#Commonwealth Walkway
shorberson · 4 months
Rolitagni's First Contact
I'm trying out doing some creative writing of my own for a change. I've been following the HASO tag for a while, and wanted to give it a shot. This is moreso designed to be an intro for a series, I guess. If you have feedback, I'd love to hear it!
The spaceport was always busy. The chaotic noise of merchants peddling wares and hulking cargo ships being loaded up for long voyages never gave anyone a moment’s rest. But it was here that Rolitagni felt at home. Sitting in a packed lounge near the loading docks, she grabbed her second glass of Bulemoi, and made idle chat with some of the other workers around. Some were a little weirded out by her appearance; after all, Kemians don’t exactly have the best reputation or the kindest appearance. She could sense that much within the room. But she was familiar enough to the others that they didn’t mind. She listened to her fellow voyagers and their tales; tales of long journeys, of strange planets, and of other species they’d met across the galaxy. Though there was one species that cropped up in more stories than others lately.
A relatively new group to join the collective of various species in the galaxy, the humans had made quite the entrance. The galaxy had been aware of humans, but as a Type 1 civilization, it was more of an occasional entertainment than viewing them as equals. Not that they knew, of course. But humanity had improved. After dozens of cycles of testing and watching, a human spacecraft–rudimentary at best, it’s a wonder it even made it that far–stumbled into the Gree’lek’s territory. What Rolitagni wouldn’t have given to see the faces of both sides when they found out. After some tense negotiations, humanity was deemed more than an attraction, and viewed as a fellow spacefaring species–though woefully behind. How they’d managed to do anything without faster-than-light tech was beyond her. The galaxy helped them catch up, and in a matter of cycles, humanity had transitioned from a one-planet species to a fully functioning part of the Commonwealth of Systems. Rumors floated around spaceports and tabloid headlines about humans and their stories, stories of daring bravery, utter foolishness, and of their quirky nature. Sure, every species had its features, but there had been such a long time without a new species that everything had become rather dull. Rolitagni, being her outgoing, curious self, had been excited to meet a human the moment she’d heard about them.
As she sat in the lounge and daydreamed, she felt a buzz from her pocket. Her datapad, signaling that it was time to get back to work. With a sigh, she stood up, stretching a bit before handing the bartender some paeolenta. She strolled out of the building and into the busy streets. A nightmare of colors, sounds, smells, and species roamed about. But she loved it, taking in a deep breath of the artificial atmosphere. It was such a smorgasbord of gasses and chemicals to allow for all visiting species to breathe it, and it left a strange taste in the mouth. She strolled down the walkways, making her way back to her ship, nudging her way past Slaniums, Tre’as, and many more species that she probably couldn’t pronounce. After some distance, she arrived at the loading docks. The hulking cargo ships loomed overhead, being anchored in every which way by cargo tubes and walkways. Following her datapad to find her ship, she looked up to see the brilliant logo of the ship she’d served on for so long: “G.S.V. Laneyla”. Supposedly the captain had named it after his late partner. It didn’t matter too much for her. Whatever the name, it’d been her home for dozens of cycles. 
As she walked up the ramp she saw one of her coworkers, a Jlinin by the name of Mreswi, waving to her and holding a datapad similar to her own. “Hey, Roli! We’re just finishing getting loaded up. Got a few dozen more crates and we’ll be good to go. Think you can take over?”
Roli giggled to herself. Mreswi’s strange tendency to drag out the vowels of his words never failed to make her smile. Well, as much as she could smile with her canine-esque skull-like face. She beamed her message into his mind, though he was used to it. After all, she couldn’t exactly speak. “Sure, I’m coming! Just finished relaxing at Poaters’ place.” She whipped out her datapad and pulled up the manifest for this next trip. Standard stuff, like spices and materials, bound for wealthy buyers or companies to make products. Then there were some odd things, like a pallet of seventeen Bremni skins. A predatory species, and not one with intelligence, they were often hunted for their strong, yet soft skins. And as she scrolled down the list, she raised a metaphorical eyebrow at the last entry. Rather than cargo, it displayed that a new member would be joining them. Roli got excited. It’d been a few cycles since anyone had joined the crew, although everyone was still reeling a bit from the death of their last engineer. She shuddered at the memory. Turns out that having many tentacles in a room with plenty of moving gears was not exactly the best combination. They’d still find pieces of them in the system from time to time.
She gave a nod to Mreswi as she began watching the cargo arrive through the conveyor systems. She couldn’t imagine trying to haul all this up, despite her four-armed strength. As she surveyed and checked off the supplies as it arrived, she felt something. A small sense of nervousness from around her. Sure, to a Kemian like her who could sense life-forces, that was normal. But something about it was different. Each species had their own chemical and neural responses, but she’d never felt one like this before. As the last of the cargo arrived, she felt the presence getting closer. She looked down the ramp towards it, and gasped to herself. She could feel her own giddiness boiling up inside her. She’d dreamed of meeting one, but to have them as a new crew member? It was almost enough to make her squeal.
She watched as a human slowly approached. The stories had always painted humans in different lights and appearances. He slowly approached, looking around anxiously while toting their large baggage. As he approached her, he looked a little more scared, which was understandable to her. After all, pale white skin with tens if not hundreds of stitches, four arms, a pitch black skull mask, and being about a foot taller than the human was not a combination that was exactly easy to expect or understand. 
The human cleared his throat and spoke in a gentle, yet curious voice. “Um, hey. Is this the ‘Laneyla’? I was told to meet someone here.”
Rolitagni beamed with happiness, her attitude completely betraying her appearance. She nodded and looked down at the human, sending her message into his mind. “Yep! Sure is! I guess you’re the new guy, huh? And a human, too!”
The human froze for a second, seemingly shocked by her telepathic nature, along with the lack of a universal translator needed to understand her. After a moment of stammering to himself, he worked up the courage to speak. “Yeah, I am. I’m supposed to be the new engineer here.”
Roli nodded again vigorously while her twin tails swept behind her in eagerness. “Sounds great! Why don’t you go ahead and have a seat over there,” she said, gesturing to a bench by the back wall of the cargo hold, “and I’ll show you around soon? We’re almost ready to shove off.” She beamed as she checked the manifest on the datapad in front of her. “Oh, by the way, what’s your name? I’m Rolitagni, but most folks call me Roli.”
The human paused for a second, then looked up to her and spoke. “I’m Aidan. Nice to meet you, Roli!” His translator crackled slightly. They hadn't been updated to be able to translate this “English” very well yet, but it worked well enough.
“Nice to meet you, too, Aidan!” The name was slightly strange to Roli, but so were plenty of other species' monikers. She’d get used to it in time. After all, they had a long voyage ahead, there'd be plenty of time to get to know the human. She watched as Aidan took his things over to the bench and sat down as she finished up the inventory. She walked over to the bench and looked at him. “Welcome to the ‘Laneyla’! You’ll have a great time here. Ready to get started? I'll show you around the ship for starters.”
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redheadspark · 1 year
hello! could i have azriel from acotar with #22? :)
A/N - AWWWW. This is quite cute for Azriel! Thanks for requesting this, anon!
Golden Rose
Summary - Your eyes were always drawn to the Shadowsinger, and his eyes were drawn to yours
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Warnings - Just some cute fluff for our batboy
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"Great, now that all of those formalities are out of the day, let's go by the riverbank and catch up. Cousin, shall you join us?"
"Not at the moment, I'd rather rest here,"
You watched your cousin, High Lord Thesan, glide away from you with High Lord Rhysand and his mate High Lady Feyre in tow. The open garden area of your kingdom was inviting to sit in with your book, the sunrise was still hanging in the sky as you were left alone in the sun room of the palace.
You've been at Dawn Court in its High Palace for a few years now, Thesan taking you in ever since your parents were lost at sea. Although Thesan was King in this region, you were considered royalty because of the bloodline you two shared. Being a princess and royal was not new to you, but that was a smaller region that your parents ruled over. Now your elder brother was the head of state, and you were sent to be with Thesan with the hopes of a better life.
Thesan was wonderful to you from the moment you arrived with your escort. He made sure his staff and the commonwealth saw you as a Princess, a member of his Court, and he made sure no one dared to defy that choice. You took to this new life with ease, helping with causes that were in the kingdom and being part of delegation board meetings and charities.
Because of your volunteer work, you received a great reputation, being called the "Golden Rose" of the kingdom.
And because of your work, you were being summoned to meetings alongside your brother. One of the neighboring kingdoms that had a strong alliance with Dawn Court was Night Court, a mysterious but powerful kingdom that Thesan has known for some time. He was friends with High Lord Rhysand, considering him one of his strongest allies. When you attended his wedding to High Lady Feyre, a massive event that was known far and wide, you only thought you were going to attend on your brother's hand and as a representative of Dawn Court.
But something else caught your eye. Or someone.
Footsteps were heard behind you, and you paused your reading in your book with a small grin. Marking your page, you closed your book to let it rest on your lap as your gaze went up to the opening scenery in front of you, watching the massive riverbank only a few yards away and the silhouette of your brother with the rulers of NIght Court chatting like old friends.
"Am I disturbing your reading, milady?" You heard behind you, the voice soft like the velvet petals of spring flowers, but deep like the rumbling mountains. That voice alone brought you joy, brought you peace, and brought you love as you shook your head lightly.
"You could never disturb me," You replied softly, "Come join me,"
"I don't wish to intrude--"
"Please," You replied, not wanting to sound like you were begging for his presence. With your eyes still trained on the scenery in front of you, hearing Hgh Lady Frey laugh about something your cousin said to her, you felt his presence next to you as he knelt down on one knee at your side. Your eyes drifted to him, seeing the very being who took your breath away and made you smile.
The Shadowsinger and Head of Security for Night Court, Azriel.
"Hello, Milady," he said to you, taking your hand in his and tentatively kissing the back of it. The cool touch of his lips against your akin made you shiver a bit as he then gestured to the walkway that was along this outside of the sunroom, leading to another little garden, "Walk with me?"
"Of course," You replied, leaving your book behind and you both walked side by side out of the sunroom and along the pebbled path. You had your finger intertwined in front of you, Azriel's hands were being his back with his dagger strapped to his hip, and his eyes trained on the area around you, "Come on, Az. It's just us, and our Palace is always well protected,"
"Can't be too careful," He informed you, though you snorted.
"What should be ready for? A cluster of squirrels that live not too far away?" You teased him as his hazel eyes were scanning the open lawns.
"I must be on guard for the safety of the Golden Rose of Dawn Court," he explained, you reached out to take one of his calloused and scared hands in your own. He clutched your hand tightly, almost protectively while you two walked, the closest you could be since you were out and about in some of the public eyes.
Once you caught Azriel's eye at that wedding, there was no one else on your mind. He was courteous and kind, the head of security for High Lady Feyre and High Lord Rhysand, and was making sure his men were always at their posts and on patrol.
Yet when High Lord Rhysand asked Azriel to watch over you at the reception, you were surprised he was willing to do the job since he seemed so serious and stern. Nonetheless, no male guest came close to you without your consent, and you were always a arm's length away from Azriel whenever you walked or went to visit other royals from other kingdoms. It was later in the evening when you two finally struck up a conversation together, and it was history ever since.
He would come with Rhysand and Feyre when they would visit or come for meetings and negotiations. You were always thrilled to see him, almost thinking of it as a game to break down his cool demeanor when he would sweep the room or walk you back to your chambers. Azriel opened up to you over time, his sarcasm came out from time to time from a joke you would tell or comment under your breath. But then you felt it, after some times visit back and forth and even receiving some letters from him that he would send in secret, you were in love with him.
How could you not be?
He was chivalrous to you, never letting you lift a finger or have you sit without the chair being pulled out first. He asked plenty of questions about your thirst for knowledge and better education in your kingdom for all the citizens, finding your heart in the right place, and bringing you some books from the Night Court's personal library that he knew you would enjoy yourself. His stubbornness came through when you pushed the boundaries in your safety and wished to venture out past the safety of the Palace, but he knew better than to stop you when he knew you could handle it yourself.
Yet you never knew that you brought out the joy in his life when his past was tainted. You never knew that making you joyfully laugh would make the rest of his day. You never knew that he loved you far sooner than you loved him.
"I was talking to your Cousin, as well as my High Lord and Lady," Azriel explained while you two sat together on a small bench in your favorite garden, surrounded by daffodils and peonies that were about to open up from the sunrise coming over the mountaintops, "And I asked their permission to...to take you on a weekend trip,"
You were stunned, looking at him with wide eyes as he was waiting for your reaction with nervousness on his face, "Really, Az? What kind of trip are you considering taking me on?"
"Well, I coined it as a political trip, to Night Court of course," He explained, rubbing the back of his neck as you were beaming, "I told your Cousin, with the utmost respect of course, that this time of year in the Capital Velaris is quite lovely, and High Lady Feyre has been wishing for your input with her Community Center it's expansion,"
"Ah, and here I thought it was going to be a personal visit," You joked, though Azriel chuckled and nodded his head.
"To be fair, the meeting is going to last for only two hours, and you have the rest of the weekend to tour the City.....with a certain Head of Security," Azriel said slowly, you leaned your head on his shoulder as his wrapped an arm around you.
"There it is," You hummed, ginning widely while you two watched a bumblebee nestle into a peony that just opened up, "I would love nothing more than to come and see Velaris with you."
"I'll give you the grand tour," He insisted as if you weren't convinced enough while he went on, "Elaine has done marvelous work with the garden at the House of Wind, and there are a few new shops in the shopping district that I think you'll like. Plus, Rhysand and Feyre offered up the Townhouse for your stay."
"Will the Head of Security be there to keep me company?" You asked lightly.
"No," He replied, you looked at him almost in concern at how nonchalantly he said it. But he placed a finger under her chin to keep your gaze on him as he softly grinned, "But your boyfriend will be,"
You grinned, feeling him lean in to kiss you softly on the bench,
You and Azriel tried to be as careful as you could be in your love for one another, showing no signs of affection in the public eye. Not even in front of your Cousin or others that had high power. The last thing you both wanted was to get the other in trouble. But secrecy could only go so far, and your secret was out a few months ago.
The first thing you thought of was Azriel, and his job would be compromised.
However, you were reminded of how loving your Cousin was when he told you his opinion of you and Azriel secretly courting one another. He though of it as wonderful, stating he never saw you so happy, and he gave you his blessing. Azriel had to explain himself to his High Lord and Lady, thinking that worst since he was going against his protocol in courting a Princess from a neighboring Kingdom. Yet Rhysand, after a long staredown with him, simply hugged him. Azriel was shocked, but not as shocked as what Rhysand said after releasing him.
"It's about time someone made you smile, Az. Just don't break her heart, I'll never hear the end of it from her Cousin if you do,"
Azriel never did, and you two were officially courting in due time.
There were guidelines, which was fair since it would have been seen as a scandal if your Cousin or High Lord Rhsyand weren't as lenient in the decision. While you were working with your delegations and Azriel was on patrol, your relationship could not interfere. You both still had loyalties to your Kingdoms and the work that was already in place, and you both were fine with that rule. The corresponding letters came every week between Night Court and Dawn Court, and when there was an opportunity to vising each other you both took it and ran.
"When shall this blissful weekend begin?" You asked as you pulled away from his chilling lips, seeing him smile widely as he scanned your eyes with his own bright orbs.
"As soon as Rhysand and Feyre are done chatting with Thesan today, you'll get a personal escort," He explained, you tapping your feet on the floor in excitement as you got up from the bench.
"Come help me pack then! I wish to have the best dresses to wear just for you!" You explained as you took his hand and head him back to your chambers. Azriel followed willingly, he would follow you to the ends of the land with no hesitance.
"As you wish, Milady," he replied, keeping your hand tightly in his. You had no idea he planned for his weekend down to the hour. How he planned every meal that would be had, every outing out in the gardens and shopping district. He planned this weekend for months.
Merely because he got the blessing from both his HIgh Lord and Lady, and from your Cousin, to ask for your hand in marriage on the last night of your weekend with him.
What a thought: The Shawdowsinger and Golden Rose to be wed.
The End.
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Spring Prompt Session
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softlyapocalytpic · 2 years
Fallout 4 Companion Backstory Headcanons
A list of headcanons just for context of my writing later on, and cuz it’s fun to share! This won’t be exhaustive by any means, but more just a fun something with some of my thoughts ✨. I’ll do the other games some other time after thinking on them, but mostly my thoughts are about Fallout 2 which no one ever talks about lmao
Somewhere between 24 - 27. He feels young still, but not young enough to FEEL young… y’know what I mean.
Can’t explain it, but for years he’s always lived by train tracks in my mind. Walking down them with a radio in a rucksack on his shoulder or something like that.
Grew up (at least until he was seventeen) with his Mom & Dad. Quiet life by a forest. (I’m just imagining Oberland Station aren’t I lmao). They die either when he’s around 13, 17, or shortly after he joins up with the Minutemen. Raiders. Whatever settlement/farm he grew up in is gone now in part because of death, and the other reason is people moving on to somewhere safer.
I kept trying to make him the eldest brother, but honestly I think he might just be an only child?? Definitely big brother’d the younger kids in the settlement, but had an older kid or family member who he looked up to at least for a little while.
I can just imagine that older sibling person becoming a Minuteman and Preston hears back from them sporadically in his childhood, or a squad coming through when he’s somewhere between 7 - 10 years old and having that typical hero worship moment when he looks up at them with those big ol’ eyes and gets his hat from them. Made up his mind then and there to join one day.
While his education wasn’t the most robust in the world, I think he was always looking out for brochures, books, pamphlets, anything with a little bit of history in it. He got most of it cheap because it was junk that wasn’t going to get sold otherwise, and he keeps all these different papers/clippings in old banged up cookie tin that takes with him everywhere. Lost it in Quincy, but eventually gets it back when the Minutemen reclaim it from the Gunners.
Not any older than 25, but she feels more like a 23 or 24 to me. Let’s go with 24. Feels like that if she lived in modern NYC she’d fit right in with the hustle culture and rooftop bars where you can see all the lights of the city.
She grew up on the Northern outskirts of the Commonwealth closer (but not right next) to a huge forest up there.
Her settlement had rickety ass walls that technically had walkways to patrol the entire perimeter, but like… holes everywhere. Animals get into all the time as well as attacks just generally messing it up.
She’d go on the walkways sometimes and stare off towards the horizon thinking about making it big and living in ✨Diamond City✨. It was always her dream to live there.
Mom died shortly after she gave birth to Nat, but her dad never made her feel his grief about it. Definitely got this mentality of putting on airs to seem more put together than you are from him, which she now does for Nat. Or tries to anyhow
Moved to Diamond at least five years ago. I could see the argument for like 2 or 3, but I like the idea of her coming to Diamond City as a very young adult after saving up a lot of caps to move with Nat.
Can be classified as a bisexual disaster, but I like to imagine her with a heavy preference towards women and femmes. I just want some sapphics alright.
I don’t remember her attitude on the Silver Shroud at the moment, but fuck if she seems like she ADORED the Mistress of Mystery and desperately want her to find out about the whole academy and everything. It sounds so up her alley!!!
Idk if it’s contentious or not, but Cutler was a real living person that Danse knew. Broadly speaking none of his memories are false because broadly speaking he lived them!!! Like, everything before living in Rivet City is implanted, but I love Danse the scrappy youngin with little meat on his bones alongside Cutler, and the two them joining the BoS together
But you may say, Astra! Synths body weight doesn’t change and they don’t age. I call bullshit!!! I tried to play in the framework as much as possible but it doesn’t make any sense to me that they wouldn’t age/change form & weight at least a little!!! Synths… aren’t machines. They’re fleshy computers with an extra piece installed to interface with them. If they eat a stupid amount of fancy lad snack cakes, or go through intense physical training, their body will change! Okay rant over.
Also, I could see why people might want him to have more false memories considering that him questioning his identity and the entire basis of it is… a pretty big deal to his character, but with the story he tells… why make that up? I don’t think he’s an Institute plant, and why would the RR do that to him? It doesn’t make sense. And like the idea that what he’s been through is real even if he doesn’t realize it for a while. He’s a real person with a real life- it just started a little differently.
I can’t decide on him being formerly a courser or not… I think I’ll go with no, but maybe he was considered for it. I think it’d be too much like Harkness if he was, but regardless two synths… right under Zimmerman’s nose. Yikes.
I think he was a fresh recruit during the time of the LW, and at least for my story he will be. Doesn’t think about the LW too much except when he sees the propaganda posters everywhere. Doesn’t get the hero worship everyone else has.
As for his physical age, I think most people would clock him at very late twenties or early thirties. (I think other Danse’s could be a little older, but for my purposes I like him hear.) He doesn’t know how old he is actually but has a round-a-bout idea of what he thinks he is. For BoS documentation reasons they list him as 29, but he feels older than that.
I like to imagine Danse looking up to Harkness a little bit when he was younger, modeling after him in some fashions.
He’s somewhere in his mid to late 40’s, but at this point he doesn’t even know how old he actually is, though he has a good idea of the ballpark.
He did actually grow up at University Point, or at least near it, and he spent ages combing through the library and all the rotten wood so he could learn about the world. Was a real nerdy kid.
He grew up eating Mirelurk pretty regularly as a consequence of living near a nest of them. They would have to regularly hunt there in order to keep everyone safe, which meant getting creative with it!
After what Kellogg did to UP there’s almost no one left who can remember who he was before the Railroad. There might be some people who moved away before it was razed to the ground, or who might have gotten away with just their life, but Deacon hasn’t seen or met them around the wastes, so he’s them as dead.
This is kind of to my point with him: Deacon is liar, but he doesn’t intentionally lie about the big stuff. If any of this isn’t true it’s because he’s buried it deep in himself, or lord so many times, and so much time has passed that he’s reforged new details.
Yes, he’s never been to Greenland or been all the way over to the Mojave, but he had traveled a lot and heard countless stories! Always an element of truth to what he’s saying (but sometimes it takes a journey to get there).
Ah, and in case it’s not clear, Johnny D & Deacon are the same person! Deacon started as a Runner and then took the entire weight of the world on his shoulders, but he does genuinely kind’ve see Johnny D and those early versions of himself as a separate entity. He was different back then, and while he knows it was him it’s hard to internalize that it’s all the same story.
I’ve struggled a lot with my iteration of who I think Deacon is and what his backstory is! There’s a lot of different cool takes on his character, but I found that this is the iteration that feels most true to him for me. I love different versions of him! But this is my him.
Same Lucy from his childhood. I know it’s not technically canon, but I think it’s better if they’re one and the same.
His parents are absolute no bodies. People who are either dead or ad good as dead. Never meets them again nor does he want to, but he did runaway to get away from them when he was six or five years old.
Caravan so a dying child on the ground and dropped him off at Little Lamplight. Would’ve died of dehydration if they hadn’t found him.
LW was his hero growing up and they were actually really close! As a byproduct of that he got to know some of the people around her, mainly Butch & Charon.
The BoS, a couple years after he left, cleared out Little Lamplight and took in most of them to become apart of the army. It was pretty brutal. There’s a lot of reasons he’s not a fan of them, but this ranks pretty high up there.
I think by the time we see him in Goodneighbor he’s been in the Commonwealth for at least a year if not a little more, and he’s been out of work for three of those months. Dropped off when he figured out they did shit like what they did to Quincy.
I forgot who, but someone said something about there being a bunch of different bounties on Deacon’s head and MacCready being the only one to realize it’s all the same guy. I feeeeeel like that’s probably true, but I also like the idea that they’ve run into each other a lot for a variety of reasons, and now Mac has started to put together an idea of how to spot him. Mac’s seen him in the Capitol Wasteland and all over the Commonwealth. Mac thinks he’s annoying and creepy, but the rapport (especially as time goes on) only gets better generally speaking.
Like I said this list isn’t exhaustive, and I might even add onto it with time, but it felt like something fun to publish while I work on other stuff! I don’t really feel as tho any of these are particularly groundbreaking or super original, but I think it’s usually about the execution than just the idea of what it could be.
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wozibear1978 · 2 months
Written circa. 3 months ago on Instagram:-
Proof that they hack off ny whatsapp back ups by inpersonating my iph5s and by hacking directly in through my iph5s. They keep raping my internet connection which is the 3rd router box in 7 yrs as per set up (Cudy by Dasan). They raped my Bandsintown app which was left on my apple cloud this afternoon as per their 7 yr long stategy of gaslighting/destabilizing through massive trauma affliction. Internal app safari and normal safari with apple cloyd are probably the 2 nd most unsecure and dangerous places in the world to that of my “death trap/ mini treblinka” of a bedroom. They raped through google maps & facebook & amazon this afternoon and boasted that theve now stolen all of my “frequbncy budgets” ibcluding my Tesco bank account. This crime & terror syndicate is responsible for the cyber attacks on Virgin Active (cape town) and Tescos last 2 yrs facilitated theft of my health contracts and bank accs. More perpetrators names:- Dean Meintjies,?Natasha Sams, Murat, Toweel Brothers, Quenton Chong, Tony Adams, jonothans wellbeck & atherton, jannie stegman, Derrick, roger foley, neil schoeman, erol mann, mildred, eleanor, kevin, trevor, andre & evelyn solomons, richard truro, chad.
Allan s threatened and abused me emotiobally again this eve to force to sleep on the street or handcuffed by police to mental hospital (done to me for 3 months late 2021 where crimbsyndicate members stole my MTN sim card off my semi naked unconscious body at somesertbhospital A&E after they injected me with ant-trlepathy /psychothics in that grotesque SA gov grade hospital. If i dare contest or contradict allannserchuk or try bring up the truth with basic facts of the past 7 yrs, he threatens me with hospitalising and always institutionalising. Isnt that the mark of a guilty and utterly self centred man? Slavery has been mainly based on financial & social terrorism. Alan S knows full well im super set up and hacked given the role he has played. Even his TV repairman mebtioned to me of my Amazon enplotment contracts in the UK. Alan S IT repairman for Citiprop CC is Michael, stange that michael was in the flat next door to my lgf bedroom in Biko house, Hanspread Village july 2016 during the covert hypnosis into mental (voices trabscended through the walls) then synthetic telepathic and vocal abilities (internet, musical and mesmeric hypnosis). Michael (said he was AA and mate) chased me out of my flat to a hotel off Fincgley Rd. Aim was to “break me down”, Evelyn was in the flat above me. I remember hearing Tony Adams pn the lutton terrace walkway one avie telling them to stop hurting me so much (2016). My brainwaves seened to connect with council frequencie and i remember hearing 2nd party conversations when indrove into different boroughs in London, change of accents especially).so Allan S has 2 enployees in his CLose Corporation and has never in 15 yrs had an IT repairman. Coinxidence? My primary google co. Is called citiprop real estate which these criminals purposefully duplicated to allan s conpany address in vredehoek tactic was to hack over my frequency network (6 yrs ago) at thr start of camouflaging me. I found 2 Citiprop Real Estates in Singapore which i reckon could be fronts fot stolen money laundrring operations. Noticed that MTN yello cam app was regustrred in Singapore (off my special licenses remember my primary app store is still in the UK where i was meant to be past 7 yrs yet inpersonated there primarily & then globally. Criminal ploy as all are still in the commonwealth should anyone raise an eyebrow. I have litrrally proven absolutely everything that this syndicate has done to me having reported almost daily and nightly trying to be heard on my vocal & telepathic to radio fqy channels. They have had 10-12 of my own radio fqs on me to distort my vocals and inflict massive pain via hyper acusis. They essentially highjacked my life contrcats licenses then attacked me on my very own platforms utilised my own working budgets to purchase the gangstalking equipment to traumatize and terrorize me with. Microsoft insider portal on my HP laptop linked with VR /synthetic telepathy headsets microphones, xbox via you tube and used holograms all linked directly to my brain and body which is the epicentre of my fqy network that they never insured me against in the huge indembity fraud projects. My telepathic brain and vocal chords were not insured agajnst my portfolio of assets so real estate, health, insurance, marketing portfolios & licenses contracts. Of course they used fraudster murderous imperonators of the “original angel” warren esser serchuk
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A sidewalk (North American English), pavement (British English), footpath in Australia, India, New Zealand and Ireland, or footway is a path along the side of a road.
The term "sidewalk" is preferred in most of North America.The term "pavement" is more common in the United Kingdom and other members of the Commonwealth of Nations, as well as parts of the Mid-Atlantic United States such as Philadelphia and parts of New Jersey.Many Commonwealth countries use the term "footpath". The professional, civil engineering and legal term for this in North America is "sidewalk" while in the United Kingdom it is "footway".
In the United States, the term sidewalk is used for the pedestrian path beside a road. "Shared use paths" or "multi-use paths" are available for use by both pedestrians and bicyclists. "Walkway" is a more comprehensive term that includes stairs, ramps, passageways, and related structures that facilitate the use of a path as well as the sidewalk. In the UK, the term "footpath" is mostly used for paths that do not abut a roadway. The term "shared-use path" is used where cyclists are also able to use the same section of path as pedestrians.
Silvio Pasqualini Bolzano inglese ripetizioni English
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dsandrvk · 1 month
Thursday, August 22 - Aloutau, Papua New Guinea
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Today was our first day in Papua New Guinea and our weather was definitely mixed - sudden downpours and then a bit of sun, followed by more rain and sun. Aloutau was not on our original schedule, but we needed to come here to pass immigration, and we also had a tour. Because this part of Papua New Guinea (PNG from here on) is a mixture of locals and hill people, many of them young and unemployed, we were told not to venture out on our own, so anyone who wanted to leave the ship pretty much went on the included tour.
With on and off rain, we first drove to a high point to overlook the bay, and then drove back down to the market in our many small vans. A few had air conditioning, but most of the vans were fresh air only. The market was next to the bus station, which consistently of several covered walkways where other small mini-buses provided the transportation to places near and far. The signs around warned people about not spitting betel nut juice, and various other infringements.
The market itself has several sections - we walked past lots of wonderful looking produce, as well as a whole sector selling peanuts. The prices were very reasonable - one Kina (local currency) is worth about 26 cents, so many things were under a dollar for a bunch of bananas, or some chard or cabbage. There were lots of baskets for sale, and unlike in many countries we have been, single use plastic bags were not in evidence. Most people brought their own or purchased ones like we find at Trader Joe's. There were also other sections for meat and seafood, but we ran out of time and had to leave for our next stop.
Milne Bay (Aloutau) saw some heavy fighting during WWII, and we visited a memorial to the mainly Australian and PNG soldiers who died here. PNG only received independence in 1975 from Australia and is still a Commonwealth nation. Originally the island of New Guinea was split three ways - the west was Dutch, the northern half of the east was German, and the southern half of the east was British. Of course, this ignores the fact that there were already many groups of people with numerous languages who already lived here. The British eventually let Queensland in Australia control "their" portion, and after WWI the German half was also "given" to Australia, although it was managed under a League of Nations mandate. All of this is to say that the legacy of Australian rule is driving on the left, and English as the common language, since there are so many dialects and languages in the diverse groups.
After our visits to the market and memorial we drove a little way out into the country, where a " village" has been created to allow for performances and interactions with several hill tribes, who come down to perform and share a bit of their culture. We had performances from two groups - quite different from each other - and also a cooking demonstration of some of the local foods. Everything was quite tasty, although the taro did take a lot of chewing. There were also fruits, including the best papaya I have ever eaten.
There were also some local craftspeople and items such as this dugout canoe. Lest one think that these are things of the past - we saw lots of men fishing from similar ones in the bay by our ship. I bought a little carved dolphin and Russ got a little turtle from one of the vendors - he was working on another carving in between sales.
We headed back to the ship for a late lunch, and a relaxing afternoon, since we really didn't want to go back out, considering all the warnings. We are hoping for a different experience tomorrow, when we will be in the Conflict Islands, which are privately owned, and away from the mainland. Our weather is also supposed to be better.
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renuked · 2 months
Location, Location, Location - Trench
The Commonwealth is known for many things. Industry, history, beauteous shores, beans... Even after nuclear fire thoroughly bathed the area in its mutative glow, it remains a fascinating landscape. In the intervening decades between 2077 and 2277, survivors have gathered, recuperated, and rebuilt. They marked their legacies upon the wasteland with their settlements, some thriving into towns and cities.
Among the inhabited remnants of the old world, there stand a few pillars upon which the future of the Commonwealth was built. Surrounding these, too, are settlements that maintain the structure and provide for the region. Today, of all these places, we shall be looking at;
In the early days after the war, the Commonwealth was (to be quite frank) a radioactive hellscape. The few who survived managed by staying underground in metro tunnels, sewers, caves, or anywhere shielded from the lingering poison.
Thankfully, as time went on, the radiation lessened and lessened. When people emerged, they had to face a still-harsh new world. Filled with new fauna, flora, and challenges. For many, it was a return to our primitive roots. Hunters and gatherers. Scavengers and survivalists.
It was in 2082, that a nomadic cluster of people came upon the devastation of their old home. A crater blasted into the middle of Cambridge. Despite this harrowing sight, they decided to settle there for a time. Occupying what few buildings still stood around the edge of the pit, assuming they'd scavenge what little was around and then leave.
Again, however, time went on. They found the buildings easy to defend from, whenever a wandering raider or feral ghoul came by. When the rains came, though, the crater would fill... With a little ingenuity, the survivors rigged a collector in the crater (to stock their provisions for their inevitable departure). They found, again, that as water gathered... the soil became enriched enough to sustain small crop gardens. Shelter, food, water... Their needs were being met. Their nomadism came to an end and they firmly planted roots.
Eventually, the draw of this crater brought more survivors. Then more. Soon, they had the lucky break of an engineer joining their burgeoning settlement. They led teams to build shacks and scaffolds and walkways. By the time the Vaults opened in 2102, Trench had become an official settlement.
To an outsider, it looks simply like a crater crowned with a ring of homes -- set in steps like Incan terrace farms -- with small gardens and a central basin. But, in actuality, Trench is a true testament to the strength and will of mankind and their capacity to rebuild, even in the harshest of conditions.
So, this is the first of a series of posts I plan to do. Over time, I'll be making more little snippets like this that focus on one location. I initially thought of having a handful of locations in each post... but that idea quickly burned up, because I'd either have long posts that drag on-and-on, or I'd give very little attention to each individual location so that I can fit all three in.
As such, this is my happy medium. One location per post, with a nice little snippet about the location. Whether that be its story, purpose, or place in the Commonwealth.
Speaking more on the topic at hand, however;
Trench is a prime example of what I want to do with Fallout 4's locations. Originally, the Cambridge Crater was just a spot where you could find some feral ghouls and... not much else. So, I reworked it into something more interesting. In a way, it's similar to Megaton but without the threat of nuclear annihilation in the middle of town. A crater is a good place to establish a settlement. It's defensible, water naturally gathers there, the exposed soil would be good for farming, and it's surrounded by good salvage material.
Of course, I'll address once concern I'm sure will be raised. Radiation. Wouldn't a bomb crater have tons of radiation? Well... it depends. Fallout has had a lot of inconsistencies when it comes to how rads work. How long it lingers, how strong it is, etc. For ReNuked, I'm establishing a baseline, which I'll lay out here (and in a separate post another time) alongside the intention of the baseline;
1 - Radiation loses potency over time - unless it's being replenished.
A good example would be Trench. It was highly irradiated when the bombs dropped and created the pit. However, by the time the settlers found it, the radiation had dissipated. But, if there was a nearby reactor leaking waste into the crater, then it'd still be irradiated for as long as the reactor is leaking into it. This is intended to explain why some areas are highly radioactive, while others aren't.
2 - Radiation lasts longer when absorbed by living cells.
When rads have been absorbed into the cells of something, it becomes self-sustaining. The radioactive cells multiply, mutate, and keep the rads around. This serves to explain why radiation lingers in people, creatures, and so on.
3 - Food is radioactive due to preservatives, while water is irradiated due to debris and exposure.
Pre-War foods are, naturally, radioactive. To be expected when exposed to nuclear blasts. But, why are they still edible after 200 years? Why are they still radioactive? The answer to both (in Renuked) is; Pre-War companies introduced a series of preservatives that kept the food edible for... practically forever. Did it trash their nutritional value? Absolutely. Do the chemicals react with radiation to prolong said radioactivity? You bet your sweet bippy. Are Fancy Lad Snack Cakes the best snack cake on the market? Our marketing department says yes... so yes.
Water, on the other hand, is a trickier horse to handle. In the early days of a nuclear apocalypse, water is a valuable commodity. It's essential to life and becomes a rare sight when society has collapsed. Why does it become rare, however? Well... water itself doesn't become rare. Clean water does. Debris, radioactive dust, radiation waves, etc. all sink into rivers, lakes, oceans, and reservoirs... rendering them clouded with filth and cell-melting rads.
I'm hoping that this baseline will allow me to keep radiation consistent within ReNuked. And, of course, the baseline is not exhaustive. There are likely things I haven't thought of, yet. So, this will evolve over time. But, I digress.
I think that's about everything for Trench. It's not a city like Diamond City or a town like Megaton. It's more of a settlement. They live, they farm, they trade with travelling merchants. You won't find an inn, a store, or a bar. Just people trying to survive and -- maybe with some time and dedication -- thrive.
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libraryofcirclaria · 2 months
Jon Morough
Library of Circlaria
Blog Posts
Scene Written: 23 March 1453
8 June 1374- 16:30
Jon Morough had taken missions where he was not permitted to speak to the passengers or even look at them. He had also done assignments where location names were classified. But never before had he accepted an assignment where both would be the case. This certainly was a first.
"Must be somebody important," he muttered to himself.
As soon as he reached the end of the brightly-lit, white-walled corridor, the door opened for him, blasting him with cool air. He was hoping he had landed somewhere warm, but that was not what shocked him.
"My aircraft," he said to himself through gritted teeth. "That's MY aircraft."
Sure enough, it definitely appeared to be his scram jet, the one he used during the Esurchian War, from which he had earned honorable medals. It was one of the first scram jets produced, and he was one of the first aviators to fly them. He had grown attached to the aircraft. But then he received his honorable discharge, and returned home to the Commonwealth only to struggle to find work to fit his career; the aviator market was in its decline, losing its battle to automation.
So here he was, and there was his aircraft. Except it no longer bore the signature colors and stripes of the Commonwealth. It was in different hands, an unknown foreign party now. Its skin was haphazardly painted over by new colors and symbols with which Jon was unfamiliar.
But no matter. Now was not the time to let his heart sink. He proceeded onto the craft and began making preparations. Inside the cockpit, the marks, nicks, and fingerprints were all in the right places. This WAS his craft.
"Aircraft 616. Position A. Over," said the radio.
"Present, over," replied Jon through his headset.
"Passenger load at the gate and ready to board."
"Initiating." Jon pressed a button to his right side, making a tunnel-port extend from the left side of the jet's hull to meet up with a similar-looking walkway extending from the terminal building. After a few moments, Jon received the command to withdraw the tunnel-ports. A further command was then given to him for take off.
Jon activated the engines and very slowly pushed the ascent lever. The aircraft rose majestically so that the mountainous landscape, looking ominous with its shadows against the setting sun, came into view as the landing pad fell away hundreds of feet below. When they reached a height of 500 feet above the surface, Jon took the yoke and pushed the throttle. He pulled back on the yoke as the plane tipped upward for its ascent.
The mountains fell away, growing smaller as the plane gained altitude. The landscape was lush green with only a few tips of the summits capped with snow. They were North but it was summer.
Jon reached the first waypoint of the flight and set his coordinates for the second waypoint, still to the East if not a few degrees to the slight South of that direction. The big difference was the altitude: from 3000ft to 10000ft. But this was a gentle climb for him. This, combined with the darkening dusk and the falling mountains, which began to look more like a choppy water, made Jon almost feel compelled to break protocol and give a warm commercial pilot's announcement.
Without warning, an explosion shook the aircraft.
Jon gripped his yoke with incredible strength as he struggled to steady the aircraft and sort through the orchestra of blaring alarms. He immediately went into manual control of the aircraft and declared an emergency over the radio.
"Head North-Northwest at 285 degrees," responded the radio. "We will clear all landing pads for you."
"I don't think I will make it," replied Jon. The aircraft may have been relatively steady but it was losing altitude. He looked to his left and saw a fairly big lake in his view. "I'm going in the water," he said. "Activating emergency floats protocol."
With great struggle, he positioned the aircraft to land in the lake. He went through the landing procedures and activated the emergency landing pontoons.
"When you land in the lake," said the radio. "Personally evacuate out the windshield exit and take that raft in that direction. The passengers will take the aft exit; and I forwarded their protocols to them just now. They will be concealed. Do not interfere in their rescue; we will take care of them."
Jon had no time to question these directions at this point. However, in the back of his mind, he thought he could hear through the door one of those in the cabin behind him giving instruction in a certain dialect of Notulfan. It was something he would forget about until many years later.
He was almost to the lake but then the aircraft started to dip a little too fast. He powered the throttles despite the possible danger and barely missed the treetops. Next came a wide grassy knoll extending all the way up to the lake's edge. His pontoon skids scraped against the grass three times before finally the craft splashed into the lake with a big jolt.
As per protocol, Jon opened the windshield exit and boarded the inflatable raft, which automatically made its way North. While moving over the water, he looked back at his craft and saw that half of the cargo hull on the left side had been blown out.
"Contraband!?" he said to himself. "Who in the world was I flying?"
When he made it to the shore on the North side, Jon was met by one of the representatives of the Teal Sky Aviators Agency, his new employer. The representative had flown in on a gyroplane of his own and had reached Jon in a timely fashion.
After a team of medics did a quick check on him at a tent quickly and efficiently set up by the lake, Jon was approached by the first representative.
"Don't bother," Jon said, before the representative could even speak. "I've had my run of the mill with you guys. Take me back to the Commonwealth."
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Masonry Contractors
Brick and stone are durable materials that can stand the test of time. But when they become damaged, it's important to call a masonry contractor for professional repairs. A masonry specialist can repair cracks, replace bricks or blocks, fix mortar and repoint a chimney or wall. They may also build and repair outdoor features like patios, walkways, driveways, or siding or brick walls for homes and businesses.
Masonry contractors work with brick, stone, cinder blocks, and poured concrete to construct and repair structures. Brick masons or mason contractors are skilled at building from individual units that are placed in a mortar base. They're also knowledgeable about the different types of materials that can be used for a project. They can help homeowners and business owners choose the best material for their needs, including tuckpointing and repairing water-damaged brick.
Using masons for your next home improvement project can add value to your property and enhance the appearance of your landscape. These experts can install pavers and create custom patios, walkways and retaining walls. Some of them also specialize in laying stone and installing fireplaces, chimneys and veneer walls. They can help you choose the right color, shape and texture of stones for your home or commercial structure.
Brick repair services are crucial to keeping your house in good condition and avoiding costly structural damage. If you notice cracks, chipping or discoloration in your brickwork, it's time to call a masonry contractor to make sure that the problem isn't serious. The cost of repairing brickwork can vary depending on the size and location of the damage. Some cracks and chips can be repaired by simply replacing the damaged bricks, while others require a full repointing of the affected area.
In addition to brick repair services, masonry contractors can also install new outdoor kitchens and hardscape features for your backyard. This is a great way to add a fun space for entertaining and relaxing in the backyard, as well as increase the value of your home. Whether you want to add a simple BBQ grill or a complete outdoor kitchen with an oven and refrigerator, a Commonwealth Masonry & Paving contractor can help.
The best masonry contractors in Boston have the skills and experience to handle any type of project. They'll be able to provide you with a free estimate and answer any questions that you might have. Some of them even offer a lifetime warranty on their workmanship. This can give you peace of mind knowing that the job will be done correctly and that you'll be able to enjoy it for years to come. If you're thinking of hiring a masonry contractor, start by asking friends and neighbors for recommendations. They'll likely be able to recommend someone that they've worked with in the past. You can also search online for local masonry contractors in your area. Once you find a few pros that meet your requirements, ask them for quotes. Then compare their prices to decide which one will be the best fit for your home.
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Commonwealth Masonry & Paving
Commonwealth Masonry & Paving is a 3rd generation, family owned and operated masonry and paving company serving the Greater Boston area. They have been in business since 1988, providing asphalt paving and design services to their customers. They offer services such as asphalt driveways, patios, walkways, gravel ways, private roads, Belgian blocks, blue stone, French drains and retaining walls. They also offer concrete walkways, block walls, steps and waterproofing. They do not have a website but you can contact them by phone and email.
What are the top technologies used by Commonwealth Masonry & Paving?
Commonwealth Masonry & Paving uses Google Cloud CDN, GitHub and Sentry. Their tech stack is comprised of 15 technologies across 8 categories. You can uncover more employee details by installing and analyzing their tech stack using our tool. Then you can understand how they work and whether they would be a good fit for your company. It only takes 30 seconds to get started! You can also find out more about their hiring process. Check out our LinkedIn profile and you can also Visit our website for more details.
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hamlethouses · 2 years
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Welcome to Sprague Street. Unit B features a newly renovated two bedroom & two bath apartment conveniently located near La Salle University as well as local amenities and public transportation. Modern kitchen and bathroom designs. Well lit walkway with a large yard perfect for BBQ's. Washer and dryer on site. Central Heat & AC. This apartment is a must see. Affordable housing ( Vouchers/Section 8 Only) A license salesperson in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has ownership interest. 5608 Sprague St Unit B Philadelphia PA 19138. 💜🙏🏾 Serving New Jersey and Pennsylvania / referrals for Delaware and Washington DC. Hamlethouses.com. Elite Level Realty. #realestateagent #philadelphia #investor #newyork #newjersey #realtorlife #realestate #realestatelife #invest #cash #Affordable housing #germantown (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkN1ZMtOy35/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iliumheightnights · 3 years
Reset| Paladin Danse x Male Reader
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Fandom: Fallout Pairing: Paladin Danse x Male Reader Summary/ask: Sole Survivor Reader becomes head of the Institute and uses Danse's synth recall code to take control of him and force him to become his pet while he remains fully aware of his actions.
For my dear friend @bigfan-fanfic
WARNINGS: Non-Con actions/brainwashing-ish.
The Commonwealth was a dangerous place. That much was clear. From the raiders in the forest to the Feral Ghouls in the ruined buildings. There was a threat around every corner and you pretty much needed to have a weapon on you at all times if you wanted to survive.
That’s why the brotherhood arrived. To bring law and order to the ‘wild’ Commonwealth. That’s what their propaganda said and that’s what makes the people of the Commonwealth tick. The Brotherhood absolutely LOVED to shove their noses in places they didn’t belong.
Of course, they also had come to deal with something else. The Institute. The ‘great evil’ that was slowly taking over. Of course, the people of the Commonwealth were already afraid of the Institute and their synths. Too afraid that they’d be taken and replaced by them. That fear only helped create a sort of bond between the people and the Brotherhood.
That’s how Danse found himself patrolling the streets of Boston. Or...well...at least how he ended up in Boston. Really he wasn’t patrolling, he was looking for someone. M/n. He had been one of the first people Danse had met in the Commonwealth, and also one of the friendliest. At least compared to the others.
“Oh, where could you be?”
Danse was currently scouting the last known place M/n had been. The Commonwealth Institute of Technology. C.I.T. He had heard stories about this place, a ghost town, people disappearing, monsters. Honestly just with how it looked, he could believe it all.
As he scouted the area, he had a weird feeling. Like he was being watched. He lifted his weapon and before he knew it their was a strange feeling running through him before everything went black.
When Danse came too, he was greeted to the sight of bright, clean, white walls. Way too clean to be in the Commonwealth...right? “Where-where am I?” He said rubbing his head. “You’re safe.” Another voice said. He quickly looked around and he saw it. Or should he say...him.
His friend and confidant...his crush. The man he had been searching for. He was standing there dressed in bright white clothing. He looked freshly clean, like he had showered recently. You could easily tell since being in the Commonwealth clean water was rare and most people just didn’t bathe or shower.
“M/n? You’re here! W-where are we?” Danse said quickly standing up and rushing over to the man.
“Follow me.” M/n said turning and walking back out the door. Danse quickly followed after him, not wanting to lose track of him. He walked through the halls following M/n until they reached a glass walkway. “Welcome to the institute.” M/n said looking at Danse.
Danse was beside himself. “The- the institute!?” He looked around taking everything in. Now the clean sterile halls really made sense. He looked out the glass walkway and truly got a good glimpse of the Institute. The place was huge! The technology looked more advanced than anything he had ever seen before. He then turned back to M/n, shaking himself away from the amazement of everything. “Why are we here? Did they kidnap you?!”
“Kidnap me?” M/n looked confused by that before breaking into a smile and letting out a chuckle. “Oh Danse, you’re so dense. I wasn’t kidnapped by them...at least not this time.”
Danses’ eyes widened at the realization. “You’re the leader of the institute.”
“W-what? But how?” Danses’ expression turned to one of anger. “Have you always been part of them!? Just trying to get close to us? To learn all of the Brotherhood’s secrets and plans?” Danse felt so angry, had he been so blind? He was the one to bring M/n into the brotherhood, who took him to the Prydwen. It was all him.
M/n’s smile didn’t fade but he did shake his head. “No, I haven’t always been the leader. When we first met I hadn’t even been here. I know you’re already beating yourself up over everything, please don’t. Nothing is your fault.” M/n then continued walking, prompting Danse to follow him.
As they continued to walk through the facility, Danse got to see the extent of the institute’s power. They walked by windows that looked into labs, some were creating synths, others were working on plants. “I had stumbled upon the institute when I was scavenging around here. They had brought me in, wanting my help, it ended up with a change of leadership.”
Danse continued to listen to M/n and looked at everything as they went. His anger was still very much there, but it seemed to have subsided to be more of frustration on his part. “So why am I here? Are you trying to get me out of the way?”
M/n actually gained a hurt expression hearing that. Like he hadn’t expected Danse to say something like that. “What? Danse no. You’re one of my closest friends, the man I-” He froze realizing what he was about to say. He sighed deciding to continue it. “-the man I care about.” M/n searched Danse’s eyes to judge his reaction. “I was hoping. Perhaps you’d stay here with me. As the new head of the institute, I can use this technology to make the Commonwealth better for everyone. Safer. I figured it would be something you’d want to be part of.” M/n walked forward and held Danse’s face in his hands. “Please. Stay with me.”
Danse wanted to say yes. To say he’d stay with M/n. That was everything he had ever wanted...but the Institute. He had been trained to fight them his entire life. “M/n-” He removed the other mans hands from his face and stepped back. “I’m sorry. I would have said yes...but I can’t. Not with the Institute.”
M/n’s face dropped at that. “I’m sorry too. 22-47. Factory Reset.” Before Danse knew what was happening, it felt as if his entire body was freezing up. Locking up on himself. He wasn’t sure what was going on. “I’m sorry Danse, But you know too much. I can’t risk you returning to the Prydwen and destroying my plans.”
“Factory reset complete.” Danse said, however, he hadn’t said it of his free will. His lips had moved and the words came out, but Danse himself hadn’t said it. “Synth D7-69, ready for new instructions.” Synth? Did he just say synth? Then it hit Danse. He wasn’t human. He was a synth. The thing he had been trained to hate and fight...and he was one of them.
“Very good. Now...I’m sorry Danse. I wish it hadn’t come to this. But I might as well take advantage of this opportunity. From now on your new designation is to be my good little pet. Will you be a good boy and sit?” M/n said with a smile.
Without even thinking Danse felt and watched his body fall to the ground in a crouching position. “Yes sir. I’ll be a good boy.” Danse was completely out of control of his body, now he was being forced to act like a dog.
M/n smiled and pet the top of Danse’s head, ruffling his hair. “I can tell you’ll be a VERY good boy. Now come along, there is a lot to be done.” WIth that M/n began walking down the hall again, Danse following him once more but this time, on all fours. The Paladin had tried everything he had to fight back against his own body...but lost with each attempt.
Danse wasn’t going to give up anytime soon though.
Months later, the Commonwealth had been changed so drastically. The water had been cleaned, the forests were being replanted. Buildings and settlements were getting more developed and defended. Overall life was just getting better and better. And the reason for all of that was because of the Institute and it’s new leader, M/n. And by M/n’s side was his loyal pet, Danse.
Over the past for Months, Danse had tried his best to fight against what M/n had done...but failed. Eventually he had just given in to the orders and commands. He hates saying it...but he was starting to enjoy it just a bit. He had begged, rolled over, been petted, went on walks. Everything a good dog did, he did.
Danse had went from Paladin...to a good boy.
At least he was still with M/n. That was the best part.
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wozibear1978 · 2 months
Written about 3 months ago on instagram:-
Proof that they hack off ny whatsapp back ups by inpersonating my iph5s and by hacking directly in through my iph5s. They keep raping my internet connection which is the 3rd router box in 7 yrs as per set up (Cudy by Dasan). They raped my Bandsintown app which was left on my apple cloud this afternoon as per their 7 yr long stategy of gaslighting/destabilizing through massive trauma affliction. Internal app safari and normal safari with apple cloyd are probably the 2 nd most unsecure and dangerous places in the world to that of my “death trap/ mini treblinka” of a bedroom. They raped through google maps & facebook & amazon this afternoon and boasted that theve now stolen all of my “frequbncy budgets” ibcluding my Tesco bank account. This crime & terror syndicate is responsible for the cyber attacks on Virgin Active (cape town) and Tescos last 2 yrs facilitated theft of my health contracts and bank accs. More perpetrators names:- Dean Meintjies,?Natasha Sams, Murat, Toweel Brothers, Quenton Chong, Tony Adams, jonothans wellbeck & atherton, jannie stegman, Derrick, roger foley, neil schoeman, erol mann, mildred, eleanor, kevin, trevor, andre & evelyn solomons, richard truro, chad.
Allan s threatened and abused me emotiobally again this eve to force to sleep on the street or handcuffed by police to mental hospital (done to me for 3 months late 2021 where crimbsyndicate members stole my MTN sim card off my semi naked unconscious body at somesertbhospital A&E after they injected me with ant-trlepathy /psychothics in that grotesque SA gov grade hospital. If i dare contest or contradict allannserchuk or try bring up the truth with basic facts of the past 7 yrs, he threatens me with hospitalising and always institutionalising. Isnt that the mark of a guilty and utterly self centred man? Slavery has been mainly based on financial & social terrorism. Alan S knows full well im super set up and hacked given the role he has played. Even his TV repairman mebtioned to me of my Amazon enplotment contracts in the UK. Alan S IT repairman for Citiprop CC is Michael, stange that michael was in the flat next door to my lgf bedroom in Biko house, Hanspread Village july 2016 during the covert hypnosis into mental (voices trabscended through the walls) then synthetic telepathic and vocal abilities (internet, musical and mesmeric hypnosis). Michael (said he was AA and mate) chased me out of my flat to a hotel off Fincgley Rd. Aim was to “break me down”, Evelyn was in the flat above me. I remember hearing Tony Adams pn the lutton terrace walkway one avie telling them to stop hurting me so much (2016). My brainwaves seened to connect with council frequencie and i remember hearing 2nd party conversations when indrove into different boroughs in London, change of accents especially).so Allan S has 2 enployees in his CLose Corporation and has never in 15 yrs had an IT repairman. Coinxidence? My primary google co. Is called citiprop real estate which these criminals purposefully duplicated to allan s conpany address in vredehoek tactic was to hack over my frequency network (6 yrs ago) at thr start of camouflaging me. I found 2 Citiprop Real Estates in Singapore which i reckon could be fronts fot stolen money laundrring operations. Noticed that MTN yello cam app was regustrred in Singapore (off my special licenses remember my primary app store is still in the UK where i was meant to be past 7 yrs yet inpersonated there primarily & then globally. Criminal ploy as all are still in the commonwealth should anyone raise an eyebrow. I have litrrally proven absolutely everything that this syndicate has done to me having reported almost daily and nightly trying to be heard on my vocal & telepathic to radio fqy channels. They have had 10-12 of my own radio fqs on me to distort my vocals and inflict massive pain via hyper acusis. They essentially highjacked my life contrcats licenses then attacked me on my very own platforms utilised my own working budgets to purchase the gangstalking equipment to traumatize and terrorize me with. Microsoft insider portal on my HP laptop linked with VR /synthetic telepathy headsets microphones, xbox via you tube and used holograms all linked directly to my brain and body which is the epicentre of my fqy network that they never insured me against in the huge indembity fraud projects. My telepathic brain and vocal chords were not insured agajnst my portfolio of assets so real estate, health, insurance, marketing portfolios & licenses contracts. Of course they used fraudster murderous imperonators of the “original angel” warren esser serchuk
0 notes
How the Companion’s Unwind With Sole
Request: “Hey! How do you think the companions would unwind after a long day traveling/scavenging/working with the Sole Survivor?”
CW/TW: None
Note: I made this a mix of long-term friendship and mutual, undiscussed crushing. I.e. extremely comfortable with each other, but not technically together (since it wasn’t specified.) I hope that’s okay!
Cait’s a big fan of napping as a form of bonding. After a long day, Sole and Cait can be found tangled together, sprawled across something. They usually drop wherever their energy runs out; sometimes this means they make it to the couch, or sometimes they’re on the floor using their jackets as a blanket. If it’s extremely hot, the repaired tub comes in handy. They fill it with water and end up passed out together in the tub, wearing the Commonwealth equivalent of a bathing suit. No one wants to wake them up if needed; they’re scary when they’re not allowed to get their full nap in.
Initially, she struggles quite a bit with the concept of unwinding at the end of the day. At first the only time she stops and relaxes is if she physically can’t move due to exhaustion. Eventually, Sole learns to get her to relax with them by giving her little, semi-productive tasks (in the vein of hobbies); sewing, if her fingers are up for it, drawings (Sole swears there’s a scientific reason for needing her drawings), etc. It takes a while to get Curie into the swing of actually unwinding at the end of the day.
Danse never really allows himself to do nothing. At the end of a long day, he and Sole eat together in the cafeteria in silence; Danse enjoys intellectual discussion with them and their tales of the Wasteland, but both of them are too tired to speak, and he values comfortable silence even more. Once they’ve recharged a little they head either to the workshop or his quarters and work on their armor or weapons in that reassuring silence. If they’ve been “friends” long enough, Sole will lean their back against him while they work. Danse finds the weight that reminds him of their presence reassuring.
Sole and Deacon can be found inconveniencing literally everyone in the Railroad. They often lay in the middle of the main walkways of the Railroad HQ, Deacon’s feet propped up on someone’s chair, Sole upside down in someone else's. Sometimes Deacon’s reading, sometimes Sole’s loudly reciting old Pre-War tales. If Deacon has enough energy he’s loudly singing along to the Diamond City radio or telling stories in accents that have Sole crying with laughter. Eventually, they both fall asleep in the most awkward of positions, and the other members of the Railroad are forced to step over/around them. Desdemona has wheeled Sole, asleep, upside down in their chair, to the corner of the HQ so they were less inconvenient before. Sole stayed asleep.
Gage kicks his feet up on the top of the Grille and is probably smoking or drinking. Another companion that enjoys mutual silence, he doesn’t mind when Sole joins him on the couch and curls up with their head against his shoulder or on his thigh. They simply watch the clouds drift by and the day turn to night. The ultimate luxury is to waste time, and it’s rare that they get to have that.
Back in Haylen’s quarters, she and Sole are tangled together quite lazily. Sole’s propped up on a borrowed pillow, doing what they please, either reading or messing with their Pip-Boy. Haylen’s leaned quite crookedly, her legs swung over Sole’s lap, their hand on her shin, reading. Eventually, Sole falls asleep and Haylen brings the blanket up to cover them. Once she feels sleep taking hold of her, too, she crawls under the blanket and curls up, close to Sole, but not touching.
As stereotypical and predictable as it may be, they’re either at the Third Rail drinking and dancing if they have the energy, their laughter filling the room, or in his room. Hancock’s higher than a kite, stunned into silence, listening to Sole’s voice spin tales he couldn’t imagine, post or pre-war. They’re joined at the hip, Sole’s head on his chest or vice versa. Physical affection isn’t unusual for them at that point, so they look more like a couple than any of the other companions and Sole would.
MacCready prefers to enjoy his comic books at the end of a long day. He doesn’t care where he ends up or how Sole folds into him, he’s lost in the stories he’s reading. Sole often comes up to him when he’s reading and just curls into his side. He lifts his arm for them to tuck into him without a word and continues his comic while they drift off to sleep.
If Sole’s not drained by the end of the day, he takes them out to eat. 99% of the time they’re too busy to do anything but eat whatever they have in the Agency on the go/while they’re working, so getting them Power Noodles or eating elsewhere is a gesture of time off and becomes synonymous with a nonverbal, “Good job.” They make it a rule not to talk about work during those moments, so instead they enjoy some banter and good conversation. At the end of the day, when they’re back at the Agency, Nick refuses to let them return to work.
Most of the time she makes sure to schedule the next day off for them and lets them do what they want. She’s more than willing to follow whatever they have planned, whether it’s travelling somewhere (locally), or just taking a nap and only waking to eat. She’s exhausted too, and not having to make a decision is work off her plate. 
Preston is another companion who has to be taught how to relax. Sole gives him tasks like helping them cook or “keep an eye on Dogmeat. No, sit down on the couch, I promise it’s the best position to watch him.” in order to get him to stop working himself to the bone. He catches on after the first couple of times, but plays along. He thinks it’s extremely sweet that they’d go through the trouble and also finds humor in them having to come up with excuses and “tasks.” Eventually, though, even if they both try to stay awake to talk to each other, they fall asleep sitting up on the couch together, slumped together.
X6-88 (Post-Institute):
X6-88 has a complex about proving himself useful, especially after the Institute, so convincing him to relax is a long process. Eventually, Sole wins him over by explaining that, scientifically, it helps your body recharge and makes you more productive, even if it doesn’t seem like it. After a long day, weather permitting, they lay in the back fields of Sanctuary and look at the stars. Sometimes they talk, sometimes they don’t. Eventually, X6-88 lays with his head resting on their chest and falls asleep listening to Sole’s heartbeat, the cool breeze washing away the stress of the day.
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sapphiics · 4 years
Didn’t we almost have it
a/n: I heavily suggest listening to Dammit by Jana Kramer while reading this, it is where I got the entire plot from.
dt: to my dear @morcias because who else just loves morcia so much. plus I asked her a million questions to help me figure out details for this.
word count: 3k
content warning: it’s angsty(?) and quite sad but with a very happy ending.
God did Penelope hate driving through Illinois.
The only reason she was coming back was for the bridal shower of a girlfriend from college, otherwise she would’ve stayed in California, where she was at least a good thousand miles away from this place.
All it did was make her nostalgic, almost painfully so. The entire state serving as a physical reminder of her old life. One she had not a chance in hell of getting back.
The urge to race her car to the nearest ‘Leaving Illinois’ sign coming over her yet again, Penelope makes a right turn onto Commonwealth avenue. Christina’s house was only five minutes from where she was.
It was the walkway that first drew her eye. A stone path, small flowers lining it. She could almost hear his heavy footsteps getting louder as he jogs to greet her, meeting Penelope in the middle with a chaste kiss as she hauls grocery bags under her arms, enough food for four. 
As she nears closer, her eyes travel up the length of the two-story building, it’s utter perfectness painfully pressing into her like a stab to the gut. It took every ounce of restraint that she possessed not to slam the brakes and just gawk at the vision in front of her.
That was the house.
The dream house. The one the two of them fantasized about back in college. Penelope can practically see the late nights they spent in her dorm, cramped together on her twin bed, their fingers intertwined. His free hand running over her head, pushing her hair back behind her ear and tilting her into his shoulder. Hushed planning of their happily ever after. She can hear his voice whispering in her ear, about how they would have two perfect daughters. He would be a FBI agent, and she would work for a nonprofit organization. He’d cook, she’d clean, he would take care of the lawn, she’d do the laundry.
That was the plan. Their own special, simple, linear plan.
Until real life happened, essentially taking those plans and throwing it off a cliff. That’s all it was now, a pretty daydream to keep Penelope from having to accept the fact that nothing in her life is going like she hoped, and she’s probably going to end up alone.
None of that stopped her from turning into the lot of the house, the door slightly cracked open. A large ‘For Sale’ sign hung on it. 
Giving her the perfect opportunity to see what she could’ve had. To spend a few fleeting moments dreaming of the life she would’ve had with him.
Finally found that dream house, and yet the dream guy was long gone.
Her hands shakier than she would’ve liked, Penelope slowly steps out of her car, the two story home everything she ever envisioned.
The path up to the house was lined with daffodils, she could see as she passed them. The front door was a smooth dark brown. Solid wood, contrasting with the otherwise creme exterior of the house.
That would’ve been his touch. He always liked that building and renovating stuff, she could almost hear him begging her to let him remodel the place. To really ‘make it their home.’
The entrance didn’t nothing to deter her, the arching ceilings and oak floors straight out of her most vivid dreams. The arches reminded her of college. Charles Deering Memorial Library, to be specific. She had always liked the gothic architecture, and even he could admit that the towering building’s medieval influence was well executed. And that chill day in March, the ninth, to be exact, when they first met. She was working there part-time, and he needed something from the football archives.
It was his smile that drew her in, his eyes drawn up real small as he flashed her two rows of perfect teeth. 
What she would give for one of those smiles right about now.
An embarrassingly loud gasp left her mouth as she walked in further. Ahead of her were a pair of large black couches, perpendicular to each other. A grand fireplace in front of them, an open space perfect for a nice big flat screen.
Hockey. That’s what would be playing. He was huge on the sport, and her mind drifted to an image of the two of them sitting on the couch. Him in a worn out jersey and his lucky socks, her in his beat leather jacket, feet propped up in his lap. She has headphones and her knitting, he has a beer she steals sips of and has a loose grip on her ankle, his fingers pressing against the small tattoo she got the day she turned eighteen. Just like old times.
Without even glimpsing at the side door that led to the kitchen, Penelope could already visualize him sitting on the counter. A soft white tee and some sweatpants, strumming on her ukulele and singing some old 90s ballad off key while she chopped vegetables. Later that night, after their girls went to bed, the two of them dancing together to her parents’ old record player. An old Bee Gees song softly in the background as they sway.
Her mind racing, she’s already thinking of summer barbecues. Her and JJ drinking margaritas in the shade, their children’s laughter bringing a grin to her face. Him talking it up with Rossi about god knows what as he mans the grill. The sun setting as he takes a seat next to her, tugging her into his side and placing a small kiss on the side of her head.
The overwhelming realization that Penelope is never going to get that future, never going to have the future she so desperately wanted with him, hit her harder than ever in that moment.
And next thing she knows she can feel tears running down her cheeks. Alone, in the middle of an open house in the one state, the one city she vowed to never return to, and she’s sobbing like a baby.
“Well Hello Miss!” ,a kind old woman steps out, shocking Penelope back to reality, “You here for the house?”
 “Yes,“ she says softly, hastily wiping at her face,  “Yes I am. Just a quick look around.” Her hands swipe at her dress, trying to regain even a semblance of composure, “You have a beautiful home.”
The woman casts her a sympathetic smile,
“Thank you. Me and Sarah have lived here for over forty years. We raised our five children in these very walls,” the lady beams, a smile coming over her face as she looks around the room, 
“We figured that with them all gone and us not getting any younger, we could downsize just a bit.”
Penelope let out a polite laugh, but stayed silent otherwise.
“You stay for as long as you like! My name’s Carolyn by the way. Let me know if you need anything!”
“Penelope, and thank you,” she smiles at her, Carolyn returning to the back of the house.
Penelope’s eyes catch onto the grand staircase, passing over the perfect crème walls and carpet flooring.
Her feet moved towards it, the view before her so accurate to her vision that it was like somebody reached into her brain and pulled out the design themselves. She needed to have this place.
Right before she can take a step on the stairs, she sees Carolyn return, a dimmed smile on her face.
“I’d like to buy the house,” Penelope states confidently. She couldn’t possibly leave here without having it.
It didn’t matter that she lived across the country, with decent enough friends and a steady job. This was the house, and if she had the chance to get at least one part of the dream, she damn sure was going to take the opportunity.
Carolyn winces, a regretful look on her face. “I’m so sorry Penelope, we just had somebody place an offer for it.”
“Oh,” Penelope’s eyes widen slightly, and she can feel the tears pushing their way to the surface. For just a second, she let herself get entranced by the home, and it hurt more than she was willing to admit that she couldn’t have it.
“Are you looking for a similar house ? There’s one just in Fullerton Road, and I believe it is on sale.”
“No I… I just got caught up,” Penelope waves her hand around the side of her head, her cheeks turning red, “It’s okay, an amazing family deserves this home.”
“Actually, the young man who purchased the place is with Sarah in the back right now. He’s already thinking of renovating the place.”
“Sounds great,” Penelope mused, wanting to be anywhere but here. At least a loving family is getting this house. She just hoped they were as happy as she once imagined she would be.
“Here they are,“  Carolyn announces, adding to Penelope’s discomfort. She had to leave, and fast. The last thing she wanted to see was the happy husband who bought this place to catch her, essentially a random stranger, crying in his kitchen.
“Is your family nearby? Why didn’t they come?” A woman, Penelope could only assume was Sarah, Carolyn’s wife, was talking to the new owner of the house. Penelope stiffened, the awkwardness of the situation palpable.
A deep laugh comes from the other person, and she could hear the two people approaching. “Nope, I’m a single man.”
“What the hell did you need such a big house for then?” Sarah quips.
“Just,” the guy takes a resigned breath, “Just wishful thinking I guess.“
Penelope could hear her heartbeats, the sound thrumming loudly in her ears. She shut her eyes, squeezing them to the point of something akin to pain. This couldn’t be happening. This could just be a terrible dream, and when she opened them, she would be waking up in her apartment. Back home, where she was away from her old life here. Safely away from the love of her life, whose voice she just heard for the first time in five years.
“Sarah, this is Penelope. She just stopped by to look at the house.”
Penelope reluctantly turns, peeling her eyes open. To her disappointment, she was still standing in the swept sold house. Still back in her college town.
Still right in front of her ex-fiancé, one she’s just as irrevocably in love with as she was the day he proposed.
“Derek,” she lets out quietly, drinking in everything about him. He’s only gotten better-looking, and Penelope has always been attracted to him.
It was his face, his eyes to be specific, that captured her in this moment.
Because instead of the resentment and anger she had expected, she had deserved, all that was there was a small shimmer of hope. A sliver of hope that she almost cried tears of relief at seeing. Hope she had given up on ever having until she saw it in his face. The same look reflected in her own eyes.
His voice usually stern, she can hear the small waver in his tone. Like he’s just as affected by her as she is him.
Even after all these years, she can’t help but melt when it comes to Derek. It was like her innermost self just knew him, recognized that he, no matter how far apart they were, was always going to have a part of her heart. A power over her that she would never give to any other person.
Yet looking into Derek’s eyes, the only man to ever capture her heart, Penelope could’ve sworn he was feeling the same way she did.
“So, um, we’ll just leave you two for now,”  Carolyn’s eyes clearly wide as she drags her wife outside of the kitchen, leaving the pair alone together.
Derek walks a couple steps closer to her, the smell of nice cologne wafting to her nose as he moves near.
He opened his mouth, almost as if he were about to start speaking, but Penelope catches his small sigh and the twitch of his hands.
They were so close, closer than they had been in years, yet that short distance felt wider than the thousands of miles she had made sure to have between them for the past half a decade.
The lack of touch. That’s what was halting them.
They were always touching one another. It was an unspoken language, just for the two of them to understand. 
To be so close yet not touching, it felt so inorganic to Penelope, so abnormal.
Penelope looks just a little off to the right of him, his presence too overwhelming. He was examining her, and the quiet was anxious.
“Why didn’t you take the ring?” Derek spits out, his low voice subdued by the hurt she could just hear in his voice. “ I could handle how you left, no note or calls. But you left me your ring Penelope.”
She thought she was prepared for this, the anger he would have for her. But hearing the words in real time, from Derek himself, made her stomach turn. A ball of nausea tossed in her stomach, Derek’s pain something that never failed to physically wound Penelope.
“Derek...,” her heart breaking at how much she affected him.
“Did I,” he pauses, sucking in a shallow breath, “Did we mean that little to you?”
“No.” She locks onto his eyes at that, holding his stare. “You- us, that was everything to me.” A fierceness was in her voice that shocked her, and at the look of his slightly widened stare, she wasn’t the only one. The idea that Derek for a second could fathom the idea that he wasn’t the love of her life, her soulmate, was a stake to the heart.
“Was it marriage? Was it not wanting to be married? Because you could’ve told me.”
Surprising her own self, she moves in a half-step, her hands enclosing one of Derek’s clenched ones. Her fingers act on instinct, sliding through his, rubbing her thumb on the back of his index finger. Five years and his fingers still naturally close around hers .
Her teeth firmly sunk into the flesh on the back of her lip, she peers up at Derek, his expression unreadable. He was always better at the reading people thing, it was like second nature to him.
“I promise you, Derek Morgan, there is nothing I have ever wanted more than to marry you.”
Feeling his hand tighten around hers, glancing up to see his brows pulling together, she pushes on, needing to express to him her every feeling. “ You didn’t deserve what I did, and there hasn’t been a day that’s gone by when I didn’t feel like the luckiest person in the world to have such an amazing guy.”
“ I am so,” words that she’s been practicing for years suddenly getting clogged in her throat, making every word come out like a croak, “ so sorry for ever hurting you.”
Tears burning behind her eyes, nothing stuns her more than when Derek cups her face, his large palm enclosing her cheek as he runs his fingers lightly through her hair. 
“Is it the house?”
Taken aback, Penelope jolts her head upward. “What?”
His hand now on her shoulder, he turns her to the right, giving her a wider view of the home.
“Is it the right house?”
“It’s the perfect house.” Her voice trailing off at the end.
She faces Derek, his lips pressed together like he’s trying not to say something.
“We could- we could still have it.” His eyes looking at their hands, in a way that was so unlike him, Penelope didn’t dare try to assume anything about what his words meant.
“Have what?” her attempt to keep her voice even failing miserably. Averting his stare, her eyes land on his neck, where a thin gold chain rests.
A chain that had something that looked dangerously similar to a ring hidden under his shirt.
He looks to where she’s staring, a bald-faced look on her face, and his fingers pull out the necklace to reveal a gold wedding band. The one she bought for him, with the special engraving on the inside.
Through the tears rapidly coming to her eyes, she could see Derek’s face. And the vulnerability and love that shined from him to her 
Because he kept it. Even in his clear anger and hurt, the heartbreak she put him in, he kept her ring. 
“The plan.” Derek reaches behind his neck, his fingers reaching to the clasp of the necklace. “The big wedding, the two girls,” He slides the ring off of the chain, twirling it round in his hand. “Our dream.” He finally places the ring in her hands, gently closing her fingers around it.
Her mouth falling slightly open, Penelope slowly blinks three times. The words that just came out of his mouth so unbelievable that her brain was taking some time to catch up. She pulls her lip sideways into her mouth, too nervous to say anything.
His hands come up on each side of her face, a tender clasp that lets him turn her head up towards him.
“I never gave up on you, on us.” He lets out a sad laugh, “ Hell, I’m here about to buy a house just to try and get a piece of that dream.”
Penelope bobs her head slightly back, the shock of what’s happening still getting to her. “You really still want it?”
And Derek, bless his sweet soul, just looks at her with a small smile resting on his lips. “There is nothing, absolutely nothing babygirl,” the sound of his old nickname for her better than anything she’s heard the last few years, “that I want more than to be with you for the rest of my life.”
A matching smile coming to her mouth, she brings Derek’s left hand down to her own, and slides the wedding band on to his ring finger.
A soft cry breaks from her lips, and she feels nothing other than pure joy when he leans down, taking her lips in a sweet kiss.
Maybe, just maybe, they can have it after all.
taglist: @alexandrablake @lavenderbau @suburban--gothic @altsvu @rem-ariiana @vhsrights @spelleaway @willlemonheadsupremacy @ssaevie @literatekayla @criminalswifts @hotchshoney @moreidsdaughter @reidtheprettyboy
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Companions and their favourite cold weather activities:
(As a person who used to live in a super snowy climate now living in Louisiana, there is only one thing I have to say on this day as I break out snow shovels that haven't been used in years: "how the fuck are you here?"  Anyways- enjoy! And for those of you who are in a place that's buried in snow- stay warm!)
No. Cold weather is a no go.
As childish as it sounds, Curie loves catching snowflakes on her tongue. She's aware that it's merely water, but something is so beautifully engaging about the activity. She's never been able to experience what the snow tastes and feels like, at least not until now.
Snow and power armour don't really mix well. However, Danse is strangely okay with it. It may be simple, but Danse really enjoys taking a walk and observing the rare winter anomaly. Bonus points if he has someone to talk to.
Surprisingly normal..He just likes assembling snowmen and dressing them up.
Hon, he is hairless. If, and only if, you decide to bring him out- best make sure you bundle him up. I'm talking full walking marshmallow. He won't enjoy that too much...
Get a trash can lid and push him down a hill and he'll call it a good day.
It could be because he didn't have much of a childhood- but if Arthur were to be honest..he'd love nothing more than to build a snow fort.
Umm..sorry kiddo, synths weren't too advanced when he was built- plus the whole exposed servos and circuits thing won't bode well with snow and ice. He likes staying inside.
Old Longfellow:
He's old, the snow and cold weather hurts his joints- but that isn't to say he doesn't enjoy it nonetheless! Ice fishing is always a good way to pass time while things melt.
Might be a little unexpected..but she likes building snowmen with her little sister.
Oh boy, Preston by far prefers starting a nice fire and relaxing. Isn't really a cold weather centered activity but it's something..
He isn't too fond of the snow, actually. However it's a rarity in the commonwealth so he won't completely shun it. With that being said, his favorite activity is salting walkways so he can get back to work...well, as much work can be done at least.
Engage death in the form of snowball to the face. Snowball fights are by far a personal favourite of his- especially if he can sneak attack people. You know that one scene from Elf where Buddy goes absolute ham on those kids? That's X6.
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