#Clovis points
Archaeologists Discover How Prehistoric Humans Hunted Mammoths, Other Megafauna in North America to Extinction
Woolly mammoths, and other megafauna in North America were hunted by Prehistory humans using Clovis points, archaeologists have found. Image by Pictavio, Pixabay Archaeologists have unveiled new insights into the hunting strategies employed by prehistoric humans in North America, focusing on their interactions with large megafauna like mammoths. The findings, detailed in the journal PLOS ONE,…
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direwolfrules · 11 months
Been spending too much time in this one Archaeology Professor’s courses. I went with my college’s history club to the Museum of the American Indian and I got super excited when I saw Clovis points. In my defense, they’re Clovis points.
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Look at them! They’re stunning!
Anyway, I’m so glad my friends in the club are willing to listen to me rant because I went on a whole five minute spiel about the Clovis people and disproven claims of pre-Clovis populations.
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 days
he said
he said Clovis
from the
the Morpheus cabin
Clovis from the Morpheus cabin
TA server joked too loudly about how Morpheus was snubbed of a cabin with Rick confusing him with Hypnos until TSATS one too many times and the ReadRiordan listening device tapping the server went
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and retconned it cause retconning is Rick's favorite pasttime these days, alongside writing stuff about piss
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hyakunana · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, Rasputin!!
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sprucestairs · 20 days
oops I have done it a third time.
more incorrect pjo quotes.
Malcolm: y'know, it's fine to admit you were wrong.
Nico, drinking coffee with salt in it: I just like the way that it tastes.
Castor: well, well, well. If it isn't the consequences of my actions.
Damien: swear words are illegal now. If you say one, you'll be fined.
Sherman: heck
Damien: you're on thin fucking ice.
Damien: oh no-
Connor: Annabeth likes to say "you can be part of the problem or part of the solution," but I happen to believe you can be both.
Annabeth: Christmas is cancelled.
Damien: you can't cancel a holiday.
Annabeth: keep it up, Damien, and you'll lose New Year's too.
Damien: what does that mean?
Annabeth: Will, take New Year's away from Damien.
*cut to Will scribbling furiously on a calendar*
Clovis: you know my motto: carpe diem, carpe noctem, carpe coles.
Pollux: seize the day, seize the night, what's the last one?
Clovis: seize the dick.
Percy: hey, Joe said he's coming over this afternoon.
Kayla: cool.
Percy: do you know who Joe is?
Kayla: JOE MAMA!
Austin, not even looking up from his phone: damn, that backfired.
Lou Ellen: that's a crazy idea. Insane. It doesn't make sense.
Clarisse: you'll do it?
Lou: of course.
Katie: unpopular opinion; not all dogs are good boys.
Drew: blocked.
Katie: sometimes, they're good girls!
Percy: sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way.
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lionofchaeronea · 1 year
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Clovis point, fashioned from chert and belonging to the Clovis culture (so named from early 20th century archaeological finds near Clovis, New Mexico) that spread throughout North America following the Last Glacial Period. Clovis points are distinguished by manufacture through the pressure flaking technique and by fluting near the base. Manufactured between 11,500 and 9,000 BCE and found in Sevier County, Utah; now in the Natural History Museum of Utah, Salt Lake City.
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geddyqueer · 3 months
while backpacking this weekend we spotted a rock (chalcedony) which had been carved into a point to be used as a tool. we took pictures of it and i confidently announced to the group that this would have been created pre-euro contact, so it was at least 500 years old. i did some research on our way home and it turns out that my age estimate was at least 10,000 years off!
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erismornsgf · 2 years
really fascinated by the Clovis AI vs Clovis-1 (later Banshee-44). I know this has probably been discussed before but. the AI is an exact replica of Clovis Bray I's consciousness put into a giant exo body (the head, anyway), while Clovis-1 was a normal exo meant to be Clovis reborn/given a second life. but being a typical exo his memories were reset so he's like. no longer an asshole lol. like this is one of the first interactions he has after waking up (speaking to Elsie and the Clovis AI):
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[image ID: excerpt from the lorebook "Legacy's Lament" that says:
"Hold on there. You haven't gone through any initiation protocols. You're not ready," she says.
"If there are lives to be saved, that's where I need to be," the new guy replies. He's oddly determined.
"Where you need to be," the AI interjects, "is with your family. Me."
"Every instinct I have is telling me to reject you," the Exo retorts. Nice, new guy.
/End ID]
it's such an interesting contrast. here the original Clovis was hoping this exo was going to be an exact continuation of him. his life, his legacy, his research. that he'd continue to propagate the exos and make an army of them (if the Vex invasion + Collapse hadn't happened, anyway). Clovis is selfish and doesn't care if most of humanity dies because he just sees them as future exos. he wants everyone to be a product of his legacy. but Clovis-1 basically sacrifices himself 43 times to save people and help shut down the vex portal.
idk there isn't much of a point I'm trying to make here I just think it's an interesting study of how humanity isn't inherently evil and being untouched by the influence of the Darkness (and monopolistic capitalism lol), Clovis-1 is a good person. he even wished he could've kept his memory to help repair the broken relationship between him and his granddaughter, Elsie, but ofc after 43 resets he lost most of what made him Clovis (perhaps for the best).
references: Legacy's Lament lorebook, Clovis Bray's Logbook (missing pages)
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mysterysimblr · 1 month
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Priene: So, how was “holding hands” with Clovis? Mercedes: Eep! Great, actually. I know you two have—wait, are you upset with me? Priene: Oh, please. As if a guy could ever stand between us. Mercedes: Right!
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aresianrepose · 2 years
If you think that Jason killing Joker is immoral and wrong then I wish you a very never say eat the rich again.
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riptidespen · 1 year
The biggest disappointment about tsats to me is the lack of demigods. Like firstly, the whole camp is empty is so unrealistic. You are telling me every single demigod has a good home/parent/family to go home to? I read the books, I know it wasn’t just Luke, Thalia, Annabeth, and Leo out there with issues of returning ‘home’. Camp Half-Blood grew in numbers because so many were being claimed and brought to the camp there is no way during the school year it’s just Nico and Will as the remaining demigods. 
I so desperately wanted Clovis to be involved in this quest in some compacity. The son of Hypno, he could have been useful in some way about dreams and nightmares. I get the book is about light and dark, Will and Nico, and mostly just Will excepting his boyfriend is his grumpy little ball of darkness and that’s ok because not all darkness is bad. Still, it would have been nice to have someone else with them to help combat against an invisible force that invaded their minds. 
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lanternlightss · 1 year
got attached to the hypnos sona and they don’t even have a design or a name 😭😭
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ifseawereink · 9 months
author of my own destiny ○ episode 84
I love siegren my boy but as time passes by his possessiveness and obsessiveness towards fiona kinda gets into me. It's still in the form of inner monologue so far but you've lived your whole life with fiona and you even pointed out that she seemed like she didn't belong in that world(-ish) and yet the moment she had a dream you feel weighed down?? I understand if you feel sad but the problem is he hasn't showed any supportiveness in his inner monologue (idk maybe i missed something out) like if the person i love found what they wanted to do i would feel happy even though i would feel a little bit sad. His happy to sad proportions ain't it. Pls go to manhwa therapy before it's too late because honestly i love this manhwa for abel the plot and art and actions. The main characters are ok so far but if sieg's going to be like this for a long time then idk (would still read for chaps with abel maybe. I love him too much to drop this)
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buckets-of-dirt · 2 years
Excuse me WHY is there a Tyler Childers song about looting palaeoindian sites? And more importantly why did nobody tell me about it
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gaygxnslinger · 2 years
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darkarchercatalyst · 2 years
I was reminded of Code Geass yesterday and specifically the fact that I could beat Clovis at chess.
"He led with his king and is willing to sacrifice it to prove a point!" Ah yes that technique at professional levels is know as An Illegal Play, or in novice levels like myself as Just Plain Dumb.
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