#server opening
sotcwcrp · 5 months
In celebration of our January 14th - January 28th opening, we're going to be highlighting each of the clans, to give you a better idea of what they're like / how different they are from the books!
Starting today, we have;
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ART CREDITS: carnationcarnivore on discord!
Stay low. Stay quiet. It’s the first thing our kits learn, cradled by thorn bushes and nursed by our whole Clan. Prick your ears, lower your stance until your belly-fur brushes the peaty soil, let the only movement be your tail-tip as you stalk your prey through grasping brambles. This is not the forest of your elders’ tales, little one.
To be your eyes into Shadowclan Territory, Seabreeze a Shadowclan Dayguard is here to interview some of her clanmates! Take it away Seabreeze!
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“Alrighty, let’s get started then! How about you tell me a bit about ShadowClan’s territory? An overview would surely do, but feel free to go in detail!”
“It's quite the place! Very wet, full of plants, a textbook marsh you could say. A place you could really get lost in! There are other areas of course, the orchard and the glade, and a most definitely NOT haunted cabin!“ - Punchbuggy
From the lush sundew dotted fens to the shadowed highlands, Shadowclan’s territory is thick with plant life that creeps and ensnares those who pay no heed to the land. Flowers bloom within the gloom, thriving in spades along the shores of ponds, pools, and streams, which criss-cross the land and leave little fully dry. Tangled canopies and towering pines blot out the sky in quite a few places, creating the perfect conditions for a Nighhunter to track their prey in, shrouded by darkness (though one must account for any pools of water or muck, which the apprentices learn to traverse early). As for the Dayguards, who take a less furtive and more rough and tumble approach, the shining sun casts spaces such as the carrs and the abandoned Flood Camp in a golden glow. Aside from nature, Twoleg structures which have been long left to rot and be reclaimed by the ever crawling passage of time dot the landscape, providing both cover as well as intriguing spaces to explore. And hidden within one thicket, veiled by the dark on one half and dappled with light on the other, is Shadowclan’s camp. While it’s never quite as busy as the other Clans’, given opposing schedules of many Warriors, it’s still oft bustling with movement, music and dance, decorated with the art their Campminders create (both permanent and performance).
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“Let’s dig a bit deeper, what do you think? How about your favourite spot in the territory? It could be because of an important life event or just because of its scenery, I just wanna know why!”
"Stargazer glade is my favorite place! The starlight dappling the clearing is breath-taking to witness. I feel closer to the stars there, too, and my patron. Even if I'm not a nighthunter anymore, I still enjoy staying up late to trace constellations and count the stars there." - Plovertumble
Once lost to time and to myth, the site of Stargazer Glade was rediscovered two cycles ago in the midst of a four Clan wide epidemic. Or rather, the purpose of it was rediscovered. The glade itself seems ordinary enough, an open clearing hidden away by thick shrubbery and pines with intermingled branches, walling the space away. The sky, however, remains unobscured above. The yawning abyss of sky can be intimidating during the day, particularly for those used to having their back to cover, but during the night the entire glade comes alive. It almost seems to glow, wildflowers and vines edged in silver, the grass soaked in light. The monument which stands at the far end of the field, alone and imposing, reflects it back into the center of the space. This is why it was named Stargazer Glade, by ancestors whose names have been reclaimed by the elements, but whose pawsteps the modern day Shadowclan walk into when they travel to this once nigh holy space. Cats often bring gifts of flowers or trinkets, words or performance, to offer to their patron or pantheon when they feel the need to commune with Starclan. It’s often a private thing, praying, though families typically share their preference in who to revere before Starclan as a whole.
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“In line with my last comment about memories, any favorites of those on the territory? Memories I mean!”
“I'm afraid this one's a bit trickier, I've got many good and bad ones, but a favorite? Oh dear... Maybe when I gave Chanterellefall his name? Most of my best memories take place with him, or Mimiclull, so it's a constant shifting battle over which is the favorite.” - Oleandersnare
The relationship between mentor and apprentice is one that is viewed as particularly important in both of their lives in Shadowclan, and one that will often last into adulthood once the apprentice graduates. This is in part due to the close-knit culture of the Clan; not only does the mentor impart new skills, but their own experiences. For those who join the Clan young rather than being born into it (which is certainly preferred, as those who join later in life are expected to prove themselves and their new loyalties), their mentors become a touchstone, and many even find themselves falling into a parental role. It's become a trend to cement this bond when an apprentice and mentor are first paired at a kit's graduation ceremony. Together, and typically with little planning, the pair will come up with an alternative to the nose-to-forehead gesture that is unique to them. This new gesture will go with them as they journey through life together, being performed in significant moments such as ceremonies as well as for comfort, if the need arises. Shadowclan's proclivity for theatrics has also lent a paw to this spur of the moment idea which has become ingrained into their culture.
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“I’m sure we both can say that we’re pretty misunderstood as a Clan. Anything you wanna say about ShadowClan’s culture that might not be known otherwise?”
“You've got us wrong. Whatever you think of us— you’re way off, guaranteed. We aren't cunning and sly as foxes who only come out at night. We aren't aggressive carrioneaters. We have law; we have culture. We have cats who patrol day and night, a sense of morality, festivities and drama brought on by our campminders. Most importantly, we're as tough as ever and work as one to get things done; we're like a family.” - Chanterellefall 
Like a family is quite the apt description. ShadowClan, while frequently misconstrued as deceptive cats who prowl at night and nip the tails of passerby cats, are actually quite the vibrant band. From singing and dancing to plays and art, any form of creativity you can imagine is celebrated and appreciated. During the brightest hours of day and the darkest hours of night, the territory is silent, punctuated only by hushed murmurs and the soft snores of sleeping cats. Within ShadowClan, the song of nature takes the form of a lullaby. When the sun rises and falls, only then does the Clan come alive, every mealtime a festivity to remember. Each member is one part of the whole, loved like blood no matter the cat, with strength enough to move mountains.
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“Alrighty, here’s a question that might be more interesting. Everybody’s got different views, but I’m looking for your views on the council. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone!”
“Ahh, how forward of you - oh, it was only a joke. I've seen my team through times so dark that it seemed dawn would never come, and we've come out unscathed from it with a deeper understanding of one another, I believe, and of what it means to serve our Clan. In fact, most of us have continued on a tradition that goes back a few generations, of taking on the naming style of the Forgotten after Noctule's Wing's joining which has continued since he stepped down. Our Leader and Deputy? Ah, Russetstar and Warblercall, they've a passion for keeping Shadowclan safe and their heads held high. I can assure you of that.” - Vivid Skies
The council of ShadowClan wake during dawn and dusk, contrary to your standard Dayguard and Nighthunter. They oversee the Clan during its busiest times, taking on many the responsibility. ShadowClan healers are tasked with the health and safety of their clanmates, taking good care of the sick and injured. Rest assured, in the paws of even the apprentices, you will be tended to diligently. While there has been much hardship in recent moons, the protection of the council has kept the whole of ShadowClan safe. Warblercall, though strict and proud with a traditional view of the code, is a powerful and reliable figure among the ShadowClan higher ups, having recently brought forth a new rank, dubbed Gloamwatchers. Similarly traditional, Russetstar has proven her dedication through moons of leadership. Together, the council works like a well oiled machine, regardless of whatever trials and tribulations the Clan has faced— and will continue to do so through whatever is to come.
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oobbbear · 5 months
An “what if there’s a pizzaplex location in China” au
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They're an Eclipse, but you can just call them Wu Dan
They are a theater bot from the Shanghai pizzaplex, they play the Wu Dan role (female warrior/fighter role) in Traditional Chinese opera. They can sing they can dance, they perform with a spear, and they do Bian Lian mask trick.
Most time they stay as Eclipse but if needed they can switch between Sun and Moon on command. As the picture shows, the red mask is Sun, the Blue mask is moon, the split face is when both are up but not in sync, they can’t stay like that for long it burns their battery, and the white face is Eclipse
Sun is more hot headed and extroverted, Moon is more ‘hohoho I’m evil’ and introverted, when split face, they’re mostly having a fight and they use their traits against each other, when Eclipse, their traits are combined creating an neutralized version of themselves
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opendirectories · 2 months
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theminecraftbee · 5 months
squinting at the namemc spoilers. why are people getting demised. who is running around murdering people on hermitcraft. how is this happening on day one. what on EARTH are they doing over there,
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miutonium · 1 month
🏃‍♀️Hi hi I'm reopening my commission again since I am in the middle of my final year project and I needed funds to support my art project _(:'3」∠)_
*also if you see my previous commission post minutes ago, please disregard that I put the wrong info there ;w; Also appreciate if you guys delete my previous post too if you reblogged it 🥲
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Please take note that since I am in the middle of my final year and I also have 3 pending commissions to go right now, I only be able to fully commit to this slot around the end of July!
*Taken slots will be updated from time to time!
🔷️My TOS, art samples and additional rules/info can be read on my carrd here.
🔷️No rush orders will be accepted as I am currently in the middle of my final. If you need an estimate for commission turnarounds please refer to my Trello! I date stamp all of my progress from start to finish! Please commission me only if you don't mind waiting for me!!
I'm also posting my art samples (personal art) undercut!
And as always, reblogs are highly appreciated 🥰💕💕
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🔷️Please DM me if you're interested or have any inquiries regarding my commission!
🔷️There’s no pressure at all if you don’t want to reblog/share but I greatly appreciate it very much if you do
🥺👉👈Reblogs are definitely very much appreciated 🥰💕💕
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locallygrowndaikon · 7 months
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shrimplovercat · 17 days
im making a dungeon meshi server and i absolutely cooked with this icon btw
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totem-but-shark · 4 months
qfoolish is building up a bit of a streak of seeing other characters isolated, ostracized or alone and stepping in. just being there for them, someone they can trust if they so wish but at the core of it letting them know there's someone in their corner. qcellbit during his attempted infiltration into the federation, qjaiden after bobby's death when the Islanders turned against her for befriending cucurucho, Pepito alone without his parents, and now qtubbo.
He never tries to sway them or control their decisions, they don't owe him their time or trust, he's not there to judge them as right or wrong, good or evil, he's no saint himself. He's company, because for all qfoolish may struggle understanding with others anger or sadness, fear or whatever else, he knows loneliness.
Maybe it stems from solitude and equally great loyaly only an immortal can understand, or maybe it's his biology. He totem, he help. There's an underlying unspoken promise to it; you don't have to be alone, I will stand by you, you deserve a friend, I will not judge you for your worst.
And the worst part of it all is that in the end, one way or another, they leave him instead.
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acatpiestuff · 11 months
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Did i ever even show yall that I drew these guys as selkies
They stole their clothes from various ships
They also stole fish
And a couple captains hats
Emmet found clothes that fit him, but Ingo couldn't find any so he just grabbed whatever was closest
Emmet has a specific Rock he likes to sunbathe in. Ingo flops onto shore and just knocks out wherever.
Yes. They're just normal seals that are somehow in the pokemon universe
People try to catch them but the pokeballs don't work on them so they have just resigned themselves to their fate of having seal neighbors
They have been dubbed as "ah those two fucking seals again" by every fisherman in the area.
Some people think they're legendaries, but the locals more or less call them nuisances and tricky little things
They don't have in-between forms, they just have their seal forms and human forms.
Bonus older concept doodles:
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ryllen · 8 months
Trey's birthday is here :)
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humbuns · 10 hours
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manifesting dj tsumugi for deep into you
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sotcwcrp · 1 year
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Art done by our member Pidge! -> BurningPigeon#3793
Secrets of the Clans is a 15+ discord based roleplay server! We have over 200+ members and a lively, welcoming space. Our world is based on the forest territory of the books with the four original clans.
What makes SOTC so special? We use a TTRPG system to add random chance and level-building skills into your RP experience. Not only that, but you will be sorted and clan-locked into one clan based on a personality quiz.
We're open for applications starting March 6th through to the 13th. After this we will have a two week break before opening back up for second and last week of applications, March 27th to April 6th.
Can we be in more than one clan? No, you are only able to create and play characters in one clan, though if you are unhappy with where you're sorted you can switch within the first two weeks of joining! Our clan-locked system helps to create bonds within your clan, more realistic cross-clan romances and rivalries as well as gatherings that can feel authentic and surprising!
What if I'm not familiar with warrior cats, or a dice system? SOTC is a great place for beginners! Many of our members have never read the books, nor had experience in dice-rolling prior to joining the server. Our staff and clan-buddies are in place to guide you through any questions you may have!
How does character creation work in SOTC? Upon first joining SOTC you will be given two character slots, which can be used to adopt a premade adopt, and one oc token that can be applied to make your own from-scratch character. (Only your first oc token will have an age-range applied to it!)
How do I play a kit or apprentice? Kits and Apprentices are special characters on SOTC, as nearly every child character started from a litter born in the clan's nursery! You can adopt these newly born characters (or any young cats who no longer have players!), with their guardian player's permission. The only exception are cats bought with a donation to one of our server's supported charities (Right now, we're donating to a blind cat rescue!)
🌈SOTC is very LGBTQ+ friendly! ★
🍖 Working fresh-kill piles and herb storages! Hunt to provide for the clan, and gather to prepare for accidents, illnesses, or even battles! ★
💗 A thoughtfully curated content warning system, with paw-rating emoji for each thread. ★
🐣 Custom litters rolled accurately! ★
⭐ Unique brawling, healing and injury systems! ★
🎇Special lore crafted for each clan! ★
Still have more questions?
Check out our website, or pay us a visit in our server.
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operationlove · 5 days
Pls pls pls could I use that one frame of eggman as a reaction image 🙏
It actually goes so fire its so funny
It'll be a sticker just for whatsapp and maybe discord but only for me and maybe s couple friends to use
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make him famous
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opendirectories · 4 months
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Yeah vampires, I also cannot enter a house uninvited. It's called not being fucking rude.
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nietleuk · 6 months
the templates you make are so cute! Can you make an server template using these emojis?: 💭☁️🎀🛼👛✉️ If you do Tysm!
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divider creds to @plutism !!
discord text layouts!! could be used as category or channel ˘˘﹒
like or reblog is use!
emojis used :: ☁️🎀✉️🛼💭👛
extras !
emojis used :: 🩵🦴🌷🕊️
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