman Dinasti Yuan hulubalang Shi Pi dan Gao Xing disuruh memimpin tentara ekspedisi ke negeri itu. Berbulan-bulan lamanya tidak turun hujan. Di kapal sudah kekurangan bahan makanan, prajuritnya kewalahan. Maka, Shi Pi dan Gao Xing pun menyembah Langit dan berdoa, 'Atas titah Kaisar, kami datang untuk menghukum negeri ini. Apabila Langit berkenan menganugerahkan air, maka kami dapat hidup. Kalau tidak, kami pasti mati.'
"Setelah berdoa, mereka menancapkan lembingnya ke tanah pasir laut yang masin dan getir dan air segera membludak keluar, segar dan manis. Prajurit berebutan minum. Hulubalang berkata,' Langit telah membantu kalian! ' Maka semangat juang tentara pun berkobar-kobar, menyerbu sambil berpekik-pekik. Jutaan tentara musuh menderita kekalahan dan mundur melarikan diri..... Kepala negerinya tertawan dan digiring ke Tiongkok. Setelah mengakui kesalahannya, ia pun dilepaskan, kemudian diangkat menjadi Raja Jawa."
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