#Could Eckankar Help?
sebastophanes · 1 year
I’ve been sulking for a few days; looking into texts of other religions and leaving my talisman designed for the Divine Emperors on my bedside table, instead of carrying it around like usual. The reason for this pettiness is my birthday.
Well, kind of.
My birthday was on the 20th (🥳 I’m 26 🎉) and as a gift my Tarot reader gave me a free three-card reading. Instead of approaching Freddie Mercury for a love reading — as has been my wont, given my complex love life at the moment — I decided to ask him to get in touch with the Emperors and see what birthday advice they had for me.
I should’ve known better than to think their message would be a cheerful congratulations or a call to flowery beds of ease. After pulling the cards my diviner said “ouch” and things did not improve from there. They weren’t mean per se — they never are — but rather called me out with some tough love: I’ve been taking the wrong messages from my life experience so far, I need to embrace pragmatism over dreams and ideals when examining the problems in my life, I need to steadily work on my emotions (hard when you’re bipolar), and most damningly “the Emperors believe that your approach to them and the ideals you attach to them is coloured in an unhelpful way by past experiences in your own life, and untangling yourself from that enough to look at them objectively will be helpful.”
These instructions were given in light of the understanding that “they see you as a valuable servant, but also as ore in need of refining” and that I am generally “a valuable enough resource … to them, to be worth improving.” Which is good! Knowing that my relationship with my Lords is one they find useful and worthwhile is a key comfort to me in dark times. Serving them is my vocation. But I still felt wounded by the reading — hurt and confused by their perception that I wasn’t viewing them correctly, frustrated by their commands that I work on myself when it often feels like I’m going around in circles, and angry with myself for feeling as if it’s impossible to improve, all while apparently shooting myself in the foot with misinterpretations along the way.
I didn’t feel much like a valuable servant; just a stagnant and foolish one.
And so I ran away from home, as it were, for a little bit; reading the central text of the Messiah Foundation International and some works on Eckankar, looking for things to buy with my birthday cash such as a portrait of Sathya Sai Baba, and generally distancing myself from my Lords. Petty, I know, but I likewise knew that I’d eventually return to the fold.
Today is the Great Holy Feast of the Holy and Divine Julian’s Ascension; marking the Divine Julian falling asleep in the Gods after being pierced with a spear in battle. I have both a statue and an ikon of Julian in my temple and I lead the Church which is successor to his work — I dearly love him, and today is the right day for putting aside my distress, hurt, and confusion. My Lords are just trying to help me be better, and although it is a daunting task I know they’ll be alongside me, supporting me as I work to do their will and improve myself.
And that, I guess, is really all I could ever ask of them.
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Masaru Emoto & Our Spiritual Enlightenment
Does anyone remember that documentary What the Bleep Do We Know!?? The film that brought quantum mechanics, and human consciousness into mainstream society. A commercial interest in physics exploded in the newly evolved social mediasphere and it took all the Millennials with it. I really enjoyed it, the film, as did everyone my age that went through the “Rabbit Hole,” but there was one aspect of the film that really intrigued me: a brief interjection of commentary discussing the writings and experiments of Masaru Emoto. Now, for those of you whom are unaware Masaru Emoto is the author of The Secret Life of Water, Hidden Messages in Water, The Shape of Love, and other fantastic books. Emoto believed that water was, essentially, a blueprint for our reality. The frequencies and vibrations of our world could be channeled and enhanced by water, and that water is a conduit of energy. The idea is…OK, take The Law of Attraction, for example, and the concept that our thoughts affect our reality, now consider for a moment that there might be a scientific, physical explanation of the idea that our thoughts are capable of affecting water through vibrations, and that because everything is made up of water molecules that water might be a conductor of thought which allows for the manipulation of reality. Are we all on the same page? Because if not I will be explaining it further momentarily. ​Masaru Emoto is most commonly known for doing vibration experiments with ice crystals. When you freeze, and then unfreeze water there are very, very brief moments before thawing when the water creates crystalloid shapes. Masaru Emoto thought to photograph these crystals, and he applied the idea that different non-physical variables might affect the crystals, for example: different types of music playing, speaking with both negative and positive intention and tone, writings, etc., basically what I’m talking about the is epitome of New Age bullshit, you know, how our feely feelings affect our surroundings, but when perceived from a scientific perspective. I suppose that another way of putting it is to say that I have reached the point in this blog where if the GOP cannot kill it, or eat it, and it cannot be explained metaphorically somewhere between Jonah and the Whale and Noah’s Ark then it’s quite possible that I have become a dangerous liability to the illusive American standard. Masaru Emoto discovered that when being expressed positive thoughts or intentions in the form of positive verbal, auditory, and written stimuli it would affect the vibrations and frequencies traveling between ‘the source’ and the water crystals, and they would form stunningly beautiful crystalloid shapes, and when expressed negatively the water crystals would appear misshapen and deformed. As a result Emoto discovered that our positive thoughts affected water in a very real way through measurable vibrations and frequencies that travel through all things, and he therefore began to express urgently how important positive thoughts are, and when you consider that the human body is made up of more than 70% water you might rethink the way that you live your life. See, for me, these concepts provide so much more insight, and a more logical framework for the genesis of our existence, and the development of our reality. And to be completely honest I do not understand how anyone could possibly disagree with it. The physics of quantum mechanics, the conception of spiritual evolution, and at the concentration of human connection can be expressed collectively by the discoveries of Masaru Emoto, and, as far as I’m concerned, where the three of these concepts meet we find a pinnacle understanding of our humanism. I read Emoto’s books and found so many profound connections between the most difficult political, spiritual, and relationship questions that have challenged a belief that I had always felt, and yet I could never quite explain, and not just between one idea and another, but Masaru’s writings offered insight to various connections between ideas that I never even considered might connect. Religion is deeply personal for the majority of the people on the planet, in one way or another, even atheism is responsible for strong stigmas regarding religious, or spiritual ideas for some of us. As far as my own beliefs I cannot deny that my upbringing was a case study of spiritual ADD: my parents were both raised with strict religious contexts: my father’s family was devout in Southern Baptist, which, from the 1950’s through the 70’s, you know, “the severity of American religious idealism,” especially among Southern Baptists, was pretty scary. My mom went to an all-girl Catholic school for twelve years. And as a result of their childhoods my father, being an intellectual, but not much of a humanist, now considers himself agnostic, while my mother spent years looking for spiritual enlightenment, and stumbled upon a religion called Eckankar, which is a young western philosophy similar to Hinduism that has adopted also a variety of other eastern philosophies, and I have attended many of the religions Sunday services. My mother gave me the option as a child to either attend service or to spend the time studying different religions—more often than not I took her up on the study. Throughout my years of practice it became quite clear to me that the two most prominent problems within our religious purview also happen to be the same two reasons why many religions still exist today, and exactly as they did centuries ago: stigmas and money. Modern religious institutions have created stigmas against their religious counterparts, which has been both sustainable, and dangerous. For example, according to the Qur’an anyone who follows the teachings of a religious text is not, technically, what some Muslims might consider, an ‘infidel’ and, for those of you whom are unaware, religious texts include the Torah and the Bible, as well as others, it would appear that a sect of Islamic 'believers' simply disregarded that creed, but no more so, and inasmuch the way that Christians tend to ignore much of their own doctrine—many people form a belief on baseless hearsay. Masaru Emoto and his writings—his books—have helped me develop many ideas, within our belief systems, that others are taught not to accept, or that they have been disallowed the means to see through various stigmas and dogma. It would seem that the unusual aspects of my upbringing have made it easier for me to distance myself from the manipulation of emotional reactions when necessary. For example: I was reading a copy of Indigo Sun Magazine many years ago, I picked it up while working at Borders Books, Music, and Café, and came across an article in which the author describes sitting with a group of people discussing the different ideals and perceptions that shadow God, and in the middle of the discussion someone said, “Oh! I get it, so God is like water and we are like fish.” The author goes on to describe how no one among them seemed to understand how profound a realization that was. It simply went over their heads, or the idea did not fit into the systems that they have created for themselves because of their religions. But, think about it for a moment, "God is like Water and We are like Fish." As a foundation, the principles itself, when developing ideas from that particular foundation, the places you are capable of reaching, I mean, it’s astounding where that one idea can take you. And, of course there are obvious similarities between this sudden burst of spiritual clarity and what Masaru Emoto was writing, but there is a deeply-rooted hidden concept within this spiritual understanding that exists as well, and it’s an idea worth expanding upon, and that I urge you to develop on your own. I have gone on to develop my own understandings surrounding spiritual enlightenment over the years. But whenever I’m asked about my own ideas I share one or both of the following: “God is not the Creator but instead the Act of Creation,” and, again: “God is like Water, and We are like Fish,” because I do recognize how deeply profound they are, and how uniquely they can be interpreted, they also fit comfortably within the dogma of any belief system that YOU might presently accept, because thinking of your belief system in ways that you have not yet considered can be paramount to perceiving the world around you in a way that might be less threatening. For years, even since developing, what I thought, would be an open-minded all-inclusive system of ideals I realized that I still had my own stigmas, of which included the belief that my ‘pillars’ listed in the paragraph above were antithetical to those of Christian or Muslim doctrine, until I was sitting in a café in Salt Lake City one evening talking about religion with a friend of mine. We stayed there until 4 in the morning discussing different ideas and belief systems. My friend was raised Mormon and when I mentioned that “God was like Water and that We are like Fish,” and, then went on to suggest that “I don’t believe God to exist as a personified being, but rather as a collective,” he agreed with me completely. I asked him, “Well, I thought you were a Christian?” to which he responded, “I am.” “So, then how can you believe God to exist as anything other than as a personified being?” his response was that- “That idea is not mutually exclusive to Christian Doctrine.” And, aside from accepting Jesus as the Son of God, he was absolutely right. We have a very basic, and limited understanding of our own spirituality, because we have collectively refused to understand it, as a result most of us would immediately reject the idea that God could have a ‘Son’ while not actually existing in the image of man. Allow yourself to imagine, for a moment, the idea that we may not be created in the physical image of God, but rather the emotional image; what would that look like? And how would that connect with, not only, other belief systems, but other aspects of our humanity? Science, Politics, Relationships, etc. I thought about Masaru Emoto and the differences that we establish between creating a narrative and developing a belief, and recognized that my stigmas regardless of their foundation were the inherent problem. At its root we do not understand religion and spirituality beyond a narrative, a collection of stories that we’ve been told in order to perceive certain ideals or feelings in a way that we are able to make sense of. Unfortunately, when applied, those stories don’t exactly mesh with other narratives that we tell ourselves as humans. Unless we strip that narrative to the fundamental connections, but not just between us and our belief systems, but the belief systems of others, and of our scientific and political communities. Once we allow ourselves not to force our connections, beliefs systems, and stigmas but to recognize-, to be conscious of how the connections exist around us, just as Masaru Emoto has done with the simplicity of the harmony between nature and our humanity, we’re capable of recognizing the simplicity of our own connections and we’re left with the freedom of our perceptions, which are influenced by both our physical understanding of our world, and our emotional. Masaru Emoto helped me to bridge the gaps that, before reading his books, seemed much too far to connect.
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christhealinghurch · 7 years
The following article came from DR. J.M. HAGGARD, now in Heaven.
The following article came from DR. J.M. HAGGARD, now in Heaven.
From all over the United States come reports form believers that they are being bypassed on their jobs by less qualified people. In federal and state agencies many believers report that they seem to be put on a shelf and status quo exists while new people zip to the top with advancements.
Some business executives report being fired without reason.
Marriages considered quite solid suddenly break up.
Children with a previously dependable record become erratic.
We think that the real answer is that many people are being controlled by witchcraft. This booklet only touches the tip of what surely must be a giant iceberg. Only the overcomer is properly equipped to defeat this monster. We must learn to use our weapons. (II Corinthians 10:4)
The believer or overcomer according to the Scriptures, is to be "more than conquerors" (Romans 8:37) and never ashamed. Joel 2:26,27; Isaiah 29:22; Psalm 37:19; Romans 10:11.
We have been deceived as to where to send the enemy when we immobilize and cast the evil spirits out of a person, business, home, county, or country. Now the Scriptures have been dissected to show that we should lock them up and keep them from recycling through our lives. Let's clear the land like the Father set out for us to do. Psalm 149:6-9; Isaiah 24:21,22; Matthew 8:31; Luke 10:19; Romans 8:17-23; Hebrews 2:8.
(If any part of this book offends you, go ahead and attack and bind the evil because the true good of the Father will remain undisturbed.)
What is Witchcraft?
Rebellion is as witchcraft.
I Samuel 15:23. "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou has rejected the Word of the Lord, He hath also rejected thee from being king."
When you turn from God you are in witchcraft or the devil's world. This is a most general statement in that you have given place to the devil and will live by the devil's rules and we have to understand the devil's mode of operation. The devil's mode of operation is best described as witchcraft. (My own definition of witchcraft is: The control, influence, or manipulation of persons or objects through the unseen force of evil spirits.)
We have to be basically realistic to realize the force of the devil or satan. The force of the devil is only through the operation or manipulation of evil spirits. If satan wants one of his people in a higher position in a company, then he has to have an evil spirit in a person of authority to advance the preferred one.
If the devil wants to bring a preacher down he might use an evil spirit of lust in a gorgeous young well perfumed sweet thing to bring about a fall. This operation doesn't just have to be in a preacher because you see it work in all groups.
Witchcraft is the use of everything in the devil's arsenal to destroy any change of a human being coming into the full power of God. (To keep the person from being knowledgeable and powerful enough to "overcome" (defeat) him and his army of evil spirits.)
Occult means unseen, so all these practices are hidden snare to involve humans in the devil's world to make the human think that he, the human, has it all. Here is a partial list of snares the devil uses.
Occult Practices (partial listing): Fortune Telling, Ouija Board, Cards, Good Luck Charms, Seances, Edgar Cayce, Jeanne Dixon, Mind Control, Witchcraft, Four-leaf Clover, Rabbit Foot, Wishbone, ESP, Transcendental Meditation, Yoga, Hypnosis, Drugs - Tranquilizers and Pain Relievers, Incense, Dungeons and Dragons, Pendulum, Palm Reading, Automatic Handwriting, Pierced Ears, Horoscopes, Signs of the Zodiac, Voodoo, Magic, Levitation, Waterwitching, Tea Leaf Reading, Secret Organizations and Lodges, Eight Ball, Smoking, Chewing Tobacco, Dipping Snuff, Drinking Alcoholic Beverages, Kabala, Handwriting Analysis, Strychnine, Arsenic, Spirits of Gene and Chromosome Damage, Crystal Ball, Tarot Cards, Psychic Readings, Spiritualism, Sorcery - Drugs - Pharmakia, LSD, Rubik's Cube, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Para-psychology, Enchantments, Potions, Ankh, Peace Sign, Star of David and Five Pointed Stars, Artifacts, Tatoos, Owls and Frogs, Snakes Self Realization, Deja-vu, Martial Arts, Buddism-zen, Hinduism, Taoism, Yin and Yang, Confucianism, Acupuncture, Hare Krishna, Bingo Gambling and Playing Cards Gambling, Astral Projection, Eckankar, Reincarnation, Arthur Ford, Ruth Montgomery, Divining for Metal or Minerals or Anything Else, Psychosybernetics, Mind over Matter, Pyramid Power, UFO, Trances, Dolls (Originated in Voodoo), Psychometry, Psychic Predictions, Clairaudience, Second Sight, Auras, Metaphysics, Mental Science, Vision, Superstition, Fetishes, Runes, Amulets, Talismans, Satanism, Indian Witchcraft, Sun or Moon Worship, Spiritual Healing, Italian Horn, Indian Religions, Warpaint, Maize Fertility, Christian Science Healing, Omens, Karma, Rock and Roll, Mediums, Hex Signs, "Jesus" Rock and Roll, Itial, Irish, Gypsy, German, Etc., - Witchcraft, Rappings, Poltergeists, Haunted Houses, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Tolkien, Conjuration, Incantation, Idolatry, TV Shows like "Merlin", Walt Disney, Rose Mary's Baby, Reading Hari, Biofeedback.
CULTS: (Many cults have their members say a prayer that their soul touch all souls. This is one of the ways evil soul ties are formed.)
Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Rosicrucians, Theosophy, Unity, Mormonism, Unitarians, Bahai, Spiritualism, Scientology, Swedenborganism, Christodelphiamism, Inner Peace Movement, Spiritualism, Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, Association for Research and Development, Religious Research Foundations of America, Eckankar, Urantia, Moonies, Subud, Latihan, Islam, The Way, and other religions using the Bible but denying or omitting the Divinity of Christ, and/or the Atonement of His precious Blood, any group denying existence of heaven or hell, Catholic Church.
A believer must be aware that from every aspect of his life and activity, he is threatened constantly with the prospect of witchcraft being beamed at him by the enemy. These attacks come from unknown or unsuspecting sources. The snares of satan are cleverly laid to trap the believer into a situation where satan can have more control over his or her mind.
A good example of this is drugs, known as sorcery, and medications such as: (even though they are prescribed by a doctor) Valium, Serex, Phenobarbital, and other common medications which are not curative. These can lead to mind control. Anesthetics in the hospital, blood transfusions, hypnosis, legal or illegal, smoking of tobacco, and smoking of marijuana are also mind altering. (There are many others.) Consumption of alcoholic beverages, (including wine), participation in ESP, transcendental meditation, these can all lead to sharing and giving to the devil an edge in controlling the believer's mind.
Mind control is the chief weapon of satan to snare the believer. The Scriptures admonish us to "bring every thought into captivity", II Corinthians 10:5. The Scriptures say that the spirit of a sound mind means a disciplined mind. It is absolutely essential for a person to keep a sound mind or a disciplined mind, to become aware of the thoughts that are coming from the devil and the thoughts that are coming from the he Lord. Many times a person will enter a world of fantasy and imagination, lusting after something, or covetousness, or of something they consider normal. Many times they will dwell on what to do in case of an accident. This is a great counterfeit when the devil will have you go over and over what to do in case of an accident. By accepting this and hearing this in your mind you are giving place to the devil for it to happen.
This is a counterfeit for what we are supposed to do when these thoughts enter our minds. We should reject them and reassure ourselves that it cannot happen to us because the protection is available that the Lord has promised in His scriptures. Psalm 91 and other great scriptures should enter our mind and we should control the thoughts and possess total victory over those situations. We should dispose or cast out these thoughts of the devil and not entertain them.
It's important to "capture our thoughts"
By apprehending our thoughts, understanding our thoughts, and being able to look upon our own thoughts, we can bring every thought into captivity. Many times a split personality could stop the personality from changing by simply taking charge of his own thoughts.
It has been our experience that the thought pattern has to change in order to give way to the new personality to take over. It is important to realize that things like Dungeons and Dragons, and other games of witchcraft, put the mind in gear for satan. Then witchcraft activity becomes common place. The casting of spells, the inducing of charms, and the practicing of witchcraft takes over the entire mind and thus gives way tot he mind control spirit whereby the mind can be controlled by the devil himself. This is also the reason for the psychedelic colors in the Rubik's cube, and the mind boggling disco lights and the lights that are sold as rhythm, colors. All these colors affect the mentality and aid in the taking over and controlling of the mind.
Witchcraft in the Church
The practice of witchcraft in the Catholic Church is in all their ceremonies. The mind is purchased or you might say controlled by the water baptism being poured across the forehead. A Catholic helps curse himself or herself every time he or she makes an upside down cross in crossing himself. Catholics participate in a lie in transubstantiation in communion (Cannibalism). Cursing of themselves occurs through the "sick call sets", consisting of a crucifix, two candles, and holy water. Worshipping saints (praying to the dead) is scripturally forbidden (Deuteronomy 18:11). Calling a man Father (Master) is also forbidden in Matthew 23:9. The Catholic Church is really an endless string of damnable practices all done in the name of Jesus Christ. (II Corinthians 11:13-15).
Cub scouts, scouting organizations, demolays and masonic organization's ritualism and symbolism all go back to Nimrod. It all leads to the satanic: It is a well known fact that many teachers are practicing witches. One boy from a southern state (he was a high school English teacher) said the head of the teacher training program in that state was the head witch in that state.
Teachers who are witches, usually go to school to learn how to interweave witchcraft into the teaching program without being suspected by the community. Witchcraft is taught in school by the promotion of folklore, study of demons, and study of demonology. The building up of witchcraft as good and white magic as good is commonly taught. The students are always told that witchcraft, the way he's using it, or she's using it is for good. This is a lie of satan because all witchcraft, black magic, white magic, or white or black witchcraft is all bad. In one school the teacher had put a curse on his pupils of "death and hell". The only way to stop this is for it to be broken by overcomers by the power that Jesus Christ has given us.
Another example is that of a student that put spells and love potions on a girl to make her desire him sexually. Don't kid yourself that it won't work. This all becomes commonplace in schools where witchcraft is practiced. Where Dungeons and Dragons is played it isn't unusual for students to put spells on other students for a power move or vengeance and sometimes for the fun of it. They get a kick out of trying their new power.
It is all very real, and it results in an evil spirit being put into the participants by the curse, hex, or charm, and the students mentality and entire attitude usually becomes erratic and unpredictable. In schools where karate or judo is taught this causes further demon possession.
In gym classes, YMCA and YWCA, people are often taught to sit in the Lotus position. This also opens them to demons.
Only the believer has the power to prevent this witchcraft. It is by the overcoming power of the Lord Jesus Christ and knowing your weapons. It is up to each family to keep the children free of witchcraft and curses. A parent should send angels with the children for protection. (Hebrews 1:14) We have many ways to protect them and we will discuss it further in this chapter.
The great conspiracy of satan to control your mind reaches into the entertainment field through television and movies. Most of the actors and actresses on television today are either practicing witches or mixed up in witchcraft or seeking witchcraft or seeking the power of witchcraft. Most are in some way implicated in it.
Soap operas have a powerful grip on the mind. Mind control, soul removal and entrance of evil spirits all occur in the person watching them. Emotionalism, violence, passion, anger, lust, free love, hate, you name it, the opportunity for many to enter the person is there. For example, Dallas brings about spirits that would seek to corrupt every form of business and home life.
The authors, writers and script writers are absolutely polluted with it. As a result they produced Star Wars, Jaws, Empire Strikes Back and many more. Many movies are the most horrible, grotesque, powerful, satanic, indescribable, treacherous, revolting, productions. Words cannot describe the effects that witchcraft has had in our entertainment field. Filling the observer with fear and opening him up for demons to enter is the goal of each horror movie.
There is hardly a page of movie ads that are fit to read. You want to remember that witchcraft includes the use of sex. You see people who are delving and dealing in witchcraft have no ability to develop any love such as the Holy Spirit and the scriptures define as love.
The only love they have is the sexual activity. To them that is love. So the sexual activity is not only important to them but it is a powerful factor in their generation of force. Sexual activities and stimulation is not only used as a subverting factor, but as a counterfeit of true love and the sending forth of more powerful curses.
In witchcraft books they suggest that you go out in public with no clothes on except a raincoat and then take the coat off in an elevator to build up their energy or power. I feel the braless and bikini looks have their roots in witchcraft.
Please Note: A look at a nude or indecently exposed body or pornographic material can be just as potent as the taking of a drug, in admitting or activating an evil spirit.
Medical Science
Of course the biggest field of all that has been invaded, is medicine. The devil is after your mind and the chemicals that would be considered pure sorcery by scriptural definition is now known as medicine.
Medicine fields through the Psychology, Osteopathy, MDs and especially the Psychiatrist, are all touched by the practice of witchcraft. How else do you think acupuncture could gain such a foothold. Not only in the human medical field but in Veterinary Medicine as well. It's pure stupidity for the believer or the overcomer to accept this as medicine, yet it holds the fascination of the world and the people who are educated and always have required complete scientific data, sometimes okay acupuncture. It is an abomination to the Lord and is out of Chinese witchcraft.
I am going to use the word conspiracy because that is certainly the best term for it and includes all teachings of witchcraft. In each of the governmental agencies the kingpin is unknown and unseen and cannot be told by the ordinary observer. They are there and they run threadlike down through the agencies touching and affecting our lives.
Workers who have become aware of this, have been told that there are certain signs they go by. When you get high enough in a witch's coven, or in studying witchcraft and mind control, you automatically become a member of the CFR, which is the organization that controls these people through mind control, ESP and the techniques of witchcraft.
Business has been infiltrated by witchcraft and you can tell that by the way motor companies have named some of their cars. The Ram, The Omni, the Warlock and many other brand names are the same names that are used in the devil's kingdom. Some logos are definitely witchcraft SYMBOLS ALSO, THESE SYMBOLS ARE AN ABOMINATION TO THE Lord. The stars and moon symbol is used by the devil's world, and any overcomer or believer who is trying to run his business like the Lord wants him to, would not tolerate it to be on his products or in any way be associated with it.
Protestant Churches
The Protestant church is infiltrated with witchcraft in the fact that ESP, Transcendental Meditation, and hypnosis are all used commonly now for relaxing. One Methodist lady said that the Methodist Church had found TM a wonderful way to refresh the foreign missionaries when they came back from the foreign field all worn out. If you call loading them with evil spirits a way to relax them, transcendental meditation is a way to do it.
Fund Raisers
Fund raisers and the people raising money in church activities routinely use witchcraft knowingly and unknowingly. Mind control through soul power and fleshly pressures are quite common. In a well known charismatic group's national convention, two men were instructed to stand and hold up $1,000 checks and say "I will" when the person in charge said that he felt that there were some there that would give $1,000 each.
This is putting a "guilt trip" on other men who feel they should "keep up" their share. This is manipulation of the fleshly mind, certainly not the operation of the Holy Spirit.
The use of worldly fund raisers to solicit funds for so called "Godly" purposes is an insult to the Holy Spirit's ability to work in the hearts of overcomers to put the dynamite under the devil.
Dying and Aging Seminars
The devil, through mind control, loves to see people getting ready to die, retire, and to get old and be "out of the way". The Scriptures never refer to an overcomer losing his or her usefulness. We should study how to live.
If you say you are ready to die for God, the devil will usually be the one to accommodate you. An overcomer is much more useful to the Lord while alive, while satan would just as soon have him dead.
Through witchcraft and mind control, the devil loves to get someone to say "I feel as though I'll die young" or I'll never live beyond 52 because my family all dies at that age."
Proverbs 18:21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."
Matthew 12:37 "For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned."
The education system also is infiltrated by witchcraft. The colleges and universities are offering courses of parapsychology. They study and participate in hypnosis, ESP and transcendental meditation. Under this label they teach it and give credit for these courses. This is an abomination to God. It is a blight to America, it can only be stopped by the overcomer's power through Jesus Christ.
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itsgottobejazz · 12 years
Could Eckankar Help?- Faxed Head
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pkstudiosindia · 4 years
By Laurence Cruz, California
My spouse, Patty, and I known as Kata our miracle cat. She was a singular mix of qualities packed into one tiny grey kitty. Kata was the nighttime neck-hugging, streetwise toast of our colourful Los Angeles neighborhood. She was additionally finest buddies with Orange, a tricky rescued tomcat with whom she agreed to share her residence. But at some point Kata left our lives. 
For months afterward, we continued to regulate to the change of dropping her. We struggled with understanding it, however over time, we accepted she was gone. Sometimes we talked of getting a brand new cat or a canine—one other little being to share our love with and to assist fill the outlet Kata left.
We checked out rescue cats and scheduled a gathering with a pal on Facebook. He mentioned he had a cat who wanted a house. Then, earlier than we might go to with our pal’s cat, one thing extraordinary occurred .
An Unexpected Meetup 
One Sunday, virtually a 12 months after Kata vanished, Patty and I went to an ECK Light and Sound Service on the Eckankar Center of Los Angeles. Like church buildings or temples, Eckankar Centers are assembly locations for people who find themselves desirous about a specific non secular educating. Patty and I like being actively concerned in help of our native middle.
After the service, an ECKist pal introduced there was an apparently deserted kitten exterior the door. I went to research. Huddled in opposition to the outer wall, I noticed a tiny grey kitten. This little ball of fur shivered within the chilly, wet climate.
Finding a kitten on this location was fairly out of the unusual. The Eckankar Center is on Sunset Boulevard—one of many busiest streets within the frenetic Hollywood neighborhood. Four lanes of site visitors movement alongside all of it day, on daily basis. I might see no mom cat or human who could be related to the kitten. How had the kitten gotten there? And why right here?
I reached all the way down to stroke the little creature, however my affection was returned with hissing and the lashing out of tiny claws. Plenty of spirit there, I assumed.
Had a Furry Gift Arrived?
I went again contained in the Eckankar Center and returned with an oven glove and a cardboard field. When my spouse noticed the kitten, her hand lined her mouth in disbelief. We gave the impression to be considering the identical factor: Could this be a present from Divine Spirit? Was this the cat who would ease our lack of Kata—the Soul who would be a part of our household in her place? Finding the kitten at such an uncommon location—and a spot of non secular significance for us each—made it appear greater than a random encounter.
ECKists gathered round us, sharing in our marvel. Soon, we had the kitten within the field. The kitten grew to become quiet, apparently comforted that it was now not uncovered to the weather. We headed to a veterinarian, the place we discovered this little man was a wholesome boy about ten weeks outdated.
Adopting the kitten was a simple choice for us. He was precisely the pet we have been in search of. Patty wished to name him Quinn, so we did.
Who Are You, Quinn?
In the following days and weeks, Quinn made himself at residence in our residence. He was mischievous, energetic, and loving. The looming query was, would Orange settle for him as we had? We had seen how Orange handled threats to his territory, and it was not fairly.
I saved the 2 cats separate for over every week after which steadily launched them to one another. Let’s simply say the look in Orange’s eyes when he first noticed Quinn didn’t reassure me that this could go easily. But to my amazement, Orange immediately accepted Quinn. In reality, he appeared delighted by him, treating him like a child brother. In no time, they have been getting alongside famously—taking part in collectively, grooming one another, and usually behaving like besties.
As ECKists, we consider in karma and reincarnation. Karma, the legislation of trigger and impact, is what causes Souls to reincarnate—to be reborn in numerous our bodies so as to be taught non secular classes. One query Patty and I saved asking ourselves was, Could Quinn be Kata reincarnated?
There have been quite a lot of similarities between the 2 cats. Both have been grey, lovely, magnificent athletes who liked their freedom. Both have been whip-smart; confirmed robust, unbiased personalities; and had a fantastic capability to offer and obtain love.
This Is Soul
Now that a while has passed by, we see that Quinn reveals the identical adventurous spirit as Kata. But this time round, he’s so much larger and so much stronger. (We figured that if Kata have been to return again, she’d most likely select to return in a male physique.)
We usually ask him, “Are you Kata?”
He has but to reply.
We might by no means know if Quinn was Kata. Today, this query has change into much less significant. It actually doesn’t matter. He is Soul and, as Quinn, he deserves a contemporary begin.
This Soul, now in a male physique, is having fun with a unique vary of experiences. We settle for Quinn for who and what he’s, give him loads of freedom, and bathe him with love.
But this a lot is certain: he, like Kata, is a miracle cat.
—Photos of cats by Laurence Cruz; photograph of Eckankar Center of Los Angeles is from www.eck-ca.org/los_angeles/center_photo.html
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