hugs-are-good-for-you · 11 months
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"All I will say is that I'm sorry for this next one."
Exsqueeze me?
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ainawgsd · 1 year
My dude, you are a white CIS man living in the bible belt. Why do you think the FIRST thing someone needs to know about you when looking at your Facebook page is that you are Christian? Like, that's the default assumption.
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thefringespod · 2 months
Happy #AudioDramaSunday wanderers! Starting things off with the return of @tellnotalespod which caused me intense emotional distress :D Listen Leanne I just wanna talk-- Tell No Tales continues to astound and delight and make me cry
@woebegonepod had the return of my beloved Helen Hartley (aka @totcoc0a)! Tot broke my heart!! I love the story that's being built with this season I'm also *so nervous* about the story being built by this season. Whatever happens, it's gonna be amazing
@thecellarletters continues to grip it's claws on my life. I got through episode 23 this week and I have. ConcernsTM. Where did Steve go, Jamie? What happened to my boy Steve? I'm sure I'll find out but until then I'll be vibrating in fear.
I relistened to the @goblinspod pilot and gods yall I really need more of this show so if you could check out their crowdfunder that would be great it's such a good concept and I've missed the Brothers Meredith and their shenanigans so much
My dear friend @louis-dc has just announced his next project: Media Microscope!! You should give their socials a follow because gods it's gonna be such a fun time and there will be many familiar voices as commentators on the show :D
Here on the Fringes I'm continuing the vocal cuts! I love what my cast has done with these characters and I think yall will too
And over on @forgedbondspod postcards for crowdfunder backers are on their way to me! And the cast continues their incredible work with recordings. I'm vibrating yall.
That's all for this week! @doyoucopypod comes back tomorrow so expect me to be unwell about that
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kittenintheden · 1 month
ConcernsTM about these sun-dappled wetlands
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giving this hag the good ol' squint treatment
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I s2g I'll get better at screenshotting probably
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kissingagrumpygiant · 2 years
hi, sorry to ask you about this so out of left field, but did the CR cast ever openly admit that they rushed the CR2 ending? i'm giving it a go again after it not sticking the first time around, but i know about storylines i'm already not gonna like, and i keep reading about how disappointed ppl are by the ending and a lot of the arcs, and how narratively unfulfilling a lot of the stuff is so like... i have ConcernsTM lmao
Why would they ever openly admit that....
Idk why they went about those last 50 eps the way that they did, idk what changed or if they were tired of the campaign or if they wanted to focus on other projects or if this is genuinely them at their best ... and we'll never know because why would they address that?
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Emma, my darling! For your sleepover, how about some FMK (fuck marry kiss because let’s not get violent after a long week yeah??)
With that in mind…
Frankie, Din, Dieter
Yeah yeah, it's all Emma my darling and then you AtTACK ME LIKE THIS?
RUDE, JAZZ. Shockingly rude.
😘 ily
Fuck. Alright. I can do this. I think. Ummmmm.....
Fuck - Dieter. I just... One weekend. That's also I want! One long, sweaty, stoned weekend with that man. If it didn't fix me, it would at least wear me out so I'd get some good sleep - and you know that man is a cuddler. I also think we could part ways and still be friends.
Marry - Din. Who is surprised here? I like 'em loyal. And considerate. And competent as all hell. The Mando'a and gloves and binders and weapons and big grown eyes are all just bonuses.
Kiss - Frankie, my sweet and troubled man! I love him but as for being his partner... I'm going with canon here but as much as I love him, IRL I would have ConcernsTM.
Thanks babe 💜
✨Sleepover Friday✨
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
Sentibubbler endcard thoughts
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I've been staring at the Sentibubbler endcard for a bit, and I have a couple of concernsTM (although it might be a good thing in the end).
One thing I find kind of weird is that even though Chat was kind of a big part of this episode, he's not there. We clearly see the connivence of Ladybug and Rena Rouge, they're standing in a way that shows they have each other's back, and it's normal that they would take up quite a bit of space on the card, since the main premice of the episode is that Marinette is concerned about her decision to give Alya her Miraculous full time, but Chat was still so present.
He's was in Marinette's nightmare.
He took action on his destructive instinct (which wasn't seen by anyone that we know of, but still).
Marinette came to talk to him while she was in her Bubble.
He was in a Bubble too.
He told her she should do what she's gotta do around the end, and LB gave him one of those affectionate, kind of whistful looks when he left.
He was there. He helped (or did the best he could with the info he got).
And yet, nothing. Not even a small icon, like one of the things they've been doing where they put him in a corner or separated him from the rest of the people in the card or something.
It's kind of a recurring theme this season to leave him out, and I don't like it (because I'm afraid of what's going to happen, not because it's badly written).
Next, DJWifi: so everyone's around the table, it's a big family gathering, just like in Marinette's nightmare, except everything seems to be alright. Key word - seems. Because this is very obviously one of the seeds of the DJWifi fallout we'll see in Rocketear; if you look at everyone around the table, you can see that everybody's looking at Otis, who's telling a story, except for Alya, who's looking at Nino. It clashes with what we usually see for them, i.e. a little Bubble of love and affection. These two kids were almost always looking at each other before, and yet now their gazes aren't synchronised.
Alya looks at Nino when he's not looking; there's clear affection in her eyes, but he doesn't see it, which contributes to him feeling left out, adding to the fact that it's the second episode in a row where Nino was locked out from the shenanigans. Alya still loves her boyfriend, but her helping Marinette is taking over her relationship, and knowing that the people involved are kids, it's absolutely normal that the space that's digging itself between Alya and Nino would cause anxiety in at least one of the two parties involved.
So basically what we can draw from this is that Adrien/Chat and Nino are sidelined, but I feel like even though Alya and Marinette obviously do play a role in this, they're not doing it on purpose, and the strength of the isolation/frustration feelings both boys are showing stem more from circumstancial factors (Adrien being isolated anyway, Nino kind of being in the same boat since he can't talk to Adrien, and Alya and Marinette are scheming together...).
Here's hoping that on top of the DJWifi reconciliation that's been teased in the Rocketear leaks, we'll get a bit more Adrino bonding over feeling left out as well!
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mandareeboo · 6 years
Adventure Time AU where Minerva is the one that unintentionally leaves the island with Finn instead of Martin, so we have a overprotective mom trying to protect her baby boy from the dangers of Ooo. It would be fun to see her interact with the inhabitants like PB, Marceline, Joshua and Margaret.
Awww!! And if it goes by the show, Minerva somehow got herself in crystal for a bit (probably a misunderstanding) so when she gets out she’s got a wild adventuring son whose pledged his life to a living wad of gum and She’s Got ConcernsTM.
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weaselsmuses-aa · 4 years
most ppl would have some concernsTM about kyanites music choices.
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