#Consumer Proposal
clearyourdebts · 1 year
Settle your debts and start living again ! Get expert advice, without obligation.
Avoiding debt is a priority for everyone, regardless of the circumstances. Fortunately, there are various ways to overcome it, and professionals are available to assist you throughout the process. If you're a homeowner, refinancing your mortgage can be a viable solution. For additional guidance on debt elimination strategies, simply complete the form found at [https://clearyourdebts.net ]. Our trusted partners, including mortgage brokers, financial advisors, and debt relief specialists, will promptly reach out to you with a customized solution tailored to your specific situation. This service is completely free, accessible across Quebec, including Montreal, Saguenay, Gatineau, Sherbrooke, Quebec City, Trois-Rivières, and comes with no obligation on your part. Types of services offered by our partners: • Consolidation loan • Informal proposal • Consumer proposal • Bankruptcy • Voluntary deposit
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rkillen01 · 2 years
The Benefits of Credit Counselling in Brampton
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If you are looking for help to manage your debt and improve your financial situation, you may have considered credit counselling in Brampton. Credit counselling can provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to make sound financial decisions and get your finances back on track.
What is Credit Counselling?
Credit counselling is a financial service designed to help consumers manage their debts and avoid future debt. Counsellors work with consumers to create a budget and payments plan and provide education on financial management.
What Are the Benefits of Undergoing Credit Counselling in Brampton?
If you are a resident of Brampton and find yourself in a difficult financial situation due to overwhelming debt, you may benefit from credit counselling. The following are some of the benefits that credit counselling can offer you if you wish to manage your debt:
1. You will be working with certified credit counsellors who are based in Brampton
One benefit of credit counselling is that it provides you with the opportunity to speak with a certified credit counsellor about your finances. This type of counselling can help you understand your current financial situation and make better decisions about your future.
2. You will develop a “get out of debt” plan
If you’re buried in credit card bills and other debt, it can feel like you’ll never get out from under the weight of it all. But with the help of a credit counselling professional in Brampton, you can develop a clear plan to get out of debt and back on solid financial footing.
A central component of credit counselling is developing a workable plan to become debt-free with the assistance of a counsellor. You will review the advantages and disadvantages of various debt relief strategies, including credit card forgiveness and debt management.
3. You will gain financial education
Another benefit of considering a credit counselling service is that you will gain access to financial education. Credit counselling sessions allow you to assess your financial situation and identify potential improvements. During these sessions, topics like budgeting, cash flow, and income will be discussed.
This can be incredibly useful in helping you to better understand your finances, and in turn, make more informed and responsible decisions about your spending and saving habits.
Bottom Line
During credit counselling, you’ll work with a trained counsellor to review your financial situation and come up with a budget that will help you meet your debt repayments. You’ll also develop a debt management plan that will consolidate your debts and help you pay them off within a certain time frame. And perhaps best of all, you’ll have someone to provide guidance and support throughout the process.
If you are seeking help with your finances in Brampton, credit counselling in Brampton may be the best next step. Credit counselors can assist you in creating a budget and help you work towards eliminating debt.
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gojoest · 1 year
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he's so nanami kento coded
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raisedbythetv89 · 5 months
Two of the worst proposals in the history of modern media followed by the most pathetic cringe fail loser puppy dog eyes when their absolutely abysmal attempts at saying “I love and want only you” fail miserably and unfortunately for me I desire both of them carnally
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bonus: they even both hit this pose after being knocked on their ass during said failed proposal attempt
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kinokoshoujoart · 5 months
i couldn’t find a video of this version so here’s Rock’s post engagement event if you choose the negative option for my own reference. please enjoy my framerate dropping to hell trying to record anything because of all my mods
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silketara · 10 months
I desperately want to munch G'raha Tia.
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redge · 2 months
Kana, Aqua, and Akane
This post was sparked by what I read from yuseirra's post:
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Just reading through the highlighted texts made me emotionally exhausted because since chapter 17 that showed "the face of a maiden that fell in love with the main character", it really has been like that the whole time.
It's a push and pull of feelings between Kana and Aqua. Like we see Kana and Aqua playing catch ball happily like delinquent teenagers skipping class in chapter 30 and then we see Aqua kissing Akane on the same chapter. We see Kana and Aqua do that "smart" errands in chapter 73, Aqua choosing color white for his luggage same as Kana's glow stick color, Aqua making a restaurant reservation in advance, telling her that those things are normal if he wants to make his partner happy, advanced booking her a ride home. Then few chapters later, we see Aqua and Akane kissing again in chapter 78. Kana was so careful threading through those things that happened in chapter 73. She even had the courage to ask about Akane, probably had a glimmer of hope when Aqua responded that they talked about it and will probably get an answer the next time they meet. When Kana realized that she likes Aqua, she asked Aqua if he had a girlfriend during the Sweet Today after party in chapter 18. This girl was considering to make a move on her feelings for Aqua but on the same chapter, Aqua was offered the reality dating show. Kana still haven't had the opportunity to confess her feelings to Aqua because how could she when he's dating for publicity that time? And when it was made clear that Aqua was just dating for work, she thought she could actually move ahead on her feelings but then Akane tells her in chapter 80 that "it's not a dating show anymore." I seriously felt Kana's shudder on that chapter. And as if that's not enough, Aqua tells her in chapter 81 that "I decided to go out with Akane for real." Kana was trying to sort out her feelings for Aqua who is dating for real now but she can't help but feel hurt when Aqua distanced himself to her. She tells Mem in chapter 81 that she knows Aqua is not doing anything wrong but him avoiding her just really hurts. Before she liked Aqua, he was someone whom she was happy to know that is still on the same industry as her. He is one of the few people she's familiar with in this industry and then he decided to avoid her.
*I realized that Honest Feeling I was playing in the background send help*
Then there's Aqua. When Aqua decided to distance himself from Kana, it was Mem who tried to talk it out to Aqua.
(looking back, it was a smart move to actually put a character in her 20s to deal with these characters in their teens so there's someone a little mature watching over them. Memcho deserve all the love *waves yellow glowstick*)
There was an argument in the fandom that chapter 83 did not really prove that Aqua has feelings for Kana because it was not love, it was an obsession but my take on this chapter were Aqua's thought processes. He tells Mem
Aqua: Do you think I didn't know that Arima would get hurt when I suddenly tried to avoid her?
Keyword is tried because though he tried to avoid her, he still watches her closely despite his busy schedule. He tells Miyako in chapter 103 that Arima never skipped practice. How would you know that when you're too busy avoiding her, locking yourself in your room when Kana is in the agency office? Keyword is tried because even though Aqua considered dating Akane for real, in chapter 87, Akane still saw through him and realized that "Aqua-kun is attracted to Kana-chan". Everyone knows, everyone sees it but Kana and Aqua are two broken tsundere individuals who can't admit their feelings to each other oh these two dummies T_T
Aqua: If an idol has a boyfriend, her fans will get mad.
When he told Mem that he started to think of the future earnestly, being a boyfriend to someone was one of the considerations, but then he was snapped back to reality that Kana is an idol and though Kana told him in chapter 73 that "the freedom of love is a basic human right", it's not always the case for idols.
And then we got chapter 107. These two are too tsundere of a character they won't admit to whatever they're feeling for each other.
Aqua: What should I have said then, "you'd better keep your distance before you fall in love with me"?
Kana: Who would fall for a gloomy narcissist like you, anyway?!
Kana: For your information, I've never thought of you as a love interest and I never will.
Aqua: Is that so?
Kana: You're my precious friend.
Aqua: friend...
Kana: By all means, I won't fall for a guy who has a girlfriend.
Aqua: I broke up with Akane already.
My goodness I want to strangle these two. If/when they end up together, I want them to return to this moment and go "if you liked me why did you tell me before that you won't fall for me?! And then tell me that I'm your precious friend?! You know how I felt that time?!" "How would I know?! You suddenly avoided me! I didn't even know that you and Akane already broke up! And have you ever told me that you like me too?!"
But still, more than a hundred chapters later, Kana didn't get the opportunity to tell her feelings to Aqua. It's been a long time since she realized she likes Aqua. So many things happened. So many times when her heart's been broken and she still thinks of him. Her thoughts on chapter 150 saying
Kana: I bet you don't understand it. What about you? Are you looking at me earnestly? Even though the intensity might not be the same, do you look at me with a certain amount of interest?
And then concluding that she is seriously in love? After everything? Heartache after heartache and you are still in love?! Oh Arima Kana.
And you know what's interesting? On times we see Aqua the most decisive, it seems that it always starts with Kana. She is his motivation. And that one time I saw Aqua confused and lost track of what to do, was when he accidentally hurt Kana. When Kana offered Aqua a role in Sweet Today, he agreed when he heard Kaburagi's name- knowing it would lead him closer to Ai's previous relationship/s. In chapter 16, we got a glimpse of Kana's life past her child actor era.
Kana: I couldn't get a job at all. I thought of quitting again and again. However, someone has finally acknowledged my skills! It's been tough but I'm glad I kept going!
Kana was so hopeful, but then Aqua found out that it was not that someone acknowledged her acting ability; Kaburagi was simply using her name. What happened next? Aqua decided to take on the scene seriously, setting the stage for Kana, so that Kana can show her acting ability.
In chapter 50, when Kindaichi required him to bring out more emotions into his acting, it was Kana who told him why it's difficult for him to do emotional acting.
Kana: Aqua, you haven't done emotional acting before, right? Acting gives away your personality. Since you normally don't show emotion, we can't feel any emotion in your acting either. You're just trying to reenact some samples that you saw somewhere. That's your nature, Aqua.
This is Kana wielding her weapon of a sharp tongue because inside her head...
Kana: I might have gone too far but if I didn't say it, no one would.
And what happened next? Aqua (in his head again because these two are so bad at communicating things to each other I really want to strangle them both) agreed to everything Kana said and because he really wanted to do good on his role, he asked what he could do to improve. Sadly, it also triggered his trauma, but despite that, he wants to act his role properly. Which is why though he hates showing his previous roles to anybody, he agreed to show it to Akane in chapter 52 because he knows Akane could help him improve his acting ability.
In chapter 61, Kana's habit of putting others in the spotlight pissed him off, and made him decide to push Kana into the spotlight. Even Kana was surprised when Aqua did the ad-libs. Aqua did all these to set the stage for Kana, so she could show what she's capable of.
When Kana was caught in a scandal, Aqua met the reporter and exchanged information that would help save Kana though it would hurt Ruby and would reveal Ai's secret that they've all been keeping.
On chapter 146, when shooting the movie was almost over, Kana saw how his role affected Aqua.
Aqua: I just want to die like this.
Kana: For your information, I won't be sad even if you die. I'll slap your corpse, curse at it like I always do, and forget about you in no time. If you don't like it, promise me, you'll never say anything about dying again, even as a joke.
Aqua: ...
Kana: Promise me!
Aqua: Fine. I promise.
I feel that in the earlier chapters, Aqua had already made the decision to die in the process of his revenge. He even mentioned earlier on that he already died once so it's no big deal if he dies again. But on chapter 146, when Kana told him to promise not to say anything about dying, he agreed. And I want to trust Aqua that this is not an empty promise because in chapter 151,
Kana: What are you going to do in the future?
Aqua was surprised with this question because he stopped considering his future. When Ruby got mad at him in chapter 106, his thoughts were "this is necessary so you can live in this world...even after I'm gone." Then Kana go on asking him about his future- a future he thought of giving up. Did he deny that future? No. He had an answer.
Aqua: For now, I'm planning on applying to medical school. It was my dream to become a heart surgeon.
It was because of this future and dreams that we get a head start on the last arc of the story. Aqua knows he needs to settle his revenge so he, and everyone else, could move forward into the future.
I know chapter 151 is not the first time Aqua thought about his future with being a surgeon as an option. He also mentioned this to Mem in chapter 83. He considered having a future when he thought that his revenge was over. Then in chapter 95, Ichigo told him that nothing's over yet. And in the same chapter, when Aqua was getting confused, drenched in the rain, clouded by his thoughts that he need to fulfill the revenge again, he unintentionally hurt Kana. What happens next? He was a complete mess. He didn't know what to do. The decisiveness he had when Kana was his motivation disappeared when he realized he hurt Kana. We may not have gotten a solid "I've always liked Kana" from Aqua like what we got from Kana but I would like to believe that Kana is an important person to Aqua whom he considers a lot when making his decisions and considering a future for himself.
Remember that before Akane knew Aqua, there was Kana. In chapter 59, during the fight between Tsurugi and Sayahime, Akane thought "I'm here because of you" as she looks at Kana. Akane as a child, admired the genius child actor. Though her parents suggested to her to start acting, she was hesitant, telling her parents that she can't do it because she's shy and timid. But what made her change her mind? It was when her father told her "you might even become friends with Kana-chan".
We haven't got an "I like Kana" solid confirmation from Aqua but not in the case of Kana. Kana probably realized she likes Aqua from chapter 17 but it was only in chapter 148 when it was explicitly confirmed that Kana had always liked Aqua and who did Kana reveal this truth? To Akane Kurokawa- to that person who, in chapter 87, realized that "Aqua is attracted to Kana-chan." I've always wondered why Akane was so surprised with Kana's revelation and I would like to interpret it as it suddenly hit her that Kana and Aqua, the two persons she cares for the most, actually likes each other. For me, Akane is like the Hanazawa Rui of Oshi no Ko. She is the character that has a strong attachment both to Kana and Aqua and their happiness would be her happiness.
Akane: If I become friends with Kana-chan, I could die happy.
Little Akane admired Little Kana so much that she tried to be like Kana in the most literal sense: Akane worked hard to become a child actor herself like Kana and she copied her style, from the haircut to the hat. It was so on point that the guy in chapter 60 confused Akane as Kana. On the same chapter, Akane finally met Kana. It was not a good encounter but it was very monumental to Akane.
Akane: That man was saying something weird. He said that they had decided for you on this audition. It must've been some kind of mistake. You never cheat.
Kana: What if I did?
Akane: Kana-chan, are you okay with that?
Kana: Of course I am. I'll get a job that way.
Kana: Who cares about acting anyway?!
Akane: No, that's not true. That's not what you really think, right? How can you not care about acting?!
This encounter left Akane puzzled. Why was Kana acting that way? She didn't know the answer so she studied. She immersed herself to understand her. Chapter 60 showed us the intensity of how Akane studied a lot to understand Kana. She got interested to a lot of Psychology books like Boyhood Psychology, Gentle Behavior Psychology, A Guide to Understanding a Person's Heart, Psychological Methods that can be used in daily life, An Introduction to Psychology for Children. When Akane thought "I'm here because of you", it's not just because she started acting because of Kana. Even her way of acting, that Raida described in chapter 42 as "the immersive type that gets into her role" was sparked by that encounter with Kana when they were little. It's so interesting how Akane acknowledges Kana as an actor. Having watched her since she was a genius child actor, she knows what Kana is capable of. She knows what little Kana went through. She knows about Kana matching other's pace, synchronizing with them, and she knows that Kana can do better. She picked all this up because she admired Kana for a long time. As she said in chapter 60,
Akane: Kana-chan, the actor I loved, was more selfish and overwhelming. It was something that shone brightly like the sun.
Which is why in chapter 87, when Aqua picked her up from the studio, she had this realization.
Akane: I'm aware of it. Aqua-kun is attracted to Kana-chan. I probably noticed it a long time ago.
Because Aqua also saw through Kana. The things Akane saw in Kana through the lens of a person who admired her for a long time, Aqua saw it too.
Then we got chapter 149. If you followed through this post, I pointed out that Kana really tried to get a move on her feelings to Aqua, but she never got the opportunity. She thought that after Aqua confirmed that he and Akane had broken up, maybe she would give it a try again, for the nth time but then
Kana: You guys still love each other, don't you? It's best for you to get back together.
Akane: What are you talking about all of a sudden?
Kana: That's how it is afterall. I totally got the wrong idea when he started being friendly with me again. I guess that's my weak point.
The mental workout Kana does as a character like I can actually feel those tears and I would totally understand if Kana just declares "I don't want to do this anymore" but Kana is so persevering I love her so much but Aka-sensei come on, just conclude this already I'm not as persevering as Kana T_T
If we got a confirmation in chapter 148 that Kana has always liked Aqua, chapter 149 showed us the standpoint of Akane towards Aqua. Akane made it clear in chapter 149 that she and Aqua are over. She waa truthful when she says to Kana "I've already put my romantic feelings in order when we broke up" bold and loud. But Kana, even being presented by those facts, still thinks that she's no good. She has always recognized everyone's charms except her own.
Kana: If I were Aqua, I'd also choose you.
Akane: Why?
Kana: Because you're pretty. Everyone thinks you're beautiful and smart. You also have skills as an actor and your personality is kind.
Hearing this from the person you admired for a long time, oh Akane, you've come this far and I am very happy for you ♡
I love the next conversation of Akane and Kana because it's the usual, scolding banters that you do with your friends. And Akane have always wanted to be friends with Kana.
Akane: You don't even have the courage to confess to yourself right now. It just seems that you're running away!
Kana: You're wrong! That kind of thing needs perfect timing.
"Perfect Timing". The whole time, all Kana was really looking for is that perfect timing opportunity to tell Aqua her feelings that never presented itself on its own. But this time, it's different because Akane is there to set that timing and no other character should set it up except her. Why? Because the whole time Kana was trying to make a move on her feelings for Aqua, Akane is always between them but this is not Akane's fault. If you want to put a finger on anyone, put it on Aka-sensei. Kidding. I respect your writing, Aka-sensei!
Again, if you read through this long post, it's always the timing, the opportunity that Kana keeps on missing. And now that Akane confirmed in chapter 149 that
Akane: Aqua-kun and I don't have that relationship anymore. I'm not a woman who doesn't know when to let go of her ex-boyfriend! I'm still in touch with him knowing that we've had a clean break! Right now, I just want to wish for Aqua-kun's happiness. I already put my romantic feelings in order when we broke up!
The timing has been set. I take this confirmation from Akane with all sincerity. Denying this truth from Akane and still pushing her feelings romantically towards Aqua would be unfair for her character. If Aqua, for the rest of the story, would realize that he likes Akane for real, then that's a different scenario. But in the case of Akane, she made it clear in chapter 149 that her romantic feelings for Aqua is over. Again, in my opinion, Kurokawa Akane is the Hanazawa Rui (Hana Yori Dango) of this story. Even when Makino decided to go out with Rui, he knows deep down, that Makino likes Domyouji and Domyouji likes Makino. And Rui was there to make sure that these two set their feelings straight. Hanazawa Rui is that important character that wanted happiness for both Makino and Domyouji and Kurokawa Akane is in the same position as Rui, for Kana and Aqua.
A hundred plus chapters later, Kana finally gets the opportunity that she kept on missing. It was important that Kana was the one who initiated the first step towards whatever path their story would take because she has been trying to get a move on her feelings for Aqua since she realized that she likes him. It's not that Kana has been so dependent to Aqua that her entire character circles around him. It's just that she fell seriously in love with him. And it was not an instant love. It's a love that developed over time. It's that kind of love that regardless of hurt, heartache, and pain, it just grew stronger. And I admire Kana for holding on to these feelings of love.
All that's left is Aqua. In chapter 150
Gorou, talking to Aqua: Anyway...it's all up to you.
With the stage being set, it's now up to Aqua how he will go about it. His revenge, Kana's declaration, it's all up to him.
Akasaka-sensei is so good at messing with OnK readers' feelings I admire him and want to strangle him at the same time.
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unopenablebox · 10 months
uuuugh 🌸’s aunt explained repeatedly at thanksgiving that no one should ever marry their college gf/bf (because college is a utopia unrelated to the real world)
which i don’t think she like. meant as a dig at us specifically not least bc you know we’ve been out of undergrad for five years now
but it was very difficult responding in a precisely correct way, especially because the last time she said it was at the table during dinner when we were sitting with 🌸’s parents. & when her kids were, not unreasonably, saying things like “but you can give 🌸 and ◻️ your special blessing to get married anyway, right?” i just tried to cut in with “well, 🌸’s parents could never countenance letting them get married before forty anyway” in an attempt to say something so patently absurd that it ended any serious version fo the interaction and i could just divert us to one of the conversations happening elsewhere at the table
which, like, worked, in that then that conversation ended, but i am worried i both reminded 🌸’s parents of their actual objections and made it salient that i know the content of their objections, which i’m not actually sure they knew i knew now that i think of it
in retrospect i wish i had made up an even sillier and completely fake reason 🌸’s marriage was impossible but i both forgot they maybe didn’t know 🌸 told me what they’d said, and couldn’t come up with anything else in the half second remaining to me before 🌸 and i getting married became potentially an Actual Topic of Discussion. in which case trying to dissemble hard enough to pretend that 🌸’s parents’ objections aren’t the only reason we don’t have a loose timeline and maybe some geographic location ideas was going to get. very hard
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
i go through cycles of wanting to consume media, wanting to consume fan content, and wanting to create fan content. usually it works out so im only usually focused on one of these at a time which is great.
except right now i am focused on all three and it’s like my interest levels in all of them are turned up to the max and it is so. OVERWHELMING AAAAHHH
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sassysnowperson · 2 years
So as we all know my cat hates democracy, so in order to keep the furry bastard from winning I'm trying to get my ballot done early.
And I gotta say, I'm starting to really enjoy doing voter research. I feel like a private eye. Like OKAY are any of you school board nominees trying to ban books? I did not find that, but I did find out that one dude has a history of campaign finance fraud. HaHA! YOUR SINS ARE NOT HIDDEN FROM ME I can read a citation website.
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clearyourdebts · 1 year
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Advantages of choosing Clear Your Debts
Obtain a prompt and free solution for your debt situation by filling out the form at https://clearyourdebts.net/ . Our service is available throughout Quebec and comes with no obligation on your part.
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calico-cat-art · 1 year
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I dont know why but ive been really into doing landscaping in sims lately
this is the only part of this house thats fully done. i moved a sim in so i could use the TOOL mod so the plants wouldnt be floating on the hill and to smush the rocks into the steeper parts a bit better and THEN i found a bunch of debug planters and thought it would be cool if THOSE were set in ground and it became a whole thing
unfortunately debug items cant be rotated with the tool mod so i just had to lower them into the ground until all parts were touching the ground in some way but oh well. it looks fine so thats all that matters tho i did notice a few of the plants that i missed that are still floating. you may be able to see them in one of the pictures lol
the balconies are also both done but i didnt include pictures of them....mostly cuz i forgot.
i realized after i started taking screenshots that i forgot to stick some windows on the first floor of the side of the house that the greenhouse is on. the kitchen is gonna be in that area and i was waiting til after i got that laid out before adding windows but i meant to add some temporary ones for the screenshots and got distracted by the balconies.....which you cant even really see in the screenshots lmao
#sims 4#sims 4 build#sims 4 house#sims 4 landscape#this took so long#its been like 4 days#tbf i only work on it for a few hours every night but still#laying all the individual garden path stones and paver stones for the patio was very time consuming#could i have just used terrain paint like a normal person?#sure. but i think the stone terrain paints look bad#the colors are off#and theyre not random enough#i want my garden paths and patios to look diy#and while theres only 3 different garden path stones and 3 different paver stones in debug thats still plenty of combinations to make#it look random#while i was getting everything in the garden planted in game the sim i moved in to play test things got that ''get married in 7 days and#youll get money'' phone call and id never actually accepted that before so i was like ''fuck it i can do that really fast''#and i grabbed a random sim from his relationship panel that he only knew from the welcome wagon#and cheated their relationship a bit#and had them make out for awhile until he could propose and then had them elope#you do actually get money from that#i dont remember how much tho#plus the guy he married ended up having a decent amount of money too#i was just gonna kick him out once i finished with the landscaping (i dont usually play test my builds tho i probably should)#but im kind of attached to him and his husband now lol#i dont even remember either of their names#anyway its like 1am so i should probably go to bed lol#im glad i had the foresight to actually take screenshots this time tho so im not just posting pictures i took of my laptop#screen with my phone lol#honestly my least favorite thing about landscaping in the sims is the inability to really blend it into the landscaping
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samwiselastname · 1 year
there are massive avenues of exploitation being opened by machine learning (not just within art!)
overfitting is an issue, shitty data is an issue, bias is a huge huge issue. the limitations of these networks and their training data need to be considered in their application
ethically sourced data sets are important in a world where personal data security is increasingly difficult
capitalism will use new technologies to reduce reliance on human labor, and this has negative effects for that labor force
many highly visible individuals currently engaged in AI art practices are entitled assholes with weird ideas about ethics
while disabled people have been making art since the dawn of time, image and text generation tools do fuction as a curb cut for the expression of ideas and increased access is beneficial to personal expression and play
AI can reduce workloads for artists who are focused on the end result rather than their own meticulous, fine-tuned process
technical skills in digital art will become rarer as AI is adopted as a drafting tool
the tiger's out of it's cage on this one! the tech's here, capital interest is here, labor automation is here!
overfitting = plagiarism
we must expand copyright to protect style
tricking someone into thinking an image or text was hand-crafted is wicked because ~Art~
procedural or AI art is lazy or entited by nature. AI art is cheating
because many high profile midjourney artists are techbro assholes we cannot engage with any machine generated art bc then They Win
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akkpipitphattana · 2 years
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fishdonald · 11 days
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cosycafune · 1 month
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being fought by ovulation is hard, but trying to fuck yourself with your angry roommate around is harder. it doesn't help when he storms into your room, enraged, begging to angrily fuck you and soothe his heavy balls. the only requirement is for you to survive the night. can you?
acts: sizing, creampies, rough sex, degrading, breeding kink, filming, spanking, mating press, backshots, crying, bed breaking, choking, power difference kink, missionary, masturbating, and potentially more. mdni 18+. reblogs are appreciated. masterlist. quite short. 1.5k words.
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jjk men: satoru gojo, kento nanami, toji fushiguro, choso kamo and suguru geto. art by sakimenz on patreon.
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satoru gojo ♡ · · ୨୧ ˚₊
“Fuck, Satoru! Ngh! So close!” Plunging your fingers so frantically inside you, flustered by the thought of being pounded by your roommate, you accidentally mewl loudly. 
“‘Need you…so badly,” Swiftly coming undone, you soppily bury your fingers further – panting before you hear your bedroom door swiftly open.
Met with the furious scenery of an angered Satoru, your heart swirls with embarrassing anticipation. Unable to shed your mortification, you gasp at being completely exposed – your slick fingers snuggly within your cunt.
Satisfied, you heavily pant – greeting the longing within Satoru’s eyes. Crumbling beneath Satoru’s story-filled gaze, you gently pull your fingers out with a lewd squelch – attempting to hide your gushing release. Your cunt is completely soaked, fluttering over nothing – perfectly facing an intimidating Satoru.
“Why’d you stop?” Taunting you, Satoru wickedly grins, “Heard you moaning my name, so don’t act shy now.” Relishing your embarrassment, Satoru stalks over to you – tension-filled.
“S-Sato’!” Naively battering your lashes, you turn to your side – faced with the scenery of Satoru’s monstrous erection.
Paired with his anger from losing a basketball game, you knew you would be destroyed and irreparably damaged.
“You were begging for it, so it’s time for you to take it,” Intrigued at your flustered state, Satoru speaks – subconsciously cupping his caged cock.
“D-Don’t hold..back,” Battering your lashes, you propose that Satoru completely strip you of your worth – breaking and moulding you for just him.
Smushed against Satoru, you’re barely able to breathe – shoved into the meanest mating press by him. Your coherency is lost while Satoru vigorously plunges his cock within you, filling your cunt with his inhumane cock. His veiny, anger-carry cock almost kissed against your cervix with each rough collision, leaving you as a beautiful cage for his anger.
“Don’t get mad… when I fill you,” Glancing down at a sobbing you, overwhelmed by his swift cock, Satoru lustfully smiles.
“Ah! ‘M yours! Strengthening his degrading pace, you repetitively moan – mentally stunted by a stupidly smug Satoru.
“Mhm, so…handle every inch,” Satoru grunts out, momentarily pulling out before burying himself deeply in your warm cunt – splitting you apart with his twitching.
“Imma…good girl,” Crying, pleading for Satoru to reconstruct you, he happily finishes within you – unwilling to free you as his fruitful seed shot against your cervix.
“Hm, you are,” Momentarily praising you, Satoru finishes again – his large batch of cum coddling your pampered cervix.
kento nanami
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Perched before your laptop in the living room, you softly toy with your soppy clit – attempting to rid yourself of your orgasm. Settling on the couch like this was risky, but the Twitter porn video you watched completely consumed you. Your ovulation cycle broke your rational thinking, leaving you to fuck yourself with a dildo – fixated on the fact that the couple looked like you and Kento.
“Kento! ‘M taking you!” Sinking the dildo within you, you almost scramble at the front door opening – unable to gift you time to flee.
Listening to the door slam shut, your chest shatters at Kento’s notorious footsteps stopping behind your couch. Trembling, feeling his gaze on your cunt, you gulp. Gulp as the dildo’s so deeply within you, his tension something you could feel from ages away.
“Screaming my name?” Kento’s deadpan tone causes you to swirl with timidness, unsure of what to do.
“I-I’m s–”
“--Don’t apologise now,” Obeying Kento’s response, you wait, “I’ll take my anger out on you since you’re so rough with yourself.” Walking around the couch, Kento finally glances at you – hatred welling in his eyes.
“Mhm, guess I’ll have to thank your mission going wrong,” At your misplaced teasing, Kento hurriedly pulls the dildo out of you – shoving it into your mouth.
“I will not go easy on you,” Making a promise, Kento begins to madly shed his clothes. Kento’s lust-coated from your irresponsibily nude frame, perched so prettily before his hungry gaze.
You gave yourself away to a monstrous version of himself. Rough sex is his favourite whilst angry.
“Mercy…Kento!” Obliterating your swollen cunt, Kento harshly slaps your ass – making sure that his large balls bash against your sensitive clit.
“Until you say…your safeword,” Picking up his speed, Kento burrows your head further into the couch – filling your stomach with his girthy cock.
“C-Can’t…handle,” Blurting your strained plea, completely at his mercy, Kento grows animalistic – fucking you with an impossible might that makes you dizzy.
“I’ll…break you,” Kento threatens, crashing his weight against your perched ass – smacking your stinging bubble butt.
“Ngh!” Incapable of complaining, you scream as Kento’s cock twitches – cumming in you at a speed that makes your teary eyes roll back.
“Not done with you, sweetheart,” Pleased, Kento angrily converses, “Keep that ass up,” Commanding you, Kento grins – panting mercilessly.
toji fushiguro
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“‘Need to…ride Toji! Ah!” Finishing against your vibrator, you desperately grind against it – savouring your sensitive clit.
“Need…to sit on his…cock,” Weeping, shuddering at the thought of Toji overwhelming you with his strength, you almost collapse with pleasure.
Fantasising about Toji, you tenderly rub your tingly clit – irredeemable. Such a thing was forbidden, but you find yourself consumed – ovulation tearing up your every thought. Every thought until you gasp one of your plump breasts, harshly squeezing your taut nipple.
“--Stop calling my name!… Wow.” With precision, Toji swings open your bedroom door – halting midspeech.
Beautifully astonished, Toji almost falters – captured by your nude physique grinding against a vibrator. Grinding with desperation, moaning out his name with discouraged desperation – hungering for his divine cock.
“I didn’t mean to–”
“Don’t tempt me and think you’re getting away,” Licking his lips, Toji thrives within your nerves – responding to you with predatory intent.
“Please, I’m ovulating,” Unable to quell your physical turmoil, you pathetically plead for Toji to either break you or impregnate you.
“I’ll…get you pregnant,” Thrusting his cock into you, Toji passionately grunts – forcing you to ride his bucking cock.
“Yes! Fill… me up,” Close to toppling over, you barely manage to handle Toji’s fat cock stretching out your cunt – closing in on your vulnerable womb.
“Mhm, I'll take you…like this every day,” Toji greedily musters out, a frantic moaning mess at your soppy cunt completely gripping him – tender at finishing so many times.
“‘Want…to not breathe,” Desperate for him to destroy you, Toji pushes you down to the base of his cock – watching you almost scream with pleasurable agony.
“Being…pregnant will do just that,” Grinning, Toji whimpers – bucking his hips consistently before he fills you with his ripe seed.
He wouldn’t let you rest until he tore your sanity apart.
choso kamo
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“Mhm, my pussy’s so empty,” A desperate mess, you’re yearning for cock — physically willing to hunt for it. Your lonesome cunt yearns to be stuffed with cum.
“Cho’, you’d…stuff me well,” Grunting, a profound mess, you whine intensely — desperate for Choso to obliterate your primal cunt.
“Ah! Cho!” Fucking yourself in your bedroom, filling the apartment with your moans, you fail to notice the silent presence lingering before your door.
Before you knew it, your physique was folded, clouded with the thickness of Choso’s cock. Usually, Choso’s tinted with softness. However, softness failed to be his forte this time. With Choso angry, his demeanour held not an ounce of gentleness — roughness filling him.
“Baby, look…at me,” Choso harshly commands you, glancing down at a pretty you within missionary.
“Ah! Cho’!” Corrupted by Choso, you prettily moan — completely worshipping Choso’s cock.
As he’s about to cum, the two of you hear your apartment door open — but that doesn’t stop Choso from cumming his deepest inside of you. If he had to, he’d make you carry his child. A sign of you handling his brutal thrusts, contradicting his usually aloofness.
suguru geto.
Naturally, Suguru’s always two steps ahead. Even as you intensely thrust your fingers within yourself, he can’t help but observe you from your parted door — listening to you beautifully moan his name. Moan his name so dirtily, your dignity barely holding on.
“Sugu’,” That’s all it took before Suguru despicably pounced on you, filling you with his cock — his degrading camera filming you. Filming you as he accidentally broke your bed, pounding into you at a might that completely ruined your cunt. Your cunt that screams and squelches, torn apart by Suguru’s bubbling, cunning anger.
All until he cums inside of you, swelling your stomach with his cum as a reward.
Before you could even play with yourself, Ryomen’s already on you — fucking you angrily. Love bites, slap marks, and choking overtook you. Ryomen left no stone unturned, completely ruining your cunt — shoving you into the meanest mating press. Not an ounce of you could breathe, but Ryomen couldn’t care less. If he needed a sexual outlet, that would now be a precious, naive you.
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do not modify, claim or repackage my work. all rights reserved; cosycafune. 2024. small dividers by cafekitsune <3
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