onenicebugperday · 4 months
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@illogicalghost submitted: found a friend on my car this evening! they have very cute fuzzy antennae! i was wondering what kind of critter they are. location: southern wisconsin. (city: [removed]. please remove city) thanks, you have a cool blog! 🦗
Thank you! And wow what large and bushy antennae this man has. Very impressive. He's a non-biting midge, most likely in the genus Chironomus.
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miniatdetective · 1 year
Colui che muove le mani ッ
Il 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐮𝐬 è un genere di moscerino, non mordace, nella sottofamiglia Chironominae (della famiglia dei bloodworm, Chironomidae) contenente diverse specie criptiche che possono essere distinte solo dagli esperti in base alle caratteristiche dei loro cromosomi giganti.
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I Chironomus adulti sono moscerini con il pronoto più largo al centro, recante una tacca; la testa, solitamente, è dotata di un paio di piccoli tubercoli sopra le basi dell'antenna. Il flagello dell'antenna dei maschi ha 11 segmenti; i genitali maschili hanno volsella inferiore più grande della superiore (una lunghezza compresa tra 5 e 13 mm).
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Le larve sono rosse e di solito hanno tubi sul lato o sul fondo dell'ottavo segmento addominale; queste caratteristiche non sono esclusive del Chironomus, essendo presenti anche in alcuni generi correlati. Risiedono solitamente nei sedimenti acquatici; quelle del gruppo C. decorus, C. riparius e C. stigmaterus vivono generalmente in condizioni dove vi è alto contenuto di nutrienti e meno ossigeno; esistono anche Chironomus che vivono in acque relativamente pulite.
Le larve di diverse specie abitano la zona profonda dove possono raggiungere densità relativamente elevate; usano una combinazione di proteine ​​​​simili all'emoglobina e movimenti ondulatori nelle loro tane per ottenere ossigeno in habitat scarsamente ossigenati.
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I maschi adulti possono essere distinti dalle femmine dalle loro antenne simili a piume.
Quando sono a riposo, gli adulti spesso alzano le zampe anteriori e le fanno vibrare: questa è l'origine del nome del genere, che deriva da cheironomos (greco per colui che muove le mani).
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CHIRONOMUS LIOFILIZZATO. Le larve di Chironomus sono un ottimo alimento per pesci d’acqua fredda, tropicali e tartarughe; liofilizzate, sono utilizzate come mangime per integrare la dieta dei pesci d’acquario. La disidratazione avviene con la tecnica del surgelamento in modo da preservarne tutti i valori nutrizionali.
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hellsitegenetics · 7 months
as a microbiologist 1) I love this blog and 2) its super neat seeing you introduce people to how sequencing and blast tools work
String identified: a a cgt ) t g a ) t at g tc t cg a at t
Closest match: Chironomus tentans genome assembly, chromosome: 3
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fruitsclipper · 7 months
little chironomus (or somesuch small flying bug) on my window. quite cute actually
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howgaytobequeer · 1 year
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Project Photograph a Greenie (Chironomus utahensis) was a success!
But guys guys guys, look, look.
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So smol
I caught this little friend for their photography session, then let them go back to their swarm less than ten minutes later. I got what I wanted! I think I'll continue keeping an eye on these adorable local favourites.
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tsmom1219 · 4 months
Biofragmentation of Polystyrene Microplastics: A Silent Process Performed by Chironomus sancticaroli Larvae
Queiroz, L. G., Prado, C. C. A., Melo, E. C., Moraes, B. R., de Oliveira, P. F. M., Ando, R. A., Paiva, T. C. B., Pompêo, M., & Rani-Borges, B. (2024). “Biofragmentation of Polystyrene Microplastics: A Silent Process Performed by Chironomus sancticaroli Larvae.” Environmental Science & Technology, 58(10), 4510–4521. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.3c08193 Abstract Polystyrene (PS) is one of the…
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Chironomini is a tribe of midges in the non-biting midge family.
This tribe includes the largest and most commonly observed midges, as well as smaller or more obscure species.
It is divided here into five genus groups:
The Chironomus group has males generally with 11 flagellomeres and normally developed superior and inferior volsellae.
The Harnischia complex has males generally with 11 flagellomeres and reduced and/or hairless inferior and superior volsellae.
Polypedilum, Endochironomus, and related genera
Stenochironomus and related genera
Lauterborniella and related genera.
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todaysbug · 10 months
November 21st, 2023
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Buzzer Midge (Chironomus plumosus)
Distribution: Found throughout the northern hemisphere, but more common in northern areas.
Habitat: Lives in and around freshwater bodies of water, such as lakes and marshes.
Diet: Adults do not feed; larvae are detritivores, feeding on aquatic debris such as organic matter and algae.
Description: Buzzer midges are best known for forming thick swarms during mating season; while they don't bite, these clouds of midges are often focused along scenic lakes, which are apparently a nuisance. Larvae are aquatic, nicknamed blood worms for their elongated red bodies. These "worms" form are filter feeders which form U-shaped tubed in muddy substrates, through which they circulate a water current to draw in debris.
Larvae are an important source of food in their habitats, and are preyed on by many species: backswimmers, pondskaters, frogs and toads, boatmen, dragonflies, damselflies, newts, diving beetles, redstarts, water scorpions and other midge species.
(Images by Jeff Delonge and Ivo Antušek)
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otaharuo · 3 years
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onenicebugperday · 7 months
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@uttotheegg submitted: Hope im doin this right lol Found this one in [removed] (not sure how specific you need, also pls remove location) wish i could have gotten a better photo before they flew off!
It does help to have at least a specific state, but either way, this fella looks like a male midge in the genus Chironomus.
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metalectra · 4 years
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Compilation of cool dudes i met at the lake
North East Texas, USA
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hisj · 6 years
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_Brassica juncea_ #mustard #flowers #セイヨウカラシナ and #honeybee with the #vanes (#blades) of the demolished #windmill #Chironomus plumosus #midges #ユスリカ #セイヨウミツバチ #ブレード #風車 (道の駅よしおか温泉・吉岡温泉リバートピア吉岡) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsW6bLEAEOm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1w0yv48ab99xc
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10. Friends and Family - Part 1
If you’re reading as a one-off, this part (1/2) is set at a small dinner party at Highgrove in early 1987 with Camilla and close friends attending.
If you’re reading as part of Tea Time - this is chapter 10 - part 1.
She’d been in fits of giggles all evening. The sort that, once amplified with a large glass of red wine, were not only infectious but a belly crunching and holding your sides in pain sort of hilarity. And they were feeding off each other. She’d start and he’d not be able to control himself and then they were off again. There were six of them sat at the dinner table and she’d been on cracking form all night. Until she got the giggles. At one point she was bent double in laughter, clutching onto his hand to try and control herself. He found her so funny, tears were streaming down his rosy cheeks and he absently stroked her back whilst she recovered. This didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the party but they were too busy enjoying themselves to comment. After eventually regaining control of their faculties, they sat properly again, their chairs a little closer together than before. He reached for the bottle in the middle of the table and started to top up glasses.
“Darling, if you pour me any more, I’ll be quite tipsy.”
“You’re already tipsy, my love. Stay over. Then it doesn’t matter.”
This did cause a few eyebrows to raise about the table but neither of them noticed.
“Well let’s see who needs a top up. We don’t want anyone falling behind.” They all looked towards Martin who lifted the other bottle of wine and filled up everyone’s glass to the brim, ignoring Camilla’s protests.
“To sit in solemn silence on a dull, dark dock…”
“In a pestilential prison with a life long lock.”
It was Charles’s turn and he joined in easily. “Awaiting the sensation of a short sharp shock.”
“From a check and chicky chopper… oh, for fuck’s sake.” She fumbled the line and reached for her drink. “You pick the one that’s practically a tongue twister.”
“Drink up, Darling. Never mind. You can choose the next one.”
She took a swig of her drink and held it up. “The Mikardo!” The rest of the party laughed and toasted with her. “This one’s difficult… I am the very model of a modern Major-General…”
Everybody laughed, watching the next person eagerly.
“I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral.”
“I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical…”
“Hear, hear!”
“From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical…”
“I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters Mathematical…”
Charles smirked as he recited his line, “I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical…” then looked at her as her face fell.
“For absolute fuck’s sake. Who the fuck even knows that line?!” She drank from her drink without attempting it.
“It’s easy, Darling. ‘About binomial theorem I'm teeming with a lot o' news, with many cheerful facts about the square of the…’”
“…Hypotenuse! Yes I know that bit! I’m not playing this. You’re all too good at it. I’ll be passed out paralytic in ten minutes. Charles, Darling, go and get us a pack of cards. I’ve got something we can play.”
“Strip poker?”
“Piss off, Phillip.”
“Seen as you’re the only female.”
“You too, James.”
“I have a feeling HRH wouldn’t like that.”
“Wouldn’t like what?”
“Us, being inappropriate with you, darling.”
But Charles returned before she could answer.
“Okay, everyone has to choose an animal.”
“What sort of animal?”
“It really doesn’t matter. Any animal. I’ll be a chicken, for example. Darling, Latin for chicken?”
“Gallus gallus. I’ll be a Chironomus.”
“A what?”
“A midge.”
“You’ve chosen a midge?”
“Mytilus edulis! I’ll be that!” Martin beamed across at her. “It’s a mussel, Camilla, darling. Your Latin is shoddy.”
“Wait! You need an action for your animal!”
“Drosophila! And I’ll flap my wings like this!!” James exclaimed.
“What on earth is a mussel going to do?”
Martin closed his hands and opened them up together, his fingers outstretched, making her giggle. “Mytilus edulis!”
“Spheniscidae!!” Phillip started flapping his arms to the side and squarking.
“Good god.” She looked across the table at the men, making ridiculous gestures, including Charles who was buzzing and using his fingers to pinch people, pretending to be a mosquito.
“Oryctolagus cuniculus.” Declared Peter.
“Absolutely not.” She watched him do a pretty good imitation of a bunny rabbit before breaking out into laughter. “Alright, fine. You public schoolboys have to use the Latin and I get to use the English. Then it’s fairer. Darling, deal out all the cards. The game is simple. We turn over our cards together. If your card matches someone else’s, then you call out their animal and do their animal’s action. The first one to do it, wins the cards. If there’s no match, the cards go in the middle. Now, if anyone’s card matches the one in the middle you have to call out a predetermined word to win the cards. What word shall we use?”
“No.” She paused to control her laughter then cackled as a better idea came to her. “We’ll have an unspecified sexual act. A different one each time!”
The game almost broke the table. With all of them slamming their hands down and shrieking out various animal noises, forgetting the Latin, dancing around rather than miming the action and going to town with different sexual acts; they were in hysterics before the game could end. Charles did particularly poorly, loosing his entire hand due to false shouts and then sat in a state of anticipation to win the middle cards, his sexual suggestions getting more and more depraved. Eventually they came to a stop, jaws aching with laughter, and they moved into the sitting room, where she curled up next to him. That didn’t go unnoticed either but they were both too drunk by this point to think about it.
The conversation got steadily ruder and more raucous the later the evening got and Camilla was finding it increasingly difficult to ignore the incessant pawing that Charles was doing, stroking her hands, rubbing her knee, tickling her, touching her, kissing her even, albeit her arm, her shoulder. Anywhere he could.
“Truth or dare?” Martin’s voice sounded above everyone else. There were general moans of disapproval. “Eton style!”
“Which means?” Camilla wasn’t sure she wanted to know.
“We bully just the one person until they crack.”
There were general murmurs of approval for that.
“So do we pull straws?” Camilla asked.
The rest of them laughed. “No. Nothing democratic like that, Darling. The victim is just chosen.” Charles explained.
“Are we in agreement?” They all spat on their hands and put them in the middle to form a pact. Camilla looked on in disgust.
“Darling, we didn’t actually spit.”
“Oh.” She put her hand tentatively on top of his.
“No. You need to spit on it.”
“Oh.” Bemused, she pretended to spit on her hand and placed it back on Charles’s. “Boys are really weird. We never did anything like this at school.”
“Great!” Martin took charge. “So obviously Wales is the fag.”
Charles rolled his eyes. “No surprises there.”
“And I think we’ll start with a truth. To get the ball rolling.”
“Go on…”
“So are you in love with Camilla or just sleeping with her?”
“Darling, don’t answer that.”
“Shush, Camilla, you agreed.”
“Anyway, he has to.” Peter interrupted.
“Rules of the game,” Charles explained. She shrugged and took a large gulp of wine. “I’m in love with her.”
Murmurs went round the party. “Are you saying that because she’s here in front of you?”
“No. I love her. I love her more than anything.”
“I dare you to prove it.”
Charles reached for her hand and then kissed it. “Darling, could you please leave the room for a minute?”
In a state of shock, Camilla stood up. Peter took her arm and led her out of the room, accompanying her. He followed her out of the room and shut the door.
“Do you love him?” It was a very direct question but she sensed he wanted a real answer.
“I mean…” he thought for a moment. “I guess I’m asking to what extent?”
“Don’t worry. I’m not about to do a Wallace Simpson.”
“Why not? You love him?”
“Because it would kill him. It’d make a mockery of everything he’s already sacrificed and every ounce of good he’s ever done will go out of the window. What would he do, you know, when everything he’s ever known is gone? Knowing that he’ll never be able to do anything important ever again? That’s his life, you know, even if he doesn’t like it. He’d lose his family, his friends. And we both have children. I can’t do that to them. It would destroy too much.”
“You’ve talked about this?”
“Well, yes, but we’re both of the agreement that…”
He interrupted her. “So we’re not talking about a desperate love affair, then?”
“Are we not? It feels very desperate to me. I won’t ever be the next Duchess of Windsor. But I need him, and I love him.”
“Because… because he’s funny and sweet and so passionate about everything. And I can’t stop thinking about him. Everything reminds me of him. I don’t know. I don’t know why I love him. I just do. There’s nothing really logical about it. He’s like my reflection, I guess. Inescapable. How long are we expected to shroud every shiny item? Because that’s all we’re doing. Covering it up, pretending it doesn’t exist. But it does. It’s there under everything.”
“So it’s an emotional affair.”
“Well, yes, I guess. Amongst other things.”
“I think that’s enough. Interview over.”
She looked at him in confusion but he drew her back to the sitting room where they were waiting for her and he nodded at the rest of them.
“She passed.”
“Passed what?”
“He passed too.”
“Wales, you’re completely fucked.”
“Final dare.” Martin’s voice sounded out and Camilla felt herself growing in trepidation. “Kiss her. Make us believe you love each other.”
Charles laughed. “You’re all a bunch of voyeurs. Not a chance. You’ll get this and nothing else.” He beckoned Camilla with his fingers then pulled her down to sit next to him, pushing his fingers between hers.
“Do they want a show?”
“They won’t like it if we actually gave them one.”
“No.” But his face was closer to hers now and she felt herself slipping. He kissed her really softly, making all the hairs on the back of her neck stand up then went to bite her chin, making her laugh. She heard the cheers in the background, making her laugh more and shook her head in mock disapproval.
And then they didn’t need to worry and restrain themselves, not that their behaviour changed very much. She was naturally the more bubbly of the two but she sparked all the fun he had inside him and when they settled down around the fire to have one of those deep conversations only drunk people seem to have, he drew her in and she felt the passion behind what they were debating. She wouldn’t join in, not used to the expectation that she should participate and slightly worried that she didn’t know enough to contribute but when they stopped to ask her opinion, he would squeeze her hand, encouraging her, and she’d proffer her thoughts before listening to them getting considered and examined and in some cases, pulled apart. It wasn’t an activity she was usually invited to.
It was very late by the time they left and she found herself alone with him in the hall at the bottom of the stairs. He was looking at her in adoration before he slipped his fingers between hers and led her upstairs. He deposited her on the bed and kissed her neck.
“I don’t have anything to sleep in.”
“I’m okay with that.”
“Yes, but you get woken up in the morning.”
“I’ll get you something.”
There was something slightly awkward about getting undressed in his bedroom. This was different to usual, when they couldn’t keep their hands off each other and clothes fell where they dropped them. He was scrupulously tidy, hanging up his jacket, putting away his cuff links. He smiled at her, sitting on the bed, watching him.
“Here.” He handed her a stiffly ironed t-shirt and a little box. “Put your jewellery in the box. Then it won’t get lost.”
That was the easiest thing to start with. She removed her earrings, her necklace, unfastened her bracelets. Then, with a pang, pulled off her rings too. She didn’t want to wear them. He helped her out of her dress and made her smile as he hung it up in the wardrobe and she crawled into bed. The duvet was heavy and cold and she snuggled up to him gratefully, stealing his heat. He manoeuvred her until she was in his arms, her head on his chest and he clasped the hand next to her face, tracing his fingers over hers. She could feel him check her ring finger and then he brought her hand to his face and kissed her palm and the spot where her rings usually sat. It made her heart ache. He clasped her hand to his cheek, stroking it until she fell asleep.
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woozymitts · 3 years
For some reason all these worms are piled under this rock having a good time. I think they’re bloodworms (larvae of Chironomidae sp., maybe Chironomus plumosus?)
Also the isopod died. I have no idea what happened, if he was old or sick or injured. I don’t know if it was the same one I saw yesterday, there’s so many plants in there I can barely see.
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Chironomus on glass!
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howgaytobequeer · 1 year
The fact that, as of this writing, our little greenie midgies (Chironomus utahensis, known locally as Klamath midges, little green bugs, and greenies/greenie midges) have no Wikipedia or iNaturalist IDs is gobsmacking to me.
They are a yearly seasonal Event. Not loud like the cicadas back east, no harbingers of doom like locust swarms; just swarms of tiny harmless green midges that spend their larval form in the lake, then rise up in huge swarms for that short-lived midge adulthood before the cycle continues.
They're considered a pest as there are so many that they gum up car windshields and so small that they easily slip through window screens that keep out other insects, but on the other hand they are completely harmless to humans and have a uniquely vibrant green colour that sets them apart from other midges. I always like seeing them around every year.
Perhaps I will catch some this year and take their portraits. In the meantime, you can read a bit more about them here.
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