#Commander John Shepard
monowires · 1 year
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i never take him out of this armor.
—- mod: samara’s armor for shepard
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Hey guys, I made a Commander Shepard perfume, along with a perfume for Liara and Tali, and a cologne for Garrus. I’d be really happy if you’d check it out and let me know what you think! Thank you!!
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bioware-bard · 7 months
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Horizon's Aftermath
WORD COUNT: 643 words
PREVIOUSLY: The events on Horizon happened the day before; Kara hasn’t dealt with her feelings yet after seeing Kaidan again; Shepard is grumpy as hell and silently suffering from a massive hangover; the ones who know better -like Garrus- know to stay out of their way.
OC BACKGROUND INFO: At this point in the timeline, Kara is still coming to terms with the things that happened to her, making her quiet and introspective. Jack doesn't know her yet.
IMAGINE THE SCENE: We're in the Normandy SR-2's cargo bay. Shepard, Garrus, Zaeed and Grunt are taking off their gear and talking; Miranda, Mordin and Jacob are checking incoming supply crates; Kara is working out her feelings on the punching bag, or trying to, but Jack won’t stop talking to her.
“I should’ve been down there with you guys,” Jack snarled. “That Alliance bastard would’ve gotten blasted onto that damn Collector ship so hard for what he said to you.” 
“Appreciate the thought.” Kara kept pummeling the bag, every hit landing harder and faster than the next as memories of Kaidan rose back to the forefront of her mind.
“You don’t want to punch the asshole? God, it’d make me feel so good to hurt the people who hurt me.” Jack looked over her shoulder at Shepard and added, “Which you promised to help me do, right?” 
Kara gave Jack a sideways glance as she kept punching and finished with such a hard right hook that the fabric of the bag ripped slightly. Jack’s eyebrows rose in surprise as she said, "Well, damn. Don't hold back now, babe." In the background, Garrus and Shepard stopped cleaning their guns and looked into her direction, a cautious expression on both their faces as they tried to anticipate what was going to happen next. Kara hadn't been herself since coming back, far more angry and violent than before, and they both knew she was especially on edge after the previous day’s events on Horizon. They shared a quick, alert glance before putting their weapons down and turning their attention towards the two biotics.
Kara stepped back from the still slightly-swaying, now-ripped bag and started unwrapping the tape from around her right wrist, her movements controlled and precise. “You just walked onto this ship, so I’ll forgive you for your ignorance, Jack.” She raised her gaze from her hands up to Jack’s face, rage simmering just beneath the surface of her skin and showing in her glowing blue eyes. “You don’t know me or anything about me, so I would advise you to shut up and read the fucking room.” That familiar tingle of dark energy being gathered to be used as a biotic ability rose in the air as she finished untangling the tape around the first hand and started on the other. “Leash your fucking temper or I swear I will happily bloody my hand on your face.”
Jack’s shock at the angry snarl in the other woman's voice caused the gathering dark energy to dissipate as Kara quickly finished unraveling the tape, tossed it on the floor and stalked away. It wasn’t until she was completely out of view and they heard the elevator doors opening and closing that the silence broke and Jack asked, “What the fuck was that?”
Shepard’s demeanor was casual as he leaned against the edge of the table, arms crossed in front of his chest, but his voice was hard as steel as he said, “I brought you onto this team to be of help, Jack, not tear this ship apart with your biotics over the slightest disagreement.” He pushed himself away from the table and walked over to her. “You want to stay here and get that information you want? I have the datapads ready for you, but I don’t think I trust you with it.” He got close enough to get in her face. “Stop assuming you know everything based on one interaction with someone. You don’t know shit. You don't know anyone here yet because you've been hiding beneath engineering."
John stepped back out of Jack's personal space and held up his hands as he took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. One of his hands went up to his face, thumb and middle finger massaging his temples. "Miranda," he called and raised his head to look for her. She stood close-by, closer than he'd thought, but he smoothly continued, "You're in charge. I'm going to my quarters and I don't want to be disturbed."
"Understood, Commander." Miranda's reply was immediate and the last thing anyone uttered until Shepard too had retreated into the elevator.
• • • •
A/N: I am working on dreaming of a much larger fic that spans all three games (because why not, right? lol), but I have several different versions of the after-Horizon situation in my head that need to get out. This is one of them. It might become part of the actual fic, but nothing's certain at this point. What do you think? Is this worth keeping for use in the larger fic?
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guchaigue · 10 months
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baby's (not) first bonk! > commission open! <
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fishik · 18 days
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oken-art · 11 months
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Shepard's perfect driving ✨
I had this Mass Effect fanart in my 'WIP folder' since forever!! and of course that Commander Shepard's biggest skills are driving the Mako and dancing *coughs*
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subjectedzero · 1 year
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happy commander shepard’s birthday to those who celebrate
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sihirbazi · 4 months
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clearing out the wip log! still love them
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roarmoreau · 10 months
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puppy sheploo – 37/∞ 
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monowires · 1 year
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oh, i love men
—- mod: samara’s armor for shepard
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aasteraarts · 2 months
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Hi! ヾ(•ω•`)o I started replaying mass effect (❤´艸`❤)and I wanted to have Shepard on my wall (I really like the picture when the captain is against the background of the earth, and the Reapers are behind)(ノ*ФωФ)ノ
The idea for the painting is not mine)
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phantom-kiwi · 2 years
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Happy N7 day! :D
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bioware-bard · 7 months
After Horizon: a scene idea gone rogue
I have this whole re-telling of the Mass Effect games in my mind, but it's not completely fleshed out yet and I find that extremely annoying. I just want to write the story, dammit! But, yeah - if you've ever written anything, you know that doesn't work. One of the better tips for writing that I've come across lately and actually helps me: write what you want in the moment. So no forcing myself to start from the beginning, but write those scenes that are nagging at me. Thus far - it's working. Though sometimes, like now, it takes me somewhere I didn't expect to go.
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Kara stepped into his quarters, the aquarium being the only source of illumination in the room. Her eyes adjusted to the semi-darkness and she spotted a pair of socked feet dangling over the edge of the couch. Stepping closer, she could see a bit more clearly the bottle of whiskey on the table and the accompanying glass, filled halfway. 
She made her way around the table, grabbed a new glass off the shelf and sat down to pour herself some. John lay sprawled on the couch, face down, and uttered a muffled, "What?" Upon hearing the clink of the glass, John lifted his head up off the couch and groaned. “What?” he repeated, his voice sounding rougher than normal. 
Raising the glass to her lips, she told him, “I didn’t want you to drink alone.”
He laughed softly, bitterly, and rolled onto his back. Covering his eyes with his left arm, he let the other one dangle loosely to the ground. “There’s not much left.” 
“You’re done, anyway. It’s enough for me.” 
The light from the aquarium illuminated him just enough for her to see that he hadn’t even bothered to change out of his under armour. His boots lay discarded on the floor and it looked like he had tried to get out of the tight material, but had at some point given up and grabbed a bottle. They were more alike than either of them wanted to admit, both of them trying so very damn hard to ignore their feelings.
She’d pushed all of her emotions down: the initial blossoming warmth of hope that was quickly doused by the cold waters of rejection and which transformed into a fiery anger on the shuttle ride off that forsaken colony and back to the Normandy. She couldn’t remember what she’d done upon their return, but images of taking off her armour and then making her way to the crew deck and mechanically taking a shower flashed in her mind. She couldn’t remember when she’d made her way up here to John's quarters, though. 
“I fucking hate this,” she murmured before tilting her head back and taking a big gulp of the whiskey. It burned in her mouth and down her throat and her face scrunched up from the taste, but in time it would dull her even more than she herself could accomplish. 
John seemed to grunt in agreement, but that was all the acknowledgment he gave that he heard her. 
She took a second big gulp of the drink, emptying the glass and set it down on the table with a bang. “You want me to go?”
He didn’t reply and she was almost ready to just get up and leave him be when he abruptly sat up. “What I want,” he said as he brought his knees up and rested his arms on them, “is to erase the past two years and do it all over again.”
“What would you change?”
“Try and stay dead, maybe.”
Kara let out a long breath of air, the shock of his words clearing away a bit of the fog that enveloped her. “You don’t mean that.” 
“Come on, Kara. I died, or something very near to it. They worked on bringing me back for two years.” He turned his head to look at her, the shadows cast on his face only enhancing the haunted look in his eyes. “I’m not stupid. I shouldn’t be here right now, but I am. And I’m here because of Cerberus. I don’t owe them one goddamn thing because I didn’t ask for this, but I’m still unable to leave and try to pick up the pieces of my old life. How do you feel right now, Kara? Are you happy?” He moved, feet landing on the floor with a thud, and he leaned toward her. She couldn’t see his eyes anymore. “Are you happy you lost two years of your life to a coma?” He leaned even closer and added, voice just above a whisper, “That I suspect they were keeping you in?”
“Fuck you, John.”
A bitter laugh erupted from him. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” 
to be continued?
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ionjuno · 1 year
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i should go
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aceghosts · 1 month
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Screenshots of Rooney Shepard (They/Them) in Cyberpunk 2077 (21/X)
*Le Castle Vania Intensifies*
Taglist (Like this post to opt in/out for edits): @bbrocklesnar,@marivenah, @sergeiravenov, @alexxmason, @voidika,
@strangefable, @imogenkol, @hookhearted, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @confidentandgood,
@onehornedbeast, @direwombat, @thedeadthree, @theelderhazelnut, @cloudofbutterflies92,
@katsigian, @clicheantagonist, @cassietrn, @captastra, @inafieldofdaisies
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comfort-in-space · 10 months
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Do you think that Cerberus while piecing back together Shepard would have gotten rid of all physical “flaws” or bodily marks or whatever.
Like I headcanon my shep to have some tattoos, beauty marks, and one dimple. And I can’t help but think they may have smoothed out the imperfections. They do get rid of any scars you have from me1.
Dimples are a abnormality, completely harmless, but not how the muscles “should” be formed. So would the scientists keep it.
And Tattoos! the idea of them re-tatting shep while unconscious is kinda hilarious but I feel like they wouldn’t. Tattoos can be harmful to your immune system so I don’t think they would while their trying to save shep. Unless future sci-fi stuff makes this point useless. Or maybe they just didn’t get to them in time.
What about body hair?! or cellulite?!
Either way just imagine Shepard finally getting a chance to look in a mirror and realizing they are missing all scars that reminded them of past trauma. Idk if that would be a relief or something that makes them feel dissociated from their new body like its not quite their own.
Realizing their quirks (birthmarks, freckles, moles) have all been smoothed out, things that have defined them since they were a kid.
The utter rage they feel at having to get all of their tattoos done again.
Then again the Illusive Man is real obsessive so he might have demanded everything else except the scars to be kept.
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