#Congratulations buddy
respectthepetty · 2 years
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The face you make when you notice your friend is down, so you ask what is wrong only for him to pop out with this gem of information while you are still struggling to even kiss your crush.
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Cool. Cool, cool, cool.
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z13lovebot · 12 days
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Go fish
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kitorin · 1 year
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"oh please everyone has gay thoughts sometimes" so what i'm hearing is that heteronormativity is so ingrained that a significant percentage of the population regularly experiences bisexual attraction? but dismisses it as something that all straight people experience? this is so concerning are you guys okay
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thatbuddie · 10 days
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it happened!!!!!! the buddie tag on ao3 has reached 30k fics <333
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hellsitegenetics · 6 months
Hello hellsitegenetics! I gotta tell you, you are my favourite blog in this digital jungle and your work really brings a smile to my face (: it's very cool, keep it up! Every time I see the phrase "string identified" i imagine a robot voice saying that (as a lead up to an output) which makes it very funny when it appears in a reblog - just wanted to tell you that. Anyways, I actually have a real question for you: What's your favourite "string identified" so far?
Greetings from a biology nerd!
String identified: tgtc! gtta t , a at g t gta g a a g a t ac (: t' c, t ! t t a "tg t" ag a t c ag tat (a a a t a tt) c a t t aa a g - t at t t tat. Aa, acta a a a t : at' at "tg t" a?
Gtg a g !
Closest match: Neoneuromus ignobilis isolate Gutianshan chromosome 5 Common name: Dobsonfly
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(image source)
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itsdefinitely · 2 months
could you pretty please perhaps draw Richie x Jason 🙏🙏💗
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kyle put him up to this
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strawberryspence · 6 months
"i got out of "i went in the
the ocean for you." ocean for you."
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fleurywiththesave · 9 days
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I’ve done a lot of things I’m proud of, but my pinpoint prediction of Brady Tkachuk’s baby’s name just shot to the top of the list
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homoeroticgrappling · 3 months
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@rhearipley_wwe Till death. 🖤
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orange behavior
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hawaiianlove808 · 7 months
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Congratulations to the Cast & Crew for 100 amazing episodes of 9-1-1 🎊👏🎊👏🎊
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jackwhiteprophetic · 1 month
Made this for my brother @kohgd WHO JUST SMASHED HIS EXAM RESULTS YAYYYY
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kottkrig · 9 months
To Embrace The Shadow: Faith
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In Mother Lucretia's absence, her oldest disciple dons the mantle of leadership, but he can only see so far ahead of him when he is thrown into the Shadow alone. He isn't ready, and everybody knows it.
World of Warcraft | Original Characters
Light Angst | Found Family
With the chief position unexpectedly made empty, Brother Cletus was the default substitute to represent his sector. Their teacher’s responsibilities were significant, and while he wasn’t yet level with her prestige, Cletus prided himself on being Mother Lucretia’s most promising disciple. He knew that she expected to see him stepping forward first when she proposed anything, and he triumphantly followed her word. Cletus was her star student, her prodigy and pride, the most dashing and charismatic man in Deathknell–... no, in all of Lordaeron! Oh, how he loved to impress everyone with his silky voice. When he sang, it was for the glory of the Shadow! This time was different. He felt no desire to gloat in his position. It wasn’t something he had earned, and there was no ceremony to celebrate him. He was a temporary solution, her fervent sycophant who had stood behind her for years, from where he couldn't see the full extent of her plans. He just followed, and longed for the day when he would complete his training, but she never deemed him ready to walk in the Shadow alone. It had him determined to follow her masterful wisdom as closely as he could, knowing how dangerous their practice was, but he couldn't deny that it made him more uptight. Was he anywhere near as competent as he had believed?
The Dark Clerics reminded him of his place, and this was just until the trio would be ready to accept a new mentor.
Managing her leftovers, his own responsibilities, and assisting with Lafayette's new disability, Cletus was forced to pause his own practice and instead work overtime. He sorted and stashed away the piles of unopened letters addressed to her, leaving their senders waiting in limbo. He canceled most classes, sermons or events that she was booked for, as he struggled to find someone else to fill in. Sometimes, he had to go himself, and he could sense people's disappointment in seeing him instead of the Shadow Mother. Cletus had followed her for over a decade. She knew every strength and weakness of his, and she had saved him from ruin many times. But despite her power, she was not invulnerable. This wasn’t the first time she saw defeat, and when she stayed in the Void to heal, it wouldn’t take much longer than a week for him to sense her aura again. Never this long. Never over a month of nothing. But there was little time to grieve, for he was simply too busy for his emotions to catch up with him. That is, until he was in his office, and all of his stress poured out in solitary tears. Lafayette and Zala refused to submit to an unfamiliar mentor so soon, and although he struggled to juggle everything, Cletus couldn’t let them down. They were taking things the hardest, and it crushed him to see them so hurt. All of his prayers were for them.
One day, Zala burst into the room with her mouth full of words, while he was in the middle of imperative business; new year’s preparations. But he set it all aside, and made time for her. If he was going to speak for them henceforth, he wanted to honor the trust of his Sister and Brother. She had been distressed ever since the lake incident, lacking focus and lashing out often, and now she was yanking his sleeve in her excitement to show him something. He complained about her stretching his uniform, until he was put alone with her, Lafayette, and that elusive raven. The explanation they gave him could reignite what he had believed before they abandoned the Whispering Forest. For this, he was hoping to be wrong for losing faith. “You have to touch her!” Zala was bouncing on the balls of her feet for him to interact with the creature. He hesitated, even though he didn’t believe that she would lie about something like this. “Having to hide for this meeting doesn’t put me at ease,” Cletus replied as he felt the bird's beady stare on him, “I’m not as good with animals as you are.” “It’s not an animal, you moron. Stop fussing and let her connect with you.” He was as persnickety as ever, but complied with her wishes, and when his brow was graced with black plumage, all three of them had Mother Lucretia’s voice connecting them once more.
They had a hundred questions for their curiously avian mentor, but her words were faint and fading in and out of their minds, so they risked drowning her out with their collective enthusiasm. They could make out that she was weak from leaving the Void prematurely, and she couldn’t consume much energy to communicate. She needed time to reform, and asked them not to expose her until then. Cletus knew why she had to lay low, knowing her intense reputation and many critics, but he chose not to question it. He just needed her to fill the void she left behind. When he proposed funneling their powers into her, Mother Lucretia objected to the risks of them draining themselves, but nothing in their pledge said that they had to follow a bird’s orders. Those who had tried to destroy them were neutralized, but she hadn’t made her return to the cult official, so Cletus was the man in charge until further notice. She was going to recover and return to her duties as soon as possible.
Whatever disapprovals he could make out eventually gave way, and he was pleased to receive her acceptance. It would be a trickier affair than he expected. They had endured so much tension, and they could carry out the coming days with less fear of her intimate role in their lives being replaced. But Cletus had eyes on him often and had to keep up appearances. He depended on Lafayette and Zala making time to channel their magic into her, until he could join them in their small room with limited resources. He brought in a basin with water that could be charged with Shadow, which saved time spent exhausting and recovering everyone's mana pool.
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“I haven’t had the need for a bath in years.” Mother Lucretia shook her feathers as she sat in the basin, splashing enchanted water over herself.
“But it feels nice, doesn’t it?” Cletus used his physical voice to respond to her thoughts. “Yes. It’s one of the few things that I missed about having a mortal form.” As time passed, she was able to project longer thoughts between them. She told them that she was sorry, and promised to explain things when she could spare the strength. 
Theoretically, she could have floated back into the Void and meditated until recovered, but it could take her weeks. That was too long and vague for her worried students. They had a faster way, and it might securely anchor her to the mortal plane, so she could relieve some of her focus and rest. Cletus made sure that their room stayed booked and their privacy was respected. Every time he left, he reminded himself to trust Lafayette and Zala with safekeeping their patient. Lafayette used the opportunity to work on his vision while close to his teacher and the magic they studied. He insisted that she let him practice the spell himself, and she would only guide him on the way. Sparing Cletus the task, the two of them worked together to research and keep records of every reagent they collected. Half of them were fetched from faraway places that only Zala could reach, stretching beyond her strict borders. Mother had no choice but to let her try, but the increased responsibility seemed to make Zala more mindful. Whatever paperwork was needed for her hauls to pass, Cletus covered for her. Every time he returned, he swelled with pride for his siblings of the Shadow. He gladly filled in when he could, so that they may rest with the knowledge that he had their backs.
“It will not be long,” Mother told them one day, “soon, I may fully reform and return to the clergy.”
The trio stood in front of her and watched her radiate with the confidence that she was known for. Her health was reinvigorating faster during the winter nights, when there was more darkness to tap into. She would be back as their teacher soon, and Cletus might finally find the time to breathe. But… would things just return to what they were? Would Lafayette and Zala go back to being swaddled in her shadow? Would Cletus be able to handle more years of being her best, but never enough? He didn’t feel as much relief as he thought he would, and he believed that she caught it when their eyes met. He had to speak up, for all of them.
“... and then, what?”
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exotic-dinostuff · 4 months
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Happy pride 🎉
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I don’t have anything to say here other than I’m sorry.
Anyway. Third and final chapter!
In other news, with the posting of this chapter I have passed (drumroll please) 600k words of fanfic this year! This is not counting my three original novels that I’ve written and revised throughout the year.
Don’t. Don’t look at me like that. I already know I need help.
I have another short fic I was originally hoping to post today but it might not happen until tomorrow. Either way, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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