#Cockatoo Club
coochiequeens · 1 year
“Reporter Jack Hadfield says his intention was to question Labelle on his history, but, seeing that there were children present, delayed his line of questioning until the end of the event.” Ok it’s not often this blog praises men but Jack Hadfield was doing his job as a reporter and he was mindful of the children present. So of course a man in a dress, and maybe even a diaper, attacked him.
A British journalist has reported he was assaulted by Canadian trans activist and artist Sophie Labelle after attempting to confront him on his history of using children as reference models for fetish art.
On Sunday, February 26, transgender artist Sophie Labelle held an event at the Cockatoo Club, a cocktails and cabaret venue catering to Manchester’s gay community. Labelle was set to speak about trans activism as well as his comic book franchise, Assigned Male. 
Labelle’s visit was announced by the club through their Twitter, with the comment section rapidly being closed as dozens of concerned netizens replied to the post and tried to alert the venue to Labelle’s disturbing history with “diaper kink.”
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Labelle first came under widespread controversy in February of 2021 after it was discovered that he had quietly been producing and distributing diaper fetish art on secret social media accounts, as well as on furry fetish site “FurAffinity.”
WafflesArt, Labelle’s now-deleted alternate online persona, was dedicated to the “adult baby/diaper lifestyle” and “diaper fur” fetish which published Labelle’s drawings of anthropomorphic baby animal characters modeling in diapers, onesies, and behaving like toddlers.
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Labelle was also found to have been following many pornographic models who role-played as babies for sexual arousal. One such account followed by Labelle was of a model who called himself “Little Boy” and posted sexually suggestive photos and videos of himself in diapers and surrounded by children’s toys. The model would mimic masturbation while wearing a diaper, utilizing baby oil and lotion to lubricate himself.
But possibly the most disturbing revelation was the discovery that Labelle had been using photos of real babies as reference models for his fetish art. 
After backlash grew on social media, Labelle admitted to the art but asserted that he “refused to be shamed” for it, and also proclaimed himself a member of the “little” community — a person who role-plays as a child during sexual encounters. Labelle connected his fetish to his transgender identity.
Despite his history, Labelle has been regularly invited to speak amongst children, including at Canadian elementary schools. He’s also been visiting different venues internationally as part of his comic book tour, with the United Kingdom having been his latest destination. 
Attending the February 26 event in Manchester on behalf of independent media outlet Valiant News, reporter Jack Hadfield says his intention was to question Labelle on his history, but, seeing that there were children present, delayed his line of questioning until the end of the event.
Hadfield reported that Labelle made a number of inappropriate jokes during the event, despite the presence of children. 
At one point, the artist laughed about “invading” single-sex spaces. “They usually say like it’s a full-time thing but for most of us it’s a hobby. After a hard day of grooming children… I like to relax by going to the mall and waiting in line for the women’s restroom.”
Labelle also called Member of Parliament Miriam Cates the MP for “penis-town,” after the politician had criticized the Sheffield City Council for organizing a child-friendly event with Labelle at the central library. Cates had expressed concern over Labelle’s child-adjacent fetishes.
Following the talk, Hadfield entered the line to speak with Labelle one-on-one. He obliged Labelle’s request to stand aside and let him finish his book sales first, and waited until he and Labelle were virtually the only ones left in the room. In his report for Valiant News, Hadfield reports that Labelle became increasingly hostile as he attempted to ask his questions, but ultimately admitted to using photos of real children to draw his kink art.
Sensing tension, Hadfield attempted to leave the venue but Labelle pursued him, snatching his arm and demanding to see his photo identification. Hadfield managed to break free and darted down the street, but reports that Labelle was soon “on top” of him, grabbing at him and attempting to take direct photos of his face.
Hadfield explained that Labelle, who is physically larger than he is, tried to steal his notebook and made an effort to wrangle it away from him. Hadfield shouted for help during the altercation, and a female bystander near a bus stop witnessing the incident threatened to call the police for help, recognizing that Labelle was attacking Hadfield.
Facing the possibility of police presence, Labelle released Hadfield’s notebook but continued to film him closely, yelling at Hadfield and accusing him of “harassment.” The female bystander once again came to Hadfield’s defense, at which point Labelle turned his attention towards her and called her “transphobic.”
The female witness provided Hadfield with a statement confirming what had happened, the audio of which was uploaded to Twitter.
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“I was just waiting at the bus stop. This man, blatantly a man as well, because all of that strength was just physically attacking you, and trying to take your work off you, grabbing you, pushing you about, dragging you down the street, and I’m not standing for that,” the witness says. “Anyone that uses things like that as an excuse. We’ve all been through shit, we’ve all got mental health issues in this day and age. There’s no excuse to use that to inflict violence on people. I don’t care if I’m called transphobic. I’m not going to stand there, I don’t even know which gender they see themselves as. I saw you being attacked, and I was going to step in.”
Speaking to Reduxx, Hadfield praises the bystander who stepped in to both defend him and offer her testimony to confirm the events as she had seen them, noting that the woman had been entirely unaware of the circumstances surrounding the attack.
“I was extremely thankful to the witness who was brave enough to stand up for me during the incident. She didn’t know any of the background, but just saw one human being attacking another,” Hadfield says. “After I explained the whole story, she was disgusted by Labelle’s behavior.”
Hadfield tells Reduxx he is currently weighing filing a police report, but has some concerns that police will instead make him a target due to his politics.
“I am probably going to seek expert advice before I come down one way or the other, but obviously that combined with the fact that I have seen a lot of support adds to the equation on reporting it.”
Hadfield explained he had not been anticipating a physical altercation to break out when he chose to cover the event, and that he had been surprised at the sudden escalation of events. 
“I was extremely surprised that I was attacked for simply asking tough questions. I now worry for the safety of anyone else, be they journalist or otherwise, who dares challenge someone like Labelle publicly.”
Following the incident, Labelle posted to his Facebook that he had been “harassed” by someone on the “far-right” who was “pretending to be a journalist” at his event. He also suggested he was planning on reporting Hadfield for harassment to police, though it is unclear if he has done so.
Labelle will be completing his UK tour with two final stops on March 4, one at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, and another at the Catherine Wheel Pub in Norwich. Following the end of the tour, Labelle will be going on to visit Australia for similar events, and has stated he is planning on returning to the UK in June.
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nikofortuna · 18 hours
JTTW Chapter 42 Thoughts
Chapter 42 for the @journeythroughjourneytothewest Reading Group!
Like last chapter even if it might be traditionally called a tortoise it would still make more sense if it was a turtle if you go by logic. However in this instance you could still go with it, because while tortoise can’t swim they can float and since the poem specifies that the black tortoise has power over winds and waves, it could use that to propel itself.
I wonder how comfortable those transformed swords are to sit on. They must be comfortable enough to not immediately stand out to Red Boy.
Okay birdy, what exactly are you? A cockatoo?
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Functional as an image for the reader since they are commonly white, though while technically native to Asia it is very on the fringe close to Australia so I’m a little doubtful about that.
Looking at the Original Chinese with my methods is rather inconclusive, it seems to be in the realm of a parrot or budgie. Parrots are the Order of Psittaciformes, which cockatoos do fall under and so do budgies! So calling it a White Parrot would be the easiest as it is also the vaguest and most generalized. Though of course parrot evokes a specific image, so going with a more concrete bird like cockatoo makes sense.
Though Guanyin perhaps having a cute little albino budgie is definitely an image in my mind I greatly enjoy.
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They’re matching even!
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We appreciate a person taking care of the little guys and making sure there will be no collateral if it can be avoided.
Neither boy nor girl? Third gender Red Boy real?!
Sun Wukong’s trauma with the fillet is showing.
To be honest still very much not a fan of using pain and the threat of it to punish and subdue someone like this. Especially if it is a kid.
With Sun Wukong at the very start it was kind of seen as a necessity and I have much less of a problem there when it was Guanyin using the Tight-Fillet-Spell since she doesn’t use it when not absolutely necessary. However meanwhile Tang Sanzang has shown quite often to use it due to being prejudiced and downright misinformed, so not having the proper ability to judge when it is appropriate and when it is just cruel and unwarranted.
Now with Red Boy they could have just bound him and dragged him to his father to get scolded, made aware of his transgressions if he genuinely wasn’t before and sentenced to an appropriate punishment like making reparations or being put under Guanyin’s tutelage with the blessing of his parents either longterm or for a while until he learns to do better.
Not harping on the lotus seat sword trick here though, that works fine since it is very much Red Boy’s actions meeting consequence. He chose to take the seat that did not belong to him and got hurt in return, which while not a preferred way of teaching, it will definitely stick in his mind not to try and take what’s not his again.
There’s definitely a discussion that can be had here about appropriate punishment, corporal punishment, possible alternatives and abuse.
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tenth-sentence · 9 months
Their heavy footsteps were accompanied by a kind of grunt, by beating their clubs and spears together, and by various other gesticulations, such as extending their arms and wriggling their bodies.
"Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle Round the World, 1832-36" - Charles Darwin
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lara012 · 1 year
We at JOGGERS PARK are distributing some of the world’s best gym equipment, that are sold and serviced in more than hundred countries. With a focus on providing premium products, they offer a range of fitness equipment that includes treadmills, exercise bikes, weights, and more. Choose Joggerspark for top-of-the-line gym equipment that will help you take your workout to the next level.
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Redrew ad revamped an old Hazbin Hotel oc I had years ago when the pilot came out the name I’ve had for her before is Candy and I think I’m gonna stick with that. Was a Madame on earth and now in hell? She sticks to what she’s good at. She runs some clubs and is lookin pretty promising to become an overlord soon.
She treats her girls with respect as she did on earth, but this time with a lot more force for those who don’t obey (“believe me honey, after all the trash we had to deal with on earth I’m makin this far better for us, gals gotta stick together ya know?”)
As demon she takes on more bird like wings and hair to mimic a cockatoo.
Cant stand Alastor, but she adores Angel, would love to take him from Valentino.
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nectar-cellar · 1 year
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Cockatoos’ Last Squawk?
Published in L.A. Weekly
A mainstay of Los Aniego’s bustling nightlife scene since the 80s, the once-legendary Cockatoos Nightclub now finds itself in murky financial waters. Over the years, the aging beach-side nightclub has continuously lost patrons to the downtown clubs along Hillwood Boulevard, and seen its beach-bummin’ regulars seduced away by the glamorous, newly opened The Cube VIP Lounge on Ocean Avenue.
The nightclub is now cursed by its location outside the city, the very thing that once made it a sought-after getaway for the queer and famous. L.A. partygoers just don’t care to make the drive out anymore, when everything they could ever want is within downtown’s glittering streets.
Situated minutes away from the hills and the beach, Cockatoos occupies some prime real estate that many think it doesn’t deserve, and its address on Seacliff Terrace does not come with cheap rent. With each passing year, the nightclub’s affluent neighbors want more and more to get rid of this neon eyesore... or so we’ve heard.
In L.A.’s real estate circles, rumors are swirling that a certain luxury seafood restaurant chain is interested in taking over the spot, and the developer who can secure the beachfront location will surely close one of the most lucrative deals of the year.  
Oh, and did we mention that the Santa Myra Pier is visible from the Cockatoos parking lot? If only management had bothered to add windows and a patio some time in the last thirty years, perhaps business might still be booming. Cockatoos’ downfall is a long story of bad decisions and wasted potential.
Dwindling customers, fierce competition, and a crumbling facade... let’s face it, the glory days are over. At this point, it seems the only thing keeping Cockatoos alive is nostalgia, and the poor thing is barely keeping afloat. How long until this drowning bird screeches its last squawk?
i was exploring coasterboi’s angel city for a gritty and glamorous los angeles kind of world. it’s pretty packed but i found this empty lot and decided to place cockatoos on it. then i was inspired by gta iv’s the ballad of gay tony expansion to create a potential backstory for the nightclub. how pretty is angel city at night?? it was fun to think about some behind-the-scenes drama, and the types of people who’d be involved :D
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
(some hinting on recent mha chapters!!)
Heyoo, how ya been? Hope you're doing well!
Saw that you had an event going on and thought of joining ✌️ How about a fic for our door-like friend, Present Mic! Since he is finally in the spot light, as he deservessss!
Hope you have a great day/night! ❤️‍🔥
OMG HI! I feel like I havent got a request from you in forever @imloudafsocoveryourears!!! I'm so happy you took place in thie even!! I've been really good, just getting inspired to write more! I hope you're well!!! I love Mic and I haven't wrote for him in AGES, so thank you so so much! I hope you enjoy this fic that i accidentally put my whole heart and soul into and have a great day! stay hydrated love!
Clubbing - Present Mic
Pairing - Present Mic x reader
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 729
Notes - thank you again!!! this was a lot of fun and overall a banger of a fic if i do say so myself. im almost at 300 followers and i just wanted to thank all of you for following me in this journey! i love you all and i hope you enjoy this fic! have a great day/night and stay hydrated!! <333
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Your eardrums were thumping as you walked into the club, bright, multicolored lights hitting your face from every direction. You definitely weren't used to this atmosphere. You just got so comfortable working at the office and in the studio with Present Mic that you forgot his work could look like this too; bright and so goddamn loud.
The worst part, it was going to be impossible to find him in this huge crowd. You just needed him to sign something and you could go home. Oh god, a couch sounded really nice.
You looked stupid in that club. You didn't care to change out of your work clothes, which in this case was a hoodie and some jeans, while everyone else around you was wearing body glitter and covered in some sort of bright attire. You thought that because of that it would actually be easy to find Mic, since he was always in black and all, but you found it to be much harder. Not to mention that he decided to wear his hair down that day so you couldn't find that blonde cockatoo styled head.
You began asking around, but no one knew where he was. Either that or they were too drunk or too occupied with their lover to even acknowledge that you were there.
You were just going to call it a day when you heard a very familiar voice boom throughout the club.
The last place you thought of checking that should've been your first. Of course he was there.
On stage.
Maybe you didn't even need that signature after all. No one would be... too upset, right? Either way, you wanted to get the hell out of there. Maybe you would call him frantically a little later asking for that signature.
You quickly turned away and began walking out of the club, pushing past brightly colored shirts and laughing groups as Mic was spewing words about something, you couldn't really hear him. It felt like you were out at sea, swimming for dear life. It was honestly a little embarrassing.
"y/n?" You heard over the crowd. You quickly turned around to find Mic waving at you from up on stage and immediately squinted at the spotlight they put on you. The crowd from around you split, really calling out that you were there.
What an ass.
"y/n! Come up here!!!" The crowd quickly made a trail for you to get to the stage. Not the way you wanted to see Mic, but good enough.
You went up on stage, your face bright red, and Mic pulled you in for a hug, letting the band start playing some music, which everyone off stage started dancing to.
"Hey, y/n! What are you doing here?" He led you off stage and took a long sip from a plastic water bottle.
"I just needed you to sign this," you admitted, handing him the paper. "It was due like three hours ago and someone's gonna be on my ass if I don't get it signed by the morning."
"Ah, I see. Sorry about that, y/n. I guess I forgot. I'll gladly give an autograph to my biggest fans up at the Hero's Association."
You giggled and took a seat on a nearby stool. "Thanks, Mic."
"Of course. I knew they would be up your ass more than mine. Again, I'm really sorry." He handed you the paper back with a smile.
"Thanks Mic. This really means a lot." You sighed of relief and took the paper, putting it in your bag before throwing your arms around Mic. "You're the best, you know that?"
"Oh stop." Mic blushed and rubbed your back, resting his chin on your shoulder. "Stay safe, okay? It's pretty dark out."
"I will, I promise." You pulled away from the hug and placed your hands in his. "I'll see you tomorrow, alright? Don't party too hard. It is a weekday after all."
"I know, I know. I do this all the time. I'll see you tomorrow, y/n."
"Bye, Mic." You quickly, trying not to draw attention to it, gave Mic a quick peck on the lips before running off.
You left him a blushing mess as he chugged the rest of his water before going back on stage to try to perform without you popping up in his mind.
mha masterlist --- pinned post
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Charlie’s Christmas!
So guys, I would have liked to have delivered this for you sooner, but between being busy and coming down with covid, I just couldn’t make it happen. Here, though. A little late gift for you all. 
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Words - 3,236
Warnings - Absolutely none. A nice bit of fun and fluff throughout!
The office at Romero Brothers had been suitably festooned with decorations, a small tree, bunting, lights, everything that the guys shook their heads over and scoffed at, but secretly thought was a nice touch, administered by Jodie, who they were soon to learn was the absolute spirit of Christmas.  
There was one, however, who made his disgust known.  
“What’s up with you, bird?” Taza asked, patting his shoulder, Charlie reluctant to jump on for a second as he began to peck at the red tinsel his day perch had been dressed with.  
“No!” he squawked again, still continuing his destruction of the offending decoration before hopping up, scampering close to him. “Glasses!”
Taza immediately jerked his head away. “How many times have we discussed this, Charlie?” Reaching into his kutte pocket, he pulled out a macadamia nut from the ever-present bag, pacifying a disgruntled Charlie. “I think he’s having issues with you decorating his perch, sweetheart,” he then told Jodie, as she walked back around the desk.  
“Yeah, I did have bells on there too, but he threw them all off in a temper tantrum, didn’t you?”
“Fuck bells!” Charlie screeched, his comb risen, bobbing up and down. Taza shook his head, laughing as he left Jodie to it, removing the source of noise while she went about making her late afternoon phone calls before finishing up.  
“Guess who’s coming home real soon?” he asked Charlie, carrying him over to the clubhouse. The bird remained on mute, Taza trying again. His understanding was very good, cockatoos an extremely intelligent member of the parrot family, but sometimes, it took different wording for him to grasp the gist of the information presented to him. “Who’s missing?”
“That’s right,” he confirmed, looking at his watch. “And she’s gonna be here soon.” Taza couldn’t wait, he’d missed her immensely, Lily having been away for two months at that point, having a fight in Australia, plus a six-week stint at an MMA club over in Thailand, where she’d gotten to train and learn from some of the best fighters and coaches on the planet.  
Charlie looked pleased at the revelation, bobbing and dancing, hissing at Hank on the way into the clubhouse, seeing one of his favourite people sitting at the bar. “Bro time!”  
“My boy!” Angel called, Taza lowering his shoulder so Charlie could hop over. “You been good, or destroying everything?”
“He was trashing tinsel when I went to fetch him,” Taza laughed, taking a beer from one of the new prospects.  
Angel shook his head, reaching to ruffle Charlie’s tail feathers. “I told Jodie not to put it on his perch, that he’d just vandalise it.”
“Charlie’s a good boy!”
“You a G, Charlie, and you know it, homes!”
“Asshole!” he then called, Hank appearing at the bar, poking his tongue out at the bird. “Fuck you!” Yes, he still loathed him. Hank found it mostly entertaining at that point, though, Charlie muttering with agitation as he paced a circle upon Angel’s shoulder, making his warning noises right down his ear.
“Hey, you don’t gotta warn me. I know him, he’s my bro! It’s you who has beef with him, shit!” he laughed, reaching beneath his wing and tickling, hoping to pacify him.  
“Beef!” Charlie screeched, hissing again, Angel pulling his cell from his pocket when he felt it vibrate against his thigh. “Hey yo, you best be quiet. It’s mama.”
“Mama! Mama! Mama!” It was mostly Charlie’s shouts of delight that greeted Lily upon her husband answering his phone, laughing before she could even say hello.  
“Do you hear our feathered child here?” Angel exclaimed, Lily still giggling.  
“He’s in good voice, as ever,” she chuckled, the cab she was in slowing down before coming to a stop at the traffic lights. “Guess where I am?”
“Please say in Santo Padre.” God, how he’d missed her. He was used to her being away for a week or so here and there, but two months with no beautiful wife to come home to? Nope. He hated it.  
“I’m two blocks away, get me a big glass of ice water poured, I’m thirsty!” She’d ducked in at home, unloading her clothes into the washing machine, showering and changing before calling an Uber and heading straight back out again, keen to get to Angel as soon as possible.  
“On it, babe. I can’t fucking wait to see you walk through those goddamned doors!” When she did, Creeper took Charlie, Angel hurtling across the club to bundle her up in a huge hug, Lily giggling happily as she was kissed within an inch of her life. “God, I missed you, sweet pea.”
“I missed you too, baby,” she cooed, scratching his beard with her short nails, kissing him again, all the while able to hear Charlie throwing a tantrum in the background. “Let me get to the kid, before he yells Creep’s eardrum right through.” They disentangled, Lily going to Charlie, kissing Creeper on the cheek before taking her beloved boy, cuddling him as Charlie sat on her chest and curled into her neck, making soft clicks of contentment. “Hi, baby boy! Hi! Have you been good?”
“Charlie’s a good boy!”
Of course, he was. Even when he wasn’t.  
She then turned and gave a hug to the next most important person to greet, Charlie moving up to her shoulder.  
“Hey, dad.” Sinking into his embrace, she felt his lips press atop her head, his thumb stroking her shoulder fondly.  
“Hey, kid. Nice black eye you’ve got yourself there.”  
“You should see the one on my back, damn, I got thrown down on the fucking canvas so many times! Those Thai guys are no joke, I swear!” she exclaimed, Taza entertained as ever by his daughter’s enthusiasm for her sport. Lily collected bruises like trophies. After being hugged a little more, she showed him, laughing as he winced.  
“That’s about five different shades of angry,” he commented, Bishop taking a look before greeting her.
“Purple, blue, black, green and yellow. It’s like some kind of emo kid rainbow,” he teased, Lily punching him with a soft fist before kissing his cheek. “Good to have you home, sweetheart.”
And it was good to be back, too, surrounded by her family, Angel passing her requested drink and draping his arm around her, Charlie beginning to fuss for more attention he was duly given. In the coming days, things began winding down around the yard, outlawing being put somewhat on pause so the guys could spend a little more time at home with their loved ones.  
Angel’s free time involved gift wrapping one morning, a task he loathed, but was methodical about the preparation of such. He lined up pre-snipped pieces of Sellotape along the edge of the coffee table, had purchased the kind of bows that only required sticking on, and was all set to begin. Someone, though... well. Someone decided to do his best to hamper the process.  
“Charlie,” he warned, watching the bird come ambling across the rug, picking up a bow and tossing it in the air. “Go play with your toys. Go on, I got all your stuff out.”  
“Charlie help!” Before he could move it, the bird caught the piece of gift wrap he was carefully folding around the box containing the hair straighteners Lily had requested (just one of her many gifts) and yanked, ripping off a huge piece.  
Rolling his eyes, he shuffled across the rug, grabbing his Tigger plush and waving it around. “You ain’t helping me, homeslice! Go play with Tigger.” Throwing the plush over towards the other pile of toys Charlie had been busying himself with, he watched him scamper away, returning to the task at hand, snipping off the piece of gift wrap Charlie had decimated, only for him to stomp back over and do the exact same thing again. “God fucking damnit!”
“Charlie’s a good boy!”
Angel reached for him, gently pinching his chest feathers. “No, you ain’t! I gotta get all these done before mama comes home from the store.”
“Charlie snacks!” With a huff, Angel got up and located his trail mix box, pulling out a handful while his feathered friend further destroyed the piece of gift wrap that was now much too small to wrap the straighteners in, Angel placing the snacks down to the side of the rug. Immediately, Charlie ran for them, Angel switching up a gear. After cutting down the paper again, he saw he could still make use of it to wrap the smaller box containing some bracelets he’d bought for her, grabbing the small box they’d come in, wrapping them, sticking a bow on and then trying again with the straighteners.  
By the time he was wrapping her surprise gift, a copy of her favourite Linkin Park album, Hybrid Theory on vinyl, the sleeve signed by every member of the band, his small, feathered pest had returned, this time helping himself to the Sellotape pieces hanging from the table.  
“Charlie Horacio Romero-Reyes!”  
“Fuck you!”
“Sassy little bastard!” Reaching, he grabbed the bird, Charlie’s comb risen in delight that he was being a pain in the ass, taking great pleasure in Angel’s frustration. “Look at this! Now you got Sellotape all over your beak. No, no biting, stop!” He managed to pull the piece of tape off while keeping his finger skin intact, Charlie jabbering nonsense at him. “You wanna go back in the cage?”  
“No cage!”
“Alright, then you have to be good, you hear?”
“Charlie help!”
Spying the package of bows, Angel reached for it, emptying it upon the floor before sticking the last side down on the record. “Pass me the red bow.” Off Charlie ambled, sorting through the pile of bright bows, choosing a red one and bringing it back to drop into Angel’s outstretched hand. “Good boy, and now green.”  
Keeping him involved, that was the key. Even if it did mean he was soon surrounded by more bows than he feasibly needed, at least it stopped Charlie’s quest to make a nuisance of himself, all gifts wrapped and the lounge tidy by the time Lily arrived home, Charlie on his day perch grooming himself, disgruntledly yanking off the big, gold bow Angel had stuck to his chest and throwing it onto the floor.  
“Did you do your gift wrapping yet? If not, then don’t fucking do it while he’s out. I swear, he’s a menace,” Angel laughed, putting granola away in the cupboard, turning to catch the bag of quinoa Lily threw to him, pulling the packet open and emptying it into its designated jar.  
“That’s why I never do. Besides, they’re all done already, I just gotta put them under the tree. And then we’ll have to watch him all the time when he’s down on the floor, because he thinks they’re all for him and he’ll try and unwrap them if we let him get too close. Or he’ll take the baubles off and hide them,” she explained, putting away butter, sliced chicken and milk into the fridge. True to her statement...
“Hey, stop that!” she chided softly upon entering the lounge, finding Charlie scurrying across the floor, a bauble in his mouth.  
“Charlie need!”
“You do not need Christmas decorations, you don’t even like them!”
Angel snorted, sitting down on the couch. “Tell our sister-in-law that. She put tinsel on his perch at the office, and he threw a fucking fit.” Yes, Jodie and EZ had tied the knot back in the summer, EZ now gone from his trailer in the yard and living in her apartment until they found a house they liked the look of within their budget. An apartment that was equally as filled with decorations, Angel glad that Lily much preferred the minimal look.  
She’d bought all the decorations she wanted prior to leaving for the other side of the world, giving Angel a guide over how she wanted things done before she’d left, her husband buying the tree the first week of December and getting it all done up with the lights and white ornaments, one of the gingerbread men from the set being retrieved from Charlie’s grasp, Lily placing it back on the tree before taking a seat beside Angel, picking up the teething ring toy from off the floor and handing it to their bird.  
Charlie tossed the keys around, bouncing over Lily’s legs, eventually settling on Angel’s lap, where he was quiet for all of ten minutes, until a show Lily wanted to watch began, about how working dogs were trained, from diabetes alert dogs to special K9 units used by the police. As soon as Charlie heard barking, he was up and hopping down Angel’s legs, perching upon his feet... and barking at the TV.  
“Charlie, hush,” Lily spoke, her bird staring at the screen.
Woof, woof, woof.  
“Charlie, chill out, man,” Angel tried, picking up the keys and rattling them, Charlie’s comb risen, highly annoyed.
Wood, woof, woof.  
“I don’t think he’s gonna settle babe.” Lily sighed, quite agreeing with her husband’s assertion, switching over and finding something else to watch instead, something less canine focused. Family Guy pacified him nicely, even though it wasn’t Lily’s first choice. Sometimes, having a quiet bird was preferable to anything else, even though because of the time of year, Charlie was extra sensitive to just about everything, with his space different, a sudden influx of decorations, things he wasn’t allowed near, extra rules being given never pleasing to him.  
But what was pleasing? When Christmas morning came, and he could finally tear the paper open on the little pile of gifts under the tree that were labelled for him.  
“Charlie snacks!” Picking up one of the little bags of almonds that had been wrapped together, he threw them around the rug, wrestling with one packet until Angel opened it for him, pulling out an almond, nibbling the corner before he was distracted by a gift bag. This one, he knocked onto its side, climbing inside before suddenly shooting out again, comb up, jabbering startled nonsense.
“What’s up, bro?” Angel asked, reaching into the bag and pulling out the small triceratops beanie baby. “New toy, don’t you like it?” Charlie reached for it, gently pulling it from his grasp, taking it over to the other side of the rug and stashing it to the side of the fireplace. He then did exactly the same with the rest of his gifts, coming back to the bag and hissing at it, clicking his beak angrily. Angel and Lily exchanged amused glances.  
“Charlie, what’s up with the bag?” Lily asked, picking it up. Immediately, he snatched it away and flung it across the floor before strutting around angrily, pacing the space between his people and the bag, making his warning noises. “Okay, why is he on protective mode?”  
Angel grabbed the bag, lifting it up out of Charlie’s reach, whose warning sounds loudened. “No, no, Angel no, no, no!”  
“What’s with you?” he asked, laughing as he searched through the tissue paper, finally spotting what had freaked him out. “Oh, I see it!” Turning the bag around, he showed Lily, who shuddered at seeing a big, dead house spider in the bottom. Charlie jumped onto his arm, taking the bag from his hand and scampering off at speed, transporting it over to the front door and leaving it in the corner, shouting at it before ambling back to his people, who were in hysterics at his actions.  
“Are we safe now?” Lily laughed, opening the box of chocolates she’d received as just one of her gifts from Angie, popping one into her mouth with a happy sigh. Raspberry marshmallow, her favourite.  
“Charlie help!”
Yes, he most certainly had in getting the dead spider as far away from Lily as he could, who hated their very existence whether alive or dead.  
With all gift opening done with, Lily went to go and check on the turkey again, basting it before letting it continue to cook. They had a full house that year, her father-in-law, her dad, EZ and Jodie, and Angie and Ernesto all coming for lunch. Out of everyone, Charlie liked a grand total of two of them, Jodie and Taza, the latter having him demand attention from the moment he was through the door.  
“Grandpa!” he called, Taza amused, the bird climbing onto his shoulder and having his wing stroked before he gently grasped one of his rings. “Charlie need!”
He shook his head, taking off his ring and handing it to him. “You always need something, bird.” All the way through the day, he was his usual, loud self, sitting on the shoulders of his people in turn, before he became difficult through over-excitement, Angel putting him back in his cage mid-squawking fit, throwing the blanket over so he’d settle down. He was, as ever, just like a toddler; when there was too much excitement and he got tired, he needed a nap, even though it was the last thing he wanted.  
What he wanted above all was to be with his people, which he got once the last guests had left, Lily getting him out, Charlie cuddling up on her chest while she and Angel watched Home Alone 2.  
“Whatcha got there, bud?” he asked about a half hour into the movie, Charlie having been given a small gift that Lily wanted to surprise him with, taking the slim parcel with a look of curiosity, opening it up. Inside, he could barely believe his eyes. “You’re fucking kidding me.”
“I’m not,” Lily smiled, cooing softly as she watched him place the positive pregnancy test down and cover his face with his hands for a moment, before emerging to throw his arms around her.
“This is the best present anyone has ever given me!” he exclaimed, kissing her cheek over and over. “Oh my god, I’m fucking thrilled!”  
They hugged, both shedding a few happy tears, Lily feeling like a huge weight had been lifted, having kept it secret for the last few weeks. She’d missed a period while out in Thailand, but the test she’d taken out there had come back negative. When another period had failed to arrive, she’d done another the night she’d arrived home, deciding to wait the short time and surprise him with it at Christmas.  
“You know what this means, Charlie?” she asked, stroking his head. “There’s gonna be a baby!”
“Charlie’s the baby!” he squawked, receiving lots of scratches from them both. They knew he could easily feel left out by the time the baby arrived, with their focus so intense on becoming parents for the first time. By the time their little girl was with them, though, Charlie felt very much a part of things.  
“Charlie, this is Willow, and she’s been so excited to meet you, yes she has!” Lily cooed as Angel let Charlie wander over, the bird taking a cautionary look at the very tiny, very cute small person in her arms, reaching with his foot and gently grasping over her tummy.
“I love you!” he spoke, viewing her with fascination. “I love you!”
“Are you petting the baby?” Angel asked, stroking under his wing.  
“Charlie love the baby!”
It was simply adorable, Charlie taking to her immediately. “Charlie’s a good boy!”
Yes. He most certainly was.  
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vintagelasvegas · 2 years
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Bars in Las Vegas, 1969-1970. Photos from Sherri Baker.
(1) Cockatoo Club, aka CooCoo Club, 201 Tonopah Hwy. Red *S* seats from the Stardust. Blue Heaven, 2027 E Charleston, next to Blue Angel hotel and Blue Onion restaurant. The Annex, 121 1/2 S Casino Center Blvd. Serene Room, 2661 Maryland Pkwy. (2) Cockatoo Club.
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neosweelin · 1 year
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Remembering William Teo. I walked through Fort Canning Park a few days ago on live stream, telling The NeoKeleLims Social Club all about the plays I performed there. William Teo was one of my best teachers. I learnt to sing in Sanskrit in the Fort Gates for Medea, I ran around as the mute Kattrin in Mother Courage at what used to be the roller skating rink. William taught me how to eat artichokes, we made gnocchi together as we rehearsed The House of Bernarda Alba. I can still hear his voice, passionately describing the sets & costumes of his plays, the sound of his cockatoo ShuShu, the trickle of the water in his lovely Bo Seng home. The last time I saw him was on Bintan Island. He was so thin & gaunt. I shall never forget you, dear William Teo. #gonetoosoon Photos: @neosweelin as Kattrin in Mother Courage & the messenger in Medea https://www.instagram.com/p/Coue_SHSEqF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
aaaa okay! uhh lets see lets see…
1. I am an identical twin!! @fingermosaic haiii xD
2. I love to write,,, I started a creative writing club at my school, I took an online tufts class about writing over the summer, I’ve written 16 fics (+ some that arent on ao3), and two of my stories are published on an online journal! so I definitely like writing lolol
3. I want a cockatoo!! depending on how I live my life it may not be for me buuut a girl can dream lolol
thanks for the ask!
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qnewslgbtiqa · 1 month
From The Beat nightclub to Broadway: Producer Toby Simkin dies
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/beat-megaclub-to-broadway-vale-producer-toby-simkin/
From The Beat nightclub to Broadway: Producer Toby Simkin dies
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International Broadway producer Toby Simkin, who started his career in Brisbane and managed the Beat Megaclub, has died.
The award-winning theatre producer died at age 59 at his Shanghai home on April 7.
Toby grew up in Brisbane and his arts career got a jumpstart when he received an Elizabeth Bequest Scholarship at age 16.
It led to work at the Queensland Theatre Company, the Twelfth Night Theatre Company and many more across the country.
By night, Toby worked at the Cockatoo Club in Fortitude Valley and became general manager of the newly-renamed The Beat.
At the time, homosexuality was illegal, police were corrupt and Premier Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen “actively used homophobia for electoral advantage,” Toby recalled.
“Anti-gay laws were intensely enforced by Queensland police throughout the 1980s,” he said.
“Police raids intensified. Some police would come to The Beat for ‘poofter hunts’ and turned a blind eye to bashings.
“Some police detectives, out of uniform, would return to The Beat later in the night to drink and have fun. It was a weird experience.”
‘A game of us vs them’
Toby Simkin recalled the Bjelke-Petersen government creating liquor laws specifically to target gay men at Brisbane’s gay clubs.
“It became a game of ‘us’ vs ‘them’ — the ‘them’ being the police, the politicians, the poofter bashers and often, our own families,” Toby recalled.
“This stupid game helped solidify a gay Brisbane community united in just wanting acceptance.
“The more the government and police pushed us, the more brazen we would become.”
Toby also found work as a model and a stripper at a burlesque theatre in a show called Pisstols.
He claimed to have escaped HIV/AIDS in the 1980s because “I did so much cocaine I couldn’t have sex.”
In 1987, Toby made the move to the US. He said he did so “with no visa, with my money tied up in real estate, alone, cash penniless, but with a dream of the theatrical pinnacle, Broadway.”
Toby Simkin ‘a leader in every sense of the word’
Toby Simkin achieved that dream. He would work on Tony Award-winning productions of I Am My Own Wife, Long Day’s Journey Into Night, Death of a Salesman, and the Tony-nominated productions of The Crucible and The Price.
Over his career, Toby was involved in the marketing and management of over 120 Broadway shows.
In the early 1990s, Toby Simkin was an early adopter of the Internet. He revolutionised the theatre industry by creating the first online ticketing systems – Ticketmaster insisted it wouldn’t catch on – as well as email marketing and theatre livestreaming.
In the 2000s, he moved to Shanghai and developed a national theatre network in China.
Toby Simkin is survived by his partner Darrell “DJ” Wizniak, a dancer he met in Canada.
In a tribute, Creative Australia’s CEO Adrian Collette declared Toby Simkin “a leader in every sense of the word in theatre and across the arts.”
Adrian recognised Toby’s “incredible achievements in the production of commercial theatre in Australia, on Broadway, in London’s West End, and globally.”
“His loss will be felt in every corner of the world. He made a mark not just with incredible talent but also with his generosity,” he said.
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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lara012 · 1 year
We at JOGGERS PARK are distributing some of the world’s best gym equipment, that are sold and serviced in more than hundred countries. With a focus on providing premium products, they offer a range of fitness equipment that includes treadmills, exercise bikes, weights, and more. Choose Joggerspark for top-of-the-line gym equipment that will help you take your workout to the next level.
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spibbb · 3 months
venom ltbc could have been improved by the club party or whatever being full of much stranger people. body mods of all kinds and faces full of piercings. guy with filed down teeth so he has fangs on the top and bottom who calls himself The Dracula. somebody's got a million of those sticky hand things and they're hanging from the ceiling, slapping them all over the crowd, squawking exactly like a cockatoo. random woman with a whip dressed like a cowboy wearing sunglasses at night, and she keeps staring at venom from across the room, loudly chewing gun, unmoving. little simz's audience is undulating like a sea anemone
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nectar-cellar · 2 years
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OC Ask: Saeed
Q: So, let’s get to the question. @bastardtrait says “Hewwo” and—
Saeed: What?
Q: Never mind. Saeed, Ron wants to know, what’s your favourite song at the moment? 
Saeed: Ah, excellent question. It’s Everytime We Touch by Cascada! 
Saeed: Such a good song. I heard it recently, err, somewhere, and now it’s stuck in my head all over again. 
Saeed: ‘Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling, da-da-da-da-da… 
Saeed: Oh man, it brings me back to my clubbing days. Her sexy voice, it just makes you want to get up and dance, baby!
Q: Where do they still play Cascada at? 
Saeed: What do you mean, where? They should play it everywhere, even at a lounge like this. Shake things up a little. Maybe they’d get more business, eh? [Saeed looks around and shakes his head.] They don’t make hits like that anymore. 
Q: …
Saeed: Ok, I was at Cockatoo’s— 
Q: The gay club? 
Saeed: Blah blah blah. Yes! Gay, straight, disco, hip-hop, whatever. [Saeed waves his hand dismissively.] I don’t care as long as there is a good vibe, ok? That’s what matters.
Saeed: One thing about gay people, they know how to have a party. They know what is good music. And they are very friendly, I have to say.
Q: Why are you— 
Saeed: Look around you! Do you know why this place is dead on a Friday night? This city is not what it used to be. Everywhere, the drinks cost too much, none of the girls will talk to you, and everyone has a stick up their ass. You come, you pay thirty dollars for a cocktail, and you stand in the corner all night like an imbecile. You are sad and alone. That’s the problem with these places, nobody knows how to have fun anymore. I would much rather spend the night with a bunch of gay men. 
Saeed: ...Wait. 
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supermitskifan1234 · 8 months
The Pokédex of Opulaus (001-021)
The Region of Opulaus is a sprawling and exotic region based off of Australia, and a little project I’ve been working on for a few months. Since I have zero artistic skills they are just their names, inspirations, and abilities.
001. Pistachoey (Grass)
Pistachio + Joey
Ability: Overgrow
Hidden Ability: Speed Boost
Evolves into Kanthorn at level 16
Grass Starter
002. Kanthorn (Grass/Rock)
Kangaroo + Thorn
Ability: Overgrow
Hidden Ability: Speed Boost
Evolves into Arkabound at level 32
Grass Starter
003. Arkabound (Grass/Rock)
Ark + Kaboom + Kangaroo + Bound
Ability: Overgrow
Hidden Ability: Speed Boost
New Move: Rock Bound (Rock/Physical/90BP/90ACC/Two-Turn Move)
Does Not Evolve
Grass Starter
004. Skwisp (Fire)
Skink + Wisp
Ability: Blaze
Hidden Ability: Mega Launcher
Evolves into Larriskink at level 16
Fire Starter
005. Larriskink (Fire/Dark)
Larrikin + Skink
Ability: Blaze
Hidden Ability: Mega Launcher
Evolves into Detocapone at level 32
Fire Starter
006. Detocapone (Fire/Dark)
Detonate + Capone
Ability: Blaze
Hidden Ability: Mega Launcher
New Move: Flame Bullet (Fire/Special/60BP/100ACC/High Crit Chance)
Does Not Evolve
Fire Starter
007. Platoxi (Water/Poison)
Platypus + Toxic
Ability: Torrent
Hidden Ability: Merciless
Evolves into Platagion at level 16
Water Starter
008. Platagion (Water/Poison)
Platypus + Contagion
Ability: Torrent
Hidden Ability: Merciless
Evolves into Pestilpus at level 32
Water Starter
009. Pestilpus (Water/Poison)
Pestilence + Platypus + Pus
Ability: Torrent
Hidden Ability: Merciless
New Move: Plague Bottle (Poison/Special/60BP/100ACC/Equal chance to Poison, Burn, Paralyse, Freeze and Sleep)
Does Not Evolve
Water Starter
010. Misnack (Bug/Fairy)
Mite + Snack
Ability: Shield Dust / Sweet Veil
Hidden Ability: Well-Baked Body
Evolves into Pastrorb at level 10
Regional Bug
011. Pastrorb (Bug/Fairy)
Pastry + Orb Weaver Spider
Ability: Shield Dust / Sweet Veil
Hidden Ability: Well-Baked Body
Evolves into Weavrosia at level 22
Regional Bug
012. Weavrosia (Bug/Fairy)
Orb Weaver Spider + Ambrosia
Ability: Healer / Sweet Veil
Hidden Ability: Well-Baked Body
Does Not Evolve
Regional Bug
013. Optiworm (Bug)
Optimist + Worm
Ability: Run Away / Early Bird
Hidden Ability: Overcoat
Evolves into Shelltince at level 11
Regional Bug
014. Shelltince (Bug/Steel)
Shell + Apprentice
Ability: Shell Armour / Vital Spirit
Hidden Ability: Overcoat
Evolves into Hernormoth at level 24
Regional Bug
015. Hernormoth (Bug/Steel)
Hercules + Hero + Enormous + Moth
Ability: Shell Armour / Vital Spirit
Hidden Ability: Overcoat
New Move: Laborious Club (Steel/Physical/50BP/95ACC/Deals double damage if hits last)
Does Not Evolve
Regional Bug
016. Toxibak (Bug/Poison)
Toxic + Redback Spider
Ability: Poison Point / Compound Eyes
Hidden Ability: Unnerve
Does Not Evolve
Regional Bug
017. Marserve (Normal/Steel)
Marsupial + Servant
Ability: Pickup / Keen Eye
Hidden Ability: Serene Grace
Evolves into Bilbadent at level 20
Regional Rodent
018. Bilbadent (Normal/Steel)
Bilby + Decadent
Ability: Fluffy / Keen Eye
Hidden Ability: Serene Grace
Does Not Evolve
Regional Rodemt
019. Battatiel (Electric/Flying)
Battery + Cockatiel
Ability: Static / Early Bird
Hidden Ability: Galvanise
Evolves into Condutiel at level 18
Regional Bird
020. Condutiel (Electric/Flying)
Conduit + Cockatiel
Ability: Volt Absorb / Big Pecks
Hidden Ability: Galvanise
Evolves into Crestempest at level 36
Regional Bird
021. Crestempest (Electric/Flying)
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo + Tempest
Ability: Volt Absorb / Big Pecks
Hidden Ability: Galvanise
Does Not Evolve
Regional Bird
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