#Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
the-dixon-effect · 9 months
you are the river of light, that i cling to in the empty night
a/n: im back whores
You thumbed the copper pendant daintily hanging from your neck, a little bronze sun - a testament to how much Daryl loved you before you even knew. You were Daryl's sun, the light that sustained all life, all good. Though he wouldn't say it, this was his way of telling you. Years later, your shared apartment in the commonwealth, however dreary, was the home that you had been longing for ever since the fall. Decorated with antique lamps and watercolours and soft music pouring out of the vintage record player in the corner of the room, time seemed to slow and warp when you spent your evenings with the man you loved so. Perched on the kitchen counter, you eagerly waited for him to return home.
Daryl's new job as a commonwealth soldier felt taxing to him - though he never complained in fear of boring or scaring you. Home was his sacred place; cooking, laughing, drinking, loving, a place where he could escape the past and present. The future was you, and however tempestuous and unstable life proved to be these days, you were his constant. In fear of seeming poetic, he kept his thoughts about you to himself, however badly he wanted to tell the world. Your touch was medicine, your love was rejuvenating.
As he entered, you whistled at his arrival and jumped to greet your man.
"Hey baby," he said, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you in closer with a fistful of your hair. "Missed ya'," he moved a hand up to your cheek, adjusting your head so he could gaze into your sweet, loving eyes for a moment before moving in to kiss you with the passion of a starved man.
"And I waited for ya'," you flirted once pulling away. "Tell me 'bout your day, cause mine was boring as hell," you withdrew the embrace yet he pursued you towards the living room still holding your hand.
"Handled some rotters down the south fence, ya' know they can climb now?" you shivered, imagining Daryl surrounded by hungry walkers, all day, every day thanks to Pamela Milton and Michael Mercer, the ones that decided he needed to be here. Of course it was admriable, putting his life on the line every day, but for a government that doesn't even know his name? If you could convince him to stay in bed each morning, away from the danger, you could be ever satisfied knowing he would only exist in your arms. "Wha's wrong?" you must have frowned without answering, because he now pulled you over his thighs and held you firmly, not wanting to let you go.
You only hummed, afraid to meet his eyes covered by those chocolate bangs. "I want you... here. If somethin' happened to you out there-"
"Baby, ya' know it won't. 'M sorry," he spoke softly into your neck, gently rubbing your thighs with tenderness much unlike the stoic soldier known to you and your friends. "I love ya', I ain't givin' that up,"
"Don't try to be heroic. Don't be the person that's gotta save the day. If somethin' goes wrong, just run. Please.. promise for me," you held eye contact, stroking your fingers through his tangled tresses.
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thewomenofwindsor · 16 days
CONFIRMED: The King and Queen’s royal visit to Australia 🇦🇺(his first realm visit as monarch), their state visit to the Independent State of Samoa 🇼🇸 and attendance at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Samoa will take place between 18th and 26th 0ctober.
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camillasgirl · 16 days
The King and Queen will visit Australia and Samoa
Their Majesties The King and Queen will undertake an Autumn Tour from Friday 18th – Saturday 26th October 2024. This will include a Royal Visit to Australia, State Visit to The Independent State of Samoa and attendance at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2024. 
The King’s visit to Australia will be His Majesty’s first to a Realm as Monarch, whilst the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa is the first The King will attend as Head of the Commonwealth. In both countries, Their Majesties’ engagements will focus on themes designed to celebrate the best of Australia and Samoa, as well as reflecting aspects of The King and Queen’s work.  
In Australia, His Majesty, as Head of State, accompanied by Her Majesty The Queen, will visit Parliament House, in Canberra, where Their Majesties will be welcomed by the Prime Minister, Mr Anthony Albanese. His Majesty will address a reception attended by political and community leaders, and prominent Australians who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in a variety of fields, including health, arts, culture and sports. Their Majesties will pay their respects to the Fallen, laying a wreath at the Australian War Memorial and visiting the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander memorial, ‘For Our Country’. The King and Queen will conduct a Fleet Review of the Royal Australian Navy, in Sydney Harbour. 
On the theme of sustainability, The King will visit CSIRO, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, meeting firefighters and learning more about the centre’s work to combat the bush fires which devastate millions of hectares of Australian land each year. Their Majesties will tour the National Botanic Gardens, home to the largest living collection of Australian native plants in the world, where they will learn about Indigenous plant use. They will also hear from staff and volunteers about how climate change is affecting biodiversity.
The King, who has this year been receiving treatment for cancer, will meet Professor Georgina Long and Professor Richard Scolyer, both Australians of the Year, and will hear about the work they do to help those affected by melanoma, one of Australia’s most common cancers. 
Meanwhile, Her Majesty’s programme will also reflect the themes of her wider work, including her passion for encouraging reading and literacy and her desire to raise awareness of domestic and family violence. At a library in Sydney, Her Majesty will meet children participating in a Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition workshop. In Canberra, The Queen will join a discussion on domestic and family violence, with some of those whose lives been affected by it, and experts who work in the field. Her Majesty will also meet representatives of GIVIT, a charity which matches donors with those in need, of which she is Patron.
Their Majesties will attend a community BBQ in Western Sydney, sampling a range of produce from across New South Wales, experiencing the cultural diversity of Australian communities and meeting local residents. The King will also meet Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives and groups to learn about their work in supporting local community and strengthening culture. 
Their Majesties’ State Visit to Samoa will celebrate the warm bilateral relationship between the two countries, which has been further strengthened by Samoa’s hosting of CHOGM 2024. The King and Queen will receive a formal welcome to the country, in the form of an ‘Ava Fa’atupu ceremony, before meeting Samoans at an engagement to highlight aspects of Samoan traditions and culture. His Majesty will also spend time with young people and community and faith leaders. 
The King’s programme will, in addition, reflect the theme of sustainability and biodiversity, in support of one of the key themes of CHOGM – ‘A Resilient Environment’, and the meeting’s focus on oceans. His Majesty will visit both a mangrove forest and a National Park, witnessing the work which is carried out by local communities to restore and protect both these vital ecosystems. He will also plant a tree in Samoa’s Botanical Garden, marking the opening of a new area within the site, which will be called ‘The King’s Garden’.  Meanwhile Her Majesty’s engagements will again focus on the wider themes of her work. The Queen will visit an aoga faifeau (traditional Samoan Pastor’s School) to see first-hand how pupils are taught to read and write. Her Majesty will also visit the Samoa Victim Support Group, an organisation which assists survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse, where she will learn more about the services the group provides to those in crisis.
CHOGM 2024
The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa will bring together delegations from 56 countries across Africa, the Caribbean and Americas, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific. The overall theme of this year’s meeting is: ‘One Resilient Common Future: Transforming Our Common Wealth’.
In His Majesty’s first Commonwealth Day message as Sovereign, in March 2023, The King said of the Commonwealth: ‘Its near-boundless potential as a force for good in the world demands our highest ambition; its sheer scale challenges us to unite and be bold.’ CHOGM 2024 will see some of that ambition and unity on display with an emphasis on resilience across 4 key areas – resilient societies and peoples, resilient democratic institutions, a resilient environment and resilient economies. 
As Head of the Commonwealth, The King, accompanied by The Queen, will attend the CHOGM Opening Ceremony and will host a Dinner for Commonwealth Heads of Government. The King will also host a Reception for New Heads of Government and will attend the CHOGM Business Forum to hear about progress on sustainable urbanisation and investment in solutions to tackle climate change. 
Gender Equality and Women’s empowerment is one of CHOGM’s key themes, and Her Majesty will attend a side event to the Women’s Forum on the subject of ‘Advocating for Women and Girls in the Commonwealth’, with a focus on eliminating violence against women and improving health. 
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
So Harry clearly wants back in on the half in half out train, Meghan doesn’t, but I don’t think ARO is taking off in the way she wanted thus far. So she’s entertaining a meeting in the middle of a commonwealth country. (you can tell it’s obvious Meghan is leaking to USweekly because she states that aus is close and they can go represent the crown completely forgetting the fact that the AUS government would put a stop to that before it left the gate.
Harry and Meghan have been trying to get a tour/visit to Australia for a few years now. This isn't anything new and I suspect they ramped up efforts because a) Charles and Camilla will be heading there later this year, making this is the Sussexes' usual "let's do it first so we can say they copied us" PR campaign, and/or b) Soho House Sydney is coming soon, Markus probably hasn't called them for help, and they're too cheap to pay their own way.
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the-empress-7 · 4 months
They have been to plenty of countries to promote Invictus, example their visit to Canada earlier this year. So what was different about Nigeria? Is it because Nigeria chose to treat them as foreign dignitaries?
Maybe this won’t help, but I’ve talked with some Nigerian friends, and they told me that Nigeria is good at hospitality, they do that kind of welcoming to celebs, football players, etc. They told me that the Harkles played their PR with the ignorance of many, to claim it was very much official and very successful and because they went with ‘official’ press to keep updating all the BS, but the reality, they told me that in Nigeria nobody cared, apparently only the first day only one newspaper (of many) printed about them and the rest of days is like they weren’t there. That you know when people don’t care when they don’t go outside the buildings to have a glimpse of them like they do with other massive celebs. They also said that it’s telling that the President nor the Vice President met them (as some celebs had). And again, they played with the ignorance because they make people believe he did a Royal guards inspection to the troops, but the reality is that it was just a ‘small’ branch of it, it wasn’t the official one (it shouldn’t happen tho, but it’s not a big deal according to them).
So, they took advantage of the Nigerian hospitality, the ignorance of people and that the UK government nor the RF have properly communicated how other countries should address him (without HRH).
Thank you for sharing this, I tend to agree. That last paragraph is key and the crux of the issue. Given that they have gotten away with this tour, they will repeat this same formula in other Commonwealth countries. The goal is to demonstrate that they are better suited to represent the Commonwealth than it's current head, and to torpedo William's chances when his time comes (yes I am very aware that the mechanism does not exist for this to even be possible, but the point is to sow distrust and dislike against the BRF).
Harry and Meghan have always been masters of PR spin, and no one does it better than them. For the next few weeks they will continue to repeat the "official tour" PR and she will drop even more behind the scenes pictures and stories about other secret "engagements".
PS: The Nigerian President not giving them an audience was only a minor detail, because the Jamaican PM did meet with them. As long as they can keep the farce up, their PR will just plaster over the details that don't work in their favor.
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sussex-sweetheart · 5 months
It's crazy to me that we're being briefed that William can't step in for Charles for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in October because of Kate's health, yet he's fine being photographed drinking in pubs, rubbing shoulders with celebs, and going to the football...
William is the heir, he should be stepping up regardless, but especially when it comes to an important event like meetings with leaders of the Commonwealth. It's 6 months away too. He can't make arrangements for 6 months in advance? 😬
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celticcrossanon · 1 year
The Commonwealth
My cranky rant for the day :)
Skip if this is of no interest to you, this is just me letting off steam.
Harry and the Commonwealth
I see a lot of misinterpretation of the Commonwealth of Nations with respect to Harry, and it drives me crazy.
Harry can not be 'King of the Commonwealth'. No such position exists.
Harry can not be 'Head of the Commonwealth'. That symbolic position is held by his father, King Charles III. The position is is appointed by the Commonwealth Heads of Government.
If King Charles III resigns form this role (which is highly unlikely), then another Head of the Commonwealth will be elected by the combined Heads of Government of the Commonwealth.
As the past three Heads of the Commonwealth have been the monarchs of the UK, if that trend continues then it is most likely that Prince William will be elected to the position, otherwise it is likely to go to another Head of Government within the Commonwealth, as discussed before the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Harry is a non contender in my opinion.
The other top-rank positions of power within the Commonwealth of Nations are the Commonwealth Secretary-General and the Commonwealth Chair in Waiting.
The Chair in Waiting is the head of government of the last country to hold the CHOGM, so Harry automatically is not eligible for this role. It rotates once every two years.
The Secretary-General is elected for a maximum of eight years (two four-year terms) by the assembled heads of government and other ministerial representatives at every other CHOGM (so once every four years). Nominations for the election come from the governments of the member nations of the Commonwealth. it is highly unlikely that Harry would be nominated, and even more unlikely that he would be elected. Past Secretary-Generals are career diplomats and/or politicians, and Harry is neither.
The only position that Harry held with the word 'Commonwealth' in the title is the Presidency of the Queen's Commonwealth Trust, a charity that "provide[s] access to a global network of over 850 young leaders who are able to support each other and access insights and resources to further their work and impact." He was allegedly removed from that position in February 2021 and does not appear on the charity's website.
More detailed information on the Commonwealth of Nations below. Feel free to skip, this is for those interested in a bit about how it all works.
The Commonwealth of Nations
The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of 56 independent and equal countries. The member governments agree to shared goals such as development, democracy and peace. The values and principles of the Commonwealth are expressed in the Commonwealth Charter.
Commonwealth Heads of Government (CHOG)
This is the is collective name for the government leaders of the nations with membership in the Commonwealth of Nations. They are invited to attend Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings every two years, with most countries being represented by either their head of government or head of state. The Commonwealth Heads of Government attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, held once every two years (see below).
CHOGM and the Commonwealth Chair-In-Office
Decisions for and about the Commonwealth of Nations are usually made at the biennial Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), where the Commonwealth nations' Prime ministers, Presidents, Kings or Queens, and any other heads of government, assemble for several days to discuss matters of mutual interest. 
Every two years the meeting is held in a different member state and is chaired by that nation's respective prime minister or president, who becomes the Commonwealth Chair-in-Office until the next meeting. 
The last CHOGM took place in Rwanda in 20222. The next one will be in Samoa in 2024.  (see https://thecommonwealth.org/chogm)
The current Commonwealth Chair-In-Office is the President of Rwanda, currently Paul Kagame. The primary responsibility of the Chair-in-Office is to host the CHOGM, a responsibility that starts their term as Chair-In-Office.
The Secretariat of the Commonwealth of Nations and the Commonwealth Secretary-General
The main body within the Commonwealth of Nations is the Secretariat. It  It is responsible for facilitating co-operation between members; organising meetings, including the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings (CHOGM); assisting and advising on policy development; and providing assistance to countries in implementing the decisions and policies of the Commonwealth. 
The Secretariat has observer status in the United Nations General Assembly. It is based at Marlborough House In England and has full diplomatic immunity.
The head of the Secretariat is the Commonwealth Secretary-General.
All Secretariat staff report to the Secretary-General, who is responsible for spending the Secretariat's budget, which is granted by the Heads of Government. It is the Secretary-General (not the ceremonial Head of the Commonwealth), that represents the Commonwealth publicly. The secretary-general is elected by the Heads of Government at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meetings for up to two terms of four years.
The Secretary-General used to be assisted by two, then three Deputy Secretaries-General. As those posts have fallen vacant they have not been filled under the current Secretary-General.
The current Commonwealth Secretary-General is Patricia Scotland, Baroness Scotland of Asthal, PC, KC. Her second four year term expires in 2024.
The Head of the Commonwealth of Nations
The Head of the Commonwealth of Nations is a symbolic position. The position represents the association of 56 independent members. Thirty-six member nations are republics, five have monarchies (Brunei, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malaysia, and Tonga), and fifteen member nations who are also commonwealth realms have the monarch of Great Britain. as their Head of State.
The Head of the Commonwealth serves as a symbolic leader, alongside the Commonwealth Secretary-General and  the Commonwealth Chair-In-Office, who also represent the Commonwealth.
The Head of the Commonwealth does not have any constitutional role in any Commonwealth state by virtue of their position as Head of the Commonwealth. They keep in touch with Commonwealth developments through contact with the Commonwealth Secretary-General and the Secretariat.
The head of the Commonwealth or a representative has been present in the past at the Commonwealth Games. The Baton Relay, held prior to the opening of each Commonwealth Games, carries a message from the Head of the Commonwealth to all Commonwealth Nations and territories.
The Head of the Commonwealth broadcasts a special message to the population of the Commonwealth on Commonwealth Day, the second Monday in March. They attend an inter-denominational Commonwealth Day service held at Westminster Abbey.
The position of head of the Commonwealth is not hereditary and successors are chosen by the Commonwealth heads of government. That being said, the three current and previous Heads of the Commonwealth have all been the monarchs of the United Kingdom.
See also wikipedia for a general overview:
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head-post · 2 months
King Charles set for October visit to Australia, Samoa
King Charles and Queen Camilla had planned to visit Australia and Samoa in October, but have cancelled a planned trip to New Zealand due to health concerns as the king recovers from his cancer diagnosis.
Some British and Australian media questioned whether the trip would take place at all, in the weeks after the King’s cancer diagnosis was revealed on February 5.
The palace confirmed that Charles and Camilla will attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa, which will take place from October 21-25.
Read more HERE
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theroyalsandi · 1 year
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Attend a Realm Governors General and Prime Ministers Lunch at Buckingham Palace.
                 *DRESS CODE: Day Dress
Attend a Commonwealth Heads of Government leaders meeting at Marlborough House.
                  * DRESS CODE : Day Dress
Reception at Buckingham Palace for Foreign Guests
                 * DRESS CODE : Evening Dress/ Long Gown
Every event that you will take part on, you will need to pick:
an outfit
a hairstyle
a make-up
an accessory
a shoes
a food to serve
a drink to toast with
Post in a TEXT FORMAT:
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Use the tag #royalfandomvirtualcoronationparty2023 to all of your post
You can post different outfits ideas to every events. Maximum is 5.
Take part to all the Events
Use photos to showcased the things that you have chosen  
The chosen outfit should be appropriate to the occasion.
Give the details of the outfits, hairstyles and make-up, shoes, accessories, foods and drinks.
You will post on the same day of the event
Go big or go home  
Properly tag the day of the event: #may5virtualpalacelunch, #may5virtualpalacereception, #may5virtualmarboroughmeeting
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george-the-good · 6 months
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King George VI’s speech, with alterations in his own hand, given at a dinner party for the Commonwealth Prime Ministers on 13 October 1948. // © Royal Archives
The events of the Second World War led to a subtle change in relations between the nations of the Empire: there was a much greater feeling of the countries being ‘equal but independent Nations’ than previously. During the war, meetings had been held in London of the Prime Ministers of the Dominions (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa - and Southern Rhodesia, which had traditionally held a sort of hybrid status between colony and Dominion) and the British Prime Minister to discuss the best way to co-ordinate the war effort. Then in 1948 a conference was held, again in London, this time attended by the Prime Ministers, or their representatives, not only of the old Dominions but also of the new ones of India, Pakistan and Ceylon (Sri Lanka). This conference was arranged to allow the ‘Brotherhood of Nations’ to meet to discuss common problems and issues in the post-war world, and also to introduce the Prime Ministers of the new nations.
The Prime Ministers arrived in London in October and were received by King George VI individually. On 13 October a large dinner was held for them at Buckingham Palace, at which the King made this speech. In it he talked about the ‘high value’ he set on ‘personal contacts between those responsible for guiding our affairs in the different parts of the Commonwealth’. He also said that he would like these meetings to be held from time to time in different Commonwealth capitals. The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting is now held every two years, hosted by a different country of the Commonwealth. Addressing the Prime Ministers, the King pointed out that between them they were charged with the good government of more than five hundred million people, but that indirectly their responsibilities extended to many millions more. The world was looking for peace and it expected the Commonwealth of Nations to play a leading part in that process:
Our Commonwealth has always stood for certain principles, fundamental to the good of Humanity; it has never countenanced injustice, tyranny, or oppression. The self-governing members of the Commonwealth have always embraced peoples of different upbringing, social background and religious belief; they have all had this in common that they were peace-loving democracies in which the ideals of political liberty and personal freedom were jealously and constantly preserved.
King George VI, like many other public speakers, often had his speeches typed out on cards such as these, which he would then read and alter if necessary. There are many such examples in the Royal Archives, and they show that by this date the King, who, as is well known, had suffered from a speech impediment earlier in his life, was able to deliver long speeches with confidence.
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houseofbrat · 6 months
Timeline of events, Part 2
[part 1]
01 MARCH 2024: Prince William ignores a “How’s Catherine?” question from someone at Wrexham during his St. David’s Day visit to Wales.
Thomas Kingston’s death revealed to be “catastrophic head injury” due to gunshot, i.e. suicide.
Victoria Murphy writes in Town & Countryabout the UK’s Editor’s Code of Practice prohibiting writing about the lack of information available to the public regarding The Princess of Wales’s condition.
02 MARCH 2024: Roya Nikkhah reports Queen Camilla’s annual March time-off as a sudden vacation instead of a regularly scheduled annual break she always takes at this time of year.
04 MARCH 2024: TMZ & Backgrid establish proof of life of The Princess of Wales and her mother.
UK media is pressured by Kensington Palace to *NOT* publish the photographs in the UK, even though everyone else in the world can see them online.
05 MARCH 2024: Richard Palmer notes that there is no legal reason why the pictures of Carole and Kate cannot be published due to them being on a public road.
The British Army is forced by Kensington Palace to amend their Trooping the Colour once the UK media started circulating stories about Kate’s appearance in June, which is two months after Easter.
Dominic Ponsford in the (UK) Press Gazette wrote about the media blackout regarding Carole & Kate’s driving pictures.
Kate’s uncle Gary Goldsmith briefly comments on the lack of Kate information on Celebrity Big Brother.
06 MARCH 2024: King Charles has a meeting with the Canadian PM and officially greets two ambassadors.
Kensington Palace “spokesman” to (US) People magazine: “His focus is on his work and not on social media,” a spokesman says.
Normal people on reddit notice this bullshit and comment on it.
Emily Andrews comments on the “invisible contract” between UK media and Kensington Palace, e.g. the "huge pressure" to not publish the photo of Kate & Carole.
London’s Air Ambulance Charity, whose gala benefit William attended on 07 February 2024, announced they did not receive enough government support.
08 MARCH 2024: King Charles photographed in a car on Windsor Castle grounds.
Prince William demonstrates proof of life when he visits The Oval in support of for-profit company, Notpla, and seaweed.
10 MARCH 2024: A Mother's Day photo is published and released to news agencies of Kate with George, Charlotte, and Louis.
Later that day, the Associated Press (AP), Agence-France Presse (AFP), Reuters, and Getty all "killed" the photo due to "manipulation."
11 MARCH 2024: Kate "apologized" for the photo manipulation on Twitter saying: "Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing. I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused. I hope everyone celebrating had a very happy Mother’s Day. C"
Kate is photographed next to William in a car leaving Windsor Castle.
Prince William attends The Commonwealth Day service with Queen Camilla and other members of the BRF while King Charles spoke to the service via pre-recorded video message.
International media goes wild with the revelation that Kensington Palace released a photo that was "manipulated" and rejected by major, international news outlets.
12 MARCH 2024: William attends the private funeral service for Thomas Kingston at the Chapel Royal, St James’s Palace.
14 MARCH 2024: William visits WEST Youth Zone in White City, London.
Meghan Markle launches a lifestyle brand, American Orchard Riviera," on Instagram.
AFP Global News Director, Phil Chetwynd, states that Kensington Palace is no longer a "trusted" news source.
William attends The Diana Legacy Awards in London in the evening.
Jessica Reed Kraus, aka HouseInHabit, publishes a "source" saying Kate had "surgery on her bowel," yet the "source" did not know that that kind of surgery could be classified as "abdominal."
17 MARCH 2024: Forbes publishes an article with the rumor that the BBC has been told to be on alert for an announcement from the Royal Family regarding Kate's health.
Roya Nikkhah for The Sunday Times published an article whereupon a "royal source" said, "I can see a world in which the princess might discuss her recovery out on engagements. If she was going to do it, that’s how she would do it.”
Matt Wilkinson of The Sun publishes an exclusive that Kate was seen "out and about" in Windsor.
18 MARCH 2024: Video of Will & Kate shopping at the Windsor Farm Shop circulates on TMZ and The Sun. Kensington Palace doesn't complain about it publicly.
Russell Myers of The Mirror publishes an "exclusive" report regarding Kate's "return to public life."
The royal.uk website has some minor changes regarding The Duke of York and The Duke & Duchess of Sussex.
19 MARCH 2024: William visits Sheffield, England, as part of his Homewards program.
Russell Myers of The Mirror publishes an "exclusive" regarding allegations of Kate's medical records being breached at The London Clinic.
Kate Mansey of The Times publishes an article about how William does not collaborate or work with his father.
20 MARCH 2024: The London Clinic responds to the allegations of Kate's medical records being breached after 29 January 2024.
Daily Mail's Ephraim Hardcastle: Kate was unable to attend the Irish Guards' St Patrick's Day parade... But put £2,000 behind the bar for them instead
Daily Mail's Rebecca English's EXCLUSIVE: What William really thinks about the Kate conspiracy theories. And why it's been so heartbreaking for him to see her reputation trashed in the same way as Diana's
Prince William visits the Welsh Guards at Combermere Barracks, Windsor, where the photos were taken by the Ministry of Defence/Welsh Guards.
21 MARCH 2024: Hannah Furness of The Telegraph publishes an article stating: "The Princess of Wales has been working from home on her early years project to improve the lives of babies, as she eases back into normal life after her abdominal surgery. Kensington Palace confirmed that she had been kept up to date with her campaign and the “overwhelmingly positive” results of a study she inspired."
Tatler magazine publishes a cover story on Prince William by Wesley Kerr. "The burden of leadership is falling upon Prince William - but as former BBC Royal Correspondent, Wesley Kerr OBE, explains in Tatler’s May cover story, the future king is taking charge."
Daily Mail: Kate Middleton has been working from home on her early years project considered her 'life's work' as she recovers from abdominal surgery - amid hopes she will return to public life by Easter
People magazine repeats the Kate paid the bar tab story.
Jackie Annett, The Mirror: "Kate Middleton spotted out in Windsor again - this time with George, Charlotte and Louis" “…[Kate] comes here quite a lot, it’s on her doorstep and Adelaide Cottage is a couple of 100 yrds away. They were at the tennis on Sunday-my friend plays there & Kate was watching the children, they’re there all the time”
22 MARCH 2024: Kate announces she is undergoing "preventative chemotherapy" for cancer.
Lambrook's Lent 2024 term ends. School on break until summer term starts on 17 April 2024.
24 MARCH 2024: People magazine: Kate "wrote every word herself,” a palace source confirms to PEOPLE of the Princess of Wales' video speech, which was released on Friday and filmed two days prior in the gardens of Windsor Castle. A family friend adds, “She wrote the words herself, delivered it personally and wanted to decide when the time was right to hit the world with this news.”
28 MARCH 2024: Valentine Low says it's not clear when William pulled out of Constantine's memorial service--some say day of, others say two weeks prior to the service.
31 MARCH 2024: King Charles & Queen Camilla attended the Easter Mattins service at St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.
01 APRIL 2024: Daily Mail: "Princess of Wales was FORCED to reveal her cancer diagnosis after news threatened to leak: Sources reveal Kensington Palace was contacted about Kate's illness and needed to get ahead of the story… so who revealed her secrets?"
02 APRIL 2024: Natasha Anderson & Emily Jane Davies's story about Kate being "FORCED to reveal her cancer diagnosis" is deleted from the Daily Mail website.
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simshousewindsor · 4 months
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By Cameron Dorly | Published by SNN
At the 2024 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Easton, Heads of Government reviewed the recommendations of the Committee on Commonwealth Membership and approved the following Memberships:
Dacana Gibralsim Saint Malachi
This is the first time in 94 years that multiple countries have applied to join the Commonwealth at once, showing the strength of the UK and the power of Queen Katherine.
Linwood Keller, as Prime Minister of the UK, is president of the Commonwealth Heads of Government board. New Wythonia joined the Commonwealth in 1931 while Sulani left in 1939.
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CHOG Board Members, (L to R) Prime Minister's of The UK, Brindleton Bay, and New Wythonia
The Marvanian conflict is an ongoing conflict based on the division of Marvania between North Marvania (Democratic People's Republic of Marvania) and South Marvania (Republic of Marvania), both of which claim to be the sole legitimate government of all of Marvania. It began on 25 June 2021 when North Marvania invaded South Marvania. 
With the war intensifying, surrounding countries not in the G5 are seeking protection as fears North Marvania will attack them next. Although not members of the G5, South Marvania are allies with Windenburg, but have yet to ask for war assistance.
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As a new member of the Commonwealth realm, New Wythonia is now protected, along with Dacana, Gibralsim, and Saint Malachi.
No word from the palace on any plans for Queen Katherine to visit her new Commonwealth realms but as the new monarchs territory rapidly grows, we can surely expect Her Majesty to visit.
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5 February 2024
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The King is being treated for cancer, Buckingham Palace has announced.
It has not said what type of cancer the 75-year-old has but confirmed that it was not prostate cancer. The King was recently treated for prostate enlargement.
King Charles III was crowned at Westminster Abbey in May 2023 alongside his wife, Queen Camilla.
How will the King's duties change while he is treated for cancer?
Buckingham Palace said:
"Regrettably, a number of the King's forthcoming public engagements will have to be rearranged or postponed.
His Majesty would like to apologise to all those who may be disappointed or inconvenienced as a consequence."
It said that he was receiving expert care and "looks forward to returning to full public duty as soon as possible."
While the King is recovering, the Queen is expected to continue attending engagements.
"Her Majesty will continue with a full programme of public duties," Buckingham Palace said.
Despite stepping back from public events, the King will continue with paperwork and private meetings as head of state.
What does the King do?
The King is the UK head of state, but his powers are largely symbolic and ceremonial, and he remains politically neutral.
He receives daily dispatches from the government in a red leather box, including briefings ahead of important meetings, or documents needing his signature.
The prime minister normally meets the King on a Wednesday at Buckingham Palace.
These meetings are completely private, and no official records are kept of what is said.
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The King also has a number of official parliamentary roles:
Appointing a government — the leader of the party that wins a general election is usually called to Buckingham Palace, where they are invited to form a government. The King also formally dissolves Parliament before a general election
State Opening and the King's Speech — the King begins the parliamentary year with the State Opening ceremony, where he sets out the government's plans in a speech delivered from the throne in the House of Lords
Royal Assent — when a piece of legislation is passed through Parliament, it must be formally approved by the King in order to become law. The last time Royal Assent was refused was in 1708
In addition, the monarch leads the annual Remembrance event in November at the Cenotaph in London.
The King also hosts visiting heads of state, and regularly meets foreign ambassadors and high commissioners.
For his first state visit, Charles visited Germany, where he became the first British monarch to address the country's parliament, speaking in English and German.
The King then travelled to France for a three-day state visit in September and to Kenya for a four-day state visit in October, where he acknowledged the "abhorrent and unjustifiable acts of violence committed against Kenyans during their independence struggle."
He also delivered the opening address at the COP28 climate conference in Dubai in December, where he said: "The Earth does not belong to us."
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Charles is also head of the Commonwealth, an association of 56 independent countries spanning 2.5 billion people.
He is head of state for 14 of these, known as the Commonwealth realms, as well as the Crown dependencies - the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.
The Queen supports the King in carrying out his work and undertakes her own public engagements on behalf of the 90 charities she supports.
Where does the Royal Family get its money?
The Royal Family receives an annual payment from the taxpayer, known as the Sovereign Grant, which is used to pay for official expenses, such as the upkeep of properties and staff costs.
The amount is based on a proportion of the profits of the Crown Estate, a property business owned by the monarch but run independently.
It had assets worth £16.5bn in 2022.
The Sovereign Grant was worth £86.3m in 2022-2023, the same as in 2021-2022.
But total spending for the year was £107.5m, a 5% increase on the £102.4m spent the previous year, with more than £20m drawn from financial reserves to cover the shortfall.
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The King also receives money from a private estate called the Duchy of Lancaster, which is passed down from monarch to monarch.
It covers more than 18,000 hectares of land, including property in central London.
Worth £654m, it generates about £20m a year in profits.
The Duke of Cornwall (currently William, Prince of Wales) benefits from the Duchy of Cornwall, which mainly owns land in the south-west of England.
Worth £1bn, it generated a net surplus of £24m in 2022-23.
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The King and Prince William receive the profits from the duchies personally, and can spend the money as they wish.
Both voluntarily pay income tax on the proceeds.
In addition, some other Royal Family members have private art, jewellery and stamp collections, which they can sell or use to generate income as they wish.
NOTE: Edited
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only-lonely-stars · 5 months
A Bride for the Prince (Chapter 2 - Festival)
[Prologue] // [Chapter 1 of 9] // [Chapter 2 of 9 - you are here!] // [Chapter 3 of 9] – (FFN) (AO3)
Part of the @ninjago-fairy-tale-au!
Once upon a time, there lived a faithful and hardworking girl named Pixal Borg, who worked every day to satisfy her demanding stepmother. For years, she cleaned and cooked, giving no argument, until the day came when she met the prince. A Pixane Cinderella retelling.
Chapter summary:
Prince Zane appears, and the King suggests a celebration to help him choose a bride.
The castle of the Central Commonwealth stood tall above the surrounding towns, the colorful capital city likewise dwarfed by its majesty. Tall towers flanked enormous walls of white stone, silvery in the morning light and dew. Great shadows fell on the far side, and in the shade herds of cattle grazed upon expansive fields. Parapets extended from every tallest point. Many shuttered windows were present on every side, looking at the countryside. The only window without such decoration was a great stained glass expanse, which depicted a falcon flying through snowfall, visible best from the throne room.
Inside the throne room, two men stood, talking intently, one older and one younger. The older had silvery white hair, swept back and pinned down with a simple yet kingly platinum crown. He stood tall, with a presence of intelligence and wisdom and strength. However, his face was lined as a consequence of laughter, belying his wisdom. No matter where he looked, his intelligent gray eyes were intent on anything he saw. The younger man looked just like the older in nearly every aspect, even to his platinum blond hair, likewise swept back and crowned with a simpler silver circlet. His blue eyes were alike to shattered ice, calm and intelligent, and his back was straight as a ramrod. Both men carried themselves with dignity, as befit their royalty, and spoke with fondness to one another.
"How was your journey, my son?" the king asked.
"It was most productive. Our eastern towns shall not go hungry under our care," the prince replied.
"Very good. I am proud of you, Zane. You have grown to be a fine leader for our people." The king put his hand on his son's shoulder. "You bring honor to the Julien name."
Zane bowed his head in thanks. "It is the least I can do for our people. Without them, our rule means nothing."
"You are right; it is by their desire that we govern. I only wish that your brother Echo could have seen the man you have become." The king smiled, a tinge of sadness to his face.
The prince's face fell. The sound of his brother's name was a bittersweet one. After a few moments, he schooled his features back to calm. "What would you have me do next, Father? Shall I go with the diplomatic mission to the southern kingdom?"
"No, they have already departed. I would like to speak to you about a different matter." The king folded his hands pensively. "My son, I am growing older with every passing year. Time has served me well, but I cannot live forever."
Zane nodded. "Has your health suffered while I was gone?" he asked, concern flooding his voice.
"No, thank the First Master. However, I have had time to consider the future." The king met Zane's eyes, every aspect of his countenance sincere. "My son, you are by no means a child any longer. We have reached a point where you should begin considering whom you will marry."
At this, Zane shook his head. "I do not know any noblewomen who would be fit for the task. I cannot take a wife from among them." His eyebrows creased in distaste. "I will not marry a foreigner, either, or any woman who is not of our people. They must be ruled by one of our number."
"Your wisdom is beyond your years, my son. However, you must choose someone eventually, despite your misgivings." The king began to pace. "Perhaps some sort of event might be arranged, that you might meet a fitting woman from among the people. Perhaps a contest, or a ball, where you might meet candidates for the role."
"An event, Father? What sort do you suggest?" Zane's mind whirred. "Perhaps a festival would befit the need better than a ball."
The king smiled. "That is an excellent proposal. We shall host a long festival; three days in which you might meet the women of the kingdom and find someone fitting." The king's eyes twinkled. "I will put you in charge of it, so all the events might fit the qualities you seek in your wife-to-be."
Zane bowed his head in agreement, pushing down his warring feelings of trepidation, dread, and excitement. "I will do my best. When shall it be?"
"The week after next, if you are able to organize it so quickly. Will that suffice for you?"
"It is more than enough time." The prince paused, but came to stand before his father once again. "Thank you, Father, for allowing me to be so particular. I know it has been difficult for you. I will find someone who will rule well, like Mother did."
The king smiled, a slight bit melancholy. "I have no doubt you will search far and wide until you find her, my son, no matter how long it takes. Trust yourself, and it will be easier."
"I will do my best."
In the intervening time before the festival, Prince Zane rarely rested, overseeing every part of the festival planning. During the three days, the population of the capital city and the surrounding towns would be welcome throughout the fields around the castle, where there would be games and spectacles. There would be many things to indulge in, such as delectable foods from all over the Commonwealth, and the finest or artisan craftsmanship where any merchant could sell his wares.
In the center of the field, an arena was set up. It hosted many seats, and a tawny soil floor, such that all the kingdom's knights and squires could do their best to prove their worth. Zane would also compete each day, jousting with the winners of the earlier matches. As per an agreement with his father, he was to take the favor of a woman he saw fit to consider, but no other. Throughout the rest of the tournament, he would also be present, whether as a competitor in the games or an attendee, meeting as many ladies as he could without the fear of appearing as a womanizer.
As the days of the festival approached and the announcements were sent out, Zane's trepidation grew. For years, he had felt free, as the need to find a bride had been a faraway concern. He had been able to travel, to study, to learn, and to begin to rule without concern of a woman who would monopolize his attention. Any knowledge in the world was at his disposal, and even the farthest corners of the world were within his grasp. Now that he had to find a fitting bride, were his days of freedom over? How could he live his life as he had before?
He tried to shake his worries, but they were unceasing. As a husband, he would be required to set aside the time to tend to his wife, and everything that she entailed to him. She would take up his time, energy, attention, and more personal things than those, some of which he feared to even think about. How could he please a woman while also pleasing himself, whether in mind or body? No matter how he considered the problem, it seemed impossible.
In any time he could take to himself, Zane delved into prayer and meditations, but they rarely helped. Instead, his mind was filled with images of his future. Of course, once a courtship began, he was to spend time with his wife-to-be. Then his wedding day would come, with all its trappings and traditions. As of that day, he would be tied to that woman, and there would be no leaving her. The visions he imagined turned toward the further future as he realized that any travels he would take would be with his wife, unless toward war– First Master forbid. His children would be raised to ascend the throne, and would be his pride and joy. When he was aged, one would be crowned…
Slowly, his fears began to slip away. The prince thought about his future, and suddenly felt as if his concerns were small. If his life was to be spent with anyone, a woman with whom he could speak and learn would certainly not be poor. His kingdom would live well under the rule of a learned and graceful woman, if only he could find one.
Despite the prince's warring feelings, time marched on, passing under his nose as the kingdom prepared. The first day of the festival grew ever closer, and Zane could only watch and wonder.
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litcityblues · 1 month
'Ashes of Victory' --A Review
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The ninth novel in the Honorverse series serves as a conclusion to a three-book arc in the series that begins with In Enemy Hands, continues with Echoes of Honor, and concludes here. Honor Harrington is alive, and well and has returned home with half a million prisoners from the Havenite Prison Planet known as Hell.
Ashes of Victory is the story of her triumphant return home. I would say the first third of the book or so is centered around just Honor coming to grips with having been declared/believed to be dead. She has an emotional reunion with her parents (her mother had given birth to twins, which satisfied the requirement Grayson had for an heir to her Steading) and her cousin Devon has inherited her Manticoran title (Honor is amused by this, as she can imagine his horror at the news-- while we don't meet him, he's described as a bookish/Professorial type who would very much not interested in things like a title.) She also has to face the facts: the extent of her injuries is going to keep her from active naval duty for at least a couple of years since she'll need reconstructive surgery.
There's a heart-wrenching moment for Nimitz as well-- as the extent of his injuries becomes clear and the humans realize he has lost his ability to communicate with his fellow Treecats, though his bond with Honor remains intact and as strong as ever. It's unclear if he recovers some ability to communicate with his fellow Treecats, but what Honor does is manage to help prove that Treecats are as intelligent as humans and full communication starts to become possible thanks to sign language systems.
Honor gets her battlefield promotion confirmed (and becomes Admiral) and, since she's out of the fighting for a bit, starts teaching at the Saganami Island Naval Academy to shape the minds of future generations of naval officers-- not just from Manticore, but from Grayson as well.
Hey, remember Steadholder Mueller? He was sort of kind of involved in a plot to overthrow Protector Benjamin that got somebody else beheaded and he frantically threw everyone he possibly could under the bus to avoid being implicated himself? (Flag In Exile, fifth book of the series.) Well, he's back and he's been biding his time and martialling his power and he's emerged as the leader of the Opposition on Grayson. He doesn't know it, but he's also under investigation but before that can come to fruition, his conspirators are revealed to be agents of Masada. There is unease on Grayson- especially when rumors start flying that annexation into the Star Kingdom is being discussed. (It's not precisely that: the famously independent San Martin has joined, but it's... kind of a commonwealth situation? They maintain their autonomy but also have representation of some kind in Manticore's Parliament?) Poor Mueller is in over his head and doesn't realize until it's too late.
Meanwhile, on Haven, things are going great, and by great I mean that Rob Pierre is dead. Admiral McQueen tries to launch a coup. Oscar Saint-Just detonates a hidden nuke underneath the Octagon and decimates McQueen, her forces, and a hefty amount of the military leadership to boot. Admiral Theisman is recalled to take charge of the Capital Fleet. Admirals Tourville and Giscard are believed to be next on the list of Admirals to go (i.e. be shot) and the military situation collapses on them. They are on the verge of utter defeat thanks to Manticore's new offensive and technologies to boot.
But, a surprise assassination attempt on the combined leadership of Manticore and Grayson fails- but kills Manticore's Prime Minister which leads to a change of government. The opposition comes in and demands a halt to the fighting, believing Haven to be defeated. Queen Elizabeth is fucking pissed about it but has no choice. A ceasefire follows along with negotiations and Admiral Theisman launches a coup of his own, killing Oscar Saint-Just.
I am not sure how to feel about this book. The first third to half of it is just about perfect. Pays off so many plot lines laid down in the previous two books of this arc. There are great character moments as Honor returns home and is reunited with friends and family and faces up to the cost of her injuries and time on Planet Hell. (The weird awkward romance between her and White Haven is touched upon, but we don't get back around to that-- I'm thinking we will at some point though.)
But the ending to this one leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's... awkward. To his credit, Weber acknowledges that he had to make a mild retcon in an afterword. Basically, eagle-eyed readers noted that in an earlier book, the Prime Minister of Manticore must command a majority in the Commons. Weber tweaked that here to make it the House of Lords. That change is small, but significant and explains how the Opposition was able to force a change in government-- and, it turns out that Monarchs of Manticore are required to marry a commoner. I am assuming that this will be paid off in future volumes... somehow. But a political short-circuit on Manticore's part also covers up for the fact that Haven is a hot mess.
How can any polity survive such instability? It's all coups and counter-coups and counter-counter-coups and nukes going off and just randomly killed a million people or so. I don't see how you can have that instability without some kind of popular unrest breaking out.
I mean, on the one hand, I get it: the Honorverse train keeps on rolling. But on the other hand: this is kind of a wet fart noise of an ending to a really excellent three-book arc to this series. (Also, there's a lot of really technical exposition in this one-- maybe more than in previous novels, I don't know. And yes, it's military sci-fi, so what did I expect, but it slows this book down in parts in ways I did not like.)
Overall: Starts strong, but the ending is not particularly satisfying-- however, these three book-arc have sold me on keeping on keeping on when it comes to the Honorverse, so I guess we'll see what's next. My Grade: *** out of ****
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ifreakingloveroyals · 3 months
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25 October 2011 | Queen Elizabeth ll is accompanied by General Peter Cosgrove, Chairman of the Australian War Memorial Board, as she walks the cloisters at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, Australia. The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are on a 10-day visit to Australia and will travel to Canberra, Brisbane, and Melbourne before heading to Perth for the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting. This is the Queen's 16th official visit to Australia. (c) Ray Strange-Pool/Getty Images
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