#Colress and Lusamine are siblings
Colress: Lulu's in a pretty rough jail.
Rosa: Why'd she get arrested?
Colress: Uh, she went to a Koffing and the Toxics concert. . .
Rosa: ??? That doesn't sound like something Aunt Lusamine would do.
Colress: Aaand she thought Roxie was lip-syncing, so she ran on stage and yanked out her hair extensions.
Rosa: That sounds like something Aunt Lusamine would do.
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itzahk123 · 1 year
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Lusamine and Colress are both know each other 
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aisereththeprince · 1 month
lol this is my first post on here I’m so nervous
MASTERPOST or something?
My name is Aisereth. You can also call me Seth if you prefer.
This is a Pokémon blog! My first game was Omega Ruby and my oldest game is B2. I watched most of the series? And only partially read the gold & silver manga, the Ruby & Sapphire manga and the Sun and Moon manga, lmao.
I LOVE Submas and am honestly amazed by the community built around these goobers.
My fav pokemon has gotta be… zorua (both normal and hisui variant). I’m really bad at picking favs so this says smth.
I like lots of characters including Ingo & Emmet, Guzma, Lusamine, Cynthia, Sycamore, Maxie & Archie, Laventon, Arven, Penny, the whole of team star admins/ leaders, and more…
Imma say this now: BLANKSHIPPERS DO NOT INTERACT. I personally find shipping siblings… gross. Same goes for any other proship or whatever the hell.
More under cut
More about me
I’ll be posting once a week.
I draw digitally and traditionally :]
I speak English, French and German (writing french is a pain tho)
It’s always a good day to be a multishipper- also: please no ship wars. It’s unnecessary.
I only like angst if there’s a happy ending ;I
Boundaries and such
No NSFW asks, replies, etc.
No asking personal questions, such as anything about my body
Do not repost! For any reason! Not on tumblr or any other platform, please and thank you.
Please be polite! You may cuss and be more casual but I mean don’t be rude if there’s something you don’t like for example. Tell me like a normal person.
If you want to give advice or critique on stuff like my art/ writing please be constructive. "I hate ___" is not constructive.
How I present myself (as in oc/mascot)
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#Aisereth answers (asks that have been answered)
#Aisereth reblogs (posts I have reblogged)
# Aisereth yap session (text posts/ self explanatory)
Posts in the correct order
Submas related
Single panels
Submas twins in casual clothes
Warden Ingo hearing some news in the icelands
Akari in the Crimson Mirelands
Meme with Akari and Ingo
Submas reunion (lots of crying)
Pokémon drawing practice
Submas twins doing a mirroring pose
Tabhita from ORAS
Akari at the Temple of Sinnoh
Ingo side profile
Emmet meets Jirachi
Ingo and Lady Sneasler
Colress and Beheeyrerm
Jesse and James
Ingo reassures Akari (+ Emmet shit post)
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boxchewr · 1 year
i'm not sure who initially came up with this concept BUT i am thinking... about colress and lusamine being siblings. the fucked up mysterious science weirdos family
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
Legendverse family hcs ( for now)
Insert Silver family tree here....okay but really, yeah, Ariana is Silver's mom and Mars is his older sister. There's a pretty big step gap between the two: Mars being 18-20 and Silver being 10-12 by the HGSS/Platinum arc. Mars actually hates her father, and joined Team Galactic thinking they would actually create a new better world. I think she ran away when she was younger, actually, only stumbling upon Cyrus sometime in her later teens. When she turned 18, she swore loyalty to him , and joined Team Galactic! Okay back to the hc
I like the idea of Ariana, Byron and Maxie being cousins so I'll add it to the family free for now.
I mentioned this before, but Winona and Anabel are siblings! Bugsy is their little cousin.
Alder and Flint ( and by proxies benga and buck) are very distant cousins, neither know that they are related to each other.
Tucker and Fantina are definitely related, but I'm not entirely sure how. I do like the idea of Jupiter being part of the family tree, either as Fantina's younger sister or niece.
Since the GO Leaders are in this au, I figured I could try and add the GO team rocket ( possibly as part as RR, or the ones in charge of the much smaller, much less powerful team rocket that's working underground). So Arlo is related to Lucy ( battle frontier). Again, not exactly sure how, but they are! And like in the anime, Lucy and Barbara are sisters.
Grimsley has two other siblings, one older and one younger ( heh, middle child). One ditched him and went to Galar and eventually got with Pier's and Marnie's mom. I'm still not sure of how I feel about Larry being Giacomo's dad, but I do have some room where the other sibling married Larry and had Giacomo.....they would be divorced by the beginning of the game, and Giacomo lives with his mom. Again not sure if I'll go with this fully, but that's the idea for now.
I still don't know what's funnier. Volo having a slutty era which resulted in him getting several descendants. Or Volo messing with one person and that one person leads to a very long and confusing line. Regardless, Volo didn't pay for child support and Zero snacks him in the head for it. As for his descendants, there's obviously Cynthia, and I think Lusamine is another one of them. Colress is a maybe right now.
Speaking of Colress him being related to clemont and Bonnie is a fun idea. Either as their or their weird uncle, it seems like a fun idea. Not sure if I'll make it canon though.
Bertha and Agatha are either sisters or cousins I have not decided. Either way, I think it'll be cute for Bertha to meet little Blue and Green. ( I...really like the idea of Agatha actually being Blue's grandma. Though it's clear the two- Agatha and Oak I mean- are long since divorced. Just some food for thought).
Not exactly a family hc, but I do see Phoebe being half Alolan. She was pretty much born and raised in Hoenn though. I don't exactly see her being related to anyone in Alola ( that we know of I mean). Her Alolan parent did teach her about Alolan culture and she visits from time to time.
I freaking love the "Kabu is Flannery's uncle " hc man. It's so sweet.
And finally, Guzma and Professor Willow are distant cousins!
An Honorable mention goes to Will and Lucian! I tried to think of ways where they could be related to each other, or to Bugsy or whoever, but I ended up falling flat. Still, shout out to them tho, if I ever get something for them, I'll let y'all know!
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cheemken · 1 year
Hey Knight what’s your opinion about the headcanon that Iris is Leon and Hop’s cousin? Or at least someway related to them?
Also, do you have any other headcanons about certain characters being related?
Ohh,,, ngl, I have no real opinion on that hahaha
I mean, it's cool yknow, I can see it and such, like distant cousins yeah, but at the same time I don't see em like that and rather it's just coincidence they look alike. Either way, I'm cool w it hahaha, but also that would be angsty tho bc if they are related in some way, just where the fuck are Iris' actual parents that they left her in Blackthorn, and yeah maybe Lee and Hop's mom knows em and such, that has angst potential tho I'm here for it hahaha
And okay so not really related as in related but I have this one au back then abt Sonia and how she was the one to summon Eternatus and she fled to Unova and she became Juniper's honourary daughter, then I found this one post that apparently people hc Juniper as Sonia's mom so at least I feel validated w that hahaha
Idk if I said this actually, but I also hc Blue(f) and Silver to be like siblings, not blood related, just treating each other like siblings yknow bc the two only had each other the first few years of their lives
I also saw this hc that Lusamine and Colress are siblings and like, yeah, I just added that to my hcs cause I can see it, that kinda thing runs in the family ig hahaha
Then ofc I think I mentioned this, Opal being related to Augustine and Diantha
I also really like that lil hc the fandom has that Ingo, Emmet, and Elesa are triplets or at least siblings, idk it's a fun hc hahah
Then that hc of Bea and Allister being siblings too I saw fanart of this back then and it was so cute man and yeah they're siblings for me, not like really blood related in my hcs, more like they're both in foster care and when Bea was old enough she ended up taking care of Allister
That's like,, all I could think of at the top of my head rn hahah
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cyborb · 2 years
Shame he wasn't know about by those in RR, but base Volo looks very interesting... certainly something going on with him there.
there is certainly something going on with him, and that something is a genetic trait that gets passed down to his descendants hahahaha
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kibibarel · 3 years
I kind of wonder if Lusamine or Mohn had any siblings or close relatives and well how would they respond to all that girlboss and crazy in the years following the Mohn thing.
the only canon example of a relative is Lusamine's dad, who is alluded to vaguely one (1) whole time in the games and anime. it's unknown how close they were/are, or if he's even alive at all
i like to think that they were close (in Pokeani, he's Lusamine's whole motivation for being interested in Ultra Beasts instead of Mohn, which leads me to believe she must have at least respected him in some regard; in the games, he's assumedly where her love for Pokemon—as well as her ludicrous wealth—came from, which leads me to believe the same thing is true in the games' universe as well), but he passed away before Mohn disappeared and she completely went off the deep end, which is why he doesn't actually show up at all. in the games, he's also only referred to in the past tense, so there's also that. needless to say, i don't think he'd approve of his daughter's shenanigans lmao
as for Mohn, there is nothing...who is this mans
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huggableduck · 6 years
GODD I should so have a chapter in my antigrav fic where offhandedly colress is talking abt lillie and he’s like “if she wherent my niece I would have acted much different” and ghetsis is like “Hello?? niece??? since when do you have family???” and he’s just like “lol you never asked” . so then of course colress has to bring ghetsis to meet lusamine and like .... ghetsis doesn’t want 2 be there. lusamine doesn’t want to see either of them. surprise suprise she’s not happy in the fucking slightest to see her weird terrorist brother is now dating one of the gross old guys who trashed her house & chloroformed her with her own pet jellyfish. but they still have a super tense awkward brunch that goes completely south like that dinner scene in shrek 2
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millenianthemums · 3 years
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(ID: The first image is a drawing of Colress as a small child, wearing goggles and a lab coat which is much too large for him, holding up two beakers and screaming “chemicals!” at the top of his lungs. In the second image, Lusamine, also a child but older than Colress, sits at a picnic table next to a playground, wistfully watching Colress chase another small child around the playground while screaming “chemicals”. In the third panel, she sadly says “I used to be that free.” Meanwhile Colress continues to scream “chemicals” offscreen. End ID.)
More Colress and Lusamine siblings AU content, based on these posts:
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(ID: first post, by whyisthisreality, reads “there was a kid in one of our science camps and he spent the whole week in a lab coat and goggles screaming “chemicals” at the top of his lungs. wouldn’t even tell us his name for the first few days just screamed “chemicals” instead.” Second post, by swankivy, reads “When I was student teaching, I was taking my fourth graders back from lunch and noticed one little girl looking longingly at the playground, where the younger kids were having recess. She heaved a big sigh and said ‘I used to be that free.’” End ID.)
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meowstix · 3 years
i've heard "colress is lusamine's sibling" and "cynthia is lusamine's sibling" but have you considered
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She would totally do this
Colress: Grimsley and I-
Lusamine: Are getting married??
Colress: No, we-
Lusamine: *pulling out a binder and slamming it on the table* Sit down, I have everything planned.
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Some Villain Headcanons so common they’re basically fanon
A fun little compilation I decided to make from everything I could find (add on some more you might find!)
Archie’s full name is Archibald but he’d rather die then use it.
Similarly, Maxie's full name is Maxwell / Maximillian.
Maxie and Lysandre have worn their hair in ponytails at some point.
Cyrus is one of the smallest bosses, followed only by Maxie (which infuriates him to no end).
Guzma is actually quite tall, he just slouches a lot.
Giovanni and Ariana got together at some point at had Silver together. Whether they’re still romantically together is debatable.
Lusamine and Colress are related, whether by being cousins or siblings.
Maxie is either albino / blonde and he just dyes his hair, or he really is a natural redhead, there is no in-between.
Guzma starts, begrudgingly, aiming towards redemption and being better at the end of SM / USUM, and becomes friends with the kids although he would never admit it.
Archie is actually MUCH smarter than he lets on.
Cyrus has depression, diagnosed or not.
Maxie and Archie made up their differences after ORAS, start dating (whether for the first time or again), and adopted May and Brendan as their unofficial kids.
Lysandre and Professor Sycamore had romantic feelings for one another, whether stated or not, during the events of XY.
Ghetsis lost his eye from his abused Hydreigon attacking him.
Maxie is almost always internally screaming under that facade / has no idea how to handle emotions well.
Guzma’s diet, while in Team Skull, mainly consists of ramen, Tapu Cocoa, candy bars, and chips. He can cook, but he’s very lazy about it.
Cyrus was the one who wrote the Old Notebook in the Rotom Room in Pokemon Platinum, back when he was a child. It’s why he reacts the way he does to the Rotom Dex during the Rainbow Rocket event in USUM.
Archie and Maxie previously worked together in Team Rocket, but separated due to differences.
NO ONE in Rainbow Rocket is entirely straight (yes, even Ghetsis, but he still doesn’t deserve rights).
Maxie is the looks-smart-is-super-dumb feral goblin of the two who lives off caffeine, Archie is the chill big brother who’s also maybe a little stupid but means well.
Guzma would get absolutely nothing done without Plumeria and he (and the grunts) stan her.
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starcloaked · 3 years
pretty sure its basically fact at this point that colress is related to lusamine but i still think it would be infinitely funnier if he and prof juniper were siblings. imagine the drama... not to mention more narrative parallels for colress (he already has two. needs more). you could probably even play up the absence of junipers mom for an exploration of how different people cope with loss idk what the hell!!
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whoaffle · 4 years
I love your comics but I feel like you're portraying Rose like some sort of joke. I and a lot of other people who love Rose HC him with anxiety and its really insulting the way you're making him act. Idk maybe you don't HC him the same way but seeing you take Cyrus' depression so seriously and then treating Rose like he's some sort of idiot really stings. Or maybe I'm projecting too much. I'm sorry if this upsets you and you don't have to pay it any mind if you don't want to.
Heya! I’m really sorry that you feel this away about our Rose. First of all, I have to say that I don’t headcanon Rose with anxiety or any other sort of mental issues (like I do with Cyrus), which is why I feel comfortable with portraying him the way I do. In fact, I myself have anxiety (besides depression) and I know just how serious it is, so I wouldn’t want to joke with that. I’m sorry if the way I portray Rose felt insulting, it wasn’t the intention. I’ll try to explain the logic behind our characters, including Rose.
The thing with my comics is that it’s a comedy thing, even though I do take some aspects of it very seriously, so all characters are somewhat treated as “jokes”. Usually the way we make comedy involves working around the characters’ flaws in a way to make them somewhat funny, but keeping the characters likeable and relatable. Each of them has strong “flaws”, and by that I mean characteristics that cause them to generate conflict, even if they are not necessarily “flaws” as in “inherently bad”:
Giovanni is very easily-stressed, he has little patience. He has some family issues too, but we try to play on those carefully. Maxie is very anxious, and has a strong need to be in control of everything because he is very insecure - and that part of him is partially inspired in myself, I have to say. Archie is dumb, like... the one character that is just very dumb in a way that people usually aren’t - but he has lots of positive traits to compensate that. Cyrus has extremely poor social skills, he is very rude and a perfectionist too. Ghetsis is... oof. Ghetsis is kind of the ‘bad example’ character, besides being stressed all the time and sadistic, he is also homophobic, intolerant, violent, etc, etc... In fact, if anyone in my comics is treated kind of unfairly, I suppose that’s Ghetsis... But I intend on giving him some long-term character development, as well as with most characters. Lysandre is super selfish and has no common sense, Guzma is very lazy and a big liar, Lusamine is sometimes creepy and childish... And, well, the “flaws” we gave Piers and Rose are: Piers has self-esteem issues and is very likely to self-depreciate, while Rose is super hasty because he’s always trying too much to help but usually acts before thinking.
All of these traits are like... traits that many people have in their lives, and our intentions are not to make fun of actual people who have these traits - just use them as a tool to make comedy: in order to make it funnier in the comics, we exaggerate them and make them absurd (in a way that most people don’t behave on a daily basis). We like to work with comedy based on absurdity. So the characters behave in such an unlikely way that it turns out as funny. Of course that the absurd can be used the other way round to show tragedy too, you can feel sorry for a character that acts in an absurd way, you can show people being absurdly unfair towards others and that will make the reader feel sad and angry and frustrated...  It all depends on how the narrative works, how things are shown and, specially, how bad the consequences of the absurd actions are. We try to keep things light and funny most of the time, but we understand that humor is a delicate subject, and sometimes it may have an undesired negative effect on people... It has happened before with our Happy Cyrus series, I actually think nowadays that I should have finished that series in a different way, but either way it’s never our intention to make people feel bad. I apologize if that happened to you with our Rose as well.
What we plan to do with Rose is making him “absurdly” hasty (even if he has the best of intentions). He is definitely NOT dumb, though - this is something we have already discussed (me and my siblings). I don’t think Rose is stupid at all, he is actually a very intelligent man when he thinks carefully about things (after all, he is a super successful CEO). The thing is: he often does things before thinking. If I was writing non-comedy or partial-comedy, I would not exaggerate him the way we do in the comics... I’d treat him hastiness more seriously and try to come up with more complex thoughts and feelings behind his actions. But to create the comic effect, we exaggerate all characters to the “absurd” level (as I said), and that’s why Rose acts the way he does for now. This is not only about Rose, we just haven’t had the chance to show his other sides yet. (Trust me, you’ll see Archie doing some really absurd things very soon... And Lysandre as well. In future comics, Guzma too will do very absurd things too... Ghetsis has been doing absurd things since the beginning, and Lusamine does them often as well... etc).
Anyway, there’s also this kind of “balance” between absurd and “relatableness” that we try to keep in the comics, so... while all characters have some trait that is enhanced to an absurd level, we usually alternate which of them is being used as “comic” and which is being used as the “contrast” - that is... Rose breaking the table and Giovanni yelling at him - Rose is being comic, doing something absurd, while Giovanni is the contrast - the character we relate to, that reacts to the absurdity of the situation. However, we can also have: Giovanni yelling at the computer because he doesn’t know how to close the browser window and having a huge fit and Rose telling him the computer can’t understand his screams then offering help - In that situation, Giovanni is the “comic” one - his flaw is the one amplified - and Rose takes the role of “contrast character”. Some characters tend to be contrast more often: usually Maxie, Cyrus, Piers, N and sometimes Guzma and Giovanni; while others are more likely to be comic, such as Archie, Ghetsis, Rose, Colress, Lusamine and Lysandre, but we do have situations in which Maxie or Cyrus are the comic characters and someone like Archie or Colress will work as the contrast. It all depends on the dynamics. Sometimes all characters are being absurd and it’s up the the reader being the contrast, even.
But anyway!!! I kinda took this further than I wanted! (Sorry, I studied Language Arts and I like talking about this kind of stuff). What I think has to be clarified here is: we definitely don’t headcanon Rose with anxiety and the kind of thing he is doing is not meant to be a portrayal of a person with anxiety. Quite the opposite actually: he is a super carefree character in our headcanon, who always believes things will be all right and is almost always OK with everything. He is always trying to help others and that desire to be the one who will solve the problem is what leads him to making hasty choices very often. Also, we will most likely give Rose some more “serious” character arcs, like we want to do with the others, so he will definitely have the opportunity to shine and show his good traits as well. He is very humble, he is generous, he avoids conflict, he is intelligent and creative, he likes to make people smile... He has good things in him, and we want to show them with time, just like we would like to do with all characters.
I hope this explanation makes you feel better about this whole thing. We’ll be careful not to turn Rose into a flat character with only jokes to him... It’s not our intentions, and we want to make him a complex character like the others.
It makes me sad that my comics have hurt you and other fans of Rose, because our intention is to make people smile with them, so I hope you understand what we are trying to do and accept my apologies. I love Rose as much as I love my other characters, and I think the only reason why I am so attached to Cyrus and talk so much about his depression is because I have the same problem and it’s always something that’s coming back to me at times, even more than my anxiety... I sometimes use Cyrus as some kind of “vault character”.
Also glad you like my comics even though you had some stuff to criticize! Thanks a lot for the feedback! :)
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alolanrain · 5 years
Alola Rain headcanons!
There’s a fam chat between the Ketchum’s family (excluding James and Matori for Reasons) and Its mostly just Lance Vs. Ash in a creative name calling.
When Lance gets to boastful and egotistical of himself Delia is not afraid to tell the rest of the Elite 4 (Kanto and Johto) about their childhood -safe to say Lance is starting to check his attitude more often.
Even though Ash can’t stand a lot of cold weather he’s surprisingly has a mix reaction against snow. If it’s falling he’s Barrie’s under more blankets than when it’s raining, but if it’s snowed and the sky is clear is good as day -his appendages just get cold faster and he’s usually out at least 2-2.3 hours after Kiawe.
But if the grounds still wet, no matter how clear the sky is afterwords, his bones are still doing the hurt Combusken dance while drinking some bone hurting juice on extreme.
Even though the rest of the school thinks Lillie and Ash are an item they are sorely mistaken. They already think of each other as siblings, and it be hella weird since their moms have a thing for each other.
Gladion does have a small crush on Gary along with his Umbreon has a crush on Gary’s Blacky. Though -unlike his Pokémon- he does see that Gary and Ash have each other’s eyes alone and it’s starting to be a high possibility he’s going to end up as Ash’s younger brother in the near future and end up being brother-in-law to Gary if everything goes well with those two as well.
Gladion’s Umbrion on the other hand doesn’t know how to take an extremely hard No. Blacky and Pikachu have secretly been an item since Johto, and those two are just a-okay with each other.
Speaking of age, Ash would be the oldest by around 17 -borderline 18 by a month and a half- with Lillie being the youngest around 13 and Gladion is stuck at 15.
The rest of the class: Kiawe-17 (3 months behind Ash), Mallow-16, Lana-14, And Sophocles-12.
Sophocles and Togedemaru are the youngest kid and Pokémon in the class. Their Babey.
Ash resting his head on Sophocles head: Babey Boi, such a soft unit. Sophocles whining: Nooooo! Every other student in class: B a b e y Unit, tiny bab, smole child
Pikachu does the same to Togedemaru and the round Pokémon has No problem with being seen as the baby Pokémon of the class even though the Principals Vulpix and Snowy are technically the babies, But that’s more attention to her.
Farther down the story: Gary knows Kukui is the Mask Royal Soley because the man has the same fucking abs, skin tone, and body build - he doesn’t really understand how no one else fucking figured it out, but he can’t really blame Ash since that boy can be pretty oblivious but he fully judges Professor Burnet, the rest of Ash’s class, Lusamine, and Faba - he just can’t seem to hate on Wicke for any reason. And he knows Kukui knows that he knows and it tresses Kukui TF out and he’s failing to keep it low key about it.
On the other hand: Delia knows as well, but she keeps her act of innocence up to save the man from stressing over two people because Gary alone is more than trouble two hands can hold if he sets his mind to it.
Lusamine has dug down deeper into Colress’s File and did a verbal close mouth scream as the news that she brought one of Delia’s older brothers on her team and Colress has a bad history with team Plasma. He some how still isn’t fired.
Unlike weather Ash L O V E S cold drinks and everyone of his Friends give him so much shit over it.
Mallow may be younger but she is 1/2 of the groups residential mom friend, Kukui and Ash share the other half - it depends on the day and situation.
Kiawe fucking loves the Pokémon equivalent of ABBA and Queens. He will keep this to his grave and never tell Ash, Sophocles, and Mallow. Lillie is the only other one to know and she’s starting to burst at the seam keeping this secret in from her friends. Kiawe has chosen the WRONG person.
Leo has become a rather common site around Ash like Pikachu was, the giant Pokémon towered over most Pokémon and all humans they come across since he’s around 7’ but with the way he hunches it’s around 6’5” normally. But he has been doing better with people and Pokémon since Ash keeps insisting to Kukui and Burnet on bringing him to the weekly grocery trip at the Venue.
When Ash finally gets Meltan on his team it���s half normal and the other half not-normal. so far this has been one of his more... enhanced teams throughout his journey.
Speaking of Meltan, Ash is on Ultra Guardian duties u til he gets better - Mallow and Lillie are now looked apon as leaders for the team even though their a team and shouldn’t have a leader in the first place.
Ash’s Ride Garchomp was starting to get kinda Royally pissed that Flagon and every other Ride Pokémon have been going out through the weeks that Ash have been gone and the poor dragon type is about to start a tantrum because it wants to see its rider and no one would tell it anything.
Not to soon after Garchomp had a small meltdown it was put into a Pokéball and then came out to see Ash sitting on the couch with his teach around him. Garchomp was just concerned about its rider.
I can’t stress this enough. Giovanni really doesn’t want to be leader of Team Rocket, but it doesn’t really matter to Delia and Ash since he still left and took James and Matori.
For Ash he knew his Papa wasn’t coming back a month later after his 5th birthday that his Papa said he would come home to celebrate. Ash had waited all night for him to come home and always asked his mom if dad came back for a week after he got back from school. It only truly cemented the fact he wasn’t going to see his Papa again when it was his 7nth birthday, doesn’t mean he didn’t cry himself to sleep those nights.
Though he truly stopped when he figured out Giovanni was his dad, then all he felt was his heart frozen in a large block of ice.
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