#Corruption / Bribery / Embezzlement
eeitonline · 1 year
Corruption in Eastern Europe: A Roadblock to Fair Business Practices by Eastern European Institute for Trade
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by Eastern European Institute for Trade
As the countries of Eastern Europe continue to integrate into the global economy, corruption remains a pernicious obstacle hindering the establishment of fair business practices and sustainable growth. This pervasive issue, which affects various facets of society, including political institutions, public administration, and private enterprises, undermines the region's potential for economic development and investment (Borcan et al., 2018). This article delves into the nature of corruption in Eastern Europe, its implications for the business environment, and potential strategies for addressing this deep-rooted problem (Johnson & Kuhn, 2017; Pellegrini & Radošević, 2011).
Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) consistently ranks several Eastern European nations among the most corrupt countries globally, with bribery, embezzlement, and nepotism being prevalent issues (Transparency International, 2020). These illicit practices can discourage foreign investment and hinder local entrepreneurship, as they create an uneven playing field for businesses and perpetuate economic disparities (Borcan et al., 2018; Pellegrini & Radošević, 2011).
In addition to its direct economic consequences, corruption in Eastern Europe also has a corrosive effect on public trust and confidence in institutions. This erosion of faith in governance can lead to political instability, exacerbating the region's already fraught geopolitical climate (Johnson & Kuhn, 2017). Moreover, corruption undermines the rule of law and the effectiveness of regulatory frameworks, further constraining the potential for fair and transparent business practices (Mungiu-Pippidi, 2015).
Addressing corruption in Eastern Europe requires a multi-pronged approach that encompasses legal, institutional, and societal reforms. Firstly, strengthening the rule of law and enhancing the independence of judiciary systems are critical to ensuring the impartial enforcement of anti-corruption measures (Mungiu-Pippidi, 2015; Pellegrini & Radošević, 2011). This can include the establishment of specialized anti-corruption courts, as well as the promotion of transparent and merit-based appointment processes for judges and other key officials.
Secondly, fostering a culture of transparency and accountability in both public and private sectors is essential for combating corruption (Borcan et al., 2018). This can be achieved through the implementation of robust systems for the disclosure of conflicts of interest, the adoption of international best practices in public procurement, and the promotion of open data initiatives that enable public scrutiny of government and corporate activities (Johnson & Kuhn, 2017).
Lastly, engaging civil society and the media in anti-corruption efforts can be a powerful tool for raising awareness and promoting public vigilance against corrupt practices (Mungiu-Pippidi, 2015). By supporting the work of investigative journalists, whistleblowers, and non-governmental organizations, Eastern European countries can foster a more informed and engaged citizenry, capable of holding institutions and businesses accountable for their actions.
In conclusion, corruption in Eastern Europe poses a formidable challenge to the establishment of fair business practices and sustainable economic development. However, by implementing a comprehensive approach that addresses the legal, institutional, and societal dimensions of the problem, the region's nations can begin to dismantle the roadblocks posed by corruption and unlock their full potential for growth.
Borcan, O., Olsson, O., & Putterman, L. (2018). State history and economic development: Evidence from six millennia. Journal of Economic Growth, 23(1), 1-40.
Johnson, S., & Kuhn, M. (2017). Corruption and economic development in Eastern Europe. Eastern European Economics, 55(4), 261-275
Mungiu-Pippidi, A. (2015). The quest for good governance: How societies develop control of corruption. Cambridge University Press.
Pellegrini, L., & Radošević, S. (2011). Knowledge-based economy and social capital in Central and Eastern Europe. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 44(1), 19-32.
Transparency International. (2020). Corruption Perceptions Index 2020. Sourced from https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2020/index
Read more at the Eastern European Institute for Trade.
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apas-95 · 18 days
Hi- what's your opinion on the death penalty, from an ML perspective? There seems to be varying opinions between major writers, but most socialist states have practiced it. China currently has a relatively high rate of applying the death penalty, which seems to have broad popular support, although I understand the CPC has a policy of steadily reducing its application (some Western outlets claim there are thousands of unrecorded death sentences being carried out, although the veracity of these claims seems dubious to me). Do you see the death penalty as appropriate or something that should be phased out/eliminated, and what is your perspective on China's use of it?
In an ideal case, where resources were unlimited and classes done away with, I believe the death penalty's negative aspects would outweigh its positive aspects. In higher stage communism, I cannot see a place for the death penalty.
In existing socialism, however, it is basically acceptable as an ultimate disincentive and control measure. In the most extreme cases, during times of war, when resources for rehabilitation were scarce and the risk of further harm high, even executions of political prisoners, such as the Romanovs, Nazi officers, etc, were carried out; when in a stable socialist state these people would be instead detained. The line for what justifies execution is basically dependent on the actual stability of the revolution.
In China, the vast majority of 'death sentences' given are, in fact, 'death with reprieve'. The terms of the sentence are generally a one-year period of probation, where, if the offender maintains good behaviour, their sentence is commuted to life in prison (and then later able to be reviewed etc). Only if they reoffend during that period are they actually subject to execution. These are the types of sentences given to those bourgeois who carry out massive acts of embezzlement and fraud, or those state officials guilty of bribery and corruption. The particularities of the sentence are generally never reported on in the western press, who instead make hooplah of the 'death sentence'.
In brief, it is appropriate, and I do think it should be phased out and eliminated. Everything depends on its context.
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mariacallous · 4 months
Over the past month, the public in Kazakhstan has been closely following the jury trial of Kuandyk Bishimbayev, who was accused of brutally beating and killing his wife, Saltanat Nukenova. While formally the trial was about domestic violence, it captivated the public and mobilized many sectors of society due to its political significance.
The trial found Bishimbayev, a former Kazakh finance minister, who was previously convicted of bribery and embezzlement, guilty of torturing and murdering Nukenova. Bishimbayev was sentenced to 24 years in prison, while his accomplice and family member Bakhytzhan Baizhanov received four years behind bars.
Broadcast live, the trial sparked intense public discussions across generations, regardless of social class or political allegiances. Since the early 2010s, Kazakhstan’s activists have increasingly relied on social media to bridge vast distances across the country. Dozens of influencer accounts meticulously analyzed witness testimonies and the accused’s responses to prosecutor questioning.
Kazakh diaspora activists and international feminist groups held protests in London, Berlin, Warsaw, New York, and Riga. The guilty verdict is being celebrated internationally as well. “The kids in my neighborhood run around screaming ‘24!’, ‘24!’ First, I didn’t understand and then I got it,” one political activist in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, wrote.
The trial is a pivotal moment in transforming the public view of violence against women across Kazakhstan. More women, including spouses of government officials, came out publicly with stories of domestic violence. At least in one such case, which concerned Saken Mamash, a Kazakh diplomat in the United Arab Emirates, a criminal investigation was launched into allegations of torture that could lead to years of imprisonment.
The public is closely watching the unfolding of this case and focusing attention on reports of police refusing to intervene when called for help; artists are incorporating images of women suffering from domestic violence in public exhibitions; and feminist civil society groups are now increasingly joined by their male allies in publicly calling for protection from violence for women and children in Kazakhstan.
Perhaps most importantly, the trial is a symbol of how former government officials can be held accountable.
High-level corruption was a key grievance during the nationwide unrest in January 2022 that lasted for days and only stopped after the government killed more than 200 people and injured thousands more. Since then, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has promised to build a “new Kazakhstan” along with political and economic reform, but distrust in the government remains. Bishimbayev, who was previously pardoned by former President Nursultan Nazarbayev, embodies such lack of accountability that allows elites to amass resources and power. Many had feared that Bishimbayev’s connection to the government would result in a shorter sentence.
Although Bishimbayev was not a government official and was forbidden to hold high official posts, he begged for forgiveness from Tokayev, signaling loyalty to the president. But Tokayev publicly stated that the interest of the nation was more important for him than personal relations or loyalty of officials.
Tokayev was marking himself off from Nazarbayev’s personalized regime, which was highly unpopular. The trial was a test of Tokayev’s promise to elevate national interests over personal connections. The outcome was a surprise even for feminist activists in Kazakhstan, some of whom rallied for life imprisonment for Bishimbayev. The public reaction on social media was largely positive.
Just as Tokayev used the unsubstantiated claim of “20,000 foreign-trained terrorists” instigating the January 2022 chaos as a reason for his harsh response, Bishimbayev fiercely maintained his innocence in court, at times blaming Nukenova for being “hysterical” and “frivolous,” accusing her of adultery. Bishimbayev admitted that his actions caused her death but insisted that he was facing “emotional turmoil” after the couple had a long argument. He tried to implicate Nukenova for causing his mental health struggles and provoking his aggression. Just as many in Kazakhstan refused to believe Tokayev’s interpretation of the 2022 violence, Bishimbayev’s victim-blaming tactics also fell flat.
The trial is the first of its kind to litigate the legitimacy of violence in Kazakhstan. Many victims of the January 2022 violence never saw law enforcement officials held accountable. Among those killed were children and young people whose families were denied the right to channel their grief publicly. Given the unexpected public interest in the case, the government faced the risk of renewed protests. Last month, in response to an online petition garnering more than 150,000 signatures in support of increasing penalties for domestic violence, Kazakhstan adopted “Saltanat’s Law.”
The public pressure on Tokayev was formidable: It targeted his own notion of “New Kazakhstan”; being seen as protecting people like Bishimbayev risked resembling the “old Kazakhstan” under Nazarbayev. Many in Kazakhstan, especially women, said they were ready to protest in the event of an acquittal.
It is a major reversal just seven years after Kazakhstan effectively decriminalized domestic violence, joining countries such as Belarus and Russia in having little to no protections in place. In neighboring Kyrgyzstan, families of girls and women kidnapped into marriage still often refuse to take them back, fearing public shaming.
The trial also tested the efficiency of the judicial reform in Kazakhstan. The jury, comprising 10 people with two alternates, decided the verdict, but the judge seemed to lean toward the accused. An unlikely hero emerged: Aizhai Aimaganova, a female prosecutor, who firmly pressed the accused with pointed questions. In her final address to the jury, she linked the magnitude of Nukenova’s case with the national consciousness and powerfully cited “Words of Edification” by Abai Kunanbaev, a 19th-century enlightenment intellectual who united liberals and conservatives in Kazakhstan. After the end of the trial, Aimaganova said she would continue her job as a prosecutor, calling on more women to report cases of domestic abuse.
Finally, the trial drew the attention of millions of Russian-speaking audiences in neighboring countries, including Azerbaijan, Mongolia, and Russia. Russian socialite Ksenia Sobchak and Russian opposition TV channel Dozhd reported on the case to their audiences. Kazakhstan’s adoption of Saltanat’s Law takes the country in the opposite direction of Russia, which decriminalized most forms of domestic violence in 2017 for the supposed protection of so-called traditional family values. Increasingly, Russia—which once presented itself as a model of development for Central Asian states to aspire to—is perceived as backward compared with Kazakhstan.
Nukenova’s death highlighted the power imbalance between powerful men and those whose freedoms can be taken away in an instant. She left a trail of Instagram images of her happier days as a young woman living a lavish life. The involvement of the victim’s family is symbolic for Kazakh society, and their decision to mobilize society around the case has broken the stigma for victims of violence. Only two out of every 10 victims of domestic violence file a case against their offenders in Kazakhstan, while the United Nations estimates that more than 400 women die in the country every year from spousal abuse.
Although the trial’s ending offered closure for the public, the hard work in enforcing laws against domestic violence continues. As with other cases of similar mobilization against violence against women in India, Mexico, and Turkey, legal proceedings can bring temporary relief. But beyond condemnations of this one incident, courts and public officials are likely to continue to blame victims and accuse some women of inviting male violence. Less privileged women abused by their family members won’t gain the same level of public attention.
The lasting legacy of Nukenova’s case is likely to be the expansion of civic consciousness among Kazakhs. Since the government denied justice to the victims of the January 2022 protests, many citizens had been mired in political nihilism and fear that the protests were in vain. The trial snapped them out of their despair and has become a symbol of hope that the law can lead to justice—not just be used by the government to repress dissent.
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omegaphilosophia · 1 year
Unmasking the Actions of Corrupt Politicians: A Closer Look at Political Malpractice
Corrupt politicians engage in a wide range of unethical and illegal activities to maintain and expand their power, often at the expense of the public interest. Some common actions and behaviors associated with corrupt politicians include:
Bribery: Accepting money, gifts, or favors in exchange for political favors, such as favorable legislation or government contracts.
Embezzlement: Misappropriating public funds for personal use or diverting money intended for public programs.
Nepotism: Appointing or promoting family members and close associates to government positions, often without regard for their qualifications.
Cronyism: Favoring friends and allies in political appointments, regardless of their competence or suitability for the role.
Kickbacks: Receiving a portion of the funds from government contracts awarded to certain businesses or individuals.
Extortion: Using threats or coercion to obtain money or support for personal or political gain.
Money Laundering: Funneling ill-gotten gains through legitimate financial channels to conceal their origin.
Corrupt Campaign Financing: Accepting illegal campaign contributions or using campaign funds for personal expenses.
Obstruction of Justice: Interfering with investigations, destroying evidence, or intimidating witnesses to avoid accountability.
Vote Rigging: Manipulating election results through voter suppression, ballot stuffing, or other fraudulent means.
Abuse of Power: Using one's political position to harass, intimidate, or retaliate against perceived enemies or whistleblowers.
Influence Peddling: Selling access to government officials or decision-makers to private interests seeking favorable outcomes.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating electoral district boundaries to favor one's political party and ensure re-election.
Lobbying Malpractice: Engaging in unethical lobbying practices, such as misrepresenting facts or exerting undue influence on legislators.
Conflict of Interest: Failing to disclose or address personal financial interests that may compromise one's ability to make impartial decisions.
Corrupt politicians undermine the principles of democracy, erode public trust in government, and divert resources away from essential public services. It's crucial to combat corruption through transparency, accountability, and legal mechanisms to uphold the integrity of political systems.
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fcble · 2 months
June 2024. Featuring Lee Taein, Song Hyemi. 1k.
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“Thirty-five percent,” Taein says slowly, because he could not have heard Hyemi correctly. Thirty-five percent would put her as the second largest shareholder, second only to him, skipping over and massively upsetting everyone else with a historical stake in his company.
She nods, folding her hands on top of the notebook in front of her, nails immaculate and nearly trimmed. The light reflects off her clear nail polish. "You were so receptive to my first donation."
He was, because that was a donation. A gesture of goodwill, meant to represent good dealings between Zenith Entertainment and Song Studios. When he signed Jaesun, he never could have predicted this baggage.
"If Jaesun-ssi is so important to you, you should represent him yourself."
Hyemi’s bottom lip curves up into a half-sneer. "Miae would never let me manage her precious son."
Taein has no interest in their politics, so he takes her words at face value with a single nod. He has his doubts about her presence here—if Miae knows her sister is so controlling of her son, if Jaesun knows the extent to which his family wishes to steer his life.
"Since you find the terms agreeable, I look forward to doing business with you,” Hyemi says, like their conversation, which has barely started, is already over.
“I never agreed to anything,” Taein says mildly. He isn’t worried. He imagines her bark is stronger than her bite. “You try so hard to influence his life, yet he runs wild anyway. Control him better.”
“I am not here to talk about my nephew,” she says.
“Then we have nothing to talk about,” he says with finality.
Hyemi makes no move to leave. Taein has half a mind to call security.
"Have you heard of the latest police corruption case?" she asks, smoothly switching the subject.
Taein knows exactly what she's talking about. It's a question of how much she knows. "The superintendent taking bribes from high-profile arrestees," he says, evenly paced, like he's remembering something he's read.
"Acting isn't your forte. Let me skip to the point. Han Cheolhwan-ssi is in no state to continue his responsibilities as a shareholder."
She knows too much. Cheolhwan's position as a Zenith Entertainment shareholder was a closely guarded secret, like the identities of most of the other investors. More than that, he's one of Taein's friends from their university days, and the person Taein paid off—with a friendship discount—to have the embezzlement case against him silently forgotten about. The share in Zenith is a gesture of friendship. On a shrewder level, Taein will sorely miss the safety net of being good friends with a high-ranking law enforcement employee.
"I presume that means you want his share," he says.
Hyemi smiles without warmth. "It would be in better hands."
"It seems strange for someone like you to pretend you're better than him. How many times have you paid your son's way out of a prison sentence?"
"Bail is not the same as bribery. You agreed to hire him in exchange for my donation. I haven't met anyone so agreeable in a long time. It’s refreshing."
His past actions are irrefutable, and Hyemi's motives are crystal clear. Taein moves on. He knows she's going to walk out of this room with a stake in his company. 
"Cheolhwan-ssi's shares are small. You would stoop that low," he says, meaning it in two ways at the same time. One, that Hyemi would come in here for this meeting and try to coerce him into giving her a spot at the table. Two, that she would drop from her initial demand of thirty-five percent to Cheolhwan’s meager percentage.
“You doubt me? It wounds me,” Hyemi says, splaying one hand over her heart. Her theatrics are the opposite of amusing.
“A new shareholder will be subject to approval from the current board,” he says, respondingly in a slightly positive way for the first time.
She pounces. “What makes you think they wouldn’t approve of me?” 
The worst part of all of this is that most of other shareholders would likely approve of her. Jinguk would, of course, be opposed, given the rivalry between his family’s film business and Song Studios. Taein has to admit—if only to himself—that the thought of a permanent partnership with Song Studios is extremely tantalizing. Their stellar reputation and deep pockets and the way Hyemi expertly modernized her company for the twenty-first century would be an easy sell to almost anyone. Taein assumes he’s in the minority for rebuffing her herself, and not one of her many proxies or lackeys. 
In the back of his mind, he knows he shouldn’t do this to Jaesun again. Jaesun has already expressed, multiple times over, his desire to separate himself from his family. It’s why he’s an idol instead of an actor. It’s why he signed with Taein’s company, rather than his grandfather’s. Taein let him down before, when he hired Chohyun to act as his manager.
And yet when faced with the prospect of another funder—his working relationship with Jinguk has been more of a barely working relationship lately—well, the the last barrier inside him breaks. The choice is easy. Jaesun can handle a second disappointment—or better yet, he won’t have to know. Taein doesn’t intend to let her exert the same control over his own affairs.
“Very well,” he relents. “My assistant will notify you of the results on your replacement of Cheolhwan-ssi in a few weeks.”
He stands, giving her no choice to follow, and holds out his hand. Hyemi follows.
“Cheolhwan-ssi’s spot on the board, and his share,” she says, but she shakes his hand.
“Of course.”
Words are just that—words, empty promises and false reassurances—until they’re set in writing. Hyemi knows Cheolhwan had some small percentage in his company. Taein is a betting man. He would place money on her not knowing the exact size of her future stake. He would rather the ownership belong to anyone else, including Jaeseop. 
For now, he’ll place the responsibility of duping Hyemi into Gyeongwon’s extremely capable legal hands. He walks her down to the entrance, so he can be sure she leaves. He watches her climb into the backseat of a van with tinted windows as he retrieves a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket. He cups his hand around the end and lights it with slightly trembling hands.
Taein thinks about the battle Gyeongwon fought with Jaesun’s lawyer over his contract and sighs in trepidation. That was an experience he has little interest in repeating again. Silently, he wishes her luck.
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doomed-prophetess · 1 year
Big question: After reading manhwhas, what do you think should be the qualities of being an Empress?
I mean you seem to have vast knowledge when it comes to historical manhwhas and you know the nuances of these kinds of stories
Sorry if this is confusing since it's hard question
leadership skills: assessing people, being able to assess the situation, empathy, charisma, recognizing potential, ability to deal with criticism, diplomacy, time management (set deadlines, single steps that have to be fulfilled by a certain date), ability to maintain an overview, to reduce narratives to the essentials, compromise and balance without betraying own values
foresight: keep track of the consequences of the events of your own decisions over the years, which results and which resistances you have to pay attention to
moral recognition
become a role model to the younger generations
promote the arts and culture -> strenghtens social cohesion
be able to communicate a vision
centering power into a collective centre of power
gain credibility by keeping promises, holding yourself accountable for your words and actions
just in rewarding and punishing
formulate clear unambiguous laws that are really enforced for all, must abide by these laws themselves
write a constitution, protect fundamental rights that even a state ruler cannot cross under any circumstances
highly educated (STEM subjects + foreign language & culture + social science, understanding regularities of social developments)
generalist, business management
tough on property crime as it destroys the entire social structure
free healthcare
implenting educational reforms: free of charge, availible to children from all classes and any ethnicity, banning corporal punishment
build schools, train teachers, get kids off the streets into homes
fighting corruption, corruption in higher education such as bribery, embezzlement, fraud, extortion, favoritism, nepotism etc. etc.
don't lower the level of education and make cheating easy, this is how you get doctors who make diagnostic errors, professional negligence and medical malpractice.
a good spy-network (secret service)
win the respect of the military. It is much harder as a female ruler in a patriarchial country. There are extreme ways such as participating in the war by yourself just like a male ruler would, symbolic participation, power through father or husband, impress through a brilliant military strategy during meetings while also listening to the advice of the elders or arranging a clever marriage to the commander of your army/ a powerful man respected by the military
keep the peace while maintaining the strength of the army. involve the army in disaster assistance, send military observers / elite groups to certain hot spots in the world so that they won't miss out on real war experience, military drills will never be a substitute for a fight between life and death
create sophisticated infrastructure: a vast network of roads, aqueduct (water supply), public baths, sewer system
has ideally lived a while among the commoners to understand the soul of the common people and their most urgent needs
alternatively travelled
forms connections and maintains relations with allied countries: marriage arrangements, warding of foreign noble children, gifts, military support, trade, academic exchange...
protects legacy: mentor the heir + create a safety net of trusted advisors + establish social institutions that are responsible for specific structural tasks and operate independently of private interests. So that what you have created in your lifetime will not be destroyed in another lifetime. For example if there happens to be a tyrant born into your family.
the final long-term goal should always be to get rid of the monarchy eventually
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thatguylainey · 7 months
So i have a three year old Aarakocra named Kiwimiko and she recently got arrested…. So here’s her crimes!
Miko's charges:
Destruction of Property
Treason against an official government body
destruction of imperial property
threatening the emperor
conspiracy of insurrection
Grand Larceny
departure of custody
resisting arrest
evading arrest
Psychological warfare
Aggravated assault
Psionic Warfare
Impairment of senses
Contempt of court
Disturbing the peace
Disorderly conduct
Obstruction of justice
Attempted Regicide
Irregular Migration
Parole Violation
Use of unethical magic
Assault against nobility
Political violence
Participation in Combat groups
Combat violence
damage of property
Excessive noise
Use of mind controlling magic
Unregulated hunter research
Possession of unregulated magic items
Blasphemy against the emperor
Harboring a fugitive
Arms dealing
Hostage holding
War crimes
Unofficial declaration of war against state bodies
Declaration of war as an unsovereign state
Assassination attempts
Breaking and entering
Impairment of Political discussion and treaties
Impersonation of a noble
Stolen Valor
Leveraging of a military position
Unlawful arrest
Defamation of militaristic honor
Falsification of documents
Invasion of Privacy
Evading Exile
Attempted Usurpation
High treason
Abuse of power
Abuse of Nobility
Inciting a prison riot
Illegal Entry
Crimes against the States
Airspace violations
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I would say this is an achievement
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multishipper-baby · 1 year
Okay so after a lot of planning and writing down stuff, here it is! A full breakdown of all the deaths in the AU, in order and with everyone's motives.
Chapter 1
Motive: If a murder doesn't occur in 48 hours, all students participating in the killing game will be executed.
As the countdown is rapidly coming to an end, Chica tries to reason with Springtrap and convince him to open the school's front gate. It's something the class had been discussing since they first got trapped inside, but he continues to refuse saying that it might get him killed. She argues that him not opening the door will get them all killed, but he insists that it will not- if whoever is behind this whole thing just wanted them dead, they'd have killed them all already, instead of preparing this absurdly complicated set-up of kidnapping and trapping them in a building. Chica considers his words, but disagrees.
Finally, he mentions that even if he wanted to open up the door, he probably couldn't do it before the countdown ended now, given how little time there is left. There's less than an hour left, and studying a security door he's unfamiliar with and disarming it without proper tools would take him much longer than that, if he can even manage it.
As he is about to leave the room to go back to his dorm, Chica watches the time anxiously, and considers her situation- the two of them are alone, in the middle of the night, with no witnesses around. He might be right in that nothing will happen if the countdown reaches zero... But if he's not, then this might be the only chance she gets to strike. Her only shot at saving herself or her classmates.
So, she grabs her sewing scissors from her dress pocket, and gets close enough to strike him directly on the neck. If it's already too late for him to help with opening the door- well, she supposes that he'll help by being a sacrifice.
Chapter 2
Motive: The mastermind reveals that one of the students is working for them, but gives no hint as to who this mystery person might be.
With one death and one execution having already happened, tensions are high on the group, and the reveal of a possible traitor only makes them higher. Everyone is pointing fingers and trying to sniff out who's the enemy hiding among them, despite some of the characters attempts at keeping the peace.
Toddy, in particular, is a ball of nerves. She's never been good at trusting others- in a situation as dire as this? She can barely even stand to be around any of them. There's hope that her family might come rescue her, but who's to tell they'll arrive in time?
So, with few options at hand, she tries to use what few information she has of her classmates to try and figure out who the traitor is- and kill them. That way, she might have a shot at escaping, or at least delaying her death. After some time of thinking, she settles on someone: Loon. His talent would be most useful for an informant, she decides, and he's always trying to hide away or blend in instead of standing out, like his hiding himself. Taking him down might be her ticket out.
So, she tries to attack him with a knife... But he manages to see her coming, and tries to defend himself. In the ensuing struggle, Loon ends up accidentally stabbing her, leading to Toddy dying instead of him. Freaked out over what he did but too afraid of being executed to tell the others, he tries his best to hide his tracks.
Chapter 3
Motive: Each student receives an envelope with their name on it- inside its their darkest or most shameful secret. All secrets will be revealed if someone doesn't kill within a 24 hours.
When Golden receives his secret, he starts worrying a lot- because more than it being his own secret, it's one from his family, and all the vile things they've done in the name of power. Government bribery and corruption, market abuse, embezzlement... And the false imprisonment of anyone that tried to call them out on their crimes. He knows what they've done hurt many people in desperate situations, and doesn't want that to color his classmates' perception of it. So, he reaches out to someone he thinks might be able to help: the therapist of the group, Cami.
Cami does wish to help him at first, but upon hearing some of the details he mentions, she quickly realizes that what his family did impacted her personally. She's an orphan, who grew up in foster care, surrounded by understaffed and undertrained personnel. In an orphanage that had little funding and had to rely almost exclusively on donations, in a building that looked close to falling apart. Many times she'd heard people trying to campaign for more help for kids like her, but the government had never answered to their pleas. And all this time, a shitty company had been trying to give them even less money and support to line their pockets?
But now, both heirs to the company are trapped in this building with her. She has the opportunity to take that corporation down- or at least, to hurt it as pay back for hurting her and so many others. So, as soon as she gets a good opportunity, she hypnotizes Golden and calls for Joy with an excuse. Once they're together, she attacks Joy, and asks Golden to kill her... Except he does not. Her hypnosis isn't strong enough to make him abandon his morals.
So, she does the next best thing- she kills Joy herself by strangling her, but making it look like Golden killed her. Once Golden gets out of his trance, he's horrified with himself, convinced that he's murdered his own cousin. Cami, making use of his weak and still suggestible mental state, convinces him to kill himself to avoid doing a class trial... Hanging himself with the same rope she used to kill Joy.
Chapter 4
Motive: The blackened, if they manage to win the class trial, can chose to save one of the spotless students and escape the killing game together. The spotless student doesn't need to assist in the murder, or even know about it beforehand.
Between all the general chaos of the killing game, one of the secrets in the past motive come out- Meg got into Hope's Peak Academy via fraudulent means, and she doesn't actually have an ultimate talent. This secret makes it so the others start speculating that she might actually be the traitor, having gotten into their class illegally to keep tabs on them, and so many in the group start to treat her with hostility. Bon, who had been getting close to her during the killing game, feels betrayed and is especially cruel in his treatment.
Fox, who has been keeping the fact that they're siblings a secret for safety reasons, is very frustrated with the situation. He knows exactly why Meg got into the school... Because he helped her do that in the first place, when he got scouted for the school. Since attending Hope's Peak would mean he'd have to leave the country and she'd be alone, he struck some deals to have the school permit her entry so he wouldn't have to leave her behind. With how complicated things are right now, though, he's worried that trying to explain the situation will only serve to have the others turn on him as well.
However, he can't just let the situation be. Toddy had tried to kill Loon for suspecting him as the traitor- who's to say everyone's antagonism towards Meg won't end up with a murder as well? Waiting around until someone harms his sister just isn't an option, and he needs to act now. He doesn't want to kill, nor condemn the others to their deaths, but his family comes first.
He needs to win the trial for the both of them to escape, though, so he comes up with an idea: use people's distrust towards Meg against them. His plan is to frame her as the killer, as people will be likely to vote for her, giving him an easy win. For this reason, he decides to kill Bon with poison.
Chapter 5
Motive: Each student will get back a small portion of the memories that they've lost, detailing their time in Hope's Peak Academy (and the many things that went wrong during that time which led to them now being in a killing game).
As all characters receive specific memories from their pasts (some of which will contribute to solving the final mystery), Eak in particular gets much more than the rest of them- and, unlike the rest of his classmates, he doesn't get any memories from his time at Hope's Peak Academy. Instead, he gets various memories from his time as a Remnant of Despair, confusing as disturbing him deeply. As all the others retell what they remembered, he realizes that he's the only one whose memories are different from the rest. So, he decides to lie to the others about what he remembered, and retreats to his room to consider the situation.
He tries to convince himself that his memory must just be flawed, since the others didn't mention anything like he saw, but he can't convince himself of that. Everything just felt so real. Even if he doesn't understand how that happened, a part of him tells himself that it has to be true. And if it's true, then... They've all done terrible things. All of them.
So, after a few hours of slowly dying inside, thinking of all the horrible shit he's done, he comes to two conclusions: 1- the others should not find out about this, because then they would feel exactly as shitty as he feels right now, and 2- they all deserve some type of punishment for their transgressions, even if they don't remember them. Which means that he's going to have to kill someone, not to escape (because he's not too optimistic about what will happen if he escapes), but so that everyone else will be executed. If he kills them now, at least they will die in peace, not knowing that they're Remnants.
As for his victim... He decides on Liontrap, tragically. He doesn't want to murder his best friend, but if everything goes according to plan, then he'll end up dying anyway- just in a much more panful and brutal way. And if the plan goes wrong, then Eak himself will die, leaving Liontrap alone and without any friends, since Cami is already gone. Besides, he needs to win the trial still, and his conviction might waver going against his friend. Better to make sure he has nothing left to lose.
Not to mention that, if Liontrap ever found out the things he remembered... in the end, the nicest thing Eak can offer him is an quick, painless death.
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buntsukim · 5 months
heres Coals official criminal history. or atleast all i remember hes done.
money laundering
tax evasion
insider trading
ponzi scheme
wage theft
accessory to murder
murder by proxy
assault and battery
accessing illegal media
illegal internet activities
false imprisonment
arms dealing
abuse of power
psychological abuse
illegal propaganda
riot incitement
reckless driving
weapons possession
family neglect
aiding and abetting
con artistry
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haydenigmatic · 1 year
Please shard a tid-bit about ridiculous things that have happened in this world's history after the mother mentioned that one king I've been genuinely interested
I'll share a more in depth stories about it on the future, as well on the game's royal library of the codex.
The War of Three Kings: A conflict that erupted between the three most powerful kingdoms in the realm, each vying for dominance and control. The war lasted for over a decade and resulted in widespread devastation, with entire cities reduced to ruins and countless lives lost. The scars of this conflict are still visible in the fractured relationships between the kingdoms.
The Great Famine: A prolonged period of crop failures and food scarcity that gripped the entire realm, leading to widespread hunger and suffering. The famine was caused by a combination of poor harvests, harsh weather conditions, and mismanagement of resources. It took years for the realm to recover from the devastating effects of this famine.
The Dark Plague: An epidemic that swept through the realm, claiming countless lives and leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. The plague spread rapidly, causing widespread panic and leading to the collapse of trade and social order. It took years for the realm to recover from the loss of its population and the economic impact of the plague.
The Mad Queen: Queen Deera I, plagued by madness and paranoia, unleashed a wave of terror upon her subjects. Her erratic behaviour and unpredictable decisions led to chaos and instability within the kingdom. The nobility, fearing for their lives and the future of the realm, conspired to remove her from power, resulting in a violent and tumultuous struggle for the throne.
The Betrayal of Queen Daena: Queen Daena I, known as "the Betrayed," was a wise and just ruler who sought to bring prosperity to her kingdom. However, she was betrayed by her closest advisor, who conspired with rival factions to overthrow her. The resulting chaos plunged the kingdom into a period of political turmoil and weakened its defences against external threats.
The Dark Reign of Queen Dalena: Queen Dalena I, known as "the Dark Queen," embraced forbidden dark magic and ruled with an iron fist. She used her powers to suppress opposition, manipulate her subjects, and commit heinous acts of cruelty. Her reign plunged the kingdom into a period of darkness, with many fearing for their lives and seeking refuge elsewhere.
The Reign of King Deron the Corrupt: King Deron III was a corrupt ruler who abused his power for personal gain. He imposed heavy taxes on the people, while his inner circle engaged in embezzlement and bribery. The kingdom's economy suffered greatly, leading to poverty and unrest among the populace.
As you can see this is just a little of the lengthy history of the world, the female rulers faced more "hatred" because well men, they didn't agreed of a woman leading them, so their male relatives invented stories of how they beauty was thanks to dark magic and such.
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convenientalias · 2 years
now do prince yu
I swear, like.... I obsess over Seon-ho and MCS on an intellectual level and write fanfic about them and stuff but is there anyone that makes me go "ITS HIM, THE GUY" like Prince Yu??? I really don't know.
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Some notes:
-I'm sorry I made almost all the slidey things in the middle but listen, he's... a moderate guy.
Prince Yu is great company most of the time. He's polite, even flattering. He likes to chat and give presents. But then when he's discouraged he sits around and mopes and gets drunk and I feel kind of bad for Banruo dealing with it. That said, an angry or discouraged Prince Yu is honestly still easier to deal with than pretty much anyone else in the royal family, possibly including Jingyan. Like, he'll hear you out. He enjoys the feeling of being benevolent and gracious, he likes people to like him. So yeah I'd hang with Prince Yu. Any day.
Everyone SHOULD love Prince Yu but in fact many ppl do hate him. It's just bad taste. (Yes, MCS, I'm talking to you!!!!)
See below on trauma.... he has a lot of trauma but until he gets wrecked he also has a lot of good times and less tragedy than some in canon. Until. But let's not get into that for now, I'm in denial.
Prince Yu is sometimes very smart but I also almost filled in the box for himbo bc he can also be Pretty Dumb. This is a man who needs trustworthy strategists.
He tried really hard to play by the "rules" of court to become Crown Prince but when it failed, ahaha, we see that breaking the rules is hardly anathema to him. (And yes I am calling corruption playing by the rules; this is a very corrupt court where bribery, embezzlement, etc are honestly expected.)
-All things considered his tragic backstory isn't as bad as the backstory of many on the show but you do have to consider that being a prince in this royal family sucks for everyone. Constantly fighting for power and Daddy's love, constant paranoia. And then your dad kills your brother and makes you deliver the poison (which, opinions may differ, but I don't think Prince Yu was super happy about this, even if he benefited from Prince Qi's death in the long run). There's his parentage and his Hua heritage, of course, although Prince Yu didn't know that until way late in the game (does it count as a tragic backstory if it's a secret you didn't know about? maybe if it affects your current life despite your knowledge). Not to mention how he was tragically in love with Lin Shu who never realized his affections and then died (okay, I'll shut up).
-He does not give me violent urges in the sense that I want to hurt him but thinking about him does make me want to bang my fist against a table while wailing, "HE COULD HAVE HAD IT ALL, DAMN IT!!!"
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Prosecutors charged a Los Angeles city councilman with 10 counts, including embezzlement and perjury, Tuesday in the latest criminal case to upend the scandal-plagued governing board of the nation’s second-largest city.
Curren Price Jr. faces five counts of embezzlement of government funds, three counts of perjury and two counts of conflict of interest, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office.
Price was charged for having a financial interest in projects that he voted on as a council member, and having the city pay nearly $34,000 in medical benefits for his now-wife while he was still married to another woman, Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón said in a statement.
Between 2019 and 2021, Price’s wife allegedly received payments totaling more than $150,000 from developers before Price voted to approve projects, according to Gascón's statement. He also is accused of failing to list the money his wife received on government disclosure forms.
"This alleged conduct undermines the integrity of our government and erodes the public’s trust in our elected officials,” Gascón said.
Price called the charges “unwarranted.”
In a letter to City Council President Paul Krekorian, Price said he was stepping down from committee assignments and leadership responsibilities “while I navigate through the judicial system to defend my name.”
"The last thing I want to do is be a distraction to the people’s business," he wrote.
The council and city government have been shaken by a series of recent scandals.
In March, former Democratic City Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas — a one-time legislator, county supervisor and a fixture in local politics for decades — was found guilty in federal court of seven felonies, including conspiracy, bribery and fraud.
Last year, a racism scandal that shook public trust in Los Angeles government triggered the resignations in October of then-City Council President Nury Martinez and a powerful labor leader, Ron Herrera.
After an FBI investigation, two other former council members pleaded guilty to federal corruption charges in recent years.
Former Mayor Eric Garcetti, who left office in December, was shadowed by sexual harassment allegations against one of his former top aides.
To residents, the cumulative effect “makes the whole body politic of L.A. look rotten, look illegal,” said Jaime Regalado, former executive director of the Pat Brown Institute of Public Affairs at California State University, Los Angeles.
At a time when the city is struggling with an out-of-control homeless crisis, crime and soaring housing and rent costs, “it makes everything harder,” Regalado said.
A criminal complaint said a consulting firm operated by Price's wife received a series of payments from companies incorporated or co-owned by Thomas Safran & Associates, GTM Holdings/Works and GTM Holdings, before the councilman voted to approve funding for the companies' projects.
Emails seeking comment from those entities were not immediately returned Tuesday evening.
Price was first elected to the council in 2013 and currently serves as its president pro tempore. His district includes South Los Angeles and parts of the city’s downtown. His term is set to expire in 2026.
Price, who is Black, has successfully navigated changing demographics in his district — which has become increasingly Latino — and is known for being attentive to communities that are diverse.
The councilman had attended a city council meeting earlier in the day Tuesday.
Mayor Karen Bass' office said in a statement that she had not seen the charges but was “saddened by this news.”
Price’s attorney, David Willingham, declined to comment, saying he had not seen a copy of the criminal complaint.
The charges were first reported Tuesday by the Los Angeles Times.
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While I'm not a fan of eating the rich moment ( Due to my capitalistic roots, though I dislike how much government interference there is) I do agree mostly with your assessment.
And not all rich people are awful. JFK for example, came from a rich background and he's still one of my favorite presidents. His brother Robert Kennedy also was an advocate for civil rights.
But besides those two and a few others, that's it.
//Of course, you had people like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller, who engaged in some questionable business practices, but ultimately contributed the modern equivalent of billions to charities and scientific research.
//Carnegie even wrote "Gospel of Wealth," where he felt that wealthy people were morally obligated to give their money back to others in society. A view that I also believe in.
//There are absolutely people who use their wealth and influence to do good things for others, from medical research to construction to cleaning the oceans to
//Unfortunately, there are far more wealthy people who are either apathetic or downright cruel to others. They horde their wealth, buy things they absolutely do not need, push legislation through bribery and nepotism, and actively flaunt their power and wealth over the rest of us just because they can.
//Hundreds of millions or even billions aren't enough for them either, so they need to find more things to profit off of, which has lead to everything from copyright policies that fuck over everyone to building dams along rivers that people lived along just so they can sell that water right back to them.
//Their blatant disregard for human life in general is absolutely disgusting. They do not see regular people as people, they see them as either obstacles or resources. This level of detachment, combined with disposable income, is where phrases like "Just stop being poor" come from. They do not understand anything about anything, yet act like they're qualified to discuss everything imaginable.
//And let's not forget the pettiness, childishness and general douchebaggery on display with a lot of them. Look at everything Musk has done on Twitter, like turning the logo into Doge because he was caught in a legal battle over his own cryptocurrency and wanted to pretend like he invented the idea of Doge.
//Then there's what's called Gold-Parachuting, where the people at the top will buy successful companies, destroy them through embezzlement, corner-cutting and corruption, and then sell off everything they can because of an agreement where they'll get more benefits if the company is terminated. Doesn't matter what it does or how many people it'll affect, just as long as they come out as winners.
//These people genuinely do think they're above everything, from regular people to the rules and regulations we have in place for safety standards. Every opportunity they have to horde their insane amounts of wealth, they will take it without hesitation. That's why everything from the Great Recession to the Titan Incident happened.
//So I get what you're saying, but it doesn't change the fact that people have every right to have disdain for these sorts of people, and we know what they mean. When someone says "eat the rich," this is who they're referring to, not the ones who actually contribute to society with charitable acts.
//And it's exactly these sorts of people who would create and fund an organization like Hope's Peak Academy.
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the-archlich · 2 years
Did Cao Feng and Cao Shuang continue to enforce the restrictions on the various Cao princes? They seem corrupt enough that I could see them bending the rules in exchange for bribes or somesuch.
The corruption of Cao Shuang's regime has been greatly exaggerated. The things his group was accused of aren't particularly interesting allegations, even if we accept all of them at face value. It's all the normal stuff you find in pretty much every government. Embezzlement. Bribery. Cronyism. There's a reason Sima Yi had to invent a false conspiracy to replace the emperor in order to find an excuse to execute them. Their crimes were pretty much standard government.
Regardless, aiding the any of the princes would not have been to Cao Shuang's benefit (and certainly not to Cao Fang's). It risked diluting their authority and setting up a rival. There was nothing to be gained from that.
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ao3feed-drastoria · 11 days
Growing Foxglove In the Garden Dear
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/TJSbRUW by littleyellowraincoat To think that blackmailing and capturing a beetle in a jar at 15 would come back to pinch 28 year old Hermione Granger with its pincers...She doesn't know how Rita Skeeter was able to find the connection between her rise at the ministry and with Pansy Parkinson's face ending up on every Wizarding advertisement and magazine blowing kisses to the world. Pansy's reputation couldn't achieve that even if she was an heiress. Hermione's fame couldn't help with the elites who refused any change to their 'traditions and old ways'. Not when there was no profit that could be made. Rita stirred the public's thoughts about the shared success: Is it bribery with the Parkinson Family or was it embezzling—both? Who's to profit from all of this? The elves? OR, is this all just a complete Crumple-Horned Snorkack? Along with Rita's investigative journalism, Corruption Officer Padma Patil wants to know the truth too. Now even Hermione's chances for Minister were in jeopardy. The two witches double down with their own story and refuse to admit any wrongs. Either their youthful mistakes came back to hold them accountable or somebody betrayed them. It was time for Hermione to face her own faults and for Pansy to let her own go. Words: 15477, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Pansy Parkinson, Padma Patil, Millicent Bulstrode, Rita Skeeter, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Theodore Nott, Dean Thomas, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Neville Longbottom, Marietta Edgecombe, Daphne Greengrass, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Parkinson Family (Harry Potter), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Weasley Family (Harry Potter), Harry Potter Characters Relationships: Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood/Theodore Nott, Millicent Bulstrode & Pansy Parkinson, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Lavender Brown/Ron Weasley Additional Tags: Past Relationship(s), Past Character Death, Not Epilogue Compliant, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Grief/Mourning, Angst, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Minor Violence, adult character(s), Mutual Pining, Romance, Marriage of Convenience, Marriage, Same-Sex Marriage, Mystery, Light politics, Crimes & Criminals, White Collar Crime, Bribery, Gray Character(s), Ministry of Magic (Harry Potter), Ministry of Magic Employee Hermione Granger, BAMF Hermione Granger, Hermione committing white collar crimes for the elves, Wizarding Politics (Harry Potter), Wizarding Entertainment Industry, Model Pansy Parkinson, Good Pansy Parkinson, Pretty Pansy Parkinson, Wizarding Wireless Network | WWN (Harry Potter), DMLE | Department of Magical Law Enforcement (Harry Potter), MLE Officer Padma Patil, Family Drama, Inheritance, Bisexual Hermione Granger, Lesbian Pansy Parkinson, Lesbian Padma Patil, POV Third Person, POV Hermione Granger, POV Pansy Parkinson, Lesbian Sex, i will explain or warn in the story of anything i missed, i like to read baihe/yuri chinese novels so my work has some elements of that kind of writing read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/TJSbRUW
0 notes
warreneserchuk78 · 2 months
Further bribery and corruption, fraud, gang rape, embezzlement, slavery, terror attacks to attempted murder…8 yrs plus later…
These crime and terror specialists still continue their Nazi death camp tactics and have upped the ante yet again over the past 24- 36 hrs they’ve forced me glued to my fully set up n sabotaged iPhone 8 Plus with primary shadow iph 8 to cloud n App Store still attacking me from every Angel humanly possible. Cloud 1 cloned at least 82 times now over past 7-8 yrs same with clouds 2 & 3 of mine forced/traumatized to create ever in attempted defence. Super cloned old iPad of Avril Serchuks they set me up with this past dec with proven remote apple Mac connected which I incidentally found linked to old Samsung tv’s yrs ago. They’ve hacked me out of my Instagram app entirely and now done the same for my primary Facebook acc disabled my primary outlook and google email accs entirely. Pic profile frame hacking pattern strategy past 7-8 yrs disallowed to remove off my Facebook messenger past 12 hrs. Apparently they stole over £70 million from my Facebook over past 8-12 hrs.
I’ve tried as always to show my unverified google CO’s up for impersonations 3 of which set up linked to 3 Facebook pages that I’ve been hacked out of better part of past 5-6 yrs. Disallowed to do anything in attempted life for so very long defend against brutally vicious 24/7 onslaught attacks. Still gassing me with chemicals contaminating bedroom sabotaging car lacing food and drinks, even singles I now struggle to buy from corner shops all set up ;(
They’ve now confessed to having been working for ‘Siemens and Sputnik’. I’ve uncovered my lucrative North Star and Alfa Romeo contracts that they fraudulently stuck under impersonators names cleverly disguised beneath my Google Fit app Google accs packages (8 namely Wozzleberry78@gm, wozibear78@gm, colonelserchy@gm, warrenesser78@gm, serchuwarren@gm was recently used to embezzle via my primary google CO’s Citiprop Real Estate cloned 3 times to FBook page to Allan Serchuks Close Corporation linked to my Property Portfolios. They also diverged my wozibear78@gm google CO’s Warrens Wozzleberry way & Woz’s Way (pages) via that 7th google acc of which I have now received SARS tax related emails and text messages. Disgusting father tells me to ‘delete the spam cons’. They hacked me out of my 7th Google acc about 2,5 weeks ago for 2 days efforts to steal as much and cover up as always.
Heard them confess earlier that apparently Oren Saban has been impersonating me at the Reading University in UK, renowned for property excellence.
They’ve corrupted MTN again and obtained my only contract sim that was blocked in R70 debt that my father wouldn’t allow me to reclaim.
Mailru was used linked to my Vkontakte account access across Instagram fbook into 02 linkage on safari (Which is my Telkom sim roaming) to Octavius bank accounts in Eastern Bloc Russia.
Btw, Russian Secret Services confirmed murder charges more than 2,5 months ago now on my dominant frequency channel.
They’ve apparently ‘unfrozen’ my 8 yr then ‘suspended’ Barclays Bank accs. HSBC international so very worrying along with all the 14-20 bank accounts set up and created in my name with Fraudster terrorist security protocols in place.
I’ve done my best to try be heard as was forced to vocally and telepathically over the years having reported their heinous crimes since mid 2017 that span back to mid 2016 to date.
I’m relying now that some normal peeps out there who value life, love, family, culture and community and communication, the very essence of what neighbourhood stand for apart from the basic legalities involved. Ground floor basic law of contracts to real rights of ownership. Forced to be ‘lifesaving’ ‘ superhero’ as depicted in the entertainment offerings (netflix, showmax dstv, Saban films, Marvel comics, Empire Records) yet my salaries have been highjacked and stolen by these incorrigible, abhorrent, bloodthirsty telepathic Jew murderers (not to mention pornographers, traffickers and attempted innocent child murderers).
Property Portfolio, Marketing Porrfolios, Investment portfolios, Heath & insurance portfolios, Sponsorships, Salaries, Pension funds with banking portfolios (incl. my 15 yr UK lifesavings and late beloved grandparents inheritance trusts).
My Portfolios belong to the children and elderly families and friends in global neighborhoods whom I’ve been fighting for defending 24/7 past 8 yrs plus. They were meant to be hear by me (special interhemispheral vocal frequency and super synthetic telepathic abilities 8 yrs ago) along with all my contractors, core being Apple,Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, HP Lenovo, Oracle NVidia Siemens, T-Mobile, 02, MTN, Telkom, Vodafone, Barclays, HSBC, Virgin, Tesco and many more.
Please assist me in bringing these ultimate criminal terrorist villains to justice disallow the next 50 yrs plus of carnage anarchy chaos crime and corruption. The children deserved and deserve the antithesis, the complete opposite…
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