#Cisco the Nomad
graciellasamma · 1 year
Avatar x Avengers oc: Jake Emblem
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Basic Data:
Name: Jake Emblem
Nickname: Avatar Jake, Jakey, Zephyr
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Occupation: Avatar, Avengers, Students of Hollywood Arts High School, Leader of the White Fang (his dance crew)
Nationally: Earth Kingdom, The Avengers Tower
Bending: All four elements 
Non-Bending: Chi-Blocking, Bo staff, Closs Combat, Kyusho Jitsu
Physical features: Brown hair, green eyes, tall and decent body muscles
Height: 5′2
Weight: 150 lbs
Standard Clothing: Tan yellow color sleeve shirt while wearing the sleeveless tangerine color jacket, black long pants, black fingerless gloves, brown military boots, His goggles that gifted him on 9th birthday
Defining Features: Air Nomads arrow tattoo
Other outfits: AR Devices, Air Nomads wingsuit
Good Traits/Habits: Kind, Generous, Determined, Understanding, Adventurous, Helps other in needs, Quick on his feet, Creative and unpredictable in his fights, Strong bonds with his father-figure Loki and his family the Avengers
Bad Traits/Habits: Naïve, Stubborn, Makes prank that can a little out of hand, Troubles always seems to find his ways, Takes a lot of risks doing some extreme/dangerous stuff
Likes: His friends and family, Sparring, Challenges, BBQ, Exploring, Parkour, Having fun, Drawing/painting, Bringing balance to the world (not like Thanos!!), Dancing with the White Fangs
Dislikes: Bullies, Cheaters, War, Abuse, Murders, Having too much pressure on him
Talents: He like to do parkour and acrobatics combining with his dance and his fights it, it was because of that he was able to be accepted in Hollywood Arts High School with his dancing skill.
Hobbies: Drawing/painting sometimes, Dancing while hearing music, Practice/Training. He sometimes likes to sing here and there especially with his girlfriend, Morning flight with Yamu and Ringo, Making music (mostly playing his guitar or piano) with Andre and Cisco.
Strengths: Consider his the Avatar he can bend all four elements, he is quite a skilled bender but mostly fight with his Airbend, he also learns Kyusho Jitsu, Chi-Blocking, some close combats and fighting with his glider staff just in case that he has to fight without his bending, but his true strength is his creativeness and being unpredictable in his fights and combine with his acrobatics and him being agile, he always find a way to make plans that is very effective on his attacks, defense, and his surrounding field.
Weakness: Jake can be tricked easily when someone used his kindness and generosity against him, he also can be stubborn and reckless on taking a risk that could kill him, and when putting him under too much pressure he could easily get nervous and distracted him in his fights.
Fears: Losing his friends and his family and his home.
Affiliations/Alliances: Good
Family: Loki (father-figure/adopted), The Avengers (his family), Liliana Emblem (mother), Meelo Emblem (grandfather/teacher)
Friends: Cisco Ramon, Harrison (Harry) Jones, Peter Parker, Andre Harris, Trina Vega, Beck Oliver, Jade West, Cat Valentine, Robbie Shapiro, Rex Powers, His dance crew
Romantic Interest/s: Tory Vega
Pets: Yamu (Flying Bison) and Ringo (Winged Lemur)
Enemies: Amora, Ultron, Thanos, The Red Lotus, The Grim Knights (his rivalry dance crew)
Early Life: Jake was born and raised in the Earth Kingdom with his mother who passed away on the age of 3 from an illness while his father was unknown since his mother pregnancy was an accident, and since then he was living with his grandfather who is also his Airbending teacher, Meelo Emblem.
Growing up: Since his mother died from an illness at the age of 3 he doesn’t really remember much about his mother other than what she looks thanks to the photo of her that his grandpa still have in the house, on the age of 7 Jake wants to have his grandpa to teach him how to Airbend, on the age of 13 some elder from the White Lotus came to their house to tell them that Jake is the Avatar and since then Jake has been training to master his Airbending the problem is, like Aang and Korra, the elders wants Jake to focus his Avatar training and wants his existence to be a secret in order to protect him from the Red Lotus and because of that he never had a normal life, he never gone to school or made any friends except for Yamu the flying bison and Ringo the winged lemur, on the age of 15 almost 16 Jake has taken a trial whether he pass his Airbending training or not (like the one with Korra Firebending training) he was so excited to pass this test so he could go take a break and maybe finally go to the outside world, what shocked him when he passed his Airbending training, the elders immediately sent to the Northern Water Tribe for his waterbending training. This upset him and starting arguing with the elders that he wants to take a break to go on a trip to America that he always want to see, that he doesn’t want being coop up with his training every single of his lifes, even his grandpa was upset at the elders for not giving his grandson a normal life, after the argument Jake decide to escape from the temple go to America while hiding so with the help of his grandpa he was able to escaped with Yamu and Ringo. When he made it to America between Hollywood and California during his adventure he hears music and see a crowd of people watching and betting on dance battle and then somehow got drag in the dance battle and was able to win the battle one of the crowds apparently was the principle of Hollywood Arts High School offer him to attend to his school from there he made friends but somehow the Red Lotus found out about the Avatar is a student in Hollywood Arts so they decide to go after him and tried to kill, and there went out and he eventually won, then SHIELD found out about him and Director Fury invited him to the Avengers initiative and have him train with them, of course, he will have his break. During his break after training with SHIELD he met Loki after bump into him and have a talk, he made friends with him and introduce him to ice cream and when Coulson found out about Loki is the same as Thor he told Fury and ordered by him to have him to the Avengers Initiative. And things went there as usual in the canon add Jake and Loki in the Avengers, Amora is the villain instead of Loki, and have Loki join Team Avatar and have him stayed on Earth because he wants to take care his adopted son, Jake also involved in Ragnarok when he take Odin to Norway and meet up with Thor, Loki, and Amora and help them. And thanks with the help of Jake, Loki was able to survive against Thanos but Amora still died from him, the Infinity Wars still the same and also Jake and Loki the Snaps by the way, the Endgame though, let’s just say with the involve of Jake and Loki, Tony Stark was able to survive and somehow bring Natasha and Gamora back to life.
Where they are at present: After the Endgame, Jake and Loki are still active as an Avengers on Earth and sometimes help the other active superheroes on Earth and because some of the canon mcu movies/series went different and tried to balancing to the normal life they still have while helping people to the best of their abilities.
Extra Information:
Main goal: Master all four elements including the sub-bending elements, Bringing balance to the world (again, not like Thanos!!), Tried having a normal life
Hopes/Dreams: To have the White Fang be the best dance crew and travel the world.
Colour: Tan yellow and tangerine
Season: Autumn
Theme song: You say run, Guild Memories, My Home, Goodbye, Seigi no Chikara, Kizuna, Kataki Kizuna Wo Mune Ni, The Ultimate Final Death Battle, and Vita by Reona
Hey guys!! I hope you all like my avatar oc, I have always love Avatar: TLA and LoK and the MCU movies and the cartoons and Victorious so I just combine them all into crossover, I hope you all like what I made in his biography, I’m not really good when it comes to making a story so I’m sorry if the plot or the story doesn’t make any sense, but hey, I did tried my best and this is pretty much what I thought on my oc so I hope you all enjoy it.
In this Au it was right after Legend of Korra, it has been years ever and in each years the Era of Bending has almost come to the end but the Avatar cycle still continues on through generations and generations, the Avatar still exist in WW2 with Captain America.
This crossover Au as you know different in the canon because in here Loki is not the enemy in the first Thor movie instead Amora is the villain as she made friend with Loki and take her to Asgard using him so she could take the throne, and after Thor banishment Loki didn’t accept the throne when Frigga offer him when Odin in his Odinsleep because it’s too much for him Thor banishment and the revelation of Adoption so he goes to Earth for fresh air, that’s when he meet Jake in one of SHIELD base the one where mjolnir is being held for training for the Avengers initiative, and things went there as usual in the canon plus with Jake and Loki as an Avengers ‘cause I love Loki okay.
This template made by Toonwalla in deviantart here’s the link for the oc template for avatar if want: Link
Before I forgot I will be making a list of the Avengers charcters PKMN Team and maybe Digimon partner as well ‘cause why not, you know?? I just love Pokemon and Digimon!! I also be adding on Jake PKMN Team from gen 1-9 including the fanmade game and his Avatar team ‘cause why not?? Oh! and I also gonna make the Descendants PKMN Team and  Digimon Partner as well and I also gonna make a descendants oc as well ‘cause again why the hell not?!
THX and I hope you all like it!!
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lamilanomagazine · 11 months
Messina: L'Horcynus Festival immagina le città del futuro
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Messina: l'Horcynus Festival immagina le città del futuro. Dal 17 luglio al 6 agosto al Parco Horcynus Orca di Capo Peloro, con alcuni appuntamenti in programma anche a Roccavaldina (ME), si svolgerà la XXI edizione dell'Horcynus Festival, a cura della Fondazione Horcynus Orca e della Fondazione MeSSInA. "Visioni, Immaginare le città del futuro" è il tema per il 2023. Decine le proiezioni cinematografiche in programma sul grande schermo all'aperto del Parco Horcynus Orca, comprese le pellicole selezionate dal Festival del Cine Espanol Y Latinoamericano, oltre al concerto di Stefano "Cisco" Bellotti, la lettura teatrale del premio UBU 2022 Marco Cavalcoli, laboratori educativi, presentazione di libri e momenti di riflessione sulle questioni più urgenti nell'area mediterranea. "L'Horcynus Festival non è pensato unicamente come rassegna e contenitore artistico, ma vuole rappresentare uno spazio di lavoro e di confronto aperto tra linguaggi, contesti culturali, saperi economici scientifici e tecnologici, approcci etici ed estetici differenti. Da anni, infatti, il Festival accompagna la vita, l'evoluzione e il processo di internazionalizzazione del Distretto Sociale Evoluto di Messina. Questo evento, inoltre, è alla continua ricerca di strade nuove per contrastare le diseguaglianze economiche, sociali e di riconoscimento dei processi di mutamento climatico, promuovendo metamorfosi per garantire un futuro più giusto" spiega Gaetano Giunta, Fondazione MeSSInA. "Questo Festival è un'occasione per mettere insieme riflessione ed emozione. Grazie alla sinergia di Fondazione MeSSInA, Fondazione Horcynus Orca, Università di Messina e Comune, ancora una volta rendiamo pubblico, con 20 giorni di eventi, lo spirito che accompagna un lavoro quotidiano che vuole promuovere la bellezza e la scienza e siamo certi che, anche quest'anno, il nostro festival contribuirà a ribadire ancora una volta la centralità per il nostro futuro del Mediterraneo e delle politiche che lo riguardano con la consapevolezza di essere, pur nelle diversità, una comunità di destino" aggiunge il Presidente della Fondazione Horcynus Orca, Giuseppe Giordano. Il programma cinematografico, per la storica sezione del Festival "Arcipelaghi della Visione" è diretta da Franco Jannuzzi, mentre la sezione "Musica Nomade" è curata da Giacomo Farina e Luigi Polimeni. "Quest'anno ospiteremo il concerto di Cisco, all'anagrafe Stefano Bellotti, cantante e co-fondatore dello storico collettivo musicale Modena City Ramblers, icona e colonna sonora dei movimenti giovanili progressisti degli ultimi trent'anni italiani. Cisco si esibirà mercoledì 26 luglio alle ore 22.00, nella giornata dedicata ad un'analisi della storia contemporanea italiana, attraverso una finestra sulla strage di Portella della Ginestra del 1947, indicata come l'inizio della strategia della tensione per arginare l'avanzata dei movimenti democratici dei lavoratori che, proprio dalla Sicilia, iniziavano a contrastare i poteri forti e occulti e che decidevano i destini di tutto il Sud e dell'intero Paese" annunciano Farina e Polimeni. "La novità di quest'anno è la prima edizione di 'Vedere la Musica', un concorso nazionale di videoclip musicali che dialoga con il linguaggio principale del Festival, che è l'audiovisivo. In tempi in cui la tecnologia prêt-à-porter e la comunicazione peer-to-peer hanno facilitato l'accesso alla condivisione dei propri prodotti artistici, è stato un modo per monitorare e stimolare il mondo dell'audiovisivo musicale giovanile ed emergente. Unico concorso siciliano del genere si avvale della presidenza della giuria di Carlo Massarini, storico presentatore e innovatore della RAI" aggiungono Farina e Polimeni. Per quanto riguarda la parte dedicata al cinema, il direttore artistico Franco Jannuzzi, spiega: "Anche per me l'impegno quest'anno è stato quello di far 'Vedere la Musica', e così la programmazione del Festival è ricca di film in cui la musica è protagonista. Una chicca molto particolare, in programma nella serata inaugurale del 17 luglio, è l'opera rock 'Orfeo 9' di Tito Schipa Jr., un lavoro molto interessante che, in Italia, ha anticipato tante cose. Segnalo anche la pellicola Song to Song di Terrence Malick e Buena Vista Social Club di Wim Wenders, due esempi fondamentali di opere cinematografiche musicali." prosegue Jannuzzi. "Il tema del Festival di quest'anno sono le visioni e come immaginare le città del futuro e, su questo solco, ho voluto programmare un film molto importante di Jean-Luc Godard, Agente Lemmy Caution: Missione Alphaville, girato in bianco e nero nel 1965 in una Parigi notturna e in via di trasformazione. Altre scelte ci permettono di offrire una varietà di programmazione che ci dà una visione trasversale e una prospettiva sul futuro", conclude Jannuzzi. Anche per l'edizione 2023 torna al Parco Horcynus Orca di Capo Peloro il Festival del Cine Espanol Y Latinoamericano, a cura di Iris Martin-Peralta e Federico Sartori, in città grazie alla collaborazione delle fondazioni messinesi con l'Ambasciata di Spagna in Italia. Dal 30 luglio all'1 agosto tre giorni di pellicole, in versione originale con sottotitoli in italiano, con una selezione che dà ampio spazio a film altrimenti invisibili in Italia.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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hotelsmarket · 1 year
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Cisco and Rhodes Team Up to Make Greek Island Digital Nomads Hot Spot
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shehasworktodo · 4 years
He Wants You to Know...
For the Men
"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace."
-Numbers 6: 24-26
This message is for you, the one afraid to die alone, the dead man walking, staring at the sky with ungrateful eyes even though he knows where the stars came from. To the one I hope has found someone to pray with in his life of luxury, who's kicking down doors, the one that God made a "full-blown genius", who feels guilty when he goes to church even though the pastor says he's saved, who knows that it's okay to not know, whose life is in the Hand of God.
This is for you, the one who isn't looking for love, the one mistreated, the one who says they don't care, the one with dirty laundry, whose heart is lost, who calls out for help but does what he wishes. This is for the one who chose a mile over a never ending, a limited forever, swearing to God, a sinner in a church like me, who sometimes wants to die, who wished her the best even when she already had it, who looks in the mirror and doesn't see himself, who visions getting married and having kids, wishing he could feel nothing, who sold their soul, prays on a bed he's had a hundred in. To the one who was too young to feel something real, the one that misses who he was...
This is for you, the one that just wants to breathe, who God knows is here, who He, God, loves very much, who objectify, hate all they love, love the things that don't make sense, don't think about the future, who keep their distance from, who believe they waste their time, who try to fill the hole but still feel alone, who still can't find the girl, but until then...
You find pleasure in your hands around the necks of others, and make fun of the noose that hangs around yours. I want to ask you:
Who are you in this world?
It's only so big. Compared to the rest of the universe we are nothing but specks of dust. What do you gain from living so lavishly on a planet that can only offer you so much? You get fame, money, women, alcohol; a cycle that never ends. Who are you to be deemed the greatest? Who are you to work so hard only to lift up your own name? As much as I hope that you are happy, I hope that you also know happiness is temporary. As up is to down, left is to right, happy is to sad. You just want to be happy, but there is a God who wants to give you something that will never end. I want you to see true joy that can be yours if you only ask for it. This has been written just for you. Brace yourself and take your time, because it's going be long.
"And Adam said: 'This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.'"
-Genesis 2:23
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised."
-Proverbs 31:30
You probably already know how powerful a woman can be. There's a woman in your life that's given birth to you. That woman struggled through so much pain to bring you into the world so that you can be the person that you are today. I do not know your story, so I will not try to tell it. You know who you are and where you stand, but know that you do not own anyone. No woman is yours to use and play with like some toy. Woman comes from man, a gift from the Creator Himself. He did not gift man with woman out of such care and design for you to dismantle them as if they were nothing. Woman is a gift for man. Women are subjective, not objective.
"And the Lord God said, 'It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him."
-Genesis 2:18
A woman is not a bitch, not a whore or a hoe, not a slut, not a cunt, not a thot. She is a child of God, same as you. Not all women get on their knees for the same reason. I'm sure you're old enough to understand that not all women are the same. You seek out the women who can please you for a moment, make you feel good for that little bit of time, because you have such an unlimited variety. You find the ones that are willing to do anything, be wild and adventurous, somewhat dangerous. You want the bad girls because the good girls aren't as fun. You seek out different women for a change in scenery. Do you see them as people? As mothers, daughters, sisters, friends? Do they truly make you happy? The same way God created you with such carefulness, such gentleness, such patience, such genuineness, such love... that love extends far beyond just when God created you.
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
-Galatians 3:28
Don't abuse your power over women. There are those that truly love and adore you, who want to have and hold your heart, treat you as if you were more than just a man with a really good label. You complain about the women that have treated you so poorly, who turned their backs on you, disrespect you behind your shoulder... Where do you look for these women? Are they the ones that idolize you or pay you no mind? Are they the ones that make you their god? Are they the ones that you make your goddess? There is a world of hurt if you think wild and crazy is forever. Maybe you're not looking for forever, which is why you're living the dream. You're satisfied with all the women you can get your hands on and don't care about whose toes you step on. If you're going to use the Lord's name, then respect His creation. You spend so much of your time diving into the sea of women you have at your fingertips and miss out on the beautiful gifts that God has for your life. Lord bless you if you make it out well.
"Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's." -1 Corinthians 6:19&20
"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?"
-Mark 8:36
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?"
-Matthew 16:26
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?"
-Luke 9:25
I feel like this has been emphasized in the Bible so many times by three different people because the Lord knows its importance. You are what matters in this world, not your fame, not your fortune. You know that all of this glory will not last forever, so you enjoy it while you can. Don't associate your happiness with your riches. I believe in my heart that within yourself you are able to find true satisfaction in life rather than the life that surrounds you.
"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
1 Timothy 6:10
"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon."
-Matthew 6:24
I hear your words. Not only do I hear, but I listen. You are being heard. You do not go through these struggles alone. I cannot put myself in your shoes completely, but I share my heart with you in wondering what purpose we have in this life. I am a hypocrite. I hold grudges. I have the mind of a sinner and the body of a "saint", but I can truly say that I love you without knowing who you are. You don't owe anything to me, you don't owe anything to anyone. The Lord's love surpasses every fiber in my being, but I went out on a whim hoping that if you read this or not, you'd know that there's someone out there. There's someone out there who hears and sees what your heart is trying to express. I am just as guilty. I am no better than you or anyone I know. I sit here writing this as your love, your support, your friend and sister in Christ Jesus. I write to you as a sinner in need of a heart of gold, a servant of our God who wants you to know that He hears, He knows, He's listening. I pray that He's spoken to your heart and that you know He's right there just waiting for you to listen back.
All my love.
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firesoulstuff · 3 years
Arrowverse in the ATLA universe AU?
(SQUEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! This is going to be 10 facts because I have too many ideas!!!)
1. Each of the shows is set in within a different nation. Star City is the Fire Nation Capitol, National City is a major city in the Earth Kingdom, Central City is the main hub of the Northern Water Tribe, and the Legends are a group of Air Nomads (with a few friends thrown in, but we’ll get to that).
2. So the Legends. Rip, though a bit grumpy for an air bender (something that is constantly pointed out to him), was originally the leader of their little traveling group, along with Gideon. Also air benders are Behrad and the two Zari’s, Nate, Amaya, Kendra and Carter, Charlie, Gary, and of course, Mona. Leonard is a water bender originally from the Southern Water Tribe, and Mick is also from the Southern Tribe, though he is a non-bender. After the two of them were banished from Central they tried robbing Rip and his friends and instead ended up part of the group.
3. Sara and Ray are fire benders, originally from Star City. After being thought dead for a year and literally no one coming to rescue him as he was held captive by Damian Darhk Ray decided to leave the Fire Nation in search of a more peaceful life. Sara didn’t know him very well but she went with him, tired of the violence and brainwashing in the fire nation. At some point their paths crossed with Rip’s and they never left his little nomadic group, and Sara may have had a good amount to do with Leonard deciding to stay.
4. Oliver is the Prince of the Fire Nation and heir to the throne. Quentin is one of the top Generals and a longtime friend to Fire Lord Robert Queen. As such his oldest daughter Laurel is betrothed to Oliver. She and Oliver have mixed feelings about it.
5. The world is being threatened by The Legion. It’s members consist of Chief Eobard Thawne and Lewis Snart from The Southern Water Tribe, and Damien Darhk and Malcolm Merlin from the Fire Nation.
6. Over in the Earth Kingdom Alex is the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors. Kara is an air bender, she had been born in the Earth Kingdom while her family had been traveling but her parents were killed in a raid by followers of The Legion. Her and her cousin Kal were taken in by two farmers, the Kents. Alex lived up the road and Kara always thought she was the coolest thing ever and would follow her everywhere.
7. Joe West is Chief of the Northern Water Tribe and currently opposing Chief Thawne of the Southern Tribe who wants Iris to marry his son Eddie. Barry was still raised by him after his father wrongfully went to prison for the murder of his mother and he, Cisco, Caitlin, Frost, Ralph, and Wells keep close tabs on the politics of the world and are preparing for the possibility of war. Barry, Frost, Caitlin, and Ralph are all water benders. Frost and Caitlin are easily the more advanced, though Caitlin focuses her skills more on healing while Frost is better versed in fighting.
8. Of course we have an Avatar; Gideon. She’s native to the Air Nation and is traveling with Rip and their friends. She’s mastered air bending and is learning water bending from Leonard. They’re hoping that by the time they get to the Earth Kingdom she’ll have mastered water bending.
9. Leonard isn’t always the most patient teacher, and that’s where Sara comes in. She has a better head for teaching and at first sits in on Leonard’s sessions with Gideon.
10. The Legion’s plan is to first take control of both the Water Tribes as well as the Fire Nation, and then once that’s accomplished invade and take control of the Earth Kingdom. Since the Air Nation’s people are mostly nomadic and don’t all live at the four temples year round they are the least threat, especially since they have no formalized military.
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selfshipstuff · 4 years
💡 give me all the fandoms ~Audrey
ARROWVERSE (The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl)
In all Arrowverse AUs, my SI is a metahuman from Earth-1 with energy-based powers. I primarily exercise control over electricity, movement, and gravity, but with practice I could probably expand my repertoire to include light, heat, elasticity, radioactivity, sound-- all sorts of things. During my time on Teams Flash and Arrow, I go by the moniker Switchboard, and then in my Team Arson AU, Lonnie and Astra (@astralshipper) call me Sparks. 
In The Flash, my primary f/o is Cisco Ramon, and we have that best friends to lovers thing going on. I also love Becky Sharpe, although I don’t talk about her much! She’s girlfren, and I’m poly with the two of them in my Flash-centric Arrowverse AU-- she’s not dead, hush, I save her life and canon can eat my entire ass tbh.
I don’t have a romantic f/o on Arrow, but John Diggle is like a brother to me. I don’t have an AU that focuses solely on Team Arrow, because it’s not a primary thing for me, but when I’m on the team, it’s because I’m taking a break from Team Flash.
In my Supergirl-centric AU, instead of joining Team Arrow after leaving Team Flash, I actually use some of Cisco’s tech to hop on over to Earth-38 to make a new life for myself. Eventually, I end up helping out Team Supergirl, because once you start superheroing it’s not really something that has an off switch, and that’s how I meet Winn Schott. He and I click almost immediately and we have a best friends to lovers type thing similar to what Cisco and I had. I also have a small crush on both Lena Luthor and Mon-El, but I haven’t decided if I’m gonna do anything about it yet.
Finally, there’s the Team Arson AU, which isn’t really based on any of the shows in particular, but rather on one of the villains of Arrow: specifically, Lonnie Machin. This AU starts after I leave Team Arrow because of Oliver, John, and Felicity’s actions toward the newer team members; incensed by the hypocrisy of my fellow heroes, I run into Astra (@astralshipper) and Lonnie, who have turned into sort of an anti-hero team, and I join forces with them. This sometimes leads to problems when my ex-teammates come after us, but we handle it.
And last but not least, I actually forgot to mention, but there is an offshoot AU of the Team Arson storyline; it doesn’t have a catchy name, so I just call it the Team Arson and Michael AU, because it’s essentially the same thing as the regular Team Arson one except it incorporates Michael Collins from The Uniques as a new hero. In this AU, I eventually leave Team Arson to form a power-couple duo with Michael and go back to being a hero, mostly.
Not totally sure what my whole deal is going to be here, but I’m definitely an airbender. I know in canon they’re wiped out, but I’m just saying, there could definitely be a few in hiding; who’s to say all of them were at the air temples when the Fire Nation attacked? The air nomads were a highly mobile people, so yeah, while those were the hubs of activity, I don’t see it being where every single one of them would’ve been. 
Anyway, I don’t have a romantic f/o in this series, but the Gaang in general is just a little family I’d like to be a part of. In particular, Aang has little brother vibes, and I’m definitely gonna take him under my wing; I think it would be good for him to have another airbender around, and it would be cool to see how a traditional air nomad would interact with one whose views and values have been shaped by a century of other cultures dominating the world. It’s definitely sad, because cultural loss is a huge part of genocide, but it would be neat to see how the surviving families passed down that culture and mixed it with that of the world around them. Like, it would be a little bit of home for Aang, but also sort of like... a hope for something new, I guess? I dunno, I’m spitballing here
My SI timeline isn't the most well-defined for this one yet, but one thing I've decided on is that I pretty much end up adopting, fostering, and taking in kids that need help. Currently, it's sort of just... been the kids that are victimized during the team's cases, but that's a byproduct of the source material rather than a conscious decision.
In Criminal Minds, I ship with Spencer Reid and Emily Prentiss, who are my boyfriend and girlfriend, respectively; we’re poly, but they’re not dating each other. They are queerplatonic, though! Fun fact, I’ve adopted Hotch and Rossi as my dads; Hotch is the primary father figure, and Rossi was kind of like, uncle vibes? Until I realized how much romantic tension there is between the two of them, and now he’s like, stepdad. Hotch already sees Spencer as a son, and he’s close with Emily, so this works out really well.  
In EAH, I’m the eldest child of the White Rabbit-- yes, the one you know from the story of Alice in Wonderland. (Don’t ask how that works, because I don’t know.) Anyway, I was born and raised in Wonderland, along with my younger sister, Bunny. (Yes, her name is Bunny Rabbit.) Things were alright until sometime in my early teens when the Evil Queen tried to basically destroy the world of wonder; it was crazy and chaotic, and very few Wonderland folk managed to escape to Ever After before the Brothers Grimm closed the portals between the two worlds. I was among the handful that escaped: my sister, father, and friends were not. I was all alone in an unfamiliar world, and man, was that scary. Luckily, I was still school-aged, so it was easy enough to get a place to stay at the Grimms’ school-- Ever After High. 
I’ve got crushes on Raven Queen, Alistair Wonderland, Dexter Charming, Chase Redford, Northwind, and Cedar Wood, but no established romance.
Okay, so there are a few different timelines and AUs for this franchise. We’ll start with the most established one. Obviously, I’ve got the obligatory AU where I’m there for everything from the very beginning, but there’s also one I thought of back in middle school which goes something like this: I’m newly orphaned, so I’ve been sent to live with a relative in the UK. It’s the year of the Quidditch World Cup, not that I know anything about it, because my parents were Muggles and so is the great-aunt-twice-removed or whomever it is I now live with. I’m out for a walk, trying to clear my head and familiarize myself with the new neighborhood; out the back of the house, there’s a forest in the distance, hills, and marshland which seem suitably spooky and melancholy for my mood, so I head out exploring that way. After a while, I hear noise, like celebration and shouting, so I head over to check it out and stumble across the tent-grounds for the World Cup. 
Obviously, it’s a lot to take in at once, because it’s clearly magic-- but I’ve always believed in magic, in a sense. So I just grin and start exploring, getting friendly with the kids my age in the area, lie to the adults when they ask where my parents are (”oh, our tent is over there”) and nobody even thinks twice about my accent because people from all over the world are here for the event. Of course, I’m only 15, and eventually I run into one of the people who actually coordinates the grounds, so I’m found out fairly easily; cut to me being interrogated and scared half to death by the magical authorities before who else but Dumbledore swoops in and quietly talks to them. It’s a lot, and it’s too quiet for me to hear all of it, but I manage to take away something about me obviously being magic if I found the place-- and then suddenly, this old man is offering his hand and escorting me out, telling me about a whole other world I didn’t know I could be a part of. 
I do go to Hogwarts, and I have to do a LOT of remedial studying to catch up to the other students, but it helps that I love to read about magic and studying over the summer isn’t a problem. 
In some AUs, I’m poly with Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley; in others, I’m with Fred and George Weasley. Sirius Black ends up taking me under his wing along with Harry, and he doesn’t die in my canon-- neither does Fred, Remus Lupin, or Tonks.
I also have a pretty big crush on Newt Scamander from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, but I haven’t got my AU timeline figured out for him yet.
Agents of SHIELD: This show is a separate AU from my other Marvel stories, but I have the same energy powers as usual. Basically, I’m an Inhuman on SHIELD’s watchlist for a long time, even before they know what Inhumans are; unlike some of the other individuals on the list, I’m friendly, cooperative. I consult on cases from time to time, mostly as needed until Phil Coulson starts putting together his dream team: that’s when he reaches out to me, asks me to be a permanent consultant to his team. I’m sort of hesitant, because permanence is restrictive when it comes to organizations like his, but I agree on my own terms. I find myself fitting in and warming up to the team more than I thought I would, and I even find myself crushing on Fitz and-- to a lesser extent-- Skye. When she gets her powers, it’s frickin’ neat as hell, but I end up fighting with the team for treating her so poorly afterward. 
Spider-Man (Tom Holland): Originally, I’m not even in New York, but rent in our area is going up, and the frequency with which certain areas in NY get destroyed leads to their rent actually being more appealing in an attempt to get people to move back. So, with everything going on, my family weighs their options and we move. It’s the end of summer when we get there, and it’s a different school district, so they make me take all sorts of tests to see where I’ll best fit in-- eventually, they put me into some prestigious school my parents are thrilled about and which I’ve never heard of. Of course, I’m much more thrilled after the first week or so: the classes are more engaging, and the students seem to know their stuff. Other than the classist rich kids, it’s paradise for nerds! And that’s before I develop a crush on a classmate (Peter Parker) and start paying attention to news about a local superhero. Around this time is when my powers start to show themselves; sparks fly, literally, and I find myself getting done with things faster than anyone else. It all comes to a head when, on my way home from school, someone falls from the upper floor of a building and I somehow manage to slow their fall so they land safely. Thoroughly freaked out, I start experimenting with my powers, seeing what I can do-- eventually, I put together my own suit and start helping out the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. (We end up dating out of costume.)
So, in the ML universe, I’m an American exchange student in Paris, and I end up figuring out the identities of the local heroes fairly quickly, which leads me to help out in the crises a lot more. After a while of this, Master Fu decides to gift me with the Mouse Miraculous, which has a different power than in canon, because I developed this before the debut of Kwami Buster and honestly I kind of think Multimouse has a stupid power? Anyway, as Souris Gris, I have the power of stealth. I realize pretty quickly that my accent is gonna be an easy identifier, so I take up Langue des Signes (French Sign Language, or LSF) to use while transformed-- as a bonus, it adds to the stealth thing. Meanwhile, as my civilian self, I’m still adjusting to using conversational and situational French 24/7.
Adrien Agreste (also known as Chat Noir) is my primary f/o from this, but there’s also an AU where we’re poly with Marinette Dupain-Cheng (also known as Ladybug), who we’re both dating. 
Okay, in the past with this one I’ve 100% focused on the romance, so I’m gonna make something up on the spot. I still would’ve been born to a lower middle-class family in Midwestern America-- flyover country-- but at some point in my youth, a family member wins the lottery-- literally, and not just as a figure of speech. It’s a big one, and instead of spending it, they invest; as I grow up, things start to look up for us. I’m a creative kid, and I’m bugging my parents to let me design and make my own books, games, and toys. Eventually, they cave, and that’s the story of how I become a “self-made” millionaire. 
At first, the products only really sell in North America, until a knock-off line comes out in Japan, and we release them there to curb the competition. The sales skyrocket in the Japanese isles and surrounding countries, so sometime in my preteens, my family moves to Japan to better oversee the majority of the business. After a lot of private tutoring and language classes, I beg my parents to let me go to a real school. Now, my parents, who are quickly becoming the snooty rich folks they used to curse, take some convincing, but we finally agree as long as they choose the school, which is how I end up enrolled at Ouran Academy. 
I eventually find myself meeting the host club and befriending them, which... also leads to me dating Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, the notorious twins. We’re all lowkey crushing on Haruhi, but none of us do anything about it. 
I still haven’t decided how I end up on the team to begin with, but I do know that my powers are pretty much the same in The Uniques as they are in the Arrowverse. (This is mostly because that’s my default when it comes to superpowers. Energy powers are frickin’ neat, okay?) Again, they primarily cover electricity, movement, and gravity, but in this universe I also have a little more experience bending light and manipulating heat. 
One of my f/os from this is also mentioned in the Arrowverse section because of an AU, and that’s Michael Collins. He and Scout are my boyfriends, and they’re best buds. The rest of the team (the New Guard) are our best friends, so they’re platonic f/os.
WALKYVERSE (It’s Walky!, Shortpacked!)
Technically, the Walkyverse also includes Roomies!, which comes before It’s Walky! sequentially, but I don’t even really think about that part of the comic tbh. Basically, I’m an alien abductee, so I have powers-- neat!-- and I’m an agent of SEMME-- less neat. We’re a secret government agency fighting a hostile race of aliens known only as “aliens”, which I guess are separate from other extraterrestrial races because Martians are specified as a separate race within the comic...? Anyway. I’m a SEMME agent, and I have enhanced abilities like super-strength due to my status as an abductee. Originally, I was a part of a different squad, but a mission went south, leaving me as the only surviving member. 
By the time the retrieval unit showed up, most of my teammates were already dead, and I was just barely holding up a fallen building which would have crushed me had I let go. Upon my return to SEMME HQ, I was asked to wait outside an office for a moment while the Big Boss and some poor agent tasked with debriefing him duked it out behind the closed doors. There were whispers about me, being the sole survivor of my unit and having held up a building, and people had their suspicions, but it didn’t matter. The fact was that I was the only agent that had made it through a suicide mission, which is a feat in and of itself, disregarding the valuable intel I had gathered; Big Boss eventually reassigned me to Squad 128, the most infamously effective team on payroll, and sent me off to get checked out by medical. 
My main f/o in Walkyverse is Mike Warner, a fellow SEMME agent and abductee. I’m also FWB with the titular character before he gets married-- David Walkerton (Walky)-- and Marcie. 
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julzjulzjulz · 5 years
Playlist tag
Rules: Put your entire song library on shuffle & list the first 10 songs & then choose 10 victims.
I was tagged by @reddd-1998 thank you for tagging me. 💜
1. Someone else- Chelsea Cutler
2. Bloom- Troye Sivan
3. Talk is Overrated- Jeremy Zucker, Blackbear
4. Overnight- Jake Miller
5. Stilettos (feat Cisco The Nomad)- Jeremy Zucker
6. Anthem Part Two- Blink-182
7. Sleeping with Roses- Chelsea Cutler
8. Forever//over- EDEN
9. Hearts of Gold- Christian French, MILES
10. Vienna- Billy Joel
I tag @sinfulvixen3587 @hartsypeach @write-write-fanfiction-write @harrythewalkingtardis @juicebox- @seggstars @disney-prince-carter-hart @iwont-givein @rosyharts @flyer-delphia
Don’t feel obligated to do this (although it was fun)
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wkrpinne · 7 years
I don't care for HR either but now I get a whole bunch of Reymon bounty hunter/ bounty hunted fics and that's all that matters
5 notes · View notes
orbemnews · 3 years
They Can’t Go away the Bay Space Quick Sufficient SAN FRANCISCO — The Bay Space struck a tough discount with its tech employees. Hire was astronomical. Taxes had been excessive. Your neighbors didn’t such as you. When you lived in San Francisco, you may need commuted an hour south to your job at Apple or Google or Fb. Or in case your workplace was within the metropolis, possibly it was in a neighborhood with an excessive amount of avenue crime, open drug use and $5 coffees. Nevertheless it was value it. Dwelling within the epicenter of a growth that was altering the world was what mattered. The town gave its employees a selection of attention-grabbing jobs and an opportunity on the brass ring. That’s, till the pandemic. Distant work supplied an opportunity at residing for just a few months in cities the place life felt simpler. Tech employees and their bosses realized they won’t want all of the perks and after-work schmooze occasions. However possibly they wanted elbow room and a yard for the brand new pet. A spot to put the Peloton. A prime public college. They fled. They fled to tropical seashore cities. They fled to extra inexpensive locations like Georgia. They fled to states with out revenue taxes like Texas and Florida. That’s the place the story of the Bay Space’s newest tech period is ending for a rising crowd of tech employees and their corporations. They’ve all of a sudden movable jobs and cash within the financial institution — cash that can go loads additional elsewhere. However the place? The No. 1 decide for folks leaving San Francisco is Austin, Texas, with different winners together with Seattle, New York and Chicago, in accordance with moveBuddha, a web site that compiles information on shifting. Some cities have even arrange recruiting applications to lure them to new properties. Miami’s mayor has even been inviting tech folks to maneuver there in his Twitter posts. I talked to greater than two dozen tech executives and employees who’ve left San Francisco for different components of the nation during the last 12 months, like a younger entrepreneur who moved house to Georgia and one other who has created a group in Puerto Rico. Listed here are a few of their tales. Ah, the traditional life “I miss San Francisco. I miss the life I had there,” mentioned John Gardner, 35, the founder and chief govt of Kickoff, a distant private coaching start-up, who packed his issues into storage and left in a camper van to wander America. “However proper now it’s similar to: What else can God and the world and authorities provide you with to make the place much less livable?” A few months later, Mr. Gardner wrote: “Greetings from sunny Miami Seaside! That is in regards to the fortieth place I’ve arrange a brief headquarters for Kickoff.” Distant private coaching occurs to coincide effectively with distant life, however he mentioned his start-up’s progress this previous 12 months was additionally because of his leaving the tech bubble and immersing himself in additional regular communities, just a few days at a time. The largest tech corporations aren’t going wherever, and tech shares are nonetheless hovering. Apple’s flying-saucer-shaped campus is just not going to zoom away. Google remains to be absorbing ever extra workplace house in San Jose and San Francisco. New founders are nonetheless coming to city. However the migration from the Bay Space seems actual. Residential rents in San Francisco are down 27 % from a 12 months in the past, and the workplace emptiness charge has spiked to 16.7 %, a quantity not seen in a decade. Although costs had dropped solely barely, Zillow reported extra properties on the market in San Francisco than a 12 months in the past. For greater than month final 12 months, 90 % of the searches involving San Francisco on moveBuddha had been for folks shifting out. Twitter, Yelp, Airbnb and Dropbox have tried to sublease a few of their San Francisco workplace house. Pinterest, which has some of the iconic places of work on the town, paid $90 million to interrupt a lease for a web site the place it deliberate to develop. And firms like Twitter and Fb have introduced “earn a living from home ceaselessly” plans. “Shifting right into a $1.3 million home that we noticed solely on video for 20 minutes and mentioned sure,” wrote Mike Rothermel, a designer at Cisco who moved from the Bay Space to Boulder, Colo., together with his spouse final summer season. “It’s a mansion in comparison with SF for a similar cash.” The quantity of room they’ve felt surreal after numerous Bay Space residences. He instructed me they’ve a lot counter house, they’ll maintain home equipment just like the meals processor within the kitchen itself. After which the folks round them — neighbors — began doing one thing unusual. They introduced cinnamons rolls and handwritten welcome notes. Wait, no revenue tax? “We’re promoting our home and shifting out of SF. The place ought to we go and why?” Justin Kan, a serial entrepreneur who co-founded Twitch, requested on Twitter in August. Joe Lonsdale, a co-founder of the software program firm Palantir, which moved from Silicon Valley to Denver, wrote again: “Come to Austin with us. Rising tech ecosystem and Texas is one of the best place to make a stand collectively for a free society.” Additionally: no state revenue taxes. Austin, inhabitants a million and the Texas metropolis most would say is closest in spirit to the Bay Space, has lengthy had a wholesome tech business. The pc large Dell is predicated close by. The College of Texas is without doubt one of the prime public faculties within the nation. And the music scene is eclectic and artistic. Now the native tech business is quickly increasing. Apple is opening a $1 billion, 133-acre campus. Alphabet, Amazon and Fb have all both expanded their footprints in Austin or have plans to. Elon Musk, the Tesla founder and one of many two richest males on the planet, mentioned he had moved to Texas. Begin-up investor cash is arriving, too: The buyers at 8VC and Breyer Capital opened Austin places of work final 12 months. A few of the favourite gurus of tech employees are already there, like Tim Ferriss, life-hacker, who left for Austin in 2017, and Ryan Vacation, whose writing about stoicism is influential among the many start-up set. Sahin Boydas, the founding father of a remote-work start-up who had lived in San Francisco and its suburbs during the last decade, noticed all of that. He checked out his spouse and two younger kids, working and studying from house whereas crammed right into a Cupertino rental that had seen higher days. A lot of the late summer season, the air was stuffed with smoke from wildfires. For days, electrical energy would go out and in at his home. “You begin to really feel silly,” mentioned Mr. Boydas, who’s 37. “I can perceive the 1 % wealthy folks, the very prime buyers and entrepreneurs, they are often completely happy there.” So he and his household moved to Austin. For a similar value as their three-bedroom house in Cupertino, they’ve a five-bedroom house on an acre of land. For the primary time, Mr. Boydas has outside house. He simply acquired two rabbits for his kids. Positive, it’s (very) scorching, however he’s prepared for it. “We’re going to get a cat and a canine,” he mentioned. “We might by no means do this earlier than.” And it’s not simply the price of lease that’s decrease — the water invoice is decrease; the trash invoice is decrease; the price of a household dinner at a restaurant has fallen considerably. Mr. Boydas mentioned he hadn’t even recognized in regards to the taxes. “I run payroll for myself, and once I noticed zero, I referred to as the accountant like there’s an error — there’s no tax line right here,” he mentioned. “And so they had been like, ‘Yeah there’s no tax.’” “Okay guys hear me out, what if we transfer Silicon Valley to Miami,” tweeted Delian Asparouhov, a principal at Founders Fund, which invests in start-ups. The mayor of Miami wrote again final month: “How can I assist?” Now there’s a very vocal Miami faction, led by just a few enterprise capital influencers, making an attempt to tweet town’s start-up world into existence. The San Francisco exodus means the expertise and cash of newly distant tech employees are up for grabs. And it’s not simply the mayor of Miami making an attempt to lure them in. Topeka, Kan., began Select Topeka, which can reimburse new employees $10,000 for the primary 12 months of lease or $15,000 in the event that they purchase a house. Tulsa, Okla. can pay you $10,000 to maneuver there. The nation of Estonia has a brand new residency program only for digital nomads. A program in Savannah, Ga., will reimburse distant employees $2,000 for the transfer there, and town has created numerous social actions to introduce the newcomers to 1 one other and to locals. “We attempt to make the transition straightforward,” mentioned Jennifer Bonnett, vice chairman of Innovation & Entrepreneurship on the Savannah Financial Improvement Authority, whose program began in June. Keyan Karimi, 29 and a start-up investor, took Savannah’s invitation to maneuver there (although he didn’t ask for the reimbursement). Seeing the inequality of billionaires in San Francisco’s rich Pacific Heights neighborhood and the homeless camps down the hill floor on him. So Mr. Karimi went house to his dad and mom home in Atlanta to experience out a number of the pandemic. Then he detected one thing unusual. The town he thought was boring had gotten fairly attention-grabbing. Or possibly he had simply by no means observed earlier than. “I had no thought how a lot was occurring right here. I used to be form of myopic,” he mentioned, pausing and correcting himself: “No, I used to be conceited.” Mr. Karimi began taking a look at Zillow and learning the Southern cities he had ignored. He likes outdated homes and desires to repair one up. Savannah has a number of these. So only a few months after leaving his $4,000-a-month one-bedroom in San Francisco, he’s working with the native enterprise growth group to place collectively a maritime innovation heart in Savannah to put money into and information delivery and logistics start-ups. He purchased a kind of outdated homes. Savannah has one of many largest ports within the nation. “Nobody is aware of that,” Mr. Karimi mentioned. “I determine we will do one thing with that.” The one draw back is mosquitoes, he mentioned. “I get eaten alive.” There are 33,000 members within the Fb group Leaving California and 51,000 in its sister group, Life After California. Individuals submit footage of shifting vans and hyperlinks to Zillow listings in new cities. The founding father of each teams, Terry Gilliam, is planning to take members on a house-hunting street journey by jap Tennessee this spring with stops in common post-S.F. locations. One tour shall be Chattanooga, Knoxville and Johnson Metropolis. “When folks resolve to depart San Francisco, they often don’t know the place they wish to go, they only wish to go,” Mr. Gilliam mentioned. Mr. Gilliam, who met his spouse once they labored at a Bay Space Chili’s restaurant, mentioned she wouldn’t let the household transfer but. And so the Pied Piper of the California-bashing Fb group remains to be in Fremont, on the jap finish of Silicon Valley. The gang’s all … right here now “Individuals at all times get pissed at me once they hear birds in my Zoom,” mentioned Ed Zaydelman, a longtime chief in San Francisco’s Burning Man group (and former New York Metropolis membership promoter), who’s forming an entrepreneur group in Costa Rica. “And I say, ‘Come be a part of.’” If San Francisco of the 2010s proved something, it’s the ability of proximity. Entrepreneurs might discover a dozen start-up pitch competitions each week inside strolling distance. In the event that they left an enormous tech firm, there have been start-ups keen to rent, and if a start-up failed, there was at all times one other. They might stay jammed right into a rambling Victorian with fellow nerds who — because of the recognition of polyamory — had been having a number of intercourse. Extra money was made quicker within the Bay Space by fewer folks than at every other time in American historical past. Nobody leaving town is arguing {that a} tradition of innovation goes to spring up over Zoom. So some are attempting to recreate it. They’re moving into property growth, constructing luxurious tiny-home compounds and taking up massive, funky homes in outdated resort cities. “All these folks wish to do is that this live-on-the-land stuff, but it surely’s not as straightforward as folks suppose,” Mr. Zaydelman mentioned. He calls his new growth firm Nookleo, and he’s constructing 5 tiny-home communities for distant employees. The little homes value between $30,000 and 40,000. Every compound has 4 to 6 properties, a small natural farm, a yoga deck, a swimming pool and a kitchen clubhouse. Two clusters are already underway in Costa Rica, with Mexico and Portugal subsequent. In Puerto Rico, Gillian Morris, the founding father of the journey app Hitlist, can be recruiting. Her San Francisco breaking level got here after her roommate was attacked on their avenue, and she or he did a form of intestine examine of herself over whether or not the road scenes and feeling of hazard had been well worth the excessive lease. She moved to San Juan in 2019, regardless that it additionally has against the law drawback. However now she lives in an enormous home in the course of town. “I’ve 12 folks leaving San Francisco over the following three months to affix a co-living group I arrange,” she mentioned. “It’s superb right here.” And for the Baja-leaning, there may be Bear Kittay, a co-founder of Good Cash, a web-based banking platform. Now Mr. Kittay, one other longtime fixture of the Burning Man pageant turned developer, is constructing a property for the brand new digital nomads. “The issues that make this metropolis sick will not be inside my management to alter,” he mentioned of San Francisco. “Lots of people are selecting to go to locations the place there’s alternative, and possibly it’s a spot that’s extra conservative and there will be an integration of dialogue. Or a spot the place they’ll stay nearer to nature. That’s what we’re doing.” Nikil Viswanathan, who co-founded the blockchain start-up Alchemy, not too long ago fled San Francisco. He mentioned that there was no purpose anymore for him or his colleagues to be there, and that he had at all times needed to stay on the seashore. So now he does, in San Diego. However the expats nonetheless discover each other. Not way back, he discovered a cluster at a celebration. “I knew it was an S.F. crew as a result of once I walked in as a result of that they had the total twin monitor with the ergonomic keyboard on a standing desk,” Mr. Viswanathan mentioned, including that dialog revolved across the decrease value of dwelling. “One of many S.F. guys was like: ‘I simply had a burrito for $6. It was superb.’” The final burrito he had in San Francisco value $15. They gained’t essentially be missed Longtime Bay Space residents could effectively say good riddance to folks like Mr. Viswanathan. Individuals who distrusted the younger newcomers from the beginning will say this transformation is an effective factor. Hasn’t this steep progress in wealth and inhabitants in a tiny geography at all times appeared unsustainable? These tech employees got here like a whirlwind. Just about each group from San Jose within the south to Marin County within the north has fought the rise of recent housing for the arrivals of the final decade. Possibly spreading the tech expertise round America is sensible. Locals have additionally seen this play earlier than. Shifting vans come to take a technology of tech ambition away, and some years later shifting vans return with new dreamers and new ambitions. After the dot-com bust in 2001, there have been fallow years earlier than the most recent, long-lasting growth — simply as there have been fallow years after the PC business consolidated a decade earlier. That led to the dot-com growth. It’s the circle of life within the Bay Space. And people who are staying are digging in. “When 12 mates left, it felt like powerlessness,” mentioned Diana Helmuth, a 32-year-old author and marketer in Oakland. “Like these forces had been too massive. The forces of the world felt too massive.” Now, although, she is hardening towards those that say life is best elsewhere and had been on the town just for a job. “I say, ‘Nice, goodbye, have a good time elsewhere.’” Supply hyperlink #area #Bay #Fast #leave
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San Francisco’s Tech Workers Make the Big Move
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SAN FRANCISCO — The Bay Area struck a hard bargain with its tech workers.
Rent was astronomical. Taxes were high. Your neighbors didn’t like you. If you lived in San Francisco, you might have commuted an hour south to your job at Apple or Google or Facebook. Or if your office was in the city, maybe it was in a neighborhood with too much street crime, open drug use and $5 coffees.
But it was worth it. Living in the epicenter of a boom that was changing the world was what mattered. The city gave its workers a choice of interesting jobs and a chance at the brass ring.
That is, until the pandemic. Remote work offered a chance at residing for a few months in towns where life felt easier. Tech workers and their bosses realized they might not need all the perks and after-work schmooze events. But maybe they needed elbow room and a yard for the new puppy. A place to put the Peloton. A top public school.
They fled. They fled to tropical beach towns. They fled to more affordable places like Georgia. They fled to states without income taxes like Texas and Florida.
That’s where the story of the Bay Area’s latest tech era is ending for a growing crowd of tech workers and their companies. They have suddenly movable jobs and money in the bank — money that will go plenty further somewhere else.
But where? The No. 1 pick for people leaving San Francisco is Austin, Texas, with other winners including Seattle, New York and Chicago, according to moveBuddha, a site that compiles data on moving. Some cities have even set up recruiting programs to lure them to new homes. Miami’s mayor has even been inviting tech people to move there in his Twitter posts.
I talked to more than two dozen tech executives and workers who have left San Francisco for other parts of the country over the last year, like a young entrepreneur who moved home to Georgia and another who has created a community in Puerto Rico. Here are some of their stories.
Ah, the normal life
“I miss San Francisco. I miss the life I had there,” said John Gardner, 35, the founder and chief executive of Kickoff, a remote personal training start-up, who packed his things into storage and left in a camper van to wander America. “But right now it’s just like: What else can God and the world and government come up with to make the place less livable?”
A couple of months later, Mr. Gardner wrote: “Greetings from sunny Miami Beach! This is about the 40th place I’ve set up a temporary headquarters for Kickoff.”
Remote personal training happens to coincide well with remote life, but he said his start-up’s growth this past year was also due to his leaving the tech bubble and immersing himself in more normal communities, a few days at a time.
The biggest tech companies aren’t going anywhere, and tech stocks are still soaring. Apple’s flying-saucer-shaped campus is not going to zoom away. Google is still absorbing ever more office space in San Jose and San Francisco. New founders are still coming to town.
But the migration from the Bay Area appears real. Residential rents in San Francisco are down 27 percent from a year ago, and the office vacancy rate has spiked to 16.7 percent, a number not seen in a decade.
Though prices had dropped only slightly, Zillow reported more homes for sale in San Francisco than a year ago. For more than month last year, 90 percent of the searches involving San Francisco on moveBuddha were for people moving out.
Twitter, Yelp, Airbnb and Dropbox have tried to sublease some of their San Francisco office space. Pinterest, which has one of the most iconic offices in town, paid $90 million to break a lease for a site where it planned to expand. And companies like Twitter and Facebook have announced “work from home forever” plans.
“Moving into a $1.3 million house that we saw only on video for 20 minutes and said yes,” wrote Mike Rothermel, a designer at Cisco who moved from the Bay Area to Boulder, Colo., with his wife last summer. “It’s a mansion compared to SF for the same money.”
The amount of room they have felt surreal after various Bay Area apartments. He told me they have so much counter space, they can keep appliances like the food processor in the kitchen itself.
And then the people around them — neighbors — started doing something strange. They brought cinnamons rolls and handwritten welcome notes.
Wait, no income tax?
“We’re selling our house and moving out of SF. Where should we go and why?” Justin Kan, a serial entrepreneur who co-founded Twitch, asked on Twitter in August.
Joe Lonsdale, a co-founder of the software company Palantir, which moved from Silicon Valley to Denver, wrote back: “Come to Austin with us. Growing tech ecosystem and Texas is the best place to make a stand together for a free society.”
Also: no state income taxes.
Austin, population one million and the Texas city most would say is closest in spirit to the Bay Area, has long had a healthy tech industry. The computer giant Dell is based nearby. The University of Texas is one of the top public colleges in the country. And the music scene is eclectic and creative.
Now the local tech industry is rapidly expanding. Apple is opening a $1 billion, 133-acre campus. Alphabet, Amazon and Facebook have all either expanded their footprints in Austin or have plans to. Elon Musk, the Tesla founder and one of the two richest men in the world, said he had moved to Texas. Start-up investor money is arriving, too: The investors at 8VC and Breyer Capital opened Austin offices last year.
Some of the favorite gurus of tech workers are already there, like Tim Ferriss, life-hacker, who left for Austin in 2017, and Ryan Holiday, whose writing about stoicism is influential among the start-up set.
Sahin Boydas, the founder of a remote-work start-up who had lived in San Francisco and its suburbs over the last decade, saw all of that. He looked at his wife and two young children, working and learning from home while crammed into a Cupertino rental that had seen better days. Much of the late summer, the air was full of smoke from wildfires. For days, electricity would go in and out at his house.
“You start to feel stupid,” said Mr. Boydas, who is 37. “I can understand the 1 percent rich people, the very top investors and entrepreneurs, they can be happy there.”
So he and his family moved to Austin. For the same price as their three-bedroom apartment in Cupertino, they have a five-bedroom home on an acre of land. For the first time, Mr. Boydas has outdoor space. He just acquired two rabbits for his children. Sure, it’s (very) hot, but he’s ready for it.
“We’re going to get a cat and a dog,” he said. “We could never do that before.”
And it’s not just the cost of rent that is lower — the water bill is lower; the trash bill is lower; the cost of a family dinner at a restaurant has fallen significantly. Mr. Boydas said he hadn’t even known about the taxes.
“I run payroll for myself, and when I saw zero, I called the accountant like there’s an error — there’s no tax line here,” he said. “And they were like, ‘Yeah there’s no tax.’”
“Ok guys hear me out, what if we move Silicon Valley to Miami,” tweeted Delian Asparouhov, a principal at Founders Fund, which invests in start-ups.
The mayor of Miami wrote back last month: “How can I help?”
Now there is a very vocal Miami faction, led by a few venture capital influencers, trying to tweet the city’s start-up world into existence.
The San Francisco exodus means the talent and money of newly remote tech workers are up for grabs. And it’s not just the mayor of Miami trying to lure them in.
Topeka, Kan., started Choose Topeka, which will reimburse new workers $10,000 for the first year of rent or $15,000 if they buy a home. Tulsa, Okla. will pay you $10,000 to move there. The nation of Estonia has a new residency program just for digital nomads.
A program in Savannah, Ga., will reimburse remote workers $2,000 for the move there, and the city has created various social activities to introduce the newcomers to one another and to locals.
“We try to make the transition easy,” said Jennifer Bonnett, vice president of Innovation & Entrepreneurship at the Savannah Economic Development Authority, whose program started in June.
Keyan Karimi, 29 and a start-up investor, took Savannah’s invitation to move there (though he didn’t ask for the reimbursement).
Seeing the inequality of billionaires in San Francisco’s wealthy Pacific Heights neighborhood and the homeless camps down the hill ground on him. So Mr. Karimi went home to his parents house in Atlanta to ride out some of the pandemic. Then he detected something strange. The city he thought was boring had gotten pretty interesting. Or maybe he had just never noticed before.
“I had no idea how much was going on here. I was sort of myopic,” he said, pausing and correcting himself: “No, I was arrogant.”
Mr. Karimi started looking at Zillow and studying the Southern cities he had ignored. He likes old houses and wants to fix one up. Savannah has a lot of those. So just a few months after leaving his $4,000-a-month one-bedroom in San Francisco, he’s working with the local business development group to put together a maritime innovation center in Savannah to invest in and guide shipping and logistics start-ups. He bought one of those old houses.
Savannah has one of the largest ports in the country. “No one knows that,” Mr. Karimi said. “I figure we can do something with that.”
The only downside is mosquitoes, he said. “I get eaten alive.”
There are 33,000 members in the Facebook group Leaving California and 51,000 in its sister group, Life After California. People post pictures of moving trucks and links to Zillow listings in new cities.
The founder of both groups, Terry Gilliam, is planning to take members on a house-hunting road trip through eastern Tennessee this spring with stops in popular post-S.F. destinations. One tour will be Chattanooga, Knoxville and Johnson City.
“When people decide to leave San Francisco, they usually don’t know where they want to go, they just want to go,” Mr. Gilliam said.
Mr. Gilliam, who met his wife when they worked at a Bay Area Chili’s restaurant, said she wouldn’t let the family move yet. And so the Pied Piper of the California-bashing Facebook community is still in Fremont, on the eastern end of Silicon Valley.
The gang’s all … here now
“People always get pissed at me when they hear birds in my Zoom,” said Ed Zaydelman, a longtime leader in San Francisco’s Burning Man community (and former New York City club promoter), who is forming an entrepreneur community in Costa Rica. “And I say, ‘Come join.’”
If San Francisco of the 2010s proved anything, it’s the power of proximity. Entrepreneurs could find a dozen start-up pitch competitions every week within walking distance. If they left a big tech company, there were start-ups eager to hire, and if a start-up failed, there was always another.
They could live jammed into a rambling Victorian with fellow nerds who — thanks to the popularity of polyamory — were having a lot of sex. More money was made faster in the Bay Area by fewer people than at any other time in American history.
No one leaving the city is arguing that a culture of innovation is going to spring up over Zoom. So some are trying to recreate it. They are getting into property development, building luxury tiny-home compounds and taking over big, funky houses in old resort towns.
“All these people want to do is this live-on-the-land stuff, but it’s not as easy as people think,” Mr. Zaydelman said.
He calls his new development company Nookleo, and he is building five tiny-home communities for remote workers. The little houses cost between $30,000 and 40,000. Each compound has four to six homes, a small organic farm, a yoga deck, a swimming pool and a kitchen clubhouse. Two clusters are already underway in Costa Rica, with Mexico and Portugal next.
In Puerto Rico, Gillian Morris, the founder of the travel app Hitlist, is also recruiting. Her San Francisco breaking point came after her roommate was attacked on their street, and she did a sort of gut check of herself over whether the street scenes and feeling of danger were worth the high rent. She moved to San Juan in 2019, even though it also has a crime problem. But now she lives in a huge house in the middle of the city.
“I have 12 people leaving San Francisco over the next three months to join a co-living community I set up,” she said. “It’s amazing here.”
And for the Baja-leaning, there is Bear Kittay, a co-founder of Good Money, an online banking platform. Now Mr. Kittay, another longtime fixture of the Burning Man festival turned developer, is building a property for the new digital nomads.
“The things that make this city ill are not within my control to change,” he said of San Francisco. “A lot of people are choosing to go to places where there’s opportunity, and maybe it’s a place that is more conservative and there can be an integration of dialogue. Or a place where they can live closer to nature. That’s what we’re doing.”
Nikil Viswanathan, who co-founded the blockchain start-up Alchemy, recently fled San Francisco. He said that there was no reason anymore for him or his colleagues to be there, and that he had always wanted to live on the beach. So now he does, in San Diego.
But the expats still find one another. Not long ago, he stumbled on a cluster at a party.
“I knew it was an S.F. crew because when I walked in because they had the full dual monitor with the ergonomic keyboard on a standing desk,” Mr. Viswanathan said, adding that conversation revolved around the lower cost of living. “One of the S.F. guys was like: ‘I just had a burrito for $6. It was amazing.’”
The last burrito he had in San Francisco cost $15.
They won’t necessarily be missed
Longtime Bay Area residents may well say good riddance to people like Mr. Viswanathan. People who distrusted the young newcomers from the start will say this change is a good thing. Hasn’t this steep growth in wealth and population in a tiny geography always seemed unsustainable?
These tech workers came like a whirlwind. Virtually every community from San Jose in the south to Marin County in the north has fought the rise of new housing for the arrivals of the last decade. Maybe spreading the tech talent around America is smart.
Locals have also seen this play before. Moving trucks come to take a generation of tech ambition away, and a few years later moving trucks return with new dreamers and new ambitions.
After the dot-com bust in 2001, there were fallow years before the latest, long-lasting boom — just as there were fallow years after the PC industry consolidated a decade earlier. That led to the dot-com boom. It is the circle of life in the Bay Area.
And those who are staying are digging in. “When 12 friends left, it felt like powerlessness,” said Diana Helmuth, a 32-year-old writer and marketer in Oakland. “Like these forces were too big. The forces of the world felt too big.”
Now, though, she is hardening toward those who say life is better somewhere else and were in town only for a job. “I say, ‘Great, goodbye, have a great time somewhere else.’”
    Multiple Service Listing for Business Owners | Tools to Grow Your Local Business
from Multiple Service Listing https://ift.tt/3oJVGFb
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Teamwire GmbH: Technical Support Engineer and Administrator (f/m/d)
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Headquarters: Munich URL: https://www.teamwire.eu
Teamwire is a secure messaging app and – like your customers say – a secure alternative to WhatsApp for enterprises, the public sector and healthcare. Our goal is to simplify communication and improve team collaboration with modern technology. Based on that mission Teamwire provides much more than secure messaging. For example, our secure messaging app also helps to automate workflows, coordinate teams with geo-referencing and manage emergencies with alerting features. As a German provider we ensure the highest levels of usability, data protection and security that are appreciated by leading enterprises and public sector organizations. Our team is international, experienced and highly motivated. Hierarchies are flat and processes are agile. The whole organization is very much focused on good collaboration, positive results and significant growth. For our growing team we are looking for a Technical Support Engineer and Administrator (f/m/d) in Germany. Your Assignment: • You work in a great DevOps team together with support, sales, customers and partners on deployment, administration and support topics. • You provide technical leadership by gathering and assessing technical specifications and requirements of customers for a successful deployment. • You own and drive deployment projects. You participate onsite and offsite acting as technical resource to ensure successful implementations. • You analyze, administer and configure technically complex systems that are highly performant, reliable and scalable. • You evaluate and troubleshoot customer issues using problem-solving skills to prioritize and track incidents to closure under pressure. • You are responsible for quickly solving potential incidents, configuration requests and customer support cases. • You work closely with engineering and product management to escalate bugs, feature requests and complete user acceptance testing. • You provide effective and timely communication about support cases to colleagues, customers and partners. • You manage the customer relationship and make sure that the support expectations of customers and their users are fully met. • You participate in 24x7 operation support and on-call rotation. • You prepare deployment specifications, user guides, FAQs and other technical documentation. Your Profile: • You have ideally studied computer science or a similar course. • You like to deploy, configure and support IT solutions for businesses, which lead in reliability, performance and scalability. • You have strong problem-solving skills and high quality standards for quickly addressing customer support cases and solving incidents. • You have great communication skills, and proven ability to apply these across internal teams and with external stakeholders. • You are good at managing relationships and building trust with customers and partners. • You have got very good knowledge of GNU/Linux, Docker and Ansible or a similar automation solution. • You have very good knowledge of at least 3 of these programming languages: Python, Go, SQL, bash. • You quickly come to grips with new programming languages, frameworks and tools. • You have at least 5 years experience in technical support within an enterprise customer-facing environment. • You have experience and strong interest in operations and CD technology (e.g. Docker, Nomad, Ansible). • You have experience with modern commodity DevOps services (e.g. Gitlab, GitlabCI, Nexus, Rundeck, Terraform, Consul or Vault). • You have experience in operations of Cisco or equivalent networks, WANs/LANs and demonstrated end-to-end systems knowledge (e.g. switching, routing and load balancing). • You have experience in security of communications and network operations. • You are self-directed, reliable, show initiative and work independently. • You have punctual attendance and are flexible to work variable schedules (and travel if necessary). • You are a team player with a positive attitude and have strong organizational as well as communication skills. • You are fluent in German and English (both spoken and written). What We Offer: • A kind, humble and motivated team • Competitive salary in an international environment • A workplace where you can constantly learn and personally grow • Agile workflows and flat hierarchies • An environment where you can take ownership and drive initiatives. • Start-up feeling with lots of creative freedom • Flexible work hours and remote/home working Location: Frankfurt am Main and Würzburg Area Contact: Please send an email to [email protected] if you want to find out more about this exciting opportunity in our fast-growing start-up. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
from We Work Remotely: Remote jobs in design, programming, marketing and more https://ift.tt/2XJIu8R from Work From Home YouTuber Job Board Blog https://ift.tt/2XNArb6
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urbancuntemporary · 7 years
I get what you were saying about the dichotomy of Cisco in nerdy tees and Cindy in her kickass black leather # but I’m also kind of like, if she has to wear her work leather on a date I am going to yell.
i mean i doubt she will. I’m kind of getting to the part of this where i’m starting to see the value in having her wear the same thing, and really the only reason i want them to stop the nickname is because of the fact that it’s a slur. If it were any other moniker like Charmer or something (they could have changed it to Nomad or Wanderer if they wanted to stick to the “roving the multiverse” feel of it) I would be more open to her name being a mystery to the characters, even Cisco. So in terms of the outfit, I don’t think she’s going to go on a date with Cisco in it, I definitely think he’s seen her in different attire by now, but it’s also kind of cool to me at this point because it’s like a signature look. 
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drcaitlinxsnow · 7 years
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name: Caitlin Michelle Snow  age: Twenty-seven  occupation: Bio-engineer at S.T.A.R Labs  status: Civilian 
[ Canon from Season 1 till Present ]
Carla Tannhauser and Michael Snow happily welcomed their first daughter with the cool winds of winter. Caitlin Michelle Snow, a self reflecting girl, who the world in numbers and equations. Anything could be fixed with a sure fire attitude and perfect numerical solution. Bred from the brilliance of two well known doctors, Caitlin knew her calling would always double back to the lab. She knew the hippocratic oath and the each property on the periodic table before she could tie her shoes. Her path towards academia had been paved far before she’d ever had a say in it. 
It wasn’t long till she’d been gifted with a sister, Grace, who happened to fit perfect in the model of the all American Girl. Caitlin didn’t mind the shift in attention, she was happy in her own little corner. The Snow family unit worked happily together in the safety of Keystone. Caitlin and her father were inseparable, their bond unmatched by their difference on the importance of classical theory.  At the age of ten, her father was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and slowly she’d watched the disease eat away at him. Her mother fought desperately to cure him but to avail, Michael Snow died just before Caitlin’s sixteen birthday. 
Growing up, she dealt with the pitfalls of intelligence. While all the other girls were off playing with makeup and talking about their crush, young Caitlin Snow played with compounded elements and chemicals. The comfort she’d felt memorizing the ionic charge of an atom that coursed through the human cell was enough to shelter her from the jarring looks and comments made my her very own Lexi LaRoche. Caitlin had a dream that grew larger than any snide remark. At the age of seventeen, she graduated from Lexington High School and was accepted into the pre-medical program in UCLA. 
Caitlin graduated in 2009 as a trained Neurosurgeon with the hope to find a bigger purpose, bio engineering. After turning down the position at her mother’s laboratory, Tannhauser Industries, Caitlin set off to Central City with the new prospects of S.T.A.R Labs under the appointment of Harrison Wells. It was there she’d embarked on the biggest adventure of her life, the particle accelerator. It was the moment that changed her life. 
During it’s invention, Caitlin met Cisco Ramon, a wiry young engineer and Ronnie Raymond, the man she’d fallen madly in love with. They three created a tight connection over the period before the particle accelerator had been finished. It was the night of the grand unveiling that everything seemed to change. Once turned on, the particle accelerator imploded, destroying some parts of Central City and killing Ronnie (so she thought).
Eight months after the explosion and S.T.A.R Labs descent from grace, a awkwardly charming young man had been brought in, Barry Allen. His ability to reach speeds beyond the capability of any normal man redirected Caitlin’s path in one fatal swoop. They’d formed a team, Team Flash, to help rehabilitate the wounds they’d created with the particle accelerator explosion. Their crusade to stop the evils that breached into their city only opened a bigger issue within their own team. Harrison Wells was an imposter that sheathed the identity of Eobard Thawne, a speedster from the future. 
Caitlin followed leads left by the mysterious man who’d seemed to streak across the country. With the use of the FIRESTORM matrix research, unfinished by the missing Professor Martin Stein, she’d found remnants of the man she believed she lost. Ronnie lived nomadically for months before allowing her to finally save him from the instability of his new genetic make up. Things seemed bright, she had been gifted a chance to be with the man loved, till the world once again ran risk to ending.  
Barry’s actions to fix what was broken, left a breech in the time space continuum, and Caitlin had to watch her husband die for the second time. 
Caitlin and the team are working feveriously to deal with the aftermath of Zoom. A speedster from another earth who wished to rip the delicate peace that had once preserved Central City. Caitlin still works within the boundaries of S.T.A.R Labs and within the fold of Team Flash. Although for the last six months, she’d been struggling to conceal and rid herself for the once dominant meta genes. Each day, she finds herself being lured in and controlled by Killer Frost, the identity that has been cultivated within her. 
Positive Traits: 
Negative Traits: 
Ronnie Raymond: deceased husband  Grace Snow: sister Jason Todd/ Carter Hall: friend Cisco Ramon/ Barry Allen: best friends and colleagues  Felicity Smoak/ Team Arrow: ally 
@gracexsnow, @outlawintheredhood, @holyxsmoak, @csiiallen, @thelegendaryhawkman
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hudsonespie · 5 years
Global Data Systems and Morrison Partner on Shipboard LTE Data
Global Data Systems, Inc., (GDS) a full-service managed service provider, and Morrison, an industry-leading offshore pipeline and diving company, have entered into a partnership to streamline long-term evolution (LTE) connectivity on vessels in the Gulf of Mexico.
Morrison operates four offshore pipelay vessels, two dive support vessels and various inland waterway construction barges. The partnership has enabled improved quality of life for vessel personnel by implementing cost-efficient, high-speed LTE cellular connectivity.
Royce Pellegrin, Information Technology Manager, Morrison, said, “Morrison was in need of a higher-speed connectivity solution for our workboat vessels in remote areas. To combat the redundancy of satellite, GDS provided our vessels with a higher-performing SDWAN connection on its VSAT and LTE network. Ultimately, NOMAD was the solution provided, which gave us high-speed connectivity with redundant failover and maximum uptime by using LTE cellular with satellite as a backup."
NOMAD includes robust security controls to protect Morrison's system against cyber threats and provides each vessel with nextg-eneration firewall, intrusion detection, anti-malware protection, content filtering and more. The NOMAD connection uses Cisco protocols and management services, allowing users to view all communications, data, intrusion attempts and more, cost-effectively and without sacrificing performance.
Pellegrin commented, “Thanks to the forward-thinking approach at GDS, Morrison is now able to deploy technology that we would not have imagined three years ago. Due to the lowered cost associated with NOMAD, we have implemented a secondary network explicitly dedicated to crew members. This allows them to carry out functions similar to those at home. This new ability to check email or communicate with loved ones has considerably improved crew morale throughout the vessels.”
Wade Berzas, Vice President of Sales, GDS, commented, “Over the years, GDS and Morrison have enjoyed a fantastic partnership. Our commitment to customer service and to providing the critical services that enable our customer base to grow their business has never waned and we appreciate Morrison’s continued trust in GDS.”
from Storage Containers https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/global-data-systems-and-morrison-partner-on-shipboard-lte-data via http://www.rssmix.com/
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techsherpas12 · 6 years
Work From Home Jobs for IT Professionals
Qualified work from home jobs (or telecommuting/remote jobs) are not that unusual anymore. Instead, the demand for the option to work remotely has become a trend. Modern technology, especially computer, cloud computing and the internet with high-speed connectivity, make that possible. Since information technology provides the means for remote working, the question of whether it is also an option for IT professionals is obvious.
  Which IT-related tasks can be performed from home/remotely?
Technically, most of the everyday IT-utilizing tasks can be performed remotely – provided that necessary hardware is in place and the adequate infrastructure and procedures for authentication and encryption are in place. The latter is especially important to ensure computer, information, and cybersecurity: Remote working opportunities must be secure to not endanger the employer’s business by making it more accessible to hacking and other cyber-attacks.
There are a few exemptions: When physical access to hardware other than the individual’s own is necessary (e.g. server rooms), the respective IT staff of course needs to be on-site or at least be able to directly communicate with somebody on-site.
  Availability of remote/work from home jobs in information technology
If you are looking for work from home/remote jobs as an IT professional, look out for job titles like these – as can currently be found on internet job portals:
Network Administrator, Network Engineer, Network Analyst
Systems Administrator, Systems Engineer
Cloud Operations Administrator
IT Support
SAP Basis Administrator
Linus Administrator
Cisco Voice Engineer
Azure PAAS Architect
.NET Developer
Network Operations Coordinator
DevOps Engineer
Technical Project Manager
AWS Architect
Database Engineer
Look for job titles like these in combination with typical keywords like:
Work from home
  Could working from home/remotely be an option for you?
There are various reasons why some people prefer to work from home or – generally – on a remote basis. Maybe you
have a particularly long commute
are a parent who is just re-starting work after parental leave or other leave of absence
need to take care of a child/children at home or are a caregiver otherwise
want to travel extensively or even prefer a nomadic lifestyle
Whatever the reasons, the question if remote working is an option for you in your current job is something your employer needs to decide.
Have you been looking through the above listed job titles and are intrigued, but you find that you are still lacking a particular qualification/certification? TechSherpas offers a wide range of certification training courses, live on-site, virtual, or on-demand, to help you reach your career goals.
  Sources: https://www.itproportal.com/features/technologys-role-in-improving-work-life-balance-for-remote-workers/
The post Work From Home Jobs for IT Professionals appeared first on TechSherpas IT Training & Solutions.
from TechSherpas IT Training & Solutions https://www.techsherpas.com/work-from-home-jobs-for-it-professionals/
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U.S citizens are the leading consumerists globally. Authors Rachel Botsman and Roo Rogers describe Americans as “some of the world’s worst environmental offenders” and compare our consumption patterns to other nations to demonstrate the magnitude of transgressions:
“A child born today into a middle-class American family will live to about eighty years old and consume on average 2.5 million liters of water, the wood of 1000 trees, 21000 tons of gasoline, 220,000 kilos of steel, and 800,000 watts of electrical energy. At these rates, the average American child will produce in his/her lifetime twice the environmental impact of a Swedish child, 3 times that of an Italian, 13 times that of a Brazilian, 35 times that of an Indian, and 280 times that of a Haitian. If everyone on the planet lived like the average American child, we would need 5 planets to sustain them during their lifetime”
Consequently, creating behavior change among this population will have a tremendous impact on waste reduction. In particular, the focus of this work is on the urban population of America. They are almost nomadic in nature. People who are constantly on the move in pursuit of their careers. They shuffle from apartment to apartment, sometimes within the same city, and other times to new cities or even new countries. These are the Americans who are moving with the greatest frequency and therefore have the greatest propensity to fall into the cyclic pattern of repeatedly buying and disposing of products.Many of these individuals are now in their 30’s and 40’s are settled into more permanent homes with families of their own. But a fresh, new generation has come to replace them and their rate of moving is seemingly more accelerated.
Millennials, ages 18-34 years, represent 43% of all movers even though they only account for total 24% of the overall US population. They are by far the most frequent movers in this country and they are moving to cities, leading the urban planner Markus Moos to describe this phenomenon as the “youthification of cities”.
They are more confident, self-expressive, liberal, upbeat and open to change. They believe in purposeful living, the one which adds value to everything you do and is meaningful.
While many generations have sought out purpose, Millennials make it a greater priority than ever before, in everything from their consumption to their work to their communities to their relationships. Aaron Hurst, economist talks about how "human scale technology", how the boom of internet and social media sparked our collective imagination in thinking about how technology can be leveraged for self-expression, community building, and service. This is called the Human-Scale technology. As our lives have become more public, so many people have windows into our activities, networks, points of view. And this level of transparency has created new ways to display our aspirational selves. We want to show off our impact and compassion, we want to show off our creativity and expressiveness. we want to build a large community to demonstrate our social prowess and choices.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is what this generation follows. It's known for its desire to make a difference, grow, and share its passion with the world.
Generation Disrupt (Generation X), the Environmental, economic and political turmoil, their concept of profession and personal Longevity of purpose, changing families and evolving roles, new social sciences, positive psychology, the change in the way leaders think, accelerated globalization, a shifting social context where organizations and individuals step in when they see a gap in what government can accomplish and blending of different government, non-profit and corporate sectors have all resulted in shaping the society that we live in now.
There are many movements that have gained traction over the last decade, including resource, sharing, maker (DIY), happiness, reputation, giving, creative and experience. Together these movements are the new drivers of change and economy.
The term “prosumer” originated with Alvin Toffler, who first used the term in his 1980 book The Third Wave. Toffler defined the prosumer as someone who blurs the distinction between a “consumer” and a “producer.” The term has since come to mean a variety of things, but here it is defined as someone who makes little distinction between his or her home and works lives. The prosumer engages in activities belonging to either sphere, regardless of time or location. Because of their complex lifestyle, which combines a demanding workload and an active family life, prosumers are eager adopters of Web 2.0 products and services—a convergence of process innovation, global marketplaces, and advanced technologies that fundamentally change the way consumers buy, retailers, sell, and products are brought to market. Prosumers typically embrace Web 2.0 technologies such as social networking (Facebook, MySpace), blogging, video on demand (VoD), podcasting, VoDcasting, virtual realities (Second Life, There.com), mobile communications, and other Internet-based technologies and services that allow people to stay connected whenever and wherever they desire. We refer to this as “Connected Life,” and the prosumer is an enthusiastic and early adopter of the connected lifestyle. Not all prosumers use all these technologies, of course; they access whichever technology subset best suits their individual preferences and lifestyles. The Cisco® Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG) has conducted research on the prosumer segment since December 2006, studying how this group lives, works, thinks and behaves. They found that prosumers prefer laptop computers to desktops because of their need to be mobile. They spend more of their discretionary income on entertainment than most people and are interested in multi-screen applications. If they commute, their commutes tend to be longer, and they work at home some percentage of the time (many are full-time home workers). They view their commute as the time that can be spent working, connecting to others, or being entertained. They want to connect with friends and family and see technology as a way of balancing and helping to manage their busy lives. Prosumers value any technology that enhances and serves these needs.
As early adopters, prosumers make use of solutions that keep them in touch with their families and friends, including Connected Life services such as social networking (personally and professionally). For example, instant messaging, which originated as a business tool, has become the prosumer’s preferred way to stay in touch with work colleagues and friends and family. The prosumer opportunity for industries lies in creating solutions that tightly integrate work and home life to attract these individuals. Such solutions are hard to replicate because changing providers also involves transporting and re-creating both personal and work data and services. Securing the prosumer segment allows vendors to create a full portfolio of Connected Life services that will draw more customers as this segment grows. In some verticals—service providers, consumer electronics, and travel, among others—establishing a strong prosumer clientele is a must.
The Prosumer Challenge Serving prosumers is complex; their needs cannot be defined by location, application, time of day, or device alone. In fact, that is what makes them prosumers. They seek to be connected and serviced no matter where they are, what they are trying to do, or when they are trying to do it. Although prosumers are heavy technology users, they want solutions to be simple. In particular, application user interfaces must be easily accessible for both work and their personal life, raising some issues relating to overlap between the two. For example, loading Connected Life applications onto company-owned phones is a concern to employers because of security and liability, and to employees because of privacy and ethical concerns. When work and personal lives overlap and blend so seamlessly, billing for things like mobile phones and application software also becomes blurred. So, serving the prosumer—to the satisfaction of the prosumer and his or her employer—is far from easy.
What is the reason for the difference between what people say they are willing to do, and the decisions that they make in real life?
The three most significant factors were felt to be: lack of understanding; selfishness; and
associated costs and taxes. The fourth factor, “tragedy of the commons”, refers to the tendency of consumers to be more willing to act if they see their peers acting as well; it reflects an
“I will if you will” mentality. Consumer organizations point out that it is not generally enough for cost savings to be available over the total lifetime of a product; high “up-front” costs can act as a deterrent. Finally, there is some evidence that consumers are prone to the “rebound effect” – a tendency to use products more in response to efficiency improvements, thereby reducing the
expected benefits of those efficiency improvements. For example, consumers in the US reportedly increase their use of air conditioning by up to 50% when they switch to a “green” energy supply. Home heating and personal transportation also tend to have significant rebound effects.
 Committed 41% of the audience:
• Strong sense of personal responsibility in dealing with climate change
• Do everything they can to live ethically
• Have a strong sense of urgency
• Highly aware and understand environmental and ethical concepts
• Influence others
 Followers 23% of the audience:
• Feel a growing pressure to change the way they live
• Believe in individual efforts in dealing with climate change, but think there may also be a bigger solution
• Undertake many ethical actions, but can be inspired to do even more
 Confused 23% of the audience:
• They do what is asked of them, but feel they don't fully understand ethical concepts
• Not totally sure how much difference individual efforts make and tend to believe that scientists will find a solution to tackle climate change
• Feel responsibility lies primarily with the government and businesses
 Questioners 13% of the audience
• Believe that individual efforts in dealing with climate change are irrelevant because of major pollution from other countries and businesses not doing enough
• Undertake ethical actions that benefit them and their immediate community
Surveys suggest that ethical behavior will grow, as people are willing to look for more information on ethical living and seek more sustainable alternatives. The most effective way brands can support this movement is by providing availability, visibility, affordability, quality and clear communication between ethical products and services.
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