lasaraconor · 1 year
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IGN: The Witcher s3 A LOOK FORWARD
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viking-raider · 1 year
So, I'm rewatching Part One of Season 3 (Cause that's me!) and I noticed something, when Fuck Fucker is coming out of Codringher and Fenn's! He's holding the cat, but if you look at the post just next to the door, outside to the left, there's a snow owl.
Philippa, is that you?
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astaldis · 1 year
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He saves Esmeralda! ❤️
 (hopefully he won’t just throw her back in, you never know with Rience 🙈)
A nice deviation from canon for once 😊
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
On the upside- he DIDN¨T hurt the cat!
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Something literally no one is talking about, I’m glad we are getting more Codringher, he’s a cool character thats really underrated
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timetraveladdict · 1 year
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Jaskier with cat
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Rewatched the trailer. I didn't notice the cat at first... OMG that's the scene where Rience kills Codringher and Fenn, right?
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hanzajesthanza · 7 months
a lot of the “haha geralt is so annoyed by his friends!!” talk reduces the relationship of geralt & co. to the events of baptism of fire—baptism of fire geralt is very enjoyable to read, but lady of the lake geralt is the final evolution of a beautiful development of character. we really ought to talk more often about how his relationship with his company developed over the next two books and how by the end of it, he felt entirely responsible for their fates.
it can’t really be said that the hanza didn’t mean a lot to geralt and he would have chosen ciri & yen over them no problem. by the end of it he really valued their friendship and company. he literally identified himself as their leader, embraced his role as their leader. only with their company, he was finally able to fully ascended to what he is at heart and who he was meant to be, what his character was created to be: a hero.
he never liked to play sacrificial games. the entire reason he shunned (the majority of) the company (sorry cahir, he took extra issue with you) was that it was too dangerous of an undertaking, and he did not want to risk the lives of anyone else for his personal matters, sticking their necks out for him. it wasn’t just because he’s an old grump and sourpuss—he literally tells this to dandelion and milva multiple times, that he doesn’t want them dying because of him.
he decided against anything that would have put milva in danger when she was pregnant, refusing to risk her life or her unborn child’s life—remaining adamant that he would not sacrifice her child’s life for his own. and similarly when codringher presented him the hypothetical of pawning a decoy girl off on emhyr, he was disgusted at the thought of trampling the life of some innocent girl for the safety of his own.
virtuous to a fault, geralt abhors stepping on another to lift himself up. he won’t even kill innocent creatures to make a quick buck—they have to be real dangers—which, of course, makes him not only poorer and hungrier, but fighting, you guessed it, more dangers. this makes geralt unlike many of the other characters we’re presented with, who, even though they may not want to, agree to make sacrifices for their personal interests or the greater good (though, what’s the difference—the lodge and emhyr called their personal interests the greater good. that’s a big point of how the decisions of those in power is deconstructed in the saga).
i don’t think geralt would have sacrificed his company, given a choice.
but he did choose, of course, despite not being given a choice. it was a necessary sacrifice, though geralt, being the man he is, would never have made such a choice given the option (like the trolley problem—he’s impossible, he would continue to insist that neither of these choices are good and he doesn’t want to choose). i don’t want to kill either shrike or stregobor, i don’t want to take a side in the war, i don’t want to ride to cintra and claim my destiny. the whole saga is about how no matter if you decide to choose or not to choose, destiny still makes you choose. even if you think you can deny and avoid the choice. and after such denial, it stops asking you nicely. death dogs his footsteps, but death couldn’t catch up with him (for a while, at least), so it had to settle for others… the hanza are another, perhaps a final, manifestation of this lesson—calanthe and cintra being the first victims.
he and cahir dragged milva’s dead and bleeding body to safety, risking their own lives in the hail of arrows which rose again once she had fallen. his noble and virtuous heart still looked for cahir and angoulême in the corridor after the fighting had ceased, waiting for them to come out of the empty hall, before ciri shook her head to tell him no one would be coming down it. his scream rung in the air with regis’ as regis was being torn apart. and he, in pain and exhausted, remembered him, to yennefer when she asked, as a friend, and managed to utter some beautifully kind words in his memory.
i don’t think someone like geralt (feeling responsible for deaths of innocents whether they’re even his fault or not) would ever truly get over the loss of his company. after having, with ciri, buried them, by the foot of stygga castle, having to drag the bodies out one by one, close their glassy eyes, mound the wet and cold earth over them. and regretfully glance back at the melted stone column he cannot bury. he was woefully dreary after stygga, and kept returning to their memory as they retraced their steps into the sansretour valley. reminding himself about the sword of destiny with two edges… and again at rivia mourning them with the dwarven company.
we can at least sigh with relief that destiny allowed him to keep dandelion. it had to, because he is just, after all “like a burr on a dog’s tail”—destiny did not quite manage to slip its noose around his neck, for he did not touch destiny, but instead tagged alongside it. (plus, the cameraman never dies). if dandelion died, it would have broken geralt well and truly. it was the longest and deepest connection he ever had. the same goes for the reverse, of course 😬
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littlefreya · 1 year
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Yet another season 3 photo. Geralt with Codringher.
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endiness · 10 months
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"I just had the most intriguing visit from the witcher's friend. He seems to think those old farts Codringher and Fenn might have some info about Rience." "And?"
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I’ve really enjoyed freaking out with everybody over various scenes but we have not talked about the SHAKY breath that Jaskier heaves when Geralt grabs his hand outside of Codringher and Fenn.
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rience grabbing codringher and fenn's cat and holding up a flame next to her and threatening her to make them tell him everything but also carrying her safely out of the building (completely unharmed) and taking her with him after he set it on fire
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viking-raider · 1 year
Can I ask?
Are we not talking about what they did to Filavandrel's lute last season? Are you not telling me; Jaskier, Julian Alfred Pancratz, Viscount de Lettenhove, (thank you Codringher for bringing that up) wouldn't be 'oh woeing!' the destruction of that Lute all across the Continent and back???
Because I think the biggest drama queen, besides Valdo Marx, fucking would!
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psychic-waffles · 1 year
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i don't care how it fits into canon, i just think that somehow jaskier should end up with codringher and fenn's cat
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