#Clash of Futures
drivemix · 9 months
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Estocolmo, 1977
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yourlocaltoad · 21 days
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You wouldn't even wish it on your worst enemy
This was a gift for @scumhumdrum (who is also the green fox) The blue armadillo belongs to @/scripts.and.flurets on insta The purple kiwi belongs to @phoandori The pink bat belongs to @clowny-bitch-lamb
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ask-opsys · 27 days
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kaiowut99 · 3 months
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"Yuma... When people grow up, they usually end up throwing away something that matters to them... But... don't you go and throw away... that power to believe in people, and that heart that never gives up... Don't you dare throw 'em away."
"See, I would've liked to see the future you guys get going myself... but it doesn't look like I'll get to."
"Kotori... Don't take your eyes off this idiot. Thanks, Yuma... Astral... My friends for life... I'm glad I got to have one last great duel with you two. Later..."
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st4rstudent · 2 months
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April and May is a busy month
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badbookkeeping · 4 months
something about how phee is the only person in the world who knows who new is. non is gone. their parents are gone. new's only other "friends" know him as tan, and he clearly doesnt care about them. everything new had and everything he was was completely devoured by this investigation and phee was there to see it all
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bossbot-fanclub · 4 months
Sometimes I think about how the mod Chip has installed in him is mentioned to be "partially successful". Which in my eyes definately feels like it is the reason why Chip when in Personality Override mode is the way he is...Which in itself really shows how corrupt C.OG.S INC is when it comes to how it does things.
I mean we've seen other stuff with how it cuts corners at the expense of its employee's like with Buck for example in regard of the repairs.
It does make me wonder though why Chip was made to have this mod installed in the first place? it even says on his profile page in the additional notes section. "He'll be onboarded into the position of regional manager once the necessary modifications are finished."
Which I find to be curious considering his past employment history at S.C.R.E.W., B.E.L.T., and C.R.A.N.K. He works well in leadership based positions so why did C.OG.S INC feel the need that he needed this mod?
I feel like it's not really addressed enough when it comes to Chip and what his deal is...but if anyone else found something that I might have missed or have their own thoughts on the matter...feel free to share!!
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cyberscratch · 5 months
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'evil'/anti artstyle meme! inspired by excessive-moisture's post doing this same thing!!! i showed it to my friends and asked them to give out my own art traits and basically a list of things i should not do.
the result is this art style! soft colors, less purples, very round and soft, thin lines + no line weight, no trademark things like how i draw fur and mouths PLUS slightly different desighs to fit the style more! (for example spamton being drawn more like his shop sprite)
i drew several characters i'm known to draw a lot / mean a lot to me just to see them how different they are from when i draw them normally! HURTS to not have an oversaturated drawing, uegugh.... but coloring was the most fun part! i love working with colors! the worst part was the lineart because i got SO BORED. fun challenge anyway!
little explanations on each character under the cut since this is a multifandom + ocs post and i wanna short talk about my silly guys ever (my, what the kids call these days, blorbos,)
since this has multiple characters not everyone may be familiar with, here's a tiny bit of info on everyone
frostbite = my fursona! they're a bat / dragon mix. they're holding a mango! nothing much to say since they're just my sona. me, y'know?
spamton = you know him! it's spamton from deltarune chapter 2 !! he's a shopkeeper and a secret boss in the game where he appears in his 'NEO' form. he's based on scam e-mails and ads!
my freak of a son = toontown corporate clash oc - he's a goopy low baller that i call my son. or rather, toontown version of frostbite and i call him their son. regular frostbite as shown in this image and frostbite are separate. he was made using one of high roller's attacks.
scratch = my deltarune sona and self insert! they're the fourth member of sweet cap'n cakes. they're a dj! they're inspired by cat headphones, soundboards and karaoke machines! they're who this blog is named after :P
high roller = from toontown corporate clash! he is a cog 'manager' who only appears during a yearly event 'april toons'. she is a show host and a fusion of two characters ('dave brubot' and 'buck ruffler'). it's show is also the boss fight you fight when they're around!
cathal = full name cathal ray toby bravecog aka the multislacker, also from toontown corporate clash. he is a manager you can fight in-game after completing a set of 'kudos' tasks. they are the VP's son and are based on crt tvs! they're known for being 'lazy'.
blank = (full name blank b. addison) a deltarune oc for my big deltarune au named datapack au. he is an addison who got corrupted by a swatchling mask - which is a new concept introduced in my au. he used to sell movie related trinkets and was a stand-up comedian.
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photon-crest-art · 7 months
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Something something glass wasn't strong enough
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colliholly · 7 months
So uuuh, I think I've read somewhere that you like the derrick man (right?) aaaand I was wondering if you'd like to share some headcanons about him, if you have any! :DDD
I DO ANON, I DO..... He's probably my second favorite of the manager cogs... his boring charm has captivated me... but that doesn't mean there's some interesting things I've picked up on through his dialogue :^]
Here's a few headcanons I have for him!
• William is kind of a loser, straight up. He’s not only the smallest manager, but also the weakest - even Buck has twice his health. Toons would hold him upside down and shake the lunch money out of him if they could. Literally the bottom of the COGS Inc managerial corporate ladder, and I think that thought gets to him sometimes. He takes his job seriously in the hopes that it’ll eventually be recognized.
• Despite the fact he's dripping oil 24/7, I think he tries to stay tidy. He takes pride in his work... can't be turning in stained papers, you know?
• Speaking of, it's mentioned that higher-ranking Cogs are made of better, stronger materials. I do think that's a big reason William looks the way he does... bro is literally falling apart at the seams. He is NOT built particularly well 😔
• Some of his dialogue is really interesting to me, it seems to imply there’s a part of him, maybe under different circumstances, he’d be willing to be friends. I think there’s more to him than his grumpy facade…
• I'm a William and Rain friendship truther <:) I think they have an enemies to reluctant frenenimes deal. Their dialogue implies they’ve known each other for awhile… I like to think about them slowly understanding each other over time.
• I think he has a pen collection. <3 It may seem boring to everyone else but he would be excited to talk about it if given the chance.
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saeraas · 1 year
Yorozu's line about Sukuna knowing "love" despite in the past that in his eyes looked "lonely" wasn't about no love interest he had in the past (nor about love in the romantic sense) but he found a kindred spirit who is similar to him and looks forward to their clash as a way to fill that void
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I suspect Sukuna's feeling of "loneliness" is similar to Gojo's in being alone the strongest, or the honored one. What Sukuna's "love" Yorozu saw was finally fighting someone like him, to give him that thrill that he never felt during his life. It's going to be an interesting clash of ideals along with obvious strength as Gojo wished to raise the next generation to be equals to not be alone vs Sukuna ruling through strength to spur someone to be on his level.
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yourlocaltoad · 20 hours
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They called it a 'Team Bonding Exercise'
anyways um when the law breaks- 💥
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heaven-zent · 2 months
the pacesetter needs a content warning or something cuz i watched his fight for the 1st time three months ago and not a day has gone by since where i haven’t thought about him
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giddlygoat · 1 year
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i don’t usually post wips but i know this painting is going to evolve a lot and i’d like to preserve this shot as it is because i think it looks super cool
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lazer-screwdriver · 3 days
I haven’t seen any real arguments as to why dhawan! would come before missy so I could still probably be convinced, but truly I can’t think of anything that would fuck up missy and simm!’s scenes in the doctor falls more than simm! not turning into missy when he dies. That’s like. The whole point.
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rising-volteccers · 10 months
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One aspect of Spinel that really cemented him as a top antagonist for me is his disregard to collateral damage. He doesn't care if his Pokemon's attack hit the trainer, even if they're children. Everyone's fair game in his calculating eyes. If they come after him, he's got expectations and if he's disappointed in it or if he decides he has enough information, it's time to dispose of them.
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