#Chris Norwood
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Dark Horse Presents
Aliens vs. Predator 2
Dark Horse Comics #25 (1994)
Aliens vs. Predator: Duel #1-2 (1995)
Aliens vs. Predator: War #1-4 (1995)
Aliens: Booty #1 (1996)
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aestheticbyais · 2 years
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“I’m STILL jonesin’ for a little more Osmosis.”
Osmosis Jones x Leah Estrogen aesthetic/moodboard.
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traderrock · 2 years
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Fishbone, 1985.
Photo: Paul Natkin
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danbusler · 1 month
The Chris O'Leary Band at The Fallout Shelter
Barn-Burning Blues
The Chris O’Leary Band at The Extended Play Sessions at The Fallout Shelter in Norwood, MA. on August 9, 2024.The band includes Chris O’Leary, Mike Lynch, Shiela Klinefelter, Chuck Cotton, Brooks Milgate, Pat O’Shea, and Andy Shahl.Chris and his band ignited the Fallout Shelter crowd with barn-burning blues, southern-tinged rock and roll, and country ballads. This was a night with a true club…
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insidecroydon · 4 months
LibDems name their candidates and Philp forgets he's a Tory
Four aces, or four jokers?: Croydon’s Liberal Democrat candidates assembled (from left) Bonham, Hussain, Pelling and Howard Finally, days after the General Election was announced, Croydon’s Liberal Democrats have got around to confirming their four candidates for July 4 – details of which Inside Croydon had reported on weeks ago. The LibDems, who have had only a single councillor elected to…
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joslincox · 6 months
Osmosis Jones Vs. The Future
Ozzy and Drix find themselves having to battle Thrax once again before they have to leave for college. Meanwhile, things change for Hector as he receives his driver's license on his 16th birthday, and he must navigate through the ups and downs of such a milestone
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rubylioness · 6 months
Thinking about how Tevin Campbell is vocally inspired by Whitney and then Chris Brown by Brandy (who Whitney was the real-life “fairy godmother” of🥰), and both guys seemed to stand out considerably more than their peers 🤭
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pynkgothicka · 11 months
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Training Wheels KNJ
Synopsis - Your imaginary friend makes a return into your life when you least expect it. (Part 6 of the Monster Series)
Pairing - Yandere! Dark! Demon! Kim Namjoon x AFAB! Reader
Featuring - Brandy Norwood, Stephanie Hsu, Chris Pine
Tags and Warnings - Religious themes, hints of suicide, Chris pine
Authors Note - Time for reqs!!! I'm happy you guys stuck with me and my fits of unmotivation to write.
Packing up to go home was something you hated the thought of doing. But, with your mom insisting on you coming back home for fall break, it was hard to decline. Perhaps a break from school was just what you needed. After loading a small bag filled with your belongings into the back of your car, you start the long drive. As music plays, you try to distract your wandering thoughts.
Eventually, you receive a call from an old friend, Brandy, which you promptly answer.
"I heard you're coming back! We missed you in town," she said almost immediately into the phone. You smiled, trying to match her enthusiasm in your tone. She was usually a bit calmer from what you could last recall. Her faux locs were pulled into a bun as she worked on writing screenplays. So it was almost awkward hearing her so happy.
“Yeah! I'm happy to come back. Don't worry I missed town too.” You said keeping your voice happy and upbeat. “How are th-”
"So hey, your mom told me to ask, are you coming to church?”
You tensed at that word. Almost any recollection of church made you uneasy. Yet, when thinking too hard, you couldn't even begin to place what made you so uncomfortable with the subject.
Brandy took your silence as an answer. "Mhmm. Alright, I'll talk to you later when you're done driving, bye!" Then the phone hung up. You couldn't even begin to decipher what her sudden switch up was, but you didn't try to dwell on it.
But something was off. You hated that feeling of uneasiness. You turned up the music to drown out your thoughts.
Upon entering your old home, the air felt cold. The house seemed lifeless compared to your last visit. Your mom greeted you with a hesitant smile, warmly saying, "Hi, baby!" as she embraced you. She kissed your forehead and you reciprocated her smile, responding, "How was the drive in?”
“It was nice. Brandy called me for a bit so it wasn't too lonely.” Your father came in now hugging you. He took your bag and brought it to your room. Then your mother brought you to the kitchen, she passed you a bag with cookies. “So how's home been?”
“It's been nice, the church has become more active. New members and all that, I really hope you come tomorrow.” Your mother rambled on, almost guilting you into participating in something you obviously had 0 interest in. With a hand placed on your temple, you looked ahead at almost nothing. You leaned over the countertop, as she talked. “You remember Joonie?”
You snapped out of your daze. "Huh? Not that I know no.”
"Yeah, your old imaginary friend! I remember you used to play with him and everything, even asked me to leave out a second plate of food, all that stuff," your mother rambled, smiling. You nodded at her awkwardly. You had no recollection of whoever your mom was talking about, but you just went with it. Finally, your dad came down and patted your back, signaling that your room was ready.
Upon entering the room, you saw a trail of salt by the door. It was as if it either trapped something in or kept something out. Stepping over the salt, you went to your bed and fell face-first. You groaned into the sheets and grabbed the linen. Everything smelled old, like an old, murky, mildew-based prison that sucked everything out of you.
And it all made you so sleepy. Maybe you could just sleep off that uneasy feeling, so you did.
You woke up to an empty stomach. Getting out of bed, your first instinct was to check what time it was. you saw it was early in the morning, around 4 a.m. No one would be up around this time you took that as a time to roam around. Slipping on your white house slippers and taking your phone, you left your old room. Seeing the salt on the ground you stepped over it once again.
You stuck to your main route and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Opening the fridge, you found a slice of bundt cake in a circular container. Quickly you began to eat it with a spoon. You looked at the sliding door that led to the backyard, memories flooding your senses. Having picnics with your mother and community parties.
Yet it was all so faint, and it was faint to the point where you could only make out faint glimpses.
Looking around more you saw a cabinet left open. Usually from what you remember, it was where your mom would hold important documents like your birth certificate. You went towards it to close it but stopped seeing it wad filled more than usual. It had salt and drawings filling it. Stuff you couldn't even begin to decipher what all was in it.
Taking it out, you saw childish drawings. Joonie was scribbled with hearts surrounding it. It was haunting as you could tell it was your work. You shoved it back into the cabinet shutting it. You let out a sigh and finished your slice of cake.
You were brought out of your mind for about the umpteenth time during your visit by the sound of the television turning on. Pensively you walked into the living room and looked at the television, the broadcast shakey and filled with static. The remote sat on the coffee table, untouched. You reached for it to try and turn it off but it was stopped.
The television flipped to a show and went to a static dead channel. “What…?” You said quietly staring at the screen. “Whose there?”
“A…Friend.” The television spoke to you through the TV. You were stunned and moved to sit on the couch. You stayed wary, not even looking at the remote that sat in front of you. “You… are. still… pretty.” It continued to say. Sitting up you kept your posture.
“Thank you… U-Um is this a prank? Is there someone controlling my TV?” You said finally trying to figure out exactly what was happening. Then it muttered your name, in its garbled way. Different channels talking to you. After it switched to a channel of a man laughing it continued to talk.
“No… You.. will know… me… soon.” Then the TV shut off. You stared at it and took that as a sign to get up and leave. You rushed to your room, not even recalling the salt. You tripped and fell to the ground. You groaned before getting back into bed and falling asleep.
Getting out of your parent's car, you realized the church was still the same building. It was small and homey. It was made to be intimate and close, but it haunted you. Walking up those stairs and entering the building you saw nothing but regret. The pastor was someone you didn't recognize, he was older. His face was chiseled out of stone, however. You sat down towards the front of the church following suit with your parents.
The session was long, and you stayed to yourself. Towards the end, the pastor looked at you directly, “I’m happy you've decided to reconnect with us. Welcome back home.” And everyone clapped and applauded your return. But all you could do was sit there and be anxious. Nodding you plastered on a smile, just to get them to stop praising you for something that wasn’t permanent.
You just wanted to shrink and die, the guilt you faced being too much.
Your mother shoved your shoulder urging you to speak. “I-I’m happy to be here sir.”
Your parents rambled about how much the church seemed to appreciate your return. They had previously left you in the car while the new pastor spoke to them without your presence. It was weird, your parents pushing you to the side for something so minute. “What did you guys talk about?” You finally said interrupting them.
“Oh nothing, we are just making plans for today's little dinner party. Everyone is coming over for it, It's for you coming home, baby.” Your mother said, that sickeningly sweet voice making you feel anxious sort of.
“Why does everyone care that I’m home all of a sudden…”
The car went silent.
Your dad cleared his throat, “Well you know how your mother likes to talk. Ever since, well all these new people started showing up and becoming regulars, she's been talking nonstop about you.” He said. You knew he was sugar-coating something. Yet no one told you a thing.
“Listen, baby, I just want you to know, that we both love you so much.” Your mother cut in. You looked away and sighed while staring out the window. You felt even more guilt for how you felt towards the situation.
It was late, and everyone who attended church today was in your home. Brandy and Stephanie stayed in your room with you, quickly wanting nothing to do with the celebration happening downstairs. “Did you guys' parents be really weird out of the blue today?” Brandy asked. Both you and Stephanie nodded in agreeance.
“Yeah, I think it's the church. Something is up with that church now and I don't like it.” Stephanie said.
“What happened to the church, why is it so tense now?” You asked. Stephanie and Brandy looked at each other before, Stephanie made a face for Brandy to shut your door, in which she did. Stephanie took your hands in her own.
“You’ve seen it too, great we aren't alone. This happened around 6 months ago, new people coming in and the sermons started to change. It was focused on this day where a savior would save us and all that bull shit. But that's what it is. It's fucking bull.” Stephanie said keeping her voice to a hushed whisper. Brandy cut in.
“But if you say something about it, they say you're questioning his word. I don't even know who this new him is. It's changed and something is up. I'll be honest, it started with Pastor Pine and your parents.” Brandy said also whispering. You furrowed your brows recalling how weird everything has been since you returned. Brandy was right, it was something different with your parents.
Your head shot up and you finally decided on your next course of action. “Okay, you know what. We’re leaving. You are both coming with me back to school. I'll get you guys some new stuff once we arrive. We just need to get the fuck out.” You said deciding to leave your bag. Both of them seemed on board, ready to ditch whatever fate that this town was coming to. They took their phones and made their way out of your door and down the stairs to your front door. "If they try and stop you, keep moving.”
“Where are you going?” That deep voice was one you became accustomed to in a matter of a day.
You turned around to see Pastor Pine, his hands now on your shoulder. “Nowhere that's your concern.” You said shrugging your shoulders away. But he grabbed your shoulder more harshly. With a quick shove, you were on the ground and stumbled as he shoved you back into the house. With a touch of his hands on Brandy and Stephine's forehead, they disappeared into smoke. You stared in shock and almost broke down seeing just how quickly the only people who believed your suspicion were gone. And you could only crawl away weakened by the force behind the shove.
“After all this, you just want to run away.” Pastor Pines, voice shifted as he spoke. Becoming deeper, a wine-like tone coming from him. “Is it because you don't recognize me? After all the fun we used to have…”
”I don't know you!” You yelled back, in Horror you watched as the man's shoulder tore open, blood shooting out. A different man, one with silver hair with glints of purple emerged. He tore his way out of the husk of a body, a pair of ink-black wings sprouting from his back. “Oh my god! Mom! D-”
The man chuckled. It silenced you quickly as he kneeled next to you. “Don't even try it. They’re dead. They sacrificed themselves for me, baby. For Joonie… Your Joonie.”
It all came back to you. Promising yourself to him as a teenager, and having little to no friends. It was all him, yet it continued to be egged on by your parents. Namjoon was a demon, a demon that the town subscribed to. All of them had waited for you, and behind you, Namjoon wouldn't even dare allow you to see the people dead in sacrifice of him.
With a touch of his hand on your head, your memories came back to you. Playing with Joonie and seeing him as a confidant that you’d lost with age. “There we go, take it all in,” he said hushed into your ear.
”Say my name baby… I know your happy to have me back.”
He cradled your head and smiled before planting a small kiss, knocking you out entirely.
Let me know through a dm or ask to be included in my official Taglist- @darkuni63 @fangirl-death-rose @captainengineer-trixie @chimmisbae @iloverubberduckiez-blog @mageprincess7 @looneybleus @whipwhoops
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undeath1245 · 2 months
Headcanon full names for the TD contestants
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I figured that I should share my list of headcanon full names of each of the characters of Total Drama, with a couple of exceptions here and there (i.e. Chris McLean, Blainely O'Halloran, Alejandro Burromuerto, Cody Anderson, Harold McGrady, Devon "DJ" Joseph, Dakota Milton, Lightning Jackson, Cameron Wilkins, Nichelle LaDonna, Valentina MacArthur). Results may possibly vary.
Original Total Drama contestants
Gwendolyn York (sharing the same name as the York Region)
Trent McAllister
Duncan van Jensen
Courtney Ferrera
Heather Yang
Lindsay Berglund
Tyler Greenwood
Bethany Collins
Geoff Baskerville
Brigette Heinemann
Justin Carroway
LeShawna Martin
Isabella Crampton
Eva Alexandrova
Sierra McAnthony
Katie Bisonette
Sadie Jeong
Ezekiel Brimstone
Revenge of the Island contestants
Michael Holmvik
Zoey Abendroth
Brick Hopkins
Scott Bronson
Josephine "Jo" Arnold
Samuel Braxton
Anna Marie Lombardi
Dawn Nicholson
Beverly "B" Norwood
Staci Murray
Pahkitew Island contestants
Shawn Romero
Jasmine Abbott
Sky Rouleau
David Corduroy
Sugar van Hoffman
Amanda Dufresne
Samantha Dufresne
Topher Fellows
Ella Grimm
Maxwell Hunter
Scarlett McGrady
Rodney Fieldston
Leonard Hammersmith
Winslow Beardman
The Ridonculous Race contestants
Devin Letterman
Carrie Brennan
Thomas Wesley
Jennifer Walcott
Brody Simpson
Stephanie Fairchild
Ryan Carmichael
Rosalind Sanders
Josée Guillaume
Jacques Beaumont
Emma Zhong
Katherine Zhong
Stuart Rockford
Theodore Spudman
Dwayne Broker Sr.
Dwayne Broker Jr.
Kelly Greenwood
Taylor Greenwood
Jay Henderson
Mickey Henderson
Ennui Craven
Marie Crimson
Tammy Lundgren
Laurie Delcroix
Kristoffersen Miles
Ellody Newton
Marie Poindexter
Chet Levett
Lorenzo Antonelli
Gerry Drummond
Peter McLean
Total Drama Revival contestants
Caleb Edwards
Priya Rouhani
Millie Baldridge
Hezekias "Zee" Wanchai
Julie Martinson
Mary Kate "MK" Chung
Wayne Rupert
Raj Samaroo
Bowie Davison (based on the late English pop star)
Emma Wahlgren
Damien Laurence
Ripper Alderman
Axel Emerson
Chase Rodgers
Lauren "Scary Girl" Metcalf (sharing the same name as the actress)
Why don't you share me your fan name ideas?
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marcmarcmomarc · 5 months
Kingdom Hearts IV predictions
Game Central Station (Wreck-it Ralph)
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Takes place after the movie.
Is visited by Donald and Goofy.
The inhabitants are, of course, thrilled to see Donald and Goofy again, but are sad to hear about Sora’s sacrifice.
Starring the voices of:
Pamela Adlon as Lucy
Skylar Astin as Roy
Bella Blanding as Snowanna Rainbeau
Jen Brown as Nell
Adam Carolla as Wynchell
Sawyer Cole as Gloyd Orangeboar
Romi Dames as Adorabeezle Winterpop & Nougetsia Brumblestain
Brian T. Delaney as Wreck-it Ralph
Grey DeLisle as Mary & Meg
Jason Douglas as J. Norwood
Jamie Elman as Rancis Fluggerbutter
Don Fullilove as Nolan
Tucker Gilmore as Sugar Rush Announcer
Jess Harnell as Don
Rachael Harris as Deanna
Dennis Haysbert as General Hologram
Phil Johnston as Surge Protector
Maurice LaMarche as Root Beer Tapper
Katie Lowes as Candlehead
Jane Lynch as Sergeant Tamora Calhoun
Jack McBrayer as Fix-it Felix Jr.
Rich Moore as Sour Bill
Ed O’Neill as Mr. Stan Litwak
Raymond S. Persi as Mayor Gene
Chris Pratt as Duncan
Brandon Scott as Kohut
Sarah Silverman as Vanellope Von Schweetz
Josie Trinidad as Jubileena Bing-Bing & Citrusella Flugpucker
Melissa Villaseñor as Taffyta Muttonfudge
Cymbre Walk as Crumbelina Di Caramello
Jaeden White as Swizzle “The Swizz” Malarkey
Suzie Yeung as Minty Zaki, Torvald Batterbutter, & Sticky Whipplesnit
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goalhofer · 2 months
2024 olympics U.S.A. roster
Brady Ellison (Chula Vista, California)
Catalina Gnoriega (Mexicali, Mexico)
Casey Kaufhold (Lancaster, Pennsylvania)
Jennifer Mucino-Fernandez (Ciudad Mexico, Mexico)
Capers Williamson (Greenville, South Carolina)
Kenneth Bednarek (Rice Lake, Wisconsin)
Fred Kerley (Taylor, Texas)
Noah Lyles (Alexandria, Virginia)
Erriyon Knighton (Tampa, Florida)
Christopher Bailey (Atlanta, Georgia)
Quincy Hall (Kansas City, Missouri)
Michael Norman; Jr. (Murrieta, California)
Bryce Hoppel (Midland, Texas)
Hobbs Kessler (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Brandon Miller (St. Louis, Missouri)
Cole Hocker (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Yared Nuguse (Louisville, Kentucky)
Grant Fisher (Park City, Utah)
Abdi Nur (Phoenix, Arizona)
William Kincaid (Littleton, Colorado)
Nico Young (Newbury Park, California)
Freddie Crittenden III (Shelby Township, Michigan)
Stanley Holloway; Jr. (Chesapeake, Virginia)
Daniel Roberts (Hampton, Georgia)
C.J. Allen (Mason County, Washington)
Trevor Bassitt (Richland Township, Ohio)
Rai Benjamin (Mt. Vernon, New York)
James Corrigan (Los Angeles, California)
Kenneth Rooks (College Place, Washington)
Matthew Wilkinson (Minnetonka, Minnesota)
Quincy Wilson (Gaithersburg, Maryland)
Leonard Korir (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
Conner Mantz (Smithfield, Utah)
Clayton Young (American Fork, Utah)
Salif Mane (Bronx, New York)
Donald Scott (Apopka, Florida)
Shelby McEwen (Abbeville, Mississippi)
Sam Kendricks (Oxford, Mississippi)
Chris Nilsen (Kansas City, Missouri)
Jacob Wooten (Tomball, Texas)
Ryan Crouser (Clackamas County, Oregon)
Joe Kovacs (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania)
Payton Otterdahl (Rosemount, Minnesota)
Joseph Brown (Mansfield, Texas)
Andrew Evans (Portage, Michigan)
Curtis Thompson (Florence Township, New Jersey)
Daniel Haugh (Marietta, Georgia)
Rudy Winkler (Sand Lake, New York)
Heath Baldwin (Kalamazoo, Michigan)
Harrison Williams (Houston, Texas)
Zach Ziemek (Addison Township, Illinois)
Malcolm Clemens (Oakland, California)
Vernon Turner (Yukon, Oklahoma)
Jeremiah Davis (Lee County, Florida)
Jarrion Lawson (Texarkana, Texas)
Russell Robinson (Winter Garden, Florida)
JuVaughn Harrison (Huntsville, Alabama)
Sam Mattis (East Brunswick Township, New Jersey)
Graham Blanks (Athens, Georgia)
Christian Coleman (Fayetteville, Georgia)
Courtney Lindsey (Rock Island, Illinois)
Kyree King (Ontario, California)
Vernon Norwood (New Orleans, Louisiana)
Bryce Dedmon (MIssouri City, Texas)
Melissa Jefferson (Georgetown, South Carolina)
Sha'Carri Richardson (Dallas, Texas)
Twanisha Terry (Miami, Florida)
Brittany Brown (Upland, California)
McKenzie Long (Pickerington, Ohio)
Gabby Thomas (Northampton, Massachusetts)
Aaliyah Butler (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida)
Kendall Ellis (Pembroke Pines, Florida)
Alexis Holmes (Hamden, Connecticut)
Nia Akins (San Diego, California)
Juliette Whittaker (Laurel, Maryland)
Isabella Whittaker (Laurel, Maryland)
Allie Wilson (Nether Providence Township, Pennsylvania)
Emily Mackay (Union, New York)
Elle Purrier-St. Pierre (Montgomery, Vermont)
Elise Cranny (Boulder County, Colorado)
Karissa Schweizer (Urbandale, Iowa)
Weini Kelati-Frezghi (Leesburg, Virginia)
Alaysha Johnson (Houston, Texas)
Masai Russell (Montgomery County, Maryland)
Grace Stark (White Lake Charter Township, Michigan)
Anna Cockrell (Charlotte, North Carolina)
Jasmine Jones (Atlanta, Georgia)
Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone (Dunellen, New Jersey)
Valerie Constien (Vail, Colorado)
Marisa Howard (Boise, Idaho)
Courtney Wayment-Smith (Layton, Utah)
Dakotah Lindwurm (St. Francis, Minnesota)
Fiona O'Keeffe (Davis, California)
Emily Sisson (Chesterfield, Missouri)
Tara Davis-Woodhall (Agoura Hills, California)
Jasmine Moore (Grand Prairie, Texas)
Monae Nichols (Winter Haven, Florida)
Tori Franklin (Chicago, Illinois)
Keturah Orji (Mt. Olive Township, New Jersey)
Vashti Cunningham (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Rachel Glenn (Long Beach, California)
Brynn King (Montgomery County, Texas)
Katie Moon (Olmsted Falls, Ohio)
Bridget Williams (Hempfield Township, Pennsylvania)
Chase Jackson (Los Alamos County, New Mexico)
Jaida Ross (Medford, Oregon)
Raven Saunders (Charleston, South Carolina)
Valarie Allman (Longmont, Colorado)
Veronica Fraley (Zebulon, North Carolina)
Maggie Malone-Hardin (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Annette Echikunwoke (Pickerington, Ohio)
DeAnna Price (Troy, Missouri)
Erin Reese (Elk Grove Township, Illinois)
Taliyah Brooks (Wichita Falls, Texas)
Anna Hall (Douglas County, Colorado)
Chari Hawkins (Rexburg, Idaho)
Whittni Morgan (Panguitch, Utah)
Parker Valby (Tampa, Florida)
Rachel Tanczos (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania)
Jayden Ulrich (Wood River, Illinois)
Aleia Hobbs (New Orleans, Louisiana)
Tamari Davis (Gainesville, Florida)
Kaylyn Brown (Charlotte, North Carolina)
Quanera Hayes (Hope Mills, North Carolina)
Shamier Little (Chicago, Illinois)
Joshua Yuan (Fremont, California)
Howard Shu (Los Angeles, California)
Vinson Chiu (Milpitas, California)
Zhang Beiwen (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Annie Xu (San José, California)
Kerry Xu (San José, California)
Jennie Gai (Fremont, California)
Wardell Curry; Jr. (Charlotte, North Carolina)
Anthony Edwards (Atlanta, Georgia)
LeBron James (Akron, Ohio)
Kevin Durant (Rockville, Maryland)
Kawhi Leonard (Riverside, California)
Tyrese Haliburton (Oshkosh, Wisconsin)
Jayson Tatum (Creve Coeur, Missouri)
Joel Embiid (Gainesville, Florida)
Jrue Holiday (Los Angeles, California)
Edrice Adebayo (Pinetown, North Carolina)
Anthony Davis; Jr. (Chicago, Illinois)
Devin Booker (Moss Point, Mississippi)
Canyon Barry (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
Jim Fredette (Glens Falls, New York)
Kareem Maddox (Ventura County, California)
Dylan Travis (Bellevue, Nebraska)
Jewell Loyd (Niles Township, Illinois)
Kelsey Plum (La Jolla, California)
Sabrina Ionescu (Orinda, California)
Kahleah Copper (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Chelsea Gray (Manteca, California)
A'Ja Wilson (Columbia, South Carolina)
Breanna Stewart (Cicero, New York)
Napheesa Collier (Jefferson City, Missouri)
Diana Taurasi (Chino, California)
Jackie Young (Princeton, Indiana)
Alyssa Thomas (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania)
Brittney Griner (Houston, Texas)
Cassidie Burdick (Matthews, North Carolina)
Dearica Hamby (Norcross, Georgia)
Rhyne Howard (Cleveland, Tennessee)
Hailey Van Lith (Wenatchee, Washington)
Roscoe Hill (Houston, Texas)
Jahmal Harvey (Prince George's County, Maryland)
Omari Jones (Orlando, Florida)
Joshua Edwards (Houston, Texas)
Jennifer Lozano (Laredo, Texas)
Alyssa Mendoza (Caldwell, Idaho)
Jajaira Gonzalez (Glendora, California)
Morelle McCane (Cleveland, Ohio)
Jeff Louis (Houston, Texas)
Victor Montalvo (Kissimmee, Florida)
Logan Edra (Chula Vista, California)
Sunny Choi (Queens, New York)
Casey Eichfeld (Charlotte, North Carolina)
Aaron Small (Seattle, Washington)
Jonas Ecker (Bellingham, Washington)
Evy Leibfarth (Sylva, North Carolina)
Nevin Harrison (Seattle, Washington)
Marcus Christopher (Canton, Ohio)
Cameron Wood (Great Falls, Montana)
Matteo Jorgenson (Boise, Idaho)
Brandon McNulty (Phoenix, Arizona)
Magnus Sheffield (Pittsford, New York)
Grant Koontz (Houston, Texas)
Riley Amos (Durango, Colorado)
Christopher Blevins (Durango, Colorado)
Justin Dowell (Virginia Beach, Virginia)
Kamren Larsen (Bakersfield, California)
Daleny Vaughn (Tucson, Arizona)
Chloé Dygert (Brownsburg, Indiana)
Olivia Cummins (Ft. Collins, Colorado)
Kristen Faulkner (Homer, Alaska)
Jennifer Valente (San Diego, California)
Lily Williams (Tallahassee, Florida)
Haley Batten (Park City, Utah)
Savilia Blunk (Marin County, California)
Perris Benegas (Raleigh, North Carolina)
Hannah Roberts (Buchanan, Michigan)
Felicia Stancil (Lake Villa Township, Illinois)
Alise Willoughby (St. Cloud, Minnesota)
Andrew Capobianco (Holly Springs, North Carolina)
Carson Tyler (Moultrie, Georgia)
Tyler Downs (Ballwin, Missouri)
Greg Duncan (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Daryn Wright (Plainfield, Indiana)
Sarah Bacon (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Alison Gibson (Houston, Texas)
Delaney Schnell (Tucson, Arizona)
Kassidy Cook (Montgomery County, Texas)
Jessica Parratto (Dover, New Hampshire)
Marcus Orlob (Palm Beach County, Florida)
Steffen Peters (San Diego, California)
William Coleman III (Madison County, Virginia)
Boyd Martin (West Fallowfield Township, Pennsylvania)
Kent Farrington (Chicago, Illinois)
McLain Ward (Southeast, New York)
Caroline Pamukcu (Springhill, Pennsylvania)
Adrienne Lyle (Coupeville, Washington)
Laura Kraut (Camden, South Carolina)
Colin Heathcock (Beijing, China)
Filip Dolegiewicz (Park Ridge, Illinois)
Nick Itkin (Los Angeles, California)
Alexander Massialas (San Francisco, California)
Gerek Meinhardt (San Francisco, California)
Miles Chamley-Watson (New York, New York)
Eli Dershwitz (Sherborn, Massachusetts)
Mitchell Saron (Ridgewood, New Jersey)
Anne Cebula (New York, New York)
Hadley Husisian (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Margherita Guzzi-Vincenti (Delafield Township, Wisconsin)
Lauren Scruggs (Queens, New York)
Tatiana Nazlymov (Montgomery County, Maryland)
Magda Skarbonkiewicz (Portland, Oregon)
Elizabeth Tartakovsky (Livingston Township, New Jersey)
Maia Chamberlain (Menlo Park, California)
Kat Holmes (Washington, D.C.)
Jacqueline Dubrovich (Maplewood Township, New Jersey)
Lee Kiefer (Lexington, Kentucky)
Maia Weintraub (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Field Hockey
Kelee Lepage (Honey Brook, Pennsylvania)
Abigail Tamer (Dexter, Michigan)
Ashley Sessa (Royersford, Pennsylvania)
Megan Valzonis (San Diego, California)
Brooke DeBerdine (Millersville, Pennsylvania)
Emma DeBerdine (Millersville, Pennsylvania)
Madeleine Zimmer (Derry Township, Pennsylvania)
Amanda Golini (Randolph Township, New Jersey)
Ashley Hoffman (Mohnton, Pennsylvania)
Elizabeth Yeager (Greenwich, Connecticut)
Leah Crouse (Virginia Beach, Virginia)
Alexandra Hammel (Duxbury, Massachusetts)
Sophia Gladieux (Olney Township, Pennsylvania)
Karlie Kisha (Hamburg, Pennsylvania)
Kelsey Bing (Houston, Texas)
Meredith Sholder (Alburtis, Pennsylvania)
Patrick Schulte (St. Charles, Missouri)
Gabriel Slonina (Addison Township, Illinois)
Nathan Harriel (Oldsmar, Florida)
John Tolkin (Chatham, New Jersey)
Maximilian Dietz (New York, New York)
Caleb Wiley (Atlanta, Georgia)
Walker Zimmerman (Lawrenceville, Georgia)
Miles Robinson (Arlington, Massachusetts)
Francis Tessmann (Birmingham, Alabama)
Djordje Mihailović (Chicago, Illinois)
Jack McGlynn (Queens, New York)
Gianluca Busio (Kansas City, Missouri)
Benjamín Cremaschi (Miami, Florida)
Paxten Aaronson (Medford Township, New Jersey)
Duncan McGuire (Omaha, Nebraska)
Taylor Booth (Weber County, Utah)
Griffin Yow (Clifton, Virginia)
Kevin Paredes (Loudoun County, Virginia)
Alyssa Naeher (Bridgeport, Connecticut)
Emily Fox (Loudoun County, Virginia)
Korbin Albert (Avon Township, Illinois)
Naomi Girma-Aweke (San José, California)
Trinity Rodman-Moyer (Newport Beach, California)
Casey Krueger (Naperville, Illinois)
Crystal Soubrier (Hempstead, New York)
Catarina Macário (San Diego, California)
Mallory Swanson (Chicago, Illinois)
Lindsey Horan (Golden, Colorado)
Sophia Smith (Windsor, Colorado)
Tierna Davidson (Menlo Park, California)
Jenna Nighswonger (Newport Beach, California)
Emily Sonnett (Marietta, Georgia)
Jaedyn Shaw (Frisco, Texas)
Rose Lavelle (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Samantha Coffey (Mt. Pleasant, New York)
Casey Murphy (Bridgewater Township, New Jersey)
Carolyn Campbell (Kennesaw, Georgia)
Croix Bethune (Alpharetta, Georgia)
Katherine Hershfelt (Marietta, Georgia)
Lynn Williams (Fresno, California)
Wyndham Clark (Scottsdale, Arizona)
Collin Morikawa (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Xander Schauffele (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Scottie Scheffler (Dallas, Texas)
Nelly Korda (Bradenton, Florida)
Lilia Vu (Fountain Valley, California)
Rose Zhang (Irvine, California)
Asher Hong (Tomball, Texas)
Paul Juda (Vernon Township, Illinois)
John Malone (Sarasota, Florida)
Stephen Nedoroscik (Sarasota, Florida)
Fred Richard (Stoughton, Massachusetts)
Aliaksei Shostak (Lafayette, Indiana)
Simone Biles-Owens (Houston, Texas)
Jade Carey (Corvallis, Oregon)
Jordan Chiles (Los Angeles, California)
Suni Lee (Auburn, Alabama)
Hezly Rivera (Plano, Texas)
Evita Griškėnas (Orland Township, Illinois)
Jessica Stevens (Howard County, Maryland)
Jack Yonezuka (West Long Branch, New Jersey)
John Jayne (Chicago, Illinois)
Marie Laborde (Kenosha, Wisconsin)
Angelica Delgado (Miami, Florida)
Jess Davis (Bethlehem, Connecticut)
William Bender (Norwich, Vermont)
Oliver Bub (Westport, Connecticut)
Ben Davison (Inverness, Florida)
Sorin Koszyk (Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan)
Chris Carlson (Bedford, New Hampshire)
Peter Chatain (New Trier Township, Illinois)
Henry Hollingsworth (Dover, Massachusetts)
Rielly Milne (Woodinville, Washington)
Evan Olson (Bothell, Washington)
Pieter Quinton (Portland, Oregon)
Nicholas Rusher (West Bend, Wisconsin)
Christian Tabash (Alexandria, Virginia)
James Plihal (St. Louis, Missouri)
Justin Best (Kennett Square, Pennsylvania)
Liam Corrigan (Old Lyme, Connecticut)
Michael Grady (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
Nick Mead (Tredyffrin Township, Pennsylvania)
Clark Dean (Sarasota, Florida)
Azja Czajkowski (Chula Vista, California)
Sophia Vitas (Franklin, Wisconsin)
Kristi Wagner (Weston, Massachusetts)
Emily Kallfelz (Jamestown, Rhode Island)
Kaitlin Knifton (Austin, Texas)
Mary Mazzio-Manson (Wellsley, Massachusetts)
Kelsey Reelick (Brookfield, Connecticut)
Teal Cohen (Dallas, Texas)
Emily Delleman (Davenport, Iowa)
Grace Joyce (Northfield Township, Illinois)
Lauren O'Connor (Westfield, Massachusetts)
Cristina Castagna (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Claire Collins (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Margaret Hedeman (Concord, Massachusetts)
Kara Kohler (Clayton, California)
Jessica Thoennes (Madison, Wisconsin)
Mary Reckford (Millburn Township, New Jersey)
Michelle Sechser (San Luis Obispo, California)
Molly Bruggeman (Dayton, Ohio)
Charlotte Buck (Orangetown, New York)
Olivia Coffey (Elmira, New York)
Meghan Musnicki (Naples, New York)
Regina Salmons (Methuen, Massachusetts)
Madeleine Wanamaker (Neenah, Wisconsin)
Aaron Cummings (Grand Haven, Michigan)
Orrin Bizer (Montgomery County, Texas)
Naima Fuala'au (Hayward, California)
Malacchi Esdale (Newark, Delaware)
Kisi Unufe (Provo, Utah)
Matai Leuta (Seaside, California)
Marcus Tupuola (Carson, California)
Kevon Williams (Houston, Texas)
Stephen Tomasin (Santa Rosa, California)
Madison Hughes (Lancaster, Massachusetts)
Perry Baker (Port Orange, Florida)
Lucas Lacamp (San Diego, California)
Ariana Ramsey (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Sarah Levy (San Diego, California)
Alexandria Sedrick (Herriman, Utah)
Alena Olsen (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
Leyla Kelter (Anchorage, Alaska)
Ilona Maher (Burlington, Vermont)
Kayla Canett (Fallbrook, California)
Kristi Kirsche (Franklin, Massachusetts)
Lauren Doyle (Macon, Illinois)
Naya Tapper (Charlotte, North Carolina)
Samantha Sullivan (Fayetteville, North Carolina)
Stephanie Rovetti (Reno, Nevada)
Noah Lyons (Clearwater, Florida)
Markus Edegran (West Palm Beach, Florida)
Ian Barrows (St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands)
David Liebenberg (Richmond, California)
Hans Henken (Laguna Beach, California)
Stuart McNay (Marion, Massachusetts)
Dominique Stater (Montgomery County, Maryland)
Erika Reineke (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida)
Sarah Newberry-Moore (Miami, Florida)
Daniela Moroz (Berkeley, California)
Stephanie Roble (East Troy, Wisconsin)
Maggie Shea (New Trier Township, Illinois)
Lara Dallman-Weiss (Miami, Florida)
Sgt. Ivan Roe (Manhattan, Montana)
Will Hinton (Dacula, Georgia)
Conner Prince (Burleson, Texas)
Henry Leverett (Bainbridge, Georgia)
Sfc. Keith Sanderson (Plymouth, Massachusetts)
Derrick Mein (Paola, Kansas)
Vincent Hancock (Ft. Worth, Texas)
Katelyn Abeln (Douglasville, Georgia)
Ada Korkhin (Brookline, Massachusetts)
Ryann Phillips (Borden County, Texas)
Sgt. Sagen Maddelena (Woodland, California)
Mary Tucker (Pineville, North Carolina)
Alexis Lagan (Boulder City, Nevada)
Rachel Tozier (Pattonsburg, Missouri)
Austen Smith (Dallas, Texas)
Dania Vizzi (Pasco County, Florida)
Gavin Bottger (Vista, California)
Tate Carew (San Diego, California)
Chris Joslin (Cerritos, California)
Tom Schaar (Malibu, California)
Jagger Eaton (Mesa, Arizona)
Nyjah Huston (Davis, California)
Ruby Lilley (Oceanside, California)
Minna Stess (Petaluma, California)
Paige Heyn (Tempe, Arizona)
Poe Pinson (Fernandina Beach, Florida)
Bryce Wettstein (Encinitas, California)
Mariah Duran (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
Caeleb Dressel (Orange Park, Florida)
Chris Guiliano (Amity Township, Pennsylvania)
Jack Alexy (Mendham Borough, New Jersey)
Luke Hobson (Reno, Nevada)
Aaron Shackell (Carmel, Indiana)
Kieran Smith (Ridgefield, Connecticut)
Robert Finke (Clearwater, Florida)
Luke Whitlock (Noblesville, Indiana)
David Johnston (Lake Forest, California)
Joseph Armstrong (Dover, Ohio)
Ryan Murphy (Jacksonville, Florida)
Keaton Jones (Gilbert, Arizona)
Nic Fink (Morristown, New Jersey)
Charlie Swanson (Richmond, Virginia)
Matthew Fallon (Warren Township, New Jersey)
Josh Matheny (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
Thomas Heilman (Albemarle County, Virginia)
Luca Urlando (Sacramento, California)
Shaine Casas (McAllen, Texas)
Carson Foster (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Chase Kalisz (Harford County, Maryland)
Ryan Held (Springfield, Illinois)
Matt King (Snohomish, Washington)
Brooks Curry (Dunwoody, Georgia)
Drew Kibler (Carmel, Indiana)
B.J. Pieroni (Chesterton, Indiana)
Ivan Puskovitch (West Chester, Pennsylvania)
Jaime Czarkowski (Calgary, Alberta)
Keana Hunter (Issaquah, Washington)
Audrey Kwon (Seattle, Washington)
Jacklyn Luu (Milpitas, California)
Daniella Ramirez (Miami, Florida)
Ruby Remati (Andover, Massachusetts)
Megumi Field (Cerritos, California)
Anita Alvarez (Buffalo, New York)
Simone Manuel (Sugar Land, Texas)
Gretchen Walsh (Nashville, Tennessee)
Alexandra Walsh (Greenwich, Connecticut)
Kate Douglass (Pelham, New York)
Torri Huske (Arlington County, Virginia)
Erin Gemmell (Montgomery County, Maryland)
Claire Weinstein (White Plains, New York)
Katie Ledecky (Montgomery County, Maryland)
Paige Madden (Mobile, Alabama)
Katie Grimes (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Katherine Berkoff (Missoula, Montana)
Regan Smith (Lakeville, Minnesota)
Phoebe Bacon (Chevy Chase, Maryland)
Lilly King (Evansville, Indiana)
Emma Weber (Denver, Colorado)
Alexandra Shackell (Carmel, Indiana)
Emma Weyant (Sarasota, Florida)
Erika Connolly (Cornelius, North Carolina)
Abbey Weitzeil (Santa Clarita, California)
Anna Peplowski (Metamora Township, Illinois)
Mariah Denigan (Fairfield, Ohio)
Rock climbing
Zach Hammer (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Colin Duffy (Broomfield, Colorado)
Jesse Grupper (New York, New York)
Sam Watson (Southlake, Texas)
Natalia Grossman (Boulder, Colorado)
Brooke Raboutou (Boulder, Colorado)
Emma Hunt (Woodstock, Georgia)
Piper Kelly (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Griffin Colapinto (San Clemente, California)
John Florence (Honolulu County, Hawaii)
Caroline Marks (Melbourne Beach, Florida)
Carissa Moore (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Caitlin Simmers (Oceanside, California)
Table tennis
Kanak Jha (Milpitas, California)
Rachel Sung (San José, California)
Amy Wang (Mantua Township, New Jersey)
Lily Zhang (Redwood City, California)
Carl Nickolas; Jr. (Brentwood, California)
Jonathan Healy (Houston, Texas)
Faith Dillon (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Kristina Teachout (Palm Bay, Florida)
Christopher Eubanks (Atlanta, Georgia)
Taylor Fritz (Rancho Palos Verdes, California)
Marcos Girón (Thousand Oaks, California)
Tommy Paul (Boca Raton, Florida)
Austin Krajicek (Plano, Texas)
Rajeev Ram (Carmel, Indiana)
Danielle Collins (St. Petersburg, Florida)
Cori Gauff (Delray Beach, Florida)
Emma Navarro (Charleston, South Carolina)
Jessica Pegula (Boca Raton, Florida)
Desirae Krawczyk (Palm Desert, California)
Morgan Pearson (Boulder, Colorado)
Seth Rider (Germantown, Tennessee)
Kirsten Kasper (Boulder, Colorado)
Taylor Knibb (Boulder, Colorado)
Taylor Spivey (Redondo Beach, California)
Andy Benesh (Rancho Palos Verdes, California)
Miles Partain (Los Angeles, California)
Miles Evans (Santa Barbara, California)
Chase Budinger (Carlsbad, California)
Matt Anderson (West Seneca, New York)
Aaron Russell (Howard County, Maryland)
Jeff Jendryk II (Evanston, Illinois)
T.J. DeFalco (Huntington Beach, California)
Micah Christenson (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Maxwell Holt (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Micah Ma'a (Honolulu County, Hawaii)
Thomas Jaeschke (Wheaton, Illinois)
Garrett Muagututia (Oceanside, California)
Taylor Averill (Portland, Oregon)
David Smith (Santa Clarita, California)
Erik Shoji (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Taryn Kloth (Sioux Falls, South Dakota)
Kelly Cheng (Fullerton, California)
Sarah Hughes (Costa Mesa, California)
Jordyn Poulter (Aurora, Colorado)
Avery Skinner (Katy, Texas)
Justine Wong-Orantes (Cypress, California)
Lauren Carlini (Aurora, Illinois)
Jordan Larson (Hooper, Nebraska)
Annie Drews (Elkhart, Indiana)
Jordan Thompson (Edina, Minnesota)
Haleigh Washington (Clear Creek County, Colorado)
Dana Rettke (Riverside Township, Illinois)
Kathryn Plummer (Aliso Viejo, California)
Kelsey Cook (Hanover Township, Illinois)
Chiaka Ogbogu (Coppell, Texas)
Water polo
Adrian Weinberg (Los Angeles, California)
Chase Dodd (Huntington Beach, California)
Ryder Dodd (Huntington Beach, California)
Johnny Hooper (Los Angeles, California)
Marko Vavic (Rancho Palos Verdes, California)
Alex Obert (Loomis, California)
Hannes Daube (Long Beach, California)
Luca Cupido (Newport Beach, California)
Ben Hallock (Los Angeles, California)
Dylan Woodhead (San Anselmo, California)
Alex Bowen (San Diego, California)
Max Irving (Long Beach, California)
Drew Holland (Orinda, California)
Tara Prentice (Murrieta, California)
Jenna Flynn (San José, California)
Jewel Roemer (Lafayette, California)
Emily Ausmus (Riverside, California)
Jovana Sekulic (Newtown Township, Pennsylvania)
Ashleigh Johnson (Miami, Florida)
Maddie Musselman (Newport Beach, California)
Rachel Fattal (Los Alamitos, California)
Maggie Steffens (Danville, California)
Jordan Raney (Santa Monica, California)
Ryann Neushul (Santa Barbara County, California)
Kaleigh Gilchrist (Newport Beach, California)
Amanda Longan (Moorpark, California)
Hampton Morris (Marrieta, Georgia)
Wes Kitts (Knoxville, Tennessee)
Jourdan Delacruz (Wylie, Texas)
Olivia Reeves (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
Mary Theisen-Lappen (Eau Claire, Wisconsin)
Payton Jacobson (Elkhorn, Wisconsin)
Spencer Lee (Murrysville, Pennsylvania)
Zain Retherford (Benton, Pennsylvania)
Kyle Dake (Lansing, New York)
Aaron Brooks (Hagerstown, Maryland)
Kyle Snyder (Montgomery County, Maryland)
Mason Parris (Lawrenceburg, Indiana)
Kamal Bey (Oak Park Township, Illinois)
Joe Rau (Chicago, Illinois)
Adam Coon (Handy Township, Michigan)
Sarah Hildebrandt (Clay Township, Indiana)
Dominique Parrish (Scotts Valley, California)
Helen Maroulis (Marquette, Michigan)
Kayla Miracle (Iowa City, Iowa)
Amit Elor (Walnut Creek, California)
Kennedy Blades (Chicago, Illinois)
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prapasara · 3 months
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The Best Funeral Songs and Memorial Songs
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Traditional Funeral Songs and Funeral Music
1) Amazing Grace – Traditional
2) Wind Beneath My Wings – Bette Midler
3) His Eye is on the Sparrow – Mahalia Jackson
4) My Heart Will Go On – Celine Dion
5) Precious Lord, Take My Hand – Mahalia Jackson
6) You Raise Me Up – Josh Groban
7) I’ll Fly Away – Albert E. Brumley
8) The Rose – Bette Midler
9) As – Stevie Wonder
10) Angels – Robbie Williams
11) Going Up Yonder – Walter Hawkins
12) Unchained Melody – The Righteous Brothers
13) Oh Happy Day – Edwin Hawkins Singers
14) Candle in the Wind – Elton John
15) Total Praise – Richard Smallwood
16) Time to Say Goodbye – Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman
17) Swing Low, Sweet Chariot – Traditional
18) Bridge Over Troubled Water – Simon & Garfunkel
19) Lean on Me – Bill Withers
20) Tears in Heaven – Eric Clapton
21) Ain’t No Mountain High Enough – Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
22) Ave Maria – Franz Schubert
23) You Are Not Alone – Michael Jackson
24) Hallelujah – Jeff Buckley
25) I’ll Be There – The Jackson 5
26) I Will Always Love You – Whitney Houston
27) Victory is Mine – Dorothy Norwood
28) Always Look on the Bright Side of Life – Monty Python
29) Soon and Very Soon – Andraé Crouch
30) Danny Boy – Traditional
31) Order My Steps – GMWA Women of Worship
32) The Prayer – Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli
33) Take Me to the King – Tamela Mann
34) When I Survey the Wondrous Cross – Traditional
35) I Need You to Survive – Hezekiah Walker and The Love Fellowship Choir
36) In the Arms of an Angel – Sarah McLachlan
37) We Fall Down – Donnie McClurkin
38) What a Wonderful World – Louis Armstrong
39) Stand – Donnie McClurkin
40) Here Comes the Sun – The Beatles
41) We Shall Overcome – Traditional
42) I’ll Be Missing You – Puff Daddy and Faith Evans
43) Lift Every Voice and Sing – James Weldon Johnson
44) Nearer My God to Thee – Traditional
45) I Am Not Forgotten – Israel Houghton
46) How Great Thou Art – Traditional
47) You’ll Never Walk Alone – Mahalia Jackson
48) The Sound of Silence – Simon & Garfunkel
49) He Has His Hands On You – Marvin Sapp
50) Auld Lang Syne – Traditional
51) Bridge Over Troubled Water – Aretha Franklin
52) Over the Rainbow – Israel Kamakawiwo’ole
53) Morning Has Broken – Cat Stevens
54) A Time for Us – Nino Rota
55) Let It Be – The Beatles
56) Broken Halos – Chris Stapleton
57) Never Would Have Made It – Marvin Sapp
58) Don’t Cry for Me Argentina – Julie Covington
59) Stairway to Heaven – Led Zeppelin
60) Old Rugged Cross – Traditional
61) Hold On – Yolanda Adams
62) The Way We Were – Barbra Streisand
63) You’ll Never Walk Alone – Gerry & The Pacemakers
64) His Strength is Perfect – Cece Winans
65) He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother – The Hollies
66) We’ll Meet Again – Vera Lynn
67) Keep On Movin’ – Soul II Soul
68) Love Me Tender – Elvis Presley
69) Oh How He Loves You and Me – Edwin Hawkins Singers
70) God Bless America – Irving Berlin
71) Memory – Barbra Streisand
72) Be Grateful – Walter Hawkins
73) Angels Among Us – Alabama
74) Amazing Grace – Aretha Franklin
75) My Way – Frank Sinatra
76) Stand By Me – Ben E. King
77) Hold On – Mighty Clouds of Joy
78) I Smile – Kirk Franklin
79) Can’t Help Falling in Love – Elvis Presley
80) The Dance – Garth Brooks
81) You Are My Friend – Patti LaBelle
82) When the Saints Go Marching In – Traditional
83) On Eagle’s Wings – Michael Joncas
84) Angel – Sarah McLachlan
85) Bittersweet Symphony – The Verve
86) Ave Maria – Andrea Bocelli
87) The Lord is My Shepherd – Traditional
88) The Long and Winding Road – The Beatles
89) There You’ll Be – Faith Hill
90) Into the West – Annie Lennox
91) Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door – Bob Dylan
92) I Will Remember You – Sarah McLachlan
93) You Are the Wind Beneath My Wings – Bette Midler
94) I’m Already There – Lonestar
95) When You Believe – Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey
96) Fields of Gold – Sting
97) He Stopped Loving Her Today – George Jones
98) If I Die Young – The Band Perry
99) Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel) – Billy Joel
100) Always On My Mind – Ane Brun
101) Dancing in the Sky – Beverly Ann
102) Home – Aron Wright
103) Living Legend – Club Danger
104) Be Still – The Fray
105) I Shall Believe – Sheryl Crow
106) To Build a Home – The Cinematic Orchestra, Patrick Watson
107) Supermarket Flowers – Ed Sheeran
108) Future Days (Acoustic) – Eddie Vedder
109) Heart – Rainbow Kitten Surprise
110) See You Again – Wiz Khalifa, Charlie Puth
111) See You Again – Beth
112) These Are Days – 10,000 Maniacs
113) Wonderwall – Zella Day
114) Lay Me Down – Sam Smith
115) I Will Always Return – Bryan Adams
116) The Story – Brandi Carlile
117) Send Me On My Way – Rusted Root
118) When We Were Young – Adele
119) Amazing Grace (Chains Are Gone) – Pentatonix
120) Do You Remember – Jack Johnson
121) In Christ Alone – Christina Grimmie
122) When I Get Where I’m Going – Brad Paisley, Dolly Parton
123) I Will Follow You Into the Dark – Death Cab for Cutie
125) Proof of Your Love – King & Country
126) Home – Edith Whiskers
127) My Best Friend – Tim McGraw
128) Work Song – Hozier
129) Biscuits – Kacey Musgraves
130) Home – Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
131) Waves – Imagine Dragons
132) I Lived – OneRepublic
133) 7 Years Old – Lukas Graham
134) Excavate – Macklemore, Saint Claire
135) Gonna Fly Now – Bill Conti 
136) Solsbury Hill – Peter Gabriel
137) Unforgettable – Nat King Cole
138) Yet – Nathan Morris
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Christine Rose Photography / Moment via Getty Images
50 Songs to Play at a Funeral
1.    Tears In Heaven – Eric Clapton
2.    Wish You Were Here – Pink Floyd
3.    Babe I’m Gonna Leave You – Led Zeppelin
4.    Scream – Chris Cornell
5.    My City of Ruins – Bruce Springsteen
6.    November Rain – Guns N’ Roses
7.    Hallelujah – Bon Jovi
8.    Stairway To Heaven – Led Zeppelin
9.    I’ll Back You Up – Dave Matthews Band
10.  Man of the Hour – Pearl Jam
Alternative Rock
1.    Surround You – Echosmith
2.    The Trapeze Swinger – Iron & Wine
3.    Heartbeats – Jose Gonzalez
4.    Blood – The Middle East
5.    The Funeral – Band of Horses
6.    Awake My Soul – Mumford & Sons
7.    While We Were Dreaming – Pink Mountaintops
8.    Higher Love – James Vincent McMorrow
9.    The Night We Met – Lord Huron
10.  Twenty Years – Augustana
1.    Supermarket Flowers – Ed Sheeran
2.    Breathe Me – Sia
3.    Fix You – Coldplay
4.    See You Again –Charlie Puth
5.    Somewhere Over The Rainbow -  Israel Kamakawiwo’ole (and other artists)
6.    I’ll Be Missing You – P. Diddy & Faith Evans
7.    Angel – Sarah McLachlan
8.    Angles – Robbie Williams
9.    Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol
10.  Gone, Gone, Gone – Phillip Phillips
1.    Take Me Home – John Denver
2.    Yesterday – The Beatles
3.    My Way – Frank Sinatra
4.    You’ll Never Walk Alone – Gerry & The Pacemakers
5.    Turn Turn Turn – The Byrds
6.    Always On My Mind – Elvis
7.    Amazing Grace – Celtic Women
8.    In My Life – The Beatles
9.    Imagine – John Lennon
10.  Heaven Can Wait – Meatloaf
1.    If I Die Young – The Band Perry
2.    Go Rest High On That Mountain – Vince Gill
3.    Angels Among Us – Alabama
4.    If Heaven Wasn’t So Far Away – Justin Moore
5.    I Drive Your Truck – Lee Brice
6.    Drink a Beer – Luke Bryan
7.    Who You’d Be Today – Kenny Chesney
8.    One Hell of an Amen – Brantley Gilbert
9.    If You’re Reading This – Tim McGraw
10.  See You Again – Carrie Underwood
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nikkytok / iStock via Getty Images
Funeral music  ,  Funeral   ,   Popular music for funerals   ,  Traditional Funeral Songs and Funeral Music  ,   Funeral Music   ,    Popular Songs for Funerals  ,   Funeral Services
CR   ::   https://gather.app/blog/funeral-songs-list/  ,  https://www.funeralmatters.com/blog/Article/25/50-Songs-to-Play-at-a-Funeral
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omegaremix · 4 months
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Spring 2018 mixtape:
Stars Are Insane “I Stayed Up All Night Thinking Of You” (demo)
Kajun SS “Know Your Place”
James Clarke “Silent Summer”
Leon Gardner “Who Are You”
Frumpies, The “I Just Wanna’ Puke On The Stereo”
Raveonettes, The “I Wanna’ Be Adored”
Black Dice “Cowboy Soundcheck”
War On Women “Lone Wolves”
Sun Ra Nuits De La Fondation Maeght Vol. 1
Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass “Spanish Flea”
Buddy Rich The Bus Tapes
Ghost Spell self-titled
Digital Leather “Ruining Everything”
Black Boot 2013 demo
Plugz, The “Touch For Cash”
Deformity Shards
Ajax 2015 demo
Vinnie Paz “Cheesesteaks”
Robert Viger “Limpidite”
Stiv Bators “It’s Cold Outside”
Frigs “Solid State”
MF Doom & RZA “Books Of War”
Les Savvy Fav “Hold On To Your Genre”
Ros Sereysothea “Kon Komsot”
Blueblack “Branches Broke”
Pat Metheny “San Lorenzo”
Can “Vitamin C”
Versus The Stars Are Insane
Jedi Mind Tricks “Design In Malice”
Wolf Alice “Sad Boy”
World / Inferno Friendship Society The True Story Of The Bridgewater Astral League
Rezzett “Gremlinz”
Boy Harsher “Modulations”
Nick Cave “I’m Your Man”
Boards Of Canada “Orange Romeda”
Cabaret Voltaire Extended Play e.p.
Letlive “Day 54”
Kedr Livanskiy Ariadna
Jan Jelinek “Them, Their”
Thomas Leer “Saving Grace”
Killing Joke “Penny Drops”
Nails Abandon All Hope
Public Image Ltd. “Poptones”
Chris Norwood “The Norwood’s Prayer”
Puccio Roelens “A Silness Song”
Aby Ngana Diop Liital
Curses “Pedal To The Metal And Don’t Look Back”
Keiji Haino “See That My Grave Is Kept Clean” (acoustic)
Azymuth “Jazz Carnival”
Joanna Brouk “The Space Between”
Thomas Leer “All About You”
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alexzalben · 2 years
Disney+ has greenlit a pilot for WITCH MOUNTAIN, a new take of the film franchise of yesteryear starring Bryce Dallas Howard (that also had an update featuring The Rock a while back).
Full cast list, and release (via Disney) below:
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Disney+ announced today a pilot greenlight for “Witch Mountain,'' a reimagining of the successful film franchise. The series is a modern reinvention of the cult classic that takes place in the shadow of “Witch Mountain,” following two teens that develop strange abilities and discover their sleepy suburb may not be as idyllic as it seems. 
Bryce Dallas Howard (“Jurassic World: Dominion”) stars in the leading role as “Audrey,” Tia's devoted and loving mother.  Her husband died from a mental illness and she tries to reassure a fretful Tia that she shows no sign of following her father's dark spiral. A warm mama bear type, but like everyone in this town, not everything is as it seems. 
Howard is a multi-hyphenate creator who continues to work both on-screen and behind the camera. As an actor, she recently starred alongside Chris Pratt in Universal’s “Jurassic World” franchise and next stars in Matthew Vaughn’s spy thriller ”Argylle” for Apple TV+. Earlier this year, Howard lent her voice to the Star Wars character “Yaddle” in the animated Disney+ series “Tales of the Jedi.” Howard is represented by Entertainment 360, WME and Johnson Shapiro Slewett & Kole.
Isabel Gravitt (“The Watcher”), Levi Miller (“Streamline”), Bianca “b” Norwood (“We Crashed”) and Jackson Kelly  (“Straight Man”) have been cast in the pilot. 
Travis Fickett and Terry Matalas co-wrote the pilot and are executive producers; Augustine Frizzell (“Euphoria”) will direct and is executive producer on the pilot.  John Fox and John Davis of Davis Entertainment are executive producing as well as Gary Marsh. The Disney Branded Television series is produced by ABC Signature, part of Disney Television Studios. 
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Isabel Gravitt (series regular) as “Tia,” a straight-A student who's regarded by her classmates as “perfect,” although she regards herself as flawed. She's terrified of failure and is plagued by nightmares and fears that her late father's schizophrenia is starting to exhibit itself in her. Tia has “hallucinations” in which people around her step outside their living bodies and voice their deepest, darkest fears and desires and rages. Gravitt is known for her series regular role as “Ellie Brannock” in Netflix's hit limited series "The Watcher." She made her debut in CBS's pilot "The History of Us" and had recurring roles in ABC's "American Housewife" and Hulu's "Little Fires Everywhere." Gravitt is represented by Buchwald and Randy James Management. 
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Levi Miller (series regular) as “Ben,” a troubled teen who makes ends meet by writing papers for other students but he's got a hot temper and if he slugs another student, he'll be expelled. Ben is best friends with Corey, his co-worker at the diner. He’s recently made a troubling discovery about himself, he can force others in his vicinity to move according to his will and there's something drawing him inexplicably in the direction of Tia. Miller is best known for his roles in “Pan,” “A Wrinkle in Time” and “Better Watch Out.” Most recently, he was seen in the indie film “Streamline,” is also starring in Sony’s “Kraven the Hunter,” and attached to the upcoming British indie “Beach Boys.” Miller is repped by Verve, Rogue Management in the UK, Eaton Management in Australia and attorneys Fred Toczek and Jared Blo
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Bianca “b” Norwood (series regular) as “Corey,” Ben's closest friend, an outsider with tattoos, Corey is a very mature teen who comes across older than they are. They are one step away from expulsion and puts more care into looking like a My Chemical Romance song that became an anime fan.  Corey works at the local diner alongside Ben and is in his circle of trust, but doesn't appreciate it when he tries to act as their protector. Norwood most recently starred in the New York Theatre Workshop production of "American (Tele)visions.'' Most recently, they can be seen in the AppleTV+ series “We Crashed,” as well as the Showtime series “Let the Right One In,” and can be heard voicing a lead role in the new QCODE fantasy podcast series “Birds of Empire.”  Norwood is represented by Innovative and Authentic Talent and Literary Management.
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Jackson Kelly (series regular) as “Peter,” Tia's closest male friend. Peter is lovesick on the subject of Tia, but she's unaware of his charms, and equally unaware of his devotion. But when Tia expresses her concerns about the seemingly impossible happenings around them, she learns that Peter's observant, cautious nature might be an asset in figuring out the mystery around them. Jackson has a busy year ahead with the release of his major recurring role in the highly anticipated AMC series “Straight Man” and “Hard Miles.” He’s currently starring in the fifth installment of the cult-followed Shudder franchise “V/H/S/99.” Kelly is represented by Talent Works and 11:11 Entertainment. 
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danbusler · 1 year
The Chris O'Leary Band at The Fallout Shelter
Blues, soul and rock and roll, and the audience loved every second
The Chris O’Leary Band at The Extended Play Sessions – Fallout Shelter in Norwood, MA on September 21, 2023.The band features Chris, Mike Lynch, Pete Kanaras, Chuck Cotton, Brooks Milgate, and Andy Stahl.Chris and the band hit the stage with a powerful mix of blues, soul, and rock and roll and the audience loved every minute!
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insidecroydon · 5 months
The shifts below the waterline that require action from all sides
ANDREW FISHER takes a look behind the numbers from Thursday’s election and finds lessons for Labour as well as the Tories For all the “excitement” of Thursday’s elections, nothing much changed for Croydon. Labour’s Sadiq Khan remains London Mayor, Conservative Neil Garratt remains our London Assembly member and the Conservatives and Labour each held on to the council seat they were defending in…
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