#Content Overload
kruemel8 · 7 months
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gonnamakemyownfandom · 2 months
i love being on the internet and summer and this day and age bc in the past month i've been through 3 fandoms (2 of which i've been in before) and learned about a new one. and guess what? THERES SO MUCH CONTENT!! i get it can be bad and overwhelming but im very happy for these few weeks
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tangerinequeen19 · 1 year
another post-show making the ol' reblog button start to smoke!
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How to Manage Risks Associated with a Microlearning Initiative
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Microlearning has become an increasingly popular method of training and development in organizations. It involves delivering content in small, easily digestible chunks, which can be consumed quickly and conveniently. This approach aligns well with the modern workforce's preference for flexible, on-the-go learning. However, like any initiative, microlearning comes with its own set of risks. Effectively managing these risks is crucial to ensuring the success of a microlearning initiative. This article explores the potential risks associated with microlearning and offers strategies for mitigating them.
Understanding Microlearning
Before diving into risk management, it's essential to understand what microlearning entails. Microlearning delivers training content in short, focused segments, typically lasting between three to ten minutes. These segments can take various forms, including videos, quizzes, infographics, podcasts, and interactive modules. The primary benefits of microlearning are its flexibility, accessibility, and the ability to cater to the learning needs of a diverse workforce.
Identifying Risks in a Microlearning Initiative
1. Content Overload
One of the main risks associated with microlearning is content overload. While microlearning aims to break down information into manageable pieces, there is a danger of overwhelming learners with too many segments. If not carefully managed, the sheer volume of content can lead to cognitive overload, reducing the effectiveness of the training.
2. Lack of Depth
Microlearning focuses on brevity and conciseness, which can sometimes result in a lack of depth in the training material. Complex topics may require more comprehensive coverage than what microlearning segments can provide. This risk can lead to insufficient understanding of critical concepts, affecting the overall learning outcomes.
3. Inconsistent Quality
With microlearning, there is often a reliance on multiple content creators, which can lead to inconsistencies in the quality of the training materials. Variations in presentation style, accuracy, and instructional design can confuse learners and undermine the initiative's effectiveness.
4. Technical Issues
Microlearning is heavily reliant on technology. Issues such as platform compatibility, software glitches, and internet connectivity problems can disrupt the learning experience. These technical issues can cause frustration among learners and hinder the adoption of the microlearning program.
5. Engagement Challenges
Keeping learners engaged with microlearning content can be challenging. The short duration of microlearning segments requires them to be highly engaging and interactive to maintain learner interest. If the content fails to captivate the audience, learners may disengage, resulting in low completion rates and poor knowledge retention.
6. Measuring Effectiveness
Evaluating the effectiveness of a microlearning initiative can be complex. Traditional metrics such as test scores and completion rates may not fully capture the impact of microlearning on performance and skill development. Without robust evaluation methods, it becomes difficult to demonstrate the return on investment (ROI) of the microlearning initiative.
Strategies for Managing Risks
1. Curate and Prioritize Content
To avoid content overload, organizations should curate and prioritize the microlearning content carefully. Focus on delivering the most critical and relevant information first. Implement a structured learning path that guides learners through the material in a logical sequence. This approach helps prevent cognitive overload and ensures that learners can absorb and retain the essential concepts.
2. Balance Breadth and Depth
While microlearning segments should be concise, it's essential to balance breadth and depth. For complex topics, consider using a combination of microlearning and other training methods, such as in-depth workshops or comprehensive e-learning courses. This hybrid approach allows learners to gain a thorough understanding of intricate subjects while benefiting from the flexibility of microlearning.
3. Maintain Consistent Quality
To address the risk of inconsistent quality, establish clear guidelines and standards for content creation. Provide training and support for content creators to ensure they adhere to these standards. Regularly review and update the training materials to maintain accuracy and relevance. Consistency in quality helps build trust and credibility in the microlearning initiative.
4. Ensure Technical Reliability
Invest in reliable technology platforms that support microlearning delivery. Conduct thorough testing to identify and resolve potential technical issues before launching the initiative. Provide technical support to learners to assist with any problems they may encounter. Ensuring a smooth and seamless technical experience is vital for the success of a microlearning program.
5. Enhance Engagement
To keep learners engaged, incorporate interactive and multimedia elements into the microlearning content. Use gamification techniques, such as quizzes, badges, and leaderboards, to motivate learners. Personalize the learning experience by tailoring content to individual preferences and needs. Engaging content fosters better retention and application of knowledge.
6. Implement Robust Evaluation Methods
Develop robust evaluation methods to measure the effectiveness of the microlearning initiative. Use a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics to assess learning outcomes. Track learner progress, completion rates, and performance improvements. Collect feedback from learners to identify areas for improvement. Demonstrating the impact of microlearning on performance and business goals helps justify the investment.
7. Foster a Learning Culture
Creating a supportive learning culture within the organization is crucial for the success of any training initiative. Encourage continuous learning by promoting the benefits of microlearning. Provide opportunities for learners to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. Recognize and reward employees who actively engage in the microlearning program. A positive learning culture enhances motivation and engagement.
Microlearning offers numerous benefits for modern organizations, but it also comes with its own set of risks. By understanding and proactively managing these risks, organizations can maximize the effectiveness of their microlearning initiatives. Curating and prioritizing content, balancing breadth and depth, maintaining consistent quality, ensuring technical reliability, enhancing engagement, implementing robust evaluation methods, and fostering a learning culture are essential strategies for mitigating risks. With careful planning and execution, microlearning can be a powerful tool for driving continuous learning and development in the workplace.
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babyanimalgifs · 5 months
Nothing will stop this dog from protecting his owner
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darknutmeg · 2 years
There's so much Yibo content I don't know what to do with all of it. Everyday there's something. 🥹😅
I hope he gets to sleep for a week after all this movie promo. He looks happy though, which is good to see. 🫶
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okaydays22 · 2 months
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onlyonewoman · 1 year
Current AO3 news from Facebook group:
ADMIN: “Just a few things. Yes, the attacks are still happening so site availability will be spotty at best. This is NOT an attack on the actual content. All stories, user data, etc are safe. DDOS attacks basically overwhelm the servers with requests to the point they cannot handle the load and failover. DDOS attacks last until one of two things happens, either the person/group gets bored and moves on to a new target. Or the site owner finds a way to fortify the servers against the attack. That means this could last for a while. With that in mind, let's all try to keep the panic, humorous or otherwise to a minimum. It's annoying and frustrating, certainly, but it's not the end of the world. The site will eventually be back, it's just going to take time and patience.” In short: - Our content is safe. - Our user data, stories etc are safe. - It’s a DDOS attack meaning it’s basically an attempt at overwhelming the servers, meaning: - DON’T KEEP REFRESHING THE AO3 PAGE!!! - It will last for a while, but there is no need to panic. Copied from one of the reblogs: “To simplify:A DoS or DDoS attack is analogous to a group of people crowding the entry door of a shop, making it hard for legitimate customers to enter, thus disrupting trade and losing the business money.” Also, YES, KEEP REBLOGGING to let people know! The less of us trying to reload the page the better! In the meantime, this is basically me:
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Edit again, because this little post got a life of its own and now I feel like Pippin lighting the beacon of Minas Tirith :D
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lialox · 3 months
Forget touch-starved Kim Dokja, I want touch adverse Kim Dokja.
Give me KDJ who flinches at physical contact since he never learned how to receive it positively.
Give me KDJ who has to remind himself not to brush the kids off when they come over to hug him.
Give me KDJ whose personal bubble is so huge and subconsciously apparent it may as well serve as another wall.
Give me KDJ who apologizes for shying away from friendly and platonic gestures, and is visibly uncomfortable trying to act 'normal' about physical touch.
Give me KDJ who hates himself for not liking hugs, or hand holding, or even shoulders touching sitting next to his loved ones because this part of him makes his companions apologize to him for the action of loving him. And he asks himself, 'why can't I even do this right'?
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lenalec · 1 year
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the horrors never cease
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fyeaheddiemunson · 6 months
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tangerinequeen19 · 2 years
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babyanimalgifs · 5 months
Everyone gotta got the munchies
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miss-biophys · 29 days
Work on a scientific article
What it actuallly entails:
Come up with an idea, define an interesting problem
Do thorough literature research. Maybe similar stuff was already done. Define the knowledge gap well.
Plan in detail, how we can solve the problem, design experiments
Reach out to potential collaborators, agree with them on a plan
Buy necessary equipment, chemicals
Do pilot experiment, optimize the conditions to get reliable data
Perform experiments, calculations, make everything multiple times so it's reliable
Analyze the data
Urge collaborators to deliver their parts
Coordinate your progress with the collaborators
Manage the collaborations, organize meetings
Be diplomatic, you don't want to make enemies in academia
Agree with direct colleagues, who worked on it, what will be the message of the article. Will it be a long story and we need to add some more data? Or will it be short and right to the point and we write a short "letter"?
Do literature research again. Maybe new stuff appeared, and for sure your data must be confronted and discussed with already known facts.
Write the first draft of the article
Send it around for feedback, first only to direct colleagues from your lab
Incorporate the feedback, maybe do more experiments and more analysis
Rewrite the manuscript
Send it around the second, third, fourth, fifth... time
Incorporate the feedback
Send the manuscript to all collaborators.
Wait for the feedback, urge everyone to give it, maybe you don't have all data from all the collaborators yet
Incorporate feedback
Prepare the manuscript for journal submission
Get approval from all co-authors
Submit the manuscript
Wait for editor response, hopefully they send it to reviewers. If not, you need to rewrite a bit the article to adhere to the new journal's format and send somewhere else.
Get reviewers' reports, deal with them, reply truthfully, make effort to explain everything even if you know that the reviewer's suggestion is just impossible or irrelevant. Be diplomatic.
Maybe you need to do an additional experiment, analysis, or rewrite a major part fo the manuscript. This can take months.
Submit revised manuscript with all the changes
Wait for editor's nad reviewers' comments in the second round. You can get many rounds of review and still get rejected.
Finally get a "Congratulations, your manuscript has been accepted for publication"
Pop a shampagne! You deserve it!
What part of this do you usually do in different career stages:
BSc. and MSc. students: Perform experiments and analyze data
PhD students: Do all the experimental and analysis parts, write the manuscript, discuss with their supervisor and direct colleagues, incorporate feedback. But does not have to come up with their own idea and manage collaborations and diplomacy.
Postdocs: Do literally everything on the list
Group leader/Professor: Do the thinking and managing parts, help with writing and feedback, provide discussions and insight. Do not perform actual experiments and analysis.
Being a postdoc is the transformation between the student and the group leader.
As such, we just have to do all these tasks. It's stressful. It's challenging. It's definitely not boring. I am taking every opportunity to get a student, who can help with the experimental repetitions so I have time for all the other stuff.
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okaydays22 · 17 days
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