#Cloud Efficiency
technology-and-beyond · 8 months
How to Achieve Seamless Cloud Migration Success
Discover proven strategies and expert insights in "How to Achieve Seamless Cloud Migration Success" – your guide to a smooth and efficient transition to the cloud.
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bdccglobal · 1 year
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Mastering Azure Cost Management! 🌟📊 Dive into 4 powerful strategies to optimize your Azure costs and boost your cloud efficiency. Unleash the potential of effective Azure cost management!💡💻
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cloudbattrolls · 25 days
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Cut-away piece of all possibility, severed from the Spine of Worlds.
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Elevate your business with Magtec ERP! 📈 Experience real-time insights, smarter decisions, and streamlined operations. From CRM to manufacturing, we've got you covered. Book a demo today! 🚀
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ichabodcranemills · 5 months
call me a fucking luddite but when our manager told us today we have* to use AI to write our documents (and indicate so in the spreadsheet with time and # of documents created), I wanted to walk.
*have as in: if you don’t use it, you’ll be marked as not having done the job properly. Even if your text is correct. The AI is to be used even if you don’t find it useful or necessary
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Translucent Blue - Liveable areas.
Black dots - Captials (rough positions).
Black triangles & trees - mountain ranges, forests, and taigas.
Ports - Self-explanatory.
Nine grey circles - The Nine Muses Seals.
Aldor's Desert - Legend says a past king of Stagnus angered Aldor, and as punishment, he turned a portion of the kingdom into a desert. Very little life survives there.
White Coast - It's said that the sand turns a ghostly white under a full moon.
Legacy Caverns - Once accessible to all kingdoms, rockslides and avalanches proved the area was too dangerous and was closed off. The caverns had such cold ice that it was said anything could be preserved in there..
Harmonia Trading Hub - The trading center of Harmonia. Always bustling with life.
The Blue Captain's Cave - Said to be the cave of the self-named Blue Captain, it holds all her treasures that she stole. Many have tried to enter, but there are so many wards and protection spells its nigh-impossible.
Almara Clinic - Famous throughout Harmonia for being able to help nearly anyone. Aspiring healers all over try to get in.
Aire Village - Destroyed, but still relevant in Harmonia history. It was a peaceful village before all the residents became deathly ill with something clearly contagious. Queen Melody and Queen Alina had to make the tough decision to have the village and its people killed.
Devos's Liveable Area - It's so small due to the revolts during King Umbra's reign. While the mountain ranges and desert were determined, so many riots happened that villages were destroyed and several cities too. King Damien is hoping to fix this.
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it is so hard to quit google sorry
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episims · 2 years
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"Erm. Where's your dad?"
"Uh, right. Never mind me expecting an answer." Is Julian at the tower...? Maybe a bit bright to stargaze at this hour, but uh. He wouldn't just leave without warning me. Would he...?
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"Woah, hold on. I'm not-"
"Huh. If you're the parrot type, we probably should cover your ears when Jonas is around." *sigh* Here I am having a pointless conversation with a toddler. Where the actual hell Julian is?
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chuchayucca · 5 months
The length is fine!! I love long posts just diving into thoughts
Honestly, as shit of a human being the uncle is, his entire relationship and dynamic with Richard is just. SO fascinating to me. Even in scenarios where Richard WASN'T abused by his brother, he still had to live with him as he grew up, and deal with his whole... Thing. I wanna know their dynamic sooooo bad
Also!! Oh my god I didn't even think of Richard's drinking being connected to his abuse, that's SUCH a good idea
Though that does give me the sweet idea of Carmen trying to help Richard with his alcoholism, maybe even chewing his brother out for enabling it
Same here, Richard can be an intriguing character because of his relationships alone. I’m curious too, even without the possibility of abuse, what was life like for the both of them? Did Richard ever suspect anything? I also wonder if the Carmen and Richard are in the cult theory is true, because if so, was it the Uncle would trick them into it?
Richard has a few things going for with him and I’m a bit bummed out, the fandom doesn’t pay attention to him as much as Carmen, and when they do, he’s just Carmen’s husband.
TW Discussions about fictional CSA and SA and alcoholism
Thank you. It made sense to add because CSA and SA victims are more likely to abuse substances to cope with the abuse and trauma. There‘s specific personalized reasons why victims turn to substances.
Richard turned to them to improve his low self-esteem, feelings of loneliness and inadequacy, his mental health in general, and later feelings of shame, when his parents found out because he believe it was his fault his brother was caught and treated him differently afterwards. Outside reasons for his alcoholism are his friends thinking his drinking made him cool and could also underage drink with him because the Uncle would supplied them. The Uncle had his own motivation for this.
Again trigger warning because unfortunately I have to talk about this sicko’s actions and reasons to explain his character.
He gave Richard alcohol as a bribe to not tell anyone about the abuse. First it started when Richard became uncomfortable with the “games” so the Uncle would persuade him to continue by buying him toys after the ordeal. This continued until Richard turned 13, by then the Uncle realized toys weren’t affective anymore, and that alcohol would help Richard forget what happened. It also helped with the Uncle’s image as he looked like the cool older brother to Richard’s friends so they didn’t suspect anything.
Throughout of Richard’s life, Carmen has been very supportive of him. Despite what people think of Carmen, I do believe she genuinely does care for her love ones and will help them.
Oh that’s another good scene idea, the Uncle finally receiving some sort of consequences. Hope you don’t mind this, but that scene did gave me a possible direction for Carmen and the Uncle’s relationship.
Carmen is somewhat skeptic of the Uncle and is assertive towards him when she needs to be, compared to Richard. I don’t think I can stressed how much of a positive impact Carmen had on Richard’s life here. Carmen was one of the few people to take Richard’s drinking and his problems in general seriously, was and is still supportive of him, weaken the grip his brother had on him once she became a active person in his life, help Richard become his own person, and was the push he needed to improve himself. Of course the relationship went through hardships because of Richard’s problems with intimacy and alcoholism and Carmen’s own flaws but in the end Richard got better because he finally had some form of support.
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notquiteaghost · 8 months
realising today that a big part of why job is working so well is none of the managers enforce the bullshit rules. had A Conversation that was supposed to be Reprimanding re: things ive missed when date checking & it was so much the opposite of Reprimanding it turned into us shit talking the current date checking system cuz like. things come into the store in boxes & trays with use-by dates on! and then we take them out the boxes & trays and now the only possible way of checking if those use-by dates have passed yet is a human person using their eyes??? one of the things that gets checked Every Night is cheese & deli which has at worst a use-by date two weeks from when we first get it in. a lot of it is two months. a couple things are good till 2025! why do we have to check it's still good till 2025. why can't we just get a computer report of what's short dated. the computer knows what we have & when we got it & if we've sold it! the computer could tell us if we've had it for a month without anyone buying it! i cannot believe i am being made to advocate for the robots to take my job!!!
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techtoio · 3 months
The Science of Climate Change and Technology Solutions
Climate change, of all the challenges, is among the most critical in the modern day. With such unpredictability from variable weather patterns and global average temperature increases, the need for implementable solutions has perhaps never been so extreme. By exploring the intriguing intersection of climate-change science and innovative technology solutions, TechtoIO goes to the bottom of this global issue. Read to continue
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ujusttry · 8 months
Declutter Your Digital Life: 3 Simple Steps to Organize Your Photos and Documents
From blurry selfies to forgotten tax forms, digital clutter can weigh you down like a backpack filled with bricks. But fear not! This guide is your roadmap to a streamlined, stress-free digital space. So grab your virtual broom and prepare to reclaim your
Declutter Your Digital Life: Is your phone bursting with blurry photos of your cat? Does your computer desktop resemble a digital landfill? Fear not, fellow internet dweller! Today, we’re diving into the art of decluttering your digital life, specifically focusing on those photo and document mountains weighing you down. Declutter Your Digital Life: 3 Simple StepsStep 1: The Great Sorting Spree –…
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jcmarchi · 9 months
Atomos Connect Camera to Cloud Workflow Success Story - Videoguys
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/atomos-connect-camera-to-cloud-workflow-success-story-videoguys/
Atomos Connect Camera to Cloud Workflow Success Story - Videoguys
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In the blog post “How GMedia tells great stories in no time with Camera to Cloud” by Atomos for Videomaker, the senior producer Joshua Cruse from GMedia shares insights into their video production workflow and how they efficiently tell compelling stories using a Camera to Cloud (C2C) approach. Here’s a summary:
Joshua Cruse, senior producer at GMedia, began his journey capturing musical performances with a passion for audio and video.
GMedia, the creative agency for Green Machine Ensembles at George Mason University, focuses on showcasing various musical performance groups.
Challenges Before C2C:
Traditional video production workflows led to exhaustion, with long hours waiting for media to off-load onto disks.
Upgrading to high-quality 4K video added to the production team’s burden, as the post-production workflow didn’t keep pace with camera advancements.
Transition to Camera to Cloud (C2C):
GMedia adopted the Camera to Cloud workflow using Atomos Connect module for Ninja and integrated it with the Frame.io creative collaboration platform.
The continuity of using Atomos devices from the late 2010s to the mid-2020s provides a sustainable and cost-effective practice.
C2C workflow proved to be a “magic link” for GMedia, offering cohesion, accessibility from anywhere, and significant time savings.
Benefits of C2C Workflow:
C2C workflow includes Atomos monitor-recorders with C2C connectivity and Frame.io for near-instant file uploads.
Editors can start crafting edits sooner, speeding up post-production, and proxy files stored in Frame.io are perfect for quick social media edits.
Josh emphasizes the importance of proper archiving without sacrificing recording quality for quicker turnarounds.
Real-Time Collaboration with C2C:
A specific example from April 2023 highlights the real-time collaboration aspect of C2C.
A remote producer, Tina, edited footage in real-time from home while Josh, on-site, confirmed shots using an airpod, showcasing the flexibility and efficiency of C2C.
Time-Saving and Future Plans:
Time is emphasized as a non-renewable resource, and the C2C workflow is designed to save time and make the team’s life easier.
Josh and the GMedia team see C2C as a long-term solution, committing to utilizing it as long as Frame.io and Atomos support it, highlighting its transformative impact on their workflow.
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In conclusion, GMedia’s adoption of Camera to Cloud with Atomos and Frame.io has not only saved time but has become an integral part of their efficient and innovative video production process, allowing them to tell compelling stories quickly and effectively.
Read the full blog post by Atomos for Videomaker HERE
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cloudbattrolls · 8 months
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It’s an empty threat and they both know it - Tuuya would never harm Teagan - but they don’t approve of him eating trolls since he doesn’t have to. They’re happy to remind him that he’s as much food to them as the trolls he himself eats.
Inspired by this:
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With Magtec ERP Software, streamline your operations, manage resources, and make data-driven decisions all from the comfort of your desk!
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tarmac-rat · 11 months
Open to see something cursed
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