#Clara Isaiah
hb-writes · 2 months
Drunk Shakespeare
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Summary: It’s Summer 1925 in the Little Lady Blinderverse. Isiah and Clara decide to end their work day early to escape the heat of the betting shop, but find the heat in the air between them is harder to escape than they thought.
Characters: Clara Shelby x Isiah Jesus, Finn Shelby pops in for a moment.
Prompt: Almost caught
Content Warnings: Just vibes and a little kissing.
Tell me what y'all think! Reviews and comments are always appreciated. 😌❤️
Peaky Blinders (Little Lady Blinder) Masterlist
Peaky Blinders (Non-Shelby!Sister) Masterlist
Clara watched the long hand of her brother's old pocket watch as it moved around the clock face, the quiet ticks and tocks seeming to mock her as they seemed to slow and delay in her mind.
After what had seemed like an eternity squashed into a mere morning and early afternoon, she was basically caught up on the books. Or at least, if she wasn't precisely caught up, Clara wasn't feeling particularly motivated to keep working on them. Not that she'd been doing anything that could really be considered ‘work’ for the last hour and a half.
Shoving the pocketwatch away, she glanced at Isiah. He was across the room in Finn’s office, twirling a pencil in his fingers. Clara wasn't sure what he was meant to be ‘working’ on in her brother's office, but she assumed pencil twirling wasn't it. 
It had been a slow afternoon. No one had been keen on laying bets or working, so the shop had emptied early. Everyone had finished up their day's work and gone home.
In this heat, Clara didn't blame them. Despite the mound of work she had to complete for her brother, she didn't want to be here either.
Clara had already shed her sweater. She couldn't respectably lose any more layers or she'd be left in just her slip, but she longed for it. She longed for a breeze or dip in one of the ponds on the grounds of Arrow House. She longed for a chunk of ice from the ice box in the kitchen. She longed for the end of this Friday afternoon, the end to this stale, sticky existence.
Clara pushed herself back from the desk—Tommy's desk, though he never used it anymore. The chair was more hers than his these days. Tommy had once said it could be Clara’s one day—the boss's chair—but even though it was her who sat in it more than him, Clara wasn't the boss. Today, she felt no better than any other working person staring at the clock and waiting for the end of their shift. It seemed that was all she’d done all day.
She'd have to come back and finish what she hadn’t accomplished before the end of the month—over the weekend or early before she was due at the Jamaica Row office on Monday morning. It wasn't smart putting it off, but Clara didn't care. The heat had zapped any sense of caring from her system, leeching all of the diligent conscientiousness she was known for straight out of her. 
"What are the odds we get caught out if we lock up early?” 
Isiah's foot fell off the desk and slammed against the floor, Clara's sudden presence in the room startling him more than it should have considering a wall of windows lined the office and he’d faced that way, his glossy gaze set out toward the empty shop she crossed over on her way to get to him.
"Christ, Clara—Trying to stop my fucking heart, eh?"
Clara sighed, rolling her eyes at Isiah’s dramatics out of nothing more than habit. The whole bit was familiar. He usually would have wrapped her head in an arm, ruffling her hair as retribution, but today he barely moved, barely even allowed the muscles of his mouth to pull into a smirk. 
Clara was glad for it because if Isiah laid a hand on her, Clara thought she might scream. The idea of him coming anywhere near her in this heat, of his warm hand in her already frizzy hair…she felt warmer just thinking about it.
"The only thing I'm trying to do is stop working."
"You're finished?”
Clara shrugged. She didn't have it in her to lie, but she didn’t quite want to admit she’d been doing close to nothing all day either. "Are you?'
"I've been done for hours." 
"What are you sitting in here for, then?"
She could see that she wasn't the only warm one. Isiah had rolled his shirt sleeves. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She couldn't imagine why he'd choose to sit here when he could be anywhere else.
Isiah raised an eyebrow. "What do you think?" 
"Fucking hell. You’re babysitting. Tommy's such a—" 
“Finn," Isiah interrupted.
"It was Finn’s idea. Said 'I've got a meeting across town. Keep an eye on her.’ Not Tom."
Clara hummed, filing that annoying development away to complain about later. For today it was an order from Finn’s mouth, but before Finn, it had been John, and before that, she knew the order had originated with Tommy and Arthur. Tommy, who Isiah no routinely called 'Tom' and defended, as if they were friends. On the same side of things. Clara let the thought go, too hot for the annoyance that came with thinking too hard on her brothers.
"Where'd Finn go, anyway?'
"Meeting across town," Isiah answered, repeating the words with a smirk. 
Clara breathed deeply, stifling the urge to hit him. She could imagine herself doing it, the satisfaction of her open palm—all clammy and swollen with the heavy moisture of the air—smacking against Isiah’s stupid, sweaty forehead. 
“I just said.” Isiah added, stupid grin still on his face. “The heat getting to you, there, Miss Shelby?” 
It was hotter in Finn's office than it was in Tommy's. There were no windows to the outside here, no airflow. Clara pulled at her dress, the fabric sticking to her collarbone as she tried to catch some relief.
“I meant who’s he with?” 
Isiah shrugged. “Afraid that's above my pay grade. Can’t be asking after the boss’s whereabouts now, can I, love?” 
Clara rolled her eyes. Finn wasn’t any sort of boss, not really, even if he was acting like it lately. And the amount of things that fell above Isiah's pay grade had dwindled over the last few years. She was nearly certain Isiah knew exactly who Finn was meeting with and what it was about, but she let it go, figuring that if it was important or relevant to her, he'd have just told her. The fact that he was playing with her told her it wasn't either of those things.
“Fine. Tell me, love, does the 'boss' have anything good in that drawer there?” Clara nodded toward the desk and Isiah shook his head, chuckling. 
“What are you shaking your head for? What’s he going to do?” she asked. “Fire us for borrowing his whiskey and skiving off?” 
“I don’t care what Tommy or Arthur or John or Finn has said. It’s hot and there’s no reason for us to be cooped up here. I’ll take my chances with the lot of them.” Clara reached down, pulling out the bottle of whiskey. She opened it and took a slug before she handed the bottle to Isiah. After he drank, Clara held a hand out to him. 
He raised an eyebrow, glancing at the hand they both knew was clammy and damp with sweat. Clara ran her hand down the side of her dress before presenting it again. 
Isiah rolled his eyes as he slipped his hand into hers and Clara groaned, dropping his slicked hand in an instant. Isiah smirked as he ran his hand down the side of her skirts same as Clara had just done. No other man would’ve dared to slide his hand down Clara Shelby’s side like that, but this was Isiah and they were alone in the shop—no prying eyes to watch over them for a change.
“You’re insufferable.”
Isiah chuckled. “You’ve said so plenty enough.”
“Because it’s true.”
“Well, between you and me, it’s mutual.”
Clara yanked his hand then, pulling him out of the chair and to his feet. Isiah stumbled for her benefit. 
“You’re testy today.”
“I’m hot,” Clara answered, walking towards the staircase. She tugged Isiah along up the first few steps, her arm straining as Isiah stopped on the third step from the bottom.
“And we’re going to the second floor to cool off?” 
Clara took a deep breath before stopping and turning back to Isiah. 
“We’re all locked up?”
Isiah nodded. He'd gone around to check all of the doors after Finn headed out. “Have been for hours.” 
“Good, now shut up and do what you're told.” 
Isiah snorted. “Yes, ma’am.”
Clara smirked at that. At least someone respected her. Even if it was just Isiah, and even if he was only playing, the telltale smile tugging at his lips, a bit of glee right there dancing in his eyes. Because even with those things present, Clara knew some part of it was genuine. Isiah respected her more than most people in her life. Believed in her more than most, too. And he had always offered up a bit of his power in the context of their relationship, allowing her to win on most things. 
Not every single thing, but most. 
Enough of the time that Clara knew when he was doing it. 
As they moved up the stairs, the heat wrapped around them like a blanket. Someone had shut all of the windows, the air up there even more stale than it had been down in the shop. 
Clara had a moment of doubt while the stifling heat grew, smothering them both and challenging Clara's breathing. Sweat collected on her back and chest under her clothes. She cursed in her head that maybe Isiah was right. Maybe there was no relief to be found on this Friday afternoon, not unless she wanted to give in and head out to her brother's house. 
But Clara didn’t want to. If she did, Tommy would have questions about the books and whether or not she’d caught up yet. She didn’t have it in her to try to lie to him. If she was being honest, she didn’t have it in her for much of anything except simply being. 
Walking the stairs of her childhood home with Isiah’s hand growing sweaty in hers, Clara was reminded of simpler days. Of times when she’d been just allowed to be. Even then, she’d been an anxious child. Overwhelmed and feeling like she was pulled in a million different ways, but looking back on it now, Clara was nostalgic for a certain freedom inherent to childhood. A certain freedom that came with not fully understanding the actions and motivations of the adults surrounding her. 
She had always sought to understand, had always wanted to be a part of things, and now that she was—now that she and Isiah both were thoroughly integrated parts of the things they’d once begged to be included in—Clara would give anything for the two of them to go back to before. 
To be reading together from a book, or pretending to be Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. To be just two kids in their own little bubble, just the two of them against the world. It was a lovely thought, accompanied by a lovely feeling of nostalgia and as they stepped onto the second floor—just the two of them there within the walls of number 6 Watery Lane—Clara thought maybe it could still be the case.
The times were less frequent these days, but there were still moments when Clara would catch Isiah's gaze across the room, the two of them immediately caught up in some secret conversation that no one else even knew was taking place. 
And sometimes, the two of them would dance, and as Isiah spun Clara around, she could’ve sworn there was no one else in the world. On those occasions, it was as if the music played of its own accord, no one needed to pull the strings or croon the melodies, the two of them feeling anonymous and alone even though they were surrounded by other couples. 
“Come on, Siah,” Clara said as she tugged Isiah’s hand, some part of her certain that she could reach out and grasp that feeling, as if it was something she could trap and hold onto, keeping it close to her heart. 
Isiah smiled at Clara’s impatience, his body so near to hers that he could feel the heat radiating off her back, a warmth separate from that of the air around them, almost pulsing between them. 
Clara dropped his hand as she stepped into her bedroom, still neat and tidy and kept as if the 12-year-old girl she once was still lived there. As she moved toward the window, Clara pressed the whiskey bottle into Isiah’s hand, not bothering to look back to confirm it was within his grasp before she let go. 
Isiah leaned against her dresser, watching as she struggled with the window, the wooden frame stiff and swollen and thoroughly stuck from the heat and years of disuse. 
As he watched, Isiah wondered...when was the last time Clara Shelby had climbed out through her bedroom window? When was the last time Isiah Jesus had climbed out with her? 
Neither of them could remember, and it seemed like the room had forgotten as well, the window remaining belligerently shut even as Clara dug in her heels and leveraged all of her strength in trying to raise the pane, a new layer of sweat gleaming at her hairline as she struggled. 
“Alright,” Isiah started as he eased off the dresser, the whiskey bottle set aside. “Let me—”
“No!” Clara answered, her voice booming with the strength of her struggle as she kicked a leg out in Isiah’s general direction to keep him back. “I’ll get it. You choose a book.”
Clara sent her foot out again, this time directing it toward the other side of the room, and Isiah turned to follow the direction of her kick, straight to the chair beside her bed where a stack of books sat piled dangerously high. 
The pile was a mix of old and new, a selection of books from her childhood and few of her more recent favorites interspersed with a few of the books Isiah remembered as coming from Tommy’s shelf. Those books had once been forbidden to Clara, but Isiah supposed they were far beyond forbidden books at this stage. And Tommy Shelby had far bigger concerns than what types of books his sister was reading. 
Isiah fished a book out of the pile before returning his attention to Clara. He was about to sit down on her bed to watch the show of her struggle when the window flew open, the sudden movement accompanied by a rush of air and a celebratory shout from Clara. 
“I told you I would get it,” she said, wiping the sweat from her brow as she turned to him.
Isiah rolled his eyes fondly and crossed the room to grab the whiskey, a swallowed comment on the tip of his tongue because even though Isiah and Clara usually passed quips back and forth, he was more interested in getting out on the roof, more interested in the reprieve of fresh air. Isiah pressed the book and bottle into Clara's hands before swinging himself out through the window. 
Isiah was through in a small span of seconds, but it was certainly a more difficult maneuver than he remembered now that his body was all long limbs and the window seemed infinitely smaller than it once was. 
Reaching back through the frame, he took the book and the bottle Clara handed off. Isiah set them both aside before holding his hand out back through the open window.
“I can—”
“Just let me help, won’t you?” Isiah interrupted. He wiped his hand down the front of his pants before holding it out again. “Gotta fight me about everything.” 
“I’m not—” Clara grasped his hand, allowing Isiah to tug her through, and letting go once she was steady on her feet. “—fighting. I just—”
“Can do it yourself,” Isiah answered. “I know. Doesn’t mean you should always have to.” 
Clara huffed even though a part of her appreciated the sentiment. She tried to be independent. She tried to do everything for herself. She tried to prove how smart and strong and capable she was to just about everyone, but she didn’t have to prove any of that to Isiah. 
Clara unbuttoned the top of her dress, gently fanning herself with the loose fabric as she looked over the courtyard. She took a deep breath, grateful for the grey and cloudy Birmingham skies that shielded them from the heady rays of sun she usually craved.
The roof outside of her bedroom wasn’t exactly the reprieve she had imagined, but it was marginally better than the dense staleness of the shop and her bedroom. 
“Romeo and Juliet?” Clara asked as she lowered herself to the roof and reached for the book. “Really, Isiah?” 
While Clara enjoyed her Shakespeare, the play hadn’t exactly been her favorite, and her memories of the piece were tainted by the fact that she’d first read it at school, with Juliet’s role going to a girl she wasn’t particularly fond of. Clara would’ve preferred to revisit Sherlock Holmes or one of Tommy’s old books. 
Isiah shrugged and sat down beside her, reaching for the bottle. “Reminded me of when you tried stepping out with that Italian kid.” 
He said it as if he didn’t remember the name of the ‘Italian kid.' As if it had been nothing but a blip. As if her social connections hadn’t gotten her into nothing but trouble that year and been the source of arguments between her and her family, and her and Isiah.
Clara shoved Isiah’s shoulder.
“I wasn’t stepping out with anyone.”
It had been a friendship. Maybe with a hint of a crush, but there had been no stepping out. Nothing close. Her brothers' reputation had seen to that.
“And anyway, it’s more like when you were stepping out with that Cheapie girl.” 
Isiah raised an eyebrow. “What are you on about?” 
“Ruth,” Clara answered. “Practically Wally Bartow in a dress.” 
He snorted. “It was one dance, Clara. Didn’t even know her name. Had no clue she was a Bartow.”
Clara shrugged. “You looked awfully cozy if I remember properly.” 
“Well, that’s just how I dance, love.” Isiah winked at her before taking a swig from the bottle. “You know that better than anyone.
“And I'm sorry to inform you, but if either of us is destined to have a love life like these two—” Isiah nodded towards the book. “—it’s you. No matter who you end up with, it’ll be like Montagues and Capulets. Shelbys against whatever poor sap you choose.” 
Isiah knocked her shoulder, the touch telling her it was only a joke. Clara stayed leaning against him as long as she could manage in the heat before prying the bottle from his fingers to take a sip.
“Ada says us Shelby girls are cursed that way.” 
Isiah reached for the book, thumbing through the pages rather than answering. He had an idea about that particular curse. He had been old enough to remember how Ada’s marriage had been handled, and even if he hadn’t been, Isiah knew how Clara was being managed. 
How they both had been managed for years now. 
Isiah reached out for the bottle, taking another swig before he started reading.
“Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…”
They passed a few hours reading and talking and sipping from the bottle, the pair moving on to gentle conversation interspersed with quotes from Shakespeare’s catalog once the pages became too difficult to read in the dimming light. Lost in the throes of conversation, easy laughter and the cooling night breeze, Isiah and Clara were suspended in what felt like a world that was just their own, their sense of time and place and awareness pushed aside.
Clara was giggling at some obscure quote Isiah had pulled seemingly out of nowhere when Isiah sensed suddenly that the world was no longer theirs alone, his attention gone to the far end of the shared courtyard, a familiar chorus of boisterous laughter reaching his ear from across the space. 
Isiah was faintly aware of Clara naming the play he’d quoted before she shared her next quote, a gentle laughter lacing her words as she spoke, but the awareness of his heart pounding against his chest was stronger, a sudden urge to quiet her—to shield their presence there on the roof—taking over.
Overcome with that urge, Isiah could’ve shushed her or set his hand over her mouth to stifle the words.
Or he could've taken a breath and calmed himself and simply let her finish. 
It wasn't as if they were doing anything wrong. There was no reason to hide.
Isiah could have let Clara tell him, ‘I do desire we may be better strangers,’ before dissolving into giggles. He could’ve then told her the quote was from ‘As You Like It,’ a quote which he was intimately familiar with because Clara had directed it at him and Finn a number of times before, sometimes in jest, sometimes because she wished to hurt them. 
No one would question Isiah and Clara being out on the roof with a book and a bottle of whiskey, least of all Finn. People were plenty used to their antics, but something felt different tonight so Isiah only let Clara get half a sentence out before he placed his hand at the back of her head, drawing her in close and pressing his lips to hers in the dark, catching her words and quieting her so efficiently that it was nearly silent on the roof as Finn and the junior Peaky Boys passed over the back threshold of no. 6. 
The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but Isiah felt Clara’s whole body relax within his touch. She leaned into the hand he cradled behind her head, allowing him to deepen the kiss he hadn’t intended on giving in the first place, her hands reaching out for him, her fingernails grazing his scalp in a way that sent shivers down his spine. 
Isiah pulled away, but even so, for a moment, he forgot where he was. He forgot why he’d kissed her, or at least he’d forgotten whatever justification he’d initially provided himself for pressing his lips to hers. He forgot about Finn and the boys. He forgot about Shakespeare and feuds and consequences. With his warm hand still on the back of Clara’s sweaty neck, barely able to see the details of her now flushed face, it was once again just the two of them there in the world. 
With their faces still so close that Clara could feel Isiah’s warm whiskey-tinged breath on her face, her eyes shifted to his lips. She couldn’t remember what they were talking about before. She didn’t know why he’d kissed her. She had heard the back door slam, some part of her aware of her twin's proximity, an awareness Aunt Polly had always tol her was part of her gifts, but as Clara pulled Isiah's lips back to hers, she found she didn’t care to remember there was more to the world than the two of them and this. 
She didn’t want to question it, and yet, Clara was first to pull away this time, her ears far more sensitive to the familiar sound of someone turning the handle of her childhood bedroom’s door than Isiah was. With a sudden swiftness, she removed herself from Isiah’s hold and pushed him back against the roof as she extended her hand up to the sky. 
“There you are,” Finn said, sticking his head out the open window to see what Clara was pointing at. "What are the two of you out here for?"
Clara tilted her head back to her brother. “Constellations and Shakespeare. Would you like to join us?” she asked, the words feeling odd to her as they passed through her swollen lips.
“No,” Finn snorted. “It's payday. We’re heading to the Garrison, and then maybe to a few other—” 
“No, thank you. I'm staying here,” Clara answered, even though it wasn’t exactly an invite Finn had extended, but more of a declaration. An order.
A flash of something passed over Finn’s face. Clara could barely see it in the dark, but she figured it was a bit of annoyance, maybe, or a touch of shock at being refused. It seemed like more and more, Finn was coming to expect the same sort of compliance from Clara that the others did, forgetting that it was mere minutes that separated their births rather than years.
“It’s too hot, Finn,” Clara added, her tone a bit softer. “I have no desire to be holed up in the snug, squashed between you lot.”
“Alright, then. Isiah?” Finn tried.
“She’s got a point, mate.” 
Clara heard someone shouting from the floor below, the details muffled by the shut door, but Finn seemed to recognize their meaning well enough. 
"Are you sure?" Clara sensed the question was for Isiah even though they could barely see each other's faces in the growing dark. "Drinks are on Shelby Company Ltd. tonight," Finn added, as if Isiah's drinks weren't usually on the house, anyway.
"It's alright. You go ahead with the boys," Isiah offered. "I'll keep an eye on Clara."
Clara's elbow twitched, the desire to ram it into Isiah's ribcage surging as she caught the hint of a smirk on Isiah's face, but Clara stopped herself knowing that it had been the right thing to say.
Finn nodded his understanding in the dark, his attention pulled to the stairs once again by a sudden noise.
"Don't fall asleep out there, Clara."
Clara heaved a breath to stop herself from telling him he had no business telling her where she could or couldn't fall asleep, but Isiah beat her to it, telling Finn he would handle it.
No matter that Finn would likely be the one who needed assistance finding his bed before the night was through...
"Have a good night," Finn said as he stepped away from the window, leaving Isiah and Clara alone. They leaned back against the roof, the two of them staring at the sky in silence as they listened to the sounds of Finn and the boys heading out through the back door, their shouting and laughter echoing as they traversed the shared courtyard. 
When the echoes died away, Clara stretched out her fingers, seeking the familiar roughness of Isiah’s palm. 
“That was bad,” Isiah said, his fingers closing around hers. “Close...we almost got caught.”  
Clara heaved a breath before turning to face him. “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” 
Isiah snorted. He glanced briefly to his right to meet Clara's gaze in the dark before tipping his head back to the sky.
"Hamlet," Isiah answered softly, squeezing her hand gently before releasing her fingers.
They had been through this time and time again, the two of them dancing around the label of what they were. Friends. Best friends. Something more. They had settled on friends as far as most of the world was concerned, but that didn’t mean the lines weren’t still blurry at times, their belligerent feelings tangled and confused and persistent. For years now, they had maintained a mostly unspoken agreement that they’d keep anything beyond friendship hidden—from themselves, from one another, from everyone else. 
Most especially from everyone else. 
They'd learned early on that it wasn't worth the strife. It wasn't worth the fight. Any resistance had been squashed down time and again. Somehow, this felt easier. Less painful.
If it was up to the two of them, perhaps things would be different. Perhaps they’d have tried at love and failed, and moved on by now. Or perhaps they would have tried and it would have been easy. Smooth.
Perhaps there would be no confusion or jealousy or hiding. No dismissing their closeness as nothing more than echo of a childhood friendship, no stinging comments on who the other had stepped out with—the slights used both as a weapon and a protection to guard their tender hearts. 
But as it was, Clara and Isiah had never been given a proper chance at something more. A boundary had been set for them at the outset, a series of orders they’d both been too young to fight at the time. They’d been at the mercy of the powers that be, and even though they were older now, they were still at the mercy of that power.
Or maybe they still danced around the boundary because it felt easier, somehow safer for them both to keep that prescribed distance between them. 
“Perhaps I am destined for tragedy, Isiah.” Clara mused. “Or simply to be alone. Unloved for eternity.” 
“You’re not alone, love.” Isiah reached for the hand he’d dropped only moments before. “I’m right here.” 
“And you know I love you," he added as Clara curled toward him, resting her head against his chest. 
Clara sighed and nodded. 
“I love you, too,” she added, and Isiah’s chest fell with the breath he’d been holding. 
“Can we not just pretend that’s enough?” Clara asked. “Just for tonight?”
They were dangerous questions and Clara asked them without turning to observe Isiah’s face. She could feel the tenseness of his body beneath her, the fear her questions provoked.
“Like it’s just us in the world and no one else?” she tried, a question and a wish because the house was empty and the roof was dark and it was unlikely they’d be caught. 
Isiah feared that a little, but more than he feared getting caught—for they’d successfully explained away so much over the years and he had no doubt they could manage it again—Isiah feared the two of them getting caught up in things. He feared getting caught up in the true feelings between them, the ones they’d so carefully worked to keep a hold on all of these years, a carefully manicured relationship that allowed them to be close, but not so close that they fell over the edge. 
For even though Isiah dated other girls, and even though Clara insisted that Isiah Jesus was just a friend, they both knew there was something more between them. A magnetic pull, something in their hearts that they both knew to be true love. 
In the moments when the two of them could be honest with each other, when the rest of the world fell away...on nights like tonight, it wasn’t especially unusual for their lips to meet. It wasn’t unusual for Clara’s hopelessly romantic naïveté to make a showing. For some part of her to feel that it could be easy. That it could work.
And it wasn’t unusual for Isiah to agree. For every part of him to want the very thing they spent the bulk of their days denying and shutting down.
They were both craving it now though, both barely able to remember why they ever did hold back. It was just the two of them there on the roof beneath a blanket of smog-covered stars, both of them still hazy around the edges due to the whiskey and the heat and the memory of their kiss, the memory of his hands on the back of her neck. 
Those things made it easy to hope. They made it easy to forget.
Because if they were surrounded by friends at the Garrison or out at Arrow House or under the watchful eye of a Blinder, Clara and Isiah wouldn’t even entertain the thought that they could be more than friends. Under those circumstances, they’d be easily convinced that regardless of the feelings between them, it was much too complicated, much too difficult. 
“Maybe we should just run away. Find a place in the world where there are stars in the sky and no Shelbys.”
Isiah snorted. “Not even you?”
“Well, just me,” Clara amended. “Just me and you and no one else we've ever met. It could be easy.”  
“Maybe,” Isiah hummed, his hand tilting Clara’s face up to his as he spoke. “but the course of true love never did run smooth, Clara Shelby” 
“A Midsummer Night’s—” Clara started, only for the rest of the play’s title to be caught up by Isiah’s lips. 
They both knew it wasn’t a good idea, dabbling in love when neither was ready to commit to the war it would be. Neither was quite ready for the consequences of them moving beyond friendship, moving against her family’s wishes and decrees, but they let it happen anyway, some piece of their hearts holding on to the hope that someday they wouldn’t be hiding on a rooftop, stealing hungry kisses in the dark.
Peaky Blinders (Little Lady Blinder) Masterlist
Peaky Blinders (Non-Shelby!Sister) Masterlist
108 notes · View notes
meowsydreams · 11 months
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Cringetober day 19: old art redraw !!
The old art in question:
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6 notes · View notes
eliaswoodt · 11 months
The Name List
Organized from A-Z (yes I will add more names whenever I find more I like, probably in reblogs)
I currently have 1035 names (and that’s only including the first names. I have a list of last names, too.)
Angel, Atticus, Atlas, Apollo, Ares, Athena, Achilles, Artemis, Adonis, Avery, Aubrey, Aubry, Aceline, Ashlynn, Aislinn, Anjanette, Arthur, Archer, Addison, Arrietty, Amity, Autumn, Alastor, Alastair, Alasdair, Alistair, Alison, Arren, Arin, Astra, Aoife, Adalyn, Adeleine, Astoria, Agnes, Angus, Abigail, Ann, Anne, Ambrose, Adeline, Avarsel, Agatha, Ari, Azariah, Aniyah, Armani, Anastasia, Annabelle, Adah, Adelaide, Avis, Amelia, August, Axel, Adelina, Amir, Amin, Ayala, Arne, Averett, Adil, Astro, Ava, Anti, Ailun, Akemi, Asahi, Akari, Asako, Atsuko, Azumi, Aka, Aren, Akko
Blossom, Bambi, Babs, Bo, Bella, Blair, Bea, Bonnabel, Badeea, Betty, Bailey, Boris, Bee, Bugs, Blaise, Benjamin, Bog, Buford, Beatrice, Bryce, Bryan, Bazil, Brutus, Bellamy, Brigitte, Bailee, Bailey, Bao, Belladona, Belladonna, Bell, Bill, Bishop, Bones, Boneothy, Benno, Behemoth, Barry, Bellynn, Bowie, Bunki
Clover, Canyon, Cleo, Cameron, Celestial, Celestino, Ciro, Camilo, Cain, Charlotte, Clara, Corey, Cin, Charlie, Cassidy, Chiara, Callista, Cisco, Cynthia, Casper Clinton, Celestina, Clement, Christopher, Cornelius, Clifford, Claudius, Carey, Carrie, Coatl, Cyrus, Cyril, Cecil, Caisus, Castiel, Calla, Cosmos, Cherry, Cheryl, Crowley, Crow, Cassius, Cliodna, Clíodhna, Cliona, Conan, Cordelia, Calypso, Cas, Cillian, Chiyo, Chiaki, Chihiro, Calcifer
Danny, Darlene, Dex, Dot, Diana, Daphne, Demeter, Daedalus, Daeddel, Darphel, Dawn, Derrick, Derek, Dravan, Dravid, Drae, Dallas, Dimas, Dominic, Damien, Drew, Delilah, Dakota, Darian, Darius, Darwin, Devan, Darla, Dagmar, Daelyn, Dale, Dae, Dacey, Desmond, Dabria, Daniel, Daniela, Danialla, David, Davis, Donnel, Dennis, Demitrius, Delaney, Daiki, Daiyu
Everest, Emery, Ember, Elliott, Elliot, Earlana, Eliseo, Ezequiel, Emie, Evan, Eloise, Eric, Emmet, Elizabeth, Eugene, Ethan, Eret, Ester, Elias, Eos, Ellis, Edwin, Ebony, Elijah, Eliza, Enzo, Elissa, Edward, Eddalyn, Esther, Eda, Edalyn, Edalynn, Edison, Eddison, Estervan, Emma, Eden, Erfan, Eun-hae, Erytheia, Egan, Errol, Eiichi, Eiji, Eriko, Etsu, Etsuko, Eiichiro, Ezume
Flint, Finn, Fae, Fred, Fritz, Fang, Frankie, Frank, Fermin, Freddie, Freddy, Finley, Freya, Fai, Felix, Freda, Faolan, Frey, Feylynn, Faelynn, Failynn, Felipa, Febby, Febbie, Febie, Feby, Flynn, Fuji, Feiyu, Fukiko, Fumitaka, Fumito, Fuyuko
Griffin, Garnet, Gothi, Gertrude, Gabe, Grant, Giovanni, George, Gage, Gregory, Gabriel, Gabrielle, Guy, Gilbert, Guadalupe, Gerry, Grey, Gray, Gia, Grace, Gracian, Gracis, Gracie, Gretel, Gideon, Griffilow, Ghost, Ghazaleh, Gavin, Gryphon, Griffith, Goliath, Grayson, Greyson
Harmony, Hannah, Harlei, Harlie, Haritha, Haris, Harry, Harlan, Harvey, Hadrian, Harley, Hari, Harlow, Howl, Hank, Harper, Herbert, Humphrey, Hestia, Helios, Hephaestus, Hollis, Hunter, Hero, Henry, Helda, Hajar, Hasta, Hadis, Howard, Howie, Hannan, Haoyu, Hisako, Hachi, Hiroto, Hoshiko, Honoka, Hiroshi, Hiro, Haitao, Hamako, Haruhi, Harue, Hayate, Hide, Hideyo, Hidetaka, Hisaye, Hisayo, Heiji, Higari
Ivy, Ivey, Ivo, Ida, Iris, Ilyssa, Illy, Irene, Iren, Isaiah, Ira, Idelle, Ivan, Illaoi, Isabel, Isabell, Isabelle, Isobell, Isabella, Ismelda, Io, Ismael, Isolt, Icarus, izuru, Isamu, Itona, Ichiro, Ichiko, Ichigo, Isoko, Ishiko, Isaye, Inari, Ikuko, Itsuki, Itsuko, Inosuke
Juniper, Jupiter, Jinx, Jamie, Javier, Josiah, Joan, Jake, Julia, Jamil, Jamila, Jesse, Jessie, Jess, Jasper, Janus, Jordan, Joshua, Julian, Juilliard, Julius, Juliana, Jeremiah, Jace, June, Junebug, Jazzy, Jackson, Jackie, Jackalynn, Jodie, Johnnie, Jan, Jaime, Jason, Jorge, Justin, Justice, John, Jay, Janelle, James, Jennifer, Jillion, Jill, Jana, Jonah, Jaycee, Jaxen, Junpei, Jona, Jun, Jin
Kenneth, Kat, Kas, Kris, Keith, Kingston, Kaeton, Kingsley, Kent, Katherine, Kyle, Knox, Kristen, Kristin, Kristeen, Kylie, Kaylee, Kamila, Kehlani, Kendall, Kerry, Kry, Kenny, Kath, Kathleen, Krow, Kix, Kedrick, Kennon, Klaus, Killian, Korallia, Krank, Kaz, Kaede, Kirara, Katsuhiko, Keisuke, Kanako, Kenji, Kaemon, Kamin, Katsu, Kaki, Kazane, Kazuyuki, Kazushige, Kenta, Kei, Kimi, Kin, Kohako, Koichi, Kota, Koji, Koharu, Kosuke, Kuma, Kumi, Kuniko, Kuniyuki, Kideko, Kazuko
Lullaby, Lotte, Lapin, Lorelei, Loralai, Lorelai, Luna, Lily, Lucy, Lee, Liana, Lola, Lethe, Lance, Laurence, Luther, Luca, Lennon, Logan, Lennox, Ilias, Liu, Lui, Luis, Lefu, Liam, Lyall, Lowell, Luella, Leona, Leonie, Leon, Lev, Lincoln, Lin, Link, Laverna, Lazarus, Lewis, Louis, Louise, Levi, Leslie, Lesley, Leilana
Marley, Marlai, Mei, May, Mae, Marceline, Marshall, Marshalee, Millie, Mallorie, Marcela, Melanie, Maddison, Mary, Mirabel, Marsh, Murphy, Montgomery, Mildred, Memphis, Molly, Maverick, Maurice, Muiris, Morgen, Max, Moses, Marion, Merrill, Monroe, Melanthios, Maxwell, Matias, Melissa, Maëlle, Marlene, Meredith, Maybelle, Margaret, Maeve, Moss, Mara, Maria, Myrtle, Mona, Mark, Markus, Michael, Micheal, Michelle, Mahsa, Minoo, Mehdi, Mohammad, Matin, Morpheus, Marlowe, Monica, Marilia, Magnus, Malachi, Malachy, Maggie, Makoto, Megumi, Mio, Maemo, Maemi, Masa, Masaaki, Masashi, Michi, Midori, Michinori, Momo, Motoko
Natasha, Noelle, Noni, Neville, Nixon, Neda, Natalio, Ned, Nausicaä, Noxis, Nova, Nathen, Newt, Noah, Nash, Nox, Nathara, Nathaira, Nathair, Nyoka, Nagisa, Nathan, Nate, Nik, Nick, Naohiro, Naoko, Nara, Natsu, Naoya, Nishi, Nobuko, Nori
Olindo, Ollie, Oliver, Ophelia, Odysseus, Orion, Osono, Oxen, Onyx, Otto, Ottoline, Otitile, Ottavia, Octavio, Olivia-Marie, Oakley, Omar, Olivia, Oscar, Octavian, Octavia, Oz, Octavius, Otta, Oisin, Orson, Orlos, Osiris, Owen, Odalis, Odell, Ozuru
Penelope, Patton, Paddy, Percy, Paulie, Page, Pazu, Phoebe, Phebe, Prairie, Porter, Parlay, Pally, Piper, Parker, Payton, Phil, Paul, Philip, Pyre, Piers, Phylis, Patricia, Payne, Payneton, Pip
Quinn, Quincy, Quil, Quinley, Quinstin, Quinlan, Quillen, Quavon, Quaylon, Quensley, Qing, Qrow, Quilla, Quianna, Quita, Qiao, Quinella, Queenie, Qaylah, Qailah, Qitarah, Quenby, Qadira, Qudsiyah, Quan, Qian, Quinby, Quella
Roseline, Raul, Rahul, Rafael, Roque, Rogelio, Remmy, Rei, Rey, Ray, Robin, Ro, Reika, Rowen, Rowan, Rose, Rosie, Ralsei, Riley, Remus, Rosalyn, Rosalin, Rosaline, Renata, Ron, Rat, Ratt, Reef, Roxy, River, Reed, Rufus, Robbie, Renee, Rivia, Ross, Rex, Ruth, Rosemary, Rosabe, Rosabee, Rosabell, Rosabelle, Rosabel, Rai, Rain, Rosella, Rosalie, Rhody, Robert, Raelinn, Rebane, Ren, Rollin, Ralph, Roxanne, Rox, Roderick, Reginald, Reggie, Rio, Ryu, Ryo, Ryoji, Rinmaru
Sage, Sam, Syd, Selkie, Storig, Sal, Sirius, Summer, Susie, Scott, Sunni, Sosuke, Sophie, Satsuki, Sheeta, San, Sulley, Sully, Savannah, Sappho, Selene, Shaw, Sean, Seán, Shaun, Sawyer, Sabrina, Sebastian, Shane, Stan, Socks, Snom, Stolas, Spencer, Sammie, Stevie, Samus, Sarff, Sullivan, Seth, Susiebell, Susiebelle, Sadreddin, Shellaine, Sverre, Saoirse, Sylvania, Sanae, Silas, Sumi, Shiori, Shinzu, Sile
Toby, Tobias, Teddy, Ted, Tomas, Thomas, Tomothy, Tyche, Taiga, Tundra, Tracy, Timothy, Troy, Tatum, Tommie, Tommy, Theia, Tae, Trix, Trixy, Thanathos, Tod, Todd, Toddy, Tora, Torie, Theodore, Theo, Theophania, Talos, Thanatos, Teddy, Tomohito, Tazu, Tanjirou, Touya
Ulysses, Urijah, Uriyah, Urina, Ukiah, Ulnar, Ursula, Ulric
Virgil, Vanessa, Vito, Venacio, Vylad, Veronica, Valentina, Violet, Velma, Venus, Verna, Veld, Victoria, Victorie, Vinyl, Vincent, Vasuki, Vex, Valor, Valentine, Valerie, Valeria, Valerius, Vitoria, Vic, Victor, Vik, Vikktor, Viktor, Vick, Vicky, Vicke, Vickie, Vidya
Wynn, Willow, Warren, Wilbur, Wylie, Will, Walle, Whisp, Wade, Wendell, Wendy, Willard, Wes, Wallace, Wilber, Wyatt, Wybie, Wynnie, Wennie, Winnie, Wynnston, Wynston, Wynsten, Wiles
Xenophon, Xuan, Xio, Xori, Xanthos, Xander, Xavier
Yen, Yukio, Yae, Yoko, Yume, Yaeko, Yui, Yuzuki
Zane, Zana, Zion, Zachary, Zach, Zachariah, Zander, Ziana, Zoe, Zula, Zenix, Zenith, Zaharia, Zaria, Zack, Zakaeia, Zara, Zakaria, Zev, Zaira, Zanata
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einsteinsugly · 3 months
Name nerd game time!
My favorite names (I've italicized the top five of each gender):
Girls: Abigail, Alexandra, Amelia, Anna, Charlotte, Clara, Eliza, Elizabeth, Emily, Emma, Freya, Hannah, Isla, Julia, Juliana, Katherine, Lauren, Leah, Lucy, Lydia, Nora, Rebecca, Sarah, Sophie, Zoe
Boys: Adam, Alexander, Arthur, Benjamin, Caleb, Colin, Connor, Daniel, David, Dominic, Elliot, Gabriel, Gavin, Henry, Isaiah, James, Luke, Matthew, Noah, Owen, Samuel, Thomas, William
What are your top five names, for each gender? Tagging @tht70sblog, @tophsazulas, @zenmasterlover, @spacecowboyhyde, @winnie-the-monster, @kissandships, @scaponigifs, and whoever else wants to join. :)
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feelinghaunted · 2 years
names masterlist.
here’s a masterlist of popular names from each state in the united states. names will be separated by state and by gender, and there will be 5 of the most popular names from each state. i put all of the names on one line to avoid having this end up being too long, and i also included district of columbia. thus, there’s a total of 510 names. if you found this at all helpful, please reblog / like.
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male.  /  william.  john.  james.  noah.  elijah.  female.  /   olivia.  ava.  amelia.  charlotte.  emma.
male.  /   oliver.  liam.  wyatt.  lucas.  theodore. female.  /   hazel.  aurora.  eleanor.  evelyn.  isla.
male.  /   mateo.  sebastian.  benjamin.  julian.  santiago. female.  /   sophia.  camila.  isabella.  mia.  luna.
male.  /   asher.  hudson.  grayson.  luke.  waylon. female.  /   paisley.  harper.  ella.  elizabeth.  willow.
male.  /   alexander.  daniel.  ethan.  ezekiel.  aiden. female.  /   gianna.  emily.  mila.  aria.  natalia.
male.  /   henry.  jack.  owen.  jackson.  ezra. female.  /   avery.  abigail.  scarlett.  nora.  lily.
male.  /   joseph.  luca.  jacob.  logan.  mason. female.  /   madison.  grace.  penelope.  riley.  hailey.
male.  /   michael.  levi.  david.  cameron.  caleb. female.  /   layla.  leilani.  nova.  hannah.  kinsley.
male.  /   charles.  leo.  samuel.  dylan.  miles. female.  /   maya.  zoe.  naomi.  chloe.  margaret.
male.  /   matthew.  gabriel.  jayden.  anthony.  josiah. female.  /  victoria.  valentina.  leah.  ellie.  gabriella.
male.  /   carter.  christopher.  thomas.  legend.  joshua.
female.  /  serenity.  skylar.  caroline.  autumn.  willow.
male.  /   kai.  isaac.  maverick.  isaiah.  elias. female.  /   kaia.  kiana.  elena.  ayla.  leia.
male.  /   lincoln.  declan.  everett.  calvin.  brooks. female.  /   violet.  oakley.  ruby.  alice.  claire.
male.  /   nolan.  leonardo.  nathan.  ryan.  adam. female.  /   eliana.  lilian.  lucy.  addison.  delilah.
male.  /   easton.  cooper.  colton.  weston.  emmett. female.  /   everleigh.  ivy.  josephine.  lydia.  stella.
male.  /   ryker.  bennett.  beau.  beckett.  harrison. female.  /   cora.  quinn.  clara.  hadley.  vivian.
male.  /   silas.  jameson.  andrew.  rhett.  eli. female.  /   emery.  kennedy.  piper.  eloise.  sloane.
male.  /   carson.  sawyer.  kingston.  braxton.  hunter. female.  /   raelynn.  audrey.  emersyn.  sadie.  josie.
male.  /   christian.  wesley.  jace.  amir.  brennan. female.  /   aubree.  demi.  londyn.  remi.  mary.
male.  /   parker.  bentley.  river.  connor.  robert. female.  /   maeve.  magnolia.  freya.  adeline.  madelyn.
male.  /   axel.  aaron.  chase.  kayden.  austin. female.  /   genesis.  bella.  brielle.  mackenzie.  ariana.
male.  /   maxwell.  landon.  cole.  rowan.  george. female.  /   sophie.  anna.  julia.  cecilia.  eva.
male.  /   roman.  ali.  blake.  milo.  august. female.  /   brooklyn.  peyton.  savannah.  nevaeh.  melody.
male.  /   arlo.  graham.  louis.  archer.  otto. female.  /   amira.  elsie.  lennon.  wren.  june.
male.  /   bryson.  walker.  kyrie.  dawson.  kash. female.  /   harmony.  journee.  summer.  oaklynn.  kylie.
male.  /   jeremiah.  dean.  tucker.  jasper.  xavier. female.  /   reagan.  ember.  brynlee.  iris.  amara.
male.  /   bodhi.  colt.  stetson.  knox.  arthur. female.  /   finley.  aspen.  eliza.  harlow.  jane.
male.  /   barrett.  lane.  ian.  camden.  hayes. female.  /   maria.  eden.  reese.  sutton.  jade.
male.  /   gael.  emiliano.  ivan.  lorenzo.  ace. female.  /   athena.  ximena.  selena.  alaia.  allison.
male.  /   evan.  finnegan.  brayden.  gavin.  max. female.  /   fiona.  rose.  genevieve.  vera.  rosalie.
male.  /   nicholas.  dominic.  vincent.  zachary.  thiago. female.  /   esther.  sara.  miriam.  rachel.  rivka.
male.  /   jose.  giovanni.  damian.  angel.  diego. female.  /   ariella.  xiomara.  kaylani.  catalina.  andrea.
male.  /   moshe.  abraham.  jonathan.  chaim.  jordan. female.  /   chaya.  alaia.  chana.  sienna.  juliette.
male.  /   micah.  brantley.  tristan.  tyler.  nathaniel. female.  /   kaylee.  alexa.  taylor.  katherine.  bailey.
male.  /   bridger.  daxton.  briggs.  cohen.  paul. female.  /   sylvie.  presley.  alivia.  brynlee.  ada.
male.  /   kevin.  timothy.  brody.  brandon.  grant. female.  /   morgan.  paige.  jenna.  annabelle.  lyla.
male.  /   malachi.  ryder.  zayden.  maddox.  abel. female.  /   faith.  samantha.  jasmine.  trinity.  alexis.
male.  /   elliot.  jude.  leon.  atlas.  travis. female.  /   juniper.  sydney.  melanie.  charlie.  daisy.
male.  /   sean.  brady.  jason.  colin.  hayden. female.  /   callie.  molly.  teagan.  brianna.  lauren.
male.  /   zion.  nico.  enzo.  amari.  theo. female.  /   vivienne.  anastasia.  melody.  valerie.  sage.
male.  /   kyrie.  king.  ashton.  jayceon.  jaden. female.  /   kendall.  paris.  mariah.  makayla.  saylor.
male.  /   beckham.  finn.  nash.  holden.  knox. female.  /   thea.  hattie.  octavia.  haisley.  mckenna.
male.  /   justin.  seth.  steven.  kenneth.  mark. female.  /   arabella.  alexandria.  amber.  laura.  amanda.
male.  /   andres.  matias.  adriel.  victor.  alan. female.  /   arabella.  lucia.  alina.  kimberly.  ariel.
male.  /   nixon.  jett.  peter.  victor.  jonah. female.  /   navy.  adelaide.  millie.  olive.  holland.
male.  /   griffin.  eric.  felix.  forrest.  spencer. female.  /   aurelia.  bristol.  lila.  phoebe.  mae.
male.  /   bryce.  patrick.  brian.  richard.  kyle. female.  /   katelyn.  cheyenne.  jessica.  aniyah.  michelle.
male.  /   dakota.  jeremy.  derek.  garrett.  jeffrey. female.  /   georgia.  stephanie.  nicole.  alyssa.  jocelyn.
male.  /   trenton.  chandler.  drew.  clayton.  scott. female.  /   destiny.  rebecca.  angelina.  caitlyn.  chelsea.
male.  /   jared.  mitchell.  alec.  brett.  douglas. female.  /   meghan.  christina.  marissa.  danielle.  cassandra.
male.  /   odin.  zane.  agustus.  talon.  porter. female.  /   maggie.  gracelynn.  willa.  adelina.  tatum.
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thyspite · 2 months
warm hellos for mother! this is perhaps a very vague request, so one should feel free to do whatever is deemed fit — could i please get a biblical-esque, artsy, mid/late-1800s inspired NPT? as i said, very abstract. feel completely free to take absolute creative liberty. ttransIDs optional. :)
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⠀ ◟ ͜⠀⠀ ۪⠀⠀test subject no. 004 . . .
one hopes these shall suffice , as vile was uncertain of what precisely to provide . shx is grappling with a touch of creative block , so one apologizes for any shortcomings that may be present ~
tw / cw 𓏴 ˙◟ biblical references & abuse-related id’s
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𝒞   𓈒  names . .   ❜
ezekiel ◞ selene ◞ thaddeus ◞ ophelia ◞ ezra ◞ isolde ◞ lydia ◞ evelina ◞ miriam ◞ clara ◞ levi ◞ isaiah ◞ jude ◞ dinah ◞ tabitha ◞ hester ◞ martha
𝒞   𓈒  pronouns . .   ❜
he╱thy ◞ shy╱hyr ◞ he╱hymn ◞ thon╱thons ◞ ze╱zer ◞ xi╱xim ◞ ae╱aer ◞ hu╱hum ◞ ye╱yer ◞ it╱its ◞ 🎨╱🎨s
𝒞   𓈒  titles . .   ❜
the scribe ◞ the seer ◞ (prn) who prophesies ◞ the visionary ◞ (prn) who weaves dreams ◞ the muse ◞ poet laureate ◞ (prn) who critiques ◞ the virtuoso
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𝒞   𓈒  transids . .   ❜
permacomforted ◞ transabused ◞ transthoughtless ◞ transfeatheredwinged ◞ AanAB ◞ transambidextrous ◞ transartist
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nightsidewrestling · 9 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Nathan Winter
Geia's Eldest Step-Son Nathan Winter (2020)
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The son of Byron and step-son of Pelageya, Nathan. A wealthy businessman and entrepreneur who moved from Washington to California for the most obvious reason, the Silicon Valley life.
"Innovate and invent before someone else does it for you."
Full Legal Name: Nathan Thane Winter
First Name: Nathan
Meaning: From the Hebrew name 'Natan' meaning 'He gave'.
Pronunciation: NAY-than
Origin: English, French, Hebrew, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
Middle Name: Thane
Meaning: From the Scottish and English noble title, which was originally from Old English 'Thegn'.
Pronunciation: THAYN
Origin: English
Surname: Winter
Meaning: From Old Engish 'Winter' or Old High German 'Wintar' meaning 'Winter'
Pronunciation: WIN-tar
Origin: English, German, Swedish
Alias: None
Reason: N/A
Nicknames: Nat, Nate
Titles: Mr
Age: 33
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: August 8th 1987
Symbols: None
Sexuality: Sraight
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English, Spanish, Russian
Relationship Status: Married
Astrological Sign: Leo
Theme Song (Ringtone on Geia's Phone): 'Cigarette Daydreams' - Cage The Elephant
Voice Actor: Tim Allen
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Spokane, Washington, USA
Current Location: Sunnyvale, Santa Clara County, California, USA
Hometown: Sunnyvale, Santa Clara County, California, USA
Height: 6'0" / 182 cm
Weight: 180 lbs / 81 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: Hairy
Facial Hair: Clean-Shaven
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) None
Piercings: None
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Smoker, Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Friends: Urbano Marino
Colleagues: N/A
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Genesis Winter
Mentor: Byron Winter
Significant Other: Genesis Winter
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Byron Winter (53, Father), Caprice Winter (R.I.P, Mother, Née Thorne), Pelageya Winter (33, Step-Mother, Née Volkov)
Parents-In-Law: Silas Rivers (54, Father-In-Law), Venus Rivers (55, Mother-In-Law, Née Adair)
Siblings: Zinnia Turner (30, Sister, Née Winter), Laurence Winter (27, Brother), Xanthia Winter (24, Sister), Joseph Winter (21, Brother), Venetia Winter (18, Sister), Isaiah Winter (15, Brother), Uliana Winter (12, Half-Sister), Emil Winter (9, Half-Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: Patrick Turner (31, Zinnia's Husband), Sebastian Rivers (30, Genesis' Brother), Sarah Rivers (31, Sebastian's Wife, Née Adams), Unity RIvers (27, Genesis' Sister), Saul Rivers (24, Genesis' Brother), Rochelle Rivers (21, Genesis' Sister)
Nieces & Nephews: Bethany Turner (10, Niece)
Children: Quincy Winter (13, Son), Hadley Winter (10, Daughter)
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: N/A
Trainer: N/A
Managers: N/A
Wrestlers Managed: N/A
Debut: N/A
Debut Match: N/A
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: N/A
Stables: N/A
Teams: N/A
Regular Moves: N/A
Finishers: N/A
Refers To Fans As: N/A
Trivia: Noting of Note
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boxscorehockey · 7 months
Goalie Alphabetical Directory
Last Updated March 3 2024
Allen Jake Alnefelt Hugo Andersen Frederik Annunen Justus Askarov Yaroslav Augustine Trey Binnington Jordan Bjarnason Carson Blackwood Mackenzie Blomqvist Joel Bobrovsky Sergei Brennan Tyler Brossoit Laurent Bussi Brandon Campbell Jack Clara Damian Comesso Drew Comrie Eric Copley Pheonix Cossa Sebastian Daccord Joey Daws Nico Demko Thatcher Dostal Lukas Driedger Chris Ersson Samuel Fedotov Ivan Fleury Marc-Andre Forsberg Anton Fowler Jacob Francouz Pavel Gajan Adam Garand Dylan Georgiev Alexandar Gibson John Greaves Jet Grubauer Philip Gustavsson Filip Halak Jaroslav Hart Carter Hellberg Magnus Hellebucyk Connor Hildeby Dennis Hill Adin Hofer Joel Hrabal Michael Husso Ville Ingram Connor Jarry Tristan Johansson Jonas Jones Martin Kahkonen Kaapo Keyser Kyle Knight Spencer Kochetkov Pyotr Kokko Niklas Kolosov Alexei Korpisalo Joonas Kuemper Darcy Lankinen Kevin Larsson Filip Leinonen Topias Lennox Tristan Levi Devon Lindberg Filip Lindbom Olof Lindgren Charlie Luukkonen Ukko-Pekka Lyon Alex Malek Jakub Markstrom Jacob Martin Spencer Merilainen Leevi Merzlikins Elvis Montembault Samuel Mrazek Petr Murashov Sergey Nedeljkovic Alex Oettinger Jake Portillo Erik Poulter Isaac Primeau Cayden Prosvetov Ivan Quick Jonathan Raanta Antti Ratzlaff Scott Reimer James Rittich David Samsonov Ilya Saros Juuse Saville Isaiah Schmid Akira Shesterkin Igor Silovs Arturs Skinner Stuart Soderblom Arvid Sogaard Mads Sorokin Ilya Stauber Jaxon Stevenson Clay Svedeback Philip Swayman Jeremy Talbot Cam Tarasov Daniil Tendeck David Thompson Logan Tolopilo Nikita Ullmark Linus Vanecek Vitek Varlamov Semyon Vasilevskiy Andrei Vejmelka Karel Vladar Daniel Wallstedt Jesper Wedgewood Scott Wolf Dustin Woll Joseph Zavragin Yegor
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xoxoproject21 · 1 year
Best dancer predictions (Las Vegas)
Here are my predictions. Please keep in mind that i don't know all of the dancers which are competing and just because I am not including a dancer doesn't mean I don't think they are good. I made these just for fun.
Mini female best dancer:
Winner: Lilly Anderson (larkin)
1st runner up: Elsie Sandall (club)
2nd runner up: Harper Anderson (Larkin)
3rd runner up: Lucia Piedrahita (Danceplex)
Top 10:
Bella Charnstrom (Larkin)
Malia Scott (Larkin)
Emery Duffin (DC2)
Madisyn Amos (Club)
Kendyl Miller (Club)
Brooklyn Ward (CSPAS)
Mya Lanigan (Evolve)
Alivia Hughes (DC2)
Melina Biltz (The rock)
Mika Takase (Nor cal)
Top 20:
Ruby Taylor (CSPAS)
Stella Brinkerhoff (CSPAS)
Bella Linman (Club)
Tatum Self (Club)
Navy Forrest (Club)
Harper Schwalb (Club)
Tillie Kuhl (Larkin)
Kendall Brown (South Tulsa)
Mini male best dancer:
Winner: Tristan Jones (Gotta Dance)
Junior female best dancer:
Winner: Savannah Manzel (Larkin)
1st runner up: Kiera Sun (Westside)
2nd runner up: Kelsie Jacobson (Larkin)
3rd runner up: Kinsley Oykhman (The space)
Top 10:
Tahari Conrad (Larkin)
Roxie Onellion (The base)
Keelyn Jones (Danceology)
Ava Ding (Yoko's)
Isabella Tjoe (Yoko's)
Fiona Wu (Yoko's)
Sasha Milstein (The rock)
Tiara Sherman (The rock)
Tessa Ohran (CSPAS)
Top 20:
Daphnie Braun (Larkin)
Ingrid Wirtz (Larkin)
Aria Du (Yoko's)
Annabella Atkinson (The rock)
Karyna Majeroni (The rock)
Alexis Alvarez (Club)
Kate Jarboe (Expressenz)
Kylie Lawrence (CSPAS)
Madison Machado (DC2)
Avery Maycunich (The Difference Dance Company )
Junior male best dancer:
Winner: Aiden Ecenbarger (Next step)
Teen female best dancer
Winner: Izzy Howard (Westside)
1st runner up: Crystal Huang (The rock)
2nd runner up: Keira Redpath (Larkin)
3rd runner up: Isabella Lynch (Danceology)
Top 10:
Madison Ronquillo (Nor cal)
Maliah Howard (Michelle L)
Ellie Duffin (DC2)
Claire Monge (Larkin)
Makaia Roux (Danceology)
Victoria Johnson (The rock)
Carissa Hsu (N10)
Stella Condie (CSPAS)
Kamri Peterson (CSPAS)
Kira Chan (Elements)
Top 20:
Lilly Allen (Kim Massay)
Kylie Kaminsky (Danceology)
Brooke Toro (Danceology)
Alexis Mayer (The rock)
Amaya Weeks (Club)
Kortlynn Rosenbaugh (Club)
Addyson Smith (Elite)
Vivienne Mitchell (CSPAS)
Mya Tuaileva (CSPAS)
Teen male best dancer:
Winner: Hudson Pletcher (Prodigy)
1st runner up: Patricio López (Flashdance)
2nd runner up: Cooper Macalalad (The base)
Senior female best dancer:
Winner: Ava Wagner (Larkin)
1st runner up: : Emma Donnelly (Danceology)
2nd runner up: Avery Lau (South Tulsa)
3rd runner up: Addison Leitch (Dmitri's)
Top 10:
Isabella Jarvis (Larkin)
Carley Thinfen (Nor cal)
Kaitlyn Tom (Nor cal)
Kennedy Barry (Danceology)
Hailey Meyers (Danceology)
Clara Gough (South Tulsa)
Adare Haas (Expressenz)
Brooklin Cooley (Club)
Zoe Ridge (CSPAS)
Mia Ibach (The rock)
Top 20:
Brielle McCoy (Kim Massay)
Mini Preston (Larkin)
Mercedes Lorentz (Larkin)
Emma Hellenkamp (Danceology)
Rylee Arnold (CSPAS)
Bryten Belka (CSPAS)
Courtney Chiu (Studio Fusion)
Michelle Cheng (Studio Fusion)
Senior male best dancer:
Winner: Garris Munoz (South Tulsa)
1st runner up: Isaiah Villegas (DC2)
2nd runner up: Drew Rosen (Danceology)
3rd runner up: Skai Llorente (Encore Performing Arts Center)
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sketchyallstar · 1 year
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I’m tired of fiddling with this so I’m calling it done! My superhero OCs, the Mystechs, but in Disneybound cosplay on a trip to Disneyland! Or Disney World, I don’t really know which park the background pic is from, I just picked it because it had a fence and I needed a fence for Clara’s pose to work.
- To help her blend in with her metal arms, Kenna decides to pull on an Iron Man jacket, a Stark Industries t-shirt and those signature sunglasses of his and calls it a Tony Stark look
- As a nerd, Isaiah wants to dress up as one of the more obscure Disney characters, so he chooses Dreamfinder from Epcot. Blue flannel over shirt, plum tank top, dark jeans/shorts, black sneakers, black baseball cap with sunglasses resting on the brim.
- Clara really resisted the urge to dress up like Elsa, what with her white hair, but then she googled “disney characters with white hair” and immediately fixated on Ursula. Her ghostly aura already makes her hair float as if suspended in water, so all she needed was a pastel purple top, some black overalls, and some dark purple shoes and the look was complete. Well, almost. When she got to the Magic Kingdom she picked up a shell necklace to complete the whole ensemble.
- Leo isn’t super psyched about having to dress up a certain way, but then he gets inspired by one of his old favorites, Treasure Planet, and cobbles together a Jim Hawkins look, with a leather jacket, tan henley shirt, loose-fitting brown pants secured with a light brown belt, and black combat boots. In the end it looks more like cosplay than it does DisneyBound, so the gang is a little worried he might get thrown out for his outfit being too accurate, as Disney doesn’t like adult guests in full costume.
- Vera doesn’t know much of anything about Disney, so Isaiah puts together a costume for her that’ll match his; Figment from Epcot! With her purple-tinted skin, it doesn’t take much to sell the look. Pink long-sleeved shirt with shoulder cutouts, purple overalls, purple high tops, orange bow headband, yellow-tinted sunglasses. This is the closest she’s ever come to looking adorable, and the rest of the team savors this occasion.
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fundieshaderoom · 10 months
Fundie Families and Adjacents I Follow: Trewhella
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Matthew John Trewhella- August 12, 1960
Clara- June 16, 1963
The couple married on August 29, 1981 at ages 21 and 18. They now share 11 children, 8 children-in-law, 34 grandchildren, 1 grandson-in-law, and 1 great-grandchild.
Sara- May 21
Jeremiah Stonewall- January 7, 1993
Crispian- July 27, 1996
Darby "Darbs- January 16, 1997
Isabel- July 15, 1998
Traolach "Trey"- 2000
Matthew Red Cloud- June 7, 2001
Rochelle- June 23, 2003
Priscilla- November 2005
Margaret "Maggie"- July 2, 2007
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Sara married Jason Storms (June 29, 1978) in September 28, 2002. They share 11 children.
Julia Ann- June 27, 2003
Aliana Mahalia- October 7
Jonathan Samuel- April 4, 2006
Elliot- May 10, 2008
Jhael Elizabeth Rose- May 2010
Clara- October 2012
Evelina- December 29
Boy- May/June 2017
Charlotte- 2020ish
Hazel-Lynn Grace- December 2021
Lilian Noelle- December 2023
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Jonathan courted Andreanna Balken from April-December 2023.
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Joshua married Stephanie Laux on July 14, 2007. They share 4 children.
Sophia- June 8, 2006
Ryan- October 2008
Girl- April 2014
Cole Enoch- February 2016
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Sophia married Maxwell Trego on September 10, 2023. They married when Sophia was 17. They share 1 child.
Baby Girl- June 19, 2024
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Jeremiah is married to Angellea Grace Horien on April 13, 2013. They share 3 children.
Stefan- February 2014
Iyra Joan- August 21, 2016
Baby- June 19, 2024
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Crispian married Marlissa "Marly" Muckerheide (October 6, 1996) on October 15, 2017. They share 3 children.
Titus Swampfox- July 2018
Cyrus- October 2020
Silas Emmanuel- Miscarriage- 2019
3. Sierra
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Darbs is married to Isaiah Mitchell Muckerheide (June 12, 1990). They share 4 children.
Sylvia- August 2, 2018
Savannah- August 2, 2018
Wyatt Matthew- May 21, 2021
Eliza- May 2023
Baby Girl- August 2024
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Isabel married Jacob Patrick "Jake" on December 3, 2016. They share 5 children.
Jacob Aziel- February 27, 2018
Leia Raine- May 14, 2019
Haven- miscarriage- 2020
3. Noah Uel- January 30, 2021
4. Ila Light- November 30, 2022
5. Nadia Star- May 29, 2024
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Matthew married Talia Thorson in August 5, 2022. They share 1 child.
Adira- August 2023
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Rochelle married Nick Proell (November 29, 2002) on October 2, 2022. They share 2 children.
Haven- June 2023
Hosanna- June 15, 2024
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hb-writes · 1 year
Isiah Jesus & Clara Shelby
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✵ Things They Left Behind - Parts 1-3: 1918. John, Arthur, and Tommy have just returned from France to rediscover the things they’ve left behind: Ada, a set of twins, the business, and a few treasures their youngest sister has been keeping safe for them. *COMPLETED*
✵ Little Lady Blinder Series: 1919. Clara Shelby is a kind girl, a smart girl, a well-behaved little sister in a town full of gangsters and ruffians. With the girl’s raising thus far being such a simple task, the Shelby family is left unprepared for all that accompanies a perfectly respectable little girl growing up and becoming a lady among Peaky Blinders.
✵ Seeing Stars: 1921. When Finn, Isiah, and Clara get themselves in to trouble with Polly, they’re left in the church to wait on their comeuppance.
✵ The Gentle Touch: 1922. Clara Shelby has an affinity for injuries and an aversion to medical care, a deadly combination if her best friend was anyone other than Isiah Jesus. 
✵ Something: 1922. Tommy has sensed a change in the way his youngest sister relates to the boys of Small Heath.
✵ The Council: 1923. The boy’s reaction to fifteen-year-old Clara Shelby being friends with the Watery Lane boys. 
✵ Close-knit: 1923. It’s Christmas 1923, otherwise known as the year of Clara’s Christmas sweaters.
✵ My Person: 1925. Clara and Isiah haven’t talked in weeks but after a drunken night filled with a break up and scrapping in Small Heath, Isiah insists on going out to Arrow House to see her. 
✵ Friendly Indulgence: 1925. Clara gets herself into a bit of trouble walking through town on her own. She’s already handled it, but when her best friend finds her outside the Garrison, he decides it’s not nearly settled. 
✵ Thirteen Minutes: 1925. When Clara finds herself scared and alone at two in the morning, she calls her best friend to come bring her home.
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sisilafami · 2 years
Chicken P - BussaBrick Vol.2 : BussOne 101 / BussaBrick Vol.1 Deep In The Pot
Bandgang Lonnie Bands - Creatures In Paris / Scorpion Eyes / Hard 2 Kill Reloaded
Billy Woods - Aethiopes / Church
Rx Papi - Dope Deals And Record Sales Vol. 2 / First Week Out (Deluxe)
SME TaxFree - This One For My Brothers / Unexpected / Im Off The West / Cant Write This Shit vol. 2
Bear1boss - BEAR1BOSS
Cash Cobain & Chow Lee - 2 SLIZZY 2 SEXY (DELUXE)
DevStacks - Now They Know Us 3
MarijuanaXO - Da Under Dog / Growth & Development / Windshield Tinted
Quelle Chris - Deathfame
Big Ouee - Dreams Money Can Buy I & II
Tony Shhnow - Plug Motivation / Kill Streak 2 (deluxe) / Reflexions
Hook - From, Hook
CEO Trayle - Loosies Compilation / HH5 / The Collection / Vier
Joe Pablo - Blow the World
Wizz Havin - Mr. Too Sticky
YoungBoy Never Broke Again - 3800 Degrees
RRB Duck - Still Standing / Top Side
DaeMoney - Slayer's Coming
Papo2oo4 - Ballerific
Shaudy Kash - On The Yeah Side / Young CBFW (Deluxe)
Certified Trapper - I'm Certified
42 Dugg x EST Gee - Last Ones Left
NoCap - The Main Bird
MarijuanaXO & Joe Pablo - Window Service / Window Service 2
$ilkMoney - I Don't Give a Fuck About This Rap Shit, Imma Just Drop Until I Don't Feel Like It Anymore
Mike - Beware of the Monkey
Sexyy Red - Ghetto Superstar
454 - FAST TRAX 3
Top$ide - Lost Files
MHPG Sound - Sound or Drown
Goldenboy Countup - Coach Golden 2 / Golden Ticket / The Rawest / Chicken Man 3 / Chill Golden
Baby Smoove - Im Still Serious 2
Babytron - Megatron
Boldy James - Fair Exchange No Robbery / Be That as It May / Mr. Ten08
E L U C I D - I Told Bessie
Karma2zz - New St Louis / Rookie Of The Year
Fly Anakin - Frank
Ayoolii - Personal Compilation 2022
Tisakorean - 1st Round Pick
Los and Nutty - 25 Features, Vol. 2
WB Nutty - City of Addiction
1100 Himself & Mitchell - 2 Headed Goat
AKAI SOLO - Spirit Roaming
Ame - At The Fore /  No Mans Land
Babyface Ray - FACE (Deluxe Edition)
Bandmanrill - The Singles
Damedot - The Umbrella Again
Dopeboy Ra - Book of PSlums Chapter 36 (Deluxe)
Duwap Kaine - Underdog 3 / Family Guy / Kaine's Diary / A Doggs Influence / Faith Like Esther
Four50 - Glasshouse
Ghetto Baby Boom - Ghetto Mode
Izaya Tiji - WASP / Nevameant2b 
Jelly - Wolf of Peachtree 2
Ka - Woeful Studies / Languish Arts
Kodak Black - Kutthroat Bill Vol. 1
Lil Baby - It's Only Me
Lil Uzi Vert - RED & WHITE
Mavi - Laughing so Hard, it Hurts
Moh Baretta - DOGMA II
Money Waters - The Porch II
Open Mike Eagle - Component System with the Auto Reverse
Princesa 28 - Princesa WorldWide V2
Reed - Reed
Roc Marciano - The Elephant Man's Bones
Rodneyy - #OGTG
RXK Nephew - BEEN BALLIN IN OUTER SPACE / My Wrist Need Rehabilitation / Universal Slither
Sickboyrari - City Of Crows
Shawny Binladen - Wick City (Deluxe)
Tae Rackzz & Javi Turnt - Our Year
WiFiGawd - Charge It To The Game
Wiki & Subjxct5 - Cold Cuts
WTM Milt - Dog$hit & Ammunition / RAFA
Young Bleed - Dare' Iza' God
Young Nudy - EA Monster
Yeat - 2 Alivë (Geëk Pack)
Cruel Santino - Subaru Boys - FINAL HEAVEN
Jacquees - Sincerely For You
Brent Faiyaz - WASTELAND
Jazmine Sullivan - Heaux Tales, Mo’ Tales The Deluxe
Contemporary :
Olli Aarni - Suontee- 23112021
Clara de Asís & Ryoko Akama - sisbiosis
Malin Bång - Works for Orchestra
Natasha Barrett -  Heterotopia
Björk - Fossora
Joshua Bonnetta - Innse Gall
Brannten Schnüre - Das Glück vermeiden 
Björg Brjánsdóttir - VÍDDIR
Isaiah Ceccarelli - Toute clarté m’est obscure
Delphine Dora - a l'abri du monde
Jacob Dwyer - The Devil Museum
Jürg Frey - Borderland Melodies
goo age - Open Zone
Howard Stelzer - The Flemish Giants (Suburban Observances Vol. 5)
Atte Elias Kantonen - POP 6 SUSURRUS
Nile Koetting - Remain Calm
Lance Austin Olsen - Fukushima Rising
Michael Pisaro & Keith Rowe - Venerable Bede
Francis Plagne - The Refrain
RLW - Tunnel
Manja Ristic - Him, fast sleeping, soon he found In labyrinth of many a round, self-rolled
Vanessa Rossetto - The Actress
Wojciech Rusin - Syphon
Sombra ac​ú​stica - Sombra acústica
Stateside - Mouthfeelings Sessions
Stefano Scodanibbio - String Quartets
Havadine Stone - Old Young
Valerio Tricoli - Say Goodbye To The Wind
Simon Whetham - Invitation to Migrate to a New Planet
Digital Beats:
qua - Hasbulla ep
DJ Travella - Mr Mixondo
islurwhenitalk  - ☥skkkult r𖤐dio☥
Model Home - Model Home 20
Jana Rush - Dark Humor
BILLY G - billy.exe
HiTech - HiTech
Vivid The Producer - HEALING
Theo Parrish - Ooh Bass
Andy Loebs - Flexuous Vertex 
Jazz ?:
Andrew Cyrille / Wadada Leo Smith / Qasim Naqvi - Two Centuries
BI BA DOOM - graceful collision
New Old:
Henning Christiansen - OP.163 PENTHESILEA
Luc Ferrari - Solitude Transit
Jigen - Blood's Finality 狂雲求敗
Miles Davis - That's What Happened 1982-1985 The Bootleg Series, Vol. 7
Nature - 98' Nate
Universal Liberation Orchestra - Communion
Iannis Xenakis - Electroacoustic Works
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maceincognito · 2 months
All my main OC’s for my story
Mason “Mace” McMillan(🪓)
Joise Nevermore(🪶)
Damian Crowder(🦈)
Alex Menendez(👾)
Ruby Savanna(🐉)
Aleister Crowder(👻)
Alinnah “Ali” Belle(🦅)
Julio Quinn(🪄)
Isaiah Thorne(⚡️)
Sophia Rose(🩸🦇)
Justin Holland(🕶️)
Aaliyah Jimenéz(🐍)
Seth Logan(🐺)
Maria Abigail(🗡️)
Issac Martin(🎭)
Violet Addison(🌹)
Amaros Bloodthorne(🕷️)
Dionte “Deon” Westbrook(🚬)
Embla Revna(🐅)
Natalie Brooke(🐈‍⬛)
Wyatt Nash(🦂)
William “Zelter” Edwards(☠️)
Xanthus Vanidestine(🪨)
Ramona Amherst(🪦)
Santana Crimson(🎸)
Javíer Thomás(🎼)
Sadie Hutton(🐰)
Chris Thompson(🦊)
Ashley Larissa(🩺)
Leo Claxton(🌘)
Zane Pearce(☣️)
Stella Thatcher(🏹)
Kai Aoki(💮)
Isabella De Los Santos(🌺)
Atticus Verlice(⚜️)
Arebella Elsher(🛡️)
Aiden Crassus(✨)
Austin Hayes(🦾)
Daisuke Isuma(🥷☄️)
Sakura Suzuki(🦠)
Esmeralda Cassidy(❤️‍🔥)
Itsuki Noaki(🔥)
Saleyah “Sally” McMillan(⚰️)
Archie “Snow” Walker(❄️)
Alice Scarlet(🎮)
Michael Burton(🃏)
Clara Carmichael(🔮)
Colt Jameson(📡)
Enríque Nūnez(🦁)
Aiko Sora(🦋)
Ethan James(🔪)
Alexandra Belov(💧)
Clyde McIntyre(🦡)
Noah Author(🪳)
Estrella Peralta(🐆)
Ember Levine(🏜️)
Draco Bateman(🏮)
Bellatrix Bateman(🐀🎀)
Adrenaline Myskia(🦴🌒
Talon Corbin(🐐🦉)
Blossom Emerson(🐝)
Desmond Langston(🦥)
Skylar Zali(👽)
Dryden Ryker(🔯)
Syrena Isola(🦜🏴‍☠️)
Neptune Cutler(🦑🏴‍☠️)
Elizabeth Mallory(🦌🎪)
Alexa Justice(💞)
LeMarcus Jackson(🐾)
Mae Mintz(🖼️)
Jason Lamb(🛹)
Daichi Yoshida(🪲)
Alejandra López(💐)
Conner Riley(🐇🧨)
Akihito Tanaka(⛩)
Faith Marigold(🪽🐕‍🦺)
Daniela “the cougar” García(💥)
Trey “T-Hill” Hill(⛓️)
Axel Maverick(🧟‍♂️)
Mia Jordan(🕯️)
Katio D’Angelo(⚔️)
Valkyrie Ripley(🐱)
Jalen O’Neal(☢️)
Amaya Burna(🪰)
Zaiden “hacker” Mitchell(🔌)
Mordre Keller(🕸)
Devin Lockwood(🔫)
Fuyuko Honoka(🪭)
Roberto Perdomo-Reyes(🎰)
Delilah Cora(🛍)
Henry Ellis(🧪)
Ava Harper(💀🧁)
Jae Brunson(⚓️)
Katie Holly(🧸)
Jrue Brunson(🪝)
Maybelle Banks(💸)
Carlos De La Curz(🏁)
Adele Harmony(🎻)
Tyrese “Ty” Davis(🧊)
Kayla Lauren(💖)
Nayla Nura(🔅)
Hanzo Matsuki(🀄️)
Nia Sky(🎟️)
Cain Bloodthorne(🌕)
Cassie Cash(📷)
Adonis Ortiz(❗️)
Autumn Ashford(🩻)
Rosaline Thornhill(📖)
Spencer Springer(💦)
Raven Ebony(🐦‍⬛)
Gunner Hawk(🌩️)
Iyo Akria(🌨️)
Juan Escobar(🔔)
Cecilia Ricci(🎷🕊️)
Cherry Desma(🤡)
Olivia Audrey(🩰)
Blake Carter (🌊)
Marcus Simmons(🎤)
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juarezesdeporte · 8 months
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Baltimore.- Lamar Jackson lanzó dos pases de anotación y logró otro par de touchdowns mediante sus propios acarreos, para unos Cuervos de Baltimore que se alejaron en el marcador durante la segunda mitad para doblegar ayer 34-10 a los Texanos de Houston y avanzar a la final de la Conferencia Americana
En uno de sus días más productivos por tierra en la campaña, Jackson ayudó a que los Cuervos (14-4) tomaran el control en el tercer cuarto. Los equipos se fueron al descanso empatados a 10.
Un acarreo de 15 yardas de Jackson hasta la zona prometida dio a Baltimore la ventaja en definitiva. Aunque C.J. Stroud se mostró sólido y sereno en la primera mitad por Houston, los Texanos (11-8) no pudieron convertir las ofensivas promisorias en puntos.
“Nos motivaron a poner puntos en el marcador”, dijo Jackson. “Están deteniendo a un equipo contrario, un muy buen equipo, liderado por un gran mariscal de campo. Nuestra defensa, a veces ellos nos atrapan y otras veces nosotros los atrapamos, tomamos nuestro impulso y fueron ellos anoche”.
Baltimore será sede de una final de la Americana por primera vez desde enero de 1971, cuando los  Potros derrotaron a los Raiders de Oakland en su camino al título del Super Bowl.
Los Cuervos han llegado cinco veces a estas instancias desde que la franquicia comenzó a jugar en Baltimore. Chocará con el equipo que gane el duelo de hoy domingo, entre Buffalo y Kansas City.
“Es simplemente, ya sabes, el primer (juego) de playoffs que superamos… finalmente en el campeonato de la AFC”, dijo Jackson. “Así que todavía tenemos más trabajo por hacer”.
Los fanáticos de los Cuervos han estado atormentados por lo que sucedió en los playoffs hace cuatro años, cuando Baltimore tuvo marca de 14-2 en la temporada regular pero perdió su primer partido de postemporada ante Tennessee. Houston hizo lo suficiente para crear algo de ansiedad, especialmente cuando Steven Sims devolvió un despeje para touchdown y Jackson tuvo problemas con la defensiva de los Texanos.
Pero en la primera posesión de la segunda mitad, Jackson guió a Baltimore 55 yardas en seis jugadas y anotó en una carrera por el centro. Luego, un pase de touchdown de 15 yardas a Isaiah Likely al comienzo del cuarto puso el marcador 24-10.
El último touchdown de Jackson se produjo en una carrera de 8 yardas con 6:20 por jugar, y el enardecido mariscal de campo siguió corriendo hacia el túnel en esa esquina del campo.
El regreso de Sims fue el único touchdown de los Texanos, cuya ofensiva nunca llegó a la zona de anotación en 120 minutos contra los Ravens esta temporada. Houston perdió 25-9 en su primer partido de temporada en Baltimore. 
10                   34
Texanos         Cuervos
Equipo           1         2         3         4         T
Houston         3         7         0         0         10
Baltimore       3         7         7         17       34
Primer Cuarto
Bal: Gol de campo de 53 yardas de Tucker, 8:36
Hou: Gol de campo de 50 yardas de Fairbairn, :28
Segundo Cuarto
Bal: Agholor en pase de 3 yardas de L. Jackson (extra de Tucker), 9:14
Hou: Sims en regreso de 67 yardas de una patada de despeje (extra de Fairbairn), 4:17
Tercer Cuarto
Bal: L. Jackson en acarreo de 15 yardas (extra de Tucker), 12:04
Cuarto Cuarto
Bal: Likely en pase de 15 yardas de L. Jackson (extra de Tucker), 14:23
Bal: L. Jackson en acarreo de 8 yardas (extra de Tucker), 6:20
Bal: Gol de campo de 43 yardas de Tucker, 1:56
Líderes individuales
Houston: Singletary 9-22
Baltimore: Jackson 11-100
Houston: Stroud 19-33-0-175
Baltimore: Jackson 16-22-0-152
Houston: N. Collins 5-68
Baltimore: Flowers 4-41
Santa Clara, California.- En la Conferencia Nacional los 49ers de San Francisco derrotaron a los Empacadores de Green Bay con cartones finales de 24-21 , y ahora esperarán a la vencedor del duelo entre Tampa Bay y Detroit
(Associated Press)
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diarioelpepazo · 10 months
Los Thunder asaltan la casa de Golden State (109-128), que no contó ni con Stephen Curry ni con Draymond Green JAVIER MOLERO La situación en San Francisco no está siendo la esperada. Los problemas no hacen más que sumarse, y las soluciones no parecen llegar. Si ya estaban lastrados en el juego, la lesión de Stephen Curry (rodilla, será reevaluado en estos días), y la sanción a Draymond Green por el incidente con Gobert, no hacen más que alargar las malas noticias para Steve Kerr. Derrota en casa ante Oklahoma (109-128), lo que supone la quinta consecutiva (6-7), y el aumento de las dudas con respecto al proyecto. Esta noche, poco más que decir. Sin dos de sus mejores jugadores ante uno de los equipos más en forma del Oeste, unos Thunder que se han colocado 8-4. Como dato, Jonathan Kuminga se convierte en el cuarto (sí, solamente cuarto) jugador de los Warriors que esta temporada alcanza los 20 puntos. Los invitados son inesperados, ya que en la lista están Stephen Curry, Dario Saric y el rookie, ex de la universidad de Santa Clara, Brandin Podziemski. Pésimo nivel de las estrellas El primer cuarto iba a ser un aviso de los Thunder. Los de Daigneault, en estado de gracia, hicieron rápidamente el silencio en el Chase Center con un 39-24 liderado por Shai y Jalen Williams. No existía respuesta local. Tan solo en congoleño y, a ratos, un Wiggins intermitente trataban de que hubiese partido. Holmgren y un inspirado Isaiah Joe desde el banquillo, fulminante desde el triple (23 puntos, 7/7 de tres) castigaban una impotente defensa de Warriors. Sin Dray y Curry, es de esperar que aparezca Klay. Pues, como en toda la temporada, no lo ha hecho. Klay Thompson no está a su nivel en Golden StateLoren ElliottAP En 27 minutos, 5 puntos (1/10 en tiros de campo), para la otra gran estrella de la Bahía. Frustrado, con un carácter diferente, algo que llevamos viendo un par de temporadas, muy lejos de su nivel. Y Golden State lo nota en cada posesión. El intercambio de canastas favorecía a los visitantes, y sería Shai (24 puntos, 7 asistencias) el encargado de cerrar el partido en el último cuarto. En unos Thunder que ilusionan, el base vuelve a colocarse como uno de los mejores jugadores de toda la NBA. Mención especial también al rookie Cason Wallace, un pegamento defensivo, que terminó con 10 puntos. Chris Paul, de lo único salvable (15 puntos, 8 asistencias) para unos Warriors que dependen en demasía de Curry. Sin él, se pierden, se apaga la luz al final del túnel. Su baja y la de Draymond parecen obligar a olvidarse de competir a los californianos. OTROS RESULTADOS Jueves 16 noviembre NBA Heat - Nets Estado:Finalizado Heat 122 Nets 115 Warriors - Thunder Estado:Finalizado Warriors 109 Thunder 128 Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Marca
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