#Chinese Lawyers
yourdailyqueer · 5 months
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Nadine Hwang (deceased)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
DOB: 3 March 1902 
RIP: Died 1972
Ethnicity: Chinese, white
Nationality: Various - she moved about but died in Belgium and lived with Nelly in Venezuela for 20 years.
Occupation: Lawyer, veteran, chauffeur, spy
Note 1: Was one of the first Chinese female pilots and served in the Chinese Air Force as an honorary colonel. There is evidence to suggest that Nadine Hwang also spied against the Nazis as an agent on behalf of the French Resistance.
Note 2: Had a relationship with opera singer Nelly Mousset-Vos
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julietsbb · 1 month
so pondphuwin legal drama tv show where phuwin is a famous boxer with anger issues and pond is a defence lawyer
brought to you by a) pw being cute and doing silly boxing moves as they were shooting stuff for promoting fancon b) the pictures on pond in specs today and c) ppw in suits (and d) i want more unhinged angry phuwin content HE WOULD DO IT SO WELL and e) I want pond in more three piece suits and glasses and I’m desperate for him to have another role where he gets to sound intelligent/smart)
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so Phuwin absolutely loses his shit at some asshole and beats him bloody I don’t care if it was justified or not or betty or righteous doesn’t matter but the dude hits him with an assault charge
And Phuwin can’t go to jail because then he can’t box and that would make him lose his mind because it’s the only way he knows to process his anger so IN COMES DEFENCE LAWYER POND who doesn’t even fucking want this case, he spends his time defending like, actually down on their luck people who deserves an extra chance BUT he’s also working in a corporate word that needs to make money and his boss told him to take the case because he’s friends with phuwin’s agent and pond is the bestest or some such and he owes his boss a favour
Anyways they obviously hate each other because phuwin’s anger at the entire situation keeps going off and makes pond’s job harder etc etc (also both of them are very attractive and they also hate that about each other)
And so it’s the night before the first hearing (they’ve been trying to dig up stuff to discredit the victim somehow) and pond snaps and is like “Jesus Christ if it can stop you from going off in court tomorrow just punch ME and get it out of your system I would prefer that actually” (it’s 2am and he has no filter left)
And pw’s character is like “????? what”
And pond is like “never mind I’m just tired” and pw’s like “no wait punching you sounds good actually could we do that because I’ve been wanting to punch your stupid fucking face with your stupid fucking glasses—“ and pond’s like “well if you’re punching me it’s sure as fuck not on my face because a) I need my glasses and b) it wouldn’t actually help your case if I showed up looking like my client with the assault charge just assaulted me, so it would defeat the purpose of it all” and then pw’s like well where the fuck can I hit you then and pond gives it serious consideration and it becomes, slowly, apparent, that he Knows Things™️ about being hit, saying stuff like “the meat of my thighs if I sit down or my buttocks if I’m lying down somewhere but that would be more awkward. possibly my chest too but let’s avoid my diaphragm and gut area” and like, he gets up and takes off his jacket???? and tie!??? and phuwin’s like “????????” but it also kind of makes him want to hit him more and pond tells him to control his punches so they don’t accidentally hit somewhere they shouldn’t and phuwin laughs in his face because don’t he know he’s talking to a professional boxer actually??
And so they find some way Phu gets to punch him in a way that’s Safe Sane and Consensual and phuwin thinks it’s weird as shit wtf kinda lawyer did they GIVE him but he…… can’t deny he feels better afterwards. And pond gets some MEAN bruises but they’re all covered up by clothes so it’s fine actually as he’d hoped his brain is much clearer after (actually after the first two punches pond has to tell him that he can hit harder than that it’s okay. phuwin hits harder)
Anyways court the next day isn’t a total disaster they haven’t lost YET bought themselves some more time the team celebrates with a beer that evening and they’re the only two left and phuwin’s tongue is loose enough to ask about it and pond’s is loose enough to answer, tell him about how people can enjoy pain in different ways, how it’s something he practises on occasion but has done so for a good long while and Phuwin is like o______o and like… “so it’s not just… punches?” And pond laughs in his face and tells him about how there’s a million different ways and types and personally he would usually prefer a heavy flogger to his back on a normal day but he’s tried this and that.
And phuwin’s char is FASCINATED and his fingers are starting to itch like they usually do for a boxing glove but less familiar and well worn, more new and existing. Exhilarating.
Anyways so Phuwin gets a new way to channel his anger and becomes the calmer for it in the rest of his life and pond guides him through it all very patiently whilst a) having a Great Time but also b) having a very Bad Time because he’s entering into a non-work intimate-but-not-sexual (yet) relationship with Important But Obnoxious Work Client (who really is less obnoxious once his shoulders unclench)
Also phuwin’s character has a cat that’s as aggressive as he is.
(Ps: maybe it turns out the “victim” was actually paid by one of pw’s competitors to deliberately piss him off to sabotage him or something I don’t know but they discover SOMETHING shady and thus there is plot they can bond over)
(Pps: they fall in love your honour)
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fineboymeme · 1 year
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LAWS OF ATTRACTION EPISODE 1 (2023) Directed by: Wo Worawit
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xiakeponz · 20 days
PART 2 - cont. of sokp modern / lawyer au with @renewedmotionforjudgment more gc/soc med shenanigans (worst gc in the history of worst-er-rer- gcs) (PART ONE HERE)
(FIC HERE) the girls gang ✨
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the bros 💀
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Not featured: Zhang Zhe going "can I leave this chat now".
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tavina-writes · 2 years
LXC would've gotten disbarred
After I kind of drifted away from the cnovel translation forum I used to be a part of, like, a decade ago, I thought to myself: my translator days are over! I will not translate stuff again! The post about if NMJ has hobbies (found here if you want to see it) was merely a blip on the radar of “not translating anything.” 
Alas, I appear to have descended into a new pit, and that is seeing things in the other translations of mdzs and going back to the Chinese to look at things, discussing with @autumnslantern and just, translating snippets of this book and then deciding to share the results. 
In this case, it’s a passage from Chapter 73, which is doing the rounds again, but I’ve most commonly seen as evidence for “LXC really wanted to say something about the treatment of the Wens but got steamrolled by NMJ’s objections” and I kind of just want to wave at the title of this post because if Chinese Novel!Xichen had been my defense lawyer, I would fire him. I would want him disbarred lol. I love him but this was not a shiny moment of Xichen getting steamrolled. 
Again, this appears like it will get long, so meta under the cut: 
The passage in question in this one, which is early on in Chapter 73: 
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The fantranslation I have access to says this: 
Lan XiChen responded a moment later, “I have heard of Wen Qing’s name a few times. I do not remember her having participated in any of the Sunshot Campaign’s crimes.”
Nie MingJue, “But she’s never stopped them either.”
Lan XiChen, “Wen Qing was one of Wen RuoHan’s most trusted people. How could she have stopped them?”
Nie MingJue spoke coldly, “If she responded with only silence and not opposition when the Wen Sect was causing mayhem, it’s the same as indifference. She shouldn’t have been so disillusioned as to hope that she could be treated with respect when the Wen Sect was doing evil and be unwilling to suffer the consequences and pay the price when the Wen Sect was wiped out.”
Lan XiChen knew that because of what happened to his father, Nie MingJue abhorred Wen-dogs more than anything, especially with how intolerable he was toward evil. Lan XiChen didn’t say anything else.
One of the sect leaders spoke up, “What Sect Leader Nie said is quite right. Besides, Wen Qing is one of Wen RuoHan’s most trusted people. You’re telling me she never participated? Well I don’t buy it. Is there any Wen-dog without a single drop of blood on their hands? Maybe it’s just that we haven’t found out about it yet!”
The Chinese text that these passages correspond to is this: 
Which I got from this source on the internet. At some point I should invest in buying an actual physical copy of this text, but I spent my discretionary Chinese book money on a great copy of Yanxi Palace so I’ll have to wait on my physical MDZS copy. 
Anyway, what follows are a bunch of screenshots of the translation process of this section and then some cleanup and a basic summary. 
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Idk about you all, but I do not call someone a pejorative equivalent of WRH’s toady/crony/trusted ally, while saying “why would she stop his horrible crimes!” and then think that my good friend would have to “turn a blind eye” if we were to let her off when I’m trying very hard to defend her against the masses but am getting steamrolled into agreeing that she probably deserved it. 
Indeed, the two things that LXC says in this scene are: “I have heard briefly of Wen Qing’s reputation, it does not appear that she personally murdered anyone…” and “she’s a crony of WRH, how would she have stopped his atrocities?” 
Now, I actually like him more after realizing this fact, because he was being mildly bitchy about this! And honestly, given that the Wen burned down his house and killed his dad and killed a bunch of Lan cultivators and broke Wangji’s leg and kidnapped Wangji and nearly killed Xichen himself and he had to flee with a bunch of their sacred texts…I’d say he’s earned the right to be bitchy about them. 
But also if I were Wen Qing depending on Zewu-jun for his excellent defense lawyering skills at my criminal trial I would want him disbarred. And also fired. 
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myanimatedopinion · 2 months
No but what if CN players threatened to report Hoyo to the Chinese government for making the country look bad for being blantly racist/ colourist and disrespectful of other cultures? Maybe THEN Hoyo will listen to us 🫡
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save-the-data · 1 month
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Original Sin | S01E03
Chinese Drama - 2018, 24 episodes
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quotidianish · 2 years
Sniper pauling friendship explained
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roseband · 6 days
....his parents retired w/o a full retirement plan
........and have been going on vacations on credit cards while eating cup noodles to keep up appearances
................cause they thought they could shame us into giving them a 2k a month allowance
.........................cause it's "not fair" my mom retired at 53 w/ cancer, and they should retire at 53 too (she pulled her pension w/ a 20k/year penalty cause her immune system is too bad to be in a classroom)
....and they think we're paying for her retirement cause how can a "single mother" have that much money (which uh, we do sometimes help her with physical things cause mastectomy affected her right arm strength, but she's by far financially independent and i have to pressure her to /not/ give me money)
errrrrr i hope the crash is delayed by two years so his siblings are both adults, but i think this crash out is gonna be hilarious 😂 i feel mean????
like i thought it was his mom lying once they retired uh no....they just decided to stop working without a real plan uh, that's not being retired that's being a bum?
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so I’m reading first class lawyer (I was trying to read mou mou (I’m watching the show) but I couldn’t find it) and goddammit these babies are going to RUIN MY LIFE! it took about one nanosecond for me to fall in love with the arrogant troublemaker that is yan suizhi and roughly the same amount of time to fall head over heels for gu yan and really in conclusion to all of this i might die reading this book but don’t even worry about it because I’ll be happy.
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yourdailyqueer · 1 year
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Ray Yeung
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Ethnicity: Hong Kong Chinese
Occupation: Screenwriter, director, lawyer
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fineboymeme · 1 year
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LAWS OF ATTRACTION EPISODE 2 (2023) Directed by: Wo Worawit
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llycaons · 3 months
omg zen cho is a lawyer...like she works as a lawyer
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kisoran · 5 months
was on reddit and re realized that i love to argue with people on the internet. why does it get my brain so excited
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dilebe06 · 2 years
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My Top Male Characters 2022
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siixkiing · 11 months
I am sobbing, just saw a post on twitter stating Wukong is possibly writing in Chinese Cursive and that tracks way too well for him ESPECIALLY if you look up Chinese Cursive.
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