#Chile ‘76
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dailyworldcinema · 7 months
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1976 / CHILE '76 (2022) dir. Manuela Martelli
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sesiondemadrugada · 1 year
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1976 (Manuela Martelli, 2022).
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oldfilmsflicker · 1 year
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new-to-me #726 - Chile '76
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cristalconnors · 7 months
Shortlisted: The Boy and the Heron / Eileen / Occupied City / Oppenheimer / Queens of the Qing Dynasty / Scarlet / A Thousand and One
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Original Score by Mariá Portugal
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Original Score by Robbie Robertson
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Original Score by Gabriel Chwojnik
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Original Score by Mica Levi
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Original Score by Jerskin Fendrix
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moviemosaics · 1 year
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Chile ‘76
directed by Manuela Martelli, 2022
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pacingmusings · 1 year
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Seen in 2023:
Chile '76 (Manuela Martelli), 2022
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fightoh · 2 years
Buying the seasons greetings in local stores is slightly cheaper than buying it online from Korea. Still expensive, but oh well.
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roco2808 · 9 months
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“If we say nothing about Israel’s brazen slaughter of Palestinians, even as it is livestreamed into the most private recesses of our personal lives, we are complicit in it.”
If we say nothing about Israel’s brazen slaughter of Palestinians, even as it is livestreamed into the most private recesses of our personal lives, we are complicit in it. Something in our moral selves will be altered forever. Are we going to simply stand by and watch while homes, hospitals, refugee camps, schools, universities, archives are bombed, a million people displaced, and dead children pulled out from under the rubble? The borders of Gaza are sealed. People have nowhere to go. They have no shelter, no food, no water. The United Nations says more than half the population is starving. And still they are being bombed relentlessly. Are we going to once again watch a whole people being dehumanised to the point where their annihilation does not matter?
The project of dehumanising Palestinians did not begin with Benyamin Netanyahu and his crew—it began decades ago.
In 2002, on the first anniversary of September 11 2001, I delivered a lecture called “Come September” in the United States in which I spoke about other anniversaries of September 11—the 1973 CIA-backed coup against President Salvador Allende in Chile on that auspicious date, and then the speech on September 11, 1990, of George W. Bush, Sr., then US President, to a joint session of Congress, announcing his government’s decision to go to war against Iraq. And then I spoke about Palestine. I will read this section out and you will see that if I hadn’t told you it was written 21 years ago, you’d think it was about today.
September 11th has a tragic resonance in the Middle East, too. On the 11th of September 1922, ignoring Arab outrage, the British government proclaimed a mandate in Palestine, a follow-up to the 1917 Balfour Declaration which imperial Britain issued, with its army massed outside the gates of Gaza. The Balfour Declaration promised European Zionists a national home for Jewish people. (At the time, the Empire on which the Sun Never Set was free to snatch and bequeath national homelands like a school bully distributes marbles.)
How carelessly imperial power vivisected ancient civilisations. Palestine and Kashmir are imperial Britain’s festering, blood-drenched gifts to the modern world. Both are fault lines in the raging international conflicts of today.
In 1937, Winston Churchill said of the Palestinians, I quote, “I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place.” That set the trend for the Israeli State’s attitude towards the Palestinians.
In 1969, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir said, “Palestinians do not exist.”
Her successor, Prime Minister Levi Eschol said, “What are Palestinians? When I came here (to Palestine), there were 250,000 non-Jews, mainly Arabs and Bedouins. It was a desert, more than underdeveloped. Nothing.” Prime Minister Menachem Begin called Palestinians “two-legged beasts”.
Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir called them “grasshoppers” who could be crushed. This is the language of Heads of State, not the words of ordinary people.
Thus began that terrible myth about the Land without a People for a People without a Land.
In 1947, the U.N. formally partitioned Palestine and allotted 55 per cent of Palestine’s land to the Zionists. Within a year, they had captured 76 per cent. On the 14th of May 1948 the State of Israel was declared. Minutes after the declaration, the United States recognized Israel. The West Bank was annexed by Jordan. The Gaza Strip came under Egyptian military control, and Palestine formally ceased to exist except in the minds and hearts of the hundreds of thousands of Palestinian people who became refugees.
In 1967, Israel occupied the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Over the decades there have been uprisings, wars, intifadas. Tens of thousands have lost their lives. Accords and treaties have been signed. Cease-fires declared and violated. But the bloodshed doesn’t end.
Palestine still remains illegally occupied. Its people live in inhuman conditions, in virtual Bantustans, where they are subjected to collective punishments, 24-hour curfews, where they are humiliated and brutalized on a daily basis. They never know when their homes will be demolished, when their children will be shot, when their precious trees will be cut, when their roads will be closed, when they will be allowed to walk down to the market to buy food and medicine. And when they will not. They live with no semblance of dignity. With not much hope in sight. They have no control over their lands, their security, their movement, their communication, their water supply. So when accords are signed, and words like “autonomy” and even “statehood” bandied about, it’s always worth asking: What sort of autonomy? What sort of State? What sort of rights will its citizens have? Young Palestinians who cannot control their anger turn themselves into human bombs and haunt Israel’s streets and public places, blowing themselves up, killing ordinary people, injecting terror into daily life, and eventually hardening both societies’ suspicion and mutual hatred of each other. Each bombing invites merciless reprisal and even more hardship on Palestinian people. But then suicide bombing is an act of individual despair, not a revolutionary tactic.
Although Palestinian attacks strike terror into Israeli citizens, they provide the perfect cover for the Israeli government’s daily incursions into Palestinian territory, the perfect excuse for old-fashioned, nineteenth-century colonialism, dressed up as a new-fashioned, 21st century “war”. Israel’s staunchest political and military ally is and always has been the US.
The US government has blocked, along with Israel, almost every UN resolution that sought a peaceful, equitable solution to the conflict. It has supported almost every war that Israel has fought. When Israel attacks Palestine, it is American missiles that smash through Palestinian homes. And every year Israel receives several billion dollars from the United States—taxpayers’ money.
Today every bomb that is dropped by Israel on the civilian population, every tank, and every bullet has the United States’ name on it. None of this would happen if the US wasn’t backing it wholeheartedly. All of us saw what happened at the meeting of the UN Security Council on December 8 when 13 member states voted for a ceasefire and the US voted against it. The disturbing video of the US Deputy Ambassador, a Black American, raising his hand to veto the resolution is burned into our brains. Some bitter commentators on the social media have called it Intersectional Imperialism.
Reading through the bureaucratese, what the US seemed to be saying is: Finish the Job. But Do it Kindly.
What lessons should we draw from this tragic conflict? Is it really impossible for Jewish people who suffered so cruelly themselves—more cruelly perhaps than any other people in history—to understand the vulnerability and the yearning of those whom they have displaced?
Does extreme suffering always kindle cruelty? What hope does this leave the human race with? What will happen to the Palestinian people in the event of a victory? When a nation without a state eventually proclaims a state, what kind of state will it be? What horrors will be perpetrated under its flag? Is it a separate state that we should be fighting for or, the rights to a life of liberty and dignity for everyone regardless of their ethnicity or religion?
Palestine was once a secular bulwark in the Middle East. But now the weak, undemocratic, by all accounts corrupt but avowedly nonsectarian PLO, is losing ground to Hamas, which espouses an overtly sectarian ideology and fights in the name of Islam. To quote from their manifesto: “we will be its soldiers and the firewood of its fire, which will burn the enemies”. The world is called upon to condemn suicide bombers. But can we ignore the long road they have journeyed on before they have arrived at this destination?
September 11, 1922 to September 11, 2002—80 years is a long time to have been waging war. Is there some advice the world can give the people of Palestine? Should they just take Golda Meir’s suggestion and make a real effort not to exist?”
The idea of the erasure, the annihilation, of Palestinians is being clearly articulated by Israeli political and military officials.
A US lawyer who has brought a case against the Biden administration for its “failure to prevent genocide”—which is a crime, too—spoke of how rare it is for genocidal intent to be so clearly and publicly articulated. Once they have achieved that goal, perhaps the plan is to have museums showcasing Palestinian culture and handicrafts, restaurants serving ethnic Palestinian food, maybe a Sound and Light show of how lively Old Gaza used to be—in the new Gaza Harbour at the head of the Ben Gurion canal project, which is supposedly being planned to rival the Suez Canal. Allegedly contracts for offshore drilling are already being signed.
Twenty-one years ago, when I delivered “Come September” in New Mexico, there was a kind of omertà in the US around Palestine. Those who spoke about it paid a huge price for doing so. Today the young are on the streets, led from the front by Jews as well as Palestinians, raging about what their government, the US government, is doing. Universities, including the most elite campuses, are on the boil. Capitalism is moving fast to shut them down. Donors are threatening to withhold funds, thereby deciding what American students may or may not say, and how they may or may not think. A shot to the heart of the foundational principles of a so-called liberal education.
Gone is any pretense of post-colonialism, multiculturalism, international law, the Geneva Conventions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Gone is any pretence of Free Speech or public morality. A “war” that lawyers and scholars of international law say meets all the legal criterion of a genocide is taking place in which the perpetrators have cast themselves as victims, the colonisers who run an apartheid state have cast themselves as the oppressed. In the US, to question this is to be charged with anti-Semitism, even if those questioning it are Jewish themselves.
It’s mind-bending. Even Israel—where dissident Israeli citizens like Gideon Levy are the most knowledgeable and incisive critics of Israeli actions—does not police speech in the way the US does (although that is rapidly changing, too). In the US, to speak of Intifada—uprising, resistance—in this case against genocide, against your own erasure—is considered to be a call for the genocide of Jews.
The only moral thing Palestinian civilians can do apparently is to die. The only legal thing the rest of us can do is to watch them die. And be silent. If not, we risk our scholarships, grants, lecture fees and livelihoods.”
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Arundhati Roy
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Astronomers discover iron winds on an ultra-hot exoplanet
An international team of astronomers, including scientists from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the PlanetS National Center of Competence in Research, has identified the presence of iron winds in the atmosphere of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-76 b.
This planet with its extreme conditions—over 2,000 degrees Celsius—is a prime target for researchers, who for several years have been dissecting the slightest physical mechanisms at work in its atmosphere. The presence of a ''rainbow'' was detected there last April, for example.
The discovery of iron winds sweeping across the day side of the planet offers new insight into the complex climatic dynamics of this distant world. These results can be found in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.
The ultra-hot exoplanet WASP-76 b has been the subject of numerous studies since its discovery in 2013, revealing numerous extreme atmospheric phenomena. Previous research by international teams, including those at the UNIGE, has identified iron rain on its night side, the presence of barium in its upper atmosphere and the existence of a ''rainbow'' at the boundary between its day and night sides.
"The work on WASP-76 b shows us just how extreme atmospheric conditions can be on ultra-hot Jupiters," explains David Ehrenreich, associate professor in the Astronomy Department at the UNIGE Faculty of Science, member of the NCCR PlanetS and co-author of the study. "In-depth analysis of this type of planet provides us with valuable information for a better understanding of planetary climates as a whole."
Flux of iron atoms
For this new study, the team of astronomers focused on the day side of WASP-76 b, which has a temperature of 2400 degrees Celsius, by observing it at high spectral resolution in the visible light. The main result was the detection of a stream of iron atoms moving from the lower to the upper layers of the planet's atmosphere.
"This is the first time that such detailed optical observations have been made on the day side of this exoplanet, providing key data on its atmospheric structure," explains Ana Rita Costa Silva, a doctoral student at the Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA), on a long term visit at the Astronomy Department of the UNIGE Faculty of Science and first author of the study.
"Our observations indicate the presence of powerful iron winds, probably fueled by a hot spot in the atmosphere."
Thanks to the ESPRESSO spectrograph
This breakthrough was made possible by the use of the ESPRESSO spectrograph, renowned for its precision and stability. The instrument, built largely by the UNIGE and installed on ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile, was used to acquire high-resolution spectra of the planet.
By analyzing this light, the team was able to identify the chemical signatures of iron moving in the planet's atmosphere. This technique, known as high-resolution emission spectroscopy, is particularly powerful for studying the atmospheres of exoplanets.
"ESPRESSO's ability to make such precise measurements is crucial," says Christophe Lovis, associate professor in the Astronomy Department at the UNIGE Faculty of Science, member of the NCCR PlanetS and co-author of the study. "This level of precision allows us to explore the dynamic processes in the atmospheres of exoplanets like WASP-76 b with an unprecedented level of detail."
A window on exoplanetary climates
The successive discoveries made on WASP-76 b are paving the way for a better understanding of exoplanetary climates, particularly in the case of gas giants subjected to extreme irradiation from their host star.
The detailed mapping of atmospheric winds and their chemical composition is helping astronomers to develop a complete model of the evolution of these distant worlds. By detecting iron winds on WASP-76 b, the astronomers are providing crucial new information for building 3D models of this exoplanet's climate, which could one day help them predict similar phenomena on other distant planets.
IMAGE: WASP-76 b has been the subject of numerous studies since its discovery in 2013. The temperature there reaches 2,400 degrees Celsius. Credit: Tania Cunha (Planetário do Porto - Centro Ciência Viva/Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço)
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joannanora · 1 year
Sony’s Screen Gems has moved up the domestic release for its rom-com Love Again, starring Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Sam Heughan and Celine Dion as herself, from May 12th to May 5th.
The film evacuates a highly crowded weekend that will see the opening of the Penélope Cruz drama L’immensità, IFC Films’ buzzy Berlin title BlackBerry, Robert Rodriguez’s Ben Affleck starrer Hypnotic, Focus Features’ Book Club: The Next Chapter, Viva Pictures’ animated pic Rally Road Racers, Sony’s manga adaptation Knights of the Zodiac, Sony Pictures Classics’ Yogi Berra doc It Ain’t Over and IFC Films’ Trace Lysette-led drama Monica.
Competitors on its new weekend include Lionsgate’s action-thriller One Ranger with Thomas Jane and John Malkovich, Disney/Marvel’s franchise ender Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and Kino Lorber’s drama Chile ’76.
Written and directed by Jim Strouse — the filmmaker behind titles including The Incredible Jessica James, People Places Things, The Winning Season and Grace Is Gone — Love Again asks the question, what if a random text message led to the love of your life? Pic follows Mira Ray (Jonas), who while dealing with the loss of her fiancé, sends a series of romantic texts to his old cell phone number…not realizing the number was reassigned to Rob Burns’ (Heughan) new work phone. A journalist, Rob is captivated by the honesty in the beautifully confessional texts. When he’s assigned to write a profile of megastar Celine Dion, he enlists her help in figuring out how to meet Mira in person… and win her heart.
The film, featuring multiple new songs from Dion, is produced by Basil Iwanyk, Erica Lee and Esther Hornstein. Exec producers are Doug Belgrad, Sophie Cassidy, Louise Killin, Jonathan Fuhrman and Dion.
Screen Gems will on Friday release its supernatural horror The Pope’s Exorcist, starring Russell Crowe. Other upcoming titles from the studio include the Bert Kreischer vehicle The Machine (May 26), Insidious: The Red Door (July 7) and the horror pic They Listen (August 25) with Katherine Waterson and John Cho.
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peaceofmoon4 · 2 years
*ANA Y MIA* (créditos a quién corresponda)
_Aquí tienes unos consejos si eres nuev@ en esto_
●Lo primero que tienen que hacer es ir poco a poco disminuyendo sus calorías, ¿Que pasa si dejan de comer de pronto? Pueden desmayarse fácilmente, pueden dañar mucho su organismo.
●Si antes no hacían ejercicio pueden empezar por ir a caminar unos 10 o 20 minutos, hacer 30 abdominales o 15, hacer 15 sentadillas, mínimo 2 minutos de salto de tijera, pueden bailar cuando estén solas.
●Empiecen a comer más verduras, cuando tengan ansiedad pueden comer lechuga, pepino. El pepino lo pueden hacer en rodajas añadirle agua y un poco de limón sin sal.
●No le comenten a nadie sobre esto, será nuestro secreto.👑🤭
●Pasen haciendo cosas durante el día así se distraen un poco y no piensan en comida.
●Si eres MIA tienes que entender que la primera vez que intentes vomitar te va a costar, pero tranquila solo es falta de práctica, trata de tomar mucha agua en cada bocado de comida es más fácil de vomitar, evita comer pan es muy doloroso vomitarlo, el chile picante también es doloroso y la carne.
●Cuando estés sola pon comida en un plato y lo ensucias pero NUNCA COMAS LA COMIDA, SOLO ENSUCIA EL PLATO, lo pones en la pila y así tus padres van a pensar que comiste.
●No vomite si están tus padres en casa, pueden empezar a sospechar.
_Si te entra antojo para comer algo, escucha canciones de Ana y mia_
*Canciones de Ana y Mia*
• Angels by the Wings – Sia
• Invisible – Skylar Grey
• Courage – Superchik
• Let you down – Nf
• Habits – To Love
• Beautiful – Cristina Aguilera
• Breath me – Sia
• 90 - 60 - 90 – La flor Villagra
• I'm in here – Sia
• Six feet under – Billie Eilish
• You should see me in a crown – Billie Eilish
• Otro día más – Uhlala
• Weightless
• Espejismos – Porta
• Mirror, mirror – Edith
Si no puedes resistir la tentación, come fruta pero antes infórmate de las calorías
Manzana 52 kcal
Piña 55 kcal
Albaricoque. 43 kcal
Pera 55 kcal
Plátano 88 kcal
Arándano 35 kcal
Naranja 45 kcal
Moras 43 kcal
Arándano rojo 46 kcal
Fresa 32 kcal
Higo 107 kcal
Pomelo 50 kcal
Granada 74 kcal
Escaramujo 162 kcal
Melón 54 kcal
Frambuesas 36 kcal
Jengibre 80 kcal
Kiwi 51 kcal
Cerezas 50 kcal
Lichi 66 kcal
Mandarina 50 kcal
Mango 62 kcal
Maracuyá 97 kcal
Ciruela 47 kcal
Melocotón 41 kcal
Membrillo 38 kcal
Ruibarbo 21 kcal
Sandía 30 kcal
Uvas 70 kcal
Limón 35 kcal
Berenjena 24 kcal
Alcachofa 47 kcal
Aguacate 160 kcal
Coliflor 25 kcal
Brócoli 35 kcal
Judías 25 kcal
Berro de agua 19 kcal
Champiñones 22 kcal
Col china 13 kcal
Guindilla 40 kcal
Guisantes 82 kcal
Lechuga 15 kcal
Hinojo 31 kcal
Pepino 15 kcal
Col rizada 49 kcal
Zanahoria 36 kcal
Patata 86 kcal
Colinabo 27 kcal
Calabaza 19 kcal
Puerro 31 kcal
Maíz 108 kcal
Acelga 19 kcal
Pimiento 21 kcal
Rabanitos 16 kcal
Remolacha 43 kcal
Col lombarda 29 kcal
Rúcula 25 kcal
Espárrago 18 kcal
Espinaca 23 kcal
Boniato 76 kcal
Calabacín 20 kcal
Cebolla 40 kcal
Salchicha 375 kcal
Pato 375 kcal
Ciervo 375 kcal
Pechuga de pollo 75 kcal
Ternera 94 kcal
Cordero 178 kcal
Pechuga de pavo 111 kcal
Salami 507 kcal
Jamón 335 kcal
Beicon 645 kcal
Filete de vacuno 115 kcal
Carne picada de vacuno 212 kcal
Filete de nalga 162 kcal
Filete de cerdo 171 kcal
Carne grasa de cerdo 311 kcal
Carne magra de cerdo 143 kcal
Escalope de cerdo 105 kcal
Salchicha de Viena 375 kcal
Trucha 50 kcal
Trucha 50 kcal
Lucio 50 kcal
Arenque 146 kcal
Salmón 137 kcal
Filete de perca 111 kcal
Abadejo 83 kcal
Atún 144 kcal
Suero de mantequilla 38 kcal
Crème fraîche 292 kcal
Queso cheddar 403 kcal
Queso emmental 382 kcal
Queso edam 251 kcal
Huevo 155 kcal
Queso cottage 104 kcal
Leche de coco 136 kcal
Leche 47 kcal
Queso quark desnatado 67 kcal
Yogur natural 62 kcal
Nata 204 kcal
Crema agria 162 kcal
Nata agria 115 kcal
Smetana 240 kcal
Fideos cocidos 142 kcal
Pasta de espelta cocida 128 kcal
Farfalle cocidas 147 kcal
Tallarines cocidos 159 kcal
Fideos de cristal cocidos 124 kcal
Espaguetis integrales cocidos 152 kcal
Baguette 248 kcal
Bretzel 217 kcal
Chapata 333 kcal
Cruasán 393 kcal
Naan 290 kcal
Pan de pita 290 kcal
Pumpernickel 181 kcal
Pan de molde integral 244 kcal
Tortilla integral 170 kcal
Rollo de canela 384 kcal
Cerveza 223 kcal
Gin-tonic 377 kcal
Vodka 215 kcal
Vino 293 kcal
Hamburguesa con queso 250 kcal
Patatas fritas 539 kcal
Salchicha con curry 288 kcal
Döner 215 kcal
Galletas con chocolate 512 kcal
Döner vegetariano 107 kcal
Pizza margarita 199 kcal
Pizza con salami 245 kcal
Patatas fritas 291 kcal
Hamburguesa 291 kcal
Nutella 547 kcal
_Si estas aburrid@, puedes ver películas sobre Ana y mia_
*17 Película sobre Ana y mía*
1.-Secreto compartido
2.-Una hija casi perfecta
3.-Sharing the Secret
4.-Perfect Body
5.-Amigas hasta la muerte
6.-Por el bien de Nancy
7.-Hambre al límite
8.-Inocencia interrumpida
9.-Cisne negro
10.-Primo Amore
11.-Malos hábitos
14.-Hungry Hearts
15.-La vida es dulce (Life is Sweet, 1990)
16.-Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (1987)
_Aquí tienes diferentes tips_
*Tips para mantener el Ayuno*
1.-Prepararse mental y espiritualmente para el ayuno: Es muy importante que sepas lo que estas haciendo y porque lo estas haciendo, la razón del ayuno no es tener el estomago vacío... es entrar en la presencia de Ana y llenarte por completo de ella.
2.-Encontrar que hacer: algo muy importante es que siempre te mantengas ocupada, salgas de tu casa, hagas alguna actividad como leer un libro, paginas de Ana y Mia o simplemente duermas para evitar la ansiedad, especialmente en los primeros tres dias.
3.-No le digas a nadie: es de suma importancia que no le cuentes a nadie que estas ayunando.
Cuando empieces a bajar de peso la gente te va a halagar y preguntarte como lo hiciste.. simplemente contesta que estas a dieta, ni se te ocurra mencionar cosas como que no comes, Tu ayuno es entre Ana y tú y nadie mas tiene porque saberlo!
4.-Date un banquete de Ana: Durante tu ayuno vas a tener que SATURARTE DE ANA! Todo tiene que ver con ella ahora. Comenzaras a desarrollar una mente nueva. Estas durante un ayuno, estas llena de energía, no necesitas comida! La palabra de Ana te alimenta lo suficiente para vivir.
5.-No sucumbas a la tentación: Tocate las costillitas, quieres sentirlas bien verdad? si evitas ese alimento ahora mañana tendrás tus recompensas. No desperdicies la oportunidad de descubrir lo placentero que es el ayuno a partir de los 10 dias! Tu perfecta chance para conocer a Ana en la plenitud y el camino a la perfección.
6.-Mantenerte SIEMPRE hidratada: Quizás despues del dia 10 ya no sientas sed tampoco pero es muy importante que bebas mucha agua para facilitar el proceso de cetosis en el cuerpo y que este no se ingenie para sacar agua de otras partes de donde no debería!
*Las voy a ayudar para ser PERFECTAS*🍓💜
∆T I P S∆
• *Si te da mucha hambre , NO COMAS. Si fumas mejor hazlo, Y si te sigue dando hambre usa una liga y jala de ella*•
*Hay castigos si, para cuando comes y no vomitas , Si comes algo que no debías parate frente al espejo y repite una y otra vez lo gorda que eres y por eso nadie te quiere y si sigues fallando seguirás siendo G O R D A*
*Usa ropa grande así nadie va a sospechar que estás adelgazando*
*NO debes contarle a nadie lo que haces, lo único que vas a conseguir es que te quieran internar*
*Si Eres Mia y tus padres saben de nuestro estilo de vida demuestrales que estas bien, que no sospechen*
*Para vomitar, pon musica en el baño y asi no se notara lo que estas haciendo si acabas de comer y no quieres que sospechen di que te sentó mal la comida y ve al baño y trata de no hacer tanto ruido*
Puedes recortar fotos de las revistas de modelos, te servirá mucho
*Pesate todos los dias*🧘🏻‍♀
*Trata de que no pase 30 minutos de lo que comiste, vomita lo más rápido que puedas porque las calorías se introducen en tu enorme cuerpo*🐷🐖
*Piensa que no es un acto purgativo, sino como un método de perfección*
*Mete la comida en bolsas y luego tiralos*
*Has muchisimo ejercicio, puedes poner un espejo frente tuyo y recordarte lo gorda que eres* 🐗🚵🏻‍♀🏊🏻‍♀🏋🏻‍♀
01♡ Si trabajas o estas en la escuela di en tu casa que no quieres comer porque ya comiste en la escuela y en la escuela di que comiste en tu casa 🎈
02♡ Di que comiste con amigas/os en la calle y no tienes hambre 🎈
03♡ Discúlpate por un dolor de cabeza 🎈
04♡ En las fiestas di que te duele el estomago nadie te forzara a comer🎈
05♡ Mastica la comida y has como que vas a tomar agua y tira la comida en el vaso ( debe ser un vaso oscuro sin liquido y que nadie este cerca como para verlo ) 🎈
06♡ Di que comerás en tu cuarto y tira la comida al baño🎈
07♡ Di que estas ocupada y comerás luego sin hacerlo después 🎈
08♡ Pon la comida masticada en una servilleta y ve guardandolas en tu bolso🎈
09♡ Corta la comida y muévela en el plato juega con ella, mientras entretén con una buena platica pensaran que estás comiendo 🎈
10♡ Cuando digas que comiste ensucia los platos para que si lo crean o ponlos mojados en la mesa como que los lavaste 🎈
11♡ Di que te da hambre mas temprano y prefieres llevar lonche así no te forzan a verte comer en casa🎈
12♡ Si no aguantas y quieres comer hazlo cuando te estén viendo para que sepan que si comes no desperdicies calorías comiendo a escondidas🎈
13♡ Da vueltas por la cocina abre el refri, comenzaran a sospechar si nunca vas🎈
14♡ Compra comida en lata o sopas instantáneas algo que puedas guardar sin que se eche a perder en tu cuarto luego en unos días lo pones en la lacena de nuevo y creerán que compraste mas🎈
15♡ Cuando no tengas opción y debas comer trata de comer verduras y tirar lo demás has como que lo comes en la cocina mientras preparas🎈
16♡ Ve a oler la comida y di que huele delicioso que al rato comes que tienes trabajo que hacer🎈
17♡ Con extraños puedes decir que eres alérgica al chocolate o al azúcar refinado🎈
18♡ Conviértete en vegetariana/o🎈
19♡ Sola usa ropa apretada para recordarte lo gorda que estas pero fuera usa ropa holgada así nadie vera que estas adelgazando🎈
20♡ Si te preguntan por que dieta llevas y que la pases, di que solo comes mas sano y haces ejercicio🎈
21♡ Inscribete en un gimnasio además de tonificar el cuerpo puedes decir que comiste ahí🎈
22♡ No traigas mas que el dinero suficiente así no podrás comprar comida aunque quieras🎈
23♡ Nunca demuestres debilidad diciendo que tienes hambre🎈
24♡ Nunca digas que odias la comida o te da asco🎈
25♡ No confíes en nadie tus planes muchos no entienden tu forma de pensar🎈
26♡ Cuando tengas hambre prepara comida nada mejor que olerla y entretenerte cerca de la comida🎈
27♡ Cuando hagas comida has algo que no te guste o que seas alérgica/o o has que sepa feo ponle jabón o mucha sal así aunque quieras no podrás comerla🎈
28♡ Cuando te obliguen a comer no les demuestres tu coraje o frustración solo levantaras sospechas come normal ya podrás llorar que fallaste y reprimirte a solas o simplemente has un ayuno mas fuerte los siguientes días🎈
29♡ Muchas personas se cortan para auto castigarse cuando fallan, si lo haces no lo hagas muy profundo no querras tener cicatrices, y hazlo en lugares que normalmente no te vean como las piernas o el estomago. O simplemente en todo caso puedes usar algún producto que te ayude a borrarlas, como cicatricure 🎈
30♡ Anota todo lo que comes así podrás saber si vas bien o no 🎈
31♡ Pesate seguido veras que si cambia el peso de una día a otro🎈
32♡ Ocupa tu tiempo buscando otras pro-anas con quien platicar, te sorprenderá la cantidad de gente y paginas que existen🎈
33♡ Trata de investigar todo lo relacionado con pro-anas, aparte de entretenido veras como otras han logrado tu sueño dándote ánimos de seguir adelante🎈
34♡ Toma agua helada, bañate con agua helada pon el clima en frío y no te arropes, tu cuerpo quemara calorías tratando de mantener la temperatura estable🎈
35♡ No dejes de comer por mucho tiempo trata de llevar un diario para registrar todo lo que llevas a tu boca🎈
36♡ Cada caloría cuenta, y aunque es algo muy tonto por si no lo sabes el semen tiene 15 calorías por cada eyaculación🎈
37♡ Cuando tengas mucha hambre cepíllate los dientes o prueba algo de mentala menta hace que el apetito se acabe y tengas sensación de llena🎈
38♡ Después de comer cepíllate los dientes inmediatamente eso corta la sensación de sabor a comida y ya no querrás mas🎈
39♡ Al oler algo muy muy dulce tu cuerpo lo registra como que lo has comido, venden inhaladores con aromas a plátano y vainillas, cosas muy empalagosas sino pues comprate algún aromatizante para esos momentos🎈
40♡ Si te llegas a sentir mareada come un tomate la reacción es como comer un chocolate🎈
41♡ No todo lo light o 0% grasa es dietético, muchas veces no tiene grasa pero esta lleno de calorías🎈
42♡ Traza una meta a corto plazo y real así te sentirás feliz cuando lo logres y podrás fijar una nueva🎈
43♡ Pon un premio por kilos por ejemplo cada 2 kilos comprate algo nuevo o sal algún lado que tenias muchas ganas de ir🎈
44♡ No pelees con los que hablan mas de las personas delgadas o hacen alusión a comentarios como anoréxica o bulímica, o cosas así, mantente al margen ellos no entienden tu eres mas que ellos🎈
45♡ Trata de comprar una báscula para tener en casa ya que para que el peso sea el correcto al 100% debe ser sin ropa en la mañana mejor si es a la misma hora y en la misma báscula, sino los números 🎈
46♡ Si ves que aumentaste unos gramos no te preocupes checa si no es cuandote toca el período por la retención de agua aumentas un poco que después bajas solo🎈
47♡ Muchas veces las cosas integrales o dietéticas te engordan mas que las normales siempre lee el cuadro de nutrición🎈
48♡ Cuando salgas con amigos trata de verlos en lugares que no sean exclusivos para comer como restaurantes ya que seria ilógico que se citen en un restaurante y tu ya vayas comida ¿verdad?🎈
49♡ Trata de convivir con gente que piense igual que tu y veras que no estas sola🎈
50♡ Cuando te sientas feliz y a gusto con tu cuerpo ¡STOP!🎈
🎈 ¿ *Queremos ser bellas no muertas verdad* ?🎈
💜💜💜Consejos Para Vomitar:
1⃣aprender a vomitar,no es solo cuestion de tecnica,sino de practica con la bulimia,ya que una de las cosas que necesitas es que los musculos que producen el vomito se desarrollen y,como cualquier musculo,solo se desarrollan con practica.Al principio puede costar y hasta doler,pero en dos o tres semanas vas a poder sacarte de adentro casi toda la comida que te engorda y practicamente sin esfuerzo ni dolor.You wiil be the perfect bulimic!.
2⃣Vomitar te ayuda a eliminar el 85% de las calorias que comes,pero solo si haces en la primera hora despues del primer bocado(yo te recomiendo que lo vomites todo despues de 20 minutos de haber terminado de comer).
Luego cuanto mas tiempo pasa,mas gorda estas.
ademas de hecho si bien vas a eliminar ese 85% lo haces vaciando tu estomago,asi que vas a andar con hambre muy pronto,ademas perdes el 90% del liquido(que se absorbe en el intestino grueso)asi que siempre despues de vomitar trata de tomar al menos dos vasos de agua para llenar el estomago y recuperar liquido.
3⃣Intenta no vomitar mas de 2 o 3 veces al dia y vas a estar bien.
4⃣vomitar es la mejorforma de verse bien,porque podes comer todo lo que otras que estan a dieta no pueden,simplemente lo solucionas con tus deditos mas tarde.sin embargo nunca desestimes una buena dosis de ejercicio y ayuno,de hecho la mejor comincion para estar perfecta es la bulimia y anorexia,pero siempre informate antes de hacer algo,hay riesgos,todo depende de vos de TU control sobre el tema.
Como producir el vomito?
👉🏻La cosa es simple,te paras frente a un inodoro,un balde,o simplemente en la bañera y te agachas sin flexionar las rodillas para que la flexion precione tu estomago,usa el dedo indice y el mayor para masajear suavemente el punto donde nace la garganta,detras y debajo de la campanilla(suavemente!)el reflejo de vomito va a aparecer casi de inmediato,lo dificil las primeras veces va ser dejar tus dedos ahi,de hecho seguir masajeando la zona aun a pesar de los reflejos ya que sucede que estos son tan molestos como el verdadero vomito,pero no te sirven para nada,y si sacas el dedo,fueron inutiles,trabajaste por nada,y vas a tener que volver a comenzar.
🙅🏻Si tenes uñas largas vas a tener que cortarte por lo menos las de esos dos dedos y mantenelas limadas y bien suaves(o directamente cortate la de todos los dedos,no vas a andar con algunas uñas largas y otras cortas!no que horror!).
No te desesperes si las primeras veces no sale todo,de hecho eso es lo normal,al principio empieza con un vomito al dia,o incluso cada dos dias,aunque no hayas comido nada,toma medio litro de agua y ejercita tus habilidades purgatorias,y a medida que veas que no te duele anda aumentando la frecuencia, *PERO NO TE PASES DE 3 O 4 VECES AL DIA*.y observa bien tu salud,no queres jugar con eso,creeme.
🍽Las mejores comidas para Vomitar:
En realidad cualquier cosa puede ser vomitada,pero al principio querras probar con cosas faciles para ir aprendiendo,como helado(tanto como puedas comer!!)y cosas liquidas o sino muy bien masticadas.cuando comas SIEMPRE toma tanta agua como puedas.esto no solo diluye tu jugos gastricos haciendo la digestion mas lenta,tambien te hidrata y te llena mas rapido,con que ademas de purgarte mas facil,comes menos.
Si bien el alcohol suele ser una de las cosas que mas facilita el vomito,lo ideal es en dosis pequeñas,el alcohol nunca es buen amigo(engorda).
🚫Nunca tomes un medicamento hecho para producir vomitos!!estos son solo para situaciones de emergencia medica y pueden producir la muerte.siempre podes contar con tus dedos,es solo una cuestion de practica. 👌🏻
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soulmusicsongs · 1 year
Funky Flute in 15 tracks
Funky Flute Grooves is a collection of 15 of the best funky flute grooves.
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Basa Bongo - The Yoruba Singers (Basa Bongo / Black Pepper, 1975)
Bej Ge Le - Polish Radio Orchestra, Peter Sander And His Players – Melody And Rhythm Volume 10, 1976)
Cecen Kizi - Nathan Davis (The Best Of Nathan Davis '65-76, 2009)
Daddy, Daddy Come Dig Me - Inmates and Ex-Inmates (From The Cold Jaws Of Prison, 1971) 
Echoes - Leon Thomas (Spirits Known And Unknown, 1969)
Fonky Flute - James Rivers (Fonky Flute / Unchained Melody, 1969)
Happy People - Pepe Lienhard Sextett (Happy People, 1973)
Honey Chile - Detroit City Limits (Honey Chile / Ninety Eight Cents Plus Tax, 1968)
Hot Mama - Soul Partners (Watch Me Now / Hot Mama, 196?)
King Porter Stomp - The Airmen Of Note (Two Sides Of The Airmen Of Note, 1973)
Music Man (Part II) - Pleasure Web (Music Man (Part I) / Music Man (Part II), 1973)
My Dear Groovin’ - Sunbirds (Zagara, 1973)
Mucho Funky - Señor Soul (Double Shot Records, 1968)
Number One - Greenlight (Ave Maria / Number One, 1971)
Obeah Woman - Priscilla Rollins ‎(Letter From Miami / Obeah Woman, 1973)
More Funky Flute
Funky Flute Grooves
Funky Flute Grooves in 25 tracks
Funky Flute Grooves
Funky Flute in 20 tracks
Funky Flute in 20 tracks
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ongolecharles · 3 months
Where does your country stand?
Rank Country
---- -------
1 🇮🇸 Iceland
2 🇮🇪 Ireland
3 🇦🇹 Austria
4 🇳🇿 New Zealand
5 🇸🇬 Singapore
6 🇨🇭 Switzerland
7 🇵🇹 Portugal
8 🇩🇰 Denmark
9 🇸🇮 Slovenia
10 🇲🇾Malaysia
11 🇨🇦 Canada
12 🇨🇿 Czech Republic
13 🇫🇮 Finland
14 🇭🇺 Hungary
15 🇭🇷 Croatia
16 🇧🇪 Belgium
17 🇯🇵 Japan
18 🇳🇱Netherlands
19 🇦🇺 Australia
20 🇩🇪Germany
21 🇧🇹 Bhutan
22 🇲🇺 Mauritius
23 🇪🇸 Spain
24 🇪🇪 Estonia
25 🇰🇼 Kuwait
26 🇧🇬 Bulgaria
27 🇸🇰 Slovak Republic
28 🇳🇴 Norway
29 🇶🇦 Qatar
30 🇱🇻 Latvia
31 🇱🇹Lithuania
32 🇵🇱 Poland
33 🇮🇹 Italy
34 🇬🇧United Kingdom
35 🇲🇪Montenegro
36 🇷🇴Romania
37 🇴🇲 Oman
38 🇲🇰North Macedonia
39 🇸🇪 Sweden
40 🇬🇷 Greece
41 🇻🇳 Vietnam
42 🇦🇱 Albania
43 🇹🇼 Taiwan
44 🇲🇬Madagascar
45 🇲🇳Mongolia
46 🇰🇷South Korea
47 🇦🇷Argentina
48 🇮🇩Indonesia
49 🇱🇦Lao P.D.R.
50 🇧🇼Botswana
51 🇹🇱Timor-Leste
52 🇺🇾Uruguay
53 🇦🇪United Arab Emirates
54 🇷🇸 Serbia
55 🇬🇭 Ghana
56 🇽🇰 Kosovo
57 🇿🇲 Zambia
58 🇨🇷 Costa Rica
59 🇰🇿Kazakhstan
60 🇺🇿Uzbekistan
61 🇧🇦 Bosnia and Herzegovina
62 🇳🇦 Namibia
63 🇲🇩 Moldova
64 🇨🇱 Chile
65 🇹🇿Tanzania
66 🇸🇱 Sierra Leone
67 🇯🇴 Jordan
68 🇧🇴 Bolivia
69 🇱🇷 Liberia
70 🇰🇭Cambodia
71 🇹🇯Tajikistan
72 🇦🇴 Angola
73 🇵🇾Paraguay
73 🇹🇳 Tunisia
75 🇹🇭 Thailand
76 🇦🇲 Armenia
77 🇰🇬 Kyrgyz Republic
78 🇲🇦 Morocco
79 🇲🇼 Malawi
80 🇳🇵Nepal
81 🇧🇭 Bahrain
82 🇬🇲The Gambia
82 🇹🇲Turkmenistan
84 🇸🇳 Senegal
85 🇬🇼Guinea-Bissau
86 🇫🇷 France
87 🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago
88 🇨🇳 China
88 🇨🇾Cyprus
90 🇩🇿 Algeria
91 🇯🇲Jamaica
92 🇷🇼 Rwanda
93 🇧🇩Bangladesh
94 🇬🇶Equatorial Guinea
95 🇲🇷Mauritania
96 🇵🇦 Panama
97 🇩🇴Dominican Republic
98 🇨🇺 Cuba
99 🇵🇪 Peru
100 🇬🇪Georgia
100 🇱🇰Sri Lanka
102 🇸🇦Saudi Arabia
103 🇸🇿Eswatini
104 🇵🇭Philippines
105 🇪🇬Egypt
106 🇦🇿Azerbaijan
107 🇸🇻El Salvador
107 🇲🇿Mozambique
109 🇨🇮Côte d’Ivoire
110 🇨🇬Republic of the Congo
111 🇬🇾Guyana
112 🇧🇾Belarus
113 🇳🇮Nicaragua
114 🇧🇯 Benin
115 🇵🇬Papua New Guinea
116 🇮🇳 India
117 🇬🇹Guatemala
118 🇬🇦 Gabon
119 🇩🇯Djibouti
120 🇹🇬T ogo
121 🇬🇲Zimbabwe
122 🇰🇪Kenya
123 🇭🇳Honduras
124 🇬🇳 Guinea
125 🇱🇸Lesotho
126 🇺🇬Uganda
127 🇿🇦 South Africa
128 🇱🇾 Libya
129 🇧🇮Burundi
130 🇪🇨Ecuador
131 🇧🇷Brazil
132 🇺🇸United States
133 🇮🇷 Iran
134 🇱🇧Lebanon
135 🇹🇩 Chad
136 🇪🇷 Eritrea
137 🇨🇲Cameroon
138 🇲🇽Mexico
139 🇹🇷Türkiye
140 🇵🇰Pakistan
141 🇳🇪Niger
142 🇻🇪Venezuela
143 🇭🇹 Haiti
144 🇪🇹Ethiopia
145 🇵🇸Palestine
146 🇨🇴Colombia
147 🇳🇬Nigeria
148 🇲🇲Myanmar
149 🇻🇺Burkina Faso
150 🇨🇫Central African Republic
151 🇮🇶Iraq
152 🇰🇵North Korea
153 🇸🇴Somalia
154 🇲🇱Mali
155 🇮🇱 Israel
156 🇸🇾 Syria
157 🇷🇺 Russia
158 🇨🇩Democratic Republic of the Congo
159 🇺🇦Ukraine
160 🇦🇫Afghanistan
161 🇸🇸South Sudan
162 🇸🇩 Sudan
163 🇾🇪 Yemen
But what's the TRUE PEACE??
Only JESUS is the true PEACE ...
● "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." ... John 44:27
● "If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all." ... Romans 12:18
【Build your Faith in Christ Jesus on #dailyscripturereadingsgroup 📚: +256 751 540 524 .. Whatsapp】
Source: Global Peace Index 2024.
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baybaykus · 4 months
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🔺Dünya IQ sıralamasında 86.8 puan ile 198 ülke arasında 77. sıradayız.
🔺Bilime göre biz "donuk zekalı-sınır zeka" seviyesindeyiz.
Üstelik son birkaç yıldır da gittikçe düşüş yaşamaktayız.
Maalesef yaşadığımız toplumun IQ'su bilime göre "donuk zekalı" olduğunu gösteriyor.
Şöyle ki IQ''da;
• 0-24 puan aralığı zihinsel engelli
• 25-44 puan aralığı öğretilebilir zihinsel engelli
• 45-75 puan aralığı eğitilebilir zihinsel engelli
• 76-89 puan aralığı donuk zeka-sınır zeka (BİZ BURADAYIZ)
• 90-110 puan aralığı normal zeka
• 111-129 puan aralığı parlak zeka
• 130-160 puan aralığı üstün zeka
• 160 ve üstü puan aralığı dahilik olarak tespit edilmiş durumda.
👆Gördüğünüz gibi biz 86.8 ile "donuk zekalı-sınır zeka" aralığındayız. Bunun bir altındaki seviye aralığı ise "eğitilebilir zihinsel engelli" seviyesi.
Biz sıralamada 77. sıradayız.
Bizden daha altta yer alan ülkelerden çoğunluğu teşkil edenleri altta görebiliriz. 👇
77. Türkiye
78. Argentina
79. Sri Lanka
80. Mauritius
81. Turkmenistan
82. Montenegro
83. Trinidad and Tobago
84. Azerbaijan
85. Georgia
86. Turks and Caicos Islands
87. Paraguay
88. Fiji
89. Solomon Islands
90. Samoa
91. Kiribati
92. Micronesia
93. Tonga
94. Marshall Islands
95. Cook Islands
Az daha Amazon yerlileriyle karşılaşacağız diye çok korktum!(!)
🔺Bizim üstümüzde ise 1990'lı yıllarda yerle bir edilen Irak, 1965 yılında taş üstünde taş bırakılmayan Vietnam vb. ülkeler bulunuyor. Bu ülkelerin ilerleme yolundaki çabaları takdire şayan olduğunu görüyoruz.👇
58. Moldova
59. Serbia
60. Vietnam
61. Iraq
62. Uzbekistan
63. Kazakhstan
64. Thailand
65. Armenia
66. Bosnia and Herzegovina
67. Costa Rica
68. Bhutant
69. Chile
70. Mexico
71. Tajikistan
72. Uruguay
73. Malaysia
74. Brunei
75. Bahamas
76. Romania
77. Türkiye
🔺En zeki ülkelerin ise bilim, eğitim, ekonomi gibi konularda gelişmiş ülkeler oldukları görülmektedir.👇
1. Japan IQ 106.48
2. Taiwan IQ 106.47
3. Singapore IQ105.89
4. Hong Kong IQ105.37
5. China IQ 104.1
6. South Korea IQ102.35
7. Belarus IQ 101.60
8. Finland IQ 101.21
9. Liechtenstein IQ 101.07
10. Germany IQ 100.74
11. Netherlands IQ 100.74
12. Estonia IQ 100.72
13. Luxembourg IQ 99.87
14. Macau IQ 99.82
15. Cambodia IQ 99.75
16. Canada IQ 99.52
17. Australia IQ 99.24
18. Hungary IQ 99.241
19. Switzerland IQ 99.24
20. United Kingdom IQ 99.12
Eğitim seviyesi ve kalitesine göre en başarılı ülke sıralaması da aşağıda bulunmaktadır.👇
1 United States
2 United Kingdom
3 Germany
4 Canada
5 France
6 Switzerland
7 Japan
8 Australia
9 Sweden
10 Netherlands
11 New Zealand
12 Denmark
13 Norway
14 Italy
15 Finland
16 Austria
17 Spain
18 Belgium
19 South Korea
Bu sıralamayı IQ'su en yüksek ülkeler sıralamasıyla karşılaştırdığımızda "paralellik" görüyoruz.
🔺Demek ki; EĞİTİM KALİTESİ IQ'yu önemli ölçüde etkiliyor.
Böylece bizim eğitimdeki kalitesizliğimizi görünce; "Bizim onlardan neyimiz eksik?" sorusunun cevabını da almış bulunuyoruz.
Yine OECD verilerine göre ülkemiz nüfusunun ~%40'ı okuma/yazma, okuduğunu anlama, basit matematik/sayı bilgisi, basit problem çözme gibi temel yeteneklere sahip olmadığını ve, Avrupa Obezite Kongresi'nin raporuna göre de;
🔺Obezitede Avrupa ülkeleri arasında ülkemizin ilk sırada bulunduğunu, Türkiye'de her 3 yetişkinden 2'si fazla kilolu olduğunu ve şişmanlık faktörünün zekayı düşürdüğü gibi daha pek çok hastalığa davetiye çıkardığını öğrenmiş bulunuyoruz.
Tüm bunların ışığında;
"Benim IQ seviyem YÜKSEK diye kimse sevinmesin, etrafımızdakilerin düşük IQ'lu olması ve toplumsal şartlar kaç yaşında olursa olsun kişilerin zeka seviyesini de düşürüyor.
📌Yaşımız kaç olursa olsun, Beyin kendini sürekli yeniden biçimlendirme ve geliştirme konusunda inanılmaz bir yetiye sahiptir. Bu nedenle beyni geliştirmek için etrafımızdaki insanlara öğreteceklerimizden çok yanımızdakilerden öğreneceklerimiz olmalıdır.
"İnsan, en çok vakit geçirdiği 5 kişinin ortalamasıdır." Jim Rohn sözü doğrudur.
Bu cümle kişinin IQ gelişimini çevresel faktörlere dayalı olarak artı veya eksi yönde belirleyen önemli bir cümledir ve insanlar kendilerini geliştirecek olanlarla beraber olmalıdır.
Ayrıca Aşağıdaki Yollarla Beyin Gücünü Geliştirmek Mümkündür.
🧠Sürekli yeni yeni hobi edinme,
🧠Yabancı Dil ve yeni bilgiler öğrenerek beyni zorlamak.
🧠 Sürekli kitap okumak.
🧠Öğrendiklerimizi tekrar etmek.
🧠Zamanımızı iyi yönetmek ve programlı hareket etmek.
🧠Kaliteli uyku uyumak.
🧠Sorgulayan, düşünen ve eleştiren zihniyet sahibi olmak.
🧠Kitabı veya gazeteyi tersten (Baş Aşağı Okumaya) çalışmak.
(Bu konuda British Columbia Üniversitesi’nde bir araştırma yapılmıştır ve bu tekniğin göz hareketlerini iyileştirmeye yardımcı olduğunu ve okuma hızını artırdığını göstermiştir.)
🧠Sağlıklı beslenmek.
🧠Zihinden hesap yapmak.
🧠Sanat ve Müzikle uğraşmak ve müzik dinlemek.
🧠İki Eli birden kullanmaya çalışmak.
🧠Spor Yapmak.
🧠Doğru Nefes Alma tekniğini öğrenmek ve uygulamak.
🧠Hazırladığınız programa uymak, ertelememek.
🧠İnsanlara yardım etmek.
🧠Bir amaç edinmek.
🧠Doğada yaşamaya çalışmak. Yeşil ve maviyle İç İçe Olmak.
Hayatta başarılı olmak için zeka önemlidir, duygusal zekaya sahip olmak ise başkalarıyla iyi ilişkiler kurmanın, hedeflerinize ulaşmanın, empati kurmanın anahtarıdır.
Ayrıca, balık (somon, uskumru, sardalya vb) ve omega-3 yağ asitleri açısından zengin diğer besinler beyne çok faydalı ve bilişsel becerilerin gelişimi için önemlidir ve çocukluktan itibaren bu besinlerin alınması ve en önemlisi yeterli su içilmesi Beynin sağlıklı olması açısından gereklidir.
🔺Bir uyarı da gençlere gelsin o zaman;
Sevgili gençler, normal ve üst IQ nun insan yaşamına olan etkisini öğrendiğimize göre, evlenmeyi düşüneceğiniz eş adayınızın fiziksel ve kişilik özellikleri yanında, IQ seviyesinin de normal ve üst seviyede olması gelecek nesiller açısından son derece önemlidir, eş seçimlerinizde dikkatli olunuz.
🔺Doğuştan getirdiklerimizin üzerine kaliteli eğitimi koyarak, IQ seviyesi yüksek toplum olabiliriz.
Bu hiç de zor değil, ancak ve ancak bilim insanlarını iş başına getirerek bunu başarabiliriz...
1.Emotional Intelligence Developing Strong “People Skills”.
2.OECD Verileri,
3.Avrupa Obezite Raporu,
Toplumumuz ve Eğitim Kurumlarımızdaki Eğitim ve Öğretim Sistem ve Seviyesi ile Yönetici, Öğretmen-Eğitimci- Öğrenci, Veli ilişkileri hakkında inanıyorum mutlaka beyinlerimizde soru işaretleri oluşmuştur.
🔺🔺Düşünmek yeni eylem yeni ürün, yeni sistemlerin ilk adımıdır.
Haydi Düşünmeye, Düşünmek var olmaktır.
Aristo, “varım o halde Düşünüyorum” derken, Descartes” Düşünüyorum öyle ise varım” der.
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cristalconnors · 7 months
FEBRUARY screening log
12. Ferrari (Michael Mann, 2023)- 5.0
13. ear for eye (debbie tucker green, 2023)- 7.9
14. Tótem (Lila Avilés, 2023)- 9.0
15. Godzilla Minus One (Takashi Yamazaki, 2023)- 6.9
16. Perfect Days (Wim Wenders, 2023)- 8.6
17. The Cow Who Sang a Song Into the Future (Francisca Alegría, 2023)- 7.8
18. Bottoms (Emma Seligman, 2023)- 7.6
19. Kokomo City (D. Smith, 2023)- 8.3
20. The Royal Hotel (Kitty Green, 2023)- 7.8
21. Master Gardener (Paul Schrader, 2023)- 6.6
22. Chile '76 (Manuela Martelli, 2023)- 7.9
23. Suzume (Makoto Shinkai, 2023)- 7.5
24. Four Daughters (Kaouther Ben Hania, 2023)- 8.9
25. Nimona (Nick Bruno and Troy Quane, 2023)- 7.2
26. War Pony (Gina Gammell and Riley Keough, 2023)- 8.3
27. Robot Dreams (Pablo Berger, 2023)- 8.3
28. The Kiev Trial (Sergei Loznitsa, 2023)- 8.7
29. Rotting in the Sun (Sebastián Silva, 2023)- 8.6
30. Orlando, My Political Biography (Paul B. Preciado, 2023)- 8.8
31. The Iron Claw (Sean Durkin, 2023)- 7.4
32. About Dry Grasses (Nuri Bilge Ceylan, 2023)- 7.9
33. Monster (Hirokazu Kore-eda, 2023)- 7.4
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