#Coburg Street
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Street scene in Coburg, Bavaria, Germany
German vintage postcard
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snappingthewalls · 9 months
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eardefenders · 8 months
Sherlock & Co Locations
Location, location, location. Are you like me and not a native Londoner? Are you also like me wondering how to visualize a place or, perhaps more importantly, how long does it take to get from 221B to the various locations and how much they're spending on tube fare?
Well then look no further! This is my masterpost with links to each location described in detail in each post made on those locations. Each post gives a bit about how far from 221B it's located (depending on travel method), how much it likely cost them to get there, photos of the location, and a bit of the location's history.
Every time we get a new locale I'll add a post and link it here. :) Lmk if I miss any and I'll add them. If you see a location and it has no link then either the link broke or I haven't made the post yet, but logged the location.
The Criterion Bar
221B Baker Street
The Volunteer Pub & Restaurant
Regent's Park
Thor Bridge (Upney Ln)
Walthamstow (Morgue)
King George's Hospital
Barking/North Barking
Fortnum & Mason
Paddington Station
Hilton Green/Chatham
Berlin (John's Vacay Spot with The Boys)
Heathrow Airport
Hotel Cosmopolitan
Bailey's Street
King's Road
44 Cross St., Croydon
Chiswick Flyover
The Fox (the swinger's pub)
Hanwell/Ealing/West London
Islington Tunnel
Blackheath Common
"GAIL'S Bakery"
The Strand
'Saxe-Coburg Square'
Pinewood Studios
Charing Cross
Opera House (?)
Barking Station
Waterloo Bridge
Bank of England Museum
Camden Town
Living Room Club Cafe
'Gloria Scott' (Oil Rigs)
St Dunstan
Little Venice
Brick Lane
Neal's Yard
South Kensington (Ice Rink)
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35mmproject · 7 months
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View of Cork from the intersection of Coburg Street and St. Patrick's Hill
[Check out our vintage photography store on Redbubble]
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tiny-librarian · 8 months
Princess Charlotte of Wales (daughter of George IV and Caroline of Brunswick, not Prince William and Kate Middleton) married Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, future King of the Belgians and uncle to Queen Victoria, in London on 2 May 1816. As the heiress presumptive to the throne and the woman who should have been Queen, if not for her untimely death the following year, her wedding was the social event of the decade and she needed a dress fit for a Princess in order to match the occasion. She had one.
In this royal fashion history documentary from History Calling we look at one of the earliest surviving royal wedding dresses in British history which was recently on display in the Queen’s Gallery in Buckingham Palace. Despite the increasing popularity of white wedding dresses at the time of her nuptials, Charlotte wore silver silk and satin overlaid with lace and embellished with shell motifs. We’ll trace her dress’s journey from its creation by the Princess’s dressmaker, Mrs Triud of Bolton Street, to the day Charlotte wore it, to what happened to it after her death and how it came to be in its present home. By comparing photographs of the dress as seen today to historical descriptions and a picture of it from 1816, we’ll see how well the current gown matches early 19th century fashions, examine how much of the original garment is left and ask whether this unique piece of dress history can really be called the wedding dress of Princess Charlotte.
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dweetwise · 9 months
[Riconti] Holiday spirit
Happy holidays riconti fandom! Please accept this gift of festive fluff 🥰 Rated G | 3.2k words | ao3 link
Felix still feels strange being back in his hometown. 
The Coburg market square is bustling with life at the annual Christmas market. Felix was never an avid visitor before, but this time the nostalgia is kicking in full force: the smell of street food and mulled wine, the glow of string lights and the big Christmas tree, and even the obnoxious holiday jingles make his chest ache with familiarity. It’s almost like he never left Coburg in the first place.
Except for the fact that one Ace Visconti is here with him.
Ace has a mug of Glühwein in his hands and is blowing on the hot beverage, his eyes eagerly drinking in the busy market. It’s a couple degrees below zero and a gentle snow is falling, but despite Felix’s best efforts to the contrary Ace is thoroughly underdressed for the weather. He has neither gloves nor anything to cover his head, and his windbreaker jacket and pants might protect him from the nonexistent wind but not the late-December temperature.
But even if Ace must be freezing, he hasn’t complained once.
…Unlike Felix, who complained first about the long line to the sausage kiosk, then about the awful apple punch they made the mistake of trying, and then about a family of stupid tourists blocking the street. But that’s neither here nor there.
Ace’s nose and ears are already red and Felix should probably be annoyed at him for not dressing properly, but instead he finds it oddly endearing. He doesn’t know how long it will take Ace to get used to German winters after decades of sun on the west coast of the USA, but today is clearly not that day.
A group of teenagers pass them on the street and briefly pause to stare at Ace—who’s currently browsing a selection of wooden crafts—and a few of them giggle and continue on their way. Felix really can’t blame them: the bright, clashing colors of Ace’s outfit stick out like a sore thumb in the sea of muted winterwear in grayscale and neutral colors. Looking at the neon pink and green for too long would probably give Felix a migraine; but then again, he only has his past self to blame for deciding to flirt with a man who combined a leopard print shirt with purple sequin pants.
Felix smiles to himself. If awful fashion sense was a dealbreaker for him, their relationship would probably have lasted less than twenty-four hours total.
“What’re you grinning at?” Ace asks, having caught him staring.
“You,” Felix says bluntly. “And your outfit that is horrendously unfit for this weather.”
Ace scoffs. “It’s not that cold.”
Felix simply smiles. “Come on,” he urges, “We should try the crepes next.”
Ace obediently falls into step beside him. Felix’s hand twitches in a familiar urge to touch—born out of countless times of patching up injuries, pulling each other up on their feet, and sitting by the fire leaning against Ace in quiet solidarity—but there are too many people here and too many eyes on them.
Of course, it doesn't help that Ace is wearing the equivalent of a big flashing sign saying “Look at me!”
“You know, I wasn’t too sure about this market when you first told me about it,” Ace says while they walk. “But it’s actually really cozy with the snow and lights and all. And any event that boils down to drinking wine and eating good food? I’m sold.”
“I’m glad,” Felix says. “It was never my favorite, but I wanted to show you. And even I missed it, after…”
He trails off, and something in Ace's eyes softens. 
"I love it. And I'm glad you wanted to take me here," Ace says. And then, because getting him to be earnest for more than five seconds is like pulling teeth, he grins and adds, "Even if I'm pretty sure all these 'handmade Bavarian' souvenirs came straight out of a Bangladesh sweatshop."
Felix grimaces. He always hated how the tourist crap seemed to overtake more and more of the event each year.
That being said, he still stopped to buy a terribly overpriced and absolutely hideous knit hat while Ace was busy refilling their Glühwein mugs at another stall. It will make a nice Christmas present to match his questionable excuse for a winter jacket.
“So how exactly are crepes German or festive?” Ace prods.
“Because the French can't take credit for mixing milk with flour and throwing it on a pan,” Felix huffs. “It's bad enough they got to name them. Pretentious little shits.”
Ace smirks. “I’m telling Élodie you said that.”
“Trust me, she has much worse opinions about Germans.”
“Ah, sweet neighborly rivalry,” Ace sighs. “I can't wait to meet the Lyras again so they can try—and fail—to argue that Brazil is better than Argentina.”
He looks at Felix expectantly, clearly waiting for him to agree.
“I wouldn’t know,” Felix says. “I’ve never been.”
“Maybe you should do something about that, then,” Ace says. His voice is playful and his smile casual, but he’s still looking at Felix a little too intently for it to be a joke.
“You just have to tell me when and I'll be there,” Felix says and fully means it.
“Yeah, right,” Ace snorts. “I bet Lauren would love for you to go touristing in the middle of a big project.”
“You’re vastly overestimating my importance in the company,” Felix says. “Lauren survived five years without me. I don't think a week will even make a dent in her schedule.”
Ace regards him silently: he knows that Felix took on much less responsibility upon returning to work—“Richter & Golder” was practically just “Golder” these days, and Felix was grateful Lauren even wanted him back on the team at all—but Felix suspects it’s another thing to see it in practice.
“You'd really come to Argentina?” Ace finally asks.
“Of course,” Felix says. “But only if you want me to.”
Ace beams up at him, then throws his head back and groans dramatically. “Oh, god, my sisters will eat you alive. Please don't learn any Spanish before the trip. Or Italian. You know what, just wear noise canceling headphones whenever they’re around. Actually—”
Felix watches Ace ramble with a smile. He’s leaving for Buenos Aires in just a few days to spend the holidays with his sisters and their families, having reunited with them after their escape from the Entity. For as much as Ace sang the praises of Las Vegas and America for the last few years, he doesn't seem to care much about going back to the USA compared to Argentina and Germany.
“—though, full disclosure, if you don't like Dulce de Leche I'm breaking up with you,” Ace says.
Felix chuckles. “I suspect I won’t, but I’ll be sure to lie for your benefit.”
“That’s all I ask,” Ace says with a grin.
They’re finally coming up to the crepe kiosk and Ace turns to look at the menu. It’s a little strange to imagine not being with him for Christmas, seeing as they’ve—admittedly not by choice—spent every holiday together for the last few years. Even if said holidays mostly consisted of Dwight in an elf costume distributing firecrackers and styptic agents around the campfire.
But Felix knows they both have more important places to be. Ace hasn’t spent quality time with his family in decades, and Felix's number one priority for the foreseeable future will spending every moment he possibly can with his own new family:
His five-year-old daughter, Klara.
Felix's ex-girlfriend has invited him over for Christmas eve to have dinner and open presents together. It will most likely be indescribably awkward—especially with both his ex’s parents and her new husband there—but they’re all doing it for Klara, who seemed very excited about the idea.
Or possibly just about the extra presents.
Regardless, Felix immensely respects his ex for not only managing to build a stable home for their daughter when he disappeared, but for being honest with said daughter from the start. Even when she was furious with Felix for seemingly abandoning them, for five years she told Klara stories about her other father building houses and showed her pictures of him. And when Felix finally showed back up and tried to pick up the pieces of his broken life, he got to meet his daughter for the first time and she immediately recognized him.
Felix clears his throat before washing down the sudden lump in his throat with some Glühwein. He’s not sure what he's done to deserve so many incredible people in his life—the survivors, Lauren, his ex, Klara, Ace—but he’s determined to be a man they can all be proud of.
“Che.” Ace nudges Felix's side, pulling him out of his thoughts.
“Is the crepe guy okay?” Ace whispers, leaning closer to Felix while staring at the shopkeeper frying a batch of crepes. “He just chucked three whole chocolate bars on a crepe and wrapped it up like it was normal.”
Felix snorts, his somber mood instantly elevated. “It's a Kinder bar too. That has to be some kind of crime against gastronomy.”
“I know.” Ace only pauses for a beat before asking, “Should we get one of those?”
Felix doesn’t even hesitate. “Of course.”
Ace shoots him a lopsided smirk. “You really do have a soft spot for tacky things,” he says, then turns to place their order.
Felix bites his lip to suppress a thoroughly dorky smile. Just five years ago, he would have scoffed at the mere sight of children’s street food and retro windbreakers, all to preserve the image of a man nobody even liked. And even if the motto of “be yourself” first seemed like an impossible task after half a lifetime of hiding everything genuine about himself, it’s been slowly but surely resurfacing—through trials, friendships, and having someone by his side who never judges.
Felix doesn't have to filter himself with Ace. Even his worst foot-in-mouth moments only earn teasing remarks in response and more often than not end in both of them laughing. Ace doesn’t take offense to Felix's bluntness and he more than pulls his weight in the playful bickering that has become one of Felix's favorite pastimes.
And Felix knows the feeling goes both ways: all their years together have chipped away at Ace’s compulsive lying just like it has for Felix's play-act. Ace has never had to avoid talking about his past of crimes and addiction and betraying people for money, because Felix doesn't judge him by who he was before, but rather by who he is today.
Just a few days ago, a seemingly harmless question about whether Felix could chip in for Ace’s plane tickets derailed into a serious conversation, with Ace sitting Felix down and making him swear to never give him a significant sum of money or gift him anything valuable that could be returned. There was always a part of Ace that would crave the thrill of gambling and the risk of relapsing increased significantly if he had easy money lying around—no matter if he knew said money was meant for rent, bills, or a plane ticket.
Felix was silent for a long time after that revelation. Ace tried to joke it off and desperately switch the subject, but after Felix quietly stood and pulled him into his arms, Ace just slumped against him and exhaled a long and shaky breath. Neither of them had to use words, because the meaning was clear:
Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for understanding me. Thank you for being here.
“Biological weapon acquired!” Ace strolls up to Felix with a grin, holding a cardboard plate with a crepe and two forks sticking out of it.
Felix probably shouldn't be making heart eyes at a man in full neon carrying a glorified candy pancake, but he does. 
Ace steers them to an unoccupied table and hands Felix his fork. They proceed to eat a few bites in expectant silence.
“It’s good,” Ace says, clearly surprised. “Why is it good!?”
“It’s way too sweet,” Felix complains. He still keeps eating the crepe.
“Let’s just agree that after three mugs of wine we’re too drunk to know better,” Ace says.
“Speak for yourself, you lightweight.”
“Well excuse me for not being six-foot-two and born with German beer in my veins!”
Felix snorts and proceeds to almost choke on his bite, then bows his head to wheeze quietly instead.
“That’s it, no more Kinder for you,” Ace says, holding the plate protectively against himself. “I should have known that shit is like crack to Germans. No wonder it’s banned in the States.”
Felix wheezes harder and has to lean against the table for support, his shoulders shaking with the force of his laughter. He dimly registers someone muttering, “What the fuck is wrong with that guy?” in German, but he really can’t bring himself to care.
When Felix has somewhat collected himself and looks up, Ace is smiling smugly at him around a forkful of crepe.
“Drink?” Ace asks, pushing his mug closer to Felix’s empty one over the table.
Felix nods and accepts the item, and in quiet understanding they turn to stand side by side and look over the market while Ace polishes off the crepe and Felix finishes his drink.
He enjoys these moments of silence between them just as much as the usual back-and-forth or long conversations at the campfire. Felix knows that they still have a lot to figure out when it comes to adjusting back to a normal life, with the logistics and long distance and Felix's daughter. But instead of the existential dread that’s plagued Felix for most of his life, these days he only feels a deep calm when thinking about the future.
Things have been so much easier when there’s a constant in his life, something that’s not dependent on Felix's career or family name. And every time Felix wakes from a nightmare or starts second-guessing himself on whether all that horrible shit really happened, he just has to listen to Ace snoring next to him or touch one of the numerous lucky charms he insists on showering Felix with.
Ace is tangible proof that Felix went through hell and came out stronger for it. He’s been Felix's anchor for years and even when he’s across the world, Felix still feels just as grounded as he does with Ace right by his side.
Ace glances at Felix and catches him looking—Felix has been watching him for quite some time instead of observing the market—and he quirks an eyebrow as he tosses the empty plate in a nearby bin. 
“You’re staring again,” Ace says. “Are you gonna keep nagging about my jacket?”
In response, Felix simply leans closer, then hesitates and searches Ace's eyes. Understanding dawns on Ace’s features before his mouth splits into a bright smile, and then he’s grabbing Felix by the lapels of his jacket and pulling him down for a kiss.
Ace’s nose is cold where it bumps into Felix’s cheek but his lips are warm, stained with chocolate and mulled wine and soft against Felix’s. Felix cups Ace’s head and sinks into the gentle press of their mouths, simply enjoying the closeness.
Felix doesn't care if people are watching. He doesn’t care if someone sees him with a man or thinks they’re being inappropriate. He doesn’t care that they still have many challenges to face. For the first time ever, Felix knows exactly what he wants to do with his life and he’s going to do everything in his power to get it.
Starting with kissing the man he loves in the most crowded place in all of Coburg, apparently.
Ace is trembling when they pull apart. Felix could flatter himself by thinking his kissing prowess was enough to make him weak in the knees, but the truth is that the weather must finally be catching up to Ace.
And he still won't admit it, the stubborn idiot.
“You know,” Felix starts, brushing his thumb over the stubble on Ace’s cheek. “There’s a pub I like just down the street. Why don’t we go and warm up for a little while?”
“Oh, thank god,” Ace groans and thumps his forehead against Felix’s shoulder. “I’m fucking freezing and this supposedly famous wine really isn’t all that great.”
“You could have told me you were cold.”
Ace pulls back enough to give him a defiant stare. “And listen to your ‘For the love of god, Ace, I told you five times to bring a scarf’ all the way home? Not a chance.”
“I would never,” Felix says. Ace huffs a disbelieving snort, and Felix can’t suppress his smile as he continues, “Because I told you at least ten times and also asked you to bring gloves, and a thicker jacket, and—”
“Okay, okay!” Ace exclaims. “Christ, the word Besserwisser was probably coined just for you, wasn’t it?”
Felix chuckles and reaches into his pocket for the knit cap he bought earlier. He was planning to wrap it and gift it properly another day, but practicality usually trumps sentimentality where Felix is concerned.
“Here,” Felix says, holding out the item. “Merry Christmas.”
Ace stares at the hat while most likely silently judging both its cliché reindeer pattern and questionable orange-brown color scheme.
“It’s traditional Bangladeshi reindeer,” Felix deadpans.
“Thank you,” Ace finally says slowly, then puts on the hat. “How do I look?”
Felix tries not to laugh as he takes in the sight. The cap somehow looks even worse when it’s worn because of the pattern stretching and distorting. The price tag also still dangles loosely from the too-big pompom on top, and the muted orange and brown somehow makes the neon of Ace’s jacket pop out even more obnoxiously.
“Fucking hideous,” Felix concludes.
Ace barks out a laugh and Felix chuckles too. Despite Felix’s harsh words, they’re both leaning into each other, Ace’s arms wrapping around Felix’s waist and Felix gently tucking a few errant strands of gray hair into the cap.
“Good,” Ace says, then looks up to meet Felix’s eyes with an overly exaggerated pout. “Now hold me, I’m cold.”
Felix smiles and slings an arm over Ace’s shoulders to pull him even closer. “Come on. It's not far.”
Ace lets himself be led to a quiet pub around the street corner, insisting on paying for their drinks while apologizing for not having anything to gift Felix in return. Felix maybe gets a little sappy and confesses that just having him here is the best gift of all, and in response Ace tugs him into a corner booth and kisses him longer and deeper than is probably appropriate.
And despite the cold and crowd and fashion hiccups along the way, this year’s Christmas market will remain Felix’s favorite for a long, long time.
Or at least until next year when they no doubt visit it again.
Thanks for reading! 💞 Ace’s outfit is from his leaked winter skin, because it’s tacky and I love it. (Minus the headpiece. What the fuck is that beard.)
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Emilio Piani (German, 1817-1862) Sugar plantation in Cuba, 1839 Museo Nacional De Bellas Artes de Cuba, Salon of Colonial art In this scene Emilio Piani, observer, depicts a sugar plantation (un ingenio) in Cuba. Overseers are resting under the shade of an umbrella (held by a laborer) and are on horseback, while slaves or laborers are seen working the landscape to the right and center. Emilio takes careful detail of the tropical landscape, with its palm trees and rolling mountains. Ludwig Friedrich Emil Piani (Emilio Piani) (1817-1862) – a portrait and landscape German painter born in Coburg, duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, Germany. As child he was a playmate of the Prince Albert, the future husband of Victoria, the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. In 1837 Emil Piani made a trip to the United States and then to Cuba residing in the later approximately till 1846. In 1841 his studio was on Obispo Street, Havana, probably where today is the Florida Hotel. During his stay in Cuba made several trips to nearby countries like Jamaica. In both islands he painted several portraits of notable persons and landscapes. In 1852 he returned to Coburg and after few years came back again to the Caribbean. He died in Curaçao in 1862.
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loiladadiani · 1 year
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Tsar Kirill Vladimirovich? (1876 - 1938)
Kirill Vladimirovich (with the heavier mustache) appears in the photos above with his wife, Grand Duchess Victoria Feodorovna (nee Princess Victoria Melita of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha), his brothers Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich and Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich (married to ballerina Mathilde Kschessinska) and his sister Princess Elena of Greece and Denmark (nee Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna.)
Kirill was the son of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, the third son of Tsar Alexander II. He became a rear admiral in the Russian Navy and eventually married his first cousin Princess Victoria Melita who had divorced Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig of Hesse and by Rhine. Because of this marriage, he was stripped of his honors and banished from Russia, but Tsar Nicholas eventually forgave him and Kirill was allowed to return.
During the February Revolution of 1917, in Petrograd, Kirill marched to the Tauride Palace at the head of the Garde Equipage (Marine Guard) to swear allegiance to the Russian Provisional Government, wearing a red band on his uniform. He then authorized flying a red flag over his palace on Glinka Street in Petrograd.
In June 1917, Grand Duke Kirill was the first Romanov to flee Russia through Finland. His family did not suffer any losses as a result of the revolution.
After the death of his cousins Nicholas II and Grand Duke Michael, Kirill proclaimed himself the head of the Imperial Family of Russia and, as next in line to the throne, as the Guardian of the Throne in 1924. Kirill proclaimed himself emperor-in-exile in 1926. He worked to restore the monarchy from exile for the rest of his life, but his claims were contested by some factions of the monarchists in a division that continues today.
His granddaughter, Maria Vladimirovna, is one of two claimants to the headship of the House of Romanov.
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colemansdimple · 2 years
So I did this quiz on my twitter to see if I should write next a Vicbourne au post war OR a pure vicbourne fic. Ppl voted and the vicbourne au won BUT I guarantee that I'm already working on the pure one and IT WILL HAVE MORE CHAPTERS YAY!
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When one door closes
By colemansdimple
Victoria was born to live a comfortable life. That's what everybody told her. Her family wasn't that rich but they had some means to ensure she'll never need to work a single day in her life. She was instructed as any highborn lady. She learned manners, how to dress and how to behave in society. But her passion was her piano lessons.
When she was growing up she had many sweethearts but her family chose her cousin Albert Coburg to be her future husband. His family had a good name and he was supposed to inherit land in the country. It wasn't as if she didn't care for him. They knew eachother since childhood and in their teenage years they walked hand in hand and shared innocent kisses. She knew that if she married him she wouldn't need to worry about anything in the world.
Then the war came. It was violent and long. Soon all the young boys were recruited to serve in the army. It didn't matter whose family they belonged. Destruction, fire and death followed. Her family lost everything they had trying to flee. In the first weeks after her fiance left they still exchanged letters but soon she would write but he would not reply back.
10 years the war lasted. Victoria was now a 26 year old woman with no husband, no money on her name and no knowledge of how the new world worked. When the letter came, the one saying Albert had disappeared in action, her parents decided to send her to live in the big city. She felt absolutely furious of her fate and hated everyone involved in her misfortunes.
She managed to rent a small flat shared with other 2 girls. She needed to get money to help them pay the bills fast or she would have to live in the streets. When she was walking around looking for a job she came across a small shop next to a cafe. It was an antique shop that sold things from before the war. Things that weren't destroyed. She looked through the window and saw the most beautiful piano she had ever seen. Oh how she missed playing her music! She went inside and asked very politely to the shopkeeper if she could play a little for free. She was pretty and managed to get his attention so he said yes. She sat on the piano...she held her breath...and she started to play.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
William was a soldier. He was raised by his father since his mother left them. She was a good mother but she suffered from mood swings and had a strong temper. One day she just walked out of the door, closed it behind her and never came back. His father was a rigorous man. He raised William to be cold hearted and rational. But somehow he still managed to maintain his mother's kindness and cleverness with him. When William was 18 his father sent him to the army so he could escape the sins of youth.
Soon enough he raised himself in the ranks and became very influential inside the army. Almost like a politician. His ability to say and do the right thing saved his life many times. When he was 30 he met a woman in a officers party. She was pretty and had a calm way about her, he thought. The perfect role model for his future family. Something his own mother never was. They married and soon she became pregnant with his first child. And then the war came.
William barely had time to hold his Alice in his arms when he was summoned to the front lines. He needed to survive. He needed to come back to his family. He couldn't leave his child to grow up without him. The battlefield was brutal. Everyday more comrades fell. He was beginning to lose hope. He was responsible for one of the last regiments standing. They were reduced to boys who barely had any battle experience. Their cries at night seemed to never stop.
Then, miraculously, a peace treaty was signed. He could finally go home after 10 years away. However, when his troops were returning they found themselves trapped in a minefield. He tried to calm his men saying they shouldn't run but none listened. They so desperately wanted to go home. One by one they hit a mine. One by one they fell to the ground while William screamed for them to return. So many explosions all around him. He was starved, thirsty, exhausted and desperate. He ended up fainting.
When he woke up he was in a hospital. Another troop rescued him and some of his men. But others went missing. He would never forgive himself. If he was a better commander none of this would have happened, he thought. When he was finally able to return home he found out his wife had died in childbirth. Alice was being raised in an orphanage. When he saw her he fell in love with her all over again, like the first time he held her in his arms.
But to his child he was a stranger and it took a while for her to trust him and accept to live with him. He received many prizes for his actions in the war. Along with a penthouse and a very good retirement money. His daughter would want for nothing and he would raise her now to be a proper lady. He lacked the knowledge to do that however, and after the war the good schools were still almost all closed.
He was having a coffee one day, in a quiet street, thinking about the best way to educate his daughter, when he heard music. It was someone playing a piano in the shop next door. He got up slowly, almost enchanted. It has been so long since he heard a piano! Then he saw her through the window. She played with such passion and concentration she looked almost possessed. He felt petrified just by looking at her. She was so small but incredibly beautiful. Then the music ended. She got up, thanked the shopkeeper and headed for the door. He thought she must surely be a proper lady, the way she moved, and she clearly was educated in pre war schools. She must teach his daughter everything she knew. As she exited the shop, he grabbed her by the arm.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
She was scared when she felt strange hands reaching for her arm. Immediately she tried to get away. But then she looked into his beautiful green eyes and she felt her anger slipping away.
- Excuse me miss, can I ask your name?
- It's not very polite to ask for a lady's name before you have yet to introduce yourself Sir.
He blushed slightly.
- I am William Lamb and I'm pleased to meet your acquaintance miss....?
- There's no need for you to know and I'm taking my leave. Good day to you sir.
She turned around to leave but he ran to stand in her way .
- I apologize miss. I'm just an army man and I've returned from the war not long ago. It appears that I've left my manners on the battlefield.
He said with sharp looking eyes. It had the intended effect because she clearly became interested in him. Maybe he might know something about my fiance, she thought. But in the back of her mind she was already dangerously getting lost in the forest of his eyes.
- I am Victoria Kensington. How can I help you Mr. Lamb?
- You see miss Kensington I have a daughter in need of proper education, and I heard you playing the piano and...I felt that you might be the right person to teach her how to become a lady in society. I can pay you well and it would be only a few hours of your time. Please, could you consider my offer?
Victoria thought this was surely a miracle from the heavens! This might be her chance to survive on her own in the big city and she might even get some news of her poor Albert! But she couldn't say yes right away. It isn't very ladylike, she thought, like she's desperate or something. Well... she was desperate...but she couldn't show it.
- I'll give it a thought Mr. Lamb. I've just arrived in the city you see and I'm still adjusting.
- Miss Kensington, please, if you could just come by tomorrow...I'll give you the address...then you will see why I...we...need your help so much.
Victoria agreed to come by his house...and she also agreed with a ride home. Her feet pained her from walking all day job hunting. He took her to her front door and gave her his card with the address of a penthouse. Not bad, Victoria thought, not bad at all for a first day in the big city.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
He could barely contain his excitement! Finally he had done something right for his daughter! But she wasn't too happy with the news. The thought of having more lessons bored her so she locked herself in her room for the rest of the day. William felt distraught, he knew nothing of children. Why couldn't she just accept he was doing the right thing for her?
Next day, Alice still wasn't talking to him. He managed to get her bathed and properly dressed before Victoria arrived. When Alice saw Victoria for the first time she thought she was seeing a fairytale princess. Her makeup, her hairstyle, her clothes, her manner of speaking. Everything felt different from what she had seen so far in her little universe. Although her father knew Victoria had a secret temperament, something that intrigued him, he couldn't deny.
Contradicting what he thought would happen, Victoria and Alice got along very well. She taught her how to read, write, play the piano, table manners and to be polite in public. The girl watched her very closely and tried to copy everything Victoria did and said. It was like a game between the two of them. Victoria also taught her to be creative, to draw and paint.
- I believe, Alice, that young girls like you are the future of our society. It is still a society ruled by men but you must learn how to navigate it. What I give you are keys but you must open the doors yourself. At least that's what my own teachers used to say.
She told the girl with a kind smile.
William worked alone in his office, his battles now were with paperwork. But sometimes he would sneak to the study to watch Victoria and Alice. He was beginning to get used to their routine. When Victoria was around Alice became very talkative and energetic with him. Their relationship even improved after Victoria suggested he should read to her before bed and always make time for meals together.
But he kiddied himself that he wanted Victoria close just for Alice's sake. In his heart he knew he was already falling for her. Her wit, her temper, her smile with dimples, her big blue eyes, her beauty. He adored her presence and invited her to dinner with them many times. They talked all about Alice and her future.
One day, after the three of them had dinner, William put Alice in bed and offered Victoria some wine. They watched a little bit of television. Victoria liked it because she didn't have one in her own place. Modern things became too expensive after the war. William was tired and fell asleep on the couch next to Victoria. He woke up with blue eyes very close to his and a soft hand on his cheek. Touching him intimately for the first time.
-Mr Lamb you fell asleep...I think you were... having a nightmare...
Her beautiful eyes shinning like dark oceans. He wanted to drown in them and never come up for air.
- It's nothing. I'm sorry to worry you miss Kensington.
He said, moving away from her with some difficulty, already missing her warm touch.
- It's the war isn't it? The reason for your nightmares...do you want to talk about it?
They never discussed the war before. He lived in a bright present and he didn't want to spoil things remembering the dark horrors of his past.
- Miss, as I said, it's nothing.
-I never told you before but I...lost my fiance in the war...he left for the front lines...and never came back. I even received a letter informing me of his "disappearance in action".
She was opening her heart to him for the first time. So he felt he should do the same. He told her about his wife, about Alice, about missing ten years of her life, about the horror that he saw there in the battlefield. When he finished, his eyes were bright with tears.
-Thank you for telling me Mr Lamb.
-William miss. Please call me William..when we're speaking like this.
-Well...if we're ending the formalities for now...then I'll accept Victoria as well.
After that their bond became stronger. Although William promised her that he would do his very best to try to find her fiance, he prayed the day would never come that someone would take her away from him...and Alice.
One afternoon, Alice was practicing in the piano. Victoria and William were listening in the next room while having tea. Then, she did something unexpected. She got up and offered her hand to him. He took it and they started a slow dance. It was nothing out of the ordinary but soon he was pressing her body against his tighter than the music demanded. She didn't complain and closed her arms around his neck. Their foreheads touching. Their breaths becoming more irregular. Their mouths coming closer, closer. Until they were united in a soft kiss. It was the perfect first kiss. So sweet were her lips that he didn't dare to take more. Then, they realised Alice had stopped playing. The music had ended so the spell that binded them was over.
Victoria gave them both apologies, saying she needed to go home earlier. It was only after a while that William stopped staring at the door she closed behind her when she left.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
She was a stupid, stupid woman! Why couldn't she just be happy with what she got? She had a good life considering all the post war situation. She had a good job. She had money. She even sent a little to her parents every month. Why couldn't she just be content with that? She knew he was falling in love with her. She wasn't dumb, she could see the signs. And she didn't mind it in the slightest because she was in love with him as well. She knew she shouldn't. That it had no future for her. When Alice grew enough, her lessons would be over and she would never see them again. They would just be a happy sad memory. And that was what she told herself every day before going to work.
But as soon as she got inside the penthouse...she felt like she belonged...she felt so comfortable and happy. She even forgot to send a letter to her parents, asking for a photograph of her Albert so she could ask William to search for him. She didn't think of Albert at all when she was there. She lied to herself thinking that she only missed her comfortable life from before the war but she knew it wasn't the case. She loved William and she loved Alice. She wanted nothing else but to be with them forever. And now she ruined everything! Would he be angry at her impropriety? Would he think she was just talking advantage of his kindness? Would he dismiss her in the next morning? All of those thoughts came flashing through her mind but when she laid down to sleep she couldn't forget the way he held her, or his beautiful green eyes or his tender lips on hers! She never felt like this with anyone.
Next day, she came to work as usual but William wasn't there to greet her. He spent all day locked in his office. The next day she received news that she wasn't needed that day. Alice told Victoria her father was away and she would be staying with neighbours. He went to the country to bring news of her Albert.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It was the second time he saw someone he cared about closing a door and leaving him. Deep within his heart he felt as if she would not return just like his mother. Of course she would leave! He should never have kissed her! She was his daughter's teacher, she had just recently become his friend. Someone he could talk to and share the hardships of fatherhood without being judged. And he was so much older than her! She must think of him a pervert and disgusting old man who just wanted to take advantage of a young unmarried woman! She must be hating him so much right now! God please let her not hate me! He thought.
Then, he decided it was time for him to do the right thing for her. He was always good at that. He just had the boy's name but he would find her Albert and bring him to her. It was the only way to compensate her for his misbehaving. Maybe she could forgive him one day and they could remain friends after Alice grew up. Although that thought alone hurted him profoundly, it was still better than not having her in his life at all.
Next day he spent it all in his office phoning people and writing faxes to all his known military colleagues to see if they knew the whereabouts of soldier Albert Coburg. He heard her when she arrived. He wanted to see her so badly. But he was too afraid to look in her eyes and see any trace of disgust on her face. It would kill him. So he tried his best to not open the door and run to her begging her forgiveness. He needed to succeed in the only thing she ever asked of him.
It was late at night when he finally got a call. Someone reported where the man he was searching for could be found. A small village not far away. He could go there and back in a day.
He left instructions for the neighbours to take care of Alice while he was gone and he told her to tell Victoria she must not worry because he would bring her fiance back. This did not make Alice happy at all but when she grew up she would understand, he thought.
When he arrived in town, he asked around for the boy and found him in a pub surrounded by girls in irredeemable clothing. As soon as he saw the boy, he remembered. This boy served in his troop. He couldn't remember the names of them all but his face he would never forget.
He was the first idiot that ran after he told them to stay put. The other boys followed after him and most were killed by the explosive mines. His fists closed tight in frustration. This is the boy Victoria loved. He was not worthy of her. Not that he considered himself worthy either. No. No man would ever be worthy of her.
- Mr. Albert Coburg?
- Well well if it isn't Mr captain shit on his pants.
He said with a smug smile on his face, obviously already drunk at midday.
William swiftly got him by the arms and took him outside to the back of the pub.
- I don't care what you think of me. I know I wasn't the perfect captain you all deserved. But I'm not here to talk of the past. I'm here in the name of your fiance Victoria Kensington. She is looking for you and waits your return to honour your marriage proposal.
-Never heard of her...and even if I did how do you think I could honour anything? When the war was over all of you captains got your medals and little prizes. While us soldiers got nothing.
-You all received enough payment for your services. It's not my fault if you chose to spend it all on sinfully things forgetting your responsibility. But enough of that. You will go back to Victoria and you will make her happy or I swear to god you will regret surviving this war.
William was on his limit. His grip on the boy's arms getting tighter and tighter with each sentence.
- I will give you some money to help you and her settle until you find a proper job. You seem healthy enough to support her. And either way Victoria still has a job to return to if she wishes. But you will go to her first thing in the morning in this address. And don't you dare say a word to her about what we talked here today!
William shoved an envelope with a good amount of money in the boy's hands and left. The ride home wasn't easy. He had always done the right thing but now he felt as if he didn't know what was right anymore. His feelings were in the way. He knew Victoria should be with someone she cared for but he felt she deserved more than that stupid boy.
He felt confused and angry. He needed time to think. Time to see if Victoria would return or if she would be happy away from him...from them. Tired, he fell on the couch and slept praying for just one peaceful night, free from his nightmares.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Two days later and no news of Victoria. It stormed outside. It felt like the end of the world. The wind was strong and people were advised not to leave their homes. Alice was quiet ever since Victoria left that day, she spoke less and less. She ate little and excused herself to her room. He didn't have energy to argue with her. They were both missing Victoria in their own way, he knew.
It was a little after eight at night when someone knocked at his door. When he opened it a drenched Victoria stormed inside. She didn't even asked permission to enter. She looked absolutely furious but even in her fury she was the most beautiful woman in the world to him.
-Vic...Miss Kensington...what on earth are you doing here? There's a storm outside and the government told everyone to sta...
- I don't care! I needed to come here... I needed to know...why William? Why did you give him money to send me away? Was I not a good employee? Did Alice not like me in any way?
- Damn that boy! I told him not to tell you!
- Why not? Did I not deserve to know? It was the first thing he said when he came to my door you know... totally drunk and disheveled...he was laughing while telling me his "old idiot commander" had given him a lot of money to marry me and that he might give more if I asked because he "seemed to fancy me".
William's cheeks burned bright. Damn it all!!!
- I... Victoria... I...just thought I was doing the right thing for you. I thought you wanted him back...
- Let me ask you this William...apart from that first time I mentioned him...did I ever spoke of him again?
- No but...
- Did I ever suggested I was looking for a husband? Did I ever spoke of loneliness?
William kept his head down. Shame creeping up on him.
-No you didn't.
- He told me everything, you know...
At this William finally looked up at her. Waiting.
-He told me what happened that day. The boys ran to the mines and you couldn't stop them. That's the reason why you have nightmares, isn't it?
He couldn't look at her anymore. He sat down on the couch and hid his face in his hands.
-It's true Victoria. It's all true. I couldn't save them. I am a cold hearted failure. How can I call myself a commander if I can't even control my own men? And for that I am deeply sorry to you. I am the cause of your misfortunes. If I had stopped Albert I could avoid him being lost and he could have returned to you sooner. I am so so sorry!
He felt her hand brushing his hair. It was such a sweet gesture that tears came easily down his eyes.
-It wasn't your fault. He ran on his own accord and the others that followed him did it in their own free will. You did everything you could and you must never be ashamed of that.
Her eyes shone with her own tears.
-William...I left him...I throwed him out and told him to never come back. He wasn't the boy I remembered...the war changed him...but it did not change you. You are not cold hearted. You are kind and loving and you always did your best for others. Even for me...a total stranger.
-You are no stranger.
He weakly replied.
-I am... although I never felt like one here. William...when I first met you and you offered me a job...I felt so relieved that something was finally going right for me for once after the war...and you gave me an opportunity to be useful in a time when my only skills are no longer important...I thought I didn't need anyone and could take care of myself...and then I got to know Alice..and I got to know you...at first I thought you were the true friend I never had...but now I feel...I know...that you're the only companion I could ever desire.
-I am so old Victoria. You deserve far better than an old bag of bones with a regretful past...
- You are not old! But...I am young and I know nothing of being a good wife...and I know that I'm not as pretty as Alice's mother but if you give me a ch...
He silenced her with his mouth. His passion robbed her of breath. He moved her face to deepen the kiss. His tongue rolling with hers in waves and making her moan. He hugged her tightly and warmed her inside and out. Her drenched clothes wetting his. He spoke when they finally stopped for air.
- Victoria...you are the most perfect being I have ever seen...you are smart, funny, incredibly beautiful and strong minded...and everyday I thank whoever god brought you to my life. I've never felt for anyone what I feel for you...you must believe that...the only reason I searched for Albert was because I thought you hated me after that kiss...and I wanted to make amends...I wanted you in my life and in Alice's in any way...
- And I thought YOU hated ME! I thought you might think I was taking advantage of you and your money.
They were both laughing at their awkwardness.
-But Victoria...what will you do now? Will you stay?
-Do you want me t...
Another kiss, quicker than the last but not less passionate.
-Yes! There's nothing I want more in the world than you to allow me to love you.... will you marry me?
Her face shone with happiness.
-Yes William Lamb I will marry you...but first...i fear i must ask you something very unladylike...I can't wait until marriage my love...I want to be completely yours... starting now...
She always knew how to surprise him. He gave her a knowing smirk, took her by the hand and guided her quietly to his bedroom to not wake Alice up. When they entered the room she reached around, closed the door and locked them both inside. It was the first time a sound of a closing door brought happiness to him.
17 notes · View notes
jabbage · 2 years
7 notes · View notes
logi1974 · 1 year
Südengland 2023 - Tag 10 Teil 2
Ladies und Gentlemen!
Nach dem Spektakel der Wachablösung beschließen wir, die Menschenmassen hinter uns zu lassen und lieber eine Runde mit dem Hoppelbus zu fahren. In der Stadt ist es uns entschieden zu voll.
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Wir lassen unser Auto auf dem Parkplatz des Hofladens stehen und steigen in den Hoppelbus, der praktischerweise hier ebenfalls hält (Haltestelle Nummer 10).
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Wir fahren los, zunächst einmal in Richtung Old Windsor. Uns war bis heute überhaupt nicht bewusst, dass das Windsor der Queen in Wirklichkeit schon das neue Windsor, also New Windsor, ist.
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Old Windsor war der Sitz der angelsächsischen Könige und ist es heutzutage von dem anderen König, dem aus dem Showbusiness: Sir Elton John. Standesgemäßer geht es doch gar nicht!
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Die Siedlung ist als verteidigtes königliches Herrenhaus in der Zeit von Edward dem Bekenner dokumentiert, aber archäologische Beweise deuten darauf hin, dass königliche Verbindungen ungefähr seit dem 8. Jahrhundert bestanden hatten. Wilhelm der Eroberer verlegte im Jahr 1070 den Königssitz in das “neue” Windsor.
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Der Hoppelbus fährt über die Albert Road, 1850 benannt nach Prinz Albert von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha (1819-1861), Prinzgemahl von Königin Victoria, einmal quer durch den Windsor Home Park. Dabei wird auch der “Long Walk” überquert und bietet dabei einen fabelhaften Blick auf das Schloss als auch das Reiterdenkmal von König Georg III.
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Jetzt geht es für uns rechts um die Ecke, auf die Kings Road. Diese verläuft in etwa parallel zum “Long Walk” durch das südwestliche Windsor. Hier befindet sich der letzte Haltepunkt, Nummer 11, der Hoppelbus-Linie.  
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Weiter führt die Fahrt durch die Sheet Street. Dieser Name hat einen sehr makaberen Hintergrund: ursprünglich befand sich hier das sogenannte “Pesthaus”. Die Leichen der verstorbenen Patienten wurden in weiße Laken (Sheets) gewickelt und durch diese Straße entsorgt. 
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Hinter den Victoria Barracks, einer Kaserne der britischen Armee, biegt der Bus in die Victoria Street links ab. Die Kaserne wurde 1853 erbaut. Von hier aus machen sich die Palastwachen auf den Weg um mit dem berühmten britischen Pomp & Circumstances den Wachwechsel im Schloss zu vollführen.
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Jetzt geht es rechts um die Ecke und in Richtung Themse weiter. Linker Hand liegt der Alexandra Park und rechts rückt wieder die Diamond Jubilee Fountain ins Bild. Dieser Brunnen, in Form einer Krone, wurde 2012 zu Ehren des 60sten Thronjubiläums der Queen errichtet.
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An der Themse entlang führt die Fahrt vorbei an der Windsor Town Bridge, die Windsor mit Eton verbindet. Diese Brücke konnten wir bereits gestern vom Wasser aus bewundern. Anschließend wird die Haltestelle 1, der eigentliche Ausgangspunkt dieser Tour, hinter dem Schloss, erreicht.
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Wir bleiben jedoch sitzen und schauen den Gästen beim Einsteigen und Aussteigen zu. Jetzt sind wir in der Spur und starten die Tour in der eigentlichen Reihenfolge.
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Der Bus fährt jetzt die High Street hoch, an der westlichen Seite des Windsor Castles. Das ist der älteste noch existierende Teil des Schlosses und wurde 1227 von Heinrich III erbaut.
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Hier steht der markante Curfew Tower, der Glockenturm des College of St. George. Mit Mauern, die an der Basis 13 Fuß dick und 100 Fuß hoch sind, wurde er als Teil der neuen Verteidigung des Schlosses, nach der Belagerung während der Herrschaft von König John, erbaut.
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Der nächste Haltepunkt (Nummer 2) ist an der Parish Church an der High Street. Die alte, ursprüngliche Kirche muss kurz nachdem Heinrich I. den königlichen Hof von Old Windsor auf das neue Schlossgelände verlegte (um 1110), entstanden sein. Der Hinweis Heinrichs II. darauf belegt eindeutig, dass die Kirche 1184 schon seit einiger Zeit bestand und frühere Amtsinhaber hatte.
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Das heutige Gebäude ist wesentlich jünger und stammt aus dem Jahr 1822. Die heutigen Mauern wurden auf den alten, aus dem Mittelalter stammend, errichtet. Die alten Gewölbe liegen immer noch unter dem neuen Bauwerk.
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Nur ein paar Meter weiter steht die Soldier's Statue. Dies ist die Figur eines Soldaten der Irish Guards, die eines von sieben Regimentern sind, die zusammen die Household Division bilden. 
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Die für die Statue verwendete Bronze wurde aus dem Irakkrieg geborgen und das Kopfsteinpflaster, rund um den Sockel, wurde aus Afghanistan mitgebracht.
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 Es wurde 2011 von Prinz William, dem damaligen Herzog von Cambridge, enthüllt, der die Position des Oberst des Regiments inne hat.
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Hier fährt der Bus in einem scharfen, linken Winkel in die Saint Alban's Street. Diese führt an den Royal Mews (königliche Stallungen) vorbei. 
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Hier sind die Pferde untergebracht, auf denen die Royals reiten, wenn sie in Windsor sind. Auch die Kutschen werden dort aufbewahrt, die bei, beispielsweise, den Royal Ascot-Rennen verwendet werden.
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Jetzt geht es direkt auf das Castle zu. An dieser Stelle befindet sich der Haupteingang zum Schloss. Das markante Eingangstor wurde von Heinrich VIII 1510 erbaut. Die beiden Türme des Tores dienten ursprünglich als Gefängnis.
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Am Ende der Castel Hill Street steht die Statue von Queen Victoria (Haltestelle 3), im Jahr 1887 errichtet zu Ehren ihres Goldenen Kronjubiläums. An dieser prominenten Stelle standen zuvor die Galgen der Stadt Windsor. Der Weg zu den Gefängnissen in den Schlosstürmen war somit denkbar kurz. Anscheinend konnte man keinen makaberen Standort für die Statue finden.
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Die Fahrt führt nun wieder runter an die Themse und östlich raus aus Windsor. Haltestelle 4 ist der Bahnhof Windsor & Eton Station und liegt quasi am Ufer des Flusses.
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Das königliche Bahnhofsgebäude wurde von William Tite auf einem ehemaligen Hinrichtungsplatz errichtet. Der berüchtigte Heinrich VIII ließ an dieser Stelle seine religiösen und politischen Gegner einen Kopf kürzer machen.
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Der Bahnhof wurde am 1. Dezember 1849 eröffnet und ist heute ein denkmalgeschütztes Gebäude.
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Nun fährt der Bus die King Edward VII Anenue entlang. Diese ist natürlich benannt nach eben diesem König. Edward VII kam 1841 als erstgeborener Sohn von Queen Victoria und Prinz Albert zur Welt. 
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Edward war bereits 59 Jahre alt, als er am 22. Januar 1901 nach dem Tod seiner Mutter zum König wurde. Seine Regentschaft währte keine 10 Jahre. Er starb am 6. Mai 1910. im Alter von nur 68 Jahren. Am 20. Mai wurde er in der St. George's Chapel in Windsor beigesetzt, wie so viele Mitglieder der britischen Königsfamilie.
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Über die Victoria Bridge geht es nun über die Themse in die Ortschaft Datchet. Die Haltestelle 5 befindet sich am Kreisel, dem sogenannten Village Green (kurz The Green genannt).
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Die älteren Gebäude gruppieren sich um The Green mit seiner zentralen Eiche, die an das Jubiläum von Königin Victoria erinnert, während Gebäude aus späteren Epochen die Straßen zum Fluss säumen, wo die Thameside-Gärten ein attraktives Umfeld bilden.
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Die erste bekannte schriftliche Erwähnung von Datchet stammt aus dem Jahr 994 und dokumentiert den Verkauf und Austausch von Land hier, obwohl es auch Hinweise auf Siedlungen von der Jungsteinzeit bis zur Römerzeit gibt. Der Name „Datchet“ ist keltischen Ursprungs, aber seine Bedeutung ist unklar.
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Die früheste Besiedlung des heutigen Dorfes konzentrierte sich um die Kirche herum, die sich auf einer „Insel“ auf einer Anhöhe in einem ansonsten tief liegenden Land befindet und wahrscheinlich eine vorchristliche Festung war. Gegenüber, auf der Südseite des Geens, befindet sich die The Manor Hotel.
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Außerdem eine Reihe von Gebäuden aus dem 15. Jahrhundert. Während der Tudor- und Stuart-Zeit war Datchet attraktiv für königliche Höflinge, Beamte und Londoner Kaufleute, die die Anwesen Riding Court und Southlea sowie Häuser im Dorfzentrum bewohnten. Es lag in der entscheidenden Entfernung von einem Tagesritt von London, ebenso wie Windsor Castle selbst.
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Damals gab es das charakteristischen The Greens noch nicht und ein Bach floss mitten durch das Dorf und verbreiterte sich zu einem Teich vor dem Herrenhaus. Dieser wurde in den 1840er Jahren trocken gelegt, um das Land des heutigen Village Green zu schaffen.
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Besonders markant ist das 1920 errichtete Kriegerdenkmal zum Gedenken an der Verlust der aus dem Dorf stammenden jungen Männer.
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Nun geht es auf der anderen Seite der Themse weiter. Bald erreichen wir Eton, das von Heinrich VI. gegründet wurde und mit einigen Traditionen aus dem 15. Jahrhundert aufwartet, die noch immer an der berühmten Schule gepflegt werden. Zu diesen Traditionen gehören die täglichen 2 Stunden Sportunterricht.
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In Eton gibt es insgesamt 3 Haltestellen. Es bietet sich an an der Haltestelle 6 auszusteigen, eine Runde durch Eton zu drehen und später wieder an der gegenüberliegenden Haltestelle 8, zur Rückfahrt, einzusteigen.
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Wir erfahren, dass das älteste noch existierende Gebäude von 1465 stammt. Das berühmte College wurde 1440 gegründet, um die Kinder unterprivilegierter Schichten zu unterrrichten, und hieß ursprünglich “The King´s College of our Lady of Eton”.
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Bis heute werden ausschließlich männliche Schüler aufgenommen, dazu gehörten auch die königlichen Prinzen William & Harry. Uns wird leicht schwindelig, als wir die Höhe der College Gebühren erfahren. Für ein Schuljahr – das aus drei „halfs“ besteht – sind umgerechnet rund 50.000 Euro aufzubringen.
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Bis heute tragen die Schüler Frack. Ursprünglich gehörte auch der Zylinder zu dieser extravaganten Schuluniform. Den schaffte man jedoch ab, da sich während des Krieges die Gasmasken damit so schlecht aufsetzen ließen.
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Haltestelle 8 befindet sich am sogenannten The Burning Bush, einer  schmiedeeisernen Lampe, die einen brennenden Dornbusch darstellen soll. Die Lampe wurde 1864 von Henry Woodyer in einem blumigen gotischen Stil entworfen. Das Design spielt auf das Wappen von Eton an, das am 1. Januar 1449 verliehen wurde. 
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Das Wappen enthält sowohl einen goldenen Löwen auf rotem Grund, als auch eine goldene Lilie auf blauem Grund, was die Position Heinrichs VI. als König von Frankreich widerspiegelt, sowie von England – der erste Monarch, der offiziell zum König beider Länder gekrönt wurde. Die drei eisernen Lilien auf dem Hauptkörper der Lampe sind das Symbol der Jungfrau Maria, der Schutzpatronin des Kollegiums.
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Wir erfahren außerdem, dass in frühern Jahren hier ein ganz besonders rauher Wind herrschte. Die Schüler hatten keine Heizung in ihren Unterkünften und mussten sich ausschließlich mit kaltem Wasser waschen. 
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In Eton machen wir erst einmal eine kurze Pause. Natürlich laufen wir auch über die berühmte Brücke zwischen Windsor und Eton.
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Dann steigen wir an der Haltestelle, neben dem “Watermans Arms” wieder in den Bus. Der Audioguide erzählt uns, dass das “Watermans Arms” eine bewegte Geschichte hat. Unter anderem wurde es auch schon als Leichenhalle genutzt.
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Es geht wieder, an der Themse entlang, zurück nach Datchet. Und es geht auch wieder zurück über die Themse. Dieses Mal allerdings über die Albert Bridge.
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Unser Fahrer muss immer wieder sehr dicht unter den Bäumen her fahren, um Autofahrern auszuweichen. Immer wieder schrappen Äste am Bus entlang und hin und wieder fährt auch mal einer mit.
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Diese neue Brücke wurde gebaut, um die alte Queen Anne Brücke zu ersetzen, die mehrfach durch Überflutungen zusammengebrochen war. Prinz Albert, Gemahl von Queen Victoria, soll an dem Entwurf persönlich beteiligt gewesen sein.
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Nach weiteren 500 Metern erreichen wir wieder den Windsor Hofladen. Durch die erhöhte Sitzposition können wir jetzt auch über die Mauer schauen.
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Irgendwie erscheinen die Flugzeuge auch viel näher, als vom Boden aus. Der Flugverkehr ist enorm.
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Micha hat gestern Abend mitgezählt: alle 70 Sekunden kommt eine Maschine rein, die rüber nach Heathrow fliegt.
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Es ist erstaunlich, dass sich trotz dieser hohen Lärmbelästigung so viele Tiere an der Themse ansiedelten und sich dort wohlfühlen.
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Nach 2 Runden um Hoppelbus reicht es uns. Wir sammeln wieder unser Auto ein und zack geht es zurück in unser Appartement.
Good Night!
Angie, Micha und der Bunnybear (Hasenbär)
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Street scene in Coburg, Bavaria, Germany
German vintage postcard
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snappingthewalls · 1 year
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harrelltut · 1 year
never allow My EXTREME [ME] SILENT MICHAEL KING ARROGANCE [KA]... offend your loudest insecurities #him2arrogant #insertevilevillaughemoji
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him 2 extra dark [advanced] 2 simplify his secret afterlifegolden9ethermilitary.gov society messages on his privately owned [po'] at&t ibm [a.i.] networks of most high [mh = jah] wealth [jw] titans from historic 1921 underground [hu = hurrian] sovereign european empire [see] of stadt coburg’s 1st ægiptian deutsch king tutankhamún’s international moorish [i’m] u.s. empire military bases of greenwood's clandestine black wall street defense budget districts… technologically underneath tulsa [tut] oklahoma... 2nd subterranean underground network [sun] pentagon headquarters of IMMORTAL U.S. MILITARY KING SOLOMON-MICHAEL HARRELL, JR.™’s… High Official... U.S. Ægiptian [HOUSE] Deutsch QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] AT&T+IBM [A.i.] LLC's... Quantum Dara™ the Cellular [D.C.] Automation Interpreter [A.i.] of SIRIUS Quantum Computing Mechanics... way beyond your basic artificial human bot minds can supernaturally innerstand [insert evil evil laugh emoji]
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him [harrell] king solomon-michael
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don't be mad you not at my devil level [insert evil evil laugh emoji] of saintly satanic anunnaqi [spiritual archangel] michael okcult harrell jr powers
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eye love my extra dark scorpio life [death] in silence 
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him [michael] 1st born 1968 gen x child of futuristic 5000 past lives... from ancient mississippi's hidden [mh] louisiana blaq marie art [mary] magick magi familia of us primordial supernatural luciferian [insert evil evil laugh emoji] sky spirits in low earth orbit [leo] energy bodies intuitively identified by moor [i’m] immortal 9 [i9] ether fossil tribal muur [mu] land chiefs... who ancestrally identify [a.i.] mother's [aims] invisible santería energy ancestor [sea] spirits of highly complex [advanced] ancient #9ether dna [dinosaur] mind [dm] transmissions [dmt communications] of self identifiable STRATOSPHERIC muur [summer] rna sky empire technologies [set] biologically embedded w/sirius electromagnetic airwave [sea] light mechanics [electricity] illuminating anu moorish [i am] underground mu mental [mum = mummu] illuminati [mi = michael] of moor extended [me] astronomical radiation star [mars] chart records astrologically & generationally engineered [rage] SUPERCONSCIOUSLY by manifesting anu [ma] genetic mental upgrade [mu] of sirius nanotechnological biometric chemicals [nbc] alkhemically materializing anu golden 9 ether [mage] supernaturally visible 9 ether [ve = venus] anunnaqi earth [qi] avatar [star] tribes of enqi nudimmud [ten]… who mathematically algorithmically computationally [mac] encrypted [me] anu golden 9 ether [mage] ethereal [eclipse = occulted] black sun compu_tah [ptah] naturelanguage.gov @ highly official... u.s. ægiptian deutsch quantum harrell tech [qht] llc
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him evil [he] af [ha = harrell] at his american [ha = hattuśa] ægiptian [he] pentagon 
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35mmproject · 7 months
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View of St. Patrick's Hill from the intersection of Coburg Street and St. Patrick's Hill
[Check out our vintage photography store on Redbubble]
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corkcitylibraries · 2 years
Echoes of our Past | January 13th 1923
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Librarian Richard Forrest takes a look at news highlights published in The Echo 100 years ago this week.
Cork Dockers Meet
The Cork dockers, coal carmen and storemen’s sections of the I.T.G.W.U. (Irish Transport and General Workers Union) met last night at Connolly Hall. The proceedings were protracted and concerned the proposed reduction of one shilling per day for time workers and a pro rata reduction for tonnage workers. It was agreed that a ballot on the issue be taken today. The ballot will close at 7 o’clock this evening and the result is expected to be announced at 9 tonight.
City Robberies Continue
Alarming robberies continue in the city. Buckley’s bedding manufactory on Lavitt’s Quay was entered by armed intruders as the workmen were being paid. Mr. Buckley strongly protested to no avail. Fortunately, some of the men had already received their pay and left. A somewhat mysterious robbery occurred at the G.P.O. last night. The postal side was locked up as usual at about 11 o’clock and everything reported to be in order. But when staff arrived this morning it was found that the safe had been broken into and bundles of £1 and 10 shilling notes amounting to £300 removed. A large amount of silver was left untouched.
Cork Quarter Sessions
Before the Honourable the Recorder of Cork K.C. Cornelius O’Sullivan, 1 Coburg Street, sought to recover the upper part of his house from James O’Sullivan, 1 Coburg Street. The evidence was that both had been tenants at the address to a Mrs. Vaughan. There was some controversy over a cellar which both claimed as part of their letting. Cornelius had since bought the entire premises and sought full possession to accommodate his family. Judgement was reserved.
President’s Residence Burned
Dublin was alarmed this morning by the news that President Cosgrave’s country residence at Rathfarnham has been destroyed by fire. Fortunately, no member of the Cosgrave family was at the residence at the time. For four hours the fire brigade battled with the flames and saved the servants section, the outhouses and much of the furniture. It seems that Republicans effected an entrance into the fine old Georgian mansion in the early hours and sprinkled petrol before initiating the conflagration. They detained a witness passer-by until the fire had gotten a firm hold.  A caretaker occupying the lodge sixty yards away knew nothing about the outrage until awakened by the noise of falling masonry.
Sale of Arms
Washington – It is officially announced at the White House that no arms may be sold to any nation or any individual during President Harding’s administration.
Lunatic Asylum for Road Hogs
New York – The possibility of being sent to a lunatic asylum may have the effect of deterring “road hogs” pursuing their dangerous driving. This is the opinion expressed by Judge Charles L. Bartlett of Detroit who recently set a precedent by taking drivers guilty of excessive speed to the morgue to view the bodies of motor accidents. The Judge’s plan is to remand those found guilty for a mental test to be conducted by court appointed psychiatrist.
Viewing Venus
With the sun not rising till after 8 o’clock just now it is worthwhile rising a little earlier to see the planet Venus in all its glory. Epochs of maximum brightness are fairly frequent for Venus. They happen shortly before it reaches inferior conjunction when it dominates the eastern heavens as a morning “star”. Their greatest brilliance occur when the planet and the Earth are both almost at their nearest to the sun. These conditions obtain just now, the Earth making its nearest approach last Wednesday and Venus this Saturday.
Munster vs. Leinster
Munster and Leinster played at the Mardyke this afternoon. Leinster were unchanged but Popham declared off from Munster and was replaced by O’Neill. Munster’s players were selected from Dolphin (6), Constitution (5) and U.C.C. (3). Leinster’s from Trinity College (6), Landsdowne (4), Bective (2), Wanderers (2) and Monkstown (1). Play commenced in good style with Favier making a clever dash to Leinster’s 25 before being pulled down. Cussen cleared. Midfield play followed for some time and Munster were awarded a free for offside but Daly’s kick fell short. The Leinster forwards made a few bursts. A heeled free by Murphy-O’Connor restored play to midfield. A fine passing movement by Leinster was the next feature ending in Cussen scoring. Crichton failed to add the extra points. Splendid footwork from the Munster forwards, Bradley and Sullivan, followed and ended between the posts. O’Connell failed to convert, dashing the ball against the upright. After 20 minutes the score was level at three points each. Leinster pressed hotly for some time and Munster were penalised. A magnificent Munster movement was witnessed when Murphy-O’Connor gained possession, cut through beautifully and sent out to Favier when tackled by Davies. Favier was then pulled down but let the ball loose. Wellwood saved Munster from touch and Sullivan led the forwards to the line, scoring himself from far out. Daly failed to convert. Munster 3 tries (9 points); Leinster 1 goal 1 try (8 points).
1921 All-Ireland Final
A special meeting of the G.A.A. Central Council has fixed the 1921 All-Ireland hurling final between Limerick and Dublin for March 4th at Croke Park. Mr. Walsh, Waterford, to referee. The Council also decided to inaugurate a May 21st carnival in aid of funds.
Ode to the Coal Quay
Were I sublime than the Grecian Rhymer,
Than Philostratus or bold Bonaparte,
Could I when lyrical like Moore, that miracle,
Endow my dialect with tuneful art,
I’d pen a ditty of this fine fair city,
So wise and witty t’would beget renown:
And like thrush or curlew I’d extol that purlieu –
The Coal Quay Market of my native town.
(First of ten verses by W.B. Guinee, one time Cork journalist who moved to London)
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