#Clear Braces in Chelsea
sofialane12 · 8 months
Crystal-Clear Smiles Begin Here: Get Clear Braces in Chelsea
Start your journey to crystal-clear smiles! Discover the elegance of clear braces in Chelsea, where precision meets style for radiant transformations.
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We are amongst the reputed Invisalign service provider in and around Wimbledon area and wider parts of London. Most of our new and old patients have been referred by their family and friends. We are proud of our dedicated and efficient team of dentists, dental practitioners and oral care surgeons who provide solutions to your oral complications efficiently.
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corruptedcaps · 3 months
Bathtub Bitch
Miriam had worked for the Nox family for over a year, enduring the icy glares and sharp words of Chelsea Nox. The beautiful, affluent couple resided in a sprawling mansion, filled with opulence that poor Miriam could only dream of. Chelsea’s cruelty toward her staff was notorious, but she reserved a special disdain for Miriam, her personal maid.
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Miriam had wanted to quit for so long but couldn’t afford it. Apart from that though, Chelsea seemed to have an almost supernatural grip on the staff. When it seemed like one of them was about to crack and brake she would take them into a private room and minutes later they would return hopelessly devoted to their mistress.
William, Chelsea’s husband on the other hand, wasn’t as bad as his wife with the staff but he definitely didn’t respect them either. His sex life was strained with his wife and he loved to mess with her by using the staff to get under her skin. She in turn would berate, punish or fire the staff, which would inevitable turn her on allowing the two of them to finally be intimate. Luckily Miriam had been able to avoid being used as a pawn in their sick games but that was about to change….
One afternoon, while Chelsea was out shopping, her husband William called Miriam into the drawing room. He sat behind his large oak desk, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Miriam, I have a task for you." He drawled.
"Yes, sir?" Miriam replied, her voice trembling slightly.
"I want you to clean Chelsea's bathtub." He said his eyebrow raised.
Miriam's eyes widened in shock. "But sir, Mrs. Nox strictly forbade me—"
William waved a dismissive hand. "Chelsea forbade you because she's a control freak. I want you to clean it. Do a good job, and I'll make sure she doesn't know."
Miriam hesitated, the fear of Chelsea's wrath warring with her desire to please Mr. Nox. "If you're sure, sir..."
"Absolutely. Go on, now. I want it spotless." He said, a wicked smile curling his lips.
With a nervous nod, Miriam gathered her cleaning supplies, bracing herself for whatever consequences might come.
Miriam entered the private bathroom, her heart pounding. The room was a sanctuary of luxury, with marble floors, gold fixtures, and an enormous clawfoot tub that gleamed under the soft lighting. As she approached, she realized the tub was already immaculate, looking as if it had been freshly polished.
“It doesn’t look like it needs cleaning at all.” She murmured to herself, but William’s instructions echoed in her mind. She couldn’t afford to disobey him. She was already drowning in her student loans WITH this job.
Determined, she gathered her courage and stepped into the tub. She began scrubbing the pristine surface, her movements careful and precise. The scent of lavender cleaner filled the air as she worked, the repetitive motions slowly calming her nerves.
Suddenly, a loud hiss broke the silence. Miriam froze as the taps turned on by themselves, water gushing out in a torrent. Panic surged through her. She twisted and turned, trying to shut off them off, but they seemed stuck.
“What on earth?” She gasped, her hands shaking as she struggled with the faucets. As the water quickly rose, Miriam’s clothes clung to her, heavy and wet. Only a few inches deep, it was already up to her knees, soaking through her skirt and making her movements clumsy. But then she noticed something strange. The water made her skin tingle wherever it touched. It felt good.
A peculiar sensation spread over her legs and up her body, making it increasingly difficult to concentrate on turning off the taps. She shook her head, trying to clear the fog that seemed to be settling in her mind, but the tingling was growing more intense.
“Ohhh mmmmm what is happening to me?” She moaned, her voice barely audible over the rush of water.
The water rose steadily, now reaching her waist, washing over her panties. The tingling turned into a pleasurable wave as the water soaked her pussy. It spread through her body, making her muscles relax involuntarily. Her fingers slipped off the taps as her strength waned, her thoughts becoming hazy. She couldn’t resist it any longer as her body went limp she slipped under the water.
Beneath the water’s surface, Miriam felt an unusual pressure enveloping her body. Uncomfortable at first but then morphing into a warm hug. It was a hug that seemed to be molding her, reshaping her form.
Her waist began to shrink, becoming slimmer and more defined. She could feel her muscles tightening, her body becoming more toned and athletic. The strange sensation moved upward, and she felt her breasts swell, becoming fuller and perfectly round.
Every inch of her skin tingled as body hair melted away, leaving her skin smooth and flawless. Her fingers, previously calloused from hard work, transformed as her nails grew longer, becoming perfectly manicured.
Her mind drifted in a haze of pleasure and confusion. She was aware of the changes, but they felt distant, almost dreamlike. She touched her new form with trembling hands, the sensations heightened by her newfound sensitivity. She couldn't help but slip her hands into her panties to touch her new hairless pussy.
Were she not underwater, the sounds of her moans would have echoed through the halls of the mansion. Her only annoyance was her uniform which was heavy on her. As if to accommodate her desire, the maid uniform started to dissolve, the fabric melting away like mist. In its place, delicate lace and silk materialized, wrapping around her body to form a set of elegant lingerie. Tall high heels strapped to her sleek feet.
As Miriam floated in the water, fingering herself vigorously the transformation continued. Her hair began to change, each strand thickening and lightening until it became a luxurious mane of blonde. The tingling spread to her face, and she felt her lips plump up, becoming fuller and more inviting.
As her orgasm came to it's climax the water finally started to dissipate down the drain. She watched as remnants of her brown hair colour, her dirty maids uniform and her sensible shoes flowed down with the water. She felt as though it took her identity with it.
She felt new emotions bubbling up inside of her, ones of vanity and superiority. Why should a beauty such as herself be stuck at the lowly station of maid? The water had given her a rebirth and she was not about to squander it. She grinned a wicked grin as she ran her fingers over her remarkable dry body, as if the water had simply pulled off an exterior shell.
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She slowly sat up, her movements graceful and fluid. She examined her reflection in the mirrored wall, barely recognizing the stunning woman staring back at her. Her hair was now a cascading waterfall of blonde, her lips full and inviting, and her body perfectly sculpted and adorned in delicate lingerie. She was perfect.
She was so lost in her reflection that she didn't even hear the door creak open and William enter. When he stepped into the bathroom, his face alight with a triumphant grin. However, the expression quickly faltered as he took in Miriam’s new appearance.
“My God, Miriam, I knew the waters would change you, I was banking on it to annoy my wife, but Jesus, you are stunning.” He said his mouth agape.
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Miriam turned to him and posed, her confidence radiating. “Aren’t I just?”
William’s awe turned to concern. “But we have to change you back. Chelsea will be furious seeing you like this. In all her years of using the magical tub she has never looked so... so... captivating.” He said, almost lost for words staring at the beauty before him.
A sudden fear ran through Miriam. She didn’t want to lose what she had just gained. She felt better than she had ever felt in her life, powerful and beautiful. Moreover she felt she deserved it, more than that cow Chelsea. She just needed to convince William how superior she was.
Miriam approached him slowly, her movements seductive. “Oh, so it’s you I have to thank for my goddess-like new body,” she said sultrily. “Such a gift deserves a reward.”
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Each clop of her heels send a pleasurable shiver down William's back. He gulped as she came up to him, her body emitting a sweet perfume. She smirked at him as she undid his belt buckle, his pants sliding to his knees.
She wrapped her elegant fingers around his erect cock and began to stroke it while maintaining eye contact with him.
"Now William I think that it would be best if we didn't reverse the water's effects on me, don't you agree?" She said with a wicked smile as she worked his dick like a pro.
"Mmmmhmmmm." Was all William could muster.
"After all, think of all the fun it could be to have me as your mistress. That wife of yours has been blue balling you for years hasn't she?" Miriam said stroking his face with her free hand.
"Y-y-yesss she h-h-has. That bitch." He groaned.
"You deserve a woman who can satisfy your needs, who can fulfil every desire." She said in a whisper, leaning into his ear.
"Yes oh god yes!" He said nearly vibrating.
"It's a shame I will only be able to please you when she is not around." She purred feigning sadness as she stopping stroking his cock and turned away.
"N-no wait, there must be something we can do! Please I need you!" He said begging. Miriam loved the sound of his lust for her. She could get used to it.
"Well there is one idea I have." Miriam said turning back around to face him.
"Tell me! I'll do whatever it is!" William pleaded. Miriam grinned and sunk to her knees in front of him.
"Make me your wife and all of this can be yours." She smiled as she ran her tongue up the shaft of his cock making him shiver.
"I-I don't know. That's a lo....otttt ohhhh fuck me!" He moaned as Miriam took his full member in her mouth and began to pump.
"Oh god! Oh fuck yessssss, whatever you say! I'll do it!" He said finally succumbing to her wants. Her lips turned into a smile despite being wrapped fully around his cock.
Miriam had been holding back until now but with his devotion to her locked in she sucked so perfectly that he came within seconds. She swallowed every last bit of his cum down her throat, making him fall to his knees out of pleasure. Miriam stood tall above him, physically representing a shift in their dynamic now.
“Now dear it’s my turn, and I warn you I’m not as easy as a cum as you are.” Miriam said with a smirk as William wrapped his hands around her soft legs.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make you gushing in no time Miriam.” He grinned and was about to dive in but Miriam pushed his head back out.
“Ugh I don’t like that name. Miriam. Sounds so common, so poor. From now on call me… Mercedes.” She said her grin widening. William grinned back and dove straight in.
Mercedes moaned softly as William played her pussy like an instrument. For the second time today she was so engrossed that she didn’t hear the door open.
“William! Who the hell is this slut!” Said a voice they both recognized but when they looked to see the source they were shocked to see the person.
Chelsea was shorter, fatter, and older than either them had ever seen. Mercedes couldn’t believe it, the waters must limit the amount of people it could change at once. With Chelsea changed back to normal it was going to be even easier to take over but no less fun. Mercedes rose to her feet and clopped over to Chelsea who seemed to shrink the closer she got.
“Hello Chelsea, you’re looking positively dreadful. I’m Mercedes and ‘this slut’ as you so elegantly put it is William’s new wife and your new boss.” Mercedes said with a cold smile.
“Excuse me? Wife? Boss? Who do you think you are bitch? Hang on a minute… you’re Miriam aren’t you? You are so fired-” Chelsea said before Mercedes cut her off short as she wrapped her hand around Chelsea’s throat and lifted her off the ground with ease. Mercedes had expected the super strength but she wasn’t going to complain.
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“How dare you! You insolent little worm! You shall only address me as Mistress or Mistress Mercedes, understand?” Mercedes said, fire burning intensely in her eyes. Then a strange thing happened, Mercedes watched as all of Chelsea’s resistance began to fade. She lowered her back down and let go of her.
“Of course Mistress, anything you say.” Chelsea said with a small bow. Mercedes felt her pussy tingle with the power of control she had now. She would enjoy making all the staff into devoted slaves. Chelsea’s biggest mistake was never doing it to Miriam.
“Good. Now get out of my sight and get back into uniform. This isn’t your day off you pathetic loser!” Mercedes says with disdain for her new employer.
Chelsea quickly made herself scarce and Mercedes smiled to herself triumphantly. Turning on her heel she approached William with a new plan in mind.
“William dear, I think it’s time we talk about the hierarchy of this relationship.” She grinned evilly as she closed in on him.
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“Billy! Shelly! Over here at once!” Mercedes yelled into her cavernous home from her deck. Her Valet and Maid arrived within seconds. No matter how many time Mercedes laid her eyes on her old employers it always gave her immense joy to see them so devoted to her. However in this moment she was furious.
“What the hell do you call this?” She angrily said kneeling next to the deck’s glass rail guards.
“I’m sorry Mistress, I don’t understand the question.” Shelly replied fearfully. Mercedes rolled her eyes and grabbed Shelly by the hair and pulled her over to the glass.
“See this spot? It’s unacceptable. What did I say I wanted?” Mercedes growled as she dropped Shelly who scurried back to Billy.
“You wanted it spotless Mistress.” Billy answered quickly.
“Then why the fuck isn’t it?” Mercedes yelled, her voice making the two of them tremble.
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“We’re sorry Mistress, we’ll clean it right away!” Shelly said jumping to action with a bucket and sponge.
“See that you do! I have a party tonight and everything has to be perfect! Now I’m going to have a bath and wipe the stink off disappointment off of me. Do not disturb me.” Mercedes said clopping away towards her private bathroom.
Slipping into the waters she felt her bitchy powers rise once again. She was up to nearly 3 baths a day and each time she would emerge feeling even more powerful and bad. She would need it for the party tonight. She had invited all of high society’s biggest players and if everything went as planned tonight she would control the city by morning. She was lucky to be in the bath as the mere thoughts of complete and total control made her pussy gush generously.
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queen-of-reptiles · 9 months
description: In which lauren james's girlfriend is not a chelsea supporter but will still be seen in the stands, even if some 'fans' dislike it
lauren james x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction! Do not take any of this seriously.
warnings: language, rude discussions and slight violence/bullying, also cuteness, also slightly saucy ;) - also sorry to jamie cook i invented u a fake sister lmao
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Lauren huffed once more as she walked toward the car, her girlfriend carrying her bag for her and placing it in the front seat before moving to the other side and going to kiss her girlfriend.
"Good luck!" y/n grinned at her girlfriend, the footballer narrowing her eyes at the author with a pout.
"I don't know why you can't where my shirt." Lauren sighs and y/n sends her a look.
"This is your shirt." She defends, turning to point at the 'James' lettering on the England shirt.
"Not the team I am playing for today." The Chelsea players says and y/n rolls her eyes.
"I will not betray the Hammers. You're lucky I even cheer for you!" y/n states and Lauren rolls her eyes.
"Can't believe I fell in love with a Hammers fan." Lauren huffs as she pecks y/n's lips lightly.
"Can't believe I fell in love with a Chelsea player." y/n counters, trying to pull away from Lauren, but the older woman pulls her back by the England shirt.
Lauren's hands cupped her lover's face and she pulled her up and close to her lips, the two meeting in a deep kiss, Lauren's mouth pressing tightly against y/n's.
Despite Lauren being pinned between her lover and the car, the kiss made it clear she had all of the control, especially when she slid her tongue past y/n's lips, groaning at the taste of minty toothpaste and the strawberry yoghurt she always had for breakfast.
Lauren was lost in the taste of y/n, her teeth caught y/n's bottom lip and tugged sensually. Despite it being a normal move of Lauren's and the fact they had been together over a year now, y/n's legs still buckled.
Her hands which had been gripping Lauren's shoulders tightened and the footballer's hands braced her waist and ass, pushing y/n against her body Lauren sighed out in the physical comfort.
"When you kiss like that, I remember why I fell in love with a Chelsea player." y/n hums, her head tucked into Lauren's neck as the breathed in each other's space.
"I have to go." Lauren sighs and y/n leans up pecking her lips once more.
"Stay calm, play well, I'll be with Reece in the England shirt, screaming for you." y/n whispered. Today was a game against Liverpool, a big game.
"I know. I love you." Lauren nods.
"Love you too." y/n smiles before kissing her girlfriend once more and letting her drive away.
y/n just posted on their story
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Ten minutes into the game and tension was already climbing, as Lauren had come out, she had shook her head at her brother who shouted her name excitedly, her girlfriend sat happily next to him clapping her hands.
The coat she was wearing was Lauren's, the wrists of the coat over y/n's and it looked slightly oversized, yet Lauren's England shirt was still clearly visible through it.
y/n gripped Reece's hand as she watched Lauren receive the ball, her girlfriend firing it at the goal from a tight angle and the net rippling. Reece shouted as y/n screamed excitedly clapping her hands as her girlfriend ran at the fans, her hand slamming against the badge.
Sam jumped on Lauren excitedly, but the goal-scorer was too busy finding her girlfriend in the crowd and sending her a proud grin, one which her lover returned with an air kiss.
Sam seeing it, intercepted the kiss, pretending to catch it in her hand and place it on her cheek with a grin, which caused Lauren to chase her back to their places, the crowd laughed at this.
There was a scoff behind Reece and y/n, two girls who clearly knew someone to be in the friends and family section eyeing up the back of y/n's coat, which had fallen off her slightly.
In her jumping excitement, it was clear now as y/n pulled the coat back up she was wearing Lauren's England shirt, and one of the camera men zoomed in on the badge as they waited for restart.
The third official needing a new mic pack put a slow start on the game and so the crowd laughed as they noticed y/n in the England shirt, the girl grinning as Reece pretended to shove her.
The game re-started and Liverpool equalised quickly, y/n and Reece groaning as they made eye contact, Lauren shrugging off a Liverpool challenge.
During a tackle moments later, Lauren went down, a petulant pout forming on her lips as she protested at the ref who gave the foul. The Liverpool player murmured something, her head nodding toward y/n.
Lauren paused for a second as if trying to remain calm, and before anything could worsen Sam stood in front of her muttering calming words as they set up the free kick.
"What do you think was said?" Reece asks as Lauren looks over to her girlfriend, her lover sending her a calming look.
"With how Lauren reacted, something about me." y/n sighed Reece squeezing her hand in support.
The was a scoffed laugh behind them from the two girls, whispers suddenly arising Reece tensed but y/n sent him a look as well. Both James siblings had rather bad tempers and y/n was the opposite.
Other than at West Ham games, y/n was probably the calmest person anyone would ever meet. She was kind, lovely and incredibly loveable.
Because of this, Lauren would often say she found a lot of strength in her lover, that she kept her level-headed and calm. Reece had found something similar in the girl he now saw as his sister-in-law.
"Making it about her when it's poor Lauren on the pitch?" One of the girls said, her friend letting out a very pretty giggle at it.
"I know, our poor baby on the pitch and she thinks it's about her." The other answered.
y/n sucked her teeth in, Lauren fans. Lauren fans had a tendency to step too far and they either loved y/n or hated her. Most adored her, but the odd few who didn't, were the ones y/n knew how to deal with.
She got daily death threats, daily messages saying how she was using her lover, that y/n was just a naïve 20 year-old who only dated Lauren so she could get close to all the girls.
The worst was when she and Lucy Bronze, a woman who had very much become an older sister to y/n who had never had a good relationship with her single father and older brother.
She had gone over to see Lucy and Keira in Barcelona, stay with them for a few days and try and spend some time on the beach and finish the third book in her fantasy trilogy, something she wrote under a pen-name.
Photos of her and Lucy playing football on a beach arose, and suddenly the death threats increased, Lucy fans and Lauren fans suddenly appearing and hating her.
Some loved her, most did and sent lovely messages. But they didn't stick with y/n, no only the ones telling her to take her own life did. But y/n ignored them, because anyone who couldn't tell the difference between your, you're and yours would not affect her mind.
"And the fact she isn't even wearing a Chelsea shirt! Because what? She's a West Ham fan, grow up!" One of them continued.
"It must hurt poor Lauren so much." The other girl agreed.
Reece huffed, but y/n kept him facing the front, muttering to him how they were not worth it and she was not bothered by the brainless bimbos behind them.
"They're insulting you." Reece denied as the game continued to rage on.
"And I don't care. Jealousy turns people." y/n promised the man who just sighed but nodded.
A few minutes later Reece had forgotten them as Aggie Beaver Jones scored, the young blonde heading in a beautiful cross from Lauren and the Chelsea fans went crazy once again.
Half time finally blew, Chelsea 2-1 up and as Lauren moved toward the tunnel she looked over at her lover who was already watching her, the author sending her a kiss and a wink, which Lauren returned.
Reece offered to go grab some warm drinks and y/n nodded in thanks, quickly posting a photo of the crowd on her story as she watched Reece quickly disappearing.
y/n just posted on their story
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y/n also sent a quick well done text to her lover who responded in something hardly suitable for the current moment.
to baby <3: Lauren wtf? You can't say that
baby <3: But you are my motivation tho?
to baby <3: we had sex last night??? just use your memory of what my body looks like?
baby <3: pleaseeeee
to baby <3: fine you play the best second half of your life and then yes, i will let you take the goddamn polaroids - happy?
baby <3: very :)
y/n rolled her eyes at her girlfriend, it wasn't that she didn't mind Lauren having nudes of her, it was just the idea of Lauren taking them of her on a camera seemed so stupid.
Maybe some of the things people said got to her, y/n wasn't an athlete, she tried to keep fit mainly from having too much energy and needing to actually do something before she jumped off a bridge.
She was okay looking she guessed but for some reason Lauren thought she was the most gorgeous woman on the planet, and as the girls behind her made fun of her hair again, y/n did not feel like it.
"I just, don't get Lauren's thought process." One of the girls said.
"Right? Like tits and and ass can only get you so far, why would Lauren want someone who is so clearly stupid." The other agreed, y/n rolled her eyes and as Reece came back she sighed in relief.
"Thanks Reece." y/n smiled as she took the cup of tea from him, the man promising her it was fine as they began to discuss the game, y/n ignoring the mocking giggles that came from behind her.
The final straw for Reece was when y/n flinched, one of the girls had stood up and 'fell' slightly, her hand and long nails landing harshly on y/n's shoulder as she squeezed and steadied herself.
Reece's eyes hardened and y/n tried to tell him no but he turned back around as the girl sat back down, claiming her legs were now stretched.
"Hiya, I'm Reece." Reece smiled, a dazzling smile on his face that y/n knew was reserved for his girlfriend Mia when he did something that pissed her off.
The girls practically swooned into a melted puddle at the footballers dashing grin and jumped forward to shake his hands, stating their names of Phoebe and Lottie.
"Lovely to meet you lovely ladies." Reece nodded, y/n trying not to laugh as she watched the players come back onto the pitch. "Who are you here for?" He asked.
"Oh well, my brother is Jamie Cook, the match analyst for Chelsea and he managed to kindly get us seats as I am such a big fan of your sister." Lottie explained and Reece nodded.
"Jamie. Got it." Reece smiled as the whistle blew and he turned back to the game.
"You are so bad." y/n said, but her voice was filled with amusement.
"They're really testing me, next time I won't be so nice." Reece huffed.
"He didn't even introduce her, so clearly hates her as well." Lottie whispered to her friend and y/n rolled her eyes as Reece tensed again.
"Reece." y/n warned and he rolled his eyes.
The game went past the 50th minute, the girls still making cruel digs at y/n's personality and reasoning for dating Lauren, but as her lover approached the goal again, y/n couldn't care.
"There's no way." y/n denied seeing the angle Lauren had been forced into.
"No, I agree." Reece said as Lauren shot, the ball bouncing into the net with pace.
"Never fucking mind!" y/n shouted, jumping up with Reece as the two shouted for his sister.
"Holy fuck!" Reece yelled as they got back into position, Lauren sending a wink at her brother who was stood almost squatting with his hands on his cheeks in shock.
"I have no clue how that went in." y/n said to Reece as they sat down, the game continuing. "It doesn't make sense." She adds.
"God, she won't even support her girlfriend, she's got no faith in her! That is ridiculous." Phoebe huffed.
"I know, Lauren really needs to dump her and get with someone better, like you Phebes, you would treat her so well." Lottie hums.
"Or you Lotts, you're so pretty!" Phoebe added.
"Why don't all four of us fuck it out and we'll go from there." y/n muttered under her breath making Reece choke on his drink in shock.
The man snorted again, laughing at y/n's hilarious comment, y/n began laughing at him and they shared a few more giggles while Lottie and Phoebe scoffed and huffed.
"Reece!" y/n yelled in shock as she watched Johanna fire a ball in, Lauren someone getting on the end of it and slamming in her hat-trick 8 minutes after her second goal.
y/n and Reece's voices were hoarse from their shouts of happiness, y/n slightly wincing at the idea that Lauren had definitely fulfilled her side of the bargain.
As the game wound to an end, y/n and Reece were loudly cheering with the rest of the Chelsea fans when y/n felt it, she gasped and her hand flew to her hair, Lottie's giggles covered by her hand over her mouth.
"I am so sorry I slipped." Lottie said falsely, the tea-soaked hair of y/n now dripping.
"Don't worry about it." y/n muttered, ripping her hat off from the floor from where it had 'fell' when Lottie did and y/n quickly through her hair into a messy bun, grateful for it's dark nature.
Reece's eyes had practically flamed as Lottie and Phoebe eyed y/n up one more time before making their way down to the barrier, trying to get Sam and Lauren's attention.
"What the fuck!" Reece hissed as the two moved down, Lauren nearing them before going to her fans.
"Shut up, this is Lauren's day, do not mention it." y/n warned Reece before she grinned at her lover who reached over and pulled her in for a quick peck, not wanting to go father in front of fans.
Sam moved over to Reece, the two had a good friendship and had a quick chat in hushed whispers and hands over their mouths as y/n smiled at Lauren.
"Very well played Miss James." y/n chuckled as Lauren smiled lazily.
"Does this mean?" Lauren began cheekily and y/n laughed nodding her head.
"Yes, you can do the polaroids." y/n smiled and Lauren's eyes lit up as if she had scored another goal.
Sam then came over, her arms wrapping around y/n as the woman squealed trying to shake off the sweaty footballer as Reece spoke to his sister, smiles on their faces as they talked.
Once the group were done, Lauren and Sam headed over to the fans and Reece and y/n decided to head inside where the staff were other than Emma and her assistant manager.
"Yo, Jaimie right?" Reece suddenly said, the match analyst nodding as he shook their hands. "Your sister's Lottie right?" He asked again.
"Yeah, did you meet her?" Jamie asked.
"Reece." y/n hissed, but he ignored her.
"You might wanna teach her and her friend some manners mate, spent the entire game bitching about y/n, while we were sat in front of them." Reece hisses.
Jamie's face paled and y/n sighed pinching the bridge of her nose between her fingers as she tried to give herself strength as Reece continued to fume.
"Insulted her, said some honestly awful things and then shoved her and spilt tea in her hair, they're lucky it was not hot or I would have sued them for every penny." Reece continued and y/n finally stopped him.
"Okay, come on Reece." y/n said, cheeks red from embarrassment.
"No, no, it's okay. I am so sorry, Lottie can be a right brat." Jamie sighed and winced as he looked at y/n's wide eyes. "She can be awful and I am so sorry it was directed at you." Jamie added.
"It's not your fault, besides, I'm used to it." y/n adds and Reece recoils. "I am dating a loved girl, I am not surprised about some people's reactions anymore." y/n shrugged.
"That's even worse." Jamie huffs out and y/n shrugs as the three continue to talk.
Eventually, Lottie and Phoebe appeared in the room and y/n excused herself into the bathroom, Reece sending her a worried look which she brushed off as she quickly used the bathroom and walked back out.
Reece waved her over now stood by his showered and changed sister and y/n smiled as she moved over and Lauren wrapped a lazy arm around her.
Her fingertips dug into her lover's hip as Lauren pulled her into her side and chest, y/n's hand coming to rest on her chest as she tucked her head onto Lauren's shoulder, resting and listening to Reece and Lauren discuss the game.
Eventually, Lauren's fingertips dipped under the waistband of y/n's trousers, circling the soft skin as she cleared her throat and decided it was time to get going.
y/n nodded absentmindedly, smiling as Sam noticed they were leaving and bounded over to y/n, the striker hugging her tightly and the two exchanging goodbyes and see you tomorrow's as Sam and Millie were coming round for dinner.
Emma made her way over, once again congratulating Lauren on her performance and explaining she would see her tomorrow briefly for recovery.
Emma then quickly hugged y/n, the blonde asking her if she was okay and y/n sighed glaring at Reece who had snuck him and his sister away and were now talking to Jamie.
"They won't be coming back." Emma promises y/n but the woman shakes her head.
"Emma I'm fine, they just like Lauren, can't blame them." y/n promises.
"Saying and doing the things they did makes the the opposite of Chelsea fans y/n, you're apart of this family, like it or not Hammer." Emma promises and y/n laughs.
Emma had a good connection with y/n the second the two met, Emma already liked her due to the clear effect she had on Lauren but also because she respected the young woman.
The young girl hadn't been born with the best situation, an ill mother and the a passed on one, a single father who did his best and a brother who she didn't get on with.
y/n left when she was 18 and never looked back and neither did her brother or father, and y/n always said that didn't matter, that her father did his best but they just hadn't gelled, but Emma always wondered on that.
Because of that Emma hadn't been able to help the motherly roll she took on with the 20 year old who was just 19 when she met her. The now best-selling uni student had proved many times she had everyone else's best interests at heart and sometimes Emma told her off for that.
"I'm guessing Reece told you?" y/n asked but Emma shook her head.
"No, Fran did." Emma hums and y/n furrows her brows. "Oh, Fran told me who was told by Millie, who was told by Sam, who was told by Reece." Emma explains and y/n sighs.
"What about don't tell does that man not understand?" y/n questions and Emma chuckles as y/n's eyes widen, Phoebe and Lottie now appearing next to Jamie, Lauren and Reece.
"Uh oh." Emma says as Lauren starts speaking, y/n hugs the woman once more before rushing over and stepping between Lottie and Lauren.
"Baby, didn't you say something about leaving?" y/n asked Lauren but the brunette just hummed.
"I was actually just talking to Phoebe and Lottie about how they won't ever be coming to a Chelsea game again." Lauren explains.
"What?" Lottie asks confused.
"Oh don't worry, it's all been okayed by Emma and the board, anyone who speaks about my girl like that just won't be allowed in." Lauren says simply before nodding her head at Jamie and clasping his hand in a handshake.
Lauren's hand slips into the back pocket of y/n's trousers as she grabs her bag and Reece kicks up the ball into his hands and nods at the girls before Lauren guides her lover out the door.
Reece bursts into peals of laughter as they make their way into the car park but whines when y/n slaps his arm lightly.
"I told you not to tell her." y/n hisses but Reece just shrugs.
"I didn't, I told Sam." Reece shrugs.
"And Sam told me." Lauren adds as she unlocks her car, opening the boot.
"You two are going to give me grey hairs." y/n scoffs as Reece chuckles and kisses her head before getting in the drivers seat, he was insured on Lauren's car and liked to drive her back after matches if he came to watch.
Lauren shuts the boot, now bag-less and her hands find y/n's hips and she pulls her lover in, y/n's hands land on Lauren's shoulders, slightly shocked at the tight grip.
"No one speaks about you, to you or acts like that around you baby. Not on my fucking watch okay?" Lauren asks and y/n nods. "I love you so much." She adds, her head resting against y/n's forehead.
"I love you too Lauren." y/n says quietly.
Lauren bends down, pulling y/n's body tight to her own as she presses her lips harshly against y/n's and quickly settling her tongue into y/n's mouth.
y/n was slightly shocked as she gripped Lauren's shoulders tightly to keep herself upright. Lauren wasn't big on PDA, the two shared grins, maybe an air kiss or a quick peck, but never had Lauren kissed her like this where someone else could see.
The two were relaxed people and while they would usually be touching one another, never had a kiss of this ferocity been so public for the two before.
"Oi Oi!" The call from Sam Kerr echoed as she and a few teammates whooped at the two as y/n hid herself into Lauren's chest. The footballer chuckled and flipped them off.
"In the car baby." Lauren hummed, her hand tapping y/n's bum lightly.
"Okay." y/n breathed, a squeak in her voice as she rushed into the car, Reece snorting and poking at her red cheeks as Lauren got into the passenger seat.
"Alright y/n/n?" Reece chuckled as he began to pull away.
"Shut up and drive James." y/n huffed and the James siblings chuckled.
y/n just posted on their story x2
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y/n had her head happily on Lauren's shoulder, the empty plates on the coffee table in front of them as they sat watching the TV, Lauren's arm was wrapped around her, drawing lazy shapes on the small amount of skin she could get her finger on.
"You did so well today baby." y/n said quietly. "I was so proud." She added.
Lauren looked down, a soft look in her eye as she watched her lover whose eyes gleamed up at her proudly. The warmth from her statement filled Lauren.
"You kept calm, you were calculated." y/n continues, sitting back up slightly so she could see Lauren without having to tip her head up.
Lauren's hand fell from her sliver of waist to the inside of where her thigh met her knee. Lauren's fingers gripped there, sometimes finding it hard to ground herself when her girlfriend said such meaningful things.
"You really will be the best player in the world Lauren James." y/n says softly, her fingers resting over Lauren's hand. "As long as you keep that attitude in check." She adds.
Lauren lets out a light chuckle, but she reaches over and pulls her lover onto her lap, the 20-year-old letting out a quiet 'weeee' as Lauren did so.
y/n's legs fell either side of Lauren's hips, straddling her as Lauren's hands came to run up and down her sides, the dip in her waists, the skin at her hips.
"I love you." Lauren said quietly, she was never as good with words as y/n was, but y/n knew that those three words meant just as much.
"I love you too." y/n whispers to Lauren, her hand coming up to hold her lover's face softly.
Lauren lent up, her mouth capturing her lover's as her hands pushed against y/n's back, her strength pressing y/n down and her legs wider.
The strength and speed of the kiss was nothing like the innocent words just shared as Lauren poured her soul into y/n's with her lips. Her hands sunk down and rested on the curve of y/n's ass, one of her favourite parts.
As y/n went to move for air, Lauren's hand came down harshly on her, the slap echoing the living room even through her joggers. A mixture of a gasp and moan jumped from y/n's throat as she understood.
y/n did not stop the kiss, Lauren's warning spank had been enough to let her know that air would be a luxury in this moment and y/n continued pouring her being into the kiss.
The two parted and y/n heaved a breath into her burning lungs, Lauren's teeth latching onto her ear-lobe, y/n groaned and Lauren moved her soft kisses down the skin of her lover's neck.
Lauren smirked as y/n's breathing sped up, her hips pushing themselves onto Lauren's, but the footballer easily shifted her so her lover was grinding on her thigh.
The friction between y/n's legs made her sigh in relief and Lauren smiled against her neck before digging her teeth into the skin which sat there begging to be marked.
"I am going to put the plates in the dishwasher, I want you on the bed, in that black lace set from Boux Avenue when I get there." Lauren whispers.
y/n couldn't help the moan which fell from her lips as she nodded her head, Lauren's teeth tightening on her neck for a moment before pressing an innocent kiss there.
"Go." Lauren added before y/n was off and Lauren soon followed with a slight grin, but not before swiping her polaroid camera from the counter.
part two out soon (probs not cause i’m so bad at updating lmaooooo ;)
had to post this cause lauren deserves sm love and i’m so sick of seeing all the hate and the ignorance abt the hate not being racially motivated - grow up in our world and you realise so much more is racially motivated than you think.
lauren’s actions are not excusable but neither is the hate
we talk about how there is a different vocabulary for men and women but there is also a different vocabulary for white and black people
if you get offended by me saying this then i’m sorry baby but you part of the problem
stay safe and stay aware 💙
queenie x
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pitchsidestories · 7 months
A kiss from my enemy II Erin Cuthbert x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2811
A/N: Would you like us to write more about Chelsea's Fab 4?
A day before the CL game Chelsea against Real Madrid Erin Cuthbert found herself among her friends, drinking coffee in Sam Kerr and Kristie Mewis new home. It was a quite cozy afternoon despite the Blues knowing there was a big match ahead of them at Stamford Bridge.  
Expectantly the American midfielder sipped from her cup of coffee before looking at the Scottish woman: So, it’s true what they say, Erin? That you forget she’s your girlfriend when you two play against each other?”
“Doesn’t everyone do that?”, Erin laughed it off. Next to her sat Guro Reiten who nodded grinning: “Yeah Magda definitely said that too.” “That’s not true for Sam and me.”, Kristie announced.
Amused Millie Bright replied:” Of course not.”  “I still see her as my fiancée.”, the Westham player added beaming proudly. Smiling Erin realized: “And I’ll see her as my girlfriend before and after the game. Shit, I think she heard that we are talking about her, she’s trying to face time me right now.”
“Take the call!”, Sam advised the younger woman. Enthusiastic Millie agreed:” Yeah, let’s all say hi.” “Oh yes, hello chica!”, Guro greeted her first.
Blushing you put a loose string of your hair behind your hair:” Hola! Erin, you didn’t text me you were still with your friends otherwise I’d have tried to call you later.” “Sorry, drinking coffee with them always takes a bit longer.”, your girlfriend apologized with a sheepishly smile.
Quickly you reassured her:” That’s okay.” You paused for a moment before you turned your attention to her recently injured teammate:” How are you, Sammy?”
“I’m good. I got my girls.”, Sam waved it off, placing a hand on her fiancée’s thigh. The latter one asked curiously:” Tell me where did you get that lipstick? It’s so pretty!” “Kristie.”, Erin rolled her eyes, visibly annoyed. Innocently Kristie told her:”What?”
“I’ll send you a screenshot with it, Kristie. But back to you captain Cuthbert.”, you cleared your throat and turned the attention to your girlfriend. She furrowed her eyebrows in response:” Captain Cuthbert?” “I read you’ll captain Chelsea tomorrow.”, you snorted.  
A teasing smile played on the Scottish international lips: “Oh, you read that?” “This is going to be spice, the girlfriend’s being the captain of each of their respectable teams, I can’t wait for it.”, Sam exclaimed.
Immediately Erin tried to cool off the striker’s excitement for the roles you were about to play tomorrow: “It’s not that big of a deal, Sam.”  “Honestly.”, you underlined her message with your word. Not convinced by your reaction Sam said:” Uh huh sure.”
“The press and the fans will make a big deal out of it.“, Kristie agreed with her fiancée. Sam shrugged; “It is a big thing.“ “We’ll see but I can’t wait to see you all tomorrow.“, you subtly tried to change the topic. “Oh, we can wait.“, Sam grinned back at you. Erin shook her head; “No, I can’t. Because some of us don’t have their girlfriends living in the same city.“
She gave Sam and Kristie a jokingly accusing look. “You’re the only one she’ll get to see tomorrow anyway. And Guro. The rest of us is injured.“, Sam commented, pointing down to her knee brace. Millies who was also out with an injury announced; “But we’ll be there at the Bridge and say hi.“ “Maybe.“, the Australian added with a smirk.
Millie rolled her eyes at her teammate; “Ignore Sammy.“ “Okay, enjoy your coffee, guys. See you tomorrow.“, you waved into the camera. “See you.“, Erin answered before ending the call. Excitedly, Kristie looked at Erin; “I’ll be there tomorrow for the gay drama.“
“If West Ham doesn’t train at the same time.“, Sam reminded her. “Right.“ “But we’ll be there.“, Millie interjected. “Anyone any more coffee?“, the injured striker asked. Erin shared a smile with her friends and answered; “Absolutely.“
Champions League nights always felt even more special than normal league games. The stadium was starting to fill while both teams finished their warm-up routines. Guro was the first Chelsea player to pull you into a quick hug; “Hi.“ “Hi. Ready for the game?“, the Norwegian asked. You nodded; “Yes, I’m ready. What about you?“
She rubbed her hands with excitement; “Ready to smash Madrid.“ Unimpressed, you replied; “Oh, we will give you a good fight.“ “Like you guys did against Barcelona?“, Erins teasing voice appeared out of nowhere, immediately wiping the smile off your face. You could hear the annoyance in your own voice as you answered; “Oh shut up. You’d lose against Barcelona too.“
“But at least we managed to draw against them. Something your team hasn’t managed.“, Erin countered. “But Chelsea lost the CL final in 2021. Barca won 4:0.“, you reminded her cooly.
Your girlfriend tilted her head; “And how far did Madrid make it?“ You knew she was trying to play some mind games and that you shouldn’t react to it but you couldn’t stop yourself from snapping; “What’s your fucking problem, Cuthbert?“
She reacted with a casual shrug; “I’m just saying it as it is. You’re already out of the CL. Again.“ “Whatever you’re trying to do, this won’t work.“, you warned her before your team mate caught your attention; “Hayley?“ “Yes, we need to get in line. The game is about to start.“, Hayley Raso reminded you while adjusting the bow in her hair.
Turning into your captain mode you put your armband on:“I’m coming.”  While the CL hymn was playing the Australian forward noticed:” Did you lost your hairband?” Quickly Hayley gave you the extra hairband she had around her wrist. You mouthed a sincere thank you.
This didn’t got unnoticed by Erin who softly elbowed her Norwegian friend:” Have you seen that, Guro?” “What?”, Guro asked confused, she clearly missed the moment her teammate was referring to. Biting her lip the Scottish midfielder answered:” Doesn’t matter, let’s win this game.” “Alright.”, Guro sighed before they went to their starting positions.
The first half begun, and you were eager to prove that you’d give the team of your girlfriend a good fight. Your confidence grew as you fairly tackled Erin to get the ball. Enraged the Scottish player stood up, cursing quietly so only you could hear her words tripping with fury:” What the fuck was that?”   “Next time you got to be faster.”, you replied with a smug smile on your face.  
Under her breath she told you:” Learn to play football next time. That was a foul.” “It wasn’t.”, you shook your head.  Immediately Erin disagreed: “Of course it was.” The tension between you was almost touchable. Later your girlfriend knocked you off your feet. “Hey!”, you protested loudly.
Quickly Athenea del Castillo was at your side, shouting:” That was a foul.” “If that earlier wasn’t a foul, this isn’t either.”, the Scottish midfielder snapped. Slowly you got up, promising her:” You’ll get that back.” And you held your promise only a couple of minutes later you assisted Athenea in scoring the equalizer for Madrid.
But you couldn’t enjoy the celebration with your team as Erin whispered into your ear:” You think you’re so good, huh? You’re still losing.” She was right only a minute after Madrid scored, they did again but this time it was only an own goal, resulting in a 2:1 for the Blues.
“Yes!”, Niamh Charles cheered. Triumphantly Erin turned her head to you:” Told you, you’d lose.” “Get over yourself, Cuthbert.”, you rolled your eyes at her. Her following comment made your heart race even faster: “Don’t be such a sore loser.”  “We still have twenty plus minutes left.”, you reminded her. Confidently she remarked:” That’s not enough time for you.”  
Her words proofed to be right. From a reasonable point of view, you knew that a win wouldn’t have changed the fact that you couldn’t qualify for the next round, the loss still stung. Numbly you could hear Guro happily scream:” We’re qualified, girls!”  “Don’t you want to go over to your girlfriend?”, cautiously Hayley padded your shoulder. Stubbornly you mumbled: “No.”
Confused the Australian player furrowed her eyebrows:” Why not?” “I’m too mad at her right now.”, you replied honestly. The eyes of your teammate turned soft:” We were out anyway.” “I know.”, you sighed deeply.
Smiling Hayley tried to cheer you up:” And we did give them a tough time.” “That’s true. Sorry, I’m not being a good captain, I should comfort you and not the other way around.”, you apologized. Warmly the forward reminded you:” Sometimes even the captain needs to be comforted.”
At the same time Erin said to her teammates:” I’m back in a second.” “Don’t go away for too long!”, Niamh shouted after her grinning. The Chelsea captain of the night shook her head:” I won’t.” “Good!”, Ashley exclaimed cheerfully.
Laughing the Scottish midfielder told them:” You can start celebrating without me.”  With these words she turned to you, her kiss caught you off card, as you mumbled:” Good game, Erin.” “Sorry for what I said during the game. You know I don’t mean it.”, your girlfriend whispered into your embrace, her cheeks flushed.
Startled you looked at her:” You don’t?” “Of course I don’t.”, she answered. Confidently you glanced at her:” But I was right, we didn’t make it easy for you.” “Yeah, you were.”, the Chelsea player admitted.
 A cheeky smile appeared on your lips:” If you kiss me again, I might forgive you.” “Okay, but then I got to leave.”, Erin nodded giving you a more passionate kiss than before. “Alright.”
For a second she rested her forehead against yours: ”Come over to our dressing room when you took care of your teammates.” “I’ll be there.”, you promised her before you went to look after your teammates being back into your captain mode.
“Linda, how are you feeling?”, you asked her compassionate. The Columbian forward responded with a weak smile:” I’m okay.” “Good.”, relief ran through your veins because of the answer of the younger footballer.
Comforting hands padded your shoulder who belonged to Ivana: “Not an easy game.” “Right.”, you had to admit. Reassuringly the older woman continued:” But we’ll continue to grow.” “We’ll.”, you agreed. The defender offered:”You can go over if you want to.” “You girls will be, okay?”, you wanted to know from her. With a motherly smile Ivana waved you off:”Promise.”
You met your girlfriend in her locker room, freshly showered, her blonde hair still wet. “Hi Erin.”, you greeted her. Blushing the Scottish player put a hair string behind her ear:“Hi.” “Was that me?”, guiltily you pointed to a black eye on her body. She gave you a challenging look:” Told you, it was unfair play.” “You weren’t playing nice either!”, you reminded her. Pouting  Erin observed:” You don’t look as bad.”
“Well, I got thicker skin.“, you shrugged with a smirk. Your girlfriend quickly bridged the gap between you two and pulled you towards her. Her fingertips on your skin made you giggle; “Hey, no tickles!“
“You’re lucky it’s only tickles.“, Erin countered. Guro interrupted the two of you by throwing her shirt at you; “Behave, we have children in this room!“ You were suddenly painfully aware of the stares of Erins teammates.
Erin grimaced at Guro; “Do you mean Hannah?“ The young goalkeeper looked up in surprise; “Rude!“ “Sorry.“, Erin grinned back, obviously not even a little bit sorry. “I’m not a child!“, Hannah protested. Your girlfriend casually shrugged and pointed into the direction of her other teammates: “Maybe Guro meant Sjoeke or Aggie.“
These two protested loudly while Hannah raised her eyebrow at Erin; “I hope so!“ Ignoring the rest of her team, Erin turned back towards you; “Want to leave?“ “Please.“, you smiled back.
She quickly grabbed her bag and took your hand; “Let’s go.“ “Bye chicas!“, Guro yelled after you. Millie appeared in the door, Sam on crutches next to her; “You’re leaving already?“ “Not without a hug from you of course!“, you said and let yourself fall into the arms of the tall defender.
“Sorry, took a while to get Sam down the stairs.“, Millie apologized. The Australian striker rolled her eyes. You quickly hugged her too, careful with her knee and crutches; “And hello, Sam.“
“You two were not subtle at all after the game ended.“, she commented smugly. Erin and you shared a knowing smile while she explained; “I had to make up for something.“ “Yeah, for the things you said to each other during the match.“, Millie grinned. “Oh shut up, Millie.“
But the defenders smile only got wider; “Never.“ “How would you even know that?“, Erin asked, a slight hint of exasperation in her voice. Millie touched her fingertips to her mouth; “Lip reading.“
Your girlfriend rolled her eyes in response; “Oh, sure.“ “Now go, you two don’t have much time.“, Millie ordered, making space so you two could pass her and Sam. “You kept us here.“, Erin protested.
She took your hand in hers again; “Let’s leave.“ “Coming.“ As you moved past your friend group, your girlfriend yelled “Bye, girls!“ over her shoulder. “Bye, have fun.“, Sam replied with a smirk while Kristie appeared behind her, wrapping her arms around the strikers waist as they watched you leave; “And off they go.“
“About time. After game sex is the hottest.“, the striker laughed, turning to kiss her girlfriend. Kristie nodded; “Agreed. They wouldn’t let each other get away with anything.“ “That’s too much information!“, Millie complained, pretending that she needs to throw up.
“Sorry, not sorry.“, Kristie shrugged. “I hate that you moved here.“, the defender laughed. With big innocent eyes, Kristie suggested; “Maybe she’ll move to London to next season.“ Seeing the feigned disgust on Millies face, she added; “A girl can dream.“ “Of bringing all your girlfriends here?“
“Yes.”, the American midfielder beamed. The England defender wiggled with her eyebrows: “I see.”  “She’s unstoppable.”, Sam winked at her fiancée. Big eyed Millie looked at her close friend: “Will I have to leave?”
“No, you’re the honorary straight best friend in our squad. Let’s get Same home for no.”, Kristie told her in a friendly tone. Happy with that answer the English player clapped into her hands:” Alright. Come on, Sammy.” “On my way!”, the Australian forward announced while one of her best friends and her fiancée helped her to come home safely.
Meanwhile you had stepped out of Erins shower, wearing some comfy clothes, begging your girlfriend:” Erin, repeat that.” “What?”, she echoed. Serious you added:” What you just said.”
“Pretty sure you heard me the first time. ”, the Scottish woman answered. You bit your lip in response:  “Still.” “Well, we can just ignore it if it upsets you so much.”, the midfielder shrugged her shoulders.  
Swiftly you shook your head:” No, please, say it again.” “I want you to move in with me.”, Erin repeated. Carefully you said:” English clubs are interested in me you know that, right?” “I do.”, your girlfriend affirmed.
Slowly you revealed what you were holding black from her for quite a while now, waiting for the perfect moment to say it:” I might have an agreement with a club in the summer.” “You do?”, the Scottish player looked surprised up.  “Yes.” “So that’s a, yes?”, a hopeful shimmer appeared on her face.
Teasingly you played with her hair: “It’s a yes. I’d love to move in with you. But I won’t join your club.” “That’s okay. I love playing against you.”, Erin grinned at you. A warm laugh escaped your lips:” I knew you’d say that.” “It’s true.”, she confessed.
The smile on your face grew bigger:” Sorry but I like red more than blue.” “Arsenal!”, playfully shocked your girlfriend hit your upper arm. “Yes, bebé.” Dramatically the midfielder groaned:” Oh that’s just horrible.” “So, you take the moving offer back?”, you threw your eyebrows up.
Much softer she told you:“No, I can live with it if I get to see you more often.” “You definitely would.”, you reassured her. Beaming Erin replied: “Then you should take that offer.”  “I’ll.”
“Can’t wait to win the London derby against you.”, the excitement was written all over her face.  Confidently you countered:” Oh no Arsenal win their fair amounts of derbys do I have to remind you they just won the latest?”
“Doesn’t count. You weren’t on the team yet.“, Erin protested. You shrugged nonchalantly; “Just saying.“ “Next time we’ll win again.“, your girlfriend said, half challenge and half promise.
Smirking, you added; “Or you’ll lose.“ Stubbornly, Erin shook her head; “There’s no way.“ “But for now…“, you changed the topic, pulling your girlfriend close to you. “For now?“, she repeated so that you would continue.
“Enough talking.“ “What should we do then?“, she asked, all pretended innocence. You winked at her while you let your hands glide under her shirt; “Something equally as fun.“
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
An unbearable fan (Rúben Dias x Reader)
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**So I was requested this the other day and it's kind of funny huh? Me writing from the POV of a Madrid fan. Just in case you didn't know it was fiction, this is the definitive proof 😅 anyways, it’s just banter and a bit of angst and fluff for all of you to hopefully enjoy! ❤️**
Word count: 1238
There were downsides to any relationship and that included a relationship with a football player. All the travelling, all the emotions that went up and down depending on the result of that specific day…it could be a lot. But when the player didn't play for the team you loved with all your heart, things could get a bit messier.
Luckily for you, Rúben played in England. Your team played in the Spanish League. So the chances of him playing against Madrid were so small…but there still was a chance.
And so when Madrid beat Chelsea and City beat Bayern, it was time for a second semifinal in a row between your team and your boyfriend's. And you hated it.
For the first leg, the teams played at the Bernabéu. Being back there was special for you. And it helped you daydream about Rúben playing there in the future…but for the home team. A girl can dream.
The match ended in a draw and Rúben should have been given MOTM because he drove your attacking players insane. They don't call him "the wall" for nothing.
"Just 1-0 at home, and we're in the final".
"Yeah, good luck with that", you said, rolling your eyes. "My boys were just warming up yesterday. They saved all the magic for the Etihad".
"You lot are really into saving the magic for the last minute. It gets annoying, you know?"
"Not to us!", you shrugged.
The banter continued during the next week but what changed was the nerves you felt. Rúben being in the final was great but you couldn't just root against your team. They had already been in a similar position the previous season and it broke your heart. But also, you were happy he lost and that made you feel like a horrible person. You tried not to show it in front of him but he wasn't dumb.
"Are you wearing that?", he asked, pointing at your outfit.
"Yes. What's wrong with it?"
"You always wear my shirt to matches. But I guess you're just making it clear again you want me to lose".
"It's not that but, it's my team…imagine Madrid and Benfica played each other! You'd want Benfica to win and I wouldn't blame you".
"You don't play for any of the teams. That makes the difference. I get you want them to always win but you should make an exception when they play against me!"
"I'd be happy if you win…".
"I doubt it".
You didn't want to say more because it'd only make things harder to fix later. But driving in silence was going to make you go insane.
"Good luck".
"It almost sounded like you meant it".
"Rúben, I do mean it".
"You mean you want me to do well while my team is destroyed. But it's a team sport. What I do means nothing".
"Tell that to Benzema".
He ignored your comment and left to join the rest of the team without saying goodbye.
Why couldn't they draw another team instead of yours???
Rúben wasn't completely wrong. Whatever happened, you wanted him to be the best player on the pitch. It could be someone else who messed up when your team scored.
And he was one of the best…but then again, so was Bernardo who scored a brace. And Julián only needed a few minutes on the pitch to seal their pass to the final. 4-0, how did that happen?
Apart from Rúben doing well, you wanted just a simple 0-1. No team needed to be humiliated this time. But yours was and it was against one of your biggest enemies. Pep.
When you saw Rúben waiting for you by the car, you noticed his smile and that pissed you off. So you couldn't want your team to win but he could laugh after humiliating you? Bit unfair, that.
"You feeling ok after that?"
Your response was to look inside his trousers' pockets, which confused him. "Did you take Karim out already? Nice, he needs the fresh air".
"You're joking?"
"It's that or telling you to go to hell. I'm trying to be diplomatic".
The day after the match, you were off work so sleeping in sounded like the best way to start your day. By the time you woke up, Rúben was long gone and so you made it to the kitchen expecting it to be empty.
And there was no Rúben there but it looks like he had time to buy, and print, all the newspaper articles about the match before leaving to train. He even checked the Barcelona press to find the most insulting headlines.
But two could play that game.
"Did you read the news today?", he asked when he got back home.
"I've never been a newspaper person. I prefer to get my news from Twitter".
"From Madrid fan accounts? I bet they are real objective".
"Are you a comedian now?"
"Come on…", he said, hugging you. "Forgive me for annihilating your team".
"Should we talk about last season, Dias? Stop it!"
"Such a sore loser", he laughed.
"Well, I'm not used to losing unlike others".
The weeks that passed between the semifinals and the final had helped you two forget your little fight. But you were still petty and had a surprise saved for Rúben.
"It's so tiring to pack for just a couple of days. I've checked the weather so many times to bring the right clothes".
"You can always use that as an excuse to go shopping there".
"You're right. But…can you help me? I don't know if this outfit is right for the match?"
When he got there, his smile disappeared.
"I can't stand you".
"Is it good or not?"
"When did you buy an Inter shirt?"
"When I saw the newspapers you left for me".
"It was a joke", he said, annoyed.
"This is a joke too".
"A joke is supposed to be funny".
"Really, Rúben? So you thought I would laugh at what you did to me?"
And it was back to square one. But at least this time you travelled separately. And, even if he pissed you off so much since he beat Madrid, you still wore his shirt to the match. You didn't even wear a Madrid one to the semis and he really thought you'd wear an Inter one now? Silly boy.
But all the jokes and digs meant nothing when you saw him lifting the trophy. Your eyes watered immediately and you couldn't wait to hug him.
"You…you won", you said, sobbing and hiding your face in his neck.
"Yeah, sorry about that".
You both laughed and he held you tighter while you cried.
"I'm really proud of you, you know?"
"Even if I beat your team to win the trophies?"
"Yeah", you said, looking up at him. "Even then. Seeing you after you won just…I didn't expect it to mean so much".
"It means a lot to me that it means a lot to you".
You hugged in the middle of the pitch, forgetting about everyone else.
"Besides, you still have a long way to go to catch us so…we like doing charity work and letting others win every once in a while".
Rúben laughed and shook his head. "You are the most unbearable fanbase in the world, you know?"
"I know. But at least you managed to get one of us to be happy you won today".
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nytb · 2 years
This is part of the Christmas Challenge🎁. Go check out @httplilyyy's story posted earlier today! And stick around, @putellas11's story will be up shortly!
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Unlike most games, this one was extra special for you. The first time you faced a WSL team since you left Chelsea.
This was it. The Champions League anthem blasting in the Di Stefano. 22 players walking into the pitch. 2 teams going up against each other, only one would come out victorious.
Only one would qualify for the Champions League.
Starting off on the bench, you lived the game through the fans. The chants. The atmosphere. It was shaping up to be a great game.
On the pitch, it was quite the different story. A match very much leveled. Two opponents going at each others throats, without a goal to their name.
A Manchester City defense that was very much switched on, keeping players like Esther and Athenea away from clear chances. On the other end, Misa kept Real Madrid in the game, keeping her clean sheet.
Half time came. The scoreline, 0-0.
The manager knew things had to change, so he called upon the bench. Bringing Weir and yourself in for the second half.
Walking out to the tunnel, the Manchester City players saw you ready to be subbed in. Shocked, afraid, scared. You sure knew how to bring back memories from your Chelsea days, the City players sure thought so. But, there was one specific player. One player who seamed to be indifferent. Leila Ouahabi. She was pure eye candy. Looking you up and down, no friendly smile, no affection left for you.
You took your spot in line, ready to run onto the pitch. Ready to kick some ass, but your eyes. Your eyes wondered to the enemy.
"Like the sight huh" bold of Leila, nothing shocking coming from a woman like herself.
Trying to contain the butterflies flying inside your stomach, you left your own sting on the spaniard "Don't worry hun, I'll take it easy on you" winking suggestively at her.
The match sure got more interesting. Real Madrid were playing some of their best football. Attacking from all sides. On the other hand, Manchester City were struggling.
The goal was inevitable. It was coming. But one player kept making the difference when Real Madrid got in front of goal. The number 15: Leila Ouahabi.
The 1v1 between Athenea and Leila wasn't favoring Real Madrid, so the coach made more changes, signaling you to switch over to Athenea's wing.
"Switch with me" an order Athenea didn't fight. Her tango with Leila was costing too much already.
Once again, the defender looked you up and down "And you think that you can get past me". An attempt to throw you off your game.
"Underestimate me. That'll be fun". Famous last words.
Oh and famous they were.
The tango you danced with the Spaniard was merciful. Both of you gave the fans a spectacle, between the dribbles, the slide challenges, the blocked shots: the game was being played on your wing. Once you got your groove on, you were impossible to defend.
Real Madrid's goals came soon after. One after another. 2-0 up and 15 minutes left to go, the duel between the two of you was amazing to watch.
"Not so fun now huh" mocking the defender wasn't a wise idea, but the look. The look she gave you. Something between I want to murder you and I'm taking your clothes off after this.
Manchester City started to wake up again, bringing themselves to score twice in the last minutes of the game. An assist from the defender accompanied by a brace from Deyna.
Sadly, it was too little, too late.
The final whistle blew. Real Madrid 3 - Manchester City 2. A great game indeed. Full of individual battles. A true qualification. Real Madrid had earned their way into the Champions League group stage.
A biter sweet moment for you. Some old colleagues in tears, your new teammates filled with joy.
"You girls will do great in the league" you sat down next to the spaniard, consoling her on the defeat "It was a great match" you added, hoping a smile would creep into the defenders face.
"You were good out there" she replied "Swap jerseys with me?". Now that was unexpected.
Nonetheless, it was a request you weren't willing to turn down. Helping the woman up from the floor, you took your jersey off. The Spaniard's eyes traveled along the curves of your body. Your now exposed abs. The veins on your arms. She got a good look at you.
"Now who's enjoying the sight" you joked grabbing the woman into a hug, getting close enough to whisper "Btw, I look better under hotel room lighting"
Not only did Real Madrid win, but so did you.
Leila Ouhabi sliding into your Instagram dms sure indicated that.
You didn't take long to open the message, an invitation to food. The woman sure knew the way to your heart.
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Hi Molly,
Oh you’re right, this new tattoo/florist AU got me bad. Question, after the flower show does Kate continue to see other guys? And how does Anthony react the next time he sees her go on a lunch date after he spent hours with her at the flower show?
I think after the flower show Kate kind of... relaxes on the dating front. None of these relationships is going anywhere, she probably knew that a while ago. But it dodn't seem so obvious until she sat across from Anthony at the restaurant of the Chelsea Flower show and he'd smiled at her, looking a little out of his element in a button-up shirt, even if he'd paired it with braces and an adorable little bowtie and her heart had fluttered in her chest.
He'd looked so handsome and he made her laugh and he was the perfect gentleman. Opening doors for her and nervously fluttering his hands and waving away her attempts to pay for her share.
"I um-" Anthony cleared his throat as they stood outside, his bike helmet under his arm. "I had a really great time with you, today. I um- I really... I like hanging out with you."
Just for a moment, she'd thought he was going to lean in and kiss her. She would have let him. She would have let him. She would have let her hand wrap around his suspenders and pull him in closer. But instead he ducked his head, the tips of his ears red.
"I um- yeah, I had a nice time." He repeated.
"I had a great time with you as well, Anthony." Kate said, more than a little disappointed that he hadn't even tried to. "Really, thank you for listening to me rattle on for hours."
"I'd listen to you talk for days." Anthony said quickly, ducking his head again. "I just... you have a nice voice and I'm interested in what you have to say." Anthony took a deep breath and then said very quickly, "I have to go!"
"Anthony," Kate called out to him as he strode back to his bike, "You have a nice voice as well."
And his smile was maybe the most beautiful thing she's ever seen.
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robertnelson2-blog · 25 days
Types of Braces
The Invisalign System is a series of clear overlay templates called aligners that have been generated by computer simulation to gradually move the teeth. This system is available to adult patients with certain orthodontic bite problems. Ask us if you are a candidate for the Invisalign system. Braces Chelsea
Clarity™ braces feature a comfortable design with a translucent appearance. Made from a hard ceramic material, these braces won’t stain or discolor. With the same performance as metal braces, many patients are now choosing the clear option – Clarity!
Incognito invisible braces for teens and adults are the ideal solution for someone looking to straighten their smile, but are concerned about the appearance of braces. They are placed directly behind your teeth so no one will even know you are wearing braces unless you tell them. Incognito braces are the only 100% customized orthodontic braces available today made specifically for you and your smile. Contact us to see if Incognito hidden braces are right for you!
MARA Functional Appliance
The Mandibular Anterior Repositioning Appliance (MARA) is suitable for treating class II malocclusions, which are characterized by protrusion of the upper front teeth or a lower jaw and or teeth that are positioned back in regard to the upper jaw and or teeth. Using MARA, class II malocclusions are treated more effectively. The MARA is reliable and reduces treatment time.
Generally, the appliance is secured to the patient’s first molars via stainless steel crowns, which are easy to fit and retain more, compared to bands. The appliance features no removable parts, which means patient compliance is not an issue. Also, the orthodontist can more accurately predict the length of treatment.
The upper “elbows” can be removed; which facilitates comfort and advanced adjustments. The appliance can be advanced on one side or both sides.
Sore spots are minimal. Initially, it may feel strange to hold your jaw forward while eating, but within two weeks, chewing will become more natural. We recommend you eat soft foods initially. Do not chew on the elbows. Avoiding candy, hard foods, etc. throughout treatment will help prevent breakage of the appliance.
MARA is generally worn between 15 to 18 months. Your improvements will be noticed immediately!
The Forsus appliance is used in order to help move the upper molars back while moving the lower arch forward. Composed of a spring coil rod, the appliance is used while a patient is currently wearing braces. It runs from the upper first molar band down to the lower archwire. Braces Greystone AL
You may notice some discomfort initially, so we recommend a soft food diet for the first few days after the appliance is placed. Regular anti-inflammatory medication may help with any pain, if needed. It is important to keep the appliance clean; you may do this by carefully brushing the coil and other metal pieces of the appliance. Also, we recommend that patients not open their mouths very wide, as the appliance may come apart.
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xxxevilfilms · 2 months
Bi-Curiosity Killed The Cat: Chapter 2
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Info: Stacey is invited back to Wallace’s apartment; Wallace starts to feel sparks.
Warnings: Fondling, Dirty Talk, Dead Dove Content, Dry Humping
Disclaimer: Proceed with caution as always; Wallace is hitting on a high school girl and is very unapologetic about it 🙃
It's been three days since Stacey and Wallace officially became a couple and so far, within the last 72 hours anyway, things were going pretty well. After Wallace cooked up a burger for Stacey and dumped Scott on his couch, they exchanged phone numbers and have been texting each other constantly. They mostly talked about innocuous things like video games, anime, and some gossip here and there, but it was nothing explicit which Stacey didn't mind. She was already careful not to leave her cellphone out in the open, but she didn't need her parents or her brothers opening up her phone and seeing Wallace’s 12-incher on full display in her messages. Stacey wanted to intimate to Wallace eventually that any dirty stuff should be limited to when they were physically together, whenever that'll be anyway. Maybe this weekend would be good if Scott didn't already make plans with him.
Closing and zipping up her bookbag, Stacey left class for the day and mulled over if she should head straight home to do homework or hang out with her friend Chelsea at her house to do it there. She and her brother owned a GameCube, and Stacey wanted to try it out before she pestered her parents to buy her one for her birthday. Smiling, Stacey wanted to text Chelsea to meet her in front of the school so they could walk to her house together, but as soon as she opened her phone, she saw Wallace’s name pop up on her screen and heard a jaunty tune that came with it. Stacey blinked and quickly answered the phone before placing it to her ear.
"Hi..." She cleared her throat. "What's up?"
"You doing anything?"
"Um..." Stacey wasn't sure anymore. She really wanted to go to Chelsea's, but she also didn't mind seeing Wallace again. Quickly making up her mind, she sighed and said, "I was about to head to a friend's house actually."
"Ooh, that sounds like fun," He tittered. "Whatcha gonna do over there?"
"I was gonna try out her GameCube and stuff. Apparently it's got a bunch of games the PS2 doesn't have."
"I don't mean to ruin your plans or anything, but I gotta GameCube, too."
Stacey perked up. "R-Really?"
"Yeah, it's sitting in the box still. I actually completely forgot about it."
"Well, I didn't have anything set in stone yet, I was only thinking about going to my friend's place." She laughed a little. "I can come over."
"Really? I should straighten the place up a little then." He sounded even more chipper than he did before. "When can I expect you over?"
"Maybe an hour? I have to make some phone calls so my parents don't get nosy."
"Do you want me to pick you up?"
"N-No, no, God no. I can't have you poking your head around here..." Not yet anyway. If any students or teachers saw her leaving with a college student, rumors would spread and she'd get into a shitload of trouble. "You can drop me off at the corner of my block later. You know, if you wanna do that..."
"That's not a problem. Just tell me where to park."
"Oh okay, cool." Stacey twirled her hair a little. "I'll see you in an hour."
"Hold ya to it, babe." He chuckled and then promptly hung up.
Stacey took in a deep breath, shook away the blush blooming on her cheeks, and dialed Chelsea for a favor.
After Stacey convinced Chelsea to lie about being at her house just in case her parents checked in on her, Stacey braced the twenty minutes it took to walk to Wallace’s apartment and was welcomed inside with the smell of home cooking and a pantsless gay(?) man with a spatula in his hand. Stacey would have been taken aback by how bummy Wallace looked, but one, it was his apartment, and two, it's not like she didn't know what he was packing in there. Stacey looked away from his bright red boxer-briefs in favor of greeting him properly however.
"Hey." Stacey trudged past him and shrugged her backpack from her shoulders. "Cool if I throw this on the couch?"
"I don't care." He followed after her and promptly got in her face to pull her into him. "Told you what's mine is yours, didn't I, baby?"
"Still not used to this boyfriend/girlfriend thing, I guess..." Stacey pouted, but accepted the hug. Her head rests against his chest, and she suddenly notices how small she was compared to him. Blushing, Stacey slowly pulls away and makes her way to the couch to toss her bag on a cushion before sitting down herself. Wallace chortles, which Stacey tries to ignore by asking him where his GameCube is.
"You didn't lie to me, right?" She raised a brow. "Where are the goods?"
“ Do you really think I'd lure you here with promises of video games just so I can taste that sweet, sweet teen cunny again?” Wallace placed a hand over his heart in fake revulsion.
Stacey could only frown.
“Yes, actually.” She said plainly. “Yes, I do.”
“Gasp! How appalling! I'd at least make you dinner first.”
“You're a creep, you know that?”
“And you're sexy,” He clicked his teeth at her. “Yeah, yeah, I still got the thing. I swear, you can kill someone with those eyes, hun.”
“Hmph...” Stacey said nothing and only watched Wallace retreat down the hall to go into his room. This guy was seriously so weird; how the hell does Scott meet these people?
“By the way, do you like spaghetti?” He asked from his room.
“Yeah, Scott makes it all the time.”
“Told you I'd make you some dinner,” He emerged from the hall with a GameCube box in hand. “Help yourself, hun. Once I'm done here I'll fix you a plate, okay?”
“Thanks...” Stacey nodded and watched Wallace set the GameCube at her feet before walking back to the kitchen to finish cooking.
He may be a creep, but at least he was a thoughtful creep.
It's been three days since Wallace and Stacey officially became a couple and so far, within the last 72 hours, things were going pretty great.
After cooking dinner, Wallace helped himself to some spaghetti and garlic bread while Stacey only nibbled at her own plate as she was too engrossed in the game she was playing to eat all of her food. It was Resident Evil 4, a game he had laying around and didn't have the chance to play, much like his GameCube. Watching Stacey mow down zombies with the most determined look on her face was adorable and reminded Wallace of Scott. They were complete opposites in terms of personality and maturity levels, but they looked almost exactly the same; a trait that made them look super cute when he saw them together.
Wallace sat behind Stacey on the couch, the younger girl perched in his lap as he watched the TV screen over her head. At first she was a bit shy to sit between his legs since she worried she'd be too heavy for him, but Wallace reassured her that it was okay. He wanted to be close to her, smell the perfume on her neck and the conditioner in her hair. Never has he felt so strongly for a girl before, but here he was basking in the warmth of a girly little tomboy who looked too much like her brother. It was definitely her resemblance to Scott that got Wallace’s attention initially, but her attitude was what kept it; he liked snarky bitches who knew what they wanted.
Wallace catches a whiff of her hair again before settling back into the couch, cock twitching when Stacey squirmed around a little in his lap. She was too focused on the zombies on the screen to notice and shifted again to get comfortable, a soft roll of her wide hips that made Wallace purr. He noticed rather quickly that he liked her ass. It was big, fat, and round, and since Stacey had a lot more ass to go around compared to the men he's used to fucking, Wallace loved playing with it.
“Shit, this game is hard...” Stacey cursed, her wriggling hips doing wonderful things to Wallace’s dick. “It's really fun though. You should give it a go if I die here.”
“I'm having lots of fun, hun, don't worry...” Wallace caressed Stacey's hips and gave her a wry smirk she couldn't see. “Keep at it, I'm fine just watching you.”
“You sure? It's your game after all--”
Wallace rolled his hips up into Stacey's tight ass then, the force behind his thrust making Stacey's words catch in her throat. Wallace chuckled under his breath and did it once more, watching the bulge in his boxers rise to life before it's smothered by the heat of Stacey's rear. He knew it wouldn't take long for Stacey to notice his arousal, but he didn't wanna spoil her fun just yet. With sneaky hands and parting lips, Wallace helps himself to his new girlfriend's body while she plays with her game, mouth catching the lobe of her ear as he smooths open palms over her big thighs. She flinches and winds up taking a shovel to the head by a rampaging villager as a result.
“T-Thanks for that...” Stacey huffed.
“Don't let me distract you. Told you I'm fine with just watching...”
“It's hard to focus when you're...!” Her breath hitches then. Wallace’s hands wandered to the crotch of her jeans, touching her where he wanted her most. He likes how she tastes and wonders if she'd want it again, if she'd wanna a few fingers to fill her up this time. Wallace never thought he'd like pussy, but after savoring Stacey's pretty cunt for the first time, Wallace was addicted. Maybe that's what he'll do before he lets her go, eat her out while he humps her face with his cock, but Wallace is fine with this. Grinding and biting like a horny high schooler was bringing back delicious memories of doing the same thing to curious jocks desperate for a fuck, except this time it's with a sixteen year old girl and not some jar head with a complex. Wallace thinks that the irony is funny and plays with the button to Stacey's jeans to get what he wants.
“Wallace...” Stacey moaned.
“Keep playing your game, baby,” He whispered into her ear. “So good for me, aren't you, pretty girl?”
He felt her shiver like a leaf and her body relax when he managed to unbutton her jeans and pull down her fly. He then made her raise her hips a little so he can pull them down, leaving her lower half naked save for a pair of striped panties that covered her fat ass. Wallace whistles at the sight and helps himself to his little girlfriend's body by taking two handfuls of her rear in both hands. He squeezes and grinds himself between the fat and flesh of her partially covered backside as he sucked longingly on the side of her neck. Stacey's hands shake and she winds up pausing her game to sink back into Wallace’s chest, her eyes closed shut and body shaking as she lets Wallace touch all over breasts and stomach.
“It's so cute how you just melt in my hands, hun, christ...” Wallace simpered. “Been waiting for someone to touch you like this, huh? Treat you like they own you?” He gropes her breasts hard and firm then, spreading long fingers over heavy flesh to knead them together. “I swear, it's like you were made for taking cock.”
“N-No, it's...not like...” Stacey gasped, the girl putty in his hands when he bites into her neck, leaving a bright red hickey that is quick to bloom on her skin.
“I think it is, baby. I think you want me to fuck you.” He grinds harder into her ass and huffs. “I think you want me to fuck that little pussy.” He kisses her neck and gently worries her skin with his teeth. “I bet it's all nice and wet, so tight and pretty just like you, yeah?”
Stacey whimpers as she covers her face, flustered and falling apart at Wallace’s words. She was shy, inexperienced, and impossibly virginal. The littlest touch and the simplest words were enough to set her off and Wallace liked seeing her face when she's ready to come.
“Don't hide from me, honey.” Wallace moved a hand away from her face and kissed her cheek. “I wanna see you.”
Stacey stiffens and at first resists the pull on her wrist, but eventually relents. Wallace kisses her again as a reward for her compliance and holds her in such a way that she has to twist her body around to face him. She does just that and looks up into Wallace’s eyes with the sweetest look on her face, plaintive and wanting like an eager kitten.
God, these Pilgrims will be the death of him.
“So much for letting you play your game.” Wallace cups her cheek and strokes the skin beneath her eye with a thumb. “Wanna play with me instead?”
“Depends...” Stacey shifts her weight and leans into his touch before giving him a heart stopping smirk. “Can I take it with me when I go home?”
“Cute...” Wallace’s smile matches her own. “Yeah, why not, hun?”
Stacey regards him for a time before craning her neck to kiss him. It's sweet and innocent, it's chasteness only wavering when he feels her tongue sheepishly poke at his lips. Wallace opens his mouth and encourages her to explore, take the lead as it were, which the young teen does without much hesitance. Her tongue is small, so much smaller than a man's, almost like he's swallowing a worm. It leaves lingering tingles on his flesh that makes him shiver, like popping sparks that go off in his mouth.
He hadn't felt sparks in a while before meeting her.
Wallace takes Stacey into his arms and eagerly returns her kiss with gusto as he moans into her mouth. Like a good boyfriend, he doesn't go to far and fucks her through their underwear like they did days prior. Stacey is fine with that and grinds back down, hands wandering over his shoulders and chest as she quickly gave into him. Her pussy clenches and convulses when she eventually comes, her cunt leaving a noticeable wet spot in her panties that seeps into his boxers. Wallace doesn't care though and creams in his own underwear when he reaches his limit, gasping and grunting into Stacey's mouth as his nails dig into the skin of her ass. Stacey flinches but doesn't move, only pulling away from Wallace when she has to breathe. Wallace’s head follows her however so he can kiss her chin and then her nose before collapsing back on the couch to catch his breath while Stacey lays her heat-stricken head against Wallace’s chest. There's silence save for the hum of the television set and the wind outside, but it's a comforting silence, almost ethereal in a way. He could fall asleep here if it weren't for the jizz in his boxers and if he didn't have to drop Stacey off later.
“It's dangerous to be around you...” Stacey sighed. “To think I'm having dry hump sessions with you of all people.”
“Hey, I'm surprised, too. All this kinda snuck up on me.” He chuckled. “There’s a certain charm you and Scott have that just pulls me in.”
“Pfft, like what?”
“Good question...” He hummed in contemplation then before shrugging it off. “Eh, but who the hell knows? I'm just addicted to you Pilgrims, ya know?”
“You're so weird...” Stacey frowned when Wallace rubbed his face against her own. “But it's...it's a nice kinda weird. Like ice cream on a cold day.”
“If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're calling me an icy bitch.” He joked.
“No,” Stacey lifted her head and laughed. “I'm saying that I like ice cream.” She teased. “Even if that ice cream melts and sticks to my hand like glue when I touch it.”
“You're making me out to be some dirty old man.”
“Maybe cuz that's what you are, a dirty old geezer who can't control himself around girls... Or should I say boys?”
“Boys, but....”
“You're pretty boyish, so that counts for something, don't it?”
Stacey pinched Wallace’s cheek then. It barely hurt and only made him laugh which made Stacey laugh, too. The sparks ignite and go off like fireworks except in his soul this time and not in his mouth or loins. Wallace briefly wonders if Stacey feels the same way and if the sparks will last, but in this moment as he enjoys the company of his best friend's little sister, Wallace feels at peace.
Fucking hell, he thought to himself. What did he get himself into?
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periodicexaminations · 3 months
Emergency Dentist at Chelsea Heights: Reliable Assistance in Critical Circumstances
One kind of retainer offers the advantage of having an assigned emergency dentist in Chelsea Heights. You may anticipate a lot of clear aligners to get the desired outcome of a beautiful smile, as fresh trays are tailored when your teeth begin to come into alignment.
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The technology used in Invisalign dental treatment is distinct from that of conventional transparent braces or retainers. Invisalign was created with safety, effectiveness, comfort, and a little discomfort in mind. Invisalign was created with safety, effectiveness, comfort, and a little discomfort in mind.
The clear trays are custom-fitted, and they function similarly to braces in that your teeth are progressively moved into position. While the intended outcome of Invisalign is the same as that of traditional braces—that is, to move your teeth—the way it is applied is different from other braces.
Gained Self-Assurance and Better Dental Health
Increasing self-confidence and self-esteem is one of the main motivations for seeking crowded teeth treatment. Your self-esteem may suffer significantly if you're not content with your grin. A lifelong self-consciousness about one's teeth might have detrimental effects.
Social interactions might become difficult if you feel apprehensive about smiling or laughing, for instance. You may also abstain from eating specific meals or engaging in activities that require flashing your teeth. Cosmetic dentistry procedures can help you gain confidence about your appearance and yourself.
Get Your Dream Smile and Avoid Serious Dental Issues
Certain cosmetic dentistry procedures might also shield your teeth from future harm. For instance, your teeth may be more susceptible to infection and dental disease if they are chipped or fractured.
Cosmetic dental procedures like veneers or bonding can help shield your teeth from harm and stop it from getting worse Your life may be changed by a stunning grin. Cosmetic dentistry procedures, however, can offer a number of transformative advantages that go beyond simply improving appearance.
There are several benefits to cosmetic dentistry in Melbourne, including increased self-esteem and better dental health. Increasing your smiles will make a big difference in the individuals you meet with daily and improve your mental health in general.
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sofialane12 · 2 years
Invisalign Service in Chelsea of the best quality is available. Invisalign, also known as invisible braces aligners, is a painless and comfortable method to get the smile you've always wanted.
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savefilescomng12 · 5 months
Joe Cole slams Chelsea star for key mistake that lead to Arsenal thrashing | Football
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Benoit Badiashile had a poor game as Chelsea lost 5-0 to Arsenal (Photo: Getty)Benoit Badiashile’s failure to ‘set the tone’ led to Chelsea’s humiliating 5-0 defeat at the hands of Arsenal, Joe Cole reckons. Arsenal sent a strong message to title rivals Manchester City and Liverpool by defeating their London rivals in style at the Emirates on Tuesday night. Leandro Trossard opened the scoring in the opening five minutes before Ben White and Kai Havertz both bagged braces within a remarkable 18 minute spell in the second-half. While young full-back Alfie Gilchrist and goalkeeper Dorde Petrovic were initially held responsible for Trossard’s opener, Cole believes Badiashile must share some of the blame. The Chelsea centre-back nearly gave away a penalty within the first minute after fouling Havertz in the box but was saved by the offside flag, but his failure to deal with the in-form Arsenal attacker had a lasting effect on the match. ‘Do you know what? That first 10 minutes sums up Chelsea’s season,’ former Blues star Cole said on TNT Sports. ‘They played themselves back into the game, made chances. But I think it comes from Havertz. ‘Badiashile has got to go with him and set the tone. You must be thinking all week, “I’m playing Havertz. I’m gonna stop him”. ‘And in the first five minutes he’s let him stroll around midfield. It was so passive. ‘And poor Gilchrist, he’s got his work cut out. He’s got Declan Rice running at him and Trossard on the outside. It just spells out Chelsea’s game in that half.’ More Trending Read More StoriesCole’s comments came at half-time but the early Arsenal goal very much set the tone and laid the foundations for the Gunners victory. The result moves Mikel Arteta’s side three points clear of Liverpool at the top of the table, with the Reds set to play on Wednesday against Merseyside rivals Everton. They are also four points clear of City who travel to Brighton on Thursday, but Pep Guardiola’s team have two games in hand. For more stories like this, check our sport page. Follow Metro Sport for the latest news on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. MORE : Two Premier League footballers arrested on suspicion of rape and assault MORE : Liverpool to hold formal talks with Feyenoord as Arne Slot becomes No.1 choice MORE : Harry Maguire backs Erik ten Hag amid speculation over Manchester United manager’s future This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
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thefootballobserver · 5 months
April 17-19 European Roundup: Match Reviews
Comebacks and penalty shootouts galore.
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What. A. Week. This week had a bit of everything as the semifinal ties were decided. Red cards, surprise comebacks, penalty shootouts - there really isn’t anything to complain about, especially for the neutral. Here’s a brief review of some of the biggest games. Note that I only got to watch the highlights of most of these games, so these are very brief summaries.
Barcelona 1-4 PSG (agg. 4-6): Rash Araujo Boost PSG’s Treble Hopes
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Araujo’s red card resulted in a Barcelona collapse at home.
What would otherwise be a fun tie turned ugly thanks to an Araujo red card in the 29th minute thanks to a rash trip on Barcola right on the edge of the box, denying a clear goalscoring opportunity. Barcelona appeared to have firm control over the tie after Raphinha scored again after scoring a brace in the first tie, resulting in them going up on aggregate 4-2.
However, Barcelona imploded on itself after the sending-off, never recovering their early match form, with everyone in Blaugrana struggling to contain PSG from taking shots. Yamal had to come off for Martínez to come on, resulting in Barcelona losing much of their attacking threat. It only took the Parisians six minutes after the red card to score, with some lax defending from Cancelo resulting in former Barcelona player Dembélé scoring against them again.
This wouldn’t be the last red card, as Xavi got sent off for allegedly swearing at the referee for his decisions. This was sandwiched between a Vitinha and Mbappé penalty - Cancelo the man of focus again for a rash tackle in the box - to firmly turn the tie in PSG’s favour 4-5 on aggregate. Any lingering questions ended with a fourth for PSG that night. Mbappé scored after Barcelona failed to clear the ball after some brilliant saves from Ter Stegen to deny Mbappé and Asensio right before.
PSG’s treble hopes remain alive as they aim to win Ligue 1, the Coupe de France, and the Champions League. They’ll play three matches in Ligue 1 before playing Dortmund away for the UCL. For Barcelona, their once chance of winning a trophy has gone as they looked destined for a trophyless season, as Real Madrid remains firm favourites to win La Liga. They’ll face them for the El Clásico on the weekend.
This game hurts as a Barcelona fan, and if not for the card, Barcelona had a real chance of going into the semi-final. It's not a game any Barca fan will want to talk about. Also, the referee loved cards; two red cards and nine yellow cards in 100 minutes are not real.
My MOTMs: Raphinha (FCB); Mbappé (PSG)
Dortmund 4-2 Atletico Madrid (agg. 5-4): The Triple Comeback
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Sabitzer was the hero for Dortmund, sending them into the semi-finals for the first time in 11 years.
Who knew this tie would be the best of the four quarter-final games? The game started quickly, with Sabitzer and Morata missing golden chances in the third and fifth minutes. Atletico came into the game with a one-goal advantage, but that quickly turned on its head in the 34th and 39th minute, as Brandt and Chelsea loanee Maatsen scored incredible goals to turn the tie 3-2 on aggregate.
An atrocious first half for Atletico resulted in Simeone doing a triple change during halftime. It paid off as poor Hummels turned the ball into his own net, and substitute Correa scored to once again turn the tie in Atletico’s favour - of course, not before missing a 1v1 identical to Morata’s, invoking a hilarious reaction from Simeone.
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The poor man can only take one missed 1v1 per game.
The game was far from over, though, as Dortmund once again scored in quick succession in the 71st and 74th minute thanks to goals from Füllkrug (a beautiful, beautiful header) and Sabitzer again to end the tie 4-2 in Dortmund’s favour to book a spot in the semi-final for the first time in over a decade. Regardless of who went through in the League Underperformers™ tie, I don’t think it would have surprised anyone. But Atletico, this season, clearly has lost their defensive touch, which is usually so recognisable in a Diego Simeone team.
Dortmund have two challenging league games, facing League champions Leverkusen at home and Leipzig away before facing PSG at home for the Champions League. Atletico will have to work on securing UCL football next season with an extra slot out of the cards for La Liga and Atheltic Club breathing down their back. They’ll face them at home between games against Deportivo Alaves and Mallorca, both away.
My MOTMs: Sabitzer (BVB); Correa (ATM)
Bayern Munich 1-0 Arsenal (agg. 3-2): Bavarians End Arsenal’s 8-Year Awaited UCL Journey
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Kimmich’s header was enough to seal the tie in the Germans’ favour.
Arsenal waited eight years to return to the Champions League and bow down to Bayern Munich in the quarter-finals. In all honesty…wasn’t that great of a match. Both sides looked like they could but never would score. Of course, until Kimmich pealed away from Martinelli to send a header past Raya.
It was a pretty unmemorable match, but Arsenal definitely should have killed it off in the first leg at home as Bayern walked away from the tie with a deserved win (xG 1.33 versus 0.39 says it all). It's too bad that Harry Kane didn’t get another, but that Eric Dier performance was enough for my Spurs heart to be happy about, besides Arsenal going home.
Bayern Munich only have the UCL to fight for, with Leverkusen winning the league last weekend. They’ll play Union Berlin away and Frankfurt at home before facing Real Madrid at home for the semi-final. On the other hand, Arsenal still have the Premier League title to fight for in a three-team race, as they face Wolves and Spurs away and play another London derby against Chelsea at home in between the two games.
My MOTMs: Kimmich (FCB); … (ARS) (literally no one deserves it from Arsenal)
Man City 1-1 Real Madrid (agg. 4-4) (pens 3-4): City Loses Their Treble as Real Madrid Goes for Their Own
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Manchester City couldn’t get past Real Madrid’s low block…or Lunin, Madrid’s hero of the night.
What a horrible week to be a Barcelona and Premier League fan. Anyway, Real Madrid scored 12 minutes through Rodrygo, thanks to Walker's poor position in his first game back from injury. After that, it was all City, and they missed several decent chances to go level in the tie, with Real Madrid defending diligently. The game was borderline unwatchable for me (thanks, Walker) and very one-sided, although it was evident that that was what Real Madrid wanted. Alas, Man City did find the breakthrough, and it was star man Kevin de Bruyne to bring the game 4-4 on aggregate.
Of course, it went into penalties. Lunin would save Silva (never let the man take a penalty again) and Kovacic’s (apparently Rüdiger told Lunin which directly he’d shoot) to make Ederson’s save of Modric’s shot (a bit tame from the veteran) useless and send Real Madrid to the semi-final at the expense of the current holders.
Real Madrid will aim to add the La Liga and UCL trophies to their current Supercopa one to win the treble. As stated above, Real Madrid will play the El Clásico at home this week - should they win, La Liga will be virtually secured unless they collapse right after. Then they’ll play Real Sociedad away before returning to the UCL to play Bayern at the Allianz Arena. Manchester City may not have back-to-back trebles, but they can still go for the double and a fourth consecutive league title. They play Chelsea at Wembley for the FA Cup semi-final this weekend, then Brighton and Nottingham Forest away in the league.
If nothing else from this match, I’ll keep that Ederson penalty in my mind for a while. @ Pep, how about trying him as a striker ahead of Haaland and Álvarez for a change?
My MOTMs: de Bruyne (MCI); Lunin (RMA)
Marseille 1-0 Benefica (agg. 2-2) (pens 4-2): Normal Time Hero Trubin Can’t Save Benfica on Pens
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Trubin had to make many, many saves in normal time just to keep Benfica in the tie.
I don’t follow most of the teams in Europa and Conference, so I’ll primarily be skimming through the following matches.
This game was virtually all Marseille - with Benfica goalkeeper Trubin having to make some wonderful saves to protect their advantage - until the 70th minute or so when Benfica finally did something of note to trouble the Marseille goal. Unfortunately, this didn’t translate into any momentum as Moumbagna headed a cross from Aubameyang that went under Trubin’s legs and into the goal to level the tie at 2-2 on aggregate.
Extra time wasn’t enough to decide the tie, and it went into penalties. Somehow, Di María missed his shot as it bounced off the post (perhaps he’s not as immune to the French air as his Argentine counterpart Otamendi) and Antonio Silva’s shot was also saved, making Marseille goalkeeper Pau Lopez the hero as Henrique scored the final penalty to send the French side into the semi-final of the Europa League, where they’ll face Atalanta.
Atalanta 0-1 Liverpool (agg. 3-1): Nuñez-ed Liverpool Limp Out of Europe
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It seems like Nuñez-ism has indoctrinated everyone.
To absolutely no one’s surprise, Liverpool hasn’t recovered from the Manchester United draw two weeks ago, the 0-3 first-tie loss, the Crystal Palace game last weekend (where they lost 0-1 at home) and Salah’s early penalty (from a Ruggeri handball) wasn’t enough to send them into the semi-final as they limped out 3-1 on aggregate.
Honestly, I have nothing to say about his game (really, Liverpool?), but it’s now very much possible that Klopp leaves Anfield with just a League Cup this season, given Liverpool’s tough form. Honestly, he deserves more, but everyone appears to be possessed by the soul of Nuñez and is unable to score. No comment, honestly.
Credit to Atalanta, though.
Roma 2-1 AC Milan (agg. 3-1): De Rossi, What Are You Cooking?
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Again, De Rossi has cooked for Roma. Mourinho who?
AC Roma fully dominated Milan - even after Celik was sent off for a tackle, which, if you ask me, really didn’t have any venom. Every goal got a gasp out of my mouth. I’ll be rooting for Roma in the Europa with Liverpool out if nothing else.
West Ham 1-1 Leverkusen (agg. 1-3): Leverkusen Keep Their Unbeaten Streak Alive
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Sighs, can Leverkusen lose already?
Can you tell I hate success? Okay, I don’t hate success; I hate it when it’s too much though. I can handle a treble, but an unbeaten streak and a treble? Call me jealous because I just looked at my forwards and sighed. Yes, Leverkusen kept their unbeaten streak alive through another late goal.
Honestly, it looked like a fine game. Both were evenly tied, and a draw was fair for this game. Of course, Leverkusen deserved to pass through this tie for their home performance and is a strong favourite to win the Europa and the treble.
Lille 2-1 Aston Villa (agg. 3-3) (pens 3-4): Martínez Sh*thousery as He Breaks French Hearts Again
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You have got to love Martínez…unless you’re French.
Emi Martínez played the hero for Aston Villa as they went into penalties against Lille, and the Argentine pulled off some wonderful saves and some dance moves to secure the Villans’ spot in the Conference semi-finals.
It just had to be him in a green kit in front of the Lille fans.
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mateojoseph453 · 7 months
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whatsonmedia · 8 months
Brace Yourself for a Sports Bonanza: From T20 Battles to Soccer
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Get ready for a weekend where sporting spectacles collide like tectonic plates, delivering an earthquake of excitement! Buckle up, sports fans, because this week's calendar is overflowing with epic clashes and nail-biting action across cricket, football, basketball, and even the Women's FA Cup! Cricket's T20 Extravaganza: New Zealand and Pakistan lock horns in Christchurch for the final two T20Is of their thrilling series. Will the Black Caps regain their dominance, or will the Tigers roar to victory and claim the series? >New Zealand vs Pakistan (4th T20)০ Date :  Friday, 19 January 2024০ Time : 12:10 BDT০ Venue : Hagley Oval, Christchurch>New Zealand vs Pakistan (5th T20)০ Date : Sunday, 21 January 2024০ Time : 06:00 BDT০ Venue : Hagley Oval, Christchurch Future Stars Shine: The ICC Under-19 Cricket World Cup heats up! Witness rising stars from South Africa, West Indies, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan battle it out for cricketing glory. >South Africa Under-19 vs West Indies Under-19 (Match 2)০ Date : Friday, 19 January 2024০ Time : 14:00০ Venue : JB Marks Oval, Potchefstroom>Bangladesh Under-19 vs India Under-19 ( Match 3)০ Date : Saturday, 20 January 2024০ Time : 14:00০ Venue : Mangaung Oval, Bloemfontein>Pakistan Under-19 vs Afghanistan Under-19 (Match 5)০ Date : Saturday, 20 January 2024০ Time : 14:00০ Venue : Buffalo Park, East London Serie A Scuffle: Italian giants AC Milan and Juventus go head-to-head in Serie A. Expect fierce tackles, dazzling footwork, and a passionate fight for supremacy. >AC Milan vs Udinese০ Date : Saturday, 19 January 2024০ Time : 19:45 GMT০ Venue : Bluenergy Stadium>Juventus vs Lecce০ Date : Sunday, 21 January 2024০ Time : 19:45 GMT০ Venue : Stadio Comunale Via del Mare Premier League Powerhouse Clashes: Arsenal host Crystal Palace in a London derby, while Liverpool travels to Bournemouth for a potential goal-fest. Can the Gunners maintain their momentum, and will the Reds rediscover their winning touch? >Arsenal vs C Palace০ Date : Saturday, 20 January 2024০ Time : 12:30 GMT০ Venue : Emirates Stadium>Liverpool vs AFC Bournemouth০ Date : Sunday, 21 January 2024০ Time : 16:30 EST০ Venue : Vitality Stadium Queens of the Pitch: Don't miss the Women's FA Cup action! Leicester and Aston Villa, and Arsenal and Everton clash in what promises to be a display of grit and athleticism. LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 14: Sam Kerr of Chelsea in action with Millie Turner and Maya Le Tissier of Manchester United during the Vitality Women's FA Cup Final between Chelsea and Manchester United at Wembley Stadium on May 14, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Marc Atkins/Getty Images) >Leicester Women vs Aston Villa Women০ Date : Friday, 19 January 2024০ Time : 19:00 GMT০ Venue : Pirelli Stadium>Arsenal Women vs Everton Women০ Date : Saturday, 20 January 2024০ Time : 14:00 GMT০ Venue : Meadow Park Africa Cup of Nations: The prestigious Africa Cup of Nations continues with Senegal facing Cameroon and Tunisia taking on Mali. Buckle up for high-octane football and passionate displays of national pride. >Senegal vs Cameron ০ Date : Friday, 19 January 2024০ Time : 17:00 GMT০ Venue : Stade Charles Konan Banny de Yamoussoukro>Tunisia vs Mali০ Date : Saturday, 20 January 2024০ Time : 20:00 GMT০ Venue : Amadou Gon Coulibaly Stadium Basketball Buzzer Beaters: The NBA action sees the Knicks clash with the Wizards at Madison Square Garden, the Bulls lock horns with the Grizzlies, and the Magic take on the Heat. Prepare for electrifying dunks, three-pointers that swish through the net, and nail-biting finishes. >Knicks vs Wizards০ Date : Friday, 19 January 2024০ Time : 5:30 AM০ Venue : Madison Square Garden>Bulls vs Grizzles০ Date : Sunday, 21 January 2024০ Time : 7:00 AM০ Venue : United Center>Magic vs Heat০ Date : Monday, 2 January 2024০ Time: 5:00 AM০ Venue : Kia CenterSo, clear your schedules, gather your friends, and prepare to be swept away by this week's sporting spectacle! From the electrifying cricket clashes to the passionate football rivalries, this weekend promises to be a non-stop thrill ride for every sports fan. Let the games begin! Read the full article
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