#Clovis people
elizabethwydevilles · 6 months
There's more serious things that are issues with the author of the YA Padmé books, but 'actually 🤓Padmé did try to free Shmi' will always be something that really annoys me because it obviously stems from criticisms of Padmé's character on the internet.
Instead of digging in to why Padmé didn't try to find Shmi - digging in to thematically appropriate ideas of being part of a system that makes it actively hard to enact change, the idea that the problems in the Republic are so vast that extremely important values get lost in the day to day fight, that Padmé herself is a person with privilege with the blind spots that brings, that you can be a person with the best of intentions and yet fuck things up (literally the theme of the prequels) - we're told that she did! And it was important to her!
Just not important enough to her for it to be mentioned in any of the movies, or relevant enough for Padmé to tell Anakin the highly pertinent information that Shmi was not with Watto and could not be found, when Anakin was trying to make sure Shmi was safe and not suffering like in his dreams.
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altrdecho · 2 years
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The Emperor of a gilded age.
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aresianrepose · 1 year
So like. Everyone typically agrees that like Michael Myers or Freddy Kruger or Mr. Voorhees dying are like good things to happen in their respective horror films right?
So tell me why Joker is any different? Michael only broke out of prison once (I think, I don't go here) and has only killed 98 people (excluding the Rob Zombie movies)? Those are rookie numbers compared to Joker.
We, the audience, are supposed to feel catharsis and joy when Jaime Lee Curtis like brutally murders him and then parades his body through town (and all of the people in town are like Hell Yeah this is morally correct because our town has been repeatedly victimized by this man) before tossing that crusty man through a human sized paper shredder. Additionally, this killing was necessary for the character to move on and heal from her past.
All I'm saying is that like, the people of that town experienced wayyy less horror than what Gothamites have gone through just from the Joker. And there is no "self-defense" against Joker, these poor people just have to hope a caped guy shows up in time to save their asses. And most of the time, there is already a heavy body count before that caped guy gets there and gives some speech about the sanctity of life or some shit.
This killing would similarly be healing for Jason. I agree with the other post floating around right now about how his healing journey would not be realizing killing is wrong or whatever the fuck.
In this essay, I will explain why Jason would be lauded as a hero and given a parade for killing Joker and the parade ending with Joker's corpse being thrown into a fucking wood chipper. As well as how even within the fictional context, the moral debate surrounding killing Joker is so fucking stupid if you think about it for longer than two seconds.
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cactusringed · 5 months
I fully agree with every post that are about understanding, questioning, and highlighting the mcyt fandom's tendency to be over protective and overtly defensive, and in general I love seeing discussion dissecting fandom, fandom culture, etc, it's fascinating on so many levels and I love to encourage it
But it can also bum one out, and the two cents I feel like I oughta add is that fandoms aren't a job and I think a lot of us take fandom things pernyaps a bit too seriously. I think it's good to take a step back every now and then. It's just about wanting cubitos to kiss or go through world ending trauma meow meow it's extremely valuable to discuss the fandom as a community and want to improve it but I also think that we gotta remember that for a lot of people it's not that deep
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zia-sxl · 20 days
I wonder if when Lelouch ever thinks back to his childhood he remembers things about others that are so insignificant now- his siblings choice foods, the face Clovis made when he drew, Cornelia's favorite book, the games Euphy played with them, who got sick the most often, the decorations in their rooms, their pets, the class that he hated the most- he doesn't know if any of these things are the same anymore.
It doesn't matter since things are different now- if it ever hurts, it doesn't matter since they aren't here now and he can't trust them anymore.
Lelouch has already chosen his side.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
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doodle page from a couple months ago of demigods with unusual weapons cause i was thinking about it again the other day
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tanadrin · 10 months
the broader thesis of The Dawn of Everything so far seems to be "even before agriculture humans had really complicated and interesting societies," which seems pretty incontrovertibly true at this point. moreover, though they position this as in some sense novel information, i'm not sure how novel it really is: Göbekli Tepe was excavated starting in the 90s, Monte Verde and Pedra Furada (sites which basically proved the Clovis culture could not have been first in the Americas) were dated in the 80s, and they've been excavating Poverty Point (a site graeber and wengrow discuss extensively) since the 1950s. basically the viewpoint they're arguing against seems not to have been current for thirty years at least at the time of publication, and while i'm sure it's new to a lot of lay readers, you could be forgiven for thinking, based on the way they write, that they're challenging some kind of archeological orthodoxy.
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baede-6 · 1 year
Clovis Bray:YOU SUCK MORE!
Clovis Bray: I have a cool exotic for you if you clear the Vex out of my lab.
Clovis Bray:...
YW: Coming.
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this-acuteneurosis · 1 year
Leia may look quite a bit like Padmé, but her political bite was trained in a very different environment.
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brbuttons · 2 years
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1971 Oompa Loompa learnt how to speak English by watching Coronation Street in the TV Room.
Also they're always flirting with Mrs. B.
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hopefulstarfire · 2 years
my favorite star wars moment is still like anakin confronting clovis after walking in on him trying to kiss padme, even as she was yelling no, and like. when clovis taunts him by telling him to see if he can fight without his fancy jedi tricks and anakins like BET and just starts beating the shit out of this guy with his bare hands. like clovis deserved to get his shit rocked and its nice seeing anakin just go all in there. space jesus doesn't need the force to do his dirty work for him, all he needs are those fists.
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thefirstknife · 1 year
new raid description: "haunting" huh... this is how Nezarec can stil-*shot by Bungie sniper*
I'm the sniper. HJFKJSHFKJSHF
On a more serious note, it's really interesting that they updated the raid description. Like, it's driving me insane, especially since other raids didn't get that. Vow stayed the same the entire time for example, and told us quite a lot about the location being the Pyramid. Original for Lightfall:
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New description:
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That seems like a lot of information, but also it tells us nothing conclusive. The "haunting presence" stayed the same. The rest is super vague and could mean a number of different things.
"Unknown time and place" seems to indicate something to do with the Vex. But it could also mean something related to the Nine or whatever Elsie is doing to go through timelines or whatever is the power of the Witness or something entirely new. We don't know enough about Neomuna and what they've been dealing with. Also "ferried" is interesting. It implies that something is being brought in, not that it shows up on its own.
The original description says that this threat is "within" something redacted. I think that indicates a new location, or at least something they didn't want to detail during the initial reveal. But the new description doesn't add to it much outside of saying "growing at our doorstep."
"Growing" is an interesting word given the recent flood of egregore infested spaceships. "At our doorstep" could mean near Earth or near Neptune or even just a general near our entire solar system or near our dimension/timeline. The later seems to be closest so far, given the "unknown time and place."
I would love to see Nezarec in full glory, but also I genuinely don't want us to rethread old stuff. Nezarec is dead. He can whisper to people through his relics and that's about it. I want to know more about his actions and ultimate fate in the Collapse as that's important for us to know how to fight against the Pyramid ships, but I don't think we have to fight him again personally. More so because he failed as a disciple and died. From what we know right now, there is no reason for the Witness to entertain him again or for him to be described as coming from "unknown time and place." Obviously, super wild plot twists notwithstanding. This would obviously be super cool. I'll be the first in line to scream from joy if that happens.
I'd definitely prefer something new for the raid though. Vow really spoiled me tbh. But also, if we're bringing back something known, I would like something we haven't explored before, but that's relevant for the future. Like the Nine! The Nine are known to be coming from weird dimensions and trying to grow life out of nothing, for example, which I would much rather see explored as it's something we've been in the dark about for the entire duration of the game.
Another issue is that while I think the "unknown time and place" could signify Vex, we already have 2 Vex raids. So is it likely to get another? It could also be that the new raid has multiple enemy types so it's not all Vex. We currently don't have an active raid with the Uluran and Calus is known to like to dig around dangerous stuff.
I think guessing what the raid will be about is pretty much impossible. Outside of Crota's End and King's Fall (it's in the name for them), we've never really known what any of the raids would be about and who would be the final boss. I think that makes is more exciting! And speculation is super interesting as well. I remember speculation around Vow and how incredible it was to see that it has nothing to do with anything we've seen before.
But I also know that speculation can sometimes lead to disappointment. Some people are still salty to this day that Deep Stone Crypt didn't have "giant Exo Clovis" as a raid boss as if there was anything indicating that it would be the case. People just kinda wanted that to happen, despite Clovis' story not being nearly close to ending so killing him in a raid wouldn't have made sense. So definitely keep on speculating (and feel free to comment what you'd want to see from the raid!), but also keep in mind that we're most likely entirely in the dark and don't bet your enjoyment on any specific theory. There's so much we don't know and we could get another super cool surprise with something totally unknown!
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aresianrepose · 2 years
I'm redefining the word Ally. It's no longer just being accepting and non-hateful toward -insert minority here-. To be an ally you have to actively make any space you're in friendly to that minority group by using your majority privilege. That means not tolerating or excusing hate, microaggressions, and people who might be nice to you (or are even family/partners/close friends) but are bigots. That means using inclusive language and practices. That means taking a stand for the minority group in a social situation even when a member is not present. That means voting with your vote and your dollar for the benefit of these groups. If you don't do these things then you're not an Ally. It is genuinely not enough anymore, and has arguably never been enough, to stand at the sidelines while these minorities are killed by a system you benefit from as a majority. Do better.
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cactusringed · 2 months
Mood board for a Clovis whose electricity bill mroe than doubled. Actually I can't post the pictures because they're too violent
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saranootnoot · 8 months
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When you realize ur adopted sister can see ghost inside objects and can now see and physically hear and touch them.
< @artyboidoesstuff >
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ancientorigins · 2 years
The bizarre accidental discovery of butchered 37,000-year-old New Mexico mammoth bones on a Texas professor’s land has upended the once prevailing Clovis First theory.
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