#charles and camilla fiction
Assassination Attempt- Part 2
For the past two years, seeing him had been like performing a complex military manoeuvre in order to escape the constant clicks of the cameras, so the amount of time they had spent together had greatly reduced. This had done nothing to ease the need to be together, with each snatched meeting more precious than the last. They’d spoken on the phone throughout his trip to Australia but had never been entirely confident with the security of the line and therefore conversation had remained on safe subjects. By the end of the trip he’d been phoning her constantly, for a scant few minutes at a time, and she’d known he’d used her voice as a way to calm himself. It had made her ache for him with the need to temper his anxiety. He’d phoned her when he’d reached St James Palace and, secure in their privacy, they’d talked until he’d fallen fast asleep whilst on the line. She’d placed the receiver next to her ear and had listened to him snore, knowing that was as close as she could get to him and had then rested her head on the pillow to allow him to ease her to sleep. Neither of them had broached what had happened in Australia; it hung like a sword.
Tonight, they are meeting at her sister’s house for dinner and her heart is pitter-pattering in anticipation of seeing him. Her sister’s household is as chaotic as normal and she gets stuck into the chaos quickly, rushing about the kitchen, doing a hundred jobs before the guests arrive. She contrasts this with her own parties, which run like clockwork, and smiles as she recalls how Andrew panics when she’s up in her room, pretending to be still getting dressed to wind him up, ten minutes before people are meant to arrive. She used to host enough events to manage a simple dinner party without stress but her sister seems to thrive on it so she never intervenes.
“Darling, the door! Get it for me!”
She knows better than to argue with her sister when she’s like this, even if really, Annabel should be the one greeting the guests. Her parents are at the door and she starts to help her father with her mother’s wheelchair before he tells her to get her brother, looking at her in shock and a touch of disapproval. Of course, she should know better than to do a man’s job whilst in a pretty dress. She makes to return inside but recognises Charles’s voice as he calls out to her and turns as he and her father help her mother up the steps. Beating abnormally loudly, her heart informs her of its pleasure to see him and as he kisses her cheeks in greeting, she feels her body sinking against his. It’s difficult to pull apart, made doubly so by how he kisses her lips, once, making her gasp out her breath. Then decorum dictates they must part so they do, and she attempts to greet her mother, who is in a daze of pain and barely acknowledges her.
He wants her attention all evening, demands it, even as he engages in conversation with those around him. His eyes are just on her, following her around the room, smiling at her, laughing with her. When they’re stood together, it’s difficult to speak as just this chaste distance makes her heart pang against her chest and she wants to kiss him so much it’s painful. It’s only much later on that she gets him to herself and she wraps her arms around him and pulls him down to kiss her and it’s fire.
Her sister interrupts them with a knock on the table and even then it’s difficult to pull away. They stand clinched, together, not wanting to return from the daze of each other. Realising that her sister is handing them both a glass of port, they are ushered into the snug and they sit huddled on the sofa, opposite Annabel and her husband, pressed as close to each other as possible, fingers entwined. She takes a sip of port before placing her glass on the side table, noting him mirror her and reaches to hold his other hand, her fingers gently stroking down his.
“So go on, tell us about what happened.”
Ever direct, her sister is more nosy than she is and she smiles as she presses her shoulder into his, feeling him adjust to accommodate her, to allow her to be closer. He’s nonchalant about the whole affair, telling them the facts but skips over any detail, despite Annabel’s prompting. A frown grows on her brow as she worries about him and her fingers press harder into his.
“We saw it on the news,” Annabel looks to her husband for confirmation, “and I have to say, Sir, it was frightfully worrying.”
“It scared me.” She uses her own feelings to prompt his but it just allows them to raise to the surface again.
“It was nothing, really.”
She feels his hand on her cheek, turning her face towards his and meeting his eyes with a jolt. “But it still scared me.”
“Don’t be scared for me. I was never really unsafe.” His voice is breathy and his eyes are boring into hers earnestly.
“But you could have been. That’s what scared me. It still scares me.” She feels her lip twitching with the effort of not allowing her emotions to take hold of her.
“I think we’re retiring upstairs now. Everything’s locked up so you can head up when you want.” Her sister nudges her husband out of the room, leaving them. She knows they’re giving her space to talk to him and she’s grateful.
“It was that little of a danger, I did my speech straight afterwards.”
His fingers are caressing her face and it’s difficult to maintain the conversation.
“But you’re allowed to cry if you need to.”
She shakes her head, annoyed with herself. “You were amazing to deliver that speech. I don’t think most people would have managed to do that. I was so proud of you.”
“It was nothing.”
She feels a stray tear flee her eye and race down her cheek, flinging over her chin and down her neck. He traces the pathway with his thumb before kissing her neck, making her heart ache. “It wasn’t nothing. You don’t realise how special you are.”
“Why are you crying? You knew I was alright.”
It wasn’t that. It was that you didn’t care. I saw your face, you just… It was as if it genuinely didn’t matter to you what happened. Charles, I need you to care…”
“I do care, my Darling. I’m so sorry I couldn’t get in touch with you. I wanted to terribly when I realised how big the story was, but by then it was like everything was deliberately conspiring, not letting me reach you. There wasn’t a break in the engagements and I had no one around me I could trust to phone you. Then there was that awful storm… But I know that’s no excuse. I should have phoned you right away but I didn’t think…”
“I don’t mind about that. That’s not what upset me so much.”
“I’m sorry, though.”
She feels his lips kissing her neck in penitence and it’s difficult to keep questioning him, it would be far too easy to reach for him instead. “Why didn’t you care about what happened to you?”
He pulls away from her immediately and she doesn’t try to stop him although her heart pangs.
“What do you want me to say?”
“The truth, Darling. Always the truth. Even if you think I won’t like to hear it.”
“I’m cold.”
She pulls a blanket from the wicker basket at the end of the sofa, knowing he’s stalling, letting him organise his thoughts. Wrapping it around the both of them, she feels him wriggling until he has his head on her chest. Gently, she eases them down onto the sofa, their legs entwined and then she adjusts the blanket around them again. She waits.
“I was disappointed.”
He stops but she doesn’t interrupt, just strokes his head softly.
“It wasn’t real. I don’t want to die, don’t worry. I just… even an assassination attempt wasn’t a real one. I knew it wasn’t a real gun. The sound wasn’t right. It was pathetic. Just like me.”
“You’re not pathetic, Darling. Please don’t think that.”
“I could just imagine Diana laughing at me for making a scene and I don’t want to embarrass the boys any more than I already have. They already think I’m weak.”
It makes her heart ache for him. She kisses the top of his head.
“And then I couldn’t even ring you and I turned into a monster. I shouted at all my staff. I was obnoxious to everyone. So rude. My father would have taken me to pieces if he’d had heard.”
“You are allowed to be upset after what happened. You are human.”
“You were upset with me, weren’t you.”
“You wouldn’t even come to the phone. Andrew answered for you.”
“I didn’t answer because Andrew didn’t want me to worry you, I wasn’t not talking to you.”
“Andrew needs to stay out of it! He’s always interfering. I was worried that you weren’t talking to me. If you’re upset, I still want to talk to you. I want to make you feel better. I still want to talk to you if you’re upset with me; I want to fix us, to make it alright. I thought you must have been so angry with me. I sat and stewed for two hours, waiting to call you. I’ve worried about this for two weeks.”
“I wasn’t angry with you. I promise. And I wouldn’t do that to you. Well I was a tiny bit angry but not like that. You could have demanded that Andrew pass the phone over.”
“If you were angry with me, me doing that would have lit the fuse.”
“True. I’d not thought of that.” That makes them both giggle, despite the conversation.
“Your eyes if I’d done that… I’d have loved to have been a fly on the wall but there is no way I would deliberately cause that!”
She smiles and her fingers caress his face, running along his cheek, over his lips which reach out to kiss her.
“I’m sorry for making you upset. If I’d been able to phone you earlier, you would have been fine.”
“It’s okay. I’m tough.”
“I know. But I’m sorry you have to be. Was Andrew good with you?”
“Well that makes a change.”
“No it doesn’t.”
“He’s never there for you when you’re upset. I know. I’m the one who holds you when you’re crying.”
“I’ve never let him know I’m upset.”
She shrugs but he doesn’t say anything, waiting for her to continue. This is uncomfortable; she feels a cold prickle down her spine. He never usually picks at her marriage. “To never give him reason to not want to come home to me.”
He sighs and she knows he’s annoyed with her, or perhaps annoyed with Andrew. “If you ever do that to me, I will be so angry with you. I love you, my Darling, not the cultivated fragments of yourself you feel you should proffer to keep me happy. With me, in person, alone like this, are you always yourself or do you feel you have to perform?”
“That’s a level of honesty I’m not sure I can always manage.”
“What about most of the time?”
“Are you always honest with me?”
“In person, yes… Most of the time…”
“Then I’ll try for most of the time.” She smiles and wriggles down so she can reach his lips. “On the subject of honesty, tell me what you were thinking.”
“At that moment, not very much. Disappointed, like I said.”
“And after?”
“Fear. Not of death itself, I don’t fear that. Fear that I could die without being true to myself. Fear that I could die thousands of miles away from you and not see you before I have to go. I’m not ready to give up. I must find a way to be with you or there’s no reason for existence, even if I can’t see a way forward. Oh, Darling, you’re crying again.”
“Only a tiny bit.” But her heart is beating so hard, he must be able to feel it against his hand as he spreads his fingers over her chest. This love is so different from anything that came before. His words encompass and soothe her even as she’s trying to help him, to listen to him. She feels his soft kisses across her cheeks and on the tip of her nose.
“I would be so happy with you. I’ve always known that. And I believe I would make you happy, if we married. I think it’s the only solution available to us.”
“Yes, Darling. I can’t have you subject to the constant indignities of being my mistress. Marriage is the only way forward.”
“I’m not so sure other people would agree.”
“Well we’ll have to show them. Darling, you’d be quite wonderful. I know you would.”
“Would I be Queen Camilla? Even saying the name sounds ridiculous.”
“No, you wouldn’t. You’d be Her Majesty, The Queen.”
“It’s ludicrous. You’re sounding like Andrew.”
“Andrew said I would make you my Queen?”
“I think Andrew was just joking about which titles I could bestow on him were I to become Queen. But he was having a laugh. He wasn’t serious.”
“Well I am.”
“And I would happily marry you in this fairytale land you’ve concocted.”
“Only in a fairytale land?”
“I would marry you in any land.”
“Marry me now.”
“I take thee Charles Arthur… to have and to hold…”
“I take thee Camilla Rosemary… for better, for worse…”
The words had started as a joke but the second he says her name, she realises it’s not. It’s a longing too desperate to give any inch of escape but she can’t help it, the words come tumbling out, “To love and to cherish…”
“Till death us do part.”
They’re lying nose to nose and she can feel his breath heavy against her lips. “I mean it.” The words are whispered but she says them loud enough for him to hear.
“As do I, my Darling, as do I. One day. I promise you.” He bites her nose, making her giggle and she tries to retaliate but he pulls away each time, making them both laugh.
“Now we’ve remedied that infliction, was that the only thing that bothered you?”
“Are we not going to consummate the marriage first?”
She giggles at him, kissing him firmly, letting it linger until he reaches to kiss her again then she pulls away. “No. Later. What else bothered you?”
“Loneliness. Unfulfilment. Boredom. Dissatisfaction with life. Love or the lack of love.”
“I love you!”
“I know. But you’re not with me and I spend my time pining for you, longing for your love.”
“You need to soak it up when you’ve got it. Store it up and make it last.”
“Does that work for you?”
“Well… not exactly…”
“It doesn’t work for me at all. Perhaps if I could spend enough time with you to get fully charged up? Then I might just need to be topped up but I run down to zero the day I leave you and I know how far away the next time will be and I live on empty, clinging onto your voice when we speak on the phone.”
She closes her eyes at his words, her face scrunched as if to deter the tears but he wipes them from her cheeks and kisses her heavily.
“And yet again, I’ve made you cry. I’m so sorry.”
“You have my love. You have all of it. It’s yours. Take it. Take all that you need. Take more. It’s the most natural feeling in the world and it grows and grows. I give it all to you and it’s still there, overflowing.”
“Mine isn’t like that. Mine feels like a solid structure, part of me, grown throughout my life into what makes me, me. I worry I don’t share it enough with you.”
“You gave me your heart thirty years ago. I kept it here, safe.” She taps her chest. “It’s a part of me now. You need to remember that you possess mine.”
“I find it so difficult when we’re apart for so long.”
“I know, Darling. But I’m here. I’m always here for you. Was there anything else? Anything else that troubled you in Australia?”
“Just that it was such a poor attempt. He didn’t even make the effort to do it properly. I wasn’t worth the effort.”
“He was protesting. He wasn’t trying to kill you.”
“I know that now…”
“It’s a stupid reason, being disappointed.”
“Just a pathetic little man with an agenda.”
Seriously, Charles. You sound like a spoilt brat.”
He scoffs but she can tell he finds her amusing. “I am a spoilt brat. I think that’s the entire point of being a Prince.”
“You don’t get to be a spoilt brat around me.”
“Yes, I’m aware… I’m on my best behaviour at all times around you.”
“Christ. That’s your best behaviour?”
“If it had been a real assassination attempt, and I’d escaped unscathed, or possibly with just a very attractive mark which would turn into a war wound, then you’d be so beside yourself with worry, you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off me.”
She giggles. “Especially if you’d been terribly brave and apprehended the armed man with your bare hands.”
“And saved all the people in the event from his tyranny.”
“You are a hero, Darling.”
“And then I handed him over to law enforcement and pulled you to me.”
“And I was overcome with how astonishingly brave you are.”
“And you kissed me in front of everyone.”
“Desperately.” Her stomach spins and she squeals loudly as he flips her over onto her back and then her skin fires with the anticipation of kissing him as he grasps hold of her wrists and hoists them above her head. She hears the side table hit the floor with a loud thud and they both giggle.
“What else would you let me do in celebration of my heroics.”
“Anything you want to do.” She strains up to kiss him, hearing the moan leave his mouth but he pulls away and looks down at her, his eyes impossibly dark.
“Jesus, Milla.” He reaches to kiss her again and she tugs her wrists from his grasp, reaching up to hook her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her, kissing him, the rush through her body immediate and fierce.
“This might…” Her words trail off as he kisses her harder, his hands dragging down her body making her strain to get closer to him. “…shock people.”
“Let it.” The words shoot out with his breath as he pulls down the straps of her dress and his hands against her bare skin shoot through her into a thousand separate strands, piercing through her body, making her call out. She can’t pull him close enough.
“For Christ sake Camilla. I put you in the back bedroom so you’d be on the other side of the house to us. This room is directly under our bedroom. I’m not having it.”
She pulls him against her to shield herself, and starts to giggle at the expression on her sister’s face. Her giggle sets Charles off and Annabel is not amused, turning on her heel and shutting the door with a thud.
“She’s jealous.”
“Oh absolutely.”
They giggle to themselves, kissing intermittently, trying not to get carried away with the kisses.
“Let’s stay here. We’d have to be quiet. Not get caught by my sister.”
“Oh no. You promised me that you’d do anything I want. I most certainly don’t want to be quiet. And I don’t want you to be quiet. And I need more room than on a shabby old sofa.”
“Well you can start me off here.”
“You think you can be quiet?”
“Are you positive?”
She bites her lip, her eyes gleaming up at him. She feels his hands grab hold of her legs and he pulls her roughly to him, making her stomach fly, making her squeak slightly.
“Your sister will be really annoyed if she has to listen to you after that.”
But he touches her and she can’t stifle the moan even as he presses his hand against her mouth and he laughs, reaching down to kiss her.
“Yes, Sir.” She giggles again as he raises his eyebrows at her before wriggling out of his grasp and rolling off the sofa onto her feet. Holding her hand out to him, her face gleams as he tugs it, threatening to pull her on top of him and then he lets her pull him up and charges at her, holding onto her as he manoeuvres her backwards out the door, both of them giggling, unable to stop kissing each other.
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rockrosethistle · 1 year
“the TSH characters are terrible people and Richard is an unreliable narrator”
okay??? Mentally I am still at Francis’s lake house. Nothing bad has happened yet and Charles is making everyone ice-cream floats.
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xxanssie · 4 months
I don't know whether to love or hate the person who made me read The Secret History.
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c-oldasice · 9 months
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the secret history by donna tartt
5 stars + favorited!
i don't know whether i finished this book or the other way around. the whole thing sounds surreal but at the same time it could have really happened. the ending gave me chills. this is definitely a must read. it made me reminisce so much, i often had to stop reading a few times to gather my thoughts.
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sam-pvmind · 2 years
The Scooby-Doo gang if they had Instagram
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If I had to explain the secret history in a few words to someone who knows NOthing about it, it would be lipstick stains, homoeroticism, lung cancer and silly little ppl being silly little ppl to a silly little guy and some silly little animals.
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poeticabomination · 1 year
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I planned to rizz him up but he buried me in devotion instead, wtf is happening...
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glassesonmyeyes · 1 year
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Longggggggggg time no posting, I although have completed #thesecrethistory, But i still can't get over it.
This, this twisted sense of the old Latin saying is what I loved about this book, this has and will happen a many times where I found myself covering my mouth with my hands in shock because of the intensity of the text I just read!!!!!
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thaliasthunder · 2 years
me reading henry explaining how he'd take down hampden in extreme detail
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mad-rdr · 2 years
The Secret History - Donna Tartt
★ ★ ★ ★/5
I have finally read the book that all the booklr and booktok ppl praise as the greatest dark academia book in existence- or something like that. This book was really good, the author writes everything in such a romantic light that we can almost excuse the fact that they're all terrible people hiding terrible secrets. This book is as poetic as the classics it raves about, I loved how all these other works of literature live on as references in this book and books similar. Now, while I enjoyed the story, I really couldn't find that same connection to the characters and the more I think about the less I believe Tartt is romanticizing academia so much as criticizing it. You have all these ridiculously wealthy people (or at least people posing to be wealthy) in an academic setting where only one of them ends up getting a degree (to be fair two of the six are dead at the end). They spend their college years doing as many drugs as you can imagine and killing two people because they want to experience what it's like to live without moral boundaries. Very... privileged and cultic. On that note, in a different timeline, Henry would have 100% become a serial killer, he's definitely a highly functioning psychopath (I say with all the love in my heart). I was not expecting him to end up dead at the end of the book though and I was shocked. Also, I did not enjoy the little incest plot point that was insinuated and then confirmed... my poor eyes. Overall, though, I did enjoy this reading, and as someone who also really liked If We Were Villains, I noticed a lot of similarities and I wonder if M. L. Rio was a fan of Tartt's books (I love when authors get inspired by other authors).
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agendabymooner · 10 months
the royal resemblance ! esteban o. x ofc (british princess!ofc)
summary: albertine (spencer) ocon lived to give her estranged family a heart attack by simply existing and giving birth to a daughter who looked so much like her... and her mother.
OR the youngest royal and the alpine driver had finally set their boundaries when it came to the british royal press as a way to maintain the privacy that they had managed to preserve throughout their years of relationship and marriage.
content warning: use of explicit language, princess ofc with a lack of princess manner (aka being more upfront), dad!estie x mom!ofc, fluff?? fictional news articles + posts
note: i need to post this otherwise my storage will continue to be full as hell 🤡
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london, uk - in a stunning display of elegance and style, princess albertine, the youngest daughter of king charles iii, attended the highly anticipated state banquet alongside her husband, french formula one alpine driver esteban ocon. the event marked the first time the couple appeared together as a married couple, capturing the attention of the media and royal enthusiasts alike.
princess albertine, born in 1996, has had a unique journey within the royal family. her custody was passed to her maternal grandmother and eventually to her uncle, leading her to distance herself from her royal title. instead, she chose to use the surname spencer, a nod to her mother's family. however, after tying the knot with ocon, she decided to adopt his surname, solidifying their union.
the british media had been eagerly awaiting a glimpse into the couple's private life, but it was not until three months after their wedding that princess albertine and ocon officially announced their marriage. this secrecy only added to the intrigue surrounding their relationship.
princess albertine had previously declined offers to attend the state banquet on two occasions. however, with the assurance that her brother, prince harry, would also be in attendance, she finally accepted the invitation, making her presence known in a truly unforgettable manner.
stepping into the grand hall, princess albertine made a striking entrance, wearing a dress reminiscent of her late mother, princess diana's iconic style. her haircut, bearing a striking resemblance to diana's, caused a stir among attendees, including her father, king charles iii, and her brother, prince william, the prince of wales.
to complete her regal ensemble, princess albertine donned a breathtaking aquamarine tiara, drawing attention away from the working royals, including queen camilla. the tiara, a personal collection piece, was a gift from dodi fayed's father, who maintained a connection with albertine despite the tragic loss of both her mother and his son. complementing the tiara, she wore a set of aquamarine jewelry, including a wedding band that matched ocon's, which held sentimental value as an heirloom from diana.
the couple's appearance at the state banquet as a married couple was met with great excitement and speculation. many believe that such a rare occurrence would not have taken place had prince harry not been in attendance as well. the presence of both siblings added an air of unity and significance to the event, captivating the attention of all those present.
as princess albertine and ocon gracefully mingled with dignitaries and fellow guests, their radiant presence and homage to princess diana's legacy left a lasting impression. their appearance at the state banquet not only showcased their love and commitment but also hinted at a new chapter in the royal family's history, one that embraces change and celebrates individuality.
with their enchanting presence, princess albertine and ocon have undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the hearts of the british public, reigniting the fascination and admiration for the royal family.
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in a surprising turn of events, princess albertine, a member of the british royal family has expressed her lack of connection to her father, king charles iii, and her desire to lead a normal life away from the public eye. despite her lack of close relationships within the royal family, the palace has announced plans to provide limited news coverage about her and her family.
princess albertine's custody was passed to her maternal grandmother following the tragic death of her mother, diana spencer, in paris in 1997. at just one year old, she was separated from her father, resulting in a distant relationship with the royal family. her only remaining connection, prince harry, has also distanced himself from the family.
recently, princess albertine made headlines for her portrayal of her late mother, princess diana, in the popular television series, the crown. the palace remained tight-lipped about the news, while insiders expressed disappointment over the portrayal, hinting at the royal family's disapproval.
despite her strained relationship with her father, princess albertine has managed to retain her royal title, thanks to a strategic divorce between her parents shortly after her birth. this decision ensured the preservation of her legitimacy and her connection to charles' bloodline.
in a surprising twist, princess albertine secretly tied the knot with esteban ocon, a formula one driver. the couple managed to keep their marriage under wraps for three months, evading the prying eyes of the british media. this unexpected union further solidified princess albertine's desire for privacy and independence.
expressing her desire to distance herself from her family's public relations agenda, princess albertine has made it clear that she wants no involvement with the royal family. while the palace has agreed to respect her wishes, they have also stated that certain announcements will be made on her behalf. however, they have emphasized that no further details will be provided, allowing princess albertine the opportunity to discuss these matters herself.
princess albertine and her husband, esteban ocon, are not pleased with this arrangement but reluctantly agreed to the clause in order to appease the royal family. it is evident that they wish to maintain control over their own lives and decisions, free from the constraints of the palace's public relations machinery.
as princess albertine and esteban ocon navigate their newfound marriage and life together, it remains to be seen how they will handle the delicate balance between their desire for privacy and the royal family's need for limited news coverage. the world eagerly awaits any further developments from this intriguing royal couple.
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MAY 2027
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tagged albertinespencer
liked by mickschumacher, lance_stroll, pierregasly
user2 ok but who'd name their baby ditty? bffr
user3 gurl albie's cousin is literally named kitty fuck outta here 😩
user4 little albie 🤩
mickschumacher itty bitty ditty 😍 liked by estebanocon
user5 itty bitty ditty???
lance_stroll i cannot believe she had grown sooo much ugh 🥲 are you sure she's still not allowed to the paddock? liked by estebanocon
albertinespencer what's in it for the tired parents?
lance_stroll uncle lance as a date night babysitter?
albertinespencer i can take that
pierregasly i'm so excited to take her on a bicycle ride around the track liked by estebanocon
lance_stroll cool story pierre but i have a basket to put her in on our bicycle ride, what do you have? liked by estebanocon
mickschumacher that's cool but uncle mick already got a wagon in the merc garage to put her in for a ride 😎 liked by estebanocon
mercedesamgf1 mick if there's a report of a break-in in our garage we are blaming this on you- we've told you about the wagon in secret
user6 i live for the grid uncles comments
user7 she is princess d coded 👑
albertinespencer she's just cheering for her papa in here, don't mind her 🤔😍 liked by estebanocon
estebanocon my number one fans ❤️
albertinespencer once an ocon fan, always an ocon fan 💖 liked and pinned by estebanocon
charles_leclerc so glad to be there for her christening, lad! liked by estebanocon
landonorris the all-white party- so iconic liked by estebanocon
estebanocon glad you guys could make it before the pre-testing!
albertinespencer she def loves all of you!
landonorris she better- otherwise idk why i had a little mclaren car made for her
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tagged estebanocon
liked by charles_leclerc, kitty.spencer, maxverstappen1
comments have been limited
maxverstappen1 she's the sweetest girl ever 😍 liked by albertinespencer
albertinespencer just say that you're glad she hasn't thrown up on you 🤣
maxverstappen1 no i'm relieved though 😅
kitty.spencer i should fly to switzerland just to spend more time with ditty 😊 liked by albertinespencer
albertinespencer please!!! it's becoming more boring without estie here 😄
kitty.spencer omw my love!!! 💖
oscarpiastri born in 31st? esteban's driver number? sheesh, a dedicated fan you've got there albie liked by albertinespencer
albertinespencer she's an absolute devotee 🤪
landonorris she's the frenchest british princess ever tbh 😕🤭 liked by albertinespencer
albertinespencer she's born in switzerland but word ig 🤠
lewishamilton sending my love in her way!!! ❤️ liked by albertinespencer
albertinespencer thank you lewis! though, you meant it in a metaphorical sense right because i just received a package of baby mercedes things in here with your name on it 🤔
lewishamilton busted 😅
alpineracingf1 lewis please ditty's dad drives for us
estebanocon i love her so much i wish i can come home and ditch the triple header 😕😭 liked by albertinespencer
albertinespencer it's not encouraged but it is an option...?
alpineracingf1 albie we still need to make you and ditty proud please don't encourage him
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PS albie and estie's baby
diana marie-françois elisabeth 'ditty' ocon
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Happy Reunion (2/2)
Part two of the lovely story from Betty!
Never had they ever said goodbye without having fixed whatever things might have been going on between them and she had regretted it once the plane had taken off. She had tried to call them immediately after they had arrived at their home for the upcoming week but, as usual, he didn't answer his mobile phone and it was hopeless trying to get him at the Castle of Mey. At the end of the day she had called Ranjid, one of his closest assistants who always knew where he was and who had kindly told her that His Royal Highness had gone for a long walk in the Highlands early this morning. She had asked him to kindly let The Prince know that she had arrived safe and sound and that she was going to try and ring him the next day. 
But much to her surprise it had been him to give her a call back in the evening - at first, she had feared that their argument was going to go on and probably get even worse - but the shy and uncertain way he whispered, "Hello Darling" into the receiver made clear that he must have been feeling just as miserable as her. His voice sounded so sad and vulnerable that it brought tears to her eyes immediately. 
"I'm so sorry, Darling!" Camilla said, desperately trying to fight back tears but of course Charles noticed and seconds later they were both sobbing, assuring each other how sorry they were, how much they loved each other and that they were never going to fight again once they were reunited. 
From then, they had spoken on the phone at least twice a day, promising each other the sweetest things, which had made her feel like a young girl in love again. The feeling of butterflies in her stomach had increased day by day and the closer the reunion with her husband had come, the faster her heartbeat had got - her fitbit had shown. And now that she was finally here and knew that she would be lying in his arms in only a few moments, feeling him again, smelling him again, kissing him again, she felt almost dizzy and couldn't stop smiling.
Finally the car stopped in front of the ever so familiar house that immediately brought back so many happy memories of the most wonderful, jolly and carefree days full of love and laughter... Camilla was sure that she had never been happier to be here. The driver opened the door and she got out of the car, closing her eyes for a moment, inhaling the fresh air and the wonderful smell of all different sorts of herbs and flowers which were in full bloom at this time of the year. She could also hear the soothing humming of the bees from not too far away and felt at ease immediately. The driver took her luggage and disappeared into the house and Camilla was just about to go inside, too, when suddenly someone covered her eyes from behind. 
At first, she wanted to scream in shock but not even a second later she heard an all too well-known voice tenderly whispering, "Welcome home, Your Royal Highness." followed by an irresistibly soft kiss on a particularly sensitive spot on her neck that made her shiver immediately.
"Darling!", she exclaimed in delight, turned around and greeted her husband with a proper kiss, before she let herself fall into his arms. 
"I've missed you so much!" Charles sighed after a few minutes and looked at her full of love and kind of wonderstruck. They had been separated for less than two weeks but to him it had felt like ages - and she seemed to have become even more beautiful. He had, indeed, missed her terribly, and holding her like that again, kissing her, looking into those sparkling blue eyes, finally made him feel alive again. "I'll never let you go again!" He declared and gave her another extra tight hug in order to underline his words which made her giggle. 
"You're crazy, darling!" She replied, shaking her head in amusement. 
"I am," he agreed, adding seriously, "for you." Which caused her to laugh once more. He watched her full of pride and joy; he loved her so much and he was so happy and relieved to finally have her with him now and he swore to God and himself to do his very best to make the upcoming weeks the happiest of her life.
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foxworth-hall · 1 month
It’s incredible how some readers of “The Secret History” haven’t understood the story. It’s a book (very well written) with a good foundation of historical documentation on religious aspects of Greek/Roman times.
If you pay attention, Dionysus is present from the beginning. (I don’t think it’s a satire, I don’t know if the author herself has confirmed it.)
Dionysus is my favorite subject. I wrote an essay on his rites and pilgrimages in an Ancient History course, and I think Donna Tartt did an excellent job. (Camilla is the deer because the maenads, followers of Dionysus, wear the “Nebris,” a deerskin, as part of their attire / Dionysus is the catamount, often also depicted as a great lion (what a Genius she is!) / in Dionysian races through the mountains, they often dismembered live animals, I’m pretty sure that poor farmer was in fact half eating alive // and Henry has them sacrifice pigs, because in the processions to Eleusis, pig’s blood was requested to purge sins before the great revelation, // drugs were part of the rites that made them “lose self-awareness” to live in an ecstasy of great revelation….// and I really think Bunny died in some ritualistically way// I really think the Charles Bites was also made it by Camilla… you remembered when she tells that sometimes he gets drunk and punch / bite her? I think it was very clever, and for me explain the way she goes to Henry…
There are certain books and topics that should be read if you want to appreciate the story in full terms. On the other hand, I have nothing against romanticizing a book. If I can’t romanticize a fiction book… what’s the point of reading at all?
Also…. Man. It’s just I have a lot to say about it dammit
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petermorwood · 4 months
That aged less than well.
I picked up a few common-subject books (The 1936 Abdication of Edward VIII, and what came after) from the library a couple of weeks back, and after reading several non-fictions, started on the single example of fiction.
It's "To Catch A King", a thriller by Jack "The Eagle Has Landed" Higgins, and Hoo-Boy, the opening made me roll my eyes:
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The Higgins novel was first published in 1979.
The non-fiction books all came out much later.
"Much later" meant post-Charles / Diana / Camilla / Andy / Fergie / Harry / Meghan etc, and thus also meant "Much Less Deferential".
They used research material unavailable* when Higgins wrote his novel.
* That said, every single non-fiction writer commented about how many documents were Not Yet Available, or Lost, or Withheld, or Heavily Redacted, etcetera, etcetera.
Even without that excuse there's an unsavoury brown-nosing feel about the novel which seems very un-Higgins.
IMO, of course, and YMMV.
By contrast, one of the non-fiction books - this one by Andrew Lownie - was entitled "Traitor King". Make of that what you will.
Considering what came from the documents which WERE available, and wondering what might be in the ones kept out of reach - also WHY they're so out of reach - leaves me thinking there's a lot of "no smoke without fire" about the Duke of Windsor's doings before and during WW2.
And terms like "credit", "gallant", "honourable", even "gentleman" may be at best less than accurate, at worst completely false.
The show will, no doubt, go on.
Right now I'm turning attention to some novels from my TBR pile - including at long last a few "Redwall" titles - because after that other lot, fiction has a less dodgy flavour...
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Having read the whole book (poor Plant) would you like to take a shot at calculating how much of it is pure fiction ?
Oh, like 90% of it. He flat out tells you at the beginning of the book that his memory is Swiss cheese and he has been living in a drug-induced dissociative state (with frequent hallucinatory and delusional episodes!) since his mum died when he was 12 years old. Plus the paranoia is evident.
I’m surprised that anyone is treating him as a reliable narrator about anything. He admits most of his childhood memories—like the funeral, South Africa trip and the Xbox—are based on tabloid accounts. He just picks which tabloid stories he likes and which ones he dislikes and chooses to remember the ones he likes.
The book is fascinating in that it’s the story of someone who was raised in a panopticon with few close/intimate relationships (basically just an eccentric father, an absentee brother, and employees who were just doing their job) and essentially crafted a personal narrative and an identity based on the feedback he was getting from the people surveilling him. Before Meghan, that identity was mostly negative—the naughty one, Spare, Prince Dunce, etc… Meghan, however, allowed him to change that identity and narrative, at least for a while. That’s why he ends the book with her quote. “This a MAN, this is no Spare.”
But the new identity and narrative is just as fake as the old one. As other anons have noted, he wasn’t actually there during Meghan’s supposed traumas. He’s on the phone, or he’s in England, or she’s out shopping. She just collapses into a teary puddle as soon as he arrives, so he can “save” her. He’s not protecting her from an evil press because that evil press doesn’t exist. He’s not defending her from Charles’ leaks or Camilla’s machinations because those don’t exist either. They are mirages, just like Ghost Leopard Diana and the singing seals. He essentially lives in a self-created magic reality world.
That’s why the Taliban are chess pieces, the paps are Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, and the aides are wasps, flies, and bees. That’s also why Meghan is a faery silkie princess sent by Diana who the seals sing it to. He lives in a fantasy world BY HIS OWN admission. He documents the whole thing, thoroughly. ALL OF IT is fake. Well, Kate may actually own lip gloss and Charles probably does love Shakespeare and Classical music, but you really have to discern which details are true and which ones are just flat out fantasy.
And he believes the whole thing. He doesn’t think he’s lying. He believes the Whole Food shoppers swarmed around Meghan like hungry hyenas. He believes he shopped at the TJ Maxx annual sale that never existed. He believes they booked Thomas an Air New Zealand flight that never was. He believes Di got him an XBox years before it was released. He believes he was at Eton when the Queen Mum died.
But it’s all a fantasy. It’s not exactly a lie because he believes it wholeheartedly, but it’s still not real. And the weirdest part is that he thinks that WE are the delusional ones. WE are the ones living in the “tabloid reality.” His mission is to destroy the British Press and the tabloid reality they have created and have his own reality reign supreme. It’s wild.
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tryingtimi · 4 months
Books of 2024 (2023 or close to it)
Thank you for the tag @barbex it sounds like a fun one hehe. 9 books should be listed that were read in the last 12 months (or alternatively liked when you read it) if I'm right. And when I read the rules I had the same reaction: mind went blank on if I ever read a single book lol. Luckily I keep track of my reading because I like watching them back.
No pressure tagging: @aninkwellofnectar, @bloodlessheirbyjacques, @the-void-writes, @circa-specturgia, @aalinaaaaaa, @dyrewrites, @italiangothicwriteblr, @cherrybombfangirlwrites, @blind-the-winds and anyone who wants to join.
All of the listed were read last year and which I liked especially.
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When The Stars Alight by Camilla Andrew (@aninkwellofnectar). Bi MC, gaslamp fantasy, gothic, court intrigue, delicious spice
You've already seen this many times on my page, because I really enjoyed this book and it was a window to many things I didn't know I'd enjoy in a story. So many beautiful description, beautifully emotional and sexy sex, rarely seen complex character dynamics and so much mouth watering food.
Éjféli Iskolák (Midnight Schools) by Attila Veres. lovecraftian horror set in Budapest
It's a horror short story collection by a hungarian author who I got recommended by a collegue. Attila Veres has a talent to capture that melancholic, sometimes surrelistic feeling living in Budapest which makes his work so authentic. But also very Big Ew for all the horroristic shit he created (in the best way.) My favourite one was the 'Porn After Midnight'.
Yumi and The Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanders. M/F romance focus, sci-fi/fantasy, anime-esque
You all know I'm a Sanderson trash. And the fact I, the slowest reader on the earth, read this book in two days, proved that very much lol. It felt like watching an anime, I swear to god. There's magic, time travel kinda thing, pretty innocent humour, loads of painting in it.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickenes. christmas nostalgia, historical fiction?
We all know this, but I'm very behind on classics book-wise so I began to catch up last year. Espceially because I love the animated movie so much. It was a lovely and educative read.
Y/N by Esther Yi. litfic, kpop fandom and industry satire basically, comteporary
It was one of my favourites from last year tbh, because I couldn't put down the damn e-reader. A very strange little read, 100% unhinged, but made me realise I might enjoy litfic, so I'll read more this year. Also, the story is not "summarizable" but the fact that this is the first two review on GoodReads tells a lot I think: reading this feels like that one night when i accidentally smoked weed for the first time I sort of feel like I just hallucinated this entire thing Yeah.
Even Though I Knew The End by C. L. Polk. F/F romance, fantasy, novella
Lesbian magical detective. Done, sold. I wanted to read this a while now, and it did not disappoint. It gave exactly what it promised. Fast paced little adventure with some humour and a lovely couple. Not a life-chaning read but as I mentioned, it gave what it promised. I enjoyed it anyway.
Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice. M/M romance kinda, supernatural, philosophical
Finally started to read the books my all time favourite movies are made of. Loved every bits of this, though sometimes it got way too wordy or I don't even know what. Overall though, it got me. Full of contemplation about human nature, God (though I could do a bit less without that) and death, plus the iconic vampire husbands and their arguments. It's just a real long broody monologue of Louis tbh. I'm fine with that it seems, though.
Legend & Lattes by Travis Baldree. F/F romance (not focus), cosy fantasy
Read pretty fast too. It's very much what it promises also. Cosy, and relaxing, and endearing. Love the concept of how a stoic warrior woman can settle finally and do something other than fighting. It was cute.
Tress of The Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson. M/F romance (not that important i think), cosy fantasy, Princess Bride-vibes
Yes, I got all the secret project, because of course I would. This one was also something like Legends & Lattes imo. In Sanderson style tho. I'm also loving when the narrator is a third person telling the story. Those are always fun. Oh and the story had many cuteness, humour and Our Flag Means Death kinda pirates.
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