#Coe Brothers
coe-olivier · 8 days
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Yes I’m making them brothers. No one can stop me.
Gluteus Maximus will be great big brother for Octavius Citrus 🫶
Me looking for those who cares phahaha
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coeluvr · 11 months
I...I.....I like Ikram. ... ... ... 's son. 😜
That being said, would be be willing to share some facts/details about Felix? ✨️ (sorry if you had already and I just forgot 😔 if it's already been shared I'll dig though tumblr harder)
I neglect my side side side side appears once in a blue moon characters and it shows because this took me so long LOL
Felix does show up in Chapter 3 so you guys can meet him and be very nice or terribly mean to this baby. 🥰
Now for facts and details!
Adores his big brother to the moon and back, his brother can do no wrong and he is perfect!! #1 Vincent Fan in the story.
He's more of a creative kid, just like Vincent, doesn't like physical activity so he is definitely not becoming a soldier in the future. He does think his brother is very cool for becoming one though.
The person he likes to visit the most outside of his family (and Helios) is Fadiya, don't tell Vincent though (he knows already).
Felix has a really sharp eye, sometimes when he's laying in bed with Ikram he points out tiny bugs that are crawling around and his mother is like "what bug?" and then she sees it and gets creeped out.
Felix says "I love you" a lot, he will sit outside his father's room while his father is working and say it 100 times and his father will have to say it back or he will cry. Also applies to Ikram and Vincent.
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biinanzas · 1 month
we don't talk enough about clay stafford
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sure, he wasn't the best influence on joe but i still have a soft spot for their brotherly relationship 🥺
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mintsalsa · 1 year
omg i leave for a week to play starfield and come back to 100+ notes on the danse hcs? 😭😭 tysm and welcome to everyone that decided to follow me! requests are still open and im preparing to participate in #falloutober with some quick drabbles so pls look forward to that!
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ask-joe-caine · 5 months
aki probably died
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itsnoones-stuff · 25 days
Do you think they know?
Summary // you’ve been secretly dating Five for a month without suspicion but one morning could change everything.
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Five groans lightly, using his free hand to rub his eyes as his other hand wraps tighter around your waist, the sun seeping through the curtains waking you both. There was nothing you loved more than spending the morning cuddling in bed with Five, it was the only time you two can really be together. No one else in the family knows what you two have been doing, you’ve become so good at hiding it they think the two of you hate each other. That couldn’t be further from the truth.
“We should get up princess” Five mumbles, his voice deep and rough, you loved his morning voice. “No” you mumble back, letting out a chuckle as you bury your head further into his chest. “Yes princess” he chuckles to himself, preparing to get out of bed, you hold onto him tighter moaning at the idea of leaving the bed. He sighs, leaning down to kiss you on the forehead, “I know, I’m sorry but at least one of us has to get up” he’s right. You know he’s right. You loosen your grip with a huff, watching as he stands from the bed. Throwing his shirt on and buttoning it up, he turns to you, giving you a soft smile “I know princess but you know what will happen if we stay in bed all day”. One thing about Five is that he’s always right. You hate it. “Fine” you say defeated “I’ll see you tonight?” You ask, looking up at the sweet boy “of course” he coes, turning to face the door as he puts his pants back on. “I’ll see you soon princess” he winks, sending flutters through you, before heading to the door and for the kitchen. You watch him leave, carefully closing the door behind him.
Walking down the hall you start to hear your siblings arguing, you stop, trying to find out what they’re saying. “Just admit it Five, we all know” know what? You think, carefully stepping closer as the argument continues, “I’m not going to admit to anything Allison because there is nothing to admit” Five fires back, you can feel his frustration, “nothing’s going on huh?” Diego pipes up, your interest only increasing “then explain why Klaus saw you two this morning” your heart stopped at his words, you’ve been caught. It was nice whilst it lasted, you thought. “I don’t know what Klaus thinks he saw but he’s high right now” Five snaps back “he doesn’t even know what he saw” he’s mad. Really mad. Klaus scoffs in protest, he is high but he knows what he saw.
The bickering continues some more before you decide you’ve heard enough, you decide to walk in like nothing happened, watching as your family all fall silent and stare as you make your entrance. “Morning” you coo, heading to the coffee maker “what are you all arguing about?” You ask, already knowing the answer, watching as they all become flustered at the question. Silence quickly filling the room, you let out a soft sigh as you pour your coffee. “Well” Luther clears his throat, ignoring Diego’s attempts to silence him “we we’re talking about how…” his words drift off. “Are you two fucking?” Allison asks, folding her arms over her chest as both you and Five choke on your drinks, “Allison!” Diego scolds his sister, you can’t help but chuckle.
“No, we’re not fucking Allison” you snapped back after a moment, shaking your head at the idea. “Is that what you were all arguing about?” You add, looking around the room, no one can make eye contact with you, not even Five. “Maybe” Luther mumbles, looking around at his siblings, you laugh in response, it was the only thing you could think to do. “Why would you all care anyway?” You ask, instantly regretting your choice of words, your siblings all look around before looking to you “because” Allison sighs “because?” You ask, pushing for an answer “because you’re brother and sister, that’s weird!” She shouts, clearly forgetting. You turn to her, a smile prominent on your face. “Oh hunny” you chuckle “those in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones” you were right but it was kind of harsh. You watch as the others try not to laugh, holding in your own.
You finish the last of your coffee, taking it in one swig before placing the empty cup in the sink and standing straight. Clearing your throat you wrap your hands around your chest “well” you speak, grabbing everyone’s attention, “since you all think we’re fucking, I guess we might as well do just that”. Allison scoffs as the rest of your family look at you with wide eyes, Five can’t wipe the smug grin off his face. “Yeah, I guess you’re right princess, might as well” his words were like hunny, your body fluttered at the idea. Taking Five’s hand you cheerfully walk to your room, leaving your family pick their jaws up off the floor. Guess there’s no point in hiding it anymore, right?
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starsurface · 7 months
Politely asking for regressor Bi Han from mk1 headcanons please :)
I almost feel bad, you asked so politely and I'm warning you now, some of these are kinda sad . . . <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Regressor Bi-Han Hcs
❄️ Regresses to about 2-3, sometimes older though
❄️ Involuntarily regressed for the longest time and it terrified him, started regressing when he was about 13
❄️ Did not do CGs for the longest time
❄️ It wasn't until Kuai Liang and Tomas began regressing with or around him that he even thought about
❄️ And even then, you gotta be really, really close to him
❄️ Grew up with a constant fear in mind that someone will walk in, some one will catch him, someone will hurt him while he's vulnerable
❄️ Personal Headcanon that'll effect the rest of my requests: I don't think Bi-Han is a horrible brother. Not a good one, he definitely doesn't like Tomas. But Tomas will glare back at him and mouths him back, things people don't do to abusers.
❄️ ^ I think in the scene where we saw them fight that Bi-Han took it a bit too hard, because yes, Tomas did look genuinely hurt. But I've said things that hurt my own brother before and didn't apologize until later.
❄️ ^ Unfortunately they with both children forced into a terrible situation with no say of their own
❄️ Now, back onto regression hcs-
❄️ Tomas was the first one who found him regressed and it was one of the few times Tomas had ever seen Bi-Han cry
❄️ They were angry tears, and he didn't speak to Tomas for days later, but eventually Tomas sat them both down and they ‘spoke’ (Bi-Han didn't say much, but Tomas found some fruit on his bedside table the next day with a note that only said Bi-Han's name)
❄️ Tomas, Kuai Liang, and himself are his most preferred CGs >:/
❄️ (^ He's had some babysitters, but it took a couple of playdates to even think of it)
❄️ Actually really likes it when Raiden watches him because Raidens really calm and can handle young regressors really well
❄️ ^ Does NOT like hanging out with Kung Lao when hes also small though, he makes too much of a ruckus!! >:(
❄️ Very grumpy baby
❄️ Won't tell you what's wrong, he'll just pout and glare and have tears in his eyes as he stares at the floor
❄️ It can be a bit frustrating, but he knows your doing your best and will cuddle up to you out of apologies
❄️ Lashes out a lot while small
❄️ The easiest things can set him off into a fit of screaming and hitting
❄️ Please don't leave him during this time, just let him act out for a few minutes before hiccuping and looking up at you in shame
❄️ You have to tell him that he's still a good boy, but that's not how we handle our very big and negative emotions
❄️ Experiment with different ways to work with his feelings (blowing finger candles is his personal favorite, but he also thinks it's too silly for him so you have to prompt it)
❄️ No is his favorite and least favorite word
❄️ Hates hearing it from you, but loves hearing it himself
❄️ Hissy fits are also common where he'll stomp his foot and scowl
❄️ Although the softest coe and asking him what's making him all upset makes him melt very quickly and sheepishly whisper what's wrong
❄️ If he's verbally communicating, his voice is very quiet, but he's trying
❄️ Doesn't like watching cartoons but will do so if it means he can cuddle you for a long period of time
❄️ Pulls a Liu Kang and refuses to regress for weeks on end until he drops incredibly hard and is totally dependent on someone (he hates it)
❄️ ^ Kuai Liang and Tomas are working on him with it, don't you worry
❄️ Once had such a stressful week and pushed back his regression for so long that he regressed really young for almost three days straight
❄️ ^ It was also kinda his eye opening that maybe he needed to change some habits of his
❄️ It's a struggle to let himself be vulnerable at times so he'll demand that he changes the channel or cooks his own food
❄️ But only gets more frustrated with himself that he can't do any of the stuff!! >:(
❄️ Just gently shush him and tell him that he doesn't have to be all big and strong anymore, he can be a baby, it's okay
❄️ When he's not throwing a tantrum or having a hissy fit, a pretty good boy
❄️ Pouty, scowly, but also constantly seeks your attention and praise
❄️ Cuddly, but he has to reach out first
❄️ Doesn't speak much unless he has a complaint or is upset, he just doesn't like talking while small
❄️ Unless its a complaint, will complain about everything you do because it's ‘not right’, like putting his goldfish in the wrong bowl and flat out refusing to eat out of them now
❄️ Tell him you don't like being birrated, and his complaining will go to more whiney because he doesn't want to make you feel bad
❄️ He knows he's a lot to handle while regressed, especially if he's had a bad day, and will buy you things when he's bigger as a thanks
❄️ I know it's frustrating at times, but don't yell at him please
❄️ He hates it, he despises yelling, it terrifies him
❄️ Can't do punishments either
❄️ ^ Either of these could cause him to withdraw from you while he's small, and maybe even big
❄️ (Although if all you did was slightly raise your voice when he was upset, he won't entirely run away, he knows it was probably an accident)
❄️ Sitting down, talking about what's wrong, maybe even writing it all out and tearing up the paper later, that's what he'd prefer
❄️ And he is getting better as time goes on, it's really rough at first, but eventually he'll go more for his blowing candles and paper ripping than full on screaming and hitting
❄️ Favorite little nicknames are Snowflake, Sweetie, Baby Boy, Little One, Tough Guy, and Icey
❄️ Favorite little activity has to be reading his nursery rhyme book and cuddling
❄️ Doesn't have any regression items, it too scared to actually own any
❄️ But he has this thick nursery rhyme book that he really likes you to read to him
❄️ Please do voices, it makes him really happy and smiley 🥺
❄️ If you ever got him a paci, he might freak at first, but he does adore it
❄️ Although he'll only use it with his mask on so you can't see
❄️ Although one day he sheepishly used it without his mask, only to hide in your neck
❄️ Your his CG, and he loves you, and he's very thankful to have you in his life <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I love him, I do, but Pookie over here needs to learn how to heal a little bit. He's doing great though (I'm my own mind :3)
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bookwermthings · 17 days
My Official Torchwood Fanfic Rec List as of 9/3/2024
I had to delete twenty-three fanfics off the list to get it to work on Tumblr, so if you want to know what those were, feel free to ask!
The list will be formatted like this:
Fic Title | Author | My Remembered Rating Out Of 10 (on how much it impacted me)| Wordcount | my remembered general mood of the story
the link
and a summary.
They are ordered from happiest to most heart wrenching.
Special thanks to @myarmsaretoolong for the inspiration to make this :D
Cheers, and happy reading!
Torchwood Season 3: What could have been | SqutternutBosh | 9 | 171K | happy fluff https://archiveofourown.org/series/1735756 A reimagining of Season 3. what if it wasn't Children of Earth? What if Owen and Tosh lived?
The Lonely Cheryth| BookWerm |11 proud of this :)| 6.5K |fluffy!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/30708251 Steven's Uncle Jack is a mystery. one he's determined to solve
Not Good As In Not Evil, But Good As In Not Bad| orphan_account | 7 | 6.7K| fluff https://archiveofourown.org/works/23150389 Ianto Jones has realizations about his life through the life of his son.
Once Lost| saxgoddess25 | 7 | 25.5K |hopeful/happy https://archiveofourown.org/works/13465965/ it's been two years since Ianto died. Now he's back.
Falling Doesn't Feel So Bad When I Know You've Fallen This Way, Too | BookWerm | 8 | 4.5K | mostly fluff | https://archiveofourown.org/works/42053868 Ianto has always felt not quite right in his body. It only became more apparent as he got older. Ianto Jones is trans, and surprisingly, so is Jack Harkness.
Just this once (everybody lives) | Beleriandings | 11!!!! | 360K | happy hopeful flulff https://archiveofourown.org/series/1826248 An everybody lives AU with an ultimately hopeful tone, picking up at Exit Wounds and continuing through beyond into the far future.
Bits And Pieces| DinoDina | 7 | 6.2K | hopeful, hurt/comfort https://archiveofourown.org/works/32878222 Ianto is made of metal and wires underneath, built by Yvonne Hartman.
On Happiness | Anonymous | 9 | 90K | happy-ish https://archiveofourown.org/works/20500817 Ianto Jones used to be such a happy child. He wasn't any more. All Rhiannon wanted was for her brother to find that happiness again.
Push And Pull| sherlockpond | 7 | 34K | hopeful hurt/comfort https://archiveofourown.org/works/24358693 Post COE. Ianto's back, and he doesn't have his memory. People are disappearing.
Torchwood Series 5: The Reboot | logos00 | 9 | 20.4K |bittersweet fluff https://archiveofourown.org/series/235344 After Miracle Day, Gwen and Jack accidentally land themself in an alternate version of the past where everyone is alive.
Time Loves You | Anonymous | 8 | 44.2K |neutral happy ending https://archiveofourown.org/series/1324307 Post CoE. Ianto has no idea who he is. In fact, the only thing he knows? he is looking for someone.
A Different Life | gmariam | 10 | 141.8K | neutral https://archiveofourown.org/works/8247706 Ianto left Torchwood after Owen's death. but can he really stay away when the worlds about to end?
I Sing the Body Electric | Paycheckgurl | 7 | 19K | neutral https://archiveofourown.org/works/35019091 Ianto, Toshiko, and Owen wake up in a dark room. Their bodies seem to be strangely metallic. Which isn’t even the strangest development:they remember being dead.
A Point In Time | MemoryDragon | 7 | 8.5K | neutral a little sad https://archiveofourown.org/works/540393 Jack turns up late at night at Ianto's flat, asking strange questions, forgetting important things. Strangest thing is that Jack was never actually at Ianto's flat at all.
past Imperfect | gmariam | 9 | 23.6K | bittersweet https://archiveofourown.org/works/8716999 Jack time travels backward to fit in more time with Ianto.
a blip in time (we had forever) | someawkwardprose | 7 | 2.8K | bittersweet https://archiveofourown.org/works/26712370 Jack visits sometimes. it's how Ianto knows he's going to die.
To build a home (I held on as tightly as you held on to me) | flamingbluepanda | 7 | 12.5K | angst w/ happy ending https://archiveofourown.org/works/24916039 it's 2076. Jack and Ianto are still together. Ianto has dementia.
Only Temporary | badly_knitted | 7 | 1.4K | sad https://archiveofourown.org/works/20794613 Death is no less upsetting when it's temporary, especially when it's someone you love.
Lament | engagemythrusters | 7 | 3.2K | hurt/comfort https://archiveofourown.org/works/24203638 Jack died, because Jack died, and Ianto just had to learn to work through it.
A Moment (An Eternity) | Clare_Hope | 7 | 21.9K | hurt/comfort https://archiveofourown.org/works/30907163 Everyone survived Exit Wounds. That doesn't mean anyone is alright
Regarding Jack | celedan | 7 | 10.6K | angst w/ happy ending https://archiveofourown.org/works/22282087 After a night Jack can't remember, he's slowly losing who he is.
I'm All Ears (and I'm All Scars) | MrSandman | 7 | 5.1K | angst w/ happy ending https://archiveofourown.org/works/27609358 Post Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. Jack and Ianto's first real date. They have a conversation about timelines.
A Vision Too Removed To Mention | pocky_slash | 8 | 14K | angst w/ hopeful ending https://pocky-slash.livejournal.com/1462797.html Ianto is in a time loop, and no one remembers who he is.
All My Uphill Clawing | pocky_slash | 7 | 3.1K | angst w/ happy ending https://archiveofourown.org/works/393640 After the time loop. Ianto is comforted by the team.
To Fight When You Feel Like Flying | innocent_until_proven_geeky | 7 | 2.7K | angst w/ hopeful ending https://archiveofourown.org/works/29508843 Ianto is depressed again, but he's not as alone as he was after Lisa
do not go gentle | someawkwardprose | 8 | 17.7K | angst w/ hopeful ending https://archiveofourown.org/works/28386996 the Big Finish audio Broken if Ianto hadn't gone to The Ferret
One Last Breath | Riennynn | 8 | 3.4K | angst w/ hopeful ending https://archiveofourown.org/works/1835368 There's something after Jack and Ianto. Fortunately (?), they've trapped themselves in an airtight locker with a limited amount of air
Breathing Freely | BookWerm | 7 | 2.1K | angst w/ happy ending https://archiveofourown.org/works/42905979 continuation of one last breath.
I just wanted you to watch me dissolve, slowly | MonsterMince | 8 | 15.4K | really sad https://archiveofourown.org/works/41765781/ If John had known the true cost he'd need to pay to cure Jack's immortality, he might not have paid it. (That's a lie)
The past in the future (And Put Away Childish Things remix) | pamymex3girl | 8 | 1.8K | really sad https://archiveofourown.org/works/1595603 Her father is smiling, except he's from the before, so he's not her father, not yet anyway.
I Cannot Sleep Warm | Beleriandings | 10 | 11.2K | fluff w/ sad ending https://archiveofourown.org/works/27181552 ""And I love you, too. Now… time to wake up."
left you with both of the rings | princessoftheworlds | 11!!! | 21K | absolutely devastating https://archiveofourown.org/works/34108996 Ianto's life is fine. Some might even say great. When cracks begin to appear in the surface of Ianto’s perfect world, he’s forced to confront what he knows is real.
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gmariam321 · 8 months
So I binge-read my biggest Torchwood fic this weekend. I'm still cringing over some of my writing, but otherwise you know what? It was still pretty good, particularly with plot and character. I'm proud of what I accomplished with my beta, who helped hash out so much of it. We had such fun working together! There's nothing like coming up with crazy ideas and figuring out a way to actually make them work. I also really like some of my original characters. Kind of makes me wonder why I don't ever write original characters with an original plot, but then I remember they need an original world, and I like the ready-made fictional worlds I write fanfic for. I have no real desire to build my own.
Anyway, the story was an alternate version of Children of Earth. I came to Torchwood after the series was over, but I think CoE did well in the ratings, didn't it? I feel like it was generally well received . . . until it wasn't. Aside from the devastating death of Ianto, there are countless plot holes that I'm guessing fans really started picking part online and then thought, hmmm, maybe it's not so good after all. We got some great Janto pics and gifs but their actual moments on screen were not the moments they could have been, you know? (True story: I convinced my parents and brother to watch it with me after they gave it to me for Christmas and at the end my dad had no idea Jack and Ianto were a couple. I think my mom figured it out but my dad totally didn't see it because it just wasn't enough. I still want to know why they were so weird from the beginning. I'm trying to remember if I wrote a story about it now...) And then fanfic exploded and there are now countless versions that are just..better. Stories that fix the plot holes of CoE and give Jack and Ianto the moments they deserved.
Fanfic really took Torchwood and elevated it. Sure, we wrote lots of smut (tentacles, anyone?) but we also gave relationships the depth we rarely saw on screen. We explained how Jack and Ianto came to be, even through all the new Big Finish revelations. We gave them real moments (and not just smutty ones.) We made them mortal and immortal. We saved Ianto countless times and let them travel the galaxy. We gave Gwen actual consequences and growth and even made her and Ianto good friends. We took the potential of the show, of 31 episodes and a few Doctor Who crossovers (sorry, I'm not counting the fourth season since most fanfic is set before it) and explored it over and over, showing readers not only what TW was but could have been. We filled in the missing scenes, expanded it, even rewrote it. I wrote over a hundred fics and probably read ten times that. What an amazing thing!
I'm so glad I was a part of it and have both good memories and some good stories to look back on. ❤️
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
would you be interested in writing an emily prentiss x fem or gn reader fic? something along the lines of domesticity in the morning (getting kids ready for school, breakfast etc.) or if you’d like, emily and partner visiting the BAU with their newborn child and their other little cuties. i just have this reoccurring dream about this absolute fluff every night 😩🫶
The Dream
*Authors note~ first attempt at some fluff for this stunning lady <3 oc children Matthew and Delilah are mine*
Trigger warning~  fluff? Fem reader
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
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It wasn't uncommon for you to awake in the morning to her side of the bed empty, after all her hours at work were certainly unpredictable. Emily always made sure to leave you a little note somewhere for you to find. A little tradition she started when you moved in. One that you loved very much. Normally you'd be heading into work with her, both of you working at the BAU only your job being desk work only. That being said you were extremely close to Penelope Garcia.
Your alarm rang out through the room as you grumbled shuffling to shut it off, your post pregnancy belly no where near as big as you were pre birth but still taking some adjusting to. You'd given birth two weeks ago, Emily had two weeks home from the FBI to be with you and your little family. Your son Matthew being only four years old really enjoyed his mama being home, you knew the cases were tough on him sometimes and alongside getting a sibling it was only natural you worried. But he adjusted perfectly to his baby sister and those glorious two weeks seemed to flyby. Today would be your first day without Emily, Matthew had school and you were still adjusting to your daughter's schedule, yet you were confident you could manage.
As if on cue Matthew made his way to your room, small little knocks sounded before her peeped his little head round the doorway. "Momma?" He whispered and you couldn't help but admire just how much he looked like your wife. "Hey buddy, wanna come up for a minute?" You offered and he immediately joined you in bed to snuggle, your usual routine. Delilah your newborn wailed out in hunger and you knew your morning snuggles would be over, Matthew was such a good big brother wiling to help with care for Delilah instantly. You did everything for her, she was fed and changed before you placed her in the rocking chair in your living room.
Delilah settled you made Matthew some breakfast and got him into his uniform, how had your baby grown so much? Once he was settled, dressed, teeth brushed, shoes and coat on you put the television on for him and checked on his sister before somehow managing to get yourself ready for the day. What was an even bigger win was you managed to snag a banana for breakfast before needing to leave. Challenge number two would be getting both children in the car and hopefully keeping Delilah asleep.
With both children secured in the car and the house locked up you double checked you had everything you needed. Only when you were sure you left to take Matthew to school. Delilah sat in the carrier on your chest as you walked him into his class and placed a kiss into his raven curls. Ever the sweetheart he placed a sweet kiss on your cheek and his sister before running off to find his friends. So far so good. Your daughter still remained asleep on your chest as you made you way back to the car to put her in her car seat. Your phone dinged as you finished buckling her in, triple checking it was completely safe before coming round to settle in your seat.
Hey love, do you fancy bringing my little god daughter in to the office? It's a slow day and truthfully miss grouchy is  missing you both. Don't tell her I said that! But we would all love to see you. Love you Y/n❤️
You knew you had enough of everything to make the trip and sent off a quick reply informing Garcia to keep your arrival quiet before turning to Coe at your sleeping daughter, "shall we go see mama and the family sweet girl? They all can't wait to meet you." You knew she was a two week old infant so a reply was never coming but for some reason talking to her soothed you as you put the car into drive.
You hadn't seen the team since you left for maternity leave, they wanted to be present after the birth but unfortunately serial killers don't always have the best timing. So you stopped by the usual cafe and picked up the usual routine, some treats for the team, before heading over to the BAU. As you arrived your daughter began to stir so you made sure to soothe all her needs, knowing the team would all want to hold her. Only when she was fed changed and swaddled in her fluffy lavender blanket and wearing her matching little hat did you make your way to find Garcia cradling your daughter and carrying the bag of goodies.
After a quick hug from your friend she was instantly cooing over the sleeping infant that you cradled in your arms. It didn’t take long for the other team members to spot you in the briefing room and come to investigate, happy words and smiles exchanged as each came to get a peak at your daughter. The last person to join you was your wife, you could tell by the way she walked she wasn’t happy, but that all melted away the moment she laid eyes on you and her daughter. “Darling?” She exclaimed coming to hug you from an angle and whispering, “I missed you.” The hug was carful and it allowed Emily to look at the sleeping baby in your arms, a finger tracing over her chubby cheeks.
You handed her over to your wife in order to give out the goodies while the others observed how gentle Emily became. Your daughter waking with the now full room causing Emily to bring her up to her shoulder and stroke her back, talking to her as if there was no one else present, “hey little love bug, I missed you sweet girl you being good for momma? Oh it’s okay lilah these are all your aunts and uncles little one. They all love you so much.” You smiled at the sight and nudged JJ whispering, “I know this is crazy but seeing that makes me want another” causing her to laugh and wonder if you even remembered the pain of birth while Garcia wrapped you in a hug and whispered, “make as many of them as you want Y/n, as long as Emily stays like that and I can love on them.” Here and now watching Emily tend to your daughter, being surrounded by your work colleagues who were practically family, knowing you’d go home to Matthew and your wife, life was perfect.
Word count 1192
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oublie-eden · 16 days
Here's a little modern Vandermatthews fam drabble about what country music they'd like. It's mainly about Arthur bc I think he's neat. Tbh I headcanon it being them in the 80s, with Hosea adopting Arthur and John. Please bear with me as I've only played up to chapter 2 + my info is based on my dad's nostalgia.
Word count: 346
Arthur's not picky, when it comes down to it. He's more or less content to listen to what his pa and Dutch play on the way to school, or the grocery store, or wherever they're going. Hosea has just enough time to drop him and John off at school before he has to go to work, the old pickup chugging loyally along. He always plays the honky tonk station, quietly humming along with Hank Williams' lonesome croon or Merle Haggard's drawled ballads. He sings, though, when Patsy Cline comes on. He knows every word of Three Cigarettes in an Ashtray.
Dutch picks them up in his Camaro, at the end of the day, idly smoking a cigar as the other kids marvel at the Chevy. He sends Arthur into the corner store, sometimes, to buy a bundle for him. The cashiers know his face, know who he's running errands for. Waylon Jennings or Hank Williams Jr serenade him when he walks back out with the pack of cigars. Hosea will be home soon and they need to start figuring out dinner. Dutch turns the music up, remarking on Arthur's bruises with thinly veiled disappointment. He's on the verge of being a young man, and still torn between bullying his little brother or defending him on the playground.
In the boys' shared bedroom, John plays his favorite cassette tapes 'til he's satisfied, rewinding halfway through to hear the songs he prefers. The tapes were Christmas gifts from Hosea, and Arthur has to press his hands over his eyes at the fifth rewound Tennessee Ernie Ford song. Mercifully, he's granted the occasional Marty Robbins tune. You can only listen to The Cry of the Wild Goose so many times.
When he's older, he listens to what he likes. He has a milk crate full of records: Don Williams, David Allan Coe, even Bonnie Raitt. Arthur never did quite like tapes. Records, in his opinion, are easier. His hands are careful when he puts the needle down on the vinyl and remembers, already sitting back to light a cigarette.
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ramonag-if · 9 months
If a sequel does ever come out, I'd love to buy it and play. I love this story and I'm sure I'll love the second one too. If we get the chance to play as a soldier, it would be great if we could be cynical or more mischievous. If we were in the Blood Guard, there must be something bad inside of us. I wish I could play a bad or morally gray character, at least at the beginning of the game. That would be awesome.
Thank you, even though we're far from the first game being complete 😅 The idea is that the sequel MC would be slightly older than the COE MC, jaded from watching their younger brother being executed for serving as a Blood Guard soldier and filled with hatred for the regime they were 'forced' to serve if only to save themselves from certain doom. The MC would be more morally grey and less 'innocent' than the COE MC so it's something to think about.
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coeluvr · 1 year
Vincent: Oh, shit I made MC cry
Vincent 2 seconds later: It's a trap 😦 do not feel bad for this demon spawn
Exactlyyy, kid Vincent is like "they're faking it!!!!!"
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twinkmarmelade · 5 months
💿 5 songs I'm listening to (thanks @cavsthighs my magnetic fields brother in arms)
Lamborghini (Petrol 1982) [DJ Mix] - Severed Heads
I want to be back at the club. I want to breathe in a fog machine and stare at the ceiling making 0 eye contact as I move my hands and forget anyone else is there
Bodyguard - Black Dahlia
new song + I like it! like so many EBM-adjacent tracks I love watching where it goes in the second half
Iza - Yasmine Hamdan
time 2 float
Six Blocks Away - Lucinda Williams
You Never Even Called Me By My Name - David Allen Coe
hysterical song. especially the extra verse steve goodman added, despite knowing the punchline it makes me laugh every time. had this on repeat all weekend
tagging @redpaint @mundanememory @miafi @jumbo-vismen & @flammerouge 💿
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bearlytolerant · 11 months
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bright and new- |M| sam coe x oc
Sam helps spacefarer get ready for a gala and is pleasantly surprised by an unexpected kiss.
somewhere close to me- |M| sam coe x oc
Sam and spacefarer attend a gala and he experiences a twinge of jealousy.
deepest of cover - |E| sam coe x oc
Sam can’t get Shepard out of his head so he allows himself a little treat.
Shepard doesn’t realize what she’s walking into until she does.
love on your arm - |E| sam coe x oc
Sam shows Shep how he feels.
kill off the hours |E| sam coe x oc
Shepard drags Sam into the Coe Heritage Museum and things get frisky.
the world can wait |E| sam coe x reader
An NG+ prompt fill for the main quest Entangled.
loop |G| sam coe x reader
A very short drabble to dispose of my numb feelings after ng+.
facade |E| delgado x reader
You attempt to strike a deal with the Crimson Fleet but things are never that simple.
split skin mid fic |E| Delgado x oc | complete
Delgado needs the Legacy like he needs air. When he indulges himself in the pirate captain Verity Blanche’s loathsome little game of give and take, he finds that it might just be worth it if he can achieve his dream through her.
Renegade - long fic |M| sam coe x oc | wip
Shepard, on the run from her past, seeks asylum on Neon. With the funds from a few odd jobs and a shady loan, she purchases a small bookshop. Though her shop is practically failing, she can always count on her favorite customer, Captain Cora Coe to make a weekly purchase. But when she can’t make a loan payment on time, her life gets turned topsy turvy and she’s forced to depend on friends for help.
linger- mid fic |E| Delgado x oc| wip
They both reside on the lowest level of the apartment building, barely an upgrade from sleep crates.
She’s to his left. Two-ten. Plays keyboard same time he picks at his guitar. She has a brother who joins in sometimes with a fucking violin of all things when they’re not too busy screaming at each other. She used to be a Generdyne corpo until they let her go or something like that. He can’t remember what all has been passed on between the too-thin walls. But he remembers enough to feel like he knows her already.
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ask-joe-caine · 5 months
Ig aki died now
I mean
They probably did
[Coe was still crying]
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