#Chishiya oneshot
airbendertendou · 1 year
i can’t die! [i’m all in.] ♡ chishiya shuntaro
anon requested : Hi Author! Can you please write (if it's okay) a fanfic about chishiya, Where the reader was chishiya's girlfriend before the borderline, they were supposed to meet in somewhere but the meteorite fell just before they did, and they meet again for the first time in the jack of hearts game?  I know this isn't very detailed and I'm so sorry for that ;-; thank you author
song inspo ; coin by iu
synopsis : seeing your arranged boyfriend-of-sorts in the borderland’s is nerve-wracking. especially when he sees you’ve befriended a serial killer.
gender neutral reader, [name] used in place of y/n, platonic!banda - he might b ooc but idc <3, reader wears an oversized cardigan
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“Will you get out of my way?” You shove the tall male to the side playfully as you fasten the collar around your neck. Banda’s eyes met yours and you grinned mischievously. “This place remind you of anything?”
“You’re so funny,” he replies blandly. The prison around you is cold and you’re thankful for the cardigan you’ve kept all these weeks. You follow behind Banda as he walks up the stairs, eyes on the floor as you anticipate your newest game. “Jack of Hearts — what are you expecting?”
Thinking the question over briefly, you speak monotonously, “Russian roulette, probably.”
“I wouldn’t be so lucky.”
Eyes are on you both as you walk into the main hallway. A girl in a blue dress catches your attention, then a sweet looking guy in yellow and overalls. Your eyes drop to the floor again as the automated voice goes over the game and the rules. A subtle nudge against your shoulder catches your attention. Banda speaks without moving, “you and me?”
“That’s what I was planning, doofus.”
Your gaze drifts around the room again as people begin to pair up. Banda wanders off, exploring the area you’re locked in indefinitely. A white hood catches your attention, eyes following down their figure until you’re met with analyzing eyes and a familiar smirk. Your lips part, “Chishiya?”
As if he can hear you, the man tilts his head at you before walking off with his chosen group. 
Banda has collected a new person to join your duo — the stranger looks you over before grinning shyly. The hair on the back of your neck stands up, distrust crawling up your spine as you smile back. Meeting Banda’s gaze, you knew he was just as wary.
The killer — because that’s what he was in the other world and this one — slinks up next to you slyly. “See anyone you know?”
“Maybe,” you’re looking around once more, observing the way everyone interacts. Inclining your body slightly to the right, your eyes meet Chishiya’s. “Him. We were… together, in the other world. Something our parents agreed on.”
Banda lets out a mischievous snicker before leaning closer to you. “How cute. And he hasn’t come to say hello? Pity.”
You glare his way, wedging your elbow into the right side of his ribcage. The timer goes off then and you scamper over to an empty cell to give your card suit. As you exit your cell, Chishiya is idling in front of you curiously. He sways before speaking, “you know he’s killed people, right?”
“At this point, I haven’t met anyone here who isn’t a murderer.”
The blond hums before his gaze drifts, landing on something over your right shoulder. You know it’s Banda, looming behind you as he usually does. Chishiya looks to you again and speaks before his group comes to collect him. “I look forward to your survival.”
You find yourself in the cafeteria, stuffing snacks into the pockets of your cardigan for later before grabbing a drink and something to eat right then. Banda is sitting against the wall, staring ahead at Chishiya as you sit beside him. A pack of cookies lands in his lap — Banda doesn’t flinch as he peels the snack open and begins to eat it.
“Do you have to stare?” You mumble. Matsushita hadn’t returned from his bathroom break yet and you found relief in his absence. Another chip is placed in your mouth as you glare at Banda  — he was still staring Chishiya’s way. “You have a crush on him or somethin’?”
Before he could answer, a body is slammed next to yours. Looking down, you see a man sweating and crying as another looms over him menacingly. Banda slides up beside you, whispering a small, “lie to him.” in the man’s ear. You look away from them and see Chishiya looking at you again, judgment clouding his eyes as you don’t speak up against Banda.
You grumble, “already startin’ shit and we just got here.” 
“The game had to start sometime.”
As time passes, players dwindle slowly until the number hastens. There are only six of you left now — Chishiya’s partner couldn’t handle the pressure of the games, it seemed. Banda and Matsushita tell you your symbol — “club.” — before Banda breaks away from your group. You can feel the former’s eyes on you as you take sips from your drink, unnerving every inch of your skin. He interrupts the silence with a brutal curveball. “He’s lying to you, Banda. Your symbol is spade.”
“Why would he lie to me?”
“Maybe he thinks you’re the Jack,” Matsushita grins. Then he shrugs and leans against the wall beside you. “Or maybe he’s the Jack and is just trying to get rid of you. Who knows.”
You hum, tilting your head playfully. Of course you don’t believe him — strangely, you hadn’t doubted Banda since you got here. “What a waste. After we stayed allies for so long, he’d choose to get rid of me now?”
Matsushita’s eyes widen briefly at the new information before he snickers. “What a waste, indeed. Guess he doesn't cherish your friendship after all.” 
Walking away from the liar, you find yourself alone in the cafeteria. Well, you thought you were alone — Chishiya announced himself by reaching beside you for a pack of crackers. “Running around without your guard dog now, hm?”
“You can't talk,” you respond. “All alone, lingering around here like a ghost. Spooky.”
Your back is to the shelf of food as Chishiya begins to crowd your space. He hums while pouting his bottom lip, looking everywhere but you. “How’d you end up with Banda anyways? You were on your way to meet me.”
“We made a deal,” you shrug. By the tilt of your voice and raise of your eyebrows, Chishiya knows you’re lying. He stands quietly, taking one step closer to you. “Okay, fine. I threatened him and demanded we team up.”
“Of course you threatened a murderer.” Chishiya lets out a laugh just as the five minute warning echoes around the prison. He tugs on the cardigan you’re wearing, eyes softening at the sight of the worn fabric. “Think this is mine.”
“It might be,” you push off of the shelf and side-step the blond. You catch a glimpse of Chishiya’s symbol and are opening your mouth before you can think. “It’s diamond, by the way. Your suit.”
“Yours is club.” You nod in confirmation and it piques Chishiya’s interest. “Someone tell you different?”
“Matsushita tried to say Banda was lying to me. But, Banda knows better,” you glare. “I’ll break his kneecaps if he tries to kill me.”
Chishiya’s quiet laugh seems to echo in the desolate cell. It’s all you can think about — all you can remember as your fingers dance along the knit cardigan you’re wearing. After this — if you survive this game — you want to go home. You want to go back with Chishiya and watch that movie you were supposed to meet at.
It’s no surprise to see Matsushita being cornered by the three others. He did freak you out  — and he tried to get you killed. You eye his frightened expression lifelessly before speaking. “Can we take those snacks downstairs with us? I ran out of food a few days ago.”
You’re sitting beside Chishiya’s hospital bed as the news begins. Absent-mindedly, you hand him a slice of the fruit you were eating as the news reporter begins to speak. A picture of a convict pops up along with the news story. “...Banda is still missing. We are asking everyone to be cautious and be safe. We’ll have the week’s weather up next.” 
“You know…” you narrow your eyes at the picture of the man. Something about him looks familiar — it sends a tingle of awareness through your mind the longer you stare. “I think I could take that guy in a fight.”
Chishiya turns his head to you stiffly, furrowing his eyebrows. “He’s a serial killer, [name].”
You shrug, “I could do it.”
— ♧ ♡ ♢ ♤ — this wasn’t really fluffy or romantic but i wanted to write a goofy n playful reader so <3 might b posting an aib series soon, so keep an eye out for that! forever taglist : @straysugzhpe​ & @star2fishmeg​ <<33
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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pockyteau · 1 year
✩ a chishiya x reader where the sun is a lot closer to him than he realised.
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"Do you know the story of Icarus?"
The question catches Chishiya off guard. He turns to you inquisitively, but you are already looking elsewhere; you stretch your arms out behind your head lazily, leaning back against the side of your bed. The sunlight that filled the room was enough to make one drowsy with all its warmth, little specks of light scuttling across the ground like golden ants.
It's always weirdly sunny, when you're around.
"I'm familiar with it, yes." Chishiya says mildly. He briefly wonders whether he should've admitted to it - while it was true he had read the book, it had been completely unintentional. He'd picked up an old paperback of the book in a library once, under the impression that the gold lettering on the cover meant the book held a multitude of literary treasures. On that day, Chishiya learnt two things: that Icarus was an idiot, and that he should never trust the gold lettering on books.
He had come to dislike the story since.
"Really? You know it?" You look at him with wide eyes, your earlier drowsiness thrown off. The expression you are making is glowing with excitement, and he feels as if he should de-escalate the situation before you get any ideas. 
"I didn't like it much," he warns. Much to Chishiya's distaste, he had come to know that you were a lover of storybooks, of which he never had much patience for. You blink, falling back against your bed with an audible thump. 
"But why not?" You ask, tilting your head to the side. From your lips the question sounds incredulous; it's almost as if you had, in fact, greatly enjoyed the story of Icarus.
Chishiya frowns. He had initially expected you to dislike it too, since the story ended in Icarus' death and you were the greatest lover of happy endings he'd ever met. After tuning many of them out, he had come to know that your personal favourite tales were the ones about love - sappy ones of sweetness and longing that spanned over many lifetimes. He didn't care much for them either, though they wouldn't have bothered him nearly as much if you didn't insist on telling him every single one. So, with that in mind, what reason could you have for liking this tale? 
"Icarus dug his own grave," Chishiya shrugs. "If he'd just been careful, he would've lived. He should've listened to the advice he was given."
You snort. "That's why you don't like it? You and Icarus are one in the same, then," you point out. "You never listen either."
It appears you've noticed him tuning you out. 
"Well," Chishiya muses, "I can afford not to." He turns his head to shoot you a lazy grin. "The same cannot be said for Icarus."
You press your lips together. "Wow, you are awful," you comment, though Chishiya can tell by the way your shoulders shake gently that you are trying not to laugh. Your attempt to stifle your laughter ends up in vain when your voice disappears towards the end of your statement, dipping your head forward to conceal the grin adorning your face. 
Chishiya finds he is smiling before he can stop himself - it's easy to make you laugh. He knows that if you lifted your head, he would see the crinkles under your eyes.
He allows you a moment to compose yourself before asking a question of his own. "But why do you like it?" he says, careful to keep the curiosity out of his voice. You raise your head when he speaks, traces of laughter still painting your lips. "The Icarus story, I mean. Since he dies in the end, I would've thought you'd hate it."
The question seems to surprise you. You frown, your brows drawing together. "Well, I wouldn't say that I like it, exactly," you say thoughtfully. "But it does have its charm. Icarus was happy for a little while." You muse. "Maybe being careless was worth it for him." 
"That's ridiculous," Chishiya snorts. Icarus was happy for no less than what, five seconds? No form of death could be worth that. Now he doesn't know why he asked in the first place, because of course you would supply him with an answer like that. "He still died."
"Hey, what've you got against Icarus?" You tease, arms folded as you lean back against the side of your bed. "To be honest, I think his story is a little sad. He was just glad to be in the sun."
"Mm," Chishiya makes a noncommittal noise in response, knowing that if he were to give a full answer it would probably be rather scathing. You smile at this, giving him a little nudge. 
"Okay, not a fan of Icarus," you say. Your voice is soft, tinted with amusement. Huh. Chishiya feels a small ache hatch in the centre of his chest - it pricked him in a strange way to see your smile as you spoke. You carry on, unaware of the sudden pain in his chest, that same smile still on your face. "Got it. Ah! Do you know Psyche and Eros? You have to have heard of them! Their love story is unrivaled." 
Chishiya is vaguely aware of how he shakes his head, which causes you to clutch at your chest in mock horror. You then launch into your rendition of Psyche and Eros' romance, eyes shining. It seemed that unlike Icarus, Psyche and Eros got their happy ever after; their love was free to last forever, unbound by the constraints of mortal life once Psyche was immortalised. 
Of course, this was the ringer for you -  a love that lasted forever. Chishiya doesn't believe in forever; he knows everything must eventually come to an end. Perhaps that was where the two of you differed the most; you firmly believed in forever, simply because you insisted that things such as love could transcend all boundaries, resist the tests of time. 
He supposes this should only be expected from someone who pitied Icarus, for whom Chishiya has no sympathy for. Despite how careless he may seem to you, him and the boy with the wax wings are nothing alike, because Chishiya is careful. He takes care not to let his mind wander when he sets his gaze on the sparkle in your eyes, the curve of your lips. He takes care not to let the sunlit vision of you sink too deep beneath the surface of his mind. Chishiya is careful, always careful. He knows that the repercussions of getting comfortable with you could cost him everything.
Even without you telling him, he knows the story of Icarus, who flew too close to the sun. 
Today you are telling him about something new - probably another love story, judging by the delight in your voice. 
It's sunny again. Chishiya is sitting with his back against the wall of your room, basking in the golden sunlight that streams through your window. The atmosphere is peaceful, calm. The way Chishiya likes it. 
He leans his head forward slightly to stretch the stiffness out of it; he had long since stopped listening to you, and was now trying to figure out how to a rig a flamethrower. And every other step to making a flamethrower, really. It would be a lot easier to dance that risky line between life and death with one, and Chishiya intends to use it as his ticket out of this poolside hotel. He dreams of somewhere he doesn't have to attend meetings on the whim of an obnoxious man in sunglasses.
But where would he get the materials? If he were to ask someone like Ann for spare flamethrowing parts, he would most likely be bombarded with questions. Ann was terrifying in her own right, with her ability to speak so fast. It's a dilemma, certainly. Perhaps he could ask the handyman, Tatta, instead.
He doesn't seem like the type to ask what Chishiya would use them for, and Chishiya believes that is a quality more people should have. 
He lifts his head at your mention of his name. "Hm?"
You grin. Chishiya feels that little ache between his ribs again, filling in the empty space between his heart and his bones. It seems to be spreading, which he tries not to find concerning. 
It's probably nothing. 
"You weren't listening again, were you?" you chide, but you don't seem to mind. The teasing look on your face makes that plain enough.  
Chishiya sees no need to lie. "I was not."
"Of course not," you sigh dramatically, flopping down to sit next to him. He smirks at you, knowing that you would roll your eyes in response. He knows you, predicting the way your head tilts away from him slightly, covering a quiet laugh. "Actually, I don't know why I'm surprised. Do you even listen to all those executive meetings you go to?"  
Chishiya grins, which means the obvious answer is no - it's a close call between who he respects less, the Hatter or the mournful looking worm he'd spotted on his way back from a game. In fact, he might've even lent the worm an ear if it had deigned to speak - it probably had more worthwhile things to say than the Beach's number one.   
You seem to be able to follow his train of thought. "I guess not," you say, a small laugh escaping your lips. 
He finds himself thinking that the sound of it is rather nice.
Without warning you lean in closer to Chishiya and for a moment his mind goes blank, but all you do is reach out a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. "Here," your fingers brush lightly against the side of his face as you do so, the warmth of your skin lingering on his jaw even though the touch was only a brief one. "Now you'll be able to hear me better, hm?"
Chishiya snorts. His eyes flick over to you, that smile he wished wouldn't affect him so much dancing on your lips. Perhaps he should untuck the strand of hair from behind his ear again, just to annoy you. "There's a difference between wanting to listen and being able to listen."
"Hey-" you open your mouth to protest, but close it just as quickly. Chishiya is all but ready to give you a smug look, anticipating the way you would groan and pretend not to laugh - but then you lean in even closer, inspecting his face with curious eyes. He raises his brows in question. He doesn't like how your eyes have widened, mystified, as they rest just below his own eye level.
"What is it?" He frowns.
"You have a beauty mark!" You say, a delighted smile spreading across your lips. "I never noticed! Why didn't you tell me?"
Chishiya's brow furrows. He has to stifle the sudden urge to reach up and cover the little mark below his left eye. Why would he tell you? Perhaps he had fallen into the fool's trap of assuming you had working eyes, since the mark was, you know, on his face. "It must have slipped my mind," he says dryly. 
Unfortunately, you take no notice of his wry tone. "It's so cute!" you exclaim. You look dangerously close to clapping your hands in joy, and you are still much too close to Chishiya. He feels the warmth on his skin beginning to burn as you reach out a finger to lightly tap the mark under his eye. "Oh! that reminds me - did I ever tell you the story? Beauty marks are where you were kissed the most in your past life."
Chishiya brushes your hand away from his face. "I can't say I've heard that one before," he says, keeping his tone even. He hopes it will be enough to stop the liquid gold in his chest from spreading.
"I thought as much," you hum, reaching out to poke the mark under his eye again, grinning when he swats you away. "Hey, that means you were kissed there a lot. Isn't that so sweet? You must have been really loved in your past life."
Chishiya's frown deepens. Here is your precious everlasting love again. 
It's no secret that he doesn't believe in things like this; he knew better than most that human hearts were feeble things, easily stopped. As the vessel of love, didn't that show how not even the greatest love could last longer than the average human lifespan? 
"Is that so." He says flatly. The mark below his eye was merely a fixation of his face, nothing more. 
Your eyes dart over his unsmiling expression, the corners of your lips still turned up. "It's okay, I know you don't believe in things like that," you say mildly, eyes sparkling. Chishiya's gaze flickers; he didn't realise you had become so apt at predicting his thoughts. 
"You're right. I don't."
You merely hum again in response before falling silent, as if in thought. In the hush Chishiya allows his gaze to wander to you momentarily; it comes to rest on the pensive crease in your forehead, angling lower to where golden shapes are being cast over your face by the sunlight coming through the window. 
He's not sure if he can remember a time where you haven't been touched by light. 
"Ah!" You do clap your hands now, and Chishiya eyes you in apprehension. That can't mean anything good. "Alright. Why don't we test something out?" 
"Test?" Chishiya squints at you for a moment to accentuate his reluctance. "And what would that be?" 
"Well...why don't we give you a new beauty mark?" You smile. "You don't believe me, so I'll prove you wrong." 
Chishiya has to bite back his immediate scorn. What purpose would that serve? It's not as if you would be able to check if your theory worked, anyway. Even if you were right, neither of you would know what had conspired in this room, dappled in sunlight, in your next life.
He's already forming the word "no" in his throat, well aware that he shouldn't indulge you - but there are little crinkles under your eyes, the look of pure joy you usually wear when telling him your precious stories. Why were you so happy about his beauty mark, he wonders, and why hasn't the ache stopped by now? He should shut you down now, before this gets out of hand.
It is with these resolute thoughts that for some unfathomable, fanatical reason, Chishiya opens his mouth to find the words "do whatever you want," escaping off the tip of his tongue.
Just like that, the precarious nature he had built up around you is dealt its first blow when your face lights up with a pleasant surprise. 
"Really?" you say, so tentatively that the pull in his chest becomes so strong it almost hurts. Chishiya has to pull himself together to shrug in indifference. But it's fine. This is but a small allowance, one he will only let slide once. 
He still has to be careful. 
You delicately put both hands on either side of the blonde's face, turning it this way and that as if inspecting it. He looks at you, unimpressed, as you gently poke his right cheek, designating it as the spot for his next beauty mark. "Is here okay?"
Chishiya shrugs again with his face still in your hands, your hold on him causing a slight difficulty for him to do so properly. "It's your test, isn't it?"
"Okayy, here it is, then."
You lean in and place a gentle kiss on his cheek, then another, and another. The touch of your lips is sweet and light - Chishiya's soft chuckle is audible when you kiss him a fourth time, and he loses count of the ones that follow after you can't seem to help but kiss him once on the lips. 
Chishiya knows he shouldn't. He is aware that the wax wings fixed to his back are loosening by the day. 
But no matter how hard he tries to ignore it, he is compelled to push open the door to your room in his free time, the daylight hours before he leaves for a game. Where he is enveloped by golden sunlight the second he steps in, the way your face brightens like heaven is on earth there with him etching itself into the very corners of his mind. He listens silently to your stories, the lull of your voice. You've begun to kiss him on his right cheek regularly, like a habit, and he can't bring himself to stop you. 
He does his best to ignore the thought that perhaps he doesn't even want to stop you.
Chishiya knows that this is temporary. He has to be careful, make sure he doesn't forget. That no matter how many times you kiss him, he cannot stay. He is already flying much to close to the sun - the sudden warmth that consumes him as he does so is so immense that it scares him. Because every time you kiss him like that, he wonders what it would be like to sit there and listen to you tell stories forever.
And Chishiya knows forever doesn't exist. 
Chishiya declines citizenship in the Borderlands.
Even after playing Kuzuryuu, he had honestly considered staying. No matter where he was, forever still would not exist; he would eventually die in either world. It would be interesting to see what the future held for him here, in any case. Perhaps he could run the Diamond games - there's no question of him being able to take the crown of the King of Diamonds with his intellect. And after all, if he stayed, he wouldn't have to return to the tedious problems of the real world.
But in the end, he finds that something inside him has changed.
Maybe it's because he's slowly bleeding out, which probably doesn't bode well for him. Maybe it's because he's slumped against a car and it's less than comfortable. Maybe Kuzuryuu got through to him after all.
But maybe it's also how you find him there, hidden behind the car, worry painting your usually so sunny face as you rush over to kneel beside him.
"Chishiya?" you whisper urgently. "Are you okay?" 
He feels a gentle weight on his shoulder where you hand has immediately come to rest, like it's the most natural thing in the world. You don't even think twice about it; it surprises Chishiya that such a simple movement could feel so comforting, safe. He's gotten used to your touch, no matter how hard he'd tried not to. You're checking his wounds, eyes widening when you realise his hoodie is soaked in blood. "What happened to you? Oh my god, have you been shot? How bad is it?"
Chishiya manages a weak chuckle, even as you begin desperately searching for the bullet wound. You're worried, really worried, whispering something about putting pressure on the wound. Should he tell you he's been shot more than once? 
His eyes roam over your face, cast in deep shadow by the darkening sky. Where are the crinkles in your eyes? The look of unobtainable joy that never left your face? It's so strange - ridiculous, even - that all he can think of is that stupid story you'd told him so long ago, the one about the beauty marks. He aches to see you smile again, like you did then, and the all-consuming feeling almost outweighs the blood seeping from his wounds.
"Are you laughing?" you say tearfully. Another laugh forces itself out of Chishiya's chest even as he winces slightly, although whether he laughs out of amusement or exasperation he can't really tell. You give him an incredulous stare, eyes shining with perspiration, before you finally crack a small smile of your own.
That's all it takes for the dam to break and you exhale in relief, the panic leaving your body in the form of a heavy breath. Your whole body relaxes and your hand slips a bit on his shoulder as you slump down beside him. "Chishiya," you breathe his name like it's the only thing keeping you alive, burying your face in your hands. "I was so worried about you." 
Chishiya's broken laughter subsides into a grin. He leans back against the car, closing his eyes for a moment, although his look of amusement still lingers over his features. It's almost ironic - you seem more concerned about his own life than he is. And while Chishiya's concern usually reaches the brilliant heights of almost zero, he suddenly thinks that surviving his multiple bullet wounds wouldn't be so bad. 
"Why?" he says, opening his eyes slightly to peer at you through half-lids. "If I died, we could test out your beauty mark theory."
You groan, but the sound is half-laugh-half-exasperation. "I can't believe you." Your head falls forward to rest on his shoulder, the fabric of his hoodie muffling your voice. You sound weak, as if you had spent some time calling out his name, trying to find him. He exhales a soft laugh. it was always your voice that gave you away, but now Chishiya only finds it endearing rather than a weakness. Despite the situation he finds himself relaxing. 
He could get used to this. 
And that's when it hits him. 
That Chishiya has already become Icarus, the fool. 
He breathes out. No, he's been a fool from the very start. He wants your head on his shoulder, just like it is now. He wants the warmth of your touch. He wants forever, full of your dancing eyes and your buoyant smile. He wants too much, has flown right against the sun so that his wax wings have melted away and he's plummeted into the ocean. Look at where being careful had gotten him; everything he's ever believed to be true is lost in the deep water. 
But then you raise your head to graze a kiss on his right cheek between murmurs, your own cheeks slightly wet with tears, and Chishiya finds he doesn't care. He's willing to indulge in the idea of forever, no matter how unlikely it might be that it actually exists. He'll sink deeper into the ocean as long as you're holding on to him.
Fireworks explode around the two of you, marking the end of the world he'd met you in, and Chishiya makes his choice.
"I don't want citizenship," he says, and his eyes slide over to you as the words leave his mouth. He can admit, if only to himself, that he's looking forward to your reaction. "I think."
Your astonished face is illuminated in the light before it splits into that beaming smile. 
"I thought you would stay," you whisper, but you're smiling so hard even as glittering tears are sliding down your cheeks again that Chishiya can't help but laugh once more. You reach for his hand and clasp it tightly, intertwining your fingers and his in a way that can only be described as tender and sweet, and he knows he's made the right choice. 
"Let's go home," you say, eyes shining, and Chishiya is falling, falling. He wants to go back and live in a world with you, where a love that outlasts even the two of your beating hearts is more likely to be possible. Because even though he doesn't believe in forever, you do.
And Chishiya has never wanted so badly, with all of the heart he thought he didn't have, for it to be true. 
Chishiya couldn't shake the feeling that something was strange.
He knew exactly where he was before he even fully woke up - the beep of the heart monitor, the sharp scent of sterilisation, the coolness of the pillow behind his head. From all the time he'd spent in residency, the atmosphere of the hospital was unmistakable. 
He opens his eyes slowly to ease his transition into the waking world. His body aches with injury, and there is a stinging pain in his abdomen. The thoughts in his head are sluggish, bleary. He's still gaining his bearings, trying to figure out what happened. 
A sudden jolt of urgency shoots through him and he almost bolts upright; he is met with the resistance of the tightly tucked in hospital bedsheets, and has to slowly push himself up instead. He looks around, scanning the other beds in the room. There is a strange new ache blooming rapidly in his chest, but he doesn't think it's related to his injuries. Where is...
He blinks. Where is what? 
He frowns, freeing one of his arms from the linen sheets to rub his forehead. He tries to summon the thought up again, but it's like grasping at sand. Where is...? He attempts to close his fist over the question, but it slips through his fingers like the grains of an hourglass. What was he so desperate to find just now?
He just can't seem to recall. 
The curtain around his bed is drawn with the slight scrape of metal, revealing a nurse with a clipboard. Chishiya is momentarily distracted from his thoughts when the nurse looks surprised to see him awake, her mouth forming a little 'o' of astonishment.
"Oh! you're awake," her expression quickly eases into a professional smile. Chishiya dips his head slightly in acknowledgement, but he is still unsettled. It's the strangest thing. It feels he's missing something, but he just can't figure out what.
The nurse begins to check his vitals, scribbling something down on a clipboard with a ballpoint pen. To Chishiya's newly awoken mind, the scratch of pen against paper is louder than it should be. As she writes she tells Chishiya what happened - the tragedy of the meteorite, how he was one of many victims of the crash. 
"Your heart stopped for a full minute," she says, "you went into cardiac arrest. The same thing actually happened to a lot of the other patients here who were injured by the meteorite crash..."
Chishiya stops listening there. The nurse continues to talk, but his mind is already is elsewhere. His heart stopped for a full minute. He wonders, briefly, why it even bothered starting back up again. Perhaps he had some underlying will to live that even he didn't know about. 
Human hearts were strange things. 
It turns out that Chishiya has to stay at the hospital for a while before he can be discharged. He's familiar with the procedures - although his injuries aren't as severe as the man in the bed next to him, who is bandaged from head to toe, it'll still take a while before he makes a full recovery. Though Chishiya isn't too happy about this, he supposes there's nothing much he can do about it. And while the man stationed beside him is rather boisterous at times he does talk to Chishiya on the occasion, and it's not too irritating. In fact, he thinks they might even be a little bit alike in some ways.   
But even as his injuries slowly heal, the ache he'd woken up with still lingers. It's such a strange, implacable feeling. Something inside him yearns for a specific kind warmth, the gold of sunlight that filters through windows. The hospital wards are too silent, too dull. Since when did he begin to long for company? But it's not even that - the room he's been staying in is full of people, yet he still feels as if someone is missing from his side. It's endlessly frustrating. 
If his heart was going to torture him like this for surviving, maybe it shouldn't have yanked him back from cardiac arrest after all.
Chishiya's hospital days blur together with the utter sameness of them all. He goes through the motions, the scans, the checkups, all without a second thought. 
Until, that is, he catches a proper glimpse of his reflection in the chipped bathroom mirror. 
He stops in his tracks, leaning in closer to check whether it was just a speck of dust on the mirror, but no - it's really there. He frowns. That's weird. 
He has a new beauty mark.
Has it always been there? There had always been one, just below his left eye. He had never paid it any heed. It was simply there, an affixation of his face. But he finds that there is now another mark, sitting on his right cheek. If it had been there all his life, he certainly didn't remember it. How had he never noticed it before?
He raises a hand to brush the new mark in confusion, his fingertips grazing the skin. As he does this, he recalls something odd - in the very back of his mind, it's almost as if he can feel the gentle press of someone's lips against his cheek. 
Chishiya is finally going to be discharged from the hospital today.
He will not miss this place. In fact, his parting from the bed he'd known for the last month or so was joyful, to say the least. The ache he had woken up with still hasn't disappeared, but maybe the unsettling feeling that he'd forgotten something would fade once he left.
The sooner, the better.
He is just making his way to reception, having bid an amused farewell to the boisterous man in the bed beside him. Unlike the others in his room, neither of them had had any visitors, so he supposed the least he could do was be civil to the guy.
For once, there is silence in the hospital's white-walled corridors; visiting hours had not yet begun, and while Chishiya had grown to find complete silence somewhat unnerving he welcomes the change. There are no families weeping in the grey couches, no nervous chatter as they waited to be given updates on their loved ones' condition. There is even an abundance of sunlight, drifting in through the windows. It's peaceful, calm. The way Chishiya likes it.
Except when the receptionist's desk is finally in sight he finds someone else is already there, talking to the receptionist. By the looks of it, it's another patient - probably another crash victim, like him. Chishiya slows down, not particularly wanting to wait around for the conversation to finish. He stuffs his hands into his pockets, turning to look at the grey visitor's couches and then back at the receptionist. The patient is filling out forms now, blue ballpoint pen in hand. He spots the receptionist holding a rather thick stack of papers in her hand and frowns.
This may take a while.
Chishiya resigns himself to the grey couches, sinking into the soft fabric of the furniture. At least there's plenty of sunlight, streaming in through the rectangular glass pane overhead. He shoots another glance over at the counter, where the receptionist's stack of paper has diminished by about two sheets. He wonders if he would be chased if he just walked out of the hospital without signing the discharge documents.
With a sigh he leans back into the couch, turning his head to the side. With a note of surprise, he realises that there is a book lying open-faced a few inches away from him - judging by how it's been left open, someone must have left it there in the middle of reading it. With nothing else to do he lets curiosity take over, reaching over to pick the book up by its spine.
The book is a thin copy of an old story, battered and clearly well-read. He frowns slightly when he reads the title, bringing it closer to him to make out the words - gold lettering, the font of deceit. It's the story of Icarus; who wanted too much, giddy upon his taste of the heavens, and paid the price for it. Chishiya had always held contempt for that particular tale. If the fool had just been a little more careful, perhaps he would've lived.
"Oh! You know the story of Icarus?"
The question catches Chishiya off guard. He looks up from the book to see someone standing in front of him, smiling. It's that patient, the one who had been talking to the receptionist, silhouette dappled golden in the sunlight trickling into the room. That must mean the receptionist's desk is free now - but for some reason, he can't seem to tear his eyes away from the patient's expression; sparkling eyes, lips curved sweetly. Those bright eyes study him as he feels a familiar pull in his chest, the ache growing stronger by the second. And then, he hears the soft words:
"You have lovely beauty marks."
And it's so strange, because suddenly he feels a tug at the back of his mind. He feels as if he's heard something like that before, in another room dappled in sunlight. Where he felt warmer, safer than anywhere he had ever known.
Chishiya feels the smile come to his lips before he can stop himself. Perhaps his admin papers could wait a little longer. "Is that so."
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butim4you · 2 months
(This is not proffread and i just started writing so it might not be that good, hope you like it <3)
Chishiya x reader
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You took a deep breath but then Hissed at the sudden pain it brought you. You had been helping your friends take down the King of spades...You had atleast two or three gun shots. Two in your chest and one in your leg.
Usagi had just left the alley way to find arisu even with her leg being stabbed..Kuina was laying on the ground focusing on her breathing beside Ann. She stares at your attempt to stand. You got up but quickly had to hold on to the wall as your leg almost gave out.
You only had one leg to get to Him...When Arisu had reaveld that He would show the way Chishiya was if you helped them, you didnt have a choice..Wobbiling out of the alley you look up to see Arisu carrying Usagi bridal style and he looks worried for her. Hearing footsteps Arisu looks up at you.
"Which way..."
You said weakly. Arisu remembered what he had said. He nodded at the way since he couldn't point with Usagi in his arms. You didn’t even consider saying 'thanks' or 'bye'. You just started walking...Or more so, you tried your best to walk. He could be anywhere....You had no idea what you were thinking. You would probably not even find him. You walked quite the way to find niragi leaning back against an Abonded car.
You had always had a problem with niragi. He saw a figure covering the sun from him, and he opened his eyes and looked up at her. He knew you were looking for chishiya. Stupid people...stupid love.
You addressed him, and he scoffs and looks off to the side. He understood you were in a bad condition.. He could easily take you over now if it wasn't for his own pain. He coughs and avoids your e/c Eyes.
"Your prince is waiting over there."
He stares in the direction Chishiya sits, Hes a bit far away from them. Far enough to not hear their words. You stare at him before limping towards the way he told you. You were met with a sight of Chishiya sitting down, leaning back against a car resting.
You feel a wave of calmness hit you and you let go of a breath you didnt know you were holding. He hears your soft voice that was like a whisper. He could hear your hurried footsteps but also the dragging of your injured leg. His calm eyes open as you did your best to sit down beside him. A loud wince was heard from you and he quickly examined your condition.
"Your hurt."
He stated softly, Inside he Felt bad for not protecting you and he wished he could wrap up your wounds. But you smile so sweetly at him.
"You are too, y'know?"
You already understood Niragi was the reason for his injuries. He felt you lean into his side that wasn't injured. And he leaned back against you. He gave the side of your head a kiss and just sat there with you. Neither one of you had the energy to do anything else.
Time moved like seconds as you two sat there, Before you knew it you heard the fireworks and saw the beautiful colors in the sky.
"Shiya...They did it..."
Chishiya smiles and nods, The Loud voice then was heard from the sky...'Your now allowed to pick either to stay here as a citizen or Leave to go back to the real world." A woman's voice said that sounded made up said.
You look up at him, and he stares up into the sky.
"I wanna leave.."
He said with a small smile as you copied his words. You even heard Niragi say he wants to leave from afar. Your hand that is intertwined with his gives him a squeeze. He looks down at you with confused eyes as you look scared.
"Shiya, Promise me that you will go look for me in the real world again...? Please..."
He still has that confident glint in his eyes as he kisses the side of your face.
"I promise, Y/n.."
Then everything went black.
Chishiya stares at the unfimilar man in the bed beside him.
"What the fuck are you staring at?"
The man rasped, half of the man's body was covered in bandages.
"I heard your heart also stopped for a whole minute.."
Chishiya said with his normal face, He felt like he had forgotten something important..
"So what?"
The man spat, seriously not caring a shit. He sighs.
"Do you feel like something in you changed?"
He doesnt really know why he is asking. A part of him feels missing...more then before.
"Not really...Guess I just look flashier now. What about you?"
The man chishiya already knews name was Niragi suguru. What happend now again...?
"...I lived a useless life..but now..im gonna make up for it..."
The way chishiya said that so casually made niragi laugh but he stops when he hears their room door opening, A woman stood there. She looked like she's here for the same reason as they were.
"Ah, im sorry! This is the wrong room.."
Chishiya looked over at her and examined her closely...Then your eyes met, he felt his missing spot getting filled once more as he heard you say his name nickname you gave him.
Not you randomly remembering his nickname and saying it out loud.
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daidonzo · 1 year
Doctor, thanks for seeing me today
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"She hit her head."
You looked at Usagi, wondering what the best way to kill her would be. Maybe strangling her? No, no way. She was way too strong for that. Drowning her or asphyxiating her with a pillow while she slept were also out of the question. Maybe you could throw her down some stairs or something. If you were at her back and gave her a little push…
"I did not." You pronounced each word clearly, as if they were a sentence on their own, shooting daggers at her.
You had gone bouldering with your friend. She had been asking for a while and you had finally agreed, although you were nowhere near as physically active as she was and were a little bit scared of heights. Not too much, just like any other sane person would be. And boy, were some of those walls high.
She had taught you the basics before getting started.
"It's basically a game of balance, technique, strength and brain."
"I have maybe like one and a half of those things." You had said, not very convinced.
It had actually been quite fun. The place you had visited had the circuits' difficulty organized by colors: white, yellow, orange, red and black, white being the easiest and black being the hardest. You had manage to do all the white ones, and Usagi was nearly beaming with pride.
You had got a little bit too confident, adrenaline pumping through your veins.
"Now I'm going for a red one!"
"I think… Maybe you should just take it slow, progressively. Let's go with yellow?"
But once you set your mind set on something, you always found a way to achieve it.
So you walked towards the artificial rock walls where those were, with your extremely uncomfortable climbing shoes and hands full of chalk to get a better grip on the fake rocks.
Usagi had given up.
"Well, at least there are safety mats…" And shrugged. She knew you too well by now.
You kind of wish she had kept insisting, because while you managed to get pretty far on the red circuit, you also lost balance at some point in time and hit your head against one of the fake rocks. And then you fell. Pathetic. Utterly awful.
It didn't hurt that much, but Usagi still insisted on taking you to the hospital.
"Slow down, cowboy. This is not my first rodeo. You know how clumsy I am, I fall all the time!"
But just like it happened with you, there was nobody stopping her when it came to worrying for her friends. And you loved her for that.
What you didn't love her for was for telling your long-haired, blonde, extremely-handsome doctor every detail about your ridiculous fall.
"She did hit her head. And then she fell. She also scratched her hands, trying to grip at anything while she was falling, but she couldn't do it so…"
"No. That didn't happen like that. I decided to let myself fall because…"
The doctor's brown eyes moved from Usagi to you and from you to Usagi. Was there… A hint of entertainment in his face? Was he actually enjoying this?
"If you don't tell me what happens, I cannot do a proper examination." He finally said, his intense gaze focusing on you.
You looked at his identification badge, squinting your eyes to read what it said.
"You see, Dr. Chishiya…" You started, curving your lips upwards, into the most charming and seductive smile you could manage. "Nothing happened. I'm fine."
He kept looking at you, without changing his expression. He was kind of intimidating.
"Whatever, I hit my head." You finally agreed, rolling your eyes. Usagi laughed, but covered her mouth with her hand, and had the decency to mask it as a cough, at least.
"Could you wait outside?" Chishiya said to your friend, who nodded and left the room.
He started his examination. He checked your vision, your hearing, asked you simple questions, and touched your head to see how it felt. You felt shivers down your spine when his skin came in contact with yours, but didn't say anything.
He was just a doctor, doing his job. There was nothing strange about this. However, you couldn't help but imagine that his fingers lingered for a moment longer on your skin because he liked you, that maybe he was not required to touch you but he also felt the connection, the attraction…
Of course, that was not the case. But there was nothing wrong with creating fake scenarios in your head, as long as you were realistic about it. One had to be.
"You are alright." He determined after the examination, sitting behind his desk. "The spot where you hit yourself is inflamed. It shouldn't hurt more than it does already, but you can take ibuprofen if it does."
"Thanks, doc."
"If there is nothing else…"
But there was something else. You didn't want to just leave. You wanted to get to know him. Maybe get his number? Was it ethical to ask for a doctor's number?
No, really, was it? Maybe since he was not your doctor, but someone who simply had to work today in emergency care…
Your brain was spiraling, fast and furious, trying to find a way.
"What if I hit my head again?" You asked, trying to gain some time.
He lifted his eyes from the piece of paper he was writing something on, perplexed. "Is that something that happens often?"
"More often than you think. It's quite big so I guess it has its own gravitational field and you know, objects get attracted to it."
You didn't have a particularly big head. You used to, back when you were a kid, but your body had grown as well and now everything was more or less balanced.
You still made jokes about it, from time to time.
He looked as if he didn't know how to react.
"Well, then…"
"Do I just come back and ask for Dr. Chishiya?"
Damn, that was fast. He could have pretended at least to think about it for a few seconds.
"I'm actually still a student."
"Specializing in pediatric cardiac surgery."
"None of those words have anything to do with me, I get it."
One of the corners of his mouth lifted up. Well, at least he found you funny.
"And it wouldn't be very moral."
"What do you mean? Repeating an appointment with the same doctor is not moral?"
"I meant I was waiting until after your visit was over to ask you if you wanted to get coffee. And it would not be appropriate for me to do so if you were my patient."
You blinked, unsure of what you were hearing.
He wanted to ask you for coffee?
"Ah… Okay, sure. Are you…"
"I'm free in half an hour."
"Okay, yeah. I'll… Be by the entrance?"
"See you then."
Was he serious?
You left his office, still not believing what just happened. Usagi was waiting for you by the door.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, don't worry. I'm having coffee with him in thirty minutes."
"You are what!?"
You lifted your shoulders, your mind devoid of thought. "I don't know…"
Usagi let out a bubbly laugh, feeling all the excitement you should have been experiencing.
She agreed to wait with you by the entrance.
Arisu, her boyfriend, would come pick her up in thirty minutes and you could leave with them if it all turned out to be a cruel joke the handsome doctor Chishiya was playing on you.
It wasn't, because exactly twenty-eight minutes later you heard his voice coming from behind.
"Are you ready to go?"
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telleroftime · 1 year
Small Comfort ||| Chishiya x Reader
You and Chishiya have been grouped together for a game and you didn’t anticipate the amount of people there. You’re panicking, but Chishiya grounds and comforts you in his own way.
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Request - Anonymous
Pairing: Chishiya Shuntarō x Female ! Reader
Relationship: Romantic
Tone: Angst to Fluff
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: Reader has Social Anxiety, Light Panic Attack (?)
Oneshot Masterlist
A/N: "It should be posted within the next few days" I said. It has been nearly three weeks. I may have forgotten to work on this.
Tonight was the last night of your visa, a fearful "zero days remaining" bright on the phone's screen, and you had to leave the ironic, stone walls of the hotel. The foe utopia hidden behind the title of the Beach demanded obedience, and with it the order that you could not leave unless the timer struck zero. You were to remain lost within the sickening party of alcohol and deception until the very last second, and you were to be a servant to Hatter until your very last breath. That way they ensured your total 'loyalty'.
And, because of that loyalty, tonight you had to leave. This night you had to participate in the death games, and, no matter the risks, you were happy that Chishiya chose to come with you.
He was wordless when he approached you within the packed lobby, only cocking his head with a knowing smirk before his expression fell back to a mask of cold neutrality.
He was worldless when Hatter announced the beginning of the night's entertainment and when each pre-decided group made its way to the old vehicles prepared by the iron gates of the hotel.
He was wordless when he entered the van and claimed the very back seats for the two of you.
There weren't a lot of you in the van the Beach's scouts managed to get their hands on. There were only five people if you counted both you and Chishiya: the driver who sat with thinly lined lips and wrinkles highlighting his frown; two women who huddled up in the seats in front of you, wrapped in each other's arms with scared eyes; Chishiya who leaned his chin on his fist and looked silently out of the window; and you.
To your surprise, the ride towards the site of the rising white light was a silent and pleasant one. Other than the hushed murmur of the two women, everyone seemed to mind their own business. The driver was diligently following the red line on the paper map, and Chishiya spared a few quiet glances at you. It was a comfortable atmosphere.
At least for however long it lasted.
You knew that it was going too well when you left the confines of the van, Chishiya aiding your dismount with a tentative hand that slipped back into the safety of its pocket the second you let go.
You followed him and the rest of the group up and into the bright building, seemingly a shorter office block, holding onto Chishiya by the fabric of his jumper. Step after step you made your way following the “Game” signs until you reached the table adorned with a variety of phones. Before you could grab one, you spared a glance at your surroundings.
There were too many people.
You tried to remain focussed as dark and cold eyes stared at you and your group. The two women quickly diffused into the corner and the driver stood with a hulking figure adjacent to the entrance. Noticing their actions only brought your attention ever so closer to the crowd of people. There were men in suits and women in matching garments. A high-schooler stood by the distant wall, seemingly staring you down as one finger coiled around the pink strands in her hair.
You felt like the world slowed around you. There were maybe twelve - no… thirteen strangers there that mixed with your group’s five. Seventeen people in the confines of one empty room.
You didn't know how it was possible. Other than the Beach, people didn’t tend to crowd together. Of course you didn’t doubt the luck in some cases. You’ve seen a lot of people participate in these games before; you've seen plenty of people walk towards different lights. Added up there realistically had to be this many people stuck within the Borderlands.
Another person entered, and you struggled to breathe. Eighteen.
There were eighteen people in one room. There were seventeen sets of eyes staring you down. Studying you. Judging you.
It didn’t matter if that was actually the case, but it felt like their eyes were digging into your skin. The space was suffocating. The walls felt like they were shrinking and spinning and warping and you couldn’t help but wrap your arms around yourself. Your body shook and your blood ran cold. It felt as if a large stone lodged itself in the base of your throat.
Your ears were ringing and your mind felt numb.
There were seventeen other people in one room.
You could hear their voices singing in your head:
‘Have you seen what she’s wearing?’
‘Look at how small she looks right now.’
‘Is she scared? Pathetic.’
‘Ha! Look at her hands. She's trembling.’
Chishiya’s body gently pressed into you, his upper arm bumping against yours. The motion acted as a means of grounding that caused you to swallow down the terror as you were brought back to reality.
The room was still and none of the people were even remotely looking at you. Most were chatting amongst each other. The rest were looking down. Other than Chishiya’s, there was not a single pair of eyes looking you down.
You tried your best to breathe steadily as you noticed the room was bigger than you previously thought. The walls were no longer a predatory trap. You were safe enough, and you inhaled a shaky breath, almost missing the shuffle of fabric next to you.
What you didn’t miss was Chishiya’s outstretched hand in the corner of your eye, presenting you with one side of his Sony earphones.
Gingerly, you took it from his hand and looked at it before your eyes glanced up at the blonde's face. There was a quirk to his lips, but it wasn't a mocking one - it never was a mocking one. It was a silent invitation of comfort that acted as a substitute to his eyes that didn't dare to look at you.
He had noticed your panic straight away and he cared enough to intervene.
And you let out a breath, putting in the earbud.
The sound of the music was a pleasant distraction and a temporary remedy to your anxieties. It melted away the weight that was heavy on your chest mere moments ago, and it allowed you to breathe steady.
It was a comfort that you loved from him, and it was a comfort that allowed you to stand there beside him, waiting for the registration to close.
Oneshot Masterlist
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proseinborderland · 1 year
Chishiya x OFC (MATURE / 18+ ONLY!) Part 2
Please feel free to like, comment, re-blog, and share!
Part 2
Summary: Chishiya walks into his room one night and finds you in his bed, yet again.
Warnings: Heterosexual sex between two consenting, fictional adults in the form of smutty prose. + All warnings for the Netflix show Alice in Borderland.
"Beneath Me"
Part II
I could feel myself twitching in my swim trunks as I said the words and shifted discreetly to pull my hoodie down over my lap; however, my discretion was detected.
 A tiny, intoxicating gasp escaped her mouth as I caught her eyeing my erection. We made eye contact momentarily, until she decided to look away, feigning shyness at the intensity of my gaze, all the while beginning to acquiesce to my directions.
I watched intently at her tugging the strings of her bikini, pulling the little pieces of fabric away, revealing her body to me. She laid in front of me completely nude, obedient, wanton, her cheeks flushed. 
“Are you blushing?” I asked, not entirely sure if she was or wasn’t –mostly wanting to toy with her.
I caught her eyes once more and licked my lips languidly, watching her watch me, before standing up from the chair and joining her in the bed formerly known as my own. "I can tell when you're blushing, you know." I brought my hand up to caress her cheek and felt the subtle warmth underneath as she lowered her head and nuzzled it against my palm. How cute. She was blushing after all. 
I shifted my body closer to tilt her chin up slightly, --just high enough to brush my lips against hers teasingly, my fingertips trailed back to her face, my grip more firm than soft as I placed my hand on her cheek, and encapsulated her in an intense, open-mouthed kiss, exemplary of my growing need and desire.
I caressed her smooth, soft, flesh under my fingertips and delighted at the sensation of her warmth, which was a stark contrast to the cold, sterile environments of anesthetized patients I would normally have been surrounded by, had the world not turned into a twisted, impossible, nightmare --even for my standards.
I felt her hands on my chest, touching the exposed skin from my half-zipped hoodie. Reaching out with an open hand, I lightly grazed her nipple with the palm of my hand, cupping her petite breast, only to slowly begin twisting, pinching, and rubbing her hardened bud with my thumb and middle fingers. Blissfully prideful in the pleasure I knew I both could and was currently eliciting from her.
I could hear her panting softly before she cried out from the sensation of me pinching her just a little too harshly. Her breathing increased again and as I toyed with her by pinching the other with a little more force, causing her to shudder underneath me -a feeling I relished in!
No longer able to resist the urge, I lowered my head even further down her body and heard myself make a low and muffled groan as my mouth made contact with her right nipple, I sucked her into my mouth with wet lips, and swirled my tongue around the puckering flesh, ultimately bringing it between my teeth before continuing my ministrations. 
I knew I was doing something very right just by the way she was breathing and trying to mold her body into mine. I kept fondling, kissing, and worshiping her tits with white hot fervor. 
Soon the breathless sighs turned into more and she was moaning softly, almost like a whisper.
My hands returned to her breasts and my face moved back to mirror hers right before our lips collided, devouring one another, our tongues dancing playfully as our kiss intensified. That's when I could feel the zipper to my hoodie coming undone and the white fabric being pushed over my shoulders and onto the floor. Her nipples grazed my chest lightly and I momentarily closed my eyes - loving the sensation as much as I loved having her pulled flush against my body.
Her eyes locked onto mine once more and in a playful and sultry voice, she whispered one of the few phrases that never fails to ignite that fire inside of me, coaxing me to move my hands lower. A request she knows I cannot refuse, most especially coming from her.
"Please touch me," she whispers in my ear.
I swallow hard and fail miserably at my next attempt to take a deep breath without shuddering.
"You know, if you let me do it, I'm not going to stop until I want to, right?" I replied in a brash and cheeky manner, topped off with sprinkles of truth.
Her body stilled and I felt her nose nuzzle my own in an act of both endearment and compliance. She knew when to ignore my diatribe or halt it all together.
"It’s what I need." She whispered against my mouth and reached out, sliding my hands down her hips, where I let them rest on her smooth stomach. There was no gripping or grinding, just the light and gentle brushes of my fingers tracing the outline of her curves, over her hips, up and down her thighs, slowly caressing inward, across her belly button, and then lower, before I ever let my knuckles even lightly brush against the soft curls that covered her pussy.
I ordered her to lay back down on her side so that I could hold her close, hitched her leg over my clothed hip and stroked lightly again as she welcomed my tongue back inside of her mouth, kissing me deeply, occasionally biting my lip, and feeling me smirk against her cheek every time she did so.
Taking her by surprise was an opportunity I never let slip from my grasp, and my serendipitous chance presented itself during that long and tantalizingly deep kiss. My fingers lightly trailed up and down her wet lips, slipping down in-between them to press against her swollen clit almost rhythmically until I felt her fall in sync with me.
And that's when I stopped our dance - knowing full well just what her intent was and hell-bent on making sure she wouldn't cum like that – not tonight, not with me.
I could feel her come back down from her short lived high as she relaxed back into me. Squirming around and pretending to be innocent when I knew she was really just trying to rub against my cock.
An embarrassingly throaty moan escaped her mouth as I gripped her hip and pushed my index finger past the tight ring of her vaginal opening. The feeling of her muscles tensing and squeezing around only one of my fingers made my hips buck and my cock throb harder.
I worked her slowly at first, focusing on her breath more than her pleasure, until I heard what I wanted --a sufficient exhale and intake of oxygen that I knew would allow me to push a second finger into her with the least resistance. When the time came, as my long, slender digit pushed past that soft, hot spongy tissue, I felt a slight give before hearing her cry out as muscles were clenching down on me. Her hips began bucking slightly against me once more.
For some reason this annoyed me more than normal. She wasn’t listening properly.
I leaned down to her lips and ghosted a smooth kiss across them before meeting her eyes with a threatening gaze.
"I don't remember telling you to move."
The words sounded fiendish as they poured from my mouth. I then began moving my two fingers inward, slowly gaining more entrance inside with each little curl of my fingers or tiny flicks of my wrist.
Soon enough, I had created a rhythm of my own personal design and moved my mouth over hers to swallow the moans they elicited as I continued to explore her sex until I was fingering her at a pace so quickly, I would never have found it worth my energy, except for the wispy sighs and sharp intakes of air coming from her. They tore at my chest. My hormones were seriously getting the better of me.
A frustrated look pained her face as I pulled back from her and slowly removed my fingers from her dripping core.
"You're ready for me so soon?” she asks, completely aware of what I liked and unfazed by the routine of it.
I chuckle, grab her right hand, and press it firmly against my aching cock, "Are you ready?" I retorted.
"I know you can feel how wet I am. Isn't that a basic biological reaction Dr. Shuntaro?" She replied sarcastically.
A little too sarcastic for my liking.
I grinned and sighed, letting hot breath escape my mouth and tickle her ears. "Roll over on your hands and knees."
♦️ If you're kind enough to leave a review, I'll love you forever!
Part I
Part III
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niragisimp · 1 year
Chishiya x OC One Shot
// A bit of a fluff one shot, Chishiya and a fem!OC both having attraction, though neither realizing it lmao, enjoy please.
It had been two months since Ayane joined the Beach. It was at the tagger game when she saw him for the first time, his white hair and a hoodie, not a worry in the world. He watched from above on the seventh floor as everyone scurried about, bodies dropping faster than they could run. After hiding under the stairs as the Tagger walked by, she caught his eyes, eyeing her down to her very soul. She didn't freeze often, but being under his gaze anything was possible.
Ayane couldn't get him out of her mind since. After the game, she had tried to get his name but he just smirked, hands in pockets as he strode to a car with a bulkier man. It wasn't long before fate put them together again, two games later. She caught his gaze on her more than once, his hood up as to not draw attention to himself. She could feel his eyes regardless, watching her intently.
Ayane tried to push her feelings to the side, thinking that distractions only got in the way in this place. He approached her this time after the game, his face showing no signs of stress. "Chishiya." She could feel her heart beat loudly at his words, "I'm sorry..?" "My name. Chishiya." Her face heated under his gaze, "Ayane." She did her best to give a kind smile without her heart literally beating out of her chest, extending her hand.
Chishiya looked at her hand curiously, not extending his back. "You should come to the Beach." Ayane looked at him curiously, "Like... The Ocean, beach? It's kinda far," she said questioningly. He smirked and let out a chuckle, "Come with us." His words were like hypnotism to her ears as she nodded her head without question, "Um, sure."
Ayane was never good with men in the real world. She was normally easily intimidated, and never stood up for herself, but this place had changed those aspects in her. She often would dream of being a housewife, cooking dinner for her hard-working husband when he got home from work, but could never muster the courage to talk to a boy. Now, just staying alive was an accomplishment. She wanted to go home, go back to school, fall in love for the first time. She had hoped deep down, as ridiculous as it sounded, that she could meet Chishiya there, hoping he could be her first love.
Chishiya wasn't good with feelings. They were unpredictable, useless things that got in the way of true issues. But whenever he looked at Ayane, his heart skipped a beat and a half. He tried to distance himself when she came to the Beach, repeating over and over to himself that he only brought her here to benefit himself and his endgame. But whenever he grabbed chips in the cafeteria, she was there. Whenever he met with Kuina poolside, Ayane was there. His eyes always wandered to find her, unwilling to himself, hoping to catch a glimpse.
Kuina snapped her fingers in front of Chishiya's face, "Hey! Are you alive?" He blinked a few times, snapping back to reality. He looked at her, patting himself down, "Yeah. Looks like it." She tilted her head at his sarcasm, turning her head to look at where Ayane was standing by a small group of people. Kuina grinned, looking back to Chishiya. "Soooo... That new girl, huh?" She nudged him with her elbow, grinning from ear to ear. The blonde didn't waver, "Yeah. What about her?"
She sighed, resting her head on his shoulder nonchalantly, "You've been staring at her for over a minute now. You're still staring!" He stood up, turning his back, and began to walk away. "I don't know what you're talking about." Kuina got up and chased him down, "Oh, come on! Why are you running away?" He didn't pay her another glance as he faced forward, "I'm not running. You're just slow."
She grabbed onto his arm and swung him around, "Chishiya, do you have a thing for her?" His face remained neutral as always, "No." He hung on the syllables, hiding the embarrassment in his voice. Kuina smiled and clapped her hands in excitement, "You totally do!" He rolled his eyes and walked away again, swatting her hand away. "You can't hide it from mee~" Kuina laughed as Chishiya disappeared past the stairs, looking back behind her to where Ayane still stood. "I have an idea..."
When Ayane woke the next day, she swung the covers off herself and stretched in front of her window, feeling relief at the sunset. She didn't get much time to herself that morning as her stomach growled, demanding breakfast. She turned for the door and stopped as a note had been slipped underneath it. She grabbed it curiously, unfolding it to read, "Meet me on the roof at dusk." There was no name with it, but odder things have happened here. She took the message with a grain of salt as she headed down for her meal.
The cafeteria was fairly empty this morning, with only a few members still grabbing their food. Her eyes immediately noticed Chishiya at the corner table, nibbling on his crackers, observing everyone as he usually did. Ayane swallowed the lump in her throat and walked quickly to grab some fruit. She could never be around Chishiya for very long before she let her crush show in an obvious manner. She started stuttering, her face went red, and she couldn't stop staring at her hands while speaking to him.
She hoped she could get a quick glance at him before he noticed, to no avail. Her eyes locked with his immediately, her heart skipping a beat. It took all her willpower to look down and walk out as fast as she could without drawing attention. She hurried back to her room, fruit in hand. Upon closing the door, she slid her back down it and sat with her knees to her chest. Her thoughts began to run wild, "His eyes are so handsome, the way he looks at me makes me feel so..." She shook her head, forcing her thoughts out. He looked at everyone like that, she surely wasn't anyone special.
Chishiya had lost his appetite after Ayane practically ran out of the cafeteria when she saw him. It made his heart feel heavy as he processed his thoughts, "Maybe... Maybe I do like her." Sitting on his bed staring out the window, he took a deep breath, his train of thought interrupted by a knock on his door, "Come in." Kuina walked through the door with a grin on her face that only meant one thing; she was up to something. He tilted his head to meet her eyes, "What did you do?"
She threw herself on his bed next to him, looking smug. "I did a thing... Ayane is gonna meet you on the rooftop at dusk!" She giggled to herself, quickly stopping as she saw Chishiya's face go dark. "Why would you do that?" She threw her hands up, "You like her! Shoot your shot!" He put his head in his hand, rubbing his temple. "Kuina... She is repulsed by me. Call it off." She gasped in disbelief, "She does not! For someone as smart as you, you're dumb!" He shot her a glare at her comment before taking a breath, "She literally ran out of the cafeteria when she saw me. She can't even stand to be in the same room as me, why would you think she likes me?"
Kuina laughed, "Like I said, for someone so smart, you sure are dumb." She pushed herself off the bed and headed for the door, "I'm not gonna call it off. Either you go, or she gets stood up. It's your choice." Closing the door behind her, she swallowed her doubt, hoping her friend was smart enough to meet Ayane.
Dusk approached fast that night. Ayane felt her palms sweating as she waited on the roof. The night began to creep up on the sky, the stars beginning to truly shine into the night. She sighed to herself, a part of her wanted to believe her feelings would be proven right tonight. Although she had no idea who the note could've been from, her heart wanted it to be Chishiya that was waiting for her. She would finally have the opportunity to tell him how she feels, without so many people around both of them. She doubted he had any feelings for her, but at least this way she wouldn't be embarrassed in front of the whole beach and could be rejected quietly, in peace.
She had rehearsed her confession over and over again in her head, yearning to finally tell Chishiya how she felt the first time she saw him, how she still feels every single time she sees him. Her thoughts were so loud in her mind that she didn't hear the rooftop door close. "Hey." She turned to be met with Chishiya, hands in his pockets as per usual. "Um, hey..." She smiled a bit, her nerves starting to take over her.
Chishiya took a few steps forward slowly, taking her in. He loved the way her hair fell down her shoulders, the way she tucked it behind her ears when she was nervous. He had been paying attention to all her cute mannerisms since the day she got here. The way she nibbled on crackers, the way her head shot back when she laughed, even the way she scolded Kuina whenever she had too much to drink. He had only realized it recently, but those weren't things a person normally looks at. You only look for those things in someone who you have deep feelings for.
Ayane looked down at her feet, "So, um... Chishiya... You, wanted to meet me?" Her fingers fiddled with themselves as she looked up at him, trying not to say something embarrassing. Chishiya stared at her for a moment, "Actually, Kuina told you to come here." She could feel her heart drop at his words. Her eyes started to burn, her throat going dry, "O-oh... Well um, I'll go find her then." She pursed her lips together as she began to hurry past Chishiya, calling herself a fool in her head, holding back her tears. After all that preparation, she still couldn't tell him how she felt.
It was only as she grabbed the handle that Chishiya called out to her, "Do I repulse you?" She turned in shock to look at him, his eyes searching hers, "What? N-no, Chishiya, you don't repulse me. Why would you think that?" He pondered for a moment, "You always run away from me whenever you see me." Ayane swallowed her breath, her heart thumping loudly, "Well, I, um... Listen, Chishiya... I..." She mustered all the courage she possibly could, calling it forth, "I... I really like you! I... I just get really nervous around you and, I... I can't think straight a-and..." She could feel her throat starting to close up on her, her words refusing to come out anymore.
Chishiya looked at her in disbelief, his mouth agape yet at a loss for words. "Ayane..." She couldn't look him in the eyes as hers started watering, holding her breath for his next words. "I feel the same." She looked up at him in shock, her tears spilling over. "Y-you do?" He walked towards her until they were mere inches apart. "I do. Ever since I first saw you, you made me feel... Different. Like maybe, all this wasn't as tedious as I thought."
He extended his hand out and cupped her face, wiping away a tear with his thumb, "Ayane... Can I kiss you?" Her eyes went wide at his request as his eyes gazed into hers. Without answering verbally, she pushed herself into him, closing her eyes and pressing her lips into his gently. She laid her hands on his chest as he gently wrapped his arm around her waist, keeping her close. Chishiya felt his heart pound against her chest, and she could feel hers reciprocate the rhythm. They broke apart for only a moment to look at each other under the night sky, illuminated by the moonlight. He stroked her cheek gently, admiring her eyes as she fixated on his. In his heart he knew, if all else fails, this one thing was worth surviving for.
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szallejhscorner · 1 year
i just had a thought and needed to share it with you LMAO but chishiya is definitely the type of person to use the whole ‘three taps means i love you’ code cuz he rarely ever says it out loud. so like anytime he passes by you he’ll tap your arm three times and sometimes he even finds himself doing it unconsciously in his sleep :((
Thank you for sharing this with me, my friend ♥
How could I NOT write this for you?
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Tap, tap, tap.
Three taps on your upper arm as he passed you, his eyes not even looking up from the article he was reading. Only Chishiya’s smirk hinted at the fact that those taps were intentional, and you moved your fingers to the still tingling skin of your arm.
He always did that. Tapping your arm when walking past you, tapping your fingers when you held his hand, even your head when you snuggled into his side while watching a movie together. You had barely noticed at first, but the more often Chishiya did it, the more you questioned what it actually meant.
You had tried to figure out if it occurred after you said or did something special. Maybe it was to tell you that you were stupid (in Chishiya’s own mocking but loving way of course), or that you should move aside? It didn’t make sense.
One time you had questioned him, and the only answer had been a knowing chuckle. Of course, the cunning blonde wouldn’t give you the answer that easily, since he loved to be the clever one. You had even tried to tap him back, but that only led to an even bigger smirk on his face.
Rolling your eyes, you followed Chishiya into the living room, where he dropped back into the couch and barely made place for you when you did the same. You snuggled into his touch, leaving him enough space so he could continue reading that article about surgical stuff, and looked up to his face. Strands of blonde hair tickled your skin, the scent of strawberry shampoo just a hint in the air as you breathed in.
You searched for his hand and didn’t let go until your fingers intertwined with his, and there it was again. Three taps of his thumb against the side of your hand.
“What does it mean?” you asked again, twirling a strand of blonde hair between your fingers.
Chishiya tilted his head towards you just so slightly, a sign that he enjoyed what you were doing. “Hmm?”
You snorted. “Come on, don’t fool me. The taps! You know what I’m talking about. What does it mean?”
“If you can’t figure it out yourself, there’s no need to explain it anyway.”
That asshole. He knew exactly how much you wanted that answer, and he enjoyed it even more to play with you. This was definitely not the reason you loved him. You punched his side, hard enough so he had to flinch, before you snuggled back into it. “I hate you, ‘Chiya.”
“No, you don’t.” He bluntly stated with a smirk. Of course you didn’t.
Later that night, when the movie was long finished and you both had gone to bed, you still lay wide awake and stared at the ceiling. In the darkness of night, only a few shadows were visible, cast by the moon and the trees outside your window. Three taps. And there was a meaning behind it. Just why couldn’t you figure it out?
Chishiya huffed in his sleep and turned around so he was facing you. His mouth was slightly parted and his hair was tousled all around his beautiful features. You couldn’t resist touching his cheek, and his lips curled into a smile for a second. When you pulled back your arm to give Chishiya the space he needed, his fingers brushed your skin and you felt the soft tap, tap, tap once more.
He even did that while sleeping! But what-
You scanned his features, listened to the sound of his breath, and despite the riddle he wouldn’t solve for you, your heart was almost bursting with love for this man. You loved so many things about him – his voice, his cleverness, the way he was a man of few words who preferred to use tiny gestures.
And then it struck you.
Of course! How couldn’t you have seen it before?
Everything that Chishiya did had a meaning, even the slightest touch was considered.
Tap, tap, tap.
Three taps… three words.
I love you.
You smiled, breathing a kiss onto Chishiya’s lips. “I love you, too.”
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surshica · 1 year
anyways i hope ur doing well babes ♪( ´▽`)
request: drunk!chishiya x gn!reader
genre: drunken fluff
warnings: mentions of alcohol — hungover chishiya — fluff — swearing — mentions of wanting to throw up
A/N: when i first saw this i thought of drunked love by beyoncé HAHAHA. DRUNKENNN LOVEEEEE
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ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🥂 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
there was a pounding on the door making you groan, you were in sweats and a tank top; it was your lazy day and the fact someone was ruining it by pounding in your door—hated it. having to pause your show you got up walking over to the door.
opening the door there was chishiya. “chishiya what are you doing here?” your eyebrow quirked up, a deep inhale was all you needed—a string scent of alcohol was evident. making you want to the throw up, you didn’t even wait for him to open his mouth; dragging him into the small living room closing the door behind you.
seating him down on the couch, you crouched down doing the asian squat. “chishiya. chishiya.” you waved your hand in front of his face trying to see if he was drunk or hungover. a small hm escaped, it was short yet low.
a smile crept on your face, resting your arms around your knees; “i’m so hungry” his words were slurred causing you to laugh at him, his face was red in the face you found it quiet funny. “never would i have expected you to be the type to get drunk on a thursday night.” there were some cut on peaches on your coffee table, you picked one up with the fork bringing it to chishiya’s mouth.
“ah.” you sound pressing the peach againts his lips. he opened his lips slightly to get a some bite out of the peach. “you need to eat more of the peach chishiya. i can’t have you throwing up all over my couch”
he ended up eating the whole peach on the fork giving you an annoyed look, “why are you looking at me like that? i’m feeding you a peach cut me some slack.” you huffed picking up another peach pressing it against his lips.
“do you have anything else?” he mumbled making you shake your head, “i’ll get you something else when you finished the peaches.” you smiled trying to liven the mood. he sighed eating the peach in the fork.
“seriously though why are you the shuntaro chishiya a workaholic, drunk on a thursday night.” you picked up another peach holding it infront of your face; staring into chishiya’s drunken unsteady eyes. “i was..out?? with friends.” he sounded confused himself as to why he was drunk.
you had sighed with a smile on your face, feeding him another peach. “this is hopeless” you snickered grabbing the last piece of peach on your plate; “last one.” he ate the last peach watching your every moment, from when you put the fork down on the plate and from the moments you walked to the small kitchen grabbing a waterbottle for him.
“this is for you, chishi” you had handed him a waterbottle, he had a thin lip smile on his face take a sip of the water. he tried to say something but his words kept slurring and hiccups kept escaping his lips. “you���re trying to talk but it’s not working” you smacked your lips trying to contain your laughter; it was like watching a toddler trying to walk again.
closing his eyes he breathed slowly as if he was tired and wanted to go to sleep, “hmm someones tired~” you teased walking to a closet that was stored with blankets and pillows. laying chishiya down on the couch to frappes a fluffy blanket over him,
“there you go sleeping beauty.” you sighed putting your hands on your hips. you had walked to turn off the lights in the kitchen and living room—due to the fact chishiya was drunk and couldn’t fucking speak, it was best to not leave him alone. sitting across from him in a smaller single seater couch-chair.
a pillow was draped warmly around your body as you scrolled through tiktok, you felt the need to stay up so chishiya doesn’t do anything stupid. occasionally looking at the rolling around chishiya.
“i feel like…i’m going to throw up…” he sat up hand on his head. he was fucking dizzy.
“oh my god..” you scowled grabbing a mini trash can putting it next to chishiya
“nevermind i was just dizzy” he cheeky smiled before lying back down cozying up to the blanket
chishiya had done that so many times it became an hourly habit, he felt like he was going to throw up/he was hungry/he was hot/he was cold/he was thirsty. most of it was fine until chishiya started to strip off his clothing because he was too hot.
the mental panic made you stop him before he could even think abt taking off his pants, he was a lot when drunk. looking at the time it was almost 8 am and you got zero sleep. none; but me sleeping beauty over here got plenty.
a yawn came out of his mouth as he got up and looked around the room, a pounding headache caused him to clench his jaw; he looked at the couch’s to see if there was anyone and to his surpise it was a sleep deprived yn.
“damn you look like shit.” he laughed at your state, little red angry expression marks were visible. scrunching your nose you look at him pulling out the middle finger, “you were the reason of me looking like shit. don’t even get me started on everything you said when—“
“shut up.”
“no you made me suffer, also you are a different breed when drunk.”
“i didnt drink that much though? and i don’t know how the fuck i got me to your place.”
“hey blondie news flash you were blacked out drunk.”
“yeah ‘oh.’ now i’m..” you yawned “really tired and really hungry..but someone’s needy ass wanted me up all night.” you huffed ruffling your hair; you walked over to sit next to chishiya. while you thought you were walking fine…the walk was rather lopsided.
“respectfully chishiya i hate you—don’t get drunk again.” your eyebags were dark, a frown was shown apon his lips; the silence was rather ahem loud. it wasn’t awkward it was actually comfortable.
the noise of your stomach grumbling made the silence break, chishiya lifted his eyebrow taking out his phone from his pocket, “do you want me to order some food??” he said already opening up doordash, a grumble escaped from your lips; he took that as a yes.
“what do you want to eat??” “[insert your favorite food]” you exclaimed happily for a few seconds then going back to your grumbly expression. “figured..”he whispered tapping his phone for a while, “alright i ordered the food.”
no witty remark or huff or grumble escaped your lips causing chishiya to look over at you. a chuckle left his lips seeing you in your passed out state. “well since you took care of me its only right i take care of you.” he nodded to himself throwing a blanket over you.
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tags — tell me if i misspelled your user!!
@nanamora @parkersmyth @trinmadol @noxceleste @eissaaaa @dr3amscap3 @arizzu @bwnniidump @kerenz @minyoungieee
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cmkren · 1 year
“He Loved Me, He Loved Me Not.”
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For a man such as himself, he couldn’t express the emotions he felt, even if he wanted to. It was a matter of being unable, not knowing how than not wanting to. Or maybe it was a little bit of both. Chishiya could only hope that the one he loved wouldn’t see him any less for it— because it’d only sting more considering that he, for once, was trying his best to be (somewhat) emotionally available.
But maybe he had realized that all just a little too late.
a/n; exploring his character a little! A little bit of one-sided pining, mentions of past relations between Chishiya and reader, messy plot, messy in general ‘cause I haven’t written like this in three years— g/n! reader (hopefully), mentions of unhealthy behaviour, the neglectful kind + pre-borderlands relationship but chishiya reflecting during borderlands when he sees you again during beach arc
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What did you expect, getting into a relationship with him? What had drawn you in, pulled you in so close? Close enough that he could plunge a knife into your heart so deep he could tug it right out from the other side? What did you expect?
What did you expect.
Before the whole borderlands shit show, Chishiya had you in his arms every day. Every other day. Maybe weekly. He thought he had expressed his affections rather often, but according to the other party they barely saw him. There had been a conversation between the two of you about this, a conversation where he willingly sat and listened. Nodding his head, looking like he caught your words as soon as they left your mouth.
Maybe that was one of the reasons. How he seemed so good at listening, as if he was hooked on to every word you said, actively listening every time you spoke. In a sense he did. At the beginning, that was.
Everyone knows how things are at the beginnings of a relationship. Where couples are tied to the hip, all lovey-dovey and happy looking. As if they solved all their problems and were sure there would be none to come their way. You and Chishiya were no different, but of course he showed this newfound affection he held in his own unique way.
Never the biggest fan of pda, so he kept the touching behind closed doors. Even then, his biggest way to show affection was just sitting down and spending time with you. Listening to how your day was, and you prying out the same from him as he reluctantly shared.
That was just how your relationship was— and he liked it that way.
Until that ‘honeymoon phase’ started to slowly fade. Like it always does. He started spending less time with you, barely saying anything to you unless he needed something.
It was strange, how things switched up so quickly with him. He even went radio silent a couple of times, not really responding to texts or calls. Most he would give at times to a message is a one or two word answer. No matter how good a partner someone could be— anyone would start getting anxious about what was going on.
The final straw came when he didn’t say anything at all for a whole month. Maybe even reaching two months.
It was crazy. How could you be completely detached for a whole month like that? You never even caught a glimpse of him, got a single text or call. He must’ve been deliberately ignoring you.
Unfortunately, he had been.
He had no idea what came over him, but he just couldn’t talk to you. The workload at the hospital was only an excuse he could barely tell himself as for his own behaviour. As if he was justifying it.
But after a while, a string of texts finally got his attention. It’s all pretty blurry to him, but he just remembered dropping whatever it was he was doing to go over to your place. Unfortunately for him, a stroke of bad luck decided to follow him as he walked across Shibuya Crossing.
It was the day he found himself in this sort of dystopian version of Tokyo.
Maybe that’s why he found himself staring at you from a distance— there wasn’t really… actual closure. At least for him. With the raging party by the pool, you seemed to be having some fun with new friends you made during your time here.
Chishiya was known to be a confident guy, a bit of a prick but in a way he had a right to be. He was intelligent. But he could never bring himself to go up to you again. Not after how he left things on such a sour note.
He liked to think it was both his and their fault. Their fault for falling in love with a man like him, and his fault for loving you just as much. Maybe even a little more.
Perhaps that’s why he subconsciously distanced himself at one point. Did he think that was the right move? To move as far away and close himself as much as possible to protect them from an asshole like him? Someone who couldn’t even share how his day at work had went?
At the end, it didn’t matter why or why not he did certain things.
The fact of the matter was, he hurt you either way. Maybe this was how he loved. By pushing them as far as possible, holding himself accountable. And maybe this was how he balanced his life. From the shitty things he did every day, maybe he deserved it. Deserved never being able to make love last.
“Chishiya— Chishiya!”
The taller woman beside him had snapped her fingers right against his ear, making him turn his head just the slightest. Kuina stared back at him, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards just a little. A slightly incredulous smile on her face, “what’s with that expression? You look like you just got dumped.”
He knew she was exaggerating so he let out an amused scoff. Slowly, his eyes trailed back towards the crowd, a quiet sigh leaving his lips.
Ah, he just remembered. Why he had been making his way to your place that day. The message that got him scrambling to his feet, finally waking up to reality.
It’d been a break up text.
It took that, something that finally spelled it out to him that his relationship was in jeopardy, to try to fix it. Remedy how much he had blatantly ignored his partner for the past month or so, absolutely refusing to even send a single message.
If it hadn’t been obvious yet— he still loved you. After 90 days of this place, he still loved you. You probably still loved him too, he presumed. That wasn’t just his narcissism speaking, there was no way they’d get over him so quick. No way.
No way.
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borderlinebox · 1 year
One shot request 💗🙏
Imagining reader sometimes reciprocating chishiya’s way of affection that shows that he cares but not in a petty way
Like in the morning he makes them their favorite drink before he goes to work? they’re waking up earlier than him and (failing to stay awake) trying to make his coffee without accidentally losing focus and mess up 😭 (in the end the taste of the coffee sucks but is he gonna tell them that? Yeah probably)
him occasionally bringing food and soda drinks from the vending machine for reader bc they tend to forget to take breaks every so often? they’re pulling their sleeves back and ready to make homemade lunches for his long shift at the hospital
Post it notes on the fridge? Post it notes on said lunches (what’s written on it? it’s either words of affirmation and encouragement or just messing with him with the nickname doc)
Does he finds it endearing? ig (yeah)
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Summary: You reciprocate Chishiya's way of affection.
Pairing: Chishiya x Reader
Warning: fluff <3, reader being so in love, complete utter cuteness and affection, a bit funny, goofy reader being dumb in a cute way, not proofread! , chishiya says 'thank you' ?!??!11?1, lil ooc!chishiya
A/N: giggling like a real child rn <3 <3
Feedback is highly appreciated!!!
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Trial #1 - Morning Coffee
You knew Chishiya wasn't a very showy person. Especially when it came to his feelings. So whenever he showed you some kind of affection, no matter how subtle it was, you always took note of it.
All the small details mattered.
Everyday, Chishiya would wake up early and make you your favorite drink every morning he got a chance to. Which was less than often, due to his job. But he always did when he had the extra time. You would wake up just before he'd finish it and leave for work so you can take your drink while it was still hot.
The problem was that your boyfriend would almost always get up early in order to start and leave early.
And you on the other hand, took your time with your beauty sleep.
So you decided to come up with a plan that would be so effective and greatly efficient. Something so clever that even you were so stunned that you came up with this idea in the first place.
You decided to stay up all night.
Now, it seemed quite hard at first, especially having to sleep next to somebody and try to not wake them up, but you were more than determined to try something like this. You honestly weren't even allowed to work past midnight when Chishiya was home because it would, and you quote, 'dIsRUpT yOUr heAltH'.
Which you also called him a hypocrite for.
It was starting to seem quite difficult to do, but once you pulled through the first phase where Chishiya would start to fall asleep, you felt accomplished. Now you were gonna have to not move for the next 6 to 8 hours.
For the first few minutes and into hours, it was going quite fine.
You shifted from time to time in order to not feel numb, but you were still not really tired. Instead, you decided to use your imagination and have debates on yourself whether reality was or wasn't real at all.
It was a fun debate.
You got immersed in your thoughts that you managed to get through a few hours.
But then you started to feel the tiredness grip you tight and slowly pull you closer so you could succumb to the pleasure of sleep. Then for the next few 10 minutes, you were fighting this need for sleep - In which you called it weak.
You could feel yourself blinking slowly as slumber started to take you hostage. And after more battles, you had actually closed your eyes and took a rest.
However, out of all the days, your body's inner alarm clock woke you up an hour before Chishiya would wake up. As you looked at the alarm clock beside your bed, you internally cursed and immediately shifted out of the bed, trying to get out as quiet and softly as possible.
You didn't want to wake him up yet - that was the point in all of this.
After about 5 minutes of quiet shifting, you managed to get outside your door. Which took you an embarassingly long time due to how tired you still were.
You started making his usual coffee. It wasn't anything too difficult or anything, but you could definitely still do it.
If you weren't too sleepy right now.
Every dozen seconds, you could feel yourself slip away and you didn't even pay attention to how much coffee you were already adding in. Or anything, for that matter.
Ultimately, it became a failure.
However, you didn't exactly know that.
Just about when you finished, you were waken up by the sound of your bedroom door opening. In a reflex, you started to slouch-lean onto the counter and smile awkwardly.
"Morning, Chishi." You waved lazily.
"Why are you awake?" Chishiya said, more in a statement than a question. He could tell from the two coffee cups on the table that you made coffee. He just wanted to know why you bothered to do this.
"I made coffee!" You slurred, pushing one cup towards him and patting the seat next to you. "Ffffor you."
He made his way towards you, taking a peek at his own coffee, which looked quite different from his usual. He looked back at you. "It's.. quite different."
"Cause I made it." You smiled.
Chishiya eyed it for a while before taking it and bringing it up to his lips and taking a sip. He place it back down and clicked his tongue.
"Yeah, it tastes bad." He stated nonchalantly. Sometimes his brutally honest nature kind of made you feel bad.
"That's not true," You took the cup and sipped it before putting it back. "Yep, that's not good."
You placed your head in your arms and sighed. "Sorry, I just wanted to make you something."
Chishiya smiled softly, not that you could see it since you were busy sulking.
"Well, you certainly did try." He shrugged, "And I guess that's enough. Now I'll make the coffee this time."
You watched him as he re-did everything. You were a bit saddened that you weren't able to give him something of a gift. But you were happy that your effort was acknowledged at the very least.
He placed your cup down in front of you while holding his own. In light embarrassment, you peeped out a small and tired 'thank you' to which Chishiya gave a small endearing nod at you.
That morning, not many words were exchanged after. But you knew he was somewhat grateful of your reciprocation.
But you vowed to try harder next time.
Trial #2 - Lunch Box
Your eyes flickered open. Darting them to the side, you looked at your alarm clock.
It was an hour early. What a miracle.
All senses of tiredness left your person and you decided to try and do something for Chishiya again. The coffee you made yesterday was a total bust though..
You wriggled out of bed once again and made your way to the kitchen, deciding to something even extra for your lover.
You decided to cook for him. You don't have the world's worst skills and you can read so that was a plus.
Besides, when Chishiya came home yesterday, he had informed you of the long shift he was going to have today. You weren't just gonna let him starve in the hospital; he'll just shrug it off when someone asks why he hadn't eaten yet. It could be just your overthinking but it could happen.
You opened the fridge to find some other ingredients but came across your favorite drink, which Chishiya had gotten for you when he came home. He already kept tabs on the things you liked and disliked. You found it sweet.
Maybe you woke up earlier today because of your subconscious beating you the fuck up and do something in return.
You continued on to create his lunchbox. True to yourself, you were going to miss him when he goes - You always do.
You took the time with your work and smiled happily as it was finished. Now you were just washing the dishes as the rays of light from the sun hit the window and shined through the small open drapes from your living room. You enjoyed these moments. When everything is peaceful and silent - A great thing for you.
As you cleaned up, you heard some shuffling behind you, causing you to turn around, seeing Chishiya standing there, with his jacket on from last night.
"Awake early again?" Chishiya asked sleepily, still quite tired - he didn't look like he got much shuteye last night.
"Yup!" You turned around. "I made you breakfast and a lunchbox!" A giddy and excited smile was present on your face.
"Is that so?" He asks with a unostentatious smile, looking over to the cute box you prepared. You hadn't placed the lid on yet. "Well, it looks better than yesterday's" He teased blankly which earned him a small, embarrassed playful nudge to his shoulder.
"I'm sure its better!" You said and went back to the kitchen to prepare the food, leaving Chishiya sitting down to watch you.
He sat on the stool, watching you prepare other things. Your movements were a little slow and it was obvious that you haven't been getting much sleep lately. But you looked quite content with what you were doing.
"Hey…" Chishiya said breaking you out of your train of thought.
"Hmm?" You hummed, turning around to face him.
"Thank you." He muttered out sincerely, but it was even barely a whisper.
You fully turned around with a shit-eating grin. "Oh? What's this? THE Chishiya Shuntaro saying 'thank you'?"
Chishiya only rolled his eyes and ignored your comment. Honestly, you would always indulge in every domestic moment you got with him, since it was so rare to even witness him like this So, if it was going to come up again, then it must've really meant a lot to him.
Turning around, you finished up the dishes, "No problem."
You finally answered, absolutely joyful. Not only did you succeed this time, you got a thank you from him, but what you never knew was the multiple silent thanks and appreciative looks he gave you whenever you weren't looking. Maybe it just wasn't the time for you to see them yet.
Trial #3 - Post It Notes
Chishiya had finally gotten a small lunch break from his excruciatingly stressful work today. Dealing with complaints, cranky patients and even crankier visitors certainly wasn't easy as many people said it could be. He also had meetings and meetings where he just couldn't get any free moments in between because of some stupid ass excuse.
But he finally got a moment to appreciate the sheer silence of a room and the lunch you had prepared earlier.
He searched for the bag he brought on his desk and pulled out the box.
..Weird. He opened the cellophane around it and found a small post it note that seemed to hang loosely on the lid. The handwriting was quite messy which probably happened due to how tired you looked when you were done. He wasn't complaining though.
He reached the paper and picked it up.
' take a break, doc! ' accompanied by a drawing of a winky smiley face with its tongue out.
Would he be lying if he said he didn't find it cute or endearing? Maybe. Was he smiling? In his head, sure yeah. Was he going to throw the note away?
Chishiya folded the note and placed it inside the bag where he once found it and began indulging his break time with the lunch you had made for him today. But as it turned out, it wasn't the only thing you made today.
Sooner than later, he had finished his meal and went to place the now empty box back into his bag. Your cooking was good, average at least, but good. Before he placed the food box in, he noticed another note that was left in the underside of the bag.
'mwah <3' was all it said, but he noticed there was a writing on the back of it, 'turn it around!'
Seemed like it was supposed to be set facing a particular side.
Chishiya was silently enjoying himself with these notes until the door snapping open caught his immediate attention. "Doctor, a patient's calling for you." A nurse said witha bead of sweat falling down the side of their face. Chishiya nodded and sighed before quickly placing the contents of the bag back inside.
Just as he was being reminded of taking a sweet break and reading the sweet notes, he had to turn back into a doctor again.
Trial #4 - Forbidden Words and A Truth
11:28 PM
Chishiya stood in front of the apartment door both of you had shared, almost completely wet from the rain while he was coming back home. He was searching for the keys inside his wet jacket's pockets, wriggling his hands into any empty space he could find.
"There it is," He whispers out with a hidden victor behind his voice and takes it out of his pocket, more than ready to change and just head to bed.
By now, he guessed that you had already slipped off to bed by now or decided to be rebellious and watch some tv. But considering there were no noises of loud laughter or sobbing from the inside, you were probably fast asleep.
Chishiya unlocked the door and quickly stepped in to be greeted with the dark blue hued room. The only light coming from a small lit lamp in the corner of the living room and the moonlight that shined through the peak of a curtain.
He quietly closed and locked it, making it past your kitchen counter to put his bag on top of it.
However, before he could retreat into the comfort of the sheets and you in his bedroom, he noticed a note written on the fridge.
'Welcome home :) there's fruit inside'.
And when he opened the fridge door, there was indeed fruit - Cute, tiny pieces inside a bowl.
Chishiya stared at it, only now his mind wandered off to the thoughts that wondered why you had decided to do all these wonderful, small yet meaningful things? He definitely finds it utmost endearing but he was never going to tell or show you that. And it appears that you were more than happy to be up to the task of implementing his affections.
Maybe he just wasn't used to this kind of reciprocation.
Closing the fridge door, he shoved his hands into his pockets and walk to your bedroom with things he wanted to say to you. He changed his fit-wear and made his way to sit on the bed you two shared.
He watched your sleeping figure - the way your chest heaved up and down, the small snores, and anything that reminded the world that you were human.
He loved all of you. Something he would never admit to your face, not yet.
Chishiya leaned back onto the headboard and sighed, placing a hand and caressing your hair. "I just wanted to tell you something, Y/N. And I hope you're asleep as I do so. I was awake when you made me coffee, and the time you made me breakfast. I was awake when you didn't know. But you looked so happy as you did all those things for me, even when it was terrible." He chuckled onto himself, his tired eyes falling on you before he muttered those three iconic words under his breath.
Things he thought he'd never say.
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pockyteau · 1 year
✩ chishiya x reader where there is an abundance of strawberry cake, and also a blonde customer that just keeps coming back
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You remember the customer that always orders the strawberry cake. 
You had taken up a part-time job working the register at a café run by family friends of yours as a summer pastime, delighting in the chance to be around desserts as well as being able to earn some money on the side. Occasionally, you were even given the option to take any leftover treats home at the day's end, which you gladly accepted - you were particularly fond of the summer specials offered in the café, the desserts and drinks often featuring pink strawberries dusted with icing sugar. Your favourite of these was definitely the strawberry shortcake, a simple cake layered with cream and red fruit.
It was also because of this you began to take notice of the cafe's recurring blonde customer, who frequently came in just late enough to grab the slice you had been hoping to take for yourself. 
This customer, who you and the rest of the staff had come to refer to as 'Strawberry Cake' (or less colloquially, 'The Strawberry Cake Guy'), came in almost every second day to order your beloved dessert. He had shoulder-length blonde hair and a somewhat amused quality about the way he spoke, his lips quirking at the corners during the small pleasantries you exchange with him while taking his order. However, you found it strange - you didn't consider him to be arrogant, as his manner would suggest, but became curious about him instead. The strawberry cake he bought in bulk seemed out of character for someone like him, anyway.
"Would you mind closing up today?" your co-worker gives you an apologetic smile, and you assure her that you wouldn't mind at all. It's just about time that Strawberry Cake pays the café a visit, after all, and perhaps he will give you the shock of the century by ordering something different. 
"Go ahead," you reply, taking her apron from her with a smile of your own. "I've got time to spare, anyway."
You help her package one of the other summer specials for her own family, an assortment of neat little strawberry and custard tarts. To your knowledge she has two children, both of which you've seen visiting the café before. She thanks you and takes the pink confectionary box from you, before leaving the café in a flurry of dessert and puffy coat. 
It's late when a familiar blonde head appears in the doorway of the café, letting the glass door swing shut on its own. You give him a warm smile and he dips his head slightly, coming to the counter to take his order. You shoot a quick glance at the dessert display case - two slices of strawberry cake left. Your customer service smile changes to an I'm-taking-cake-home smile, and the blonde seems to notice the slight change in your expression. His lips curve slightly upward with that amused quality, and you try not to look embarrassed.   
"Hey! It's nice to see you again," you offer, indicating the display case with another smile since you already know his order. "Will it be strawberry cake again today, then?"
A huffed laugh escapes his lips. "That's the one." Your blonde customer's voice is rather throaty, low and teasing in a way that makes you admittedly look forward to the small snatches of conversation that occur between the two of you. "It seems you've got me figured out already."  
"Ah, it's the psychic powers you get from working in a café." You laugh as you carefully transfer a slice of cake into one of the café takeout boxes. Unsurprisingly, your blonde customer never eats in the café. "Well, why not surprise me for once? We've got loads of summer specials, if it's the strawberries you're after."
He hums, surveying the glass display case with half-lidded eyes. "I'll give it some thought."
"Glad to hear it." you grin. He slides cash over the counter and you hold out the pink confectionary box for him to take - his hands close over the box's handles, warm over your own hands before you quickly let go in surprise. The way his eyes flicker to yours momentarily, almost as if he was expecting your reaction, makes you wonder whether the fleeting touch was intentional. You blink, quick to compose yourself as he turns away.
"Oh! wait a second!" You reach over to catch the tip of his sleeve, careful not to pull the fabric. Now was as good a time as any to ask, you decide. He looks back over to you, a trace of impatience flickering over his eyes, but you do your best to remain undeterred. "Would it be alright if I got your name? Since I see you so often, I thought it might be better if I could address you properly."
"My name?" The blonde tilts his head at you, his expression easing. When you nod, he hums thoughtfully. "Didn't you say you had psychic powers?" he points out with a smirk, his tone more amused than anything else. "Well, if you really want to know, why don't you use those abilities of yours to find out?"
"You want me to guess?" You laugh. "Hmm...I'm afraid I only know you as 'Strawberry Cake', so that's about as good as it'll get from me."
Your response brings his brows higher; you notice the way his lips twitch, and for a moment you think he may actually laugh. His reaction to the nickname brings another smile to your face, waiting as he carefully picks out a composed response. "You call me...strawberry cake?" 
You gesture lightly to the confectionary box in his hand. "Ordering the same thing every time you come in does give you a bit of a reputation, you know."
He snorts. "I see. I'll keep that in mind, I guess."
"Well, if not Strawberry Cake, what should I call you?" you venture, still hoping to achieve your objective.  After a moment's pause you add on as an afterthought, "although, now that I think about it, 'Strawberry Cake' is pretty cute." 
"Yes, very charming," he says, his tone dry - yet you are sure you can the the ghost of a smile around the corners of his lips. "But Chishiya is fine."
"Chishiya?" you smile. His name, albeit slightly odd, does suit him better than the dessert he frequently purchases. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Chishiya."
He only waves his hand in dismissal at the nicety as he turns away again, ready to leave, although you swear you can see the amused expression gracing his features before he is gone. You let him leave this time, watching as he steps out of the warmth of the café. Perhaps it's just the sensation of achievement, having finally found out the name of your strawberry cake customer, but a sense of satisfaction settles over you as the door closes behind him with a quiet click. His name, Chishiya, lingers in your mind long after he is gone.
And for whatever reason, the feeling of his hands on yours returns to you briefly as you box up a cake-slice of your own. -
When Chishiya had refused the take-out box for his slice of cake, instead informing you that he would be taking one of the tables at the far end of the café, you had stared at him in disbelief. 
The blonde had simply snorted, taking his plate from you and leaving you to wonder why he had suddenly decided to eat in the café for once. 
With the sky darkening outside, it's just the two of you in the café. There are two slices of strawberry cake left in the display case, and with such little to do and an undetermined amount of time before you can close up the café, you decide to eat one of the two last slices. Surely no one will mind, since you'd most likely be closing up soon; Chishiya is usually the last customer of the day, and it's unusual for anyone to come in so late in the afternoon anyway.
From the counter you can see that the blonde has papers spread over his table, his cake placed carefully to the side, and he studies them with a pencil in hand. You hesitate for a moment, dithering on the spot before taking your cake and making your way over to the blonde's table. You decide that if you had to wait for him to finish before you could go home yourself, you might as well go and acquaint yourself with the cafe's regular. 
You'd be seeing a lot more of him anyway, since there was still plenty of summer yet.
"Hey! Is it okay if I sit here?"
Chishiya looks up at your question, and although he raises his eyebrows slightly, he nods and you take a seat in the chair opposite him. You don't want to move the papers he has spread over the table and so you hold your plate of cake above your lap as you eat. It's a bit awkward, you'll admit, but neither of you seem to mind. You peer over at the documents Chishiya is annotating; his handwriting, doctor's scrawl that you can't make out, fills the margin of text you are able to catch a few words from. 
Systemic anatomy, you read, chewing on a slice of strawberry. You mentally run through the fields of study that would involve such a subject. He's a...medical student? You trace the movement of Chishiya's pencil with a small smile. It somehow doesn't surprise you that this would be the type of material he was studying. You attempt to read the rest of the text, unaware that Chishiya has stopped writing.
"Do you call every customer here by what they order?" 
You look up from Chishiya's papers in astonishment, surprised that he would be the one to break the silence first. He looks back, leaning into the back of his chair with his brows raised expectantly.
You stare at him, before you begin to laugh.
"Were you really bothered by the name?" You wave your fork in disbelief, your bubble of laughter subsiding into a wide grin. Considering the answer to the question might be yes, you then attempt to apologise, but you can't keep the lilt out of your voice as you speak. "Ah, sorry. Maybe I shouldn't be laughing, then," you offer. His question was an unexpected one - Chishiya seemed to be the kind of person to be unaffected by nicknames given to him by café staff. Except, when you look closer at his expression you see the slight smirk upon his lips. So he is amused, you think.  
The man sitting opposite you shrugs, although his smirk never lessens. "You tell me," he says, and raises a forkful of his own cake to his mouth. With a glance to Chishiya's plate you notice that he has separated the strawberry slices topping his cake from the cake itself and lined them along the edge of the plate, scooping up one for each forkful of cake. You find yourself thinking the action is uncharacteristically cute, in contrast to Chishiya's more collected appearance.
"Well," you begin, munching thoughtfully, "we know the names of most of our regulars, so I think it might just be you."
Chishiya snorts. "Lucky me." 
You smile. "I mean, you never gave us your name, right? So there wasn't much to go off besides your order." 
"I suppose," Chishiya says, before taking another somewhat sardonic bite of his cake. "Well. Am I at least 'Chishiya' now, then?" He feigns exasperation, tilting his head to the side as if waiting sullenly on your answer. You feel the smile again on your face before you know it's there - the blonde is able to make you laugh more than you'd expected, his sarcastic nature perfectly suited to his personality. You shake your head.
"Oh no, you're still Strawberry Cake to the rest of the staff," you say teasingly, the undertones of your voice dancing as you speak. "Honestly, I can't see why you don't like it. It's so cute."
"Is that so?" The blonde sets down his fork, the playful look you are slowly growing accustomed to returning to his face. "You think it suits me, then?" 
"Hey, I never said that," you say, although the retort comes out more gentle than jesting. You stifle a yawn, the ticking of time causing you to speak in more subdued tones. You wonder whether you should supply an additional quip to drive the point home - except, another glance to the strawberries on his plate and you think that it just might suit him after all.  
Chishiya chuckles, moving to sift through the papers spread over the tables. "You know," he says thoughtfully, "I think I should get a discount on my cake, what with all the insultery going on." 
"Pay for your cake, Chishiya."
"It was worth a shot."  -
"Honey toast?" Chishiya comments, peering over his strawberry cake at your own plate opposite to his. 
"Mhm," you say through a mouthful of the sugary toast. You swallow before speaking again, Chishiya smirking at you in a way that clearly said speaking with your mouth full?  "I used to eat it all the time as a kid. My mother used to take me out to buy it from the street vendors when I still lived in Tokyo."
You had passed the same vendor on your way to work that morning, and after a lengthy chat had decided to buy some to eat later in the day. Since it was late now, as it always was whenever Chishiya visited the café, you had decided to eat your honey toast instead of your usual strawberry cake. 
The honey toast, a thick slice of bread toasted golden with honey and dusted with cinnamon and powdered sugar, reminded you of childhood - to this day, your parents would still buy some for you when you came home for the holidays. Back when you were younger, the scent of honey had a stronghold over you and every other kid in the neighbourhood. It was a simple treat, though one that sat tucked away in your memories like a little golden star, your fondness for the toast ever growing. 
"You attend university out of the city?" Chishiya asks curiously, the strawberry on his fork paused before his lips as he asks the question just as you take another bite of your toast. You squint at him as you chew, sure that he has done this on purpose, but he merely puts a forkful of cake into his mouth with his brows raised in amusement as he waits for your answer. 
"In Osaka," you confirm, after swallowing, "but my parents still live here. So I come back during breaks to visit." 
"I see." Chishiya's half-lidded gaze flickers for a moment, just barely enough for you to notice. "Isn't that lovely." Despite the change in his expression, his voice is still teasing as ever. You give a small nod, although you're still curious about the sudden change in his demeanor. He catches the look you give him and tilts his head at you, swiveling the fork resting between his fingers to point in your direction. "Yes? What's the look for?" 
You blink. "Oh! It's nothing," you say quickly, setting your fork down. You pick it back up again after a second and cut another square out of your honey toast distractedly. You can tell Chishiya's interest has already drifted away, your peripheral vision depicting the blonde separating the strawberries from his cake. You hesitate, cutting your toast into an even smaller slice. "Do you...see your parents often?" 
"My parents?" Chishiya looks up from his cake, setting his own fork down. The strawberries previously on his cake are now all lined along the edge of his plate. He leans back in his chair thoughtfully, steepling his fingers. "No," he says casually, "I don't. I only ever really knew my father, and we don't speak now." His voice is perfectly even, almost conversational. You feel your expression soften at his words.
"I'm sorry to hear that," you murmur, but Chishiya gives you a dry smile. 
"Don't be," he shrugs. "He wasn't much of a father, anyway." 
Chishiya returns to eating his cake nonchalantly, as if the previous conversation never took place. But you can't let go of what he'd said so easily, the careless tone of his voice pricking something within you. You want to at least give him a hug, or something of the sort, but you doubt Chishiya would want that. You chew the inside of your cheek, deliberating on what to say.  
Eventually, you break the silence. "I'll pay for your cake today, Chishiya," you say, even as you hear your wallet make sounds of distress.
Chishiya looks at you, a hint of surprise tinting his features before the smirk spreads across his face. "Oh, really?" he says, his eyes glinting. "Maybe I should talk about my father more often, then, if it gets me free cake."
You can't help but snort, your sympathy already beginning to fade as you grab your empty plate and stand up. There goes 250 yen, gone with the wind. Only, the grin on Chishiya's face is infectious, and you find yourself laughing. "You're making me regret my decision already."
"Oh no, I'm very upset right now. So much so that the only thing that could console me is another slice of free cake."
"Don't push it, Chishiya."
"You're in early today, Chishiya," you comment, giving the blonde a smile in greeting as he slips through the cafe's glass door. 
"Mm. I thought I might come in before class." He says, leaning his folded arms onto the countertop. You nod and begin to reach for the display case, but he stops you with a slight glint in his eye. "I was thinking it might be a good time to try something new, considering the unfortunate reputation I've gained here."
You blink. "Oh my god."
Within the hush that falls over the café you can practically hear universes implode and galaxies collide, because Chishiya Shuntaro is about to change his order. You stare at him, raising one hand to your mouth in mock disbelief. "Did i just hear you correctly? No strawberry cake today?" You hover your free hand suspiciously over the display case, the other still suspended over your lips. "Who even are you?"
"Your favourite customer, of course," he quips, grinning. "If you have any recommendations, I'm all ears."
"Hold on, I need to get out my calendar to mark this momentous occasion. And you're really not kidding?" 
"I can take my business elsewhere, you know."
"Okay, okay! Just, give me a second to get the menu. Wow. Hey, don't leave!"
In the end, after much deliberation, you press a square slice of the cafe's summer matcha cake into his hands. The cake, layered with matcha cream and dusted with matcha powder, is topped with a small, red strawberry. Since you are at least sure of Chishiya's fondness for strawberries, you tell him you are sure he will thoroughly enjoy the dessert you have presented him with. 
"Because you like strawberries!" You tell Chishiya, who looks back at you with an amused expression. "Ah, and, I was also hoping you might try one and tell me what you think? I'm a bit out of practice with baking."
"You made this?" Chishiya examines the matcha cake, raising his brows. You nod in affirmation - trying your hand at baking had led to the matcha cakes being a new summer installation in the café, courtesy of your family friend; while not especially difficult to make, you were proud enough seeing the little squares of matcha dessert in the display case. Chishiya gives a noncommittal hum, turning the cake slightly as if closely inspecting it. 
"I'm not really a matcha person," he muses, although the curve in his lips tells you otherwise. You snort.
"Regardless, that'll be 250 yen." 
Later, when you'd inquired after Chishiya's liking of the matcha cake, he had responded with: "It was okay." A lackluster response that had slightly disappointed you - but despite Chishiya's complaints, he began to purchase the matcha cake almost as frequently as he did the strawberry cake. You pretend to tease him for it, but you can tell the golden glow in your chest slips through into your voice and fingertips as you hand over the confectionary box. 
"Wow, Strawberry Cake changed his order? Never thought I'd see the day." Your co-worker comments after Chishiya has left, and you wonder if you've been smiling all too much lately as you replace the empty matcha doily in the display case. 
On your last day at the café, Chishiya comes in with a confectionary box of his own.
You inquire about it jokingly as he places it before you on the counter. The pink skies outside are melting away and the two of you are the only people present in the café once more, your co-worker having squeezed your arm gently in goodbye as she'd packed up her strawberry and custard tarts earlier that afternoon. Summer is drawing to a close, and she makes you promise to return to the café as soon as your university goes on break again.
"You're buying cake from another store? Gosh, I almost can't handle the betrayal," you tease, examining the box. Unlike the confectionary boxes from your café, this box is white and marked with curly lettering. You catch a glimpse of strawberry within the box's see-through plastic panel. "Wow, the box is lovely, though."
Chishiya rolls his eyes, ignoring your quip and pushing the box forward slightly with his index and middle fingers. "It's your last day, right? It's for you."
You blink. "You bought me cake?" Although the gesture is nice, you wonder whether he hasn't realised that you do, in fact, work at a café. As if sensing your thoughts, he taps the box.
"Just open it," he insists. Then, after a moment's pause, he shrugs. "Or, I can always take it back, if you want." 
"No, no, I'm opening it now." You hastily pull the box towards you, and Chishiya smirks. Ignoring the smug look on the blonde's face you carefully unhook the box's card slots, folding the top of it back to reveal the cake Chishiya has brought you. A soft laugh escapes your lips as you look at the dessert in your hands. 
"Strawberry cake?" You glance up at the blonde with a smile. It is strawberry cake, but different to the one the two of you usually eat - the layered cream is pink and the strawberries are cut into heart-shapes, pressed into the top of the slice. Your grin widens in Chishiya's direction. "Strawberry cake with hearts?"
"It looked like something you would like," he says impassively, although he avoids your gaze.
"Aw, Chishiya, that's so sweet." You look back down at the cake in your hands, the grin still glowing upon your lips. "And it looks delicious. Here, you take some, since you bought it." Looking at Chishiya's gift causes a strange twinge of melancholy in your chest, and you busy yourself with searching for cutlery to distract yourself from it. "What am I going to do without you in Osaka, hmm?"
"Oh, right," Chishiya peers over the counter as you rummage around for forks. "You're going back to Osaka." You nod, presenting him with the piece of silverware. His blonde hair falls forward slightly as he reaches for it, and you blink at the sudden urge to reach over and tuck it behind his ear. "When do you leave?"
"Hm? When do I leave?" You repeat his question distractedly. Chishiya sends you a humorous glance, and you narrow your eyes at him. It's just the familiarity, you tell yourself.  "Ah, I leave tomorrow. I'm back in Tokyo for the longer holidays, though, like now. Stop eating all the strawberries."
"I see. My money bought these strawberries, thanks." Chishiya says, swatting your fork away as you poke at his.  
"I was under the impression that this was a gift," you say wryly. 
"Who said that?"
"You did!"   
"Don't recall," he says, chewing mildly, and you slide the cake away from him in mock exasperation. 
Despite this, the two of you share the rest of the cake without much further issue, and once the final crumb is gone you have to close up the café for the last time. You'll leave for Osaka tomorrow, and spend your last night in Tokyo with your parents when you get home. Chishiya waits outside the store for you, his hands stuffed into his coat pockets. The air has an unusual chill to it for a summer night.
"You know, I'm going to miss you." He remarks with a grin as you lock the store doors. "Where will I get my matcha cakes now?" 
"Come back for Christmas," you say with a laugh. "I'll make whatever matcha you want."   
He hums, peering down the street for any signs of cars. The streetlights cast a gentle glow over his features, making his expression appear softer than usual. "I'll be holding you to that, then."
"Good," you say, and the return of that gentle twinge of melancholy that occurs in your chest as the words leave your lips make you realise you really mean what you say. How do you say goodbye to someone you'd grown so used to over a the span of a month? 
You hear the blonde chuckle beside you at your response; judging by the way Chishiya is glancing down the street, the two of you will walk home in opposite directions. After this, you won't see him for at least another six months - even though it's irrational, the thought lingers in the back of your mind that he might forget you. You figure that, since you leave tomorrow, you'll allow yourself to utter the soft words that come next. "Ah, but there's just one more thing."
He tilts his head at you curiously, the forever amused look still dancing across his features when you lightly press a kiss to his cheek. You draw away just as quickly, holding back a smile at the way Chishiya blinks at you in surprise. "I'm going to miss you too, you know," you shrug, mimicking his usual stance. "You're my favourite customer, after all."
Chishiya's eyes crinkle as he laughs, a genuine and slightly reserved kind you've never heard from him until now, and you feel your heart melt completely. "Your favourite customer, hm?" he says, and you complain that really wasn't the point through the hand you raise to hide your smile - but you already can't wait for the next holiday, when you'll come back to Tokyo and work at the café again. There won't be strawberries anymore, with the coming of a new season, but maybe Chishiya will find a new favourite dessert. You'll be there to tease him for it, in any case.
"Look, you'd better be coming back for Christmas."
"I just told you I would, didn't I?" 
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204yjw · 1 year
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CHISHIYA X READER when you admit you like him
[at the beach] your visa had been extended for a few more days and so had chishiya’s. tension between you two had been rising after meeting, but nothing said about the feelings you had deep down. sitting in the empty hotel room was boring, but arisu and usagi planned to go find out information about the beach together.
“you know, you don’t have to sit here alone? there is plenty of partying going on outside.” a familiar voice spoke from the door.
you turn to see chishiya leaning against the door frame with a smirk on his face.
“i’ve never liked partying and i find that ironic coming from you.” you walked over to him.
“well, at least we have something in common.” the boy said, looking straight in your eyes.
something about his stare felt fiery, you could feel it in your chest. he was never a sweet or caring kind of guy, mainly because he’s super closed-off, but with you there was something different about him.
“can i… admit something?” you hesitate.
was this the right moment? he could reject your feelings and things be awkward for the next few days. with that thought though, there was also some hope that it would go the way you wanted it.
“i have something to admit too, but i’m curious to know what you have to say first.” chishiya put his hands in his jacket pockets.
“i have feelings for you, chishiya. i don’t know why so don’t even bother asking, but i do.”
liar. chishiya was the most handsome guy you knew in the borderlands, plus his attitude and confidence drew you in even if you didn’t know it.
“well, i’m not so nervous to admit anymore because it was that i have feelings for you.” he laughed softly.
“so you don’t think i’m an absolute dork?”
“oh no, of course i do! that doesn’t mean i can’t like you though.” he spoke, taking your hand in his.
“you’re so annoying, chishiya.” you rolled your eyes.
“whatever, it’s not like kuina has never told me that before.” he shrugged his shoulders.
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a/n: first alice in borderland one-shot! (also just my first one-shot in general lol). this is literally something i just came up with while writing, there wasn’t really an idea before i started writing 😭 HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT THOUGH <3
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daidonzo · 1 year
Natural disasters aren't that bad
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Author's note: This is Chishiya's point of view of Chapter 29 of my first fanfic, As much as you want. Can also be read as a standalone. •ᴗ•
Hope you enjoy!
Chishiya woke up in a hospital room.
It wasn't the first time it had happened, as sometimes medical students needed to work twenty-four hour shifts. During them, it was unlikely there was something to attend to at all times, so when things were quiet they would opt for taking brief naps in the rooms meant for doctors to do so, which had bunk beds and little more. They were cold and dirty, however, so Chishiya just went for the empty beds on patient's room.
This time, however, was different.
He flexed his fingers and moved his limbs, seeing what worked and what didn't, doing his own physical examination. He had a few already-treated wounds in his torso, but little more other than that. He didn't feel too bad, a slight pain here and there.
It was nowhere near as annoying as his neighbor's groans, and moans.
He looked towards his right, where the other person he had to share the room with was. He looked a lot worse than him, body completely covered in bandages. He even had difficulty breathing.
When the doctor came in, Chishiya asked what happened. They explained to him that Shibuya had been hit by a meteorite, and that there were a lot of people who had passed away, many others injured in the hospital. He had gone into cardiac arrest, but was brought back.
"Where you with someone?" The middle-aged doctor asked, tapping his glasses with his index finger so that they would stand straight over the bridge of his nose.
Chishiya was already shaking his head negatively when he remembered.
The face of a girl. Young, about his age. He frowned, slightly. One second, her features were clear on his mind, as if he had spent months with her. The other, it was nothing but a blur.
He spent the rest of the day thinking about it, almost obsessively, up until the morning hours. How could he sleep, if his new roommate did nothing but cough and complain? At one point, Chishiya couldn't stand it anymore.
He stood up, got dressed and left the room.
He knew this hospital well, he had done his practices here before choosing to specialize in cardiothoracic pediatric surgery.
He also knew how to avoid being seen when he didn't want to.
He walked through the corridors. The hospital was overflowing, most likely because of the meteorite. There were nurses and doctors everywhere, coming in and out of rooms, throwing plastic gloves to bins after examining a patient, transporting thermometers, plastic cups filled with pills, oxygen masks and plenty of other stuff between places.
He came to a halt after crossing a corner.
There was a couple there. A man who was in his forties or fifties and a woman of about the same age, who had her face buried in her hands while crying, her shoulders shaking. The man was hugging her, speaking in a language Chishiya didn't understand. The woman finally lifted her head, nodding, and dried her tears with the back of her hands, smiling sadly at something he had said.
And Chishiya saw the same girl whose face had plagued his thoughts since that afternoon, albeit twenty or thirty years older.
Was it her? Was it a family member?
He went back to his room, feeling more confused than before.
------------------------------------------------ A few days later, he was released from the hospital.
He was by the entrance, doing all the tedious paperwork, reflecting on everything that had happened.
Since he almost died, a lot of things had changed with him.
He felt like he had wasted his life until that moment and he had the hope to, from now on, live differently. And he couldn't shake the feeling that it was because of that girl.
He would recognize her anywhere.
But, if asked to describe her features, he wouldn't know where to start.
Two young women walked past him, giggling excitedly, a pretty one with dreadlocks in her hair and the other wearing a baseball cap that covered her face. They sat down in a close bench, kept talking and laughing in a tone certainly too loud for a hospital, and Chishiya stared at them.
If they didn't want to draw any attention, they were not doing a good job.
It was then when the girl wearing the cap raised her head, and he could see her clearly.
It was the one he had been thinking about. The one whose parents (now, he was sure) he had seen in a corridor that night after he first woke up.
He examined her face. Her lips were full, if only a bit too big for the rest of her face. She had a strong jaw and faintly protruding chin. A very normal-looking nose, maybe broader than what was generally thought ideal. Her eyes were beautiful, slanted, but sunken and giving her a tired look. Her skin was pale and clear, but covered in dark bruises.
Overall, no one would have said she was ugly. No one would have said she was stunning, either.
But the more Chishiya looked at her, the more he liked her looks and the emptier his head became of any coherent thought.
She laughed.
And it was as if he had been blind all his life and was just now seeing the sun for the first time. Or looking at a field of flowers. Seeing one of the Seven Wonders of the world.
She was looking at him now. And talking about him to her friend, because the woman in dreadlocks turned around and stared, without any discretion.
Chishiya couldn't help but smirk, liking that he had caught her attention. He had to come close. He had to know who she was. He left the pen and the papers he was filling up in the counter.
And just walked straight to her.
"Hello. Sorry to bother you, do we know each other?" His tongue suddenly felt heavy in his mouth. His palms were sweating. Was he nervous? That was not a feeling he was accustomed to.
Her cheeks were red, clearly ashamed by the situation. Chishiya wasn't sure if it was because of him or because her friend was laughing out loud. He silently hoped it was because of him.
"I'm not sure." She finally answered, first looking in another direction, but then focusing her eyes on his.
"Maybe we have seen each other around the hospital?"
But Chishiya knew it wasn't that, because he had thought about her hours after waking up, without having left his room yet.
"I just woke up today for the first time. I got hit by that meteorite. I went into cardiac arrest." Not many people held his stare. But she did. The way she looked at him was cautious, timid, searching, determined. A corner of her mouth bent upwards and she directed her sarcastic grin at him, which he honestly found quite disarming. "According to the doctors I actually hit my head very, very hard and quite a few times, so it might be that we actually have seen each other before and I just don't remember."
"I would remember you." Chishiya simply said.
Her friend in dreadlocks used the sudden silence that followed that sentence to very obviously pretend to receive a phone call and leave the two of them to speak in privacy.
"The thing is… I do remember you." The blonde man continued, because what he had said wasn't quite right. "I just can't place you. But I also was there when the meteorite hit, and also went into cardiac arrest, so I guess not remembering something or someone is not out of the question."
She simply shrugged, adorably. Her mouth and nose were no longer too big for her face, they were the perfect size. What had he been thinking about? Her jaw and chin only accentuated her uniqueness. Her eyes were nothing but enchanting, captivating. Her pale skin contrasted with her red lips and with her hair, and the bruises only proved how strong she was.
"Maybe we met right before the meteorite hit and we have post-traumatic stress so none of us remember. I guess then we should meet again. Have a second-first meeting."
She extended her hand, waiting for his, still with that alluring smile.
He shook it.
"Name's Chishiya."
She told him hers. He knew he could never forget it again.
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telleroftime · 1 year
Another Night ||| Chishiya x Reader
The two of you had just survived an exhausting game, and yet with an offer of his hand you choose not to head back to the Beach right away.
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Pairing: Chishiya Shuntarō x Gender Neutral ! Reader
Relationship: Romantic
Tone: Fluff
Word Count: 520
Oneshot Masterlist
Another night brought with it another game, and it was another game that you had survived.
Tense muscles screamed at you, begging for you to allow them a much needed rest. Your lungs burned as they heaved in fresh air, and mixed with the headache pulsing through your skull, you could feel yourself grow if only a little bit nauseous. Only slightly, enough to ignore its presence as none of it mattered now.
You were alive.
You and Chishiya were alive.
Hearing the footsteps behind you slow - the sound of the gravelly pavement no longer a stark noise in the still night and the silence all the more jarring - you halted in your shuffle-like walk and turned around.
Chishiya was silent as always, but unlike your attention that was now placed on him and him alone, his seemed to be elsewhere.
With his hands tense in the pockets of his white jacket, fists visibly clenched through the thin fabric, his head tilted itself up. He looked dazed almost and there was no purpose to his steps as his feet dragged against the asphalt.
“What are you thinking about?” You asked, cringing at how loud your hoarse voice seemed in the stillness of the abandoned city. But Chishiya didn’t answer. He didn’t even look at you, causing you to follow the direction of his eyes. He had been looking at the stars for a moment. They blinked an array of colours.
Then he shrugged, and you looked at him in time to watch his eyes turn to look at you. There was an emotion behind them you couldn’t quite pinpoint, but it was something that made his gaze soften.
Maybe it was the look of contentment. Maybe it was the look of admiration. Maybe it was a mental sigh of relief that the two of you survived.
Whatever it was, you didn’t dwell on it too much. It was Chishiya after all.
Slowly, Chishiya took a step forward, walking past you but stopping soon after. His body wasn’t fully turned towards you, but his head was facing you. And once again you looked into his eyes to see that shine in them.
“Hatter won’t notice if we arrive late,” he stated. It was a simple fact to him. His lips quirked up into a tired smirk and he blinked with a tilt of his head.
He slipped his hand out of the safety of the pocket and presented it to you. It was a silent invitation, you gathered, and probably the thing he was thinking about before.
Taking him up on the offer, you looked at how your hand intertwined with his. There was an almost robotic twitch of tensing fingertips, and you could feel the small tremble of his muscles that disappeared as quickly as it came. He held your hand, a tightness in his grip he would never admit was intentional.
Hand in hand, the two of you took a slow, scenic route back to the Beach. You were wordless, too tired to converse, and only the sound of starlight and your joined footsteps was there to accompany you.
Oneshot Masterlist
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proseinborderland · 1 year
Chishiya x OFC (MATURE / 18+ ONLY!) Part 4
Please feel free to like, comment, re-blog, and share!
✨ Part 4 is now up! ✨
Summary: Chishiya walks into his room one night and finds you in his bed, yet again.
Warnings: Heterosexual sex between two consenting, fictional adults in the form of smutty prose. + All warnings for the Netflix show Alice in Borderland.
"Beneath Me"
Part IV
"Look at you assuming they'll even be a next time?" She quipped apprehensively and leaned forward to grab a bottle of water on my nightstand, taking a drink herself, then passed it to me so I could finish it off.
"Ah, so you have no faith I will return from the games tomorrow night?" I questioned, aiming the now crushed up empty water bottle at the waste bin, and smiled to myself as it landed directly inside. 
"No, I have some, but I'm a realist like you. So, let's just be real." She sighed, while running her fingers through her hair, “...nice shot … you’ve good hand eye coordination.” 
I wanted to laugh, but instead simply chose to accept her compliment, so I nodded, “It’s a talent.” 
I watched as she stood from the bed, walked over to grab a tissue from my desk. Quickly tossing it into the wastebin and checking her face in the mirror that hung above the console furniture in my suite at The Beach. Her long wavy hair flowed down her slender back, curling at the ends just as they met the curve of her heart shaped ass, which still flaunted the bright red imprint of my hand.
The hand that still held my cock began pumping once more in long, slow strokes. 
She walked over and began kissing me, without abandon, growing harsh, hurried, rushed. I let her nudge me back until my legs hit the back of the chair I'd originally been seated in and then the weight of her hands on my shoulders, easing me down until I fell into the position she so craved as she began to hover over me, her legs straddling the chair, but not quite straddling me. 
When I felt her reach down between us to grab my cock, both of my hands reached out for her hips, squeezing the skin rough enough to leave behind marks, then grabbed her ass, scratching the flesh there lightly, yet eliciting a reminder of the mark I'd recently left as a moan escaped her and her legs shook infinitesimally.
None of this seemed to stop her though as she guided me through her folds that were still wet from my earlier ministrations.
Once she'd guided me inside, just enough to hold me there like a parlor trick, enough to rock back and forth against me without giving me what she knew I really wanted. 
And I let her, reveling in our own salacious version of a game of cat and mouse. 
Even when I would attempt to try and push past her entrance, I would wind up clenched in her tight, erotic hold, squeezing the head of my cock and forcing me back into the submissive role I've given her - for the time being.
Honestly, I'd never met a woman like her before. She was so uninhibited and free. She let me do and say things to her I'd only ever dreamt of before waking up in this world. And here we were together and even then, even so, even here and now, she fed my desires so willingly. 
Her breathing increased as she let the tip of my cock bob in and out of her, I could feel her dripping onto my thigh. 
Once, I felt I could no longer resist her, I guided her back on the bed, placing a pillow behind her head and one under her ass, allowing me the access I desired, and slid inside her in one swift thrust and began fucking her slowly.
"You look so pretty when you fuck my pussy like this." She moaned.
"I have my cock inside of a beautiful, slutty, seductress of a woman, ...forgive me for being human." I laughed, following up with, "and if I'm being the realist you so desire, then let me also confess that I've now decided to cum inside of your tight little pussy," I purred into her ear while feeling her body still - 'ever so slightly' under my own as both her heart beat and small, slow breaths increased. 
"You told me 3 days ago I should consider getting fucked by your bare cock to be an honor since The Beach has run out of condoms." She laughed. "Just now, not even 10 minutes ago, you told me you wanted to cum in my mouth." I could feel her grip tighten around me. My heart was pounding along with hers, radiating little quakes throughout our bodies that began somewhere incorporeal and ended at the exact place we were joined.  
"Why now?" She questioned.
"Why ask?" I retorted. 
She learned early on how much I abhorred questions, while I quickly discovered her impatience.  It shouldn't have been a surprise when she became quite eager regarding her need.
"I want to know what it feels like." I laughed ...I smiled ...I blushed. 
We both inhaled sharply as her wetness pooled down between us.
I slid out and back into her heat again, deeply and our rhythm began once more - although this time, it was with a blushing conviction. An unasked question. Our faces were close enough that I brushed my nose up against hers, feeling the smile on her cheeks grow to meet my own. Our mouths found their rightful places, fighting for control of the other's lips, sucking and biting and tasting one another hungrily.  
Her hands, which had previously been stationed at my hips, moved to brush back the damp hair on my forehead, and tucked it behind my ears before meeting my eyes with a genuinely bashful smile. 
"I want to know what it feels like too." she whispered. And then said the most intoxicatingly sensual sentence I've ever been told:
"Shuntarō, I want us to both feel you cum deep inside of me." 
A fire grew inside of me, engulfing me within its flames, and that fire was her - my repeated thrusts into her wetness were bringing me out of this world and somewhere safe, protective, and so inviting - a place devoid of spoken needs and filled with an unhinged desire to keep going deeper and deeper - feeling my cock at its peak, nearing the pinnacle that had been climbing again within her. 
So carnal, or - maybe more-so, - connected?
We collide together, and then - I'm unhinged, and almost instantaneously erupt, my orgasm emptying myself completely inside of her pussy, and she's letting me. An excited look and the temporary widening of her eyes, followed with the tiny pulses I felt as another orgasm shook through her, told me she had felt my climax too. My eyes squeeze tight and sounds I can't hear escape me as I feel the greatest release I've ever imagined and at how transcendent it could be to feel so to be connected like this after having given her all of my energy, my attention, and my myself -- physically, so to speak. 
I even let her curl up to me as I drifted off, oddly delighted in knowing that part of me was still inside of her.  
◇ If you're kind enough to leave a review, like, or re-blog - I'll love you forever!
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