drowntheminspiders · 1 year
Diversity wins! the person threatening you on a rooftop is a chaser!
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go-foxes · 4 months
Location: The Foxhole Court Lounge Date: Wednesday, September 22 Time: After Afternoon Practice (open​)
"So when are the parents rolling in?" He asks in the lounge after practice, still messing with his drying hair. It's his fifth year as a Fox. His last year. He knows the drill by now.
Some people's parents visit and they're normal about it, because whatever the fuck is wrong with them somehow doesn't have anything to do with the people that birthed and/or raised them. Some people's parents—or guardians or siblings or whatever—visit and it's an absolute clusterfuck, because that's just the Fox way. Some people's parents or guardians or siblings or whatever don't visit and somehow that's still a clusterfuck, too.
And some people, like Colin, don't have anyone visit and they're normal about it. Colin, because he's always normal, has spent his entire life studying normal in order to fit in, in order to be liked—but also because he knows the meaning of reaping what you sow, or whatever. Making your bed and then lying in it.
He ran away, he chose to make himself an orphan, and choosing that means nobody comes to your Exy games.
Not that his mother ever really came to his Exy games with any regularity before he ran away—and, honestly, he usually liked it better that way. Home and school or home and Exy were two separate worlds, then, and he didn't like it when they met. At school, he usually made up some story about his mother—a father or stepfather or boyfriend too, sometimes, if he felt like it—that his real mother could never measure up to, and so it was better if no one ever saw her, or met her. If they just had to take Colin's word for it.
So there won't be anybody in the stands for him. Just like there's never anybody at the other end of a phone call, no family or home that he can claim anymore. But that doesn't mean he can't get anything out of Parents Weekend—that's another part of the drill.
"And who's going to take me out to dinner? Come on, parents love me. Everyone loves me."
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socialpapers · 5 months
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"What is wrong? You don't seem yourself."
open. / colin bridgerton.
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jumex-again · 2 years
I'm sad.
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-Draws a computety guy
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regencis · 4 months
˗ˏˋ   penleope featherington  ,  is it awful that i'm enjoying it?    ˎˊ˗​​​
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is it awful that he isn't? there was still a connection to be made inside of his mind, unable to fully understand why his chest tightened just so when penelope used the lessons he had agreed to give her, when she actually seemed to gain interest from the suitors of the ton. jealousy, is a word that came to mind, though colin promptly pushed that thought as far down as it would go, instead acknowledging it as something fleeting, and unimportant. instead of saying this aloud, colin smiles down at his friend ( his best friend, he reminds himself silently ). 'of course not. is that not the reason we took on the task of these lessons in the first place? to grow your confidence, and to finally allow for you to enjoy yourself,' he takes a sip from his glass to hide any expression that may give away an opposite to what he's just said. glancing around the room, colin spots lord debling spotting them, and he keeps himself from staring for too long. 'you deserve it. no more hiding behind the drink table, pen,' @wistledown.
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fbiihvv · 9 months
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softestaries · 4 months
Violet Bridgerton is truly gods strongest soldier. Every season she tells one of her children they're in love and every season they scoff in her face before causing seven different scandals to reach the same conclusion.
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your-mums-nuts · 4 months
Absolutely hilarious to me that the ton is gonna be speculating on why and how Penelope and Colin ended up engaged and there’s definitely gonna be some entrapment/pity rumours going around but the actual truth of it is that Colin chased a carriage down, fell to his knees and went “please please please please please please please”
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beguilingcorpse · 4 months
actually hilarious that colin bridgerton returned to london absolutely determined to be in his slut era. he said if there is one thing i am it is a whore. and then one (1) kiss with penelope later he was like neverMIND i am a MARRIED MAN i am MONOGAMOUS life is about LIFELONG PARTNERSHIP ACTUALLY
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acanoeandlifejackets · 4 months
Colin: men are simple creatures, just bat your eyes and wave your fan.
Penelope: *bats her eyes and waves her fan*
Colin (sweating): Fuck she’s good.
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name a sneakier mom than violet "oh you're too tired to come to the ball? what a shame, you're going to miss sweet Penelope getting engaged. well, anyway dear, feel better" bridgerton. i'll wait.
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love-byers · 4 months
imagine mourning the idea that your crush could ever like you back and then one night at a ball he crashes the marriage proposal you're about to receive, chases down your carriage, climbs in and gets on his knees talking about "PLEASEI I NEED HYOU SO BAD I CANNOT STOP TJIMKING OF YOU IT PLAGUES MY DREAMS I ONKY THINK OF YOU PLEASE PLEASE PELSSE PLEASE" then makes out with you, finger bangs you, and asks you to marry him
all within like half an hour . colin bridgerton needs to be in jail
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go-foxes · 11 months
Location: The Vixen Den Date: Friday, September 3rd Time: Victory Party (open​)
Colin never misses a party. Especially one after a game they won—he's on his fifth year with the Foxes, and there have been far too few of those.
It's not like he wanted to come off the court tonight. It doesn't feel fair that Wymack and Abby made him, when he sat by and watched in the second half and saw Casey stay on after another dicey hit. It would have felt worse if they lost, if losing Colin and Kent and then Sterling one after another put their team into a hole they couldn't dig themselves out of—but they won.
It wasn't beautiful Exy by any stretch of the imagination. It was pretty fucking shitty, actually. But that doesn't matter, because they won. The season just begun, and they're already tied their record from last season. After this—it's all uphill.
Colin never misses a party, but maybe he should have tonight. His shoulder's sore, where it made contact with the Plexiglas. He passed all his concussion tests, but his head still hurts. But he wasn't about to just go back to Fox Tower, when the rest of the team is here. When it's his team, and it's his last year, and there's no telling how many more of these nights he'll have with them.
He could only last so long inside, though. Outside, the pounding of music and the dull roar of voices fades, and so does the pressure at his temples. He's got a beer in one hand, but he's barely had any of it—he can tell it wouldn't end well tonight.
But it still feels important to hold it. To put on a smile for the crowd, teammates and cheerleaders and strangers alike, and at the first hint of a concerned face say: "I'm fine. I'm not about to let a Southern Eagle take me out."
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sirena-de-lunas · 4 months
penelope is a better woman than me, i would’ve lied and said i got engaged just to see if colin would cry
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nicolacoughlan · 4 months
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#of course they are friends
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podcastwizard · 4 months
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this will not be a bridgerton blog but for the foreseeable future i will not be thinking about anything other than bridgerton
(original post @romanceyourdemons)
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