#Convergence AU
brewed-pangolin · 8 months
Captain John 'Soap' MacTavish x Fem Reader x Sgt Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish
Another one for @glitterypirateduck SoapItUp Challenge
This was inspired by @shotmrmiller Alternate Ghost AU. Don't know how, but it did. And I thank you dearly for it.
Synopsis: The last place you expect to be thrusted into a time warp is at the grocery store.
WC 783
Just imagine going about your daily routine at the grocery store.
Nothing out of the ordinary. Casually making small talk with the attendants as you scrutinize the flesh of a large green pepper.
"You doing the stuffed peppers again?" You smiled at his familiar voice, placing the chosen produce into the plastic bag.
"Yeah. Tried and true. Going easy this weekend," you remark with a friendly glint in your eye.
"Gonna add some jalapeños to the mix. Feeling a bit spicy these last few days."
"Nice touch. Just watch those seeds," he added. Leaning over the enclosure, lining up the peppers in color coded order. "They'll sting like hell if you wipe your eyes after cutting them."
"First hand experience?"
Your chest jumped slightly with a huff at his honest admission. Extending your hand to grab a a few similarly sized packed greens.
You noticed the slight shift in air as you placed the bag into your cart. A silent hum in the back of your ear. The sudden sensation of a presence beside you, causing you to jolt and spin your head on a swivel.
"S'cuse me, love," the man says. Voice smooth, low. Wrapped like twine in a thick Scottish brogue. "Tryin' ta get tha pepper."
"Oh. I'm so sorry." You step back, hands on your chest with a furthering apology on your lips. Yet all movement and speech seem to halt as you meet the icy blue of his gaze.
"No need for apologies," he affirms with a casual smile. "Peppers are n'popular demand, yeah?"
You nod. Barely.
A whispered 'yeah' escaping your lips. The world turning into a blur as you lose yourself in the pull of his eyes.
You felt like a spring fawn. Every nerve tingling, every sense in overdrive. The hum in the back of your ears growing more strident. Pulsing. Flowing to meet a cadence that synchronized with the fluttering beat of your heart.
"Y'alright, love?" He asked. Low timbre vibrating within the shell of your ears. "Ya seem a bit shaken. Dinnae mean ta make ya nervous."
"No no no," you gasped, words rolling off your tongue like rolling rocks. "Just caught off guard. Surprised, y'know?"
"Aye. Ya sure? Ya tremblin a bit."
"I'm fine. Thank you. Enjoy your pepper."
Spinning on your heels, you jolt your cart forward. Leaving the enigmatic man with his chosen peppers to free your mind from within his trance like grip.
'What the fuck?' You mouth, inspecting a carton of milk like a scientist with a microscope. "Enjoy your pepper. What kind of dumbass says that?" You mutter under your breath, scolding yourself for your lack of composure while making your way to the snack aisle.
You hadn't planned on getting anything too unhealthy, but that sudden interaction changed your cravings to something more savory. Needing a bite to rid the taste of stupidity from your tongue.
You stood like an overwhelmed peasant in the aisle. Eyes scanning over the vast array of brightly colored bags and designs. Trying to focus on one that caught your attention, yet none seemed to pull at you. Ensnare you.
Nothing like the pull of his gaze.
A sudden perk of interest to a bag at eye level brought you back. And just as your fingers wrapped around the crinkling bag, that distant hum returned. Reverberating in the base of your earsdrums and slowly trickled down to the base of your spine.
"Nice, lass. Thems always a good choice," the voice called, forcing you to spin in shock from being pulled out of yet another daze.
"Jesus Christ!"
"Uh, not quite," he replied. A confident snark in his voice, dripping with an accent that was all too familiar yet more distinctive to a younger man.
The hum began to bellow deeply within your ears. What was once a distant buzz now echoed in the crevices, defeaning all sounds of the aisle, the store. Encapsulating you within its vibrations as your eyes moved ever so slowly to meet his.
You froze. Again. Second time in less than twenty minutes.
Bright cerulean orbs staring with a vigor and lust for life unlike any you had ever seen.
Similar to the icy blues earlier, yet wholly different. Lacking the poise and wisdom of a lifetime of trial and error. Yet, still held a strong grip of determination and control within the fibers of his irises.
"Y'alright, lass?" He asked. The silent rumble in his throat shifted the air, letting it heave down onto your soul until you were unable to move. Unable to think.
All you could was feel.
And you felt like a lamb at dawn on the eve of the spring slaughter.
Yeah. So, this happened....🤷‍♀️
Captain MacTavish Masterlist
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sygiandepths · 4 months
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Top ten girls with back problems
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modcroissant · 3 months
"As long as you stay"
"They too, will stay"
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You don't wanna know how long this dang piece took me.
I had a little concept where if something happens to the original, it happens to the other universes of the original as well. So thank of it as 'if you keep living, your counterparts too will live' kind of concept.
Anyway, the vanilly aus (besides Mirrored Voices PV who is in the middle below) belongs to such wonderful people! (Bottom to Top & Left to Right)
Bitter Vanilla: @saltghost
Me and My Shadow au: @raptor1312
Fallen Kingdoms au: @fallen-kingdoms-crk
Intertwined Opposites au: @scarapanna
Crescent Moon: @juartist
Trapped Forever Soul au: @sleepyflowershead
Polivine Vanilly: @itzrhymesgamers
Saint Vanilla: @cuppajj
Converging Minds au: @goldiesgrove
Phantasmagoria au: @darkfluffydragon
Little Game au: @waterkittytheshipper
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converging-minds-crk · 2 months
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A lil something for those waiting for asks while I work on them ^^
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 5 months
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Killer's/Horror's Species (Homo Venator Carcharodon // Human Hunter Shark)
  Upper Half: cartilage and muscle, mostly
  Mouth: large mouth full of very sharp teeth (lined in red for easy viewing)
  Caudal (Tail) Fin: vertical
  Top Fins: dorsal fins (2)
  Side Fins: pectoral fins (4)
  Bottom Fin: anal fin (1)
  Variation 1: stops growing once an adult
  Variation 2: continues growing once an adult
  Both: grow from birth like sharks
  Both: ages only slightly faster than humans
  Diet: evolved to primarily eat humans (can digest other things)
  Extra Notes: no swim bladders, no gills
Dust/Cross's Species (Tristis Apparentia Anguilliformes // Sad-Looking Eel)
  everything is covered in mucus
  Below Upper Body: stomach
  dorsal fin (1)
  anal fin (1)
  Hair: oddly shaped fin (mimics hair)
  Mouth: eel teefers
  Face and Hands: fine motor controls
  Face: every facial expressions is purposeful/voluntary except for the pupil direction
  Eyes: rolled back eyes are the default
  False Thumbs: dewclaws, not thumbs
  Hunting: grab food and shove into mouth
  Woman 1: it- it looks human??
  Eel: <- mermaid ancestor
  Evolution: eels split into anti-social and humanoid due to humans
Main/Stereotypical/Common Mermaid (Homo Venator Bivalvia // Human Hunter Clam)
  a beautiful, conventionally attractive HOLY SHIT
  Stem of Lure: grabs shit
  Body: clam creature
  Body: clam with teeth
  after hatching
  maturity (will never stop growing)
  Lure: <- stagnant face, but eyes latch onto movement (if the clam is big enough it'll eat the whole ship)
  live pirate reaction
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beneathsilverstars · 1 month
thinkign about odile with fangies,,
au where odile is a vampire and siffrin "donates blood" for money (classic occupation for someone lonely and hopeless) and siffrin says something funny while woozily recovering and odile did NOT expect that from him and laughs and siffrin is like. oh fuck yes i'm getting a good grade in being vampire food.
it's not even a purposeful dumb joke he's just a little out of it and saying things. which odile usually gets annoyed when people go all no-filter and say things to her that she is not interested in hearing or god forbid having to respond to. but siffrin is just being cute and earnest and still not too chatty!
and then siffrin is like I MADE HER LSUGH I HAVE TO KEEP BEING FUNNY and his actual attempts at jokes are so weak that they wrap back around to being entertaining. odiles like mhm im sure there was a joke in there somewhere maybe try again in twenty minutes.
they're going through an agency at first, but odile gets annoyed at how large of a cut the agency takes, but it's easier and safer than trying to arrange something with a stranger independently. but she really likes siffrin so after a couple times she's like. no pressure but if you'd rather get paid a little more we could just continue doing this informally. and siffrin is like YES PLEASE bc they really need the money and they like odile too!
but then siffrin starts donating too much blood bc he's still going through the agency as often as allowed And going to odile independently. it's pretty obvious pretty quickly though, and as soon as she catches on odile lectures them and says she won't keep doing this if siffrin won't take care of themself, and siffrin gets all sad (<- hates to be rejected) and is like oh.. ok.. guess i'll leave... and odile is like oh my god no you still have to drink your orange juice first and you should not have even driven HERE in the first place. *i* will drive you home. which has siffrin all ?? bc wow mixed messages (<- has never been cared about before). but odile finds out that siffrin lives in the shittiest apartment ever and is always this close away from getting evicted and long story short siffrin ends up moving in with odile.
odile is like. well. this is kind of a problematic setup but definitely better than the alternative.
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fallen-kingdoms-crk · 2 months
((Another Mirrored Voices thing-- (very simple animatic knlkjn) ))
Vanilla Milk - @goldiesgrove
Mirroredvoices Vanilla - @mirroredvoices-au
Crescent Moon but octopus - @juartist
((enjoy the silly lil thing!! I've been meaning to do this for a bit now^^'))
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mispatchedgreens · 6 months
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wang baoxiang's kitchen, an extended universe. part 1: morning alone, part 2: "brother I'm getting a divorce", part 3: ah shit, how does soup even work, part 4: the kiss
get more of the kitchen and part 3 specifically here! ✨🥣🐀✨
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goldiesgrove · 4 months
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It's a bit of a lazier big drawing, but here's something I have cooked up for a few of the vanillaverse creators! :D
Vanilla milk belongs to me
Cresent moon belongs to @juartist
Bittersweet lies pure vanilla belongs to @bunstories and @arsonist-lol
Blueberry milkshake belongs to @blueshadowdad
Majesty belongs to @darkfluffydragon
Polivine belongs to @itzrhymesgamers
Jester belongs to @sleepyflowershead
The Me and shadow au belongs to @raptor1312
Lastly, shadow vanilla belongs to @star143gallery
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maoxyi · 1 month
It ends the same way… right?
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Uh oh.
(Here’s a little more of the Our War Game au where diaboromon infects taichi through the small scratch he leaves in his cheek. Taichi is goin through it here too :D)
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deusvervewrites · 1 month
CE x Dequirked: Midoriya and Hagakure started teaching their whole class magic the moment the bootcamp started. Luckily, once the Quirks came back they hit the same loophole that led Midoriya use magic despite having OFA
Well then
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rw-repurposed · 2 months
The Convergence Local Group
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The Convergence Local Group is the most influential local group within the iterator kind. Mostly comprised of Gen 1 Iterators aside from Upright Carnage (Gen 5). It was one of the earliest local groups known to the realm and each iterator had their own circle of influence within the society.
A Prideful Facade. APF is the administrator of the local group, being one of the earliest generation 1 ever built. He was the eldest in the group and thus had admin power over the other gen 1 in the group. He is dramatic, manipulative, and has a certain aura to him which moved people to follow his direction. He was the reason behind Upright Carnage's abuse and harassment overall. He once had a relationship with Sliver of Straw.
Order of the Day. OotD is a gen 1 that was built to research the fundamentals of the Void Fluid. Their research would produce many important findings regarding the essence of the void sea itself. This, however, led to their obsession with absorbing an abnormally high amount of water for their processors, making them the most greedy water hoarders in the realm. They were the ones who took Carnage's water supply and weakened her state.
Two-Faced Truth. TFT is the influencer of influencers. Everybody in the realm knows who he is. They all adore him. His antics, his personality, and the content he created to entertain iterators in their dire situations made him a lovable icon. However, he hides a dark secret. He is a massive blackmailer, gossiper, and perpetual liar. So many iterators who criticized his antics were cut off from their local group due to his lies and influence, and the victims rarely get a chance to redeem themselves. He was the reason no one answered Carnage's distress call except for Chasing Wind.
Unwanted Desire. UD is the certified bitch of the group. Her influence over the iterators ranges from her speeches and rants about their current situation, to uplifting and motivating words piled into their heads. However, she is far from who she actually is in front of everyone. She's a bitch and the main gaslighter of Upright Carnage during her time with them.
Anguish in Violence. AiV is a brutal Iterator who likes to experiment on creatures for their own entertainment. They were created to research the effect of void fluid on creatures, however, this turned into their deranged and manipulated obsession with violence. They sent multiple violent beasts to tear down Upright Carnage's superstructure down and causing her to fall down.
This local group is filled with abusers, they will not be redeemed.
Character List
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sygiandepths · 6 months
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Scug headcanons, part of a larger relationship chart but im too lazy to chop it up and stuff puhhh
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boimann · 1 year
more spidermedic!!!!
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Take this for the road traveler and but be warned he can sense fear
I’ve decided that these brushes go hard and I will now integrate them into my personality
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Shadow Milk (my beloved) Have you ever had children before? Be it adopted or baked yourself? For someone so ancient, you had to have considered it once, right?
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clegfly · 6 days
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I had a vision…
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